Two Hot Takes - 21: Where Do We Go From Here?!

Episode Date: June 17, 2021

TW: SA  Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-hosts, Justin and Lauren! This little trio take on stories that don't have any relation or common theme but all leave you feeling 'wtf' or ' do we go from here....'. They start with a listener write-in about a woman whose boyfriend has been saving her friends pictures for his personal time.. And then for the Reddit stories! Stories include a neighbor who is leaving medical waste in a shared hallway, a man whose trying to give his ex-wife money but his GF is irate, a woman whose fiancé wants her to complete a family practice that she's not on board with, and a woman whose hubby cheated with her son of all people.  As always your support is very appreciated: Full length Video episodes available on YouTube:   

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Starting point is 00:00:00 at aesthetics and alpine. We use a hydroderma abrasion procedure that uses patented technology to cleanse, extract, and hydrate. Hydrofacial uncovers a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing. The active force serum removes dead skin cells to reveal healthy skin, and the glycol, a mixture of glycolic and salicylic acids, delivers the benefit of appeal without post-peel scaling. Aesthetics and alpine, a division of alpine plastic surgery, call 801-689-3500 today. Like this show and want to make your own? Let me tell you about Anker. It's the site that I use for my podcast, and best part, it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer, and Anker will even distribute the podcast for you,
Starting point is 00:00:50 so it can be heard on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and many more. It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place. Download the free Anker app or go to to get started. The day you had today kind of inspired this episode a little bit. Really? Where the fuck do we go from here? Where to go from here? So these are all stories that are a little dramatic, a little out there, and when you finish them, they're like, they leave you with this like, I don't even know feeling damn. I feel like that's most of the stories. But maybe these ones more so. Yeah, well, I'm kind of like on one today, so I'm really excited to be just a whipper snapper, but who knows? I might come out real calm. I might be way too much.
Starting point is 00:01:46 I don't really know. I don't know how my reactions are going to be, but I know that. I'm loving your energy so far. Thank you. Yeah, let's go. I think you're like on edge. You're ready to rock. That's going to be good. You know what I really want to do and I'm going to do? Okay. One of those things where you break everything. What's it called? Oh, a rage room? Yes. I'll go. Yes. I need to get to anchor out after the information I found out today. I need to get some anchor out as well. But I actually did want to say something because me and Justin just realized we haven't seen each other in a minute and I listened to the episode with you and Morgan and I thought it was so sweet that you mentioned
Starting point is 00:02:23 multiple times why you respect Morgan. Oh, you know, someone left a comment on the YouTube today and I sent it to you, but they were like, I just love the episodes with Morgan and Justin, like watching such a healthy, respectful relationship. I was like, oh my God, that's great because this is my first one. They are sweet. I like them too, but then I'm like, wait, but don't take my place, Justin. I just don't even remember these things because it's just, it's just me. You black out when it happens. No, just like, not like off of alcohol, but just off of excitement. Yeah, I mean, I just speak my mind and these things happen. Yeah. Okay. Are we ready now? Yeah. Okay, let's do it. Let's do it. Dive in.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of Two Hot Takes. I'm your host, Morgan. And I'm Justin. And I'm Lauren. Wow, this is going to be an interesting trio. We've been doing a lot of trios. I'm kind of liking them so far. Same. Okay. Well, like I said, where do we go from here? We're going to start off with some listener write-ins again. That'll be my first one. Oh, you haven't had a listener write-in. They're really good. We've got a great community out there that is very willing to share. So she writes in, I'd love to hear your hot takes on my current boyfriend situation. So here goes. I've been with my partner for four and a half years and everything in our relationship is really good.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Great even. We have so much fun together and he looks after me well. But we've had one consistent issue in our relationship from the start. We have an open phone policy and I've never felt the need to go through his phone because I was never suspicious of him for any reason. But when I was going through his photo library to send myself some photos we took on his phone at an engagement party, I discovered he had been screenshotting and saving photos of my three best friends, housemate and his close female friends and other girls we know for his a wank bank. Absolutely not. Yeah. I confronted him because obviously this made me super uncomfortable and I felt like it was
Starting point is 00:05:02 disrespectful to me and to all of our girlfriends. He promised this behavior would end but over the last four years I keep accidentally stumbling across the same thing time and time again, which was terrible for my self-esteem because I now knew what he was thinking of when my friends or his friends were around and also I put a lot of energy into my nudes. God damn it. Anyways, recently I had the feeling it was happening again due to the bathroom doors being locked during extra long showers when they usually wouldn't be as he normally likes me to join him and he doesn't seem interested in having sex with me. I checked his phone hoping I was wrong and I could put my suspicions to bed but it was worse than I ever could have imagined.
Starting point is 00:05:51 He had been logging into my accounts on my laptop when I wasn't home and going through my messages with my girlfriends and stealing lingerie pictures they had sent me when trying on some new stuff before. A hot date and other photos of my friends they had sent me in complete confidence plus accessing my friend's private accounts on my laptop taking photos of the pics on the accounts that he liked and then wiping my history. He went so far as to crop all the pictures nicely. This was well thought out. There was also pics of his ex-girlfriend who we still hang out with and a lot of the photos of these girls were just normal selfies of their faces which made it super personal. He promised to stop this time but I keep hearing that not to mention the trust is gone
Starting point is 00:06:39 and now when I check his phone everything is a little too squeaky clean. I've also had issues in the past where I have had to call him out on extremely flirty texts to his girlfriends and he swears he didn't realize it looks that way and he's just naive. He would get super angry at me if I felt uncomfortable by how close he was getting to these girls and now that I know he was using their photos in his alone time I feel like I absolutely had reason to be worried and feel gaslit as fuck. I feel like my best friends deserve to know he's logged onto my laptop multiple times over the last four years and stolen photos of them from me so they can block him if they wish but how the fuck do I tell someone that kind of thing? My best friend thinks I should tell all
Starting point is 00:07:23 the other girls involved. Little does she know she's one of them. She probably assumes though she's gotta assume even if she's like yeah you gotta tell all the girls involved I'm sure she probably is like I might be one of them whether my friend knows it or not. I don't think like say this was happening with our friend group and your boyfriend I wouldn't think I was involved if you were telling me. I feel like you were tell I think I would feel like you were telling me because I'm not involved and I also like for me I'm like I just can't imagine like me being included like I don't know if that's like a oh stop it. I feel like if Lauren came to you and was telling you this it would be one of the first things like yeah you were part of it. Well yeah because she
Starting point is 00:08:09 would tell me. Right. I don't think she'd hold my whole back. I don't know. I don't know. I think actually you're right because I think I probably would try to find a friend that was not involved and tell them you're right. I probably wouldn't go to a friend. I wouldn't if you were involved like I would tell you yeah but I would try to find someone else who wasn't involved. You'd want to get a good read on this the whole situation before. Yeah but that's besides the point because this is just so far gone outrageous. I oh my god I can't even imagine how I would feel if I was this girl. I feel so bad for her especially she made the comment about her nudes that she spent a lot of time on. She puts a lot of work into them. I mean the fact that she even gives this motherfucker
Starting point is 00:08:56 nudes like fuck him. And still does. Oh yeah he needs to absolutely go. I don't care how good their relationship is that is the most ultimate form of disrespect out there. Well the fact that it's been occurring multiple times over four years. One time okay like still no. Still no for me at least. I yeah like if Justin was like yeah you you know Lauren and Alejandra really do it for me. I'd be like well what the fuck. What do you think of me because we're like none of us are really comparable. And even if they were it doesn't matter. It's so disrespectful. It's weird it's creepy. Well how can you do anything normally again. Yeah I wouldn't trust you around my friends kind of like what she said. She's like now that I know that he does this how can I look at his
Starting point is 00:09:41 interactions with his girlfriends the same. You can't. You know what sucks though they sound like their friend group is really intertwined. So it sounds like even if she gets rid of him like breaks up that like he's still going to be around a little bit. Well whatever guy friends are involved I think they should be like dude what the fuck is your problem. Like not only was he being sketchy but he was also invading her privacy. He was sneaking into her stuff and like things that were not for him. Like still shitty if he was doing this to public pictures but these were pictures that were private. Intimately sent to their friend. Yeah I think that's the worst part. He hacked her. He was so desperate to see these girls that he hacked her.
Starting point is 00:10:29 And on top of this what's so disgusting to me is that if she leaves him which I think that she should but it's up to her. She's going to be added to that collection. Yeah next girl he starts dating. She's going to be a part of it. His little creepy spank bank. Well yeah and it seems like all of the times she's either given the ultimatum or just said she wasn't cool with it. I just think he probably doesn't think she'll leave because how I mean you wouldn't go multiple times. I feel like it's the little boy who cried wolf. Yeah I feel like I mean it would never be but if it were me and you you would be like dude like almost take it down a level from this and it's just like a one-time weird thing where it's not as serious with friends and stuff. You
Starting point is 00:11:18 still would be like what the fuck and then there would be no second time. Yeah and if it did happen it'd be like alright see ya. Yeah what would what how would you handle this if it was the other way around and you found out that Morgan was doing this with your friends and you and she said you know it's like this weird addiction thing it's not anything serious I love you it's just this weird like like compulsive like whatever addiction how would you handle it. I think at some point you just need to you need to make a choice for yourself and is that really something you want to go forward with and for me it'd just kind of be like well I guess this isn't the right person this is just not right this is just weird so in any kind of situation like that if it continues to happen
Starting point is 00:12:07 and they have a problem or whatever then I still think it's the same deal. Yeah same. Yeah I I just can't even imagine being in this situation I also don't think he stopped like her being like oh it's too squeaky clean yeah I feel like he's got like a burner phone an iPad or something where she's just password protected album well that's the thing like even in your notes app you can have like hidden notes that are password protected it could be like a grocery list and then all of the pictures that he's saving could be in like a secret note or like a hidden folder like there's hidden albums I just I understand that sex addictions are you know something else a whole another animal yeah we've had a few of these stories now yeah but it just makes me so mad because her friends that's
Starting point is 00:12:51 fighting that's literally so malicious like whatever your addiction is it's just so mean it's so mean yeah I remember we sent this or I sent this to my dad and I was like what the like what the fuck and he was like I would make the guy do it he needs to tell all of her friends what he did like I don't think he would exactly he's too much of a coward probably but like I just it's such a shitty situation because like obviously it's not her fault at all but it's just like you just don't know how these girls are gonna react because it's like I had so much confidence in you and blah blah blah and like how did you let him get those pictures it's not her fault I thought I was the friend I was mad at all no but you just know like so sad for her that's me and you and
Starting point is 00:13:39 Justin but I think there are some people that would feel so betrayed by their friend that they would get upset I think there is that opposite reaction which is like obviously not right and this is not her fault at all for listening out there OP yeah I mean that's true I guess like if if Jeff had his stuff hacked and there was like a scandalous picture of me that was out I feel like I might get mad at Jeff first but just because he's the one in front of me he's easy easy to put the blame on yeah like I trusted you like yeah exactly yeah I think uh it's hard when you have something special with someone and there's just one fatal flaw but everything else would be perfect but in this case I think this is a big a big big flaw oh yeah fatal flaw yeah yeah but I know what you mean
Starting point is 00:14:30 I know what you're saying because there's a lot of stories where they're like everything in the relationship is perfect but and then it's like this is a big fucking but that's a big but that's a big but oh it is yeah huge but yeah but you just gotta just gotta move on yeah and that would like mess with her her psyche too so much like oh it'd never be normal no that's a weird type of like non-cheating cheating that she's gonna have to deal with even in her next relationship yeah yeah step one break up step two get your girlfriends together for maybe a wine night and just kind of let it out and just be like I'm sorry this dude is a fucking creep and have a blocking party and just everyone everyone blocks him at one time and he can't see their shit anymore true yeah okay
Starting point is 00:15:21 onto the reddit stories that was a crazy one though I know yeah it's crazy too because you you know he just has everything saved somewhere and that's on like an iCloud yeah it's just like it's just never gonna yeah it's never gonna go away and that's just that's also another part to get over it's just like well this is out there with me now yeah yeah the fact that they're all people that are so close and accessible too like saving pictures of a celebrity and like we've talked about porn like you don't know these people but the fact that a majority of his pictures are people he knows and has access to yeah and sees in swimsuits and the fact that they were like selfies just smiling like what yeah dude that'd absolutely be a no chance yeah then we'd get
Starting point is 00:16:11 angry learn yeah at aesthetics at alpine we use a hydra dermabrasion procedure that uses patented technology to cleanse extract and hydrate hydra facial uncovers a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing the active force serum removes dead skin cells to reveal healthy skin and the glycol a mixture of glycolic and salicylic acids delivers the benefit of appeal without post peel scaling aesthetics and alpine a division of alpine plastic surgery call 801 689 3500 today okay this one this one my apartment neighbor female has left her newly born placenta in a bowl outside of her apartment door to ward off bad luck wow it's a thing it's baking in 70 degrees for days how do i tell her to throw it away i don't know how to best explain it to her
Starting point is 00:17:12 that it's starting to smell and it's getting on my nerves but it's her neighbor yeah like apartment neighbor so close neighbor wow but like outdoor apartment that's right it's baking in the sun that's close yeah because i was picturing if it's if it's next door neighbors houses yeah who cares weird but mind your own business apartment damn yeah i think it's great that we have this freedom to practice whatever we believe in but at the same time this is unsanitary disgusting and possibly dangerous i told her this but it seems that she wants to be just left in peace what about the animals like i feel like animals would be like starting to come and eat it i don't know this just like doesn't really get to me like i just don't think i would care i mean unless i'm
Starting point is 00:17:55 sitting outside warren what you don't even like period blood how would you see a placenta in a bowl period blood in my used utensils that's different my kitchen shared bowls that is so different can you imagine the smell of a rotting placenta i mean here's the thing is do i have a nice setup outside of my apartment complex am i sitting out there in my reading like if it's so yes i'd be annoyed or you walk by it every day if i walk by it i don't care i plug my nose i mean it's like a dead animal you you can smell that i plug my nose and i just pass by oh no you know when something's died near no no you would not you're talking a big talk right now i if i was sitting outside reading yes but like if i just had a pass by it i would just be like whatever how does she know it's a
Starting point is 00:18:39 placenta i've also never really cared about a lot of those certain things i know that like i know that people like pass by apartment complexes they get mad about the rug that they have or like that they leave shoes outside i've heard people complaining about stuff like that that doesn't faze me yeah doesn't faze me so i mean i know that a placenta is different than a pair of shoes yeah a little bit this would really just it would be interesting i'm wondering if it must be like a cultural practice where this is like a what you do after a child's born kind of like a ward off evil spirit it's like an astrology good luck placenta i born's gonna do it now let me look the moon is in capricorn therefore my placenta is outside oh my god i just want to
Starting point is 00:19:23 know why how she knows that it is that me oh i don't no not you how the let's google poster let's do some fixes here let's google what a placenta looks like because i'm i'm picturing it looking just like a sack outside of the body um i so that's a placenta i think especially if the baby came home recently like i think it's kind of safe like you probably see the cord do you usually take that home so there's a lot of interesting practices happening people eat it people have been eating their placentas because they say it's like it's supposed to be the best thing for you and there's a lot that's happening with placentas and how we um cut the cords and let the blood fully drain from the cord first so this article goes placenta spirituality
Starting point is 00:20:08 revered but not in the west the afterbirth has spiritual and religious significance in different parts of the world but perhaps it's overlooked in western culture since birth has become so cold and clinical which i could i could see that they look at it as like birth is when the placenta dies and the baby's life begins a lot of people bury the placentas i've heard that too um securely underground this is to prevent it being stolen by evil spirits or eaten by wildlife thereby ensuring that the baby will have a long and healthy life for example if it is believed if the placenta is eaten by dogs or pigs the baby will suffer from manic depression if eaten by ants the baby will suffer from skin sores and if eaten by birds the baby may die suddenly well now i'm curious
Starting point is 00:20:58 what happened to the placenta that accompanied me same that took a turn i was not expecting like is that thing out behind the house i grew up in somewhere like no they you were born in a hospital yeah yeah it's just hospital waste i don't know i don't want to eat hospital waste i think you might have had a bore eat your placenta so what would you guys do in this situation lauren you're not bothered are you bothered justin are you just ignoring it i'm thinking i'm just picturing this happening uh like in the apartment place i used to live just picture it like downstairs in the lobby or what if um so i have an elevator you guys that like we get in and out of the elevator and it just goes right to your building what if this placenta was just in the elevator
Starting point is 00:21:45 that's different i don't think that's that's public space though this is public space too right outside your door you walk right by it after knowing lauren i think lauren would not enjoy it because you know when people say oh it smells like something died in here yeah that's what i'm picturing yeah but lauren's not bothered by farts and a lot of smells so i don't know i it's it's a whole different type of smell i know i would have a field day with this i would not be able to handle it i wouldn't want to throw it away because i feel like that might bring me bad juju and would also be very disrespectful so you're into this so you agree you agree it's warding off spirits so what does this mean for our future i do believe i do believe in karma like
Starting point is 00:22:26 that would be bad karma bad juju like who i don't know like she believes in it so i don't like in the off chance it is you know real like i think there's a lot of power in certain spiritual objects weegee boards i do not fuck with weegee boards joston like wants to get one to be funny and i'm like absolutely not i'm not allowing you're not in you're out not allowing that energy to come into my life i don't really i don't really get bent out of shape with weegee boards but my mom told me when i was really little and i went over to a sleepover do not play with weegee boards so when you're that young and your mom tells you something like that you're a little like traumatized now yeah so now i'm like i i don't fuck with them it's in my rulebook i've never seen one
Starting point is 00:23:09 i've seen one at a cabin i did play with one so no i have to it was that like a it was yeah all the kids are doing it and like it was the scariest experience and i wasn't about it and after my haunted house experience i'm like i'm a full believer in ghosts and that that shit so damn well we're doing a scary stories episode eventually so yeah i wouldn't throw this thing away but i would have a really hard time i might put a lid on it like maybe i'd put a lid on it because if there was a lid on it then animals aren't going to mess with it it's more contained you might not still interfere in though oh shit i don't know i thought it was a good idea i feel like it's still out there doing you know serving it's the bad spirits are like yeah but now all
Starting point is 00:23:56 the good spirits are locked out oh yeah was it bad spirits or good spirits let's bring in good luck oh okay good luck that's good yeah so she gives a little edit i've reported this to my landlord hopefully their response will be prompt as there's a swarm of black and green flies near the whole flock that ten yeah yeah what it's like a dead rat you didn't mention the the insects but i said what about the animals but that's not an insect i'm picturing like cute little squirrels and i'm like bring them bring them okay okay snow white so top comments take photos and report it to your landlord um everyone's like taking this post very seriously so someone goes that's enough of the internet for today yeah and then they go it's a love that comment it's a horrible day to have eyes
Starting point is 00:24:48 like i shouldn't have seen that but yeah everyone else is very logical like speak to the property manager right report it to your landlord like everyone's taking it so seriously and like providing really good advice versus like trolling this person so i appreciate that yeah me too research about what on earth it means it has to go regardless but no need to offend the person about their beliefs or their mental health etc would be a good way to check up on their welfare too so do we confirm though that it is a a certain yeah it is a cultural practice okay um many many cultures actually practice this and religions i mean i think that's cool but it is hard when you live in a shared yeah building you got to be respectful that everyone does not have the same
Starting point is 00:25:34 yeah no cultural beliefs and values yeah no update and no other comments so no idea if it uh got taken away or is still out there up next am i the asshole for giving my ex-wife a large amount of money i won despite the anger of my girlfriend i recently won a fuck you amount of money i won't say exactly how much but it's in the millions it makes me feel funny even typing it's enough to change the life of myself and my family my ex-wife is the mother of my two kids she is an amazing woman and good to the bone we divorced six years ago because i had an affair with my current partner i was in a low place in my life and i fucked up she was in incredible pain but like a fucking saint she allowed me to still see our kids who mean the world to me allowed our divorce to be as painfree
Starting point is 00:26:29 as possible despite the fact that i know she was hurting she's still close with my parents she's respectful to me although she refuses to talk to my girlfriend she was actually the first person i phoned after my mom and pops after i found out i won the lottery she was pleased for me joked that i could take the kids on a world round trip and that was that nothing else as soon as i won i knew i wanted to give her a significant amount i still love her she's the mother of my babies and i feel like this is some small tiny way i can show her that i'm not a complete fuck up she deserves to know that i care despite my mistakes she also works a shitty job in the public library which pays her peanuts she would actually be able to pursue her hobbies
Starting point is 00:27:14 this way give our kids a better life between us i haven't discussed this with my ex yet but i have with my parents who strongly agree and my lawyer who was very surprised but on board long story short when i told my girlfriend she was livid screaming that i'm disrespecting her accusing me of still being in love with my ex i'm not in love with her we've both grown apart but of course i still love her for being an excellent co-parenting partner and mother to my kids my girlfriend is threatening to break up with me and to be honest i'm feeling incredibly relieved over the threats i don't plan on changing my plans but am i the asshole definitely not no the thing is i will say it sounds like the girlfriend is definitely jealous she's definitely feeling insecure about
Starting point is 00:28:05 the fact and which is fair he just said she's amazing that he fucked up he was at a low point in his life like that he still loves her and like a lot of respect for her yeah he has so much respect for her like that would be really hard for her to stomach and she also was the asshole that like apparently right that's the reason the reason that they ended things yeah so i i that's probably where the girlfriend's freaking out but like no he's doing the absolute best thing it's the mother of his children yeah and like and she's a good person so i think it's a very respectful moment yeah oh my absolutely so so respectful and like very redeeming of him for like the chaos and turmoil he did cause well it doesn't change any of it but it right i think it shouldn't be looked at as like a
Starting point is 00:28:49 here's like a retribution for that i think it's more just like i got this and i and i love how it says to provide a good life for my kids from like both sides yeah so it's not so polarly opposite and she's out here working for grinding in a public library yeah it's just it's a very thankless job yeah so i think the i think you're almost having showing some red flags with the girlfriend but oh yeah huge yeah huge red flags and like like where to go from here like i think he should definitely like just be like okay follow through on your threats which of course she's not going to do like this man just won the lottery and he's relieved by the threat and that's that's why i'm saying that's the reason i said that i think that she probably has a fair reason
Starting point is 00:29:42 to feel insecure is because look at him he's like i fucked up the best thing i've ever had and i'm relieved that my girlfriend's threatening me to like threatening to break up with me so it's like yeah she probably did have a reason why she felt insecure about this but also he is every right to do what he pleases with his money that he just wanted to know where especially when it's the mother of his children well and that money like he said like it's a lot of it's gonna go to his kids it's like exactly you know it's helping the family overall and co-parenting well and you don't know necessarily if she would be working that job if they had never had those problems yeah like if she was a stay-at-home mom prior yeah and if like that forced her to go into you know
Starting point is 00:30:26 something working a little bit yeah and so i i love the the idea yeah of it i if i was him i'd break up with the girlfriend like fuck her and her idle threats because yeah i really don't think she'd follow through on them yeah but it's revealing things it's revealing things and i think it's showing her character because if you feel threatened by him giving money that is gonna help his kids that like why are you so insecure and that's shitty you have this guy you got this guy you've had him for six years right like what is what that's what i was i was gonna back up on that so they've literally been together for six years six years since the affair yeah i so i i do think there's probably a lot more going on the background why the girlfriend freaked out i mean who knows
Starting point is 00:31:12 but i also do think it's not right for her to do that and he clearly is not that into her he's saying that he's relieved yeah and and so and no he's not the asshole he's absolutely not the asshole let's just get that straight yeah and i think he his question should be like should i break up with her yeah why is he waiting for her to like you know yeah so top comment not the asshole if you intended for the money to help out her and your kids if you only intended to give it to her because you love your ex-wife then you're a bit of an asshole and in parentheses everybody sucks here for making your current girlfriend a plan b the way she reacted was a little over the top but to be expected since you are giving money to another woman that used to be married to
Starting point is 00:31:58 otherwise you do have kids to provide for and it's none of her business because you're not married and you don't share the money just a question did she know you had a wife when you had an affair with her because if she did then the whole disrespecting her is a load of bullshit because she did the same thing to your ex-wife true yeah through that's probably why she's so insecure too because she's like i'm a fucker probably i don't really agree with the first part of this person's comment though like if you only intended to give it to her because you love your ex-wife like i think if you were married to someone and you had kids with that person i think in a way you'll always love them you might not be in love with them but you'll still care for them and love them
Starting point is 00:32:39 in some regard unless it was truly a shit ending and the person sucked and then you know you can fade those feelings but yeah okay but hear me out okay so if they didn't have kids together if this was just his ex whether it's x y for just ex-girlfriend i don't think they'd be connected anymore kids keep but if but that's i think that's kind of what the post was saying when you think because there was a little bit about because it's like if you were just giving it to her because you were like i still love my ex so like let's just say that this happened with justin and although justin's exes are so far gone it's like let's say he was like hey i want a lot of money and i'm gonna give my money to my ex you'd be like what the fuck like why that would be a little
Starting point is 00:33:21 more weird yeah and so i think that i what i am assuming from this comment is that it's just more like well this is the mother of your children yeah yeah but like the other half of this goes you're a bit of an asshole for making your current girlfriend a plan b and it's like he's not making her a plan b not after six years not after six years like that's that's clearly his plan a he's not actively pursuing you know his ex-wife and like it's not like this amount of money is going to change things like yeah money doesn't fix problems money makes life easier and better sometimes sometimes more money more problems yeah you know there's that too but it's for the kids and it's like yeah if it benefits her at the you know in the interim and as well like yay like he wants it to
Starting point is 00:34:07 yeah like good for him it's he won yeah so op replies back and goes she did know i was married to my wife yes i agree that her claiming disrespect is bullshit because we both engaged in very disrespectful behavior towards my ex-wife the money is being given with the full intention that ex-wife did me right over the years and i want to do right by her she's the mother of my kids and she also deserves a good life i also want the kids to grow up in two wonderful environments instead of a dad having a nice place yep and the mom's place being completely bereft absolutely i don't think that would be fair this is a good guy i like him yeah same oh his account was suspended i was gonna see if there were any updates or um additional comments but
Starting point is 00:34:52 oh man now i just gotta scroll real fast i honestly don't see any other option i just think that if he were to not give his ex-wife any money the saint of a woman who's been amazing through the entire process who's helped raise his children that would be the biggest asshole move i don't think that he has an option to not like how at least something you know when you win that much it's not like he was working his ass off for this money like it was planted in his lap like op does have another comment um he replies to someone who goes i have less sympathy for op fucking someone behind his wife's back and now treating his ex-wife with more respect than his current girlfriend if this chick didn't fuck him some other one would have she did a stupid thing but op was the one who had
Starting point is 00:35:38 vows he was the one who should have pumped the brakes he claims he's not a fuck up but he's still fucking up which ouch and op replies back to this person and goes i'm trying to give my ex-wife the respect that she as the mother of my children deserves my current girlfriend does not live in my home nor do we see each other seven times a week she very much lives her own life goes out parties does the odd dinner here and there with a friend has a very full social circle she will occasionally ask to see me when it's been a couple of days for that reason alone i don't think i would need to consult her about something as big and as life changing as this because she prefers us both to be at arm's length somewhat well how the fuck have they
Starting point is 00:36:22 made it six years together that's kind of weird yeah very unusual maybe that the like less interaction is what they thrive on i don't know yeah one last comment i'll read um so this person goes not the asshole at the end of the day that doesn't count because i didn't technically think it say it you're reading it yeah yeah no you're gotten you're in the clear okay good also i like when you say it i i'd like that as a drinking game like i want to drink what'd you say at the end of the day i keep stopping so not the asshole at the end of the day you still shared a lot with your ex-wife and that probably intimidates your girlfriend in my eyes the girlfriend is being extremely childish in the situation and the fact that you're feeling relieved about her threats
Starting point is 00:37:07 says a lot about you too yep i mean it sounds like she does sound very childish yeah it's immature like even if you felt it was being disrespectful like to flip out like that it's just like just doesn't need to be that big of a deal like can you please explain to me why you feel the need to give her money like it just makes me a little uncomfortable it's all it needs to be yeah and it's like yes he did make mistakes but life moves on and you can't live in the past so given the current new situation this is a great thing to do at aesthetics at alpine we use a hydrodermabrasion procedure that uses patented technology to cleanse extract and hydrate hydrophacial uncovers a new layer of skin with gentle exfoliation and relaxing resurfacing the active force serum removes dead
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Starting point is 00:38:57 zero no hi everyone i know i messed up so please try to hold the judgment i already know i hope this makes sense i'm on mobile and feel so upset i'm sorry if i posted twice i accidentally deleted a post without seeing any comments i 21 female hooked up with my sister's 23 female husband 38 male last month i know it was so dumb we were at a wedding she wasn't there i drank way too much and he was my dd i didn't even realize what was happening i barely remember the next day but i've been feeling so guilty about it ever since and i've been trying to figure out how to tell her what happened okay well it doesn't sound like she consented yeah a little so hold up she was 24 op is 21 sister's 23 so not a big age gap and then this man is 38 38 so age gap between the two
Starting point is 00:39:54 between all of them yeah wow okay 17 years he right 15 21 oh to the to the sister yeah yeah 17 years that's and he was sober today we my parents brother and me went to dinner at my house and she announced she was pregnant it's still early only a few weeks now i feel like i need to keep my mouth shut about what happened i don't want to ruin her family but i feel like i already have i'm so scared of her finding out i don't know what i should do help please you have to tell her yeah he's a bad guy like you have to tell her yeah that's that's scary yeah oh so so sad there is an update but the top comment on the original one he's 38 married to a 23 year old and then he hooked up with her 21 year old sister yeah this guy is a world-class creep yeah i think your
Starting point is 00:40:51 sister is about to find out the hard way what this man is really like especially as her pregnancy advances he'll be having an affair before the baby arrives mark my words well yeah and it's like sorry go on oh even though you are super guilty over what you did and it was terrible he was sober right but no i'm not advantage of her i'm sorry i'm saying like as the sister oh okay yes you need to save her from getting in any deeper i mean shit like i've said in other episodes it's better to be a single parent than miserable with a partner yeah and and there's these uh there's these girls i don't know if like if you know who they are it might trigger something for you but like basically big friend group one of the girls was very drunk
Starting point is 00:41:46 one of the other girls was not there her boyfriend was there boyfriend was sober hooked up with the drunk girl the girl who barely even remembers it the girl who barely remembers it told her friend i'm so sorry this happened i barely remember it and she was raped yes exactly yeah and and so and it's just like she felt so much guilt about it but it's like no you need to tell people who they are with the person to blame is the predator that was sober and took advantage yes and violated the other individual because you know you just know like when someone's super messed up you just put them to bed give them a water like he was responsible for her she's 21 she's just legal like maybe this is her first or first couple times experiencing alcohol like you offered to be the
Starting point is 00:42:34 dd and you were in a position of power and took advantage of her you're supposed to be the protector you're supposed to be her family your family right it just i it sucks because i feel for her so much because she this is gonna hurt this is gonna affect their relationship for a long time definitely well even though she i don't think is it sounds like in the wrong at all it sounds like she was completely taken advantage of if not raped but this is going to affect her relationship with her sister for a long time and that's what really sucks definitely i know there's you just don't know how the sister will react yeah so update hi everyone i got freaked out and deleted my old post i'll put the original post under this but basically like whatever like reiterates the title
Starting point is 00:43:20 basically on the drive home he pulled over and we hooked up i don't remember most of it some comments were saying it was sexual assault since i was so drunk i really don't know i didn't scream or hit him or anything i didn't know what consent would look like since i was that drunk but either way i told my sister about it she got really mad she started yelling and everything and told me to leave but then she called me and said i was a whore and a homewrecker and she was disgusted i'd try to use alcohol as an excuse i hadn't all i had told her was that i had been drinking at the wedding she told my family and now they're not talking to me except my brother who told me he thinks the whole situation is messed up and my dad who said he was disappointed in me
Starting point is 00:44:01 my mom had just cut me off i don't know what the situation is between her and her husband i know he's still living at home my sister posted the gifts he got her for mother's day so i guess everything is normal between them which is good i guess for the sake of the baby anyways yeah i guess i'm glad i told her at least i don't have that secret hanging over me that's so sad but it's like okay now you know that he was driving and all of a sudden pulled over now it's getting me in more sketchy yeah how have anyone in that family are you just like yeah you just you're horrible she's 21 she's 21 and as a victim i think you try to like like i've never experienced something like this so if you know you are a victim out there and you can put better
Starting point is 00:44:46 words to this and are comfortable reaching out please message us i literally want to cry just even thinking about this but i think when something like this happens to you and you don't fight back or you don't say no it's like oh well i didn't try to stop it i i was complicit you know it's on me too blah blah blah but it's like no you didn't openly consent you were drunk you were in a state of you can't consent when you're like that no and so you know she doesn't even realize how much of a victim she is in this and it's so so so terrible that her family is treating her this way because he is a creep he took advantage of her i agree 17 year age gap and now she's taken all the heat so fucked up yeah like and just the family the dad i'm disappointed in you and the mom cutting
Starting point is 00:45:36 her off yeah what about the fucking dude that's what i'm wondering like the fact that she's posting presents from the the dude's mom right no um that she was talking about the sister posting presents from her husband oh okay so even worse so even more like validation that she's still with this motherfucker yeah disgusting how i don't i don't understand that like i would never be able to go for that like even if i was so mad at my sister and i was like blinded by the pain that i was like i just can't look at you right now like whatever i need time but how do you now look at this other guy is like you didn't do anything wrong right what the fuck he's 40 years old and he's sober yeah sober sexually assaulted someone yeah oh there is a comment to that point about the social media
Starting point is 00:46:23 stuff to be honest she's faking on social media she's trying to keep her family together but he's a world-class jerk i suspect he'll cheat on her while she's pregnant eventually her and the rest of the family will see him for who he really is and understand that you are a victim yep it's just going to take a while it has to get worse before it gets better but let your family go through that mess without you keep focusing on yourself and what it takes to process and heal and stay sane yeah yes um op comments back i hope he won't but thank you for your sympathies you hope you won't cheat well i hope he will i literally hope he shows his true colors because that's so fucked up what like how do you so bad also like i'm so i'm so mad about this i know this one is like
Starting point is 00:47:09 again what the fuck where do we go from here yeah picturing and pull over yeah that what you're driving like you're not well you just know it wasn't it wasn't planned like they didn't go to a hotel room after the wedding they didn't go to anyone's house like he pulled over to do this discreet act where no one would know like he was probably hoping she was blacked out and wouldn't remember so disgusting yeah yeah that one uh a little dark a little dark guys very dark um next up get some green when you go green with cypress credit union from now through the end of may when you open a dream checking account with direct deposit in these statements we'll give you $50 and donate $50 to tree utah's community tree planting program to open your account or for
Starting point is 00:48:03 more information visit us today at cypress credit union your future is our future that really ensured by ncu a my 22 female fiance 25 male wants his father to check my hymen tomorrow night before i get married what's a hymen so a hymen is a piece within the vagina around it's typically the it's the opening it's at the opening of the vagina and it's in many people's outdated concepts they believe that you still have a hymen if you're a virgin and if you're pure however knowing what we know now some women are not even born with hymens some people have partial hymens and we use tampons and other things so your hymen can be broken from that as well okay so this is popped a cherry yes yes scientifically got it there you go my fiance proposed
Starting point is 00:49:07 to me about eight months ago we decided on having a relatively small wedding which is in two days everything was going great he seems absolutely perfect and we are very much in love i'm a virgin and so is he he wanted to save it for marriage and i wasn't fussed so i agreed to saving it he has told me earlier that in his family the father checks the virginity of the bride the night before the wedding i laughed this off as it seriously sounded like a massive joke nope turns out he was dead serious he wants me the night before to open my legs up in a small ceremony type thing so his dad can check me while him his brothers and uncle can watch so that they know i am still pure what there's no females no females involved either it's just all the males yeah
Starting point is 00:50:01 no yeah oh my god i was actually it's funny i was just talking to jeff about the fact that like that i was like i went to a gino once and it was a male and i was like i'm still scarred i don't like male like ginos well the thing is i was like okay this guy's been practicing for i don't know quite a few decades yet i felt super nervous and i feel like he built off of my nerves and so then like oh yeah he started acting really nervous and really weird which made me feel like i was like are you into me not actually but i'm like why are you acting nervous like you have decades of experience to not be nervous because i'm nervous and i felt like he was so like uh uh like it felt weird yeah and i was like jeff i'm still weirded up by that i'm never going back to a guy gino again it's i think
Starting point is 00:50:50 like i don't my personal opinion if you don't have a vagina you shouldn't be able to talk to me about mine no uterus no opinions yeah not not to that extreme but like i like had this male like doctor once like i was trying to be like this doesn't feel like cramps like this feels way more intense like i was convinced i had like an eptopic pregnancy or like a major cyst which it turns out i did have a cyst but it was like no like sorry you're probably just having really bad cramps this month and i'm like no i know what cramps are something is wrong with me and he like discredited me completely and then i had another one where like something you guys haven't learned about me yet i'm a little bit of a hypochondriac you both know and so i would not say so yeah what yeah oh my god
Starting point is 00:51:37 i like the other day what do you mean i like babble my words sometimes and then i i think i have a brain tumor i talk about that all the time yeah but not to the point where you're yeah yeah i'm serious on the inside you guys i'm a hypochondriac i feel like i become more of the person who's like you should probably go go like get some checked out i thought i was gonna say something different i think i'm the hypochondriac no yeah because like i'm the one who goes to morgan and i'm like i have i have lice i have lice and she's like lauren that's dandruff i'm like it's lice that was a fun time yeah i did happen it's your story yeah but um no there's another male doctor too and it was like it was just urgent care he wasn't like an actual gyno but i had like an
Starting point is 00:52:16 ingrown hair like in like around my vagina and i was like terrified i was like oh my god like what is this i was young i was like 16 i was in high school and at that time i was like i'm not going to go to my mom like yeah like i didn't want my mom to know i was having sex and like what if i did have something and so i go in there and he looks at me he goes yeah wow you really made the mistake having sex didn't you looks like warts no he didn't yep and i immediately like started crying he was like this old like 60 something year old guy with glasses the most disgusting person that's ever touched me and i literally like i made an appointment for this like amazing female gyno the next day and she goes no like sweetie that's just an ingrown hair oh my god and i was like
Starting point is 00:53:05 okay oh my god all is well damn but i'm like what an asshole like to like be like you guess yeah you made the mistake you shouldn't have had sex like yeah that's fucker that's so yeah like one of i can't remember who it was but like one of our other friends like said one time they went to like they had a uti and the nurse even was super weird about it super judgmental and i'm like this is your profession how i don't get it you have no right to judge people like isn't don't you get like go through training to like not judge people it's just so weird to me yeah and don't you see it enough to where that's what i'm saying i'm like but just like the exposure to it yeah it should be so desensitized to anything to not like make opinions
Starting point is 00:53:50 about every single person yeah i mean i i don't like everyone i interact with i'm like everyone's dealing with their own battle like i'm just here to help in any way i can but some people don't have that empathy in that that regard for other humans i mean that probably also too they're just like that's their way of coping with like the it is a tough job yeah yeah back to this poor girl that doesn't want to get her hymen checked and should not i told him fat chance i'm going to do that and he was begging me to go through with it and how important it is for him he said he knew it was slightly embarrassing for me but his mom did it and it will prove how much i love him and that i have nothing to hide anyways as i am still a virgin i left and he was crying
Starting point is 00:54:37 it was very dramatic to be honest i want to call off the whole wedding because of this and never talk to him again but at the same time it's only one thing and other than that we are genuinely perfect for each other and i don't want to spend my life with anyone else and it is very important to him and his family what the fuck do i do i'm currently at my friend's house and i might stay here for the night tomorrow will be our last day as an unmarried couple and i'm straight up panicking this is like the night before the wedding basically this is like what we were saying before where it's the one little like this isn't the little thing but the one thing and then everything is perfect yeah i think it's degrading and i think it's just
Starting point is 00:55:16 completely goes in the face of saying oh i trust you yeah that's a complete just that's a good point i didn't even think about that yeah it speaks volumes it's like hey show your vagina and the most prove it like especially because she is a virgin like hey show your most sacred parts yeah to multiple different men to prove your love for me very violating i would be like i'd be like here like let me fold back your penis skin for the rest of my female family right oh that might be it might be a good suggestion to be tit for tat i think the problematic thing though is not it's like all of this this is all so problematic but the fact that he goes it will prove yeah how much you love me like that emotional manipulation yeah that's a red flag if he's doing that now
Starting point is 00:56:10 it's only gonna get worse it's like the most extreme version of being like hammer your phone let me look through it yeah except this is her vagina that's what i'm saying it's like the most extreme version you're basically going in with the same violation of trust and saying i don't trust you prove it if not yeah more so i also like it isn't just a like hey spread your legs let me look like like this is not like an easy like oh let me just peek okay yep you're good like this is can you imagine an invasive procedure can you imagine especially with the entire rest of the family all the men no all the men i have a hard time like giving and this is like just me being weird but like i'm really bad at hugs like giving your dad a hug i feel so like awkward sometimes
Starting point is 00:56:56 because i'm so short and he's tall and i'm like i'm hugging you and i'm just like i don't want my boobs to touch anyone when i hug them so i'm just like like awkwardly hugging and i'm like oh my god like then like me going through this i'm like what the fuck no like i can barely hug people no it's like those weird family rituals you see in horror films yeah that's exactly when you said mid summer or whatever it's called i haven't even seen that that show but like i've seen it i saw the preview and it's all i need to know don't watch it and that's your dead on like it's fucking creepy and it's not okay yeah and to like manipulate someone emotionally and manipulate someone to make them feel like that's you're like proving your love is just so far beyond me that like you
Starting point is 00:57:43 said justin you can be perfect in every other way but like that one thing when it's that big yeah it's and she kind of says well it is just one thing and then we're perfectly fine that one thing is going to be a thing forever that's not just one thing and who knows what other weird traditions they have but yeah i would just i'd honestly just kind of be so shocked it wasn't a joke yeah and just be like nah i'm out like she's saying call off the wedding i agree yeah um top comment anytime a person tells you blank will prove how much you love me they are manipulating you true you shouldn't have to prove you love someone if you're planning to marry them yep don't let him play mind games like that true and then someone quotes like a
Starting point is 00:58:28 bunch of what she said he said he knew it was slightly embarrassing for me but his mom did it and it will prove how much i love him he told in all sincerity that showing your genitals to his fathers uncles and brother in the same is the same as you showing your love for him who gives a fuck what his mom did to get married x years ago he can go marry his mom if you want someone who is comfortable with this strange tradition yeah or he can offer to show you his taint to all what to paint like your asshole slash like gooch area oh different people use different yeah different things um to all your mom aunt sister etc it's only gooch isn't even as bad though no no asshole might be a little like the inside of a vagina is so fucking vulnerable yeah
Starting point is 00:59:22 yeah no in all honestly this sounds borderline cultish yes yeah there is an update let me just click click click do it please please have called off the wedding please don't say she went through with it i'm getting my drink ready i don't have anymore go get some more okay right now yeah okay five minutes later are you guys ready for the hymen update are we ready for the hymen update oh yeah i've never been more ready yeah that was fun i liked that okay so update first of all thank you so much for their replies i didn't think this would get so big i've pretty much read them all special shout out goes to the person who says this was a fake solely on the fact that i write like a man i went and talked to him this morning i told him that his father is not
Starting point is 01:00:21 going to look at me and he needs to respect that he was adamant that it needs to happen and accused me about lying about my virginity i was trying to be calm and rational but he was not having it and just became more and more angry i told him if he really loved me he would stand by me on this and tell his father no to which he slapped me and said he didn't need to prove anything yep it's revealing more shit wow it's revealing all like what what kind of relationship do you think you're gonna have old is this man 25 yeah well his brain still isn't fully developed even at 25 prefrontal cortex everyone says 25 but like it's there's a lot of research that says later like everyone is so different 25 25 is not the cutoff age it's it can be later damn so she left him so i ended it and left
Starting point is 01:01:18 him good i'm currently back at my friend's house being miserable and eating pizza which is pretty fun so yep thanks everyone dude there's so many better things for her good for her she's gonna look back at this and be thanking the fucking reddit gods yeah yeah i think she knew though too i a part of me i think she would have figured out on her own like she wrote you go to reddit kind of when you think like when you know you kind of know i feel like you kind of know what you need to do but you just want to hear it from other people i agree yeah but this i mean the emotional manipulation was red flag number one and then him being so adamant and like oh my mom did it blah blah blah and then rolls rolls reverse when she's like well if you want to prove your love to me you'll
Starting point is 01:02:02 stand by me on this and he slaps her he got physical really fast sherry on the cake yep and that's what i thought i thought this whole thing was it's deeper it it's showing the true character of probably what the rest of the relationship will be oh absolutely just the fact of having the the check i don't i don't really care i mean i respect cultural and i respect family traditions but i do not care for them when you think it's okay to project them on to other people and then be horrible to other people if they don't agree yeah because if you respect your family traditions so much you should understand that other people also have different family traditions and so it's just like can't you sympathize yeah i think there's a sorry go on
Starting point is 01:02:58 no i think there's a difference between having family traditions and just simply being fucked up to put it bluntly like yeah that's that's not normal i feel like in history class we learned of some weird traditions that certain cultures had that totally are very wrong and weird and just not right so they're not a thing today but this is just like that's good i don't have any respect for this type of shit this is some weird ass do you guys want to know one thing that i saw recently that i've never heard from anyone else and i don't know how i got down this rabbit hole yeah it's here but so basically um it's a tradition in certain parts in europe and certain parts in i think africa and i could be wrong so don't come at me if i'm wrong but i know
Starting point is 01:03:44 that europe was one of them and i think the other one was africa okay but basically once girls are born and young and old enough to like understand what's going on they will force them to stretch out their interleavia because they say that it gives men something to play with otherwise they will get bored there's a lot of female mutilation that happens around the world there's a lot of women that in parts of the world actually get their clits cut off um there's a there's a lot of female mutilation and there's a big movement to end it um and rightfully so yeah fuck tradition at that point it's just like it's because like it's be a human be like humane but anyway but anyway to like wrap that up though i think the thing is about like tradition culture all those things are so
Starting point is 01:04:42 great and i respect them and i understand that there's so many different you know like the placenta like i think that that's cool like you know if that's what you believe in and that's what makes you happy like find a way to make that work in your life when you are projecting it onto other people and compromising their safety their health happiness mental health yes it is not okay you cannot use tradition as an excuse it's not okay and as an expense to others yes definitely okay solid points were made i'm glad she did not stay yes i can sleep tonight well maybe not after this one you hear the term for fathers but at d11's bank the term we like to use is for mothers because before there was a bank there was Gwen a widowed mother her drive led the family from brigham city
Starting point is 01:05:35 to homestead 160 acres her guidance ensured they went away to college but returned home to teach giving back to the community life lessons that would become the cornerstone of d11's bank since 1904 this is community banking my 47 female life is destroyed and i'm beyond devastated my husband 34 male is having an affair with my son a few months ago i noticed a change in my husband we stopped having sex which was very odd for us as we always had sex a few times a week he also was more distant with affection and very secretive with his phone and when i checked it he had changed his passcode so i checked his laptop and the same thing changed in password we had always shared all that information even when we changed it so it didn't feel right i started
Starting point is 01:06:29 to feel like he was having an affair and a co-worker agreed that his actions seemed odd she suggested i had a camera at home especially as i travel for work she actually offered me the one she had used to catch her ex-husband cheating after a lot of internal debate i decided to do as she said and bought a camera that i could watch through my phone as i prepared for a short business trip i hid it in our living room at an angle that covered most of the room but mainly amped at the top of the door so i could see if anyone picked him up or came in with him when i checked it a few hours ago i was horrified and devastated to see my husband kissing my son my life is ruined just completely destroyed and i don't know how to go on a part of me never
Starting point is 01:07:16 wants to leave this hotel room i don't know if i can ever look at either of them again after this betrayal how am i supposed to go on oh it's your son therapy that is just like double edged sword in the back in the chest like well it's like goddamn husband right husband so husband is one thing but it's your son like he came out of you you can't you can't just divorce your son i wonder if she knew that her son was gay i don't know let's see if there's any additional comments the top comment on this one you need to see a therapist this is way too big for you to handle on your own sad and sorry for you your husband is an asshole get a divorce kick your son out of your life
Starting point is 01:08:10 it's okay to be gay but to fuck with your stepdad no way both are assholes yeah yeah i'm kind of agree i have this so it's i don't know if you'd call it a rational or whatever you want to call it but this weird fear of mine is like when i was younger is like falling in love with someone who ends up being gay and i think that's just from seeing on tv shows or seeing like you know that keeping up the Kardashians and it's one of those things where it's like you can't even be mad it's just so it's so heartbreaking you know it's like if someone cheats on you it's horrible but you can literally be like fuck you but if someone's just like i'm i'm gay and i was too afraid to like come out it's just so heartbreaking and so hard yeah because you want them to be themselves and
Starting point is 01:09:04 be true to who they are but it's still a loss and still a divorce like you're gonna get divorced so it's like well still it's so hard for you to i think the hard like concept for me is to think that they never felt the same way that i would have felt throughout that relationship you know what i mean like okay yeah that they always like even if they love me and cared for me like they never had that same type of like feeling that i felt like they never matched my level of attraction because they weren't attracted to me right and they just weren't being themselves they were just trying to fit in and you know i don't know what that's like but i can imagine it's you know i'm just trying to fit in and do it's normal societal expectations family expectations yeah my it's
Starting point is 01:09:49 heartbreaking like that sucks that people feel and that's exactly why you can't be in my opinion like i wouldn't even be mad i would just be like yeah like the fact that you felt like you had to hide yourself for this long like it would make me feel so sad for you well they probably feel equally as guilty for doing it to you essentially and then you need to be the one that it all comes out with you know just like you wouldn't feel good if if you were in that situation you're just like like had to tell that to someone you would feel horribly awful i mean you're you're switching it like you're just literally breaking it's like it's like the relationships that are totally happy and then just end and it's just like the most sad thing in the world because of circumstance it's
Starting point is 01:10:37 tough my uncle is gay and my aunt is gay and they're on two completely separate sides of the family um and both of them were actually married and in um heteronormative heterosexual relationship oh my god i don't know what the term is i'm blanking right now but they were in straight relationships i think it's heterosexual so both my uncle and my aunt were in heterosexual relationships before like divorcing and finding um their partners not my uncle my uncle's partner and he had like kids and everything too and like it just wasn't okay to be gay at that time it was very like it was very very challenging i mean the AIDS you know epidemic in this country and everything was the 80s and so it's like there was such a stigmatization until honestly what seems like
Starting point is 01:11:35 recently yeah well and that's why when i was younger and when i would learn about because i would know people who like had other like a husband who said that they were gay or or you know or a tv show or something like that and so it was more of a little kid thing when i looked at that and i was just like it makes me so sad that people still feel like they have to hide themselves and that they can't be true to themselves and they have to go through this like song and dance of what society says is normal like it makes me so sad on that front but then it also makes me so sad on the other front where this person thinks that like wow i'm in love with this person who loves me back the same way and is so sexually excited but they're right not being true to themselves yeah and so
Starting point is 01:12:20 it's just like it's like it's just so it's a it's no like evil no hate it's just sad you know yeah yeah another comment goes his stepson not his son right he's gay or bisexual and she goes stepson and my son's gay apparently my fucking husband is too and i think there may be an update there is i called and told him i knew everything and wanted him out of my fucking house by the time i returned he didn't apologize or even deny it he just hung up on me wow i texted going off and demanded him to confirm he'd leave and not be there when i came home i never got a response from him but my pathetic excuse for a son messaged and said they'd have his stuff out before i got back i called him wanting to know how he could do this to me i screamed and cried for i don't even
Starting point is 01:13:17 know how long before he said i'm sorry i really am but i love him i ended up breaking my phone when he said it i hurled it across the room and it smashed i returned home to find all of his clothes gone and his wedding ring on the nightstand i just don't understand how the two most important people in the world to me could do this be the most crushing thing breaks my fucking heart how do you do something like this to someone you claim to love my son is or was my only child but now he's dead to me i never want to see him again i've been home for two days and just have cried drank and slept i know i need to see a divorce lawyer and therapist but how do i find the strength to go on after this i know i know when i tell people my friends family etc i'll be humiliated
Starting point is 01:14:04 hell i don't even want to be in this house it reminds me of them and what they did to me but i literally haven't even had the strength to get dressed let alone book a hotel and pack a bag i mean the humiliated thing is just not on you yeah fuck that there's nothing to do with you no not on you at all this was them and their actions but you can you can relate to to it's embarrassing that way to feeling that yeah it's definitely embarrassed like embarrassing you don't want to be like oh what happened why are you gonna divorce well my husband fucked my son right like nobody wants to say that i mean that's no i i get like okay you're you're true to yourself now you're being yourself you're in love but there's better ways to go about it get divorced first
Starting point is 01:14:51 at least don't don't have it be the goddamn son yeah i just don't know you're like you're just taking someone down completely yeah so the top comment you won't be humiliated you have nothing to feel humiliated over this situation is so bizarre so unique it's like getting hit by lightning and the only people who deserve to feel humiliated are the woody allen you married and the son who betrayed you yeah do you know about woody allen so woody allen is like a famous hollywood director and he was married and him and his wife actually adopted a little girl and raised her and woody allen got divorced from his wife and they got married and he's in hollywood famous yeah yeah fuck that i'm just double
Starting point is 01:15:44 checking the age they got married in 1997 she was 27 years old when they got married i'm trying to find out when they how old she was when she was adopted you imagine no so disgusting so they adopted her when she was around seven years old so talk about a groomer seriously and that's the thing with this lady how long were they married because true if like the son was if they've been married for say 10 years the son would have been 15 like this is just weird and this it is woody woody allen oh my god i can't even imagine just logging just checking the footage there's just so many things that hurt about that because like i was saying it's just one i mean you find out that i mean unless he's bisexual unless her her husband is bisexual but then if you find out that he's gay
Starting point is 01:16:45 then it's like okay did you were you did you feel like you had to fake a relationship with me this entire time and that sucks that really hurts and then two your son like yeah out of everyone in the world yeah exactly uh that is just oh my god yeah you fault them equally for that i the son and the yeah it's just such a betrayal like how did it start even how did it start right how does that like just get initiated who initiated it like even when it's totally unrelated people in in family like non familial people when you have a crush on someone i think how hard it is for like two people that have crushes on each other to eventually like it's always the big reveal you know it's always like oh do i tell him do i tell her whatever yeah how does it happen in this
Starting point is 01:17:44 sense i don't know that's just like oh poor lady um so i have a question kind of related but at what point do you think in a relationship it makes sense to put a microphone somewhere put in a camera somewhere versus having a conversation that's a good question that was not what i thought you were gonna ask um i don't know like or is it because you always think if you have the conversation someone if they're already doing things behind your back they're easily just gonna say oh it's nothing what do you what do you mean why are you concerned well it's also easy to get a hotel it's like it's easy to go elsewhere it's not i know but at what point in a relationship so is it the the point that you're check the phone the put the camera up the point that your relationship
Starting point is 01:18:40 is over so i that's true that's in my mind i actually um i was actually just talking about this recently funny you say that is because there is a girl that i know who when her and her boyfriend broke up she moved out and something that she mentioned is that they had dogs together and so they like set up these little cams for like the pet cams the pet cams and they never activated them they just kind of like you know got busy busy working whatever and they forgot about them when she moved out she was the one who had like the access on her phone to activate them so she activated them and so they were in the living room so she was able to see like what her oh no yeah and so and she never as she never saw anything like he would just come home like sit on the
Starting point is 01:19:32 couch and that's it but the fact that she looked right oh my god i would feel i would feel so like that's such a violation right but it's also like it's a violation but she didn't set the cameras up there they were already there and he just forgot but i agree it's like a violation but it's like at what oh yeah delete the login almost but but the thing that what i what i thought when you mentioned the fact that she set up cameras is like how scary is it that people could just set up cameras anywhere you go like i don't know if you do some weird shit that you're fucking picking your nose in a weird way and like i don't know like kung fu fighting in the mirror like it's just like that's not cool to have someone watch you do weird shit you pull your pants down you pull your pants
Starting point is 01:20:20 down to look at your fucking like butt for no reason i don't fucking know weird shit and like now they're like watching you like that's that's that freaks me out haven't you guys heard about ring cameras being hacked no yeah there's a lot of people that have had ring cameras in their homes as like a break-in deterrent and like if someone breaks in then you see and there were people hacking ring cameras and being like i see you right that's what i think about the whole modern um tech homes yeah it's like your garage door you can open and close from your phone your lights your everything you almost can control from your phone in certain homes now you can unlock the door like your dog out and they can come back in well did no one see the the fucking
Starting point is 01:21:01 disney channel original movie about the smart house that scared the shit out of me this this smart did you see it yeah of course like the smart house took over their lives and was holding them hostage like right i don't i i think i think technology is don't go i think technology is great in so many ways but i also think like the more technology you have like the more potential for problems and like threats like even something's a little um westworld the westworld i love that show but yes crazy but i also get let's say more tecmo problems yeah more tecmo problems i think too it makes sense though if you have a house and you're gone for like you're on vacation it is nice to have cameras on the outside like we do but then it's also nice to have cameras on the inside
Starting point is 01:21:50 because points it out the door a if anything happens doors b you can always check like if it's a cabin or house you don't or a place you don't go to a lot you know it's not burnt to the ground you know there's no flood i mean no one's broken in right and there's there's a very positive applications for these things i think if your partner knows yeah yes that's a different story like it's your rental home it's your home and you want security then your partner knows and you're both on the same page but like secret microphones and cameras well so that i actually read it about that where this girl said that like she'd go back to her parents house she's older like older enough to be like moved out whatever and she would go back to her parents house with
Starting point is 01:22:30 her boyfriend in the living room would cuddle with him make out with him watch a movie whatever and found out later on that they had cameras and microphones in those rooms and she's like i didn't do anything like crazy but she's like it still makes me feel so weird that i didn't know that my parents were watching me that's weird and so it's just like i don't know and that's why i say like this person that i know who like who like zapped into the the boyfriend yeah it's like boyfriend so i don't blame her because it's just like it's it'd be tempting when you're like wait a minute this login and like i just moved out whatever but also it's just like fuck that's for sure there's some lines that are like questionable right there you know yeah but i like
Starting point is 01:23:13 how you said i think when you get to that point it kind of is the end but then the hard thing too is if you confirm that nothing's going on you almost kind of go back to normal i guess if the person didn't know yeah so it's just like yeah but also like i don't know i think your trust at that point is like kind of shattered yeah like do you ever really get it back or are you still like okay well i didn't catch them this time but and then if they find out like what then their trust is shattered just that's right yeah that's right yes so it's like it's best to just maybe have the conversation if you're suspicious but the hard thing is you don't know if they're gonna tell the truth yeah i know i that's why i think what you said is the best is like when you know it's over
Starting point is 01:24:00 yeah yeah but what if it isn't then i think i think it's definitely not healthy you need to go to couples already yes i don't think it's necessarily like a it's done but i think there's definitely a big fucking red flag some stuff to work through for sure yeah well that is the where do we go from here episode just a random assortment of what the fuck stories definitely what the fuck i feel like our responses were pretty on target with i think they were pretty good yeah i think they were pretty good we were just kind of like where do we go from here i'm i'm feeling i'm feeling accomplished i'm just very happy to not be the subject of the stories i feel just terrible for anybody that's involved because
Starting point is 01:24:47 i know these ones were tough these ones were really literal nightmares what was the least nightmare one maybe the placenta i'd love the placenta the placenta one honestly might be the best yeah all right let's all just think about placendas before we go to sleep tonight placenta placenta placenta i'm just kidding i'm not gonna sleep again tonight here we go justin's been having nightmares we both have same oh my god maybe it's what's in retrograde something's wrong nothing has been in retrograde for as long as i've been having them something's wrong i can i can feel it months something with the moons we need to have like someone come energy cleanse our houses i don't know if it's a hot i think it's just me cleanse cleanse the energy
Starting point is 01:25:42 you don't align with out of your life oh god okay this is this was fun this was a break and on that note on that note thanks for joining us on another episode of two hot takes you guys bye you didn't do the thing oh what is it thing until next time until next time until next time until next time until next time i know that was really that was great i love the point you can't leave that out that's like uh that's like a baseball player like home run and pointing to where it's going that was good okay well bye bye oh
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