TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - White House: Iran Ready to Attack Israel Any Hour
Episode Date: October 1, 2024Rick Wiles shares the spiritual insights he received during a week of personal prayer and reflection. Rick discusses the importance of taking time to rest and seek God's guidance, offering a glimpse i...nto the revelations he believes were shown to him regarding global events, future conflicts, and the path ahead for his ministry. He encourages viewers to be spiritually and physically prepared for challenging times while revealing select parts of his vision for the future.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/01/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands.
I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III,
and the U.S. is very unstable.
I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times.
There are two things we need, food and water. That's
why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken
and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase
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My family's security is
critical to me. Something big
is coming. Procrastination could
be costly. Act today before
a crisis suddenly appears.
Be ready. Be wise.
Go to CNN reported today that the White House said the United States government believes Iran
is preparing an imminent ballistic missile attack
against Israel. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Tuesday, October 1st, 2024. Let's begin
our analysis and commentary of World War III news by examining this CNN report, World War III will be the theme throughout today's True News.
White House believes Iran is preparing imminent ballistic missile attack against Israel.
This is what CNN reported just a few hours ago.
And they said that the United States, and this is a quote from a senior White House official, quote, the United States has
indications that Iran is preparing to imminently launch a ballistic missile attack against Israel.
We are actively supporting defensive preparations to defend Israel against this attack. a direct attack from Iran against Israel will carry severe consequences for Iran.
Now, numerous news outlets are reporting this today. The next one is New York Times. They have
a little bit more information, and the information has been dribbling in, in recent hours.
New York Times.
Now, this is a Times of Israel headline quoting a New York Times report because the information in the New York Times was in a blog.
All right.
So this is, you know, all late breaking information.
Iranian attack expected within hours.
So, Doc, we're talking most likely today. We'll target air bases,
Israeli intelligence headquarters with drones and missiles. The New York Times quotes three Israeli officials saying the anticipated Iranian attack will include drones and missiles,
as well as a U.S. official anticipating ballistic missiles. It says the attack is expected in the coming hours.
When Iran, now again, this is New York Times of Israel.
When Iran attacked Israel in April, ballistic missiles were calculated to take 12 minutes to reach Israel from Iran,
cruise missiles to take two hours, and drones some nine hours to reach their target.
The three Israeli officials quoted anonymously by the Times said that Iran would likely target
three military bases and an intelligence headquarters north of Tel Aviv, which it said
has been evacuated. The Times of Israel said when all-out war was averted in April,
the Times cited diplomats and experts saying full-scale war is more likely now,
with Israel expected to strike back hard after any new Iranian attack.
I've got some video showing you what's in the arsenal of Iran as far as ballistic missiles.
So the first one is launching from a mobile carrier.
These are the BMX missiles, ballistic and X-range, as they call it, missiles.
These are the ones that could arrive in Israel in 12 minutes.
These are the same missiles that they've been exporting to Russia as well.
And the next video is going to show these ballistic missiles being launched from
a ship. Yes.
Out in the Red Sea.
And once again, these ballistic missiles have a strike time of about 12 minutes, 12 to 20 minutes,
depending on how far that they are away from their particular target.
Doc, there could be an all-out war before you and I finish this program.
Oh, very well.
That's how close this is right now.
By the way, that ship that they have out there is made to look like a container ship.
So it's disguised in that way.
And with the Red Sea, the sea is full of container ships.
That's right.
You would never know which ship had missiles inside of it.
And you could hide ballistic missiles among containers, too.
Which we need to keep in mind for the future, too.
There's a lot of container ships in the world.
Do you remember years ago, Doc?
It's been a long time ago.
Let's see.
I'm trying to remember.
Probably back 2008 or 2009 is when Russia began selling.
What did they call it?
Club 4?
Oh, I remember that story.
I forget the name of it.
I'll have to look that up.
The Russians are the ones who came out with this, invented this missile inside a shipping container.
And I remember saying, you know, back in 2008 or 9, folks, a war
is going to change. Because you'll never know which ship is transporting missiles. It could
be right in your own harbor, in your country. You could have ships in the Baltimore Harbor
in San Diego. And they're loaded with missiles.
You wouldn't even know it.
So keep that in mind.
Jerusalem post-Iran preparing to launch attack on Israel.
What I wanted to see here is a quote from Israeli IDF Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari.
He said, quote, we are actively supporting defensive preparations to defend Israel against this attack.
And he reaffirmed the IDF's high state of preparedness and that it was ready and willing to respond to any and all attacks from Iran.
He goes on to say, following developments in Iran, we are in a state of high preparedness.
IDF is prepared and ready both on the offensive and defensive front.
There will be consequences if Iran attacks Israel.
Look at this.
Folks, look at this next line.
Our U.S. partners in CINCOM are ready alongside us.
We will know how to handle any attack.
That means the United States military will join Israel in attacking Iran.
That's why this is a big story today.
We're about to get into the war.
It's been held off for a number of months.
I'm talking about the war in the Middle East.
It's been held off for a number of months.
It looks like, Doc, it is going to happen most likely today if if this is if this is accurate
i'll i'll i'll say there there are four or five possible
options that could happen. Number one, first of all, Doc,
we don't know if Iran is planning
to attack Israel.
Who says?
That's right.
We don't.
Who's saying it?
The New York Times, CNN?
The Times of London,
the Times of Israel?
We're going on what they're saying.
So we don't even know
if Iran is planning to attack
Israel. That's right, Rick. We don't know.
This could be a massive
propaganda campaign. Now, look, I don't know
if that's true. I'm just saying that's one option.
That the world is being told
right now, Iran is getting
ready to hit Israel.
And at the end of that propaganda campaign would come
a preemptive strike by the United States and Israel against Iran. Based on we had
intelligence reports stating that they were minutes away from launching a devastating attack.
And we struck first.
And the public would go, well, that's what you had to do.
It would be like this, Dr.
It would take years to unwind that story if it ever got unwound.
Maybe 20 years from now, somebody would admit, oh, that wasn't true.
That was a ruse.
It would be like this.
You have an enemy in your community, uh you try you want to take this
guy down but publicly not going to look good and so you call the police and the newspaper and tv
stations and say that guy's got a gun not only does he have a gun but he's going down to the
school to shoot all the kids they have no evidence of that none at all what's going down to the school to shoot all the kids. Now, you have no evidence of that. None at all.
What's going to happen?
SWAT team's going to go to that guy's house, kick the doors down, maybe shoot him without asking questions.
And nobody ever knows the truth.
That's the way this game gets played. Now, let's say that these stories are right and Iran really is planning to attack Israel within hours.
What are the possible options?
This would be option number two.
First one is that this is all a propaganda set up to justify a preemptive strike.
Number two, it would be that Iran carries out an attack similar to what they
did last April. You know, they fired a bunch of missiles and drones into Israel, did some damage,
but nothing that was devastating. What would happen from that would be Israel and the United States would absolutely clobber Iran.
Totally clobber them, Doc.
If Iran carries out a wimpy, half-hearted attack, like they did in April, without really doing severe damage, the Iranians are going to be wiped out.
There will be no Iran after today.
Now, the next option is...
Let's see if I'm on the same page on the next option with you.
Well, the next option is that Iran carries out a devastating attack.
Perhaps Iran has nuclear warheads.
Perhaps Iran, the Iranian leadership says, this is it.
This is it.
They've killed off all of our, they're killing off our top people.
They're coming for us.
This is it.
Unleash everything we have.
There's a possibility Israel will cease to exist.
There's that possibility.
Can I throw a cynical one out there for you?
Yes, what's the next one?
All right.
The cynical one for me is, and it's buried in that Times of Israel story.
So if you pull that back up, but pull up quote 2B for us.
So in quote 2B, it said, in the second half, the three Israeli officials quoted anonymously by the Times said the Iran would likely target three military air bases and an intelligence headquarters north of Tel Aviv.
That caught my attention when I first saw the story here.
I thought to myself, they already know which bases Iran is going to attack.
They know the three military bases and intelligence headquarters.
Their surveillance is so sophisticated, they're listening to all the communications. That, or there's been a back-channel deal brokered saying, you know, you can fire some missiles over here, but that's all we're going to do.
I don't think on this time, Doc.
Because they've done that in the past. I know that, but I don't think this time that's going to work.
Ahmadinejad, the former president of Iran, said yesterday or today that Mossad had infiltrated the Iranian intelligence agency.
In fact, their chief was a Mossad agent.
The chief of their spy service?
The guy in charge of investigating Mossad was Mossad.
Okay, so there's also another possibility, and that is Iran and Israel both destroy each other.
This is really serious today.
Something very ominous could happen here in the next several hours.
And there could be massive death.
And there could be all-out war in the Middle East.
We don't know where this is going to go.
You don't know the reaction that you would have in other Arab countries.
Just among the population.
You know, there are a lot of Muslims in the world.
Over a billion.
And they're not all in the Middle East.
You get a billion hornets worked up, you got a problem.
You get people angry.
And they're in the population of a billion worldwide.
And you could have unrest all over the world.
So this is significant.
And I don't think this is a ruse. I really think either we're being set up for an Israeli-U.S. first strike against Iran, or Iran really is getting ready to hit Israel.
And I still think there'll be a first strike, because if the Israelis have this kind of
intelligence, and the U.S. is listening in
and they know for a fact they're about to launch,
they're going to carry out the attack.
And the American public and the European public
would say, well, that's the way it is.
Yeah, that's war.
That's war.
They got the first shot.
But something big is going to happen.
I've got a dear person who means a lot to me. He was traveling today in the Middle
East and was at a biblical site. And I, about 15 minutes ago, sent an urgent message. And I said,
you've got to get to safety right now. He's not aware. He's not aware of what's going on.
I said, you've got to get to safety right now.
Go, go, go.
All right?
This isn't the time to be touring biblical sites.
All right, go.
So, just keep him in prayer, okay?
The believer in Christ let's take a look at
what else we have here
of course I think most of you know
the other thing I wanted to point out
Benjamin Netanyahu
sent out a cryptic message
yesterday in English
to the Iranian people
who don't speak English
they speak Persian and he told them basically yesterday in English to the Iranian people who don't speak English.
They speak Persian.
And he told them, basically,
hey, we Israelis, we're coming to liberate you.
We're going to set you free.
And it's going to happen a lot sooner than you realize.
Well, Doc, if he put that out
yesterday, he put that out
before the U.S. informed him
there's an imminent attack.
Yes. This is what Bibi, the master propagandist, said.
I speak a lot about the leaders of Iran. Yet at this pivotal moment, I want to address you,
the people of Iran. I want to do so directly, without filters, without middlemen. Every day you
see a regime that subjugates you make fiery speeches about defending Lebanon, defending
Gaza. Yet every day that regime plunges our region deeper into darkness and deeper into
war. Every day their puppets are eliminated. Ask Muhammad Def, ask Nasrallah.
There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach. There is nowhere we will not go to protect our people and protect our country.
With every passing moment, the regime is bringing you, the noble Persian people, closer to the abyss.
The vast majority of Iranians know their regime doesn't care a whit about them.
If it did care, if it cared about you, it would stop wasting billions of dollars on futile wars across the Middle East.
It would start improving your lives. Imagine if all the vast money the regime wasted
on nuclear weapons and foreign wars were invested in your children's education and improving
your health care and building your nation's infrastructure, water, sewage, all the other
things that you need. Imagine that. But you know one simple thing, Iran's tyrants don't care about your future, but you do.
When Iran is finally free, and that moment will come a lot sooner than people think, everything will be different.
Our two ancient peoples, the Jewish people and the Persian people, will finally be at peace.
Our two countries, Israel and Iran, will be at peace.
When that day comes,
the terror network that the regime built in five continents
will be bankrupt, dismantled.
Iran will thrive as never before.
Global investment, massive tourism,
brilliant technological innovation
based on the tremendous talents that exist inside Iran.
Doesn't that sound better than endless poverty, repression and war?
From Qom to Isfahan, from Shiraz to Tabriz, there are tens of millions of good and decent people
with thousands of years of history behind them and a brilliant future ahead of them.
Don't let a small group of fanatic theocrats crush your hopes and
your dreams. You deserve better. Your children deserve better. The entire world deserves
better. I know you don't support the rapists and murderers of Hamas and Hezbollah, but
your leaders do. You deserve more. The people of Iran should know Israel stands with you. May we together know
a future of prosperity and peace.
Do you really believe Bibi cares about the Iranian people? He doesn't care. If he's saying
there's going to be prosperity in Iran, he's thinking, yeah, because we're going to conquer it.
We're going to take over the country.
We're going to expand into Iran.
I usually don't comment about people's physical looks, but have you noticed how he's changing?
What do you mean?
His physical looks.
I don't know why.
I kept looking at him.
He looked like a wooden puppet.
He does appear thinner and more gaunt.
He actually has that look of a ventriloquist puppet, you know?
Like he's wooden, you know?
I don't know.
He's changing.
He looks different.
There's something different about him.
But I wouldn't trust him.
And the people of Iran should know better that Netanyahu does not care about their well-being and safety and prosperity.
He'll kill all of them if he has to.
I do care about you, but I've got to kill all of you.
Yes. Yes. I do care about you, but I've got to kill all of you. Yes.
So, you know that they launched a ground offensive in southern Lebanon last week.
Which is just a proxy war against Iran.
That's all that is.
So, Lebanon is stuck in the middle of this thing.
Hezbollah was based in Lebanon, but it's not the Lebanese government.
But Lebanon now has Israeli troops inside the country,
and the Lebanese army can't do anything about it.
It's like Syria.
You know, what does Syria do?
The United States has military bases in Syria.
What do they do about it?
They can't do anything.
Can't do anything.
U.S. is stealing Syria's oil.
The president of Syria can't do anything about it.
They've got U.S. troops there. They've got U.S. troops there.
They've got U.S. military bases inside their country.
Anyhow, they're inside Lebanon right now.
So, you know, it's an Israeli invasion of Lebanon.
The Washington Post is reporting that the U.S. is sending troops, warplanes, to the
Middle East. And so Mr. Biden is moving American soldiers and military assets to the Middle East
for this war against Iran. And we have quite a bit there already, but the Pentagon will deploy
a few thousand more additional troops, more fighter jets to the Middle East. Defense officials
said late Monday as part of the Biden administration scrambled to what they're saying to prevent the conflict between Israel and Iran. The infusion
of forces, which also includes air defense units, will add to the tens of thousands of American
personnel already on high alert there, said Sabrina Singh, a Pentagon spokeswoman. The moves were
ordered by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin after Israel last week used a series of airstrikes around Beirut to kill Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
And as U.S. officials anticipated that Israel could soon launch a limited ground incursion into Lebanon, which is happening even as we speak.
Now, Singh told reporters that to further boost the number of personnel in the Middle East. The Pentagon will extend some deployed units that
were scheduled to rotate home and send additional forces to augment them, including squadrons that
fly F-16, F-15Es, and F-22 fighters and A-10 attack jets. Austin also issued prepare-to-deploy
orders for an unspecified number of other units that are in the United States, she said. By the
way, they activated 600 National Guard troops from Tennessee to go to the Mennesees.
I thought it was around 700, 600?
From Tennessee.
Tennessee, which is dealing with the hurricane things.
But American politicians don't care about American citizens.
You got it.
The people of Tennessee will be, they'll allow them to suffer from the hurricane.
From the flooding.
And the Tennessee National Guard troops are not there to help them because they've been sent by President Biden to help Israel.
When are the American people going to get fed up and just say no?
I don't believe they are, Rick.
They aren't. I can, Rick. They aren't.
I can tell you that they aren't.
I just ran for Congress on this issue.
They're not.
Especially the Republicans.
The Republican voters are like completely sold out to Israel.
And yet they'll talk about put America first.
But you're voting for people
to put Israel first.
Put Israel first.
And Donald Trump the other day
said Israel's the greatest country
in the world.
He said it.
He said Israel was the greatest
country in the world.
That's interesting.
So, and that's the way we believe.
That's the way we act.
And so, we have this story.
This is from Reuters.
This is Turkey's President Erdogan says the United Nations should recommend use of force as Israel is not stopped.
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan said that on Monday that the United Nations General Assembly should recommend the use of force
in line with the resolution it passed way back in 1950 if the UN Security Council fails to stop
Israel's attacks in Gaza and Lebanon. He said that the United Nations General Assembly should
rapidly implement the authority to recommend the use of force as it did with the 1950 Uniting for
Peace resolution if the Security Council can't show the
necessary will, Erdogan said after a cabinet meeting in Ankara. So we now have a NATO member
calling for military action against Israel. You know, Israel can't attack Turkey.
If Israel attacks Turkey, Turkey activates Article 5 of the NATO Charter.
That's right.
And the United States would have to attack Israel.
How would that work out?
They won't do it.
They'll attack Turkey.
They'll expel Turkey and then attack them and bring Israel in to take Turkey's place.
Well, how is this affecting the economy right now?
I did some quick checking before I came into the studio.
Missile rumors fire up oil prices.
Last I checked, Doc, about an hour ago, crude was up about $2.74 a barrel. says oil prices are surging in the wake of rumors that Iran is preparing to launch
a missile attack on Israel. I will go into the next one. The potential for an armed conflict between
Iran and Israel has triggered concern about the stability of oil supplies from oil-rich Middle
East. Market watchers are reacting to the heightened risk of supply disruptions, which
could intensify if the conflict spreads or targets key infrastructure in oil-producing nations.
Iran has significant influence on the region's oil flows,
and any escalation in military activity has the potential to hinder exports,
driving prices higher.
Up $271 right now.
Gold was up.
It was fluctuating between $22 to $27, you know, higher today.
But that's up $400 for the month.
Yes, for the month.
So I'm just saying for today.
Since this news came out, gold had gone up about $22, $27.
It was fluctuating up and down.
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You can request a free gold and silver kit. And you can also get a 10% instant match on bonus accounts. The phone number is 844-960-GOLD. That's 844-960-GOLD. This is for GoldCo. Please tell them
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I want to get back to World War III.
France says sending troops to Ukraine is a serious option.
They just won't give up on this.
Macron is determined to get NATO troops in Ukraine.
And this is, France has not ruled out sending troops to Ukraine, according to Benjamin Haddad,
French minister for European affairs. As the debate rages about whether Western weapons
should be allowed to strike deep inside Russia. Haddad was asked about Paris' latest stance on military assistance for Ukraine.
The French official said, quote,
President Macron has said that we cannot rule out anything
and that that still applies, in particular, to training missions.
He made these comments to a German newspaper.
He was then asked whether this means
that the French position remains that the deployment of ground troops to Ukraine is not
ruled out. He said, yes. Yes, Haddad replied to the newspaper. Sending French ground troops remains
a serious option for him. Elsewhere in the German interview, Haddad said France was convinced that Ukraine must
be put in a position to defend itself and that the only country that has chosen to escalate since
February 2022 is Russia. He said Russia has chosen to close the door to diplomacy. That is why
President Macron believes that we should stop setting red lines. See that? And rely on what we call strategic ambiguity.
That follows along with our story yesterday.
We're getting rid of the red lines.
We're tired of talking about red lines.
That was what, the Danish prime minister?
And we're tired of talking about red lines.
And she was speaking on behalf of other European leaders that we're done with red lines.
Well, Russia may have been testing a red line in Alaska.
Yes, this happened just yesterday.
If you haven't seen this story, this is a great one. Russian fighter jet intercepted.
It wasn't just intercepted near Alaska by NORAD forces after unsafe, unprofessional interaction.
This story from Fox News in a video released Monday by the North American Aerospace Defense Command. A tense moment was depicted after a Russian fighter jet flew dangerously close to a NORAD aircraft over the Alaska Air Defense ID zone.
According to a statement by NORAD, the unprofessional air maneuver directed at our NORAD F-16 occurred while it was conducting a routine professional intercept of a Russian Tu-95 aircraft.
This happened back on September 23rd. that an ADIZ begins where sovereign airspace ends and is a defined stretch of international airspace
that requires the ready identification of all aircraft in the interest of national security.
In other words, it's not our airspace, but you're close to our airspace, so you can't be in there yet.
Well, you're supposed to announce your presence.
So this Russian pilot decided to announce his presence by buzzing a couple of F-16s near Alaska. Watch this. The Russian aircraft got within 50 feet.
50 feet?
50 feet of the F-16.
And we had to bleep out what the U.S. pilot said there because he probably had to change his pants.
Let's watch that again.
That catches you by surprise.
Let's watch it again that catches you by surprise let's watch it so it wasn't the fc f-16 intercepting the Russian plane.
It was the Russian plane buzzing an F-16.
They're getting bolder, Rick.
Yes, because we're closer to an all-out war.
Telegraph reporting today in London.
Biden should allow storm shadows to be fired into Russia, says U.S. agency.
So I was like, what U.S. agency is speaking up?
Well, it turns out it's the U.S. Helsinki Commission.
And it says that Joe Biden is under pressure from an influential government agency to allow Ukraine to fire storm shadow missiles into Russia, the U.S. Helsinki Commission described loosening restrictions
on the use of long-range missiles as common sense
and said doing so would help Kiev prevent Russian strikes on civilian targets.
The Helsinki Commission, which is an independent government agency,
stated in its latest report published Monday,
quote, decisions about how Ukraine conducts its military operations independent government agency stated in his latest report published on Monday,
quote, decisions about how Ukraine conducts its military operations are ultimately theirs to make.
Ukrainian command understands that they depend on Western weapons and funds that are unlikely to do anything that would risk this vital support. Ukraine must be allowed to strike any legitimate
military targets in Russia,
and we should encourage our allies like France and Germany to adhere to those,
these same common sense principles.
It's been a long time, Doc, since I've heard the name Helsinki Commission.
It's one of those things I just forgot about.
You know, they're not in the news every day.
So I'm trying to think what
what is the helsinki commission who runs it so i went to the website this is the this is the
website and uh it says uh we we are a u.s government commission that promotes human
rights military security and economic cooperation in 57 countries in europe eurasia
and north america nine commissioners are members of the senate nine are members of the house and economic cooperation in 57 countries in Europe, Eurasia, and North America.
Nine commissioners are members of the Senate.
Nine are members of the House.
And three are executive branch officials. In other words, the entire commission is staffed by U.S. politicians and deep state.
And as you see there, the chairman, Representative Joe Wilson and co-chairman Senator Ben Cardin. Yes. And as you see there, the chairman, Representative Joe Wilson and co-chairman Senator Ben Cardin.
Yes. So those are the co-chairmen.
Currently, when you get through the history, a lot of people, a lot of very important people have been on the commission, including Bob Dole.
It's a deep state commission. So you have a deep state commission publicly saying,
Mr. Biden, please allow Ukraine to use UK missiles to strike inside Russia.
So the deep state is stepping up the propaganda to give Mr. Biden the cover
to make that decision.
Because Biden could say,
I didn't want to do it,
but so many prestigious people in the country
recommended that I do it.
Mark Ruta.
Pronounce it.
Mark Ruta.
It looks like rut to we Americans, but it's ruta. Ruta. It looks like rut to we Americans, but it's ruta.
Mark Ruta takes over as new NATO chief, dismisses Trump concerns.
In my opinion, he's just Jens Stoltenberg Jr.
I mean, this is just going to be a continuation of the policy.
One of the nation's, excuse me, NATO's longest serving officials, Jens Stoltenberg,
stepped down as Secretary General of NATO on Tuesday, handing over the reins to former Dutch
Prime Minister Mark Rutte as the military alliance confronts some of its biggest challenges in
history. The two men who first sat together at NATO's table 14 years ago as the leaders of Norway
and the Netherlands greeted each other warmly outside the alliance's Brussels headquarters before laying a wreath to fallen military personnel
surrounded by the flags of the 32-member countries.
Mark has the perfect background to become a great secretary general, a visibly emotional
Stoltenberg said as he ended a decade in office.
He has served as prime minister for 14 years and led four different coalition governments.
So, therefore, he knows how to make compromises, create consensus.
These are skills which are very much valued here at NATO, Stoltenberg said.
So, Dr. Stoltenberg, I mean, he's been running NATO for 10 years.
He left a good bank job.
To run NATO. To take another bank job. Yes. He left a good bank job to run NATO.
To take another bank job.
All right. And yeah, so I can understand, I can perceive why it's emotionally difficult for him.
He's giving up enormous power. This guy's in the news every day. He's directing a war against Russia.
Right. Now he's got to go back
to banking. Right. But with the installation of Rota, the policies will stay the same. Here's
Rota speaking as he's installed as the new NATO Secretary General. On the Republican side,
on the Democratic, on the Democrat side, but also here in Europe,
understand that if Russia would win in Ukraine, if Putin would get what he wants,
that that would ultimately mean that our security situation is in a much more difficult state. That it means that he would gain one quarter of his territory and one quarter of his population extra. So this is the direct
defense impact it would have. And obviously, this is also about our values, why we are helping and
defending Ukraine. I worked with Donald Trump for four years.
I've been in close talks with Kamala Harris. I respect them both very much. What is it that Mr. Putin wants? You go back to the beginning of this war in 2022. Putin wanted Ukraine to stop bombing Ukrainian populations that were ethnically Russian.
Because the Ukrainian government was bombing them, attacking them.
They were waging war against their own people because those people were, they considered themselves of Russian heritage.
And Putin said, it's got to stop.
And we can't have any NATO bases in Ukraine.
Ukraine cannot join NATO.
And Russia made the case, you guys said that.
You guys said you wouldn't do it.
Many years ago, you lied to us.
So that's what Putin wants.
They always make it sound like, no, he's Hitler.
He's gobbling up countries.
And once he gets done eating Ukraine, he's going to Poland.
Then he's going to go to the Baltic states.
Eventually, he's going to end up in London.
He's going to eat everything.
No, that's not what it's about.
It's about forcing NATO to stay away from Russia's border.
And he has every right to make those demands.
And so here we are, nearly three years into this war.
Only God knows how many young men and old men, because it's not just young men dying
in this war.
How many men have died?
Tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands have died.
Well, it's so many.
They're talking about sending French and other European troops into Ukraine now.
So many have died.
But the warmongers in the West don't care.
They don't care.
People don't matter to them.
Just power, money, winning.
We can't let Putin win. That's what he said. We can't let Putin win.
That's what he said.
We can't let Putin win.
Well, Putin's saying we're not going to let you win.
Because if you win, my country comes to an end.
I've got about seven minutes remaining here.
And I want to talk about the dock worker strike that started last night.
So Reuters reporting U.S. East Coast dock worker strike halting half of America's ocean shipping.
Folks, pay attention to this one.
Oh, yes.
This one's going to affect you.
This is according to Reuters. Dock workers on the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast began a strike on early Tuesday,
their first large-scale stoppage in nearly 50 years,
halting the flow of about one-half the nation's ocean shipping.
After negotiations for a new labor contract broke down,
the strike blocks everything from food.
Did you hear that?
From food to automobile shipments across dozens of ports from Maine to Texas.
In a disruption, analysts warn, will cost the economy billions of dollars per day.
Threaten jobs and potentially stoke inflation.
Not potentially.
It's going to stoke inflation. Not potentially. It's going to stoke inflation.
The International Longshoremen's Association, the ILA, representing 45,000 port workers, had been negotiating with the United States Maritime Alliance Employer Group for a new six-year contract ahead of a midnight September 30 deadline.
And in Wall Street Journal,
dock workers launched strike at ports from Maine to Texas.
They quote Harold Daggett, head of the union.
He told hundreds of dock workers on the picket line at the East Coast busiest port in New York, New Jersey.
He said, this is going down in history,
what we're doing here.
Nothing is going to move without us.
Daggett rejected an offer late Monday of a 50% wage increase over six years.
The ILA is seeking a 77% wage increase over six years as a condition to sit down to talks with maritime employers.
It would move the hourly wage from $39 to $69 over six years.
Daggett said his workers, now listen in the hundreds of billions of dollars that the world's largest
ocean shipping companies made during the covet 19 pandemic and the more recent supply chain
disruptions caused by the war in the middle east quote they know my number they don't want to deal
with my number and my number is not that bad.
When he puts it that way, Doc, when he says to the employers, the shipping companies,
you guys made hundreds of billions of dollars profit.
And all we're saying is you need to share some of it with the dock workers who moved those goods.
Right. Because, you know, the companies are going to cry poverty.
We don't have the money.
We don't have the money to give it to you and increase wages.
But he's got his numbers.
We know how much profit you made.
It's in the hundreds of billions of dollars.
Doc, when you say that somebody is, look, I believe in free enterprise.
I've always been pro-free enterprise.
But I'm also pro-justice and fairness.
And when somebody's making billions of dollars, somebody like Jeff Bezos, he's got so much
money he can buy toy rockets and send them up into space.
Like a kid buying model rockets.
And put Captain Kirk inside of those rockets.
You know, and he's got so much money, he doesn't know what to do with it.
And yet he can't pay his workers.
There's something wrong.
There's something wrong.
I don't have a problem with somebody being rich.
I don't have a problem with them being a billionaire.
But I do have a problem when you're so greedy you won't pay your workers.
And you're planning to get rid of your workers and put robots in.
And that's the other thing that Daggett is big on.
About he doesn't want
the ports automated like they're doing
in Asia. We got a video, don't we? Yes.
All right, let's watch.
These people today don't know what a
strike is. Right.
When my men hit the streets
from Maine to Texas, every
single port will lock down.
You know what's going to
happen? I'll tell you.
First week, be all over the news every night, boom boom.
Second week, guys who sell cars can't sell cars
because the cars ain't coming in off the ships.
They get laid off.
Third week, malls start closing down.
They can't get the goods from China.
They can't sell clothes.
They can't do this.
Everything in the United States comes on a ship.
They go out of business.
Construction workers get laid off because the materials aren't coming in.
The steel's not coming in.
The lumber's not coming in.
They lose their job.
Everybody's hating the longshoremen now
because now they realize how important our jobs are.
Now I have the president screaming at me,
I'm putting a Taft-Hartley on you.
Go ahead.
Taft-Hartley means I have to go back to work for 90 days.
That's a cooling off period.
Do you think when I go back for 90 days,
those men are going to go to work on that pier?
It's going to cost the money, the company's money to pay their salaries while they went from 30 moves an hour maybe to 8.
They're going to be like this. Who's going to win here in the long run? You're
better off sitting down and let's get a contract and let's move on with this
world and in today's world I'll cripple you. I will cripple you.
And you have no idea what that means.
Nobody does.
I hope you all understand
what the union president just said.
Nothing's going to move.
Nothing's going to move.
This could go on for weeks, even months.
Doc, we've got a late-breaking report.
The war has started.
So this is NBC News reporting this.
Iran has launched missiles at Israel.
This is according to the IDF itself.
J-Post is also reporting that at least 100 missiles have been fired from Iran towards Israel.
So we're going to be keeping a close watch on this.
There's also reports of a terror attack that's taking place in Tel Aviv right now.
A number of people being shot.
And so this is a terror attack separate from a missile strike.
And so there's a lot of things happening all at once.
Things could get very crazy here in the next several hours, so pay attention.
Updated number, over 200 missiles.
You know what our stories are going to be tomorrow?
Possibly, if this thing becomes very severe, Doc and I may go live on faith and values later today.
We'll just monitor it and see what
happens. In the meantime, morning manna is coming up. Jesus said there's going to be wars and rumors
of wars and commotions. When you see these things, don't be anxious. The end has not come yet. Trust
in the Lord, my friend. We'll be back in just a moment. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio.
You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.
I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. X and Getter. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble.
There are two things we need, food and water.
That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at
My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly.
Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Good morning and welcome
to Morning Manna. We are gathered here to study the Word of God, and we are in the 24th chapter
of the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Today we're looking at verses 9 through 12. Let's pray
and invite the wonderful Holy Spirit to lead guide and direct this class father
we come to you in the name of your holy son jesus christ and we give you praise and glory
we come to be fed with your word and to be led by your spirit come holy spirit
and take charge of this morning manna bible study and teach us the ways of our Master and the ways of His kingdom.
In His name, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Amen and amen.
If you've got your Bibles, please open them up to Matthew chapter 24.
And I'm going to be reading verses 9 through 12 today.
Welcome, everyone, no matter where you are in the world today.
We have 300 people that are joining us today for this Morning Man in the Bible study.
All the way from Siberia to Australia to the Middle East to Europe to South America.
Welcome, everyone.
Glad to have you here today live on Morning Man on
A reading from the King Jamesames chapter 24 verse 9 then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye
shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake and then shall many be offended and shall betray
one another and shall hate one another and many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many and because iniquity
shall abound the love of many shall wax cold okay
verse 9 then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you.
And you shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
This announcement by Jesus obviously didn't mean every single believer will be afflicted.
Every single believer will be killed.
Every single believer will be hated by of all nations.
That's not what it means.
He's speaking to the general body of Christ.
This passage describes a future time of persecution and tribulation for believers.
The adverb, then, suggests that this event occurs in synchrony with the previous events.
It doesn't necessarily mean it follows.
It means it happens at the same time as these yes yes what events what events were mentioned by jesus deception
people coming on the strength of his name claiming to be anointed by him
wars rumors of wars,
commotions, anarchy,
things spiraling out of control,
nation rising against nation,
kingdom against kingdom,
and famines, pestilences,
and earthquakes.
Here, there, everywhere.
He said such things
are the beginning of sorrows. So the question I ask is, has
the time of sorrows begun? And if yes, when? Futurists, biblical futurists, such as Christian
Zionists, would say that the time of sorrows is in the future
right they would place at the beginning of the great tribulation right yes
uh there are people who make a very strong case
that's very convincing to me
who say that the time of sorrows began with the First World War.
Was not the 20th century and the first 24 years of the 21st century marked by wars, rumors of wars, commotions, revolutions, anarchy, nation against nation, famines,
pestilence, earthquakes? Has there ever been another age in human history when the world
seemed to be spinning out of control? I'm not saying emphatically that the time of sorrow started with World War I,
but I think it's a plausible theory and one that should be considered.
What about you, Doc? What's your thoughts on it?
Well, I mean, we've had wars all down through history and everything, and along with wars,
you have pestilence, you have famines. You know, you could say the first 24 years of
the 20th century were full of sorrow, but then you have World War II. And so, I think
I'm of the persuasion, I'm of the camp that the beginning of sorrows happened much earlier.
And I'm thinking back at 70 AD, that's the beginning of sorrows.
So I'm of the persuasion that we're going through tribulation, not great tribulation,
not the great tribulation, capital T, great tribulation.
But we've been going through tribulation since, you know, since the beginning.
The church has suffered tribulation.
We'll have trouble, Jesus said.
There's a reason he says you have to endure.
So that's happening right now.
But when you say the beginning of sorrows and the way that's phrased there,
that it's implied that there's an escalation over time.
I accept that.
As you get to the end, you think it's bad now.
Wait till later.
No, I accept that concept, that it began in the first century, and it's escalating.
Jesus didn't put a time limit on it.
No, he didn't.
You're not going to see seven years in here.
Nowhere in here are you going to see seven years.
But the dispensationalists will try to shoehorn one in there.
Say, look, there it is.
But no, it's not between
verses 6 or 7. You're not going to find
a seven-year tribulation in
Matthew chapter 24.
Well, is the time of sorrows
different from the time of
great tribulation?
I think it is.
I think great tribulation is
the grand finale of the time of sorrow.
Well, I agree with you on that.
So you have the beginning of sorrows.
But at some point in the future, you're going to have fulfillment of great tribulation.
If there's a beginning of sorrows, there's an end of sorrows.
And I think the great tribulation time which again is not
seven years that is the not a V period he said it's a time of Great Tribulation
right Jesus said then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall you and you shall be hated of all nations for my
name's sake his disciples as we have pointed out many times had a different idea about jesus's
kingdom they were they were eagerly anticipating an earthly kingdom.
But Jesus informed them that what awaited them on earth was not grandeur and honor,
but affliction and persecution.
He warned his disciples that the gospel they proclaimed would never be well received by the world
instead it opposition and hatred from every nation and every nation includes
the USA right it says all nations all nations the use of the word you implies a sense of blame or responsibility placed wickedness are responsible for the famines and
pestilences and disorder they will blame it on the christians right now rick that word you there
so this is a question i'll just kind of toss out there. Was that you specifically directed toward the disciples right there,
the four disciples that had privately come to talk to Jesus about this?
Was it a general you to all of his disciples?
Or do we cast that you for then and now?
All three? All right. uh or do we cast that you for then and now all three right
it accompanies it encompasses all three it was for them it was for them at that time
and it's for all christians of all ages.
I believe that's the way I see it, Doc.
The you is the general body of Christ.
Those of you who are disciples and truly follow me, this is what is awaiting you.
And I believe in the general call of that, too. But his audience at that time were those four disciples that came to him privately
oh yes and said i'm hey i'm talking to you peter and andrew uh john listen you
you will be delivered up they're going to deliver you up um and isn't that what happened to all the
apostles i mean they each one in their own unique way.
They were delivered up.
And were killed in various ways.
With the exception of John.
But it may as well be.
So it started with the apostles.
They were in the front row.
And if you were a follower
and you saw what happened to the apostles,
what do you think is going to happen to you?
I mean, you know,
the demise of the apostles was over decades.
But if you lived through that age
and you saw all the apostles killed off,
you knew.
When Jesus said, you will be hated by all nations, he was telling the truth.
So, Doc, when will believers be afflicted and killed and hated for the sake
of the name of Jesus Christ
then and now
you know
I ask myself this question every once in a while
what message
could you preach today
what is the message that you
would preach today that would is the message that you would preach today
that would get you killed?
That's easy.
What is the message?
What's the word from the Lord
that you could preach today
and everybody would say,
we got to kill that guy.
Really, I ask myself that every once in a while because it challenges me.
What message am I delivering?
Am I just delivering some sort of milquetoast, feel-good, Jesus is my co-pilot, surfer buddy message?
Or am I delivering a message that calls people to repentance?
Because that's the message that gets you killed.
That's right
when you especially when you call out the authorities in the world today too
when you threaten the ruling powers that's when they will kill you the
phrase unto affliction speaks of the severity and the duration of the persecution.
Believers will be hated by all nations, not because they attend, but because they obey
Jesus Christ.
It's a big difference. but because they obey Jesus Christ. Right.
The big difference.
Tares go to church.
That's true.
Some of them are more faithful than the wheat.
Tares won't be persecuted. Tares will help in the wheat. Yes. Tares won't be persecuted.
Tares will help in the persecution.
Jesus said in Matthew 10, verse 22.
Remember, we studied this how long ago?
We're in the 24th chapter.
This was sometime back in about the middle of the year. And you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake, but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Who is saved? Those who endure to the end endure what the hatred of the world
all church members will not be hated in a
as i said tares go to church too.
And as Doc said, tares sometimes are the most faithful church attenders.
They get the pins for showing up every Sunday.
The hatred will be directed towards the true disciples of Jesus who boldly declare their allegiance to him and his kingdom
in defiance of the prevailing culture's antichrist beliefs and practices.
Right. And for the record, every culture is antichrist.
Yes. And every religion except Christianity is antichrist.
Correct. accept Christianity as antichrist correct most church members in America
today are so spiritually wimpy you would never know they consider themselves to
be Christians if you didn't see them go in a church building, you would never know it when they come out.
That's how spiritually wimpy they are.
You've got to come
out and go into the world and be
salt and light.
And that salt and light will clash
with the corruption
and the darkness of the world.
Salt works against corruption.
Light dispels darkness.
Corruption and darkness will attack salt and light.
In the spiritual realm. Affliction, persecution, and hatred began immediately
after the ascension of Jesus. The book of Acts tells us many episodes when the Jews
murdered Stephen, Herod killed James to please the Jews, and the Jews made many attempts to kill Apostle Paul.
It is my belief that the hatred and persecution of disciples of Jesus Christ
began with the Jews and will end with the Jews.
Yes. Only one group on earth today utterly hates Jesus Christ and his disciples,
and that is the synagogue of Satan.
And works against Christ.
You know, other religions, they'll put up with Christ.
But there's a certain group that will fight against Christ.
They are anti-Christ.
And that is why God destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD
and will destroy modern Jerusalem
with a mighty earthquake when Jesus returns.
You've got bookends.
Jerusalem destroyed at the beginning of the church.
Jerusalem destroyed at the end of the church. Jerusalem destroyed at the end of the age.
Why? Because Jerusalem is that harlot city.
Here's a prediction. I've made this prediction before the one thing that will contribute to the hatred of Christians will be the bold proclamation of God as the creator I'm
referring to the belief in the literal creation account in Genesis right God
created the universe in six days.
Revelation 14 speaks of three angels who fly
in the midst of heaven having the
everlasting gospel
preached to humankind on
the earth. The second
angel, not the first,
the second angel cries aloud.
Babylon has fallen. It's fallen. That great
city, that great city.
That's Jerusalem.
Because she made all the nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
The third angel cries, if any man worship the beast in his image and receive his mark in his forehead or in his hand. That same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.
And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
But what about the first angel?
Go ahead. but what about the first angel right now go ahead so Matthew chapter 14 I'm
excuse me revelation chapter 14 and verses 6 and 7 so if you're taking notes
same revelation 14 verses 6 and 7 and I saw another angel fly in the midst of
heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the
earth and to every
nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, fear God, give glory to him,
for the hour of his judgment is come, and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea,
and the fountains of water, let me read that last sentence again, and worship him that made heavens and earth and the sea and the fountains of water.
So this is where Rick is saying, you know, in that final hour,
one of the tests for believers is going to be whether or not you believe he's the creator of all things.
There's three things in that verse.
Fear God.
Give glory to him.
During the hour of judgment.
And worship him as the creator.
So true believers will know when the hour of judgment is coming upon the earth
we all know the day the final day
but we know
we know the season
and we must fear God and give him glory
and worship him as the
creator that worshiping
of him as the creator
will produce hatred among men and women
who refuse to acknowledge he created the universe and thus is their maker.
And if he is their maker, they have to fear him and give him glory.
Right. So the greatest hatred, affliction, and persecution
awaits the disciples of Jesus in the final days
who have come out of Babylon,
who refuse to accept the mark of the beast,
and who fear God and worship him as the creator
if you do these things satan and his minions on earth will recognize your devotion to jesus
and target you with the vilus hatred they can muster towards you. Yes. I mean, think about it today.
If you believe in the creation account,
a literal six-day creation,
isn't that diametrically opposed to
modern thought, modern culture,
modern science, modern religion even,
even within the evangelical church
because they've pretty much
succumbed to the old, you know, the ages theory and everything, and evolution. I mean, really,
they have. But the, you know, really, if you stand for a literal six-day creation, I like to say a
literal seven-day creation, but a literal six-day creation, you are in opposition to just about everything.
If you're a professor in a college, you will lose your job.
If you're a student in a college and you hold to it, you'll be flunked.
If you're a teacher in a public school, even Christian schools.
You will be reprimanded. You could lose your job.
You will be ordered that you cannot tell the students that God created the world in six days.
Just try it. Try it.
You want to test this theory? If you're a teacher, you tell your students that God created the world in six days and watch what happens.
Yes. Watch how fast you're called into the administrator's office.
Watch how fast you're reprimanded and warned. If you do it again, you'll lose your job.
Tenure doesn't matter when it comes to creationism yes tenure goes out the window
for teachers and professors when the issue is creationism why because
their doctrine of evolution is their religion right time. Time is God to them.
So, I mean,
if, you know,
if time made everything,
because that's what they believe,
if you let a bunch of goo
sit in a pond long enough,
suddenly a guy is going to walk out of that pond.
You just got to give it enough time.
You get a million years,
you know,
a hundred million years,
four billion years.
The math doesn't matter to him.
Eventually you got a bunch of goo in a pond.
And at some point that goo is going to get up and walk.
Now there's a lot of steps in between with them,
but that's essentially what they believe.
And they criticize me for believing
that God raised a man from the dead.
Evolution is their religion,
and you are not allowed to disagree with it.
That's right.
There's another thing that will attract
hatred, affliction, and persecution.
The accusation that you are guilty of so-called anti-Semitic hate speech.
Christians who criticize the state of Israel, Zionism, genocide.
Now they're saying, if you say the word genocide, you're anti-Semitic.
Oh, you're not. If I say the Jews are killing tens of thousands of children in Gaza, that makes me a bigot?
Yes, in this new world, yes, it does.
And those people will be expelled from churches.
They will be ostracized from society.
They will be deplatformed,
And eventually
they will be imprisoned as
dangerous domestic
Because of words.
You're a terrorist with words, Rick.
That's right.
Apostates will betray believers.
Get ready, yes.
In biblical times, the Jews conspired with the Roman state to persecute Christians. In the last days, Christian Zionists will conspire with the Jews and the state
to mark Christians who reject Zionism, criticize Israel,
refuse to support the building of a third temple.
One thing to remember, Jesus reassured us that when we face persecution
the Holy Spirit would give us the words
and the wisdom to speak
thank God
I'm going to do 10, 11, and 12
oh go ahead
yeah go ahead Doc
so picking back up at verse 10 here
and then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another I'm sorry. Yeah, go ahead, Doc. All right. So picking back up at verse 10 here.
And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.
And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
OK, so the term offend. Conveys the idea of being shocked, scandalized.
In fact, that's the Greek word.
Scandalizo, yes.
Scandalizo is where we get offended. put in us to put a snare in the way to put a trap in the way to call someone to stumble to call someone to become indignant to shock them it this verse
means that the tears in the church will betray the wheat when wickedness in the world becomes so evident that people must take a
stand one way or the other.
When true Christians, the wheat, boldly stand for Jesus and oppose the wickedness of the world the tares which are look-alike weak will become
offended shocked indignant that the wheat are unwilling to accommodate the
world's wickedness unwilling to bow down to the Antichrist spirit unwilling to
accept the morals and values and the ways of Babylon. They will be offended.
They're shocked.
They're shocked that you would actually believe Jesus.
See, what are they shocked about?
They're shocked that you actually believe the word of God.
That's what shocks them.
Their attitude is going to be i thought this was just kind of a a religious social gathering you mean you actually believe jesus you actually obey him i'm shocked offended implies more than stumbling it suggests a deeper disillusionment caused by unmet expectations
in other out the tears
because they will be compelled to take a stand
and they will be shocked that some people are actually willing to openly oppose the wickedness they'll be
offended offended by other people's boldness for Christ it it implies a
significant failure a collapse of their faith a loss of belief or trust in Christ and believers
true believers the wheat will be delivered into tribulation and face
persecution some will be killed yes and this will happen in all nations so many will stumble fall or become apostate from the true faith and they will betray the
true Christians I believe such people are the seeds that fell upon stony places where they had not much earth.
And when something's hung up because they had no deepness of earth.
But he that received the seed in the stony places, said Jesus, is the same who hears the word and has joy, receives it with joy, but has no root in himself and endureth for a while.
But when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, by and by he is offended.
Because of the word, by and by he is offended. Because of the word.
Now see, the parable of the sower starts to make sense here, doesn't it?
Who's offended?
The seed that fell onto stony places.
There was some joy for a little while.
Oh, hey, I'm a Christian.
Hey, I got saved.
They think,
but because they have no root in Christ.
And when the tribulation and persecution arises,
they're like, I'm out of here.
I didn't sign up for this stuff.
I'm not going to lose my job.
I'm not going to lose my job. I'm not going to lose my bank account.
I'm not going to be put on a terrorist watch list.
That's where we're at today.
The tares will betray the wheat reveal their names their addresses and their
hiding places you're going to tell things to tears not knowing that their
tears and they're going to betray you that's how deceptive tares are. Be careful what you tell people.
Don't tell people where you have your supplies hidden.
Don't tell people where you would go if there were trouble in the land.
Use discretion. use discretion that person you're talking to may be a tear
and this betrayal will extend even to parents children relatives friends Matthew 10, Jesus said, verses 34 and 36,
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth.
I came not to send peace, but a sword.
For I am come to set a man of variance against his father,
and the daughter against her mother,
and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
This betrayal is even going to get down into the family unit.
We saw during COVID,
we saw parents
snitching on their children. We saw
children snitching on their parents
about lockdowns and masks and vaccines.
We saw family members refusing to invite other family members to dinner because they wouldn't wear a mask or they weren't vaccinated.
That's what this looks like there's a sequence of actions
first the the stumbling the falling away among the tears is a natural consequence
of the tribulations faced by the true believers
right they're seeing it happen to the true believers and they're like i'm i'm out of here
the stumbling
indicates there's a crisis of faith there's a doubt that leads some people to abandon the Christian faith.
And then after the stumbling, there's a manifestation of treachery and hatred.
And the escalation from stumbling to betrayal and hatred tells us the severity of the trials that will be faced by Christians.
Consider our own times.
The sight of strong, outspoken, bold Christians suffering deplatforming,
banishment from society, debanking, loss of employment,
Wikipedia smear pages, def revilings mockings scorn ridicule because they reject zionism criticize israel support palestinian children oppose the
jews endless wars they oppose assassinations and mass killings.
They criticize the Jews for owning and controlling the pornography industry.
Yes, and they do.
This will be too much for weak apostate church members to endure.
And they will separate from such Christians.
And they will betray those christians and they will give their names and addresses to the state to the persecutors they'll reveal their
whereabouts and you know that word betray is in there yes you know so there there's going to be people that you trust
i'm speaking generally there's going to be people that believers trust and those are going to betray
believers betray them i'll give you an example here uh rick and i we've been in christian
broadcasting seems like forever rick uh radio and television and everything. And there's a large organization out there
that is
for broadcasters,
for religious broadcasters.
And it's national.
you can go to that
particular convention every year.
You'll find
just a wide spectrum of
beliefs there.
I mean, every end of the Christian spectrum and beyond,
because they bring in Jewish clients into their exhibit hall,
into their sessions and things like that.
So they've got just incredible wide spectrum.
Everybody's welcome.
Big tent kind of thinking.
Unless you have any kind of criticism for the state of Israel
or what Zionism is accomplishing through murder and deceit in the world today.
And you're not welcomed.
That's right.
You are not welcome.
You can be a Seventh-day Adventist.
You can be a Seventh-day Adventist.
You can be, you know, Jewish.
I think one of the most humorous things,
which is a really kind of sad thing,
there's an exhibit hall at this convention.
Broadcasters happen to be national.
The whole section in the exhibit hall just to sell horns
yeah horns and they'll have that they have an exhibitor there that's owned by the moonies
yes the the universal church they have an exhibit there that's owned by Falun Gong, a Chinese cult.
Look, I know people, there are people in my life who privately will talk to me, be very nice to me, be my friend privately.
But publicly, they will not acknowledge they know me right or criticize you
right but they they'll there are people who won't criticize me publicly they'll talk to me privately they'll associate with me privately but they will not be seen with me publicly because it would hurt their career.
They don't wanna be tagged as a friend of Rick Wiles.
They think I don't know that, but I do know it.
I know what they're doing.
That's betrayal. In today's political climate, what would stop Benjamin Netanyahu's radical Zionist government from assassinating anti-Zionists in America and other nations?
Who would oppose him?
Or would many in the world, including Christian Zionists, applaud such actions?
This is a serious question, folks.
I mean, really.
They just blew up pagers two weeks ago.
And people go, well, they were terrorists.
They got blown up.
No, they were human beings.
Anybody who opposes Zionism and Israel
will be declared a terrorist. What would stop Netanyahu from
killing thousands of people in other countries by remote control? Yes. This is what we're
talking about now. And many false prophets shall rise and shall
deceive many when the spirit of Antichrist becomes stronger in the world
and wickedness becomes bolder and unashamed of its ways bold Christians
will become bolder brightly shining Christians will shine brighter.
And the tares will be offended.
Because their facade will be stripped away.
They'll no longer be able to pretend to be Christians.
And at such time, conditions will be ripe for false prophets to appear.
People will not know what to believe.
Following Jesus will be costly and dangerous.
Well, who else is out there that I can follow and believe?
Anybody but Jesus.
So in such times, false prophets arise.
Because the people are saying, I got to get away from Jesus. I had no idea it was going to be so dangerous to be a disciple of Jesus.
I got to find another religion.
Or I got to find another Jesus.
A safer Jesus.
Safer Jesus.
Yeah, there you go.
One who doesn't offend people.
One who believes in diversity and inclusion.
You know, there's a Christian radio station up in Orlando, and their tagline is safe for the little ears, safe for the little ears.
And really, isn't that the motto of modern Christianity today?
It's safe for the little ears, you know, the little ears. It's safe for the little ears.
You know, the little ears.
We don't want the little ears to be offended.
And our sermons will tickle your little ears.
Apostle John.
1 John 4.1.
Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits spirits whether they are of god because many false
prophets are gone out into the world even in the time of john the false prophets were already in
the church john said in first john 2 18 little children it is the last days And as we have heard, that Antichrist shall come.
Even now, there are
many Antichrists, whereby
we know that it is
the last days.
The last days started 2,000
years ago. Antichrist
was in the world. The Antichrist spirit
was in the world then, and continues
to this day. Everybody's
looking for the Antichrist antichrist
is here the spirit of antichrist is here anybody or anything that says jesus christ is not god and
human flesh is antichrist any anybody peter second peter chapter two verse one but there were false
prophets also among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you,
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,
and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
Apostle Paul told Timothy, 1 Timothy chapter 4, verse 1.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed
to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils now keep in mind false prophets
are not false messiahs you got two different things yesterday we talked
about false messiahs today we're talking about false prophets.
I want to point out something.
I want to wrap up soon here because false prophets are utilized
by political leaders and governments
to maintain control over the people.
False prophets are government propagandists.
Governments secretly employ false prophets to deceive the people by lulling them into a false sense of security, instilling false hope, and preventing the people from deserting the government or rebelling.
Have you ever considered that false prophets are actually agents of the government?
To take you away from Christ.
False prophecies serve a political purpose.
They inspire confidence in the government's approved God
and the so-called divine mandate of the governmental leaders to rule.
Isn't that the answer today?
What did Pat Robertson say a few years ago before he passed away about
um i guess it was during the time of donald trump he said if something like if if he doesn't
support israel he could lose the divine mandate right pat robertson was being a false prophet.
And he was set up to say these things.
False prophecies bring confusion, especially during a tumultuous period that's leading up to a government's downfall.
Let me ask you, who was QAnon?
QAnon was an imaginary prophet who instilled false hope in an imaginary plan
to reinstall Donald Trump in the White House.
And millions of people believed it like a religion and you could not reason with
them. Right. It wasn't even a real person. It was an imaginary false prophet. Constructed.
We don't even have real false prophets anymore. We now have imaginary false prophets.
Fake false prophets. How about that? I remember, and hey, look, Doc, with AI, they're going to create false prophets that you're going to watch on videos and have no idea they're not real.
I remember in the late 90s when CIA director George Tenet said that the CIA
secretly financed moderate
Muslims to control Islam.
And my thought
was, well, does the CIA
secretly finance so-called
Christian preachers to control Christianity?
Yes, they do.
False prophets distort the truth of the gospel they pollute the
purity of the gospel verse 12 because iniquity will be multiplied the love of
many will grow cold oh boy is that not today proliferation of lawlessness and moral decay lawlessness describes a time marked by rampant
crime violence corruption massacres extortion assassinations that's lawlessness that's what
we're in right now look i know many of you love Donald Trump Donald Trump boasted of killing
the Iranian general Salome knee he boasted and he said yeah he said to
about the Gaza situation said Israel's not moving fast enough. They need to do it quicker and get it over with.
Get it over with. Come quickly. And then last week he said, hey, anti-Semitism, I'm going to stamp
that anti-Semitism out. How are you going to do that? Lawlessness is a departure from God's law lawlessness no God's law it's the antithesis of
righteousness and this wickedness stems from the events described earlier in chapter 24, talking about the time of turmoil, wars, famines.
And the consequence will be the cooling of love among the majority of who?
Not the nonbelievers, but the believers.
The cooling of the love is not talking about the world.
He told you the world's going to hate you.
He's talking about people in the church.
Their love is going to cool.
Non-Christians will grow in their hatred of true christians
verse 12 refers to the members of the christian community who grow cold towards others in the
community the many in this verse doesn't refer to the general population but to the majority
of church members that had love. At one time had love.
A lot of people miss this
in this verse here.
The term,
they use the old English wax code.
It means a cooling,
a chilling effect,
a gradual loss of warmth and affection.
Happens in phases.
The moon waxes and wanes.
That's kind of the modern term.
You know, as the moon waxes, it's diminishing in brightness.
It's not a sudden coldness.
It's gradual over time.
Warmth, human affection will deteriorate over time among believers.
If you don't believe me, you ought to read the emails we get from people who claim to be Christians.
I've never been cussed out so worse in my life.
But people, in one sentence, calling themselves Christians,
and the next sentence using the
f word against me yes hatred
so the cooling of the love results from the intensity of the persecution that leads to fear
there's betrayal there's false teachings, the wickedness of the world.
All these things contribute to the erosion of love and affection in the church.
You got the famines, the pestilences, the wars, the revolutions.
Look at the way people become, especially in the age of social media.
I'm talking about Christians on social
media. Nasty,
They'll chew you up and spit you out
and then say, praise the
Think they're doing
God a favor.
All right, Doc.
I got to wrap it up.
I'm over my time.
I promised the Lord I'm going to keep this shorter.
We're at 53.
I want to end it up.
We'll see you tomorrow for the next lesson.
God bless you. We'll see you on the Wednesday edition
of Morning Manor. and on frequency 4.840 from 10pm to 2am Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.