Two Hot Takes - 34: Just.. No words.. Ft. Sarah Schauer

Episode Date: September 23, 2021

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Sarah Schauer! Sarah is a popular YouTuber with some spicy takes on everything from Zillow to divorce.. so naturally she's a great fit. These sto...ries are an assortment that just leave you with 'UHHHH' or 'WHAT' vibes. Honestly, even when coming up with a theme/title Morgan was left with no words... As always your support is very appreciated: Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: Direct Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Replacement windows by Amzco Windows are masterfully crafted right here in Utah at prices you can afford. Our windows combine energy efficiency, sturdy design, and great colors, including black. Choose from several options, styles, and colors to create the perfect fit. With over 30 million units installed, Amzco Windows is a time-tested industry leader. For more information, visit Request a quote and mention this ad, and you'll receive 15% off Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of Two Hot Takes. I'm your host, Morgan, and today I'm joined by a very special guest, Ms. Sarah Schauer.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Hi guys. Sarah has an amazing YouTube channel, and I've been creeping on her for quite some time. Fan girling over here. So we're coming at you today with, I don't even know what theme I was going for, kind of like when I read these stories I was at a loss for words, so it's kind of like no words slash certified asshole. Okay, so all of the people, all of the stories that you're about to read, I'm about to be like super offended. Not offended, but just kind of like what? Yeah, how is this possible? How is this possible? Why are you still here? How are these people dealing with this? Okay, I want to hear these. I'm so excited. Okay, well we're starting it off with a good one. So you ready? Yes. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:01:35 So up first, am I the asshole for not wanting my fiance's grandmother, 98 female at our wedding? My fiance, 30 male and I, 28 female are getting married next month. Everything is going great. But we've been having a serious argument about having his grandmother at our wedding. We've agreed not to have kids at our wedding and we want the reception to be a huge party for our adult friends and family with dancing, loud music and an open bar. However, for precisely the same reasons that we don't want kids there, I don't want his elderly grandmother at our wedding either. I said she can come to the ceremony, but not the reception. It will be extremely loud and I want it to be a party atmosphere and she will be extremely out of place.
Starting point is 00:02:37 For context, none of my grandparents are still alive and he still has his last living grandmother. This has caused a huge fight since she said she has always dreamed about being at her grandson's wedding. He is her oldest grandchild and she probably won't make it to the next family wedding. Fuck! This person's cut throat. Which is why I said that she's more than welcome at the ceremony, but she will just be too out of place at the reception. She and he both insist that she will be fine and wants to go to the party, but I just know it will inevitably lead to us dealing with her and taking care of her and I just want to get drunk and let loose with my friends. She's now really upset and won't talk
Starting point is 00:03:19 to me and my fiance is also angry. I think I am within my right to make this request. I am the bride after all. Am I the asshole? I don't even understand this. Grandparents are not like children. What are you scared that your grandma's gonna shit herself and you have to change her in the middle of the dance floor? Like she's okay. Like I understand like wanting to be a good host, but if someone just wants to like relax for a bit while everyone's dancing and drinking, they would just simply sit back. Like not everyone is going to be at the dance floor at all times, so she would just like be with the other people just sitting there. She would just chill. Yeah and also she could get drunk. Like that's not equivalent to children. I don't understand. No, like my grandma
Starting point is 00:04:00 got smashed at my brother's wedding and like literally stole a microphone, gave a speech. Like my grandma probably partied harder than all of us there. Yeah. Like this is like 98. Let her have her last fun fucking wedding. No, yeah. She's almost almost 100, so she should be like the guest of honor. I don't understand this. A total like asshole for not wanting her there. Yeah, you are the asshole for not wanting your grandma there. If she gets drunk, the worst comes to where she falls asleep at a table and you have to like, hey guys, can you help lift my grandma after the party? Like she's not gonna like stop the dances and be like, guys, I have to go home. No, just let her have a nice nap. Just let her nap. I have a fucking nap. She's earned it at 98.
Starting point is 00:04:38 You are the asshole because she could just sleep. I know. Also like as this dude then, because it's the bride that's asking. Yeah. I would take this as such a red flag. Yeah. Which if you have any red flags that you hear throughout the stories, I printed you a little flag. This is a red flag because here's the thing. Grandparents don't instill the same fear as children. When I walk onto an airplane and I see someone with children, I'm like, all right, this is going to be hit or miss. I shit my pants every time. Yeah. If I see old people board a plane, I'm not like, oh God, someone's going to be crying the entire time. Like this is the same thing for a wedding. Like this is you probably only get married once. Probably this
Starting point is 00:05:18 girl's going to get married twice because he's an asshole. But like just have your grandma there and then like your next wedding, just don't invite your grandma. Like they cruelly said in the comments, like what was that fucking quote? He is her oldest grandchild and she probably won't make it to the next family wedding. Let the bitch have her day then. Exactly. This is her time to shine. Let her fucking live. She's on the way out. I'm sorry. 98. I mean 98 is really, that's pretty old. Yeah. That's, that's not just old. That's like super old. So she just, if anything, she has one shot at healing. She's down and out and then everyone can dance around her. I doubt like, I doubt you can, she can even hear you at this point. So like, just let her
Starting point is 00:06:00 have her fun. This bridezilla needs to get her ass kicked. She does. So top comment on this one. You're the asshole. Not sure how you could be more the asshole, to be honest. You're hearing the love of your life say this is important. You're hearing someone really important to your partner say this is important. And you're putting getting drunk ahead of that. FFS. No idea what that stands for? For fuck's sake. Oh yeah. Yeah. Good save. She's been a grown adult longer than you've been alive. I'm pretty sure she can handle any tiredness and noise as she wishes. If I was your partner, I'd be noticing the red flags. Exactly. That's, she's lived through like a war, world war. She's lived through the Vietnam war. She can, she's totally fine at your
Starting point is 00:06:44 wedding. There's nothing that she hasn't seen that's going to happen unless someone gets shot at your wedding. She's probably fine. Yeah. She might have even seen that too. Exactly. Granny might have some miles under her belt. Up next, am I the asshole for asking my wife to wear adult diapers? I'll try to keep this short and sweet. Wife is around 16 weeks pregnant. And for the past few weeks, she's been getting up in the middle of the night to pee a lot, which wakes me up since I am a light sleeper. I have to wake up early in the mornings and I find it hard to get back to sleep once she has woken me up. And there's literally nowhere else for me to sleep since I don't want to be on the couch for many months. I recommended she use adult diapers so that she wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:07:28 to get up as much, but she seems to think that I'm the asshole for this and has argued about it. Her argument is that adult diapers are for disabled people and people who are older. I say they are for anyone who needs them, such as her. Am I the asshole? Should I spend the rest of her pregnancy on the couch? What are your initial thoughts? Fuck this dude. Okay, what? Wait, she's how many months pregnant? She's 16 weeks, which is like still first trimester-y. She's early on. I don't like that he's like, he doesn't want to spend time on that. Here, you don't have to spend the entire night on the couch. Just alternate, you know, if it's that much of an inconvenience. You're asking your wife to pee herself in your bed, you know? I can't even imagine like dating
Starting point is 00:08:14 someone to be like, Hey, it just to make it easier. Can you just piss yourself? Like that's uncomfortable. That's the most uncomfortable thing. And then like sitting in your wet, soggy diaper the whole night. Exactly. Like she's an adult. She's not a baby. She's going to wake up. I have to pee. I have the urge to pee. So she just wakes up, pees herself, and then consciously sits there like, Oh, here's another four hours in a soggy wet mess. Yeah. If you're a light sleeper, imagine how it must feel sleeping and piss. Like imagine how much of a light sleeper you're sleeper you're going to become for months of sleeping and pee. Oh my God, dude, just sleep on the couch or get some earplugs, get some get an eye mask. Get a fucking blow up mattress for the
Starting point is 00:08:53 living room or something or a cot like trundle bed. No, seriously, sleep away couch. Get a like pull out like a cot or something and just sleep on that. You're the one with the she has something that she cannot fix temporarily. You have something permanently that you cannot fix. So you are the person who takes less priority. Get a cot, sleep on the couch, alternate on the couch. I mean, her bladder might not be the same after the baby. She could just be a frequent peer going forward. Exactly. Also, if you, if say she does, like put on some diaper or whatever, now she can request you put on whatever she suggests. So she can be like put on some, put on an eye mask. Make it fair. Exactly. Put in some earplugs and you know, like let's equal
Starting point is 00:09:36 each other out and see how you feel after like a week. Yeah. I wonder if separate beds in the same room would be like good to like Europe style. Like when I was in Czech Republic somewhere over there, the beds there, like you would ask for a queen bed, but they give you two twins pushed together. That's their like way they do it. And I'm like, I wonder if he had like his own little like separate thing that didn't rock and shake him if he'd be okay. Well, I wonder if like, is it the light turning on? Is it the sound of the toilet or is it the bed? Because if it's the bed, get like, um, you know that like infomercial from like early 2000s where they jumped on the bed, there was like a glass of wine. Oh my God, though, I think that was for like early
Starting point is 00:10:17 temporopedics. Yeah, get a temporopedic, dude. If it's a light disruption, get an eye mask. If it's the sound, get some earplugs, you could easily adjust and you're like, my wife that I impregnated is inconveniencing me. I was literally gonna say this is your fucking fault. This is your fault. You did this, dude. You did this. You just sleep in another room. I just as the wife, I would literally be so appalled that like my partner was asking me to fucking wear a diaper. I I'd be like, you know what? No, you can have the couch for the rest of all these fucking trimesters. I'd appease them, I'd wear the diaper, but then you also get to recommend what they get to wear. And so that's where I would be like, wrap your face up, wear a helmet. I used to wear a ski mask
Starting point is 00:11:01 to sleep because I didn't have good enough blinds. Oh my gosh. So I would flip the ski mask around because like I couldn't block out the light. And you know what? I made do. How don't you suffocate? Oh, I cut a hole in the mouth. Okay, good. I'm a weirdo. I'm weird. But like I'm asleep, like slip off in the night. So yeah, true. I would just wear the diaper and be like, wear it like wear an eye mask, you asshole. Yeah, hold a bitch. Top comment, you're the asshole for expecting your wife to piss herself for your comfort. Get a grip. Good God, girl. Get a grip. What the fuck, man? You're the asshole and get used to not sleeping. You're going to have a baby and you'll have to wake up at night. Exactly. You're going to have a baby crying in the night.
Starting point is 00:11:42 Like what are you going to be like, baby, can you wear a diaper over your head? Because it's like really hard for me to sleep at night. Well, I think he probably expects his wife to be the main caregiver. I can't, I can't even entertain that thought because I will get violent. I hate when men are just like, oh no, my wife has to like, I can't. She's a stay-at-home mom, that's her job. Yeah. It's 50-50. Have you seen that breakdown of stay-at-home moms, like what they should be paid, like they're like a maid? I literally just brought this up recently on this podcast. It's insane. It's like $150,000. It's six digits for sure. Exactly. If I was your wife, you would have earned your spot in the shed, shaking my head. You want her to be in
Starting point is 00:12:23 humidity, risk infections, and lose her self-respect while laying in soiled diapers for your comfort? She needs to get up and move around. So she doesn't get blood clots and being pregnant hurts. So you're the asshole, you're the asshole, you're the asshole. You are the asshole. Yeah. I didn't even think about that. Like, okay, so if this man just had the basic respect for his wife, if you're constantly laying in pee every single night, I can only imagine that may lead to an infection or like- UTI. Yeah. Something that could affect the baby. So you can't even like, you can't even remove yourself for like a moment to be like, this could affect my wife and the baby that you made. You're an all-consumed asshole. Yeah. He's a little self-centered.
Starting point is 00:13:09 A little. A little. On to the next one. Mixing it up, I think this one's going to be a little bit more lighthearted. Okay. So this one is from like a subreddit called Today I Fucked Up, typically like self-humiliation stories. So today I fucked up by drugging the bartender and ruining a wedding. I need to hear them out. Yeah, so this fuck-up happened the summer before COVID, but I think the statute of limitations are up so I can tell this story. My wife and I went to her colleague's wedding. I'm not a huge drinker and I didn't really know anyone. So my plan was to grab some sort of cold refreshing beverage, find somewhere to post up and nurse it while I got really stoned and did some people watching, which leads me to my drugs. On the way to the wedding,
Starting point is 00:13:59 I stopped at a dispensary and picked up a reusable vape pen thing. I'm a pretty traditional smoker. I go to the place and buy an eighth and smoke it in my ancient bowl over the course of the next month or two. I'd never had a pen before. I was just like, I'm going to a wedding and I want something that won't make me sleepy or mentally handicapped. And the young woman at the counter handed me this thing. As my wife was driving us over, I tried it out. I also don't smoke very much at one time and have a hard time with anything like joints or bongs, etc. When I do smoke these things, they hit way too hard and I cough like crazy and hate myself. So I took a very small hit, noticed it hit really hard and thought, quote, well, that's because you think everything hits too
Starting point is 00:14:45 hard. Yeah. Bada bing, bada boom. I'm at the reception standing in line to grab some drinks from the bartender and notice the tip jar. Realizing I don't have any cash. I'm like, quote, dude, do you have Venmo or something? I know, LOL. And he's like, ah, don't even worry about it, man. It's no big deal. But I'm a service industry vet. So I wanted to find a way to tip him because I know it's going to be a long night and a lot of people won't tip. So I'm like, all right, man, if my wife has some cash, I'll double back over. But in the meantime, if you party and I show him the pen, he's like, oh, for real? Hell yeah, dude. And proceeds to take an enormous puff on this thing. Within seconds, he was doubling over and coughing uncontrollably. It was incredibly loud
Starting point is 00:15:34 and in under a minute, he was down on his hands and knees behind the bar, puking in the grass. Still kind of no harm, no foul until he gets up and puts all of his weight onto a tumbler glass that was sitting on the table he used to help himself up, cutting his hand open so, so badly. And then something very interesting happened, something that had never happened before. I started vomiting at the sight of the blood. So naturally, this is pretty disruptive. And the groom who just so happened to be nearby comes over to see what's going on and fucking faints. The second he sees this guy's hand, smashing his head on the bar slash table on the way down, his face taking the tablecloth
Starting point is 00:16:22 and everything on the table down with him. Totally unmitigated disaster. Both of them had to go to the hospital and the bride was understandably super upset and screaming at the caterers. So I decided, well, it's been a good life and begin to march over to explain to her what happened when out of her mouth comes a series of very specific slurs directed at the owner of the catering company. I didn't get a single word out of my mouth before she said, fucking sue me. Turned on her heel and told her people to just round her shit up and go. Queue the major shit storm. Everyone is fighting with everyone and almost all of the guests left. I told my wife what happened on the drive home and she said I should call the catering company and apologize,
Starting point is 00:17:08 which I did. And the owner laughed for 30 seconds on the phone before saying, well, whatever, fuck that bitch. So yeah, don't smoke a lot of weed, I guess. Okay, I don't think that this guy's the asshole. I don't think he drugged her. I was thinking that he like offered the bartender his annex and then the bartender took a shot and like passed out behind the bar. He didn't know how strong the weed was and neither did and a lot of like blood phobia is like super common. So common. I feel no sympathy for the bride and groom now because had the bride uttered some curse words, she'd be like, shit, fuck, like this ruined my fucking day. Slurs, however, means she's a bigot and therefore I don't care what happens to you and your groom because your groom must be okay
Starting point is 00:17:56 with that if you guys getting married. Oh, he knows. So your, no, I think that no, you didn't intend to drug someone. No, this one was more of like a no words, like, yeah, it was just like, just domino effect of like, the bad got worse. Yeah, I think this is like one of those things of like karma a long time coming for the bride. And I think your husband passed out and then she showed her true colors when she insulted the staff who was probably trying to like soothe her, console her. Yeah, she's calling them slurs. Apologize profusely, I bet. Yeah, I would just be like, Oh my God, I didn't know this would happen. I'm so sorry. I wouldn't be like, in no place in my life, would I see someone attempting to help me or like, you know, resolve
Starting point is 00:18:44 a situation and start like calling them slurs. No, I think that's her and her husband are definitely assholes. And I think that if anything, you did a really good thing, drugging them. Karma. Yeah. Well, like, yeah, I guess like this poor little bartender, like, it is kind of on him for, you know, taking a, it sounds like this was a dab or something, like this was pretty aggressive shit. But that's kind of on him. But like the fiance and the fainting like, that's just, you just can't, it's like an act of God. You just can't like that saying, like it's just like uncontrollable. Yeah. And he's also hurt, you know, so like, even if you're like, I hope he gets his come up, it's, he's hurt, dude. That none of these people are the,
Starting point is 00:19:27 everyone's an asshole. Some people are unintentional assholes. The couples, how they reacted is just like, they're very much assholes. Ridezilla asshole, for sure. Exactly. I understand it's your special day, but you could have made this like a fun like, oops, sorry guys, but you didn't. I could have just been like, oh my God, my fiance, get him up. Is he okay? Okay. Okay. Yeah. Like, let's carry on. Yeah. Send the bartender to the hospital. Yeah. Send the bartender to the hospital, prop your husband up in a chair and then have your own dance in the middle of the floor. Like this is my time to shine. Yeah. Give him a lap dance out there. Exactly. You can make the best of a bad situation like this. You can if she didn't.
Starting point is 00:20:00 She made the bad situation worse. Yeah. Like, she rounded everyone up, like, get my shit, let's go. Your night's not over. Who knows how injured he was just from a little head bonk. Exactly. He probably was fine. Maybe a little concussed, but he's a pussy and you're a bitch. He would have been fine. Yeah. Top comment on this one. This is a masterpiece of a shit storm. Glad I wasn't at that wedding because speaking of Durgs, I'm like, I might have to start saying Durgs, you guys, because I want to actually be able to post these TikToks. If you've ever had to deal with a plumbing problem, you may have felt the pain of realizing you don't know any plumbers. Whether you're trying to stop a leaky faucet, fix a running toilet, replace your old water softener, or install a
Starting point is 00:20:47 tankless water heater, the plumbers at any hour services can help. All you have to do is call Any Hour Services or schedule an appointment at Help with plumbing, maintenance, and repairs is closer than you think. Call Any Hour Services or schedule an appointment at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. My boyfriend, 35 male, drugged me, 26 female, with a Benadryl because we got into an argument before our road trip and he wanted me to sleep the whole time. This is a nine-year age difference. Somebody worried about this. Monday, we decided to make the eight-ish hour drive back to our home state and quarantine there instead for a few months. Right before leaving, we got into a big fight
Starting point is 00:21:31 because I wanted to stay at my mother's house for a while. He doesn't want me to, among other things I won't get into. Well, before leaving, we decided to eat dinner so we didn't have to stop anywhere. Fast forward to our drive and not long after hitting the road, I passed out. Don't even really remember falling asleep. Woke up one time for a while, drank some Gatorade, which he gave me, and then I fell asleep again. I thought this was extremely weird because I wasn't tired hardly at all and we didn't even leave super early. I kept commenting on how weird it was that I was tired the whole drive and slept 90% of it. Yesterday, the tension eased a bit and he made the off-handed comment that he wishes he could drug me more when I,
Starting point is 00:22:13 quote, act out and argue with him. I asked him what he's talking about. Proceeds to tell me he put Benadryl in my drink and that's why I slept so he didn't have to deal with me. He literally said this as it wasn't that big of a deal. I'm still reeling from the conversation and completely floored. I don't know if I'm overreacting or not, but something tells me I'm not and it's extremely fucked up to put medicine in drinks. I don't know what to do. No, he's 100% the asshole. Here's the thing. I have ADHD and I've heard a lot of people throughout my entire life say the most fucked up shit ever with the most straight face. I always take it as face value. That's the most normal thing ever. Then I talk to someone later and I'm like, that's actually a horrible
Starting point is 00:22:57 thing to say. No, anyone drugging anyone, what if you had an allergic reaction? Your boyfriend is nine years older than you and he treated you like a child and drugged you and you're not the asshole at all. No, I would have sued him. Oh my God, you can sue him. That's the great thing. You could. If you never asked yourself, am I the asshole? If you pull up law in a court of law, you could legally sue this person. Absolutely. If a friend drugged me, if my parents drugged me, think about like if it wasn't your boyfriend and a friend did it, a stranger did it, your parents did it, would you then be mad at them? Of course. Remove yourself from the relationship situation. That's so infuriating. I would be broken up immediately after hearing that. Though what do
Starting point is 00:23:44 I do? If someone's willing to drug you, what else are they willing to do to you? Yeah. What are they willing to do to you? If they're going to treat you like a child, they're, oh my God, dude, break up. Run. Like fucking run. Oh, I wanted to drug you. That's like putting duct tape over your mouth because you didn't want to listen to her talk in the car. What? I wish I could do this to you more. I wish I could do something that's a criminal offense to you more. That's like, imagine if your partner was like, I wish I could rob you as much as I just did. You would be like, no, I actually have to leave. Switch out any other minor criminal offense and ask yourself, is it normal for my partner to be doing this to me? Yeah. Oh, God, that's so, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:24:30 I want to hit him so bad. Well, this one too. This whole fight started because all she wanted to do was stay at her mom's for a little bit. Yeah. And then he put it as he wishes he could drug me more when I act out. So her wanting to stay at her mom's house is her acting out. Yeah. It's like all control for him. He just wants to control her. She's not erratic. She just wants to stay with her mom. You want to control this woman, leave, girl, leave. Like I, no, that's so fucking disgusting. That's gross. Terrible. Top comment on this one. Listen, leave now. As a woman who has been there and didn't leave when I should have, leave. Second, you can get evidence later. You have a phone. He's bound to try to talk to you. Get him to
Starting point is 00:25:16 admit it later via text or something, but proof is not or should not be your number one concern right now. Your safety is the most important thing. Can your mom come get you? Can you get away from him to public space with people and wait for her or a friend to pick you up? And someone replies back. I've been there too. My ex-husband started fixing me a cocktail after work every night to help me unwind. I'm not a big drinker, maybe four or five times a year. So I wasn't that interested in them. He would press me to finish the drink. I didn't understand. Then I noticed stuff floating on the top and the residue in the bottom asked about it. And he would say, Oh, must be the ice maker needs to be cleaned. I found out he was crushing ambient and other
Starting point is 00:26:01 sleeping pills and adding it to my drinks. And yes, that made me more compliant in all the ways he wanted. I figured it out. Didn't try to get proof or call the police. I just got out. I often regret that I didn't try to document it and press charges, but at least I got out alive. It's also like, wasn't like like, like narcissists want to isolate you away from your family or your friends. So he's trying to do that. He's drugging you. He's nine years older than you. He wants to control you. He wants to own you. He doesn't love you. This is not love. No, get away from this. This is abuse. Exactly. I think that's one thing about age gaps that you really have to be careful of. It's like, okay, why is a 35 year old dating a 26 year old? And
Starting point is 00:26:43 I've done an age gaps episode where people are like, you know, there's 30 years between me and my partner and it's love. And I'm like, that is amazing. I'm really happy for you. But a lot of these cases with older people going for younger people, it's so that they can manipulate them and control them. And so like in this case, it's like that red flag number one, keeping you from your family and now drugging you like, no, like this man is unhinged. He is. And I like, as someone who's like 26, the idea of me even, so 21 is like the legal drinking age, but the idea of me dating someone 21, they are so vastly different from me. Like in like terms of career and like emotional development and stuff like that, I would feel like I'm taking advantage of them, even though
Starting point is 00:27:29 I'm a legal, we're both legal adults. Yeah, you know, it's a weird dynamic because I think the same way where I'm like, okay, I'm only 27, but I can't imagine dating like a 21 year old 22 year old that's still in college. Yeah. Like even though it's not that weird of an age gap, like there's no way I would, I think I would have a mental break if I was talking to my partner and one day they were like, yeah, this like exam is like going like, this exam is like super hard and like, I just want to like be 21 already. Like I want to drink and like cope. I'd be like, dude, I am so far removed from what you are talking about right now. I would like dissociate. I don't understand how men are perfectly okay with that. It is very, very goofy. I don't get it. It's gross.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I just saw something though, and it was like a statistic where they polled a couple thousand guys and it said that men are most attracted to women six years younger than them. Yeah. And they're most attracted to women that have a similar jawline to their mother. There was like some crazy shit coming out in this. I call it the Leonardo DiCaprio effect because men from the age of 21 to 70 or whatever, men always are interested in someone who's 23 or below like consistently that line draws right there. Women are attracted to someone who's with it. Like there's like a, you know, they match each other on the graph, but like men are just consistently attracted to 23 and below. Also, yeah, there's like that whole Freudian thing
Starting point is 00:29:04 of like men are attracted to their mothers. That's just so scary. That whole like, okay, I need to, I need to tread lightly, but that whole like mommy, sorry, mommy, I don't even want to humor that like even as a lesbian because like I don't like the idea of someone perceiving me as their mother. I have a, I mean, maybe it's because I have a bad relationship with my mother, but like I just don't want you to see me as maternal. I want to be your equal, not your caregiver. No, like some of those kings, I'm like to each their own and I respect whatever you want to do in your own free time, go for it. But like there was a baby kink that came up and I'm like, yeah, why do you want to fuck a baby? Why do you want to fuck someone you're treating as a baby?
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah, there is, I think it's called regressing is where you want to act like a child, but I, that is strange that you should ask yourself, it's okay, I understand maybe if a couple times a week you regress back to your child like self, I understand like reparenting myself, but ask yourself, why does my partner want to fuck a child? Like why would my part, I understand if you shave and you look very like young, but ask yourself if you're acting like a child, why would my partner want to fuck a child? It's a red flag. It is. There was just another Reddit story, the title I saw was, it was basically like it was on relationship advice and this person was writing in being like, I don't know what to do. My husband wants me to dress and act
Starting point is 00:30:33 like his niece or my niece. Oh Jesus Christ. And I'm like, that is so much to fucking unpack. Therapy, like therapy. The thing is, it's like, it's not even, at that point, it's not even, I want you to dress like a child. It's like, I want to fuck this child, but I cannot legally, so I want you to dress like it. He's not only a pedophile, he's also like sexually, oh my god. I know. Reddit is like a wormhole for like crazy, just unexplainable. There's no words for some of this shit on here. Like even this, like. I would say pedophile. You're a pedophile, dude. You're not, you're not caught yet. You're like an abuser. Yeah. Yeah. So update on this one. Just wanted to go ahead and let you all know that I am okay. Update number two, here was the post
Starting point is 00:31:24 that got removed. Holy shit, y'all. I haven't been on Reddit since I posted my original here and I did not expect this. I had to make an extra account with similar name to post because of the 48 hour thing, but I know a lot of people were genuinely worried about me. So I wanted to go ahead and post an update. Sorry if that's not allowed. Thank you guys so much. I can't believe the support and response I got. I ended up calling my brother and telling him about it and asking him how I should handle it. And he got in his car to come get me before I even finished telling him what had happened. Him freaking out more than anything else made me realize that I wasn't overreacting. I didn't tell my boyfriend I was leaving until my brother was parked on the street
Starting point is 00:32:02 and I just walked out with a few things. So now I'm in a messy breakup situation where he's already tried to come by my mom's house even though I told him I didn't want to see him and that I'd get my stuff eventually both from his parents house where he's currently at and actual house. Things are going to be weird to figure out, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm totally okay. Thank you. I can't reply to everyone who reached out slash message me so I hope you guys see this and know I appreciate it. Good. Thank God. Good that her brother came. It's also like very grounding. A lot of times like someone is so convincing in what they say you do need to tell another person for them to be like this is not normal for it to finally click in you.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah. Because I have like ADHD and so sometimes people say things so normally that I'm like that's perfectly normal but then I talk to someone else and it's like it grounds me and then it like sets of precedents you know her brother reacting the way he did really did help her and yeah exactly I just very grounding. I know thank God she had someone like that in her corner because like I think with like relationships like this that like are abusive or controlling and whatever like there's kind of that one final straw where you can brush things off and like kind of overlook it or like it skims the surface for so long but then finally you kind of like get snapped out of it or like grounded like you said where it's just like holy fuck okay like yeah no this isn't this isn't normal
Starting point is 00:33:29 at all. Yeah and I think that like when someone's been abused for so long and then they tell these stories you're like just leave it's like a very like why don't you just leave but also like you know Stockholm syndrome if you've fallen in love with your captor it's not just like just leave situation everyone like for all these stories I could say just leave but if you've been in the situation so long you need to be kind of like shaken awake whether it be like verbally not physically but like you need someone to be like this is not normal for you to finally like oh dude I'm being treated horribly yeah yeah so I I understand that it's like oversimplified if you're just like just leave but I liked that her brother was like a man of action and like
Starting point is 00:34:10 acted on it. Thank God yeah and relationship advice is like one of the best subreddits I've seen for people that are in abusive relationships like there's this one um poster on reddit her name's like Evie something and she's like a professional domestic violence coordinator or something and the resources she always shares for people are incredible I'll try to find it and post it in the youtube description for you know those that may need it but like that's one thing like if you are in an abusive relationship and you are finally to a point where you're like I need to go I need to go now do not tell the person yeah like just go like what she did by like waiting till her brother was outside on the curb yeah perfect exactly like
Starting point is 00:34:51 I know a lot of I don't know a lot of I like the couple friends that I do know that like moved out of an abusive relationship they waited till he was at work and they moved out a majority of his stuff and when he did eventually return their friends like move all the stuff out because he's he's not going to be able to control your friends so like just employ the people that you do have in your life oh god I I hate that I hate that so much I know well she's out good for her yeah no other updates besides that but I think she's good she made the the smooth decision smooth sailing out of there if you've ever had to deal with a plumbing problem you may have felt the pain of realizing you don't know any plumbers whether you're trying to stop a leaky faucet fix a running toilet replace
Starting point is 00:35:36 your old water softener or install a tankless water heater the plumbers at any hour services can help all you have to do is call any hour services or schedule an appointment at any hour services dot com help with plumbing maintenance and repairs is closer than you think call any hour services or schedule an appointment at any hour services dot com no one helps more homeowners than any hour services okay up next am I the asshole for refusing to let my niece swim in our pool with the other kids last week was my son's 12th birthday party my family showed up to her house I greeted my sister who said she wasn't planning on coming since my niece 14 was on her period and didn't feel like going out but thought this would cheer her up a bit I welcomed them and
Starting point is 00:36:21 they sat in the living room to eat I was watching the kids swim when my sister and my niece approached the pool my niece was in her swimsuit ready to jump in with the other kids I stopped them and asked my sister if she was really going to let my niece into the pool while on her period she said it was fine really and that she took necessary precautions I don't know what that meant as a guy but still I knew enough about periods to realize things could get messy I said sorry but I can't let my niece into the pool with the other kids in fear of any accidents she angrily said my boys literally pee in the pool while we were talking so accidents my ass I just politely told her I was sorry but it's different when dealing with blood than with urine which is way too common in pools
Starting point is 00:37:11 by the way again I said I wasn't going to allow any accidents on my son's birthday and suggested other activities for my niece my sister blew up calling me a raging insensitive asshole then literally and out of the blue told my niece to get dressed because they were leaving I was shocked and I turned in my seat my parents then asked what was going on and my sister told them I selfishly and mainly told her daughter off for wanting to swim in the pool with the other kids just because she was on her period and then she left mom gave me a look and shamed me up and down for how I treated my niece and sister when they dropped everything to come join me in celebrating my son's birthday I said I didn't tell them to leave just didn't agree on letting my niece use
Starting point is 00:37:59 the pool when she's on her period especially since I've asked my sister if she's done it before swimming in pool while on period and she said no I honestly don't want to have to deal with cleaning up a bloody pool for the sake of what family I just felt it was inappropriate and besides it's not like she's banned from the pool for good mom said I was still in the wrong no matter how hard I tried to spin shit then said it was god's plan that I don't have any daughters and my kids are all boys since I clearly heavily favor boys but that couldn't be further from the truth my wife said I didn't overreact but at least I could have been nicer about it but I believe that I was polite when I spoke to my sister and I think she took it personally was I the asshole in this situation
Starting point is 00:38:45 yeah you were the asshole you have only boys they definitely pissed in that pool chlorine is killing piss and blood like it's it's totally fine people have sex in pools exactly and I don't want to presume but I assume she was wearing a tampon she had something doing something yeah and exactly okay it would have if she's 14 and her mother also has periods like she's not going to wear a pad in a pool because it would just immediately inflate with water and become a loaf of bread yeah like so I assume that she had a period so she has something oh my god stopping her up but you're just got a plug yeah your boys just piss in the pool I think that's one thing people don't realize about tampons like it's literally just like a cork in a wine bottle exactly like I have taken
Starting point is 00:39:30 luxurious baths on my period and never in my life have I seen like dana dana like no felt like there's like blood in the water it's not fucking jaws no it's not it's it's also I don't want to say airtight but like it's basically it's tissue it's it's compactly sealed up in the canal yeah you have your mother telling you you're an asshole you have your sister and then now you're worried oh my god I hate that like he has only sons and you know that those boys pee in the pool let another body fluid in the pool that's the reason why chlorine exists it's literally bleach well and like a pool is so big like a little bit of blood like just say she did leak a little bit out the side of the tampon or whatever happened like if that did happen the pool is so big you're
Starting point is 00:40:17 not gonna notice it yeah you're really not it's not gonna be like it's not gonna fill with blood as if you're bleeding out and dying on like you know law and order sbu no it's not like I'm gonna get so gross no one's gonna want to listen to this part but let's hear it like if you sit in the morning because like if you don't sleep with tampons in as you should not because toxic shock syndrome and you sit over the toilet in the morning while you have your period you know you you turn around a flush and it does look like jaws down there like yeah that's why I call it shark week yes like because it is a little bloody water okay so god where the fuck was I going with this just describing the water is like it's like super red dude it looks like food dye it does look like
Starting point is 00:41:00 food dye like he wouldn't fucking notice like this girl is fine just it doesn't happen when you have a tampon in like you're good but and I don't want to be like how heavy of a flow can a 14 year oh god I hate thinking about that I just like I I hate him so much I have no idea about women's bodies none none or about like chlorination I know and what did he say to oh god if it's a salt water pool I'll humor him but then also his boys never mind actually I know well the mom said to while on her period she said it was fine really and that she took necessary precautions I don't know what that meant as a guy but I still I knew enough about periods to know things or to realize things could get messy if you don't know what necessary precautions mean
Starting point is 00:41:52 do you really know enough about periods I don't think so I think men think of us a period as like an open wound yeah and you need it to like coagulate but it's not like that it's just a little bit of shedding it is literally shedding and the shed then disperses the blood yeah it's not blood it's shed yeah I think the most embarrassing thing of that like came to mind when I read the story Minnesota lake life where you always like go to the lakes you go to your friend's boats yeah constantly in the water you're not taking a week off for your period exactly it's summer it's hot you want to enjoy the water and so I was on a fucking paddle board once and I had a tampon in and I was like standing on the paddle board oh this just pains me to retell right now
Starting point is 00:42:40 but I'm standing on the paddle board just paddling around enjoying my my own business having a good time yeah my friend comes up to me my friend Mason he goes Morgan you have a string hanging down in between your legs oh I just about died oh my god and pro tip for those that want to plug up and still be in the water yeah cut the string oh yeah cut the string oh wait that's such a good tip oh my god oh but the thing is that's not even the blood it's just like the string falling out I know but I was still like fuck now like oh it's just crazy no one wants to see the string but yeah but just cut it no okay I didn't yeah I didn't pro tip yeah don't cut it like so far up but like leave like leave a little bit like a little bit
Starting point is 00:43:28 for you to still like get a solid yank but yeah no this one asshole for sure he is an asshole he has no idea about women's bodies no and that's what the top comment says too you're the asshole just how much do you think people bleed on their periods exactly you don't want to clean up a bloody pool Jesus fucking Christ it would take so much blood to make a pool bloody also tampons exist exactly you would need to completely bleed out of your body for a pool for a pool to fill up with blood and there's that's not even close to like how period even with the oh I think that's where I was going with my toilet bowl story I'm like I don't even know I'm sorry my continue no no no I don't like it fills with yeah I'm like a toilet bowl so little and like Shark Week during that
Starting point is 00:44:16 like okay yeah that might get a little bloody but a pool it wouldn't happen yeah I don't know but also like the little boys are not sharks they're not gonna smell one hip like one hit of blood and be like all right we're gonna swim towards the knees I this man has no idea how women's body works and his there are three generations of women being like you sound insane and he's like I'm not insane my boys pee in the school all the time which is common too like people do that more than they should oh Jesus everyone kind of eats eats his eyes because he eats his ass that's not everyone eats his ass that's like that's not what they fucking do everyone goes off on him yeah you're the asshole it's called a tampon bra why don't you just build her a period shed sometimes it feels
Starting point is 00:45:02 like we are not progressing as a society at all I think there's like this um I think when a lot of people think of these like Reddit pages they're like it's just like filled with people who are like obviously the assholes but the reason why they become so top voted is because this person actually is the asshole yeah you know I'm pretty sure like shuffled in are like people who just like are genuinely confused or like there's a miscommunication but am I the asshole the asshole always gets pushed to the front you know so you are an asshole if you are popular popular on this page for sure I think a lot of people go into it too like and that's where you can tell the people that are just like so gaslit and they need reassurance versus the people that are like
Starting point is 00:45:43 you're fucking delusional yeah if you think you're not the asshole in the situation exactly which um this next one oh no any hour services has a team of technicians that can take care of any plumbing electrical or air conditioning needs you might have around your house got a drain that's clogged call any hour services need a ceiling fan installed call any hour services air conditioner not working call any hour services maintenance repair or install any job any size any hour services mention this ad and take 50 bucks off your next visit call any hour services or schedule online at no one helps more homeowners than any hour services am I the asshole for telling my wife it's embarrassing she gave our daughter's bus driver cookies
Starting point is 00:46:29 some yeah literally like my dream is to get cookies let's go some important details my wife is very shy but enjoys giving and as all gung ho about showing appreciation to workers she assumes aren't appreciated or recognized she tries to pass these beliefs onto our kids because she's too silent to show her appreciation she does it through gifts usually baked goods I've been embarrassed about it in the past our oldest rode the bus for the first time my wife was waiting at the stop with our daughter and had her hand the bus driver a bag of homemade cookies then when she picked her up from the stop in the afternoon she gave a bag to the afternoon driver I asked why she did that when she could easily just have said thank you and left it at that she said the bus drivers work
Starting point is 00:47:19 so hard having to comfort all the nervous kids and handling the unbehaved ones while driving they deserve more than a thanks I reminded her that this has embarrassed me in the past and I think her behaviors are too extreme I wouldn't want gifts from someone I don't know she ignored how I felt I contacted some people in my life to see if I was just crazy and most of my friends and my mom agree my wife's way of showing thanks just makes everyone uncomfortable am I the asshole yeah you are you mousy unforgettable man of course your friends and your family are going to like validate what you're feeling because your friends are worthless they are not worth writing down in my diary if I met them for one moment of the day what do you mean that's
Starting point is 00:48:08 the nicest thing ever if I go to a CVS and like a CVS employee asked me how I'm doing that means something to me like bus drivers are so forgotten it's just a nice gesture I like this woman's a fucking dream yeah and worse comes to worse they don't like the cookies they throw them away you are the thought that counts you are a man who is the color gray you are forgettable there is nothing substantial about you you will dissipate in the history of time this woman however made a difference in someone's life she just gave someone cookies you know that's not offensive if she went to oh my god this man you're just a forgettable asshole yes you are I like think the smallest gestures too are like sometimes the most appreciated like you don't know the day this bus driver has
Starting point is 00:48:58 fucking had like yeah cookie that cookie could have been the difference between life and death like seriously you don't know what that could do for someone and like what the fuck does he say here she's all gung ho about showing appreciation to workers she assume aren't appreciated or recognized she tries to pass these beliefs onto our kids she tries to pass these she tries to be nice to people who do what are considered mundane jobs or unappreciated jobs that's a good trait to pass along that's like saying she tries to pass along like kindness towards humans it's like really weird it's like dude you're the weirdo in this situation it's that's what I'm like I'm like I'm just blown away by that comment because it's like isn't that what you want to teach your kids to
Starting point is 00:49:42 appreciate essential workers and like be good humans exactly she's striking she's memorable and you are nothing and it's hitting you in the chest because your wife is something and the fact that she's shy this like that she's showing appreciation in the way that she can if anything you would write a poem about this if you cared any sort of ounce about your wife you know the oh my god men are so tragic this one blew me away comment again just popped off top comment has 60 000 upvotes good this got almost 3000 comments but the top one why is for you're the asshole that's good enough for me and they repeat that like a bunch of times cookie cookie cookie cookie also this isn't about you stop making it about you and someone goes hall of fame response
Starting point is 00:50:36 I just you are a lame man you are nothing when you leave this earth no one will remember you not even your family this woman however will be remembered by the multiple people that she gave cookies to throughout her entire life when she passes these values onto her children they will be remembered for this you pass nothing along you are worth nothing you are the asshole like I would take cookies any day of the fucking week exactly if even if someone even if I wasn't doing a task even if I was just shooting the shit at pavilions and someone came up to me and said hey do you want these cookies because I feel like you need them I would that would strike me that would resonate with me that'd be a core memory for the rest of my life I would probably fucking cry to
Starting point is 00:51:19 be like no no no there's so many people at this grocery store why did you give this to me I would cry oh I'm just like so touched by little acts of kindness like this like I got my my mail man I got him like a Starbucks gift cards like poor little Dana like how much shit I order on Amazon like yeah this man deserves every penny I put on that Starbucks card if not way more than I could like fucking afford like oh like I wonder too like people like this how do you treat other service people like servers yeah and I think that's one thing that like I constantly hear is like watch how people treat servers yeah Uber drivers like anyone that like services them because that is so telling about who they are as a person yeah and I think if you think kindness is embarrassing
Starting point is 00:52:10 you're an absolute loser how is any of this embarrassing for you it doesn't affect you it has nothing to do with you even if the bus drivers didn't like it they would not remember the next day nor would you hear about it because you're probably not in their circle of friends no you would just go back to your circle of friends and be like that happened and then just move about your day oh my god this man is embarrassing and I know what he looks like and I want to punch him in the fucking neck I know he wears short sleeve button-up shirts with a bow tie and I want to punch him in the jaw so bad I hate that I fucking love having you on because I am normally the one that gets heated like this and I hate that and like I feel like I have to rein
Starting point is 00:52:52 myself in sometimes for like my co-host that are just kind of like well maybe he did this and I'm like I get we all need a devil's advocate you know we all we all need that from time to time but thank you no if you need an actually not everyone needs a devil's advocate if you need a devil's advocate just go to hell like that's what I'm saying like why why do you need a devil's advocate there's at no point when I give any man the benefit of the doubt anyone the benefit of the doubt when they think that nice acts are embarrassing if I held the door open for someone and my friend said that's embarrassing I would never speak to them again that's so fucking weird that is so weird yeah I don't I don't get this one at all I just it makes you wonder like truly like what is going
Starting point is 00:53:39 through this man's head how does he find this embarrassing like how what kind of life did he grow up in what is his environment life yeah what the fuck because it's like that nature versus nurture like is this a nature thing where it's just like biologically like his brain just doesn't work like that or is it a nurture thing where everyone in his life is fucking twi I think yeah he was raised by like people who like don't care about anyone else so like yeah wolves and now he's like a wolf around a lamb and he's like that's weird and it's like dude you are the odd man out and it's really funny when people don't realize they're the odd man out because it's like everyone sees how weird you look yeah and you can't see it that's so sad pathetic this one's pathetic
Starting point is 00:54:22 another comment thank goodness your child has the kindness of your wife as a counter example to your behavior not only are you unnecessarily making an act of kindness about you you are also shaming your wife to friends and family I would hate to be married to a man who wants to crush my kindness and embarrass me in front of others you're the asshole be a better person exactly yeah exactly if I ever dated someone who thought it was embarrassing that I was nice I would well I like fighting but I would never I'm never mind you know what I would just would break up with them what would you do if like your boyfriend ever said that's embarrassing how nice you are to your mailman I would say go fuck yourself exactly like you it would be such a weird thing
Starting point is 00:55:11 I would not put up with that like I think like I said like how you treat service people is so important to me like it shows your character like also like again it's like how why does how I treat someone matter to you like and also again like if you have a problem with kindness you're fucked in the head yeah exactly like I don't understand like I would maybe if I was exceptionally too nice to someone and then like if all my friends knew them then it would be like a weird situation but we don't know these people and you're not being too nice I don't get it I don't get it at all so someone made like a comment on the thread and they were like have you read op's comments I hope the wife serves op a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip divorce papers soon
Starting point is 00:55:56 poor wife deserves so much better and now I'm so curious what the fuck he's been saying in the comments okay so a large part of my brand is that I love divorce so I would love if she served him some divorce cookies like you should have told me that I would have done a divorce episode I have a folder going I have so many youtube videos about how many people should get divorced and how divorce is not a bad thing um literally one of my first episodes was like give him the d divorce divorce is so here's my divorce people associate divorce was such a bad thing no if your friend breaks up with someone toxic would you say oh my god that's the worst thing in the world no you'd be like good for you let's throw a fucking party exactly so that's why I feel about about divorce
Starting point is 00:56:38 people associate with such like such a bad thing I was like you work so long and hard for this you're finally free of this let's celebrate it I love divorce so much I think like divorce is not yes like I don't think I could say it any better like it is not a bad thing yeah if a person is being treated like shit and being ridiculed for like anything like acts of kindness for example like yeah that person should not be married to the other one like that's fucked exactly like in a lot of okay I do sympathize with a lot of children of divorce but like here's yes the children are yeah is divorce the bad thing or are the parents like in conflict a bad thing yeah the parents being like having animosity towards each other is the bad thing divorce is not the actual bad thing
Starting point is 00:57:21 you know a divorce often is like the best solution to a horrible situation I completely agree I oh I yes yeah I think divorce needs of rebrands because a lot of people associate with bad but like it just splits up to people who should not be together yeah and I you know I've never been divorced I have gone through shit fucking breakups like that felt like divorces so like get it a little bit maybe maybe not I don't know but I just I don't get why people like you got out of a bad situation appreciate that and just move forward exactly and I think that divorce parties should be a thing because here's the thing let me pitch this I love it okay so you know how we have wedding registries yeah here's the thing it's not though it's not the past anymore
Starting point is 00:58:15 if you are having a wedding registry you probably already have the things that you're registering for yes you already have a crock pot whatever if you get divorced you have to split the assets so you actually do need something and I think it also would be cool for the children involved if there are children to send them money so they have something that they can hold on to that is theirs so when they're split between two homes they have something that's theirs and also you give people like a crock pot or a microwave and it's just a way to show your support and I think divorce parties should be a thing I'm 100 on board for this I think this needs to be pitched nationwide I do too I live right next to a party city and um there was 420 balloons there
Starting point is 00:58:55 was welcome home balloons for like military like spouses but there's no divorce balloons I was like guys this is like a huge thing for people I I know how to work you know graphic design programs adobe is my bitch these days so let's design some balloons let's and make posters okay and let's seriously like I think I think we should literally like reach out to people and be like let us throw a divorce party for you yes John Milaney John Milaney and his wife that poor woman I I've seen her instagram post and I want to hug her so I know I just saw like the anboy lin one and someone was like breaking it down on tiktok for me and I'm like I don't even know this tea yet but I'm so invested now oh my god so invest I want to throw her a divorce party I want to give her
Starting point is 00:59:38 the best I want to hug her if anyone's going through divorce please reach out to me email me DM me whatever it takes to have a divorce theme like next one like but actually can I be on it yes I love I love okay I don't love divorce but I love um what it does for people it separates two people who should not be wed yes I everyone deserves their happy ending exactly I'm a hopeless romantic like there's oh yeah exactly oh my gosh stay the fuck out of bad relationships yeah uh okay so this man's comments info you say her behavior makes everyone uncomfortable but it seems like it only makes you uncomfortable what reactions has she gotten from the people she has thanked in this way that leads you to feel embarrassed an op replies and goes my family mostly she
Starting point is 01:00:34 is surprised my sister and mom with gifts for no reason and they've gotten the impression it's for her to flaunt herself or she thinks they can't afford things overall I think random gift giving is just awkward the bus driver is getting paid to do what he does he doesn't need my wife's pity presence she needs to stop acting like all lower class workers feel neglected someone replies do you refuse to tip anyone and op goes if the service is bad another disagreement her and I have she believes everyone deserves a tip no matter what because we don't know if they're overworked have family stuff or just a rough day I want to beat this man within an inch of his life like how do you okay pity pity presence gift giving is a love language if someone you know
Starting point is 01:01:25 is too shy to like you know express that they feel verbally yeah gift giving is a very natural way like it's not that it's my I resonate with that yeah yeah my parents love language is gift giving and they I know that's how they say they love me I'm gonna be weird about that but like I don't like that you associate that with like pity I don't like that you associate tips with pity this is how someone makes their living this is how someone feels appreciated it's just thoughtfulness exactly how are you how does that even register in your mind and I know that your parents are absolute shitholes I do not want to meet your parents I do not want to meet your parents no the fact that the sister and mom reacted that way for probably what was like a thoughtful nice gift yeah
Starting point is 01:02:08 like what someone listens to your needs and wants and buys you something that you've always wanted oh this is a pity present who are you who actually are you you are so out of touch with reality I am mentally disabled but you are so out of touch I actually am so I can say that but you are so out of touch with reality that that you are you should not be here dude you are weird this one um this dude needs some help he does this one needs some help I'm sorry I'm getting I'm getting I'm getting weird about this you're getting heated I am I wouldn't punch him so bad because I know that I would punch him in his bird chest because this man does not have any muscles I would break him his bird chest yeah he's very thin and tiny I know that for a fact I would punch
Starting point is 01:02:54 him in his bird chest and break all of his ribs and I'd be like I could treat your woman better and I I hate you so much there's nothing we said after that one you crushed it he just not weigh over 180 pounds I could take him in a fight I hate him so much oh my god I'm here crying this is great this is great oh yeah no he does not deserve the saint of a woman he does not fuck this dude okay wow I I'm blown away I'm absolutely blown away the gall of that man is so fucking incredible men have the audacity that's that's one thing okay how are you hanging I'm good I'm getting violent let me let me uh let me lighten the mood a little bit okay thank you so much what's up everybody I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and if you've been thinking about replacing your
Starting point is 01:03:54 old water heater Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tank list would cost the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available and right now you can save $400 on a tanked water heater or $1,200 on a tank list call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today google Any Hour Services or schedule online at no one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services how do I 27 female ask my gardener 50 plush plush 50 plus male to stop peeing on my citrus trees does she see him okay so a little unconventional but I didn't know where else to post this starting at the beginning of the pandemic being home all the time I went to pay
Starting point is 01:04:45 our trusted gardener of many years and when I approached him he was peeing on the tree and didn't stop when he saw me approaching he started laughing as I turned around and had my boyfriend eventually go back and pay him I thought it was an uncomfortable laugh and went about our days I thought it was a one-off thing maybe he didn't feel comfortable asking to use the bathroom so I let it go come to yesterday I caught him again I know as a gardener he's on the go and doesn't have and doesn't really have a space to relieve himself but I want to make it clear to him he can ask to use our restroom and he's always welcome especially since I'm often home when he is here I just don't want someone urinating weekly on the fruit trees we eat and a space where we
Starting point is 01:05:35 have children and family members playing how do I a young woman go about this without making him uncomfortable or embarrassing him okay so if you've already used your boyfriend to approach him I would ask your boyfriend to ask him not to piss on the tree yeah okay so with the little knowledge I have about trees and plants and stuff I would think maybe defecating is more fruitful yeah but piss is acidic so actually you know what that means nothing I would ask my boyfriend to approach him you can piss in the house if you want to yeah why is it specifically on the tree I don't know it's like is he marking his territory I feel like he may be spraying yeah but also like here's one thing I've learned recently thank you tiktok that when men pee standing up especially with clothes on
Starting point is 01:06:31 because he's not pulling his pants down to like get it over his hips give you know some wiggle room there typically when men pee standing up they drip and they got a little spray yeah he's peeing on himself as he does it on the trees yeah so then he has to go about the rest of his work day so like I don't I don't know I don't get this I would how does like pee in a bottle comfortably within my car if like you have to pee like that I am trying to put myself in this man's position in any other job that I've had where I'm in someone else's like someone else's place yeah I would never pee on someone else's thing no you know I would maybe pee on someone else's time but like I would never piss publicly I think this man is marking his territory and I think he needs
Starting point is 01:07:18 to be stopped it seems a little weird especially that he did it again yes he got caught once like oh you know maybe they're not home whatever you know COVID changed everyone's work habits but the fact that he did it again yes in the same place I would understand if you're moving about the garden and like you like oh god I gotta pee like you're pissing everywhere yeah but like you're doing it in the same place you're a baby or you're a dog returning to the same spot you're trying to mark your territory I'd be like come inside yeah that's embarrassing that's weird it's so weird I wonder if it's like voyeurism really it almost makes me think he like wants to get caught the fact that he's doing it again like he wants people to see him yeah it's maybe like a little bit of a fetish
Starting point is 01:08:04 I would that's when I would pull him into a meeting with everyone who lives there present I'd be like so we caught you peeing there what are you doing that for like I would I would I would I would humor them if they're peeing in multiple places but the same place I would pull everyone in so we could confess that and then we could just be like pee in the house pee in the house I don't understand that I also don't associate with a lot of men so this is really weird this one is a little goofy I uh I don't want to be like quick to be like honestly maybe you need a new gardener but I think if you have another conversation how great do your roses look yeah is the grass cut real nice like actually if it's like really trim I would let him pee somewhere yeah maybe he's
Starting point is 01:08:45 got medicinal shit in his urine that is exactly like quite frankly helping those trees I think you need to weigh what your garden looks like versus yeah if you like someone peeing in the same place at all times solid pros and cons list for sure all right my my my birds of paradise are so great but also he pisses on them all the time you're like so top comment on this one I mean it's pretty much impossible to stop pee in midstream but to do it again is weird which like I get it hurts to stop midstream but like it's definitely possible yeah like I mean I've stopped midstream yeah I've literally pee during a fire alarm and then I ran out and then I peed in the parking lot after the fire alarm finished so it's not impossible no it's not like you're coming sorry no no no
Starting point is 01:09:38 no we're we're graphic on this podcast it's explicit for a reason I'm just like thinking I'm like where are the times that I've had I feel like I've tried to pee outside and I've been caught and had to stop and like quickly readjust yeah but I can't think of a specific time but yeah like no it's it's definitely possible age is irrelevant it's your property and you're his employer just be polite and word it nicely hey I noticed you peeing on our trees I'd prefer if you just use our bathroom please yeah exactly how do you hostage for quite some time now it was some hostage it was really fun okay I have one more okay that we can end it on because divorce now that I know you like it they're not even married yet but okay I know I they're not even married yet but
Starting point is 01:10:25 based on this they might not want to get married or in my humble opinion they shouldn't they shouldn't and if they do divorce is on the table so without spoiling it too much am I the asshole for demanding my fiance and his mom pay for a new wedding dress me 26 female and my fiance 28 male have been engaged for four months we're planning on having our wedding on October 18th my future mother-in-law kept annoying me and sending me suggestions for choosing the right wedding dress and said that she knew better and tried to get me to approve of wedding dresses that she chose and when she couldn't enforce her decision she demanded I take her with me to buy my wedding dress so she could have an opinion before I went shopping I asked her if she wanted to come but started making excuses
Starting point is 01:11:23 about how busy she was with my sister-in-law so I went shopping with my mom and I was able to find a really nice dress although it cost me a little over what I had saved for it was worth it I made some changes to it and it was perfect it arrived to my apartment at the end of the week and I made sure it was stored in a safe place so it didn't get ruined yesterday I got back from my mom's house and I found that my fiance wasn't home neither was the dress I called him immediately knowing that he must have taken it to show it to his mom since she continuously asked to see it and refused to have me send her pictures of it on facebook I was so mad when it was confirmed that my fiance took it to show it to his mom and he said he was going to be home in 30 minutes after he went to
Starting point is 01:12:15 the supermarket I waited for longer than I had to and then when he arrived I ran to get my dress that was buried underneath grocery bags I took it to check on it and its zipper was broken and the dress itself fabric was stretched out I was like what the fuck happened to it my mother-in-law must have tried it on because it looked ruined the straps were almost loose I had to call my mother-in-law when my fiance told me his mom and sister took turns to try it on I was absolutely livid she told me she did nothing wrong and that I was making a big deal out of it she said she'd get a replacement for the broken zipper but I told her to pay for a new dress since it was stretched out and no longer fitting she refused and said that I probably wasn't happy with my dress
Starting point is 01:13:07 choice and wanted for her to pay so I could get a new one I yelled at her for trying it on and ruining it that she and my fiance were responsible for ruining my dress so that they should pay for a new one it's done no longer fitting the straps are in horrible condition my mom said she'd pay for fixing it but I just hate it now that someone else wore it before me I'm mad at both of them and seriously considering postponing the wedding do it you the mother and the sister emotional incest you want to fuck your son and brother so bad you are disgusting you try on that wedding dress because you want to fucking marry your son and you want to marry your brother you want to fuck your brother that's weird that's gross why else would you do that never in my life
Starting point is 01:13:57 never in my life with my brother's girlfriend show me her wedding dress and I'd be like you know let me try it on first you want to possess this man you are disgust oh my god it's a little bit of enmeshment for sure it's a lot of it a lot yeah that is disgusting you guys are gross you're unlovable you're weird I want that to register in your brain like it's so personal a wedding dress I have only been to one wedding in my life but never in my life would the pride be like you want to try this on but I try it on it's personal say yes to the dress it's all about them 1000% and dresses one are expensive as fuck two typically like custom tailored fitted like for some someone else to just try on your dress yeah and stretch it out and break the zipper
Starting point is 01:14:54 you know they didn't fit in the fucking dress and broke the zipper underneath the groceries as if it doesn't matter and he saw it fuck him fuck him fuck his mother and fuck his like sister those people are absolute trash you did not want to be in that family like I under actually no I don't understand but I'm saying if you were to be weird and try something on hang it up in the back seat don't put it underneath the groceries your mother and your sister want to fuck your your fiance that's what they want to do it's there's definitely something to be said about that because why would the mom try on the dress that her son was going to marry someone else and like weddings are like if you put time and effort and thought in your wedding like weddings are very
Starting point is 01:15:42 important for a lot of people yes so then like in that mind where it's like he saw his mom and sister in that dress first and he envisions that as she's walking down the aisle like they wanted to taint that for him yeah they wanted to but also he's the fucking idiot that brought it over there he is yeah if my fiance disrespected me like that and let his mom try on my dress it doesn't matter how close I am with his mom like my boyfriend Justin's mom like it doesn't matter how close I am with her like I would never want someone else to try on my dress unless it's after the wedding and I'm fucking selling it on posh mark or some shit yeah I um as a lesbian who doesn't want to get married I if I could extend this um if my future partner's mother wore the dress that my
Starting point is 01:16:30 partner would get married in I'd feel like disconnected from them yeah as I would be like this is too personal you know like this became something else and I don't want you to wear that dress and so like I I I it's tainted it's tainted the whole thing is tainted get another dress and also like it's isn't it de classe for someone to wear white to a wedding yeah so like you basically quote unquote worn white to this wedding because you've worn the wedding dress this oh my god it's so it's so unholy I'm not even christian but it's so unholy I would not let that person into my fucking wedding I think this would be a very difficult relationship to navigate going forward like I know a lot of people will be like it's just a fucking dress no no it's not just a dress it's
Starting point is 01:17:17 symbolic yes it's symbolic yes and it's the overall disrespect yes it is like um it's just some it's just symbolic you know like I'm not a huge fashion person but I know that fashion influences a lot of people's lives and it'd be like me being like the Anne Hathaway of like the devil wears product where like you know cerulean blue came into the thing like it influences so many people's lives if I don't just say it doesn't matter I'd be the idiot yeah to say that the wedding dress does not matter I'd be the idiot it's symbolic it's your one singular life event event where this is about you it's just so de classe it's so tacky it's so gross you guys need to get a job tacky bitches for sure the fact like she wouldn't accept pictures of it and then she went behind the fiance's back and was
Starting point is 01:18:04 like to the sun bring it over bring bring that little dress over so I can try it on she has emotional incest going on yeah top comment on this one not the asshole girl do you hear yourself your fiance took your wedding dress without permission and allowed multiple people to try it on do you understand how disrespectful and inappropriate that is yeah you not only have a bad mother-in-law problem you have a huge fiance problem needless to say I'd be doing more than postponing yeah I would I'm a fighter so I would fight the mother-in-law I'm not afraid of fighting people if someone tried on my symbolic thing I'm not saying wedding dress it's symbolic thing that was important to me or held my trophy or something like that or like took over my life event I would
Starting point is 01:18:56 fight them girl this is like getting this is like fucking Taylor Swift and Kanye we tear like Taylor Swift is literally like this is like a like yeah reminding me like I was picturing like a youtube award or something where like you were getting a fucking award and someone comes up and you know goes like you know what I don't think Sarah deserves this award this should be mine this is my moment and it's like fucking Kanye and Taylor Swift exactly like what the fuck that whole moment if Beyonce felt like she was robbed she would later comment on it but Kanye speaking for oh yeah I would I would I would lose my battle with life fighting Kanye in this situation I'm a swifty through and through I love Taylor Swift and I also I understand Kanye because we share a lot of
Starting point is 01:19:42 mental things but like I was just blown away blown away the balls the absolute balls well and then like just the whole I could talk all day about the snake and the recorded phone call and all the fucking shit that he did I would fight my mother-in-law I would fight my mother-in-law to the death yeah I would but also I think I'd I'd be calling it off like if your if your fiance is going to disrespect you in this way and like essentially walk all over you not give a shit about your day your dress how much energy time money you've spent on it because she bought it she bought it yeah it was over budget fuck this dude exactly he doesn't deserve honeymoon sex what fuck him I have a similar thing I went on a date with a girl and her she was like I like you a lot but my sister
Starting point is 01:20:40 saw your social media and said that she doesn't like you so she's not going to give you the benefit of the doubt I was like imagine if I said that to anyone else imagine if you were a person and I if you were a person imagine if I went on your social media and I went down to your 2015 post and I was just like I don't like you and I will no longer extend you the benefit of the doubt like I was like I was so mad that I was like why are we here yeah I was like I don't know why you would hate me because this is how I am online so you're saying that you hate me why would I say that I hate you give me a chance and then maybe hate me it's just like a weird thing to preface the date with that like it just reminds me of this like what the fuck my mom and my sister tried on
Starting point is 01:21:24 your dress and they it's not about you dude it's about this other person like I literally like insert that meme with like all the fucking math shit going over my head because yeah like that girl like fuck that girl why go on the date like and why even tell you that like if that's something that your sister said to you let that stay between you and your sister exactly I was like just I understand if you don't like my social media presence but if you were to like think that that's just like you would apply that's me I'm a real person so if you meet me in real life and you say to someone I hate like because what you post online it would be such a weird thing to say to them you know like if it was just like someone who baffled I know so I was like well and then my
Starting point is 01:22:10 sister was not my the girl I was trying to like go on a date with was like well now you have to like earn my love and affection I was like I why would I try to do that I don't have to earn shit I don't you would never say to anyone in your real life I don't like your social media presence therefore I don't like you like I was just like weird like why would I try to make you like me if you've already decided that you hate my genuine personality you have to earn you have to work extra hard to prove me wrong no if you already have a preconceived notion about me exactly prior to us even really knowing each other fuck you yeah like I'm like honest on like online I'm like I have these mental problems this is what's going on with my family and you're like I don't
Starting point is 01:22:53 like that I'm like why would I try to like correct that you already have your assumption made up about me exactly just live with it and I don't want to deal with your family yeah I want this girl to get rid of this man and I oh my god yeah no one should ever try on your wedding dress no one should ever try on your prom dress no one should ever try on your quinceanera dress or your underwear like ditch them I would agree there we go I'm trying to like creep for her comments because they might be juicy but her count was suspended oh no she does reply to the one being like you have a huge fiance problem blah blah blah she goes yes I'm aware of how awful and wrong this is I'm just stunned who wouldn't be upset by what they did who would want to wear a dress that was worn
Starting point is 01:23:37 before I hate even looking at the dress now despite the fact that I admired it so much and was so happy I found it I'm heartbroken and I feel so bad for leaving it at the apartment no you should be able to safely leave your dress in your own fucking home you should you should literally I when I leave my apartment and Brittany has her friends over never ever do I worry about my medications or like my clothes like I I don't understand why you would you would never have to worry about your wedding dress no one would think to try that on no and like no fiance in their right mind would go I know how important this dress is to her I'm just gonna sneak a peek at it oh wait no I'm actually gonna then steal it like no dude dude is unhinged
Starting point is 01:24:23 dude is weirdo a weirdo unhinged yeah fuck him that's certifiable he is a certifiable asshole and so is his family you should not marry into that save yourself no run no not worth it I would love to hear from people about like similar stories in the comments of the youtube to be in like what is the biggest red flag that you missed with your partner's families yeah or like if you are going through a divorce or been divorced like I want to hear what was like your coming to like terms moment with like their families I just love family drama I do too because like a lot of family drama is like indicative of like what your partner is going to like eventually present to you I know I just I would be so I would be so pissed if someone in my extended family
Starting point is 01:25:14 like tried on my clothes it's just strange I'm very that's one thing like I would I would say is like one of my flaws as like a friend I'm very possessive of like my stuff like I don't know what it is if it's just like from like and I've seen like a lot of it can be from childhood trauma where like if you didn't grow up with a lot or you grew up with like siblings that always took and broke your shit so I don't know where it comes from really but like all the above maybe but like I hate when like people borrow stuff and then like don't return it or people like ask to wear stuff I haven't worn yet so like this this is my worst fucking nightmare yeah worst fucking nightmare I I understand like when people don't ask to borrow your stuff
Starting point is 01:25:57 I just like I don't like when people feel like they don't have to ask you something they're entitled to your shit they're entitled entitled assholes I would let anyone borrow my car my clothes literally anything but if you thought that you could just do it without asking me yeah would bug me yeah I would literally if you called me at 3am and said like I need your liver I'd be like all right I'm gonna get to the hospital somehow but like if you just like called me and said give me your liver I'd be like fuck you you why didn't you not ask nicely yeah like and I hate the entitled aspect of this yeah titled so much that's that's this to a T well that's all I got for you thank you we'll save the I have another story but it is divorce related divorce divorce related
Starting point is 01:26:45 I wouldn't do divorce so bad and now that I know that I'm saving it I'm gonna amp the folder up jam packet yeah here we go I have an entire series on YouTube about why people should get divorced so be sure to check that out I'm literally gonna go watch it immediately after I drop you off at home oh my god all right thank you guys so much well no thank thank you like you have made my day my night with your response your reactions this story I like this I like being unhinged and I'm gonna stew on all these relationships that I'm not in I'm like girls get out of here why would you be in this I love it well thank you so much and on that note you guys thanks for joining me on another episode of two hot takes and until next time bye guys bye
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