Tuesdays with Stories! - #503 The Juice is Loose

Episode Date: May 16, 2023

The boys are back and we're DIVING into ... the O.J. trial! Only two boys can solve this puppy and their names are Mark Normand and Joe List! We're dealing with stream room blind men, and we&...#39;re shaking in our boots about A.I.! Beau is Afraid!! Our Stuff: - patreon.com/tuesdays - youtube.com/tuesdayswithstories Sponsors: - Visit https://www.betterhelp.com/TUESDAYS for 10% off your st month of therapy - Support the show and get 20% & free shipping at https://www.manscaped.com promo code TUESDAYS

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hey mark fake banter for the intro that's all I know how to do great good to be here welcome to Tuesdays with stories hit her in the face with a surfboard and then the duck fell out of his bag surfs up and she didn't even flush knock knock who's there mark Norman and Joe list yeah it's Tuesdays with stories everybody that's terrible this is supposed to be chasing we are here we're queer we're back maybe it's Tuesday we're Tuesdays and you got matching socks I'm sure this Joe I tell you what I did Vincent I haven't
Starting point is 00:00:49 told you what I did Joe Vincent Jackson I thought it was a Vincent Joe Vincent I don't know who that is oh you know what this is embarrassing I have a tiny penis now there was a guy in my high school named Joe Vincent and we all call them shoeless Joe Vincent oh that's fun so I had it took over from the Jackson Joe Vincent is nice what do you mean nice it's a nice name I mean I don't know the guy I'm sure he's a mean guy nice be a piece of shit big asshole well my friend Derek you guys know Derek oft mentioned Big D double D dare bear hey that's nice all right married to Erica Derricka so any
Starting point is 00:01:28 just he hasn't he has a theory he never after he never does it but he has a good theory maybe I brought this up before I don't know I'm gay New Year's Day you throw out all your socks you go in the drawers you open the drawers the cabinet you take your socks you toss them oh no I need my socks light them on fire wow you're gonna replace them I'll mine are crunchy anyway exactly replacement players you go to the store and you buy these socks will not replace us you buy a whole batch of new socks every year okay because a sock how long's the sock last with my jizz I can burn through one of those in a month because they get
Starting point is 00:02:08 the holes and I did a bit about it every time I put on a sock I tear through it like fucking Hyman I don't know I was gonna say MacGyver that doesn't maybe maybe a new football team do that paper oh I remember the paper yeah I love the paper yeah that was fun what was that movie where was a comedy where they ran out that they couldn't get through it they were that week was that not another teen movie little giant maybe teen that was a good move underrated underrated and that Jamie Presley not another team of they had jokes I remember from that or Michael Anthony dining hall yes and then also there was the one where the
Starting point is 00:02:45 guy says you got a serenade the girl you have a crush on her name's Janie's that's a good bit the there's a cheerleader scene where they have to fight or not fight but they have to cheer against the black cheerleaders and they say the n-word really they go cuz they keep going these white chicks are stealing all our moves and then the joke is they cut to them they're like we're black we know it we know how to what what's up and word I mean it's on YouTube right now pretty down yeah that's it and they all do this one wow well I just watched I'm in a deal I'm taking it all over the rails here but
Starting point is 00:03:21 I'm in a deep deep swimming I can't see anything I'm in my father's asshole over here back into the OJ trial what year is it well I've been obsessed since 94 so I'm still I dive back in you're an old man my dad I used to wake up and he'd be watching the JFK reels like he'd be watching the was that the Zapruder oh the literal reels oh yeah he put the the two spools on the thing to go I see sitting alone with a scotch I think you meant like JFK doing crowd work for 30 seconds on Instagram here's my headshot all right pink mist but I'm doing the OJ business and wait what was I gonna say with the
Starting point is 00:04:01 OJ oh sorry did you know that Chris Darden the defense I mean the prosecutor the put the glove on guy ah he was the black prosecuted ask for the glove on yes he is with the glove on I didn't tell you put the glove on so he is subcredited with creating the term n-word what it was around before that but they claim the actual n yes word quote unquote and word yeah no I'm not pretty egregious claim here because there's Richard Pryor and then there's all of the whites before that yeah there you go dad so yeah he was saying because if you watch the the doc even the doc from 2016 everybody's saying the actual
Starting point is 00:04:48 n-word like the trial like Effley Bailey when he's like he's examining Mark Furman yeah it's n-word this it's n-word that but he's not saying n-word he's saying then word really had to follow here wow I gotta watch it just for the comedy relief it's what it's wild it's I mean it's just definitely Bailey being like this word it is it is the crowd goes wild and someone does the worm across the bench they do a Michael Jackson yeah you know it's weird and the n-word obviously the most offensive slur out of all the slurs it's number one I'd say yeah with a bullet but it's in the most songs it's the most offensive
Starting point is 00:05:29 word but yet it's in every song it's the most offensive it's the only one you hear at Starbucks exactly there's no like what's up my pollock you know it's it's literally the one you can't say ever well they can we can't right but the the black folk can say it but the whitey can't say it which I get sure it's in every song that we like yeah it's just weird juxtaposish there's a few songs I like that don't have it born to run sure song but I'm talking about the rap genre I say Rafi's not pulling out the n-word or Celine Dion by the way I just got into nods for the first time in my life he's something oh he's good that's
Starting point is 00:06:06 a funny n-word he's very good that's a short n-word that's talented that's true but anyway I need no so Chris Darden is credited with because he started saying at the trial the n-word did you hear the n-word there's no one was saying n-word before that wow yeah we should just say it you just say the word in the 90s you just said it everybody is saying it like I said even in the dock from just six years ago you just watch everybody like in their sit-down interviews being like yeah then word wow fascinating ordering the court yeah times have changed but anyways the sock thing so I went in you got me doing it I'm hooked I went to
Starting point is 00:06:48 Amazon I ordered two orders of these socks I don't know the company but they came in like a little cardboard sleeve like bullets they're fun because they're rolled up and I've been thrown around like grenades oh that's a good socket to me I love it Nagasaki grenade yeah now I got no match maybe I'll do the Derek rule and just throw them all out because these are hurting my toes with all the semen yeah I mean the unmatching that's triggering me really yeah oh you should see me at the woo-woo at the airport I get the old n-word lady like I don't think cut that I didn't say it but Mark Furman but that's not bad what a series I
Starting point is 00:07:32 just want to talk about the trial of the century the last century what bad luck OJ for the yeah okay prosecution the guy that finds the glove just happens to have 14 hours of him saying the n-word yeah talking about beating people up and planning evidence yeah it's not good it's not good that was back for anyone had footage of anything brutal who took just quit at least I'll do a water yeah bit with ice but yeah so where you been there sloppy jalopy I've been I've been no I'm not ready to get into it okay well these these trials have really fallen off because we had Amber heard and then we had Gwyneth Paltrow the OJ that
Starting point is 00:08:17 was a trial we played street hockey all day then we go home and watch it with our parents it was a big it was all over the the radio the TV the news story well I told you my story this is a proud moment in my life I was in eighth grade when the what's it called came down the verdict came down the big V card which can you imagine more anxiety like think about the anxiety have doing a late night or a special or making love to a child whatever it is you feel the nerves you don't know how it's gonna go imagine and by the way when they came in they're like we have a verdict but they delivered it so short all the lawyers
Starting point is 00:08:58 were out riding fences they were all at the beach and stuff oh is that right yeah so the judge was like it though was like will announce tomorrow so you know there's a verdict and you gotta wait 24 hours can you imagine the nerves of filing into that courtroom yeah and not to mention the racial divide bubbling up because all the black folk were like hey hey we want them to win because we've been put through hell we had the Rodney King just happened it was all kinds of tension going on there and white he's going well he did murder a lady and a guy or waiter yeah so we probably should fry and there was that whole thing and
Starting point is 00:09:35 I remember when when when he got through spoiler alert when he when he got convicted guilty or innocent they all went though the black folk went apeshit yeah they went crazy and the whites went sad yeah quite a thing but I was in eighth grade and some teachers were gonna show it and some weren't I was in Mrs. Monacue's English class thank you yeah and she said this is nothing to do with our class we're not doing it and I don't know what it was I was a big cunt pussy of a person but I went I got to see it walked out of class what she was mad yeah I was like I'm sorry I have to see it
Starting point is 00:10:11 I had built my life I was 13 years old wow wait a minute what were you gonna go with a TV store no most classrooms were showing it but it was just walking to a random I did it was up to the teachers discretion you could decide if you wanted to or not and she was like we're teaching English class we're working on whatever Huck Finn or whatever it was wow plenty of words in that also that's true and I just was like wait what and I she didn't tell us till we were in the class so we had all like left I don't know how exactly went down but like somehow we knew what time it was gonna happen wow and I had left lunch and I was
Starting point is 00:10:47 like here we go we're gonna find out and there's no TV and she was like no we're not watching it and I was like I got to see it and she's like no no we're working on English wow I was so keyed up I was like I got to go now how far down does that work could you go hey look Super Bowl's on I got to go oh that's a Sunday well I mean growing pains is finale I got to go miss blitz I got to watch it wow this was bigger than that it was sure bigger than life it was cultural it was racial it was relevant it was everything and you just have that sense sometimes of like I got to see it I got to be that this is history I guess
Starting point is 00:11:25 I couldn't wait and you you just popped over to mr. de la Bates I think it was mr. I forget his name Englewood or Engleback Ingstrom mr. Ingstrom instrument I instrument said come on we welcome the stragglers and the poor and the filthy I just kind of poke my head in and they went wow I trotted back over to miss Monique so this is the best part I got to drop the news oh you're the messenger yes and she was don't kill me she was like okay order in the court because I came back in and I went innocent and everyone went like what oh god yeah she's like why and even she was like wow oh really yeah and she was
Starting point is 00:12:03 like that's crazy and I was like yeah she's like okay back to class I didn't get punished or anything you're the town crier I was the cry oh yeah after sex but and then it's fun after you you gave the verdict you and the jury went to recess all comes back and goes around by the way maybe underrated deli think about what you think the most underrated David tell joke is I mean underrated is hard to say I guess just favorite yeah he's got a couple of bangers but one of them is definitely you ever have sex for the first person you ever had sex with again oh you don't you want to have yes first person just to show how good you
Starting point is 00:12:37 got yeah yeah look who's not crying like a big boy that's a great one that is a great bit what a tag big boy also I've told us a billion time but he's got that great when he goes ma'am you like a vibrator and this lady goes I use my fingers he goes mmm acoustic genius joke who's good the speed I probably wrote that 10 years ago he's had his back asshole and pulled it right out well I've told it here of 55 times we've both talked about it but at the seller the guy gets up and walks to the bathroom he goes where you going the guy goes nowhere and he goes no I meant right now which has to be the funniest off the
Starting point is 00:13:17 cuff line in the history of stand-up comedy that is the quickest that's like a meta philosophical joke it's it's incredible abstract he's very good he's a funny son of a bee but anyways I got one fun juicy sexy cool story and the rest is just I've been hanging out put it right my ass and turn it all right I hope you got plenty because I got nothing okay I got some we can digress by the way Mark's going to Australia for six months so we're gonna have to backlog some of these so it's gonna get ugly out in the fan fandom there's gonna be a lot of fumes running on fumes running on empty it's gonna be a lot of
Starting point is 00:14:00 wishy-washy and bullshitting and fillin air yeah don't check those comments the next couple weeks I'll tell you that you meanies take it easy will you you come guzzled Nazis yeah a lot of these folks are tough to please I'll say that we're trying to please but we cannot get the other get these ladies to orgasm yeah we're always trying to please we're trying these folks goodness gracious it's like a woman where you're going downtown and she's just going nothing there huh checking the watch texting I'm like I'm eating you out I'm trying my hardest but even the texting is better than some of these because texting to me is the
Starting point is 00:14:38 equivalent of them being like thumbs down whatever right some of these people it's like the woman if you're eating a woman out and she was like your father never loved you you're a talentless hack you're riding the coattails of Louie you fucking homo yeah get some braces good boy don't take a thumbs down which by the way if a woman talked to me like that I'd probably come right in her face good point for my own that'd be pretty hot yeah yeah I don't mind a watch check but the insulting is that's that's not necessary and uncalled for little mean yeah little full little bit now so so what happened there sloppy jizz you you
Starting point is 00:15:14 go on the road you do a gig you get a cuckoo salt well this is one of the kookiest things that I've ever experienced in my whole life wow really yeah so let me paint a picture for you doodle it well first of all my buddy CJ Landry you know this guy no I think he's funny bean town kid very funny no he's from New Orleans why Louisiana okay Louisiana so it's Don Lemon I just learned he's from Baton Rouge no kidding I didn't know he had gays there no kidding he's a real traitor to Louisiana he's very like hello but I guess my word to the world is a booming metropolis is not
Starting point is 00:15:51 not too money a cage on guarantee out there I suppose not but anyways yeah lemon that guy sucks and what do you get fired for the woman comment I think the woman thing and I think they all hated him yeah he's a bag of cheese that guy not a fan never liked him but any farts mmm so CJ Landry wonderful comic he's from I think he started in Dallas that's where I met him but he lives in Austin now he's a doorman at the the new place oh the mother ship yeah what was I gonna say don't live oh no uh CJ Landry who sounds like a football coach which I guess it's just Tom Landry yeah don't know any people do that I just did it when
Starting point is 00:16:30 they're like this boy sounds like a Cowboys football coach you like well Tom Landry yeah you're just referencing that guy right right I get it any farts so he's in town and great comic funny guy he's in town and he says hey let's hang and I say okay great I met the stand whatever night it was Tuesday night and then I'm going to City Winery I see you're on the show you got that right fatty now I have this I don't want to poo poo a buddy of ours very funny comic but I'm on the show it's in the book and then you know that feeling like around 530p yeah you haven't heard anything I go I haven't that was a
Starting point is 00:17:10 classic grade a old-school textbook to that was a real water balloon oh yeah so yeah yeah 530p I'm getting out of the shower I'm soaping up my hair I get out and I go well I gotta run to City Winery after the stand then you go nobody's confirmed nobody's tweeted nobody's tagged yeah yeah and you start to go this doesn't sound right so I do like the classic go to the website it's like a poster of you with statues and Mark Norman and pink lights and then it says and then Jamal Jacobs and Bruce Hornsby he's good and more and I'm like I can't be an anymore can I yeah yeah they are more than that and more I have
Starting point is 00:17:52 been on the tonight show and a couple of the places you're an endless I got some views sure so I go that doesn't sound right this dog don't hunt so I text him and go hey just make it sure we're good for tonight and I get and then like a half an hour passes so now I know something's up and I write it's no sweat if not cuz I just picture comics being like oh my god list I'm a piece of shit exactly what they're doing so I it's no sweat if not and then he got he's like I had you down for June 48th tough month so so I'm out yeah there's a part of me that's like sweet of course you get the night off I'll go home and
Starting point is 00:18:31 watch hockey so hockey I had told Landry I go I'll come to the stand and come with me to City Winery I'm sure he's excited cuz you're on the lineup he's gonna be like ooh I'm gonna meet Norman you know I don't know this do I ever met this cat I don't think so okay very funny guy mustache curly hair accent CJ yeah he's he's a good good good kid and a hilarious guy all right so now I feel bad though cuz I get there and he's like man I can he literally is like I can't wait to go to City Winery I've heard that place is the best no it is a good room and they seized on my face I'm like yeah and he's like no and I'm like I got
Starting point is 00:19:05 bumped and so I'm not going I'm going home I'm sorry damn but I get him on the show at the stand it's Ray and Ray DeVito in Goots so he got on he gets a spot and look at a pulling that muscle around nice using that juice well age fully canceled but yeah I put in a good word the juice is loose so I go on the stand now I have one spot I'm going to go home and then go watch some hockey okay I go on stage it's upstairs I hate that room it's a death trap shit hole side wrap dress sheep so I get up there and then you know you're loose you're working loose you're riffing it's still daylight I got no act well how long you
Starting point is 00:19:41 been doing it so I go up and it's a long story it's not gonna be funny to tell but I'm like the stool is like 40 feet from the fucking microphone for some reason sure battle with them with the stool oh yeah so I put my drink down there but in the time I have to go over here the applause dies so I kind of jump back to the microphone and then I start riffing about don't you love when you go to a rock show and the singer leaves to go dance around and he always makes it back to the microphone just in time yes and it's fun that is fun so I riff it's kind of a chuckle and then I did like I was like I always wish I was a lead
Starting point is 00:20:20 singer I do it and then I do I put the pinky and I do a Mick Jagger I love it moves like Jagger I'm just being a goof so I do a little Mick and I go out that was my mic and brush it and then I have this joke where I say you know in comedy it's always weird because the next comic is just standing in the door you just see him right like you go to a concert you're never like oh I can't wait you did stones and then you're like hey Mick is in our row oh yeah it's a silly bit whatever sure sure it's a television commercial so I do it I pick usually I say Springsteen but I had just done Mick so I say Mick but now
Starting point is 00:20:53 you'd Mick and Mick I do Mick and Mick okay a Lodean yeah Mick be mouse that's a Mick okay so that's a myth I do I do that and then I do a couple jokes and I look and there's a kid in a rolling stone sweatshirt and I go hey how funny I just I was doing a randomly did Mick Jagger you're wearing a stone sweatshirt he's got Jagger swagger yeah and he goes oh that's why I was laughing I go oh that's funny and I go I've never done a Mick Jagger impression my life it's funny to see the stone shirt I go I do a Keith too and I did a little Keith and I do a little a Keith and Mick impression okay okay I do my act and
Starting point is 00:21:34 boobly boo it does okay I had some hot ones I had another guy yell I did a kind of a dirty joke and the guy goes oh come on how about you come on that's what I said you get out of the comedy show I go come on he goes don't make though put the women through this which I feel like is misogynist yeah they can handle it she's fine who the hell are you the drill sergeant get out of here she could take it and it was a joke about when my wife sits on my chest she's got discharged which makes like glue in my chest oh that's a little much Jesus cry this is horrific my god the women the guys I was both put the women through
Starting point is 00:22:08 that and I'm like they're putting us through that I'm ripping chest hairs out over here okay good point good point I don't think Chuck should be hearing this he's delicate to my god the discharge so anyways I do my set my phone discharging all right it's still working yada yada I go home I get a message it says hey hilarious set at the stand you did an impression of my dad whoa I go what you met Jagger junior I go what I look at the thing it's Lucas Jagger he's got 400,000 followers the kid with the hoodie was Mick Jagger's son wait he's wearing his dad's merch I guess so they're a good band it's not like his
Starting point is 00:22:52 dad is fucking you know I wear my dad's law firm around but I mean if your dad's law firm was the greatest law firm in the history of law firm I guess you just you just always hear about these kids like oh my dad's a nerd I hate it they go the opposite that's true I don't have a yeah Milton hospital head of purchasing sure yeah exactly but yeah so it was Mick Jagger's son I'm like are you kidding he's like no what are the chances wow who's next Jules Lennon and what's a Bob Dylan kid Jacob yeah couldn't get it out I would recognize him hey handsome yeah yeah we talked about that thing I saw him last year but
Starting point is 00:23:39 anyways how wild is that that's bananas and he's in the shit room at least with the guy downstairs that's what I was thinking and I was like what are the chances this is crazy I've never done a Mick Jagger impression on stage in my life he's like I thought it was hilarious and yeah I just chatted back and forth with Mick Jagger but like I've probably done I don't know 10,000 sets in my life I've never been like Mick Jagger wow and his son was I had dialogue with Mick Jagger son that's a that's insane now does he look all jaggery I don't think so it's hard I mean Mick first of all is a hundred and
Starting point is 00:24:11 seventy five years old but he's got a very potent face it's very distinct very distinct look I mean big mouth I mean I wasn't looking at him as Mick Jagger's son right got long curly hair and he had glasses on and he's and he's young so I certainly wasn't like oh that's Mick Jagger he also wasn't like it's very diplomatic isn't it Keith brown sugar I'm gonna taste so good just like a black girl should which it upsets me they stopped playing that they're like we won't play it again so great about the stones is they never apologized for anything of course they're artists and they did they did well they were like
Starting point is 00:24:51 yeah we're not gonna play that song anymore oh I thought the radio took it out I know they were I think they did it still plays in the radio I think I don't know about that line just like a black girl should yeah is that still out there they also hear whip the women oh I mean it's a song about eating out your slave oh is that right oh I didn't know that yeah a lot of people do brown sugar how come you taste so good just like a black girl should well isn't that nice to eat out your slave I think it's pretty nice if you're gonna have a slave you can eat them out or not eat them out you'd rather eat them out if I was a slave yeah
Starting point is 00:25:26 start eating me out I don't think slaves made five grand a month but I could be wrong but anyways that's my story I'm sticking to it I hope you got a whole lot of stuff because I'm out but I mean super cool isn't that wild that's saying I mean it's insane to have him at a show first of all and it's insane that he DM'd you but it's also insane you happen to do an impression of his father in front of him wild wild Jerry I mean you know what it is it's you know they say if you get a million monkeys typing on a typewriter you'll get Shakespeare right which I disagree with I don't think that's true but you get it you do a
Starting point is 00:26:03 million sets over 22 years you gotta meet a pop star and do a pressure of his dad I guess no it's wild it's also crazy because you're like you're you came from the nuts of the rock star the bar none the number one rock star easily ever and he's still pumping out rug rats by the way he just got a somebody knocked up some broad and now he's got like 38 kids and this kid's one of them well the kids said he's like there are eight of us but that's still not great chances or something like that all right Jagger but it's hard I had to be like wow I'm a huge fan of your dad like that's like my number one guy yeah yeah and now you
Starting point is 00:26:40 Luke is good to have you so hopefully becomes a Tuesday yeah I hope so I'm sure someone will tell him about this tag tag the Lucas he's got a huge following too so yeah wouldn't mind a ticket oh yeah hook it up Luke II yes all right well that's fun now I got I didn't meet a pop stars offspring good band love that band but I had a weird one went to go to the page out of your playbook or your gay book and I hit the steam room oh I'm going right after this oh wait what's the difference between a sauna and a steam room steam okay one is steamy and one is not one's hot with no steam the
Starting point is 00:27:24 other ones hot with steam I feel like I've had steam and a sauna I've seen some steam in there maybe if someone was upset if they brought ice cubes in farting or queuing what can't you pour the bullshit on the rocks and it's yeah it simmers I don't know if it's steams maybe a little steam little steam but it's dry all right well we're losing steam but I'm in the I think it was a sauna but it felt steamy it was hard to see that's steam okay but it was all then it was a while ago steam I guess it did yeah but it was wooden which looks more sauna game can be wood but okay sauna it was maybe it was a hybrid okay okay so
Starting point is 00:28:01 I'm in the steam room sauna hybrid and I'm sitting with my friend Andrew in the where we're just you know being gay and there's a guy on the other end you know in a steam room you always give it some distance you gotta give a distance so he's hugging the wall and we're hugging the other wall he's like my father yes except your father hug you so we're sitting there we're trying to be like so you know about those jets and what's up with Jagger and all this and you know what we should do is throw your socks out get new ones and this guy goes I'm sorry to bother you I couldn't over help overhearing and I'm like you know
Starting point is 00:28:39 it's steamy so I'm like yes sir what's going on and he's like he's in the towel and he's like your voice sounds very familiar but I don't have my glasses on oh so you sound just like a comedian I know and I was like oh but he couldn't see me he's blind as a bat interesting so now I got a fun opportunity and I go who is he and he goes out this guy Mitch Normand or Macklemore or Normandy or something and he's pretty funny and I go oh I've heard of that guy he's good he goes you sound just like him and I was like oh that sucks I know that guy and I hate his voice he's like voice isn't great but wow jokes he's got some jokes
Starting point is 00:29:17 and I was like oh yeah so now I got a full review of me with this guy because he can't tell who I am because he's fucking blind as a bat oh that's my worst nightmare well I I capped it I kept a governor on it you know I didn't want him to go full bore yeah I guess he has that great so we're doing the cruise ship he has baseball hat on those two people talking across him about how he's the worst comic they ever saw really yeah it's bad I think it was his last cruise ship oh I had a similar a similar one with a Schumer I was opening for her I took a shit and two guys were washing their hands like man she is killing and
Starting point is 00:29:49 Pete Holmes went on and did a guess that he killed and they were like he was great but the other host a little week and I was shitting it's the most vulnerable moment of your life in a stall and I was like I thought he was pretty good they're like no no he sucked but either way so now I'm I'm fucking with the blind guy and eventually I go it's me and he goes oh my god how about that we took a photo a blurry photo in the steam room oh wow that's fun it all worked out that I love this move I go he's like oh man I love your stuff I watch you on YouTube all the time and I go well we're at the show tonight if you
Starting point is 00:30:19 want tickets and he goes I gotta get out of this steam room I'm sweating bullets and then he left but it's a fun moment it's also always frustrating to that he wasn't like and he happens to be in town because he doesn't know you're in town they never know you're in town how do they not know we're in town they never know they always go when you come in a Biloxi and I go I was there last night and they go ah nobody told me no it's very frustrating story my life I think email list you do an email list no no feels very dated it does but then I hear these other people that are selling tickets all over the world with email
Starting point is 00:30:50 list huge yeah I follow a couple big comedians email list and whenever the email I just delete it well I'm a band guy I'm going to all these shows and I only know because of the emails your band okay sorry so yeah and I got an email go sign up for our email list there must be a link on your website is there I've never used it I've never sent out an email neither have I but I have like hundreds of emails really yeah I need to have thousands but I think Jeff Acura is God has like 50,000 emails yeah they said back in the day Kevin Hart would stand outside of a the Philly helium with a composition book
Starting point is 00:31:29 like the you know the marble wow you know that one from school he would just get emails old-school then he would manually put him into his email bullshit in his computer and then he would just blow a blast out to Philly or Baltimore or Wuhan ala alley Wong same thing really yeah that's how she blew up wow well these people I think people put the card on the table with the QR and yeah yeah I was talking to a guy he was telling me because email is more direct because in Instagram even that they just watch the reels they keep moving but an email is right I mean Louie's still doing it yeah I follow
Starting point is 00:32:03 his yeah and so when I delete but all right so there you go alley Wong two Wong's make a right yeah all right so yeah we just got back from Dayton oh hi hey emo Philips favorite city is that right yeah I went on his honeymoon there what he's a cook this is I'm I'm I'm for clumped I'm speechless who the fuck what's the go honeymooting a date emo Philips all right well also the birth place of flight along with North Carolina South Carolina Oregon and Wyoming there's about 19 cities claiming the flight thing and Rosa Parks by the way oh yeah Peoria Peoria Cincinnati LA they all love Rosa yeah Rosa and who was
Starting point is 00:32:51 the other guy I forget already oh flight right brothers right brothers Rosa right two wrongs don't make a right brother hey folks Tuesday's with stories is brought to you by better help baby love better help yeah it's easy to get caught up in taking care of others and you forget to take care of yourself better help let you take time that's just for you talk through life with a licensed therapist all from the comfort of your home better help is entirely online no sterile doctors office no busy commute no therapy oh do therapy when and where it works for you we're big therapy guys and we're also big travel guys so we need
Starting point is 00:33:36 help we need to chat with a professional we're also on the go we're in a hotel room we're on an airport and a flight and a comedy club so yeah this is perfect for us we can chit chat while we move do it it bounces your life and makes you feel better and then get to know yourself give yourself some space this summer space to let out your feelings and take care of yourself for a change just fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with your therapist easily switch therapists at any time at no additional charge find more balance with better help visit better help dot com slash Tuesdays to get 10
Starting point is 00:34:11 percent off your first month that's better help HELP dot com slash Tuesdays better help dot com slash Tuesdays folks summer is coming it's spring spring and spring out here in New York City summer's coming it's right around the corner it's time to get rid of that chest hair blanket you've been working all winter make sure your grooming is on point this season and level up with man scape they're dedicated to upping your confidence by giving you all the tools you need you got to be well groomed to have confidence I got to tell you I was at the the beach in Tampa this weekend had my speedo on pubes
Starting point is 00:34:51 everywhere look like spiders my groin the beach Matt Wayne was giving me I had to go back in and shave it up and the way I did it was I used man scape I have the performance package 2.0 it's a lifesaver includes the essential lawn mower 4.0 a waterproof cordless body hair trimmer the weed wacker 2.0 which is perfect for grooming those ear and nose hairs and some extra goodies for those crown jewels I use it every night before I look in the mirror I take it I use I shave up my little eyebrow hair as they start to go rogue I got this hair that up here that grows like under your eye I gotta shave that thing you right now you
Starting point is 00:35:28 can go and get 20% off and free shipping with the code Tuesdays at manscape that's 20% off and free shipping with the code Tuesdays at manscape.com it's time to trim your chesticles with the besticles get manscaped I use it every day you should too get the discount use it now let's get back to the show yeah so what is that noise I assume it's your watch nothing there we go to Dayton and go there with Andrew Youngblood Dayton Bassett so I got Dayton and Dayton I love Dayton cute kid funny funny guys and we just have a ball out there and that was just a great weekend we got drunk every
Starting point is 00:36:17 night and lived it yeah it's a different office I could hear it it's something recording us I've heard that noise before it's definitely in the room something that's over here oh I know what it is what is that you have I bought one of those tile things so I wouldn't lose my keys what's a tile thing it's like a little thing you put on your keychain so you can find it with your phone but why is it beeping right now I think it's broken you're gonna have two beeps now no the tile the tile is done oh my god no more tile fuck you tile that thing stinks oh all right it stopped all right well I guess we'll
Starting point is 00:37:06 continue that's what I'm afraid of it's gonna crawl over here and cut my dick off well you can track me anywhere I go if you want to know where I'm at if you're like is he doing another pod you could get my tile up and you'll see me oh god but yeah Dayton anyways Dayton was fun it was fun great blood well here's the thing is I'm I'm did the special and all I keep hearing about is like the specials coming out and I'm like I am bombing left and right cuz I'm trying the new I know I'm in the same boat and now it's weird because now you sell some tickets you have some fans they want to see the stuff and so now there's this
Starting point is 00:37:40 pressure and I we got to be easy on ourselves because sometimes I forget the special hasn't come out yet right so I'm like I don't want to do any stuff from the special let me just riff and come up with the shit oh yeah and then I'm like fuck I only have 20 minutes and I'm like I shot the special three weeks ago yeah 20 minutes is insane it takes time but yeah it's ugly when you're up there cuz I'm like oh it's ugly but anyways jazz I know and then you you write you write I write in my hotel room I'm furiously writing and I'm like okay maybe this is something and you kind of just are doing an imitation of stand-up
Starting point is 00:38:17 it's not actually that funny right and then you're writing so much that you're like I don't even know what funny is anymore and then you go out and say it and all of it bombs and then I'll riff on this chord and I'll get a standing oh it's very hard and then you bounce bits I talked to Sam like let's bounce bits and don't you hate this feeling is there anything worse when you bounce a bit and then you're like this the duck fell out of the bag and then you hear this oh and so then I start I'm like bombing with Sam but but you know the duck is gay maybe right he's like he's like his game black duck black duck he's an ugly duck
Starting point is 00:38:53 duck duck duck goose and they're just like oh and then you have that it all crumbles down of like I'm never gonna have another bit again I saw a piece of shit who do I think an AI is gonna I got chat GBT I just had to see what it was all about so I googled it or I downloaded it and I just said what's up with this bit and I put in a bit premise and it gave me like 38 things I'm like well we're out we're done we're doomed and it's a genuine concern that young comics can literally just get chat GBT to write their whole act people have sent me videos of being like put a Mark Norman style joke in and I'm like that's
Starting point is 00:39:31 not bad like it's a pretty good answer it's like solid it's not a great joke I don't think it would get a laugh but I'm like that's the decent angle well all you need is it close enough yes work with that then you can work with that so it's gonna make everyone's job easier we already have too many comics and now we'll have the dentist become a comic because he's like I got chat GB anal yes and that and this is only four months old chat GBT way to three years old five years old you can just say hey write me a script about my sister's asshole yeah on the 4th of July and then all of a sudden you got 4th of July 2 yeah good
Starting point is 00:40:04 movie hopefully it's better reviews well if you put your sister's asshole in it it'll sell some more tickets I tried but it was too controversial I see the women yeah oh come on but yeah I'm terrified by the way yeah Google just came if anyone has any good news about AI shoot it my way because everything I'm reading we're gonna be dead in six months it's gonna ruin everything because doctors are gonna go I'm not gonna read the book on medicine I'll just get the body open I'll slice it I'm a surgeon I'll just chat GBT and then see what to do well the scariest thing is that you tell the I was reading all this stuff I
Starting point is 00:40:41 haven't slept since the 80s is you tell the computer hey fucking solve climate change and the computer's like oh great we got it I'll just kill all the humans and there's another thing called the paperclip theory where if you tell the computer you got to make paperclips which will get all the paperclip people out of the jobs then the the paperclip computer says hey you know what you can use iron and there's iron in human blood so I'll kill the humans and make paper clips out of the blood and the teeth or whatever holy shit dick and then it goes there I'm gonna make a meal and it goes oh there's a baby we can cook this yeah
Starting point is 00:41:23 that doesn't sound bad but I saw a meme the other day and it was a guy on a helicopter with a video camera and he was shooting like a so Jay he was on a chai wasn't Kobe but he was on the chopper and he had a video camera he was like hanging out he had a harness on and he was shooting like a sporting event and then the bottom half of the picture is a drone with a camera on it and it says that guy the both of those jobs are gone you know the helicopter guy and the camera guy that's going to get the drone now yes so that scared the shit out of me and I saw a bunch of window washers outside on a skyrise and I was like it's
Starting point is 00:42:00 only a matter of time before those guys are out and we got a drone just going and then it's coming Jerry and the cars and the planes and the doctors and now us yes who needs us but with comedy there's a little bit of magic to it I think I think there's a little bit of a fairy dust and seaman and blood that comes all placenta and we make a bit but yes but so it's didn't maybe need the human to tell the thing but you can say hey write me a joke about whatever yeah about autism and a lady with AIDS and hooker named Charlie my whole act you plug it in and then and then the guy could just go great and come out and say
Starting point is 00:42:46 it yeah yeah but don't you think it won't get a laugh I think as a computer can't do that twist that a brain can do but oh but it can can it yeah like we're thinking oh the twists I come up with yeah this thing's gonna solve cancer but cancer is a matter of cells and things that that are all exist I feel like a joke there's a little bit of a a magic to it where you have to come up with something you don't think I'll come up with I think I hope we'll see but I'm reaching nobody's got what come up with a cure for polio until the computers did it that right I thought it was a Jew in Brooklyn well whatever maybe not polio
Starting point is 00:43:25 but Jonas so computer would have came up with a better example yeah good point good point maybe it would come up with it ten years before salt did we're fucked I mean the good news is Chuck will be out we can have a computer over there just don't do it oh yeah you guys would still be too lazy to set that up so I would still have a job wow Shelby to set it up it's all possible there's one thing you could say about Mark Norman it's he's lazy this guy won't get off the goddamn couch you got that right folks ain't a lintake but yeah yeah Alan I was say what talk about practice I mean we're fucked I don't know I'm scared and then
Starting point is 00:44:05 the Google guy is coming out and saying hey batting down the hatches we're all gonna die the when the Google guy comes out you know we're in a bag of shit because no other invention really did that like when they came out with internet porn there the head of the porn company wasn't like this is bad we should not do this no he was like whoa payday I fucked up but you know maybe they said also this is a good this is the one metaphor that gave me a little hope oh please hope hope Jerry because they said this could be as big as like the discovery of fire that's what I heard but fire is learned to harness and
Starting point is 00:44:40 use despite its dangers well it could still burn a house that happens every day exactly but like so we figured out a way to have it in a fireplace it shoots out of our counter a lighter we light yeah and we heat our homes with fire yeah and a combustion engine even so that's that really fire it's extremely dangerous it could kill you in a second and burn everything down but we learned how to harness and use it so hopefully we do that the AI and it solves traffic and cancer and we live longer that's good but somebody said a good point like this either will result in utopia or the apocalypse there's not much in between
Starting point is 00:45:11 yeah and I don't even think utopia is good either because utopia is it's too much of a good thing and people will attack each other well I also think people need work that's what I'm saying value yeah you need structure you need goals you need you need a little what's the word gravity you know cuz you live in non-gravity your muscles atrophy and then you're fucked that way and then there's also social atrophy and all kinds of now here here's here's my argument to the fire thing yes we have fire it can burn your house down it can burn your face look at Jay Leno but we have the fire department we need to
Starting point is 00:45:47 invent the AI department which is a bunch of guys who eat chili and wear shorts and have a Dalmatian and whenever AI gets out of hand they go down a pole and they kill the robot I think that's what we're gonna have to work on you know by the way a lot of great films about this there's a back draft X mocking now oh I say that you know the other one Spielberg 2001 I robot what's the one I went to watch with Tom Cruise with the cops and minority reports that one great movie yeah it's okay it's I think it's a Spielberg Ray Bradbury book oh is that right I'm one of those guys yeah you're right one of those sci-fi nerds but
Starting point is 00:46:31 yeah it's it's kooky and scary and who knows but yeah is there any joy that we get to live through it or is that a are we fucked that we get to live through it well it's first of all it's it's great right now I love facial facial recognition email and all GPS that stuff is killer and again like they'll be able to fix a lot of traffic and pollution and stuff and live longer but it's the scary thing of like they could just make a video of Putin being like I'm launching my nukes right now I know they did some AI Rogan talking to it talking to Musk I think and it's it's as good as any Rogan app you know he's like
Starting point is 00:47:11 not laughing at the jokes he talks about elk and talks about spaceships Elon Musk smokes weed he's weird-looking it's just as good maybe I can get an AI JL next time I do the show I might be like a couple followers this time you're just killing in the AI version yeah he's like oh oh oh fuck your dad I see why that's funny that's gold go see this guy he's playing at the Tampa side splitters yeah we program it to take out all the oh how about these what could you not do that Rogan maybe you know a comedian is trying to get a platform on your gigantic show and you go want want it's a little painful it's hurtful but hey can
Starting point is 00:47:52 an AI do this I don't think so Boston Dynamics can you make that a gift for a gif that was pretty cool yeah you don't mind yeah God's gift to women sorry I'm too lazy to do it all right tile tile so how come he hasn't programmed that to stop beeping yet well I need AI to get on it AI can fix this watch too sweet we're talking about practice mm-hmm perfect any jizz you got anything else because we're hitting the skits here well let me just say this I called somebody a nerd earlier you know came up with the word nerd dr. Seuss I thought I had something I think we talked about this before he came up with nerd
Starting point is 00:48:32 Shakespeare's got all of them really he got all he got Edward no that was my dad but but Shakespeare had all he had on he invented on so like unreal uncomfortable unsuccessful there you go and unlistable and then he had all in all the all the contractions is that what it is yeah don't can't ain't y'all well not just that but like heavy low or a way no it's like a double you know with a hyphen double hyphen you know a double word so it'll be like oh geez double word hyphenated hyphenated like double trouble yeah you know double dragons two words with a hyphen in the middle oh hyphenated hyphenated yeah highfalutin trying to
Starting point is 00:49:25 think of a good example one contraction no no no that's a current that's cannot to can't he had to double the two words with a hyphen so like bubble gum yeah that's not bad but I don't think that was around then he had gum in the 1630s compound word compound word compound media yeah he had compound word so well what's a good compound word bubble gum bubble gum shrimp hold on the collateral damage six pack six pack you're cheating over there come on got a I yeah stop using the AI one that's relevant to that time merry-go-round there you go merry-go-round yes yeah he would just put words together runner up runner up
Starting point is 00:50:11 there you go that's a compound that was all Shakespeare oh yeah and a couple others mind you you could just Google Shakespeare words and it is like he's got all of them well hey cometh was that him Doth yeah yeah now the wicked this way come Doth thou cometh on my back if I can't get into shake I don't like any art we are like let's come all in and break down how what he means right just give me a straight old I'm with this is how it is so I can't watch sci-fi I'm like none of this is happening till now well yeah true but like the guy's riding a dragon to a tree that he lives in and he's a hobbit and there's a ring that's
Starting point is 00:50:57 fantasy I hate also I hate fantasy I like sexual fantasy sure sure give me a midget and a merry-go-round and I'm in yeah spit in my mouth and that's it yeah but but yeah I hate fantasy and sci-fi by the way I went and saw this bow is afraid have you heard about this picture I don't know bow oh everyone's talking about bow is afraid well bow knows nothing I don't know who this is it's the new one by Ari Aster he did Midsommar oh he's good and he did hereditary very scary well this one bow bow what is it bow is afraid oh I'm afraid to tell you how much I hated this movie oh really did you like the others
Starting point is 00:51:40 the one was okay yeah I liked I liked hereditary fine and I like Midsomer Midsommar how the fuck you say it summer whatever yeah I liked it but this one is just a Midsomer school so it's a it's a wacko it's a wacko the mole it's three hours first of all which drinking here by the way just come on three hours all right who needs it give me 90 minutes and I it triggers my inferiority complex you know what I mean I try to say where am I at fault here I got a intellectual inferiority complex Ronald thinks it's I didn't go to college but when you do surreal like I just feel like I'm a big retard I can't
Starting point is 00:52:24 figure it out you're smart I'm dumb right it's like a lady comes out and takes a shit on his forehead in the next scene you're in the woods sounds right up your alley and I'm going I don't get it and I'm like it's just anything I could just make this yeah and they go that's that shit symbolizes his soul and he puts a soul on her forehead and then she's consumes the soul you know you're like well I didn't know I know it's a soul I can't do it Jerry I'm dumb I want a movie where a guy is cheating on his wife and then the wife finds out so he has to murder the lady now picture that's a hell of a film just
Starting point is 00:53:00 straight through let me kill this bitch cuz she's gonna ruin my life OJ day that's a documentary so that's what I like this thing was a big mess but a slight spoiler I won't ruin the movie but you know my number one dame of all time Parker Posey I was at number one P squared oh OPP the story was on bonfire crackle crackle and we were all arguing who we think the hottest woman oh you can't be in that one so I went for her posey I'm sure the lights shut down well first of all I think you might be on my side on this uh-oh so I'm doing it half joking knowing that like I'm into Parker Posey
Starting point is 00:53:41 I got a crush on do I really think she's number one hottest all time yes but I'm kind of kidding I know it'll stir the pot I got a crush it's what we're doing radio yeah it's it's entertainment we have to we're gonna bicker now so listen to this so it's me and Jay and Dan this is before Bobby took over and Dan died rest in peace all right be Danny so I go they were all talking I'm going Parker Posey fuck you everybody like what get out everyone shitting on me it's a fun joke good gag and then they go all right we'll settle this everyone put in 20 bucks we let the fans vote on it and whoever the fans vote for gets all the
Starting point is 00:54:22 money and I'm like I thought we were doing a gag yeah you're gonna lose I'm doing again now I'm just I just have to give away $20 that's a horrible idea it was bullshit they're doing porn stars yeah and it's a subjective list you can't go let's bet it's not like the the bangles you know we can't just bet on this it's subjective it's my opinion my taste and so I go back about this so I'm just like handing 20 but and no one's cares about my needs here and everyone's gonna get by the way everyone's gonna email being like fucking millionaire worried about 20 bucks which a can I just say on the record I don't have a
Starting point is 00:54:57 million dollars you fucking numbskulls need this Parker Posey by the way I'm getting independent movies I'm getting 450 bucks to do side splitters have sold 11 tickets I'm nowhere near a million but any jizz the principal I just got to give you 20 radio gag it's a gag you're supposed to you're the host you're supposed to know it's a comedy show but any jizz so I'm watching Bo is afraid Parker Posey's in it and I say to run I almost left I was like I gotta tap three hours the tap out is bad well after two hours you're like I could save it I could go you know ride fences for an hour but that is the movie walked you
Starting point is 00:55:33 oh I walk baby wow walk Christopher Walken so I say if Parker if we see Parker Posey's tits it'll all be worth it okay that'll redeem all right and there these tits are no spring chickens they're like 52 year old tits but they're nice okay I mean I'm not against I'd like to see your tits I'm just saying these aren't fresh daisies well here's my advice to you get yourself a ticket to Bo is afraid oh go about two hours after the screens time start so whatever you call it that's the show time start time wait wait well yeah one of the tits in about two hours in two and a half to 20 oh wow okay pretty late they know they
Starting point is 00:56:10 got a real you they reeled me baby we got a live one about 220 minutes not only do you see her tits is a full fuck scene like she's cowgirl riding with the butt from behind you know Chuck's already typing it into his favor oh Bo is hard it's like it's like this and then she comes then there's like a frozen up from this angle of her like cuz she something happens so she's kind of like stuck here and tits straight up you probably 40 seconds of like her orgasming tits fucking but everything wow it's my favorite film of the year best picture of the year but I was afraid two dicks up that's great yeah wow Bo I'm not
Starting point is 00:56:53 afraid anymore I'll check it out bonus tits and thank God you didn't leave yeah I mean my all-time crush just wow I've never seen my all I don't know who my number one would be but I know I've never seen my number one on a full ride ride along well who yeah who do you who do you think I think we've talked about stuff like this because you had half the ways up there for me and Chuck was kind enough to send me a link to everything she's ever done oh that a baby I like a Natalie Port I love Natalie Port I just watched heat for the first time in quite a while she's a child that's why I like no but she's also in closer oh yeah I
Starting point is 00:57:31 think it's a little racy but I don't know if it's a full-on ride along yes I think she has the pink hair on that one yeah she does the strip scene does he get a nip out I don't think so okay I don't remember a nip but I think I would remember a nip yeah it's a memo but it's something I watched a movie with my parents and it was a nightmare you ever you ever do the nude scene with your folks oh yeah we do it every Easter two girls one one egg but I'm watching species it's it's got to be 1993 that sounds about right and we got it on VH anal and we pop that puppy in because my mom's like oh I love an alien movie my
Starting point is 00:58:13 dad's like she looks attractive and I'm like I'll watch anything I'm ten and full-frontal banging blowing anal Glee I mean she went from a caterpillar to a butterfly which one species who's that Jody Foster Natasha Henstridge oh right I don't know a species that way the S had like a picture of the poster she was an alien but she was in real life in America she was a hot lady who turned into an alien of course she's got the hottest body on the planet okay it was basically like a pin-up playboy lady they're like you'll be the alien well I remember watching monsters ball oh and ball they did I mean that that was like
Starting point is 00:58:57 a hardcore like make me feel good but it was like a porn oh my god make me feel good and it's just awkward because you got to have your mother hand you a pillow to cover up with yeah right and yeah there should be little stickers that say don't watch with parents or true yeah good point unless you're Heidi Fleiss yeah wait a minute was that the one who banged her dad who banged their dad well Billy Bob Thornton made out with Angelina Jolie they were brother and sister no they were dating oh yeah but didn't was there out with her brother at one point is that right yeah they dated incest he had a Thornton fucked
Starting point is 00:59:35 Halle Berry in the thing yes he had the vial of her blood which is what everyone thought was creepy yeah I'm okay with the vial but didn't she kiss her brother or brothers looks just like her he's like a hot sexy blonde guy whoa yeah could you imagine you got a sis could you ever imagine tugging down the old listal lady no I don't know now I don't I don't care to you ever catch a glimpse of her as a youth changing no no changing no we didn't you guys living amongst each other as teens yeah I suppose so we had separate rooms which is nice but my friend Derek and he has a sister that I dated and they had they lived in
Starting point is 01:00:18 apartment and they just had a divider whoa so like if you did like a you could see your brother or sister whichever way you're looking they're genitals oh my lord yeah I mean I had a brother but I saw his package quite a bit but that might be different with a with a male on male yeah I guess like somehow that's more acceptable yeah I mean it was there was balls and dicks galore and my dad too my dad is freewheeling well I think when you're a kid you like shower with siblings oh a big show we did the sword fight all that yeah so I think like I probably the last time I saw my sister naked it was probably she was seven and
Starting point is 01:00:53 I was three maybe that's a good eight and four and you're not turned on yet no not yet that's about 11 and you're in your sister yeah 11 and 15 would be that would be dicey yeah cuz this bosom action happening a little hip probably a bush a little bush going or gore yeah bush was in office at that time that's true it's an inside job oh 11 I think it was Clinton but you know what I mean Clinton yeah he's a rapist is he I believe so yeah I mean hey I'm no cop or robber here but oh boy all right well hey how's that Monica Lewitzky doing this is a wacky one yeah this is all over the place we're not even doing two in a week
Starting point is 01:01:37 here we gotta do three next week and seven the next week yeah I called the oral office we're sorry how we looking what are we halfway oh we're done oh shit I didn't realize we gotta bring this cow home yeah all I had was jagged you told me had a bunch what's going on I had the steam room guy I blew and Dayton was great I'm trying to think did anything crazy happening Dayton we we hit the bars I think you need a hall pass from your wife to really spice the pod back oh don't bring that up because then every Tom dick and comment is gonna go yeah he's right hall pass and then they'll hit her up and go what do you
Starting point is 01:02:18 think about hall pass I'm bored of my cubicle I need your marriage Dan reach out to me and ask her if Mark can have a couple months freebies let it be let it be let it ride just see see what she said all she has to do is say no but was afraid all right but maybe I'll get a hall pass and see what I could do I don't think it's gonna be a spicy it'll be like I walked up to this fat chick she had tattoos on her tits you're a cuck fag give me Norman's number and then I took a shit on my own face well I told you about my buddy who was married and he decided I'm gonna tell my wife that I want to be in an open relationship and it
Starting point is 01:02:56 was like a big deal we're like oh man good luck we're rooting for you we support you you know he's our buddy and he went up to it he goes hey sugar tits what do you think we open this puppy up she goes you got it she fucked 300 guys all the Broncos 19 Lakers and he couldn't get laid he got an escort under the under the Manhattan Bridge and she fucked every every member of the state I think that happens a lot I think it's never you're never opening up a relationship and having it work out perfectly for both no no one's like I fucked this gal and she's at eight and she's like I fuck this guy who's an eight
Starting point is 01:03:34 and I love you no no because the lady can can clean up but the ladies don't even they're not looking to clean up right guy wants to clean up the guy wants a buffet she wants the menu right mm-hmm that film either but oh yeah the menu but hey but he he's now married to a new woman but yeah well I'm gonna come back next episode I'm gonna really have some story I'm gonna you know yell some racial epithets that's the strangers and I'll walk through you know Bedford style alone and ride my motorcycle in the rain and really get some you know I love it stories I'm gonna have a thing to where this ends I'm gonna go oh I
Starting point is 01:04:12 remember I saw a guy in the dumpster fucking his dad well good thing because we got to record seven more eps in the next three days going Australia folks so we got a packet in and put some in the cans but I think there was some laughs in here oh barrel laughs we're gonna have to edit a few few choice numbers but I think it'll be a hot up yeah we got some cutting-edge stuff going here we got to the bottom of that OJ trial finally someone breaks that thing down you got that right there's only been nine docs seven series and two movies but I think I think we had some stuff and it got a little dicey at times but we made
Starting point is 01:04:48 it work that's part of the fun so we'll see you all in hell you got plugs plugs hair plugs hair plugs hair plugs hair plugs hair plugs I don't hate you oh what is that that's cable guy oh he plays the you know chip Douglas he plays the video over and over again the office hair plugs yes Roderick is underrated so good masterful I mean they just let Jim Carrey go to you know Chris Farley was supposed to be the camera yeah and but when I saw that scene in the gym the oh god like this guy is a virtuoso no it's perfect and it's not perfect actually everything after porno password is a goddamn nightmare in fact
Starting point is 01:05:29 turn the film off but everything up to that point is master didn't like the giant satellite dish see oh it's ridiculous it's a little bit gets predicting the spider crawling across and the field of dreams in the parking lot is all insane shit but that porno password scene is pure gold and Broderick election is a masterpiece he's perfect on that he should have got an Oscar nomination for that Ferris Bueller one of my favorite top three for me yeah same and then cable guy is amazing yeah but Alexi blues is he's good and he's glory he's great in glory and yeah he's awesome and I think he really ran over that kid and fell off I
Starting point is 01:06:06 think he had some hard times after that yeah I dated Jennifer Gray for a while she was in the car the rumor is that she was blowing them that's the rumor right he's lucky she didn't bite his dick off when he but yeah tremendous and rewatch election one of the best movies of all time Alexander Payne yeah it's really a masterpiece but anyways what day is it I don't even know George is saying cut it June 7th Hollywood improv we're gonna add a show there Columbus funny bone June 16th and 17th I have a book here with a ton of shit you're talking back to LA I love LA yeah what did I do with my fucking bullshit that's
Starting point is 01:06:47 gonna be exciting I love LA there's a twinkle in the air in that town and most of it's fentanyl and homeless but fun for it to visit I love Los Angeles I'll be there oh then live Tuesdays at the Gramercy June 27th is that soul I don't even know yet Dan Soters on we'll have another special guest we're working on Soter and I think we're in Philly in August yes August 22nd performing arts of lovers or something Spokane is what I forgot June 1st to the 3rd Spokane fun room and then Irvine California the improv July 13th through the 15th San Jose California July 20th through the 22nd nice August is crazy Providence
Starting point is 01:07:28 Common Connection Portland Helium Dallas improv and the live Philadelphia August 22nd make sure you get all those tickets check it out folks I'll be in Australia for most of this time but when this comes out I'll be at the mothership if so if you live in the Tejas area check out the mothership I know it's hard to get a ticket but we'll try to work it out and yeah go on to Australia then announcing a big tour when that comes out and it looks like July late July for the special so buckle up and come see me bomb with new material thank you raise I love Chuck sorry we're gay we're mad we're all
Starting point is 01:08:05 upset we're crazy our tits are blown off AI I got a podcast called fun bearable and this week we have Brian Bowden he's a great comic that guy smokes weed like a fucking lunatic yeah it's crazy oh my word funny he's really really funny funny guy yeah we had an awesome time me Brian Ray Harrington Brad roar great time fun bearable pod.com check it out you might remember bring it up one time we smoked weed in Portland Maine at the comedy connection and I was like I love weed I'm drunk right now give me some weed buddy and he's one of these big crazy guys and he gave me a joint the size of my mother's leg he's oh wow and
Starting point is 01:08:45 I remember being like I don't know what fucking planet on him he's one of those guys that like smokes weed in a way where he's like yeah thank you he does those edibles that have like 120 milligrams or whatever they're just outrageous or something yeah no I was inconsolable it was bad but fun guy he's that crazy show at the connection yeah

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