Two Hot Takes - 7: Deep Dive: Cheating or Nah?

Episode Date: March 18, 2021

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by one of her best friends and guest co-host, Alejandra on this "Deep Dives" bonus episode. Episode includes blind reactions to Reddit stories about some of the m...ost sketchy potential cheaters and confirmed cheater stories! This episode gets deep with more personal stories shared (it's open season, y'all). Stories include a women who found a moist condom wrapper under her boyfriends bed, a women whose boyfriend is being sketchy and calling her his wife to coworkers, one guy who is getting wrapped up in a love square after his girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend, and a woman who just found her her boyfriend is actually married with kids...  Show your support (much appreciated): Full length Video episodes available on YouTube:

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Starting point is 00:01:01 Hi, guys. Welcome back to another episode of Two Hot Takes. I'm your host, Morgan, and today you are getting a bonus episode. It was pretty apparent that after reading all hundred a few stories, we were really getting into it. And so the following stories are deep dives where we really include our own personal experiences and stories and just kind of get a little carried away. So I hope you enjoy. I, 24 Female, found a moist condom wrapper under my boyfriend's bed.
Starting point is 00:01:53 OK, tell me more. We've been together for six months. We don't use condoms, and he has never given me a reason to believe he's ever cheated on me. I drove over to his place after two weeks of not being there as he kept insisting on coming over to my place. Oh, already off to a bad start. Well, OK, let's hear more. We were planning to have a date night out when I come over. I usually touch up my makeup by turning on his lampshade and sitting on the floor next to his nightstand.
Starting point is 00:02:23 So I did the usual and behold, with all its glory, I see a used condom wrapper under his bed, lying on top of used socks. I stare, finish, but I've got some thoughts already spit him out a sock. Maybe he was masturbating. I have heard of guys masturbating in condoms. What I have, I have, I have like to just help with like their one them last longer. Or like why the cleanup is easier one, I think. And two, yes, because, I mean, a lot of the times they have to go off and have sex and use a condom.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And I mean, all guys say condoms don't feel as good. So they jack off with a condom. I mean, it sounds a little crazy, but it does sound super, super fishy. I thought that's what I've heard that guys do. Oh, my gosh, the condom. Oh, my God, hold on. So she finds the condom, finds the condom wrapper, not the used condom. Oh, OK. Just the condom wrapper.
Starting point is 00:03:19 OK. I stared at it while I feel these emotions rush through me and he catches me and asks, babe, what's wrong? He looks at the direction to where my eyes are pointing and calmly said, let's not go out tonight. Let's talk. Oh, that's where I lose it. Yeah, no, he's he knows he just got caught like saying, oh, babe.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Yeah, right. Let's let's not go out. Let's talk. Right. Right. Well, my mind is going a mile's a minute. So like I have already more thoughts, but I want to hear what happens. Do they talk? So she goes, you know how bad this looks, right? He goes, yeah, I know, which is why I want to talk.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And she goes, me trying so hard to keep my composure with tears running down. He goes, sits down, faces me, places his hand on my thigh. I know this looks bad. I'm not going to say anything to manipulate you or hurt you. I'm looking right at you. I would never do anything to hurt you and I have never done anything behind your back. What you're feeling right now is justified. I put myself in your shoes and know this looks really bad.
Starting point is 00:04:21 What? Yeah. So I kind of, it's like the opposite response I would have expected. Like it typically when you catch someone cheating, your first like typical reaction is like gaslighting. Like, no, like it's old. It's been there since, you know, 2018 before I even met you. Like it's old. Like I have no, I have no idea how that got there.
Starting point is 00:04:41 Maybe my roommate had sex in my room. Like, yeah, yeah, it's typically like a gaslighting situation. But this is the complete opposite. Yeah, it's almost, I can't tell if I'm terrified of the honesty or if I respect it. I know, which it like, I have like two things where it's like, okay, one, is he truly being honest because that is like a very thoughtful, deep response? Or two, is he like playing it like this because he knows he just got caught? And it's like, if he got defensive and started acting any other way, then that would look worse.
Starting point is 00:05:13 You've either got a really an honest man who's coming clean and that's a diamond in the rough, or you've got a high functioning top tier sociopath who just like had his like script ready to go. Oh my God. There's no in between. I pick up the condom wrapper and notice it's still wet. Oh my God. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:35 How long does the condom wrapper stay wet? I'm going to guess not very long. I'm going to open one up and test this theory. Until our episode next week. I'm literally going to do an experiment. I'm going to be a little scientist. You're going to like have someone come in it and there's someone I need Justin. No, just, no, because it's, I mean, it's just the wrapper.
Starting point is 00:05:52 So if I just take a condom, open it and just leave the wrapper sitting somewhere. Yeah. If it's still wet. Just the wrapper? Just the wrapper. No, I'm willing to bet. I'm not a scientist, but I'm just doesn't feel right. I pick up the condom wrapper and notice it's still wet.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Expiration year on the wrapper is 2025. Okay. So we know it's like relatively new. Yeah. And it's wet. No, fun. The fact that it's wet. It's wet.
Starting point is 00:06:15 No, no, no, no. Say no more. Basically, his excuse was that it's from someone he had sex with multiple times months before we ever met, which was around maybe summertime of 2020. He said it was her condom that she brought. He also said four months into our relationship, he found her hair tie in his closet, but didn't think it was necessary to bring it up to me.
Starting point is 00:06:36 He also said that he's found other used condom wrappers around his room from the past. I've been cheated on before, but with pure evidence in front of me. I've been lied to before. Why does it feel like he's telling me the truth, but why was the condom wrapper still wet? Guys, please help me organize my thoughts here. I really love this man.
Starting point is 00:06:55 The fact that it's still wet is really psyching me out. It is psyching me out. I don't like that. I don't know why she hasn't conducted her own study, because it's pretty easy just buy a condom, leave it under your bed for like a week. That's what I'm saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:06 But then again, she's like, hey, call me in a year. Let me finish out the study and see if it's still wet in a year. I don't know, because summer 2020, this was- Okay, wait. So he said he was messing or dating with a girl in summer of 2020? Summer 2020. And when was this? This was posted 18 days ago.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Okay. So this is like February. And they've been dating for six months, so- Math isn't adding up here. Why would it still be wet? I mean, there's a weird chance that condom stays slimy. I don't know. The inside of the packaging is lubricated to keep the condom moist.
Starting point is 00:07:38 So like the latex doesn't crack or disintegrate. So I understand, but like that's at least six months. Summer 2020, even if it's at the end. That's at least six months. So it's like- Yeah, it is six months. It's like buddy. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:07:50 I got a bad vibe. I honestly, I need more. Yeah. If I'm her, I need more. I mean, I'm pretty quick to jump on the cheating bandwagon and say, no, Gotti's cheating. But I really, this one, especially because she has some cheating experience. It's not her first rodeo.
Starting point is 00:08:06 I'd like to believe that she has some common sense. And if everything else checks out, and this is the only weird thing. I mean, I don't know. I don't know. I'm not, I'm not buying it. That's a tough one I feel for her. I'm not buying it. I think in order to actually believe him, I would need to like,
Starting point is 00:08:21 and I hate doing this and I've never, ever been one of these people because I've always thought like, if I have to reach out to another girl to make me, make me believe who I'm with. Right. I shouldn't be with that person. I agree. Like as much as I love them, if I can't trust them,
Starting point is 00:08:36 wholeheartedly, it's not right. Right. And so my first like instinct is like, well, she could reach out to. Yeah, I thought that too, but no. No, because then that in itself is like, that's unhealthy. It's an admission of defeat. And I know girls who have done that and it like gets around.
Starting point is 00:08:52 And not that it matters what people think, but also like you're kind of airing out your dirty laundry. It just makes you look like your relationship is on the rocks. You don't trust him. Exactly. And like, I mean, you kind of, you don't in a sense. Right. If you're reaching out to other people.
Starting point is 00:09:05 You don't, it's true. It's true. I mean, you can say, no, I do, but, but there's a butt. And the butt is that you need more evidence. Yeah. The top comment, he's cheating on you. Sorry. Don't care what kind of crappy explanation he gives you.
Starting point is 00:09:19 It's all lies for someone who is always insistent of coming to your place. That's, oh, he's always insistent. I thought it was just one time. I guess like the past two weeks, he's been super insistent on coming to her place. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:30 That kind of changes things. Yeah. That kind of changes things. And then you coming to his, the condom he didn't expect you to see. He's cheating. End of story. What you need to deal with now
Starting point is 00:09:39 is if you will forgive him and move on from this, or if the rapper was still wet. Yeah. I think he's cheating. If it was from summer, come on. Won't be wet. Logic. Stranger things have happened, but the weird part is
Starting point is 00:09:52 that he wouldn't, he wanted to go to her house. That, that is weird. Yeah. So I had an excellent time who, and to this day, I don't know, but he like randomly one day, like he had like a nice car. And so we were driving somewhere and he, typically we always get in his car to go places.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah. And he was like, no, let's take your car or something like that. And I was like, kind of shocked. Like, wait, why? And he was like, what's in his car that he's trying to hide? Right. And he was like, I just smoked in it like last night and it smells like weed.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And first of all, I'm like, you don't smoke weed. You do like once in a blue moon too. Also, why would that detour us from taking your car? Right. Like I'm not a cop. And third, last night, like it's probably like aired out. Yeah. So it was just weird on a lot of fronts.
Starting point is 00:10:42 And I still don't know why that happened. And my dumb ass was like, okay, whatever. But looking back, I'm like, I don't know if like, maybe he had a blonde in the car and he had black seats. Oh, and so a blonde in a blonde. We shed. I'm a shudder too, but like dark hair kind of blends. And if it was dark, he could be like, you dumb ass.
Starting point is 00:10:58 That's your hair. That's yours. But a blonde hair. I mean, you're not putting that past me. No, but there's something like about bleach dyed hair. That shit falls out. Because it breaks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:07 It's just my hair is everywhere, everywhere. This comment, she says, like really kind of trips me up too because it's starting to make me think potential sociopath. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I get that vibe. Someone was like, hmm, I don't know. The optimist in me wants to believe he's telling the truth,
Starting point is 00:11:23 especially because he was so level headed in his response and wasn't defensive or angry. And then OP, the original poster goes, yeah, his composure got to me. He wanted to talk this out and make sure I felt understood. I'm not one to accuse or yell or fight with either. So if you could imagine, it was very level headed. If it helps, he sat right in front of me
Starting point is 00:11:44 and looked me straight in the eyes and said every single word. He even told me to feel his heartbeat and it felt like a normal resting BPM. Okay, that we lost me because that's weird because first of all, I've encountered high functioning sociopaths. They are cute that you wonder if they're okay with lying. Yeah. And then second of all, if he's telling the truth,
Starting point is 00:12:09 your heart would still be like a little pitter-patter because you're just nervous because this is an awkward situation no matter how you skin this. Yeah. Like either way, it's high stress because it's like, you could be telling the truth, but is she going to believe you? Is she going to believe you? Is this your breakup?
Starting point is 00:12:22 You just canceled date night. I get nervous sometimes for like just telling someone a hard truth. Yeah. And it doesn't mean I'm lying. You're just, it's nervous. You're just anxious. It's hard having like tough conversations or just like... Yeah, that almost kind of makes me think that this person had...
Starting point is 00:12:39 Sociopath. Yeah. I mean, you'd be surprised how convincing they could be. Seriously. The shit I've had said to my face and then when I like, I just like, like one of my exes was just like, no, nothing happened. I swear. Like, no, like everyone's, you know, she's going to reach out to you.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I just ran into her at this concert and like nothing happened. She messaged me and was like, yeah, she messaged me on Instagram and I was like, Hey, I just want you to know, like I hooked up with your boyfriend last night. I had no idea he had a girlfriend until like someone else told me and I like, he had like kind of called me to get ahead of it. I think. Yeah. And it was like, I just want you to know, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:19 I saw this girl at this concert last night. You're probably going to get like told like blah, blah, blah, but it's not true. What? Okay. All right. Yeah. And he stuck to this for like weeks. And then I finally was like, you know what? I, I don't believe you.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. This is your one chance to own up to it and maybe I'll forgive you and give you another chance. Yeah. Or we're done. Yeah. And then right then in there, he's like, yeah, she was telling the truth. I'm like, you fucking lied to my face for two weeks. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:45 Hey, I mean, okay. And he was like so calm, composed. So that's why I'm like with this, I'm like, yeah. Hey, I've had the same situation and they never told the truth. And I found out through other sources that it did happen, but they, they stick to their story. I'm like, you have to be, I don't even know what kind of mental state you can be in where there is evidence, there is a witness and you're still sticking to your guns. I just don't even,
Starting point is 00:14:09 I just don't think they, they think in their mind, they're just like, no, I'm going to be fine. Yeah. It's fine. Yeah. So I got to give him like slight credit that he even coming clean eventually because he could have not. No, I know. You know, and I guess my dumb ass gave him another chance after that too.
Starting point is 00:14:25 You know, people make mistakes. Yeah, very true. I don't know. I appreciate the honesty. I know it's too little too late and he's still cheated, but even if you have the ability to tell the truth, even if it's two weeks, two months, it shows that you're, you are willing to admit your mistake and grow because everyone does make mistakes. And I don't believe one's a cheater, always a cheater.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I don't either. I think, I think that's a really, it's just, it's too cemented. Yeah. And I think too, if you have cheated in the past, like, and if it was a really like you didn't have a good outcome or like you wrecked your relationship because of it, I think you are less likely to do it in the future. Like if you lost something because of cheating. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I also think, yeah, that's true. That's true. And then the guys like him actually, you gave him a chance though, right? Yeah. He cheated again. Okay. All right. Well, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:15:12 That's in line. But, but what I was going to say is if you had said, well, fuck you. I know you told me the truth, but I'm still done. I can't get over it. He maybe would have learned his lesson. No, sometimes. So no, sometimes the opposite has, because what happens is they go off into their next relationship and they cheat again.
Starting point is 00:15:29 But this time they never tell the truth. Cause they said, look what happened last time I told the truth. They broke up with me anyway. So lie. That's bad. Yeah. But back to this condom rapper. I, so where do we conclude?
Starting point is 00:15:40 I definitely, yeah. I think he's cheating. I feel like save yourself the heartbreak. Something's off. Something's weird. Yeah. Something's weird. And like you've been cheated on before, take the L and walk away.
Starting point is 00:15:53 This is just not, not normal at all. No, something's weird. At all. I think this is a common trend though. Cause just like searching on Reddit, like, oh, I found an open condom rapper and then like the next story is literally the same thing. Hi, Jan from Toyota speaking. Jan, I heard it's a good time to buy a Toyota.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Sure is. From now until April 4th, you can shop all your favorites like Corolla, Raph 4, Sequoia and more. Imagine yourself in a new tundra where You stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house. You promised your daughter. Sarah, when did you hop on the call? Hi, dad.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Mom said you were taking too long on the phone. Toyota, let's go places. See your participating Toyota dealer for details. Dealer inventory may vary. I 29 male found an open condom rapper under me and my wife's, oh, 26 female bed that I am unaware of. I recently came back from a two week business trip and just yesterday I found an open condom rapper. It was empty under our bed while my wife was in the shower. I panicked and took it but didn't tell my wife about it.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I was nervous and now I am paranoid that she might be cheated on me. Yeah, the fact that you literally just came back from a business trip. Also, when my wife and I use condoms, we never use this brand. I don't know what I should do. Should I confront her? Brands knob. It's not Trojan. Not Trojan.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Extra big. Magnum. Yeah, Magnum. Yeah. Do you confront her? Why do people just say stupid shit like that? Confront her. Yes, of course you confront her.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Go your whole life wondering if your wife is cheating on you and just leave the condom. What? Yes, you confront her because you didn't, it's the only time I really understand that is when you look through someone's phone or email and you invade privacy and then you're like, do I confront them? Because you have to weigh your options. You snooped. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You were a little bit wrong. And then, but in this case, like you're in your goddamn house. Oh yeah. And you literally, I don't know how you, was it under the bed? Yeah, he found it from like pure happenstance. Yeah. I mean, like just saw it under the bed. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It's your house. I was literally like, she's in the bathroom right now. I would literally pick it up, walk in there and be like, and I wouldn't say anything. I would just hold it up and just stare. Right. If someone's just staring at you, not saying anything, that's going to make you so uncomfortable that like,
Starting point is 00:18:05 she's just going to tell the truth. Yeah. Like she's going to be like, oh, well also you don't want to give too much detail because you want to see what she'll say. Yeah. Like if you say, oh, I found this under the bed for all you know, there's another condom in the house. And she could be like, oh, we were in the kitchen.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I didn't find this in the kitchen. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like you don't want to give them any intel that they can use. No, you want to just be blank. You got to go in there. Yeah. But yeah, definitely confront her.
Starting point is 00:18:29 Let them self-incriminate. Definitely confront her. Yeah. What? So that's like the biggest thing with some of these stories. It's like, just confront them. Like you want to go on wondering if she's cheating on you the rest of your life? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:39 I don't understand that. You know what I will say though? This is where it gets toxic. I was doing so well. I was doing so well, like giving non-toxic advice. But what I will say is that what I've found that can be successful if you think someone's cheating on you is you build a case. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Just see if there's any more evidence that's going to pop up. Yeah, you just, you, you take a picture maybe, you keep it, whatever you need to do. You file that away. You stick a pin in it. And then you look for trends or you find something else and then you have like a case and you go to them because what happens is if you confront too early on something that could be like a weird situation where like you don't remember that drunk night. You guys dropped the condom and it was the weird brand that night, whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Then you kind of look dumb, but they could have still been doing something wrong. And now they're on guard and now you are like, oh, shit. I fucked up. So you're kind of backpedaling. But if you build a case and you have enough, it's kind of like when the FBI follows people for years. Like it's almost like a stakeout because it's like, okay, this is just one rapper. But like, right. And it was a convenient time.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Like you just came home from business trip. You gave her the perfect convenient time. So maybe like plan another little trip for a weekend and just maybe pop in your house unexpected. Oh yeah. Sorry, sweetie. Trip ended, trip ended early. Hi.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Yeah. And that's where people are like, well, you shouldn't have to do that. And it's like, that's true, but you gotta look out for yourself. Yeah. No. And I also think like I have been shown repetitively that people can lie. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Some people can lie very easily. And I think it's really hard because like that's your wife and you don't, you know, want to assume the worst of your partner and like think that this person is just cheating on you. But like at the same time, like if it quacks like a duck walks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Right. But I guess I will say to add to that, like if this is a complete one off, like your wife has always been nothing but faithful and honest and has never given you any reason to think that.
Starting point is 00:20:41 And then you have this weird situation where like this isn't definitive. Like there, there are explanations for that. Yeah. That's where you kind of are like noted, but I'm not essentially going to act on this because you know, you don't want to preemptively strike. You just, you gotta like, especially something like that. And then you kind of want to see all the cards and let everything come out in the wash. Yes.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Exactly. Let it ride. Yeah. You looked at me like I need to strap in for this one. Yeah. Really? Put your seatbelts on. Put my seatbelt on, put my thinking cap on, put my cheater glasses on.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I'm ready. Oh my God. This one's going to be a wild ride. You can always tell when, when one of the Reddit posts is going to be wild, based on the number of awards that it gets from people. Oh, you can get awards on this. You can get awards on Reddit. And so this one has a lot of awards.
Starting point is 00:21:37 So you just know it's going to be good. Yeah. Like it got an Emmy for being just a top Reddit thread. It did. Here we go. I am out of the asshole for telling my boyfriend's coworker that we're not married. I've been with my boyfriend for about five years. We live together.
Starting point is 00:21:53 He does not want to get married, which I'm fine with now, but it was a point of contention early on in our relationship. My boyfriend was talking to coworker on Zoom when I brought him some coffee. Co-worker said something like, oh, so this is the lovely wife I've heard so much about. I said something like, thanks, but we're not married. He said, oh, boyfriend always calls you his wife and then introduced himself. I introduced myself. Then ended the conversation and left as quickly as I could while still being polite
Starting point is 00:22:23 because both boyfriend and coworker were giving me a weird vibe. Okay. Okay. Let's keep going. A little while later, boyfriend came out of the office and asked, what was that? I didn't know what he meant. So I asked, what was what? Boyfriend then said that there was absolutely no need for me to correct coworker
Starting point is 00:22:42 and that it's better if people think I'm his wife. I said, I'm not his wife. I'm his girlfriend. And he never told me that he told people that I'm his wife. This somehow becomes an argument with my side being that the boyfriend never told me that his coworkers think we're married. And boyfriend's side being that I should have figured that being called his wife indicated that coworker thought I was his wife and I shouldn't have corrected him.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And when I said, I thought he just made an assumption, boyfriend said that wasn't the point. The point was there was no need to correct him and that it was rude and that it made my boyfriend look like a dickhead. Fishy, but I've got thoughts and he's being really selfish. Really selfish. So selfish. He wants his cake and wants to eat it. True.
Starting point is 00:23:23 Exactly. The minute that you told the first part, I was like, and she didn't know. It's like, okay, this guy doesn't want to get married, but he knows that that's not traditional. Let's just be real. It's just not. Yeah. It's not traditional path.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Why are you telling people? And so it's like- Because he feels awkward and this is why. It's like- Social norms. He wants to avoid a conversation of the coworkers asking, well, why not? And so it's easier for him to say, I'm married, this is my wife. But obviously he doesn't actually want that.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And so him getting mad at her is just him projecting his embarrassment. I don't think she's wrong. I think she did the right thing because in her mind, she's thinking, he doesn't want to get married. So his coworker thinking we're married is misguided and he would want me to correct her because he doesn't want to get married. Yeah. So I don't think she did anything wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:13 No. And I think like in his mind, like, okay, I understand. Like you might not want to get married. Like it's just, you don't believe in the traditional values or like- It's just not an interest of yours. Totally fine. Totally fine. But your girlfriend wasn't on the same page.
Starting point is 00:24:26 She did want to get married. Exactly. So she's making a sacrifice, a big one, because she seems like she wanted to to be with you. Right. Right. Great. At least fill her in and just be like, hey, babe, if it ever comes up with my boss, we're married. It just helps me at work, like get out of things I don't want to do or blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Like whatever the reason is, just be on the same page. Have that conversation with her. I completely agree. It's like, it's not like they colluded and he was like, oh, if anyone ever asks from my workplace for purposes of saving face, we are married. You're my wife. Wean, queen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah. But he didn't, he didn't clue her in. And then I hate when people do that when they like, they lie and then they expect you to catch on to the lie and then- How the hell are you going to know? That's not okay to me. Are you telepathic? No.
Starting point is 00:25:10 Yeah. Right. I can't fucking read your mind. No. And I shouldn't have to, one. No. That pisses me off because if he doesn't want to get married, that's totally fine. And clearly your girlfriend slash-
Starting point is 00:25:21 Wife. Not wife for purposes of your boss. Air quotes, wife. Yeah. Except that and made a sacrifice to make that work for you. But you don't get to call her your wife behind her back for, to save face with your boss. It's the have, have your cake and eat it too. Like it's just not fair.
Starting point is 00:25:37 No. She's not wrong at all. And he's actually being a dick. Yeah. I would, I would throw it right back. I'd be like, excuse me. Am I, am I a mind reader now? I didn't know that you were lying about us
Starting point is 00:25:48 being married and that I was supposed to like catch that lie. Especially when it's like, so candid. Like you're just bringing him- She was on the spot. Yeah. She was on the spot. And okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:25:57 Some could argue what she could have just stayed quiet. But haha. Yeah. Like awkwardly laugh it off. Yeah. I mean, that's, I have been called like Brett's wife, like before or like Mrs. Lockett. Like when we go to hotels, you know, and I'm not going to be like, no, we're not married, you know, because, because for what?
Starting point is 00:26:13 But if it's like my boss and my boss was like, what did you and your husband do this weekend? You'd correct her. I'd be like, oh, he's my boyfriend. Yeah. Whatever he is. I feel like for, you don't correct people if it's like really like insignificant. Yeah. Like a hotel check-in.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Right, right, right. You're not going to see these people like that. I'm not going to see your like, I'm not, it's going to be more embarrassing for both of us if I correct her. Exactly. It's just not worth it. Right, right. But this guy doubles down.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Oh, he doubles down. Oh God. Okay. What's up? He then said the solution to this that when he next has a video call with a coworker, he wants me to come in again. Strike up a conversation and say that I was messing with him and that my boyfriend is actually my husband and us not being married is an inside joke.
Starting point is 00:26:55 I thought coworker was in on. Fuck no. Sorry. I can't even let you finish. Why is he lying? No, I'm mad. Why is he lying? No, I'm ignited.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Something's wrong here. Something's fucking weird. Take your L, go to your boss and be like, I mean, God. It's not even his boss. It's his coworker. Whoever the fuck she is. You just say, hey, you know, by the way, the other day when so and so said she's not my wife, just to make things easier.
Starting point is 00:27:16 We say we're married because we basically are without the legal ties. That's on you. We act like we're married, but we're not. So like, sorry about that. Da, da, da. Whatever. You fucking clean up the mess that you created. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:27:27 Don't. No, she is totally like. She's out of it. Free of this obligation. This is not on her. Yeah. This is your line. And now you're, now you're making her not only are you like making her feel bad,
Starting point is 00:27:39 now you're actually making her become like an accessory to your like narrative. She's an accomplice. Yeah. Now you want her to go out like now you're asking her to lie. Well, and it's like, why? Why? For what? Like, does your boss only employ married people?
Starting point is 00:27:53 Like, what is the catch here? There's something that's a bigger issue going on. Is there more here? Yeah. Okay. She does give an update to this one. Okay. I want to hear because this seems like there's a bigger play here.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I then said that was the dumbest fucking plan he'd ever come up with. Thank God. And quote, no fucking way am I doing that? Yes. Stick to your guns. Yes, bitch. Yes. And he said, I was being an asshole that I got him into this and now I have to bail him out.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Okay. First of all, you got yourself into this when you lied to your coworker without telling me that we were in on a fake marriage. Yeah. You clean up your own mess. He dug his own hole. Like at this point it's up to no one but him and like it would be so much easier. Like the coworker probably didn't even think twice about this.
Starting point is 00:28:42 The coworker was probably like, oh, she was awkward. Yeah. Whatever. That's true. And also, I guess it's like, this is so non material to your job. Like, is this going to affect your work performance? Is this going to affect your salary, your bonus? You're like, no, probably not.
Starting point is 00:28:56 So why does it matter? Technically, this is your personal life and your employer actually has no business meddling in your personal life. Yeah. If you want to share that school, you don't need to go out of your way to create this extravagant narrative. No. That you're married for what?
Starting point is 00:29:12 Yeah. It makes no sense. That bothers me. I would react just the way she did. I'd be like, no, you decided to play family. That's on you, buddy. And also, like, I'm going to fucking double down. If you want to create, you want to save this mess, you go, you buy me a fucking five
Starting point is 00:29:27 carrot ring, you put it on my finger, and we'll really play house. We'll really play wife and husband. I like that. Right? Like, no, the way to clean up this mess is now you really have to marry. Let's just go get married. Problem solved. Let's go to Vegas.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah. It's right next door. Let's go. You want to play these games? Let's just do it. So the top comment is not the asshole. This is so shady and it feels like there's a lot more going on. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:49 If you're not married and he doesn't get the perks, and that includes calling you his wife. Bingo. Yeah. I've seen a lot lately too, like just all across social media, TikTok, like whatever it is. But like, I've seen a lot where people are like, boyfriends don't get wife privileges.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Facts, facts. Like, that's not how it works. No. Like, you shouldn't be doing your boyfriend's laundry. Like, you shouldn't be cooking all of his meals, cleaning his house. If he's not going to wife you up, he doesn't deserve wife privileges. Like, I've just seen that. No, it is very, very, very, very true.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Because otherwise, where's the incentive? I mean, okay. Well, I got to push back on that one because I don't think you need to like, if I have to incentivize a man to marry me, then I don't want to marry that. No, absolutely not. So it's not like, oh God, you know, let me string this out so you can really like, cash in when we marry. You're already a team at this point.
Starting point is 00:30:42 You're already a team. I like, for me, like speaking personally, I do like, do laundry sometimes. I do do things like that, like cook, but it's because I want to. Yeah. And also like, we can get into gender roles and I know it's 2021 and the woman does not belong in the kitchen and the men can do laundry and they should. But, you know, if that comes natural to you, there's some women who just have like these mom traits to them and they just naturally, they want to be like a caretaker and they
Starting point is 00:31:13 want to do laundry and they want to cook, then have at it. And I don't think it's like, oh, you're giving that you're giving in too soon. You know? No. And I think like, I mean, it's, it's something I've seen and like I look at, like I joked with my boyfriend and I was like, I'm not, I'm not cooking for you anymore. Ha, ha, ha. Like I showed him the one of the TikToks.
Starting point is 00:31:31 You get ravioli out of a can. Maybe I'll microwave it for you. He would just be like, well, you're not getting anything. Like we'll each cook our own several days, but. Yeah, that's just getting petty, you know? It is. And it's like, okay, like you want to like be a team with this person, a partner. Like, yeah, you might not be married.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Maybe it's not a good time. Like I want a certain wedding, a certain ring, blah, blah, blah. It's not the right time. Like whatever that may be. But at the same time, it's like, what do you, like you expect him to just pay for every meal? You expect him to just cook every meal for you? You're supposed to be a team and a partnership. And like, it's no like skin off your back to just like do that.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Unless it is. And if it is, if it is skin off your back, if you do feel like you're overextending for a man that really does deserve cold ravioli, then. Not the right one. You're probably not in the right relationship. Or you need to have a conversation and say, hey, I'm not your maid. I'm not your mother. I love you.
Starting point is 00:32:22 But you've got to like, maybe you've gotten a little too comfortable with me, like doing things like this. Set some boundaries. Set some boundaries. And I think it should be 50-50. Like if you're going to trade off and do his laundry, then he should help you in some way. Yeah. Like for Brett, like my boyfriend, Brett, I definitely have done things like that,
Starting point is 00:32:38 like do laundry or, you know, clean up. But it comes back around like he won't let me put my own gas. He will not let me like, he opens my door. Like he does things like that. And like I could go on and on and on. It's a trade off. Like carries up my groceries, like things like that. And I know that's playing into these gender roles.
Starting point is 00:32:53 Like, well, why is he carrying your groceries? You can open your own door. It feels nice to not carry a 50 pound train. Or Joe's bag. Yes. They pack those bitches. Let them, let them do the heavy lifting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Like maybe I'm strong and I know I can lift it. I know I can, but I don't want to. No. It's like play smarter ladies. Not harder. God, damn it. I agree. So the other comment is super like interesting and really like peculiar.
Starting point is 00:33:21 So it goes, I wonder if he's lying to take advantage of this discriminatory information that shows that married men make more money than single ones. Do they? He added a link in this comment of his that links to a fucking like MLA source. So I think he's definitely on to something which I could, I could see like married men. I've heard something where married men get promotion over single men because they show they're less bachelor like they're committed. They're tied down, but the bachelor is not going to say,
Starting point is 00:33:54 I need to leave today at six o'clock to catch the little Tommy soccer game. The bachelor is going to like, he's got no excuse. Whiskey in his office until he passes out and work till midnight because he can. You know what I mean? Like I see the opposite happening. Like I feel like, okay, I work in law. So obviously I work with a lot of lawyers. And you know, for the most part they are married, but the ones that aren't.
Starting point is 00:34:14 The young ones grind. The young ones grind. They're like Wall Street bros. Because they don't have a family to go home to. Exactly. They don't have anything to go home to. And sometimes that's kind of sad, but no, they've nothing to lose. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 You know what I mean? Like, because a lot of the times. We're at that young point where you're just like, let's go. Let's fucking ride. Like grinding out these textbooks. But I don't know. I could see, but what I, my first reaction when you said married people, like get promoted or raises or whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:40 My reaction was because the employer's like, oh, he's got a family to feed. He's got mouths to feed. I'm more of a sympathetic reason. Like, oh, he's got to put food on the table. He's got to keep a roof over a little Tommy's head. He's got to pay for a fucking private school. Those soccer lessons. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Yeah. So that's my thought is like, they're kind of coming at it from like, oh, you're a family man. You know? Yeah. But I don't know. I'd be curious to see what the MLA source has to say. I know. We're going to have to do some further research.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Yeah, some deep dives or whatever. So OP does give an update. Okay. Update. We talked. He's fucking a female coworker. Okay. Honestly, I didn't want to use my own experiences and dig in here.
Starting point is 00:35:21 I didn't want to do that. I don't want to go there. But speaking from fucking experience on this one, I was lit. My first, I swear, I wish I said it. My spidey senses were like, what if he's fucking her or she's trying to fuck him? I don't know why my mind went here, but my mind was like, maybe he's more attractive to her because he's married. Like some women literally love the men who are taken, who are married.
Starting point is 00:35:47 Un attainable. It's so fucking weird. There's this group of women who like truly thrive off of taken men. And my first thought was like, what if she's a fucking weirdo who's just like, she's like attracted to him because he's married and he needs to keep up this facade. The other coworker that he's fucking. And she just blew it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Like I've, I mean, I think it's like something like I've seen a lot of this with like the professional athlete circle where like we live in LA, we encounter like a lot of people and even living in Minnesota, like we have a lot of professional sports teams there. So I would have friends and go go first. Yeah, go go first.
Starting point is 00:36:26 But like, I would have friends that like played for the wild or I had mutual friends that played for the Vikings and like there was something like the guys that were married would still go out with their buddies on the team that were single. Yeah. And there was something about those ones where the girls like at the club granted like, okay, like their rationale might be like, well, he's at a club. Like if he was happy at home, why is he here? Like as if you can't have both.
Starting point is 00:36:51 Yeah. Like you can be married and still go to the club and have fun with your friends. Sure. I hope so. Jesus. Otherwise I don't want it. Exactly. Like don't propose Justin if I can't go to the club for real.
Starting point is 00:37:00 If you're listening, I want to go to the club. I love the club. But like you would see those people get like bombarded all night and like even in LA when we go out with like the people here. Yeah. Like the hockey guys that were engaged or married with just like, which was like f***ing 99.9% of them. I swear they were like all married.
Starting point is 00:37:21 But they were good ladies. If you're listening, they were pretty well behaved for, maybe I don't know. For the most part. Maybe not 95% of them. For the most part. Yeah. Yeah. But there were some scummy ones.
Starting point is 00:37:32 But yeah, but but no, I've seen worse. No, I have too. And so it's just like one of those things where it's like these people would like and won their professional athlete. Right. So it's like that draw. But like there was something like you had the young rookies and all the single guys standing at the back of like the like the bottle service booths.
Starting point is 00:37:51 Like where you like all gathered to get your bottle service bottle. And the young ones would just be standing around like looking awkward as f***. Oh my god. Yeah. Not talking to anyone. And you'd have like the senior guys like swing dancing and just like going nuts with their friends. And yet well, maybe the girls went to them because they were having more fun.
Starting point is 00:38:11 I think that's exactly what you're illustrating here. They also have the most money typically. They do have the higher salaries and the higher contracts. I don't know. I do agree with that though. But like they just got bombarded to a point where I was like, you know, he's married. Like it's common knowledge at this point. Like if Patrick Mahomes went out.
Starting point is 00:38:30 Yeah. It would be like people just like going after him. Right. Well, first of all, the man's worth half a billion dollars. And that just like ignites stars and women's eyes. But second of all, some men's eyes too. Some men's eyes. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Thank you for that. He is obviously engaged. He has a baby girl. I know. Fresh baby girl. Yeah. Such a cutie. And that's great.
Starting point is 00:38:56 That's fine. That's dandy. But I swear no matter it sucks. Like if he went out, oh my god, girls would be flocking flocking to him. Why? Because he's a professional athlete. He's high profile and he's worth a lot of money. But anyway, I want to know why him being married contributed to his affair, his work affair.
Starting point is 00:39:17 So her update is short and brief. Apparently he's fucking a coworker. Apparently I can't leave my wife for you. Sounds better than quote. I can't leave my girlfriend for you. Oh, okay. So I was like kind of on the right track. You were like marriage made it more appealing.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And it's just like a better excuse. Like if he's done with this girl now that he's had his little affair and he's, you know, over her, like now it's like, well, you know, I'm married. It's like, it's more of an excuse like, like kind of like she said, like it's harder to go through a divorce and leave your wife versus like, oh, it's just your girlfriend break up and be with me. Yeah, yeah, true. So he clearly doesn't want to be with the coworker.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Because if he did, he didn't, he doesn't need an excuse. Yeah, right. Like, well, I don't know. Maybe the coworker gave him an ultimatum and was like, you need to like, you need to tell your girlfriend about us. And maybe he's like, it's not my girlfriend, it's my wife. I can't, I can't leave my wife for you. Like I doubled down and be like, oh, well, now I'm really fucking telling your wife.
Starting point is 00:40:20 He not only had the audacity to fucking cheat on you, but he had the audacity to create a narrative about you that wasn't real. And when you shattered that, he had even the bigger balls to come to you and say, now I need you to help me repair this narrative so that I can continue to cheat on you. That's the thing. Are you fucking kidding me? If she would have gone with his lie. Yeah, he would have been enabling his affair.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Maybe. But the fact, what pissed me off, and I'm actually going to hear you just thinking about it, is that he made her an accessory to his infidelity. Yeah, that's fucked up. And nope, you don't even, the facts don't matter anymore. I mean, the facts matter. Everything else is like static noise. You have to focus on the fact that he actually did all these things.
Starting point is 00:41:01 And that's enough for you to have to walk away. Yeah. She goes on to say, so now he's going to have to tell people we've divorced. I don't even know how, but good for her. Idiot. She done. Yeah. But yeah, like love that for her.
Starting point is 00:41:17 What the hell? Like it's fucked up. See, I like, I want, I kind of saw it in the beginning. I was like, hmm, there's some cheating. I don't know how, but I somewhere. Yeah. And now it makes something, something's off here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I think like at the end of the day, like it's really interesting because this has come up, like in a couple of the stories I've seen and just like people talking, but there's this saying where like everyone thinks about cheating, but it's whether you act on it or not. And, you know, I've talked to Justin about this because we like read it together and he's like, no, like, I don't, like, I don't think about that at all. But I'm like, well, I think a lot of people do. And I think there is something to be said, like, okay, it's, it's more about your actions.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Like, but I, I think there's a difference between like thinking about cheating all the time and like just having eyes and like recognizing other people's attraction levels. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Brett and I have talked about this. Yeah. He's like, you're psychotic. If you think that I just go through life and don't recognize attractive women. No, like you have to be like, he has eyes. He's human.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah. Exactly. It's normal. Right. But it's like, okay, are you thinking about hooking up with that person when you look at that? That's where there's a, there's like a boundary. Yeah. So it's interesting. But like, I think in this case it's like, he definitely wasn't even just thinking about it. He was cheating.
Starting point is 00:42:31 He was doing it. And so it's like, if you're actively cheating on your partner and it's like not a one time thing, like, oops, one time. Okay. Maybe it's forgivable, but like it's multiple times. And not just that. He created this fake story and then got pissed when you blew it. Yeah. Think about why he was really mad. He wasn't mad because now the world thinks that he does not actually married. He's mad because now you blew his story.
Starting point is 00:42:53 You blew his story to his mistress. I fucking hate that when a man puts like a mistress needs and wants above yours. Yeah. Like you've, oh God, I'm glad she loved him because that's just fucked up. And like, he's selfish as fuck. And I mean, it's sex because as a woman in that situation, you could rationalize it and be like, well, yeah, he cheated, but he clearly didn't like this girl that much because he had to create a story on why he couldn't be with her.
Starting point is 00:43:18 And that's where you're like, it's toxic and it's easy to buy into if you really want to. So I'm glad that she was like, no, fuck you. He's going to have to tell people we've divorced. Right. I love that for her. Yeah, I love that for her. Moving along. Not the one.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Okay. Got to walk the dogs, school drop off, meetings from 10 to three, take kids to soccer practice, then there goes the extra time for a jog. That's okay. Maybe next week. When everyone else relies on you, it's easy to put your needs last. Therapy is a dedicated time to focus on what you need to be happy. So you can show up for yourself the way you do for others.
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Starting point is 00:44:31 My 26-male girlfriend, 25-female, had cheated with my best friend, 27-male. Okay. His wife, 25-female, wants to date me now. Little switcheroo. Okay. All right. Okay. Co-mingling.
Starting point is 00:44:53 We see you. All right. So I found out last week she was cheating on me with my best friend. Fuckers, first of all. Yeah. Oh, bad. All bad. When she forgot to sign out of her Facebook and a message from my best friend said,
Starting point is 00:45:08 I love you. Oh, I would literally throw up on my keyboard. I'd be so fucking mad. That hurts so hard because you lose your loved one and you lose your best friend. Yeah. That is like the double dagger. That is just like the worst-case scenario you could ever encounter. Truly the worst.
Starting point is 00:45:25 My heart goes out to that. Like, and personally, I would route like, I don't know, guys or girls, they come and go, your friends. That's your ride and die. Those are your ride and die. It's like your friends. Like there's that joke where it's like my girlfriend said to my boyfriend like, I come first.
Starting point is 00:45:43 You may not be in her wedding, but I fucking will. And it's like, because guys come and go. Yeah. Like they may not be the one, even though you think they are, but your friends are going to be the ones who stand next to you on your wedding day or if you don't have a wedding, they stand next to you through it all. That and the fact like, it is hard to like make good friends. I've had a lot of-
Starting point is 00:46:02 Especially in Los Angeles. Definitely. And so it's like even like Minnesota, LA, like- Yeah, anywhere really. Like you, you've kind of gone through like a recent adjustment in your friend group. Oh yeah. Yeah, very recent. So I think my heart's in this one.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Yeah. And like I had a friend in Minnesota that just like was just so hurtful to me. And like as hard as it was, like cutting that toxic personnel was like necessary. Like she kind of did the opposite of this. Like she would message my boyfriend at the time and tell him that I was cheating on him when I wasn't. Like she was literally trying to cause a breakup because she wanted a fun single friend. Stir the pot.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Yeah. Oh my God. Really? That was the motivation? Either that or she wanted to fuck him. I was thinking she wanted to fuck him. She told me multiple times like- I just wanted you to be single.
Starting point is 00:46:52 First of all, any of you bitches do that to me. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. You're dead. Yeah. So I just like, I don't fuck with like friends. No.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Fucking with your boyfriend. No. Like or your partner. Like it's just- It's so bad. There's a big fucking pond out there. Right. Find another fish.
Starting point is 00:47:09 There are quite literally billions of people on this planet. Millions in each state. And no matter where you are, like fucking do better. Like why would you, I mean, you shouldn't cheat period, but like if you're gonna fucking cheat, don't do it across the pond. Like go get creative. Like the co-worker too. Like why do people, there has to be some type of psychological-
Starting point is 00:47:32 It's convenient. It's convenient. And I also think there's its proximity. Like I think naturally we're wired to be attracted to people that we like have a degree of connection with. So like I have a cousin who's a guy and a lot of my friends have kissed him at one point or another. Quite a few.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Quite a few. And he's a great guy. I love my cousin. He's awesome. Who wouldn't like him. But he's not like- There's so many other guys out there. There's so many other guys out there.
Starting point is 00:48:01 And a lot of the times I think- Not a lot of times. Not to this credit, his game. I'm sure he's got game. I wouldn't fucking know he's my cousin. No, but why? Why make it messy? But I think it's because people meet it.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Yeah, right? Like I think they meet him and they're like, oh, you know, he feels close to home because he's like related to one of my best friends, right? And I think there's this relatability where people are like naturally attracted to people that they share a connection with or like a mutual person with. So with like, it's just like in this case,
Starting point is 00:48:28 to come to bring it back to this story, my first thought was these people are connecting over their grief because they've both been cheated on, right? Yeah. They've both been cheated on and it's like Misery loves company. So like, you know- I think it's really confusing because it's like OP is the guy whose girlfriend cheated on him with the best friend.
Starting point is 00:48:48 Right. And now the best friend's wife is coming to him. It's like this intertangled web, but- What is his question? Is it wrong? No. So he basically goes to say like from the, I love you, I opened a thread and it was them talking about dates behind my back.
Starting point is 00:49:05 She admitted it after I confronted her and since Bob wasn't going to tell his wife, I told her, damn. Long story short, we broke up and the best friend's wife moved out. Yesterday though, his former wife called me and said she wanted to sleep with me and wanted to get back into dating. I'm concerned. She has not grieved properly and neither have I. What do I do?
Starting point is 00:49:28 Yeah, this was a week ago. Okay, so- Take a step back. Immediately no. No, she's trying to get revenge. Yeah, she's hurting. This is a black China move. She's-
Starting point is 00:49:38 Revenging. She's avenging. Black China. She's, this is a black China where like black China said, fuck you for cheating on me with Kylie Jenner. I'm going to go fuck your brother. Yeah, I'm going to be permanently tied to your family. I'm permanently in.
Starting point is 00:49:50 I'm in and then they had a child and that's a whole other story. But in this case, she's so clearly like- Hurting. Hurting. This is purely to get back at her husband. Yeah, it's a reverse like who could hurt him the most? Like her husband or former husband, like who could I sleep with that would really like kick them while he's down, right?
Starting point is 00:50:10 And it would be his best friend. I mean, it doesn't get any better than that unless he has a brother or his dad. But like, you know, that's some savage shit. It is. And no, I'm sorry. She didn't just wake up and say, God damn it. You know, I've just always wanted to sleep with you. Especially a week after.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Yeah, no, no, no. A week after like it wasn't because he was just dating his girlfriend. Right, right. Like she was just fucking married full on. And she was married. Probably still is, right? Because they're not divorced. If it was a week ago.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yeah. Oh my God. How fast can you get a lawyer and get a paper sign? Not in a week. No. Like it takes sometimes years. Absolutely. So it's like this is purely just like to get back at him, which I, you know, if that's
Starting point is 00:50:49 what it takes for you to get closure, I support it. But at the same time, like this guy is going through it. Yeah. Don't don't put him through it, you know, unless he's down. But by him writing this post, I'm going to take that he's not on board. He's conflicted because he wrote this post. And I don't know. I understand you need to get, I don't, I'm not down for revenge.
Starting point is 00:51:10 I think that's where I'm like, I lost her because I'm down for coping. If you have to go fuck someone else to cope. Yeah. Be my guest, have at it. But to, I don't, I've never understood the revenge thing. Like I've never been a revengeful person. In most cases, like I think about like, I think my biggest thing and like me and Lauren talk about it a lot is like, I had an ex that we dated for almost three years.
Starting point is 00:51:34 I was like two and a half, like a little over like almost three years. I felt like forever. And he broke up with me in a text message. Oh my God. I didn't even know. And I did not even reply. I know. So fucking badass.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And so like, like that's what I knew. I was like, I fuck with you. Heavy. And so like for me, I'm not a revenge either because I'm like, I just want to be done. Like get this person as far away from me as possible. I'm a firm believer that no response is a response. No response is sometimes way better than a response. It's loud.
Starting point is 00:52:10 It's, it can be really loud. And you know what? It's like, for me, that is my method of coping sometimes. It's, I can think of a few times I've done that where I, and people are like, you need closure. No, I don't. That is my closure. I don't think this person deserves a response. No, they don't.
Starting point is 00:52:25 They don't. To formulate a response takes energy and not responding isn't an asshole move to me. I know sometimes it can be that way. But for me, it's like, this is me hanging up my armor. This is me not waving a white flag, but like, this is me saying I've had enough and I don't need to engage in this anymore because where energy goes, your focus flows. So like, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:47 And I'd rather just not even feed it. It's like, I'd rather just, it's like, there's a, like I'd rather starve the fire. Yeah. And I mean, like, I think your energy point is like, so, so true because it's like, why waste more energy on a person that did not care about you, did not care about your feelings. There was complete lack of respect. So it's like, just for what?
Starting point is 00:53:09 For, yeah. For what? And I do, I will say to that point, like I do, this is why I'm not revengeful is because I, I try to be the bigger person, you know, and I, like, I've been cheated on. I've been hurt. I've been betrayed by friends. I've, you know, had all the situations, but I try not to go low because at the end of the day, like you can cut that personnel.
Starting point is 00:53:29 You can never talk to them again, but you have to look at yourself in the mirror and you have to sleep with yourself every night. And for me, I would rather go to bed every night knowing I did my best and I didn't sink down to their level, like this girl to relate it back. Like, okay, you're hurt. And now for some reason you're off for blood and you want revenge. You sleep with this, his best friend, you're no better than him. Well, and it's like, that might make you, it might make you feel good briefly.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I don't even know if it will, but at the end of the day, like, now, now what you, okay, an eye for an eye, like, are you going to go rehab your marriage now because you feel like you got even? I don't think so. Yeah, no. You're doing more damage. Like, in a, in, in maybe some world, you guys work out your differences and you rehab the cheating and you get back together.
Starting point is 00:54:14 You're just making it worse because now you're sleeping with his friend. So like now both of you have to like get over something. Right. So like, why just not be, why not just be a good person and just walk away and say, like, I've gotten fucked over, fucked over and never once have I been like, I'm going to fuck over the person back ever. It's just not, because why? Like it's just energy that you're-
Starting point is 00:54:36 It's just not worth it at the end of the day. It's not worth it. Just the best thing you can do is move on and never look back. I think, as you were talking, had this like flashback to one of the times I was like a little immature, but- We've all been there. Yeah. And I'm like, okay, like this was, this was after, it was after my three year long
Starting point is 00:54:56 relationship and it was after like, I'm trying to think of the timeline, but it was after the long relationship and I was, you know, living in Minnesota and I was dating this guy that was like a mutual friend of my friends and we were never like official, but like, we had like talked and hung out continuously for a year. This friend or this guy? This guy I was like seeing. So we had, we had hung out for like a year and his like dad owned this restaurant in Minnesota. Minnesota is like-
Starting point is 00:55:26 Small fucking world. So small. It's so funny. Like all you have to say is like one thing and I know exactly who you're talking about. The identifying factor. I love it. Yeah. And like it's the nicest, it's like one of the nicest restaurants in like Minneapolis.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I love that place. I'm sorry. Yeah. I love it. Have you been there recently? Cove. Yeah. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I absolutely love it. So like he was so sweet. Like I would be having a bad day and I'm like, hey, you know, I'm just feeling really blue today. Not feeling great. Like whatever. And he would literally show up with like of like industrial size bucket of soup from his restaurant. Like ginger ale, which is like my go-to drink when I'm ill and like- Just on a normal day.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Like he was so thoughtful and like this stuff went on for a year. We literally had plans to go out on his boat like the next day. And so I texted him one night and I was like, hey, you know, good night. I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow. He's like, okay, sounds good. Like can't wait. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:24 Text him the next day for the boat. Ghosted. Absolutely ghosted after a year. Turns out he wanted one of his servers from his restaurant to come on the boat. Like because he was the manager of his family's restaurant. Yeah. Okay. And I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Like how'd you find that out? My friend that was mutual friends with him. Who was on the boat? On the boat. Oh, you didn't tell. Yeah. And he actually dated this girl after. And so like totally fine.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Yeah. But I was so pissed because I'm like, really? Like at least give me the decency to just like tell me that you've met someone that you click with more. Like that's not going to hurt me. Like what hurts me is like the ghosting. Like just be open up front and honest. And so like me and a couple of friends one night like- Took a fucking carton of eggs.
Starting point is 00:57:08 He was like me and Whitney. Oh my God. I remember this. Yeah. All Hondras like one of her best friends since grade school. Literally like 15 years. Yeah. Fuck out.
Starting point is 00:57:18 I mean, Whitney used to tip you the shit out of people too. Like that's literally on brand. Yeah. She was well equipped for this task. Well fucking quit. And he had like this corner apartment and we were like, it was like scoped out in the grass. Like on our stomachs, like crawling up. It was like me, Whitney.
Starting point is 00:57:33 And I think Noelle. I was going to say I didn't want to incriminate her. But I feel like she was there. Yeah. It was Noelle too. Those are like the two, like those bitches. Oh. So do anything for you.
Starting point is 00:57:43 They will ride for you. Great fucking friends. Yeah. I know. Great friends. And so we're like crawling and you could see him like in this little glass apartment. And you saw him like and the girl was there too. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Yeah. And you saw him and the girl literally like walking with the fireplace on going to sit and like watch a movie and we just take eggs. And just not just though, are we so adrenaline? Oh, I'm so pissed. But you weren't like sad. Like I never want to see someone that I'm like talking to or dating with another girl. I was more mad.
Starting point is 00:58:17 I mean, I think like, God, I've had shitty boyfriends. No, I have to. I'm like, I was mad at that moment. But I have felt that where like one of my other exes, the one that has the secret baby, he started dating the second time he cheated on me. He started dating that girl. And so I had to deal with her like coming down to the cities and always running into them together. And it was like the most like uncomfortable gross situation.
Starting point is 00:58:46 And like, like that made me sad. But in this moment, I'm like, fuck no, I'm Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible. You were eggs. For sure. I was ready to end it all. Yeah. I honestly, I don't think one of the eggs even hit the window. What?
Starting point is 00:59:00 I'm fucking pissed now. I have to, I've got a bone to pick with Wendy and Noel. None of your eggs landed. We had some weak arms. I'm pissed. But it was a thought that counts. Sure. Thought that counts.
Starting point is 00:59:12 I'm pissed. You could have done more damage. Yeah. No, that's actually funny speaking of which, like one of my exes who cheated, one of them. But this is the most notorious. Oh, God. This is the one that just. The true sociopath.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yes. Sociopath through motherfucking through. Still lives in Minnesota poisoning the lakes. So. Oh, my God. That's probably the greatest thing anyone has ever said on this podcast. Freaking havoc on Lake Superior. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:59:53 No, for real though. He for sure is. And yeah, still being problematic. Still being fucking so problematic. I mean, thank God, I don't like keep up with him. So I actually really don't know what he's up to these days, but probably ruining someone's life in some capacity. Most definitely.
Starting point is 01:00:07 Most definitely. And so he, fucker. Just thinking about him. And funny, it's like, I've moved on. Like I, it's not like, I don't harbor that, you know, I don't harbor this like ill will and I'll wake up and choose violence and like think like, how can I fuck him today? But it's like, when I talk about him, I'm like, God damn it. Because it brings you back.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Like when I say it out loud, I'm like, Jesus Christ, why did I ever put up with that rate? Yeah, no. And I mean, looking back, yeah, it's the exact same thing. It's like, why did I put myself through that? That person was not worth it. No. But in the moment, you're like, I love him.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's so sad. So I obviously moved out to LA from Minnesota for college. And so when I was in Minnesota, so I was dating him when I was in Minnesota and he lived in California.
Starting point is 01:00:54 Okay. He was in San Diego. And we were dating long distance, which actually worked. I actually didn't mind long distance. But, you know, when you're dating long distance and there's your path cheating, then there's issues. But it's like the perfect opportunity for him. It's a formula.
Starting point is 01:01:09 It makes it easy. And that's why, right? Like at the time, you're like, oh my God, he just loves me so much that he wants to date me across the country. No. No. No. It makes his life easier.
Starting point is 01:01:19 It benefits him in some way. Yes. He can cheat tenfold when you're like miles away. Anyway, moved out to LA for college. I went to Los Angeles. He was in San Diego. But there's this girl that he had been one, one of the girls he'd been cheating on me with, which I didn't know at the time.
Starting point is 01:01:34 She's a Minnesota native as well. So I move out to LA. We date for like a little bit and then we ended up breaking up. So I start my new life in Los Angeles and I go to Loyola, Merremont, where I went to college, right? So Loyola, Merremont is a school here in LA. It's private. It's small, right?
Starting point is 01:01:51 It's like the same Thomas of LA. Yeah. I say that to say that there's not a lot of people, let alone Minnesota transplants. So I'm like thinking I'm the only one. No, wrong. So there's another Minnesota transplant that year. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:02:04 And it's none other than the girl he was cheating on me with. Oh, my God. So he like- You just couldn't escape him. No, I couldn't escape him. I go to college. I think I'm moving to LA like no mutual friends, no mutual contacts. And then of course this girl of all schools.
Starting point is 01:02:21 She couldn't go to UCLA. She couldn't go to USC. What are the chances? She goes to Loyola. And so one of my first weeks on campus, she comes up to me. I'm sitting there on campus, minding my goddamn business. She comes up to me and she has the audacity to say, so I'm sure you know who I am.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Whoa. Not even like, hey, I'm sorry. Like we both got fucked by this guy. And we didn't both get fucked for the record. I knew. She knew. So then get this though. This is where I'm going to circle back to where you build a case, right?
Starting point is 01:02:52 So I am like a pretty nice person. So I'm like, oh, okay. Yeah, hi. What's up? So we started talking, but at this point, I don't actually know he had cheated yet. I just know she exists. I just know she's his friend. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Yes. So in my mind, she threw him under the bus. She was on my radar. Right. She was on my like little spidey senses. I had some feelings about her because she was just a little bit too around. But I didn't actually know. So then she comes up to me very informally, introduces herself.
Starting point is 01:03:20 And then we actually start hanging out because I'd been broken up with him. And we're just like, we're both from Minnesota. Small world. You always flock with Minnesotans here in LA. Well, and like Minnesota people are just really easy to get along with. Despite you guys having that like tumultuous history, like I'm sure she was still like one of like your people. Like Minnesota people have a certain vibe.
Starting point is 01:03:43 I think so too. Yeah. And you know, like at the time she knew like, oh, I was hooking up with him when you were dating him, but I didn't know that. And I think part of her, it's kind of going back to Missouri loves company. I think part of her like felt closer to him through me in a weird fucked up way. So then I'll spread the details. We start hanging out.
Starting point is 01:04:01 We become like friends and we are hanging out here in LA. There's comfort in knowing that there's another Minnesotan. And then she gets drunk one night. She gets really drunk one night. And I'm like, I don't let myself really get like that, you know. So she's really drunk and she just starts fucking spilling the tea. She just starts telling me in detail about how she was fucking my boyfriend. Were you still together or did you already break up?
Starting point is 01:04:26 We had broken up. We had been like still trying. Yeah. We were like talking, but we were broken up and she starts telling me like, oh yeah, like that one morning where like you left and I came over right after. Yes. Like, oh, that's Valentine's Day. Like, oh yeah, I was in his bed.
Starting point is 01:04:41 I'm like, yes. Bitch. Bitch. Because not only are you okay, you're spilling the tea, but you've been trying to be friends with me. Yes. You've been weirdo. You've been trying to be friends with me one and two. Oh, she was jealous of you.
Starting point is 01:04:55 She was literally trying to just embed herself in your life. It's so weird. And like you knew, so you're admitting to me that you knew he had a girlfriend the whole time because you're admitting that you knew I was a thing and you still did these things like. Terrible. It's so weird and like. It's so terrible. That was, that's probably one of the weirder situations I have where it's like,
Starting point is 01:05:15 I don't know why this person wanted to like befriend me and wanted to like, and, and granted, like to this day, I don't really have beef with her. Like, I saw worth it for you. No, I think she can say the same about me. And I'm kind of like, I more so feel bad for you because at the end of the day, you're the girl that he thought he could fuck with on the side. Like I'm the girl he brought around his friends and his family and to his fucking concerts and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:05:40 And like you were kind of like on the sidelines and. That's the thing. Like I think being a side chick, it's like. Yeah, I've never been one. So I don't know that I know. No, I haven't either. I've always, I've always been the girlfriend. Like I've won experience in college where it's like I potentially was walking a slippery slope
Starting point is 01:06:01 with that. But like I've always been the girlfriend where. Same. I've been cheated on. I love that for us. And I think like if you're a side chick on accident, right, that's a different story. But if you know that they're like dating someone and you're truly going to be a side chick, it's like, don't you like want more like for yourself?
Starting point is 01:06:22 Like I want to be spoiled in a relationship. I want like, I want the whole shebang. Right. I want dates. I want dinners and like maybe you're getting that as a side chick, but it's like, you're not getting all of that. No, no, no, no, no. Like you're getting fucking Chipotle dates if you're lucky.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I'm getting master's. You're not the same baby girl. We are not the same. Like I've never been a bench player like that. Like I've been the star fucking player. I'm the fucking LeBron James and the Patrick Mahomes. I don't even know who a bench player is, but at best you're that. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:06:54 It's like you're a second, third, fourth fucking string. Like you said, don't you respect yourself enough to be like, I don't deserve this. And like it's funny. They hold out for hope and I can't speak because I've never been one, but I'm assuming that they hold out for hope. I've had two guys. Yeah. I could, I could see that.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yeah. Especially if like he's, you know, and I don't think like anyone that could be the love of your life would ever put you in that situation. I think, if you, if you met someone and like you guys were meant to be, he would break up with whoever he's with and then go to you. Like he wouldn't put you in that position to be the side chick. So it's like, yes, I can see how you would be like, oh, well, I love him and he loves me. You know, he's going to break up with her.
Starting point is 01:07:36 It's just, it's not a good time. So I've been in two situations where there's been a side kick, basically you are a side kick in your relationship. They were side kicks because they helped them cover it up. So they damn near were side kicks, but they were side chicks to relationships. And in both those girls, women and whatever were around before me. So I'm like, I'm not the problem with my heart. If he knew you before I even was a thought in his little head
Starting point is 01:08:00 and he had every chance to fuck you, date you, whatever. And he still chose to bench you and I come along, you know, knowing nothing. And then they wife me up and they leave you on the sideline. I am not the problem. And I don't want to say you're the problem because I'm never going to shame a woman like that. But you're just getting roped in and nothing like he doesn't see you as a main chick. You're always going to be side chick to him. And you just kind of move on.
Starting point is 01:08:26 Yeah, that's a self respect. It's not worth it. Yeah, you just start you like as a side chick, you deserve to be in a happy, healthy relationship too. Like why are you putting yourself through that emotional turmoil? Right, right. Um, this girl, unfortunately it was a side chicken didn't know. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Got to walk the dogs, school drop off, meetings from 10 to 3, take kids to soccer practice, then there goes the extra time for a jog. That's okay. Maybe next week. When everyone else relies on you, it's easy to put your needs last. Therapy is a dedicated time to focus on what you need to be happy. So you can show up for yourself the way you do for others. Better help offers convenient online therapy on your schedule.
Starting point is 01:09:15 It's the same professional service you'd get from an in-person therapist, but with the option to communicate when and how you want by chat, phone or video call. Go to their site and fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists anytime for no additional charge. Find more balance with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's The title says, I just found out that my boyfriend,
Starting point is 01:09:47 whom I've been dating for two years, is not actually 27, but 33 years old and is married and has three kids. Okay, there are levels to this shit. How do people get away with this? That's what I'm saying. This is a top tier. This is a fucking X-Games. This is an Olympic level cheater.
Starting point is 01:10:04 This is like Sean White of cheating. He's on X-Games mode. X-Games mode. Yeah. Oh my god. Like that's, oh my god. Okay, go on, please. Title says everything.
Starting point is 01:10:15 We met two years ago on Tinder and we started dating. At that time, he lied to me that his age was 25. I was 23 then until day before yesterday. I thought he was 27 years old, but he's actually 33 fucking years old and he's been married to a woman for over seven years. Seven. And he has three daughters.
Starting point is 01:10:39 I have never felt so hurt, cheated, betrayed in my life. I'm literally so fucking heartbroken. I've never been betrayed like this by anyone until now. We literally talked about getting married, having children many, many times. I literally dreamt of having a family with him one day, but now thinking about all of that, I feel so disgusted. What should I do now? See, now I feel bad for what I said about being the bench warmers
Starting point is 01:11:06 because I just want to clarify that. I think there are instances like this one where- If you don't know. You don't know. We said that. If you truly don't know. It's the woman who know and choose violence. Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:17 And this one, it's like, she was in the dark, which- And I feel for her. I feel for her. How do people get away with having alternate lives? The Ted Bundys of the world, I don't understand. Yes. And for her, I feel for her when you're telling me that because those are the women that I can sympathize for
Starting point is 01:11:36 because they've been played. Both women in this situation have been played. I'm willing to bet the worst doesn't know. Oh, no chance. Right. So both women have been played in a way that's devastating. So it's like, she had these dreams of a family and marriage. And then the other woman had that marriage.
Starting point is 01:11:51 And it's all shattered. And it's all shattered. And I feel really bad because love is love. And if you love this person and you truly believed what they were telling you, it's still heartbreaking to know that they weren't, you know. Oh, 100%. Both of their worlds are shattered,
Starting point is 01:12:06 like especially if the wife finds out. So like the top comment says, I hope you don't decide to stay with him. Please tell me you're not. And Opie goes, of course I'm not staying with him. Firstly, I feel so fucking uncomfortable that I was dating someone who's eight years elder to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:21 I know that's not a huge age gap. That's me and Brett's age gap. It's not a huge age gap if you're in positions of like similar status level, which you guys are. Yeah. When you met, you were both working, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I wasn't in college or anything. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:35 But if she was in school. Oh, she's in school. But like if she, like who knows what, she doesn't mention it. Yeah. But I mean, she was 23 when they met. Potentially still in school. No, I was 23 when I met her. Well, fuck.
Starting point is 01:12:51 You can't hit him. Well, teach his own. Teach his own. I mean, I don't think eight years is weird just for the record, but that's the least of her problems here. Eight years. Eight years is weird. If for me, I think eight years is weird
Starting point is 01:13:03 if the person is still in college. Yeah. Sure. If you're 20 and he's 28. I mean, honestly saying that a lot doesn't even sound that weird, but I don't know. Like maybe it's okay. Listen, my parents are 13 years apart.
Starting point is 01:13:13 So for me, it takes a lot for it to be weird. And that did, I mean, you've met Bob and Tatiana. They don't seem like a weird. No, they don't seem even 13 years apart. No. I think it's like, it's very situational, but like, I think if someone's 18 and then the person's 26, like, Oh, that.
Starting point is 01:13:28 Yeah. When you, when you put it like that. That's too big. Yes. Eight years still. But it's like, it's certain times in people's lives that it becomes weirder. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:37 No, I agree. But moral of the story, she's not staying with him. So good. Good, good, good. The other comment under hers goes, tell the wife she deserves to know. I have a personal experience with that one. I would, I personally, like, if I found out that, like,
Starting point is 01:13:54 my boyfriend of two years was married with kids, like I would 100%, like immediately tell the wife. Yeah. Okay. So I think that's the right thing to do, but I don't know. Like, we all say that. We all say that. But in the moment.
Starting point is 01:14:06 But in the moment, like, I haven't been in that situation. I've been in a situation where I dated someone who I know was hooking up with someone who was married and that person. So my boyfriend that I was dating had hooked up with a person in the past who was married and is still married as we record this podcast. Oh, yes. The absolute terrorist.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Right. The terrorist. So like we, it's so, and everyone said to me, tell the wife or tell the husband, tell the husband, blow it up, right? When you're, even though I knew I was, I wasn't wrong. I had nothing to lose. No skeletons in my closet.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Yeah. The thought you're blowing up a family. And I know everyone's saying, well, you know, you let her off too easy. I did. Of course. That's fucking. Of course.
Starting point is 01:14:52 This woman ended up like stalking Alhondra. Yeah. I had a stalker because Alhondra like wanted to just like date her boyfriend, be happy. And this woman wanted Alhondra's boyfriend still, even though she was married. And like Alhondra had a full on stalker. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:08 No, I think you let her off way too easy. You did. I did. But it was like restraining order vibes. Oh God. Yeah. For sure. It was on that level.
Starting point is 01:15:15 Actually, someone tried to break into my Instagram last night. And I'm like, it's probably her all over. Yeah. But the point I'm making here is like, yes, I absolutely let her off way too easy. But this goes back to what I was saying, is I always try to be the bigger person.
Starting point is 01:15:26 And in that moment, I was like, why? Why feed this any energy? And but to relate it to this, like everyone told me, including my mom, like tell her husband, tell her kids. Her kid was my age, right? Oh, I would. I would have. But no, it's so easy to say that.
Starting point is 01:15:43 It's so easy to say that. But when you're in that position, it's like, why invite that drama into my life? One, two. I think it would have made her stop though in that moment. Maybe. But maybe not. And if it didn't, like.
Starting point is 01:15:56 I think in that moment, it would have been like, if I don't stop, then literally my whole world is going to crumble. I don't know. Like it's kind of hard because it's like, you could just threaten and be like, hey, I'm going to reach out and tell your husband if you don't stop contacting me, if you don't leave me and my boyfriend alone.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Right. So it's kind of like, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't again. But it's like, I don't know. Like at that point, like the level that you got to, like I would have, like that husband would have known. I know. And sometimes I think about it because it's like
Starting point is 01:16:27 this person is still going through life, not knowing what his wife is capable of or has done. But it's just, you're throwing a grenade at a family. Are you ready to do that? Yeah. Are you really, it's easy for right now because you're on the outside to say yes. But when you're really in it like this girl in the thread.
Starting point is 01:16:45 Yeah. Three kids and they're probably kind of young. Right. So you're throwing a grenade at that family. Yeah. I don't know. It's a lot. It's tough.
Starting point is 01:16:55 But at the end of the day, like she's got to, it's the right thing to do. I'm not here to say it's not. It is. You absolutely should. It's just, I think it's more uncomfortable than people realize. For sure.
Starting point is 01:17:05 I mean, it's, it's tough. Yeah. It really is. But at the end of the day, that was her mistake. And then for her to then terrorize you. Oh, in my case. Yeah. Oh God.
Starting point is 01:17:14 That would, that's a whole, like that's its own podcast episode. Like that is its own. The shit I've been through is insane. Yeah. That's wild. She, that person, I don't know. Like I always said the same thing you said. Like, oh, she would stop if I told her,
Starting point is 01:17:31 her husband and her family. But I don't know if I believe that because I think this person. She was just too far gone. She was crazy. She was willing to lose it all, I think. And those are, those people are dangerous. So you have to stay away from those types of things.
Starting point is 01:17:42 Yeah, I guess you don't know what revenge you would have gotten for that. It's waging a war that I'm not sure I'm ready to enter. Yeah. Oof. Yeah. Tough stuff. Stalkers are tough.
Starting point is 01:17:53 They are. God, I can't even imagine. Especially when they're unstable. And they're smart. The smart ones are scary. Because they're smart and unstable. Oh God. Stalkers, that might just have to be its own episode.
Starting point is 01:18:03 You should. That should be an episode. Have your back. Please, I'd love to. Well, that's all I have for you guys on this deep dive episode of Two Hot Takes. Please reach out to me and let me know if you guys like hearing more of our personal experiences
Starting point is 01:18:18 that relate to the stories or if we should just stick close to the Reddit lines. But I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope to hear from you soon. Bye. Got to walk the dogs, school drop off, meetings from 10 to 3, take kids to soccer practice, then... There goes the extra time for a jog.
Starting point is 01:18:53 That's okay. Maybe next week. When everyone else relies on you, it's easy to put your knees on the ground. You can't just sit there and watch them. You can't just sit there and watch them. You can't just sit there and watch them. You can't just sit there and watch them.
Starting point is 01:19:09 You can't just sit there and watch them. You can't just sit there and watch them. Therapy is a dedicated time to focus on what you need to be happy. So you can show up for yourself the way you do for others. BetterHelp offers convenient online therapy on your schedule.
Starting point is 01:19:25 It's the same professional service you'd get from an in-person therapist, but with the option to communicate when and how you want. By chat, phone, or video call. Go to their site and fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist and switch therapists anytime for no additional charge.
Starting point is 01:19:42 Find more balance with BetterHelp. Visit today to get 10% off your first month. That's Do whatever it takes. No matter how many times it takes. We did it, so can you. For free and confidential help,
Starting point is 01:20:19 call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit Developed by CDC.

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