TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - World War III on the Move: Thousands of North Korean Troops Headed Toward Ukraine Border

Episode Date: October 24, 2024

Japan’s Kyodo News Agency reported today that thousands of North Korean soldiers are moving through Russia toward the Ukraine border. Later in today’s TruNews Rick & Doc discuss the latest dev...elopments in Campaign 2024 for the US Presidency.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/24/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch True News, and it's apparent to me that we are in World War III, and the U.S. is very unstable. I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for troubled times. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy my supplies from American Reserves offers easy to prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase
Starting point is 00:00:38 the world famous British Burkefield gravity fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at American reserves dot com my family security is critical to me something big is coming procrastination could be costly act today before crisis suddenly appears be ready be wise go to American reserves dot com japan's kyoto news agency reported today that thousands of north k Korean soldiers are moving through Russia toward the Ukraine border.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Later in today's True News, we will discuss the latest developments in Campaign 2024 for the U.S. presidency. But let's begin our analysis and commentary of news for Thursday, October 24, 2024, with this story published by Kyoto News Agency in Tokyo. Around 2,000 North Korean troops moving to Western Russia near Ukraine. Let's take a look at what Kyoto just reported hours ago. That's right. Around 2,000 North Korean soldiers are moving to Western Russia near the Ukrainian border after completing training, that's according to a Ukrainian military source speaking to Kyoto News Thursday, marking the first confirmed movement of troops dispatched from Pyongyang. North Korean military officers entered Russia's western Kursk region earlier this month as an
Starting point is 00:02:18 advance team to prepare for the arrival of soldiers in an area where Ukraine is conducting cross-border attacks. Now, according to the source, the advance team is made up of about 10 officers. In curse, the team is believed to be securing a base to accept the North Korean troops, setting up communication networks, and also checking the safety of the surrounding area. Ukrainian authorities identified the movement of North Korean soldiers through satellite data, intercepted communications and intelligence from within the Russian military. And so we have Ukrainian reports and now Japanese reports of troop movement by North Korea.
Starting point is 00:03:05 And you were asking me before we started the Godcast today, Doc, could you have imagined ever doing these stories where North Korean troops are in Europe? No. Doc, in 25 years of news analysis on this program, the thought never entered my mind one time that there would be a day I would report that North Korean troops are in Europe moving towards Ukraine. That thought is so far removed from my mind. This is mind-boggling to me. I'm going to have to pull out those old dispensational charts and see if we're missing something
Starting point is 00:03:38 there, Rick. Hal Lindsey must have a verse somewhere that says, right there it is, North Korea will invade Europe. Folks, do you understand? North Korea will invade Europe. Folks, do you understand? North Korea is in Europe. North Korean troops are in Europe. Hardly anybody is talking about it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:54 North Korean troops have now been stationed in Europe, headed towards the Ukraine border for warfare with a NATO ally. And people are ignoring the signs. The White House has confirmed that North Korea has sent 3,000 troops for combat training in Russia. So what this Kyoto story is saying is there are 3,000 troops, North Korean troops in Russia, and 2,000 of the 3,000 are on their way to the Ukraine border now. So yesterday, White House spokesman John Kirby officially said yes, the U.S. government confirms that there are North Korean troops now in Russia. Let's watch. Today, I'm prepared to share what we know at this stage. We assess that between
Starting point is 00:04:53 early to mid-October, North Korea moved at least 3,000 soldiers into eastern Russia. We assess that these soldiers traveled by ship from the Wamsan area in North Korea to Vladivostok, Russia. These soldiers then traveled onward to multiple Russian military training sites in eastern Russia, where they are currently undergoing training. We do not yet know whether these soldiers will enter into combat alongside the Russian military, but this is certainly a highly concerning probability. After completing training, these soldiers could travel to Western Russia and then engage in combat against the Ukrainian military. Yesterday, Mr. Kirby said these soldiers could travel
Starting point is 00:05:40 to Western Russia and enter into combat in ukraine today the new service is saying they're on the move now right two-thirds of the troops in russia the the north korean troops two-thirds of them are now moving towards the ukraine border doc is world war iii it it is expanding at a rate that it's hard for me to comprehend i comprehend. I don't have anything in my background to fall back on and say, I can explain this. This is unexplainable. Other than North Korea has one of the biggest armies in the world. What is it, like a million men? Yes.
Starting point is 00:06:26 In uniform? They have plenty of soldiers, plenty of soldiers to share. And they have more people than they can feed. Yes. And that's another reason why nations go to war. To reduce the population and lessen the burden to find food for them. So maybe what's going on in North Korea is that young men are being told, would you like to have three meals a day? Sure. Okay, put on this uniform and get on that ship. Right. You're going to Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:07:00 And another thing wars do is it produces leaders future leaders for a nation a future heroes for the nation and so war is a big deal and it relieves uh pressure in in a society pressure's building up yes okay problems and so politicians send people to war to solve the problem to solve the problem which may actually be internal, but by making it external, making the enemy someone else. Well, continuing on that same theme here, Yonhap News is reporting that South Korea now, President Yoon of South Korea says that South Korea could consider sending arms to Ukraine depending on the current North Korea and Russian military ties that are developing. President Yoon said Thursday that South Korea could consider providing arms to Ukraine depending on the extent of that cooperation. President Yoon made the remarks after a summit with Polish President Andrzej Duda in Seoul, during which both leaders strongly condemned North Korea's troop dispatch to Russia
Starting point is 00:08:04 and agreed to strengthen joint response to growing security threats. The article from Yonhap is quoting, If North Korea dispatches special forces to the Ukraine for war, we will provide support to Ukraine step by step and consider taking necessary measures for the security of the Korean Peninsula. We have adhered to a principle of not directly supplying lethal weapons, but we can review this more flexibly depending on North Korean military activities. And so, and Rick and I talked about this yesterday as well,
Starting point is 00:08:36 you could see a scenario in the very near future where South Korean troops and weapons are facing off against North Korean troops and weapons in Ukraine. Yes. And I heard this last night on a news program, and they were talking about the very same thing, Doc. What happens when North Korean soldiers are killed on the battlefield in Ukraine? What happens when South Korean weapons are used against Russia, Russian troops? What happens? And that was being discussed last night on a national news network. So we're not the only ones thinking about this right now, that this is expanding at a rate that few people have foreseen. You lived in South Korea, so you have a different perspective.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I personally think President Yoon is making a major mistake getting involved in this war. Oh, I agree. I think so, too. He shouldn't be getting his country in this war. Oh, I agree. I think so, too. He shouldn't be getting his country in this war. This escalation in partnership with NATO and the West that's been building over the past several years, what it has done is it's virtually cut off any reunification talks with North Korea. In fact, North Korea has come out and said, that's off the table. We're not talking about reunification at all anymore. And there's a large segment of the South Korean population. In fact, there's an entire political party that's based on reunification.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And so this is a big change from the time when I lived there. And even if you just put aside the reunification of the North and the South, at least you could maintain the status quo. Right. Which is tense, but not open warfare. We're watching each other, but... A lot of name-calling, but nothing else. Okay, you've got a DMZ, you've got a lot of weapons. But if I were the president of South Korea, and you have just north of you, and we're talking miles, just miles from Seoul, South Korea.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Yes, you can look over. I know. You can see it. I can see it. If you knew that there were a million armed troops on the other side of that border and nuclear weapons and tanks, a massive army, the last thing I would want to do is get involved in a foreign war on another continent. The possibility that South Korean weapons are used to kill North Korean troops in Ukraine
Starting point is 00:11:21 is enough to start a war in Korea on the peninsula. But the problem is that both North and South Korea have not been involved in a direct conflict since the Korean War. They haven't fought any other wars or anything. So you don't have a battle-hardened army on either side. But now, with North Korean troops fighting alongside Russians, they're going to experience the drama of battle now. And now, if South Korea moves to Ukraine as well, that's the same thing.
Starting point is 00:11:53 So they're going to gain the battle-ready experience that they desperately need if they plan to go against each other. But the Western powers are delighted now to get South Korea involved in NATO's fights. Yes. And now that opens up the door for NATO to move into Asia. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Open up a franchise there, Rick. That's exactly where this is going. Well, this morning when I first came in, you know, we start building out our news stories and everything. And this was the banner headline on Newsweek today. This story right here. And it's the question, is North Korea preparing for war? So I was actually surprised that Newsweek was even talking about, much less making it the banner headline. I got to give Newsweek credit. Of all of the so-called mainstream news outlets out there that we look at,
Starting point is 00:12:46 Newsweek has a better handle on what's going on than any of the other services out there. They certainly appear to do so. I give them credit. I don't agree with their perspective. Their perspective is very pro-NATO, pro-war. But they are aware. Their editors are aware that some major things are underway.
Starting point is 00:13:12 So I give Newsweek credit. Well, everybody else was talking about Harris and Trump and everything. Newsweek was talking about, we've got our eyes on this one today. So what's Newsweek saying about war? Well, it says that if South Korea infringes on North Korean waters, airspace, or territory one more time, a senior official in the secretive nation recently warned an immediate retaliatory attack will be launched. Now, this is on the heels of some reports recently. On Saturday, a North Korean defense ministry official said authorities had discovered a South Korean drone in one of Pyongyang's
Starting point is 00:13:46 districts that crashed up to a week earlier. It was designed for long-range reconnaissance and may have been meant to spread anti-regime messaging, according to North Korea's KCNA state news agency. Now, should it happen again, the official said, North Korea would be forced to respond. Now, Newsweek is reporting that this type of bellicose messaging isn't new from Pyongyang. North Korea's one-sided claims are not worth verifying, nor do they merit a response. That's coming from the South Korean Defense Ministry after the alleged drone attack. But if the safety of our citizens is threatened in any way, South Korea has since said our military will respond with stern and thorough retaliation. They go on to say they're signaling, of course,
Starting point is 00:14:31 to South Korea and the rest of the world that they no longer seek reunification. But it's definitely, I think, in part to reinforce this idea that for their own people in preparation for perhaps something bigger. I think they're using all this to try to illustrate to their people that South Korea really is a hostile state that they want to absorb North Korea. South Korea, you know, they drop the leaflets into North Korea. North Korea sends balloons filled with trash. Worse than trash. But South Korea should stop it.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Just leave them alone. Stop aggravating them. If you think your neighbor is psycho, don't interact with him. I mean, that would seem the logical thing, right? Yeah, don't litter his yard with nasty notes. I mean, if you think the guy's psycho and might try to shoot you,
Starting point is 00:15:31 leave the guy alone. So South Korea is always provoking. They're itching for war. And now they've got a partner in it with NATO. So, because NATO just loves the idea of having South Korea involved with Ukraine. I suspect, Doc, that Western strategists are behind the various agitations that South Korea
Starting point is 00:15:54 does. I'm certain that they are. They want the war. Also, you told me today there was a major fire in South Korea. Yeah. Also, you told me today there was a major fire in South Korea. Yeah, and this is a fire that breaks out at the United States Forces Korea warehouse in Busan. Is this a U.S. military warehouse? Yes. Yes, it is. And so Newsweek also had the story as well.
Starting point is 00:16:16 A huge fire at U.S. military base in South Korea. It wasn't on a carrier or anything like that. But a fire has broken out at a U.S. military base in South Korea with dramatic footage showing flames ripping through a large building as firefighters battle the blaze. The cause of the fire at the Busan Naval Base is not yet known, but is understood to have begun about 6.30 p.m. local time Thursday. Footage on social media shows thick plumes of smoke towering over the base. And so this is from Yonhap Television Network in Seoul, South Korea.
Starting point is 00:16:50 And you see the massive fire. And this was a United States Forces Korea warehouse where weapons were being stored. For war. For war with North Korea. So my first reaction to it was, was this an attack of sabotage by North Korea? That would be my first thought. Did we just see the first shot in the North and South Korean War? No allegations yet of a drone.
Starting point is 00:17:23 No, not yet. But that would make sense, wouldn't it? A drone crashed in Pyongyang? Maybe North Korea of a drone. No, not yet. But that would make sense, wouldn't it? A drone crashed in Pyongyang? Maybe North Korea sent a drone and attacked U.S. forces. That's right. We just reported there was a North Korean say that a drone had... It said, we're not going to sit by and let you do this anymore. And they also said in another article, if South Korea infringes on North Korea waters,
Starting point is 00:17:47 airspace or territory one more time, there will be an immediate retaliatory attack. Yes. You may be putting this together. A drone attack followed up by a drone attack. I mean, I've been around the US forces bases and stuff like that in South Korea. Highest level of security that you can imagine, Rick, and I've traveled all over the world. And so for there to be a fire to break out in a U.S. weapons warehouse, that something doesn't smell right about that to me. Because security would be extremely tight.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Yes, especially now. Now here's a headline you wouldn't think would be published in a major Western newspaper. Times of London. Armed forces could not stop an invasion amidst UK's defense secretary. What would be your reaction if U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said, I'm just going to tell the American people, we're not capable of repelling an armed invasion of the United States? I'd be worried. I'd be wondering, what are you guys spending all the money on up there in D.C.?
Starting point is 00:19:03 What's happening well that's exactly what mr healy the the new defense secretary of great britain told the british people because we we're incapable we don't have the resources to stop a land invasion well what does that tell other countries you're open you're wide open what does it tell russia that's what i'm talking about your defense secretary said we don't have the manpower we don't have the resources to repel a land invasion and oddly enough he did this in just casual remarks on a podcast you'd think that king charles would reprimand him.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Go back a thousand years, and what would a king do to his war secretary if he said, I don't think we could defend this kingdom. Whether it was true or not, you don't say it out loud. And publish it by the town crier. So this was said on the politico podcast called power play and host ann mcavoy interviewed john healy the uk defense secretary in the new care starmer government which has only been in power for what about 100 days or so? Yes, 100 days as of yesterday. So we've got a couple sound bites of this extraordinary admission. It's either raw stupidity
Starting point is 00:20:32 of a defense secretary blabbing his mouth saying we couldn't stop a land invasion, or it's a... They don't take the Russians seriously. No, or it's a bait. We're going to pretend that we're weak and let's bring on the fight. Because I'm convinced that the Western leaders want World War III.
Starting point is 00:20:56 They want the fight. They want it. So they admit that they're weak in order to provoke a fight? Well, how many stories have we seen in the past year? The West is running out of ammo. The West is running out of ammo. The West is running out of missiles. The West has depleted its resources. Right.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And now you have the U.K. defense secretary saying, we couldn't even stop an invasion. Well, then why not just close up? Right. In fact, the host of the podcast asked that question, that very question about ammo, to start off the interview. OK, let's listen. Earlier this year, the UK's deputy chief of defence staff, that's a left-hand general, Rob McGowan, said the UK would run out of ammunition and equipment in less than two months in any war scenario against Russia, presumably alongside NATO allies, obviously. But is that still the case?
Starting point is 00:21:47 One of my predecessors, Ben Wallace, as Defence Secretary, last year admitted to me in the Commons that he said over the 14 years of the Conservative governments, they'd hollowed out and underfunded the armed forces. It was, I have to say, quite a shock. Going into government in July, we expected the things to be in a poor state, but the state of the finances, the state of the forces was far worse than we thought. So at the heart of the strategic defence review that we've got underway, that Keir Starmer commissioned within two weeks of taking office, will be the determination that we not only step up and continue our support for Ukraine, but at the same time, we rebuild our own British stockpiles
Starting point is 00:22:33 and the strength of our forces. Okay, so you're going to spend money fighting the Russians in Ukraine and you're admitting you can't even defend your own homeland. Right, and that we can't come up with the money. That's what I mean. Isn't there something stupid in this reasoning? Do you have to go to... Is that what going to Oxford does to somebody's brain?
Starting point is 00:22:56 Well, if it does, then you've got to stay away from Oxford. Because you should avoid it. Because if you don't have enough money to defend your homeland, why would you be spending your money fighting another war for another country? And apparently, and we know it's the case, but apparently this happened in the previous administration, too. They didn't have enough money. They were running out of ammo. If you're Russia and you're watching this, you're going, are these guys going to get anything together here? Do we have an opportunity here?
Starting point is 00:23:27 Right. It's either accurate or it's a ruse to confuse the Russians. You know, talking World War II, Eisenhower put out a lot of fake stories in the news. Yes. They even had a fake battalion of blow-up tanks in the U.K. They did a lot of things to confuse the Germans. They put out fake stories. And the news media worked with them, all right, to confuse the Germans.
Starting point is 00:23:53 So I don't know which one it is. If it's real that they're out of resources or whether they're duping the Russians into believing that they're weak. But he said that the previous defense secretary, Ben Wallace, had told him privately that the U.K. armed forces had been hollowed out. Yes. Do you really want to hear that? Do you? In a Politico podcast. Let's listen to the next clip.
Starting point is 00:24:21 So you're in that scramble that key departments are in and defence, obviously, one of the most senior as we move towards the budget. General Sir Roland Walker took over as head of the British Army in July, said Britain needed to be ready to fight a war in three years. And in order to do that and to prepare itself really for to be conflict ready, if the worst case should happen, army fighting power would have to be doubled by 2027 and tripled by the end of the decade. Are you really on course in this budget for anything like that? General Walker is right in two important respects. First of all, that the UK, in keeping with many other nations, has essentially become very skilled and ready to conduct military operations.
Starting point is 00:25:09 What we've not been ready to do is to fight. And unless we're ready to fight, we're not in shape to deter. And this is at the heart of the NATO thinking. We've got to not just be capable of defending our NATO nations, but more importantly, got to be more effective in the deterrence that we can provide against any future aggression. And you'll see this as one of the developments from today's agreement, which is that our forces need to be able to innovate. We need to be able to take the new technologies and some of the lessons from Ukraine and make what we do more lethal and therefore a stronger deterrent. I don't know why he's saying it. Okay. It came to me while we were listening. When he said,
Starting point is 00:26:00 we're going to have to triple the budget, the defense budget, by the end of the decade, 2030. There's that date, 2030. What's the date I've been telling you for weeks since I came back from Myrtle Beach? That the Holy Spirit, I, look, I'm saying, I say this, you know, humbly, that to say the Holy Spirit told me, I perceive that the Holy Spirit told me. I perceive that the Holy Spirit told me. That's a better way to say it. I perceived when I was in prayer at Myrtle Beach last month
Starting point is 00:26:36 that the Holy Spirit told me that the grand finale of this world war would be in the early 2030s that lined up with his instruction to me in 2010 finish your work get it built by 2030 which you know doc i talk about all the time here yes now i understand why he's telling the world that the British military has been hollowed out and unable to defend the homeland. They know that the war is going to be in the 2030s. He knows that the budget has to be tripled. The defense budget has to be tripled, Doc.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Tripled. the budget has to be tripled the defense budget has to be tripled doc tripled imagine if secretary austin said to us we need to triple the u.s defense budget this year needs to be tripled what he's doing and see see, right now, politically in Great Britain, the new prime minister, Keir Starmer, is telling the British people, there's some tough times ahead. We've got to cut the budget. We have to cut services. There are going to be some extreme measures taken because of the economy, because of the financial condition of the British government. And they're going to have to shift to a war economy. Yes. So what he's telling the British people is we're going to take services from you.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Health care, education, roads, schools. We're taking money from these things because we're going to triple the defense budget and we have to do it to be ready for war by 2030. And that's coming from the Labor Party. Yes. You get it? They're scaring the public. They're telling the British public, hey, just to be honest with you, our military is not strong enough. If the Russians showed up on our shores, we couldn't stop them. They would march all the way to Manchester. We couldn't stop them. If you were in Britain right now, would that be like, hey, what is going on? So they're scaring the British public.
Starting point is 00:29:09 You need to be willing to give up government services. You need to be willing to take cuts in pensions. You need to be willing to accept draconian budget cuts in social services, in education. And this is coming from the same party that created all those services. Yes, the Socialist Party. But the Socialists are the war party just like the Tories are the war party. Yes, just like over here. Because who do they report to?
Starting point is 00:29:40 The king in Buckingham Palace. And the king wants the war. He's got his own problems because he's dying of cancer. It just came out today in the paper. Latest reports, not good for him. They're frightening the British people to make them accept draconian budget cuts so that the money goes to the War Department for the purpose of building up the war machine for World War III in the 2030s this all makes it once you see that both sides are preparing for war in 2030s and they need as much time remember what i said the other day the tension yes this thing could go right now you got north korean troops marching in in western russia towards ukraine doesn't get blow up today but all the sides are stretching they're stretching the band they're putting as much tension on it because they're like
Starting point is 00:30:52 no don't blow up now we're not ready we're not ready we need we need more time. We need at least six more years. We need more missiles, more warheads, more tanks. We've got more drones. Each side is saying it. And yet they know that it could blow up right now today, and neither side is ready for it. That's why they're stretching it. That's what I felt the Lord told me weeks ago in Myrtle Beach. Neither side is ready for the war. The war has started.
Starting point is 00:31:31 They know it started, Doc, but they're not ready for the ending. It's already started. World War III, that train left a station a long time ago. Just like World War II didn't start in 1940, 1941. It actually started in the mid-30s. That's right. That train has been on the tracks. It's moving.
Starting point is 00:31:52 The grand finale is where the warheads go off, where the weapons of mass destruction are used, where futuristic weapons we don't know anything about. That's when they're brought out. At the grand finale. Not at the beginning. It's in the 2030s. It's sometime, I think, between 32, 33, 34, maybe 35. But that's it right there.
Starting point is 00:32:26 And you and I have safely six years to get ready for it. Get ready for something that is unimaginable. The worst sci-fi war movie you could ever imagine. It's beyond our comprehension what's coming. The death, the staggering numbers of people that will die, the destruction, we can't even comprehend it. This is not going to be some battles that you see on TV news and go, oh, that's really bad over there. No, this is coming home.
Starting point is 00:33:04 This is coming home to America, to Canada, to Great Britain, to France, to Germany, to Belgium. It's coming home to Russia, to China, to the Koreas, to Japan. This war is going to be fought
Starting point is 00:33:22 on all the continents. Yes. I don't know where there's a safe place. In Christ? Yeah. That's it. The cleft of the rock. That's it.
Starting point is 00:33:33 You need to be in Christ. That's the only safe place. That's the only place I would know to go. Make sure you're in Christ. We've got a couple more sound bites of this. Are they worth hearing? Is there something here that we should hear? I think we've pretty much covered the gist of the important topics there.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Okay. Let's move on to the Middle East. This is the Times of London, Rupert Murdoch's paper, Israel Delays Iran Retaliation After U.S. Intelligence Leak. Yes. So Times is reporting that Israel has delayed its retaliatory strike against Iran because of the leak last week of potentially sensitive military information from the U.S. The leak revealed Israel's well-advanced plans to respond to a
Starting point is 00:34:16 salvo of nearly 200 Iranian ballistic missiles that were fired against it earlier this month, which was a retaliation by Tehran for Israel's attacks on its Middle Eastern proxy groups. The top secret document was published on a pro-Iranian telegram channel last Friday and appeared to be a U.S. assessment of Israel's likely response based on satellite imagery and other intelligence. It made reference to Golden Horizon and ROKS, two Israeli air-launched ballistic missiles. Israel's concern that the leak could help Iran predict certain patterns of attack. It's been forced to develop an alternative plan, one that requires detailed wargaming before any order is given.
Starting point is 00:34:57 The leak of the American documents, it says, delayed the attack due to the need to change certain strategies and components. That's coming from an intelligence source with knowledge of Israeli deliberations. There will be a retaliation, but it has taken longer than it was supposed to take. Any thoughts on that particular story, Rick, as far as? You know, I think it explains the delay. I think this explains why Israel has not attacked Iran yet, because Iran now has sensitive information about the Israeli attack. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:34 So they're obviously making their plans to respond to that type of attack. Now, Israel now has to have another kind of attack. Now, yesterday, the Israeli war secretary, Mr. Gallant, said, when we attack Iran, all of you will understand our years of preparation. So he didn't elaborate. He just said, just wait. Just wait. Now, I saw a story. I forget which newspaper it was.
Starting point is 00:36:07 It was a major newspaper last week that said Israel's 20-year planning for war with Iran. 20 years. So, Doc, I've said that just about as long as I've been hosting True News, I've been talking about Israel attacking Iran. Because it's been a recurring story over 20 years. So there was a publication, a major Western newspaper that said, Israel has been working for two decades on its plans to attack Iran. Another story said, and this other story was the one where the Iranian general said, hey, we've got some secret weapons here.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Right, that we talked about. And he said, we started planning for war with Israel when the United States invaded Iraq. We knew we're on the end of that list. They're coming for us. And we started our preparations for war. Well, how long has that been?
Starting point is 00:37:17 21 years? More than that. What was it, 2003? The U.S. invasion? Yeah, so 21 years. So both sides have spent two decades preparing for the war that you and I are watching right now. And we actually have that story. That's Jerusalem Post here.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Oh, there it is. Just late last week, Inside Israel's Secret 20-Year Plan to Strike Iran. Advanced weapons unveiled. Advanced weapons. Who else was talkingar Plan to Strike Iran. Advanced weapons unveiled. Advanced weapons. Who else was talking about advanced weapons? Iran. Yes. And who has been reporting it to you?
Starting point is 00:37:52 True News. Okay. 20 years. Been on top of this story for 20 years. And we're finally, we've reached a point where the war is going to happen. We're not going to be talking about this 40 years from now or 10 years from now. This war with Israel and Iran is happening now. And at the end of that war, there will be only maybe one nation standing.
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yes, and take a look at this next article. I was surprised when I saw this today. This was also in the Kyoto News Service in Tokyo. Israel's domestic and overseas woes could lead to the downfall of Israel. And this was a prediction by a
Starting point is 00:38:35 prominent Israeli historian, Ilan Pap. I have some of his books. Yes. I've got his book on my bookshelf, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. Yes. He's not a Zionist. No.
Starting point is 00:38:51 He isn't Israeli. Yes. But he opposes the bigoted, racist policies of the Israeli government. And he's a prominent historian in Israel and around the world. He said that what's going on in Israel right now could lead to the implosion of the Jewish state. We've got a few minutes. Let's go through this quickly. So an Israeli historian based in Britain has said that his homeland may be entering an irremediable decline as a result of its continued offensives against its neighbors
Starting point is 00:39:26 following the terror attack by Palestinian militant group Hamas a year ago. Ilan Pop, a professor at the University of Exeter, told Kyoto News in a recent interview that he sees Israelis becoming less confident in their future, while more people in the world, including even some Jews, are having second thoughts about their involvement in the world, including even some Jews, are having second thoughts about their involvement in the Middle Eastern country amid its military campaigns. The article from Kyoto says this, the professor said, one of the key tenets of Zionism, the movement for a Jewish state in Palestine, is wanting as much of Palestine as possible with as
Starting point is 00:40:02 few Palestinians in it as possible. Yeah, he sums it up there. You cannot have a Jewish homeland without getting rid of the Palestinian population. And you cannot get rid of the Palestinian population without violence, he said. So Israel's status quo appears so unsustainable that the so-called two-state solution, an envisioned arrangement in which it could coexist with a Palestinian state may not be able to work, according to him. There's no solution right now. There's a big process. There is a process of Israel getting into big, big troubles,
Starting point is 00:40:36 maybe to the point of disintegrating as a state, he said. He goes on to say that Papi called on the U.S., a longtime advocate for Israel, to stop providing money and weapons to Israel and stop protecting it in the United Nations, saying it would be better for everyone if Washington minimized its involvement. He added that the result of next month's U.S. presidential election is unlikely, unlikely to change the situation surrounding Israel. And he's absolutely right about that. It is not going to change. Nothing is going to change the situation surrounding Israel. And he's absolutely right about that. It is not going to change. Nothing is going to change. Nothing as far as the U.S. relationship with Israel. Nothing's going to change. So here we have a prediction from a warning from a prominent Israeli Jewish citizen, a
Starting point is 00:41:22 historian, a respected historian, who's saying things are so bad right now inside Israel. And Netanyahu's created conditions that could lead to the fall of the Israeli state. Again, amazing times that we're living in. It's really going to mess up the eschatology of John Hagee and a lot of Christian Zionists. They won't know what to do. Their prophecy charts will be useless. Nobody will buy them. You won't even be able to sell them on eBay as a collector's item. Because they'll be so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:41:58 We reported over two years ago, two and a half years ago, at the start of the war in Ukraine, we reported on predictions from people like Henry Kissinger decades ago that Israel would disappear and move to another country like Ukraine. And people thought that, like, where are you guys coming up with this stuff? We're just quoting what they said decades ago. By the way, I want to encourage you, call Gold Co. Look, this is a good time. You have six years to prepare for something that is coming that none of us know how we're going to get through it other than faith in God and his protection.
Starting point is 00:42:50 We don't know what the world's going to look like when that war is over, but we've got time right now. Talk before I came down to the studios. I took a quick look at gold. Now, this was maybe an hour Gold was up $14 an ounce today. $14 jump today. It's over $2,700 an ounce right now. It's headed, I think, for what my prediction is, it looks like it's headed towards $3,000 this year. We may see $3,000 an ounce gold before the end of December. I don't know. But the trajectory is upward. And so when you start seeing jumps of $14 in a day, then you know that the market is moving towards gold. And I encourage you to call the number that's on the screen, 844-960-GOLD. 844-960-GOLD. And if you want to go to the website, it's And the easiest way is just snap that QR code with your phone and then go directly to the website. You can ask for a free 2025 gold and silver kit.
Starting point is 00:44:11 They'll send it to you. There's no charge. There's no shipping fees. They'll send it to you right away. Tell them that you heard about it on True News and ask them if you qualify for an instant 10% match on silver. It's a certain amount that you have to purchase, but if you make that qualification, they will match your purchase with 10% in silver. So again, it's 844-960-GOLD. I want to get to politics here, and I'm going to just go through headlines really fast while we're in the Middle East.
Starting point is 00:44:52 France 24, France says Paris conference for Lebanon raises $1 billion in pledged aid. Emmanuel Macron is livid about what Israel is doing to Lebanon. And today they pledged $1 billion to rebuild the structures that Israel is blowing up. And he actually, he said that Netanyahu's actions are barbaric. He used the word barbaric to describe Israel's actions. Yeah, and that's the headline in The Guardian right now. Yeah, I think we have that headline. Yes, Macron warns Netanyahu against sowing barbarism
Starting point is 00:45:32 in remarks on Lebanon. You know, Doc, after World War I, France governed Lebanon. Yes. After World War I. So this is why Macron is very interested in Lebanon. Yes. After World War I. So this is why Macron is very interested in Lebanon. I don't know how deep the ties are right now, but perhaps he's seeing,
Starting point is 00:45:53 hey, we might get Lebanon back. Let's step up. Let's defend Lebanon. Let's put some money there. We might get Lebanon back into the French umbrella and we'll be its protectorate. But it's almost like he's starting to offer protection to Lebanon because he's accusing Netanyahu of barbarism and a threat to civilization. That's literally what he said, that Israel is threatening civilization. That's literally what he said, that Israel is threatening civilization. Another story, this is, oh, when Mr. Papp said, nothing will change after the U.S. election.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Doesn't matter. Things will stay the same. Take a look at this Times of Israel article. Bibi called. Trump claims to speak with Netanyahu on near daily basis. Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Donald Trump, calls Mr. Trump almost every day. What do you expect to change if Mr. Trump goes in the White House? Oh, no, it's going to get ramped up. Yes, because Mr. Trump is going to give them more bombs, more missiles, and more U.S. support to blow up Gaza. And he said that this week.
Starting point is 00:47:20 He did say it. In fact, we've got some sound bites. This is the first one. And I'll let you listen. This is from C-SPAN. Pressing things on a global scale is your support for Israel. So how do you plan to support and protect Israel and the Jewish community now when you become the next president? Thank you very much. Good question. And it's so interesting, but evangelicals and so many people support Israel so much more. It's not just Jewish people.
Starting point is 00:47:53 It's so many Christians are so supportive of Israel. And, you know, they say, and I would agree with this 100%, nobody's done what I've done for Israel we as you know Jerusalem is the capital of Israel we even built the embassy by moving the embassy that became somewhat automatic Golan Heights gave them jurisdiction and we gave Golan Heights which was a big thing we did the abraham accords which was a very very big thing they were trying to get it for 72 years or something and i got it for them we've done a lot and the single biggest thing i did was you want to know is get out of the
Starting point is 00:48:37 iran nuclear deal the iran nuclear deal was a disaster the facts are the MAGA Republican Trump supporters are pro-Israel, pro-Zionist. Yes. Folks, that's reality. Most of the people who support Donald Trump are pro-Zionist, pro-Israel, and would have no problems with killing more Palestinian children. Yes. They would have no problems with killing more palestinian children yes they would have no problems with it at all yeah in fact don trump has said i wish israel finished the job um well let's listen to this next soundbite bb called me yesterday called me the day before now we have a very good relationship and i have to say they've done fortunately they didn't listen to b because if they listened to Biden they'd right now
Starting point is 00:49:28 be waiting for a bomb to drop on him and they did their own work they did not listen they couldn't listen because what he was asking in fact just the other day they said to him are you okay with what they're doing well I don't want them to attack the nuclear and I don't want them to attack the oil. I said, that's sort of the opposite. So what he is saying there is that they should attack the nuclear. And the moment he's in the White House,
Starting point is 00:49:54 if it hasn't happened yet, he will encourage Israel to attack Iran's nuclear facilities and their oil facilities. Do you understand what's going to happen if Mr. Trump and Mr. Netanyahu get their way? Do you understand what's going to happen? This is, you got to face reality, okay?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Face reality. I'm going to jump down to number 22. Legendary investor, this is Daily Mail, legendary investor Stan Druckenmiller says the stock market is very convinced about who will win the 2024 presidential election. I won't keep you in suspense. He said it's Donald Trump. And he said, he said, this is 22B, it comes amid reports that some large hedge fund managers are getting behind trades that could pay out if Trump is elected next month. You can see it in the bank stocks. You can see it in crypto, said Druckenmiller.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Now, here's what's interesting. The 71-year-old billionaire did not endorse Trump or Harris. He said he's likely he will not vote for either candidate, that he will write in the name of somebody. And yet he's predicting Donald Trump will win. But he himself cannot vote for Trump or Harris. That's interesting. 22D, I don't judge anyone who wants to vote for Trump, but for me, it's just a red line, so I'll probably write in someone when I get to the polls.
Starting point is 00:51:37 Right. But he says in this interview, I can tell you right now, most of my peers in Wall Street, meaning other billionaires, they're betting their money on Trump winning. They're already hedging their investments. Right. I watched Bill Ackman on CNBC last night, Persian Square CEO. He was saying the same thing, except he's saying, I'm in for Trump. And so he's saying, this is going to be a Trump win in November because it's the best thing for America. That's Bill Ackman.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Another – well, he's Jewish. Right. He's very pro-Israel, very pro-Israel. Okay. Another sign on Wall Street is that Jamie Dimon, who is a Democrat, the CEO of Citigroup, did not endorse Harris. He didn't endorse Trump. He just said, I'm going to keep my vote private. So he didn't endorse Kamala Harris and he didn't endorse Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:52:43 And he won't say who he thinks is going to win. He won't say who he would like to win. What does that say? He's playing it safe. Right. He probably is going to vote for Harris, but he knows that he's got, he thinks Trump is going to win and he doesn't want to be on Trump's. Bad list. Bad list, yes.
Starting point is 00:53:05 Right. So he's just staying quiet. Remember yesterday I told you Mark Halperin said on Newsmax a couple nights ago that somebody was shopping around a news story trying to find somebody to publish it that he said would stop the Trump campaign in its tracks. It would collapse. The Trump campaign would stop the Trump campaign in its tracks. It would collapse. The Trump campaign would collapse now if the story is published. He didn't say what it is.
Starting point is 00:53:32 He just said, I decline to publish it. Now we have none other than former Congressman George Lyon Santos. Cross-dressing Santos Cross-dressing Santos Who is saying the same thing About Kamala Harris Let's watch what he said Oh hey guys
Starting point is 00:53:56 Gotta tell you something It's so crazy I just got off the phone with the source And they're telling me that tomorrow The Kamala Harris ship sinks. You're going to see all the rats jumping off. The story that's going to break tomorrow is so damning and so, so bad that Democrats are going to distance themselves from her like something you've never seen before. And essentially, you might even see some asking for people to vote for Trump.
Starting point is 00:54:23 This is wild. Stay tuned as this drops tomorrow. That would be today. Yes. So I haven't seen anything drop yet. What would come out that would implode the Harris campaign? That she's a member of the China Communist Party? I mean, it'd have to be something at that level. What it be that that democrats would jump off the sinking ship and endorse trump well there's been some soft push on that all this week there have been articles out there and you know maybe maybe joe biden might have been a better choice for us and there was a story that one of her closest friends is a close associate of a China Communist Party outfit. So there is some smoke around that.
Starting point is 00:55:13 What's the strength of the Trump campaign? I had a friend text me yesterday. He was in Atlanta. He lives in Atlanta. He used to work for us. And he said, Rick, I'm at the Trump campaign rally in Atlanta. He used to work for us. And he said, Rick, I'm at the Trump campaign rally in Atlanta. Let's just see what was going on last night in Atlanta. That looks like a thriving campaign. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:46 And I don't recall seeing anything like that in the Harris campaign. No. She may have had it in the first couple weeks, but, Doc, to me, it seems like it has fizzled. And that she has lost her mojo. Yeah. One other story that came out. This is the Te the telegraph which published the story against trump yesterday today they're saying uh the widow of a police officer who was
Starting point is 00:56:13 killed in the line of duty told governor tim walsh to stay away from her husband's funeral and we've got a video. Let's watch it. I think we do. Maybe we don't. We don't have the video. Okay. I apologize. And I'm going to save the rest of this for tomorrow because this gets a little bit too
Starting point is 00:56:35 deep to go through it in 30 seconds. The allegations being made against Donald Trump. Where are we? We're in the last less than two weeks. Yes. And the mud is going to be flying. And be surprised for a surprise. Be prepared for an October surprise.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Maybe two of them in the next coming week. Got to go. Morning Manor coming up. You're listening to WWCR, International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I'm a blacksmith, and I like to work with my hands. I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started, and the USA is very unstable. I have faith in God, but he expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need, food and water. That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water.
Starting point is 00:58:01 You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Doulton ceramic candles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready. Be wise. Go to Good morning. Go to Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna. We are gathered today, brothers and sisters from around the world, many nations represented today in this Bible class. Technology is amazing. We can have virtual Bible study classes with people from many nations meeting in real time and
Starting point is 00:58:46 chatting with with each other in real time it's awesome I can only imagine what the apostles would have done with this technology I would guess far more than what we are doing problem so doc that is that should be a challenge to us every day. Are we living up to the potential with the tools that are given to the church today to preach the gospel, to teach the word? So we've been studying the gospel according to St. Matthew the entire year. We started in January. It's now late October. And we're in the 25th chapter.
Starting point is 00:59:31 There's only 26, 27, there's three chapters remaining. So we'll finish the book of Matthew this year. And then in January we'll start a new study. So this entire week we've been studying the parable of the talents and i said on monday there is so much in this parable i don't want to rush it
Starting point is 00:59:55 i i don't want to gulp it down in in five minutes this is a a this is a four-course meal. You need to take your time and enjoy it and taste it and enjoy the flavors. Get all that you can get out of this parable. So today we're looking at verses 19 through 23. Let's pray. Dear Heavenly Father, you are an awesome Father. And we could not have a better father just knowing that you are our father gives us peace and joy and confidence that everything that we need is already provided to us through your son jesus christ that there's no problem we're going to face today that's bigger than you uh that you are watching over us protecting us guiding us leading us directing
Starting point is 01:00:53 our steps you are indeed a wonderful father and we have gathered here today, Father, at your breakfast table to be fed with your word. And so we ask the Holy Spirit to take his place and lead this Bible study that each one of us here today would leave this breakfast with greater understanding, revelation, knowledge, illumination of your Son, his kingdom, and your glory. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. As Rick mentioned, we are continuing in our study in Matthew chapter 25. We're going to pick back up today at verse number 19. So if you have your Bibles, please follow along with me. I'm reading from the King James.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Verse 19. gained beside them five talents more. His Lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord. He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliverest unto me two talents. Behold, I have gained two other talents beside them. And his Lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant.
Starting point is 01:02:25 Thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many things. Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Amen. Verse 19. After a long time, the Lord of those servants cometh and reckoneth with them. The phrase, after a long time, represents the extended period before the second coming of Christ.
Starting point is 01:02:58 It is the span of time between the ascension of Christ to heaven after the resurrection and his second coming. That is the church age. I believe this is Christ's ruling in and through the church. The Christian Zionists teach that his rule comes later that there's a thousand year millennial Kingdom on earth I believe that that kingdom is now and a lot of Christians have not submitted to that rule because they think it's in the future that's right so he he is ruling now he became the king of of of heaven the kingdom of heaven he became the king when he ascended and took his throne seated at the right hand of his father he was crowned with glory then sits on dav David's throne right now. That's right.
Starting point is 01:04:06 David's throne is not in the future. It's now. And the issue is, is he your king today? How do I know if Jesus is your king? Whether you obey him. If you don't
Starting point is 01:04:24 obey him, he's not your king. It's just that simple. This is about obedience. So after a long time, the master returned. So this returns to, I mean, this refers to the second coming the return of jesus christ and this concept of a long time speaks of the the uncertainty of Jesus' return.
Starting point is 01:05:09 That no man knows the day and the hour of his return. It's a long time. You know, it's hard for me, I'm sure it is for you, to think that his return is going to be hundreds of years from now. You think, how could this world go on? How could it become more wicked how could this continue but we don't know right i i think we're seeing the signs he gave us signs that said when you see these things happening you know that my my return is near but this this parable is about living in this world, in this day, in this life for Christ. Having no knowledge of when he returns. What does Jesus Christ expect of each of us?
Starting point is 01:06:04 He expects faithful stewardship over the talents that he sovereignly bestowed upon each one of us. And those talents were given to us proportionally based on his wisdom of what each one of us could handle. And we cannot be envious or jealous of another brother or sister's talents. Likewise, we cannot be boastful and look down on someone and say, hey, I got five talents and you got two. See, both viewpoints are wrong. Right. To be someone who received two talents and then look at a brother or sister who received five and then be envious jealous that's wrong but the same thing if you receive five and you look down on a brother or sister who received two and think
Starting point is 01:07:13 i'm better than him a master gave me more well you know what he might just take it away he might knock you down a few notches that's true so don't have that attitude don't be envious and don't be boastful be humble you know why because both are going to be held accountable on the day he returns I'm not going to be held accountable for what Doc did with his talents, and he's not going to be held accountable for what I did. Your spouse is not going to be held accountable for what you did with your talents. And likewise, your spouse is not going to be held accountable for what you did. Each one of us is accountable.
Starting point is 01:08:10 And sometimes to develop those talents, it's not smooth. There can be friction in relationships. There's sometimes you have to put your foot down and go look what you're asking me to do is going to hinder me in developing my talents and i have to resist i have to make a decision i have to reorder my time i have to i have to focus with 100 accuracy on developing my talents. Not everybody in our lives, in our close circle of relatives and friends and associates, not everybody is going to appreciate your dedication to developing your talents.
Starting point is 01:09:13 In fact, there will be some people who will absolutely try to stop you. Yes. I know it's hard to imagine, but it does happen. Yes. Sometimes it's Satan working through them. Sometimes it's them working through them. Sometimes it's them working through themselves. You know, they could just have an inner jealousy. You're making them feel uncomfortable because they are not developing their talents and therefore seeing you develop yours convicts them that they are not being faithful so their solution instead of
Starting point is 01:09:55 working on their talents their solution in their mind is stop you from developing your talents that that goes on in interpersonal relationships you know they'd rather pull you down than to try to allow the Lord to lift them up all right so doc that just gave me a flashback to my my Maryland days I born raised in Maryland and I you know I was born in the western part of the state. Maryland is an amazing little state. It has mountains and rivers and ski slopes and it has oceans and beaches and you know it's an amazing little state but i i grew up in the western part it was a treat to go to um the chesapeake bay which is in the center of the state or to go over to the shore, Ocean City. And so once you get to the Chesapeake Bay and eastward, you're in Crabville.
Starting point is 01:11:15 I mean, we're talking about Chesapeake Bay blue crabs, okay? okay and so one thing that i learned doc about crabbing is that if you have a let's say you get a bushel basket a wooden bushel basket and you're crabbing to keep a lid on it now let me let me say this differently you don't have to keep a little okay this is this is the point I want to make you don't have to keep a lid on it you think, won't all those crabs crawl out? They'll try. But none of them will get out. You want to know why? Because when one gets almost to the top, the other crabs will grab his leg and pull him back down. Don't you leave.
Starting point is 01:12:22 You're not getting out of here. If anybody's leaving, I'm leaving. And they will fight among themselves, and none of them get out. They just pull each other down. Well, now I know a lot of people like that. You're trying to get out of your place place in life your upbringing your community you're trying to better yourself you're trying to improve yourself you're trying to get an education get a better job you're trying to to to climb you're trying to earn more money you're trying to to develop your skills and the people around you are grabbing your legs and pulling you back down saying no hey you need to remember who you are you know the old saying you're too big for your britches
Starting point is 01:13:14 that's that's a saying that means you you forget where you came from yeah and you're you're coming back in you know in the city you're coming back into this into this neighborhood or in the country you're coming back into this valley you don't believe it nobody in this valley has left and i heard that in my hometown i heard nobody nobody has left this valley nobody leaves why. Why are you leaving? Why are you moving to Texas, Rick? Are you too? Honestly, I heard it. Oh, yeah. Why would you leave and go to Texas?
Starting point is 01:13:52 What's in Texas that you don't have here? I'm thinking hope. Opportunity. A different life. But, man it it was tough it was tough relatives and friends see you have to deal with this not everybody wants you to develop your talents you're not going to have a a crowd around you cheering go go go you you develop those talents there'll be very few people who cheer you and when you find a person that does encourage you you better develop that relationship because you're going to need all the encouragement you can get. And the person who encourages you is usually somebody who had to overcome discouragement.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Right. The reason he or she encourages others is because they were discouraged so much, and they made up their mind, I will never do that to another person I will encourage people you know it's interesting that that discouragement that word discouragement enter in enters into the conversation here because in this passage today we talked about those faithful those good and faithful servants entering into the joy of the Lord. That there's, you know, that there's as far away from discouragement as you could get is the joy of the Lord. And really that passage refers back to David saying, joy is in your presence as I sit at your right hand. Yes. your presence as i sit at your right hand yes and so uh you know we've seen that song home on the range where seldom has heard a discouraging word it seems like that's all i heard growing up but in
Starting point is 01:15:53 the lord uh there's not a discouraging word there's joy in his presence now and then ultimately in the future as well you know i got it doc and i don't get into detail about it but the the area where i grew up was really one of the most negative thinking negative talking discouraging places you could ever live. There was just a mindset there that killed dreams. It was part of the social fabric. The people were dream killers. You might be living in a community like that. And if you are, you need to get out.
Starting point is 01:17:01 You really need to think about getting out. If you're living in an extremely negative community, you need to think about getting out because it will never get better right and and you'll age and they'll just keep tearing you down yeah sometimes joy is a matter of geography and that's what it says here in verse 21 to enter into the uh the joy of the Lord. That you weren't in it before, now you're going to enter into it. You were in one place, now you're going to be in another place where there's joy. So yes, joy is a matter of geography sometimes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Things grow in different geographical regions. Oranges grow here in Florida, but they don't grow in different geographical regions oranges grow here in Florida but they don't grow in Alaska so where you live physically geographically can determine how you develop your talents and your skills and, the decision to move away is a major decision. It's life changing. When I moved to Texas, it was like day and night. Day and night. I've been to Texas, you know, and on business. And then I got to the point, it's like I dreaded going back to Maryland.
Starting point is 01:18:32 And I started thinking, somehow I'm a Texan. I don't know. I don't understand it. I'm a Texan. I think like a Texan. I don't think like a Marylander. I think like a Texan. How could this be? Why is it that when I'm in Texas, I just feel like I'm at home? And when I'm home in Maryland, I feel like a stranger. Yeah, I can relate to that. I keep every once in a while, I'll get a burr under my saddle. I think I need to go back to Missouri and look around. Go back up. Now I know why I left.
Starting point is 01:19:13 That's right. That's right. Nothing wrong with them. It's just, it's not where you're supposed to be for the rest of your life. That's right. Banana trees grow in the tropics not in the arctic and so that's right that's right so each geographical region has a different mental emotional atmosphere when i moved to dallas fort worth you couldn't you couldn't find I'm sure that there I couldn't find a negative person everybody is like me and this is Texas do it build a big go for it there's energy there it's just vibrating with energy. My hometown, it's vibrating with death. I mean, it's just dead.
Starting point is 01:20:17 And it's still dead. It's worse today than it was when I lived there. I go back a few times and visit and it's like, oh my. This place has decayed it's decayed yes because they killed the dreams they chased off the dreamers so you know place like Texas they've got a big sign up dreamers welcome We'll dream with you. We'll invest in your dream. We'll succeed together. I love that attitude. And I got to say here in Florida, Florida is a wonderful place. And the sunshine here makes people happy yes vitamin D makes a difference all right so you know this I don't know if I'm off track here look when I
Starting point is 01:21:12 in Maryland sometime there in my late 20s early 30s I started to realize that I was affected by sunshine and people the people in Maryland I told you they thought I was making it up they thought I was like where are you coming up with this and I go now I'm telling you the lack of sunshine in this place this place has gray dreary skies it's always gray i don't remember being like that when i was a child but as when i became an adult i became very i don't know the atmosphere changed the weather conditions but it just seemed it was always gray and dreary and it made me depressed and then i would take a business trip to some place like florida or
Starting point is 01:22:06 or texas and i would i would come alive and then i'll realize this is the sunshine the sunshine's having an effect on me and i started researching and you know there was no internet at that time but i started researching and i found that there was no Mnet at that time. But I started researching, and I found out that there was something called a SAD disease. It's Sunshine Deficiency Syndrome. Maybe the reason I'm saying this is I'm talking to somebody right now, and you're wondering why you're dealing with depression. And it could be as simple as a lack of sunshine and moving to a sunny state might
Starting point is 01:22:53 completely radicalize your life because for me it oh it was like instant energy when I moved to Texas. I could never move to a state that has gray, dreary skies. Never. Well, I don't want to say never. Not on my own accord. Only if the Lord told me to do it. But I don't think he'd do it because he knows I'd be depressed. All right, so if that helps anybody, think it through.
Starting point is 01:23:32 You may have to move. Your lack of sunshine might be affecting your performance, your attitude, your mentality. So we get back to this verse. After a long time. After a long time, the master returns. So the two servants, the three servants, they had an extended amount of time of which none of them knew when the master would return. But they had to take care of the talents that were given to them and do something with them. And so this is a time of testing of preparation see the master the master had a plan in this
Starting point is 01:24:30 he's testing his servants he's going to have a personnel adjustment when he returns he's going to give two promotions and one firing let me tell you employers do this employers test employees I give I give employees instructions, and then I watch to see how quickly they implement it. And then I observe. And some go to it immediately. Others never get to it. They forget the instruction the moment they walk out of my office or they have their own instruction and that's the other one
Starting point is 01:25:31 they have their own that that's the best the most dangerous one now that one you can't tolerate the one that forgets your instruction you can work with that one you can help them develop better skills in other words John you know yesterday gave you an instruction and you didn't do it you if you have a memory problem you should have written it down when I gave it to you if you say what I didn't have paper then we have a phone with you carrying your phone all the time you get notes in your phone learn to learn to remember your employers instructions and then carrying them out immediately now I can work with somebody like that but the one who has his own instructions the one who is inwardly saying as as the employer is saying to the employee I want you to do this this
Starting point is 01:26:38 and this and inside that employee is saying no way no way no way this is what I'm doing. And I'm telling you, there are employees who think like that. And they are poison to an organization. You've got to get them out. You've got to get them out. If you're a manager or a business owner and you have somebody like that, you've got to get them out of your business.
Starting point is 01:27:02 You've got to get them out. They'll destroy everything they'll waste your time your money your resources they'll get you completely off track and you'll spend your time dealing with their hard-headed stubborn will which is defiant it is at the heart of it it's rebellion it's defiance I'm going to defy you and I'm going to do something opposite or you told me to do and I've had my share of those kind of employees. I don't tolerate them now. If I see the slightest sign, you're gone. I'm not dealing with it.
Starting point is 01:27:51 I'm not going to give you one, two, three years to frustrate me, waste my time, and then end up telling you to leave three years from now and so but we're getting better at spot at weeding them out in the in the hiring process right that's that's where the wisdom comes in discernment weed them out at before you ever let them in the door. I think about the poem Donald Trump would read back in 2016, The Snake. You knew I was a snake, but you invited me in.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Once you know that somebody is trouble, don't invite them in. Just don't invite them in just don't invite them in because they're not you're not going to change them no and you're not going to change them you're not going to change them and you're not their daddy and you're not their mommy and they have they're to have to change themselves. So there's a time of testing during this period while the master is away. And that's what's going on now. This time of testing has been going on for 2,000 years.
Starting point is 01:29:21 Countless generations have come and gone many of them not even aware that the master was observing and taking notes they went through their entire lives unaware that the master was was watching them and taking notes notes for what day of judgment the day he returns the day of reckoning what does it say he did after a long time the lord of those servants cometh and reckoneth with them um i hope the lord is not like employer i had many years ago i know he's not i know he's not oh my i i had an employer when when i was a uh hot shot advertising a sales manager you know i just was full of it you know i was full of myself. I was good at what I was doing, Doc.
Starting point is 01:30:28 I was good at managing sales teams. We had success. We were growing. I was in my late 20s. I had that cocky mindset and i'd become the sales manager of a company uh advertising sales manager and was developing it expanding it all right literally franchising it out to other states and one day i you know somebody said hey you you better get ready mr so and so is coming the owner he's coming in tomorrow and i noticed how everybody was getting very tense and nervous including the general manager everybody was was on edge and i'm thinking what
Starting point is 01:31:24 what could this be about? It's the owner. He's coming in. He's going to check on his company, and everything's going to be fine. Well, I had never met the man. I don't want to meet him now. I doubt if he's still around. I'm sure he passed away by now.
Starting point is 01:31:46 He'd have to be over 100 years old now. So he came. He was there. I was in my office. You could feel the tension and the fear in the building. And he was going office to office. So finally, sometime there in the afternoon, he managed to get to my office, came in, sat down in front of my desk, and I started chit-chatting with him.
Starting point is 01:32:14 I'm talking about sports, baseball. I'm talking about, you know, all kinds of stuff and he doesn't say a word not a word doesn't say hello Rick how's your family you know nothing he's just sitting in the chair in front of my desk and I'm running my mouth and I'm trying to get conversation going with him and he he's got his reading glasses on and he's got a spreadsheet and he looks up at me pulls his reading glasses line item 15 you're 11% off projection what's your explanation oh my gosh this is why everybody's afraid of this guy he came to reckon with me
Starting point is 01:33:19 I realized this is the day of reckoning he's reckoning his books now for that man the only thing he cared about was money nothing else money he was totally money-driven he didn't care about my children he didn't want to hear about my vacation he didn't want to hear about my vacation. He didn't want to hear about the Baltimore Orioles. He wanted to know why I didn't make as much money for him as he expected.
Starting point is 01:33:54 You promised, Rick, you promised at the beginning of this fiscal year that you would increase the talents I've given you, but you missed it by 11%. What is your explanation? Isn't that, Doc, what was happening? Yes. I gave you talents. What were the talents?
Starting point is 01:34:20 I gave you everything you asked for, Rick, to manage this department. You submitted a budget to me. You said you want to hire this many employees. You told me you needed this much operating expense for your department. I gave it to you. And you promised me this. And you're off by 11%. How do you explain it?
Starting point is 01:34:47 Well, I explained it that we were halfway through the year and I would finish the year on budget. That's how I explained it. And believe me, guess what I did? Man, there was no nonsense the remaining six months of that year.
Starting point is 01:35:06 It was no nonsense. It's months of that year it was no nonsense it's like i'm not going through that again with that man i hope the lord is not like him okay but i'm telling you there will be people that will have that type of experience with him when he comes back. Yes. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes back to reckon with every person, he's going to balance the books. He's keeping an accurate account. And there's a day of reckoning and there's no nonsense
Starting point is 01:35:53 he's not going to take excuses so this day of reckoning has appeared for these three servants. The master has returned. He is exerting his authority. He is exercising his right to conduct a proper accounting. An audit. An audit.
Starting point is 01:36:24 He's auditing their stuff no his stuff yeah I had no right to audit Doc's personal finances but if Doc is managing my finances, I have every right to audit him. That's right. So the whole principle is God owns everything. The earth and the fullness thereof, it's all his. The cattle on a thousand hills. The gold and the silver in every every mountain it's all his everything it's all his and guess what the the people who do not believe in jesus christ
Starting point is 01:37:18 they're going there's going to be a reckoning for them one day you were using my materials what did you do for my kingdom you squandered it you used it on yourself and your sins what right did you have what right did you have to use my earth to make wealth for yourself to sin? People don't think that. He thinks like this. But, you know, I know he doesn't wear reading glasses. But I don't want to see Jesus sliding his reading glasses down, staring at you and saying,
Starting point is 01:38:07 Hey, I'm looking at the spreadsheet here. Yeah. What's your explanation for that decade between 2010 and 2020? How do you explain that decade? Oh my. What was going on during that decade in your life so this parable is telling us there will be a time when Almighty God will call each person to account for how he or she used the gifts entrusted to them. And so this aligns with the principle of divine judgment based on responsible
Starting point is 01:38:54 use and development of one's abilities. it speaks of the certainty of this audit christ will return yes not an image not a facsimile not a lookalike, but the real Christ. The same Jesus Christ who left this earth with nail scars. With a scar on his side. That Jesus, that same Jesus is the one who's returning. Not an ambassador, not an emissary, not a representative,
Starting point is 01:39:50 the master himself. He's coming with the spreadsheets. And he's going to do an audit of every person's life. Man, I just right now feel like we had to just we just stopped the lesson and just everybody go into prayer and repentance folks this is a sobering message and you can't blame your spouse or your Papa or your mama or your friend you can't blame anybody else for the way you lived yes you can't blame anybody yes did they? Yes, but you didn't have to let them do anything
Starting point is 01:40:47 to you. You're responsible for the way you think and talk and act. If you have a poisoned tongue, there's a line item on that spreadsheet for poisoned tongues. You use your tongue to destroy other people's lives, to slander them, to spread gossip, to tell people things that aren't true about somebody else. It's a serious sin. And there's a line item for gossip. there's a line item for slander you go down the whole list there are people suffering physically suffering because they have a slanderous, lying tongue.
Starting point is 01:41:49 And they don't understand why they're sick. They're sick because their tongue is sick. If they would repent of the sin of their tongue, their physical disease would go away. Boy, yes. Should I continue? You're already this far. Look, there are a lot of people in the church who who are suffering with
Starting point is 01:42:26 ailments I'm not saying this is everybody I'm just saying there are people in the church who are suffering with ailments they can't understand why they're continuing into sickness and they never ask God is there something in my life that's preventing you from healing me? Maybe they don't think that there is. Obviously, they don't think. Or they're afraid that he's going to answer the question. He will answer the question. There are times I have to, you know, I'm doing that inspection of myself and I'll just ask the Lord those things and say hey please take it easy on me tell me the truth but take it easy on
Starting point is 01:43:15 me the Lord's the Lord knows how to speak he has gracious words and and when he sees somebody asking well Lord is it just you know I was just curious is there something wrong in my life as though there is it you know well it's funny you should say that Rick the Lord I was just thinking about that the other day. There is something that I would recommend you change in your life. Now, don't be afraid to ask him. He'll speak to you graciously, kindly. He's a father. He'll speak to you graciously. He desires for you to improve.
Starting point is 01:44:05 He doesn't want to see you continue. Look, some of you are financially struggling because your tongue speaks poverty. Your tongue speaks doubt, unbelief, failure, lack. Listen to the words coming out of your mouth. Your tongue is building your world look around are you satisfied with your world where your tongue built it if you don't like, change what your tongue is saying. Get your tongue lined up with the Word of God.
Starting point is 01:44:56 Don't speak lack. Don't speak doubt. You know, Doc, there's a word that and we all use it and I I cringe every time it comes out of my mouth because I think I I said I'd never say that again but it's it's part of our our English culture the word want we'll say hey I want to go over here I want to do this today I want to go on vacation we all say it like that meaning this is something I do in the way we say it this is something I desire but the word want means lack and the Bible says I shall not want hmm I had never thought about that before Rick the Lord
Starting point is 01:45:58 is my shepherd I shall not want if the Lord is your shepherd you will not want. If the Lord is your shepherd, you will not want. He makes me lay down in green pastures. He makes me. He goes, look at this nice, cool green grass. Lay down in it and rest.
Starting point is 01:46:24 You shall not want. I said lay down he's not making you lay down in coarse hot sand he's trying to get you to lay down in cool the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want a lot of us have lack in our lives because we speak I want to pay my bills on time you just said I lack the ability to pay my bills on time I should not want I had not really thought about that before Rick my god shall supply. All your needs. Instead of saying, I want to pay my bills on time, you say, I pay my bills on time. That's an affirmation of faith. To say, I want to, means I lack and I don't know how I'm going to do it. Change the words coming out of your mouth. You will develop your talents.
Starting point is 01:47:56 One thing that prevents us from developing our talents are the words coming out of our mouths. You have the right heart to develop the talent, but the wrong words. And you can't figure out what's going wrong is the word you're speaking or the words you're not speaking so the master's reckoning with his servants occurs at the time of the perugia the greek word for the second coming not the rapture there's no such word in the bible the rapture there's no such word the word that's in the bible is perugia. And it means the arrival of a king, of a nobleman, and all of his kingdom.
Starting point is 01:48:52 That's the perusia. When Jesus shows up, so does the kingdom. He doesn't leave the kingdom behind. He brings the kingdom with him in the second coming. Yes. behind he brings the kingdom with him in the second coming yes he brings the kingdom of God with him in his second coming the Christian Zionists teach a lying doctrine of a secret Rapture where he comes and takes you to the kingdom it's not in the Bible he comes one time is called the Perugia it's the arrival of the king in his kingdom he brings the kingdom with him when you are lifted up into the air to meet the Lord you're you you you're you're in his kingdom the kingdom is all around him he is the
Starting point is 01:49:48 king you can't separate the king in the kingdom the kingdom is the Kings domain his domain is anywhere he's at that's his domain so this event the peruse of the second coming that marks the final judgment the christian zionists teach that the judgment is a thousand years after the lord returns that's a lie it's a false doctrine it's the jewish fable because the purpose of that fable is to set up a jewish centric empire on old earth in old jerusalem for a thousand years where the jews rule the world that's the purpose of that millennial kingdom doctrine and jesus is just kind of a figurehead he he cuts ribbons he he rides in the parade oh he's got a rod of iron but that's just for show yes he's he's a he's a figurehead king but the jews will be running the world that's
Starting point is 01:50:55 at the heart of the millennial kingdom doctrine now when christ back, the kingdom comes with him. He brings up his church. We meet him in the air. The angels are gathering up the wicked and bundling them to be burned. The judgment is taking place at the very instant. That's judgment day right there. It's all happening at the very instant that's judgment day right there it's all happening at one time there's instant reckoning for the entire human race all the way back to adam and eve the reckoning is done those who are marked for destruction are taken off to the lake of fire
Starting point is 01:51:39 those who are marked for eternal life are kept with the Lord and he's he burns up the old earth and he speaks out of his mouth new earth be yes and instantly there's a new earth I mean he's done it before it's easy he just speaks it. He knows the power of his words. So, this event marks the final judgment where our faithful stewardship of resources and opportunities will be evaluated by the Lord. All laboring for Christ ends at death or the second coming, whichever comes first. There's no working for God. There's no working for God. There's no working for his kingdom. From the time you close your eyes for the final time, take your last breath. That's it.
Starting point is 01:52:54 On your records in heaven, it says it's stamped complete. That's it. Whatever you've done for him, that's all that's going to be added. Now is the time to be faithful. This day, this very day, this is the day to be faithful. Some of you, you haven't given a financial gift to God in years for the preaching of the gospel. That's going to be, that's one of the line items. It would be wise to sow a gift into the preaching of the gospel today.
Starting point is 01:53:40 Not tomorrow, today. If you say, well, I don't have any more, I couldn't get more than $10 get $10 do something if if you have $10,000 you can give do it today some of you have not helped a poor person in years do it today I promise you you will see one yes the poor will always be with you Jesus said there's always a poor person nearby always yes if you don't know who it is, it might be you. Yes. We can go down the list of things that we're supposed to do. And we're going to study it in this chapter 25.
Starting point is 01:54:38 It's coming up. The questions he's going to ask every person. Did you feed me? Did you visit me? Lord, I didn't know you were hungry. I didn't know you were naked. I didn't know you were lonely. Who was the Lord talking about?
Starting point is 01:55:06 All the people we pass by every day and we never bothered to do anything. And he said, that was me. If you would have just fed that hungry person, you would have been feeding me. If you would have visited that lonely old person down the street, nobody visits her or him. If you would have done that you would have been visiting me this speaks to all of us we get so busy that
Starting point is 01:55:35 we we forget how much time has gone by what we haven't done those practical things but the Lord of keeping an account he's gonna reckon and I gotta say I'm woefully short on some of these things and I have to remind myself I got to keep this I got to continue to do certain things so even with the uncertainty of the date of Jesus's return all of us are expected to be diligent and faithful knowing that one day we each of us will face judgment so the Lord will come to settle accounts each person will be called to give an account of his or her stewardship and the use of the talents and resources the Lord entrusted to them so this is par is not just for believers. This applies to every human. And, you know, for believers, we have the word.
Starting point is 01:56:56 We have the word, and so we have a head start. We've got something that the unbelievers don't have. We have the rules. We've got the master's instructions. We know what he's going to do. The unbelievers don't know. They're at a disadvantage. But we have the advantage of knowing what the Lord is going to do.
Starting point is 01:57:26 But knowing and not doing is sin. Now, we're at the 59 minute mark. I didn't make it all the way, I'm only to verse 20. We'll pick up at
Starting point is 01:57:43 verse 20 tomorrow. And it looks like we'll be going into next week studying this parable. But that's okay. There's a lot in this parable to know. It's extremely important to understand it. This may be the most important parable in the Bible. And there's another parable in the Bible. And there's another parable
Starting point is 01:58:07 that people get confused with, the parable of the pounds. Yes, two different ones. They're not the same. A lot of people think they're the same parables. They're not. Completely different parables. And probably next week,
Starting point is 01:58:23 I'll jump ahead and grab that parable from another another book and we'll go through that parable and then we'll compare it to this parable and we'll show the differences anyhow we'll be back tomorrow remember tomorrow Friday we have Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper. So please have bread and your choice of red wine or grape juice. And join us and brothers and sisters all over the world in a live, virtual Lord's Supper communion service. You can be part of it. The only thing that we ask is that you are born again and you're baptized.
Starting point is 01:59:11 Yes. All right. Well, on that note, once again, folks, tomorrow is Communion Friday, and so we invite you to participate with us. And with that being said, we'll bless you right now
Starting point is 01:59:23 and get out and serve the Lord today. In Jesus' name. We'll see you on the Friday edition of Morning Manor. You're listening to WWCR, International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.

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