TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Were Your Covid-19 Test Results Sent to China?

Episode Date: July 8, 2021

Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall and the team examine the recent reports of gene research company BGI Global collecting the DNA of millions of pregnant women around the world, as well as the COVID ...results of hundreds of millions. In addition, this collection of data is now being used to develop ethnic bio-weapons and DNA super soldiers. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/8/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Thursday, July 8, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Warner's news agency has accused the Chinese government of harvesting DNA data from millions of pregnant women around the world. What for? U.S. government officials say it's part of a secret, decades-long project run through the PLA to produce ethnic-specific bioweapons and super soldiers. And as fate would have it, the company also provided the world with COVID-19 test kits. More on this story in
Starting point is 00:01:05 just a moment. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The UK Daily Mail reporting that former President Trump said on Wednesday there was more criminal activity on Hunter Biden's infamous laptop than mobster Al Capone ever carried out. Say it long enough, hard enough, often enough. People will start to believe it. That's what happened with Russia. That's what happened with Ukraine. That's what happened with.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Well, the worst is when they don't say it like the laptop from hell. They didn't want to, you look at that thing, that is, there is more criminal activity on that laptop than Al Capone had if he ever had a laptop. We'd like to give Al Capone one, but he was a baby compared to what I was able to see. The DOJ promises a court in the UK not to put Julian Assange in a super maximum security prison or solitary confinement if he's extradited to the US. But according to the Wall Street Journal, the UK denied a request by the DOJ to extradite Assange in early 2020. The judge said the WikiLeaks co-founder was likely to attempt suicide if he was shipped to the U.S. to stand trial. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's called
Starting point is 00:02:35 The Times of Israel reporting dozens of Palestinians had their tents demolished again in the Jordan Valley on Wednesday. For at least the third time since November, Israeli authorities took apart the small hamlet of Kirbit Homsa. Most of the Palestinians living there are Bedouin herders and belong to the same extended families. Israel says the area was declared a live fire zone back in 1972. KPix 5 in San Francisco reporting that California is ready to approve compensation to victims who decades ago were sterilized because state officials said they were unfit to have children. We're talking about people as young as 13 and they could be paid up to $25,000 each. It's just awaiting the governor's signature as part of the budget. The Golden State sterilization program went from 1909 to 1979. More than 20,000 people were
Starting point is 00:03:35 sterilized. What is blinding and killing songbirds in the U.S.? Science magazine says scientists are scrambling to figure it out. The U.K. Daily Mail says it's spreading across the country with thousands of cases reported in nine states. It's causing swelling and crusting over the eyes and neurological impairments. Now, it was first reported in early May in Washington, D.C., with cases in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. Now we're seeing this in Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. ABC 27 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania says this could be connected to cicadas. Young songbirds, those that are in the nest and those just leaving the nest.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And it's the swollen eyes. It's kind of glazed over. They're crusty and their mobility. One of the top investigators in the state and one of the people on the ground here in the mid-state describing the arrival here of, well, whatever it is that's happening. That was back in May. Then it started to show up here in June. Tracy Young of Raven Ridge Wildlife Center says at first calls she got about young birds not flying and walking,
Starting point is 00:04:51 well, sounded like what young birds do. But then the people were concerned because they're like, the bird is like wobbling. It's falling over. There's something wrong with their eyes. So right away we knew now it's here even if they don't yet know what it is they do know though that they want us humans to take down our bird feeders same thing with the bird bass take the bird bass do not refill them clean them out with a 10% bleach solution let that dry the idea don't have birds congregate close together in one place. They will find other natural resources as far as food and water, but we don't want to spread it
Starting point is 00:05:31 any faster than it is spreading. Oh, and remember how birds began dying mysteriously in Washington, D.C. in May? Well, think about what else was happening there then. We are testing for some of the pesticides that have been used for cicada control in certain areas. And we're also testing for a fungal toxin that's associated with cicadas. Dr. Scott Weber says that's a plausible theory because of the timing. But still, just a theory. Emily Garrigan of West Shore Wildlife Center tells me that, in fact, if you think about what young birds eat, insects do indeed make up a bigger percentage of their diets than they do for older birds.
Starting point is 00:06:09 That's a look at True News Headlines. So let's get back to the Godcast now. Here's Rick, Edward, Doc and Lauren. Thanks, Kerry. And welcome to the Godcast, Doc, Rick and Lauren. Hey, Edward. Good to be back. This today is going to be a true news episode.
Starting point is 00:06:38 People need to listen to carefully and share it with a lot of people. This is amazing. This is stunning, the information that we have here today. We asked questions about a bioweapons program, asked about origins of COVID. What we have today is basically the inside workings of a PLA military bioweapons operation. this topic, the secretary of health and human services, Secretary Becerra, he said today, it is absolutely the U.S. government's business to know if you've been vaccinated. Did you know that, Doc? Well, I knew they believed it, but now to actually see them say it out loud and to demand it of people, that's quite another thing. He's responding to the shock and opposition expressed by millions of Americans to President Biden's statement earlier this week that U.S. government representatives
Starting point is 00:07:47 are going to go door to door across America asking American citizens in their homes, have you been vaccinated? Yes. And he has the gall. The former attorney general of California has the gall to say that it's because of the unvaccinated that the government has to spend trillions of dollars just to keep America alive, keep it safe, spend trillions of dollars on things like COVID testing kits, vaccinations that are about to expire, and workers that, in this case, if President Biden's not kidding, that will go door-to-door to offer services. Now, Rick, if it helps you out, he endorsed President Biden's door to door campaign.
Starting point is 00:08:26 But he said people didn't have to answer the door if they didn't want to. He actually said it. On the first knock. Yes. They don't have to, you know, open the door. What about. We're here for the vaccine check. Go away.
Starting point is 00:08:41 So what about the Census Bureau? What happens to you if you refuse to open So what about the Census Bureau? What happens to you if you refuse to open the door on the Census Bureau? You can be charged. Really? Yes, you can. I didn't know that. Yes. Now, there are penalties. There are penalties for refusing to mail back the survey. Wow. I didn't realize that. Yes, there are penalties. So there will probably be penalties. I wonder if the Secretary of Health and Human Services has read his agency's website on the medical privacy rights of American citizens. The HIPAA. The HIPAA law. Yeah, it's right there. The rules are put out by his agency.
Starting point is 00:09:27 You don't have to share your personal medical information with just anybody who wants to know it. In fact, the whole idea of a vaccine immunity card, a vaccine passport, violates the medical privacy rights of American citizens. That's right. Because you don't have the legal right to make me tell you my personal medical information. So how can an employer force somebody to prove that he or she is vaccinated? That's none of your business. You don't have the right to do that. So if you go someplace into a store or a concert or some public place and they go, if you're not vaccinated, you have to wear a mask. Have you been vaccinated? All you have to say is you're violating my HIPAA rights.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Well, here in Florida, you say cha-ching because we actually have a law here that fines you. Our governor signed this executive order will fine you if you dare ask the status of vaccination or even testing. I'm going back to this President Biden saying, we're going to send an army of government agents door to door across America. Now, there's like 100 million homes. How many people are going to do this? Or is this one of these projects where the money is going to be appropriated?
Starting point is 00:11:06 You're going to see headlines that the project has begun and nothing happens but the money was spent. What kind of like the relief funds for Haiti? Well yeah, like the Clinton Foundation, you know, how they helped Haiti. I think it's a way for them to pay back these nonprofits on the state level for like their favors during the election for ballot harbor. Like it's a way for them to repay them. That's a good idea. That's really.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah. They're not going to show up to your door because they're too lazy. They're not going to show up to work. But they're going to get the government grant. But they're going to get all the money. That's what that's what I think. I think it's going to be a thank you. You've been here now one week and you're starting to think like us.
Starting point is 00:11:45 This is pretty good. All right. All right. Well, anyhow. The secretary, Becerra, he has more important things to worry about because it's not the it's not the government's U.S. government's business to find out if I've been vaccinated or you've been vaccinated. But it is the government's business to find out if China is gathering the DNA of American citizens. Now, that's something he should be working on and reporting this to the American people. And it just so happens there is a, what appears to be a very credible accusation. That's exactly what's going on with the Health and Human Services and the whole Biden administration ignoring this. And it's been going on for at least a decade and a half. Which that means it goes back through the administration of Donald Trump and Barack Obama.
Starting point is 00:12:41 There is a blockbuster investigative report published yesterday by Reuters. And we're going to spend most of today talking about it. Here's the Reuters report, China's Gene Giant Harvest Data from Millions of Women. Now, the report is discussing a company called BGI Group. Now, they are officially state-backed. The government in China, the communist government, owns and influences the operations of this genetic company. But they also work hand-in-hand with this company through their military. Now, we're going to be reading segments, quotes from this article to explain this through.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Again, the company's called BGI and AdWords laid out that a Chinese gene company selling pre-natal tests around the world developed them in collaboration with the country's military and is using them to collect genetic data from millions of women for sweeping research on the traits of populations.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Now this was according to to review of scientific papers and company statements which were found publicly. I reviewed them also today. It's legitimate. They focused on traits of populations and this is going to be very important. Because US government advisors warned, this is dating back to March, that a vast bank of genomic data that BGI group was amassing
Starting point is 00:14:07 and analyzing with artificial intelligence could give China a path to economic and military advantage. As science pinpoints new links between genes and human traits, access to the biggest, most diverse set of human genomes
Starting point is 00:14:24 is a strategic edge. Now, what I'm meaning there is that the people they were getting the prenatal test from were not just from America. They were from Poland. They were from Germany. They were from South America, Brazil. They have gotten, through this prenatal testing, samples, DNA samples, blood from pregnant women and children that they can create special
Starting point is 00:14:48 products out of, whether it be a drug or in this sense, maybe an ethnic bioweapon. Vortis went on to say that the technology could propel China to dominate global pharmaceuticals and also potentially lead to genetically enhanced soldiers or engineered pathogens to target the U.S. population or food supply. Wordus has found that BGI's prenatal test, one of the most popular in the world, is a source of genetic data for the company, which has worked with the Chinese military to improve population quality. Sounds like a term Hitler might have used.
Starting point is 00:15:24 And on genetic research to combat hearing loss and altitude sickness in soldiers. You might want to keep that up for just a minute because I'm sure Rick will have a comment or two about this. Look what it says there. This is Reuters now. Yes. I was just, and Edward, you know, covered it. I was just imagining Hitler saying, I'm just working on population quality. My goodness.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I'm trying to improve the quality. To improve the German people. I'm just trying to improve the quality of our nation's population. This is what the Chinese are doing. And this is why everybody should be alarmed about the China Communist Party. This is becoming frightening, the power that they are quickly amassing, and they are far more advanced than any of us know or wish to know. And what Reuters has laid out here today is that with something as innocent as a prenatal test on pregnant women, the Chinese have been gathering the DNA of millions of people around the world.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Yes. Now, you know, Doc, that's a, you know, that was an evil Xi Jinping thought. Let's come up with something that nobody would suspect. So that gives me, you know, here in the United States, you're watching television, there's a commercial. Don't you want to know who your great grandfather was? Well, send your DNA to us and we'll trace your history. And where that DNA goes is to Israel.
Starting point is 00:17:06 It goes to laboratories in Tel Aviv. And what these genetic companies are doing are coming up with business techniques to trick people into giving their DNA. And paying them for it. Yes. Actually paying. You pay for someone into giving their DNA. And paying them for it. Yes. Actually paying. You pay for someone to take your DNA.
Starting point is 00:17:30 And how do you know that they're not creating hybrid human pigs with your DNA? You don't. You've given birth. Think about this. You've given birth to a half human, half pig. Right. They, you know, with the Fauci, remember the study where they were doing, where they were taking aborted fetuses and grafting them onto little rats. There is no limit to the evil that they have planned for whatever with our DNA. The fact that they had
Starting point is 00:17:58 to hide it, like they didn't make it known that, hey, like we're going to do this with your DNA. It's super concerning because I know that they don't have our best interest at heart. That's for sure. That's the one thing I can be sure about. So, you know, sky's the limit with how evil they'll go with this. Lauren, how many women do you think when they take a prenatal test, you know, they go, you know, I wonder if this test is going to be used to take my DNA to another country that's building a super army? Anybody think like that? No. Well, actually, in the articles that we've read, in these prenatal tests, women sign
Starting point is 00:18:28 off that their genetic information can be used, but what isn't detailed is where it's being sent to. That's been what's drawn up the most recent controversy here of late, in that now it's being discovered that the information is being shipped to Hong Kong and then from Hong Kong to Shenzhen, where the BGI group is headquartered out of. And so this is now something that many are aware of. But what I found so fascinating about the Reuters article, and Reuters tends to lean very hard left. I'll give them credit on this one. But on this one.
Starting point is 00:19:04 I was very surprised by this. Where they actually said, you know what, they might be using this to make genetically modified soldiers. And then went on the article to say, by the way, China's already doing it right now.
Starting point is 00:19:15 In that last quote, if we can put that back up, that last line. And on genetic research to combat hearing loss and altitude sickness in soldiers. They're actually doing that now to soldiers. They're modifying soldiers now.
Starting point is 00:19:29 The third sentence down. And also potentially lead to genetically enhanced soldiers. Yes. But how about this one? Engineered pathogens to target the American population or our food supply. They're looking for ways to destroy our food. Yes. Remember the seeds.
Starting point is 00:19:54 The seeds. The seeds that our government wasn't sure what to do about, got sent to every state in the union. Hundreds of thousands of people. People planted them. Remember the people who said, hey, I wanted to see if this would work. I'm going to plant some of the vegetable seeds. And when it comes to the food supply, one of the things that we discovered about BGI Group today is they are part of a collaboration of a number of NGOs around the world
Starting point is 00:20:14 that are seeking to unlock the genome sequence of every species on the planet. And that includes plants. That includes the animals that we consume. The devil's version of Noah's Ark. Yes, that's where I was going. The Nephilim are here. They are, to use a term from the left, they are reimagining creation. Satan is creating his world, his creation. Of course, Satan has no power of creation. He has to mimic God.
Starting point is 00:20:52 He has to imitate God. And he has to do it through science and technology and so forth. So he's using his little minions in these laboratories and government agencies to scientifically redo God's creation. So God created a rabbit? Well, we will create this, and we will kill off all the rabbits, and we will replace...this is where they're going. They're going to kill off all of God's creatures, everything made by God, every seed made by God. This is the plan to completely replace God's creation. That's a terrifying thought. But that's where they're going.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You said Satan can't create anything, so there's always a counterfeit. He makes a counterfeit. This even applies in things like marriage and love and family. You know, Satan takes something that God creates and he perverts it because he can't create anything himself. So that's, you know, and he's using humans, you know, he's manipulating humans and getting them to participate in this and make a new creation, a deformed, perverted version of what God has created. You know, we saw earlier the birds were dying, you know? There's a whole industry in science now called synthetic biology. And they're working to create new creatures.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Okay, so yesterday we talked about the Israeli company that has a hybrid human pig to harvest organs, to implant in humans. Well, what about the creature that was created in a laboratory? Half human, half pig. What is that thing? What is it? It's another creature. They've created something that is replacing God's creation.
Starting point is 00:22:48 And I'm telling you what these people are planning to do is systematically kill off everything that God made. And that's a blood sacrifice. I'm not just speaking about the countless number of animals that have to die just to produce that chimera, that abomination in a lab, but to kill off entire species. He can kill us. That's a blood sacrifice. And that's one of the reasons why Jesus has to come back, because it says if the days were not cut short, all flesh would perish.
Starting point is 00:23:18 That's right. Wow. And he comes back. You can read about it in Final Day get a copy of that book Final Day I talk about it in the book the ten characteristics of the Lord's
Starting point is 00:23:32 second coming in Revelation it says Jesus Christ returns to destroy those who are destroying his earth he reaches a point where he can't take any more of it. They've completely, they're on the verge of destroying the entire planet,
Starting point is 00:23:56 his entire creation. That's why he does a new creation. That's why this earth burns up. He burns it up completely and creates a new earth. And it's because humanity will defile this planet, defile his creation. The beautiful things that he made. Imagine a world with no kittens, no dogs. No gators. NO GATORS. YEAH, GATORS LISTENING. YOU MIGHT HAVE A HALF-PIG, HALF-PUPPY, WHATEVER RANDOM THEY DECIDE TO CONCOCT
Starting point is 00:24:45 Right. We heard about this in Davos. Yes, we did. They talked about the creation of new human species. Yuval Harari. That's right. A very famous Jewish professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. And he's excited about these things. Where are they going with it? IN JERUSALEM, AND HE'S EXCITED ABOUT THESE THINGS.
Starting point is 00:25:05 WHERE ARE THEY GOING WITH IT? IT'S A NEW CREATION OR AN ABOMINATION CREATION. IT'S, YES, IT'S NIMROD. IT'S THE SPIRIT OF NIMROD RISING UP FOR BABYLON IN THE LAST DAYS, BUT THEY'RE GOING TO DO SOMETHING BEYOND ANYTHING NIMROD EVER IMAGINED. THEY'RE GOING TO REPLACE EVERYTHING GOD MADE. in the last days, but they're going to do something beyond anything Nimrod ever imagined. They're going to replace everything God made. They'll do what Nimrod did. They'll try to hunt out those who aren't corrupted. Go back to that first article. Absolutely the government's business.
Starting point is 00:25:36 If it's the government's business, that means the government's going to be looking for people who are not vaccinated. Or in the case of what we're talking about here, if you're the only person on your block who, not a chim Or in the case of what we're talking about here, if you're the only person on your block who, not a chimera, has not taken humanized mice cells, an mRNA vaccine, for example, the government's gonna wanna hunt you. Let's get back to this Reuters article. Yes, Rick, that prenatal test
Starting point is 00:25:57 that we're talking about is called NIFTY, and it's used in 52 countries around the world. It hasn't been used in the US.S., but like Edward said, countries like Poland, countries in Southeast Asia, they use what's called NIFTY, N-I-F-T-Y. That's the prenatal test. And one BGI study, this is from Reuters again, for instance, used a military supercomputer to reanalyze NIFTY data and map the prevalence of viruses in Chinese women. So they've been using this in China for a number of years. Look for indicators of mental illness in them and single out Tibetan and Ouija minorities
Starting point is 00:26:36 to find links between their genes and their characteristics. Now, we could just stop right there. Their characteristics. What makes them think and act the way they do? How do we kill them? And also indicators of mental illness because you want to prevent that from happening. So I see these all linked together. Their characteristics is mental illness in the eyes of the Chinese communists.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Yes. So the scale of BGI's accumulation of prenatal data and its collaboration with the military in prenatal and neonatal research have not been previously reported. The company has published at least a dozen joint studies on the test with the People's Liberation Army since 2010, trialing and improving the tests or analyzing the data they provided, the reuters review found and so they've been doing these tests using nifty for the prenatal test now for more than a decade in china but now they've expanded the operation globally to 52 countries but bgi is also actively involved in the response to covid now rick i don't know if you remember or not. Remember, there was a story that came out a few months ago about a Chinese company that offered to build
Starting point is 00:27:51 labs around the country. You know what company that was? I do now. I didn't before. It's BGI Group. And so they've been actively involved in the COVID response around the world. Edward found out that they had built labs in different places, one unique lab. Well, and the lab you're talking about, they actually have a lab in Wuhan. The Wuhan Military Hospital is one of the sites for study. Again, for those who haven't been paying attention over the last year, Wuhan is the epicenter of the bioweapons project or the quote-unquote bat or organic leak from soup.
Starting point is 00:28:34 But on the subject of the Uyghurs, but also on the enhancing of soldiers, this is what was said in the report. The prenatal research was one aspect, but BGI also collaborated with military hospitals on genetic research programs designed to enhance soldiers' performance. Now, it worked with the PLA General Hospital
Starting point is 00:28:55 to identify genes linked to hearing loss. The hospitals used stem cells and gene therapy in research on combating deafness in soldiers. This was caused by weapons training. BGI published studies with the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing exploring whether drugs indicated and interacted with genes which could protect Han Chinese. This is very interesting because, again, China, like Russia, like even like America,
Starting point is 00:29:22 we have many different genetic origins, many different people live in our country. But they were looking specifically how to protect Han Chinese from this defect. It's the majority, the country's majority ethnic group. They also had brain injury at high altitude that they wanted to try to fix. Now, this is specifically an issue they've had with soldiers who are based on the border with India. This is where fighting broke out last year.
Starting point is 00:29:50 As Doc noted, the genetic testing is already in effect. They're already applying the data to essentially create a first generation of super soldier. Now this is only possible in part by the supercomputer that Doc just mentioned
Starting point is 00:30:05 that also had a partnership with Huawei. So this is a whole government response. BGI would not be able to take that prenatal data and the other data they're generating through various products, including the COVID-19 labs, if they did not have a supercomputer at their disposal. That is run by the Chinese government. BGI has denied they're doing any of this, but they cannot deny the partnership with the Chinese government on this respect. But there's someone else who helped them with this, Rick. There is a professor from UC Berkeley that without his help, this is according to Reuters, the Chinese would not have been able to figure out how to use the data or even extract it from the prenatal test results,
Starting point is 00:30:44 which were being aggregated. able to figure out how to use the data or even extract it from the prenatal test results which were being aggregated. Now a biology professor at the University of California, Berkeley, Rasmus Nielsen, now he advised BGI researchers on how to extract information for the prenatal test. This is for a study. He said, it's amazing that this is even possible. He said this in a Berkeley newsletter in 2018. You can take these massive samples and do association mapping to see what the genetic variants are that explain human traits. It goes on to say the researchers were able to trace genetic distinctions between the country's dominant Han Chinese ethnic group and minorities, including the Uyghurs and Tibetans. And to look at the population movements and intermarriage
Starting point is 00:31:27 caused by the Chinese government policy since 1949. This data was later released to other Chinese researchers studying how significantly different genetic variations in Uyghurs affected their response to drugs. I want to stop here real quick. This is quite a bit of information. Rick, if this wasn't Chinese, Uyghur, or Tibetan, you could place in the Germans were testing Jews. And we know that this kind of thing was happening.
Starting point is 00:31:56 So in this case, the Chinese are conducting tests on Muslims. Yes. Muslims that they have in concentration camps. Right. The only thing missing here are the gas chambers. And they're doing this testing on the Uighurs now because they're observing the genetic variations in Uighurs in response to drugs. So they're giving drugs to Uighurs in concentration camps to see their genetic response. This is the Han Chinese purity test. So if you wanted to eliminate the Uyghur population,
Starting point is 00:32:30 it's causing the Chinese communist government heartburn. They don't like the Muslims, and they have, what, over a million Muslim men in concentration camps? So you collect their genetic data, and you come up with some type of silent weapon that brings death to them. It's like putting Florida in the water.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Maybe slowly. Maybe it sterilizes them that they can't reproduce. But you do something to solve the problem, like Hitler was trying to solve the problem. The final solution. It's ethnic cleansing. But they want to do it in a way that they don't have gas chambers and, you know, look like the Nazis. So they have to create a way to slowly kill off the people they don't want. And this unlocks the door, Doc, Edward. This unlocks the door. This is a terrifying, dystopian nightmare of a future
Starting point is 00:33:38 where a cruel, godless government has the ability, the technological, scientific means to decide whether large groups of people in the millions live or die. Simply by having their genetic code. And once they decide 10 years from now, well, we want to eliminate this group. Or we want to change them., or we want to change them. They have the means to do it, and you don't even know it's being done to you. That's what's terrifying, that they could over time eliminate vast numbers of people across the planet.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Right, and all they really have to do is just vary the fertility rates in just a few select populations, just a few points, and you could radically change the entire, you know, the entire racial profile of the planet within a generation. And that quote goes on to say, Edward, that seems to be exactly what they're doing. So you want to pick back up here? Yes. So they mentioned specifically about DNA collection of Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang. Now, this is the province in northwestern China where the majority of the Uyghurs live and, as Rick already noted, live in concentration camps. Now, China was sanctioned. This is mentioned in the report. They said the U.S. sanctioned two BGI subsidiaries last year for what it called China's
Starting point is 00:35:07 abusive DNA collection and analysis schemes to repress its citizens. Regarding U.C. Berkeley's professor, Mr. Rasmus Nielsen, well, he told Warty's he's no longer working with BGI. He chose to end a decade-long collaboration. Again, 10 years he was working with the communists on this project. Soon after, a 2018 study was published because changes were made to the Chinese law restricting foreign researchers from working with the Chinese. It wasn't that he saw there was anything wrong with what he was helping them do.
Starting point is 00:35:43 It was that the Chinese said, we don't want American scientists involved in our products anymore. Let me rephrase that. We've sucked out all the information that we need. We can do it on our own now. Thank you very much. We don't need you, Rasmus. I was looking just to see if there's anything else on Rasmus, see if he had any opinion about the pandemic today. It turns out that last month, Mercury News did an interview with that same professor. Now, as in regard to the national debate around the origin of COVID-19, around the genomics and really, in this sense, a biological weapons program involved with the PLA. theory that maybe, maybe the Chinese work with DNA sequencing, which he would have been doing on the paternity test and the prenatal test research with the Chinese, that it's possible. It's possible, but... He's saying what's possible?
Starting point is 00:36:55 That it's a bioweapon. My, you mean he started thinking, maybe I spent 10 years helping the communists develop a way to kill us. And for a very smart person, or supposedly smart person, he sure plays dumb in the interchange with Mercury News. We have that interchange here. You want to ask the question, I'll read the answer? Sure. So the question for Mercury News was, is there evidence the COVID-19 virus was manipulated in a laboratory rather than simply a naturally evolved pathogen.
Starting point is 00:37:26 There's not the scientific evidence one way or another. This is what Mr. Nielsen responded. There's nothing in the DNA sequence that's a smoking gun. The sequence of SARS-CoV-2 is consistent with evolution in the natural world. Well, what about conflicting reports of the Wuhan lab manipulating coronaviruses with gain-of-function methods, in essence intentionally making the viruses more virulent, which they deny? In some sense, it's a matter of semantics. Technically, there's no evidence of gain-of-function research,
Starting point is 00:37:57 but there is evidence of genetic manipulation of coronaviruses in labs. They have published papers that showed they are working on chimeric man-made viruses. Creating a chimeric virus may not be a gain-of-function experiment. You don't necessarily purposely insert something into virus that you know will make it more efficient or infectious. You might simply mimic the natural way natural viruses recombine with each other.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Would it be hard to tell from the virus's genetic sequence whether it was a chimera? Yes, that is right. Some ways of doing this work would leave no clear traces in the DNA or RNA sequence. Well, why do that kind of work? The reason you do this kind of research is you want to know what viruses are out there that can cause an epidemic. To answer that, you need to grow them on human cells. So when this research is being done, it's not just crazy scientists doing mad experiments.
Starting point is 00:38:55 It's to be prepared for the next epidemic that's going on all over the place. He goes on to say, Rick, that we do this gain-of-function research that he said is done on human cells. So we stopped COVID-26, COVID-29, the next outbreak of COVID. This is last month, and this is the same professor who's working the prenatal work. The outbreak of COVID we have right now is man-made. Yes. And over the past 22 years of hosting this program, I've heard these statements from scientists that we have to be prepared. The reason we're doing these experiments is to be ready for the next pandemic.
Starting point is 00:39:34 But over these 22 years, I've not seen any pandemics. The one I've witnessed, the one I personally experienced, was man-made in a Chinese bio warfare laboratory. That's what I was saying. Like I was reading it and they were talking about, they create man-made viruses, but you need that because just in case of the next pandemic, which is going to be by the man-made virus. Which is like saying we have to grow a bunch of Frankensteins all around town because there could be a Frankenstein. There could be a Frankenstein.
Starting point is 00:40:03 But you notice how he danced around the direct application to COVID-19. He did not directly say this is a man-made virus. He said it could have evolved naturally. That's possible. He's not making that direct connection. And he goes on to say there, too, technically there's no evidence of gain-of-function research. Well, I hate to correct you, Dr. Nielsen, but, yes, there is evidence. on to say there too technically there's no evidence of of gain of function research well uh i hate to correct you mr uh dr nielsen but yes there is evidence in fact uh in open
Starting point is 00:40:33 uh session of congress they dealt with that very question ron paul i mean uh rand paul asked uh dr fauci was there gain of function research going on and basically dr fauci, was there gain-of-function research going on? And basically, Dr. Fauci admitted that there was gain-of-function research going on. Through the funding of EcoHealth and Peter Dowsay. Well, he's got to live with his conscience. He helped the Chinese for 10 years. I want to get to the connection to the COVID test kits. This is where this gets scary. Yes, so the article touched on it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 We're able to research this further. The article from Rorty said that the Shenzhen-based BGI shot to global prominence last year after selling or donating millions of COVID-19 test kits. In addition to that, also gene sequencing labs outside China. U.S. security agencies warned that this was part of an effort to collect large amounts of foreign genetic material. BGI said this year it had built 80 COVID-19 labs in 30 countries, which it plans to repurpose for reproductive health screening. So after the pandemic passes, they're going to get into the neonatal screening business. They'll have the labs already set up in those 30 countries, including the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yes, and prenatal testing. They'll be able to provide that directly. So is there a direct connection between this company, BGI, that has been collecting DNA from millions of women around the world? Is there a connection with them and COVID test kits. We see right here, they've donated or sold millions of test kits. What else do we know about their involvement with COVID testing? There's not only a connection, there's also a connection directly back to the PLA and the Wuhan Military Hospital. Because what we could say, Edward, a skeptic would say, okay, so they donated test kits. That was a good thing to do.
Starting point is 00:42:50 They built labs. They built labs. These are good-hearted communists. In poor countries. Yes. And so they were doing their part to fight the pandemic. They donated millions of test kits
Starting point is 00:43:01 so poor people could be tested to see if they had COVID. Okay, I get that part. But where did the test results go? Yes, and the additional data gathered after the person's been tested and after the sample has been given for the test. Everyone here has had a COVID test, or at least me and Rick have. Did they send the sample back? Did they send that Q-tip back?
Starting point is 00:43:24 I didn't ask for it back. Of course, we would want it back. But the point is, where did that Q-tip go? And the data collected from it go after the test? Look, you know, and people saying, well, why did you take a COVID test? Because I was in the emergency room dying. All right. And a nurse stuck the swab up my nose. That's why. All right. And, you know, they're telling me, you know, you have COVID and pneumonia. You know, you're not really in the best condition in that situation to say, hey, I don't want to test. I don't want a COVID test. I could be as this could be going to China. You're not even thinking that at the time you're thinking, I got to get some oxygen in my lungs.
Starting point is 00:44:08 So because I guess I'm anticipating the emails. I've been around long enough to know, well, why did you take the COVID test? All right. Because I was dying. I was in an emergency room. And it seems like a trivial response, too, especially what we're talking about here. Why would I, as an American, have to think when I'm sick in the emergency room? Why do I have to process the thought, is this test result, is it going to be sent to the communist labs in China? Is that a question I need to ask a doctor? No, you shouldn't have to ask. They shouldn't even have to think it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 That's the country we're in right now. Why is our government, it's not our government, it's their government here. Why is Washington allowing COVID test results to be sent to China? Why do you think? Because Hunter, does Hunter have any investment? Hunter Biden, does he have any investment in BGI? I haven't found a Hunter connection, but I have a Delaware connection. Or does BGI have an investment in Hunter? Well, we definitely know the Chinese government has an investment in Hunter and the Chinese government has an investment in BGI,
Starting point is 00:45:16 but also in the PLA, who, according to Reuters, worked directly with BGI as they were providing these worldwide COVID test kits last year. What we thought was philanthropy, a humanitarian response from the Chinese after they released the virus on the world. Now you have to have a second look at this. According to a report from Word, it's in January. This is from January of this year.
Starting point is 00:45:42 BGI sold millions of COVID test kits outside China, including to Europe, Australia, the United States. Shares of BGI Genomics Company, the company's subsidiary listed in Shenzhen's stock market, have doubled. They made a ton of money. We know this. It valued over to about $9 billion now. But top U.S. security officials were warning that American labs should not use the Chinese test because China was seeking to gather foreign genetic data for its own research. Now, Reuters went on to say that BGI jointly holds a dozen patents for tests that screen for genomes linked to disease with the military university, the PLA's Academy of Military Medical Science. Now it says this is the top medical research institute of the PLA.
Starting point is 00:46:31 One patent was granted in 2015 to BGI and the Academy of Military Medical Science for a low cost test kit to detect respiratory pathogens, including the SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, and coronaviruses. This is 2015. When did the pandemic begin, guys and girls? 2019. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:56 We thought it was 2020, but most likely 2019. They had a patent with the PLA, BGI, in 2015. There's some questions that need to be answered here. And I think they're being answered just in the facts. Yeah. Well, in addition to the Chinese PLA, you know, the men and women who serve in their military, practice stabbing Americans.
Starting point is 00:47:22 There's also a Bill Gates connection. Yes. Shocker. It turns also a Bill Gates connection. Yes. Shocker. It turns out the Bill Gates Foundation funded the genomics firm I just mentioned that has that patent. They were doing it to fund mining
Starting point is 00:47:35 of DNA data, and this same data was used in the COVID test kits. What? Look right here. This is 2015. Who's the one on the left? Oh, that's Bill Gates, and he's there with the co-founder, Wang Jun. This is right before they opened their office in Washington State. To mine DNA data through COVID tests? Yes, this is according to the National Pulse. This is a report they put out in March. They were explaining that the grant and the partnership that was made public in 2015 and has carried on specifically detailed that Bill and Melinda Gates wanted research data for any of the products, including the prenatal, but specifically testing. And if they kept to their agreement, that data was given to BGI with the help of Bill
Starting point is 00:48:24 and Melinda Gates. That's one very evil, wicked man. Talking about Bill Gates. He's a eugenicist, too, so this is like typical. So was his father. Yeah. Runs in the family. Evil runs in the family.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Where's the Fauci connection? He's going to pop up here somewhere. We just don't have it yet. Not yet. Wait a week. Let's wait a week. There'll be a Fauci connection in here. Well, where does this go next?
Starting point is 00:49:10 Well, we talked about the use of this research, I mean, really this mad science to produce super soldiers. There was an expert quoted by Reuters. Her name is Elza Kania. She's an adjunct senior fellow at the Center for New American Security. Now, she has become an expert for our own military, for the Pentagon, to discuss how China might use this kind of biological research, this madman research. What she said is that this is absolutely tied in with a process called CRISPR. Now, the Chinese, they have looked at this even as late as 2017 in figuring out how they can modify their soldiers. And this is a new form of biological warfare,
Starting point is 00:49:49 she said, could be used to target and employ against the use of specific ethnic genetic attacks. Now that's an ethnic bioweapon, but that's what she described in her writings. She said that the Chinese, they actually found very interesting potential with this,
Starting point is 00:50:04 not just as a deterrence, but the advancement of biological technology also provided for a highly lethal, low cost, and diverse means of genetic attack. They said it will have a profound impact on the future wars, and it could easily increase the destructiveness of warfare. This is from the researcher Shi Aming, quoted by our own Pentagon expert. There's one thing that she said in that previous still that you didn't read. biological warfare that could be targeted against specific ethnic genetic attacks. Then this next sentence, disturbingly, the discussion of this possibility is repeated across a number of PLA writings.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Yes, this is very important. I'm glad you put it right, Rick, because reading through her citations, this goes back to General Chi Hao-Tien. These researchers, Zheng Haofeng and Shi Haoming, they didn't come up with this idea themselves. This dates back to the original defense minister who launched the bioweapons, specifically ethnic bioweapons program, which was the infamous Chi Hao Chien. And they got that idea from Israel. Because Israel developed a bioweapon to kill Arabs.
Starting point is 00:51:40 And that was reported almost 20 years, more than 20 years ago. By the Times of London. Yes. And that was before CRISPR technology. more than 20 years ago. By the Times of London. Yes. And that was before CRISPR technology. I think they reported that in 1998. And so the Chinese got that idea from Israel, because the Chinese and the Israelis work hand in hand on a lot of projects, like the Israelis steal American technology and military secrets
Starting point is 00:52:02 and then transfer it to the Chinese. Oh, and by the way, previously we mentioned that there were 30 countries that BGI Group built their super labs in. One of them was Israel. Israel welcomed BGI Group in to build a lab in Tel Aviv. And so what did the new, I forget his name, the new Israeli Mossad director, the new spy chief, he had glowing remarks about two weeks ago about China in which he said there's no reason to. Yoshikode is the outgoing one, the one who met with Mike Pompeo.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Was it the outgoing one? It was the outgoing one because he can speak freely now that he's not the head of Mossad. What did he say about China? He said there's nothing to gain here in criticizing China. Was it the outgoing one? It was the outgoing one because he can speak freely now. He's not the head of Assad. What did he say about China? He said there's nothing to gain here in criticizing China. Why are we doing this? We work very closely with China on many projects. That's right. How to exterminate your enemies.
Starting point is 00:52:56 He told the truth. They've been working together for decades on many projects. And China got this idea from Israel. Israel developed a weapon to kill Arabs. As simple as that. And you don't hear any Israeli government official denying it. Yes. And again, we now know the name of the company and a billionaire in our country that's already, because of his statements about wanting to edit us, put things in our stomachs, being happy about destroying our food supply.
Starting point is 00:53:30 Bill Gates is starting to sound a lot like the Chinese, actually. We know. We know the people specifically who are engineering this. What if there was a Times of London article that said, Egyptian scientists have developed a biological weapon to kill jews would egypt even be standing would there it would be a giant ashtray right now that'd be a parking lot we'd have a massive bombing attack on egypt But Israel does it, and then we say, they're so smart. And even the Arab countries don't say anything about it
Starting point is 00:54:13 because they're afraid they're going to use it on them. That's right. So, Jesus comes back to destroy those who are destroying his earth. You know, you were talking about the genetic manipulation, the chimeras, the nephilim. We can put up number 19. We caught this story today. This is from Nature back in 2015.
Starting point is 00:54:36 So this is nearly six years ago, Rick. Gene edited micro-pigs to be sold as pets at Chinese Institute. Why I included this is that Elsa Kania mentioned this is one of the first projects that BGI came out with to maybe normalize. They used this to normalize their genetic work. They wanted to make it seem as if they were just doing fun things like creating mini pigs. And this was a project actually that worked on back in 2015. But they did this while they were expanding their labs. They actually at this time put a lab in California and Australia
Starting point is 00:55:10 under this guise. But in addition to this, they were also building up China's National Gene Bank. China, as Dr. Reed noted with the animals, it's not just animals though. It's everyone in the world. They want samples, DNA samples and the sequencing from Haitians, from Brazilians, from British people, from people in Scotland and Norway. And BGI has been working hand in hand to help produce this. And this is according to our Pentagon expert on bioweaponry. JOHN YANG Somewhere in this story, there's got to be U.S. taxpayer money has been going to China to build these labs and do these experiments. Well, we know that we bought, as in America, we bought COVID test kits.
Starting point is 00:55:56 But Lauren actually found something very interesting out of the president's home state, Delaware. Right. And her home state, too. Yeah, so I'm from Delaware. Your home state, too. Yeah, so I'm from Delaware. Your home state, too. Yeah, grew up there. And recently I started hearing about this Chinese lab that was being built that they were taking taxpayer dollars to build this Chinese lab in the state of Delaware.
Starting point is 00:56:21 Well, come to find out, it's one of the biggest ones that's ever going to be built, and they specialize, this company specializes in gene therapy and cellular therapy is what it says right on its website. So, you know, like they're taking our taxpayer dollars to build. But the most interesting thing is it's China based. It's from Shanghai. It's literally a China pharma gene therapy company coming to the state of Delaware. Joe Biden's home state, by the way. Lauren, is the $19 million tax money, is this coming from the state of Delaware or the United States government? I heard that it was from the state of Delaware, but I could be incorrect,
Starting point is 00:56:56 but it could be. But a lot of companies are incorporated there because of the low taxes Delaware has. So it could be federal money. It's state. It's state. It's a capital development grant. So the state of Delaware gave a Chinese gene genetic research company $19 million to put their laboratory in the state of Delaware. And you didn't hear about this anywhere else.
Starting point is 00:57:22 The only reason I know about it is because I'm a local. You know, they made sure that they didn't know, the United States of you didn't hear about this anywhere else. The only reason I know about it is because I'm a local. You know, they made sure that they didn't know the United States of America didn't know that the president's home state was acquiring the largest gene therapy manufacturing plant. What city is it in? It's going to be in Middletown, Delaware. Yeah. And, you know, it's just remarkable because they don't inform the people at all. Like nobody would have known had I not been a local, you know. And this is huge. This is huge. Right in his backyard.
Starting point is 00:57:51 And Wuji, the company that we're talking about here, is on a level of BGI Group. And they operate separately from BGI. They have different connections, different networks and everything. But they're on that same level. So you'll see associations with BGI group that are different than the one with the Wuji group. So there's different factions within this development of vaccines and tests and prenatal tests and everything. But all the information is going back to China. It would be interesting to see if there is a Biden connection to Wu Ji.
Starting point is 00:58:34 We're working on it. But the fact of the matter is it's not a coincidence that it happened in the state of Delaware. You know, you would think that Joe Biden would want to stay as far as possible from something like this. So we're going to bring back before we close this segment, we're going to return to a warning that Senator Cotton made to the that China will collect the DNA from the athletes attending the Olympics in 2022. Of course, the Marxist media in America mocked him. Yes. They thought this was ridiculous. Well, I wonder where they're at now. OK, so you you come to the realization that when the media in America mock somebody. They are doing it to provide a smokescreen for China, who is their puppet master. It's not that the media is dumb or ignorant or uninformed. They're very informed.
Starting point is 00:59:47 They work for China. It's just that simple. The America's Marxist media works for China. What True News is up against is Chinese Marxist media inside the USA. And so every time we present truth and there's blowback, where do we get attacked? It's when we go after China, biological warfare, or we go after Israel's various crimes. We get attacked. We get attacked because of two foreign countries. Doesn't that bother anybody? And when you put it that way, I never really considered that.
Starting point is 01:00:31 But yes, you're right. Well, it seems like they're very hostile against us. Oh, yes. And they get very offended when you criticize. Do something as small as criticize. But it's only when I criticize China or Israel. Then we come under attack by America's Marxist media. It's because money, ideology, they're all one in the same. They're working towards a global communist regime. That's where they're going. And the big plan here is they're going to eliminate the people who oppose them.
Starting point is 01:01:04 It's going to eliminate you. Through ethnic cleansing or whatever they plan on doing with these new gene therapies. You're going to find out why do people like us, why does our brain work this way? That we refuse to accept communism. What's in your brain? It must be a mental illness, right? It must be a mental illness. Why do we think clearly? Why are we believers and servants to Jesus Christ? Yes. COMMUNISM? WHAT'S IN YOUR BRAIN? IT MUST BE A MENTAL ILLNESS, RIGHT? IT MUST BE A MENTAL ILLNESS. WHY DO WE THINK CLEARLY? WHY ARE WE BELIEVERS AND SERVANTS TO JESUS CHRIST?
Starting point is 01:01:28 YES. WHAT IS THIS RELIGIOUS THING THAT THESE PEOPLE HAVE? IS IT GENETIC? SO HOW DO WE ELIMINATE THESE PEOPLE? YOU KNOW, WE FIND OUT THE COMMON GENETIC TRAITS IN THESE PEOPLE THAT BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST, THAT OPPOSE COMMUNISM, AND THEN WE TARGET THOSE PEOPLE WITH people that believe in Jesus Christ, that oppose communism, and then we target those people with those genetic traits, and we target them with biological weapons to kill them off. And how do we do it? Vaccines.
Starting point is 01:01:55 You create a virus, and then you create a vaccine. And then you collect the information that you get from both. Or the next one. Yes. So are they, is the real purpose, what this has got me thinking about today, is the real purpose of COVID to collect the DNA of tens of millions of Americans to create the next biological weapon? It's not just Americans. It's everybody across the globe. I understand. Yeah. tens of millions of Americans to create the next biological weapon.
Starting point is 01:02:28 It's not just Americans. It's everybody across the globe. Yeah. You know, you described creating something much more deadly. Yeah. It's more effective than the next one. But now they have the DNA from the COVID test kits of Filipinos. Yeah. To kill.
Starting point is 01:02:39 They can mutate it and manipulate it in such a way where it only targets specific people, you know, with different types of DNA. You know, that's why they needed a plethora, a global sample of different people. And you know how they got it? Through COVID testing, you know? In the United States, if they find
Starting point is 01:03:00 common genetic traits among Southerners, then the next bioweapon primarily kills off people south of the Mason-Dixon line. And we assume that it's one bioweapon. It could be multiple bioweapons launched at once that target different genetic profiles at the same time. Yes. Worldwide, but you say it's one virus. And you'll blame it on the unvaccinated.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Of course, yeah, because those are the people who refuse to be vaccinated. This is evil at a level we've never witnessed. Well, Rick, we have some more information about how this Marxist media operation kind of ties in with the same bioweapons operation. But let's listen to Kerry Kinsey's second headlines and we'll be back in just a moment. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Hill reporting that Moderna has started testing a flu vaccine as it tries to expand the uses of the mRNA technology in its COVID vaccine.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Moderna says the first participants in an early stage study have gotten their flu vaccine candidate. It plans to enroll about 180 people. They claim their flu vaccine could also be combined with other vaccines, including for COVID, to allow one shot to provide protection from multiple viruses. The Times of Israel says new Israeli nanotechnology will harvest energy in the human body and turn it into electricity to power medical devices like pacemakers. Dr. Sharon Jirad of Tel Aviv University is part of the team behind the innovation. He says in the future, we'll make it possible for all sorts of medical devices in the body, including pacemakers, to run without batteries.
Starting point is 01:04:55 He says instead, we'll use mechanical energy transformed to electricity in the body. Jilad says this eliminates the need for battery changing in medical devices like pacemakers and allows those batteries to be smaller. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called In California, a bad guy interrupted a couple's breakfast,
Starting point is 01:05:22 but the homeowner had a gun. It did not end well for the intruder. We get more from KNTV in B.C., Bay Area. In Fairfield, a home invasion that interrupted breakfast proved deadly for the intruder. A couple in their 60s says someone tried to kick down their front door. The husband told police he got out his gun to defend himself and shot the intruder when he broke down the door and came inside. Police found the man across the street allegedly holding a loaded semi-automatic handgun and they were not able to revive him. He has been identified as 27 year old, a 27 year old man from Sassoon City who was on parole for a violent crime in Alameda County.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Congresswoman Nancy Mace hasn't shot anybody, but she is prepared to do so. Fox News says her Charleston, South Carolina home was vandalized on Memorial Day while she was out of town. Now she says she carries a gun wherever she goes. Go to the gun range almost weekly to practice shooting. When they show up to your house and physically just try to destroy it with graffiti, it's personal and it's invasive and it's violating. They also spray painted, no gods, no masters, all politicians are bastards. It doesn't feel good that I feel like I have to look across, look behind my shoulder every day. It doesn't feel safe. I carry a gun wherever I go today. Wherever I'm allowed to, I do carry.
Starting point is 01:07:05 When this happened, it really changed everything for me. I'm not going to live in fear, and I'm not going to be intimidated. And to be able to carry a gun wherever I go, for me as a woman, I think it's one of the most empowering things that you can do to defend yourself. There was no empathy. There was only let's revictimize her and let's accuse her of doing the crime herself. And I challenge anybody, if I did this, please send the evidence to the FBI and please charge me with a crime.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I dare you to, because the evidence just doesn't exist out there. And it's crazy to me that this is where we are in this country. And you're seeing the downfall of civility on social media because of this. Knowing that he or she has not been caught and there have been no charges pressed, it makes me feel like I have to look over my shoulder everywhere I go. Even if I go out for a walk in the morning or in the evening in my own neighborhood, I'm concealed carrying a gun. Mace was the first woman to graduate from the Citadel.
Starting point is 01:08:09 My brother, who is a graduate of West Point, would be impressed. She says she grew up with guns in the house and is training her kids how to shoot. They were not at home when the reported vandalism happened. That's a look at True News headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, Doc, and Lorne. Thank you, Kerry. That's quite a way to clean your house. Yeah, code enforcement came out and pressure washed our house. So I guess if I need to get my roof cleaned or something, I should just put some graffiti on the house and call City Hall
Starting point is 01:08:46 and have them send code enforcement to the house. No, it's kind of a surprise to see that. But hey, I mean, this is where we're at. So, you know what? There's the justification for Capitol Police. Yes. We need Capitol Police in South Carolina. She needs protection. Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:02 She's going to need Super Service agents. Yep. National police. Well, speaking of national police. I didn't mean to interrupt you. Go ahead. I'm just going to say, if you wanted to be really sinister, you would think maybe there would be people who would deliberately
Starting point is 01:09:21 threaten congressional members, paint graffiti on their homes to justify the, kind of like the Nazis did things to justify their power. So there's a push now for Capitol Police to expand nationwide. Are we going to see an explosion of threats against members of the House and the Senate? Kind of like, you know, mass shootings happen just before there's a push for gun control. Right. Yep. It's no coincidence.
Starting point is 01:10:00 We're probably going to be seeing a lot more of that. And it's interesting because she's a Republican, too. So it's like, oh, look, this is even good for because we're looking out for the Republicans as well. So that's how they're going to sell the idea to the Republicans. And she likes guns. And, yeah, look how cool she is. You know, look at her over there shooting a gun. Actually, she's a terrible politician, terrible for Christians.
Starting point is 01:10:19 But, you know. Because of the Equality Act. Yeah. But also, you know, what they're doing is they're going to start, it's going to be with Republicans first to try and be like, OK, Republicans, we need you to get behind this because we need your support because they're coming for you, too. Well, one of the big topics we covered yesterday was the subject of Tucker Carlson and his claims about NSA spying. And we got some new details yesterday, a little bit about that. But last night on the show, Rick, Tucker Carlson did two things. He first revealed that the subject that he was being spied upon, or at least in this case, his emails that were getting leaked
Starting point is 01:10:55 to press were about, was about him trying to secure an interview with the Russian president, Vladimir Putin. The second thing was he accused the NSA director of personally actually approving the warrant to spy on him. Okay, so we have several issues in this. It's Tucker Carlson's absolute right as an American and as a journalist to interview anybody he wants to interview. You don't need anybody's permission to schedule an interview with somebody.
Starting point is 01:11:32 If you live in the United States of America, it's called freedom. Yes. It's called freedom of the press. So he has the right to do that. Yeah, other outlets get interviews with foreign leaders, including Vladimir Putin. NBC News just did one a week and a half ago. I mean, the famous one was Megyn Kelly. Oh, yes, yes. By the way, she just got a job with Sirius XM.
Starting point is 01:11:50 She's been unemployed for years. So Sirius XM just hired her. Is she cleaning offices or what's she doing? She's going to host a show. Oh, she's going to be on the radio. She's going to be a super high paid radio host of a show that nobody will listen to. Ah, okay. But he's back to work.
Starting point is 01:12:09 But anyhow, it's Tucker Carlson's right. As an American and as a journalist, we have freedom of the press guaranteed in our Constitution. He can interview anybody he wants to interview. So that's no problem. But on the other hand, Tucker Carlson is a big boy and he should know by now. If he didn't, he's really naive and I don't think he is. If you're going to, if you're going to invite a foreign head of state onto your radio or television program, you know, you know that government intelligence agencies are going to monitor your correspondence with that head of state's office or representatives. Give me a break.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Tucker, if you didn't know that, I just can't believe you didn't know that. All right, so that's issue number two. I mean, right now, we're not going to divulge. Right now, True News is communicating with a head of state for a possible interview on true news. Are government agencies following our communications? I wouldn't think so. I don't have a problem. I would have to assume so.
Starting point is 01:13:33 I would assume so. I'd expect it. If they weren't, they're not doing their job. I mean, really, I'm not offended by the NSA monitoring our communication with a foreign government. I don't have a problem with that at all. We're not doing anything wrong. We're not passing secrets. We just want to do an interview.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And if I was passing secrets. You wouldn't do it in an email. Right. Right. So I don't have a problem with it. The NSA can monitor those emails, those phone calls that we're having right now with another government for an interview. That's that's OK. I'm I'm I'm not alarmed by that. is was Tucker Carlson's electronic communication with representatives of Vladimir Putin, were they leaked to American news media outlets
Starting point is 01:14:37 for the purpose of harming him? Now, that's the crime. Yes. That's the crime. Yes. That's the crime. Because up until the days of Barack Hussein Obama, the NSA kept a very low profile. Not too long ago, when Trudeau started, the NSA was still a conspiracy theory. No such agency. No such agency. No such agency. If you said that there was a national security agency, people said you're a conspiracy theorist.
Starting point is 01:15:11 That's just 20-some years ago. Right. They kept an extremely low profile. They didn't want in the news. They never wanted publicity. They just wanted to do their surveillance and nobody pay attention to them. So, but along comes Barack Hussein Obama, who weaponized American intelligence. He weaponized the CIA. He weaponized the FBI. He weaponized the NSA. He weaponized the IRS. Everything was weaponized to go after his political opponents. My hunch is there are Obama-ites very deep inside all of the intelligence agencies who are loyal
Starting point is 01:15:58 not to the Constitution, not to the flag, not to whoever is the current president of the United States, but their loyalty is to Barack Hussein Obama. They answer to him. He is still the president in their eyes. He is the shadow president, the president in exile, and he's running everything, and they are reporting him. That's my hunch, that the problem that Tucker Carlson is having with the NSA is Obama loyalists weaponizing the NSA intelligence apparatus to harm his career because they see him as a potential presidential candidate in 2024. In a lot of ways, they're doing what to Tucker Carlson they did to President Trump. Yes. So they were going to paint Tucker Carlson as a stooge of the Russians.
Starting point is 01:16:55 That was the purpose. If his if his allegations are true, what what was exposed was the beginnings of a smear campaign against Tucker Carlson. Does that mean everyone who meets or speaks with Vladimir Putin is a stooge of the Russians? No. Just journalists. No, journalists that work for the establishment.
Starting point is 01:17:20 They're journalists. They're journalists. In fact, the intelligence agencies arranged the interviews for them. Look, all the major news organizations have intelligence agency editors working inside. The U.S. Army has propaganda, psyops people inside the news agencies. That's a fact, and it comes out every time we go to war. Yes. Because they're in the newsroom to advise.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I just haven't figured out which one of you guys is a spy. Who do you think? You're the new kid. I just started. Which one would you choose? Between these two? Yeah. It's definitely Doc. Definitely Doc.
Starting point is 01:18:03 He just kind of sits back. Oh, Gator. You're always going to be worried about the one who's wearing a wire. I was a double-out spy. Definitely Doc. But again, I'm not shocked. I'm not alarmed. I'm not troubled by the NSA monitoring Tucker Carlson's communication with a representative of the Kremlin to get an interview with Vladimir Putin.
Starting point is 01:18:30 I don't have a problem with that. The leaking of the information. That is their job. Now, it's not their job to read his other email. Right. That's off limits. But we do know this. If if reports from years ago are true, the NSA is sucking up every electronic communication, every phone call, every text, every email in the world.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Yes. That's for an Edward Snowden who worked as a contract to the NSA. And it's not that they're reading everything. Their AI computers are sorted. Their supercomputers are going through it looking for keywords. So their system is gather up all of it and then sort through it and find the bad stuff.
Starting point is 01:19:21 Isn't that what the Chinese are doing with the genetic data? Just a different form. Yes, but that's... The NSA is not It's not what the Chinese are doing with the genetic data. It's just a different form. Yes. But the NSA is not legally allowed to do that. If you sued, if you went against them, what judge is going to rule against the establishment? Nobody. And who do you punish?
Starting point is 01:19:41 Yeah. Nobody's going to do anything. So really the issue here is for Tucker Carlson to find out, was this information leaked by an Obama loyalist inside the NSA? Now, Edward, you said that he specifically mentioned or named the director of the NSA. He accused the director himself of doing this? Yes, General Nacosom. Paul Nacosom was appointed by President Trump in 2018. He named him last night in his broadcast. He also named the director of national intelligence, Ms. Haynes.
Starting point is 01:20:16 Well, okay, so what proof did he offer that these two individuals are involved? He presented his own expertise on this. What I'm saying is he's saying it must have come from the director level or the director of national intelligence, which is Ms. Haynes. He said those are the only two positions, according to my information, my expertise. He didn't provide a source on that, but he was pointing actually back to the unmasking of General Flynn, because the phrase unmasking, when he's saying he got revealed, he's saying he, like General Flynn, was unmasked in intelligence report.
Starting point is 01:20:53 He wasn't a target of an intelligence operation, but was unmasked by it. And in order to do that, we actually learned during the Flynn scandal that it required someone like Susan Rice. But Susan Rice carried out the instructions of Barack Hussein Obama. Yes. So in that case, actually, it came right from the president. So the person who's running the NSA right now is Barack Hussein Obama. How often does Joe Biden talk to Obama? Every day.
Starting point is 01:21:21 Every day? Isn't it reported almost every day? Yes, but The Hill had a very odd article today. We don't have it to show you the still of it, but the article was saying that the two that were very close, they don't get to see each other anymore. Then you read the actual article. Always read the article because there's stuff hidden in them. It stated that not only does Barack Obama and Joe Biden speak daily, they live 10 minutes apart. Their teams work hand in hand on domestic and foreign policy.
Starting point is 01:21:49 And you noted, Rick, Barack Obama has a team? Oh, okay. A team. A team. Not just himself. He's got a whole group, a command center. And who's financing it? Well, I'd imagine part of the financing comes from maybe the Obama Foundation or maybe private donations to Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.
Starting point is 01:22:10 But, you know, when it comes to this money, maybe it's through the grants you pointed out, Lauren. We don't know the dark money that passes through the hands of this country. George Soros money? George Soros money. Somebody has to finance this team. Probably some nonprofit where they're funneling money through. But we all knew it was Obama running the show behind the scenes. It wasn't really Joe Biden.
Starting point is 01:22:31 He's just a pawn, you know. Joe Biden is still the vice president. Still Obama's vice president. Now we're talking about the NSA. We know the NSA spies, but there's other ways to intimidate in this country. Lauren, is something you found in regard to the use of bot nets in a very malice way people aren't doing anymore, but people can create networks of propagandists? Right. Well, we don't know if this is coming from China or what other foreign country or even
Starting point is 01:23:01 if it's from here in the United States, but they're called narrative builders. They're bots is what is happening. So people I know in America and over in Europe are seeing. Let's pull up the still shot of those. This is Daily Caller. Pro-lockdown bot army. This one's on social media. Yeah, and what they're doing is they are,
Starting point is 01:23:19 they're the same message over and over and over again, showing up to take over the narrative you know as you see here this one is they're talking about how disgusting this is disgusting masks and social distancing should be in place but they are pro lockdown bots saying the same thing over and over so they're meant to disrupt information they're meant to disrupt whatever somebody's saying you know oh, you're disgusting because you have to, we have to lock down, we have to do this. My brother called the Delta variant, but it's all bots because it's repetitive. Same exact message over and over.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Lauren, certainly Twitter would notice this is happening and they would cancel all these accounts. Well, that's the thing. We're not on the same side. You know what I'm saying? As long as they're operating within the means of how Twitter wants them to operate, which is a pro lockdown, they overwhelmingly seem to be a pro lockdown company, a pro vaccination company. So they, of course, they're going to let this run wild because it's on their team. It benefits them. Twitter has different rules for different people? Really? Yes, absolutely. I'm shocked. Shocked, I tell you. Are you surprised? No.
Starting point is 01:24:30 Exactly. So they're allowing this to happen, but what it is meant to do is to disrupt information. It's meant to make you confused. It's a Bolshevik tactic, actually. And these are bots. These are not real people. Instaganda. Instaganda. Exactly. And it's meant to make you question yourself.
Starting point is 01:24:45 You know what I'm saying? So it's just, I found that very interesting because you're going to start seeing them all over Twitter and social media. It's interesting how they engineer and manufacture outrage. And that's what they're doing. And they do these by the hundreds and thousands, Rick. It's not, that was just a small drop in the bucket. When they do these massive blasts on all these fake accounts and everything. By the way, Israel has admitted in the past they've created millions of these accounts. They've admitted it openly. So they send this information out. Israel has a team of thousands of people in Israel that the moment they find any anti-Israel statement in social media, they activate that network who then start contacting American Zionists, both Jewish and Christian Zionists,
Starting point is 01:25:43 and telling them, you must condemn these people right away. Here's the text that she is. And they'll give them a script. They'll send out the text. And they start generating the tweets, Facebook posts, emails to members of Congress, you know, statements to the news media. But there's a cyber army in Israel that's there every single day pouncing on anybody in the United States of America who criticizes the state of Israel.
Starting point is 01:26:14 How do you win against something like this? You keep speaking truth and keep saying the truth over and over again, because all they're doing is repeating a lie. And remember that old phrase, if you repeat a lie often enough, people will actually believe it's the truth over and over again because all they're doing is repeating a lie and remember that old phrase if you repeat a lie often enough people will actually believe it's the truth but the truth dispels lies just keep telling the truth and truth isn't a concept truth is a person that's jesus christ jesus said i am the way the truth and the life so when you separate truth from being some philosophical concept and said uh attach it to the person of Jesus Christ and you speak Jesus Christ, you live Jesus Christ, you speak his word, you are speaking the
Starting point is 01:26:52 truth of the Lord. Amen. There's no other truth. Amen. Except Jesus Christ. And I'm not a spy. Sure you're not. We think Gator could be wearing a wire. By the way, we need to wrap it up here because there's a thunderstorm coming in, and Gator doesn't like lightning and thunder, and he's getting very nervous here behind my chair,
Starting point is 01:27:13 and he wants to get out of here quickly. So if we don't shut it down, he's going to walk out. Well, that's my sign, okay? Thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family. Consider becoming a partner with this ministry in the month of July. As we report truth every day with courage and conviction that you will hear nowhere else. We offer discernment on demand.
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