TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - What did Hillary Clinton know about Fauci’s role in Wuhan lab?
Episode Date: June 25, 2021Today on TruNews, the West continues its infuriation of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation, as threats of nuclear response are tossed back and forth by both sides. John McAfee’s death by han...ging in a secure Barcelona cell is questioned. Biden’s nomination for Bureau of Land Management is more interested in population control. Finally, Hillary Clinton’s State Department was fully aware of the bioweapon threat from China’s Wuhan lab as far back as 2009. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (6/25/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
After almost starting World War III in the Black Sea,
Her Majesty's Navy and the colony that got away are now being warned to not tempt fate
with future incursions into Russian sovereign territory.
Officially, the British claim a GPS cyber attack is to blame for why their warship settled into Russian waters.
But astonishingly, they quickly regained control
of their navigation once 20 Russian fighter jets delivered an aquatic wake-up call with
battleships sinking bombs. All this and more on today's True News. And it turns out there is a
Clinton connection to the communists in Wuhan. We'll discuss that in just a moment. But first,
here is Kerry Kenzie with today's True News Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
The New York Post and other media outlets can't quit talking about really creepy exchanges by President Biden.
During a press conference on jobs and small businesses, on three occasions, Mr. Biden hunched over his White House lectern and whispered to reporters. I got them $1.9 trillion relief so far.
They're going to be getting checks in the mail that are consequential this week for child care.
A lot has been happened already, number one.
Number two, I'm going to fight like heck to get them the rest of what I think has to be done.
I'm going to be going around the country, spending time making the case to the American people
that this isn't about showing an identification that this is who I am when I vote. This isn't just about
whether or not, excuse me, you can provide water for someone standing in line while they're waiting
to vote. This is about who gets to judge whether your vote counted after it's been cast. Think
about it. Don't dismiss it at all. Just she reminded him, I wrote the bill on the environment.
Why would I not be for it? Employers can't find workers. I said, yeah, pay them more.
This is an employee's bargaining chip now.
A lot of people are weighing in on this, including Dan Bongino.
What's with the creepy whispering, by the way?
Is this like one of those like asthma things or something?
Like what is going on? What is he doing?
He's like, I paid them the checks.
It's so creepy.
Like you watch it and it's like you want to cringe.
You don't know if you should turn it off or turn it up.
For more information on this story and more, visit our companion website.
It's called right there. News coup dot com.
CNBC says Rudy Giuliani did not show up for a court hearing.
His lawyer was trying to get that Dominion Voting Systems
defamation case against him dismissed. On Thursday, Giuliani's New York law license was suspended
due to his alleged false and misleading claims about the 2020 election.
These judges take action without giving me a hearing.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
They're doing it based on newspapers.
I haven't had a chance to have one minute of a hearing with them.
Sitting in my apartment up there are 400 affidavits.
Everything I said about this case comes from a witness, sometimes two or three witnesses.
I have affidavits
from them. I have video, I have audio. And instead of looking at that, they listen to
the false allegations that are made by the Democrats and disregard the other side.
I have a woman who was willing to testify that she was taught how to cheat by the
Democrat Party in Detroit. She's a 60 year old woman and it bothered her conscience so much.
She went to a priest and that's when she came forward and said they're teaching people how
to cheat in Detroit and they're getting actually filling out ballots for Biden for them.
Well, some in news reporting that a conservative member of the UK parliament let it slip when he said that people who are important should not have to follow officials and multimillionaire football players for an upcoming tournament.
David Davis has called that morally inconsistent.
Well, we've always said that for some people who are important players, for instance, we've had special terms.
So people who want to go on holiday are not had special terms and these are no no of
course not but we're talking you know we're talking a very limited number of people who are
coming in and they're also subject still to uh quite significant restrictions they're not just
able to come in and travel around britain and they come in to attend a match and then go away again
and you know we we wouldn't have been able to host
the tournament at Wembley if we hadn't allowed the players and people associated with the teams
to come in to do so. Oh, she called him on it and he walked it back. Rules for thee,
but not for me, right? That's a look at True News headlines. Now let's get back to the Godcast.
Here's Rick, Edward and Doc.
Thank you, Kerry.
Those British Parliament members are flaming hypocrites.
Hey, I just need to get a button that says VIP exempt from all COVID rules.
You can go anywhere.
How does the virus know? How does the virus know?
It can read.
It must be that Delta Plus. It knows you're important. Okay. Hey, what'd you think about that? A clip of president Biden,
Rick? Weird. Very weird. Um, when does the 25th amendment kick in? Oh, they were eager to bring
that up with Donald Trump. I think we need to activate it right away.
The man is not, he wasn't mentally qualified to be elected last year.
Watching this stuff happen, who whispers into a microphone during a press conference?
Who does that kind of stuff?
Someone who has an issue of some kind.
It's obvious.
I don't know why people don't see that.
What would CNN and MSNBC do if that was Donald Trump?
Oh, they'd be all over it, Rick.
You know they would.
For weeks.
If Donald Trump was whispering into a microphone like this, they'd be freaking out over it.
It's, oh, 25th Amendment, 25th Amendment.
Someone call General Milley.
Someone tell Jared.
What if Don Trump Jr., his emails had been discovered, and he used racially offensive language to describe people in his emails?
Of course, they'd be after Donald Trump Jr.
What if they'd found videos of Donald Trump Jr. engaged in sexual activity with maybe a minor?
What if Donald Trump Jr. was still on the board of a Chinese investment company?
And his father is in the White House.
The left would bring the country to a standstill, start riots.
All of these together would have caused the summer of madness we had last year.
But there's a collective silence from the left because it's Hunter Biden.
It's the president's son. He's one of us.
And the news media can't say anything because they participated in the coup.
So do we call President Biden the press whisperer now?
The Obama whisperer.
The Obama whisperer.
You're right, Edward.
The Obama.
No, Obama is the whisperer to Biden.
He whispers in his ear.
He just repeats the whisper.
I mean, what was it a week or two ago?
Was that legit, the open mic, or is that a fake? It ended up being fake. It did? But it was
plausible. That's how I know there's an issue here. What we're speaking about is there was a
video that made the rounds that President Biden was at a press conference, the NATO press conference, and they claimed that there was the earpiece audio that was coming
through. But the way it was done- It didn't turn out to be true.
It didn't turn out to be true, but you're watching it. It looked like it could be.
That's how deteriorated Joe Biden is. That's how nonsensical his actions have been. But we do know that he he is given a list of reporters.
The reporters have been pre-chosen and the questions have been pre-chosen.
He has made reference to that at least two times that I've heard on actual clips.
And so. So, yes, he is given a list of who he can, you know, call on.
And they know in advance. Why aren't the reporters acting like animals, like they did for four years with Donald Trump?
Undignified, rude, just horrible behavior in the White House.
Why don't they do that with Joe Biden?
Because they've been given the orders.
These are the people who get to ask the questions today.
Wow, I hadn't even thought about that.
They're happy, though.
Their dear leader is in charge, and I'm not talking about Joe Biden.
Their dear leader is certainly in charge of the White House.
And again, their role during the Trump administration were to be the infiltrators, the insurrectionists
in the press room.
Now, they're the cheerleaders. Meanwhile, while America is led by a senile old man that never campaigned, when he did
leave his basement, he couldn't get more than 30 people to show up in a parking lot, and
they sat in circles separated by 10 or 20 feet.
And now he whispers to people in a microphone.
Creepy, creepy old Joe.
Meanwhile, the Russian, an army chief reminded the world that Moscow reserves the right to use nuclear weapons if weapons of mass destruction are used against Russia.
Yes, and this statement was made by the general staff of Russian armed forces, Valery Goreshimov.
Now, he said this as Russia was in their standoff with the United Kingdom.
Russia had to deal with a British warship sailing toward their sovereign territory yesterday.
That's the facts.
The Russians responded with bombs and fighter jets.
But Goreshimov responded by saying, we have ICBMs. We have advanced hypersonic
missiles. And in this case, our doctrine is if you attack us, we sink the HMS Defender
and you roll out your Trident missiles, the British version, or the US ballistic missiles,
Minutemen, we will fire. Our doctrine dictates it, and you need to understand that.
This is what he said in Moscow at a conference on international security. This happened on Wednesday.
He said, quote, the country, meaning Russia, the country's nuclear policy is purely defensive in
nature. However, Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons
in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons
of mass destruction against it or its allies
and in cases of aggression against Russia using conventional weapons
when the very existence of the state is threatened.
That's the end of the quote.
If you put that together
with the statement yesterday about biological agents, he said nuclear or other weapons of
mass destruction. For some reason, I think the Russians fear that NATO is going to launch a biological warfare attack on them.
And they're sending the signal, if you do it, we're not going to retaliate with a biological weapon.
We're going to nuke you.
Rick, you know how insidious that would be is it could look like a coronavirus variant.
I mean, think about the climate right now.
The West, the rest could say,
well, no, no, Russia's just going through
a really bad coronavirus variant.
It's knocked out Vladimir Putin
and the top leadership in Russia.
Oh, that's terrible.
It's just a coronavirus variant.
No, it could end up being a Western biological attack.
And that's the cover.
I'll throw two more ideas out there for you guys.
What if they suffer a cyber attack of some kind by the West?
That's a very real possibility.
After all, it was Russia that hacked us, right?
And we haven't been told that we've responded in kind yet.
And then there's that story about Moscow and the ultraviolet radiation.
Suddenly Moscow's going through a heat wave.
Now this is Moscow. This isn't,
you know, the Bahamas, but they're having like super record heat just around the area of Moscow.
People are being warned, don't go outside. You'll get a sunburn in Moscow, Russia. And that,
of course, going to the old days. They're saying that the ultraviolet radiation level is at a
dangerous state right now.
I mean, this just seems bizarre in Russia.
I mean, it could be completely natural and explainable.
It could be, but.
It could be, but there are.
I've watched too much true news over 23 years to question it.
But we have warships trying to get into the Black Sea to challenge the Russian fleet.
Those are conventional weapons, and that was listed by him as well.
And Russia just dropped bombs
in front of a British warship in the Black Sea,
which the Brits deny happened,
but they don't deny that they were in the Black Sea
and they turned around and left.
Okay, did that ship actually leave the Black Sea,
or did it just back up?
It backed off. It's still in the Black Sea or is it, like, did it just back up? It backed off.
It's still in the Black Sea, from my understanding, with a Dutch warship and a U.S. warship.
But it's no longer moving towards Crimea.
No longer moving towards Crimea.
And my understanding is it's moved very much closer to Istanbul, where it first entered
the Black Sea.
They've backed off.
Well, then, another warning.
Folks, you've got to please take this stuff seriously.
The Russians are sending, these are the most dire warnings,
Doc, I've seen in my 22 years doing this show.
I've never read any news reports where Russian
military and political leaders have said in the past the things that they're saying now.
Publicly. I mean, that's insane.
And they're being blunt. They're being very blunt and open in their statements.
Now, the story for Interfax that we saw today, the Russian military called on Washington and London not to tempt fate in the Black Sea.
Now, what they're quoting in this report is the defense minister in Russia, Igor Konashenkov.
What he said, we call on the Pentagon and the command of the British naval forces,
which are sending their warships to the Black Sea, not to tempt fate in vain,
following the lead of the Ukrainian Mosquito Fleet admirals.
Who and what did he call Mosquito Fleet?
It appears he's talking about the Ukrainian Navy and specifically the admirals who command it.
And Rick, I think he's talking about the tiny boats, really tiny ships.
I don't think they're even called warships necessarily.
They call them a mosquito fleet?
The mosquito fleet.
In other words, we could just wipe the Ukrainian fleet away like mosquitoes.
They went on to say, this is not to be guided by reason.
Referring to the U.S. and the U.K. are not thinking this through,
because if they were to think it through,
they would take his next statement very seriously.
He went on to say, who else but the former Rear Admiral Kirby,
this is the Pentagon Press Secretary right now, John Kirby,
is well aware that for the Russian armed forces that reliably guard the security of the Crimea,
the defender-destroyer anywhere in the Black Sea is just a fat target for the anti-ship complexes of the Black Sea fleet.
He just said that NATO ships are fat targets.
Fat targets.
I've never, I've never seen this before.
It's just, we're at the state that the Russians are losing their patience.
And they know that NATO is becoming more aggressive towards them and are taking more ludicrous steps which defy logic. Which again, I go back to what drives
the American ruling class to hate the Russian people?
Just what is it?
There is no logical explanation for it.
And you laid out the case very well yesterday, Rick,
by saying we have more in common with the Russian people
than probably any other nation
other than the difference in language in the U.K.
If I were the president of the United States, Doc,
the first thing I'd do is reach out to the Russians and say,
let's forget about the past.
Let's be allies and friends.
And that's what gave me hope during the Trump campaign.
I mean, really.
You saw what happens if you even think like that.
You say, hey, why don't we fight the Russians all the time?
Let's be friends. How dare you collude with logic? So what did the ruling class in America do? They set up a
trap. They planted fake evidence. They created a fake narrative before Donald Trump was elected
to catch him in a box like a rat trap that said,
you are a stooge of the Russians,
and the only reason you want to make peace with the Russians is that they own you.
They had him.
They had Donald Trump the whole time.
I mean, they had him locked in so that he could not meet with Vladimir Putin
and lower the temperature and create a working relationship because
the ruling class is just boneheaded determined they're going to have a war with Russia.
What is the reason for it?
I still hold a grudge from the Bolshevik Revolution, Rick.
That's my explanation.
They had Russia and they lost it.
Hey, if you want to call my explanation crazy, you come up with something better.
What is it?
What's the explanation?
Rick, you know what else is crazy is that you just laid out there the government-backed operation
to infiltrate and overthrow President Trump's administration.
But I look at that.
They say, look at this.
We want you to believe this story.
It's absolutely believable.
But everything you keep hearing and seeing,
and I say seeing because there's documents,
regarding Hunter Biden, regarding the Biden family, regarding their operations in Ukraine, in Russia, in China,
that stuff's a conspiracy.
How dare you look at documentation?
How dare you look at the $30 dare you look at the 30,000 plus dollars that Hunter Biden was receiving from the Burma?
Or the former mayor of Moscow who sent three million dollars to Hunter Biden.
She actually wired money. I mean, look, all the things they tell us, you have to believe the Russia conspiracy. But don't you dare think that the Biden conspiracy is true. Okay, so Japan.
Is Japan our ally?
Supposedly, yes.
Yeah, they're supposed to be.
We're in good terms with Japan.
What did Japan do to us?
They attacked us.
How many American men died because of the Japanese imperial military?
Tens of thousands.
Yes, easily tens of thousands.
But they're now our allies and our friends.
But Russia was on, we were allies in World War II.
We defeated the Nazis together.
But Russia's our enemy.
And now supposedly Russia is a democracy that's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination,
but there are very few perfect ones in the world.
But once again, we have more in common.
I mean, think the think the potential of America and Russia partnered up to say we are going to do things for the world you never imagined.
The incredible resources of Russia, the incredible capabilities of America partnered together.
China wouldn't have a chance.
We've driven Russia to become allies with communist China. They have no other choice.
Right. They have to make alternative allies.
I really believe Vladimir Putin for years was trying to
develop a relationship with the United States and Europe, and we just kept pushing them away.
Oh, certainly. And to develop relationships with the Europeans. I often hear the EU leaders say
that Russia is trying to conquer Europe by setting Nord Stream 2 and other pipelines.
The Russians are the reason Europe doesn't freeze every year. Think about it. The Russians are so
evil. They provide the energy to heat the homes of European families.
They don't want to conquer Europe.
They just want to sell them oil.
It's a simple thing.
And the United States tells them, you're not allowed to.
I mean.
You got to buy our oil.
You got to buy our natural gas.
The arrogance of the American ruling class to tell another nation,
you cannot trade with these nations,
and we're going to do everything in our power to stop you.
It's such arrogance, haughtiness, pride.
And you're going to, America,
you're going to get knocked off your high horse someday
if you don't come down and act with some humility.
There's no reason for us to have this type of attitude in the world.
I'm embarrassed by it.
I really am.
I'm terribly embarrassed as an American.
What we've done is we've forced Russia to respond with stories like these at ROT.
Russia sends fighter jets capable of firing hypersonic Kinzhal missile to Syria for the
first time as part of Mediterranean training. So these hypersonic
missiles, Rick, you know, we think of missiles just having a
short range of some kind. These hypersonic missiles have a range of 1,200 miles.
And they're especially effective against carriers.
And there just so happens to be a British carrier right off the coast of Syria in the
area they're doing Mediterranean training.
So this is what we're forcing Russia to do in response to whatever aggression
might occur in Syria, whatever aggression might occur in the Crimea.
So we're, you know, we're antagonizing it.
You know, we're beating the dog instead of giving it some kibble.
But we're told Saudi Arabia is our ally.
Oh, right.
Yeah, Saudi Arabia.
They hang people from cranes.
And they saw people up.
But the church and Israel and the United States, wow, go Saudis.
But you know, if Russia and the United States were allies and we worked together,
do you realize the two countries would solve the Middle East problems?
We'd work together to send missionaries around the world.
Yeah. I mean, do you think Israel would continue to mistreat the Palestinians,
not give them their human rights, if Russia and the United States teamed up together and said
This is what we want done in the Middle East
Where would they run? Where is your run?
They have no place to run to only place is China. Yes, and China is not going to get in the middle of that
Okay, so we could change the world
We're gonna change the world, Instead, oh, we're going to change the world.
It's going to be radioactive because of this insanity.
And that's what the chief of defense in UK, Nicholas Carter, is quoted as saying by the Telegraph.
What he said is the miscalculations right now and the incidents,
unreasonable escalations specifically relating to the Black Sea,
could lead to a full-scale war.
For what? Over what? What are we fighting over?
Freedom of navigation, Rick.
What is it?
Democracy, Rick.
Tell me, why are we going to World War III nuclear, biological, chemical, scale your
What is it?
What did the Russians do to us that justifies starting a nuke war?
They banned drag queen story hour.
Yeah, there you go. they won't accept the new american values of homosexuality and abortion and and perversion
cannibalism this is is this what we're going to war about it is exactly the people of crimea
chose to leave the ukraine because ukraine was oppressiveressive. Crimea is really the birthplace of Christianity
for Russia. The people, you want to talk about democracy, the people of Crimea overwhelmingly,
90 plus percent voted to leave the Ukraine and join back to Russia. Crimea used to be
a part of Russia. So, Doc, 19, the 1940s,
okay, we
know why we went to war
with Hitler.
Hitler's Nazi
regime was invading
countries. They were
carrying out the Holocaust.
There is no doubt why
we went to war with Hitler.
We went to war with Japan.
They bombed Pearl Harbor.
They killed American men.
And Shintoism, the ideology was reigning there,
was very close to Nazism.
So two isms.
We went to war against two isms, Nazism and Shintoism.
We're on the edge of World war three and again i actually believe
it started i believe the chinese kicked it off with covet but why are we going to war with russia
what is my we're finding now yes what is the ism did russia Hungary and, did they invade Austria?
I mean, like Hitler did?
Does Russia have gas chambers and they're killing the Jews?
What is it they're going to war about?
What is it?
There is no great crime that Russia is doing against humanity.
But China has committed is doing against humanity.
But China has committed a crime against humanity.
But we're not going to war against them.
But we're going to attack Russia.
The rulers of America are insane.
They're absolutely insane.
And we vote for these people.
We allow this regime to continue. And by the way, if you do rise up to challenge it, they'll nuke you. As Joe Biden told us this week, he would nuke American states.
Not Russia. Nuke Texas, Florida.
I'm still trying to comprehend that. But that senile old man said,
I would use nukes against Americans. And he got away with that statement.
Imagine, again, imagine Putin saying, if there's an uprising in Russia, I'll nuke that province.
I've got nukes and F-16s.
I'll take them out.
My gosh, the West would be saying, this man has to be stopped.
We have to take him out.
He's insane.
He's absolutely insane.
The actions of a maniacal dictator.
A madman.
Threatening to kill his own people.
He's worse than Assad.
He's killing his own people, which Assad didn't kill his own people.
They checked for residue.
The West was killing his people.
And Assad rose up and said the Syrian people are not going to allow the West to invade us with their fake army called ISIS.
Yes, the group that was crucifying Christians in Aleppo.
A whole stinking Western regime is corrupt and evil.
I wouldn't bother with it if they weren't going to endanger my life and the
life of my family and my loved ones and my friends.
But they're putting us all in danger.
They're maniacal madmen.
They're seeking to control the world or play with what little will be left.
How many Germans died because of Hitler?
Thirty million.
How many Japanese died because of Hitler? 30 million. How many Japanese died because of Tito?
Their crazy actions brought death and destruction to their own people.
And I'm telling you that the craziness of the American leaders
are going to bring death and destruction to us.
There's going to be mass death and destruction in America because the ruling
class is insane. Why are they insane? Because they're godless. Yes. That's why they're insane.
They've been turned over to a reprobate mind. And that's why it won't be your grandfather's war.
Won't even be our father's war because only 30 years ago, America, you could say, is still a Christian nation.
I say that in pause because it's difficult to look at our nation now and the things that
we accept.
But Rick, there's a story that happened that kind of shows either our insanity or the fact
that we are not prepared for that future war.
Yeah, that's a good point, Edward.
New Scientist is reporting that the British explanation for the showdown yesterday was a GPS cyber attack.
Now, their claim is the HMS Defender, this is the warship that got bombed at,
that got buzzed and got Coast Guard ships basically harassing it in the Black Sea,
that the reason why they were sailing toward the Russian blockade of
the Sea of Azov was because their navigation system got hacked.
Someone else was in control of the HMS Defender.
Now, I guess this is better than the embarrassment that you got scared off, right?
But take it further.
What if the Russians did do this and took control of a NATO battleship?
So you've got two explanations here.
Either they purposely went near the Russian naval base or they really did suffer a cyber attack.
And the Russians drove them there.
And the Russians forced them there.
Which one is worse?
Which is the scarier scenario?
The second?
So the Brits
have come up with a new explanation.
Yesterday it was,
yesterday it was, we're defending
our values. Yes.
In another country's sea.
Now it was,
our GPS was hacked and they took
control of our ship's steering and drove us.
Near the Russian Navy.
Near the border where they were threatening to bomb us.
Yeah, so we get a better shot.
I don't think I would use that excuse.
And remember, the Ministry of Defense, UK Ministry of Defense, to today, denies that any warning shots were fired at them.
They deny that any warning shots were fired at them. They deny that any warning shots were fired at them.
Even though video has come out.
Don't be confused by the facts.
My lying eyes.
Don't let your lying eyes fool you.
You've got to believe the Ministry of Defense in the UK.
They said no warning shots were fired.
Maybe they weren't warning shots.
Okay, Ministry of Truth.
While we're on the topic of insane warmonger countries, let's talk about Israel.
Because their newspaper, Times of Israel, reported that Iranian nuclear site hit Wednesday,
was on the list of targets that Israel gave to the United States.
So this story, the Iranians claim they foiled a sabotage attack.
And this has been another issue because obviously early this story, the Iranians claim they foiled a sabotage attack. And this has been another issue because obviously early this year we had a successful attack on one of Iran's main...
You mean the U.S. is doing cyber attacks on foreign countries?
It's part of our doctrine.
But wait a minute.
We just warned Russia not to carry out any cyber attacks on us.
Well, not really.
We gave them a list of 16 places they couldn't hit.
That's true.
But once again, the-
But it's all right for the US and Israel to do cyber attacks on other countries.
Because it's defensive, Rick.
And on nuclear facilities.
I want to point this out for a second here.
If they are successful, let's say they do cause meltdowns and issues with centrifuges,
they could cause another Chernobyl. Has anyone challenged the United States or Israel on this?
You are attacking what is right now a nuclear facility. If this goes wrong,
you can cause an international incident. So what if the Iranians hack Dimona?
Oh, anti-Semitic weapon of mass destruction attack.
Can't do that, really.
Can't do it.
Because that would be an attack.
And you'd have to defend yourself against the Iranian attack.
But what if they did successfully hack Dimona and sent the centrifuges into a tizzy and Dimona exploded with radiation all over Israel.
Well, the world would blame Iran for what would be a biological weapons attack.
In this sense, radiation.
Yeah, a radiation attack.
But if Israel and the United States hack an Iranian facility and it explodes and radiation covers Iran, that's what they deserve.
That's the cost of freedom, Rick.
Now, this isn't some, you know, off the cuff plan that Israel had to do this.
This planning for this went back to the Trump administration because Israel made the proposal
to leadership in the Trump administration, specifically to Mike Pompeo and Gina Haspel,
had told them that we're planning on doing this. This is something in our strategy that we are
planning on doing. Is Gina still running the CIA? Did anyone ever see Gina Haspel?
I think she's left office now. Yeah, she was replaced. Okay, I lost track.
But how would you know? Because you never saw her when she was replaced. Okay, I lost track. But how would you know?
Because you never saw her when she was CIA director, except when having her nomination. Well, there was a reason for that.
She was the station chief in London while Operation Crossfire Hurricane was running in 2015 and 16,
and then got promoted to be the CIA director as the resistance, the revolution in this country,
was fighting to overthrow President Trump.
Hey, let's talk about famous, wealthy people
who die in prison.
Are we talking about Jeffrey Epstein?
No, let's talk about John McAfee.
John McAfee.
His widow said it wasn't a suicide.
He wasn't suicidal.
She had just talked to him, what, hours before he was found dead?
Three hours before.
Three hours before he was found dead?
She was heading to see him, and I see she's pretty distraught here.
She's in Spain, outside the prison in Barcelona, picking up his possessions.
What she is now saying, Rick, is that there was nothing in his
demeanor, in his tone, anything. He even said, I'll see you soon. I love you and I'll see you soon.
Those aren't the words of a man who's about to hang himself. And knows how he's going to do it.
Yes. A man under surveillance, a man who's just been approved for extradition.
It's not the activity of a man who's about to kill himself.
Unless, after the phone call, he suddenly had this thought,
I'm going to kill myself, and I've got to get this done in three hours.
I've got to come up with the materials to hang myself in the cell.
Well, has anyone actually reported that he hung himself?
The lawyer has confirmed it.
John McAfee had hired a Spanish lawyer to try to fight the extradition charges
and maybe in part fight some of the charges against him.
What do you jump off of in the cell?
The top bunk, I guess.
It reportedly was in a double-bunked room.
He had a roommate.
But you could...
He had a roommate.
But the roommate was not there at the time.
It just so happened that no afternoon...
How about the cameras? Oh, Rick about the cameras? How about the cameras?
Oh, Rick, the cameras.
How about they malfunction?
The cameras, we're probably going to get that story.
It's just too shaky.
Too shaky to see the hitman.
Let me guess.
Batteries were dead.
Let me guess.
They found the suicide note in his pocket.
No suicide note.
How high is the bunk bed?
Four feet, five feet.
It's ridiculous.
You jump off, you can stand up. bed? Four feet, five feet. It's ridiculous. Because it's not just an instant activity to hang
yourself, even if you're going to do it with bed sheets. This is an activity that you would see
on a surveillance camera. It would probably take up to 30 to 40 minutes to put this together,
and then you have to do it. And then you have to do it long enough that someone doesn't stop you.
Well, can we get the Barcelona jail to release the video?
The legal team for John McAfee is pursuing that.
And his wife, Janice, is convinced that that was not a suicide, that he was killed.
Now, interestingly, Rick, she has been very distraught over the last couple months.
He's been in jail since October of last year.
For pump and dump in 2016. Alleged pump and dump, right?
They can just point to his tweets. Literally, tweets are the evidence
that has been presented in these charges. But on Father's
Day, his wife posted a very interesting message
on Twitter. She had a letter that she had written,
and this was heartfelt, but she said in this
letter, she predicted in a sense, that he would die in prison. Now, this is the story of the New
York Post about the letter. That's his wife, Janice. They've been together for at least a
decade. They're inseparable. Anytime we had to book him or we'd speak about John, John was always with his wife.
Now this is the letter. Sometimes too honest. Sometimes sharing more than any of us cared to know about him.
John's honesty has often gotten him in trouble with corrupt
governments and corrupt government officials.
Because of his outspoken nature and his refusal to be extorted, intimidated,
or silenced. The letter goes on to say
now the U.S. authorities are determined to have John die in prison
This was three days before, Rick. To make an example of him
for speaking out against the corruption within their government agencies.
The media continues to vilify him per their narrative
and there is no hope of him ever having a fair trial in America
because there is no longer any justice in America.
Continues, you either play ball or I can't say the word.
Those are literally the only options now.
Before you were innocent until proven guilty.
But somehow that has changed to guilty until proven innocent.
Now anyone can level the most heinous accusations against you without any proof and having no basis in
reality, but in the court of public opinion you are tried,
convicted, found guilty, and your life irreparably destroyed
all before having your day in court.
So it goes on to say, these eight months John has spent in prison in Spain have been
especially hard on his overall health, both mentally and physically, as well as financially.
But he is undeterred for continuing to speak truth to power.
Happy Father's Day, John David, father of many, loved by few.
And this was written, as we mentioned, three days before.
Three days before his death.
Now, something interesting, we talked about the top bunk of the jail cell but take a look at a standard jail cell in this prison
Barcelona prison actually if we can put up number 11 here so can't really get a
full picture of it but they it's more like dorm rooms than anything else Rick
it's not you know like you know a stone building or anything like that and racks on the wall, things like that.
So there's access.
Number 11 is the photograph of the cell.
This was where he did the hearing with the judge.
This was prior to heading back to the cell.
This is, again, the day of his death.
He was pleading his own case to the judge in Spain. We have a picture of the bunk. The bunk,
again, looks like something out of a summer camp. It was nothing crazy. I couldn't imagine someone
killing himself in this room. But the bunks are set up so that you have a roommate. It's not
something you can just do by yourself. It's not something you can just kind of operate without the person.
You know, this in the case of a man you spend most of the day with.
Being aware of what you're doing, especially if you're trying to commit suicide.
Remember with Jeffrey Epstein? He had that steroid-driven roommate that had murdered five people.
A cop. A former cop. A corrupt police officer.
And Jeffrey Epstein had reportedly told his own lawyer,
this man's trying to kill me. They want me dead. That man is a
hitman. This was before Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in
his cell. So if you're booking inmates
and you have the most famous child molester in the world
in your jail, and you're the ward famous child molester in the world in your jail.
And you're the warden.
And you say, hey, put that guy in there who killed five people.
I mean, does anybody do that?
Unless you want that person to be killed.
It's such a corrupt system.
It is.
What John's wife said is absolutely accurate
there is no justice
but the Bible talks about this
this is one of the accusations
God made against the Jews
that Israel had
become so corrupt
he said there's no justice
in your courts
your judges are corrupt
you take bribes. There's violence.
There's blood. Sounds like today. And he judged them. He judged them for it. God judges corruption.
He judges a nation that becomes corrupt and he brings harsh punishment on them to get rid of the corruption. Right.
This is where we're at today in America.
We're thoroughly corrupt.
I've lost confidence in everything.
Now I've lost confidence
in the military.
I've lost confidence.
I'm looking at what
the Secretary of Defense
and what General Milley confidence. I'm looking at what the Secretary of Defense and
what General Milley are doing. It's shameful.
General Milley's specific, because I'm sure they've all done this.
He said in testimony, I've read Mao. I've read
Marx. Milley said that? Yes, he did. He said, that doesn't make me
a communist. Sir, it doesn't
not make you a communist. Okay, sir, you gave an example of the reading that you support,
the reading you think that our soldiers, our future officers should be indoctrinated in prior
to going out to lead the force and fight America's wars. The examples were communist, godless thinkers. How about drag queen entertainment shows at Nellis Air Force Base?
Yes, I saw that story earlier today.
For their entertainment, to boost their morale.
Well, Rick, we already have drag queen health advisors.
They've now gotten into the military.
Let me tell General Milley.
General, if you continue on your godless ways,
you're going to be the first chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
to suffer a massive military defeat.
America's Thutsenberg Forest.
The Romans had their defeat.
They thought they could win every war,
and then the Germans destroyed them.
They never went north into the Rhine after that one.
Hey, if you were Julian Assange,
how would you be feeling right now if you knew about John McAfee?
Yeah, I'd be very nervous if I was
Julian Assange. That's what Edward Snowden said.
The second the news came out
it was confirmed that John McAfee had died
in a prison cell by suicide.
Edward Snowden said that Julian
Assange is next.
There's no justice in this life.
What's going to happen? Oh, the headline.
Julian Assange hung himself last night.
Story's over.
That's the truth.
That is the truth.
My question is, why is he still alive?
That's my real question.
Why is he still alive?
He has managed to extend his life.
I would say it's because he hasn't released everything yet.
I agree.
And that's what I'm thinking, too.
But John McAfee was going to release everything in his trial.
That's what I think was coming.
He never made it to his trial.
He didn't make it to his trial.
Will? Before we talk about the Biden administration's nominee for population control,
actually Bureau of Land Management, I think actually is the name of the job that she's going for.
We have Kerry's second headline segment.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
The Western Standard reporting that U.S. Senator Josh Hawley wants to put Canada on its freedom of religion watch list.
That's because Alberta has repeatedly arrested and jailed pastors for breaking COVID regulations. now in his letter to the u.s commission on international religious freedom
senator hawley pointed pointed out the june 14th arrest of pastor tim stevens
of calgary's fairview baptist church at his home in front of his wife and children
after being previously arrested in May. The other pastors arrested were Pastor James Coates and
Pastor Arthur Polowski. The Missouri senator wrote, I am troubled that our Canadian neighbors
are effectively being forced to gather in secret, undisclosed locations to
exercise their basic freedom to worship. He says, frankly, I would expect this sort of religious
crackdown in communist China, not in a prominent Western nation like Canada. Let me show you how
serious this is. You're about to see a graphic on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.
Now, the countries in dark blue are of particular concern, like China and Vietnam. In light blue,
Canada, if Senator Hawley has his way, could join special watch list countries like, listen to this,
Afghanistan, Iraq, Cuba, Indonesia, and Turkey. Wow. For more information
on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called Well, NPR says
a new study estimates that life expectancy in the U.S. decreased by nearly two years between 2018 and 2020.
They claim that's largely due to the pandemic.
In 2018, the average person in the U.S. lived to be about 79 years old.
The British Medical Journal says it declined to about 77 years by the end of 2020.
All right, stay with me here. Didn't Israel just reimpose its indoor mask mandate after a spike in new COVID cases?
And didn't the health ministry there also recommend masks be worn at crowded outdoor events?
OK, move along. Nothing to see here as Tel Aviv's gay pride parade gets going with tens of thousands of people taking part in
the event. Don't see a lot of mass anywhere there, do you? And it's expected to be the largest parade
of its kind held worldwide since the outbreak of COVID. Last year's event was canceled due to the
pandemic. Friday's festivities included six party trucks, dancers, DJs, and a party after the parade.
And what's up with the reports of birds going blind and dying in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and even D.C.?
We get more on this happening in the Buckeye State from Channel 10 WBNS. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife has been receiving multiple calls and reports of sick and dead birds across central Ohio.
You may have seen some in your yard.
The illnesses have been spotted mostly among blue jays, European starlings and the morning doves.
Gary Comber of ODNR's Division of Wildlife saying the combination of symptoms in these sick birds are something he's never seen before. Neck bends or floppy neck, not clear in the eyes, which is conjunctivitis,
kind of a blindness, that kind of thing. We're assuming that it's probably viral,
but we don't know that for a fact.
Comber says that while they don't know the exact cause of the sickness of the birds,
he says he's quite hopeful they'll have an answer soon.
In the meantime, he recommends that if you have a bird feeder,
you should probably take it down or at least clean it out
to help limit the potential spread of this unknown disease.
Yeah, the Washington Post says a mysterious cause is leaving blue jays,
grackles and other wild birds struggling to walk and they are dying in Washington, D.C.
Online, some people had theorized that folks were spraying cicadas with pesticides and that might be causing the problem, but it looks like scientists don't have a clue of what's killing all these birds.
Well, that's a look at True News headlines.
Now let's get back to the Godcast.
Here's Rick, Edward, and Doc.
Mickey Carey?
I don't know what was the most odd thing in that news report,
the dead birds or the anchorman.
He didn't look human to me.
I don't mean to be rude to the man, but visually he didn't look real.
At the beginning of that report there, it looked like a robot.
It looked like a digital.
Did you have the same thought?
It was digital.
It was digital.
The Chinese have demonstrated they have an AI news reporter.
Remember, this is technology that's been out for a couple years.
How would we ever know?
How would you know?
I don't want to say something like that if the man's truly human.
I mean, we all know bad lighting.
There you go.
Look at that.
Look at his hairline.
He just doesn't look human.
I mean, either he's got some...
Incredibly well-groomed or he's an animatronic figure or a good virtual reality construction.
The face actually looks like it was put on a head.
That's what it looks like.
And so...
Sorry, sir.
I mean, you know, you should talk to your producer about the lighting in the studio.
But the dead birds, any idea?
Any suggestion?
Well, that was a thought of mine, 5G.
Maybe they're eating packets of Chinese bird seed that's showing up.
You know, remember the mysterious mysterious seeds that every sign of ship
What was in the seeds we still don't know maybe the birds are eating it, right?
Maybe it's growing now and the birds are eating the seeds
fruit I
What's killing them? I?
Mean what causes a bird to go?
I think I think it might be something in the water. And I have to now wonder, for example, most Americans are taking in quite a lot of experimental substance right now.
One's getting vaccinated and then shedding into the water supply.
I have to wonder if the birds might be drinking from that same polluted source.
Oh, you just touched on something. All the vaccinated people in this country urinating,
and the urine is being taken into the water supply.
I hadn't thought of it.
You just touched something I hadn't thought of.
It was when you spoke about the direct impact of abortion
that made me think on this subject,
because when we murder all these children in this country, where do you think the blood goes?
You know, the abortionists, they put it down the sink, but where does that blood go?
In the groundwater.
In the groundwater.
And then guess what?
And our land is saturated, the soil is saturated with blood of innocent babies.
And God brings judgment because the voice is crying out to God.
And, of course, we've talked about that on the God cast in the past.
Really, in America, our very ground is saturated with the blood of millions.
The Bible says in Genesis that the land has a mouth and the blood has a voice.
And it cries out.
For justice.
And if Abel's voice can cry out from the ground surely millions of aborted babies can cry out as well
Hey, speaking of the land and and people that want to reduce the human population on the planet
Bill Gates is those kind of people. Okay, by the way
Did you notice this week Bill Gates and?
Warren Buffett both resigned from the Bill Gates Foundation?
And Buffett transferred billions of dollars to the foundation.
What's the payoff here to Mrs. Gates?
She's taking control of the foundation.
What does she have on her?
I thought about that.
She's taking control of the foundation. What does she have on Bill? I haven't thought about that. She's taking control of the foundation.
Bill and Warren left, and Warren said, and here's a couple more billion dollars.
So you think it's an off-the-book settlement with her?
I hadn't even considered that possibility, but that makes perfect sense.
She got control of the foundation, and she got extra money.
And it didn't come from bill it came from
his his master right so he called up warren said hey i'm in a bind here four billion it's about
everything's about ready to fall apart here and then you get the story that hillary's going to
dump bill finally she 250 million dollar settlement because she wants to get away from Bill Clinton before the Jeffrey Epstein stories come out.
Elaine Maxwell being a little too chummy.
Maybe have a sexual relationship with Bill.
I don't want anything to happen to her.
But why hasn't she committed suicide?
I hope she doesn't.
But I mean.
I think she's negotiating.
I think that's what's kept her alive.
I think she's negotiating. I think that's what's kept her alive. I think she's negotiating.
And maybe the plan is for her not to release anything during the Biden administration,
keep everything quiet, because Joe Biden has kept himself out of this Epstein scandal.
He's got his own family issues, clearly, but he's not tied into the Epstein scandal.
But Bill is.
Bill Clinton is But Bill is. Bill Clinton is.
Bill is.
We're going to talk about Hillary.
It keeps the Clintons at bay. It does keep the Clintons at bay.
If you think you're Joe Biden or Barack Obama, maybe that's what's keeping her alive.
She's the chip that stops Hillary Clinton from running again.
Possible. But we're going to talk about Hillary again in just a few minutes.
Oh, yes.
But we'll go back to population reduction.
Are there such people in the world in power who want to kill off a sizable portion of
Well, it's funny you should mention that, Rick, because President Biden's current nominee
for the Bureau of Land Management, which ought to be retitled the Bureau of Population Management.
Okay. She has argued back in her doctoral thesis, her graduate thesis for the reduction of the
world's population, that the reason why the environment is completely falling apart is
because of, you guessed it, people. And she's being put in power in Washington
to manage land that our ranchers should be using.
Oh, yes, and she's actually against that.
She thinks that that's destroying the West.
She said this about two decades ago now.
She said that any use of the land,
specifically for grazing, is destroying the West,
and the 155 million acres of public lands need to be returned.
And you need to charge.
You need to charge the farmers.
Yeah, it ought to be returned to the people.
Out of the hands of Washington.
I agree with that.
Why does Washington have control?
Do you ever look at maps of the western states?
And see how much?
And see how the percentage of
the land mass is controlled by the federal government? The actual states have minuscule
control of their own states.
And Rick, if you ever get an opportunity to do that map and an overlay of the top ten
land owners in the United States and put that right with it, it will absolutely shock you.
Oh, yes.
So it will, it's done you.
Tracy Stone Manning is the nominee for the Bureau of Population Management, oh, excuse
me, Land Management.
And in her graduate thesis, one of the things she did, if we can put the still back up on
the screen, you really can't see it on the full screen here, but she, as part of her graduate thesis, she produced an ad
that was placed in magazines and different parts of them.
And this particular ad shows a small child and it asks the question, can you find the
environmental hazard in this photo?
Oh, right there to the right.
To the right.
Well, yeah. To the right. Over here. Not the shirtless baby. there to the right. To the right. Yeah, to the right.
Not the shirtless baby.
That's that child to the right.
For her, it's the child.
That a small American baby was an environmental hazard, Rick.
People are environmental hazards. This is the proof how insane the political left is.
You don't think they wouldn't collude with the Chinese to wipe out a sizable portion of the population using a biological agent?
These people are insane.
And they keep making the argument about overpopulation.
Rick, there is not an overpopulation issue at all. What the left should do is commit suicide.
If you really believe there are too many people, kill yourself and get out of here. They have to reduce you first. But for
some reason in their world, they live and we die. Right. I'll give you an example. There's plenty of
room in the world. In the United States alone, we have two billion acres, two billion
acres of usable land. That's not counting forests, lakes, anything else. Two billion
acres. All right, say there's eight billion people in the world. You could put the entire
population of the world inside the borders of the United States, continental United States,
and you would still have four people to an acre. And the rest of the world could be vacant.
There is no population problem.
There's plenty of land for everybody.
Doc is absolutely right.
You could fit the entire world's population in Jacksonville.
I saw the paper on it. It's true.
You won't have much space.
But I'm saying the entire world's population right now,
7 billion people could fit in Jacksonville.
But there's just too many idiots in a world.
I agree with that.
And they're running the place.
That's the scary part.
One last thing on Miss Stone Manning. She speaks
like a communist. In that advert, it wasn't obvious
she's ready for population control. She's for the same
one-child policy that China had. She said, when we
overpopulate, the earth notices it more.
You know, from the earth is like a person.
Stop it too.
It could be the best thing you do for the planet.
And yet they continue to over, they continue to overpopulate.
How many brothers and sisters does she have?
I don't know.
I'm just wondering.
And does she have any children?
But they, This is just
another piece of evidence
that the political left wants to
billions of
If they could ever do it,
they would murder billions.
They give us clues every day.
Sometimes they're really obvious clues, like our president
saying he's going to use nukes against millions of Americans.
But really, the policies, it's anti-human.
Well, in the past year, the United States' life expectancy has had the biggest drop since World War II.
That's right.
Something's working, isn't it?
Well, either the bioweapon attack from China or the bioweapon response with the vaccines, so-called vaccines.
Yes. And the vaccine is the greatest threat to the human race right now.
Let's get back to cable that Hillary Clinton warned France research at
Wuhan lab may lead to bioterrorism.
So France was doing research too?
They actually worked to create the Wuhan bioweapons lab.
You mean to build it?
Build it.
And they trained technicians.
We found this today. They trained them in Lyon. The overwhelming majority of the technicians that worked at Wuhan when it was first started were trained in Lyon, France.
We call them mad scientists. The mad scientists.
Why isn't President Macron being questioned about Francis Rowe in the pandemic?
He is now. I think this is one of those stories that is going to now lead back to Macron.
Now, Hillary Clinton, her State Department emails and the cables during her tenure were leaked through WikiLeaks. Now, this is back in 2009, 2010. There is a cable from 2009
that spoke about the bioweapons lab in Wuhan. Now, there was a meeting that was coming up in
September 21st, 25th, 2009, and it's called the Australia Group. Now there was a meeting that was coming up in September 21st,
25th, 2009, and it's called the Australia Group. Now the Australia Group, Rick, is specifically
a group of Western nations, the top ones, the Five Eyes, G7. These countries are coming together to
talk about the dangers of biological warfare. Now Hillary Clinton in her talking points, and that's
what they were called. I'm going to read now from the specific emails, the cables that and intangible technology transfer perspectives.
Now, they went on to note that we believe it is important to focus on emerging chemical and biological technologies.
This is a reference to Wuhan. We are particularly interested to know how China
plans to vet incoming foreign
researchers from countries of
biological weapons proliferation
concern. Translation,
we don't know exactly how
you're going to keep this laboratory
safe. And this
cable work also noted they fear
there were going to be leaks.
This lab was not going to be able to keep whatever they were creating inside from getting out.
This is 2009.
So these were the talking points of the U.S. State Department for private communication with the French government.
And not just the State Department, Hillary Clinton.
So Hillary knew in 2009 that biological weapons were being developed in Wuhan.
She knew that France was building a level four component of the laboratory.
And obviously Hillary Clinton knew that Dr. Fauci was involved through the NIH.
Oh, certainly would have had to have known.
Because again, this happened under the Obama administration, at least starting here.
Rick, there's one last part of this that's important.
Great Game India is detailing that when France told the Chinese, this is the blueprint.
This is how you should build it, we'll help you build it,
here are technicians and trainees and engineers, the Chinese deviated from this plan.
And what they did is, instead of having the facility, and this would have been much more secure,
having all bio-waste, any kind of materials, and this wasn't supposed to be a bio-weapons lab,
it was just supposed to be a lab officially, go toward the center
and then be disposed of. They
changed the blueprint, adding
the military biological weapon
research labs
and facilities, which
made that lab something
that was vulnerable to leaks.
And according to Great Gain India, this
was the beginning of ultimately,
if we're going to go with the leak theory or we go with something much more in the far east, the Chinese did this intentionally.
This is what left that lab vulnerable.
And we helped fund it, both through the DoD and EcoHealth Alliance from Fauci.
Every week that goes by, we discover another layer of deception.
We might as well become the FBI.
What is the FBI doing?
So now France was involved,
and Hillary Clinton knew about what was happening in Wuhan.
And she didn't say anything about it.
She hasn't said beans through the whole pandemic.
She didn't say, hey, I knew all about this.
I was worried about it.
I was worried about it way back in 2009.
I talked to France about it. She would have been a hero, right?
If she's been this quiet, she's got fingerprints that are going to lead somewhere.
Of course. Maybe she had a deposit in her drop box, her private drop box.
Well, she certainly doesn't want to incriminate Dr. Fauci. We've been talking about breakthrough infections.
Sorry, that's the politically correct name
for people who get fully vaccinated
and then catch COVID.
That's not supposed to happen, right?
And so the way the media and the science community,
the pharmaceutical science, the alchemy group, the way that they explain it
is how could you be fully vaccinated
and yet you got COVID?
How does that work?
It's not breakthrough, it's broke.
So they came up with a term, breakthrough.
Breakthrough, it's a rare occurrence.
It just happens a few times
where the virus sneaks around and it finds a way to break
through that impenetrable Pfizer vaccine, that wall that Pfizer has put there in that sneaky,
no good virus, just works its way around and finds the tiniest little hole and breaks through
and makes you sick with COVID. That's what they want you to believe. That's what they want you to believe. No, you put the stinking virus in your body.
That's how you got sick. You put the virus in your body.
Hey, Rick, let me ask you something. If you had your children vaccinated for, let's say, mumps,
okay, all right, and then you start hearing reports that kids were say, mumps. Okay. All right. And then you start hearing reports
that kids were getting the mumps.
Who were vaccinated.
And you're like going, wait a minute here.
Wasn't the vaccine supposed to stop the mumps?
And the doctor said, oh, that was a breakthrough mump there.
It snuck through.
But then you started hearing reports of other parents
whose children had the mumps.
And the only thing that was common with them was they also had the vaccine.
It doesn't take a really smart detective to figure things out.
That's right. That's right. And I think that number, by the way, is is much lower than is actually being reported.
And the other number that's extremely low are the people
who have died after being vaccinated. All right. That number is being suppressed. I mean, last year
they inflated the deaths to make it worse than it was. And now they're deflating the number of deaths from vaccination. They're not reporting it.
And simply, a lot of people,
you know, family members,
you know, grandma gets vaccinated, two weeks later she's dead.
They're not calling anybody saying, hey, I'm blaming the vaccine.
That doesn't get reported.
It just gets reported.
Grandma was old.
She died.
Things happen, Rick.
And there's a pressure already, Rick, not to say anything because you don't be called a conspiracy theorist.
You don't be called a vaccine denier.
And the medical community doesn't want to say, well, I think I think grandma died from the vaccine because the medical community just wants to stay in good standing with the pharmaceutical industry,
which gives them a lot of perks like trips
and all those things that doctors get
from pharmaceutical companies.
So they don't report these deaths.
I personally know of deaths. We never report it. Well, in this very
article, if we can put the still back up, in this very article, it says
the CDC doesn't count every breakthrough case.
It stopped counting all breakthrough cases in May 1st.
And now only tallies those that lead to hospitalization or death.
Oh, that's right. That or death. I remember us covering this.
That's right.
That's right.
They changed the parameters and said, to be more accurate, we're going to stop covering any of this.
We're not going to record cases.
We'll just say that this is in a separate category now.
But you won't even see the category.
It might be 8,000, 10,000.
We don't know.
They just stopped counting.
And that's what they do when they don't want you to know the real number. I am persuaded that my own infection with COVID and this COVID bomb that we had here,
I believe that we came in contact with a fully vaccinated person who was shedding a virus.
That's my belief.
I mean, the more cynical explanation, which a lot of people have emailed me and said, Rick, you were the target.
I mean, I'm pretty hard on the Chinese communists.
And it's possible.
But I think more likely is I came in close proximity to a fully vaccinated person who was shedding a variant virus and possibly somebody
who came into this building and met you, met our other employees, met, you know, I mean,
we have people coming in and out. You know, you've got vendors, you have various people
that bring in supplies. There's always somebody coming
through the door. Rick, the thing that boggles me, I think most people in society, they understand
the common sense. If you are sick, you stay home. You don't go out into the mall. You definitely
don't come into the True News studio, shake everyone's hand, hug babies, kiss people,
anything, because you're sick. You're contagious, potentially. You could spread what's hurting you.
Why aren't people treating
the vaccination like that?
Because they don't know. You're taking
something experimental into you. There's no testing on this.
You're the guinea pig.
But the non-vaccine. The un-vaccine.
The un-vaccinated people
aren't aware that they could get infected
by the vaccinated.
Because they're not wearing masks anymore because they're vaccinated, right?
They're completely safe.
Well, the masks aren't doing anything.
They were completely worthless to start with in the beginning.
The box even says so.
It's the only truth Fauci has told in the last 20 years.
And then he turned that into a lie.
But the vaccinated people, I don't know what the time frame is,
hours, days, I don't know how long they shed that virus. Two weeks. Who knows?
But they are the most dangerous people to be around right now.
The typhoid Tonys. I mean, I've told people who've said, you know, I want to keep my distance.
I got vaccinated. Well, keep your distance from me. Have you been vaccinated?
I don't want to be around vaccinated people. They're dangerous. Look at what the scientists have
told us. The European scientists months ago said there's going to be an explosion of coronavirus
in the summer because of the vaccines. And summer started this week, Rick. It sure did.
And so what do we have now?
We have, oh, Delta.
The Delta virus.
The Delta variant. And if that's not enough to scare you, got a Delta Plus.
Seriously, folks.
They got the Delta variant and the Delta Plus.
I guess the Delta Platinum is coming.
Delta Gold.
I mean, it's anything to scare you.
Now, how about this?
The vaccines are spreading the virus.
That's what's happening.
If there is a Delta variant, It's coming from the vaccines. My question to the vaccinated and the authoritarian, those who are pushing this mass vaccination campaign.
Aren't you safe? You've gotten vaccinated.
You're worried about all the unvaccinated people who aren't sick.
Yet you're willing to come in contact with us.
But you're telling us you got to get vaccinated.
Edward, you got to get vaccinated, Rick, or we're never going to end the wave, the endless wave. Rick, by the time this ends,
we're going to have 17 waves. They're going to run out of Greek letters and Latin names to name
these waves. You got Gammon. What else is out there? Anything to scare you? Well, there's an
epsilon variant out there now too. So they've moved to the next letter.
Anything to frighten
you into being vaccinated.
See, the vaccinations have stopped in the
United States. They've run out of
to fool.
Now the other half of the country says,
no thanks, I'm not doing this.
So what are we going to do?
We're going to scare you.
We're going to scare you with a more powerful, we're going to tell you there's something out
there even worse. Anything to get people, but if there is another variant out there,
it's coming from the vaccinated people. Let's jump down to number 21. Dr. Fauci. This is from the New York Post.
Fauci fault Trump order to cancel the research grant linked to Wuhan lab.
So there are claims now and a series of books work that are coming out on the days of the Trump administration.
And one of the claims is that the reason the funding wasn't stopped,
and this is actually during
President Trump's administration
and during the pandemic,
was because Dr. Fauci talked him out of it.
Talked him into saying,
well, you're not really funding this lab, sir.
This isn't that dangerous.
It's necessary for us to respond.
Dr. Fauci ran interference,
if we are to again believe this
report. It makes sense that the book is called Nightmare Scenario, Inside the Trump Administration's
Response to the Pandemic that Changed History. But I'll tell you what, forget all these books
about President Trump. There should be books about what was happening in the NIH. Yes. The story of the century is that that man on the right gave U.S. tax dollars through
his friend Peter Daszak to the Wuhan Bioweapons Lab, a military lab.
Who protects Fauci?
Who protects him?
Who props him up?
I mean, Donald Trump, Mr. Trump, you appointed Fauci and you kept him.
And, Mr. Trump, you are the father of the vaccines by your own admission.
You want them called the Trump scenes.
You take full credit for the vaccines, Fauci's vaccines.
So Mr. Trump's not innocent in all this.
But who protected Fauci?
Well, one of them was Dr. Francis Collins. This report
claims that when the White House, this is in April,
said cut it off. We want to know more about why this even happened, but cut it off
right now. Dr. Fauci and Collins got together and said
we can't let this happen and let's tell them we don't have the authority to do it.
That was their response according to the book, that we don't have the authority to do it. Right. That was their response, according to the book, that we don't have the authority to cut it
off. You get the authority to authorize it, but you don't have the authority to cut it off. Right.
And the reasoning they gave was a budget reason. All right. They said, well, because we're in the
middle of a budget cycle and the money is being cycled through it right now, we can't stop that.
You know what they called it? That was really, honestly, the excuse they gave.
But to his credit, President Trump did stop it.
But President Biden restarted it.
Beijing Biden restarted it.
Yes, he did.
At an even higher level.
And technically, in the Trump administration, they just temporarily stopped the funding.
The grant itself was not canceled.
It was still active.
The grant remained in place.
The only thing they were waiting for was a restoration of the funding to kick back in.
So, listen, people criticize us because of our criticism of the Trump administration.
This is a legitimate criticism. President Trump had the authority to, if he wanted to, send federal
marshals over to the National Institutes of Health and say, we're locking the doors until this gets
resolved. That's right. We're in a state of emergency. There's a pandemic in the country
and the NIH has contributed to it. Right. And we're
still contributing to it. The next one I think is really more damaging to Fauci. This is Wall
Street Journal from a couple of days ago. Chinese COVID-19 gene data that could have aided the
pandemic research was removed from the National Institute of Health database.
Wait a minute.
Why do we see these stories repeat over and over again?
Who had the power to remove data from the NIH database?
Well, the man we were just speaking to.
That would implicate China.
Dr. Fauci would be the top of the list.
What we're finding out, Rick, is that, first of all, who has the power to order the NIH to delete something from their database?
The first thing the Wall Street Journalists figured out, and they got a confirmation list from the NIH,
Chinese researchers can tell our government agency, just purge your database of anything related to COVID.
That's what they did.
And the acquiescent of this, the compromise came from an executive level in that agency.
If it wasn't Dr. Francis Collins, I have to wonder if Dr. Fauci once again was playing interference,
like he did in 2014, Rick, when he got a waiver for the United States to fund that frankincense research.
Apprehend Fauci and take him to a secure site and interrogate him.
Listen to this, Rick.
It says the NIH confirmed that it deleted the sequences after receiving a request
from a Chinese researcher who had submitted them three months earlier.
And they said, quote, submitting investigators hold the rights to their data and can request withdrawal of the data.
We're in a state of emergency at this point.
That we're in supposedly a pandemic, right?
But independent researchers can remove data.
From another government's database.
About the virus that we're under.
We're in a lockdown over. So how much control
does China have over? Well,
obviously enough control to tell the
national U.S. National Institutes of
Health, purge your data
of the information we gave you.
That's how much
power they have. That's how deeply embedded
they are in the U.S. government.
And it's just a blip on the radar for
people here. Did anybody, was anybody able to bring back the data?
There was a virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle,
Jesse Bloom, that was able to find the data.
And we've been able to confirm now that what was deleted were virus samples
collected in Wuhan in January and February of 2020.
This is specifically for patients who were hospitalized with basically suspected symptoms of COVID-19.
I believe these were original victims, although we've seen plenty of stories that date back
that there were victims in 2019, in the fall.
That's true. Hey, let's jump down to 29.
I know we're running out of time.
JPMorgan Chase has strongly urged all of its U.S.
employees to get vaccinated ahead of office return.
I think it was a Goldman Sachs that just flat out said you have to be vaccinated.
One of the big banks. JPMorgan isn't just strongly urging that. The headline is kind of misleading there. Was it Goldman Sachs that just flat out said you have to be vaccinated?
One of the big banks.
J.P. Morgan isn't just strongly.
The headline is kind of misleading there.
It's actually now requiring all U.S. workers. Okay, so it is J.P. Morgan.
Yes, it is now requiring all U.S. workers to log their vaccination status in a software portal by the end of this month.
Is it J.P. Morgan that says if you're not vaccinated, you have to, or is that, no, that's the next one we're going to.
I know what I'm thinking about.
So we're seeing now with Wall Street, a lot of the workers don't want to come back to the office.
And the banks and financial houses on Wall Street are now saying you have to return and you have to return vaccinated.
It was Morgan Stanley.
Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley.
Morgan Stanley.
But here's the next one we want you to see.
The big power company here in Florida is Florida Power and Electric.
Florida Power and Light.
They are requiring unvaccinated employees to take two COVID tests per week if they refuse to be vaccinated.
That's nonsensical. Unvaccinated people aren't sick, first of all.
Doesn't mean we're extra exposed, although we are starting to wonder because all these other vaccinated people around us.
But this report is claiming that FPL is having their employees double test, double test.
Two per week.
Two per week.
And is that going into the national numbers for negative tests?
Well, I don't know.
The fact that an employer is telling people, telling their employees, either be vaccinated
or you're going to be harassed as long as you work here.
We're going to make your life miserable.
You have to take time out of your day.
You have to go down.
You have to get the Q-tips stuck up your nose.
Then you have to wait until you get your results.
The stress of waiting is the worst.
I'll tell you.
I don't know if you've experienced it.
Twice a week.
Twice a week you've got to do this.
We actually have a copy of the Florida Power and Light memo to the employees just to prove that this is real.
Right. So it says beginning Tuesday, June 15th, employees who are not fully vaccinated will be required to participate in the new Benix Now COVID-19 antigen self-test protocol where you will now self-perform the BenixNow antigen testing twice per calendar week
and self-report your results on the same day you perform the testing. Bargaining unit employees,
union employees, will be able to self-test during working hours, the union guys get that,
and are not required to take the test at home during non-working hours. So if you're not union,
you have to do it at home, Rick. For those who have been participating in the current ongoing or storm COVID-19 testing protocol, you will now transition
to this new antigen testing protocol. And so these are all self-tests and you have to report the
self-test twice a week. Just a big hassle. You have to do it on your own time if you're a non-union employee.
And so this is the beginning where the corporations will now,
I mean, every major corporation will likely start requiring self-testing.
This opens the door for it.
I find it shocking that it's happening here in Florida.
And so the walking a thin line where Florida Power is not saying,
be vaccinated or lose your job.
They're saying be vaccinated or be tested twice a week.
You can work here unvaccinated, but life is going to be miserable for you.
That's how they're walking the lines legally,
so they can avoid lawsuits from employees.
Now, this becomes the standard.
Or are you going to have the vaccinated work section
and the unvaccinated work section?
Are we going to have water fountains for vaccinated people,
water fountains for unvaccinated, restrooms for vaccinated people, restrooms for unvaccinated people.
Is this the new segregation that we're going into?
Oh, absolutely. This is the jab crow laws that we spoke about.
It's the truth. I mean, you look at this, Rick.
First of all, FPL, we rely on these workers, these essential workers, that's the truth
during hurricane season here, to fix our power lines, to come into our homes at times.
You know, this is an initiative that is going to force many of them to get vaccinated.
Let's be honest.
Most of them will say, you know what, I don't want to do what I've taken.
But if you don't have insurance or good insurance, by the way, that's very expensive.
You have to take two tests per week.
They're going to get vaccinated. Then you're now going to have FPL workers
walking around neighborhoods, engaged in people's homes, going around businesses,
and as Rick noted, potentially shedding their protection on everyone else around them.
So when a hurricane comes to Florida, which is likely at some point in the next couple of years,
we'll probably have a hurricane. So we're going to have all the FPL workers are going to be wearing masks out there
and everything. Is that really what's going to be happening? Apparently so. Are we really crazy?
Are we absolutely insane? When do they start cutting off service customers who are not
vaccinated? Well, Rick, they talked about doing that during the lockdowns.
Remember, they talked about cutting off power to people who were not agreeing to the lockdowns,
leaving their homes and whatnot.
Rick, it's just a matter of time, I think, if, again, the governments themselves aren't put back in check.
They don't know what to do with all these people who are saying,
thank you very much, but I don't want your vaccine.
Because in this country, it's about one half of the population.
They don't know what to do.
They're running out of tricks.
So now we begin to apply pain.
But do you remember Bill Gates's,
remember the list of like seven ways to persuade people to get vaccinated?
Remember they had seven,
like you could divide people up
into like seven or nine categories.
Some could be fooled.
Some could be gently persuaded.
So, you know, some could be reasoned with you and then there was apply the pain
All right
You know the people you can you can make you just have to push people over by taking away
Their their freedom their benefits their rights, you know, and right this is where we're at right now. Corporate America is who is driving the vaccination.
And Rick, we talked about a society set aside,
tier system society.
The British, Kerry actually mentioned this in his headlines,
they already have a strategy for this.
If you're part of the elite, it does not apply to you.
You're exempt.
You're VIP.
The virus knows how important you are.
It's not going to hurt you, no matter how many plus pluses and gammas and deltas you add to it.
Hey, another subject. but you know what it's worth is reporting today that the
Grand jury in Manhattan is expected to deliver an indictment
Against Allen Weisselberg who was President Trump's chief financial officer Trump organization in the next
few weeks, oh wow, so
That would be the process moving towards indicting President Trump.
And that's over his taxes that Cyrus Vance, the Manhattan DA, got his hands on somehow.
Remember the uproar when somebody at the IRS leaked Jeff Bezos' taxes and showed that he didn't pay any taxes and George Soros wasn't paying taxes and Elon Musk and and and the Biden administration has launched a criminal investigation into who
leaked these taxes right well has anybody started an investigation of who leaked
President Trump's taxes to the New York Times oh Oh, they don't need to know that. They already know.
That wasn't criminal.
But leaking Elon Musk's
taxes, that's criminal.
Or his lack of taxes. Well, anyhow.
It's a
corrupt system.
But my Lord's kingdom is not
corrupt. No, it's not. It's perfect.
No sin in the kingdom of God.
The streets are paved with gold.
Nothing but justice.
Because our God is a just God.
There's no sin.
There's no corruption.
My heart is fixed on New Jerusalem.
That's where I'm going to spend eternity living under a just
king i don't have to vote why would i want to vote in the kingdom of god i don't have to elect
anybody it's a true eternal term yes i have a king right now i have a king today i don't have
to wait and die to have a king i have a a king right now. My loyalty is to King Jesus.
He's ruling and reigning this very day from his throne in heaven.
He is my king today.
All this other stuff, these people belong to Satan.
They're just like their daddy.
They're liars.
They're deceivers.
They're cheats.
They're immoral.
They're just like their father.
Why are we surprised that they're so dishonest?
Their father is the devil.
They're acting like their daddy.
Like son.
The church is supposed to act like our daddy.
So who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy?
That's the question.
That's the big question for eternity. Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? That's the question. That's the big question
for eternity. Who's your daddy? Okay. Make sure you have the right daddy. Make sure he's the
almighty God, the creator of the universe. And it's easy to do. You just say, I want out of Satan's
dirty, filthy, no good lions, cheating kingdom. I want out.
You know, there was a day many, many years ago,
I wanted out.
Me too.
I didn't want to live that way anymore.
And I was only 24 years old.
I wanted out.
I could see this is going nowhere.
You might be 44 years old or 64.
It doesn't matter.
You might be 80.
Get out.
Get out of Satan's kingdom and come over to the right side.
Your heavenly father is your real father.
Satan is an imposter.
He's a liar.
He's an imposter.
He's cruel.
He's nasty. He's nasty.
He's just going to beat the life out of you until he kills you.
Your Heavenly Father loves you, and he's waiting on you to come home.
He's not going to yell at you.
He's not going to bring up everything you did wrong.
When he sees you coming home, he's going to run to you.
He's going to run with his arms wide open and smiling and saying,
come here, let me hug you, let me kiss you.
Get that fatherly kiss on your cheek.
Let him give you that fatherly kiss on your cheek that says,
I'm a tenderhearted father who
loves you dearly. Run to your heavenly father and embrace him. He's not going to bring up
all your sins and mistakes. He's going to say, I forget about it. I wipe it all away.
It doesn't exist anymore. I got you home. I got you back with me." That's what he desires. He knows when he lost you.
He knows the day he lost you.
He wants you back.
He desires you to come back.
And all you have to do is run to him.
And he'll run faster to you than you're running to him.
He does, doesn't he, Doc?
That's right.
He'll run faster to you than you're running to him because he's so eager to get you back. All you have to say is, HE DOES THEN HE DUCK. THAT'S RIGHT. HE'LL RUN FASTER TO YOU THAN YOU'RE RUNNING TO HIM BECAUSE HE'S SO EAGER TO GET YOU BACK.
YOUR NAME IS GOING TO BE WRITTEN IN THE LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE. name to forgive me, to save me. Your name is going to be written in the Lamb's book of life.
And then what you got to do after this, go find a pastor to baptize you in water in the name of
the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. You're in. You're in. You're in the kingdom. You throw away
that old passport to Satan's kingdom. Throw it away. Renounce Satan. Renounce him. Throw that passport away.
You got a brand new passport.
You are a new citizen, a new creation.
And you're now a citizen of the kingdom of heaven.
And there ain't nobody and nothing in this whole world
that can take you out of God's hand.
Once you have committed yourself to him,
nobody except yourself.
Why would you do that?
Who would leave the love of Almighty God?
I can't even think of anybody like that.
Nobody else is going to get you.
Satan can't get you back.
Jesus Christ will hold you with his hand and he will not release you to Satan again. You will be home. Okay.
And when you take your last breath, you're going to go into the presence of the Lord or you're
alive. When Christ comes back either way, you're in the presence of the Lord and you have eternal
security, eternal peace, eternal life.
That's what's offered to you through Jesus Christ.
Don't worry about what Satan's doing.
He's a madman, and he's got a whole world of people buying into his stuff.
Believe on the name of Jesus Christ.
I can't wait to hug our daddy, our Holy Father. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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