Two Hot Takes - 8: Second Chances.. To Give, or Not to Give?

Episode Date: March 25, 2021

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by her guest co-host, Lauren. Episode includes blind reactions to Reddit stories about conflicts and if they'd give them a second chance or not! Stories include a... woman whose husband rented a $2,000 yacht, a girl whose fiancé has a fart fetish, a woman whose husband didn't get the message it was date night and brought a baby, and a girl whose boyfriend is obsessed with her ex. Things get a bit heated...  Show your support (much appreciated): Full length Video episodes available on YouTube:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you tired of taking antidepressants and just not getting the relief you want? Ketamine treats depression, anxiety and PTSD. 75% of patients get 100 days of relief and freedom from depression. It works. Change your life. Give them a phone call. Their number is 385-474-6946 or visit their website, Like this show and want to make your own? Let me tell you about Anchor. It's the site that I use for my podcast and best part it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and Anchor will even distribute the podcast for you so it can be heard on Spotify, Apple Podcast and many more. It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Download the free Anchor app or go to to get started. Oh my lower back. People might say our age shows but they haven't seen me in my back pain. We are creaking and cracking today like I'm having a shoulder impingement problem. Lauren's having a back problem. I bought a new bed and it still didn't work. I'm going to the chiropractor. I don't even know. Don't judge us. We're 27 but we're old at heart. Have you seen that TikTok that they're talking about in between Gen Z and Millennials? Oh yeah. The Zennials? Yeah or whatever it is and we kind of just make the cut or we don't make the cut. They're saying it's like 95 and I'm a 94. Oh I saw 94 and I'm 93 in the one that I watched though. I saw 95. I mean it's
Starting point is 00:01:48 yeah it's kind of up for debate but I just thought that was really funny because it is a really weird concept right now where the talk of Millennials and Gen Z is just the talk of the town and I never realized that we were so different or there's different little pockets. You know I kind of thought like oh we're all just young we're in our 20s and our teens whatever. But no it really matters. That's quite the range. Yeah well at least we're not the generation that's eating Tide Pods. That's Gen Z. Well I'm definitely not that. We're good there. You're close though you just said you're a cusper. No I'm a 94. You almost ate a Tide Pod but thank god you were one year different. Not a chance. I would just like to know what those
Starting point is 00:02:35 people were thinking like I'm going to eat this laundry detergent. It's going to taste great. Like why? What was the reason? I don't know. I'm not up on those trends. No but I remember when that happened. I don't remember it. It seemed like there was a brilliant idea behind it. Let me just cleanse my insides. No you know because there was this thing going around where models were eating cotton balls. What? Yeah to feel full. Oh my god. It's not good for you. This is not advice on how to feel full. Do you remember that show? It was on like TLC. It was like my crazy obsession and I saw this lady that was obsessed with eating moth balls. What's a moth ball? It's like this like bug deterrent you put in your closet so moths don't
Starting point is 00:03:21 eat your clothes. Interesting. It's very old school. Okay does it taste good? No no it's like it's poison. It's literally poison. And this other guy was like in love with his car. He would like get under his car and he was into it. But okay weird show but I mean second chances right? It's all about second chances. Yeah. Just don't give the tie pods a second chance. No. No. No. Are you ready? Yeah. Okay let's do it. After the weekend we've both had this episode is kind of perfect. Second chances to give or not to give. Okay. I'm kind of scared already. Well Friday night started out pretty rough. We had a friend one of your close close friends reach out and she was having some troubles
Starting point is 00:04:26 in her relationship. And so it just kind of you know do you give a second chance? Is it worth giving a second chance? Does it ever pay off to give a second chance? I'm a big fan of second chances. But it's always it depends on where you're at emotionally, mentally. If you don't think there's any chance in hell that you're going to be able to not hold it against the other person then what's the point? But if you think that there's a chance that you can really forgive and not hold it against the person that you love and want to be with then I think absolutely. Yeah. Second chances. Yeah. I've given a lot of second chances and sometimes they've worked out and sometimes they don't. It's just flip a coin. Yeah. Do you feel like you've given your boyfriend
Starting point is 00:05:18 Justin second chances? He's never really done anything to warrant the need for a second chance. Okay. Yet. Interesting. Okay. But no he's he's been pretty good. I think communication is really really hard and like something we've talked about this past weekend like communication is not easy with relationships, friends, family, setting boundaries and having open healthy communication is so hard. So I think a lot of the issues we're going to read today kind of stem to that but I think we've had like minor issues that communication and miscommunication is an issue but it's been pretty it's been pretty chill are a little over two years in. Good. Well, I know I just ordered that book that you recommended. I read the first the introduction.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Did I come? Yeah. Oh, shit. Yeah. Amazon Prime baby for the win. So this relationship book actually even just reading the introduction I already felt better because after this weekend I realized there was just issues in my relationship with communication and they're not like there's not things it's not like I can't trust I can't like so I thought. However, there's just issues with communication that makes everything so much harder when it doesn't have to be like we go through these like loops in order to get to the same like end result. Yeah. So it's just being able to figure out a way to get from point A to point B without the issues in between a lot quicker like and so I think that the fact that me and my my boyfriend
Starting point is 00:06:53 we can get to point A to point B but it just is like takes like budding head in between so much. I think that just figuring out how to kind of skip all the fucking messy shit in the middle. Yeah, I feel that I think you know when I have had fights what like me and Justin Picker of course like every couple fights our relationship is not perfect no relationship is and I think like when we do disconnect it is literally just we're talking we're speaking different languages you're just like it's hard you gotta how do you not beat around the bush and a lot of these stories today they definitely miscommunicated and they could have just gone from A to B but they took every fucking candyland route in between to get there.
Starting point is 00:07:35 So I'm curious are these stories that you're about to tell me are you kind of right now what's your feel on them are there some happy endings like I don't know if I can stomach every single one yeah every single one being like up yeah there are too fragile I've had a rough weekend there are some good ones but yeah there's some that might make you want to pull out your hair and kind of be like what the fuck okay I'm just gonna start this off aggressive today okay. Am I the asshole for being mad at my husband for spending $2,000 to rent a yacht for his best friend's welcoming party using money I saved for our home renovation absolutely absolutely right that person's the asshole wait oh sorry no the asshole yes yeah yeah oh my god I'm like what the
Starting point is 00:08:33 hell Lauren I thought I know you like a good party but no no I why did I hear like is he the asshole for buying a yacht yeah yeah so yes he's an asshole for that that's not cool at all no so just despicable I female 34 I'm a nurse I've been married to my husband Dale for two years we bought a small house that we got for a reasonable price however the house is in bad no miserable shape and we moved in nine months ago I've been putting money in our joint account to try to renovate the house room by room I was able to renovate the kitchen since I couldn't wait it cost about $4,500 I'm currently saving up for the bathroom renovation it's an utter mess and so far I was able to save up $2,500 his salary isn't much he can't help with renovations but
Starting point is 00:09:21 still takes care of our daily expensive hope I made it clear now the issue I would be furious because when you first read that off even if he had a good paying job and was contributing like equally or whatever yeah it's like that's still just not respectful at all no just be like know that your wife is putting money in there to save for a future for you guys to be better and you're just gonna blow it on not even your own birthday party but your best friends like it's a welcoming party it doesn't even sound like it's a birthday yeah like how how how much do you respect your relationship if that's what you're gonna do none you know no it's like it's not even your money and granted yeah okay it's a joint account right but joint account stuff
Starting point is 00:10:00 then goes for like stuff that benefits you both right and home improvements or you have a discussion about it before you spend anything over a hundred dollars in my opinion like yeah 2k is a lot of money to spend without asking your partner right unless unless I mean obviously it's dependent on how much each person works or like not works but their income yeah their income but I mean with these details it's just an absolute no-brainer he's not respecting the relationship no so Dale has a best friend who spent years overseas I also fucked Dale dumbass Dale they're very close and since his friend told him he was coming home Dale has been planning on having a welcoming party for him along with other guys in the group Dale complained about
Starting point is 00:10:41 wanting to do something special to welcome his friend home but not having money to do it I gave him several ideas but he still wanted to do something big he asked about the bathroom renovation money and if he could use some of the money we discussed it and I told him that it's urgent to get the bathroom fixed told him I too don't get to buy things I want but I'm making sacrifices here and he said he understood I'm sorry she literally said no and he still went and did this oh there better be something good otherwise like this is yesterday I was checking the email and discovered that Dale has made a reservation and rented a yacht for one day the cost was two thousand dollars the payment was done via our joint account and I only got the notification hours later I was shocked
Starting point is 00:11:27 I waited shocked I would be livid I would not have I would not have a husband anymore no chance I would not have a husband no longer I was shocked I waited for him to come home and I immediately asked him about the yacht you waited how are some people on here so patient so calm yeah so calm you see a two thousand dollar charge on your joint account one she's a nurse we're in a fucking pandemic you know she's working her ass off so that's a really good point grinding regardless of if she's in a covid ward or not she's grinding right she's a nurse she's seen what's going on with the pandemic and then he's having a huge yelp Bernie like the irony fuck her what a little fuck her and he's like granted I get he doesn't make a lot so he contributes what he can but that doesn't mean
Starting point is 00:12:09 you can then just fucking spend money what is wrong with people wow this one has left me heated like I'm oh is this the one that you texted me that you want to punch a hole in the wall no oh damn yeah Morgan texted me um was it yesterday yeah and you're like I'm getting heated right now with these Reddit stories I'm about to punch a hole in the wall yeah no and I was like oh no you're just knowing it's coming from me yeah oh my god so he said yes he did rent a yacht to use for his friend's welcoming party said he picked the cheapest one as if that makes it better I was livid I kept asking why he didn't tell me and why he thought this was okay he said that I shouldn't be angry with him since he'll figure a way to pay me everything back in four
Starting point is 00:12:53 months meaning he'll pay back five hundred dollars for four months we've been arguing I told him to cancel the reservation but he refused saying that this is his childhood friend so he's important to him what is your wife chop liver literally that's what I'm thinking also does this childhood friend expect him to throw down two thousand dollars for dollars for him to come home or does he just expect to spend quality time with him yeah you know it's like if you have the money to do that that's great yeah if you don't you just look like a dumbass you look like an idiot okay how many other guys like he said it it was a group of guys like if there's other guys then why aren't they all splitting this it's kind of like the party bus thing yeah if you and all your friends get a
Starting point is 00:13:33 party bus for someone's birthday like it all it's it's split right so it's like why is everyone not splitting this fucking yacht I yelled at him and insisted but he said I was hurting his feelings and not understanding how important his friendship is and how excited he is to welcome his friend home he's um how is how old is he he sounds like he's 12 she's 34 she does not mention his age but either way I'm embarrassed I'm embarrassed for him I'm mad for her so he said he already invited his friends and will be so embarrassed to cancel everything now the argument got heated I just packed my stuff after telling him he's unreasonable to spend months worth of savings on one day and he should be focusing on the house since we live in it but he kept saying I'm selfish
Starting point is 00:14:19 for still insisting he cancels the reservation and told me to be careful because he's feeling like I'm financially abusing him leave him now run literally run a second chance no second chance like usually I like to see the benefit of the doubt no no no respect no no remorse totally like went against her wishes after they had like an open conversation about this and it's like what I mean I would even after this if he decided that he was sorry and everything like that or whatever it is I'm sorry I'll cancel it you're right but I would lose trust after that I wouldn't want to have a joint account anymore and that sucks that sucks that you have to lose trust in someone that your partner that you want to be with that you're married to that you love like
Starting point is 00:15:05 to lose trust to want to not want to share an account with them because they betrayed you yeah because they did something behind your back 100 um so I just think that this there's no hope for this one and it should just be done oh yeah absolutely this guy needs to have some I don't know Kenny's a wake-up call he sounds like a complete narcissist just only concerned about himself I'm embarrassed I'm embarrassed my friends are gonna if I cancel you're the one that fucked up buddy okay then it's like the dick doc like PlayStation make you dinner I feel like okay your friends can fuck you then yeah have sex with your friends seriously have fun fucking the yacht so the top comment on this one not the asshole I'd cancel the yacht even if you have to take
Starting point is 00:15:51 a hit from canceling part of 2000 is better than none of it back and if you decide to not divorce your childish self-centered selfish spend-thrift husband I strongly recommend you open up a banking checking and saving account in your name only and hide the passwords yeah like that one that's a good response yeah sometimes you read these off I'm like oh I wish I had that response I know like my brain was so rational I know but they also okay but give me a little bit of a benefit because they actually can think about it and formulate their words and write it all down yeah whereas like my I have blind reactions it's hard it's scary it is but you put yourself out there every day I do the next one the false accusation of financial abuse is where you have to draw the
Starting point is 00:16:33 line op that's a serious accusation to make and he's only doing it to make you feel guilty for being angrier that was kind of a cute word just gurgling and he's only doing it to make you feel guilty being angry that he stole thousands of dollars yeah no that's true yeah that response is not none of his responses were okay what would be okay if he was like okay shit you're right I made an impulsive decision yeah without you and that was wrong I was just so excited I wanted to be the hero I wanted to impress my friends and that was so wrong um however I'll take a huge hit on on like you know I'll only get 50% back and if she's catching it early typically like you have 24 hours yeah a lot of stuff which yeah so that's true hopefully they'd be able to work with her but or
Starting point is 00:17:25 like or at least if he addressed like that was stupid like honestly I just I this is wrong as that was of me I hope you can consider like still letting me go through with this and I will pay you back faster than four months I just you know like maybe if he was just like you're right that was so stupid of me like there was no but there was no it was just kind of like but mom like yeah and it's like okay get rid of him he's a fucking idiot yeah OP does not comment there's no update and the post was removed she's busy getting divorced I hope so I'm mad after that one I need I need one that's like I think they're all gonna make me mad I don't think I ever I don't think I found a good one you told me this was a lighthearted one after my hard weekend okay this one might make you laugh
Starting point is 00:18:15 okay boyfriend conveniently waited until we were engaged before telling me that he has a fart fetish that's actually amazing wait are you is this one of yours too no but like how funny is that I mean the fact that he held it in unintended for that long and he waits until they're engaged and he's just like he don't want to scare off by the way it just drops the bomb literally got it okay maybe I'm the immature one my 25 female boyfriend turned fiance 31 male have been engaged for just under a month on Thursday he divulged to me that he has a fetish for women farting more specifically women farting during sex no no it's gonna be a no from me dog I overcame the initial I feel I've heard about that before though like that doesn't sound that crazy I've heard about like
Starting point is 00:19:18 people pooping on like someone's chest like I didn't think that one was real I've heard about that I thought that one was not real so I'll probably you know have him on an episode down the road but my boyfriend's roommate Austin like your boyfriend poops on your chest no no god with his bowel issues no never but Austin his roommate he's very open about his sex and sexuality and like he was talking about like this group sex experience he had and he's like yeah I got poop gone once and I'm like wow not on purpose like total accident oh okay and so um I don't know if that makes it better or worse I mean I think it acts like everyone's into their their own kinks and yeah you know teach their own but right so that's why it's like if it's a kink then it's kind of like
Starting point is 00:20:05 okay weird but that's your kink yeah but it's an accident now it's embarrassing yeah that is true there was no consent to be pooped on if there's consent it's a little different yeah that's true I overcame the initial shock and managed to hide my disgust for long enough to hear him out after he finished explaining himself I made it very clear to him that I am not comfortable with that fetish and will not be doing that for him he acknowledged that I'm starting to think I may need to rethink this relationship if I won't indulge his fetish then how will he I don't mean to kink shame but certain things are just too far it's a huge turn off for me and I haven't been able to look at him the same since he told me or even think about having sex with him maybe I'm being too judgy and
Starting point is 00:20:47 I need to calm down but I'm angry that he kept this from me for years of dating and waited until we were engaged to tell me something like this it's a red flag it's manipulative and it makes me wonder what else he could be keeping from me plus marrying a man who has a fetish would be a deal breaker for many sexual compatibility is one of my top priorities what should I do I agree with that yeah I think if she knows that's like one of her top priorities is sexual compatibility and I'm with her on that you can't go through he's been really rational oh so rational and I also think like it is a red flag if that's something you're into like he's already waited for you know sounds like they did for a couple years so he's already at least waited two years to even tell her that's
Starting point is 00:21:28 his fetish like why yeah I don't know I feel like you need to be really open with your partner especially when it comes to sex and stuff like that so why I think that because it seems like she's using the word manipulation and while that could be true I don't think that's completely fair because I'm thinking that he's probably just really embarrassed and scared and it was probably not until that he got engaged that he was like I'm comfortable with this person like this is going to be someone who's not just going to like think I'm a freaking weirdo and go and tell everyone and make fun of me lol we're all talking about it so I think that it's a really scary thing for some people to disclose their fetishes because they are they are very taboo and just kind of
Starting point is 00:22:18 weird and you know so I mean I kind of I think that but she has every right to be like but that's not fair to me and and feel betrayed by just him not communicating earlier because it's like you feel like when you get engaged to someone you're supposed to feel like you really know them like yeah inside out for like the good portion you know and so to not know something about that where he makes it seem like a fetish is something that's important to you in my opinion that's not something like if he was like oh it kind of turns me on but because he's saying it's a fetish of his that makes it seem like okay that's something that he really enjoys and that's important to him in a sexual relationship also where where does he want to be farted on like does he want to be farted on in
Starting point is 00:23:04 his face does he just want you to fart when you're on top of him what is the like I need more info I'm picturing it like from behind you know doggy yeah doggy style I just like at that point I'd be worried about getting pink eye I don't know there's also an easy fix to this she doesn't actually have to fart she could just buy one of those little fart machines with a clicker just hide it under the bed just click click click click see I think he likes to watch it happen I feel like that's more of it based on what I've heard about stuff like that like I feel like it's more of the watching it happen that's why I was thinking doggy so I don't think it's the noise oh which reminds me you know what I mean okay did you see this was like a big thing on
Starting point is 00:23:49 tiktok 2 where people were like talking they're like um when you're doing doggy ask your boyfriend but he's watching your butthole you yeah because apparently your butthole pulses ew yeah so guys stare at your butthole when you're in doggy now I'm over it let's move on I don't like that at all yeah so text your boyfriend be like no do you stare at my butthole when we're doing it doggy no I refuse don't put these ideas in my head text him I asked my boyfriend he goes no and I'm like I just why are you so normal or are you lying but I don't think he's lying like he's just so normally doesn't like the only fetish he has is like tall stockings and like garters oh that's cute yeah that's it um do you have you ever seen that tiktok where um a guy says that they pull the skin
Starting point is 00:24:40 around their balls out and they make it into a cup and like when they're in the shower and then they make a little cup of water in the shower oh and yeah I so you said that you asked Justin that and he was like no I asked my boyfriend and he goes as my boyfriend he's like oh yeah of course how'd you know he's like yeah there's no chance that like not everyone's done that he goes Justin's a liar I know Justin do you make water no I do it with my boobs really yeah like when I'm in the shower I'll like like my boobs are yeah because you have nice big boobs I that's never even crossed my mind no so you just like put your arms under your boobs and then just like let it fill up like a little water bowl oh it's kind of fun yeah and then all of a sudden you like bring your arms out
Starting point is 00:25:22 and all the water splash I'm gonna try that and see if it works with me it's just weird god too much info I hope my family isn't listening I yeah I hope that every day but it's just true okay second chance on the fart fetish yes I would give this one a second chance yeah I think he's worthy he's not doing anything evil he's just like explaining and he's scared I'm not personally into it but but like yeah I mean if if she it just depends how it plays out because yeah if she's like this is an absolutely no yeah an ultimatum I will never be down to even explore this and if this is like an ultimatum for him where he's like he will only be satisfied if this happens because it's like one of those things like you don't want him to go off and like looks at stuff online to like get
Starting point is 00:26:08 his satisfaction yeah that kind of sucks I mean it can it can work but like it still kind of sucks I think there's ways around this like I um I haven't gone to this level of comfort yet where I'll comfortably fart around my boyfriend spend two years but like I'm I'm just not there yet because I'm not I don't know I just remember the one time I like I've never tried to fart around any of my boyfriends but one time I was walking and you just I was walking I was walking and you can only clench your butt cheeks so hard sometimes and so I farted and he like looked at me and he's did you just fart and I'm like no this is my flip-flop and I was like Minnesota in the summer wet grass flip-flop I'm like it could have been plausible yeah it could have been
Starting point is 00:26:49 plausible and he looks at me he goes no no no you just farted and so then it was like once your first boyfriend was this my first high school boyfriend first one the tree in one of the tree brother no no no not one of them but I got to that comfort level but um I don't know it's just like I'm not I haven't cracked the seal on Justin and farting in front of him yet but I I think I have because sometimes I'll like fart in my sleep and I'll like literally scare myself awake because no way when I sleep I'm just thinking don't fart in front of Justin don't fart in front of Justin and I'll literally scare myself awake you know when you're like kind of sleeping but not sleeping yeah and I fart and I'm like is he awake and so funny I'm I'm the
Starting point is 00:27:30 complete opposite and like this goes back to our first episode when we were talking about the guy who poops in the shower so I end up deadlier or loud yeah no and and how I was just like oh I have a if I had that happen like I would poop back see how he likes it and so Jeff loves to fart in front of me like loudly yeah like it's it sounds animated how loud it is but it never smells so that's good but however I just feel like it's rude and so every time if he's aggressively pushing them out he's aggressively pushing them out I'm like yeah I'm like you didn't even try he's like it's slipped he says that every time it's slipped you have a weak anal sphincter then buddy and so I get so mad because I'm like I'm like do you not love me like and I'm joking but like
Starting point is 00:28:16 um and so then now now I fart in front of him because I'm like I hope it fucking smells bitch dish it right back literally I'm like learn your lesson I'm like if you want this to stop you know what you can do yeah my aunt uh I think she's been with her husband now for like 20 years 25 years but like married for at least 15 and she has still has never farted in front of him no way has never lined you no he he will tell you the same thing never heard Maggie fart how I don't know is everything okay yeah I mean she seems like she doesn't have any stomach issues past time to each their own on that one I'm sure I'll crack the seal he sends me videos too of these
Starting point is 00:29:08 like TikToks of this one the other day it was like this girl backing her butt up to her boyfriend and the boyfriend being like I'm ready for your farts and I'm like you're saying you're showing me this shit because I know you hear me fart in my sleep he's like no I promise I never have and I'm like oh that's so funny I wonder why like why I don't know because you're so comfortable with him in every way I know in so many ways I don't know so I'm just like what it's so funny to me that that is like the one thing that's just like nope because they're they're I don't have silent but dead least typically they're just loud they're both okay I feel like if they're I mean everyone has had both come on yeah but I feel like if they're silent they smell and I feel like if they're
Starting point is 00:29:52 loud they still smell I I have some I just there's no winning either way so I don't fart in front of him because like you just never know what you're gonna get yeah it's a magic April yeah replacement windows by amsco windows are masterfully crafted right here in Utah at prices you can afford our windows combine energy efficiency sturdy design and great colors including black choose from several options styles and colors to create the perfect fit with over 30 million units installed amsco windows is a time-tested industry leader for more information visit request a quote and mention this ad and you'll receive 15 off next one I don't know I think you're gonna you could go either way on this one so we'll see am I the asshole for
Starting point is 00:30:48 leaving in an uber after what my husband did at the restaurant me 31 female and my husband 35 male have been married for 14 months he's a middle school teacher very close to his family loves to help out but can be firm at times he adores his one and a half year old niece he always babysits whenever he's got nothing to do I help with whatever I can we haven't gone out for a nice dinner in a while so I asked if we could go out to a new restaurant and try their food and have a good time together he agreed and I immediately made a reservation and took care of everything since I couldn't take the day off I left work early and went to meet him there at the restaurant I walked in and saw my husband sitting with his niece in a car seat by the table I asked him and
Starting point is 00:31:33 he said his sister had worked and wanted him to watch his niece his family were out of town so there was no one else besides him I noticed the restaurant staff were giving us looks since it's not a child-friendly restaurant and I was worried the baby would cry or something she was asleep at the time we ordered our meals while he was calming his niece down because she started crying he kept asking the waitress about stuff they don't have for his niece and I couldn't take the looks from people that were now unable to enjoy their meals because of the noise my husband's niece was making I would be so irate at this point yeah I'm like I'm you know I'm just like oh but the little I know but in situations like that it's so uncomfortable I mean people go there to get away
Starting point is 00:32:18 from all the noise that we hear that we have to deal with you know they get away so that they can just like be in their zen moment so it's just like as much as like we want to be accommodating and loving to children and people who have children in situations like that yeah don't go out don't put other people through that because that's not fair to anyone else like they're trying to really just like unplug or whatever you want to call it yeah relax relax focus on their dinner not think about their child crying at home with their nanny or like whatever they're doing yeah no it's like you can pay for a nanny yeah and I get like trying to help your family out and like no one's available but then pay for it yeah then or pay for a nanny like a babysitter for for your family if they're
Starting point is 00:32:59 just like I can't afford it whatever just be like we have these plans so I would be upset but I also wouldn't be I wouldn't think he's a huge asshole or anything because he's trying to do the right thing like he's a good guy like he's you know like he's not like he didn't show up with like his side thing like he showed up with a baby you know so it's like he's trying to do the right thing he's just being an idiot like they all are so um so she goes on to say his noise was like disturbing the whole entire restaurant especially when he started singing You're Welcome from the Moana movie while swinging her I got up to go to the restroom wait he sounds like such a keeper though like besides the setting great dad like he's gonna be a great dad if you guys decide to have
Starting point is 00:33:41 kids but at the same time like dude read the room this is a nice upscale restaurant you're fucking ruining the whole vibe for every other person there yeah a few minutes later I heard him arguing loudly I went to see that he was actually trying to change his niece's diaper on the table no what oh my god I was just taking a nice little sip of my wine and joining it and that just registered and I was like no fucking chance yeah the waitress was arguing with him I was in shock the manager came after my husband said he'd take a minute to get it done the manager spoke to me and asked me to leave I was livid we left and I blew up outside did they pay and they must have or honestly maybe the restaurant was like yeah maybe they didn't care
Starting point is 00:34:30 get the fuck out of here like we don't even want your money right asked my husband that's what they should do because at that point like yeah kicking someone out like who's yeah I mean they shouldn't have let him in from the start like that's that's the issue like from like like a host like they should be like I'm sorry like no children under 12 like you know like they need to make rules like that because it shouldn't have even gotten to that point no no and you honestly like you have to explicitly say something for people to really get it like if it's oh it's so nice we're just going to assume no one's going to bring their kid no always assume people will do what they want to do like strictly have rules no kids well I worked at a restaurant in Minnesota and it's called
Starting point is 00:35:08 Rosa Mexicano and they have one in New York one in LA which I've never been to and and then a couple of other places but in Minnesota it's like they have these company-wide rules where this is the dress code so if you're in New York it's like you can't have like a cap on you can't have like and sneakers on or like I don't know just like stupid things like they were trying to like keep up like their upscale like vision and then they also try to follow it to a T so that they weren't being discriminatory like based off of like well that's those sneakers kind of work those don't you know so it's like it's one of those things where you just have to have an all over if you're gonna do something like that you have an all-around rule because otherwise it's just like
Starting point is 00:35:48 people get heated oh yeah remember when we went to Magic Castle oh my god yeah they have a strict dress code and one of our friends I was like for my birthday and one of our friend was wearing something that just like wasn't cocktail attire and so they made her tie like basically a wrap skirt they made a tire around her outfit and honestly like I thought it looked better like yeah it looked really good but she lost it she was so embarrassed because it was like she already was a little bit nervous about her outfit from the start because like you know how sometimes you get ready and then everyone gets ready and then you you liked your outfit and then you're like wait but I like there's better and now you don't like your outfit as much I try on 20
Starting point is 00:36:25 things before I leave yeah so she like she had the outfit ready when and like put it on whenever she was like like with all of us so it was like I think I think it was one of those things where you're like she was already kind of questioning her outfit but we're like no it looks amazing like it looks great yeah and then to like yeah and then to have people and then like be like sorry actually you I need to talk to you like that's so uncomfortable even though magic castle is just like so strict like that kind of embarrassing yeah I mean this one like this guy just did it to himself so OP goes on to say we left and I blew up outside asked my husband why the table while people were sitting around eating that's the other thing if there's a poopy diaper and people at tables are
Starting point is 00:37:05 next to you doesn't seem that's literally like now I'm I'm I'm so I'm confused because I really liked this guy but what like you don't have no idea how social norms like social behaviors why would he not go to the bathroom yeah that's confusing to me yeah she goes on he could have told me and I would have picked a different restaurant that allows infants he embarrassed me ruined dinner and got us kicked out he started arguing with me like I was one of his students after I refused to get in the car giving me zero out of 10 for my reaction and claiming I picked a bad restaurant okay now I'm you get a zero out of 10 for that reaction yeah apologize you fucked up I don't like this now I really really liked him and now I'm just slowly yeah slowly starting to hate him
Starting point is 00:37:57 how do you not understand that oh anyway sorry go on yeah said that he was helping his sister and I needed to understand that after the argument I took an uber and went home he went to his sister's place and called saying I shouldn't have left like that and make him feel guilty for wanting to help but I didn't respond I just want to say that my husband is the one who insists on taking his niece he doesn't consider this babysitting he just loves to be with her and take care of her he said he wants us to adopt since it's our only way of having children why medical reasons he obviously adores kids so I understand his bond with his niece but the restaurant incident was blamed on me he thinks my reaction was over the top and honestly I have no idea why he thinks people
Starting point is 00:38:41 should mind their own business when he's behaving like that in a public place yeah that's that's tough because it sounds like there's a lot more going on there you know like there's so much stuff internally like it sounds like he genuinely really wants a kid and it probably just makes him that's fine and dandy but you don't like your wife you guys haven't had any like quality time no I mean it's not acceptable it's not okay however I do think that it sounds like he has a big heart and he's just like feigning to like you know love and take care and like raise like a child of his own for sure but at the end of the day like that's not your kid right that's your sisters and you can help out and be the fun uncle and that's great but you also have a partner
Starting point is 00:39:23 don't forget about your partner and don't lose quality time yeah it doesn't matter how long you've been together you should still be bringing them flowers you should still be planning date nights you should still be showing that like you care and putting effort into the relationship and so like that's fine you want to bring the kid at least tell her give her heads up so you like she said pick a different restaurant and then don't change the baby's diaper at the table around other people that are eating food I completely agree what I but in terms of like second chance or not like I think absolutely a second chance they're married I just think that like he needs to recognize that he's in the wrong but he needs to recognize it in a way that he can come to terms with it on his
Starting point is 00:40:04 own because right now he just feels like I think there's a lot of other things going on so he's just I feel like he's just sad like well I don't have a kid of my own and you don't care and like I just am trying to take care of a kid that I care about that's in my life and like you know me no I think I don't even think it's that big I think truly in his mind he's like it wasn't that big of a deal interesting he's blaming her for overreacting can we do more polls on Instagram yeah because I would love to hear like how people think about taking a baby to a restaurant like if they think that that's okay or not I think you can take a baby to a restaurant a nice one like a nice one like no yeah like I would be no and and then the next poll is okay well if it's okay to
Starting point is 00:40:46 bring the baby to a nice restaurant which like there can be exceptions depending on the restaurant and the vibe is it okay to change the diaper on the table that's not okay that's disgusting I would love to see how people feel about that no like there's places where I go and I know I'm gonna encounter crying kids airplanes if I have a flight I know with 100 percent certainty that there is going to be a screaming infant next to me well Morgan used to be a flight attendant I did used to be a flight attendant and for some reason I've lived a lot of life I'm only 27 I know see I do have a lot of experience commenter that said my age shows no she was nice though she was like I think she probably just annoyed because she was just like okay I have issues with my husband
Starting point is 00:41:31 you're making me like feel like it's just as easy as just like never mind yeah but she was something like she was four stars or I don't know what episode she was giving the star to but she gave four that's still good given the day divorce but yeah I just I just feel like there's certain times you know that you're gonna encounter crying kids and there's nothing you can do about it traveling airplanes like things like that but when you're going to a restaurant that say like you're spending 100 bucks a person like that's pretty expensive even 50 bucks a person is pretty like it's nice yeah so it's like that you just shouldn't have to encounter crying kids when you're spending a hundred dollars on a nice meal yeah I agree kids are having fun sitting in
Starting point is 00:42:10 their car seat like take them to fucking Denny's or Perkins and get them a coloring menu that's fun that's I was also a server at Perkins you guys like one of my favorite jobs I've ever had to this day was working as a server at Perkins what what about Maynard's not Lake no you don't like that one no I love money I did make good money I was kind of I've had a lot of jobs I was a server at this restaurant on the lake in Minnesota and it was beautiful and no people there were snooty Perkins was so fun I made really good money just you served a bunch of like families and yeah happy people yeah it was really great Saturdays and Sunday mornings were the best because you get all the hungover people and they just like came in and they're just like fix my
Starting point is 00:42:54 problems and left you a nice tip why does that sound so nice right now I'm craving pancakes yeah honey yeah we can make some second chance nine o'clock on a Monday but hey but uh definitely he needs never too late for pancakes sorry yeah some work yeah I think um I think this is definitely not a a goodbye though no yeah they're they're married I think you know it sounds like you know they're happy otherwise but he's a little he's got his head in the sand yeah it's gotta gotta have a wake-up call I liked when you were giving me advice you went from uh yesterday you went from head in the sand to head in the clouds and it's funny because every time you said that because you switched off a couple of times I'm like I'm like okay he's up here now
Starting point is 00:43:38 he's down there I'm literally in I'm visualizing because I'm a very like visual thinker so I'm like okay here's where his head is not where it's supposed to be dumb oh my gosh any hour services has a team of technicians that can take care of any plumbing electrical or air conditioning needs you might have around your house got a drain that's clogged call any hour services need a ceiling fan installed call any hour services air conditioner not working call any hour services maintenance repair or install any job any size any hour services mention this ad and take 50 bucks off your next visit call any hour services or schedule online at no one helps more homeowners than any hour services I've got one last one
Starting point is 00:44:22 perfect love that okay my 27 female boyfriend 28 male is obsessed with my ex 27 male we've been together for two years before this I would say our relationship was very close to perfect like I'm sorry couldn't you I was gonna say obsessed like he thinks he's cool or obsessed with like looking at him you're about to find out okay at the beginning of the year though my boyfriend and I were at a grocery store and we bumped into my ex and another friend this was the first time they had ever met each other we made polite conversation before going our separate ways my boyfriend made a sarcastic comment about how nice my ex was when he was out of ear shot I didn't think much of it at the time a few weeks after this I noticed he was on my ex's
Starting point is 00:45:07 Facebook page when I asked him what he was doing he shrugged it off and said he was curious because he saw my ex had commented on Luke a mutual friend of ours post he's since friended him on there and claimed my ex was the one to initiate it he's followed him on Instagram and Twitter too he comments on a lot of his posts but my ex rarely comments back he also somehow got Luke to invite him rarely but he still does some interaction he somehow got Luke to invite him to my ex and his friend's weekly virtual hangouts I mentioned I found it weird they were hanging out but he dismissed it and said it wasn't a big deal he also started talking about changing his career path to what my ex is doing and makes snide comments about if his dad paid his way for him he could
Starting point is 00:45:56 take me on fancy trips too because the accident yeah sounds like it he's also become incredibly passive aggressive towards me and makes comments about how if my ex didn't move abroad for a few years we probably would have never dated if I say no to anything including sex he comments about how he bets I wouldn't say no if my ex was the one asking jeez he also got really sulky when he realized I still had a gift my ex gave me what was the gift I don't know but if it's no but if it's a nice purse like you're not gonna throw that away right of course not like a present is a present yeah no I would I would never end like I also well I just have like a good relationship and friendship with my ex so if he got along with my current boyfriend I I would be like that's cool but
Starting point is 00:46:49 I would not be like go to a boys weekend yeah that's don't go out of your way to like hang out with him or be friends with him right but if they were in the same setting they get along like I would love that because like I have a good relationship with my ex I would just be scared that they would like talk shit about me like oh when she's mad and she makes this face oh my god but other than that I'd be like you know it's it's cool however once you introduced all the rest of the things that he's doing making those comments because I was like okay maybe like the guy like maybe insecure but no it's like it's almost he's it seemed like he liked the guy and just thinks he's cool and is like yeah like he we had a great conversation when we were at this cabin about like what he's doing
Starting point is 00:47:28 I'm really interested in it like all that stuff is like yeah it's kind of weird but throw it all together yeah it's like yeah this other stuff over the top this is that's not good this is really bad no yesterday we had a massive fight over it because I wanted to spend time together but he ditched me to go hang out with my ex wow I got so upset I told him he might as well date my ex instead I don't really know what to do now he's giving me the silent treatment and I heard him tell my ex what I said which is really humiliating what can I do to make him stop hanging out with my ex I just like this is so weird if their relationship was like if they had a bad breakup why is that humiliating it's just like embarrassing she's clearly like jealous and yeah annoyed
Starting point is 00:48:11 right like and that's true like the ex is probably like wow she said that like why she's so jealous like we're just friends like sorry that we get along yeah no we have mutual interest yeah I want to be him um this to me like this dude is clearly like super insecure there's there's definitely more like going on here but like those snide comments like he wouldn't say no if your ex was asking especially about sex yeah like you should never pressure your partner into sex or then guilt trip them or make them feel shitty when you say no right when you said that that was kind of enough for me to be like he's just not the one for you no he's just not no there's too many issues that he has to work through yeah that it doesn't sound like he's a horrible guy but like he did be friend
Starting point is 00:48:54 and become friends with someone that he is also extremely jealous of yeah and that's just it's weird and he's jealous of because of like his girlfriend like that whole combination is just like it's gonna fail no matter like if he continues down this path it's going to fail like I don't really see I think that he could have a friendship with this guy if he wasn't throwing comments like that especially like throwing them about sex too like shaming you for not having sex that's never okay no and so I think that if that wasn't involved then they could have a good little friendship going on but I would definitely say this is not the guy for you and it's you can explain to him like how it makes you feel but at the end of the day I don't think that there's gonna be a future
Starting point is 00:49:41 if things continue down this way no not at all the top comment on this one if you want to be so much like my ex I will just break up with you too I like it that's hot that's really I like it a lot so she gives an update okay so she gave the update nine days ago this post that I the original one I read was three months ago so the update was really recent okay so after my last post I tried to take the advice in the comments and suggested couples counseling and I asked my boyfriend to cut off my ex but he got angry at me again he claimed I was the one who needed therapy because I had jealousy issues and that my ex was one of his good buddies and I couldn't dictate who he was friends with then a week later he had another hangout with my ex and his friends where he proceeded
Starting point is 00:50:31 to very loudly tell them how I was so insecure and I was trying to tell him who he could speak to he's so done he's so far done no second chance where even is the relationship in this like I can't like it's so hard for me to even picture them being happy together they were dating for two years that's insane two years this to me sounds like he what age is he 20s 28 I was gonna say like typically mental illnesses come out in your early 20s and he could have one and it's just kind of coming to surface but like this sounds like something just this doesn't sound normal this sounds like very yeah just almost like he's gone girl ill just not this this isn't healthy or normal it's just like obsessed exactly and it wouldn't like I said it wouldn't be it wouldn't look like
Starting point is 00:51:23 it's obsessed if he didn't make comments like that yeah that's what scares me because that's really that's that's not okay if he was just friends with him it's like yeah it's a little bit weird but like sorry if they get along really well like it clears whatever yeah and another thing that I would not be okay with is the fact that he's just like divulging this like she's so insecure whether that be true or not true or whether he's like like that's not okay no you don't talk shit about your partner and that's especially to our ex-boyfriend yeah it's an uncomfortable situation and that's kind of something that I realized like with like being so you know emotional this weekend and just I mean just trying to figure out communication with my boyfriend and like how we can communicate
Starting point is 00:52:04 best with each other something I realized about my friends that I really appreciate and value is that when I'm sad or like stressed or whatever about something like a relationship it's like you sat down with me and you just like walked through it with me like from a very like third party perspective like you're you know you're saying like this is probably where he was feeling when when you were communicating this and this is probably why the defense went up and all this stuff yeah it's it's a really good picture like holistic picture people talking to their friends being like they're so insecure loudly like that is so not okay no and there's a difference between like venting and trying to like talk about something and rationalize it with another person
Starting point is 00:52:45 talking to your friend and trying to be like I just don't understand where he was coming from like what what do you what's your take on this like what do you think and then you're just throwing your partner out of the bus like you're truly shit talking yeah and I think maybe sometimes you do need a shit talk or vent or something but then do it to someone that isn't so involved in like what the issue is yeah because that that's that sucks you know like do it like talk to your mom about it be like oh she's so insecure I'm so frustrated like something like that but like to talk to the person that you're like claiming that she's insecure about like their friendship yeah that's not cool he's fishing for attention from this person right like he's fishing maybe he's
Starting point is 00:53:24 for the gay something my ex and Luke who's the mutual friend had to tell him to stop which he didn't like at all I should have just broken up with him at this point but I was stupid and still clinging to the hope wait the ex told him to stop too yeah that was like shut up buddy yeah that's when you know that's when you really know that's when you know it's bad I should have just broken up with him at this point but I was stupid and still clinging to the hope of my boyfriend going back to how he was after this happened my boyfriend was constantly making jabs at my ex and Luke and then he would still contact them and pretend to be friends with them then he became super interested in what my sex life was like with my ex oh my god he was constantly
Starting point is 00:54:08 asking me who was better between the two of them and he would ask me if I'd done this or done that with my ex damn I could see him like in a different scenario if all this was in the case I could see someone being like I want to do something with you that you've never done with anyone before yeah you know I could see that this this is crazy yeah I read this to Justin my boyfriend I like got to this part and he's like well like I don't know like I've asked you about you know past partners and like things you've you know tried or if there's anything else you're interested in and I'm like you're not asking me in a way that you're curious about my ex or it's it's the whole layup of this yeah like there's other there's so many other factors so many factors
Starting point is 00:54:47 that makes this if this if that was the only instance if he was just like am I better than your ex than is and like that's only yeah comment and that was the story then it's just kind of like okay whatever yeah but it's the combination of all of these things together that makes it kind of he literally wants to be the ex yeah he wants to be him yeah I feel like we see movies about stuff like this like that Beyonce movie obsessed or whatever it was oh I never watched that but I did hear about that yeah she goes on to say I kept telling him I didn't want to talk about it and to stop asking me I then find out from my ex and Luke that he has been asking my ex directly the same questions wow wow how does the ex handle that like what a how does he respond doesn't really say
Starting point is 00:55:34 and that he has been bragging about our sex life to his friends my ex said he was telling me because my boyfriend made a comment about loaning me to my ex if he ever felt like recreating old times wow that was the final straw for me and I broke up with him and moved out my now they were living together yeah damn two years I mean that's a good a good chunk of time I just didn't know they were living together but I guess that makes sense yeah how old are they again 27 wow and 28 my now ex boyfriend didn't take the breakup well and he went on a smear campaign he even contact my family and my ex's family to tell them we were apparently having an affair and that he had no choice but to break up with me what's wrong with him it's been almost a month
Starting point is 00:56:22 since we broke up and he keeps getting new numbers to text and call me yeah I really think this is like a mental illness absolutely like this is not normal and like I think it's gotten to the yeah like no she OP needs to get a restraining order or some sort of protective order because this is not normal to then like lie and manipulate and like totally change the situation and call your ex's family and not only just your ex's family you call that guy that you're obsessed with and you've been trying to be friends with and basically be unreal I just obviously there's a lot of other details but and it's way easier said than done when you're in a situation but I just can't even imagine her staying with him for as long as she did because I would have been done
Starting point is 00:57:06 after oh my god the first like it's hard because she has like what she was saying she has these memories of how he was before yeah and now it's just like she's just waiting for that to come back but it hasn't come back you know it's really tough and so what is she looking for she just looking like what she just that was just an update she just oh okay yeah the first the first oh you oh because you said that it was like three months ago yeah yeah so it took like three months for them to break up I just I'd be scared it's it's hard because I'm picturing him just being this little punk ass bitch but you have to like remember that there's other things that he does too he's probably being sweet some other times or like yeah I don't know well I think she was just like like she said
Starting point is 00:57:45 kind of holding out hope that waiting that he would be his himself again yeah yeah which again like how do you just flip a switch after two years and become I don't know that's that's crazy like if it was the beginning of their relationship and he got really insecure like right after he met this guy but like after being together for that long and then deciding to I'm surprised that X like wanted to be friends with him like I'm surprised he didn't see some other red flags too seriously really really strange well I'm glad she got out me too didn't give him another restrainer I would change my name go to the witness protection program really I get scared with people like that well that's all I have for you on this episode of two hot takes I'm out of wine
Starting point is 00:58:29 and stories so until next time I'm out of blind reactions Lauren's back is hurting but my back is hurting way in you guys we would love to hear if you guys think that some of these stories warranted a second chance or if we were on the money or if we were wrong and you would run the opposite direction or if you agree with Morgan or me because we have different opinions yeah we want to hear from you guys so we'll have to post some polls on Instagram definitely about the one who changed his baby on the table because that I just find repulsive so we'll see we'll see what you guys think but I see until next time adios bye oh
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