Two Hot Takes - 115: Can't Stop Screaming Ft. Spencewauh

Episode Date: May 18, 2023

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Spencewauh! This episode features stories that make you want to scream!! So luckily we have the scream expert here to keep us composed.. or maybe... not. What do you think of these stories? Spencer's Socials: Our PO Box!! Two Hot Takes. 5042 Wilshire BLVD. #470. Los Angeles, CA 90036 Bonus Content on Patreon: Watch our Iceland Travel Vlog!!! Our SubReddit to Submit YOUR Stories!!! Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: Partners: Thrive Market: Earth Breeze: Miracle Brand: MasterClass:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The thought of my sons growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking. I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters. I started exercising instead of smoking. Staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key. I kept on trying, learned something each time. Do whatever it takes. No matter how many times it takes. We did it, so can you.
Starting point is 00:00:23 For free and confidential help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit This is your reminder to subscribe. Thank you, love you, bye. That was beautiful. Thank you. Are you ready? Yeah, I am ready. I have a feeling people are going to really love your voice on this.
Starting point is 00:00:45 Really? Yeah, I am ready. I'm ready. That's going to be so good. Are you ready to scream today though? I actually lost my voice because I did my daily scream today, but my voice has been shot recently. You're going to really let everyone down if you don't scream.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Okay, then I'll scream. I'll scream so hard that my voice will be gone forever. We don't want vocal cord damage. Okay, that would be bad. That would be bad. Maybe I was pushing it a little too much. Yeah, well sometimes vodka will do that to you too. Really?
Starting point is 00:01:21 Every time I drink vodka, I lose my voice. I feel like maybe it's because I've literally been on a bender. That would explain it. I had friends visiting and now some of them are gone, but my friend from the UK is still here. So you're entertaining. Yeah, he's staying with me. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:42 And I went out a few weeks ago. And by a few weeks ago, I mean like two days ago, and I saw this guy that like I've been talking to yada, yada, and we were like making out like there's like a, do you want to hear the whole story behind it? Let's go. Okay. So to make a really long story short,
Starting point is 00:02:02 I have realized that it is a lot more beneficial to act crazy straight, like straight out the gate. Yeah. Like be like real upfront about it instead of just, you know, act normal and then like bring out the crazy. Like I need you to know that like I'm that crazy bitch. You know what I mean? This is what you're going to get.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Are we allowed to cuss? Yeah. Okay. Sweet. Okay. Cool. Sorry. Cause I was going to say, uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:02:28 But basically it was my friends last night here and they wanted to go out and I was debating whether or not I wanted to go. Yeah. And then he messaged me. This guy I've been talking to for like a month and a half. And he was like, hey, I'm going out tonight. If you're going out, I'd love to meet up with you. And then I was like, okay, no more debating.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I'm going to go out. Yeah. I go out. This son of a bitch messages me. You want to know what he says? He says. I'm scared. He says, hey, so sorry.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I don't know if I'm going to come out anymore. My friends are like at home and I don't want to be a bad friend and leave them here. Bring them with bitch. I literally said verbatim. I said, that's okay. It's my fault for assuming you're the type of guy who would actually follow, follow through with the plans they make. And then I said, but just know I will not be going out of my way to meet you again
Starting point is 00:03:14 moving forward. Have a good night. Love that. You know what he messaged me back? I'm so scared, but I need to know. On my way coming right now. He showed up and then like we were making out and I made a tick talk about it. And now everyone thinks that the guy I was talking about is Joe from the UK,
Starting point is 00:03:32 my friend. Oh no. And I'm like, no, like, uh-uh, like I'd sooner die. Love Joe, but I would sooner die. Joe just ain't my type. He isn't at all. I don't even know if we've introduced you. People are going to be like, who is this?
Starting point is 00:03:50 Hi guys. Welcome back to another episode of two hot takes. I'm your host, Morgan. And today I'm joined by Spencer Hunt, a.k.a. Spencer. Hi everyone. Hello. I'm so happy I'm here.
Starting point is 00:04:03 I'm so excited. I'm so excited to have you. I pulled up the craziest stories today and they're kind of along the lines of like, I can't stop screaming. Like these are so bad. Okay. I'm just, I really hope that like my opinions align with other people's opinions. You know, cause I don't want to say something and then everyone else be like against me
Starting point is 00:04:27 and like the comments. The comments. Yeah. You know, it's kind of a weekly thing. It just happens. It happens. People, yeah. We're all not going to agree on things.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And I think it's like, it's, it's unrealistic to think you are like, Yeah. We are so diverse. And I mean, you look at even the Reddit comments on these threads. Everyone has a different take. Yeah. We're all just going to have to agree to disagree. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:51 And that's okay if you disagree. Exactly. Well, let's see what you think of these ones. Okay. I'm excited. Let's dive in. Okay. So up first, we're, we're just, I'm immersing you.
Starting point is 00:05:22 It's baptism by fire here today. Okay. Have you heard of that? No. No? And I've been baptized. Like what? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So this one is titled. Am I the asshole for calling her psychotic over KFC? It's my steps on Christopher's 11th birthday today. And every year on his birthday, he gets to decide what we are eating for dinner. This year, he wanted KFC. He is at the after school program until 530. My wife already went and got the food and had skipped out of the room to start decorating the family room for his party.
Starting point is 00:05:58 He invited over like six of his friends. So my wife spent over $100 on this food. Well, when I wasn't looking, my dog got into the food and managed to wolf at least half of it down. I was in a panic because of the chicken bones, but my wife was absolutely furious and told me to quote, get my fucking mutt out of her house. She had to call a day in advance to get this much food. And now her son's birthday party was ruined as well as her being out of money because
Starting point is 00:06:30 of my dog. I completely ignored her honestly and just rushed my dog to the vet to be seen. When I was there, she sent me this text, quote, do not even dare bring that fucking animal back to my house. I never wanted that dog here and you forced me into an environment where I'm now terrorized daily by your unruly, untrained fucking mutt. Your failure to train that fucking animal has left this family miserable. You try bringing that dog back here and I will proceed with filing divorce papers.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I will be taking back the money you now owe me from your share of our combined finances. My only response was telling her she's being fucking psychotic over KFC and she had better not touch my money because I'm not paying for that. She never responded. However, my buddy is saying I'm definitely the asshole because my wife has been vocal since day one that she doesn't want the dog in her house and has been asking me to re-home the dog since I got her. Am I the asshole?
Starting point is 00:07:31 My dog is an ESA and she's fine by the way. But my wife thinks my excuse of her being an ESA doesn't mean shit to her because she's convinced I didn't say I needed one until well after she said she didn't want a dog here. This is a lot done. Jesus Christ. I feel like I just had a cannonball shot at me. That was so okay. Welcome to Two Hot Takes, bitch.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Right, right. Okay, so here's my thing. You said that she voiced her opinion before he got the dog, correct? And my other thing, they are married, right? Married. They're married. Yeah, unfortunately. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Well, you know what I will say? I'm on the wife's side. My whole thing, at least for me, is even if I had a conversation, say we were married, and you were like, hey, I want to get a dog. And I was like, hey, I really don't want one. I'm very vocal about not wanting one in the house. And you were like, no, please, yada, yada. The least you could do is like try to train.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Do you know how old the dog is? I'm not sure. So we do have some edits. So maybe I'll give you those before we see more. So there is an edit right after the post that said, the wife came before the dog, have been married for four years, and got the dog a year ago. So doesn't really mention the dog's age in that. It could be only a year old, or he could have adopted like an older dog.
Starting point is 00:09:07 We're not really sure. But the thing is, this OP left a lot of shit out, like so much info, but was commenting back to people. However, the post has now been deleted by him because of the hate he got. Account is even deleted. So I can't even go easily search his comments, but it's okay because we have a screenshot. So someone kind of summarized it for us and goes, if you check the comments OP admits, Wife asked him to watch the food specifically because the dog has issues getting into food.
Starting point is 00:09:41 Wife was attacked by a dog, has scars on her face as a child, and has adamantly refused to get a dog. OP ignored her and got the dog and said it was needed as an ESA. Three, OP got dog as revenge since he'd had to compromise since moving in with her and her son, and feels she should have compromised on the dog. Four, OP feels he deserves to get what he wants because he has acknowledged her son exists and isn't cruel to him. Wait, so this isn't his son. Okay, can I, I really hope that he is listening. You're in the wrong, and if anyone is psychotic, it is you.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You sound bat shit crazy, and you need to be slapped in the head with a box of dicks. Like, what? Like, I'm sorry, but okay, first of all, now that I have more of the information, here's my thing. It's the fact that she, one, didn't want a dog because I have a friend who actually got severely bitten by a dog. That causes so much trauma, like being attacked by a dog. People do not realize how one painful it, my friend was out of school for like a week because the dog actually tore her arm. And the fact that you said that his wife had scars on her face, like I can't even imagine like how one painful and how traumatic that must have been. And the fact that she even allowed you to get a dog is beyond me because I would have said hell no, get yourself a fucking goldfish.
Starting point is 00:11:17 But she allowed you to get a dog, then asked you specifically to keep an eye on the food because the dog was prone to getting into food. And now you weren't looking, dog gets into food, she's obviously upset, she's not psychotic for being upset, and you're going to sit there, call her psychotic, and like basically say she's blowing things out of proportion. No, babe, like you are a, I feel like he's a narcissist, like he can't like admit that he's wrong. He's sound like I want to punch him. Well, there is another comment. Great. He basically goes on to say like someone kind of summarized it for us and they go,
Starting point is 00:11:57 he also says that she should be over her trauma because women are scientifically proven to handle trauma better. But for his depression, since he's a man, he needs the ESA. Trauma is trauma, like it's, yeah, it's going to be apples to oranges, but like how people handle their trauma is still how they handle their trauma. And all you can do is respect them. This is your partner, respect what she is asking you. Something as traumatic as that to being attacked by an animal. Also, I'd like to add this in as well.
Starting point is 00:12:29 You mentioned that he was like, oh, like me moving in with them, like that ultimatum, like that gave him a right to get the dog and him treating her son respectfully. That's the bare minimum. Bare minimum. That isn't like if you're walking into a woman's life and she has a child, the bare minimum is to treat that child with respect and you using that as leverage to be like, oh, that's why I deserve an ESA dog. Like you're an asshole.
Starting point is 00:13:01 You are the asshole. Yeah. It doesn't get any better. I wish his comments weren't actually deleted, but he basically kind of implies like he would have cheated if he wouldn't have gotten the dog. Like I've never been a cheater. Never will be what you have preferred. I cheated versus done something that I felt I needed,
Starting point is 00:13:20 like get a damn dog to have love and support I needed at the time when I was being neglected by my wife. So he got the dog so he wouldn't cheat on her. You know, it's crazy though. Guaranteed, like she probably neglected him more after he got the dog. Absolutely. Because it's like you are now inviting an animal into her home that she has trauma attached to. Like, and you're saying, oh, I had to get the dog to like, because if I didn't, I would cheat on my wife.
Starting point is 00:13:51 You know what? Honestly, like if I was the wife, I divorce him. Well, and he doesn't do anything either. So he does, he kind of elaborates that he pays for his share of electricity and utilities. What else does he bring to the table? Because I'm seeing absolutely nothing. Even financial help, I would rather have to pay for it myself than have this asshole as the ball and chain that I'm stuck dragging around.
Starting point is 00:14:17 Oh my God. Him being hit literally again, if the wife is hearing this, divorce him. You would be doing yourself a favor. Like that sounds crazy. That he actually sounds batshit. What the hell? Yeah. It's insane.
Starting point is 00:14:35 That's disgusting. I'm sorry, I'm still kind of caught up on him bringing the son into it. Him being like, oh, well, I show your son respect. Okay. What else are you going to do? You can't use that as leverage. You can't use like, oh, I treat your child with respect. So I deserve an ESA dog.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Based on the comments, he believes that treating her child with respect is a compromise. He says, I made a compromise to treat her child with the utmost respect. I've never made him feel unwanted. This is his words. I've never made that kid feel unwanted. I've always treated him with the utmost respect. Am I resentful because I made a compromise and my wife won't? You're damn straight I am.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Okay. A kid is not a compromise. It's not a compromise. That kid came before you. If you weren't on board for the kid, you shouldn't have put a ring on her fucking finger. Also on top of that, I'm sure that kid being a child of a single mother would be better off without your ass. Like you sound like you sound crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:41 I just can't imagine in my wildest dreams using a child to like basically validate why, like validate and use as a compromise and leverage in a situation. Like that isn't, he sounds really immature. Honestly, he sounds like I, he sounds like the guys I would hear on the locker room in high school. He sounds like his brain has not matured and he has literally like a pea sized brain. Yeah. Well, and this isn't like, I think what I really, what I'm picking up on him with what you're
Starting point is 00:16:17 saying too is like kids should never be used as leverage. Like the problem in your relationship is between you two. Like you guys aren't communicating. And he blames her job as like, she has a very demanding job. She's never home. Well, who pays the bills? Right. So you know what?
Starting point is 00:16:33 Maybe she would be home a little bit more if you got your ass up off of the couch and you worked as hard as she did. And you're going to sit here and say, oh, women deal with trauma differently. Can I tell you something? My mom, after giving birth to me, literally was back to work. I think it was like a week or two later. Oh my God. My mom was like quick with it.
Starting point is 00:16:54 Like my mom was a single mother. My grandma would watch me during the day. My mom would go to work. So she would be able to like support me and like raise me. And let me tell you something. Women are resilient. And I'm sorry to say this. Whether you were there or not, I'm sure she would have been fine.
Starting point is 00:17:10 But you, as I'm sorry from me to you, I mean this sincerely, you're a piece of shit. That's all I have to say. Okay. I think we're done with him. Yeah. Done with him. Moving on to better things. Not.
Starting point is 00:17:28 Oh, great. But it's okay. I mean, this next one isn't as heavy. Like he is truly the epitome of a terrible fucking person. He just sounds like delusional. That's the word I want to use. He sounds delusional and he sounds kind of almost, I don't want to say obsessed with himself, but he cannot acknowledge where he is wrong.
Starting point is 00:17:49 No, it's poor me. Yeah. I have the worst cards in this deck. Poor me. And him saying, and him also saying, I don't mean to like keep going, but him also saying like, oh, like women deal with trauma better. I'm sorry. She is a single mother working her ass off to pay rent and you only pay half of electricity
Starting point is 00:18:10 and utilities. And you're going to come at her sideways for having trauma with an animal that actually attacked her face. Quote, that happened literally 18 years ago. She should be well past it. I want him to get attacked by an animal. Like, okay, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, but I'm sure if it was on, I'm sure if the rules were reversed.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I would know. He could get kicked by a camel. Like if you get kicked by a camel or like kicked by a horse, like you're going to be most likely fine unless it's your noggin. Then yeah, you could have some brain damage. Yeah. But I mean, honestly, like if you know what, if the shoe was on the other foot, I'm sure he'd be whistling a different tune.
Starting point is 00:18:48 Yeah. And that is your dog that you weren't watching ate your son's, your stepson's food. You should be paying for it. Like, why is it your wife's responsibility that your dog ate her kid's food? No. Okay. For moving along for real this time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:19:06 One of this week's partners is Thrive Market. Thrive Market is our go-to spot for grocery and household essentials and it comes with the convenience of getting it shipped right to your doorstep. And while we love the food and the snacks, I mean, I was able to find a drink I couldn't find at any other grocery store in LA. That prebiotic pop that we love, ginger fizz. But we also have become obsessed with all of the household items as well. Our favorite toothpaste is off of Thrive Market now and we found this really good floss.
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Starting point is 00:20:37 So this next one is from r slash advice. It's one year old. It had his birthday recently. Oh, wow. So it is titled, How can I get my boyfriend to stop digging his tunnel? What? Like what? The anticipation is killing me.
Starting point is 00:20:53 I want to know what this tunnel is. So I know this is a weird question, but my boyfriend likes to spend a lot of his free time digging a tunnel on some property that he inherited. I haven't seen the full extent of it, but last I saw it was remarkably deep under the surface. He spent roughly a year on it and it's evident. The front of the thing is deep and wide, well put together. At the front, which is the only part I've seen, he's got cement beams, electrical
Starting point is 00:21:22 lights, even chairs and a small table. I haven't gone into it, but it looked like the quality severely dropped as the tunnel went further, mostly becoming open dirt with some wood beams holding it up. My biggest concern is his safety. I'm really worried that he's going to dig too deep and it'll collapse on him or something. I've tried voicing this concern to him, but he just laughs it off and assures me that he'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Aside from safety concerns, there's also the fact that he doesn't really have a social life because of this thing. I'm pretty much the only person he still talks to outside of his job and he doesn't go out or do anything anymore. It used to be that he'd occasionally head out and do some digging on the weekends, but now he spends almost all of his free time out there. He still comes home, but he barely spends any time with me, and I know that he isn't doing anything but digging that damn hole in the ground.
Starting point is 00:22:15 This can't be good for his mental health, but I don't know how to convince him to stop. He's always really happy when he comes back from digging, which is why I haven't seriously tried to stop him before, but I was talking to a friend about him and she told me he might be going crazy. Obviously, I don't think he's insane, but I hadn't considered the mental health aspect of this, and I just don't know what to do. I'm like so sorry.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I'm trying to. I'm literally like, I'm trying to imagine what I would do in a situation like that. That's a tough one. I had a boyfriend who was obsessed with digging a tunnel. You know what I would probably do? Go dig with him? No, because no. Couple that dig together, stay together.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Never in my life, no. I would probably be, you know what I would try to do? Try to get him invested in doing something else, but something we could do together. For example, instead of him digging a tunnel, because he owns this property, correct? He inherited it. I would say, hey, would you want to build a log cabin? Then after we build this log cabin, this can be our little getaway, and it's sentimental. It's something we did together, and it's like a place we can come back and relax to.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Instead of you digging a tunnel to who knows where. I literally, I would sit him down and I would look at him and I'd say, babe, where are you going with this tunnel? What is the point of digging it? Because right now, right now, you, I'm sorry, all our friends, I'm not going to say they think you're crazy, but they're concerned. They're concerned. This is the most thoughtful advice response I think I've ever had on this show.
Starting point is 00:24:02 No, I'm just trying to be like, hey. No, it's really good. I'm trying to think of like, I'd be like, we don't think you're crazy. We just think we're just a little concerned. One, it's not safe. Two, your social life has clearly depleted because you're always digging this tunnel, and I'm so happy it makes you happy. But why don't we do something together that's proactive and can still make you happy?
Starting point is 00:24:25 And let's build something. We don't have to dig and do something dangerous. Yes, building something could be possibly dangerous in the sense we can get hurt, but it's a lot better than me constantly worrying about you being underground, and possibly you getting suffocated if the cave caves in. Yeah. You know what I mean? I would say let's build, again, like a log cabin.
Starting point is 00:24:47 The log cabin was adorable. Yeah, I'd say let's build a log cabin and let's do something we can do together. And that way, when it's completed, we have somewhere to go together. And for all we know, we can keep building things or we can do anything but that. Yeah. I think that is so, so great. I think the log cabin is adorable because by the sounds of it, this property, it's got to be a decent size because he's able to build this tunnel to fucking Terabithia.
Starting point is 00:25:14 And I mean, you got to have a decent amount of room and even a small little cabin, like just like a little, you know, 10 by 10 little thing. You go have, you know, little slumber parties in. You know what else I would do? I love that. I would take them to a mine. I remember on my third grade field trip, we went to a mine and we were able to like use, I think it was like, it was like a chisel to like get stones.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Oh, cool. And I would say, hey, instead of you doing this, why don't once a week we go to the mine? We get a ticket to go to the mine. You have time to dig. You can do what you want to do. But at the same time, while you're digging, I can be there with you. We can dig in a safe environment. Safe, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And if you would like to, we can take time to build our log cabin. I think that's, that's great. Well, and it's more so the safety. If this was my partner, I'd be like, okay, we're getting you a fucking life alert button and an oxygen tank. Like just in case it collapses, you'll have a little bit and then you can trigger your life alert and then like you're good. But that amount of dirt falling on you, I don't even know if you'd be able to like
Starting point is 00:26:17 wriggle your hands through the dirt to like hit your life alert. Like help, I fall in like you can't. I don't know. Stressful. I had a kid in my middle school die from this. Like digging a hole in the ground? Yeah. Like famous beach in Duluth, cause it's on Lake Superior.
Starting point is 00:26:33 It's like canal park and there's sand at the beach and him and his buddies were digging a hole and it was like six feet deep. And I guess he, he was like trying to scoop or something from like the tops or something and he fell in and it collapsed on top of him and he suffocated. Yeah. Like this is very real. This is a safety thing. I would, I would tell him to like, you know what else you can do?
Starting point is 00:26:57 Like if he doesn't want to do either of the things I've suggested, I'd say, why don't you look for other people who are interested in digging and you have people that can be there who you can make friends with. It can be a social thing. So now you have more friends. I bet there's a digging group. Like literally, like literally go on discord and search like digging club and I guarantee like something would pop up.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I'm going to look on Reddit right now. I'm so curious. There's got to be a digging club. I'm sure people love doing that. Whole digging clubs exist. They exist. Yeah. I would literally say, hey, why don't you make a forum or something on Reddit?
Starting point is 00:27:37 There's so many. Make some friends, dig with them and hopefully people who come know like the safety precautions to put in play. Yeah. There's so many. There is a discord server too. And if you're in Boston, there's a whole digging club at BU. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah. Yeah. He's going to find his people. Wow. That would be great. I kind of ate that up. You did. I really did.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Like I gave so many good solutions. I need to be, I should be a therapist. I'm not going that far. You said scratch that actually. No, it's okay if you weren't because I need a therapist. No. I say the top comment on this one. If he doesn't have any training with confined spaces, he needs to stop ASAP.
Starting point is 00:28:24 A potential collapse is possible, but if he digs deep and doesn't properly ventilate it, he could run out of oxygen and pass out and die without knowing even what happened. This is a very serious danger that kills people in mills, mines and factories all the time, even with ventilation installed. The air down there does not get refreshed like it does on the surface, which I feel like I've heard about people falling into wells and dying because there's like, when you get that far down in the well, it's like, the air isn't good. So yeah, he needs to be careful.
Starting point is 00:28:55 He needs an oxygen pack for sure. Yeah. And like maybe to stop digging alone. That's like my main thing thinking about it. It's like doing it alone. Yeah. Because I know if you're like trapped in the dirt, you have a certain amount of time before you like fully run out of air and you die.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Okay. I literally, I don't know why our brains are on the same wavelength. I literally was just Googling, how long can you survive buried alive? Please do. You're likely to die from suffocation. A person can live on the air in a coffin for a little over five hours tops, but the coffin provides ample space. Like if it's just dirt on him, I don't even know if he would like have five hours.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Like it's like, he's breathing in the fucking dirt. He's eating dirt. It depends on how big the coffin is. A normal person might have 10 minutes to an hour or six hours to 36 hours, depending on whom you ask. Okay. So the, the research is not really there. It seems.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Yeah. I feel like you'd have to kill someone to do that. You definitely would. I'm not really for that. That seems like it's against experiment. Yeah. But I would say I feel like also if anything, if you have someone else there that can dig, I'm sure like say like only one portion of the cave collapses.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Yeah. They would be able to dig to you fast enough to hopefully be able to pull you out. I just said, I was more concerned by the fact that he's alone. Yeah. I don't like that. I can't believe like, well, it's not like she can go out there every time with him, but like, like at least maybe phone a friend and have the friend on the phone while you work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:35 It's scary. My whole thing is like, isn't he concerned at least too? I mean, clearly not, but I feel like he should be. Especially if this is something he enjoys doing, he should at least know what the dangers are and how serious those dangers are and should take the correct steps to prevent that from happening. I know. And it sounds like he kind of did it right. Like there's a cement thing at the beginning and wood beams like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:01 But even the, his girlfriend, she was saying the farther you go it down, like you can talk. The shottier it is. Yeah. Yeah. Time to stop. There's better, there's better things out there. Join a club. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Moving along. Moving along. I'm ready. Okay. Up next. Am I the asshole for refusing to eat a smash cake? Yesterday was my nephew's first birthday and my sister and brother-in-law had a little get-together at their house.
Starting point is 00:31:33 When it was time for cake, they brought out my nephew's smash cake. Exactly what it sounds. A cake for the baby to smash up and get icing all over themselves for a cute picture or whatever. I kind of imagined that it would be the size of a big cupcake, but they brought out a regular-sized round birthday cake. I just kind of figured they splurged and still expected the cake to just be for him to play around with. But after my nephew had gone at this cake with his bare hands, stuck his whole face in it, my sister started scooping up the mangled remains and distributing servings to everyone.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Just a handful of family members. And everyone was actually eating it. I declined because seriously, I don't want to eat something that has had a baby's grubby hands and body all over it. And I was surprised that anyone else did. My sister insisted I take a portion. And I said, really, no, that's gross. Now, I probably wouldn't have used the word gross if I wasn't on the spot.
Starting point is 00:32:37 But I was not at all prepared to politely decline to eat baby spit. My sister was very hurt by that and told me later on a phone call that I thought was way longer than it needed to be for the severity of the interaction, that she thought I was being extremely judgmental, that it wasn't a big deal, we're all family, and don't participate if I really don't want to, but don't call her gross, et cetera. Am I the asshole? My only thing is, well, no, I don't think he's the asshole. I don't.
Starting point is 00:33:13 But I can understand her being slightly upset about him being like, oh, this is gross. But at the same time, I think what she really needs to understand is like it is. It's disgusting. It's really gross. I'm sorry, your baby can be cute and adorable. I've had a baby sit on my lap and shit their pants on me. And I'm like, oh, OK. And then their parents take care of it.
Starting point is 00:33:35 You know what I mean? But it's like, that's the situation where if I knew it was going to happen, I would have placed the baby in my cousin's hands or placed the baby in their parents' hands. Someone else's lap. Right. So the fact that prior to the cake event, I saw the baby drooling. Also at the same time, like, I think babies are adorable. I think the cutest things in the world, but they're curious.
Starting point is 00:34:01 And what do they do? They crawl on the ground. Their hands are, they're searching for things they want to learn. They're curious about everything around them. And as someone who does have OCD, like I would be like, OK, I don't know how everyone else is unfazed by this, but I really, I can't do that. Like I do genuinely think that like this is unsanitary and it feels like I'm eating just like a cake full of germs.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I don't know if it's just from COVID, but COVID like really fucked up my view of like normal things and like sanitation. Like I went to a birthday party after COVID and they had a cake and the person blew out the candles. And I just thought about like as they're blowing out the candles, like some of their spit and like germs being all over the cake. And then I got to the point where I'm like, do I even want to eat this cake? Like they just blew spit.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Yeah. And I'm like, I never would have thought about that before COVID, but like there's certain things now where I'm like. But even I feel like even aside from COVID for me, it's just like the idea of like a baby basically like mangling a cake, like just like smashing it. And it's like, honestly, can I tell you what I would do? I would give the baby a really tiny cake to do what they wanted with it. They could eat it.
Starting point is 00:35:18 And then I would get a cake for the family. Exactly. And be like, okay, so that's for the baby. This is for us. So that way, like we're not eating smush, like baby mangled baby saliva cake. Yeah. I think that would have been the better solution. Also, I hate wasting food.
Starting point is 00:35:36 So it's like, you're going to let this little one year old smash a really big, nice cake that could have fed everyone. Like, and I get, okay, maybe it's a box cake. It was $3 or maybe it's the cheap one from the grocery store, whatever. But then like provide people another option that hasn't been smashed. Yeah. That's just, it's just, it seems tacky, if anything. On the mother's behalf.
Starting point is 00:36:00 I would understand why she would eat the cake. Like that's your baby. That's her baby. That's your baby. It's sucking on her boob. But it's like, right, like you pushed the baby out of you. Yeah. Like your baby, like again, like comes to you for milkies.
Starting point is 00:36:14 You know what I mean? Yeah. It's just like, that baby doesn't do that with anyone else though. And no one else pushed your baby out. Like, you know what I mean? It's just kind of like that baby is a part of you. So it's probably a lot easier for her to be like, oh, it's not that big of a deal. But it's like, if you...
Starting point is 00:36:33 She probably thinks her baby's pooping is cute though. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. She's a little biased. Definitely. Yeah. The top comment on this one is not the asshole.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Smash cakes are supposed to be only for smashing and for the baby to eat. There's usually a second non-smash cakes for adults to eat. Or the adults are just adults about it and don't eat any cake. I've never heard of someone trying to serve a smashed cake to adults. And all I think about, I don't think I have either. But that's what I'm saying. Like this is just, it is unusual and it just seems tacky. Like it seems...
Starting point is 00:37:08 Well, and maybe the sister's reaction then is like, kind of, she's embarrassed. Like she maybe didn't know that like you're supposed to get two cakes. Maybe she thought the standard was like everyone ate this. And it's like her deflecting almost. Yeah. Just getting defensive. And so to be called like gross, she's like... What?
Starting point is 00:37:24 I'm not gross. Like we're all family. I don't care if we're family. We can share DNA all day, but it doesn't mean I want your fluids in my mouth. Yeah. I know when you put that way, right? Yeah. You said a number.
Starting point is 00:37:41 You said fluids and I said, oh. But I'm just... I definitely think that he's not the asshole at all. No. I understand because if I were placed in that situation, I would say, hey, that's gross. I would... Yeah. I would call a spade a spade.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Because it is. It's like... It's nasty. And again, like I'm sure you keep your baby clean and I'm sure you give your baby... It can be two, one bath a day, whatever. The fact of the matter is, babies are so messy. They are. They're cute, but they're dirty.
Starting point is 00:38:19 Like I remember when my friends, especially like in elementary school, their parents would like literally have babies. And I remember going to my friend's house and like there'd be like this little kid there, like this little cute little baby, even my cousins just had babies. And like they're constantly like, you give them a block, they're like, oh, what does this taste like? And they're like shoving it in their mouth, there's drool everywhere. Babies explore the world through their mouth.
Starting point is 00:38:50 And their senses. Like all together. They're like, what is this? Like I want to taste it. I want to look at it. Like doesn't make noise. And it's like, is it adorable to watch? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:02 But I mean, if you're drooling all over the cake you're handing out to everyone, like I'm sorry. No. Oh, I don't know. Oh, do you have that disorder? Do you have a what is it, a metaphobia? No, I puke noises. They do it for you though, huh?
Starting point is 00:39:18 Like, okay, my friend, Emmy, I think I literally almost just made Spencer throw up like my in my eye. Don't like, if I have a bucket, if you need it, it's a typical white person thing. If I see someone throw up, it's fine. But it's like hearing the noise makes me want to do it, like makes me need to do the noise. I'm going to cleanse your palate right now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Oh my God. Speaking of cleansing my palate, let me have a little drink. Tequila! Yeah, hi everyone. We have little drinks with us. Drinking tequila today. I need to finish the other little bit of my shot here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:47 And then we're moving along. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was going to say, you can't do like a full shot at once, right? No, I can't open my throat, despite being really good at blowjobs, like I cannot open my throat. There's something about like the liquid.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I just like have to have it sit in my mouth, like a chipmunk for a little bit, and then I go, oop. Oh yeah. I also have like a big mouth. Like I can open it wide. Okay. You must be a dentist dream. Oh, a dentist and another, you said you're going to blowjobs, oh my, actually, real story.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Not going to lie. Yeah. My, we'll just say Voldemort. Okay. But you know what I'm implying, my ex, yeah. Voldemort got into like an actual argument with me because he was like the first person I did anything with. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:34 And he got mad at me because he thought I was lying after I gave him a blowjob. He was like, this is too good. He literally was like, no, that like you've done that before. Like why are you lying to me? And I was like, no, I'm, I'm not. I'm just gifted. I literally, that's like kissing that kind of stuff. You either got it or you don't sometimes.
Starting point is 00:40:52 You either have it or you don't. Yeah. And I got it all. But it is interesting because it's like, how do you learn how to give a good blowjob? Is there a YouTube videos on that? No, but I can tell you how to give a good blowjob. Elevator pitch. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Okay. So I always like to say you want to have your hand, like you don't want, unless like you're holding, like you're on your knees and you're holding their thighs and like you have it in your mouth. You know what I mean? Yeah. I'm envisioning. It's like they're lying down.
Starting point is 00:41:19 You want to stroke as you go down and then also the tip is very sensitive. So you always want to like give the tip a little bit of like, give the tip a little love, like lick it a little, you know? And then like you always want to avoid teeth, but, but I will say this, if you have the ability to, some people don't, I do. If you deep throat, I want you to whip out your tongue and like on the balls. God, you really are, you must have a big mouth to get your tongue out while you're deep throating.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Oh yeah. Like I go down and then I lick the balls. That is another talent. I am blown away. I'm like, you are blown away. I'm like envisioning. I'm like getting your tongue out at the same time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You have a really big mouth that helps. That definitely helps. I cannot do that. My trick is the coconut oil. So I always use coconut oil too, because as you're going up and down and sucking, you do the coconut oil twist on the bottom and like go follow it. Yeah. You're going down with your mouth and it makes you feel, it makes them feel like you're
Starting point is 00:42:24 going that much deeper, but it's your hand. It's a whole thing. Yeah. That's mine. And then if you're on like your side, down, you know, low, you use one hand for up and down and the other hand for the balls. Yeah. As you suck.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Or here's my thing. Ready? Yeah. You can, if you can, you can do both of you want, you can do that where like you suck and play with the, or you can suck on the balls and you're, yeah. I got the best little vibrating cockering lately. It's just, it just solves all my issues. I just love it.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Okay. Moving along. I don't have any sexual stories. I should have pulled one up. Now I'm like, fuck. No, it's okay. That was so good though. Well, this one's kind of like what's going on here.
Starting point is 00:43:17 But I don't want to deviate from my plan too much right now, so we'll get to that at the end. Okay. Another one of this week's partners is Earth Breeze. We've really been trying to cut down on how much plastic we use and just being more sustainable. And one thing I've always wondered is why do you buy all of these big jugs of laundry detergent and things that are mostly water based and Earth Breeze has finally answered that and given me exactly what I want with their eco sheets.
Starting point is 00:43:44 These things look like little dryer sheets. They're thin. They're tiny. You just pluck it out, drop it in your washer and you're done. And like for people with disabilities, if you don't have the strength to carry that jug or get it in your washer, this is the perfect solution for you. My OT coming out there. And like I said, this packaging is lightweight, biodegradable and plastic free and Earth Breeze
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Starting point is 00:45:01 Okay. So this next one is titled, am I the asshole for faking a work emergency to get out of a wedding? I, 28 female, have been with my boyfriend, 29 male, for about eight months. Last weekend, two of his friends were getting married. He's from Scotland and we live in the south of England, so I haven't met any of those friends yet. Originally, the wedding was in 2020, obviously COVID postponed it.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And then due to a death in the groom's family, it only happened last Saturday. When the original invite was sent out, my boyfriend was dating someone else for about two years and he RSVP'd a plus one. When the new date was decided, they didn't send new invites expensive, just a text or email with the new date and time. When my boyfriend asked me to attend, I foolishly didn't think to ask if the bride knew I was coming because he assured me he had a plus one. On Friday, we get to the pre-wedding reception and when we get to the bride and groom, immediately
Starting point is 00:46:05 I realize the issue. The bride is shocked that my boyfriend has brought someone. When my boyfriend said he RSVP'd plus one, the bride said yes, but that had been when you were dating ex. We walk away and suddenly I can hear the bride panicking saying, quote, we don't have the seats or the food and she starts crying. I feel awful. She spent the next two hours crying in the corner being consoled by her maid of honor
Starting point is 00:46:34 that she didn't need the extra stress. The groom said it's fine, but is obviously uncomfortable. So I faked a call and then came back and claimed a work emergency. Said I had to leave ASAP. I apologize to the groom and bride who stopped crying enough to say it was lovely to meet me. I then got a taxi and a train home. When my boyfriend got back Monday, he asked me about the emergency and I explained I had
Starting point is 00:47:01 lied so the bride didn't have to stress about me being there and he gets livid. He called me an asshole and said that not only did I leave him on his own all weekend, but all of his friends thought I prioritized work over the wedding and that I made a horrible impression. I thought I was helping the situation by not being there and stressing out the wedding party. I said work emergency because for a family emergency, my boyfriend would have felt obligated to come with me and I wanted him to stay and enjoy the wedding.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Am I the asshole? No. I'm going to say that real quick. No. I do not think you're the asshole whatsoever. Honestly, like if anything, you are empathetic and my, the reason I say that is because your current boyfriend was in a relationship that ended probably for a reason. That reason is him calling you an asshole.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Like his past relationship, I'm not surprised that he's not in a relationship anymore. If that's how he acted towards you, I'm sorry, but the fact that you went there, made plans to go there, saw how devastated the bride was and then left to make sure that her special day was going to be a special one that doesn't make you an asshole, that makes you an empathetic human being. Also the fact that the bride said it was lovely to meet you, I guaranteed the bride even knew you were lying. I guarantee in my head at least, I feel personally if I was saying things out loud like, oh,
Starting point is 00:48:38 we don't have enough money, we don't have enough chairs, we don't have enough seating, we don't have enough food and I knew you were an earshot away from me and then out of the blue you're like, oh, you have a work emergency and you have to go. I feel like I might know, yeah, I would put two and two together, literally two plus two equals four. I'd be like, okay, like you see me, I've been crying for two hours, you understand that this has stressed me out and you're leaving. That doesn't leave a bad impression, that leaves a good one.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Also your guy friends were like, oh, she prioritizes work, yada yada, no, she is prioritizing the emotions of a soon to be bride and that's not a shitty thing to do. I feel like I don't think our OP, our writer here is the asshole at all. I do think she should have communicated to the boyfriend and been like, hey, clearly I'm making the bride uncomfortable. I think it'd be better if I just went home for the weekend. These are your friends, I want you to have a great weekend but I'm stressing her out because it wasn't planned for, I'm going to go.
Starting point is 00:49:40 I wish she just would have communicated that to him. Instead of, yeah. Instead of just leaving and lying to him too, he's like, that's your partner, you've been together almost a year, okay. Even when she said I would have said it was a family emergency but I didn't want my boyfriend to come with me, I was like, in my head at least, I would have literally told my boyfriend like, hey, I need you to hear me out. I'm going to tell her that I have a family emergency, clearly me being here is adding
Starting point is 00:50:07 so much stress and she's been crying. I don't want to do that to her, I don't want you to think I'm leaving you high and dry, so I'm going to tell her that I have a family emergency, I'm going to leave. That way when people ask you what's wrong, you can say, oh, I had a family emergency and at least you know that I went home on my own accord and everything is fine. But I also, again, understand, I don't think she did anything wrong. Not at all. Because even so, I feel like even if she told him like, hey, I'm going to lie and
Starting point is 00:50:41 descend the third, he might also say like, then I'm coming with you. I was going to say, based on his reaction to her kind of doing him a favor, he might have like made a bigger scene about it. Oh really? He might have, like he made a bend like, no, no, no, it's fine, don't leave, don't leave, don't leave, let's go talk to them and then pulled her over to the bride and the groom. But you know who else is kind of an asshole for me in this one?
Starting point is 00:51:03 The bride. The bride. The bride. I'm sorry. It is your day, absolutely your day. And for you to cry for two fucking hours, because one extra person showed up, get fucking over it. When you give someone a plus one, you are giving them a plus one.
Starting point is 00:51:19 You don't get to dictate who they take. And if you want it to then, when they broke up, rescind the plus one, that's something you should have communicated to your friend. Because for me, I would assume that you sent me a plus one. I get a plus one. You planned for it a year ago when you sent out the invites. You didn't resend invites. So I still have a plus one.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Did he have gone out of his way to confirm it? Yeah. But how much shit are brides and grooms dealing with? Do they want to be pestered by every guest? Hey, do I still get the plus one that was on my invite? And then you think it's like common knowledge. Like, oh, okay. Like if it was there before, it's there now.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Which that's what I would assume. And I know weddings have so much annoying etiquette and things like that, but like COVID, unprecedented time, financially, yeah, I wouldn't want to send out more invites. But this is a close friend. If you gave him a plus one, you give plus ones to people you trust to make a good decision on who they bring. It's like, you don't get to dictate who the plus one is if you give a blank plus one. Also I want to add in, it's just one person.
Starting point is 00:52:25 I wouldn't understand if it was like 20 extra people that just mysteriously show up. But the fact of the matter is, you again allowed him to have a plus one from in the first place. And then moving forward, it is only one person, and you're acting like this one person is going to cause all of the seating to be mismatched, cause like the food to run out entirely. It is one individual. And she clearly sat there for two hours because she witnessed the bride crying for an additional two hours. That is so- That's like bridezilla.
Starting point is 00:53:04 It is bridezilla. And it's like, I know a lot of weddings have had situations, and I've had a listener even write in and be like, I went to a wedding and this, or her coworker brought her husband and an additional friend. And it was like, what the fuck no, like a plus one is just a plus one. And if you don't trust like your friend to bring like a good plus one, don't give them a plus one. There'll be plenty of people there at the wedding for them to socialize with.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Or if you know a couple, like for me and my boyfriend, when my friend gave me an invite for her wedding, she wrote on the invitation, Morgan Absher and Justin Thunstrom. If you have a specific idea for who you want to invite in mind, but it's not a plus one, write that on the invitation, cause it's that person. It's not a plus one. That actually, I love that point cause you're so right for that. Like it's, it's, you don't get to dictate who your people bring. And if there's so many people do that are like, I don't want people just mooching off
Starting point is 00:54:04 the wedding. I don't want to buy food for people I don't know. That is totally fine. Don't give people plus ones. Also that's on the, also the bride for assuming. Everyone assumed. Yep. The boyfriend assumed.
Starting point is 00:54:18 She assumed. The bride and groom assumed. Yep. Which I'm on the boyfriend side. Like if you gave me a plus one from the start, I'm going to think I got a plus one. But I would also like to add on, I am on the boyfriend side in that regard. I'm not on his side when it comes to, I mean, I wish she would have told him. I don't think she's an asshole for doing so.
Starting point is 00:54:36 No. But I will say, I don't think she is an asshole for prioritizing the bride's feelings and making sure that she does have like, I guess a special day. I don't think that situation, I think it was blown out of proportion definitely though. Yeah. There is only a couple of comments from OP. Everyone goes, what is this mess? Question mark.
Starting point is 00:55:01 And OP goes, sorry if the formatting is terrible, I'm typing on my phone. They go, your formatting is fine. Don't worry about that. Why are you with a person who doesn't respect you after eight months to at least mention you to the bride and groom? That is also very true. True. But I'm going to, I'm going to resort back to like he, he's a silly boy and he thought
Starting point is 00:55:22 he had a plus one. OP responds and goes, they knew about me. It basically seems like an admin issue over time. The original RSVP was with his ex. It gets postponed and as they're planning the wedding again, my boyfriend and his ex have broken up. So his plus one unbeknownst to him is deleted slash removed from the list as they assume he hasn't got someone.
Starting point is 00:55:48 And then when the new date comes, I'm dating him and he assumes he still got the plus one he originally RSVP'd with. Okay. This is where I'm going to say this, who the hell did you expect him to bring? Like, okay, like now, okay, now I'm just like, I feel like hearing the additional like commentary definitely helps me form a better opinion because now I'm just like, this bride does not like, I'm sorry. At the end of the day, if I were, if I were getting married, right?
Starting point is 00:56:19 Say I invited you and I gave you plus one and I knew you were dating Justin. And then for who knows what reason, something happens and then you end up with somebody else, right? I meet that person before the wedding. I am going to assume you are bringing that person. Yeah. Like that is common sense people. Like that is so like, oh, okay, well now you have a new partner.
Starting point is 00:56:45 Like even when it comes to weddings, I'm sorry, even when it comes to weddings, I feel like weddings are like prom. A lot of people don't, don't go alone unless you're a kid and you're going with your parents. But a lot of the times it's like, oh, hey, like my friend is getting married, do you want to go? Or like you invite a friend and you're like, hey, like I don't have a date to the wedding. And that's literally people actually go out of their way and say, hey, I don't have a date for my friend's wedding.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I don't have a date for my family member's wedding because usually again, like weddings a lot of the times you have someone there with you. You rarely see someone alone unless it's a child attending with their parents. So the fact that you knew that you gave him a plus one, then just automatically assumed after meeting his girlfriend, oh yeah, he's not going to have a plus one, but let me have a two hour breakdown. Grow up. Two hours is.
Starting point is 00:57:40 That's excessive. I was going to say excessive and then I was like, I'm going to not be so mean. I was about to say embarrassing because like you're letting literally. Let me be mean for you. It's both. It's just like you, this is your day, this is your weekend to have fun and celebrate your love and you're letting one extra person. Like my brother and his wife had a bunch of extra people show up to their wedding that
Starting point is 00:58:03 had RSVP'd no ended up being able to make it. So they just showed up. Did they throw fit? Did they, did she cry for two hours? No. Yeah, just you make the best of the situation and you move on and life happens. Like this is so much better than like a bunch of other wedding stories we've read. She didn't show up in white.
Starting point is 00:58:26 No one's stealing your thunder. Like pull it together. Also another big thing I'd like to add on. It's like, why are you, this is where I'm like. Getting heated. Not even heated. This is where I kind of just want to like have just like not a general discussion, but like not every, nothing is perfect in life, nothing, nothing at all.
Starting point is 00:58:49 And I'm sorry if you were planning on having this perfect wedding, but realistically you should have already hoped for the best, but prepared for the worst, like prepared for at least something to go wrong. And honestly, again, I do think it's their fault for like just assuming like, oh, he's not going to bring a plus one again. In my opinion, when there are marriages and like there is a wedding, you bring a date. Like you usually do. And that's my thing.
Starting point is 00:59:22 It's like, I get that you wanted a perfect wedding. I get where you're coming from. I can understand why you feel that way, but for you to cry for two hours, that's, that's a lot. And I had a conversation and it was on a past episode with my friend, Hannah. And I like asked Hannah, I was like, what is the like, the trick or like, what advice would you give for people getting married? And she's like, set the bar so low.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Because when you don't have expectations, anything you get is like, ah, this is amazing. So like set the bar low, like don't be this bridezilla and like, shit happens. It's never going to go according to plan and hire a wedding day of coordinators so that if shit does go awry, you say, hey, an extra person showed up. Can you take care of this? And they are your little delegated problem solver. Also, again, my whole thing, it was one person. It was one person.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I know. And that's where I'm like, oh, but what if everyone brought one extra person? But then, hey, you know what, you should have confirmed your guest list with your friend. You shouldn't have automatically deleted his plus one. That comment is not the asshole. Your boyfriend, however, is an asshole. He absolutely should have confirmed he still had a plus one. A simple phone call would have saved everyone the grief.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Phones work both ways, I will say. I'm sorry, if I, I'm just going to say this, this is my personal opinion. If this bride and this groom wanted the perfect wedding, I can understand why they wouldn't want to pay to resend out the invitations. But at the same time, I would make it very, very clear, especially to someone, you can't assume that someone is going to know what you're thinking. You can't assume like, oh, because they broke up with the significant other they had when they had a plus one, now they're not going to have one.
Starting point is 01:01:25 You need to clarify. Yeah. If you wanted your date to be perfect, and if you wanted it to go according to plan, you should have clarified, especially with him, knowing that him and his girlfriend at the time had broken up. And you know what? I'm sure it would have saved them a lot, her a lot of trouble at least, if she was just like, hey, I know I gave you a prior plus one, however, because you're no longer dating
Starting point is 01:01:51 her, I need to make sure that the seating and the food and everything goes according to plan. Are you still bringing someone with you? That's what they should have done because even if he didn't have this girlfriend, if they had already given him a plus one, he probably would have found someone to bring with somebody else. Because again, yeah, when you go to a wedding, there's usually you usually have a date. People in the comments are interesting, and maybe our YouTube and listeners will agree.
Starting point is 01:02:18 But the next comment down is seriously, the bride was overreacting, but the boyfriend was a huge asshole to the bride, and especially to OP, which to OP, I will get him being livid. I get. But in his eyes, like he probably thought like, you left over a non issue, like it would have been fine. But I get like our OP was absolutely trying to make the best of the situation, do the right thing. But I don't necessarily think he was a huge asshole to the bride.
Starting point is 01:02:45 All he said to the bride was, the bride is shocked, my boyfriend had brought someone. When my boyfriend said he RSVP'd plus one, the bride said yes. But that had been when you were dating X. Again, then you should have clarified. We walk away and suddenly I can hear the bride panicking, saying we don't have seats or food. I don't think he was a huge asshole to her at all. I think he was just like saying like objectively, like you gave me a plus one RSVP'd yes. A plus one is a plus one.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Even when you go to parties in LA, when you say you're adding a plus one, they don't say like, oh, what's the name? You say, I have a plus one. If you were inviting him and his girlfriend at the time, it should have been an invitation of one goes to him, one goes to her. But you didn't do that. You gave one to him and said plus one. And obviously, if he's not dating her anymore, he's going to assume he still has a plus one.
Starting point is 01:03:50 And I don't think he's an asshole for the way he told the bride, you gave me a plus one though, because objectively speaking, she did plus one, there is no name attached to it. It's a very cut and dry. Like you can bring one person with you. Yeah, whoever. Whoever you want. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Someone else goes, yeah, I agree. She was overreacting for two hours of crying and being comforted, but a sudden unexpected guess obviously affected the plans and might have been the final straw for her in the stressful wedding planning, which I do get like everyone reacts to stress differently. You know, this might be panic attack inducing for some, whereas others can just be a duck and let it roll off their back. But you know, the bottom line is like, R.O.P. here is not the asshole. And if you are getting married, communicate your guest list better because this is a shit
Starting point is 01:04:41 show that didn't need to be. And again, clarify. If you want things to be perfect and go according to plan, clarify. I also want to add in. Communicate people. Communicate. It's how many years had it been? They had been dating for eight months, but two years since the initial wedding, I think.
Starting point is 01:04:58 See, that's my thing. It has been two years. You're supposed to get married in 2020. Clarification is going to be needed. Yeah. Especially if you want everything to go according to plan, or at least your plan. Yeah. I mean, this was posted 12 hours ago.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Yeah. So this is, this is like, this is recent. This is raw. Yeah. We're hitting it raw. Raw dog in it. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:05:27 That's crazy. Moving along. Another one of this week's partners is MiracleMaid. One thing in our life that we need is quality sleep. And if there's one thing you can do for yourself, it's getting good sheets and making sure you're able to regulate your temperature as you sleep. MiracleMaid sheets tap into the power of self-cooling temperature regulation, which has been shown to improve deep sleep quality by over 20%.
Starting point is 01:05:53 They actually have silver infused fabrics, which help so much with the bacteria. But I'm about to gross everyone out, but traditional bedsheets can harbor more bacteria than a toilet seat, which can lead to acne, allergies, stuffy noses, but MiracleMaid has a whole line of sheets, pillowcases and comforters that prevent 99% of bacteria and require three times less laundry. We've been sleeping with these sheets for about two weeks now and they are just really cool, refreshing, soft and just keep us nice and content and not waking up a million times during the night because we're overheated.
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Starting point is 01:07:04 Go to slash THT and use code THT to claim your free three-piece towel set and save over 40% off. Again, that's slash THT to treat yourself. Thanks MiracleMaid for sponsoring this episode. How do you like vegetables? Me? Yeah. I love veggies.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Okay. But here's my thing. I'm not going to eat veggies raw. I need, okay, so sometimes I'll add a little butter in there, but I love adding spices. I love tahin, I love like adding rosemary to things. Are you fancy? Even like, even if it's just like a little bit of butter. Like I like...
Starting point is 01:07:43 Butter does a lot though. I can't believe it's not butter. Mm-mm. Really? Well... We're going to take you to Eataly. We're going to get you buffalo butter. Wait, where's Eataly?
Starting point is 01:07:54 It's in like... It's in Las Vegas. No, it's in LA here. It's in the Century City Mall. There's this like Eataly, they have it in New York too, but it's like this Italian market and then they have a restaurant and they serve this bread. And it comes with a side of buffalo butter. Hands down, the best butter I've ever had.
Starting point is 01:08:13 If you can get your hands on buffalo butter, if you have a buffalo farm near you, go and get... I'm aroused. Buffalo butter. I'm so... Wow. Yeah. I didn't even know you could milk buffaloes, but apparently you can.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Oh, I thought you... I thought when you said buffalo butter, it was like spicy butter. You could add tahin in it. Oh, but when you say buffalo butter, you mean like an actual buffalo? I thought, you know, when like, you know, buffalo wings, how they're spicy? When you said buffalo butter, I was like, oh, but now I hear buffalo butter and I'm like, wait a damn minute. No, like tatonga, buffalo.
Starting point is 01:08:47 Wait, butter, is that made from dairy? So interestingly enough, this is why some people can eat dairy in other countries. So depending on the cow and what they eat, they have different enzymes in their milk and buffalo butter is slightly different than dairy or so I've Googled because Justin, my boyfriend like doesn't eat dairy, it like makes his stomach. So he does the buffalo butter and it's fine. That's interesting. It is.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Which I mean, I don't really get it because how many times have you heard like, oh, I went to Europe and I ate all the pasta and dairy ever and I didn't get sick. I actually lost weight. It's very confusing. Like there's a lot of mixed information on that. I will say, you know how earlier I told you that my friend from the UK was visiting. They, everything in the UK and in Europe all over there, like our food is processed in the US completely different.
Starting point is 01:09:44 He was telling me he was like, your food here is poison. He said, I, he said, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but it tastes unnatural. Yeah. He was like the amount of like pesticides and everything in your food here. Like in the UK, it doesn't taste like this. Like it tastes how it should. Even Canada. If you go to Canada, the regulations that they have are the food tastes totally different.
Starting point is 01:10:07 It is illegal to put the chemicals we put in the food here. It's illegal to put that in other countries. Yeah. I just watched a video the other day that there's six major known carcinogens that we allow in our food here that Europe has banned, Canada has banned. It's banned almost everywhere and we allow in our food and we wonder why the cancer rates are going up. Like we wonder why we're so sick.
Starting point is 01:10:32 We wonder why we have the highest obesity rates. Like we wonder, and it's like, it's our food. It's like, and it's how expensive is it to shop organic? Like why is it so, why isn't it just like a right to have healthy food that nourishes you versus kills you? Yeah. Blows my mind. Population control.
Starting point is 01:10:50 Big pharma. Right, right, right. I'm a big conspiracy theorist. I am too. We've talked about this. I was going to say the man who discovered insulin said it should be free. Yeah. That's why he didn't file a patent on it.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Uh-huh. And now guess what? Insulin is just ridiculous. Didn't Eli Lilly though, because of the Twitter thing, didn't they just come out and cap their price? Who's Elon Lilly? Apparently. So, okay.
Starting point is 01:11:16 So this is like big thing. Mm-hmm. When Elon Musk made Twitter like verification, you could buy it, someone made another account named after Eli Lilly, which is like one of the big insulin producers. Yeah. Paid for it to be verified and then came out with a tweet that says, hey, we're capping insulin at $35. Went super viral.
Starting point is 01:11:37 It was fake. Eli Lilly's stocks plummeted. They lost millions on the stock market because of this Twitter prank, but they've since come out, actually, and they've cut insulin prices by 70% because of- I'll say should though. Sometimes bullying works. I'm okay. Literally, all I'm going to say is something I will not and never understand.
Starting point is 01:12:05 This is a little sidetrack. I'm sorry. It's okay. I don't understand why universal healthcare can't be a same thing. And here's the thing, people are like, oh, but it costs money to do this, this, and that. We give money its value. I guarantee without a shadow of a doubt, everything on this earth, we have from the earth. Technology would be here without money.
Starting point is 01:12:32 iPhones would be here without money. Everything would be here without money. And I'm telling you, my whole thing is, I believe that the world's biggest problem is we added a value to things, and that value includes health, the well-being, and the lives of others. Because it's to keep the workers in the machine. It's all to keep a certain class down. And this is why it's so funny to me where people are like, I don't want to pay higher
Starting point is 01:12:58 taxes for universal healthcare. People in countries that have universal healthcare actually pay less taxes than the United States. They pay taxes and it actually goes towards something. We pay taxes and we wonder, hey, where the fuck is my money going? Because it's not to the streets of LA because my roads still suck. And it's just crazy to me. I had another thought, but I'm getting a little drunk and I can't remember it. But it's something-
Starting point is 01:13:26 Mom, gee, you are? Yeah, a little. I literally was going to be like, hey, girl, let's do another shot, but never mind. Let's not. Well, you didn't drive. I didn't. Should I do another one? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:35 Should I just go sneak a little one? Shot break. Oh my God, guys. I'm going to do a shot if I come back and I'm slurring my words. It's fine. We're just going to talk about veggies after this, but- Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:45 Wait, can I take a shot? Time for the shot. Okay, shot break. Okay, ready to get back into this? Yeah, I have my stuffed animal now. That's, yeah. That's my little rhinoceros. It's a cute-
Starting point is 01:13:54 No, Triceratops. Wait, what's your Triceratops name? It doesn't have one yet. Okay. This next one is titled, Am I the Asshole for Hiding Vegetables in My Boyfriend's Food? Throwaway because he spends a lot of time on Reddit. This is the most ridiculous argument I've ever had with a grown man. I, 28 female, have been with my boyfriend, 36 male, for a year, and we moved in together
Starting point is 01:14:20 about four months ago. One of the first things I noticed about my boyfriend was that he never really ate vegetables. He would sometimes eat them if we were out at a restaurant and they came as a part of his meal, but he never ate them when I cooked for him. Originally, I thought that maybe my cooking was the problem, so I asked him if he enjoyed my food and he told me he loves my cooking. On nights I didn't cook for him, he ate exclusively frozen foods and never ate the vegetables in those either.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Naturally, he has some health issues, vitamin deficiencies, etc. He had phrased it to me as if he was somehow just genetically unlucky. I believed it for a while, but I don't know how that stuff works, but eventually it became clear to me it's because he voluntarily eats a vegetable like once a month. Six months ago, I started hiding vegetables in my cooking. If I was making pasta, I'd put the vegetables in and I'd usually put it in for myself. Then take half out and blend it so he wouldn't notice the vegetable chunks and then tell him I just scooped the vegetables out of his portion.
Starting point is 01:15:28 This happens more often now we live together because I do all of the cooking. He's been telling me a lot lately, he's been feeling a lot better the past few months and has even had his doctor reduce the dosage of some of his medications and he hasn't had to take his multivitamin in weeks. I kept my mouth shut because I'm just glad he's feeling better and it really does me no harm to hide the vegetables in his food. Yesterday, I was making one of our regular pasta meals. It's one that's very easy to hide at least four veggies in and I was about to blend my
Starting point is 01:16:02 boyfriend's portion when the blender died mid blend. I had to serve it in all of its vegetable chunk glory. My boyfriend refused to eat the vegetables but when he tasted the sauce, he said it's weird how it tastes the exact same even though this one has vegetables in it. So I confessed. He screamed at me and called me a controlling bitch and said that it's none of my business if he thinks vegetables don't do anything. I pointed out he said he felt better.
Starting point is 01:16:35 He said his health was none of my business and that I'm a controlling, judgy asshole and stormed out of our apartment to stay with his sister. His sister texted me to say he's fine but she agrees with him. My friends agree it's ridiculous that he doesn't eat vegetables but agree I'm being the asshole. Am I the asshole? And I answer, hell fucking no. I'm so sorry, here's the deal right?
Starting point is 01:17:05 Here is the deal. You started putting vegetables, you were hiding them. That's the thing. My only issue would be like if you were allergic to something and you were like oh you're not really allergic let me hide it in the smear and see if you're allergic to it really. You didn't do that. You were just trying to prioritize his health and for him to be like oh you shouldn't be worrying about my health like you're a controlling quote unquote bitch.
Starting point is 01:17:28 If you're in a relationship with someone the only thing you want for them is the best. You want someone to be healthy. You want someone to be happy. Fact of the matter is you started giving him vegetables, he was happier so on and so forth and I feel like it's very again like immature of him to be like oh it's none of your concern and like the sound of the third and you're an asshole for doing this. No you're not. You're looking out for the well-being and you're looking out for his overall health
Starting point is 01:17:56 and again if you were allergic to something that you were putting in the food or if he would get sick from something you put in the food that's when I would be like you're the asshole but I don't think you're an asshole for like sneaking dietary fixes that will help him into his food. That's like with parents. I was going to say he sounds like a fucking child. When I was growing up if I didn't like a certain vegetable or I didn't like a certain whatever it was my mom would kind of like do a little tweak on it so I would eat it and be like
Starting point is 01:18:26 oh like for example broccoli I used to hate broccoli you know what I loved cheese and my mom used to give me broccoli and she'd shed a little bit of like cheese on top and I would eat the broccoli because I was like oh the cheese is there that's literally what you're doing with your boyfriend and I'm sorry he's 36 and he refuses to eat vegetables and when he found out you put vegetables blended in his sauces he called you a controlling bitch. You know what you should do oh I was going to say something but I don't know if I should say it.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Break up. No I wasn't going to say that. What were you going to say? I was going to say don't put the vegetables in and let the motherfucker die like. I mean that's what he's asking for. Like I'm sorry but the fact like again fact of the matter is you started doing something I don't think people like I never in my life even if someone was doing something that benefited me without me knowing if I find out if I found out at all I would say holy shit thank you
Starting point is 01:19:28 especially if it was in a way right where you make the sauce and you make it enough where it's like he doesn't notice the vegetables in it so we can still enjoy his food I would say wow thank you. I'm okay I 1000% agree but I'm honestly very torn on this. I think he's pathetic he's acting like a child vegetables like if he's willing to like eat them blended in a sauce and not say anything he doesn't hate the vegetables he's probably made like I don't like vegetables as his personality trait but at the same time I'm like this is kind of weird and deceptive and maybe this is just because I've had stories on this podcast
Starting point is 01:20:09 where I've had people that have like mixed in slugs into their partners food and so that is just like kind of traumatized me to where I'm like you should know what you're eating it shouldn't be this like game of like I'm gonna be deceptive and I don't think she's the asshole I think the boyfriend is like 100% overreacting but at the same time like it would really piss me off if like I said to someone where I'm like you know I just don't really like spinach and blah blah blah and they just put spinach and all my shit and it's like it shouldn't be so deceptive but at the same time he's acting like a fucking child but can I also say one more thing yeah I feel remember when he said he said when he
Starting point is 01:20:55 had the like the sauce on its own he said exactly exact same that means that she can't be putting that many vegetables into the sauce probably not like I feel like it was a very like small amount to like where she was considered enough to be like if you don't like the taste I'm not gonna throw in like a cup of vegetables into your food like maybe it's enough just so it's subtle where like you don't taste it and I just I understand where you're coming from in the sense of like being deceptive about it but again can I let me ask you this okay say your boyfriend what this is like a drastic difference okay but say your boyfriend was sick and he had this disease and he was like you know I don't want to take the medication
Starting point is 01:21:43 for it like the meds taste disgusting he's shoving it down his throat but say you have the option of being like you know what I'm gonna mush it up and I'm gonna mix it in this pasta sauce so we can barely taste it and he enjoys eating his food while also taking the medicine he needs you do it you would do it I feel like that's what she was doing I don't think she was meaning to be deceptive I think she was just being a caring adult being like hey you're a grown-ass man who's 36 years old your health is depleting you barely eat vegetables so I'm going to take it upon myself as someone who loves you to find a way to incorporate vegetables into your diet without you knowing because if you
Starting point is 01:22:26 do know you're gonna have a freak out and she was right because he did do you think it would have been better though if she would have done like a taste test and maybe been like hey here's the sauce on its own and then hey try this other sauce and it was the sauce with all the vegetables mixed in and if she did like an initial like taste test and then he was like oh I you know they're they're very similar I do like this one with you know whatever and then she goes just so you know I mixed veggies into this do you mind if now going forward I continue to put veggies into the dish you don't see the veggies but hey maybe it's something we could start incorporating in to your food I feel like I'm kind of like
Starting point is 01:23:06 I don't think I would have made a difference you don't you think because of his pride he would have been like fuck no I don't want veggies at all I absolutely do because fact because in my head at least fact of the matter is if he were to react that way it would have happened when she was like hey this is what you've been eating all along you would have been like really I feel like at least for me right I'd be like I'd be like are you serious like I've actually been having that amazing instead of like being like what the hell like you're a controlling bitch I'd be like oh my gosh an aggressive reaction yeah I'd be like wow I'm surprised that like you've actually been mixing it into like this the sauce because I haven't
Starting point is 01:23:43 noticed it but he didn't react that way he reacted in a very like aggressive way where he was like you're a controlling bitch so I personally think that like regardless he would say if I were if you had both in front of you if you were like him and I told you after you said oh they both taste the same this one's a little different but I still like it if I was like oh that one has veggies in it I feel like if you had his mentality he'd be like I'd never do that again well and that's like the thing like a lot of times people will because of their pride like double down and pick something that's even worse for them even though they'd like have like the correct info but it's really sad because it sounds like he is already on medication whether that's for blood
Starting point is 01:24:24 pressure or something like the doctor literally took down his medication dosage that's what I'm also saying like that's like so frustrating to where he just can't admit like hey babe I know it was a little scummy that you lied but it was for the better look it I went down on my dosage that I will say I do think that it is in any relationship you should be comfortable enough to be honest you know yeah I do feel at the end of the day there should have been some transparency however I do not think that she is the asshole for caring about her boyfriend's well-being and I also do think that the way he reacted was very over the top and I do think that if that were me at least I'm talking from my point of view and I don't want to speak
Starting point is 01:25:15 on his behalf but if it were me I'd be like you know what even though you lied I don't appreciate you lying I would have appreciated you telling me from the beginning however I will say that my medication has been lowered I have been feeling better if you could continue incorporating certain things into my diet that'd be great but let me know what you are incorporating so at least I don't feel like I'm being blindsided when you're like oh hey by the way you've been eating vegetables this entire time without knowing you know what I mean yeah this is breakup worthy for me I I can't imagine ever being in a relationship with someone where it's like I'm I'm not your partner I'm your mom like you're literally a child I'm mixing fucking vegetables in with a blender
Starting point is 01:26:01 in your sauce like you're a fucking child that yeah you're like a toddler like that's like trying to feed a child Brussels sprouts and being like oh but look there's like a little sauce on it this is your favorite sauce here comes the airplane yeah no I just can't I'm sorry bitch be a grown ass man and again this is also something that I need to take into account it's the fact that he knows that this is a problem and that it is causing a deterioration on his health because he he even admits it he's like what I do is what I do yada yada and it's like it's so weird though because he'll eat vegetables if they're on his plate at a restaurant but just not at home so maybe I'm like maybe because like restaurant vegetables like there's usually a lot of butter in it it
Starting point is 01:26:54 tastes really good but that's the thing it's like it could taste really good at a restaurant but it tasted good enough for you to eat the pasta with the sauce that is true so it's like what do you mean that is true what like what do you mean like oh you're like a deceitfully yada yada like no that's not deceit that's me caring enough about you and if you don't care I am never ever ever in my life going to put myself in a situation where I care more about the person next to me than they care about themselves so that my friends like again I can somewhat understand him being upset about being lied to I think his reaction over the top but if I were the girl in that situation I do think that's breakup worthy yeah there is a comment that OP actually replies to yeah someone goes info
Starting point is 01:27:37 did he explicitly ask you not to add veggies into his food if not then it's just really strange behavior from him why on earth does it matter that you were cooking with certain ingredients which happened to be healthy if he hadn't even noticed even more so when vegetables are completely normal thing to use in the type of cooking you described OP goes no he didn't when we talked about it he said he really doesn't like vegetables but he didn't ask me to not add vegetables and I guess like that's true like OP says like I'm doing all of the cooking that's true so like imagine and also again like imagine not only making food for yourself but like doing different accommodations for somebody else it's like it is so much easier if I'm going to make a meal and I even when I have
Starting point is 01:28:28 guests over like I love my mom sent me this like really good mac and cheese recipe it is so easy yeah to like make one big platter of mac and cheese and be like here you go everyone versus if say my friend had like dietary restrictions having to make an entirely separate meal for them don't get me wrong would I still be willing to do it absolutely yeah but that would be because they specifically told me like these are my dietary restrictions I cannot have this meanwhile him not having the vegetables is from his own free will well and it's like if she's just cooking everything too and making things as you know she would yeah maybe she has this all-tier motive of adding the veggies but also a lot of vegetables like you think about
Starting point is 01:29:13 tomato sauce tomatoes are fruit like they're old they kind of like are in between a little yeah I mean like that's up for debate but if you think about it like all these other vegetables or like recipes that cause for like zucchini and basil like pesto is actually basil plant and like all this shit where it's like are you just mad because it's a vegetable right or like what's like what's really upsetting you here because you were willing to eat it without knowing but like and you were also willing to eat it with knowing at restaurants he is really interesting yeah like um your boyfriend hopefully when was this written please tell me like 10 years ago 16 days ago okay no updates from op Jesus I'm sorry but like at the end of the day I know I keep saying this but it's like
Starting point is 01:30:03 if this were a dietary restriction if you were allergic to certain vegetables that would be one thing but if he is just not eating it to not eat it and his health is deteriorating you love him you want to make sure he's healthy and you're doing it in a way where things are still tasty also I'm sorry like for me at least say we were roommates and I was making dinner and you hated vegetables it's not that you were allergic it's not that you had dietary restrictions you just hated them and I was like oh my gosh I have a recipe that you don't know about and I can make this bomb ass pasta and you won't even taste the veggies I am not going to deteriorate my own health worsen my own health to accommodate not a need but a wanting of not having vegetables in your diet
Starting point is 01:30:55 no it's just like there's bigger fish to fry and he's being a child he's being a little bitch the top comment on it with 34 000 upvotes not the asshole this is a grown man eight years older than you right so now the age gap annoyed me like yeah if he has a problem with your cooking let him make his own food he's already coddled by his sister and doesn't slash shouldn't need to be by you I don't know who that commenter is but they ate that up we'll just leave it at that okay moving along another one of this week's partners is masterclass with masterclass you can learn from the world's best minds anytime anywhere and at your own pace and on just about any topic masterclass is something we've been using for a couple years now Justin initially
Starting point is 01:31:44 bought it to learn more about music I bought it for much more than music there's so much amazing stuff on there from just learning how to cook better with Gordon Ramsay no less well and there's such a variety you can learn skateboarding one of my favorite was this negotiations and communication of course it's really cool and there's something for everyone like I've wanted to be a little dog trainer in my spare time and so I'm gonna look into the dog training classes I also want to learn how to garden a little more so there's gardening classes there's bread making also how to make friends and like harness the power of empathy so there's more personal growth on there too I mean just some of the categories I'm seeing right now food design and style arts music business
Starting point is 01:32:26 sports writing science and I'm taking this year to like really better myself and masterclass is going to be my go-to spot one I'm really looking forward to is a class with Emily Morse which is all about sex and communication but whatever you're looking for you'll find it on masterclass there's over 180 classes from amazing experts and people that have just made their life focusing on those areas they're teaching overwhelmed I want to watch every single one of them I know we're gonna have this is gonna be our new little date night picking a masterclass watching it I like this I highly recommend you guys check it out and get unlimited access to every class and as a two hot takes listener you get 15% off of an annual membership go to slash tht now
Starting point is 01:33:11 that's slash tht for 15% off masterclass so this one I want to be honest this one fucked me up a little bit okay it is titled am I the asshole for sleeping with my mom's new fiance this is unreal holy shit that's unreal I'm 27 male an estranged from my mom who refuses to speak to me for accepting her fiance's offer to have a discreet relationship I wait I'm sorry before you continue I need a moment wait okay continue my mom raised me as a single parent and started dating again six to seven years back she met her guy two years back and they got seriously committed fairly quickly trouble started when he found out
Starting point is 01:34:13 about me being pansexual something my mom was previously dismissive of but grew to accept he was actually the first one outside of people I hooked up with and or dated to be supportive of it and would always commend me for being honest and open about a year back he started being very close and spending time with me alone on drives and such and would flirt very brazenly long story short we eventually hooked up and kept going behind her back to the point where he was spending more time with me than her she eventually found out and basically disowned me I am still currently living with him yeah mom told us to leave her house but I want to reconnect with her desperately since she's the only parent I've ever had thing is I'd rather not leave the man since I've grown
Starting point is 01:35:07 very fond of him is this morally wrong of me what should I do is it out of the question to have a good relationship with both him and my mom considering she blames me for seducing him and doesn't want to hear about how it's actually the opposite my friend it sounds like you were groomed yeah but like I mean OP is 27 how old is this other man older but like how much older we don't have an age damn oh he don't have an age because I was gonna say like I mean okay so like I went I went looked at their profile because like the post has since been removed but OP is like still commenting on a lot of other subreddits including r slash celebrity pegging and the post that they actually commented on is I bet Rachel McAdams pegs for sure like that like excuse me
Starting point is 01:36:13 okay like why Rachel McAdams would not be one of the Adam's on the notebook yeah she would not be one that I assumes pegs you know what's crazy I actually was just watching an interview Kelly Clarkson did the other day with Rachel McAdams and she saw that and she kept saying like sorry I can't cry like Rachel McAdams I love her she's so beautiful you like Kelly Clarkson or Rachel McAdams because I'm obsessed I mean don't get me wrong love Rachel McAdams but I am actually obsessed with Kelly Clarkson growing up I was so obsessed with Kelly Clarkson my mom genuinely thought I was straight because of how much I loved her she has a little cutie in her head she was like oh this isn't like an obsession it's a crush I was obsessed I mean who wouldn't be like
Starting point is 01:36:59 Miss American Idol like Miss Independent you mean oh she's amazing you mean Miss since you've been gone we should get tickets for her show and go I'm so down I want to go so bad does she film yes I would get front row I literally okay I work with someone that's friends with her I'll I'll reach out and see what to get please do and like that'd be so fun if I no I can't go let's get front row okay no I'll like literally Kelly will look at me actually sorry Miss Clarkson will look at Mrs Clark or Miss Clarkson will look at me be like this are you okay and I'm gonna show my face it's actually gonna be red puffy I'm going to actually have like Louis Vuitton bags under my eyes from how puffy my face it's okay it's okay okay if I go I have to go drunk
Starting point is 01:37:51 rip shots before it'll be fine perfect so this one um yeah you're the asshole I definitely think you're the asshole yeah sleeping with your mom's fiance here's my whole thing again like it's morally wrong like also your mother is a single mother imagine how hard it must have been I I every day think about this like my mom is a single mother and I always think about if I had a child right now if the shoe were on the other foot I was born biologically a female and I got pregnant and had a baby right now what the hell would I do I know for a fact I would be struggling the fact that your mom struggled alone at that fact found someone and then even though they flirted with you if that were me if my mom were dating someone and they flirted
Starting point is 01:38:47 with me first of all I would tell my mom exactly and I would also tell that man to back the fuck off I'd say who the fuck do you think you are my mom deserves nothing but respect and the fact that you are flirting with her child makes you a pig a disgusting pig and the fact that you allowed him to and the fact that you are now living with him I also unfortunately I think you're disgusting and it's not I think you are disgusting I think you're dating a pig and what you're doing is morally incorrect and wrong and the fact that you like went on Reddit and were like am I morally wrong for this bitch you should know you're morally wrong like that's one of those things where it's like it's not even in like oh like I'm on the fence you should genuinely know like
Starting point is 01:39:36 you just screwed your mother over someone and then you're like oh but like I want a connection with my mom and is it wrong for wanting a connection with her and the guy too yeah it's wrong do you know do you know what it's like being broken up with do you know the heartbreak that comes after that now imagine you having a child imagine you finding someone and imagine your child taking them away from you instead of coming to their parent which would be you saying hey they're flirting with me you deserve better or hey they're like making moves on me you deserve better like you're a piece of shit like you're the asshole you're a piece of shit you're disgusting and you need to get a you need to get a fucking grip that's what I have to say sorry I went off
Starting point is 01:40:19 there well and I'm I'm really bad at math but I've been sitting here crunching numbers okay okay so our OP is 27 right now the mom met this guy two years ago so OP was at at the time of all of this happening 25 at least yes maybe almost 26 like maybe 26 we don't really know the timeline exactly you're a fucking adult your prefrontal cortex is mostly developed at 25 this isn't grooming this is you being a fucking asshole yeah yeah I mean this is that I've just blown away by this person and then being like I want to reconnect with my mom but I'm living with him um out of all the people on this planet to live there are so so many people 8 billion nowadays and you had to have a relationship with the one person that your mom was engaged to also OP said my mom raised me as a
Starting point is 01:41:14 single parent and started dating again six or seven years back aka when OP was 20 or 21 this parent this mom grinded probably for 20 years to make sure her kid was set up and had a good life and then finally took a minute to herself that's what I'm saying then you fuck her over by fucking her man that's disgusting I also want to tell her like tell her if he's a shitty dude tell her don't fuck him as someone with a single mom a mother again I would like to reiterate when I was younger I feel like I didn't fully appreciate everything my mom did for me we never kids don't I was I was an asshole like I yeah like for example like around Christmas time I usually got everything I wanted but that also meant like my mom working two jobs and meant my mom not taking off of work and meant
Starting point is 01:42:11 my mom working on the weekends and meant my mom going above and beyond to make sure that I was happy yeah I think especially if you have a single mother if you were listening to this podcast I need I need you to reevaluate and I need you to turn around and I need you to realize how much and do not get me wrong as a parent it is any parent's obligation to take care of their child but the fact that she gave up so much for you the fact that she went away to provide for you and it wasn't until you were older keep that in mind as well it wasn't until you were older that she decided to start dating again that meant at all times she gave up her own love life she gave up pursuing love to make sure you were okay to make sure that you would be independent enough
Starting point is 01:43:04 and well off on your own before she decided to invest time in someone other than you and then she found that person after you were a grown-ass adult and then you decide to get with the person that she is engaged to that's disgusting and you're equally in my opinion just as much of a pig as that guy is too yeah no it's bad who we top comment on this one here shorned it for you quote I stole my mom's husband and continue to have a live-in relationship with him I'm ready for her to get over it you're the asshole you are big asshole have you ever been on here and like your like um opinion doesn't match with the top comment yeah really yeah I've had a lot of I've had like themes about that where I don't like agree with reddit oh I feel like we've been agreeing
Starting point is 01:44:06 with all of them we have I've I mean I've picked some crazy ones for us that are kind of like what can you do okay let's cleanse our palates with a little wholesome off my chest post okay it's titled my roommate asked me to sleep with him I have this roommate and we've been living together for a few months he is pretty depressed and keeps to himself most of the time he works from home and doesn't leave the house much I'm depressed too one night we were the only two people home and I got drunk and went and bothered him and knocked on his door and chatted him up then that happened again another night then I feel like I started to get him out of his shell he started to open up to me about his life we went on a day trip together we started doing small
Starting point is 01:44:52 things together like going to the store then yesterday we were both home and I was having a bad day and so was he so he knocked on my door to talk and we talked for hours I cried we laughed so hard until our stomachs hurt then he asked last night if I wanted to sleep with him no sex just sleep he said he didn't want me to be alone we laid in his bed and talked until like about everything life hardships dreams fears we laughed a lot then we fell asleep nothing happened but that and honestly I think this is the purest friendship I've ever had he is afraid of people hurting him and getting close to people but I care about him so much and hope he really knows that
Starting point is 01:45:41 fuck you it was so nice it's so awesome that just made me so happy I know I'm just like that made my heart so happy doesn't make you feel better after everything we read today I also love how like she felt safe enough to sleep in his bed and he made it so very clear that there was no expectation of like doing anything together other than sleeping isn't it so funny I pictured two guys really yeah was it a girl or is it no genders were mentioned except the roommate got he pronouns I was honestly envisioning two guys maybe it is two guys oh my god literally fanfiction real life like literally opening up Wattpad now I just think it's so cute
Starting point is 01:46:28 and it's also like I mean I've been really doubting myself lately for like I spend so much time in my house I don't get out much like I've made my social circle really small and it kind of eats at you eventually and like looking at these two where they started to like I knocked on his door and then he knocked on my door like it's just it's amazing like you don't even realize how many people you may have in your circle that are just waiting for you to reach out or vice versa and like just hey this week little homework for everyone especially if you're feeling alone like reach out to someone someone you've wanted to grab lunch with or like get on Bumble BFF or do something like if you're feeling lonely just put yourself out there because look at what happens
Starting point is 01:47:10 also nine times out of ten I'm not joking the people you don't think care that much about you care so much for you did you see that study it's about like people liking you and we often think like people don't really like us but we actually underestimate how much people like us and there's this new like study or maybe it's old and it's just being talked about but it's the study that says like people like you more than you think that sounds actually super plausible is I know I've like I always I leave every social interaction I ever experienced and I'm like wow was I awkward wow I don't think they like analyze I'm like what did I say did I say it in a weird way do why did they react this way to what I said I know yeah yeah you overanalyze everything
Starting point is 01:48:00 well you're very comfortable over there I feel bad ending this I think I'm like about to interrupt your nap time no it's okay I have the rhinoceros or the triceratops I think is it yeah right it's the triceratops I always think about little foot Sarah the triceratops then why don't you name Sarah I have too many friends named Sarah I'd be weird okay then little foot okay it can be little foot little foot from now on Spencer thank you so much for coming on thank you for having me I'm so happy I literally was so happy that you had me on I'm so happy you came on where can people find you if they want to follow you you can find me on all social media at Spensois on snapchat it's Spence moi with an M in the middle that's S P E N C E W U A H
Starting point is 01:48:48 and S P E N C E M W U A H you spell really fast thank you I also have my podcast I'm literally screaming I went on your podcast too yes Morgan was on my podcast if you want to go watch that go watch you guys it'll be good yeah thank you so much I don't have anything except watch on Spotify if you're a Spotify listener for the polls because we are definitely doing a poll for this one what story do you think I should have the poll be I definitely think it should either be the wedding or um wait what were you thinking I was going to think wedding or food the vegetable I was gonna say wedding or like the boyfriend but then I that's why I said what do you think because I was gonna be like I feel like everyone's gonna be like wedding I think wedding's gonna
Starting point is 01:49:39 have a lot of hot takes on that I think people might disagree with us that's fine I think they might it's okay to be wrong it's okay to be wrong I'm gonna I'm gonna embrace that today yeah it's okay to be wrong yeah okay until next time you guys bye finding your perfect home was hard but thanks to burrow furnishing it has never been easier burrow is a new kind of furniture company one that believes furniture and the furniture shopping process should fit seamlessly into your life their in-house design studio has thought of everything from premium durable hardwood frames to stain and scratch resistant fabrics their modular sofas and sectionals don't just look good and feel comfortable
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