TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Zelenskyy Warns Ukraine Can Build a Nuke in Weeks
Episode Date: October 17, 2024World War 3 took another twist today when German newspaper Bild reported that Ukrainian ruler Zelenskyy threatened NATO by warning his country could build a nuclear warhead within weeks.Rick Wiles, Do...c Burkhart. Airdate 10/17/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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ruler zolinski threatened nato by warning his country could build a nuclear warhead
within weeks. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Thursday, October 17, 2024. Let's begin our
analysis and commentary of today's news by looking at this German report from the publication Build, NATO Ascension or Nuclear Weapon.
In other words, give us membership in NATO or we build a nuke and we can do it within weeks.
That's the shocking thing that's in this article.
Doc, I don't think anybody in the United States knows about this.
I think we're the only
ones reporting it right now so the question is we'll get into this here in just a moment the
question is is this a an empty threat or is this a legitimate threat well i guess we'll i'll put it
like this this is a dangerous threat either way because what he's going to get is a nuke delivered to him yes yes it will be home delivered from from moscow let's
take a look at what they're uh what bill is reporting today so bill is saying a bombshell
from ukrainian president vladimir zelensky on the sidelines of the current eu summit going on in
brussels he has made it clear that his country wants to protect itself from Russia in the future.
And so here's the choices.
Either NATO quickly accepts his country into the alliance or Ukraine will once again become a nuclear power.
Now, the president actually wanted to present his victory plan to the heads of state and government of the European Union in Brussels.
But in the early afternoon, he shocked the journalist present with that dramatic announcement.
So in a conversation with the American presidential candidate Donald Trump a few weeks ago,
Zelensky declared either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons and then they will be our defense
or we will have to enter into some kind of alliance.
Apart from NATO, we do not know of any effective alliances to do
today so in doing so mr zielinski revealed what a high-ranking ukrainian official
hinted at to build and other politicians and officials just several months ago
the west should not believe that ukraine will accept a second russian attack on kiev
before that happens it will rebuild its nuclear weapons arsenal
which it has voluntarily given up since the early 1990s in 2001 ukraine gave up its last
nuclear weapon now the official specializing in weapons procurement said in the closed meeting
we have the material we have the knowledge if the order is, we will only need a few weeks to have the first bomb.
The West should think less about Russia's red lines and more about our red lines, the official
warned. Doc, there's so much in this article. There is. This thing's loaded. Let's start in the third paragraph.
He said either Ukraine will have a nuclear weapon and then they will be our defense or we will have to enter into some kind of alliance.
Apart from NATO, we do not know of an effective alliance as today.
But where else is he going to go for a military alliance?
What nation, what group of nations is he thinking about?
There is none.
Or is there?
Is he secretly negotiating with somebody?
As in Israel?
That's the first nation.
Does Israel have nuclear warheads?
They don't admit it,
but they certainly do.
And did Zelensky say two years ago
Ukraine will be bigger Israel?
Is Israel getting ready
to move to Ukraine?
Is Israel going to put nuclear
weapons in Ukraine?
Now that
I hadn't considered that until you just said
you need to think about it.
He's hinting they're talking
to somebody. Yes.
And threatening NATO.
He just, who, who has.
He gave NATO a red line.
And who would do that other than a member of the tribe?
A tribe that has, look, the whole tribe is nuclear armed.
It's not just state of is.
The tribe is nuclear armed.
That's a good point okay and so the part of the tribe that's in palestine may be offering to share some of its weapons of
mass destruction with the tribe member in ukraine Because what else is in Ukraine?
What did the Pentagon have there?
Perhaps Zelensky is going to share some biolab materials with Israel.
Okay, that's the first one.
So we get down here and so he's he's telling nato either give us membership now right we're not waiting remember they had the nato meeting in the summer
and they offered them a bridge a bridge bridge to membership. A bridge, okay.
He just blew up the bridge.
He sure did.
He just threatened NATO.
He gave NATO a red line.
And then it says that the West should not believe that Ukraine will accept a second Russian attack on Kiev.
Before that happens, it will rebuild its nuclear weapons arsenal,
which it has voluntarily given up since the early 1990s.
In 2001, Ukraine gave up its last nuclear weapon.
Well, Ukraine didn't have a nuclear weapon. They had old Soviet Union warheads.
And after the breakup of the Soviet Union, there were
agreements put in place,
protocols that decommissioned
the Soviet nuclear warhead
arsenal that was in Ukraine. and wasn't part of it in
that negotiation that in removing the weapons from Ukraine NATO would not Park itself I think
Russia I think so but the one thing that I remember this would be this would be going back to the 80s during the Reagan years.
That, well, no, I would say it would be the Soviet Union fell in the early 90s, right?
Late 80s, early 90s.
At the time the Soviet Union fell, there were reports in major Western newspapers that nuclear warheads stationed in Ukraine,
Soviet Union warheads that were stationed in Ukraine
were sold. Some
went to China and some went to Tehran.
I can believe that. At that time, everything was up in the air.
Okay, so if that was true, if those reports were true,
then all this stuff about Iran
building a nuclear warhead is all bogus because
they already have them. And everybody knows it.
The other story
about nukes
disappearing back at that time
were the
suitcase nukes.
Right. And reportedly
there were at least 200
Soviet Union suitcase nukes
that disappeared out of the
Russian military inventory.
I still remember the interview with the Russian general
who later died in a plane crash.
And he said, I'm missing 200 suitcase nukes.
This was a big story back then, Doc.
It would be a big story now if you're missing 200 suitcase nukes.
Well, they're out there somewhere.
No one talks about it. they're out there somewhere no one talks about it
they're out there somewhere and oh was he he was ukrainian too um barazoski
the billionaire the jewish billionaire barazoski he said this would have been back sometime in the early 2000s
that he was offered a Russian
suitcase nuke for a million dollars but he didn't buy it
now he was, I'm positive he was a Ukrainian
Ukrainian Jewish billionaire
and he was bragging,
I could have bought a suitcase nuke,
million dollars.
I didn't buy it.
I didn't know what to do with it.
Well, how do we know he didn't buy some?
How do we know some other Jewish billionaires
didn't buy some suitcase nukes?
How do we know that some of these Jewish billionaires
don't have their own arsenal suitcase nukes?
We really don't. their own arsenal suitcase nukes we really don't do we no
so then he goes down in this last paragraph
the west should think less about russia's red lines and more about our red lines lines. They just threaten NATO.
You do what we say
or we're building a nuke
and we're going to use the nuke.
how's this going over in the
Do you think this was discussed this morning
in the Kremlin? It was probably the
top item on the list today.
Who was the Russian advisor who went into Putin's office with a copy of the bill?
Excuse me, Mr. President.
Sorry to interrupt your tea.
You might want to read this German newspaper.
Oh, Zelensky's going to get a nuke.
Right up his hiney they're going to send him one especially special delivery with his name on it he's saying they can build one in in weeks says we have the material we have the knowledge
and we can build it within weeks that you have You either have uranium or plutonium.
Is that what you're telling us that you're holding on to?
So if you operate under the premise of preemptive strike strategy,
and you know that your enemy is building a device to blow you to smithereens,
you don't wait until they build it right you you take them out before they build it that would mean within weeks
because what he's done what he just did is he he just told the russians
we're capable of having a nuclear warhead by the early November.
Put it in those terms.
We could nuke Moscow by early November.
How's that going over in the Kremlin today?
Oh boy.
All right, so let's go to the next one.
Yonhap zielinski says north korea is preparing 10 000 troops to help russia we talked about this yesterday says ukrainian president by the way his
term expired so he's he's the usurper yes ukrainian usurper Zelensky said Thursday that North Korea is preparing to send around 10,000 soldiers to Russia to support its war against Ukraine, calling the development a big problem.
Now, he's saying that the troops are going to Russia.
Unless they're going to put them in the Kursk region.
Right. Or in the occupied territories.
Well, if they're going to Russia, maybe that's what Putin is doing.
I'm going to send North Korean troops into his own deployed in Russian occupied Ukrainian territories with additional troops being prepared to join the fight.
Zelensky said, quote, We know about 10,000 soldiers in North Korea that they are preparing to send a fight against us
that's really i think a big problem zielinski suggested that russia is relying on north
korean forces to compensate for substantial troop losses uh he goes on to say uh zielinski
putin is afraid of mobilization very much because social opinion is against his.
He's talking about the draft.
He's saying that Putin is afraid of drafting young Russian men.
That's why he, Putin, is trying to involve other participants in this war.
But Zelensky is trying to involve other.
That's right.
And he just said, we'll have to make an alliance with somebody else.
He just declared war on NATO.
Doc, he did.
Who talks that way?
Is there anybody else who told, let's say, the United Nations where to go?
A little country in the Middle East called Israel, Netanyahu.
So Netanyahu told the UN.
Go fly kite.
Go fly kite.
And Zelensky just told NATO to do the same thing.
He's taking a page out of the Israeli playbook.
He probably watched.
He said, hey, Netanyahu's, you know, he's getting everything he wants.
Netanyahu's getting everything that he wants.
I'm going to get everything I want.
Maybe he didn't take the page.
Maybe it was given to him.
Given to him.
What if Israel takes over Ukraine?
We suggested it over two years ago that Israel would merge with Ukraine.
What if?
Doc, Jews are fleeing Israel.
Yes. By the tens of thousands. Yes.
They're fleeing. See, most of them are
dual nationalities. They never gave up their passport from their home countries.
Just in case.
Just in case Theodore Herzl's dream turned into a nightmare.
Which for some it is now.
It's a nightmare right now.
They're just like, I've got to get out of here.
This is not what I signed up for.
I came over to steal.
I came over here for the milk and honey.
Yes, and to steal Palestinian land
with IDF soldiers backing me up as I did it.
Nothing to worry about.
Just take land and occupy it and you don't have to pay for it.
It's yours, okay?
But now they have a war and it's getting nasty.
It's getting ugly.
And Israeli soldiers are coming home in body bags.
And a lot of these Jews are fleeing back to Europe and the United States.
So the Zionist overlords,
Doc, I think they're working behind the scenes to stem the hemorrhage.
They can't let go of the zionist dream no they're too invested in this so what if ukraine becomes the new israel
which we've talked about before and israel moves its nuclear warheads and its chemical and biological warfare agents to Ukraine.
Now Putin's got a real problem.
Doc, he has a real problem because it's not NATO anymore.
It's a nuclear-armed Israel sharing his border.
He's got a serious problem.
And he's up against worldwide jewelry
which can impact him both inside and outside of russia yes don't rule it out this world is crazy
right now um we've got uh i've got a. This was a compliments of NBC News.
Doc, I'll let you read the English subtitles. This is Zelensky complaining about North Korea's involvement in the war.
So we're starting out this video. This is Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky describing North Korea's involvement in Russia's war with his country he says regarding the intentions of the Russians for autumn and winter
everything is quite detailed the effective involvement of the North
Korea also Russia's relations with some other countries which unfortunately
invest in prolonging the war and so he's made the direct connection and he's also
done this with Iran as well.
When he was speaking to parliament the other day, he said, we are at war with Russia, North Korea, and Iran.
And he may have a nuke to go along with the war.
Newsweek reporting a high-ranking Russian military commander assassinated near Moscow.
This is Nikita Klinkov, 44 years old, deputy head of a military unit and officer of Russia's main intelligence directorate, which is the GRU.
He was shot at point-blank range while he was in his car
near Moscow.
His unit, the GRU unit, served as a training center for Russia's special operation forces,
and he had just returned from Ukraine a week before.
So assassination inside Russia.
Yes. Near the capital city a major top uh commando officer taken out sitting in his car okay so uh we've got zielinski
saying uh guess what we may have some weapons you didn't know about.
Well, there's an Iranian general saying the same thing.
This RT, Iranian general, claims secret weapons more powerful than nuclear bombs.
Oh, Doc, this war is going to be, I'm telling you, when it comes apart,
they're going to be weapons you have never imagined. to you, when it comes apart,
there are going to be weapons you have never imagined.
Well, imagine living back in 1938, 1939,
and someone sitting down with you and saying, you're not going to believe the type of weapons that are going to be unleashed in the coming World War.
Right. Describe those weapons.
We're going to have a bomb,
one bomb that can destroy an entire city at one time.
And you'd be sitting there going,
are you out of your mind?
And what's it made of?
Made of atoms.
Made of things you can't see.
Well, this Iranian general is hinting
that Iran has such secret weapons.
Yes, Tehran possesses weapons that are superior, he says, to nuclear bombs, according to Iranian Brigadier General Abraham Rostami.
His statement came in response to calls from Iranian lawmakers to review the country's non-nuclear military doctrine amid threats
by Israel to strike the country.
Now, in an interview with Iranian media on Tuesday, Rostami, who had previously served
as Secretary of Development and Equipment Commission of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard
Corps, supported calls to change the doctrine but said parliamentarians were unaware of
some aspects because they involve highly classified and top-secret information.
Now, the general claimed that Iran has weapons that are far superior to nuclear weapons,
hinting that this military equipment had already been deployed in the past,
recalling an attack on oil tankers in the UAE back in 2019.
Now, the article goes on to say that when Donald Trump wanted to reduce our oil exports,
there were a number of tactical operations, Ostom claimed.
I will not say who carried them out, but five tankers blew up in the highly guarded port of Fajrur.
They did not know even where the attack came from.
They even filed a complaint with the United Nations.
The UAE accused us but could not provide evidence.
These are some of the examples I can mention.
Doc, we need to go back in our news files and see.
What was happening?
Was there some odd thing that happened in the UAE in 2019?
Well, is he blowing smoke?
Is he bluffing?
Or is he itching to use it?
Well, now, you've had previous conversations
with diplomats in the past
that have asserted that Iran does have access
to some type of weapons beyond what we have now.
I interviewed a former U.S. State Department diplomat who wasn't an ambassador, but he
was in the diplomatic corps.
And he had just this most far out, you know, unbelievable story to tell.
And he, I did the interview under his pen name.
Trying to remember.
V.S. Marlowe.
V.S. Marlowe.
V.S. Marlowe.
That was not his real name, but that was the name he wanted to use.
And I think he put out a book that described the experience. He just said that a man in Iran had given him, or someplace, had given him this manuscript.
I think the man died.
Well, the man gave him documentation, and then V.S. Marlow turned it into a novel, a story.
But the novel and story was based directly on the evidence given to him by this mysterious figure.
Who said that Iran had energy weapons that the world had never heard of.
So anyhow, no way to verify that kind of stuff.
But last night, there was a quote circulating on social media
regarding this general, Amir Ali Hajjadi.
That's him right there.
He's real.
That's the guy that saidan has secret weapons more powerful than
nuclear bombs last night on social media there was a quote attributed to him that was circulating
over the world i could not find any source to verify it but it was all over social media this is what he said allegedly soon we will put
something on the table beyond drones missiles and nuclear technology that will change all the
equations now doc i could not find any news source to verify that he said that, but that quote was being retweeted all over the Internet last night.
So, again, we can't verify it, but let's just say it's true.
Soon, Iran will put something on the table that's beyond drones, missiles, and nuclear technology that will change all the equations.
All the mathematical equations involved in making a weapon.
And you know, you actually talk about that with V.S. Marlowe.
That they had discovered a new kind of math in that.
Who invented math?
Oh, the Persians. The Persians? Yes.
Well, modern algebra is directly derived from the Persians. I mean,
they invented zero. I mean,
think about that. What did you have before there was zero? You didn't have
anything there, but there was no number zero before the Persians
came along. and he's saying
that we're going to we're going to change the equations yes so are the persians getting ready
to bring forth a new math have they discovered a new math or did they discover secret knowledge?
And it's not new math, it's old Persian math and it enabled them to create weapons
that nobody knew were possible.
And apparently these weapons have been used.
I mean, if we're using the 2019 tanker incident,
then they're admitting that they used this technology already.
So now you have to go back and say, well, how did those tankers sink?
Were they hit by missiles?
I'm not seeing any evidence of missiles for that story or anything like that.
So how did this?
And we're going to have to dig a little bit deeper on that story. What we're hearing, Doc, is that when this war starts between Israel and Iran,
he's letting Israel know and
NATO, you get in a fight with the Persians,
you're going to lose some fur on your back.
This isn't going to go down easy.
Iran could be destroyed, But what he's saying is you're going to be missing a lot of fur on your back.
You're not going to win this fight without being hurt and being hurt seriously.
It's probably a good time for me to remind you about Gold Co.
And it's wise to have some of your portfolio invested in gold and silver.
We're really unstable times, extremely unstable.
None of us know where this is headed.
We don't know where the financial system is going to be.
I've been saying since 2008 that World War III would be fought over the banking system, over the money system.
And we know that Russia and China have been stockpiling massive amounts of gold ever since the 2008 banking crisis.
That's right.
I mean, they buy it by the tons.
You don't hear about the United States buying gold by the tons. You don't hear about any Western country buying tons of gold,
but you hear constantly every month that Russia and China are buying tons of gold.
Because after World War III, gold is going to be a key component of the new financial system that's coming into place.
That's my perspective.
So I'm simply saying it would be wise to have some of your assets invested in gold and silver.
We've got a new website, True News for Gold.
That's the number for True News, numeral four,
And the phone number is 844-960-GOLD.
There's a QR code on the screen.
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And I just ask you to tell them that you heard it on True News.
That'll help us out here.
Let's get back back Reuters.
This is number eight.
Russia tells Israel to not even consider attacking Iranian nuclear facilities.
Don't even think about it.
Don't go there.
Don't think about it.
Do something else, but do not attack nuclear facilities.
Russia is warning Israel to not even consider striking Iranian nuclear facilities.
Taft's news agency quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Rabkov as saying on Thursday,
after Iran's missile attack on Israel, there's been speculation that Israel could iran's nuclear facilities uh raabkov said quote we
have repeatedly warned and continue to warn to caution israel against even hypothetically
considering the possibility of a strike on iranian nuclear facilities and nuclear infrastructure this
would be a catastrophic development and a complete negation of all
existing principles in the area of ensuring nuclear safety. And the article says it was not
clear in what form Moscow had conveyed such a message to Israel. Harad's newspaper in Israel
reporting U.S. long-range B-2 stealth bombers target underground bunkers of Yemen's Houthi rebels.
So we're in the war.
We're in the war.
I mean, World War III is on.
We're bombing countries.
It's on.
Times of Israel.
German Unifil warship downs drone off Lebanon coast.
UNIFIL, that's the UN interim force in Lebanon.
They shot down a drone today.
Whose drone?
Who would be flying a drone along the coast of Lebanon?
United States? Israel? United States?
Whoever it is, they haven't asked for it back.
Now, if it was Hezbollah's
drone, don't you think they'd be
crowing about that? Of course they would.
But the point I'm making is,
let's say it was an Israeli drone.
Then you have a german warship
operating under the auspices of the united nations shot down an israeli drone today
over the country of lebanon so unifil is there to enforce the peace between Israel and
Lebanon. Who's violating
it? Israel.
Interim Force
Lebanon, shot
down most likely an Israeli
drone today.
World War III is on, Doc.
So they shoot down drones
over there.
That's true.
Only one.
It's just one.
It wasn't a whole fleet, and it wasn't over 14 days.
That's interesting, that they would actually shoot down the drones.
Yeah, they shot them.
But if 17 of them fly over Langley, they don't shoot those down.
Our leaders are much more cautious, Doc.
They just don't shoot from the hip.
They think about it.
They go up on the roof and they watch the drones.
And wonder.
And they wonder.
I wonder what they're up to.
They wonder.
That's what our military leaders do.
I want to show this to you again.
I'm going to go to show the number 11.
This is the reality.
This is every day.
That used to be,
I don't know if a house,
a school,
but you can see in all that rubble,
they're children.
They're not rag dolls. They're not that rubble they're children. They're not rag dolls.
They're not doll babies.
They're children.
And there are dozens in this rubble.
Yes, dozens of children.
Look at this mother and her child.
You can barely make out the child
but she's definitely holding her child there.
Of course, this is the aftermath of another IDF attack.
She died in the mud.
Holding her child?
Moms, you look at that face.
Look at that mother's face looking at her child.
They died together.
Who killed them?
Israel. Zionism. Zionism killed them Israel Israel Zionism Zionism killed them Christian Zionism
killed them yes it's not Christian it's satanic Zionism I'm tired of saying the
word Christian Zionism it's satanic Zionism I'm not saying it anymore doc
John Hagee teaches satanic Zionism.
I am not saying Christian Zionism anymore.
I'm with you.
The name of Jesus Christ does not belong with that stuff anymore.
Not with murder.
It's satanic Zionism.
I cringe just saying it.
I'm not saying it anymore.
Satanic Zionism.
High likelihood that Hamas leader
Sinwar was killed today.
I'm not surprised by that.
I'm surprised he lasted this long.
There's a photograph circulating on Twitter
supposedly that's him down there somewhere
in that rubble with the IDF soldiers looking at him.
One Israeli paper, TV news source, I-24, saying it's confirmed.
But others are saying they're waiting on confirmation.
Next story, this is a Jewish news agency.
Miriam Alderson donated $100 million to the Trump campaign.
Well, bless her heart.
Oh, you know, you want to bless her heart, she needs to get saved.
Then she'll be blessed because she's cursed right now.
That's right.
She's cursed.
She's under the curse.
If you want to bless her, she needs to be saved.
But she gave $100 million to Donald Trump.
Do you think she wants anything in return?
Folks, just be real.
I know you all love Donald Trump, but just be real.
If a Jewish billionaire gave Donald Trump $100 million
to get him in the White House,
do you think she wants anything in return?
I think she already got it well let's read this and then we'll talk about that doc we have
nine minutes to talk about your opinion so miriam addelson has delivered on a pledge she reportedly
made at the start of the general election season donating 100 million dollars to a campaign
committee supporting the candidacy of donald trump That's according to disclosures filed Tuesday with the FEC.
The money was distributed to Adelson's super PAC, Preserve America,
which she has seeded earlier this year with $5 million in a series of installments.
$25 million a month in July, August, and September,
and an additional $20 million at the end of September.
Now, a major funder of pro-Israel politics and a prolific donor to Jewish causes,
Adelson is carrying on a legacy she built with her late husband, casino magnate Sheldon Adelson.
Well, let's see if you and I are thinking the same way.
You said you think she already got it.
Oh, I think she already has.
Trump gave her a medal here a couple weeks ago.
Remember that?
She was down in Mar-a-Lago, gave her a medal.
What else did he give her?
He gave her a promise that he was going to deliver for Israel.
Yes, but he gave her, I think he gave her something else.
What are you thinking?
He sold out the pro-life movement. Oh.
The $100 million started flowing at the same week he changed his position on abortion.
And forced the GOP to change their platform. The same week.
I think she told Donald Trump, if you want the $100 million, you renounce your pro-life position.
And you changed the platform.
Wow, that would make a lot of sense, especially the stories of the past couple weeks with Mrs. Trump and everything.
Well, the satanic Zionists in the evangelical churches, what are they going to do?
Not a thing.
I mean, they would have to say, well, you know, Israel comes first.
Israel comes first before unborn babies.
If that's the price we have to pay to stand with Israel. Well, Israel believes in
abortion and gay marriage. Of course they do. They finance it. Why not the
church here in America? Judaism supports
abortion and homosexuality and
transgenderism. You take the Jewish money out of the
political arena that finances these agendas, and all those topics lose.
Jews have financed the pro-abortion movement.
They financed the pro-homosexual movement.
And they are financing the transgender movement.
Who's financing most of the transgender
movement right now? The Pritzkers
in Illinois. Right.
You got one of the Pritzkers,
the Jewish billionaire, is a transvestite.
how do you feel about
that? If I'm right, how do you feel
about that? That Donald Trump
said, okay, Mir miriam i gotta have the
money i'll do it i'll change my position i'll force the republican convention to rewrite the
platform and we'll we'll gut the republican party's uh stand on pro-life will weaken it will water it down yes and she said
okay if you go out there and publicly say it i'll start sending the money i'm going to do it in
installments to make sure you keep your word that's right and that's what she did first installment started in july wow about the time of the republican convention
how do you feel about that does it make you queasy
i feel dirty just even thinking about does it make you queasy to think about it
see the election really doesn't matter.
The election doesn't matter.
Mr. Trump has sold out the pro-life.
He sold out the unborn babies for Jewish money.
Now, he can't come right out and say that.
No, but I can.
He can.
But he did. Yes.
So at the core of it, he's
pro-abortion now.
I don't think he was ever
pro-life. He
needed to be pro-life in 2016
and 2020.
Now it's not to his favor
so he's not pro-life.
Hey, when he was a Democrat, he was pro-abortion.
That's right.
And he's always been pro-homosexual.
To this day.
So, if you vote in Mr. Trump, you're going to get a pro-abortion administration.
He's not going to do anything anymore for pro-life.
What is he going to do?
He said, I've got Roe versus Wade overturned.
What else did you want?
He's not going to do anything.
But he is going to continue to advance the homosexual LGBTQ movement.
All right.
So if you put Kamala Harris in,
you get abortion and LGBTQ.
The election isn't going to change anything.
And guess what else isn't going to change?
A mega war coming to the soil of the USA in the 2030s.
Because it's going...
I'm not fighting the culture war anymore.
The culture war has
been lost. Yes. So
there's only one,
one being
who hasn't made a statement
yet. Almighty God.
he's going to send fire upon
this nation in the early 2030s.
And the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are going to burn to the ground.
Is the FBI going to arrest God as a domestic terrorist?
No, they might arrest believers for being domestic terrorists.
True, true, yes.
But the FBI
won't even be around after the fire.
The fire is
going to take out the whole
It's going to take out
the Jewish-owned porn
It's going to take out everything that they've done
to defile this nation. It's going to take out everything that they've done to defile this nation. It's going to
wipe it out. Unfortunately, just
about everything is going to get wiped out. Yes.
But there won't be any abortion.
The day after the war, there won't be any abortions. Thank God.
It will end the abortion holocaust in America.
The Jewish-funded abortion holocaust.
There won't be any drag queens in schools the next day after the war reading books to children.
There won't be anybody in America viewing porn on their phones.
Problem will be solved.
It's coming, folks.
The 2030s, you better get ready.
You better get ready for it.
And I'm talking about your soul.
You better get ready.
And if you're going to stay in the USA,
you better physically get ready
to survive the fire that's coming.
I just thought about years ago, it was during the financial crisis sometime maybe around 2009 or 10 and i had just finished a true news program and i was
thinking about the financial crisis and i heard the holy spirit say to me, Rick, you're telling the true news audience how to survive the economic crash.
You better tell them to survive the fire.
I heard that, Doug.
I'm telling you now, you better survive the fire.
You better have a spiritual asbestos suit on.
Because there's fire coming to America.
I'm not wasting another minute of my time
fighting the satanic people
that have destroyed this country.
I'm not wasting another moment.
I'm not spending another dollar on politics.
I'm not doing any.
I heard clearly from the Lord
during that week in Myrtle Beach.
The war is coming in the 2030s.
He said, people, my Americans will tremble putting a morsel of bread to their mouth.
I heard that, Doc.
Your hands will tremble putting the bread to your mouth.
It's coming.
It's coming. It's coming.
I got to go.
I'm going to teach the Word of God.
How many of you are going to stay and listen to the Word of God?
It's your choice, not mine.
Stay or leave.
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Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna.
We are gathered today with brothers and sisters from around the world.
Our meeting place, our home base is
Whatever platform you're using, if for some reason in the future you can't find us, know that our home base is
We are studying the gospel according to St. Matthew. We started in January.
We're now in the closing verses of chapter 24, and our verses today are verses 43 through 51.
Let's pray and invite the wonderful Holy Spirit to take his seat at the head of the table of this Bible study and teach all of us.
Father, we come to you in the name of your magnificent, glorious, victorious, triumphant Son, Jesus Christ.
Father, he has overcome the world. And because he has overcome the world, we are blessed, we're victorious, we are joyful,
and no problem will face us today that's bigger than you.
So, Father, we have gathered today to study your word.
We desire to study your word. We desire to know your word. We ask the Holy Spirit to take
his seat at the head of the table of this Bible study and conduct this class and teach all of us
about the magnificence of our Savior Jesus Christ and the awesomeness of his kingdom in the name of Jesus we pray
amen amen and amen well today's passage is focusing on verses 43 through 51 of
chapter 24 and so if you've got your Bibles please turn to Matthew chapter 24
you can read along with me I'm reading from the King James starting at verse 43
but know this that if the
good men of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched and would
not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be ye also ready, for in such an hour
as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh. Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord has
made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them
meat in due season.
Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing.
Verily I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My Lord delayeth his coming, and
shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and drink
with the drunken the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and an
hour that he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the
hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. God bless the reading of his word today.
So we're studying a parable today.
And a parable is a story that uses earthly objects to teach heavenly principles.
So in this story, this parable, there is a good man of the house. Another term would be
householder. In ancient times, the word would have been master. It was the person who owned
the property, was in charge. It mentions a watch, meaning the four quarters of the night, each lasting three hours.
And it's teaching us the need for constant alertness and preparedness. A robber, someone who enters forcefully, clandestinely, unexpectedly.
This metaphor of a thief coming in the night conveys this image of a sudden, unexpected
interruption of our normalcy and it speaks of the phrase as
a thief in the night mentioned by st. Paul why in his letter to the
Thessalonians the Lord's return is a thief in the night.
The thief in the night is the day of the Lord.
So, and this is mentioned in, besides 1 Thessalonians 5,
Peter mentions it in 2 Peter 3, in Revelation 3, Revelation 16. So Jesus is instructing his disciples to understand a crucial point.
They may not know the exact hour of his coming, but they better prepare for it.
And they better be prepared for it continually.
That's the message in this parable.
He just said in the previous verses, you won't know the hour that I'm coming back.
Not even the angels know.
Now in this parable, he's teaching us us even though you don't know you are expected and required to be
watching for it right all the time always in a state of of readiness
never being slothful or sly, but always being ready, like a soldier.
You know, in the colonial war in America, we had soldiers known as the minute men.
Well, they were known that they could spring into action in a minute.
They were not full-time soldiers.
They were kind of like militia.
But if there was danger, the minute men could respond within minutes right so this is the the lesson that we're being taught
be ready be prepared be expecting be watching um so it's the analogy is of a homeowner being aware of the possibility
of a thief's arrival in the middle of the night broken in speaks of the way
the thief would enter the house, through the doors, the windows, breaking in,
suddenly, violently.
Yeah, see, the Lord's return is going to be violent.
You're going to be snatched up.
You're not going to go up on a little cloud.
You're going to be snatched.
Yeah, you're not going to be riding a heavenly elevator up or anything.
You're being grabbed, snatched out of it.
Why snatched out?
Because God's getting ready to destroy everything,
and he's got to snatch you out.
I can remember my mother. Doc. I can remember my mother,
Doc, I can remember my mother saying,
you keep that up and I'm going to snatch you
by the hair on your head.
I knew what that meant.
I was going to be...
My grandma would say,
I'll snatch you by your cowlick.
Yeah, there you go.
Same thing.
But it wasn't going to be graceful you're going
to be brought up suddenly all right so the Lord when when he snatches us up
obviously we're not going to be hurt but it's going to be sudden it is going to
be sudden and we're going to be through pulled up into the air with no ability to control our motion our movement
so if this householder had known the specific watch of the night going to be between 6 and 9 or 9 and 12 midnight to 3 3 to 6 8 8 when when was this thief going
to come in well thieves don't send invitations right they don't tell you I'll be there at 3 a.m.
precisely so if if the householder had known the hour the thief was going to come, he would
have stayed awake and been prepared for his arrival. So since they didn't know the exact
hour chosen by the thief, see the thief knew the hour. The homeowner didn't and since the homeowner didn't know the exact hour chosen by the thief
he's caught off guard by the sudden arrival there's somebody breaking the windows there's
people climbing through the window
it's it's sudden It overtakes you.
So the lesson for believers is that we are responsible for the care of our own soul and spiritual affairs.
And it's incumbent upon every believer to be vigilant, prepared, spiritually ready for the coming of the Lord.
It requires maintaining spiritual discipline, staying alert, watchful, anticipating the return of Christ.
I don't know how many people are anticipating, expecting it,
looking up, saying, today, Lord, is it today?
If it's not today, is it tomorrow?
You want to be waiting.
You want to be eager, excited. He's not afraid. You have to be excited that'm you want to be eager excited that he's not afraid
you have to be excited the lord's coming back
so the message in the in this entire parable is the need for constant readiness and watchfulness, even though the exact timing of Jesus' return is uncertain.
So this homeowner's preparedness or lack of preparedness is a model for all disciples.
It's urging us to maintain a state of alertness, readiness,
particularly in this hour.
Sure, yes.
Look at the state of the world.
I mean, this is, you talk about being ripe for the second coming.
Yes. for the second coming yes you know you know a week ago we we went through um
just an unprecedented number of of uh tornadoes and uh you know i i heard uh on watching television meteorologists talking about how many rotating cloud formations they were observing on radar.
They couldn't count them all, Doc. Right. They're still counting them. I saw a report
this morning that said, actually, we were looking at our radar data, and we found additional tornadoes that were going on
that we weren't even aware of while they were happening.
So the point I'm making here is that when I lived in Texas,
I lived in Maryland.
We didn't have tornadoes.
But when I moved to Texas, I learned.
Some Texans taught me, hey, Rick, you know, pay attention to rotating clouds.
Well, that's a sign that a tornado may form.
The conditions are ripe for a tornado well what i'm saying is right now the conditions in the world's atmosphere
is ripe for a second coming
i mean spiritually the world's clouds are rotating
that doesn't mean every time there's rotating clouds in the natural realm,
that doesn't mean there's a tornado on the ground.
It means the conditions are ripe.
The conditions are ideal for a tornado,
for a funnel cloud to come down from the atmosphere to the ground.
It doesn't always happen.
But if you live in a tornado area and you see the clouds turning,
you know at any second there could be a tornado.
And where we're at right now in the world is the clouds are turning.
They're turning over Ukraine and Russia.
They're turning over Iran and Israel and Syria.
They're turning over South Korea and North Korea.
They're turning.
And the world is ripe.
I don't think there's ever been a time like this
in the history of mankind.
Verse 44,
Therefore, also,
be ready
for in an hour that you don't
expect the Son of man will come
so this verse is emphasizing the unpredictability of the timing of significant events leading up to
the second coming of jesus christ, the message is remain vigilant and prepared.
I don't know about you, Doc,
but last week on, you know, the night
we had the tornadoes on Wednesday afternoon
and then...
A week ago, yeah.
So Wednesday afternoon from about 1 30 2 o'clock
to about 6 30 we had the tornadoes and then uh we had a brief uh break and then around
9 or 10 p.m the heavy rains and the wind came
I don't know about you but you I went to bed dressed for action.
Me too, yeah.
The last thing I want to do is be on the news in my underwear.
You don't want to be on TVA in your
underwear right hey these people were thrown out of their home and they're out
here hey I'm like I told Susan I said you better be prepared to get up at in
seconds all right this is this is a dangerous night. It's a very dangerous night.
Thank God we slept through the night and never had to wake up for the hurricane.
We slept through the hurricane.
But what I'm saying is being in a state of preparation.
And the closer we get to the second coming coming and the more the signs that we see we
we studied the signs in earlier in chapter 24 he gave us those signs right and the more we see
these signs the more we ought to be spiritually going going to bed spiritually all right with our shoes on dressed ready to go
knowing hey things are really the conditions are ripe for a second coming event in the world yes Yes. And so I think far too many people right now who know better, who go to church, are not at all
being vigilant in their lives, not even thinking about the possibility that Christ could come today.
Right. And Rick, for a lot of believers, it's sort of like last Wednesday here in Florida.
Wednesday morning, over here on the east coast of Florida, the sun was out. It was shining. It was
beautiful. Actually, it was a good day. Had a good gust of wind. You could feel a change in the air,
but the sun was out. Everything was going fine but starting about noon we got some of those
first bands of uh the storm moving in and then by 1 30 we were in tornado alley and so that's
how quickly it changed in the storm but but if you people had plenty of warning prior to that. Yes. But Wednesday morning, if you were alert and perceptive,
you noticed immediately in the morning there are no chirping birds.
There are no squirrels running up and down the trees.
There are no rabbits.
All the wildlife have disappeared. no squirrels running up and down the trees there are no rabbits all the
wildlife have disappeared what do they know well we know they went in their
hidey-holes yes they had more sense than the humans yeah go God told him, go to your nest.
And so you, just even on that morning, even though the sun was out, it was a beautiful day.
Just being alert to your surroundings.
Okay, the sun's out, but the animals are gone.
There's something different.
That's how we have to be about the second coming of Christ.
It can be a beautiful day, but something's not right.
You have to feel it.
You have to have that inner witness in your spirit.
He said, therefore, also be ready.
Doc, he did not instruct us to get ready.
He instructed us to be ready.
Be ready now, not get ready tomorrow.
Today, not tomorrow.
Always today.
Be ready.
It's the present tense.
Also be ready.
The use of the present tense speaks of the active nature of Jesus' coming.
That it's not a distant event,
but a reality that could happen today.
And again, it brings us back to this calling from the Lord
to live in a state of perpetual continual readiness anticipating his return
with vigilance preparedness
never being slothful not being lazy spiritually lazy the present tense is a reminder of the uncertainty surrounding the timing of his coming.
He gave us the signs, wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, false prophets.
These are indicators, not predictors. They're indicators of the timing, not the predictors of the timing. The image of
the fig tree budding at the approach of summer again do you see the pattern
he's teaching us here yes we studied that parable days ago and he said when you see this fig tree
and its branches are tender and it's got new buds.
You know winter is over, spring is here, and summer is approaching.
You know that.
This is, and then he's talking about this, once again, the sign.
So this is all one lesson.
What's he talking about?
He's answering the question of the disciples,
what will be the sign of your coming and the sign of the end of the age?
And this is one long answer.
And it's going to continue into chapter 25.
Still his answer to those questions.
So he's told us, I'm giving you signs I'm giving you a
parable of a fig tree you you know by just looking at plants you know when
it's spring you know when summer's coming. It's the same way.
Stay ready.
Be prepared.
Don't become lazy and slothful.
So the timing,
the only one who has authority
over the timing of the Lord's return
is the Heavenly Father.
We have no involvement in it at all.
What's ours can't make it.
And yet, don't we have people trying to make him come back?
In fact, you know, they'll say, well, you know,
the State of Israel was established in 1948,
which was a creation of the United Nations, a creation of man.
And yet they'll say, well, that God did that.
But man did it.
But I've heard preachers on TV, especially the Christian Zionists, like talking about the third temple.
The Bible doesn't say there's going to be a third temple,
but they say there's going to be a third temple.
And they'll say,
we have to help the Jews build the third temple so Jesus comes back.
And they'll say it.
They'll say it out loud.
They'll talk about things that,
we have to do these things to hasten the
return of the lord right it's totally unbiblical in other words we're saying to god you know you're
not moving fast enough so we better do these things so you'll get back on schedule god yes God yes no well God is saying to us is I know when my son's coming back and what
you're expected to do is be ready you're expected to be ready personally and
you're expected to be busy for me while you're being ready. You get that down, you got it.
Be busy while you're ready.
Busy doing what?
Serving the Lord.
Serving him in a state of readiness.
See, it's not just enough that you're ready.
You need to help other people get ready.
That's the busyness for the Lord's kingdom.
Preparedness and state of readiness requires faithfulness,
Boy, there's a word we don't use very much in this culture,
That's the truth.
Fidelity requires character.
The emphasis is on living faithfully in the present moment
rather than anxiously fixating your hopes on future events.
Again, a lot of these Christian Zionists live in this state of tomorrow.
I'm going to go to a prophecy conference and study about the second coming.
And yet their lives today are a mess.
And they're not ready today.
But, oh, they're going to be at a prophecy conference this Saturday
to study about the future coming of the Lord.
Think of the disconnect in that.
Yes, I'm going to a prophecy conference this weekend.
I sure hope the Lord doesn't come before then because I've already bought tickets.
Yeah, right.
So, again, readiness, there's spiritual vigilance, there's prayerfulness,
and there's a lifestyle free from sin.
Drunkenness, worldly cares, the cares of this world.
All those things, cares of the world, the pursuit of riches,
these are distractions, the entertainment of this world. These are all distractions that keep us from being prepared. Right. And all the prophecy teachers out there that talk about
a blood moon or this or that or another thing, you know, as an indicator of the Lord's
return, you never hear them couple repentance with that message. Never. No, no. You never hear
them speak of spiritual preparedness. No, just watch for, you know, if the moon's red, that's
how you'll know. But what about your own own heart is your heart red with the blood of christ
i mean uh that's the readiness there the readiness isn't a matter of well look for these
signs no the readiness is not external, but internal.
It's spiritual preparedness.
Preparedness for what?
To encounter the divine presence of Almighty God.
Yes. and your readiness does not depend on your personal preparations.
It requires you being in Christ.
Clothed in his righteousness, purified by his blood.
Again, the emphasis is on being in Christ if you are in Christ you will be prepared if you are clothed in his righteousness you will be
prepared if you're purified covered by his blood you you will be prepared. Right.
It entails understanding the grace of God in its role in making us prepared.
Because it's through God's provision and his empowerment that we are made prepared for his glory.
There's also, we also got to consider, this is not only about
this is not only about the second coming
but each of us
will have our own
encounter with the Lord
meaning death
I mean
you had to be prepared not just for the second coming of Christ but you
have to be prepared for your individual coming of the Lord when he comes for
your soul at the time of physical death you have to be in a state of
readiness preparedness you don't know you don't know whether you're you're
going if this is your last day you don't know if you're going to see tomorrow and
and so you there's one thing of saying I well, okay, I think the Lord's coming 50 years from now.
I might not be around for it.
True, but you're going to have a day that you're going to meet him.
You know, I think just a week ago, Rick, it was just a week ago that the tornado touched down over in my neighborhood.
And right now, they've confirmed seven people died as a result of that tornado hitting Spanish lakes in our community.
A week ago, those folks were planning maybe trips, maybe go see the grandkids, know as soon as the storms over you know
maybe had a anniversary coming up who knows the plans that they had but a week
ago they met the Lord yes in an instant in a moment of time it was we were in a
storm and we were gone if you had asked that on wednesday morning do
you expect to die today they'd say no i'm not going to die today no how but by mid-afternoon
they were dead yes so the consequences of meeting your maker at a time of death and meeting him unprepared, the consequences are severe.
Because it can mean the loss of eternal salvation.
So, there's a parallel between the unexpected nature of death and the sudden arrival of Jesus. of jesus and both require continual vigilance and preparation in anticipation for both events right
don't you notice uh doc it's uh we all do it it's humorous how humans will say if i die
if the odds are that you die.
I hear people saying it all the time.
Well, you know, if I die.
What do you mean, if?
You have a 99.99% chance of dying.
Think of all the Christians that have lived up till this time,
all anticipating the Lord's return.
But they experienced the introduction to heaven through death.
That's right.
But they will be there for the second coming.
That's right.
Because they're going to come out of their graves.
Boy, that's another lesson that that's uh fun to teach everybody comes out of their graves when
christ comes back yes so even if you miss the second coming because you die physically and
are buried before the second coming you still don't miss it that's right because you're the
you're the first to go up in the air the dead in Christ shall rise that's right
that's what Paul was teaching about in first Thessalonians he because the
church there they were concerned that somehow or other their dead relatives
that in Christ they weren't going to get to see them or anything.
And so Paul had to address this.
The dead in Christ shall rise first,
and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them,
and then shall we forever be with the Lord.
And so he reassured them,
listen, don't worry about those that have passed on in Christ.
They're going to experience resurrection, I'm telling you now.
They're not going to miss out.
And they go up.
They go up first.
We follow them.
If we are on the earth at that time,
we follow them.
So everybody gets to see the coming of the Lord,
including the wicked.
That's right.
Including the wicked dead,
because they come out of their graves too. Yep. But they don't go up.
And they'll see it in their flesh. They get bundled and burned.
Okay, so verse 45, who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
The parable shifts from the imagery of a householder guarding against a thief, and now the imagery is servants awaiting their Lord's return.
So you've got two scenes in this parable.
First, the householder is, you know, he's staying vigilant for the possibility that a thief arrives suddenly.
But now the parable is talking about the servants in the house.
In this parable, the servants have full control over the household,
the householder's household, the goods, the property during his absence the purpose
of this parable is to teach the importance of living in anticipation of
the return of Jesus Christ and it's teaching us that we are custodians of the treasury of the kingdom of heaven.
The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of God on earth while we await the return of Christ.
And so this part of the parable is teaching us that we as believers are the the custodians the trustees of the treasures
of the kingdom of heaven and our highest responsibility is the feeding and the caring
for the people who are in the Lord's household.
So the household is the church, the glorious church of God.
Not just a particular church congregation. I'm talking about the church, the global church.
It's the Lord's household.
Now you could say his household has many rooms and those rooms are congregations so that this parable
involves a servant who behaves wrongly improperly because he does not expect his master to return soon.
He knows he's going to return tomorrow, not today.
And so his behavior is improper because he thinks he has more time. So this parable is being used by Jesus to teach us the principle of being a faithful and wise servant in the Lord's house. A wise servant is one who possesses Christian wisdom.
The ability to adapt means to ends in a morally upright manner.
Lord, at this point, now refers to Christ.
And it's Christ who appoints the teachers and the preachers in his household.
The servant, I think, applies primarily to preachers.
But generally, it can apply to every believer, but mostly I believe it applies to preachers, because they are the ministers of the Word and the sacraments.
Sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion.
And they are entrusted with the responsibility of stewarding the treasures of Christ, the grace of God.
And their key characteristics must be faithfulness
plus loyalty, trustworthiness, commitment, commitment to fulfill their responsibilities
and to do it faithfully, to complete their assignment that watches over the souls of the people in their congregation to seek for the glory of God.
These servants, as I said, are in charge of the master's household.
And so these are the Christian ministers who are appointed over the church, the family of Christ.
Well, what about the meat in due season?
Well, obviously meat is food to nourish the spiritual needs of the flock. so it's spiritual meat that provides
the spiritual
everything that is needed
to enrich
the souls of people
in this household, a church
a ministry
there's also something else.
Meet in due season.
There's an importance of discernment and timing
in the delivery of spiritual food.
Doc knows that I pray,
Lord, give us the right recipe.
Lord, give us the right recipe. Lord, give us the right ingredients.
Show us the meal you want prepared for this hour.
Because spiritual meals for the past are not necessarily the meals we need for today.
That's right.
This is an hour that's never been on earth.
Mankind has never experienced what we're going through right now.
What is the food that's necessary for this season?
And I'll tell you this.
I'm convinced that the overwhelming majority of pastors in this country are not serving food for this season.
That's right.
Especially no meat.
No meat. there's a lot of popcorn there's maybe some milk but even the milk is fake
a lot of a doc is popcorn and candy
a lot of sugar a lot of a lot of sugar-coated candy that they're giving people.
Because, hey, they like it.
They'll come back next week and get some more candy.
No, you need to give them meat in due season.
And a lot of pastors right now are afraid that people are going to walk out
if they serve them the meat that's due right now.
They're afraid to tell the congregation the reality of the time that we're living in yes
there are culturally there are appropriate times to serve certain meals.
There are appropriate times to serve spiritual meals.
And a minister, a pastor, a Bible teacher needs to discern what meal, what spiritual meal should be served at that moment.
And you don't go back.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Doc.
No, I didn't say anything.
Oh, I'm sorry. i'm sorry i'm sorry um
look there's nothing wrong with using a
an old sermon that you used years earlier uh if it's the appropriate sermon for that hour right but don't use it because you were too lazy to prepare a new sermon. Yes.
That's like getting an old sermon from 10 years ago is like serving leftovers from a month ago.
I'll share a story here from my pastoral days, Rick.
This was before the internet, okay? So,
but you could, the denomination I was with was the Assemblies of God. Right. And so,
you could sign up for a service with the headquarters in Springfield. We called
the headquarters in Springfield the Blue Vatican, because of the big blue building in Springfield,
Missouri. But you could sign up for a service with headquarters, and each week, usually Tuesday
night, Wednesday morning, you could have sent to you via fax. This was before email even, right?
Imagine, there was life before email. But you could have faxed to you to your
church office on Tuesday night Wednesday morning the suggested outline that headquarters would
like to you know see you preach this coming Sunday okay and you could take the outline
it had all the scripture references and everything and you can make it your own and uh
the justification of this was that well you know this will help especially pastors you know work
jobs and everything so they'd have more more time but uh there was pre-packaged sermons
a lot of people don't know other denomin denominations did too. I'm not picking on
the sons of God standing out, but that was really something that happened. I would imagine
when email came along, it got a lot easier to do that too.
Doc, it's far advanced now because there are websites that pastors subscribe to.
They have a subscription, and they can just go in and choose whatever sermon they want.
So there's a lot of these things right now.
So we've got stewards that are wise and stewards that are
foolish. The wise steward possesses knowledge and understanding of divine matters that are
blessing to the people in the household under his care. All these stewards are appointed by the Lord. Yes. Including the unwise.
It's not the Lord's fault that the person's unwise. It's the person's choice.
They choose to be unwise. They choose to be negligent. They choose to be lazy.
So the primary duty of stewards is to provide spiritual nourishment to the people under his care.
And so this parable is described as meat, which means substantial.
You know, there's a difference between laying down on a plate a carrot and a T-bone steak. A T-bone steak is substantial. There's some serious food there in front of you. The
stewards are tasked with giving each member of the household the nourishment that he or she needs for the day.
You will never hear me complain about getting up early to prepare morning manna class a lesson
it's it's an honor to do it it is a privilege to do it I I'm I am I would
never give up this assignment is it hard yeah sure it is the chef that has to go into a restaurant at 4 a.m. and start the
food for breakfast yeah it's it's a work a lot of other people are sleeping at the time right
but the preacher who cares about the flock doesn't think about the sacrifices he's making to prepare the meal.
Because the love of the people justifies the sacrifice.
You don't even think about the sacrifice.
All you're thinking about is,
man, I'm going to be rewarded
by seeing the people enjoy the meal.
My grandmother lived for the,
she lived for the sake of cooking meals.
Mine too.
It was her joy.
It was her joy.
You couldn't keep her from her kitchen.
No matter the condition she was in, she had to cook a meal for somebody
because they're her joy her happiness was in
feeding people
this is the way preacher has to be
happiness has to be in feeding the flock
not thinking about
all i'm i'm suffering so much i gotta get up and work so hard
those cities guys that are buying these can pre-made sermons it's because they don't want to work they don't want to
work so custodians I've got machinery going by right now custodians are stewards of the gospel yes and they are
entrusted with the Lord's kingdom until his return and they must they're
required to diligently fulfill their duties Because they're going to have an accounting with the Lord.
Privilege and position carries corresponding responsibility.
And I don't think that there's anything on earth
that has more responsibility than the care of souls.
Yes. It troubles me.
It really does.
It concerns me.
I'm like, I don't want to ever teach something that's not true.
I don't want to ever say or do something that hurts another person's soul. So it's an extremely important position to be in, and you have to take it seriously.
So, I apologize, I got a noise here.
The people who are here are here to cut down the trees, or I should say cut down, I got a couple of trees that fell on the ground.
So they happened to arrive right now to do that for me.
But they're being diligent.
Also, verse 46,
Blessed is that servant whom his Lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing.
So there's now a promise of a reward.
The servant who is faithfully serving the Lord is called blessed.
Because when the Lord comes back, either for him at the time of his death or the Lord's second coming,
when the Lord comes back and finds that person faithful, the Lord says he's blessed.
That man or woman is blessed.
That man or woman finds approval from God, is given a favorable status in the eyes of God
because they are faithfully performing their duties the blessing comes from
being prepared and actively engaged in the work rightigned by the master. It says, when he cometh, shall find so doing.
Shall find.
The master shall find.
When the owner of your place of employment unexpectedly visits the workplace to inspect the operations, what
should you be doing when he or she passes by your workstation?
Looking busy.
More than looking busy.
But you've got to at least look busy.
At the very minimum. But you what should you be doing
you should be busy busy doing what the work of the master the work that the boss assigned you
that's one yes you need to be busy doing the work you were hired to do. Not even doing the work somebody else
was hired to do. Not even doing busy work. Do the work you were hired to do.
You know, at times I have, you know, and good conscientious faithful employees they know that somebody else
is slacking and they'll say hey rick i uh i finished that work he wasn't doing it i finished
it and i'm like well i appreciate that but you didn't have to do that the other person's paid
to do it i know but he wasn't doing it, so I did. I appreciate that.
But that took you away from the work you're supposed to do.
That's right.
So let me deal with the one who didn't do the work he or she was paid to do.
See, you just do the work you're called to do by God. And this is a common, what should I say, fault, weakness, all of us can fall into this, and that is to get out of your track.
It's easy to do.
It's easy.
Especially in ministry i mean you you see a need somewhere else
your heart of compassion goes out but it could be off mission yes so um it could be outside of your calling it could be outside of the instruction that lord gave you to do yes
but you still feel good about doing it because it's a godly thing to do
yes uh i in the past i've had to shut down projects of our ministry good projects good
projects very good project because the lord said i i didn't call you to do these things
i've got other people rick doing these things
this by you doing this particular work it's taking you away from the work i gave you
it's a lesson you have to learn right
so by emphasizing that the servant is found doing his duty, there's this interplay between the moral freedom of free will and divine will and divine judgment.
Humans are free to choose their actions, but those actions will be the basis of divine inspection, assessment, and judgment.
We're all going to be held accountable.
I got up today, Doc, reading notes that I wrote years ago that the Lord spoke to me personally.
I'm like, oh my.
Five, six years went by.
I forgot what he said to me.
We got to constantly remind ourselves.
And it was something where the Lord was trying to get me on track on something.
And I realized, even after he told me i still got off track
it's a weakness i have
and i gotta constantly keep myself on the track that he gave me
yes he'll when the lord comes back he'll find rick busy but is rick busy doing what he told me to do? Yes.
Finding so doing.
Finding so doing.
Doing what?
Doing watching.
That was the instruction previous to this.
Be watchful.
That was the job.
Be watchful. See, I have, you know, I see ministers failing to do things, and I get over there,
and I start doing it because I'm like, well, Lord, they're not doing this. And again, the
Lord will have to say, yes, I know that. I'm aware of that. I don't expect you to do it.
Get back to your work.
We have to constantly remind ourselves of these things.
shall find means that that person is in a state of readiness.
The master shall find that man or woman
in that state of readiness shall find his
his present tense or future when he comes back but the state of readiness is
present tense if you're always at a stadium a state of readiness the master
shall find you ready so doing and that that's the that's the key
to this thing you know we've talked about in the past that you know there are all right so the
concept that his coming in in this parable you can actually interpret this in multiple ways and all of them are included it's not one or other the Lord visits the Lord visits people cities
states nations churches denominations there's a day of the Lord visitation.
He comes to do an inspection.
Sometimes he does a correction.
Sometimes it's lovingly, hey, get back on track.
Other times he cracks the whip.
When he comes back, that's the final inspection.
He can come to, there can be a visitation where the Lord comes to you and me in our individual lives for an inspection.
If the Lord inspected your life today, would he find you faithful right now?
Today. Today.
If he just stopped by and looked into your life,
would he check off faithful or unfaithful?
See, this is, each one of us, none of us us are exempt each one of us have to ask
ourselves these questions was I faithful yesterday am I going to be faithful
today will I be faithful tomorrow so So, he says, most certainly I'll tell you this.
He will set him over all that he has.
Wise, faithful, diligent, industrious servants can expect the promise to be fulfilled.
Most certainly, you can take it to the bank.
I will set him over all that he has.
It says he will set,
meaning the master of the house.
In the kingdom of God being faithful
and hard working and
diligent in
the assignment that God gives you
the reward that you get
is more
more work
more assignments more responsibility that's how he rewards you in this in this life yes
because i'm so pleased with you i'm so happy with you i'm going to i'm going to point you over more
things in my kingdom so if you're expecting to get a break you're not
you're going to get you're going to get elevated to do more so this the faithful
servant will be granted a elevated position by his master and this
elevation goes beyond being in charge of the master's household it extends to
a higher level of authority and responsibility he's being set over that that implies leadership
and it it shows us that there are levels in God's kingdom.
Greater spiritual gifts, greater wisdom, greater understanding, greater grace, greater favor.
Yes, God favors some of his children more than others.
Why is that? Because they're more more than others. Why is that?
Because they're more faithful than others.
Don't be jealous of them.
Be more faithful.
Just be more faithful.
He's not a respecter of persons.
If you're as faithful as that other person,
he'll bless you the same way.
That's the lesson in this parable.
The reward is bestowed as a result of the master's approval.
And faithfulness to Jesus results in recognition and elevation in his kingdom.
Yes. jesus results in recognition and elevation in his kingdom yes there's also there's also the
implication there's also the implication that there are going to be assignments
in the kingdom after his return yes yeah we're not just going to be sitting around on clouds playing harps.
Do you ever think, Doc, what your assignment would be?
I hadn't really thought about it, but it's going to be perfectly suited for who I am.
I was thinking about this this morning.
I know I get to rule. I know that.
I really have never thought about it.
I honestly have never given thought about it,
but I did think about it this morning as I was preparing this.
Wow, what would he give me?
What position?
And I thought, this thought came to my mind, Doc.
You know I love being in media, broadcasting, streaming.
I love that whole, that's where I've worked my whole life.
If I had my way, I'd own hundreds of radio stations and broadcast Christian music.
Because I love music music and I love sending
music out to people to make them happy so is there going to be a music
streaming service in heaven on the in New Jerusalem does he have a does he
have a new method of communication that we don't even know about I don't know
I'm just thinking about it the verse 48 says but if that evil servant should say
in his heart my lord is delaying his coming now we're talking about the servant becomes evil. This is a person that lacks
integrity, lacks fidelity, who says, maybe I got more time. Maybe I can kick back. Maybe
I can do what I want to do. I'm always doing what the boss wants. Maybe I should do what I want to do for a while.
He describes him as an evil servant
because this person is betting. That's really what he's doing. He's betting with his soul.
He's wagering with his soul that his master is
going to delay his coming
he says say in his heart he's having an internal dialogue with himself
he's entertaining secret thoughts and beliefs
deep in his soul.
I can get away with this.
How many times do we see preachers falling in sin?
And you think, what in the world?
Why? Yes.
It's sad. I'm not condemning them. It's sad.
And it's a lesson for everybody.
Did they think the Lord is delaying His coming?
I got everything going right.
This is a good time for me to be myself.
But what happens?
What does the Lord say? What happens to this evil servant, Doc?
But if that evil servant shall say in his heart,
My Lord delays His coming,
shall begin to smite his fellow servants,
the Lord of that servant will come in a day
when he looketh not for him,
and will cut him asunder.
Cut him asunder.
Cut him asunder.
That means a sword,
you're going to be cut in half.
And will appoint his portion with the hypocrites
the actors where there will be neat weeping and gnashing of teeth so now we're talking about
gehenna right the lake of fire that's for the servant that did not watch yes
it's intense we're talking about preachers here preachers that did not prepare their people did not feed their sir did not feed the
congregation meet in due season they end up in Gehenna I don't i don't even make comments about this stuff it's so
it's so sobering and chilling to me
the servant who did not serve meet in due season ended up in gehenna in Gehenna I don't want to say anything else doc I just want to wrap it up I'm
ten minutes over my time limit anyhow I'm just getting ready to remind you
there so okay we appreciate you being here for morning manna for those of you
that are live on chat stick with us for us about a minute or two afterwards and
because I have something that I need to clear up real quick I'd Stick with us for about a minute or two afterwards because I have something
that I need to clear up real quick.
Stick with us.
For everybody else, this is the
end of our Morning Man session
today. We appreciate you being here today.
We invite you to be back here tomorrow,
Friday morning. We'll be having communion.
We invite you to be
prepared for communion. Participate with
us. We'd love to have you there Friday morning on Morning Metta.
God bless you, and we'll see you next time.
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