Two Hot Takes - 11: Deep Dive: Weddings...

Episode Date: April 8, 2021

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host, Alejandra on this "Deep Dives" episode. Episode includes blind reactions to Reddit stories about some of the most challenging wedding related di...lemmas! This episode gets deep with more personal stories and gets a little off tangent. Stories include a women who step daughter wants to wear her deceased daughters's wedding dress, and a women whose maid of honor wants to hold her newborn baby during the ceremony... We have some thoughts on these ones.. Show your support (much appreciated): Full length Video episodes available on YouTube:

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Starting point is 00:00:28 Weedman, we care for your lawn. Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of Two Hot Takes. I'm your host, Morgan, and today I have another deep dive for you. This deep dive is from Alejandra's episode, Weddings. They're not for everyone. And just like weddings aren't for everyone, sometimes our opinions aren't. This episode might be a little polarizing and we just, we really kind of dive in and share our takes on these stories.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Hopefully next week we'll be back with regularly scheduled Reddit posts and kind of sticking to the stories a little bit more for you guys. I also just wanted to jump in and say that we started our own Patreon account and we're going to be dropping some exclusive episodes and content there as well. So you can find the link in this episode description and I hope you check it out, but let's dive in. Okay, up first. Am I the asshole for refusing to let my stepdaughter use my daughter's wedding dress?
Starting point is 00:01:48 I'll try my best to explain the situation and make sure to present both sides. I, female 49, met my stepdaughter Zoe two and a half years ago. I married her father less than five months ago. It was a small and private celebration since that's what we felt was best thing to do since I'm still grieving my daughter, Lauren, who passed away from sepsis at the age of 26. What's that? Sepsis is like a total body infection. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:12 I thought so. Yeah, you can, you can get it very easily, but like your immune system starts to like attacking itself. Yeah. Yeah. It was so sudden. She was doing okay and was getting ready for her wedding that was supposed to happen the same month she passed away.
Starting point is 00:02:26 The daughter who passed away was getting ready for her own wedding. Yeah. It was that sudden? Yeah. Oh, okay. We still don't know what went wrong. We were devastated to say the least. Her fiance had a hard time adapting to the new normal.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I still have contact with him. We're very close. I took most of her belongings, including her wedding dress. We bought it together and she put a lot of her touches on it, worked very hard on it. Although it hurt to look at, I make sure it's safe. She was a month away from her wedding before she passed away. That's insane. A month.
Starting point is 00:02:57 I wonder how that happens. Do you get sick first or does it just happen randomly? It can be both. Yeah. It's very, it's very dependent. Like say you had appendicitis and your appendix burst, you can become septic from that. Okay. If you're in the hospital for a long period of time, you can become septic.
Starting point is 00:03:14 It's kind of an umbrella term for, you know, a total body infection. Yeah. So Zoe is the step, the stepdaughter. Yes. And then Lauren, she's 23. We're not very close and distance is one of the reasons why, but we're very respectful towards each other. The issue started when Zoe visited to talk about her wedding in April.
Starting point is 00:03:33 We were talking about wedding dresses and she suddenly brought up Lauren's wedding dress. I asked her, what about it? And she said she saw it several times and it got stuck on her mind. Asked if she could see it and I let her. She then said she'd like to wear it at her wedding. The audacity. So like, we obviously need more context cause it's so easy to boil these stories down to like a few lines where it's like, maybe it was more fluid, like maybe they have some
Starting point is 00:04:01 drinks and she was like, you know, would you feel like in her honor, like there's always more context. Like it could have been done really gracefully, but it's just like, ooh, and you boil this down to the bare bones. Was there any tact or was it out of pocket? Was it just like, can I wear it? Yeah. I have a hard time believing that someone would, but you never know.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Well, I know. And she says they're very respectful towards each other, but at the same time, like, you just don't know. Cause you can frame that as like, I'd like to honor your daughter by wearing her wedding dress. And I think that is an okay ask. It's a little hard because there's a lot of sensitivity, but I don't think it's the worst ask.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Like if you, the truth is, it just depends on the person. Yeah. If you want to read the room, like take her temperature, or she should have had her dad take her temperature first, just be like, gosh, that wedding dress, I obviously mean so much to you. Like, how would you feel about like, so we wearing it in her honor, like totally feel free to say no. It's just, I don't know if that would make you happy.
Starting point is 00:04:57 Let me ask you before she does to not make it an awkward situation. Right. I told her, I wasn't sure that was a good idea. She told me it's fine. She'll have to change a few things in it so it can fit her size and style. But this is why I had a hard time accepting it. So she wanted to change it, then you don't even want to wear it because you think it's fucking beautiful.
Starting point is 00:05:16 No. You're just being, you're just cheaping out and you're, you're saving money. Exactly. I told her I was sorry, but I can't let her have it. She offered me money, but it's sentimental value is what matters to me. She argued saying I was making things complicated and it was all right since she too is my daughter. You've been related technically for five months.
Starting point is 00:05:36 That's nothing. No. Nothing. What? I told her as much. I told her my love for her is different, but she threw a fit calling me unfair and unreasonable to still say no. This girl's nuts.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yeah. Throwing a fit. You're 23. You're getting married. You're offering that person money. Why don't you just go buy the dress in your size? Oh, she's offering money. I think I missed that.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Yeah. She offered her money, but it's sentimental value is what matters to me is what OP said. Go buy the damn dress. They make multiple. Why does she want the dress then? I'm really questioning now her motive, especially if she wants to change it. Yeah. She wants to change the style and she needs to have the size altered and she has to pay
Starting point is 00:06:16 for it. Then why do you want the dress? Go buy the exact same dress that doesn't have these unique touches and you can get it in your size. Even so weird. That's really, really weird. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Her dad got involved in the argument saying he doesn't see why I'm against it. I have a big problem with that as a partner when you agree to marry someone and you form this partnership, you should have your partners back and that's against your children, mother in laws, father in laws, whatever it is, like your partner is now your person and you should go to bat for them. Unless they're truly wrong. See, I don't know about that because like I think about my stepmom who's an angel, but I also think about like my dad and like I would be pissed if my dad was siding with my stepmom
Starting point is 00:06:55 on something. Unless I'm very clearly wrong, but like, I don't know. I feel like my dad is my dad and he's been my dad before this woman was even a little thought in his head. And I'll be his daughter at the end of the day. I will give you that. Yeah. But he doesn't necessarily have to get involved.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yeah. That's kind of what I'm saying. He could just say, my dad would probably side with my stepmom on this one. He'd be like, Ollie, like, you don't need the dress. I'll get you another dress like you would, you know, he would dad it up and he would just be like, you don't come on, you're better than that. You don't need the dress. So it's tough on this one, but it sounds like he was like, no, my daughter needs the dress.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah. See, my dad would not do that. He'd be like, he wouldn't be like hand over the dress. I don't think, I think the difference is, I don't think your dad would truly pick side. Yeah. I think he would just be like, what can I do to appease both people, make both people feel like they're being respected and at the end of the day, happy with the outcome.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Well, it's actually funny. This is actually hitting a very kind of different, but there's an heirloom in my family. So my grandma passed away. I was very close to her from a variant cancer in like 2003. So I was really young. She had like a lot of things she left behind, including like a big coat at Christmas a few years ago. So my dad's remarried to my stepmom, Karen.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Her mom is Carol. So that's like my step-grandma. And at Christmas a few years ago, all of a sudden she opens, Carol opens a present from my dad and Karen, and it's this main coat. And I don't even know what it is though. At the time I'm like, oh, and then she just looks at my dad, she goes, is this what I think it is? And my dad's like, she's like, I can't take this.
Starting point is 00:08:18 And my dad, she's like, this is Joan's main coat, like your mom's main coat. And then my face just changes because I'm like, why is a family heirloom that's supposed to be passed on to me? Yeah. Going to someone that's not in the family. She's family, but she's not family. Karen is family. Your stepmom is family.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yes. But even if it went like, she's not blood, like my grandma never even met these people. And I think at the point too, where it's like you and your grandma were one really close, I think that's the biggest, you know, the biggest point. Well, I was really young, so I don't even know if you could like, we, she just, she was so fond of me. And here's the thing. If I didn't exist, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:08:50 The family heirloom has to go somewhere. Yeah. But when there's a lineage behind under you and there's a daughter, like my grandma knew me and loved me, so she'd want me to have those things. I'm sure she would love your wife today and her mother too, but she never met them. There's no relationship there. There's no significant value. Whereas for you to take a family heirloom out of the family, that's dangerous because
Starting point is 00:09:10 that person can technically give it to someone else. Oh, you don't know. You have no control over where it goes. Right. I would stipulate it now. I'd be like, I would talk to my mom. My mom said I should do that. I would 100%.
Starting point is 00:09:19 I would. I would know. So here's the, here's the catch. So she opens it out of the night. I'm processing what it is. My dad looks at me because he realizes, oh, shit. I didn't even talk what I was about to hit the floor. And so then I'm like processing like, wait, what, you really just skipped over me like
Starting point is 00:09:33 that? What the fuck? And he literally to save it. He goes, well, you know, we know all hundred lives in California. She can't wear a mink coat like that. She'll get paint thrown on her. It gets cold here. No, Pita.
Starting point is 00:09:42 The fur. So he was like, she can't take it, but he goes, but she knows that one day, you know, you'll hand it over to her rightfully to kind of, he said it publicly in front of everybody on Christmas. And I think he kind of said it to be like, to stipulate, to make it very clear. Like we're not giving you this coat, yes, but you have to pass it back to all hundred. To her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:02 So it was fair. This was a few years ago. And my mom is like, you need to have a conversation with your dad because you know what pissed me off about that? Like, I wish my dad had had a conversation with me beforehand. It was kind of like, I was on the spot. At least offer it to you. Well, no, not even offer it to me.
Starting point is 00:10:15 He could have just pulled me aside because it's his mom at the end of the day. He could have pulled me aside and said, hey, I know, but he could have said, hey, Carol is going to open a box for me. It's going to be your grandma's main coat. I want you to have a heads up that code is coming back to you. It's just a gesture right now. Obviously she's not going to live forever. You're like, let's just, we don't know, we don't know, but like, and who knows?
Starting point is 00:10:37 She could all live me. We never know. But like he could have made it clear. Hey, you're, you're going to get that. Warning. So it's not such like, cause it was like jarring, triggering. Right. So that's kind of like my point here.
Starting point is 00:10:47 There's ways to do it that are a little bit more graceful. Yeah, definitely. But. Have the conversation now. Yeah. I'm a big, big, big fan of like things getting passed down and heirlooms, like jewelry and things like that. And me and my grandma talk about it now and she's like, do you want this?
Starting point is 00:11:02 Do you want this? I'm like, yeah, I do. I would love that. I'm having my grandma right now make me a recipe book of all of her favorite recipes. So I have that stipulate that stuff now because when people die, families fucking battle as like disgusting as it is, people go to war over things they feel entitled to and you don't know if like, just care and have siblings. No.
Starting point is 00:11:23 So that's the thing is there's no really, there's not really granddaughters for to pass it on to. Yeah. I never had any children. And then. Well, there's no one that could go in. I'm not nervous about it going to the wrong person. It's more.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Might as well just have the conversation. Yeah. Might as well just have the conversation. And I'm not here to be spoiled. That's fine. You know, I don't care. It was more so like not having the conversation to get on the same page, you know. And that's what the husband could have done here.
Starting point is 00:11:46 This is, you know, your daughter that just passed away. She could have had this conversation with, you know, his wife, who is the one writing this. Like, I know this is your daughter's dress. Yeah. She just passed away. You know, is there any chance you'd let her wear it? It's all about communication because like if my, similarly, if my dad had a conversation
Starting point is 00:12:04 with me before, it would have been a better, it would have been a different scenario. I would have been less caught off guard. There would have been, you know, better messaging about it. Same thing here. Like he should have had a conversation with her, take her temperature before the girl approached her. What ends up happening? I declined to discuss it anymore, but they kept bringing it up and asking if my daughter
Starting point is 00:12:25 would have wanted someone else to have the opportunity to wear this dress. That's so unfair. Since she unfortunately couldn't. That's unfair. That is emotional manipulation and abuse. That's unfair because like when my head, when we were talking about my grandma's coat, I'm like, I guess we don't know who my grandma would have wanted to have it because she's passed away now.
Starting point is 00:12:39 So we can't ask her anything. You can't imply anything either. Hey grandma, did you want Alejandro to have it or did you want my new wife that you never met to have it? Yeah. We don't know. Maybe she would have said, I'll give it to your wife. Make her feel more of the family.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Like include her. Right. You're like, you don't know. Yeah. But to use this in a way where it's emotionally manipulative, you're twisting the knife. This woman just lost her daughter a month before that daughter was supposed to get married. And now your new daughter is getting married, which is already a trigger because being at that wedding is going to be very difficult in itself and then to be at that wedding and
Starting point is 00:13:13 then watch this girl wear the dress, wear your daughter's dress. Especially if it was like, there was a little arm twisting in order to get the dress. Oh yeah. I wouldn't even feel good at that point. If you don't want to give me the dress, I don't even want the dress. No, why would you force that? How would you feel good? Being like, I had to twist your arm to get your juju at that point.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Daughter's wedding dress, which I'm also going to put my own spin on. Like, no, I'm sorry. If you're going to wear that dress, leave as is. That should be an original dress tailored to your size. But she made very specific adjustments to this dress. And that dress is going to see the wedding as is. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Don't try to make it your own then. That's messed up. Go buy your own dress. Exactly. Go buy the dress you want. If you really, if this is a really about honoring her, like this is genuinely like, I really want to honor your daughter, then you wouldn't want to change it. You wouldn't want to change it.
Starting point is 00:13:59 You'd go get your own wedding dress and you'd approach her and be like, I want to honor Lauren in some way. How would you feel about me taking a piece of fabric from her dress and using it as like, I don't know, like sewing it on somehow or even just using her veil, using her veil, using something that's not so significant to be like, I want to incorporate her into my day because she didn't get her day. And I want you to feel like, you know, I don't want this to be a miserable event for you because of your loss.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Yeah. Instead of like, let me just take her dress. No, this is purely about her. Yeah. She's being a little bitch. This made me so mad. I lashed out at both of them and kept saying no. Others said I had no right to act like that, leaving the dress in the closet when my step
Starting point is 00:14:36 daughter can make good memories with it. But she said she's planning on changing its look. Yeah. No. Yeah. No. Any hour services has a team of technicians that can take care of any plumbing, electrical or air conditioning needs you might have around your house.
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Starting point is 00:15:07 Call any hour services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than any hour services. Top comment, 100% not the asshole, but everyone else in the story sure is. The fact that both your stepdaughter and your husband are continually guilting you after you had firmly said no is just disrespectful. It's preying on your grief. I'm disgusted that any person who claims to love you would presume to tell you what your recently deceased daughter would want.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Also a girl can avoid having to look for another wedding dress. Yeah. It's an audacity to tell you that you are making things complicated. I'm infuriated for you. I am too, because Touche, the comment, yes, hit the nail on the head. Yes, perfect because it's true, like you're not inconveniencing anybody. Like she, if Lauren had never been alive, that girl would still have to go get her wedding dress.
Starting point is 00:16:01 If Lauren had never passed away, she would probably still have to go get her own wedding dress. Either way at the end of the day, like I think it's also, I can't understand why she would want to wear this because in my mind, I'm like, this was her dress. She was planning on wearing it, fucking disaster struck and she didn't walk down the aisle. I wouldn't even want to wear that dress. No, no, I wouldn't feel right wearing it. I wouldn't feel right.
Starting point is 00:16:23 It would make me sad. It would make me sad. Honestly, like I feel even nauseous about the thought. I know. Yeah, I don't. Like why would you want something that's so tainted? Her whole day was ruined, canceled, didn't happen because she passed away. And yeah, I don't like this.
Starting point is 00:16:35 No. So OP response to that comment and goes, you're right about what you said. My husband said he thinks that Zoe is trying to get close to me and bond with and claims I'm not opening up to her, but the dress shouldn't be involved in my relationship with Zoe. Yep. I don't know why he refuses to see how unreasonable they are being. I'm exhausted and can't take any more guilt tripping. She needs to just put her foot down firmly and say, this is non-negotiable.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah. I've, the dress has been relocated. I've completely handed it off to a secure place because I don't even want the dress. I would honestly get, I would give the dress to a close family member or friend or I would put it away and like a safe, I would get the dress out of sight. So they don't steal it. I've put the dress away for safekeeping for the foreseeable future. One of the other top comments, he's going to steal that dress and give it to his daughter.
Starting point is 00:17:21 That would be like a whole nother level. That's first of all theft. And I'm willing to bet that the dress is over $1,000, which actually becomes a felony grade theft. Oh yeah. And like, that's insane. Yeah. That's a whole nother.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Yeah. They also say, OP, you should store the dress somewhere else until at least the wedding is over. Yeah. I mean, like, I wasn't even saying that so much out of fear that they'll steal it, although they could. We don't know these people. They might be off the record.
Starting point is 00:17:44 If they're willing to emotionally manipulate and get out of this woman after a significant loss like that, who knows what bounds they're willing to go to. Right. I would put it away, but I would also just say like, it's gone. This is out of my hands. It's not an option anymore. Yeah. It's not even an option.
Starting point is 00:17:58 I took it feasible. I took it out of the equation because I couldn't handle the, you guys are making me relive such a traumatic grief, which is shame on you, but I'm going to look out for myself. So I have completely taken the dress out of the equation, though we, we can bond by dress shopping together. I'm more than happy to go dress shopping with you, even though it's a sense. It's still painful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:15 It's less. It's more painful to have you wear my daughter's dress. Yeah. It's like, if you, because Zoe said it's about bonding, but what better bonding activity with your mother and yeah, whatever she is stepmom than to go wedding dress shopping with her. Exactly. Like when I go wedding dress shopping, I just thought about that.
Starting point is 00:18:30 I never thought about that till this minute. Who would I bring? Like, I guess I'd bring my mom. I'd probably bring my stepmom because I'd want her to feel included. My stepmom never had kids. So like she never had got to go with a daughter to do and never will unless it's me. Right. So like, cause I'm the only girl.
Starting point is 00:18:44 So I would try to, that, that's a bonding activity. That's special. Like me just inviting my stepmom to come dress shopping with me would put her in tears. It's such a nice gesture. It's such a gesture. And then, you know, there's, there's like my boyfriend's mom and my boyfriend's sister. Like, I was like, geez, do you bring like a whole squad? You do.
Starting point is 00:19:01 Who do you bring? I would do. I'd bring my stepmom until right now. It is literally like, I mean, I watch that show, like say yes to the dress and they go to Klinefeld. Who did they take? They bring everyone. They bring mostly it's mom and future mother-in-law sister.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Oh, you do bring your future mother. So I'd have. That's kind of a standard. Okay. So I'd have my mother. I'd bring my stepmom just cause I want to make her a part of that experience. Yeah. It would mean so much to her.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It would. And then my, obviously my future mother-in-law, if I marry Brett, his sister, I feel like I'd bring his sister. I'd bring my sister. Right. Cause I'm not going to bring his sister. I'm going to bring my sister. And now I've got.
Starting point is 00:19:36 You're at what? And then I want to bring my cousin Meredith because she's like my sister and she'll be a bridesmaid. Yeah. And then I want to bring my friends. I want to bring you. I want to bring my friends. We're going to tell me like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Cause my mom just, well, actually my mom's a savage. I know your mom might be like, your mom might make you cry, try to untrust us. Now that I think about it. I need some cheerleaders. Yeah. Well, yeah. No, I need friends there too. So geez, do you roll in with like 12 people?
Starting point is 00:20:01 Yeah. Do you really? Some people do. That's standard. Which has been, yeah. It's, it's very, very common to go wedding dress shopping with like a group of people and you make a day of it. And if you have a grandma, do you bring your grandma?
Starting point is 00:20:11 Some people do. Oh my God. That's too many grandmas. I know. Some people do. I think like I plan my mom. Yeah. Who would you bring?
Starting point is 00:20:19 My mom, Justin's mom at this point in time. And then like made of honor, a couple of bridesmaids. Oh, I forgot about them. I'd probably bring my grandma. You would. Yeah. I want to make a day of it. Like I want to, I don't want to get too champagne drunk because then it's like I could have
Starting point is 00:20:36 booze glasses and pick an ugly one. For sure. But yeah. I wouldn't let you. You gotta do it right. You gotta have fun and like, yeah, have people there. Dang, I didn't even think about it. That's like a spectacle.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Do you bring all your bridesmaids? Some people do. It depends on where they live. I feel like if I didn't bring all of them, people would be offended. They'd be like, you know what her dress looks like. And I know, you know. I know you can at least invite them or you say like, I'm going to go pick out the dress with family and then you all can come to the try on.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Oh, wait. What's the difference? So you'd have to get fitted multiple times sometimes before you ever pick a dress. No. So you pick your dress and then you get fitted and then they alter it to you. Pick the dress with your family and then go back for the fitting for the reveal with your friends. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:20 But some people don't even show their bridesmaids their dress until the day. Like they, there's a lot of pictures I keep seeing of like wedding parties and they do a reaction. Yeah. And so they reveal the dress to all their friends that day. I can't do secrets. I can't do anything about sending all my best friends a picture being like, which one? Like my purse.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I'm so indecisive. There's no way I'm going to be able to go in there and pick a dress and I'm sorry. I love my mom. I love my stepmom. I love breast mom. I love all of them, but I'm going to need a friend opinion. Yeah. I can't.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Cause they're going to love. Yeah. Like you need a lot of opinions and like you just, you want to pick the right one. It's your big day. So it's like you want all of those people supporting you. But that's the tough part too is you're going to have a lot of opinions in the room. So true. That dress makes you look fat.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Look at your arms. And that one will shred me and every single time I am going to be such an asshole. Like if you have nothing nice to say about the dress, don't say anything. Just say you're not a fan. Okay. Not a fan. And we'll move on. See, I don't, I don't fucking talk about my arms.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I won't do all that though. I'm self conscious about my arms. Oh my God. Fuck off out of here. If you're going to critique me. But like if my mom were to be like, that's just not the one, I'm not going to be like, okay, sounds good. I'm going to be like, why?
Starting point is 00:22:28 I need reasons. I need reasons. You want specifics. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it. I know it's a lot.
Starting point is 00:22:36 This other comment kind of struck me as odd too. They go, the wedding is in April and it's already March. How does this woman not have a dress yet? Wow. They're definitely planning to steal it. Oh my gosh. I didn't think with the logistics. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:49 This was a recent post. This was 18 days ago. Oh my gosh. Wait. So they're getting married like this April. Yeah. How do you not have a dress? It takes so much time to get a wedding dress altered.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Yeah. Why is that? A lot of fabric. Yeah. Especially if you're doing a bustle. What's a bustle? A bustle is if you have a long dress and like a long train, you, they basically put like a little rope on the end and bustle it up.
Starting point is 00:23:12 So when you're dancing, you can like pin it up essentially and it looks like it's ruched in the back. Wow. Yeah. So if you're doing a good quality bustle of that takes a lot of time, there's so much that goes with it. It's insane. But yeah, OP, the only comment she had was the one saying the daughter trying to get
Starting point is 00:23:32 closer to her. Yeah. This is her way of doing it. I just feel like there's other ways. It's always being very inconsiderate. And like I said, if she, if her true intention is wow, you're not going to get closer to your stepmom by wearing her daughter's dress. No.
Starting point is 00:23:45 You're just going to trigger her and if anything, she might resent you because what if you don't wear it well? What if you spill on it? What if something happens? That's going to taint your relationship. So it's going to create more drama. It's going to create new memories with her, distract her and say, Hey, I'd love for you to come.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Dress up with me. Yeah. I think that's the best way to do it. Yeah. I think this girl seems a little conceited and like emotionally manipulative. Like, oh, you don't, you don't love me the same. That's, that's what messed up. Come on.
Starting point is 00:24:09 You know that. That's not fair to ask because you know the answer. I'm sorry. Anyone who says no, I love you all the same. They're full of shit. There's a different love when they come out of your badge. Oh, you went through that labor of love pushing them out of you. It's different.
Starting point is 00:24:23 I'm like 26 year relationship with a daughter you birthed versus you just met this girl. Well, yeah, they've been married for five months, but you've known her for like two and a half years. Okay. Yeah. Not the same. I've had water bottles in my room for longer than two and a half years. Literally.
Starting point is 00:24:36 Okay. Whoa. Kind of messy room. No, but that's, I think that says it's unrealistic. It's unrealistic. No. The fact that she would ask that shows where her headspace is. She's just emotionally trying to manipulate the whole situation.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Yeah. I agree. Like this show and want to make your own. Let me tell you about anchor. It's the site that I use for my podcast and best part, it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. And anchor will even distribute the podcast for you.
Starting point is 00:25:05 So it can be heard on Spotify, Apple podcasts, and many more. It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place. Download the free anchor app or go to to get started. Am I the asshole for not letting my matron of honor hold her baby during my wedding ceremony? First of all, I hate that you called it a matron of honor. Is it nor is that that? Is that the original? That's the original.
Starting point is 00:25:35 And then it got made and shifted to made of honor. Now that I'm thinking about it, I kind of hate made of honor too, cause like made. You're made. You're my maid. You're a servant. Yeah. You peasant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:47 What would you even change it to though? My best bitch. I don't know. My main bitch. That's better than made. Yeah. Even like lady. Lady of honor.
Starting point is 00:25:59 Lady of honor. That sounds so British and classy. Yeah. It sounds like a Bridgerton or whatever. It does. I haven't even seen the show. But I know. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's so good. Coming from a self-proclaimed probably future bridezilla, I'm gonna go with no, you're not an asshole. No. You're fucking up the aesthetic. Your wedding pictures would be, I'm sorry, sorry for all the people that love babies. First of all, Morgan and I, let's just, let's just, it needs to be known that we're not anti-babies, but we're not pro-babies.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I'm not the biggest fan of kids in settings where it's not kid-friendly. Yes. Let's leave the kids at home. Yeah. Or you know what? Hey, have daddy hold the baby. Or guess what? If the dad's not in the picture, guess what?
Starting point is 00:26:43 My dad'll hold your baby. Yeah. I'm telling them, God damn baby, but it's not you. Someone at the back by the door. I'll hire someone to hold your baby for the day. Exactly. And someone at the back door. Someone in case it cries.
Starting point is 00:26:53 So in case it cries. You can just. Just like zip out of there. Babies are turbulent. They are unpredictable. They're unpredictable. And that baby, maybe your baby's amazing, but on your wedding day, let's say that's the day that your baby decides to just choose chaos.
Starting point is 00:27:06 To be a terrorist. Yes. To be a terrorist. And he starts throwing up. Oh my God. Can you imagine he throws up and gets on your wedding dress? I would, I would just be, I rate. I rate.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Or he starts having a fit because it's a weird setting and they're not used to it. There's, well, in your baby, imagine him sitting up there. Also, why does she want to hold it? I don't know. Hold your fucking pretty flowers and have fun. What is her, does she have contacts like, oh, it signifies something? Let's, let's get into it. Let's dig in.
Starting point is 00:27:33 I'm just really passionate about it. I know. And this is a hot take in itself. It is a hot take. Some people are like, oh, kids at weddings, it's a fun experience for them. And I get like, you have the flower girl and the ring bear and those are those traditional roles that you, you know, you have and I'm all for that. But then after, you know, once that, you know, you walk down the aisle and the kids do their
Starting point is 00:27:51 job, it's like, have a nanny or a babysitter or even like a family member that's older and doesn't want to stay super late, like take those kids before things get wild. Cause like a lot of people have open bars now and things like that. And it's just like, I didn't think about that. It's a lot to then like your, you know, your friends that are supposed to be there supporting you and having a good day. And then they have to worry about, you know, their kids. So I'm big on like, I really, you know, you see all these, these hot takes of like, here's
Starting point is 00:28:16 what I want at my wedding, child free wedding, leave your kids at home. And a lot of people are in arms about that. They're like, I can't come to your wedding unless I can bring my kids. It's this fine line of like, what's the vibe you want and like, do you set hours? Like all kids need to leave, you know, an hour after cause we're fucking going to rage. See, here's the thing is I don't trust people to self monitor. Yes. My solution is so farfetched.
Starting point is 00:28:41 I'm just going to try to be super well off so that when my wedding rolls around, I can have a daycare center. I thought about, I already thought about the daycare center. When you were talking so many ideas were going in and out of my head, daycare center crossed my mind, but I figured some people just aren't going to feel right about that. What I would try to do is I would, the people who really need it, I'm not even going to volunteer it. If they come to me and they asked about the kids, I'm going to say, I will hire a babysitter
Starting point is 00:29:04 who I know and trust to watch your kids for the night. Really. That's so generous. That's what I would do. To me, that's a night that you're going to remember forever. You want to have all your friends there. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:29:14 120 bucks a night to hire a few babysitters. Well, and it's like, I was a nanny and I had to watch three kids at one time. And then sometimes, you know, their little friends would get dropped off and I was watching eight kids at once. Yeah. And I was only 20 bucks an hour. So it's like, yeah, 200 bucks for a nanny to take everyone's kids. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:31 Let's go. Yeah. Let's do it. Let's go. I would totally, totally go that route. Put it into the wedding budget. They're there. It's kind of like out of sight, out of mind.
Starting point is 00:29:39 Yeah. Like, and people feel more comfortable when someone's at their home and these people would have like background checks. Like it would be like not just anybody I would like hire very trustworthy people because I'm like, no excuses. Like you've got a nanny. You go home when you're ready. I'm ready now.
Starting point is 00:29:52 But you know what happened with the issue with this plan is I've just already realized that I can't do a destination wedding then it has to be a wedding in town. You just bring the nanny with but I have, I'm probably going to multiple nannies by the time I get married, multiple of my friends will have had a baby. So that means I'm going to have a nanny for each family. No, you just have like one nanny and like, where does she take the babies? She gets a one that she's just gets one of the sweets. Where?
Starting point is 00:30:17 In the, at the resort. Who thought I'm getting married? Well, where are you going to get married? What if I get married? What if I get married at your barn? Then what? They should stay at the hotel. What hotel?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Wherever the guests are staying. Oh, there's logistics. People aren't going to sleep in fucking tents. I know. I know. I know. So this gal. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:35 I'm getting married at 21 female. I'm getting married at the end of July, 2021. My sister, 29 female is my maid of honor. And she's her sister too. Fuck you. I feel like God, he's like, no, mom is holding the baby. What? I know.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And like a lot of times like some people are really, really close with their siblings. And then some people aren't and they feel that like, like we have a friend who's not as close with one sister, you know, compared to the other. And it's almost like she's talked about, you know, when I get married, I can't exclude any of my sisters. It's more of a formality. It's not like she'd pick her to be a maid of honor, but it's like, you don't want to step on her toes or her feelings.
Starting point is 00:31:16 It's a formality. And I mean, the age gap here too, it's an eight year age gap. So yeah, maybe that's the vibe, but yeah, gotta walk the dogs, school drop off meetings from 10 to three, take kids to soccer practice, then there goes the extra time for a jog. That's okay. Maybe next week. When everyone else relies on you, it's easy to put your needs last. Therapy is a dedicated time to focus on what you need to be happy.
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Starting point is 00:32:18 That's My sister is my maid of honor and she's currently pregnant with her fourth child. Her due date is a few weeks before my wedding and I could not be more excited to meet my new nephew. However, she's been making some comments that are a bit worrying to me. She has repeatedly told me that she is going to hold her new baby as she walks down the aisle, regardless of my thoughts, despite the fact that her husband will be at the wedding and able to hold the baby.
Starting point is 00:32:46 She plans to hold her baby during the ceremony and even feed him if she needs to. This lady is going to whip out her tit. You know where I stand on all these things. I'm pro. I am pro. Free the nipple. I don't think women should be shamed for breastfeeding anywhere. But this is your wedding day and you're going to have anywhere from 50, some people go big,
Starting point is 00:33:09 go home, like fucking 400 people at their wedding. You want 400 people to just be trying to focus on you, say, in your vows and your sister's there with her boobo. She was going to try to feed it during the trip. Yeah, that's what she said. Come on. Can't babies wait? I don't know what the period is of time.
Starting point is 00:33:25 You can pump and have a bottle ready, but at the end of the day, this is the sister egging this on. I'm going to walk down the aisle with my baby, I'm going to hold my baby, and if I'm up there and I need to feed my baby while I'm at it, I'm going to. I would be like, hey. How can you even get your boob out and a bride to make sure they're not friendly like that? I would honestly be like, I wish you wouldn't, but if you must, then maybe don't be my maid of honor.
Starting point is 00:33:51 That's where I would be. Your mother duties seem very important. It trumps. And it trumps the maid of honor. And I understand. I would make it like a, I totally understand you can't be my maid of honor. Make it very just, don't worry about it. You need to be a mother.
Starting point is 00:34:07 You have four kiddos. Have so much fun with your kiddos. It's okay. Why don't you just sit this one out? Yeah. I don't know. Call me selfish, but that's my wedding day. You want it to be the most remarkable day possible, especially like we talked about.
Starting point is 00:34:21 Weddings are expensive. So it's like, why spend all this money and not make the most and be the happiest with it. And it's distracting. Let's just be honest. If someone's up there holding a newborn, everyone's going to be looking at it. Maybe it's like doing something funny. Maybe it's like crying.
Starting point is 00:34:37 That's so offensive to me. It's almost like stealing the spotlight because everyone, like most people do like babies. People are like, Oh my God, a baby. So that's kind of rude to me. It's the ugly googly. Yeah. Like you're standing up there kind of stealing the show. Well, and her due date is only a few weeks before the wedding.
Starting point is 00:34:52 Right. So it's like very young. Very young. And like, it's not good for him or her. Well, no. And babies at that age, it's they're on just their cycle of eat, sleep, poop, repeat. It's just a time in their life where a lot of stimuli can be very aggravating. And it's, it's a lot to put a newborn through, especially just even thinking about like germs
Starting point is 00:35:12 and they're like, again, July, 2021, like we're still in a pandemic here right now. Yeah. It's a few months away. So the little ones immune system is not smart. Yeah. It's not smart. I don't know. She's not the asshole.
Starting point is 00:35:25 No. I told her she should feel welcome to have her new little baby with her during the day while we are getting ready. But when it comes to walking down the aisle, I would not like her to be holding the baby. Yep. The baby could cry, poop, need to eat, et cetera, et cetera. Literally. She has insisted that she will be holding her baby during the wedding.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Otherwise she will not be in the wedding. Fine. Go off. Bye. Have at it. Teach their own. You, you feed your baby in the crowd, lady. Yes.
Starting point is 00:35:53 No problem. See you there. Oh my God. Like, okay. I, I sound heartless. Like, of course you want your sister to be in your wedding, but her motherhood comes first. So like, that's not even, you know, being disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:36:04 No. And it's, it's a very important role. And it's like you have a newborn baby and that baby is your, that baby's lifeline. So yeah, you do need to take care of your child first and foremost. Yeah. But at the end of the day, then you don't need to be standing next to your sister on her wedding day. I agree.
Starting point is 00:36:19 Sit this one out. In addition to the baby holding dilemma, she has jokingly told me that she will call me a bad aunt in her wedding speech, or she will get her other kids to object in the middle of my wedding. Oh, that's so rude. I think she is trying to be funny, but all of these comments are frustrating and hurting my feelings. The sister seems very off her rocker.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. I get she's, you know, a lot of hormones during pregnancy, maybe, you know, not the clearest of, you know, head, but not the soundest of minds. No. You can't object on someone's wedding day. Yeah. For what? Isn't that like, um, I heard that that's actually an old tradition.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Okay. This is going to be so bad if it's not true. I've heard, no, I, it might ring about, have you heard about where that started from? If like there was another man in lieu, like if, oh, what, so if she was already married, I think that we can look this up. Yeah. The objection actually came from, um, I think it's something that used to be back in the southern, southern part of the US to make sure they weren't related.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Oh, I look it up. I would believe that it's like an objection to the marriage if, if they're related or if, yeah, if one of them had been previously married and is still married. That's what I've heard. I've heard like, I'm sure there's an abundance of reasons, but I've heard that it's because of the fact that if the, if the, one of the partners had a secret spouse, yes, it gave the spouse a chance to come up and be like, no, sorry, that bitch is already married. Oh, kind of like the wedding I told you about in New York where, yeah, you should, uh, you
Starting point is 00:37:49 should mention that story. Yeah. So this, this, my boyfriend, um, he has a friend and they, he was getting married to this girl, his long-term girlfriend, and they had this elaborate, beautiful wedding. I won't say where, cause I don't want to be too identifying, but like a very high profile place, a very nice venue, the man himself is high profile, the man himself is somewhat high profile, a lot of money involved. So let's just say it's a very, was a very expensive wedding.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Do people have to sign NDAs to go? I don't know. I don't think so. Okay. I don't think so. But it was like a very like bougie event, bougie and like so much money. Like we just talked about how expensive weddings are. Like this one was probably very, very, very expensive.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Six figures. Yeah. Easily. Probably seven. Yeah. I would, I would lean towards this up in figure range. Oh my God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:34 So anyway, um, they got married, but on the wedding day, literally the wedding day right before this bride is about to walk down the aisle, the mistress, the, who was really a mistress, like she wasn't calling, yeah, she, um, decides she's going to expose this relationship that she had with the groom and she releases, she creates an Instagram account simply to release like messages, screenshots, I don't die pictures of them on vacation together. Like he wasn't just like texting this girl. Like he was taking her on vacation as a whole, another relationship, another relationship. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And she exposed it on Instagram. She had the track, the, um, the hashtag was like trending on Twitter. So she used, she figured out their wedding hashtag was used to the wedding hashtag tagged the venue. Oh, the wedding venue or like used. Yeah. Geo tagged the wedding venue. God.
Starting point is 00:39:26 Um, she may have gone as far as to tag them in it. Like she, what did the most, and it was like hours before they were going to say, I do. And everybody, I mean, so my boyfriend went, I ended up not going to the wedding at the last minute, but he said like right before, like people are checking, cause you know, in this stage, everyone's on social media, everyone's on social media and they started seeing these things right before she's going down. You feel one, like terrible for the bride for that to happen on her day. And two, it's like, you could have done that a lot sooner if you were doing it for the
Starting point is 00:39:56 reason that you wanted her to know. But at that point, you know, she's doing it to be so malicious and get this attention and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. I mean, girl, her Hail Mary, like I think she had tried to get him to open up about it, but she was kind of like fine. I'll do it. Like it kind of goes back to our last episode, like throwing a grenade at a relationship.
Starting point is 00:40:17 And it was just, she, I mean, to wrap it up, she's, that's a nuclear bomb. That's a nuclear bomb. And that's just so sad to me. Like you're in your beautiful gown that you probably paid so much money for it. And this was a huge wedding. Hundreds of people were here. So you've been publicly. I heard from people who were at the wedding that it kind of threw the vibe off.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yeah. Cause how does it not? Right? Well, and it's like, it's the elephant in the room then. It's the elephant in the room. No one's going to mention it. You're fucking not going to approach the bride or ask her about it at the end of the day. You know.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And then from her perspective, you know, everyone there knows, and like this wasn't a, like I've had a situation in my relationship where someone tried to throw a grenade at my relationship with unsubstantiated like claims, right? Like, oh, did it up, but it, there was nothing to back it, right? This wasn't her just throwing shit and seeing what sticks she was putting out pictures of her clearly, the mistress and the groom, clearly his face. Like there's no. The way they pose in these pictures was like, are you not like, they're each one's your fiance.
Starting point is 00:41:16 They're all like a sports game and they're like smiling and I'm like, is he not thinking like this could be leaked in my face? Yeah. She even got like either his name or his initials tattooed. And oh my God. And the screenshot she posts like isn't even just his name, it's his phone number. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I was, it was really messy to say the least. So anyway, that, um, how, what, how did I get on this subject? I don't remember, but it was a good story. Yeah. No, that's a wedding story, right? So, I mean, so whack, whack, so whack and wild. So, oh, objecting, objecting. That's right.
Starting point is 00:41:47 That's your, this is the modern day of jacking, literally create a fake Instagram on the day of the wedding and release all the receipts, which is so coward. Like you said, just go there or like do it before the wedding even starts. Yeah. If you truly feel so inclined to stop this wedding or to communicate to one of the people getting married that you shouldn't do this for whatever reason, you have feelings, you know, someone's cheating, which if you know someone's cheating before the wedding, you better fucking tell them.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Like you're, you should feel obligated to. I think she did. I actually think she did try to reach out to her and she didn't return her calls. And I will speak on a personal note here that I actually talked to the girl, the mistress personally. So plot twist. What? What?
Starting point is 00:42:32 Plot twist. So that same girl was used in my relationship. So when I had my stalker situation, I literally just got the chills. I know. What? Yeah. So when I had my stalker situation, that's why I made that comment of like unsubstantiated claims.
Starting point is 00:42:47 Yeah. Yeah. No, I know. I mean, I know you had the stalker that was basically like trying to break you and your boyfriend up and just coming at you with all of this false information. Yeah. So she, she had created multiple, multiple fake Instagram accounts to like comment and message me.
Starting point is 00:42:59 Oh my God. And this was probably the, one of the more recent instances, I posted a picture of me and my boyfriend and she creates a fake Instagram account, comments on my photo and being like, she uses that example. She goes, what's going to happen when the same wedding day drama unfolds and she finds out about the other girlfriend and tags that girl who was the mistress. Oh my God. And I'm like, I see what you're doing here.
Starting point is 00:43:23 It's not going to work, lady. So I, I messaged her just for shits and giggles because I knew exactly what was being done. And I'm like, well, also it's like, I'm sure that girl has been dragged through the mud as it is. She has. Yeah. So, and she, you know, she subjected herself to that, which you kind of, you opened that can of worms.
Starting point is 00:43:40 That's on you. But at the end of the day, you don't need any more duress, unnecessary duress. So I messaged her just, you know, I messaged her actually to prove a point because as you know, I've been like building a case against this person in case I ever have to like try again. Oh yeah. I mean, so I've been going to have your, your evidence ready. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:58 I mean, it's actually really hard to use social media and as like evidence to get a restraining order against someone. Unless you can confirm IP address. Yeah. And, and you can't get an IP address because in order to get an IP address from Instagram, you have to get into Facebook and the government typically won't like approve us. You have to do like some hacking. You have to hack it illegally.
Starting point is 00:44:15 And most hackers aren't going to do that because who wants to hack into Facebook. So it's really difficult is what I'm trying to say to use social media evidence to like as proof that somebody is a threat in your life, which is a shame. It's a, it's a moderate shame. It's also very surprising. Because I, I, I honestly think that social media forensics needs to like step up their game in terms of protecting people because people use social media as a means to harass bully stock people.
Starting point is 00:44:36 And I know that you're doing it to yourself when you troll when you're behind a screen. Right. Right. So with this instance, this person created many fake Instagrams and this was one of them. And so I was like, you know what? I'm going to message this girl just because I want to prove something also just to like dish it back. Like, yeah, it's just, I know we like, we've talked to I didn't message the fake Instagram.
Starting point is 00:44:56 I messaged the mistress. No, I know. But did you ever send a screenshot back being like, you're full of shit? No, because she deletes the Instagrams, right? So, so, so she commented on my photo, what she said. And then Lauren came in hot and replied to her comment saying, like, you're a stupid bitch. And so the girl replied, oops, didn't mean to comment this meant to DM it and then
Starting point is 00:45:16 deletes her account. So I couldn't even message her if I wanted to, but I messaged the girl, the true psycho, the true psycho. I messaged the mistress girl. I super random and I sent her a screenshot of the profile and I said, do you know this person? Because she just commented on my boyfriend, on my picture of me and my boyfriend tagged you as like another girl that he's talking to you, even though you live in Vegas and
Starting point is 00:45:36 my boyfriend hasn't been to Vegas in years, but anyway, um, and she was like, I have no idea who that is. She's like, girls do crazy shit on. She was super nice. She was like, girls do crazy shit on this app. I'm sorry that you're dealing with that, but no, like I don't even, and I sent her my boyfriend. She goes, I've never even met that guy.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Like, I have no idea who this is. Her stalker episode is going to be, yes, yes, anyway, I'll save those ladies stories for that. Absolutely nuts. But yeah, I mean, if you, if you feel the need to object and it's a valid reason, right, shoot your shot. Just do it a little bit more. Try to do it before.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Classy. Try to do it before. Yeah. Like for sure. There's a lot, there's a lot of money being invested in these days. Do it before. I just, and the fact that this is back to the story, the fact that this is the sister making jokes about objecting and ruining her day.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Yeah. Sister's out of the wedding. In my book. Agreed. Top comment. Not the asshole. You should probably remove her from the wedding party, if not the whole wedding, because it sounds like she plans to make your day about her in one way or another.
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yes, literally. That's all I'm hearing. Like before I got here, I won't go off on another tangent. I was on the phone with my mom and she was talking about, she has three sisters and one of the sisters is acting very much like this person and it's like, those people, you have to put them in your place. They're plays. I think, especially when they're pushing boundaries, like at the end of the day, this
Starting point is 00:46:49 is your day. You're in control. You get to choose who does what. If she's not fitting into the role that you designated her. Yes. Yes. Bye. It doesn't benefit you.
Starting point is 00:47:00 It is your wedding. Not your family's wedding. It's your wedding. No, it's your fucking day. Yeah. Kick the sister out. Kick her to the curb. Justin hates talking about weddings.
Starting point is 00:47:08 He gets anxiety. Really? Why? It's going to be an interesting day. We'll put it that way. Yeah. I mean, there's always family dynamics. I've come from very dynamic families at this point and we both now, like his parents aren't
Starting point is 00:47:22 together. My parents are not together. So yeah, there's a lot there. I guess, yeah. I don't know how much I want to expose my dad, but I exposed my family on this podcast in a lot of ways. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:39 And it's like my biological dad, I have like my biological dad and then my adoptive dad, Jerry, that I live with and kind of helped raise me with my mom. And my biological dad, one time I like took him out for his birthday and he sat me down and I was dating a guy for like three years at the time, was getting super serious and he looks at me and he goes, so if you and so-and-so get married, who's going to walk you down the aisle? I didn't know that happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:08 And I'm like, well, I'm like, well, you know, I'd like you and Jerry to both walk me down the aisle. Like that would mean a lot to me. It's really important to me to have you both there. And he looks at me and he goes, no. If you want to have Jerry walk you down the aisle, I won't be joining. Don't even invite me to the fucking wedding. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So our wedding is going to be really fun. Oh yeah. Yeah. I'm not, no. Your wedding might be a little stressful. So these stories make me feel great. Yeah. No, I mean, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:48:39 I think people say that, but in the heat of the moment, like when the wedding comes around and that's, they'll, they'll, they'll be fine. Yeah. I think so. I mean, God, I haven't like, I haven't put a lot of thought into this. I literally during this podcast, I've had revelations of like, oh, wow. This is what I want. This is what you have to do.
Starting point is 00:48:55 So I don't, I haven't even thought that far, but I know I still have to get engaged. Yeah. Me too. That's a little, that's a little ways off. Yeah. We live in LA. It's like the most unaffordable city. And it's just like people don't get married here.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Yeah. Later in life. Yeah. Later in life. That's a delicate thing. I know I miss the Midwest for that reason. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I guess on that, in that note, but like, we got some good weddings coming up. Do. Noel. Yeah. If I'm invited. Yeah. I shouldn't speak out of turn here. I'm like, who's getting married?
Starting point is 00:49:24 Cause I have one wedding this summer for sure. My friend Kate. Oh yeah. You have Kate. Yeah. This summer? Next summer? Next year.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Next year. Yeah. COVID has kind of bopped things up. Yeah. Same with this wedding. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe if any listeners want a fun person, two fun people to come to their wedding, we
Starting point is 00:49:49 will bring it. Yeah. I'm down. All Honda can dance. I can dance. I cannot dance, but I'm a talker. You're a fun time. I'm a nervous talker.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Or if you need, if you're dating, if you're wedding people need plus ones. I mean, we have boyfriends, but girl plus ones. Yeah. I mean, they won't care if we're just going for fun. This is research. Research and development. This is so that we can scope what does and doesn't work at weddings. I'll put it on the company card.
Starting point is 00:50:17 Yeah. Do we recon for Reddit stories? No, I love weddings. I crush weddings. Yeah. But invite us. And I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of Two Hot Takes. Woo.
Starting point is 00:50:29 And that's all we got for this wedding edition. Yeah. There's more though. This is definitely going to be a recurring theme. Weddings are definitely kind of a polar. Weddings bring it. Yeah, they do. Weddings generally, but just weddings.
Starting point is 00:50:40 They are like a big, like what's the word? Conundrum. Like there's such a production. They're drama provoking. They're very, that's the word. They're drama inducing. Yes. Like they just bring out the worst or the best of people.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah. See, you got to, like, you got to make, you got to nourish your friendships now because I think about who I want next to me on my wedding day. And I'm like, I want the right people next to me. Oh, God, yeah. You can't just. You don't want to be photoshopping people out of your wedding pictures. Yeah, and you also don't want like to distance yourself from really good friends because you're
Starting point is 00:51:10 selfish and you're just not thinking about them. And then five years now from now you get engaged and you have a wedding and you call them up and they're like estranged at this point and you're like, Hey, I want you to be at my wedding or I want you to be at my wedding. And they're kind of like, I know you're not even close like that anymore. Distance makes things really hard. Yeah. But you just use them as like a, like a wedding, like, what do you call them?
Starting point is 00:51:31 Like a, like a. Like a pretty, like you just want to fill up your wedding with pretty bridesmaids and you don't even keep in touch with these friends. You know what I mean? Like you lose touch with girls that would have been like such great girls to have at your side on your wedding day. I completely agree. I think like, especially since we moved to LA and like a lot of our friends are still
Starting point is 00:51:49 in the Midwest, one of your best friends, one of my best friends, it's hard maintaining relationships with people like my best friend, Jordan lives in Chicago. And it's just when you're so far away, you can only text someone and say, Hey, you know, what's new? How's it going so many times? And it's like, uh, it's hard. It's hard to maintain those relationships. And then all of a sudden like they get married or you get married and it's like, what do
Starting point is 00:52:10 you do? Like you want to be there for their day. Yeah. We also haven't been as close. So I don't know. It's tough. It's really tough weddings are political to say the least. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Political polarizing. Yeah. Drama filled. I know. I might not even have a wedding. Hello. After this episode, I already did it, put much thought into that, but now I'm like, you're just going to low and then on the top, the cherry on the top of all this is that you're
Starting point is 00:52:33 like paying for this. Oh, you get a big for your own anxiety, big check that you're writing for like a lot. People say it's the best year of their lives, but I just know myself and I have a feeling it's not going to be the best day of my life just because I'm going to be stressed out. Yeah. I can't imagine. I'm going to cry too much. I'm going to cry.
Starting point is 00:52:51 I'm going to be furious. I'm going to do something stupid. Like, oh, I just, oh, I can, I'm already getting anxiety. I just know it. Can you see it now? Yeah. I just, I don't think it's going to like, I'm selling such a pessimist, but I just, I know myself.
Starting point is 00:53:01 You're a realist. I know myself and I'm realistic enough to know that I'll probably be more stressed than happy. So maybe it's best. I just don't do it. I know. I'm just like, I got to put my mom. I just got to like.
Starting point is 00:53:11 It's not even, I don't think my mom will blow it honestly. No, my mom was just like, she's going to cry and then I'm going to cry and get stressed out. It's like, I just need like my mom to have a babysitter for that day and just like put certain people on opposite ends. Yeah. Yeah. There's a lot.
Starting point is 00:53:27 There's a lot you got to think about. That's true. Well, that's all I have for you guys on this episode of two hot takes. I hope you enjoyed the deep dive and I can't wait to share what we have for you next week. Lauren and I have an amazing episode coming up and don't forget to check out our Patreon account. We cannot wait to drop more deep dive episodes there for you and really start building our community and just getting to know each other more.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So until next time, bye. Walk the dogs, school drop off, meetings from 10 to three, take kids to soccer, then no time left for a jog. When everyone else is relying on you, it's easy to put your needs last. BetterHelp connects you with a licensed therapist online so you can show up for yourself the way you do for others. Find more balance with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month.
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