TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Wicked WaPo: Fake Trump Call Source Jordan Fuchs Was Teenage Witch

Episode Date: March 18, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall, along with TRUNEWS founder Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart, look at the strange new developments regarding the fake Washington Post Fake Trump call. They also explore... the connection with Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs, and her influence by witchcraft. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (3/17/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, March 17th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs is the source for Washington Post's devilish fake Trump story that broke yesterday. Her name was revealed by the Post as the newspaper attempts to salvage their tattered reputation after playing their part what can only be described as a Pelosi press propaganda operation against the former president of the United States of America. President Trump cheered the correction during an interview on Tuesday with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo. One thing I will say, the Washington Post did a correction. A lot of pressure was put
Starting point is 00:01:16 on them, but they did a correction because they realized what they did was wrong. So now you have to find out, was it the Washington Post fault or the people that run the elections in Georgia? Because the people that run the elections in Georgia, they have to be looked at, whether it was the secretary of state or, frankly, the governor of the state. Things went on there between the presidential election, which I can tell you about, or you look at the two Senate elections. That is such a shame that that happened. Everything that you've been talking about on your show today is affected by those two seats. State Representative Vernon Jones echoed the president's demands for an investigation of the Georgia sector state
Starting point is 00:01:55 Brad Raffensperger, who directly hired and promoted the Post's source, his chief aide, Jordan Fuchs. Jordan Fuchs has attempted to clarify why she confirmed the lie and how the lie got told, a lie that made it all the way into the February Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. Ms. Fuchs told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that her confirmation was never meant to be presented as a word-for-word transcript, and that it relied solely on the recollection of Georgia's chief election investigator, Francis Watson, who was on the call, recorded the call, and then deleted the call, without ever publicly or privately correcting the tirade of press and political statements about the call,
Starting point is 00:02:36 which she knew mischaracterized President Trump's words. It's almost as if she was bewitched. Joining me to discuss this hocus-pocus and more are True News founder Rick Walls and Dirk Barker. We also have some breaking news right now, too. Yes. Just as we come on the air, there has been a death in Africa. The president of Tanzania, John Magufulu, he has passed away. There have been questions about where he's been for weeks. We now know that he has died of heart complications.
Starting point is 00:03:10 This is according to the vice president of Tanzania, Somalia Sohulu Hassan. She announced this on state television moments ago. Edward, for our audience who doesn't know, why are we taking this time to recognize the death of Tanzania's president? He was a brother in Christ, and he was the courageous African leader to call out the WHO and send in samples of papaya and motor oil as COVID samples to prove the WHO wasn't actually testing those samples for the virus. And got positive test results back from the World Health Organization.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Quite an embarrassment for them. So he locked down the papayas because they were infected. No, he completely, totally humiliated the World Health Organization and Bill Gates and the whole coronavirus cheerleading squad. And I think he was probably hated by some powerful people in the world. There was speculation throughout yesterday and today that he had coronavirus and that he was outside of Tanzania. And none of those stories turned out to be true.
Starting point is 00:04:26 He died at a heart institute in his home country of Tanzania. Yes, the Jakawa Kikwet Cardiac Institute. He's also hospitalized at the Mensa State Hospital, both were in Dar es Salaam, which is the capital of Tanzania. Yes, and the Tanzanian news sources are saying he died of heart complications. Yes. Now, some of the mainstream media outlets out there are saying he died of COVID. There is no confirmation of that from either the Tanzanian government or from any medical source inside of Tanzania at this time.
Starting point is 00:05:02 The Tanzanian government and, you know, of course, the representative said it was heart complications. But already, you know, the media machine is in place because they've got to knock this guy down. Look, he mocked COVID. So therefore he died of COVID. And we're seeing that in some headlines already here in the United States. Bloomberg, you know, Tanzanian president mocked coronavirus, mocked the lockdowns. Now he's dead. Now he had a heart attack.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And have some heart, Bloomberg. How dare you say about a man who just died? I think would they put such a headline to Bill Gates or Barack Obama dying? Of course not. And basically, President Maga Fuli called coronavirus of the devil.
Starting point is 00:05:48 He said that. Outright. Outright. He said, it's the devil. And he told his people in Tanzania, put your trust in Jesus Christ. Pray. Hallelujah. And he was mocked.
Starting point is 00:05:59 He was mocked by the American and European news media for encouraging his citizens to put their trust in God. And for some reason, the news media thought that was funny, that was hilarious. I'll give you a direct quote. The President Magufuli said, "'This is satanic. "'The devil wanted to take over the world, "'but we want to remind him
Starting point is 00:06:22 "'that he has no chance in Tanzania. Praise God. Well, he's our brother in Christ and he's been promoted. Hallelujah. He went home and he's with the Lord. Right. And so congratulations, brother. Well, we're following up on the story from yesterday. Can we make a special announcement before we go to that? Regarding our recurring donors.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Oh yes. Many of you have received a email from us here from our administration office about recurring donations. We thank you for responding to that and for following through with that. We've done some internal changes and we're doing some new things with recurring donations. Some of you may not have seen that email yet. If you're a regular monthly partner with us and you're on a recurring donations, you may not have seen that email yet. It's likely it's in your spam folder. So if you don't mind, especially if you're a recurring donor, a month to month donor with us, that you check your spam folder for the updated information in order to make that transition over to the new system. It would
Starting point is 00:07:29 help us out a great deal, and it'll be a blessing to you. Plus, it'll give you an opportunity to consider doing more here in 2021 as you bless the ministry of True News. So check your spam folder for the email that we've recently sent out to update your recurring donation information. And it needs to be completed by March 31st. Yes. If you're a recurring donor, if your donation is given automatically to True News every single month. Yes. That's a recurring donor.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Right. And we're not talking about people writing checks and so forth. We're talking about those who have an automatic withdrawal, an automatic donation from your bank account or your credit card. That's a recurring donor. And so we had to make changes because of attacks on us. Yes. But that's okay.
Starting point is 00:08:20 We just roll with the punches and we keep growing and going. And so the enemy tries to slow us down. He doesn't slow us down. We just keep going. So we need our partners to finish the task. Most of you have already done it. There's a small group that have not yet made the transition. And as Doc said, most likely the email is in your spam box. So go into your junk box, your spam box, whatever your email calls it. Do you have the subject line, Doc? I might hope for some who are searching it. I don't, but if people just check that, it'll be from us. And if you do not see it after that and you are a recurring donor, you can always email us at
Starting point is 00:09:02 info at That's info, I-N-F-O at Send us an email saying, hey, I didn't see the email, but I want to make sure my recurring donation is up to speed. And I'll tell you, the recurring donors, God bless you. You are the absolute foundation of this ministry because there are, Doc, there are people, saints who have been recurring donors for 10, 12, maybe 15 years. Yes. Every single month, they set it up as a recurring donation. They've never missed a month and we can count on them. We can plan around. We can plan. It's that foundation, the financial foundation that comes in every single month. We know that amount is going to come in and we're very appreciative of all of
Starting point is 00:10:00 our recurring donors. And so we need you to make that transition so that you can continue. All right. Well, yesterday we had a shocking program as we detailed and laid out the whole story regarding this Washington Post fake phone call that had been manufactured. But now we have even more developments in this particular story. This is even getting deeper today. It is. You know, I listened to President Trump last night on Fox News. I was driving home and I was listening on Sirius XM. And, you know, we played the soundbite.
Starting point is 00:10:34 You know, he touched on it lightly. He didn't smack the Washington Post. He kind of congratulated them, thanked them for making the correction. I thought he was way too generous to the Washington Post. He kind of congratulated them, thanked them for making the correction. I thought he was way too generous to the Washington Post. He had an opportunity to pin them to the mat. But he did say, well, maybe they're not a fight. If you caught that, he kind of gave them some wiggle room. So last night, somewhere between 9 and 10 p.m., this thought came into my mind, and I'm not going to say it was the Holy Spirit. I wasn't thinking about the topic, but the thought came in my mind. And the thought was, it wasn't the Washington Post that deliberately altered the transcript.
Starting point is 00:11:29 It was somebody in the Georgia Secretary of State's office. That thought just came in my mind. I was going to text you guys and tell you what I just thought about. And I thought, well, it's too late. I'll tell you guys in the morning. And then the story broke in the morning. And it turns out it was somebody in the secretary. It was somebody. And not only was it somebody, it was somebody that we were looking into early last December. Yes, that's correct. And we never talked about her, but we did our investigation on her privately and then withheld that report.
Starting point is 00:12:09 And it goes back December 8th, 2020 is when we investigated this person. And we're going to tell you in a minute why. But, you know, I was yesterday slamming the Washington Post saying they lied, they deceived, they deliberately printed and altered the transcript of a phone call. And then last night I started thinking maybe the Post published the transcript that they were given. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Where they lied is that they had the audio. Because they can't have it both ways. If you had the audio, you can confirm the transcript. You how did why did you print an altered transcript? If you had the audio, you just had to match it up. But if you were given the transcript and told this is verbatim, this is what the president said. And we have the audio. And if you, you know, just know it. We have the audio. And they never gave the audio to the Washington Post. I'm just speculating here.
Starting point is 00:13:15 So perhaps the Washington Post made a decision. The editors made a decision. We're going to run with it. We've got the transcript. We know who has the audio. This is a confirmed source. Yes. Not a high-level source.
Starting point is 00:13:32 A high-level source within, well, we'll reveal, within government. And we know that's how the big papers think. The New York Times, for example, remember the anonymous op-ed they ran of a senior administration official calling President Trump a traitor and all these other things back in 2019? We know that they're willing to run even on a single source if they have someone who's in a senior position, as long as that person's identity is revealed to them. Well, as it turns out, good. Before we do this, can we listen again to President Trump, what he said to Maria Bartiromo last night on Fox News? Pay attention to how he changed the focus from The Washington Post to Georgia politicians. Watch this. One thing I will say, The Washington Post did a correction.
Starting point is 00:14:20 A lot of pressure was put on them, but they did a correction because they realized what they did was wrong. So now you have to find out, was it the Washington Post fault or the people that run the elections in Georgia? Because the people that run the elections in Georgia, they have to be looked at, whether it was the secretary of state or, frankly, the governor of the state. Things went on there between the presidential election, which I can tell you about, or you look at the two Senate elections. That is such a shame that that happened. Everything that you've been talking about on your show today is affected by those two seats. He did pivot to the Secretary of State's office, both the governor and the Secretary of State. He gave the Washington Post an out and then turned the attention to Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger.
Starting point is 00:15:09 The Washington Post now is also pivoting. It might be a good idea to look what they were saying yesterday. And so this is number four for control, if we want to get that up on screen. So this is the correction that they posted yesterday, saying two months after publication of this story, the Georgia Secretary of State released an audio recording of President Donald Trump's December phone call with the state's top election investigator. The recording revealed that the Post misquoted Trump's comments on the call based on information provided by a source.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Trump did not tell the investigator to find the fraud or say she would be a national hero if she did so. Instead, Trump urged the investigator to scrutinize ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, asserting she would find dishonesty there. He also told her that she had the most important job in the country right now. A story about the recording can be found here. The headline and text of this story have been corrected to remove quotes misattributed to Trump. Now, in this, they don't name the source, but that changed today, right?
Starting point is 00:16:09 Keep this up. And I did not see this yesterday. I'm looking at it now, the very first sentence. Two months after publication of this story, the Georgia Secretary of State released an audio recording of President Trump's December phone call with the state's top election investigator. So the Secretary of State's office. Raffensperger released it and we hit it right yesterday. Why was it released? There's a grand jury investigation and they found it on the device of Mrs. Watson.
Starting point is 00:16:47 Yes, Watson. Francis Watson. Francis Watson, the chief election fraud investigator. I believe she tried to get rid of it. And either she forgot to delete her trash bin on her phone or a forensic investigator found it on her device, retrieved it and gave it to the grand jury. And then they were caught. And now Raffensperger had to release it to the Washington Post. Now the Washington Post, it's got the actual audio and it doesn't match up with the transcript.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Well, absolutely. And they've gone as far as to out the person in Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office who did confirm, did share and spread the story as the source that everyone was quoting. Washington Post veteran reporter Eric Wimple said, the Washington Post report on the substance of Trump's December 23rd call in January, describing him saying that Watson should find the fraud and that she would be a national hero, based on an account from Jordan Fuchs, the deputy secretary of state, whom Watson briefed on his comments. And that's not Jordan Fuchs there on the left. That's the reporter. Jordan Fuchs is a woman. Yes, and we can show
Starting point is 00:18:12 what she looks like. This was actually leaked. One of the outlets made a mistake. One of the outlets made a mistake. It was NBC News, although maybe it wasn't a mistake. They actually named her as a confirmation for the Washington Post story back in January 9th. January 9th of this year. They named her.
Starting point is 00:18:29 They named her. They said Georgia's deputy secretary of state, Jordan Fuchs, said we can confirm the events in the Washington Post story. And the we is not her and her cat. It's her and the secretary of state's office in Georgia. All right. Something I want to say before we go deeper into this, because you've got to wait until you hear this. But yesterday, some of our viewers had a very legitimate point of view about what I was saying. And it was, well, Rick, back in January, you were reporting the Washington Post story as fact.
Starting point is 00:19:10 All right. That's a legitimate point of view. OK, so how do you explain this now? The fact and we went over this yesterday. I said it. The Washington Post published verbatim a transcript. How have we reached the point of corruption and deception and lying that you can't believe one thing? Do you know how dangerous this is as a society? That a major newspaper. How old is the Washington Post? It's over 100 and some years old. It's in the nation's capital.
Starting point is 00:19:50 You're telling me that if they publish a transcript, you have to assume at the beginning it's been doctored, it's been altered, that you can't trust that an actual transcript is real. Is a real transcript, right. If we're at this point, the society is so corrupt and so evil and so deceptive that we're breaking apart. There's no rule of law. There's nothing.
Starting point is 00:20:17 There's no trust. And Rick, you didn't just say that. And obviously you base it on that and plus our other analysis. You were basing it at the time on the fact the washington post had already released an audio recording it was the audio recording between president trump and brad raffensperger where president trump did say find the votes there was context to it but he said that so now they come along days later and and remember this was right after three days after the Capitol riot. Yes. So when you consider the atmosphere, excuse me, I'm going to sneeze. If you consider the atmosphere of early January, it was extremely tense in the country.
Starting point is 00:21:00 There were demands that the president resign. And you're looking at an article in The Washington Post with a transcript. And a rational, intelligent person would say, dear Lord, he said it. There it is. There it is in black and white. There's the transcript. Now, where are we now? Now that we know that the Washington Post published an altered transcript, where are we now? Here's where we're at.
Starting point is 00:21:35 When a news organization, television or print or digital, publishes a transcript of a meeting, a phone call, then you cannot believe it until they produce the audio and the video. And I would challenge them to say, if they have enough to produce a transcript, you have enough to show us the audio. Absolutely. But we also know we're now at the stage of deep fake videos. And that's true. So a year or two from now, we're going to be going, the video is not real.
Starting point is 00:22:11 There is no good solution to this, but I do know that's the importance of saints in the world. Christians can testify truth if they're there. They have to physically be there, though. Yes, but Jesus said in the last days that if it were possible, even the very elect would be deceived. That's right. Deception will be so great that even the most discerning, wise Christians will be vulnerable to being deceived. The deception is going to become so elaborate and deep and professional. Because like I said, we're going to deep fake videos
Starting point is 00:22:48 that you're going to be looking at a video going, well, that looks like Donald Trump. It sounds like him. Did he say that? Did he do that? I mean, think of where we're at as a society. Oh, it's to the fabric of trust and society's foundation. If we're saying we can't even trust our elected leaders, what they're saying anymore in the
Starting point is 00:23:08 videos, not just posted on social media, but in the case of today, this story published in a hundred-year-old newspaper, one that's considered to be a paper of record for news in America. And you can't go back and look at the original article now. No. Because they've altered it. It's not like you can go out and get a printed copy of the newspaper nowadays because most of it's online. Now, there are still some outlets that have that January 9th report referencing the Washington
Starting point is 00:23:35 Post. So this is number six for control here. So this is CNBC and this is from January 9th. This is their reporting based upon the Washington Post story and other outlets that President Trump pressured Georgia top elections investigator to find the fraud and phone call. We played the phone call. There was no find the fraud. There was nothing like that in that phone call. Now we come up to today. There are people that need to start making some explanations. And they have tried to begin. The official we're talking about, Jordan Fuchs, again, the deputy secretary of state, she is now trying to clarify what went wrong, what was reported. There is a story in the Tennessee Star where she is quoted by an email statement. This is her right here. This is Jordan Fuchs.
Starting point is 00:24:23 She told the Georgia Star News, which is an affiliate of the Tennessee Star, that she believes the story accurately reflected the investigator's interpretation of the call. The only mistake here was made in the direct quotes, and they should have been more of a summary. So she's saying that they should never have been quoted directly, that what she was saying was more more of a it was the general theme of the call. Oh, baloney, baloney. You can't remember word for word a telephone call. She's trying to make us believe that she confirmed what somebody else told her about a phone call she had with Trump,
Starting point is 00:25:08 who wrote the transcript? Somebody had to type it out. There's a Word document somewhere. Someone listen to it. Whose computer is it on? Okay, there's a forensic investigator involved with the district attorney's office in the county whose computer was used to type out the the the transcript that was sent to the washington post and here's where i'm at now from yesterday in that we know now there were at least two people
Starting point is 00:25:41 who knew the contents of that call okay so Francis Watson the election czar basically there in Georgia and now Jordan Fuchs we know those two knew the contents of that call knew the truth of that call and have known the truth or the untruth rather the entire time since January 9th so now I'm leaning towards that it wasn't the Washington Post that deliberately altered the document, but they foolishly published a document without hearing the audio. I now believe it was Jordan Fuchs working for Brad Raffensperger, who made up this document. Now, she's trying to say today, well, it was all based on my recollection. Okay, so, Doc, if you have a phone call with a local county official, and a week later you tell me about it,
Starting point is 00:26:49 what are the odds that I'm going to write down? First of all, what are the odds you're going to have perfect recollection? You said, he said. You said, he said. And then a week later, I'm going to remember what you said, he said, and what you said, you said. I'm already confused. That's the point you made. It's just not going to remember what you said he said and what you said you said. I'm already confused. That's the point you're making. It's just not going to happen.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Her story is a bunch of baloney. You're right. No, Jordan, I'd like to see your computer because I think you typed it. And Rick. I think she typed it. Yesterday, you hit on the Fulton County prosecutor and grand jury information, right? As of yesterday, there was nothing out there that suggested that there was any movement by the Fulton County prosecutor that they had access to the call. Now we come up to today.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Wall Street Journal today. Take a look at this, Rick. You're going to feel really good. Look at that headline. Trump called a Georgia lead investigator reveals new details. This is as a result of the Fulton County prosecutor. So this story published on the 11th was actually the story where the audio was released. Yes. So the Wall Street Journal, and what's interesting about this story is it's the story that started to unravel
Starting point is 00:27:59 that an audio existed, it was accorded in full and that the Secretary of State's office had it, that they had it and gave it up in a public records request. Because a grand jury was looking for it. Yes. And the person who deleted it is a criminal investigator for the state working for Brad Raffensperger, and she knows that hiding evidence from a grand jury will send you to jail. Definitely should have known better.
Starting point is 00:28:34 That's called obstruction of justice? That's even called, dare I say, a cover-up. The problem I have with Ms. Watson is that she watched the president of the United States lied about. Yes. That her phone call with him was misreported, twisted, deceived. She watched that a fake transcript of that phone call was entered into the congressional record in an impeachment of the president. And there she sat as a criminal investigator for a state agency.
Starting point is 00:29:10 And she didn't speak up and say that didn't happen. He didn't say that. Who ordered her to shut up? I would say Brad Raffensperger and Brian Kemp, the governor. Oh, absolutely. And who ordered her to record the phone call? Because I've got an issue with her explanation. She actually has come out and tried to give an explanation.
Starting point is 00:29:33 She spoke to WSB-TV Atlanta. The reporter's name is Mark Wine. She spoke with him, and she said she was keeping it for posterity. And that was where he brought this up. Rick, I've got an issue with this. But then you deleted it. Got an issue with this. Even past the deleting it.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Rick, when you record a phone call, the way the apps I know work, the phone call is already begun when you have to initiate the record. The recording that was released was released in full. Right from the hello, how are you doing to the close? I think that the explanation she was keeping it for her memories. I think it's ridiculous I think that she was ordered beforehand if there was a call to record it right away before you begin talking most likely the White House Contacted her and said the President United States would like to speak to you. Please stay on the line.
Starting point is 00:30:29 The President will be with you in just a moment. And that's when she started the recording. And then they edited it so that it just begins with him talking. Did you have a chance to find out what does the law of Georgia say and what does the District of Columbia law say about recording phone calls without the other party's knowledge or permission? So D.C. is a two party consent state. Now, what that means is both parties have to consent to the call. The District of Columbia, rather, in this case, would be that. Florida is actually considered to be a... Before, she's Georgia. She's Georgia. I know. I'm laying it out. So President Trump was in Washington, so District
Starting point is 00:31:12 of Columbia. And there's another thing about security, too. You'd have to question if she was even allowed to record that phone call. Georgia, and the two-party consent law is a one-party consent state. The Georgia wiretapping law says that if one party, which could be her or the president, consents, then you're allowed to record. But I would propose that this wasn't just a simple phone call between two citizens of the United States of America, or even in this case, a Georgia citizen.
Starting point is 00:31:43 No, it was government officials. Yes, and this was government No, it was government officials. Yes. And this was government business. Top officials. It was government business. And the president's position takes priority over a state bureaucrat. Yes. That aside from the fact of just how rude and inappropriate it is to begin with, to record a private conversation with you and the president.
Starting point is 00:32:03 She was told to record it. Yes. And then told to record it. Yes. And then told to delete it. Yes. And she would have allowed it to never surface had there not been a grand jury. But the Democrats' eagerness to put Donald Trump in jail has backfired on them again because the grand jury investigation is what smoked out the recording. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:29 And there was a confirmation. They got caught by their own tricks. There was a confirmation of this in the CNN article here, number 11. Fulton County District Attorney Fannie Willis had sent a round of letters to Georgia state officials in February, which included the Georgia Secretary of State's office. And he asked them to preserve documents relevant to election interference. And it appears in this ask, this was considered a public records ask, that's when the recording was produced. Produced as in, oh my, we have to preserve records now.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Let's check the trash cans of chief investigators, other officials in the state's office. And what's the six minute phone call, this MP3 file between the president and our chief investigator? Obviously, it wasn't an accident that they found this file. Obviously, it wasn't an accident that was deleted. But that's how it was produced. And it was indeed produced through the grand jury request. All right, Edward, let's take it to the next level. The next level. Hold on, folks, because this, like I said a few minutes ago, back in December 8th, you know, a month after the election, we investigated Jordan Fuchs, but we never reported on her
Starting point is 00:33:44 because there was so much other stuff going on with the post-election drama that we never got around to talking about Jordan Fuchs. But now, today's the day. It is the day. And this is really, it starts by looking at her position. She, according to the Secretary of State of Georgia, is the deputy secretary of state. Her roles oversee five different divisions of the state office, securities, corporations, professional licensing, elections, and charities. This is according to the bio published on the Georgia official government website. She also serves as the vice president of something called the Landmark Communications consulting firm.
Starting point is 00:34:27 They're well known. Yes. But I want to say that she's doing this at the same time that she's serving in government, which has been a common trend, hasn't it? Who was the other guy? Who was the other guy that held a press conference? Remember about the election? Gabriel Sterling.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Yes. And his interesting background, in addition to double dipping in both government and private consulting with the government, he also, by his own omission, worked with the CIA back in the Noriega operation. That's his own omission. He tried to use this as a deflection against him being a communist. Roughly, how old is Jordan Fuchs? She looks like she's 30 years old. You're right, Rick.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Gabriel Sterling was VP of Landmark Communications. Oh, wow. The same company. The mysterious Landmark Communications. I got to shake your hand. You just remember everything. This is very important because Landmark Communications, we only have a phone. Been doing it a long, long time.
Starting point is 00:35:18 You remember this one, Rick? This one that we couldn't even find a website for. We found the house, though. We found a house. The company is inside his house. Yes. That's so odd. We did the Google Earth, and we saw a even find a website. We found the house, though. We found a house. The company is inside his house. Yes. We did the Google Earth, and we saw a viewing of the house. Huh.
Starting point is 00:35:30 The deputy secretary of state for Georgia and the consultant for the deputy secretary of state and the secretary of state, Brad Ravensburger, they're working for the same company, top executives for it, and that's based out of a house. Yes. It's in his name. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:43 So I have that all in line. So in addition to that. I bet they do a laundering business there. Laundry, you said? Yes. Oh, yes, laundry. That's where you take your laundry to get it cleaned. Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:35:54 So in addition to that, young Jordan Fuchs has also. Go ahead. I'm interrupting you. I'm sorry. No, it's okay. Go back. Put that up on her bio again. Yeah, because we didn't even finish the bio. Oh, that's what I was going to. I was going to go to the sorry. No, it's okay. Go back. Put that up on her bio again. Yeah, because we didn't even finish the bio.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Oh, that's what I was going to. I was going to go to the bio. Now, look at this. She is overseeing five divisions in the Secretary of State for Georgia. Securities. Do you know how big that is? Enormous. Securities.
Starting point is 00:36:22 She's in charge of all corporations in the state of Georgia. So if you want to set up a corporation in Georgia, it goes through her division. She's every corporate report, all the filings, all the records for corporations, C corporations, LLCs, nonprofit corporations, everything. She's over top of it. All professional licensing. Are you a barber? Are you a plumber? Are you an electrician?
Starting point is 00:36:51 If you need a state license, she's overseeing your state license. Then she's also over elections. And finally, when she does have spare time, she's managing all the charities in the state of Georgia. Boy, that's a lot of trust. And she's 30 years old. 30 year old. And she's running a private corporation.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Who apparently may have gotten licensed through her own office. Let's think about this for a second here. Yes. Huh. Seems like some hocus pocus. In addition to this, she also served in Congress and the U.S. as a staffer, but she was also working through the U.S. Foreign Policy Program and the Council of Foreign Relations. CFR. Oh, my. I'm shocked. Shocked, I say. She worked for the CFR. I knew you'd get it.
Starting point is 00:37:41 Shocked. I'm just shocked. She worked for the CFR. She's a former employee of U.S. Representative Rob Woodall. She's earned an A.B.J. in public relations from Henry Grady School of Journalism and a B.A. in political science from the University of Georgia. The interesting part about the School of Journalism, Rick, is she should have known better, right? She should have known better with that transcript. You should check your transcripts before you mail them off to the Washington Post. So we bring this up because you need to know who Jordan Fuchs is before we show you what happened while she was in high school. Now, how long has she been Deputy Secretary of State? It's since 2018, three years. This is a story from They actually name
Starting point is 00:38:23 her not just as the new Deputy Secretary of State under Brad Raffensperger, but the key official. The key official who got him elected to state level positions and his current position as secretary of state. He's a longtime staffer. So what do you mean? She worked on the campaigns, worked in the office, also worked to help him get elected and now obviously take office as Secretary of State of Georgia. So is she Raffensperger's handler? Raffensperger's Kushner, I'd say. Certainly very similar in profile.
Starting point is 00:38:57 If she's managing all those departments, what does Brad do? I was going to ask that very same question. What else does the Secretary of State do? Well, that seems to me that's all the major functions. He cries about pressure on Good Morning America. He doesn't investigate election fraud in his own state to the extent that his own constituents would want. There's quite a few things that Brad does, I think. Probably goes down to the local Chinese carryout and picks up lunch.
Starting point is 00:39:26 So, you know who she is. Now let's show you what she did back in 2006. Now before I do this, I know, Rick, you reported on this story. No, we didn't talk about it. Specifically, I know you reported on an aspect of it. Barna Group in May 2006 was trying to warn fellow Christians about the negative influence of Harry Potter. Oh, yeah, this is a big story, you know, 15 years ago. And really, it was every kid, I think every kid in a Christian family was faced with,
Starting point is 00:39:58 well, we're going to read this in school, we're going to read the series, we're going to go see the movies. It was a household book about witchcraft. But now we've moved on as a society. We don't have Harry Potter. Our actors eat people now. And they have drag queens in the school libraries now. We're way, way, way past the worry of kids reading witchcraft books. They now have transvestites reading the witchcraft books to the kids. That's where we're at as a society. Well, even back then, this was shocking.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Shocking enough to raise alarms and cause hearings in local public education. A lot of schools tried, a lot of parents tried to ban Harry Potter books. Well, one specific jurisdiction was Gwinnett County, Gwinnett County in Georgia. Just happened where Jordan Fuchs went to high school. But there was a story in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in 2006. This is going to be April 21st, 2006. This is an archived version. It's hard to find today, Rick, by the way.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Very hard to find these old stories. Title, Hearing Draws Potter Foes. Fans' battle lines are drawn as Mum Fights to Ban Books. It was written by Laura Diamond, as you see there. I've got a quote from this that I think we might find very interesting. Hang on, folks. Watch this. So in that story, it says, One girl, Jordan Fuchs, said she became fascinated with witchcraft after reading the first Potter book. It says, with witchcraft. Jordan said she considered killing herself. Jordan, now 15, said she has since turned her life around,
Starting point is 00:41:48 but she said the books are dangerous. I truly believe the Harry Potter books should be banned, she said. Alright, so this is 2006. This is a Jordan Fuchs, 15 years old. We confirmed this with another outlet that also reported the same story, the Gwinnett Daily. same story, the Gwinnett Daily. So this is the Gwinnett Daily Post from April 2006. This has another take on the story. And in this story, it names the age of the young woman named Jordan and names her at 15 years of age.
Starting point is 00:42:23 So 2006. Well, that would make her 30 years old right now. Make her 30 years old. 30 years old. Could it be the same Jordan Fuchs? I do suspect it is. We have reached out to the Secretary of State's office, both the press office and Jordan Fuchs directly, asking if she was a teen witch at one point. You asked Jordan Fuchs, the Deputy Secretary of State of Georgia, you asked her today if she was a witch? I don't have a degree in journalism, but I think that's
Starting point is 00:42:48 how the Washington Post may have done it if they're following their rule book. I'm so proud of Edward. Were you a teenage witch? And so this all transpired, right? I like to see the meeting going on today in Brad Raffensperger's office. Jordan? How do we? True News wants to know if you were a witch. Well, as a matter of fact, Brad. You testified to it. And so this was happening.
Starting point is 00:43:15 Why are you levitating, Jordan? Come down. So we took a couple steps, obviously, to try to verify this. One of them was the story in the Gournette Daily Post. This is a quote from it. It mentioned the mother of that Jordan Fuchs. This is what the story quoted. The debate was started by Laura Mallory, a Loganville mother of four.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Now, the debate they were talking about, Rick, is that there was a school board hearing where they were bringing in witnesses to try to get the Harry Potter books banned from the library. Loganville's a suburb of Atlanta. Yes. So who filed the complaint? This is referring to Laura Mallory. That the Harry Potter books are requesting that they be taken out of all school libraries. Quoting Laura Mallory, it said, I want to protect children from evil, not fill their minds with it.
Starting point is 00:44:01 The Harry Potter books teach children and adults that witchcraft is okay for children. It goes on to say the Harry Potter series follows the young wizard from the age of 11, which he learns of his lineage as he's educated at the Hogwarts School of Wizardry. Now, this is where a certain name comes up. At Thursday's hearing, Mallory spoke against the books along with four other parents and students. One of them was Stacey Thomas, a mother of five, who said reading the Harry Potter series made her daughter turn to witchcraft, ultimately causing their Christian family to lose friends, finances, and their reputation. Her daughter,
Starting point is 00:44:39 Jordan Fuchs, 15, testified that she began experimenting with tarot cards, curses, and seances after reading the books. And this is her quoting now. Now, read this. This is the Jordan Fuchs quote. As a former witch, I can tell you that witchcraft is not fantasy. I felt I could not escape the clutches of witchcraft. It had taken several years of counseling to get where I was before witchcraft and reading Harry Potter books. Now it is of note that the spelling in the Gwinnett Daily Post is different than the spelling of Jordan Fuchs' name. Official Jordan Fuchs is the Deputy Secretary of State. But we found other articles from the same time that spelled
Starting point is 00:45:20 it the correct way. Yes, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which Jordan herself gave comment to about the Washington Post story, on this very same story spelled it correctly. It's number 15, just to show that again, number 15, 2006. That's it right there. It said Jordan Fuchs,
Starting point is 00:45:38 with the correct spelling of the current Deputy Secretary of State. Okay, so in that other article, her mother's name was Stacey Adams? Thomas. Thomas. I want to say Stacey Abrams. That would really make this interesting. Stacey Thomas. So Thomas and Fuchs are two different names. So either the mother remarried, there was a divorce, she remarried, or there was a divorce and Jordan kept the name of her father.
Starting point is 00:46:12 There's an explanation of why the mother's last name is Thomas and her name is Fuchs. Yes, and we encourage Jordan Fuchs to respond to my quest for comment, and you can clear that up for us. But in addition to that part, we did a background check search on Jordan Fuchs. And the background search actually shows there is a relation between Stacey Thomas and a Jordan Fuchs, 30 years old, that matches the same profile. So it would be quite the coincidence, especially in the same county that Jordan Fuchs, the one that the deputy secretary of state, grew up in. I think we can say with some confidence,
Starting point is 00:46:51 some great confidence, then this is the same person. Same name, same age, same geographical location. That's it. Now, we were to find a little more information about this story there was a profile actually posted uh far jose man young got now this is a ministry bio for this man he actually wrote a a pdf paper which he got access to today he runs this website here. In a paper that he published about Harry Potter, he mentioned Jordan Fuchs using the correct spelling. And this is what he said. Testimony from an ex-teen witch high school student, Jordan Fuchs, testified at a school hearing in Gwinnett County, Georgia in April 2006
Starting point is 00:47:40 that the Potter books had a bad influence on her and her friends in middle school. Her teachers had encouraged the students to read the books. She states in her testimony, after reading the first book, many of my classmates decided that we wanted to learn more about witchcraft. While at school, we looked up witchcraft on the internet. We looked up how to become a witch and how to perform the craft. To us, the Harry Potter books had made witchcraft seem mystical, exciting, and innocent. She then stated, we continue to search for info on how to perform spells, curses, potions, hexes, and vexes, just like Harry. After practicing witchcraft, she said she became an
Starting point is 00:48:19 angry, bitter, depressed, vengeful, manipulative, disobedient, rebellious person. She had become so depressed that she set out to kill herself. Fortunately, she had confided in a friend who told her mother, who then intervened and found some help for her. However, it took her several years to get back to where she was. The PDF goes on to quote, Unfortunately, the Potter series had affected some of our elementary school children. Through the Barner Report, did not interview children.
Starting point is 00:48:46 We know from the stories of teachers that the Harry Potter book have made witchcraft and occult practices very appealing to children who are far too young to sort out right from wrong in the stories. This is when it reintroduces Jordan Fuchs. It says, Jordan Fuchs, the teenager who testified at the Gwinnett County hearing, had included her testimony, this startling fact. She said, I remember my children telling me that they were hooked into witchcraft by Harry Potter. Once again, it talks about Jordan Fuchs. This is actually where it says that she was later delivered from witchcraft. That's the claim, at least, and that she had turned to God, the mercy of God, to get out of this as a teen.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Well, I hope so. And if she's turned to God, she knows you don't lie. And you lied about President Trump. That's a good point. That's a very good point. And all liars have their part in the lake of fire. So if you lied about the president, you need to confess, confess that you lied. You need to apologize to President Trump because you helped get him impeached with your lies. You need to apologize to the entire American public. Indeed, the world, because the world read your lies. Believed your lies. And so if you claim to be a Christian delivered from witchcraft you need to make this right
Starting point is 00:50:09 because you created an international scandal based on your written transcript of the president's call and what we need to know Jordan Fuchs is did you alter written transcript of the president's call. And what we need to know, Jordan Fuchs, is did you alter the transcript? Who did it? Did you send it to The Washington Post?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Who sent it to The Washington Post? Well, she confirmed it. She confirmed it to The Post. The Post is saying she's the source. That's right. The Post said she's the source. So she sent the transcript. That means to me she wrote the transcript. she's the source. That's right. The Post said she's the source. So she sent the transcript. That means to me she wrote the transcript.
Starting point is 00:50:49 She altered the transcript. Would you characterize that as manipulative? If that was what happened, would that be manipulative? Of course. You manipulated the facts. That's what witches do. They manipulate. Because you've preached on the subject.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Manipulation. It's witchcraft. Yes, it is. So it would be a form of sorcery. It would be a form of casting of spells. A spell, really, in this case, over the nation. Because at a time this was released, it sent the country into fur. We were already mad.
Starting point is 00:51:28 But now we had a story trying to claim President Trump was misusing the Department of Justice and the state level investigator was supposed to be non-biased and not political in any way. And Edward, throughout the impeachment, she knew that President Trump was being accused of something that he did not say. Yes. She had a vendetta. This was revenge. She was out to get President Trump. I mean, he had attacked Raffensperger and Kemp. She was out to get him. Her boss, longtime boss, Brad Raffensperger.
Starting point is 00:51:59 She would have defended him. So that's not a Christian spirit. Revenge is not of Christ. We don't take revenge against our enemies. So was revenge the motivation for lying? You got multiple sins. You got a hateful heart, revengeful, lying, false witness. You know, that's in the top 10.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Well, here's what I've learned. Here's what I've learned about lying. Lying that long a period of time does not exist in a vacuum. No. No. I'm believing that the whole Secretary of State's office knew of this lie. They did. They participated.
Starting point is 00:52:37 We know Francis Watson knew it was a lie. We know that Miss Fuchs knew it was a lie. Jordan Fuchs knew it was a lie. So there's two right there. Listen, I think it was, I forget in the Watergate scandal, Chuck Colson, he said, we couldn't get 12 guys to keep our mouths shut and lie for three days before they start spilling the beans to someone else and you know it that's the same principle here you can't tell me that there weren't people in the office and then there's the phone call that
Starting point is 00:53:16 winds up in the trash can that means an action was taken on the lie yeah you don't trust something by accident that's right so there's conspiracy involved and I believe that conspiracy not only involves these two women, it also involves Brad Raffensperger. He's ultimately responsible. Which is why President Trump said on Fox News last night, you have to take a look at the two Georgia officials. He knows. Well, for all we know, there could be a coven inside the Secretary of State's office.
Starting point is 00:53:45 I mean, is it not true? This is the Jordan Fuchs practicing witchcraft as a child, not just practicing. I was a witch. I was a witch, a teen witch. She knows that. That's part of her training as a youth. Moving forward to today, we have established he's in charge of elections. And when you lie, it's witchcraft. That's something very important to note here. How many times over the years have we come across witchcraft inside government and politics and corporations and the news media? We now know that every time the press lies, it's a form of witchcraft. I mean, the Washington Post example, do you remember the story back in 2017?
Starting point is 00:54:27 The devil is the father of all lies. If you're a liar, your spiritual father is the devil. And aren't the principles of politics and witchcraft really the same? Aren't you, what are they both in the business of doing? Manipulation. Manipulation. Right? Yes. I wonder how many witches and warlocks are in news media, are in government. We know
Starting point is 00:54:51 just because of a memoir that the wife of the former Washington Post editor Ben Bradley was an occultist. This is 2017. Of the Washington Post that published the altered transcript. That's Sally Quinn. She boasted about it in a spiritual memoir titled Finding Magic. She said she would put hexes on people. She worried that the hexes would kill them. Well, guess what? If the hexes are lies, that'd be a low-level hex. Lies do kill people. Lies get a president impeached. Lies set a country on fire. And Edward, who is this person? Sally Quinn. She was a journalist
Starting point is 00:55:31 and she was married to the Washington Post editor, Ben Bradley. And she was the religion editor of the Washington Post. Oh, come on. And she was a witch. That's true. Well, we know what religion the Washington Post describes to. Satanism. So maybe they... Washington Post witchcraft and Jordan Fuse witchcraft. You think they would know each other? Well, the devil knows other demons, so...
Starting point is 00:55:56 Wow. What else is there to say on that? Well, I'll tell you what. We need to pray against this witchcraft. It's not just guarding our eyes, guarding our hearts from this terrible propaganda. It's spiritual propaganda.
Starting point is 00:56:11 This is meant to mislead us spiritually. There is a takedown underway globally. Look at what Archbishop Vagano in Italy with the Roman Catholic Church. He openly is talking about a global takeover of the world.
Starting point is 00:56:32 He openly says the Vatican was taken over by the communists, by the Freemason Jesuits. Archbishop Vagano openly says the Pope is not real. He's not a legitimate Pope. That Pope Benedict was overthrown by Pope Francis. I mean, we have entered the twilight zone as a world, as a planet. We're in the twilight zone. We have a... Coronavirus is not fake, but the propaganda operation behind it is fake.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And just days ago, we had the... I know you're trying to get out on time, aren't you? No, finish your statement, Rick. Finish your statement. The Dutch scientist who said... Good vendor, Bosch. Yes, that a sizable portion of the human population is going to die soon. I mean, this is mass genocide. A former employer of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Who do you think is orchestrating this other than Lucifer himself? Doc, it's beyond our comprehension what's going on. And we have the actual application of it right here. Yes. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family, and consider supporting us as we report on the second coming of Jesus Christ and dispel the evil lies of the enemy.
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