Two Hot Takes - 61: Wow.. Good and Bad

Episode Date: April 14, 2022

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin Thunstrom. This episode is stories that will leave you saying WOW.. sometimes good but when they're bad... buckle up. What do you think of... these ones? Merch: Partners: Our SubReddit: Bonus story from this theme on Patreon !! Full length Video episodes available on YouTube:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For over 65 years, we have been part of your community and we work to make a difference for every member every day. And while our name is changing, our commitment to you is not. Find out how it's getting even better here. Welcome to You First. Visit us at Hi friends, just a reminder to subscribe if you are not already. I greatly appreciate it, as does everyone else on this show. And I'm trying not to procrastinate with my uploads, so your notifications won't be too hectic. I promise. I'm trying. I'm just a procrastinator with my ADD and I get it. But I'm turning them off on some of them too, so don't worry about it. Just subscribe. You haven't been on in a while. No. Wow. I don't remember this. I don't know how to
Starting point is 00:00:44 do this. Are you gonna be okay? Do you think you can handle it? I just gotta try to not sniffle on the mic. Yeah, that is gonna be quite the challenge. Oh, wow. I know I'm gonna do it. Between the two of us, we're both like, I feel like we haven't been like ourselves for quite some time. Like I have allergies. You've had a cold. My dad's been sick. More than a cold. Everyone's been sick, but not COVID. I know, but like two colds or a cold and a flu or something. I don't even like hear my voice right now. Well, hopefully it won't bother everyone too much. I think the stories will make up for your sickness. Let's hope. So the theme I have today is wow, good and bad. Let's see if you can tell, but it's kind of a mix of just like these crazy
Starting point is 00:01:39 stories that I just like read them or read the title. There's a couple that I haven't actually read all the way through, but I just like read the title and I was like, okay, this is bad. I like being wowed. Okay, well, I'm down for a while or two. Or like eight because I've got I've got quite the lineup right now. Oh, yeah. Let's dive in. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. I can kind of do it with my nose being like this. Wow. No, that wasn't that was not the own. We were trying to do the Owen Wilson one, right? Wow. I thought I was until I heard that. Wow. Wow. I sounded like I should be in SpongeBob or something. Yeah, that was pretty bad. Okay, let's dive in. Let's go. Okay. Do we want to start off? No, some of these are like truly bad wows.
Starting point is 00:02:56 So I think I'm going to start off with a, it's a little bit harder to tell wow. Okay. Yeah. Okay. I, 27 male, think my son's new best friend could be his half brother. Wow. I'm not 100% sure, but the similarities are starting to scare me. After graduating from high school, I hooked up with one of the alumni. She was 26. They used to help out at all of the school events, but then I found out she had a boyfriend and we broke up. At the time me and my ex were already hooked up to and she got pregnant months after my son's seven and he meets a new friend that he hangs out with after school. The kid is like eight-ish because he's a grade above my son. And guess who his fucking mom is?
Starting point is 00:03:44 We met a couple of times picking up our kids and she avoids me. It's not her avoiding me that has me suspicious because of course it's awkward anyways with an ex. It's that him and my son have so many similar features, the way that they smile, hair, skin color, the shape of their eyes, and nose are so similar to mine. And everyone in my family always says my son looks exactly like me when I was a kid. Far as I know, haven't heard of any dad around or her IG doesn't show anyone else. I don't know if this is something to bring up to her at all. We didn't end things well at all and she hated me even though she was the one who was a cheater to her boyfriend. Should I ask her about it at all or is this just one of those things to leave alone?
Starting point is 00:04:31 I'd hate to think I have a kid out there not to know about, but if it's gonna hurt him more then I'm not sure. That's that's the end? That's the post. Oh wow, okay, actually wow. Yeah, like wow, that's where he left it. He was like really just like looking for advice like what do I do? It would be quite the coincidence, wouldn't it? Can you imagine? Like I think that's so it's so different for like obviously guys compared to girls like you could have a kid out there right now that you don't know about. You could. There is a chance it's never zero. You had sex. Oh well I guess versus a female definitively knowing what has come out of them. Exactly, like I know that I don't have children out there but like guys out there
Starting point is 00:05:14 you can have a kid and not know. I guess so. I wonder how common because yeah in TV shows and movies shows in movies shows in TV shows and movies you see this happen where you know it's like Winston finding his dad after forever or like I'm just saying like I wonder how common it is for someone to have a kid and know who's it was with them. A female have a kid and knows who the dad was and then just never. I mean is there an obligation there or does this happen a lot where I know and I get it when the dad is either like you know some crazy criminal or some awful person then I can I can understand but when it's just a normal person what's the where's the strategy I guess that you want nothing to do with them can you do that and is that common I guess.
Starting point is 00:06:15 I don't know if it's super common because I don't know I maybe there's some people that like don't want any involvement. I think one of the stories that comes up for me and it's probably coming up for you as the one we had from a listener during our live show where she was like roofied and sexually assaulted and then like hasn't told that person that they have a kid and I think in that case like no that's totally justified well and that's like what I meant yeah the criminal yeah I think it's so dependent on every situation I think that's like all of life there's so much gray area it's never black and white and so I think it really depends on the situation but no I think like I don't think a lot of people don't tell the person I think
Starting point is 00:07:01 I think it's kind of the exception to not tell because you might need support or you might not want to go through it alone you might need financial support whatever when it's not like out of the blue she came up and was like guess what yeah you have a kid and he's like six or seven or whatever eight um eight but to slowly catch on to it like that so what are the odds that their kids became friends and the timeline works out yeah that's what this gives me small town vibes like they must have stayed in like the same small town like she was an alumni working at the school no one really leaves and they happen to be at the same elementary school and happen to be friends like so it is pretty crazy so wild so there's an update for this one okay good yeah it was a
Starting point is 00:07:49 little short a lot of people were like telling him to get like a secret DNA test and so he put an edit stop telling not like someone you don't think is no it's not like well to go back I guess before we go to the update if this happened to me I mean the curiosity would drive you crazy you'd have to know you'd have to find out especially if you're like yeah he looks like he acts like it the mannerisms are there the the smile is there the eye shape walks like a duck quacks like a duck it's in the timeline it's just and guess who her mom is yeah so he edits stop telling me to covertly get a DNA test on a minor without anyone's consent right um I can't yeah no it'd be illegal like especially if it turns out it wasn't his kid but one of the top comments is
Starting point is 00:08:43 if you want to know for sure and you are prepared for the consequences then you have to talk to her if you truly want to know him and be in his life then you will probably need a court ordered paternity test right because at this point if she hasn't wanted to tell you until now if you go approach her and say yeah what's the deal who's gonna say she's just like nah yeah well I think it's interesting too that she didn't it's kind of like she's already dug herself into the hole like by not telling him after eight years you know almost nine because I guess it gets harder the gestation period it gets harder and harder but I think when she saw like oh he he has a kid around the same age as me like he's a dad as well he would probably want to know his son I think that that was kind of an in like
Starting point is 00:09:29 once you started seeing him at car pickup you should have been like hey right so can we talk like to the kid no to the dad oh yeah yeah oh yeah okay yeah so he replies to that and he's like I'm prepared to be there for him and help provide for his life but worried that I'm thinking more about what I want rather than what might be best for him like I want to find out if he's mine and be in his life but what if that ruins but what if that ruined I was trying to say ruins all those good well now I said it right yeah but what if that ruins his home life or stability it just sounds wrong yeah but I think like in in many previous episodes they're more often than not there's that longing and that searching to find who is my dad yeah I think this kid would wonder down
Starting point is 00:10:20 the road and so now honestly at eight years old sounds like an okay time to it's kind of like a it gets worse the longer it goes if if that is the case absolutely someone goes do you know how condoms work mean mean sometimes they don't work people never a hundred percent never update are you ready well I thought you had a you were like nah they don't just slip off that doesn't happen that's not a thing they can slip off but okay oh it just slipped off exactly so Justin's referring to this um war of the roses story or it was just like a call in but from shout out Dave Ryan shout out Dave Ryan but it was from Dave Ryan's morning show and this guy called and he's like three years ago I made a mistake and I had sex with my co-worker and he was like trying to tell the radio people
Starting point is 00:11:15 like I'm not a skeezy guy it was an accident like I just happened to have a condom in my jacket it was an old jacket an old condom just happened to be in my jacket that day that I decided to fuck my co-worker oops and then oops the condom slipped off oops she got pregnant I haven't told my wife in like two years yeah the kids two now but like again just station period you got nine fucking months yeah yeah for sure so this man was like trying to be whatever so he told his wife and the wife left him but it's like they had been married for two years he cheated with a co-worker and now they've been married a total of five years the kid was like almost three or something it was like two or three but again like don't put all your eggs in that basket
Starting point is 00:11:59 but side note so for the update I guess I was right in the end he's mine this whole freaking time I had another kid that's crazy lucky that his mom was willing to talk to me about this it wasn't easy not doing this in front of the kids but I managed to ask her to meet up alone to talk when I asked her the obvious she started crying and she said when we broke up she found out about the pregnancy but thought her boyfriend back then was the father but she revealed the cheating him and they did a paternity test after she gave birth he wasn't the father so he left damn then she didn't want to say anything to me because we weren't in contact anymore and she knew I didn't want to see her again so she thought at the time maybe I'd reject my son holy fuck was I pissed
Starting point is 00:12:46 when we were talking about this I was half yelling slash crying over the whole thing no matter how many times she told me sorry for assuming I wouldn't want anything to do with him that act still made me miss out on my son true because now we were in this sort of fucked up scenario of our kids being friends and not knowing he's also my kid my ex still hasn't stopped apologizing I'm trying not to stay mad at her she seems like she really regrets it and so far she's agreed to everything I've asked paternity test for starters where we get the proof I'm his biological dad wanting to spend time with him let him know I'm his dad none of this has been easy the kids seem to be having a better time adjusting my son just thinks it's cool right now to suddenly have
Starting point is 00:13:31 a big brother but I think when that excitement wears off there will be more stuff to deal with my eldest is more shy around me back then he didn't really care she already told him I'm his dad and we did a one-on-one meeting recently got to know him better and do something together just me and him it was a nice time he still comes over with my son so they can hang out or I see them together after school guess for me it's been hard seeing him and knowing we still have a long way to go to building an actual relationship I wish we could have had that since the beginning yeah I'm it's still so trippy thinking about it though my son unknowingly became friends with a kid he didn't even know was his half brother then what if I knew about him back then would my youngest even
Starting point is 00:14:15 exist right now if she would have told me my mind goes down the rabbit hole with that one that is crazy yeah yeah because what if he would have tried to make it work right I don't even consider that that's that's weird but again everything happens where he's at that's right most most times at least most times at least this hasn't affected their friendship I'm hoping it stays strong the more I get to be a part of his life and he becomes more a part of our lives that's it I like it I think it's a good wow yeah and he just he just seems like a good dude um to be almost sad that well not almost sad just to be regretful of not having that time already with his other kid yeah he feels like he missed out and I wonder too if
Starting point is 00:15:07 she if the mom had picked up on the fact that the two kids were friends and she just like I wonder if she was waiting for this I wonder if she knew it was kind of coming or had any you know idea at all because just to instantly start crying kind of seems like she felt like it was coming or she had some even if the fact that she knew that his kid was the one her her their kid had just become friends with and that they were hanging out and stuff I wonder if she was just building up that she was probably building up courage too like I feel like the way that she just like broke down right away like she's been waiting to tell him like she was true she probably really wanted to tell him but just like right because again it it ended
Starting point is 00:15:52 bad and then like there probably wasn't a good time so yeah because it was either gonna be like a try to cover it up again and deny deny deny but it was like a it did kind of feel like a relief yeah release relief totally agree super shitty on her like bad wow that she like kept it from him for so long because he he does seem like a really good guy like this isn't one of those cases where like no the dad deserves not to know right you're not do it's not a child endangerment situation or a you endangerment situation yeah it doesn't seem no from what we know but that's what I mean like at first I'm thinking what is the obligation and where does that line fall or even what's the law around that or is there because I I definitely understand that there's situations where whether
Starting point is 00:16:42 you know safety or even other things yeah it's maybe it's probably better not to cross the line and tell someone but in this case I'm just like well where does the obligation fall like at what point at this point it feels like it was wrong yeah I'd agree with that it's interesting I don't know I wonder if there are any laws around that like if you have to notify yeah let's look do you have to notify your partner if you become pregnant I'm sure it's by state right but I guess at some point too some people would never find out this seems like a special case where the kids became friends it's so wild I still can't believe that yeah nothing really coming up I probably don't have great search terms but it's not coming up for like
Starting point is 00:17:41 do you have to tell I just wonder like if you were a friend to this obviously there's you know probably details we don't know but yeah I'm wondering like if this was your friend would you be like you have to tell him you got to tell him after the first paternity test goes is negative and you're like well the only other guy I was with during that time is X you know who it is yeah so I feel like as a friend you'd be like come on I know wild but it's interesting it is interesting and it seems like they've got it all covered and it's gonna be a good journey oh yeah I think it's a good thing now for sure it's just in that time he missed out for sure yeah it sounds like and well I think it would have been different to in again gray area and
Starting point is 00:18:34 there's no right or wrong answer with this one but I think it would have been different if her boyfriend at the time would have stayed with her and just been like I don't care that he's not mine like I love you we'll raise this baby together but like he didn't he like didn't grow up with a dad so I think not not that anyone like needs to have a dad like single moms fucking crush it all the time and like whatever but I think it just like just kind of illustrates the fact like he went without when he didn't necessarily have to yeah like yeah well now now he will now we'll have it yeah well and he's only eight well now he has a brother maybe because of her choices exactly yeah I didn't even think about that that little nugget might not have he might not have been splooged
Starting point is 00:19:21 out you know what I said that little nugget might not have been splooged out yeah what does that mean oh oh splooge yeah that's you know that's graphic well I think we're mostly adults on this on this podcast except for me apparently okay so I read are we moving forward we're moving on can I just blow windows quick yeah okay our Murray location it's gone and we've moved the remaining inventory to Sandy our new location isn't ready but we don't have the room for the extra 500 vehicles so we're selling everything for less but we don't carry just liquidation vehicles at national we simply carry the best with lenders on site we can approve anyone even with zero down so get down here hundred nathan state premium inventory with liquidation pricing better hurry these offers won't
Starting point is 00:20:14 last long okay sorry that's okay you got blue nose you said so I read so for this next one I read the title and the first little pair like two sentences paragraph whatever and then I stopped reading because I knew already it was a while so we react together we react together okay am I the asshole for giving my husband one day to return the bracelet that he took from his daughter's mom aka ex-wife gotcha it's a bit complicated so bear with me I female 34 have been with my husband male 37 for two years he has a nine-year-old daughter with his ex-wife Nora and the reason for the divorce was financial but she told me he initiated it after she got diagnosed with cancer now her cancer has come back and I feel sorry for her because she's a decent woman overall
Starting point is 00:21:12 due to treatment schedule Nora only gets visitation with my stepdaughter for now my husband drives my stepdaughter to see her mom two days a week yesterday he came home saying Nora wasn't home and he and my stepdaughter had to leave after waiting for an hour he then went into the bedroom stayed there for some time then went out to visit his friend I was cleaning the bedroom and found a gold bracelet that looked familiar I realized it belonged to Nora as I'd seen her wear it before I was confused and I waited until he got home to ask him about it his reaction wasn't good he lashed out and took it out of my hand saying I shouldn't touch his personal stuff I said this wasn't his stuff this was Nora's and I asked if he took it
Starting point is 00:21:56 and I asked if he took this bracelet behind her back and he said no Nora gave it to him so he could give it to their daughter once she's 20 in case something happens to Nora I don't know why but I didn't believe him I told him I would call Nora to ask but he started yelling at me to stay out of his family business we started arguing and I kept demanding he tell me how and why he got this bracelet he refused to say anything at first then he admitted to going in a Nora's room and taking it while she was out I told him this wasn't okay but he said this was his right after he spent money on her treatment before but never got his money back I was shocked by this statement they were married back then and he shouldn't expect to be repaid
Starting point is 00:22:44 I got mad and told him he has one day to return the bracelet or I'll tell Nora and let her involve the authorities if she had to because the bracelet looked heavy and pricey he begged me to stay out of it but I refused he said I was being malicious and should side with him not threaten him but I refused to negotiate anything and I'm responsible for my word now Nora is a decent woman who's struggling and I feel like she should know she can't trust her own daughter's father in her home after this he said if I go through with this then this will ruin our relationship so badly but I said I'm still standing by my word am I the asshole no I would question everything with this guy yeah I wouldn't even care about a relationship with him with him anymore you left
Starting point is 00:23:33 someone because they got cancer and then also your immediately when she said she didn't believe him well yeah because he just lashed out out of nowhere and people lash out when they know they've done something wrong yeah and they're they he already knows he already feels oh well honestly I don't know if he feels guilty about it because I would say no he doesn't seem to have a heart but he knew something was wrong with it and that's why he lashed out when she found it so it's kind of like like what who are you with right now what kind of person are you with a monster are you with someone that's going to turn on you as soon as you're not perfect or as soon as something is too hard because that's what it seems like yeah I'd be worried like if I were her I would honestly be
Starting point is 00:24:26 worried that if I get sick he's going to do the same thing to me well I just feel like I didn't know someone it would be like wait what yeah I would have been very put off when the ex-wife and again like it's like okay well this is your partner like you you obviously are in love with your partner but like they've only been together for two years and I don't think the ex-wife people lie and people will say things to manipulate situations but like I don't think she's lying at this point especially because she's sick again right when you're taken from someone that's already down like yeah like cancer treatments are so expensive like medical debt is the number one cause of bankruptcy in the united states and I'm just going to fact check myself real quick
Starting point is 00:25:12 a new study from academic researchers found that 66.5 percent of all bankruptcies were tied to medical issues I believe it yeah it's it's yeah it's crazy it's absolutely crazy so it's like one you take vows when you marry someone and if you're not serious about those vows in sickness and in health then don't fucking get married because you are not mature enough or loyal enough to a person or give a flying fuck enough about them to stand by them that's what a partnership is that's when you should almost care more than you ever have yeah so for him to be like oh I covered one he left her when she got diagnosed but then how how can you do that like what disgusting and then she beat it the first time so absolutely disgusting but then the fact he's
Starting point is 00:26:04 like well she never paid me back so that's why I stole it no I think that was your wife one then his argument to you know our writer now about you need to stick with like the person you marry yes stick with me where that's like your ultimate yes that should be your ultimate loyalty when you get married yeah to a certain point I think until something is truly wrong I feel like she's now experiencing a person that when she read her vows this isn't the person she read her vows to no this is a whole different side of someone that's really freaking scary yeah to just have that mentality this is this is an absolute monster it's just uh makes you sick one for him leaving her and for two for him taking advantage and like going into her house where's the spite like oh I'm gonna go
Starting point is 00:27:00 take this because because he feels owed he feels like he's owed financially for what he's the one that walked away just piece of shit some people are just pieces of shit this is obviously a bad wow yeah definitely a bad wow top comment on this one not the asshole but you have been given a gift by getting a glimpse of your future is this what you want is this how you want to be treated if you get sick again not the asshole he's a cold hearted asshole a thief and a liar I'd also tell Nora to change her locks so he can't come in while she's out to steal things this isn't the only thing he's taken I guarantee it well and I I think it goes beyond just sickness this feels like if that is applied to someone who gets sick I feel like it can apply
Starting point is 00:27:50 to someone who goes through anything horrible yeah if anything happens if her financial situation or job or or just her mental health or anything changes it feels like he's just gonna walk away absolutely if you walk away from someone that gets diagnosed with cancer it's not just sickness you're gonna walk away if anything gets too hard for you yeah I'm sure if OP like obviously I'm not like trying to manifest as or anything but like car accidents happen every day like you can easily have something happen to you and you can become disabled you can lose your sight yeah there's an abundance of things that can get that can go wrong in life it's like he's gonna peace out and steal all your shit yeah seems like it oh you owe me for that toothbrush I bought you last week
Starting point is 00:28:36 mm-hmm like he's he is terrible yeah some weird shit I think this would be divorce worthy for me and I know it's like oh it's not really your issue he stole his ex-wife's bracelet but like no it speaks to character yeah and like this person said like you're getting a glimpse of your future yep yep ew moving along ew ew that was cute we should auto tune that oh okay yeah that would be a real wow wow wow okay you're getting too comfy wow wow wow I think it's time we record your first song no what do we think everybody Morgan's first song I could not sing okay so this one I don't know okay what style do you think you'd be
Starting point is 00:29:28 pop I like my boots on the porch I can't sing so I don't know you go country no I wouldn't I do like a good country all right Morgan's first country single coming soon no if all of you want it hi Jan from Toyota speaking Jan I heard it's a good time to buy a Toyota sure is from now until April 4th you can shop all your favorites like Corolla Raph 4 Sequoia and more imagine yourself in a new tundra wear you stop by the home improvement store and finally build that tree house you promised your daughter Sarah when did you hop on the call hi dad mom said you were taking too long on the phone Toyota let's go places see your participating Toyota dealer for details dealer may vary okay so this next one am I the asshole for telling my girlfriend I don't like the way
Starting point is 00:30:24 our baby looks who my 22 male girlfriend 23 female gave birth to our daughter yesterday the baby was ugly to be perfectly candid she's mine and I love her but she was not a pretty baby my girlfriend and I were casually chatting before bed and I brought this up telling her our daughter wasn't exactly easy on the eyes she was upset which I find odd I didn't mean to hurt her feelings I was just telling her how I felt about our kid truth be told the baby is interracial half Chinese half Punjabi so it was always a possibility that a potential child would be kind of goofy looking I don't think she had to be offended not every child can be cute my girlfriend hasn't spoken to me since however I don't know what to do am I the asshole uh yeah I think there's things you just
Starting point is 00:31:21 do not fucking say what is wrong with him you're gonna go you're gonna tell the person that just literally wife girlfriend oh girlfriend okay you well regardless just gave birth yesterday yesterday like at the time of this posting she had just aren't you already like mentally going through shit yeah you have the baby blues right and then to drop that like hey our kid looks like shit they all are ugly when they first come out that's what I was gonna say they have to go through a tiny little canal half the times their heads are shaped like cones that's literally what I was gonna ask is there any baby just born that comes out and it's like future model I think it's very rare I don't want to roll it out because I'm I'm sure but I have found from tiktok that glow ups are
Starting point is 00:32:13 definitely real oh yeah whether it be from baby to I don't know to grown up or if it's from like teenager to grown up there's definitely a lot that happens I feel like there's a trend like where it shows people from your book based on the yeah it's like that I got gone and they won't go oh yeah and then it switches and it goes from like a yearbook photo where they look ridiculous and then it goes to like modern day where it's like oh like the glow up yeah so I definitely think even if that's your true thoughts I think there's times in life no matter how close you are with someone there's just there's no way to always be 100 honest no we talked about we just talked about right and that's what I mean like I think sure that's how he feels in the moment that's what's
Starting point is 00:33:05 going through his head have the just the decency awareness to not fucking say it out loud there's times it's not even a white lie it's just keep it to yourself it's not gonna help anything it's not gonna what is it gonna what what's she gonna do be like oh yeah I agree what do you do get plastic surgery for a fucking infant it's just this thing just popped out some things are left better left unsaid in the wise words of thumpers mom if you can't say something nice don't say it at all and also like this is kind of one of those things where it's like okay what's telling her gonna fix what's it gonna change also I'm getting like I'm getting weird vibes from this like truth be told the baby is interracial so it's always a possibility that a potential child would be kind
Starting point is 00:33:57 of goofy yeah what's up with all that it feels like a little racist yeah like it feels it doesn't feel right to me and I agree and again I'm white so like I don't know but like I would love for people of color or other ethnicities besides my pastias to chime in on this because it just feels like it just feels weird it's I think we're yeah sure but at the same time I don't think any mix of any race necessarily makes you want to expect that your kid might look weird because that's what they're insinuating I think that which makes me think like do you have a problem with your girlfriend being Chinese right like your kid gonna come out goofy looking because it's just weird like you're not implying that you're goofy looking because it's like well maybe I don't know yes I get what you're
Starting point is 00:34:53 saying you know what I'm saying it's like a pot it's a possibility it could come out goofy looking why because you you your girlfriend's Chinese like what are you implying about her she's goofy looking because she's Chinese or do you think you're ugly as fuck right if you think you're ugly then own it like I'm an ugly piece of shit you should own that I don't think there's any way to say that oh I don't like the way I look so I think my kid isn't gonna be the best looking yeah I don't there's no correlation no genetics are freaking crazy genetics is such a flip a coin roll the dice throw salt over your back like you don't know what you're gonna get it's why like people have gone on tiktok and like use that sound where it's like I'm Mexican and the responding voice is
Starting point is 00:35:39 like no you're not and they're like yes I am but it's a white passing person like you would never look at them and be like oh they're Hispanic they're Mexican they're black like you can be white passing you could be a bunch of other passings but like genetics are so wild so and again this thing just popped out they're all ugly most most most ugly at least well I just think I think they're beautiful of the moms I feel like they're when a when you have a newborn that new I don't think you can tell no you can't tell there's no way you can tell what they're gonna look like as a toddler or a teenager or as a grown adult I don't think there's a way to know no they're they've been soaking in emniotic fluid for nine months they're pruney they wrinkly they got a cone head
Starting point is 00:36:38 they got long claws have you seen their claws when they come out sometimes their nails are really alone really yeah I will say my brother his kid was kind of cute the elwys was really cute Emmett came out his head was his head was scary well I'm it's a cute kid now though oh yeah he's adorable so I just think there's no way to know you can't it's just a weird like you're judging from no and they're also like from day one they're fucking kids like and they're everyone's beautiful like every single person on this planet is beautiful in their own unique way as long as you're kind and don't murder people because murderers aren't cute trying to find the picture of my niece I know it's posted on the gram but like day one yeah day one I bopped down to the hospital here she is
Starting point is 00:37:25 look how little she was but they don't babies like now that I'm looking at this babies don't really look like anything like they're just like just babies like they're just little potatoes like she looks like a potato like she's got like little eyes and like some shading like she looks like a potato yeah it's not like they're like I don't know some but some babies come out with crazy eyelashes and a lot of hair so I don't know one of the top comments on this one your girlfriend just pushed a watermelon out of her pussy and within 24 hours you tell her it's ugly right yeah you're the fucking asshole here and oh he goes it just came up naturally we were kind of talking and then I just said it yeah and so someone goes you're the asshole keep that shit to yourself
Starting point is 00:38:15 cheeses and OP responds I disagree it's important to communicate with one another in an intimate relationship again read read the room never say that you don't even need a room to read it's like internal there's a natural there should be something in your mind that clicks and says nope I'm not going to share this you're not being dishonest by not saying it no it's you don't even know this thing is 24 hours old and you're not having a lack of communication by not saying it you're probably strengthening your communication because you're learning what to say and what to not say that is communication communication is not saying everything that comes through your mind true because if we did that we would all be single well no one would have any
Starting point is 00:39:12 friends also true or like family I don't know you can't there's just I feel like there was a cartoon about this when I was younger that I saw when I was younger where it's like someone had this or movie where they had this thing where no matter what they thought it was out loud or everyone knew it and it was like a movie where everyone could read each other's minds and everyone it was like turmoil because everyone started going crazy yeah because all those bad internal thoughts that I mean everyone thinks bad things sometimes but you don't say them exactly that's what this next comment says too it goes you're the asshole how in the blue hell did you get a woman pregnant if your social skills are bad enough that you need reddit to tell you that you shouldn't tell a woman her
Starting point is 00:39:57 newborn baby is ugly drop the mic wow wow wow next I will just say because I didn't say it after the bracelet one the bracelet story was posted three days ago there were no comments or updates from op on the bracelet story cool so that's tbd we'll see she said she gave him a day it's been two where's the update people are killing me without updates I am working on an updates episode so if there's any stories we've covered on this podcast that you've seen updates for go to the tht reddit page and post the link for me or tell me and I'll track it down but I'm trying to find updates and like there's not a lot of updates and the one am I the asshole for calling out the surrogate or calling out my baby's future stepmom for treating me like a surrogate I've messaged her
Starting point is 00:41:02 four times nothing no update so I'm trying people I'm really trying stuff the thought of my son's growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes ashtrays and lighters I started exercising instead of smoking staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key I kept on trying learn something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes we did it so can you for free and confidential help call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit developed by CDC okay I think we'll know what kind of wow this one is just based on the title do you need to do some jumping jacks I should trigger warning for the stories you guys it does talk about abortion and just kind of some heavy
Starting point is 00:41:57 child parenting issues so skip this one maybe if you're not up for it my 40 male wife 37 female won't stop reminding me that I asked her to abort our daughter six female me and my wife have been together for 17 years married for 12 from the beginning of our relationship she has always said she is child free and there was no problem because I was too at the time we were also living in a crappy apartment in a bad town so even if we wanted children it would not be where we lived for a majority of our relationship seven years ago my wife was slowly getting off her birth control because of health related problems and during that time frame she got pregnant my initial reaction to her being pregnant was
Starting point is 00:42:45 quote so we're going to abort it right and my wife agreed set an appointment and then the day of the appointment decided she wanted to keep the baby because she grew connected to it and if I didn't respect her decision we should divorce I love my wife so I didn't divorce her and decided to try to be the best parent I could I picked three jobs so we could move into a better neighborhood and started those three jobs made me extra stressed and anxious and eventually led me to be in diagnosed with depression and anxiety which I started to manage better now with the help of meds and therapy she gave birth we had our daughter and anytime I smile play with or talk to my daughter my wife is always around the corner saying quote aren't you glad you decided not to kill her
Starting point is 00:43:31 or quote it's a shame you didn't want her it's starting to spiral me back in depression because now I'm thinking I almost killed my daughter but I'm also upset at my wife because my daughter doesn't understand what her mom means as of right now because she's six but if she were to recall what her mother said later in life I fear it will make my daughter hate me I don't know what to do at this point because now when I look at my daughter I think in the back of my head I almost killed her hmm people are gonna think the podcast ended why with that that silence you're just you're really letting it uh ruminate with you I that's a big whiff Elmo oh man I have so many thoughts just because it's
Starting point is 00:44:25 I'm I'm thinking of the words of Jerry from one of our our previous episodes where father knows yeah where he says it was in reference to cheating but I think it can apply in this case where sure if you made a decision it sounds like you were kind of both having the conversation about it absolutely she made she made an appointment and then fair enough she makes the decision to go a different way and you obviously went along because otherwise the idea was divorced you're not divorced and so I feel like it's very unfair to now keep saying aren't you glad because you could point it back and say well we were having the conversation together aren't aren't you glad exactly aren't you aren't you glad and so it feels kind of like I know it's different than the story
Starting point is 00:45:21 we read but the thought the the thing he was saying was this isn't a knife that you can carry forward with you this is something you need to maybe long before this child is six say I don't get where's the where's the reasoning to keep rubbing it in his face and say aren't you glad you didn't do this or that it didn't go the way you wanted like I don't where what's the point yeah I hate her I think she sucks I think this is the most emotionally manipulative psychologically manipulative thing you could do to someone your daughter is fucking six she's here she's not one she's not two this isn't some fresh thing for you still this is abuse this is terrible right no is terrible and then in those shirt yes you as the female it's more your
Starting point is 00:46:18 choice you know in the end yeah and you made your choice and then from the conversation I heard in this it was either it was going to be divorced if he wasn't on board or not mm-hmm it wasn't divorced so we're moving forward why is this still this like knife that you keep just jabbing I don't get it because by the sounds of this it was just like one conversation which was so we're going to abort right and my wife agreed set up an appointment then decided it was probably like over a time span yeah but it doesn't sound like he doesn't then say I was still having doubts so I pressured her more I told her again do you want to reconsider this it sounds like it was one conversation which is a fair conversation you both had already previously
Starting point is 00:47:08 established that you're child-free you don't want children you want to remain child-free right this was an oops so it's a fair conversation to have rather than just assume okay we're keeping it like it's it's kind of a conversation that needs to be had based on where you were at in your relationship so if he would have then like pressured her and been like trying to coerce her into having an abortion then I could understand these comments and maybe a little resentment that's not the case do we know there's again one side so we don't know but no mention of it and so because that's the only reason I feel like he would be taking it so hard then yeah because if if they kind of went forward together with this why would this even I get how you could someone
Starting point is 00:48:00 could spiral you into like thinking really bad things and thinking I don't know what I'm trying to say I'm like why is he believing it so much just why is he taking it to heart so much I get after hearing it over and over and over and over you'd start to believe it and be like yeah what what am I thinking that's exactly what it is you have your partner who's supposed to be you know your ally your closest person and if they're repetitively like saying something that's true you almost start you almost start to doubt your reality right but like both of her arguments like just we're gonna point out like a fucking logic here like a logic game aren't you glad you decided not to kill her one it never would have been up to him you're the woman it's your choice
Starting point is 00:48:41 whether or not you keep your child done mic drop and her second thing it's a shame you didn't want her again invalid argument because if he didn't want her he wouldn't have stayed married correct you wouldn't have someone co-parenting your six-year-old that's what I mean I just don't I don't understand that both are invalid I think she's off her rocker yeah so is it some weird kind of manipulation I don't know or does she feel some guilt that she's throwing on to him maybe where she's like oh I could see that I almost made this decision she made the appointment so yeah and like holy hell projection yeah you might be on to something there yeah I could see that otherwise I don't it just doesn't make sense yeah I I don't know like I think
Starting point is 00:49:34 I think it probably is something like that like I I don't know if I've talked about it before on this podcast but like I was almost aborted like my mom and my dad Jerry flew out to LA and like she was out here like literally at a clinic and then like whoops changed my mind and then like here I come down the road so it's like that was almost me and so I think my mom like that's why my mom was so strict growing up like no sex before marriage like yeah because she didn't want me to have to like put myself in that that position have to like make that choice and I don't know I I think it is really tough and so like she kind of had some trauma surrounding that and like projected on to me right so I could see this wife doing that
Starting point is 00:50:22 to her husband because he's an easy target because he was the other half of that coin that's right one because they are I'm sure now they are so thankful they have their daughter to ever even think that they considered not having their daughter yeah would be haunting but also I'm just perplexed why she isn't considering her child because six is not young six isn't oh let's spell out words she's not going to understand us still she's six I remember kindergarten very clearly well how so in your case how was it how did it how was it presented to you or how did you become aware of that I don't even know because I don't know the way the mom I think it was like literally during a sex talk to be honest in high school like 15 15 16 kind of
Starting point is 00:51:11 like Morgan these are serious choices like this is blah blah blah like right but it's not pointed in a way where this one is pointed to yeah almost make the dad seem like the bad guy so yeah sure if she does catch on and then whether it's now or she can remember this in a few years then yeah it could really damage your relationship with her if she's looking at you like you were the one pressuring the decision oh yeah there could be a lot of resentment a lot of like also sadness on her part like I'm not wanted my dad doesn't want me my dad doesn't love me instead of yep we're young and in a bad situation we had these thoughts obviously we didn't do it we continued forward it's gotta be a we did this yeah it's not a I wanted to
Starting point is 00:51:59 and your dad didn't because that's where the problem's gonna fall exactly yeah fucking blame game so one of the top comments those comments are not okay at all your daughter will grow up hearing them a long discussion is in order with your wife and maybe therapy opi responds back we do go to marriage counseling and she has gotten better on different problems of our marriage it's just these comments that are affecting it badly which yeah every time she says this it's a grenade in your life for sure so it does make me wonder it's either her insecurity about going through that knit haunting her or there since he is our writer there's either something missing yeah yeah someone responds back to that like about marriage counseling and they go she needs individual
Starting point is 00:52:51 counseling this is a her problem it's absolutely not normal right or fair for her to keep bringing this up as it's a valid point or gotcha moment right she also wanted an abortion she went so far as to make an appointment before changing her mind how has she conveniently forgotten this very true and then they go you love your daughter you worked incredibly hard to provide a safe and loving environment for her as long as you're a good father the past is irrelevant which is so true and something we haven't even touched on like he went and got three jobs three jobs just so he could move them out of an unsafe environment and into a better neighborhood home whatever put himself in a downward mental spiral that's purely for the daughter 100% yeah so like you
Starting point is 00:53:41 can't even say like oh he didn't want her he made the most drastic change in his life uprooted his life his sanity his mental health his health maybe his career yeah yeah this lady I hope she twists her ankle this is another one where you're like who am I with yeah what happened to you again wow fuck this lady though these are scary wows though these are scary oh my god there's an update I didn't know there was an update wow okay that was fun that reaction was wow I know update first off I want to thank you for all your advice before I give the update I would like to answer a few questions majority had I was literally just about to move on like I thought we oh yeah let's go wow have we tried counseling therapy yes we are both in individual therapies
Starting point is 00:54:35 and marriage counseling as is my daughter with a child therapist why would you remain intimate while my wife was getting off birth control one of the things our counselor said to try was an active sex life at least twice a week also because we were both under the impression if she were to get pregnant then we would terminate it why haven't you divorced yet because I grew up in a split household and the amount of times my parent fought over custody for me and my siblings it's not something I want my daughter to grow up in I also don't want to only see my daughter half the time now the update I sat my way down after dropping my daughter off at my parents and told her if she kept making these comments I would divorce her and asked her to explain why she would tell me those
Starting point is 00:55:14 things and also told her how it was making me severely depressed again majority of you were right she broke down and told me she hated being pregnant she didn't want to be a mother anymore and she hated the fact that she kept our daughter okay it's a little bit worse than we were saying I thought I thought this was going to be like a just a simple projection that she felt bad about wanting an abortion oh she's projecting her feelings she said she can't stand to look at me while I'm happy around our daughter because she hates that I became a good parent so quickly because we were supposed to be child-free and I am happy as a father she was literally trying to sabotage him wait what the what she was trying to sabotage
Starting point is 00:56:03 no I know but I'm just saying what with this I told her I gave her the option to remain child-free and she decided against it so that's on her she apologized multiple times and said she would still want to try to make the marriage work it's just her own issues that are making her be that are making her be such a bitch she also said she wants to be a good mother to our daughter and after I told her that I was afraid our daughter would hate me when she is older she broke down even more and apologized a ton in the end she said she wouldn't blame me if I wanted a divorce but she would still want to try and make us work not only for our daughter's sake but for the sake of us as well we are currently working with our therapist and going
Starting point is 00:56:45 to start doing family therapy with her actually trying to change we are sleeping in separate rooms and only focusing on our daughter's happiness at the moment once again thank you all and I will update later on if needed I kind of wish I didn't see the update that was a lot this one's crazy so wow there's some big fucking feelings she's dealing with it's just it's it's crazy to me that six years in you still feel that way yeah you have regrets and you're that far in I don't I don't think I've ever heard that I don't know no I mean I hear I think it's hard because I think I think at least for a mother like what has kind of been conditioned and I'm not a mother yet whatever but I'm saying like as a woman it's kind of conditioned
Starting point is 00:57:42 into you that when you have children you're kind of going to have like this bond and instantly connected to your baby and love your baby so much and so I think that's like really hard with you know maybe she was like this will be better this will be okay I didn't want children but like now I'm a little connected like I felt her kick like whatever it was sure who knows but and maybe she just hasn't connected maybe she hasn't bonded like maybe she's kind of been her own biggest sabotager where she has definitely a reality there's definitely people that have that lack yeah and that never find that connection it's definitely a real thing well I think like for my sister-in-law that was kind of a big part of
Starting point is 00:58:29 her postpartum I think she felt like she couldn't connect to her baby like well there's so much pressure to right so much pressure to and like breastfeeding was challenging for her she wasn't producing enough so then like that made it that much more you know difficult because she felt she was failing as a mom and you know people say breastfeeding is supposed to be magical and it there's a lot of emotions it was painful and it sucked and so there's just a lot we put a lot of pressure on when I think a lot of it people that give birth when I think a lot of it isn't misglamorized if that's even a term but I feel like a lot of it isn't just so it's not romanticized maybe romanticized but like made to seem so magical and perfect and and I don't think
Starting point is 00:59:21 at least until maybe we started doing these stories or started getting into our later 20s that it was like oh it's not all rainbows and sunshine it's there's definitely negatives and and things that are tough along the way yeah I agree and I think like someone commented on one of the videos and I happened to see it scrolling and they were like don't let this girl scare you pregnancy and birth isn't that bad and it's like I'm not saying it's all bad but I'm saying people have real struggles with it and I think that's kind of also kind of goes with like what you're saying is like we didn't really talk about miscarriages and postpartum depression until recently like at least as openly until very recently like I I learned about postpartum depression
Starting point is 01:00:11 when my sister-in-law really had it and I was again I was in healthcare I was in already doing you know health classes like that and it was not talked about right and how common miscarriages are it's not talked about one I think it's there's a lot that's not that you don't understand until you're literally in the middle of it yeah there's no crap I feel like so many parents are winging it because you just get thrust into that world all of a sudden yeah there's not a lot of or maybe I don't know but as a female do you feel like there's even that much talk about what it's like to go through different parts of pregnancy no before you're in it no and like yeah who do you who do you have as a resource your mom if you're close with your mom but they
Starting point is 01:01:00 don't have like there's parenting classes once you become pregnant but like there's no book they give you like if I were to get pregnant today and have a kid I don't know how to fucking change a diaper I haven't even changed my niece or nephew's diapers like I have no idea what to do well and it's tough because I don't it's hard to make a case to say should this be well maybe it's not but can you make a case to say that this should be part of regular schooling because there's I feel like there's a lot of things you get into taxes right that you go through in life that you've never ever been taught yeah and then like the joke on tiktok is oh well I can solve this whole equation for x but I don't know how to file my own tax return yeah or I don't know how to
Starting point is 01:01:51 like do these very essential things in life no I think our our education in the states really kind of sucks but it's just interesting no I think I think it's crazy I think they should teach taxes that should be mandatory I also think the IRS should just tell us what the fuck we owe because they know they know and they'll come at you if you're a penny off I know right they know the number they know the number every other country I'm pretty sure pretty sure but most other countries just get told by their government what they owe ours it's a Ponzi scheme they want you to be off so then they can charge you I got a bone to pick with the IRS I just paid off my debt to them those little shits well but so what do you think would be a better way to have people be
Starting point is 01:02:38 more prepared I think it should be an elective like at my school there was an elective class where it was called basic life support so if you wanted to take an elective you could go learn how to do CPR and first aid and oh cool all this stuff but that wasn't a mandatory class I think that one should be mandatory along with the taxes class but I also think like I think communities need to be better yeah there needs to be better community resources for people like I'm considering having a kid I don't really know what it would be and they have a community daycare at this community center and you can go in and volunteer and see if you even like being around kids because how do you know if you're not around kids it's kind of like fostering a dog exactly or babysitting babysitting
Starting point is 01:03:21 would be better you know what I mean no I know but like try it or like just have classes where you learn about it and like all this shit like birth control birth control wasn't talked about enough in high school that's why like I don't know I don't know our education system sucks but it is tough I feel for her I do it is very clear she was projecting like you said for sure you were spot on the money with that I didn't think it was that that no no this is this is big so I do feel for her it's tough but I think you kind of need to like you're six years in look at the cards you've been dealt you have a very loving and supporting partner well I think the biggest piece of this is that they both want to continue and try to make this work so hopefully they do there
Starting point is 01:04:08 isn't a handbook to parenting this is giving everyone's so mad this is giving me flashbacks to like the baby in the car story and I was gonna address it on like the I want to do an episode called like updates and do-overs so it's like it's updates on stories we've had in the past but it's also like us taking a second look at stories we've talked about already and so I was gonna save the baby in the car story for that but I will just say like no I don't think the mom should have left the baby in the car and someone was like like Morgan should have like fought Teffy and I'm like I'm like bro like bro like I'm not gonna fight a stranger coming on my show like me and Teffy haven't been friends like I just met Teffy 30 seconds before we pressed record right I'm trying to
Starting point is 01:04:55 make a comfortable environment and so I think that's like a lot of times like one of the things that like kind of messes with my head because I do do a lot of masking with people and I do feel like I'm one neurodivergent but I think there might be a little more to that than I'm aware of but I do do a lot of masking and my personality or just like how open I am I should say like does change based on who's sitting with me it's just like it's you have different levels of comfortability with people but yeah the car one was interesting I think everyone was surprised by her take but I don't think she was saying it was okay to leave the baby in the car I think she just felt that it was a manipulative situation when two people are supposed to be partners
Starting point is 01:05:38 and I get that's not the majority's view a lot of people were like fuck no he should have done that and it taught her lesson hopefully and hey I I I agree but I think it could have been more powerful you know that was a complex story and I don't know if you even know about it but no book for parenting and like we like we literally talked about this after the episode too and I was like I was like oh my god thank god no one called CPS on my mom because we got left in the car a lot as kids I was telling Lauren a story yeah I was telling Lauren a story how we had this like Dodge Durango and I remember like my little brother he must have been like three because he was pretty mobile he was hopping around the front seats like two and a half three I don't know he got out of
Starting point is 01:06:25 his car seat and was like bopping around and I remember he put the thing in drive and the thing just like started going no yeah and he locked the doors too and I just remember watching my mom I'm sitting the back seat just like here we go straight into a swing set no my mom's just like pounding on the door like Taylor and you're just chilling just chilling how old were you um there's a two and a half year age difference between me and my little brother and you're just like ha this is cool I don't know what the fuck to do I don't like I don't even know the door's locked I think parenting was a lot different in the 90s it's kind of like when we were in your friend's car and all of a sudden it starts rolling backwards oh god that was sketchy poor Sarah she's so traumatized
Starting point is 01:07:08 by that the thought of my son's growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes ashtrays and lighters I started exercising instead of smoking staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key I kept on trying learn something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes we did it so can you for free and confidential help call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit developed by CDC okay this has been a a heater of a one I'm getting stressed out I know I'm like he's very exhausting I told you it's wow but we're ending on it we're ending on a good one okay am I the asshole for telling my son I'd rather have his ex-wife as a daughter than him
Starting point is 01:07:58 as my son after he got cut out of the will 16 years ago my son Matthew had a daughter with his now ex-wife Josie I've always thought of Josie as my own daughter so when they divorced seven years ago due to my son cheating I was conflicted and disappointed Josie wasn't particularly close with any of her family so my husband and I naturally took them in Josie was an angel she had insisted that we didn't have to lift a finger more than before we had taken them in and though she was hurt she kept civil around Matthew my husband and I had a huge hand in raising their daughter Ruth because Matthew remarried less than a year later and now has a four-year-old son after disowning Ruth two years ago my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer
Starting point is 01:08:42 it was hard on everyone especially Ruth they were extremely close she told him about her girlfriends and boyfriends before anyone else and has always wanted him to be the one to walk her down the aisle at her wedding Matt rarely ever visited and didn't answer our calls often saying that we had other kids so it wasn't like my husband was dying lonely last night Matt stopped by to talk about inheritance he never mentioned Josie nor Ruth and hinted that he thought he should get more inheritance than his siblings the entire time my husband and I shared awkward looks until he decided to cut in he explained that everyone would get a piece but he'd focused more on Ruth and Bonnie one of our other grandkids Matt got angry and said that Ruth was just a
Starting point is 01:09:29 bastard and that his son deserved more than her my husband got furious after that and left the room saying that he wouldn't include Matthew at all Matt yelled back and turned to me saying that Ruth wasn't worth it because she'd just grow up to be a whore like her mother I told him that I'd rather have her mother as my daughter than him as my son and insisted that he leave I'm getting phone calls from Matt's wife and family friends saying that my husband and I overreacted and he was just angry that we were playing favorites am I the asshole he's just angry you don't say shit like that he's so mad oh my god that's either some serious fucking anger issues or this guy's just bad news bad news bears left his wife like kind of high and dry it sounds because
Starting point is 01:10:20 his parents took her in cheated what cheated cheated yeah he cheated on her and he's calling her a whore you cheated you cheated and then to call the daughter a bastard which one I fucking hate that word I hate that word so much because that is something that people used to say to me and my brother siblings I don't think Taylor ever really got it but me and Matt my older brother used to get that all time that's terrible to say to someone I just think it's crazy that that's even still a word when you grow up in a small town in Minnesota like northern Minnesota where everyone's parents are married yeah I can see that I was the oddball like trying to explain my family tree on this podcast is like why does that shit still matter why does that matter but people judge you people judge like
Starting point is 01:11:08 people judge my mom so hard that's old thinking look at the world now yes and I'm glad we're getting there but that's not like the case for a lot of people especially if they come from traditional backgrounds well it's just the minute I used to tell people like people would be like we so you have two other brothers but none of you have the same dad yeah but it's just these people would literally like look at me weird and their parents got weird it's just these older generations infecting the newer generations with their outdated and very just unhinged thinking yeah well like that's some game of thrones shit it's not mentality that like it's just so stupid it's dumb I I don't know why if there's a human walking this earth how
Starting point is 01:11:56 they're different from anyone else we all got here the same fucking way it doesn't matter if two people are married or two people didn't know each other how to one night stand and here you are yeah you're a present what no but seriously what difference I get back in when the society had the ranks and it's like you were favored or whatever the fucking terms were yeah I get how that can be built into a society and infect everyone's mind sure yeah but now any two different people walking this earth what makes them different nothing two souls wandering this planet yeah why does it fucking matter where you came from it shouldn't it shouldn't oh also I'm just like it's so annoying he's even using that as an argument because you were married to her your
Starting point is 01:12:48 daughter wasn't born out of wedlock therefore your argument is invalid no I the is it the grandfather he's got lung cancer but he's the one who said yep you're out yeah yeah 100% yeah what do you mean you think you're gonna argue your way into it with that well also the fact that he said he doesn't even visit much he just came around when it was his time to say oh you got cancer huh what's the will looking like yep this op literally writes matt rarely ever visited and didn't answer our calls often saying that we had other kids so it wasn't like my husband was dying lonely I can't believe people like this actually exist this is like when a villain in a movie and yeah someone wrote it to be like that dramatic but there's actually people like
Starting point is 01:13:37 that 1000% well I know I know but I'm just saying I cannot I can't believe that there are no it's wild it just doesn't compute one of the top comments is make sure to leave him and his son one dollar each so they can't contest the will by saying you forgot about them and that is something we've talked about on the will's money is the money episode but if you're like trying to cut someone out you do have to leave them something and I I'd honestly make it more than dollar like I'd put a hundred bucks just so it's like or like even five so it's like the judge if it was ever contested the judge can be like no they purposely did this to you right because yeah he deserves nothing and amazing like absolutely amazing that his parents are the saints they are like
Starting point is 01:14:25 they took in his ex-wife his daughter that he disowned fucking monster like that's probably where his his uh his distance grew with that it probably grew over the course of all these things because he didn't care from the beginning no he didn't care about his kid no not at all wow he's a monster he just he's in it for the money I love the fact that his new wife was calling his parents too like bitch what do you think you're gonna get what's wrong with her how does she not see this guy because some people don't care like if this were me and I knew my husband had another kid that he had just abandoned it wouldn't be with him right so that's what I'm saying like she's she's got a bolt loose okay let's end on a happy note I thought this was the end happy note
Starting point is 01:15:19 no well it's happy for Rosie except the grandpa's cancer yeah but I'm mad well this I think is really really nice okay um so this is a post I think it's a tweet actually by mama hails m a m a h a i l z and she goes oh my god look what my daughter's preschool teacher sent home I'm actually crying and it's a note like a typed out note from the teacher and it goes handle with care if your family if your family is experiencing difficulty at home I would like to provide additional support at school I understand that details are not always to be shared and that is okay if your child is coming if your child is coming to school after a difficult night morning or weekend please message me quote handle with care on class dojo or you can email me at blank nothing else will be said or
Starting point is 01:16:17 asked this will let me know that your child may need extra time patience help and a lot of love during the day that's so cute that's cool there's good people out there that's so nice I know I think love I think it's hard with so much of the news you see and consume and all of the drama I mean this literally like I would say we're still dealing with a massive war like this is just oh yeah I mean I'd say most of this even most of the stories that come through the show I mean not all of them tend to be super happy no I mean I think I think I put us through hell today well I think we I think sorry guys well there is a desire for drama and a desire for wanting you know just yeah there's a reason everyone like stops and looks when there's a car crash or something crazy happening or like
Starting point is 01:17:15 a wildfire you know what I mean yeah but I think it sometimes can make you feel like there's only bad and so that's why I've always wanted to start that thing but it's like there is a lot of good I think I even follow this Instagram account called The Good Movement and every day there's posts just about these heartwarming like this would be an example of a post on there and I think it's just so healthy to yes you need you need to be in tune with world events and in tune with I mean sadly bad things that are happening and just so you can help or be aware or cause awareness yeah but I think at the same time it's very healthy to find the good and there's a lot of channels out there there's a lot of like good news out there and I think it's just so I mean it like resets you
Starting point is 01:18:14 there is good there's definitely there is good yeah there is and I think we're due for a good vibes episode I actually have I feel like I need like one more good vibe to like I should save it for me ma'am to like palette cleanse well you can be on the episode because you need it after this one you love the wholesome but okay so one more little palette cleanser this is again a tweet it's from Shaw Davis so I forgot to change my address on my Chipotle app so I told the driver to keep it because the old address is back in Iowa I was dead ass mad at first but after reading this I'm happy this happened and so the driver goes I'm here with your order and he responds take it with you bro and enjoy the lunch I forgot to change my address and I currently live in Maryland
Starting point is 01:19:02 and he goes um dot-a-dot okay that's a thanks neglected a couple h's that's how I'm envisioning it and a little while after the driver sends another message I wanted to thank you again it's my brother's birthday today and he has laid to rest not far from where you had me take the delivery I'm having lunch with him today because of you you have no idea how much that means to me I truly appreciate it that's cool that's really cool I've got some really I've got some good stuff going on this um on this wholesome one I actually I'll uh I'm not gonna give anyone a sneak peek but it's really good it's it's really cool how just things that can seem so simple or yeah simple can affect and change I mean it's the butterfly effect literally like he actually
Starting point is 01:19:53 had the wrong address and this man just had like an emotional lunch like yeah you just never know I have one more that's actually reddit related again it's short and sweet update one year ago all $3,000 worth of my tools that I used to teach a free class to teens on how to R and R engines Redditors and craftsmen came together and donated about $18,000 and tools these tools allowed me to get hired by someone and now I'm out of poverty thank you reddit that's crazy a fucking little reddit okay get emotional over here okay I think that's all for this episode there's a good little cleanse at the end it was a good palette cleanse I think we gotta make that more of a regular thing even if it's short and sweet like these like tweets and like baby baby
Starting point is 01:20:46 little reddit posts because there's a lot of bad stuff in the world and there's also a lot of amazing good happy yeah loving caring amazing people okay there is going to be a story on our patreon from this theme I'm sure it's going to be a wild one I'm gonna leave you saying wow yeah but if you guys do see any updates from stories we've done in the past go post them on the THT subreddit I'll post the link in the description for the podcast and the video merch is on sale with fanjoy we've got something in the works for our Minnesota Midwest people people that can like make it to Minneapolis August 18th so if you're around Minnesota Midwest and can make it to Minneapolis put that on your calendar August 18th
Starting point is 01:21:41 yeah I'm gonna tell now I'm just like so excited I know it's like in months away we're in freaking April but I'm like let's go but that is wow that is well until next time until next time bye guys hmm is that promotion just out of reach are you looking to change careers then take the next step at the University of Northern Colorado here you can get the skills you need to succeed with a graduate certificate master's or doctoral degree our graduate school and extended campus offer over 100 flexible career focus programs online or in person all tailored to fit your unique needs as an adult learner isn't it time you took the next step check out the graduate school and extended
Starting point is 01:22:54 campus at the University of Northern Colorado the thought of my son's growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes ashtrays and lighters I started exercising instead of smoking staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key I kept on trying learn something each time do whatever it takes no matter how many times it takes we did it so can you for free and confidential help call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit developed by CDC

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