Two Hot Takes - 40: Choose Your Theme: Spooky

Episode Date: October 28, 2021

TW!!!! Big time TW on this episode in regards to suicide, gore, and paranormal. Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin. This is a spooky/scary episode choice for the choose your... own theme. Hope that this fills everyones needs for a seriously scary episode! MERCH IS HERE!!!! Get 20% off + free shipping with the code THT20 at !! As always your support is very appreciated: Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: Direct Inquiries:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater, Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tankless would cost, the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available and right now you can save $400 on a tanked water heater or $1,200 on a tankless. Call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today. Google Any Hour Services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. Hi guys, welcome back to another episode of Two Hot Takes. I'm your host Morgan. I'm your host Justin. Host.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Yeah, why not? I wanted to try it out. See if it fits. Yeah. Okay, you can host an episode, maybe that's an idea we do. All right. Give everyone an assignment of hosting. Everyone's like, no, please no. They can host their own episode. Yeah. Okay, well, let's get into it. Uh, a lot of people wanted to hear scarier stories and they were, they were like, let's hear the real scary shit, which I thought that shit was scary. And since recording that episode, I knocked on wood. Like I actually knocked on one and was like, my house isn't haunted and like everyone was joking like, haha, yet we were recording an episode last night and my mic stayed on, my ring light stayed on, but like the room light in the ceiling went off completely.
Starting point is 00:01:45 And so it was like, we didn't lose power because if we lost power, everything else would have shut off, but it didn't. It was just the room light. And so I'm like, I made my house haunted. Video or it didn't happen. I'm going to fight the video. It's in the recording because that didn't stop. Okay. So you will see the flash of light in that episode or the bonus features or maybe in this little bonus story I'll insert it here, but that's what this is. This is going to be a little bonus story to appease the true die hard scary stories fans. And we have a non-believer. Maybe this will convince him or at least he'll be able to handle it. I don't know if it's non-believer or more just a sense of not experiencing anything. You want something to happen to you. So you would
Starting point is 00:02:39 believe it, right? Well, I don't want to be the next like person in the exorcist, but yeah. Don't let me be there. Just have your own experience. I don't not like this. I don't know. Well, okay. So it's kind of funny that I'm reading this story with you because you actually lived in a crime scene house. Unfortunately, yeah. Yeah. So, okay. You lived there. You go ahead and tell him. Basically almost two years in to living at that house, a neighbor randomly came up one day because we're outside and he's like, yo, guess what? And we're just like, oh, what's up? Yeah. So there was this double homicide in your house and it happened back in 2012. And I was living here while it happened and it was crazy. There was all this
Starting point is 00:03:30 investigation and the whole block was shut down and all this. And I'm like, okay, great. Thank you. That's awesome. Thankfully, we're leaving that house about a month later. And the other thing is that we determined through the news stories that it for sure happened in the master bedroom, which is at that point was our full studio. Yeah, it was their music studio because it was the biggest room. And we're like, wow, I guess we made a bunch of great music in there. So it's not like it's not like we're getting weird vibes, I guess. But I'm like, it's weird because we didn't we didn't have any experiences there. But then like when you moved into your new house, I've probably had the worst dreams I've ever had in my entire life. And we like cleanse the place,
Starting point is 00:04:20 saged it because all of us were having like, terrible, terrible dreams. And yeah, I haven't really since saging the place. But we'll post a link to Justin's old crime scene house because it was really bad. Like the son, I think he was like a 23 year old kid ended up murdering both his parents. And the dad, he left like just bludgeoned to death in the bedroom. But he wrapped his mom up in a sheet and like, put her in their car and then parked the car around the block. Like it was just so messed up. And he had younger siblings too, which is really sad. Yeah, well, and it's just like, I don't know, once you know that about a place, it's it's weird, but they just don't need to tell you when you're renting. If you were going to go buy it,
Starting point is 00:05:10 they have to disclose. But that was probably the rental company's thought is like, wow, okay, we're going to get a great deal on this house. And we're just going to start renting it out. And you really did have to go to like page three on Google to find any stories on the address, because obviously you type in the address and it's like, you know, it had like the Zillow listing first. And yeah, well, and it's like pages of just realtor websites and listings and stuff. So I don't know, I guess the moral of the story is to look up the address of a place if you're going to be renting or I guess to buying and just see because there were plenty of articles. Yeah. Oh, so crazy. I can't believe that. I wonder if that's
Starting point is 00:05:54 a state by state thing too, or if that's just a United States thing, because I think in Minnesota, they have to disclose if someone was murdered in your house. But I think there's a statute too. I think if it was, if it's within like 10 years, maybe, but after 10 years or something, they don't have to tell you. There's a lot of rules. So like basically moral of the story, go and investigate your house or the address before you rent or buy. And if you own it, Ignorance is Bliss, do not Google your house. Yeah, probably. Okay, well, let's get into this story. All right. So it's from the paranormal subreddit. Tons of awards. This guy's a verified user. It's from a real username, not a throwaway. And it's titled My Experience as a Crime Scene Cleaner.
Starting point is 00:06:47 What's up, everybody? I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services. And if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater, Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tankless would cost, the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available. And right now, you can save $400 on a tanked water heater or $1,200 on a tankless. Call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today. Google Any Hour Services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. To start out, you need a little backstory to show how I got into this situation.
Starting point is 00:07:22 When I got out of high school around 2003, finding a job was difficult. So I took whatever horrible jobs I could get to get by. When I found a job cleaning fire and water damage full-time, I was excited to have steady income and start saving. But this quickly turned into a nightmare that I had to endure for almost two years. The company I worked for put me on my first job, which was a water damage claim, where the basement flooded with sewage. So after a few days of work, we finished and it was on to the next job. My boss then called me into his office the next morning and told me about a special crew that he was setting up and asked if I would be the crew leader, supervising three other guys that were just hired. I found this strange as I had only
Starting point is 00:08:04 been working there a total of around three days, but figured my work ethic was already paying off and I would get a raise. I only made $10 an hour to start. Not only did I not get the raise, but I got no training in the new position other than a work van with cleaning material and the phone numbers for the three new guys that were also hired in to do water slash fire damage cleanup. The boss told me what tools were best to use and what cleaning products to use to sanitize along with where everything was located in the van with hazmat suits and respirators, but he was vague about what kind of things I would clean up. He just said the situations were always different and I would get detailed instructions with each job. He called my position
Starting point is 00:08:55 CSC crew leader. The boss told me that I would never have to see the deceased as the coroner would have the remains gone by the time my crew got there and to use my logic to determine what needed to be removed from the homes and what could be cleaned. The first job I had in my new position which the boss told me about when I got to the office was cleaning up the remains of an elderly man or woman who died in their house and had been laying in a chair. When we arrived the corner had me come inside to show me a few things that were considered hazardous material and needed to be removed due to the risk of disease. I guess my boss knew a few people from the county coroner's office and much of the work came from their recommendations. Which doesn't seem like water
Starting point is 00:09:40 and fire damage. No this is definitely not water and fire damage anymore. Not only was the deceased still in the house but was fully visible to me and the other guy and you could smell the rot through the mass in the house as the house had no AC and this was mid-June. The coroner was backed up and waiting on additional people to show up to load the body as it was falling apart and I call the body it because I honestly couldn't tell if it was male or female and was trying not to look too long as it was disturbing. The other three guys I worked with handled it well but two of them got sick from the smell and had to go outside to puke. We all waited outside after the coroner showed us the chair, the fluids that leaked into the carpet and the basement where the fluids went
Starting point is 00:10:31 through the subfloor and puddled on some boxes in the basement. Fluids? Yeah all the body juices. The coroner's support arrived and took the deceased out and me and the crew started working. After about five minutes weird things started to happen the first of which was when I began to disassemble the chair. I had removed the back of the chair and was putting it into a special hazmat bag that I was given and the base started to rock when I was about 10 feet away putting the bag with the back of the chair by the front door. Nobody else was in the same room as the other guys were in the basement dealing with moving boxes. I brushed it off and took apart the base of the chair as much as I could and when I got it into the bag I got a chill up my back
Starting point is 00:11:22 and then began feeling sick. I just figured it was the shock of what I was cleaning, hitting me and I pushed on even though the chill was strange as I was very hot in full hazmat in June. Next was removing the carpet and assessing the floor to see if it would be able to be cleaned or if I had to remove a section of the floor. So I called the boss to ask him and he told me just pour the special cleaner on the area to soak into the floorboards and it would be fine. So I got it out of the truck where he said it was and brought it inside. When I got inside all three of the guys in the basement were scrambling to get out of the basement tripping over each other and all three ran outside. When I asked them what was up all three said there was
Starting point is 00:12:10 someone in the cluttered basement and they assumed it was a homeless person or junkie. Detroit has many issues with these kinds of things. I listened at one of the open windows to the basement. It's kind of the first thing we did when we started working, open any windows possible, prop the doors open so maybe someone got inside then or possibly before we got there and was hiding. After listening a few minutes and hearing nothing me and another one of the workers went inside armed with a mag light and a piece of metal fence post and searched the basement. Nothing was down there but the footprints of the shoe covers we used but when we started up the stairs we heard a horrible hacking cough from somewhere in the basement. When we looked for it there was
Starting point is 00:12:57 nothing but the corner of the basement had a bunch of dust stirred up like someone was moving things very recently that weirded us both out. We called the guys back in and they got back to the boxes but all of them kept feeling like they were being touched while throwing away material from the boxes that got fluids on them. I went back to my upstairs job but found that the cleaner I put next to the floorboards was gone and I started getting frustrated as it was the only jug I had of this cleaner and I clearly remember it being sat next to the area before the guys ran up the stairs and my attention was redirected. I began to take out trash figuring I would find it eventually or the basement guys took it for the floor and I found it on its side behind the bag that had the
Starting point is 00:13:45 back of the chair. This is impossible there were like six other bags in front of this one near the front door and this was a gallon bottle of cleaner. Again I got a chill but this one was brought on by what sounded like a whisper that I could not make out the words to. I cleaned the floor and moved out trash job complete. That night each member of my crew had a dream about an older man telling us that we are not welcome in his home touching his belongings and we need to leave. In my dream I was alone in his house the old man cried and told me I was destroying his things and he couldn't replace anything. He was trying to push me out of his house but it was like I was ignoring him even when he would push me and scream at me no reaction from me. He then threw my
Starting point is 00:14:36 cleaner into the garbage pile I had made by the front door exactly where I had found it. Two of the three guys in the crew told me their dreams about the old man pushing them as they went through boxes of ruined pictures and other old stuff that needed to be thrown out due to the risk of disease from his fluids. They also said it was like they had no control and were on autopilot. They said they were so sad but couldn't do anything. The thing that got me about the dream of the other two guys was they both said the man was getting so upset that he began violently coughing and that the man kept grabbing their arms when they would touch boxes or throw things in the trash. Neither of the guys were in the house when me and the other guy heard
Starting point is 00:15:17 the coughing from the basement. The guy that went in the basement with me said he had a dream but all he remembered was waking up sad like he did something wrong and had a horrible coughing fit which might just be a coincidence but I connected it in my mind as relating to the other dreams. We all talked about it and came to the conclusion that we were all just having a reaction to the situation and it was nothing more than our brains coping with what we had to do. I'm very into psychology so I rationalized it best I could and we hoped for better assignments the next day. Next few jobs were not so bad cleaning up blood at a home invasion no casualty but huge mess. Then there were a few other bloody crime scenes with casualties but nothing notable happened.
Starting point is 00:16:02 About two weeks into the job we began to learn the tricks of the trade and were split into two different groups that I was responsible to manage as crew leader so I would have to go to different sites if the other two guys had an issue or didn't know what to do. I thought I was getting used to the job as well as the other guys as we had no other experiences like the first job but I was wrong. The next job that there was activity was a suicide of a man that was middle aged. The coroner had already removed the body but it was a mess. The guy had shot himself with what I think was a large caliber handgun or shotgun as the spray was everywhere in the basement in like a second living room. There were skull fragments lodged in drywall brain matter all over and again
Starting point is 00:16:47 he was not found for a bit so the smell was horrible. First step in cleaning this was using our backpack vacuum cleaner to suck up all the bio material. The coroner told us when we went in that he and his partner were extremely uneasy in the house and it felt strange and we immediately started getting a claustrophobic suffocating feeling when we went into the basement as well. To make matters worse the family of the man had come over and were crying upstairs but the vacuum noise helped to cancel that out. While I was cleaning the power to the lights went out and it was completely pitch black. This was strange because my vacuum was still powered. This is what happened in my fucking house.
Starting point is 00:17:32 This is literally what happened to my oh my god. I just fucking brought this energy upon myself. Why did I do this? This was strange because my vacuum was still powered. My crewmate started screaming at this point so I turned off my vacuum and climbed off my ladder. I thought maybe he touched a wire to the lights but when my vacuum unit was turned off he was still screaming and I could hear things being knocked over. I started fumbling around for my flashlight on my tool belt and yelled for my friend asking what was going on but all I got back was panic screaming. Then I saw in the pitch black something darker that was moving in my direction and I will admit I freaked out. I slipped
Starting point is 00:18:15 trying to back up still looking in my belt for a flashlight and found it when my back hit the basement wall. I turned on the light aimed at the blackest shape I've ever seen and when the light turned on I saw the shape of a man wearing a flannel shirt, beard, and an expression like he was about to attack me. Then it was just gone. My crewmate was behind where the entity was sitting on the floor rocking with his hands on his head when I approached. He picked up his flashlight off the ground and turned it on then ran up the stairs and outside and threw up. I followed behind him asking if he was okay and why he was screaming. I thought I just imagined the entity and the man because his screaming scared me but he told me that he was scrubbing the wall and felt something
Starting point is 00:19:03 pulling on something in his tool belt and he thought it was me but when he turned around the lights went out and he was engulfed by what he said was like dark smoke and he immediately could not breathe and was struggling to move. He managed to pull his flashlight out but it was knocked out of his hand like his wrist was grabbed with force and he managed to scream. When he screamed trinkets started falling off of the entertainment center that was about three feet to his side and the black smoke moved back but he was close to passing out from exertion. He also said he lost hearing and didn't know that any noise came out when he started screaming and that all the stuff falling off the shelves was landing on him and that's why he was covering his head. He said it
Starting point is 00:19:51 felt like a weight was lifted off him when the dark smoke backed up but he felt sick right away and the light from my flashlight made the sick feeling increase. We took an early lunch where he just sat there pale as ever and didn't say much other than he said he breathed in that smoke and didn't feel right. I got him some Gatorade and his color started to come back. I never told him I saw a man when I turned on my light because we still needed to finish and I didn't want and I didn't want to put that in his head since he never mentioned seeing it. When we went back the lights in the basement were on again. Half the things that fell from the shelves were back on the entertainment center and the TV was on baseball. There was also a different smell in the room
Starting point is 00:20:34 similar to burnt hair. My workers stayed a half hour got sick again and went home for the day leaving me alone to finish which I didn't want to do but had to as the other guys had their own job. After cleaning up everything with my vacuum I began scrubbing the old blood which is hard after it congeals. Mix in brain matter and it is like glue even with cleaner. While I was finishing up I kept seeing the shape of a person always in the side of my vision. Each time I would smell that strange burnt hair scent and a few times I also felt like a force was pulling out items on my belt. Not sure what item as there were several things in my belt. When I finished the job I went to use the bathroom upstairs and in the hallway along the way I heard like muffled crying or moaning.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I froze up and stayed still thinking maybe a family member had come back and when I panned around there was nothing but I saw a picture on the wall of a man with a beard wearing a flannel shirt several other pictures in the hallway of other scenarios of the same man different flannels with deer or fish or family. I had not seen a picture of that man as I had not been anywhere else in the house with a bathroom nor did I use the bathroom downstairs because pulling off the hazmat suit stuff is a pain. As I was securing the house closing the windows locking doors and shutting down every light but the front porch light I saw the front curtain move and again saw the darker than black form in the front window. The last oh god the chills. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Like how do you envision a man with a beard in a flannel without seeing pictures of him? Like that's like he fucking saw him with his own two eyes. He didn't see those pictures before. It's crazy. The last experience I will share in this thread happened mid-July in a very bad area in Detroit. There had been an incident where a guy supposedly tried to abduct a child was stopped by people in the neighborhood who beat the man very badly and he escaped to his house where the neighborhood people quickly called police and civilians surrounded the man's house to prevent escape. The police response time in this area is horrible and the people were throwing rocks through the man's window and damaged his car. The man was hurt bad by the mob and was hurt by a rock or
Starting point is 00:23:05 glass and died in the home. This is this is assumption by Detroit police department. From what the police officer told me it was a misunderstanding and the man picked up a girl that was injured riding her bike and some kids that knew her told her parents that the man was kidnapping her and people overreacted and the man was brutally beaten. Wow. The cleanup was pretty simple to do. We secured windows, cleaned up blood and bodily fluids, but as soon as I entered the house I just felt wave after wave of fear and sadness like I've never felt this before and it hit in waves that made my legs weak. My working buddy who was there showed up late and didn't get the story from the cop like I did but experienced the same feelings I had. The whole time we were there
Starting point is 00:23:55 we saw a form darting around corners like it was watching us then hiding. It was similar to like a small bit of fog or mist. We also heard very slight cries for help coming from several areas in the house and also what sounded like please stop and along no. A few times the crowd came back and yelled at the house also and when this was going on the activity in the house increased and we could hear running footsteps go up the stairs a door slam and it sounded like the front door would open and close but we never saw any of the doors move. The path of the footsteps sounded like from the front door through the living room to the bathroom to the two stairs to the upstairs bungalow room. The part that really got me was I could feel the floor impacts that felt like the
Starting point is 00:24:46 vibrations of someone running past me when I was cleaning the areas and each time I would be hit by one of those waves of fear and sadness. Wow I have such bad chills right now. When we left the house there were a few people on porches hanging out like as usual during summer and the people were still hostile and yelling random things but directed at us as we loaded the van and took off hazmat suits. We ignored this but before we had loaded all the material from the house into the vacuum and locked the house the front door slammed hard enough to sound like a gunshot which scared me and my crew member along with the people on the front porch to the point where they went inside. The front door deadbolt was somehow locked and we could not get it open.
Starting point is 00:25:36 I think it was a different key than the knob so we ended up leaving several boards in the house that were left over from boarding a few of the windows. The feeling of relief when I left the house was like night and day inside I was anxious scared paranoid and just really down which could be due to knowing the story but when I got outside it was like flipping a light switch. I immediately felt better and me and the other guy and my crew were joking and laughing about dumb stuff and normal 19 and 20 year old shenanigans. I have many of these stories written down in detail in a journal I started after the first three months of working at this job. I talked to the guys on the crews and got other strange stories from them too. I know that some of this
Starting point is 00:26:21 could very well be formed by my subconscious mind to cope with traumatic situations but some of it has no explanation and when I hear other members of my crew tell me their stories when they haven't been influenced by mine that is a horse of a different color. When I have time I will pull out the journal and give more of my experiences. The job got way worse when I started the journal after three months in several experiences with what I thought was paranormal many situations that stressed my mental state to the point where my mask of sanity started to slip. In the end I worked at this place for almost two years and of my crew all died two from suicides one from drug overdose that could have been intentional but we will never know. I just know that when three guys my age
Starting point is 00:27:08 around 19 and 20 started this job all were normal well-adjusted guys with no cares in the world other than girls parties and working. I watched each one of them slowly drain their joys and passion for life and I know this sounds bad but each one that died was considered enough to die in a clean way most likely so another person wouldn't have to see the horrible thing that we all saw so often. Wow so so sad yeah oh my god. What's up everybody I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tankless would cost the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you
Starting point is 00:27:56 what options are available and right now you can save four hundred dollars on a tanked water heater or twelve hundred dollars on a tankless call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today google Any Hour Services or schedule online at Any Hour Services dot com no one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. I feel like a lot of that is like truly unexplainable especially the flannel shirt and like that cloud yeah what are your thoughts skeptic hey I am surprised that this guy stayed in the job this long because if I experienced anything close to that I would not no matter what it was I cannot imagine but where there's a will there's a way so I just I couldn't have kept doing it I don't know uh regardless if I had to I just don't know I just
Starting point is 00:28:56 I don't know how to relate I obviously if I experienced any of that shit I would freak the fuck out who wouldn't yeah like I don't know how this guy kept his cool and kept going like he just kind of talks about it like oh yeah I experienced this and it freaked me out and then on the next one it's like for me no next one but like if I had to if I was forced to I don't know I would probably go freaking nuts I would go insane well that's what he said too is like I what did he say my sanity slipped like I got to the point where my sanity was slipping I was mentally I don't want to misquote it here let me find it many situations that stress my mental state to the point where my mask of sanity started to slip right because it's just yeah like
Starting point is 00:29:46 you can chalk it up like oh it's my brain playing tricks on me and there's a lot of situations where you know you see shadows and it's it's the way the light's moving outside a window through reflection you know whatever when your brain can create I mean your brain is unbelievably powerful yes I also think our brain like in his mind he's like trying to rationalize this as a way for his brain to protect himself yeah from what is truly paranormal experiences happening that's like a safety mechanism for him yeah I mean it's like a horror movie it's literally the script for a horror movie it is crazy I don't know how he handled it so long and it's sad it's sad to think that someone's spirit can be just so
Starting point is 00:30:37 I don't want to say aggravated but just like in so much turmoil that it latches on to a place like that like the old man that died in his chair and was just like so upset that people were like moving his stuff and his things and that's all he had and he he can't replace it like that was 100% his energy clinging to them and like trying to send them a message in those dreams right and the fact that the cleaning product moved over by all those garbage bags that no one moved it and it was like it sounded like it was like buried beneath bags that it like wasn't it wouldn't have been possible to just like roll over there or something that's wild uh so sad because did you tell your palm spring story I did
Starting point is 00:31:28 because have you ever actually physically seen something or was that the closest where it's just like I heard and like no I saw the lights flickering like underneath the door I know but have you seen the shadow have you seen that like right in front of you no not like this not like I've never seen like a mist or like a cloud of smoke or anything like that shit that would freak me the fuck out I don't know I don't know I'd start questioning everything and like everything but I just have never experienced anything close to that yeah and I haven't seen the flickering lights or anything like I I just there was one time um when I was a kid this is the closest I can get um where my parents would always take the dog for a walk and I would stay
Starting point is 00:32:23 home and just kind of chill and I remember being in the living room and just watching tv or doing something and all of a sudden I heard these stomping steps like it sounded like they were coming up from my basement just pounding really hard heavy steps oh gosh and I was about like I was in the process of standing up and I was calculating in my head what I do and I was thinking side door front door like I was thinking it was just I don't know autopilot you're like trying to hide thinking it was someone breaking in I thought someone was in the house and they were stomping up the basement stairs to come up and I was on that next level okay and so I was ready to bolt out the front door and all of a sudden the door from the garage opens and it was my parents coming in from the
Starting point is 00:33:09 garage into the house because we had like steps in the garage up inside okay and like that I just remember that feeling and that feeling of that crazy amount of fear is what I'd have in this situation um but I guess like the last house I was in with that whole situation is you know where I'd expect maybe I would have experienced something like that but if we had never been told that we would have actually have we would have had no clue you would never have known yeah unless if he hadn't told us and we didn't find the articles it just like no and I think when we found out even I tried to think I was like oh I was like anything weird happened and there really there wasn't anything yeah like I'm just trying I'm trying to find some
Starting point is 00:34:04 way to connect and relate but I just haven't had that but if I knock on wood I'm all I know though is if I did experience it like this whole story I just they need to believe like yeah I mean I'd lose it my mind would would try and rationalize it of course in the same way but oh my god I know I just want my energy to peacefully move on and I think that's what's so interesting too like we have all these laws of matter and it's like and all of this other stuff that we already know about like our world and it's like no energy is created or destroyed so if our energy isn't destroyed it's like where I'm getting this is like so spiritual and like this is why people you know believe in religion and like to try to justify this like okay where do we go
Starting point is 00:34:59 are we just like blank slate like we're dreaming like so where does our energy go and it's so interesting because when this guy was like describing all these dreams it was almost like the veil where this man was like trying to touch them and like couldn't touch them and was screaming and like grabbing them but they couldn't really feel it because he was trapped behind that other veil and it was literally a movie yeah it's just it's so crazy I just want my energy to be at peace when it moves from this world I have a couple more like little short ones now that like I got you on this because I had a couple more listeners send in some stuff after the episode and they're short sweet but like have some pictures that are really kind of freaky okay I did have more but
Starting point is 00:35:46 oh keep going there was one thing there's this one conversation I had with my dad a very long time ago where I think it was a I think it was his aunt great aunt I think it was a sister of my grandpa's so whatever that would make I remember he told me this he's like if there is something after because she was kind of they were super close and they had this kind of very fun relationship where they had this conversation and he told me that she said if there is something after if it if there's any possible way if there is something after I will find some way to let you know oh shit and to this day there has been nothing so far that doesn't mean it can't happen but I just remember that conversation from a long time ago and it's kind of crazy to think I mean you have
Starting point is 00:36:54 the signs maybe but you have someone that's passed away and says I will like I know you more than anyone I will find a way to let you know yeah but maybe she's just happy on the on the good I know but just think about that as just as a concept like how crazy would that be if all of a sudden there was one little thing you're like fuck there it is and then you just know yeah because that's they would have known each other well enough to have that one thing where he saw it he would know and then he'd be like oh wow well that's the shit that makes me feel crazy like that's the chills if something like that were to happen and he told me that's where I would just like wow instantly yeah there's a lot of stories on reddit especially in like the paranormal or another
Starting point is 00:37:44 subreddit I found just kind of unexplained mysteries and there's a lot of people that talk about what they saw when they die and like this one person had like a massive stroke and was flatlined forever and they basically explained like they didn't see the pearly gates but they said they were walking through like almost what was described in soul but like without the weird like animations it was just like a park where like one man was sitting on the bench and like all of a sudden people started to gather around him and it was like gonna be like a class or like an outdoor like learning thing and he looked at her and he goes what are you doing here like it's not your time yet you need to go and then all of a sudden she was like back in her body yeah that's I mean that's
Starting point is 00:38:29 cool I think I mean I certainly obviously as a human hope there is something after yeah I'm not sitting here thinking like no I hope there's not like no I definitely do yeah I just haven't had any connection with anything yet so all I know is that like you know you're gonna have people that say oh yeah that's like that's an amazing experience like I think that's really cool you're gonna have other people that say well you know you're kind of confronted with this idea of death your entire life and you might have all these wonders of what it like is like and so just think about when you dream your brain is capable of putting together a million different scenarios yeah and so your brain could quickly put you in a situation I mean there's there's no way to know maybe we'll never
Starting point is 00:39:23 know but it's just very interesting to think through all the different situations and like I love soul I think that's one of the most brilliant movies I've ever seen in my entire life Disney did a good job on that one and I just think that like that was beautiful the way that that was portrayed and just the whole idea of that was amazing but yeah I really I really hope I don't I don't want to have a connection like like some scary shit like I'm not inviting that I don't want to experience that but wow yeah I know what did Stephen Hawking say about like death he was asked about it a lot and like what did he say to like rationalize what happens with energy and stuff like that uh there was a really long interview with him that detailed this exactly okay um
Starting point is 00:40:22 the I think the easiest way to summarize it is that and there was a lot of like reasons and arguments and stuff throughout it that were very interesting it's a very interesting like take I mean God his brain the the intelligence that man had he was incredible yeah and I've I've seen from him I've seen from Einstein I've seen from all like great thinkers throughout all of history um his take though was that what you experienced before you were born is what you will experience after you die so essentially the just nothingness and the just before you were born like let's say when you're in the womb and you just obviously have no conception or no memory and it was just nothing he just said you basically fade into turn to what
Starting point is 00:41:17 you started with it's interesting it's a whole concept is crazy like yeah okay you can understand like the biological side of it like myiosis mitosis the cell splitting the zygote like all this shit but it's like where does that consciousness come from it's just it's a lot to wrap your head around we're getting these are the biggest questions in life literally we're getting the weed of it it's like we almost had a fucking gummy or something before this no I mean it's literally the I think maybe the biggest question I know you could have it's intense shit but it's it's also cool it's it's doesn't have to be this polarizing topic it can be this really cool conversation like at one of our writing camps we like sometimes you just sit around the hot tub
Starting point is 00:42:04 and you just like you just have these deep conversations I remember one person said what do you think happens after you die and we all went around and kind of gave our opinions and it wasn't like a no you're wrong or no you're right it was like wow this is actually a really cool interesting conversation yeah none of us maybe maybe some of us are right maybe we're not but none of us will ever know there's no way to argue that someone's wrong and someone's right because we absolutely have no idea so I think these topics provide a really cool situation and environment just have a really awesome conversation yeah that's amazing because it's it's barely I just think about like some of the talks that I've had with my family and
Starting point is 00:42:49 like half of my family is very religious and it's like it's not easy to have those conversations sometimes so like to be in a safe space with like a good group of people like that is really cool yeah okay so this next story was from a listener a few years ago I moved to a new city away from my family and friends and moved into a very dark basement suite that had one window and a long dark hallway it always gave me the creeps I would always feel a presence and one day I decided to clean out my deep freezer when I opened it up there was a silhouette of a man I moved out shortly after a deep freezer yeah like the big ones they're like big rectangular shape and like oh like the yeah the full top ones yeah this is the picture of the silhouette describe it I want like a video
Starting point is 00:43:45 like how do you snap a pic of that you know what I'm saying it was so again it'll be posted on the YouTube but the picture is like on the sides of the deep freezers they have like frost all around the outside so for in this picture like in the side where it should be frost is just metal freezer okay in the shape of it wasn't it so it's not a shadow okay I got it I need to see it again it's unthawed ice in the shape of a man so it's almost like there was a warm body warming up the ice because that's supposed to be covered in ice all the way around that's the purpose of the deep freezer it is interesting it's I mean also could be could be coincidental it's I mean the human brain is wired to recognize shapes put together patterns it's that's innate that's part of being
Starting point is 00:44:46 human is and that's the simple evolutionary tools that have developed is to recognize patterns and so you're going to very quickly associate that shape whereas it could simply just be like look look at under the bottom like the whole bottom goes all the way across too so you don't know you don't know what the pattern on the other side is so who knows I mean it is creepy it would be creepy to open it and see that oh my god I would die and then it moves like the nose move or like the it moves forward a little bit well and it's not just the fact that she saw that but it's it's the fact that she always got this weird like but maybe she went into it that way of course like you in a dark hallway in a place with one window you'd be like wow this is creepy
Starting point is 00:45:41 yeah but I'm scared of the dark but why are you scared of the dark because you don't know what's in there it's unknown that is pretty crazy though I know okay so this one I like the pictures I want a video though pictures is really creepy so I'll show you this next one that has a picture as well okay any hour services has a team of technicians that can take care of any plumbing electrical or air conditioning needs you might have around your house got a drain that's clogged call any hour services need a ceiling fan installed call any hour services air conditioner not working call any hour services maintenance repair or install any job any size any hour services mention this ad and take 50 bucks off your next visit call any hour services or schedule online
Starting point is 00:46:28 at anyhour services dot com no one helps more homeowners than any hour services we moved in our childhood home when I was two I'm 28 now growing up my siblings and I had what I guess you call encounters nothing evil or scary I believe my parents house had a benevolent benevolent spirit we have never felt anything malicious the first thing I remember is my sister's encounter she was maybe 10 or 12 when one night she woke up and for some reason she sat up in bed at the time her bed faced the bedroom door which was at the end of the hallway so when my sister sat up she was able to look straight out of her bedroom and down the hallway at the end of the hall she saw someone standing there and thought it was my brother she called out his name but didn't get a response
Starting point is 00:47:17 the person was just facing her without saying anything she got scared and covered her face with a blanket when she looked again it was gone she got up to check on my brother and found that he was asleep in his room in high school I remember being on the family computer in our living room in the early 2000s personal laptops weren't common and households for the most part had one computer for everyone to use I was sitting at the computer chair and through my peripheral I was able to see into my parents bedroom I saw what looked like a woman walk out of the bathroom in their room and go further into the bedroom I thought it was my mom so I disregarded it later on my parents called and turns out they weren't home I remember being unsettled because I thought my mom was in her room
Starting point is 00:48:05 the biggest encounter came in 2011 I just bought a MacBook Pro and was playing with the photo booth app for those who don't know it was a camera app to take funny pictures with the webcam I was home alone in my living room on the couch taking so many pictures back to back with the app and just messing with my new laptop I had my dog on my lap to take pictures with her too the shock came later on that night when I reviewed all of the pictures I took in one of the photos and only one meaning the before photo and the photo after had nothing there was someone behind me behind the couch let's see it what made me gasp was the fact that my dog is looking over my shoulder directly at this person that was not there the arm didn't look complete and it's hard to see the head it's almost a little
Starting point is 00:48:57 distorted I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to this stuff and I do think most encounters have an explanation but this is the one thing I can vouch for I was alone I took this picture I didn't see anything on the screen when I took it and my dog is looking right at it see for yourself furthermore even if anyone didn't believe me that I was alone no one in my home had a sweater of that color let's see it that's literally a person standing there you can see it's like a red hoodie I see a middle-aged woman standing sideways that's but like if no one was home but like walking look at the dog look at it the dog knew it was there okay you guys scroll back up the dog is literally looking straight at this thing
Starting point is 00:49:47 I also like super scarily saw a video on tiktok today about these two dogs going fucking bat shit crazy in this kennel barking up a storm and then all of a sudden the dog get super fucking quiet like the most annoying dogs I've ever heard in my entire life barking for non-stop a minute I was like ready to swipe because I was like this is so much barking and next thing you know the dogs both go silent and start looking at something and all of a sudden the dog's collar gets taken off like the class comes off and the collar falls what what is this this was a video on tiktok someone got it on their home camera I keep getting crazy fucking ghost videos on tiktok now after reading all these fucking ghost stories
Starting point is 00:50:35 this is pretty nuts like that is a person standing behind her and the dog walking by and the dog probably sensed it yeah the camera ones are pretty nuts that shit like fascinates me I know but so if she had turned around would she have seen it I don't know because I think like cameras can pick up different energies like I think if you think about like infrared and stuff like that like I think there's just certain it's almost like our eyes how like some stuff is like 8k now but we can't even see all the colors in 8k or what is that well no 8k is just a resolution it's uh but there's something where like we we only can see a fraction
Starting point is 00:51:22 of the spectrum of radiation that we perceive as light yes so with this I think that these energies operate on different frequencies or they're in a different like plane or veil yeah but a camera also only picks up visible light unless it has a special lens to get microwaves infrared or maybe just the energy from this being that was there but the only visible tweaked it and I know I see the picture and I'm getting way too scientific I understand which is not enjoyable to listen to but this is where my head goes the a camera is only or sorry what did you say before that I don't know just like the energy oh the energy so boosting the the computer like glitching it yeah but I don't know I think this one's nuts because like the dog clearly looked
Starting point is 00:52:15 and saw it and like if she would have heard someone walking right behind her she probably would have turned to yeah it's just I think that wild that is yeah I like it because that was the picture but the uh sitting up in bed and I feel like I don't know I feel like I almost sometimes see shit because I'm so goddamn tired um but sitting up in bed and seeing someone stand at the end of your hallway my mind does not go to fucking ghost my mind goes there's someone fucking standing in the hallway and then if I hid my eyes which is I just that response is so funny to me just to like but and then you look again I would think okay they're in a different room now I would not be like oh it's gone holy fuck I would be like intruder there's someone fucking here yeah my
Starting point is 00:53:11 mind goes to intruder but then like it's just different like it depends on you thought yours was an intruder I didn't know what mine was I I thought mine was after like the next morning the way I locked the door I didn't like I was like there's no way this could have been an intruder the locks on the doors and you're alone there I was totally alone that roommate hadn't moved in yet and I didn't mention this in the episode but like the end of the hallway that had the washing machine that was there was another door down there that led to the garage that was deadbolted and not only was it deadbolted it had the chain that comes across the front door was the same thing it was deadbolted and the chain was across like windows all the windows at that house had like the bars
Starting point is 00:54:03 like on the the sliding screen door had like a big metal rod on the track so you couldn't open it all of the windows had those bars on the windows so even if you left it unlocked wait how'd you fall asleep no I wasn't even asleep yet you're just chilling like on your phone I was watching the Great Bridge to bake off trying to fall asleep God I wish I'd been there I just I wish I'd been there that was terrifying terrifying well maybe we'll experience something together I don't want to experience anything else maybe it's something like happy though it doesn't have to be scary oh I sure hope it's a happy ghost oh I have one more story but it's on my phone and it's got
Starting point is 00:54:51 pictures and so I'm gonna airdrop them real quick we'll record it and then we'll be done last story okay hi Jan from Toyota speaking Jan I heard it's a good time to buy Toyota sure is from now until April 4th you can shop all your favorites like Corolla, RAV4, Sequoia and more imagine yourself in a new tundra where you stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house you promised your daughter Sarah when did you hop on the call hi dad mom said you were taking too long on the phone Toyota let's go places see you're participating Toyota dealer for details dealer inventory may vary so this is another listener right in and I kind of mentioned it on the last episode with Lauren and Alejandra about like a girl that ended up like having
Starting point is 00:55:36 scratches and marks on her but I couldn't find the story for that episode she heard it messaged me and was like hey I think you were talking about me and I was like yes oh nice scrolled up like the pictures were right there was perfect so she goes I want to start off by saying I've been having paranormal experiences my whole life they don't happen super often but at least every few months I have some sort of experience this experience happened literally a week before I moved out of my parents house it was a really late night and I was sleeping but woke up hearing things on my desk being moved around I turned my head and looked at my desk and saw someone sitting at it they're back facing me can you imagine I was really confused and said
Starting point is 00:56:18 dad rationally thinking it was my father because he gets home from work late whoever was at my desk though was not my father the figure turned around and I was met with the face of what I think was a woman but I couldn't tell because it was horribly disfigured oh my god it looked like someone had taken a hammer to her face and just wreaked havoc now when I saw this of course my reaction was what the fuck and I grabbed my phone and turned on my flashlight and of course like like all horror movies she was gone and I was left on my bed feeling uncomfortable with my dog who was growling in that general direction now you may wonder did I run did I scream did I go into my parents room freaked out of my mind asking to sleep with them I didn't I sat there for a
Starting point is 00:57:09 second and was like well it's not like she tried to hurt me and then like the tourists I am I went back to sleep damn yeah oh my god I know I responded I was like that is fucking terrifying yes girl's a badass like no thank you it was a girl yes it's like it's a gal so I said all that and then she goes on to say more thank you what's even scarier is it's 100 true and I still have experiences like that to this day but I'm used to it the only time I ever got scared was when something touched me and she goes hold on I have pictures I was in my dorm room alone when my puppy Rue was barking at me which was weird and when I got up I saw myself in the mirror and saw this you can have dogs in the dorm what could you at your school some people got dogs
Starting point is 00:58:03 especially if they were like emotional support animals or surface dogs of course because they can go everywhere that's great um so she like sends me pictures I'll show you all the pictures after yeah and I got really freaked out and called my friends to come over and while they were sitting in my room with me they watched this mark suddenly form on my neck I hadn't even been touching it it was really freaky but luckily I moved out of that dorm and into my apartment and haven't had that happen since who's in the dorm now that's the picture of the marks like it looks like like fingerprints it's almost like someone gave you a five star but just the fingerprints showed up or like just the finger marks showed up it's not like she was breaking
Starting point is 00:58:49 out into hives where it's like just patchy blotches like it looks like someone scratched her so what if then you got the information that the person after her also got those marks randomly in that room then there's a ghost and then this is the one on her neck that like literally looks like a scratch mark yeah like so scary and the fact that her dog was barking at her dogs are badass out of character just barking at her animals no animals can see that shit animals and little babies well dogs know when like storms are coming and shit yeah oh god my dog sure does well so here's my thought because we haven't hit this yet do you think there are people who are predisposed to be able to perceive this stuff yes and do you think there are people
Starting point is 00:59:47 that are not yes and why would that be I think there's certain people that just have a gift that can connect to that different energy or the veil or other planes of energy I really do believe in psychics I actually had one listener write in and her grandma and her mom have spiritual slash like psychic abilities and she has like some form but like it's not as like I don't want to say intuitive but it's not as attuned maybe is the better word it's not as intense as what her grandma and her mom have but I also think it's something that like if you use it if you don't use it you lose it like you hear about these kids who play in a room by themselves talking to a ghost and the mom is like who are you talking to and they're like oh I'm talking to grandma Jerry and
Starting point is 01:00:40 they're like we've never even told this kid about their grandma Jerry or like the name of some relative or the name of a ghost or the name of a dead child that used to live there like there's crazy stories like that and there's also stories about kids who as they're growing up are like like oh there was this one story was on the news it was like I know what you're talking about this little boy who was like yeah I was in a plane and I was shot down and near this ship and I was stationed here yes and they like remember their past lives and they remember like their their friends for more yes so it's like I think there's so many people that have these gifts and they never learn how to use them or just as you get older and you're you're told oh it's not real or just you don't use it you
Starting point is 01:01:27 lose it so are there so if you're not one of those people that can connect can you force it by going into the situation like the guy in the first story can you force it by putting yourself in situations where you are going into the thick of it yeah I mean he was probably definitely like I'm not I don't know a lot about this but out of all like the places that I interact with like I'm not really going into houses that have had a lot of traumatic events happen in them on a daily basis for my job like that's his daily job yeah so he's daily putting himself into like these high energy or like traumatic areas so yeah I think like if you're constantly going into those areas you're opening yourself up to like a greater potential it's like yeah like playing
Starting point is 01:02:19 the lottery like it's like if I don't play the lottery I have no chance of winning but he's playing the lottery daily so yeah I mean you know I think it seems as if all these encounters are happening when they're not being sought out it's not like the girl is sleeping and thinking oh like I'm I'm trying to meet a ghost no I didn't think that in Palm Springs right is that your one and only yeah my my one and only real one that if someone asked me have you had a paranormal experience I would say yes and I would say that story yeah um yeah I don't think I've really I've had like other creepy experiences but yeah that was like once like of course with this with this girl's story you're going to get people on both sides yeah um but it would be
Starting point is 01:03:15 you know quite interesting if I looked at my arm and all of a sudden something was appearing after some experience like well and just the computer one like we're just talking about the scratch marks and everything but like the computer experience where it's like you wake up out of a sleep and you're like staring at your desk and someone's sitting there and to see you know a woman's face that is just so no that is that again another script like there's these are good movies these could be great movies because that is a freaking that's not even a horror movie that's like something beyond did you hear the paranormal episode I did with Alejandra and Lauren a little bit about like the the paranormal investigator that actually went to the old hotel and he like walked in to the like
Starting point is 01:04:05 this other realm and he turned around when he got back outside calling his uncle and it was all gone yeah yeah we were kind of talking about that oh my god that one is like crazy that's like I mean that's what I mean like and after like you know the youtube comments and everything too I think like a lot of people were like that all of his batteries died because those ghosts needed so much energy to maintain that like mirage or that like like um I don't know what the word I'm searching for is but like that experience essentially that's why like all their batteries were drained well then it and then it you know it makes you wonder then okay if this is truly a thing then well like why is the boy coming back and talking about his past life
Starting point is 01:04:53 but these other ghosts are kind of stuck in this you know I'm saying it like it's just kind of I know interesting like what determines if you get reincarnated versus you stay stuck just this whole other whole other world I know it's crazy I always like felt like I haven't talked about it recently but when I was younger I always was like yeah I just feel like I was reincarnated from like Marie Antoinette era minus you know the guillotine and all the beheading but like I just had like such a connection to that like time period but I don't know this is weird it's weird to think about to be determined I know I know some somewhere far far in the future okay well that turned from one bonus story into a full episode so hope you guys enjoyed that this this will be the last
Starting point is 01:05:47 of spooky October aw aw I'm ready to move on I have big plans for November and December I'm getting the divorce episode ready for Sarah for December because did you know January is the highest month January has the highest rates of divorce I could see that yep so shit hits the fan in December that's right so divorce December everything in the spotlight it does all all the cracks really become canyons so nice yeah good one so November and December is going to be really really fun by the time this episode airs our merch will be live you guys so be sure if you haven't snagged that that you go check it out the link will be on our YouTube page as well as I'll put it in the description of this video but I hope there's still some by the time this airs because
Starting point is 01:06:44 the sweatshirts are really cute I love them but I think that's all I got I don't have any other announcements oh father knows something will be out the week of this episode so be sure to check that out as well my dad's podcast okay now I think that's officially everything okay good job okay guys well thanks for joining us on another episode of two hot takes and until next time until next time bye guys finding your perfect home was hard but thanks to burrow furnishing it has never been easier burrows easy to assemble modular sofas and sectionals are made from premium durable materials including stain and scratch resistant fabrics so they're not just comfortable and stylish
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