Episode Date: April 20, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall discusses the face off with Russia by NATO, as the head of the UUS strategic Command tweets that nuclear war is an option. Meanwhile, UK and US warships plan to at...tempt to re-enter the black Sea, and test the resolve of Vladimir Putin. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/20/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Tuesday, April 20th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The United States of America must prepare for nuclear war. This, according to the head of U.S. Strategic Command, who has been called to brief Congress this week on readiness and response as hundreds of thousands of troops swell on Russia's border. Four-star General James Dickinson has warned that Russia and China
Starting point is 00:00:59 are deploying advanced space-based weapon systems, including hypersonic nuclear missiles, which can make already unpredictable conflicts escalate rapidly toward full-spectrum warfare. In a tweet, Stratcom spoke casually about the use of nuclear weapons as the least bad option to deter adversaries. America's posture for nuclear war, and we now plan to challenge the Russian blockade of the Black Sea. What can go wrong? Join me to discuss this story and more. Our True News founder, Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart. Hey, Edward. There are two things you should watch out for.
Starting point is 00:01:38 In a market bubble, when the taxi cab driver gives you a tip on what stock to buy and when military commanders tweet about nuclear war. Yeah. When you pointed this out today, I mean, it took a moment for my mind to process who tweets about nuclear war, first of all, but what general tweets about nuclear war, one that's getting ready for one, right? Exactly. And, you know, the first thing that came to my mind when you told me about this warning today from the U.S. Strategic Command, I thought that just weeks ago, the mysterious tweet from the Strategic Command with a series of letters and numbers, and people were going, what is this all about? Oh, that was just a couple weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yeah. March. And then the official explanation was that the Strategic Command's social media director was working from home. And his toddler child, you know, got control of the Strategic Command's Twitter account and sent out that message. I don't buy the story. I especially don't buy that story now when there isn't any mistake about this tweet today.
Starting point is 00:03:03 It's a serious tweet. A general wrote this, and it was specifically about a posture review, basically a status for our military to be on combat readiness, specifically our nuclear command. And you have to think again. This tweet comes as we're engaged in a standoff with the Chinese in the South China Sea over Taiwan and as Russia becomes the central point for NATO. You guys realize we just got a nuclear war warning on a tweet? By a general.
Starting point is 00:03:32 By tweet. That's where we're at right now. It's a mad, mad reality. And again, even this tweet may not break through the film of ignorance in this country. They're more worried about culture and a verdict in Minnesota. Not that the verdict in Minnesota is not a small thing, but this is nuclear war. Well, they are tied together because, I mean, once the fires start here, you know, Russia and China are going to be looking in and say, you know, this might be the opportunity we're looking for. Well, guys, I'm going to go back to the first days of this newscast in 1999. And there was a man in America.
Starting point is 00:04:15 He wasn't an American. He was Romanian, Dimitri Dudeman. Didn't speak English. He said the Holy Spirit told him to come to America and warn America. He protested. He told the Lord, I can't speak English. And he never did learn to speak English. His grandson, whom I know, his grandson was his interpreter and delivered the message of all of his sermons in English. But Dimitri Dudiman had been sent to prison multiple times by the communists in Romania
Starting point is 00:04:48 for preaching the gospel. Right. And so, look, he was no lightweight. The man had been persecuted for being a Christian. Dimitri Dudiman said the Lord told him to come to America and warn America. Because this is the late 80s, early 90s. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:06 So by the time. At the end of the Cold War. Yes. So we'd won. Yes. We'd beat this threat. So by the time I had started this, God had called me to this work, which was 1998. We started a radio program in 1999.
Starting point is 00:05:20 So I was introduced to the ministry of Demetri Dudeman. I never personally met him, but very, very acquainted with his messages. He had one particular message. He said it came to him in a vision. And he said that just before a joint Russian-Chinese attack on America occurred, you said there was a political uprising in the heartland of America started by the communists. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Wow. That was the warning. It's truly prophetic. Here we are today, and there is a possibility that Minneapolis may burn tonight. There's certainly been promises for it. Right in the heart of America. Heartland of America. And this is happening on the same day that General James Dickinson tweeted, we need to prepare for nuclear war. And then what we're going to show you here today is shocking, stunning information that no news organization in America is talking about. Nobody.
Starting point is 00:06:35 You're going to be stunned at what we show you today, how close we are to a nuclear war. Just weeks ago, we showed this audience repeatedly over days a news article from Russia that said, where a Russian military analyst said, World War III will start in one month. Four weeks leading to May. We're at the end of April now.
Starting point is 00:07:08 And as we speak, a NATO flotilla led by a British aircraft carrier is heading to the Black Sea. Now, this story broke from the Sunday Times over the weekend. The British apparently want to reclaim their empire days, and they're sending two warships directly into the Black Sea, but they're supporting it with the HMS Queen Elizabeth. So, Edward, what happened last week? Joe Biden sent warships to enter the Black Sea. And they turned around. And they, yeah, they made a U-turn.
Starting point is 00:07:41 And the only thing that we can surmise is that Vladimir Putin called somebody and said, we will sink your warships. Or we'll level Istanbul. Right. Something happened. And Mr. Biden stood down. The very next day, Biden put economic sanctions on the Russians, accused them of interfering in the 2020 presidential election.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Right. So now, as we see here, the Times of London. The Queen is sending out British warships. Heading for the Black Sea as Russian troops mass on the Ukrainian border. No, on the Russian border, inside their own country. Can you say the same thing, Great Britain? Can you say the same thing, United States? Are you massing troops on your own border?
Starting point is 00:08:34 Heck no. You're massing troops on the border of Russia to invade them. How about put some troops down in Mexico and stop the invasion that's underway right now? 172,000 illegal immigrants came across the border last month. 172,000 foreigners illegally entered the country. And where are we going? Where are we sending troops?
Starting point is 00:09:06 Ukraine. The Crimea. And then last we heard, what was it? Biden has sent like 40,000 American troops to the Ukrainian-Russian border? Yes, as well as armaments, tanks, aircraft. Clearly, this is only escalated because as we read this story, the Russians' response to it was, you might want to save some money. And I don't think this was a commerce advice. I think it was more of a subtle threat. This is from Senator Alexei Pushkov, who serves on the Armed Services Committee in Russia. We have now learned that the U.S. will be joining. You think he's suggesting that the cost of replacing ships is very high? I do think that is what the senator is suggesting, that these ships, if they enter the Black
Starting point is 00:09:52 Sea, they may not say all of it. We know that the Russians have deployed their entire submarine fleet in the Black Sea, and it's not to pick roses or check the bottom of the Black Sea for seaweed. It's to deter NATO. I've been telling the True News audience for, I'm going back to the days of George W. Bush in the White House. I've been telling this audience, the day is coming when the Russians will draw a line and say, that's it.
Starting point is 00:10:23 No more intimidation by NATO. We're not going to tolerate one more thing. We're going to draw the line. We're here. I really believe we're at that point. The Russians have made up their mind. No more. And, you know, the American people are being told the Russians are our enemy.
Starting point is 00:10:45 They're aggressive. No. Have you seen the Russians attack anybody? Are you seeing them go to war, bombing countries, stealing oil out of other countries? No. The only things I've been seeing Russia bombing has been terrorists in Syria this week, which we don't do. Can we have a memory and comprehension past that of a hamster? Think about it.
Starting point is 00:11:07 They're saying that we're sanctioning Russia because they interfered in the election, but President Trump lost. They were just telling us the Russians were helping President Trump, so at a minimum they failed, right, if we're even to believe that. But think, were you ever actually shown any evidence of those claims? But did George Soros interfere in the election? Oh, certainly through the organizations. He helped fund election initiatives, especially the initiatives Mark Zuckerberg funded to the millions. Yeah, go ahead, Doc. I'm just saying, with these ships
Starting point is 00:11:35 going now to the Black Sea, okay, and now we also have from the Plymouth Herald that a U.S. warship is going to be joining it as well, as long as this is number six for control, if you want to pull that up. But help me out here, gentlemen. Does NATO actually think that they're not going to be turned around at the Bosphorus Strait again? Are they ready for a fight?
Starting point is 00:11:59 This is what we've got to deal with. Obviously, NATO is ready for the fight. They're ready. We're going to war. Look at this story. The UK Royal Navy, US warship joining Queen Elizabeth to defend
Starting point is 00:12:19 North Atlantic amid Russian tension. Well, how is entering the Black Sea defending the North Atlantic, Rick? Because the Black Sea is nowhere near the North Atlantic. We have to make a statement that Russia cannot act like an independent sovereign nation. Ah, I see. Can't challenge the power of the West. The ship in question here is the Sullivans.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It was actually deported from Mayport yesterday. This is Jacksonville here in Florida. The question at hand right now is, is NATO willing to drive the warships through the Kerch Strait inside the Black Sea? Because the Russians have said that that entire area is off limits. They've actually established a blockade. Now, this story is hard to find. You won't find it in US or Russian media. The only evidence of it is actually an obscure bulletin that was placed on the 14th by the Russian Ministry of Defense. This is number
Starting point is 00:13:17 seven for control. This is what the bulletin reads. This is from Commissant. On April 14th, the Department of Navigation and Oceanography of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced in its bulletin that from 9 p.m. on April 24th to 9 p.m. on October 31st, the exercise of the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea of the Russian Federation for foreign warships and other state vessels is suspended. Now, the language there, they're talking about any ship other than a Russian ship, and this includes trade vessels. I don't know, does it? Because it says warships and other state vessels. The fact that it says state vessels.
Starting point is 00:14:03 That could be a submarine. A government, yes, a government-owned controlled vessel. I don't know if it includes cargo ships, you know, passenger liners. But I want our audience to understand that what Edward is reading to us right now, I am not aware of any news source in the world that is reporting what you are hearing and seeing right now. Yes, it came out of Kommersant newspaper in Russia, but it's kind of like a legal notice. You, you, even when we're searching Russian newspapers in Russian, these stories aren't appearing.
Starting point is 00:14:48 This story is nowhere in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Europe, Australia, any place. You're seeing it and hearing it the first time on true news. Russia has closed the Black Sea to NATO. They've just announced a blockade starting April 24, going until October 31. Six months. And it could be extended. This is just the first announcement. And a closure, clearly, is going to be enforced by the military
Starting point is 00:15:25 because it was announced by the Russian military. If we put that statement back up again, where it picks up according to the document, we are talking about three regions of the Black Sea. They gave very specific geographical description of what is included in this blockade. And we have a map to show.
Starting point is 00:15:53 The Black Sea has economic importance. If it does include trade vessels, because you're right, it doesn't outright say trade vessels. Some of the Russian outlets were saying that this will impact Ukraine's ability to export steel and grain. And the reason why the blockade has not been enacted right now,
Starting point is 00:16:11 this moment, is to give any ships remaining in control, if you can move up to the Kerch, straight to the Azov Sea, it's just above, zoom in if you can right there. This block that we're zooming in on right here is called the Azov Sea. It's right above the Black Sea. If you zoom in for that right there, the block of land to the bottom left is Sevastopol. That is Crimea. You drop down right there, that block, it seems to be like a road, a bridge. It's actually a 12-mile bridge. That is the Kerch Strait. That already is blocked off. It blocks off the Ukrainian port of Meropol just north of there. That's Ukraine's main trade port and military port. So that Kerch Strait is controlled by the Russians and they have an understanding, a protocol that if your ship needs to go into the Azov Sea,
Starting point is 00:17:07 you notify the Russians, they clear you, and you pass through, no problems. Now, there was an incident last fall where two Ukrainian vessels attempted to... They were military. Right, they attempted to go through that particular strait there. And they were sent by NATO to provoke the Russians. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:22 And the Russians seized the ships and the sailors. And according to the Russians, they found communication documents on the ships from NATO sources ordering them to provoke Russia. Yes. An operation.
Starting point is 00:17:39 It was a plan. It wasn't an accident. In this bulletin it states that the areas in question of the Black Sea, as Rick stated, is most of the important portions and any portion directly in vicinity of this point. The coast off the Kerch Peninsula in the area of the Cape Opec. The elongated sections of water along the Crimea between Sevastopol and Gerzof. It's a rectangular section. This is basically the entire coast. If you can zoom out for me,
Starting point is 00:18:07 control. In addition to this, the western tip of the Crimea, anything close to Sevastopol or the region where troop buildup is currently occurring, that entire section is off-limits. And there's a plan to extend to outer border of the territorial sea of Russian Federation, which actually now includes most of the Black Sea to the south. And why this is important, Doc mentioned the Bosphorus Strait. Istanbul right now is the only way to enter this water block, this sea. That's in the lower left hand corner of the screen.
Starting point is 00:18:39 Lower left corner right there. There's a small entryway. The British have stated they're not going to send a carrier through that. They're smart enough to know that the HMS Queen Elizabeth would be a hot target going right through that small corridor. Are they closing the entire Black Sea? Not the entire Black Sea, but anything close to the Crimean Peninsula, which means if you wanted to support military operations in the Crimean Peninsula, you won't be able to get within range. But Rick, the U.S. warships last week that attempted to go to the Black Sea were turned
Starting point is 00:19:11 around at the Bosphorus Strait. They did not even enter the Black Sea. And so something happened last week. Some sort of threat happened last week. So are they going to allow the British ship to enter? That's my question. I was going to ask you, gentlemen, that whether you thought that they would actually, where Russia would make another phone call to Erdogan or to, you know, to Boris Johnson or somebody and say, you know what,
Starting point is 00:19:36 you might want to rethink this because, you know, obviously sending a warship in, they're not going in there for drills, it's for provocation purposes. And the area that the Russians mentioned specifically, you know, established the natural boundaries of the coast of Crimea that have been in place since the Soviet days. And so once again, I remind our audience, Crimea had an independent vote and declared themselves independent from Ukraine and voluntarily joined Russia. They were not forced. They were not held at gunpoint. They declared their independence.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Like 91%. Yes. And so for all intents and purposes, they are part of Russia. Think about this for a second. We're quick to say that the Crimean election was fraudulent. Was fake. Right, right. That's the argument.
Starting point is 00:20:30 But the 2020 U.S. presidential election was legit. Just wanted to make sure we had that. If the Russians allow the British ships to enter in May, there won't be an end to the number of NATO ships that enter. That's right. And within a couple months, the Black Sea will look like bumper boats at the carnival. Look like the Suez Canal when it was blocked. Yeah. There'll be so many warships in the Black Sea.
Starting point is 00:21:00 I don't think the Russians can allow one NATO warship to enter. They know what will happen. It'll fill up. In my opinion, they can't allow any past the Bosphorus Strait. Because, I mean, then you're going to be setting the stage for a direct conflict at the Kerch Strait. So that's my question. Do you actually think they'll allow them past Istanbul? The warships start coming in there.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Those warships are able to fire missiles into Moscow. They get in that close. They can't allow any of them to come in. We're on the edge of World War III. And that Russian analysis. Hey, you might want to go out and eat your last Big Mac this week. Whatever it is that you got this craving for, you might want to go eat it, all right? Because we're really headed towards, for the first time in my life, we are really on the edge of World War III.
Starting point is 00:22:03 I've done my job. My hands are clean. There's no blood on my hands. Those of you who watch me and you're not saved, your blood is not on my hands. I have told you repeatedly to repent of your sins, call on the name of Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:22:19 be born again, be baptized, and prepare for the day you're going to meet your maker suddenly. And those of you who are my enemies and you watch me to try to catch me in saying something that you can use against me. I don't hate you. I love you. And I care about your soul. I'm trying to tell you World War Three is on the way. It doesn't matter what you write about me. I'm trying to tell you that World War III is on the way. Very, very close. You need to get right with Almighty God.
Starting point is 00:22:55 And the only way you can be right with God is to meet his son at the cross. And there's a lot of you people watching me. You're not saved. You're not saved. A lot of you. watching me. You're not saved. You're not saved. A lot of you. I read the stuff you post online. You don't know Christ. You know religion.
Starting point is 00:23:12 You know right wing politics. You know all kinds. But you don't know Christ. You need to get saved. You're running out of time. But I just want to make one more appeal, Doc. Last call for salvation. Come.
Starting point is 00:23:29 This isn't entertainment. It's about eternity. Heaven's open. Come. Come quickly. Come. Come and meet Jesus. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Well, the State Department was quick to respond. I think they were caught pretty aback by this. They're claiming this is an unprovoked escalation. And that's the official statement. Additionally, they said that this will impact the Sea of Aza, which is another confirmation that that flotilla headed by the HMS Queen Elizabeth isn't going to remain in the Black Sea. They're going for the Kerch Strait.
Starting point is 00:24:06 They want to go all the way to the port of Maripol. The State Department indicated that? Yes, they did. This is according to Aryeh Novestia. They're quoting State Department spokesman Ned Price, who said that this is of deep concern, and he accused the Russian government of interfering with the Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Okay, again, back to our map. That is the sea that is blockaded by the Kerch Strait. And actually, in that article, it says that the Russians say we will not restrict travel through the Kerch Strait for just general commercial purposes. It says that, but it's specifically talking about the territorial borders of Crimea, the territorial waters there. So they're making it very specific here. And now the State Department's complaining, you mean we can't go through the,
Starting point is 00:25:02 we can't take a warship through your territorial waters? Well, could we take a Russian warship through American territorial waters without the same service st. Lawrence? Waterway, how about into the Great Lakes of the you know, Gulf of Mexico bring the Russian? Yes, show us show us how open-minded you are Washington Let another foreign government's warships come into the Gulf of Mexico, and let's see how open-minded Washington is about it. It'd be crazy if they allowed it to happen. And the Russians would be crazy to allow NATO to do this.
Starting point is 00:25:39 And NATO wants the war. And they've responded as well. You even have the Ukraineraine foreign ministry they're getting into this of course they're throwing dust up in the air this is a number 11 for control here where they're saying that russia is violating their rights and their freedom of navigation well not violating your freedom of navigation if you want to do commerce if you want to haul a boatload of grain or widgets or whatever it might be. But if you're hauling a boatload of bullets, yeah, Russians got a problem with you doing that.
Starting point is 00:26:14 Well, the concern the Russians probably have is that those large hauled grain and steel export ships might have something more than just grain and steel in them. If you're preparing for a war, you're probably starting to bring in war materials, ammunition, weaponry. Well, in this sense, the Ukrainians are still crying that they need the United States and NATO to back them. This is kind of feeding off of last week's call that they need nuclear weapons even to challenge the Russian government's blockade. But for Secretary Shogun, the head of Russia's defense ministry, he gave a press conference today and he was very cool-headed.
Starting point is 00:26:54 But his message is very clear. According to his statement in REA Novosti, he said, the destructive course of the military political leadership of Ukraine, which seeks to destabilize the situation in Donbass, the He said, They have troops at the ready, and Secretary Shogun says that it will not matter if the West deploys even the greatest aircraft carrier. This is Russian territory, and they themselves have Iskander missiles deployed in the Crimea. What was on board the Lusitania? Oh. Besides passengers. Were they hauling armsitania? Oh. Besides passengers. Were they hauling arms on there?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Ammo. Yeah. Ammo. Materials that made it explode. Oh, and a passenger ship. Right. That's why it was sunk. The passengers died,
Starting point is 00:27:58 but they deliberately transported military hardware for World War I, and it was on board a passenger ship. Now, the Russians are looking at this and they're saying, we're not letting anything come in here. We know what has been done in past world wars. So- And he's saying we're on the defensive. He's saying we're not invading anybody.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Right. Again, this is their version of Texas, okay, or Florida. They're bracing for a NATO invasion of Russia. That's exactly what they're bracing for. What's really going on behind the scenes? The U.S. financial system is imploding. Biden, he's loopy. Hey, trillions more.
Starting point is 00:28:59 We're going to spend trillions more dollars. I got an infrastructure bill. Trillions of dollars. I did trillions more dollars. I got an infrastructure bill. I had trillions of dollars. I did trillions last month. I did trillions next month. Trillions, trillions. We don't have trillions, but we're going to do it. We're crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:16 We're loopy. We've lost our cotton-picking mind. We're loopy. Okay, you know why? It's going down. The whole system's going down. This is a fight for survival of the world. That's where we're at right now.
Starting point is 00:29:28 And they have to have a war. They need a war because Russia and China have been working since 2008, the banking crisis of 2008, they've been working to build an alternative financial system to replace the Western Rothschild system. That's what's at stake. The Rothschild banking system is at stake.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And Russia and China have been working since 2008 to build an alternative, an alternative to the U.S. dollar, an alternative to Bretton Woods, an alternative to the IMF, an alternative to the U.S. dollar, an alternative to Bretton Woods, an alternative to the IMF, an alternative to the World Bank, an alternative to the SWIFT bank wire system. They've been working on this. This program, we've reported it for years, telling our audience, don't forget what's going on behind the scenes. A new financial system is being put in place. The reason this pressure is building so strong right now is I have to conclude that Russia
Starting point is 00:30:35 and China are weeks or months away from unveiling it, releasing it. Is it a gold-backed digital coin? What impact is that going to have on the world? You know, some type of new Bitcoin, not a Bitcoin, but, you know, a digital coin that's backed by gold. What impact is that going to have on the Western system? Well, one, we're allowed to fabricate wealth out of nowhere, trillions of dollars in bailouts or welfare checks, because we control the system. The second we no longer have a majority stake
Starting point is 00:31:15 with a controlling entity of it, we can no longer do that. America changes overnight. So who is loaning trillions of dollars to Joe Biden right now? When I say Joe Biden, who's loaning trillions of dollars to Joe Biden right now? When I say Joe Biden, who's loaning trillions of dollars to the Treasury? Who's doing this? Where are we getting the money?
Starting point is 00:31:32 We're creating it. We're making it out of thin air. If I did it, it's called counterfeiting. There aren't enough trees to print all the money that we've created. That's why it has to be digital. They don't print dollars. 99% of it is digital already. Of the U.S. dollars in circulation, only 1% of it is actually physical now.
Starting point is 00:31:54 So why is this coming to head? Why is NATO going for broke? Because they're broke. That's why they're going for broke, because they're broke. That's why they're going for broke because they're broke. The U.S. is insolvent financially. It is insolvent. The Western
Starting point is 00:32:14 system is bankrupt. We've been rotted out from the inside. We're morally bankrupt, spiritually bankrupt, and we're financially bankrupt. And the Russians and the Chinese know that we, the West, we're desperate. We're frantic. And we'll conquer, we'll kill to gain more resources, more territory, or retain control.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Just to survive, just to survive, just to survive. Plus, you have an ice age that's underway that few people know about. There's going to be a tremendous battle for resources. The western United States is in a 1,200-year drought cycle. The water is drying up. You want to see it in the west here in America? In Arizona, in Nevada, California, the water is drying up. If you live in those states, you need to flee.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Don't think it's just a bad year. It's a drought. It's a dry year. No, it's a 1,200-year drought cycle. Hey, I can read this stuff in the Bible. I see what happens to nations that forget God, that rebel against God. He sends them drought and famine and war, pestilence. And the last stage is war.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And he drives them off the land. The land spews them out, vomits them out. And another people come in and live on the land. And the cycle starts over again. That's where we're at in time right now. If you live in the Western United States, you should be selling the land right now while there's a sucker out there to buy it. I'm really serious. You can find a sucker to
Starting point is 00:33:57 buy land in the Western United States, you better get the money and get out of there and get to a southern state right now. Hey, if World War happens, we're not going to be any better off. All right. Well, at least we'll have water. Well, I don't even know about that. We may have lots of water. If the Russians use their tsunami weapon on us, we'll have plenty of water. But I'm just saying, barring a world war, okay, you want to get out of the Western states. You want to flee the drought that's hitting the Western states. You want to get out of the cities. You want to get out of the cities. Cities are burning. You want to get to safe places as soon as possible.
Starting point is 00:34:46 The vaccine passports, the least of your worries in these communist strongholds. Our good friend Peter Prye, who has been a guest on this program almost as long as I've been doing True News, he's speaking out about the tension that's building right now. Yes, a constant voice about the threat of EMP against the U.S. grid. He's actually been reading Russian news sites. He's been translating them. Smart man. Very smart man. That's why he's moved away from the cities.
Starting point is 00:35:18 You mean he doesn't watch CNN and Fox News to get his information? He wants real information. But what he said here, he's actually translating the statements made by the director of Russia's state-run RT and Sputnik, Margarita Semyon. Now, she gave a recent interview in the Russian press, and what she said is that Russia is ready, not that they're willing,
Starting point is 00:35:41 not that they even want a war, but they're ready for a devastating war against the U.S. And it won't just be in the Crimea. She said first she's been urging President Putin. She's actually had audiences with President Putin before. Respected. This would be the version of Rupert Murdoch in the United States. One of the senior media officials in the country directing editorial and analysis in that country.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Now what she said is Russia will invade Ukraine, sparking a conflict with the U.S. that will force entire cities into blackouts. All out cyber warfare, nationwide forced blackouts. Now, she said that this is the fate of the war to come for the U.S. if they push the Russians to the brink and get into Crimea. So what was it, two months ago, was it the Washington Post or the New York Times that reported Biden to launch massive cyber attacks against Russia in 30 days? Right. Well, we did it. We just don't know about it. I mean, I'm assuming
Starting point is 00:36:48 that we did it. And if we have done it, then how do we do? We don't know. Russia's still operating, isn't it? They're still operating, and they're mad. Okay? They're mad,
Starting point is 00:37:04 and they're ready for the fight. Peter Prye has a theory on the Russian and Chinese systems, that they could potentially survive EMP attacks, Rick, both Russia and China. Russian, he is saying, and it's not in this article, but in other articles, he's saying the Russian grid is not as vulnerable as the U.S. grid because it is not as interconnected as ours. Plus, in a lot of their major distribution points, they still use vacuum tube technology. That is in this article, actually.
Starting point is 00:37:38 Vacuum tube electronics, and the way he described it was retro technology. Yes. That are less vulnerable or invulnerable in part to electromagnetic pulse attacks. In China, China has been smart in the way it's developed its electric grid. It doesn't have one electric grid. It has like a dozen electric grids that aren't connected to each other directly. So if you take out one of the Chinese electric grids, you've got 11 more that you have to take out. The U.S. electric grid is so interconnected with Canada, the East Coast, West Coast now, you cannot really break it out.
Starting point is 00:38:15 It's a fascinating piece of information there that one major cyber attack in the U.S. where it could cause a domino effect that would shut down the whole system. Including Canada. Yes. And parts of Mexico because of the interconnection. The Wall Street Journal today published photographs. They said are satellite photographs of Russian military buildup on the Russian-Ukraine border. In a quote from this article, it said that the Biden administration officials have been preparing options to provide lethal and non-lethal military aid to Ukraine
Starting point is 00:38:54 in the event of a Russian attack. Now, you see on the screen here, those are mechanized vehicles that used to sell hundreds of thousands, reportedly, troops and approximately 20,000 vehicles, among other weaponry. The options that the Biden administration is talking about providing are anti-tank, anti-ship, anti-aircraft, among other systems. But also, they haven't yet decided, and they want to present options to the Biden administration. Well, I'll tell them this, the option seems to be coming to a point here because how are they going to get these weapons to Ukraine? This article is interesting because
Starting point is 00:39:30 the solidity shows the Russians are ready. They pre-deployed air force, ground units, even their navy, yet they have blockaded the port which we plan to enter with our forces. In addition to this, the Pentagon has said that the buildup right now on the Crimean Peninsula is bigger than when Crimea voted to join Russia. They're saying the numbers could be well in excess of 140,000 troops, both NATO and Russian, with a clear advantage by numbers to the Russians. You know, it's interesting thinking about it with 2014. Crimea went back to Russia in response to Obama pressuring Russia. Obama was, you know, trying to, you know, topple Assad in Syria. And Obama was beating his chest,
Starting point is 00:40:28 trying to beat Tarzan, big bad Barack Obama. He wanted to challenge Putin. So you got Putin riding bareback. Yeah, riding bareback on a brown bear. And you have Obama with five-pound weights. Yeah, or his little bicycle and his little helmet. But right after that is when Crimea went back to Russia.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And so what I'm saying is, if this is a repeat, then you've got Biden, who was Obama's sidekick. And I'm convinced Obama is running the country right now. I believe all this is an Obama operation. Well, Press Secretary Psaki, she admitted that Barack Obama is constantly calling the White House, as in communication directly with Joe Biden. Right. He's running the show. So what I'm saying is if it's a repeat of Obama's stupidity and his bungling tactics,
Starting point is 00:41:37 then we may see Ukraine become Russian territory in the next 30 days. And nobody to blame but Barack Obama for the stupidity of provoking this crisis. The U.S. is provoking a crisis. And I could see Putin saying, OK, you push me like this. You put sanctions on us. You call me a murderer. You put warships in a place where you can strike my capital city. All right. So I'm going to take Ukraine now. What are you going to do about it? I can see it happening. I'm not ruling it out. But we are moving quickly towards World War III. And if we don't go to war, then the U.S. has to stand down.
Starting point is 00:42:26 And the whole world will know that under weak Joe Biden, because he's going to look, he already looks weak. Nobody sees the guy as a strong leader. They don't think he's mentally there. Okay. I mean, last week at a press conference, he called him Vladimir Clutin. Called him Clutin. He doesn't even know what he's talking.
Starting point is 00:42:50 He doesn't even know. He was clueless on Clutin. He's everything, you know? So how do you take this guy seriously? So if the U.S. stands down, mark it. That's the day the U.S. ceases to be the dominant power in the world. Mark it on your calendar. And with carriers.S. ceases to be the dominant power in the world. Mark it on your calendar. And with carriers.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Yes. And we don't have that power anymore. That will be our Lord Chamberlain moment. That's right. And we brought it on ourself. And the Europeans are paying attention to this. They've had meetings among themselves and talking about France, Germany. The United Kingdom obviously is stepping up to send a flotilla, a suicide mission, if that, into the Black Sea. But for France and Germany, they've discussed the issue of 100,000 soldiers
Starting point is 00:43:31 on the border. And they have a different approach to this. First of all, Reuters stated that the NATO officials, other than the United States, have been meeting pretty clearly. This is an article called Russia Military Buildup Near Ukraine, numbers More Than 100,000. Their response to this was 150 from the Express. And in the Express article, they actually brought up the time that Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, called for an EU army to defend not just against Russia. The Express is very smart in their titling here. It was also against China and the U.S. We remember this statement.
Starting point is 00:44:08 This is after the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in 2018. Well, the Express in England has revived this. Go ahead. And they're saying that their response should be is a breakup of NATO potentially. Maybe Germany and France. Germany already has existing alliances with Russia. Maybe they should form their own army and maybe they should look out for their own interests instead of worrying about America's wants and needs 4,000 miles away.
Starting point is 00:44:36 All right. So just keep this up there. So what was it, 2018 when we were in St. Petersburg? Yes, 2018. So your true news team sitting right here, we were in St. Petersburg? Yes, 2018. 2018. So your True News team sitting right here. We were in St. Petersburg, Russia. Beautiful city. We were covering the St. Petersburg. It's the St. Petersburg version of Davos, the Russian Davos. And the, what is it, the economic?
Starting point is 00:45:03 International Economic Forum. Yeah, okay, so we were there, and we were in the audience watching Vladimir Putin and Emmanuel Macron were on the stage along with Christine Lagarde. Shinzo Abe. Shinzo Abe of Japan. And the vice premier of China.
Starting point is 00:45:21 China. So Doc, Edward, and I were there. I still remember the moment. We're, Doc, Edward and I were there. We didn't, we're not making it up. We were there. And Putin turned to Macron and said, let Russia defend France. Yes. I still remember us looking at each other. We can help.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Did we hear that? He turned to Macron. Putin turned to Macron and said, you know, we can help you with those defense needs that you have. What he was saying was, leave NATO and become friends with Russia. You don't need an army against us. We'll defend you. We heard it. We saw it ourselves. Yes. I still remember us looking at each other. Did we just hear what he just said? So what is Mr. Macron thinking right now? He hasn't sent any warships. Think about that. Oh, no. What are we going to? We're going to war
Starting point is 00:46:15 with Russia. Well, I'll tell you what he's thinking right now. He plans on talking to Vladimir Putin. This is number 24 control. President Macron plans to hold talks with Putin soon. Is it possible, Doc? Is it conceivable that a war breaks out and NATO falls apart in the war? Yeah. Who's going to pay the price for that war? How do we know Macron doesn't send a message to Moscow and say, we will not bomb you? We will not participate in the war. We're standing down. How do we know Joe Biden doesn't go to this war thinking he's got all of NATO behind him?
Starting point is 00:47:01 And when it starts, you find out they've all cut deals. Well, Rick, did you hear about any French or German warships going in this flotilla with the British? No. Just the UK and the US. Now, let's keep in mind that if there is a, let's say there is a conflict with Russia, the first line of attack is going to be Europe. Right? Yes. And so if you're France, if you're Germany, you're the major commercial outlets there in Europe.
Starting point is 00:47:36 You have to be weighing out, do I really, really want to invest all of our efforts now into fighting Russia Russia who has beat both France and Germany in the past Russia has mm-hmm beat them each you know they're they're one and oh on both of them right now and you want to do it at a time when the US the one pushing for this conflict, is on the brink of civil war, unrest in the major cities. The city's burning. And led by the mighty gladiator, Joe Biden. Yes, the sleepy gladiator. And Rick, the verdict has come in out of Minnesota. Just for anyone paying attention, we just want to let you know the verdict's come back from the jury in the Derek Chauvin case, the killing of George Floyd, and it is guilty on second-degree murder.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Second-degree murder. The judges just read it. Second-degree murder. Not second-degree manslaughter. That's correct. Second-degree murder from the control. So we were seeing images. We're watching, obviously, everything happening in the world, but our control was told us the courthouse outside, there was a mob already forming. Second degree might not even be enough for that blood. Look, they're going to burn the city if he was guilty.
Starting point is 00:48:50 They're going to burn the city if he's not guilty. And Russia is going to burn us down if we go to war over this nonsense. I'm getting updates guilty on all counts. All counts, including that says third degree murder and second degree manslaughter. I don't know how you can be charged three different times for one crime. Well, there's no justice in this land. Well, for our ambassador in Russia, John Sullivan, well, he's got something to come back to.
Starting point is 00:49:23 He has actually been taking a line that he's not going to leave Russia. There were talks, again, let's move on from Minneapolis. The talks were that he was asked to leave by the Kremlin last week. He was summoned to the foreign ministry. And did Russia ask the U.S. ambassador to leave? They strongly advised him that he should go home and speak to his colleagues, speak to the president. Is this the position you really want to take? That was the day that they said, when they called him over and they said, it's not going to be nice.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And he went out the back, the side door. The side door. Got picked up out of the side door. Well, there was an article in Axios. They claimed to have a big scoop. They claimed that the ambassador, the only way he was going to leave Russia is if Putin forced him out, killed him, possibly. The only way he's going to leave, he's sticking by his duties. Well, not so fast. Quickly, after that statement came out last night, it turns out that the Russian ambassador, our ambassador to Russia, will be leaving this week.
Starting point is 00:50:25 There's another stand down. Another stand down. So this is the article that first came out. He refuses, refuses Kremlin push to leave Russia. And then hours later, Axios reports, and this is number 22 for control, U.S. ambassador to Russia will return home briefly, briefly. So the ambassador said, over my dead body while I leave. And Putin said, OK.
Starting point is 00:50:50 We can arrange that. That's it. That's how foreign politics is played. Let me tell you, joking aside, there's another more sober possibility of this that they told him for your own safety your own safety you need to leave and go back and tell Joe Biden
Starting point is 00:51:14 and the deep state of America that he represents you tell him that we are not going to tolerate any more intimidation we are not going to tolerate any more intimidation. We are ready to fight. Most likely that's what they taught him.
Starting point is 00:51:31 And they said, you need to leave and take the message back. That's not good. That is not a good sign. The diplomats were the first to leave before the beginning of World War II. It's certainly troubling to see these warships go, but more so that the people who would discuss peace at a detente, they will not be present. Right. It's a significant move when we have tensions rising like this,
Starting point is 00:52:00 like we have right now, and then the U.S. ambassador returns home. Yeah. this like we have right now. And then the U.S. ambassador returns home. Yeah, that that if you've got an oil light on your car and your oil light is flashing, it's way past changing oil time. Your engine's about to blow up. That's where we are right now. The engine light is flashing. I mean, it's doing everything. Smoke is coming out of the engine compartment. The thing is about ready to get on fire. And so that's where we are in the timing. Dog, the U.S. Smoke is coming out of the engine compartment. The thing is about ready to get on fire. And so that's where we are in the timing. Doc, the U.S. ambassador is not the only one who said over my dead body. The president of Belarus, President Lukashenko, he said only over my dead body. And this was in response to an alleged U.S.-directed coup attempt to assassinate him.
Starting point is 00:52:53 One that he was told about by President Putin after his call with Joe Biden. Again, there's another story. They've got no press in America. The Russian press said that when Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin had a conversation a week or two ago. That. Mr. Putin confronted Mr. Biden about information Russian intelligence had that the CIA was orchestrating an assassination of Lukashenko of Belarus. Right. And after the phone call to Biden, Putin called Lukashenko and said, I just told Biden. I told Biden I know about the CIA plot to assassinate you. So there's more there's more news that has come out about this. CIA plot to assassinate you.
Starting point is 00:53:48 So there's more news that has come out about this. First of all, the Federal Security Bureau of Russia, that's their FBI, that used to be the KGB in the Soviet days, they released a statement, and Interfax News published this, Russian FSB announces prevention of coup in Belarus. And then today, Interfax has more information about it.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yeah. They said two citizens of Belarus were detained in Russia for an attempted coup d'etat and the assassination of the president of the republic in their country. They were consulted in the United States and Poland. The FSBs, and this is from the FSB's Public Relations Center. Now, they said in this report that the FSB worked together with the State Security Committee of Belarus. This is the security apparatus, the FBI of Belarus. And as a result of the special operation,
Starting point is 00:54:42 they suppressed the illegal activities of Zanukovic Yuri Yonadovich, who has a dual citizenship of the United States and Belarus. They're saying this is one of the conspirators. He's a dual citizen of the U.S. and Belarus, as well as another citizen named Feduta Aleksandra Aisevich. Now, they claimed that an intelligence agency was involved in this. They've both named the FBI and the CIA. They said the military coup, saying that this was going to involve military units too, had been worked out in the version of a color revolution.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Now we have George Soros. Yes, George Soros, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Maidan. We had one in America in 2020. It's still going on. We're having one right now. With the involvement of local and Ukrainian nationalists, they're saying that Ukraine also was involved in this coup attempt in Belarus. Now, the attempt was an actual outright assassination,
Starting point is 00:55:44 just not of the president, but of his entire family. Yes, they were going to hold the kids hostage. And then like the Romanovs. Yeah. So, you know, they're going to do a human blood sacrifice like they did with the Romanovs. Given enough time, they might have planned that. And, you know, and their Kabbalah numerical secret codes painted in the blood of the murdered. Murdered children at that. And there's more to this story here. It goes on to say, upon Zayn Kovach's arrival in Moscow, listen to this, Rick,
Starting point is 00:56:14 after consultations in the U.S. and Poland, they caught this guy dead to rights, and they monitored him. The scheduled meeting took place in a separate office, one of the capital's restaurants. During the meeting, the conspirators told the Belarusian generals that for the successful implementation of their plan, it was necessary to physically eliminate practically the entire top leadership of the republic. If this is accurate, then this coup was going to decapitate, this is a political decapitation, the entire upper level of the country. Would that put interference in another government?
Starting point is 00:56:55 Doesn't that sound like a Jacobin revolution? Off with their heads. You gather them up and you shoot them. Okay, go ahead. In the modern parlance, both the co-conspirators had actually planned, as part of this military coup, to take radio and television centers. They were going to make sure they could broadcast a public appeal to the people of Belarus, telling them not only that the government had been killed, that the main leadership had been
Starting point is 00:57:23 taken, but this would also be the means to block any riot police, any units, both military and police, civil, from stopping this coup d'etat. So they would take control of all communication, just like, you know, we have... In Turkey. Well, how about here in the United States? Oh, yes, CNN. They've already taken control of that. Didn't we have a coup in 2020 with the social media and and the news media? Didn't they didn't they send the message to the American people?
Starting point is 00:57:56 Didn't they de-platform President Trump and say his voice is not allowed to be on Facebook. But what they were saying there is that, you know, the plan was take control of the media and then tell the Belarusian public, we murdered all of your leaders. For your own good. For your good. We're here for your good. You don't want to be dead like them, do you? Right. Okay. What kind of shock would be, what kind of shock would be in the public here if somebody took control of our media and said, last night while you were sleeping, we assassinated the entire U.S. Congress,
Starting point is 00:58:42 the National Security Council, everybody at the Pentagon, all federal judges, don't you want to be part of this revolution? Imagine the shock, the fear in the American people. Now, Colonel Stanislav Lunov told me, personally told me, in 1999, that the planned Russian invasion of the United States, that that's precisely what they would carry out. A decapitation. A decapitation.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Colonel Stanislav Lunov of the Russian Spetsnaz, he personally told me in Dallas, Texas, that the plan was first a decapitation of the leadership. He said that the Russian military knew the secret landing strips in America for Air Force One. He said it doesn't matter. He said Air Force One cannot stay in the air forever. It must land. We know the secret landing strips for air force one our snipers will be there waiting for them he said uh our he says we know the identity of every member of congress every member of the cabinet the supreme court the federal judges we know their spouses their children we will eliminate all of them. I had this conversation with him.
Starting point is 01:00:08 If it wasn't accurate, it was a pretty scary story because I stayed up several nights and I couldn't sleep. You know, I have highest ranking Russian spy ever to defect telling me the plan. So when I read this, I'm like, yeah, this is the way it's done. This is the way it was done. Except if the Russians are right, if this is accurate, the West was going to do it to Belarus. Right. And you know what was going to be the initial shot?
Starting point is 01:00:39 They were going to take down the electric grid in Belarus. Oh, wow. That was it. They were going to take down the electric grid. So you Oh, wow. That was it. They were going to take down the electric grid. So you have terror. Right. Blackout. And while everybody's out of power and panicking, they're shooting the top leadership.
Starting point is 01:00:55 Yes. Think about it, folks. How easy it would be. Russia wasn't going to sit by and watch one of the strategic allies in the region. Imagine here in America if it was dark, if you could not access your Wi-Fi, if you couldn't make a phone call, if you couldn't pick up a radio signal, if you couldn't pick up a TV signal, and you couldn't do that for 12 hours, what could happen in 12 hours, Rick? You could wipe out the entire leadership.
Starting point is 01:01:23 And then when the electricity comes back on... It's a new country. It's a whole different country. Yeah. It's got a new flag. It's got everything new. It's a revolution. Well, if our strategic command saying we're preparing for nuclear war and this
Starting point is 01:01:36 standoff with Russia weren't enough, then we also have the issue ongoing at that with China. China wants to take Taiwan, and they've outright now threatened to declare war if the United States continues to build ties with Taiwan. This is from the Express stated, China threatens Taiwan with war over U.S. ties amid another flyover. Now this flyover wasn't a small thing at all. It was nuclear bombers that were sent into the Taiwan Straits. But the important part here is what's classified as ties is if we dare send another U.S. cabinet official or weaponry to the island state that China still claims is part of their territory. The Chinese government, through an official spokesperson, said that the 25 fighter jets and bombers and surveillance equipment were just the beginning. If the U.S. continues to do what they've been doing, war would be the only option and the
Starting point is 01:02:31 preferable one at that for Beijing. This is the most, this is the strongest statement I've ever seen Beijing make about Taiwan. Up until now, they've only hinted. They've only implied. I've never seen them say, we will have war with Taiwan. We will use military force. That's what I'm telling you. We're at the breaking point. Both countries are finished. They're done with the U.S., with the warmongers in the Council of Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg boys.
Starting point is 01:03:09 They're done with them. They're finished. They don't want any more of it. And we have these idiots that have been running the West since World War II, and they've made a mess of the world, an absolute mess. And they've brought us to the place of surrender or destruction. And it didn't have to be like this. No. The Lord wanted to be our defender. Yes. The Lord wanted to protect us. Stronger than any aircraft carrier. We brought this on ourselves. Rick, this threat came as most of that region actually recovers from a super typhoon, the largest of its kind, a super typhoon Sergei.
Starting point is 01:03:58 The reason why we haven't heard much about drills, for example, that were promised over the last couple of weeks in that region, Rick, is because most of the aircraft carriers, apparently the US and NATO forces that have been sent to the region, were scattered. This has also come at a time as China, who is right next to Taiwan, has ground air bases, doesn't have to rely on aircraft carriers
Starting point is 01:04:17 to be sailed into foreign waters. That's when we're conducting aerial bombing drills. And this, at a time that the US and Japan, all they can do is reply with words. They are not playing around. They have the assets to do it. China is also sending a message to India. You want to stay out of this war. And they've deployed long-range rocket launchers to this end.
Starting point is 01:04:44 And this article from the South China Morning Post is very important. When you read through this article, this deployment and the drills that these rocket units are carrying out are not just a deterrent to India, but serve as a training exercise for invasion
Starting point is 01:05:00 to Taiwan. For China, they haven't been caught up in a forever war in Afghanistan or various conflicts in Syria or other around the world. They need to test their military, and they're doing so with the Himalayan standoff with India. In the Philippines, President Duterte made a prophecy. He said it will be bloody. Yeah, and I actually watched this last night.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I watch the Philippine news every night with my wife because I'm trying to learn Tagalog, and so I have to watch the news every night. But it's the only news I get from over there. But I heard him make the statement, he made it in English and in Tagalog, that would be bloody. I'm just sitting there, yeah, it's going to be bloody. It's going to be Philippine blood that's going to be there because China's not letting go of what it has in the South China Sea. That's a fact. They're not letting go.
Starting point is 01:05:57 Will Duterte fight China if a war breaks out? They don't have the resources to fight China. Fight China with what? It'd be like me trying to fight a whole platoon. Will Duterte just surrender and say, we're not in this war? He's counting on the U.S. coming to his aid. He's counting on that. But if the U.S. doesn't, then you can just extend China's reach into the Philippines.
Starting point is 01:06:24 I mean, that's the reality of things. There's not enough forces in the Philippines to combat what China has in the South China Sea. And that's just the way it is. And I know I have a lot of Filipino friends, and they are tenacious people. They held out against the Japanese and everything. But this is a different war. This is a different scenario here. And besides, right now the Philippines are hurting desperately.
Starting point is 01:06:57 They are broke, busted money-wise. Any money that they have coming in is either USAID or money coming in from China investments. And so I don't really see them doing that, really getting into a fight. The only blood that there will be there will be Philippine and US blood. I think the surprise is going to be the war breaks out and US alliesS. allies take a walk. I absolutely think you're right. And not just in Europe. I'm talking about Asia.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I mean, you could see India say, hey, you know, no, I don't want that fight. I mean, it could really change the balance of power, which we should really be praying about here because now the U.S. has extended itself. It said to Russia, we're ready. We're going to go to war. If the U.S. backs away from this now, they appear weak. This is a lose-lose situation right now under Joe Biden. Yes. It is a lose-lose proposition. It's a lose-lose. We lose if we back down. We lose if we stand our ground. Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:10 That's where we're at right now. And we brought it on ourselves by forsaking the Lord. And then we're trying to convince ourselves that we can win a war on three fronts. Or four fronts, actually. Because you're going to, once this breaks out, you're not just dealing with Russia and in Europe, you're not just dealing with China in the South China Sea and Taiwan, you're dealing with Iran, you're dealing with North Korea. You're dealing with Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 01:08:37 What are you going to do, blow up the whole world? I mean, that's your only option. That's how, that's why yesterday when we were closing, Rick, I said, we are on the precipice here now. We are, I mean, we're on the edge of the cliff and we got one leg sticking out
Starting point is 01:08:51 over the cliff seeing how far we can stick it out as if to tempt God. But still, we don't turn back to him, Rick. We still don't turn back to him. Hey, I can't make the country turn to God,
Starting point is 01:09:04 but I can turn to God. That's right. You can turn to God. You can take care of yourself and your family by turning to the Lord and coming to the cross and meeting Jesus Christ, repenting of your sins, believing on the name of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, being baptized and brought into his church. That's what you can do. And then you can witness to your loved ones and your friends and tell them the same thing.
Starting point is 01:09:34 We can't do anything about the rest of the country. We just can't do anything. It's too out of control. But you are in control of you. You're only responsible for you. So make the right decision. Don't procrastinate. Don't play Russian roulette with your soul.
Starting point is 01:09:53 Dangerous times. You know, we've been talking about war in this entire episode, and we're going to end the program with a, it's a happy story that's related to war, World War II. But something happened here in Florida over the weekend. Yes, this past weekend, Cocoa Beach, a city just north of us, was having an air show. And they feature a lot of old aircraft, as you said, from World War II and other past conflicts.
Starting point is 01:10:25 There was a BM Avenger bomber that was incorporated. It was restored. During its flight over the ocean, it started having some mechanical issues. The pilot, a veteran pilot at that, realized this thing's going down. Okay, better prepare. And wow, I can't believe I'm actually in a World War II plane and it's about to go down. He was forced to actually engage in an emergency landing right on the beach. Here's CBS Miami covering the story. We have the video to show if you want. I want you to pay attention to the end because crashing in the plane is not the end for you.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Those watching, you can do something. And there were young men who jumped to action to make sure this man was okay. Oh! Now those young men ran out to the downed aircraft and they made sure the pilot was okay. The pilot was able to get out of the cockpit. No one was hurt. But again, it shows you the spirit can be alive even among those who are just sitting on the beach. And even in great danger.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Yes. You can escape death. Amen. So you want to escape eternal death. Eternal death is to be separated from God. And it's your sin
Starting point is 01:12:36 that separates you from God. So you want to escape eternal death. And the only way that you can escape eternal death is to find the Savior who paid the price for your sins and to reconcile you to your maker. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God. He is the last Adam. And he came to reconcile humanity to Almighty God. You can escape eternal death.
Starting point is 01:13:05 You can have eternal life. The only way is to believe on the name of Jesus Christ. We love you very much. Edward. Yes, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner with this ministry
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