Two Hot Takes - 85: Two Sides to EVERY Story..

Episode Date: October 13, 2022

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Lauren! Called in an emergency session to get this episode to y'all.. and boy was it something having two sides to every one of these stories. It...'s easy to forget sometimes when we only read one Reddit post, but this week shows how having the other side can really change things... Join us for our New Spotify Live Show: to join LIVE !! to listen to already aired episodes !! Patreon for bonus content: Our SubReddit to Submit YOUR Stories!!! Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: Partners: Faherty: Hello Fresh: Promo Code: THT65 Nutrafol: Promo Code: THT MedCline:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody? I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater, Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tankless would cost, the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available and right now you can save $400 on a tanked water heater or $1,200 on a tankless. Call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today. Google Any Hour Services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. I got you a little presents. Thank you. All the way from Iceland.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Or London. London. One of the two. In a duty-free shop. Milka does seem like a London brand. Yeah, which also I've been having a lot of stomach problems and I just put two and two together that like milk, Milka. Mm-hmm. Probably dairy. It probably has so much dairy because I've just been eating these like the whole trip. I just keep like chomping on these like chocolate things, but my stomach is still messed up and I haven't had them since like Saturday at least. I texted Morgan and I was like, I'm going to be late. Had dairy today. Never a good idea. Oh God. My stomach has been not happy. That's an understatement. I keep tooting. Kat's out of the bag, guys. She toots in front of Justin now.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Crazy. Kat is out of the bag. I can't help it. My stomach is so messed up. I can't hold that in. Like I tried holding it in a couple of days in Iceland when we were driving because me and Justin drove the whole ring road around Iceland and it's like you can't hold that in when you're like in pain. My stomach really started cramping. I was in pain from holding them in. I just had to start letting them fly in the car. I would like roll down the window. I'm like, do you smell that? Is that, is there a guy user nearby? Hot spring? It smells like sulfur. It's just so funny to me because you guys are so close and so comfortable on everything and this one will always boggle my mind because I, it was like literally two weeks into dating my boyfriend
Starting point is 00:02:06 at the time and he like would fart so loud and so often it was like, almost like he was proud of it. And so then I was, and I kept being like, hey, that's rude. Don't fart in front of me. And he'd be like, rude. What? Yeah. And then I was like, well, don't fart when I'm in the middle of a sentence or something. I don't know. It just feels wrong how often you do it. And so then I would start to fart in front of him. I was like, take that. Dorks are pretty powerful. What can I say? Mine are so bad lately. I need like a colon cleanse or an enema. I don't even know. I just, the smell, I'm sorry. It's too much. It's too much. But Iceland is magical. Life is good. Lauren's dating again. Went on a, went on a date with a new Netflix
Starting point is 00:03:00 romcom star. Um, actually it's really funny because my, I told my friend that I went on a date and and I told him I was like, honestly, the English accents, they get me. I was like, it just, they just sound so eloquent all the time. God. They're so hot. And then he just sent me a post right now. That's what I was listening to. And you're like, can you turn that off so I can figure out this volume. And the post was this comedian being like, the problem with us Americans, that we hear an accent and we just automatically think that it's just hot. They're smart. They know everything. And the, the comedian was like, they could literally be like, oh my God, my, my knots are heavy and they really smell. And people will be like, oh my God, you're so intelligent.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I want to watch that. That sounds hilarious. Okay. Well, I'm really excited that we're doing this. I stop eating before I keep talking. This shit is just so good. I'm really, I'm really, really, really excited for this. This is like an emergency session we're doing right now. Like, I had a whole episode planned for this week and completely pushed it till next week because of the fact I got an update on one of the stories we read our last episode together, which was better ways to handle this question mark or like what's this handled properly, essentially. And it's 10pm on Tuesday. I got to get this turned around by Thursday, which is actually Wednesday at midnight. So this is going to be a quick one for a little mogie.
Starting point is 00:04:44 And I'm a little nervous about it, but I think it's worth it because this theme is about to be really, really good. Fuck yeah. Let's do it. Are you excited? I'm really excited. Okay, let's dive in. So we read a story. And it was the first story on that episode because I did have you re-listen to it today to do a little research, make sure we kind of knew what we were talking about, knew about the story. And it was a story about a mom who came out and said that she yelled at her kids and told them that she like regretted having them, like essentially wished they never would have been born. She got them like Nintendo switches for their birthday, Nintendo switch each. She said that
Starting point is 00:05:47 she starved herself in order to get these presents. Yeah. And then they like freaked out, called her a dinosaur. They made fun of her when she was crying, like said something along the lines of like, just leave, like no one's going to notice. No one cares if you're here or not. Yeah, so it was messy. And so I don't want to give too much away when I read the other side, you'll know how it came about, but I got messaged the other side to the story. And it's not written by one of the boys or the ex-husband. It is actually written by her daughter. She has a daughter. Yeah. Failed to mention that, that key detail. Wow. So let's read this one. So the title of the original was, I told my sons, I wish I never gave birth to them.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And then the other side is titled, I hate my mom and how she convinced thousands of people that she's the victim. This is going to be long, but please bear with me. I 23 female, I'm no longer in contact with my mom, Jane, because of years of abuse, manipulation, fear mongering and hatred. I was conceived through a one night stand. Jane couldn't get in contact with the guy. And so carried and raised me as a single mother until she met someone. And God, did she let me know it? She made sure to tell me how unwanted, unlovable and disgusting I was. Oh my God. She admitted to neglecting me as an infant and toddler and how she would essentially have screaming matches with me. When I was five, she met William and they fell in love.
Starting point is 00:07:27 They got married within a year and William adopted me after his twin sons, John and Oscar, 16 male were born. I was seven. Their relationship moved very fast. And I believed it caused a lot of turmoil. I truly believe the pregnancy was to trap William, but that speculation and opening a whole can of worms. During the pregnancy, Jane would have tantrums about having twins, how she only wanted one and how she would only love the first one that came out. What the fuck? This was a new side to her that William hadn't seen before and he shut it down quickly. Well, she kept her promise and only gave attention to Oscar. John was completely neglected by her other than to feed. She had intense postpartum depression and that's not her fault,
Starting point is 00:08:17 but what is is how she handled it. She refused to get help and claimed PPD slash PPP is for insane and bad mothers. Oh my God. At some point when the boys were a year or so old, she was admitted in the hospital for having intense thoughts about hurting herself or others. She was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PPP. She spent five months in a hospital slash mental health facility. For those five months she was gone. I've never felt so much love from another person in my life. Bearing in mind, I was just eight. All I had known was yelling and emotional abuse. When she got out, both sides of the family had a big sit down and told her their expectations. It was all doable. Go to therapy, take her meds and they made her a list of emergency
Starting point is 00:09:09 contacts who she could call if she was feeling it all a bit too much. She had a support system in place, but she didn't use it. We moved out when William got home and found me at age 11, trying to cook dinner for my brothers, except Jane had turned the gas and electric off as punishment. Jane had locked herself in the bathroom and wouldn't come out because John was upset. Remember, she hates John. She had also thrown a ton of stuck around in a fit of rage because I said she probably shouldn't take Oscar to the shop if she can't walk straight. William packed our stuff up and we left for his mother's. Jane was not happy about that. When he found out she had thrown shit around and at me, he was furious. He filed for divorce the following Monday.
Starting point is 00:09:54 The court gave him full custody with mandated visitations from Jane. I remember crying myself to sleep when I found that out. We moved out to grandma's house and into a nice flat where we seemed to really get our life together. Other than the visitation, we were good until William got a new job and we had to move across the city. This set Jane off, who up until this point had been on mostly good behavior. We moved closer to William's sister and her family. They all knew about Jane. Aunt was on the contact list, but we all tried to move forward. Things were good for a couple of years, but then I turned 16. The day after my 16th, I got a text from Jane telling me that she's moving out and that I need to pack my stuff from my old room.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I went, stupidly, and began putting things into piles. Jane just stood in the doorway and eventually began bawling her eyes out. She began apologizing for everything she had done and how she feels like a failure. This is when she told me about the emotional and verbal abuse she inflicted on me as an infant slash toddler and how she blames herself for my numerous mental health issues. This was all leading up to her asking if I could ever forgive her. I said no. I said that she may feel guilty, but she's stuck in the cycle where she's abused the boys as well. She lost her fucking mind and kicked me out. It got a little physical between us, and she ended up screaming that I'm no longer her daughter and how she's disowning me.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Good. When I got home, I told William everything. He was furious too, and went to her place and arrived back home hours later with our stuff. I don't know what went down, and I don't want to. We filed a police report. I had scrapes and bruises, and her mandated visits were lifted. A weight had been lifted off my shoulders. It felt like this black cloud of negativity had finally eased up. I felt so much happier. I began to focus on school and my family without dreading having to see her. We couldn't get a restraining order, but she kept her distance. She would send birthday and Christmas cards, but we never reciprocated. The boys know a little bit about what went down, but William was very frugal with what he told them.
Starting point is 00:12:05 He said he didn't want to inflict unnecessary emotional damage onto them. Then, on their 16th, she shows up, which was weird, because she never shows up to anything. I kept my distance and stayed in the kitchen, but I could still see and hear everything. I was shaking in fear and had to run to the bathroom at one point. She had bought them both Nintendo switches. They both opened her presence last, and both quietly thanked her. There was no insults being thrown around. No one said, let her go, it won't make a difference. The atmosphere was stifling. In fact, it was Jane who yelled and insulted first. She called the twins ungrateful brats, and the second she stood up to yell, William and Auntie began to push her outside.
Starting point is 00:12:50 As she was being pushed, she points at the twins and yelled, you're both fucking ungrateful, unlovable little cunts, and my biggest regret is not aborting you when I had the chance. Wow. The party was naturally ruined at this point, and the boys are both totally emotionally destroyed. William left at one point to go and talk to her because she had blocked William, the only one who has her number. But I don't know the specifics. It's been a few weeks since the incident, and the boys are both destroyed. Oscar has become a recluse, and John isn't eating. I'm furious. I'm sorry for making this so long. I'm just so mad, traumatized, and upset by the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Jesus Christ. It didn't say that comment, did you? It's so fucking crazy to hear this because if anyone remembers well from this story, one of the things that I did say was that we don't know all the details, but taking this story for face value and assuming the best, assuming this mom is just really the victim here, here are my thoughts. But there was a part of me that felt like it's almost too perfectly set up for her to be this perfect victim, or I felt like there was something missing, but I didn't have information to. I went off of that, and hearing this is just so crazy because you know that there's two sides to every story. So every story we've read,
Starting point is 00:14:21 there's always going to be missing pieces. But when the second story is so polarizing, the first one is a flat out fucking lie. A fucking lie. It's a complete lie. It's so distorted. Yeah. But there's those little things that are the same, right? Like the Nintendo switches. Enough for that we can realize that they are the same stories, right? Like the 16th birthday. Obviously people recognized, otherwise I wouldn't. A listener, the reason I found this is because a listener sent it to me, and this is r slash the, this, her post is on r slash vent because she didn't even take it and like respond to it, right? Like she did the post. No. So a lot of the two sided stories that I have, like a lot of the people found the post
Starting point is 00:15:03 and replied in the comments. She didn't do that. She went to a totally different subreddit r slash vent, which has a think 130 something on it, 133k. Okay. Like there's no one on there. There's only 300 and well it's someone, but compared to like the other, the big threads that are millions of people. Yeah. So the mom posted on cheer off my chest, which had, I think there's 1.7 million on that sub. So the, the, I mean, it's a small percentage to be sent it. And then I'll read her edit, which I think is kind of like what really caused me to like have this, like this visceral reaction where I was like, Lauren, we need to record this now. Like I got this Sunday and I texted you immediately and I go, when are you free? Yeah, this was an emergency
Starting point is 00:15:54 recording session literally like 9-1-1. When can you record? She's like, when are you available? I was like, I'm available. Let's go. She's like, I'm excited. I was like, if you're excited, I'm excited. Let's go. Yeah. Cause I, I think it is, it's not a theme we've done and I've, I've toyed with the idea with it before, but I didn't know if I would be able to find enough stories and like, I definitely did cause here we are, but it's so important to get her side out too because I like, I felt, I felt really bad. So let me read her edit and then we'll talk about probably why I felt so bad. Okay. So edit. Hi everyone. I'm just popping in to clarify some things that have been receiving in my DMs and questions in the cross posts. Yes, I do read them.
Starting point is 00:16:32 One, I do have a Reddit account, but I only use it to post Sims 4 content. Kind of lame, I know. And I am only subscribed slash following subs of games I play. My second year of uni has been, has also been kicking my ass. And so I haven't been online as much. I know her posts got a lot of traction, but I didn't see it. It got deleted. So it's not going to pop up on suggested sub posts Reddit is pushing. Two, I did hear about my mother's post from the THT podcast. Hence the weird timing. I know it seems a little coincidental, but I promise this is all real. Three, I have zero ill will towards anyone who sympathized with my mother as they were going off her original post. I've gotten many people DMing me about it. And I just wanted to say that
Starting point is 00:17:18 I totally understand why anyone reading the original post would think what a shit family. It did suck to read everyone signing with her, but there is literally no reason to be mad as that's all the info they had, which I think that's like, again, we do recognize. I think you more so than anyone, you do a really good job of devil's advocating. I've said that is a very, it's like one of your superhero powers. It's a good power, a good trait to have. But I think also sometimes we do- You've definitely screamed at me for it before. There's sometimes when you don't need to be the devil's advocate, Lauren, especially when it comes to Kim Kardashian almost killing my dad.
Starting point is 00:17:57 That was our biggest fight. Yeah, we got in one fight over it because yeah. You almost like ran him down, like ran him off the road or some shit. Yeah. And I obviously like that's- You're like, I don't know if Kim could have been. I was like, no, that's our biggest fight I think we've ever had. But you do do a good job of that. And so I think there are sometimes you get a lost in the sauce, but it's also we only have one side most times. And so we do take it at face value because how annoying would it be if every post we sat there and shout on it or we're like, this is fucking fake. Yeah. None of us would fucking be here. I'll tell you that right now. It would be a shit podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:35 So I felt really, really bad, especially the fact that she heard it on the podcast. And I'm not sure if she's a regular listener or just like someone sent it to her, whatever. But like how, how traumatizing would that be? Well, I mean, and the good thing about this hearing this is that she is smart enough and strong enough, strong enough, emotionally mature enough to see that it's like, people are saying this because they're only going off of a story of lies, right? So it's like, and we say this all the time, it's like, we're going off the face value. Like we, there's always going to be more to each story that we read, but like we don't have more.
Starting point is 00:19:15 So all we're going off of is what we, what we have, right? And so it's, it's really amazing that she, at her young age, and especially going through so much fucking bullshit growing up and probably like a lot of trauma. So much trauma. It's like, it's really amazing that she can see that and be like, I'm not mad at anyone. Like I just wanted to like vent and put this out here. Like what the truth is, right? I can't even imagine though, I would be so triggered like hearing your life story, told in a complete lie. Well, and it's like, there's enough, like kind of like what we said, there's enough of the, the situation that makes it. So it's like, oh, it's the same. Like I bought them Nintendo switches. Oh, I left. Like there's
Starting point is 00:19:57 little details in there that are similar, but I can't even imagine after like being subjected to this abuse and trauma and then having her who is not the victim in this play the victim. I would be, I'd lose my mind. Yeah. I'd lose my mind. So I felt really bad. I reached out and I messaged her and she messaged me back. And I did ask, I was like, do you want to come on? I'm going to read your side. Like would you want to come on and answer any questions or talk about it with us? Things like that. And I did say, I was like, I totally understand if you're not comfortable because this is a scary thing to do. Yeah. I fucking shit myself every time I come up here. Yeah. And so not comfortable. However, she is gracious enough that if we have any questions,
Starting point is 00:20:50 she will answer the questions. So I will post on the YouTube a pinned comment. And if you want to ask OP, like this OP questions, just reply to that, what you'd like asked. But I'm really happy that she's getting her side out because I just, it's so important to get that truth out there. And well, can I just say too, like, I feel so fucking happy that she was able to be taken in by such a loving father. Oh my God. Yeah. Like the way that it sounds is that he took her in as a child just as much as his biological children. Yeah, I think so too. Which I, that, that type of stuff just makes me so happy. Like that is the part of life that I love so much.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Especially because like, you know, you hear a lot of times like this whole like motherly instinct and like mothers are held to like a more higher standard, like when it comes to kids. And like, so it makes me really happy when I hear like a father that like steps up like that. It's amazing. Well, and like the fact that he abuse after abuse, but like so bad. I think the cutting the power off and the gas off is like you're literally starving your kids for a punishment, psychotic. But the fact that he came home and found stuff out and then was like, nope, we're done. We're leaving and found for divorce Monday. Like incredible.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Incredible to advocate for your kids like that. Absolutely. Yes. It sounds like she's got herself a little Jerry almost. Yeah. Except what my dad did for me. He's not my biological dad. So that's really makes me really happy. But yeah, I in hindsight, like I think kind of with what you said, like you had this inkling and I listened over to our response and reading the story and everything before this. And it's kind of like it kind of hits you in the face where you're like, oh, in hindsight, like kind of like what you said, it was just too good to be true. Yeah, too many details. And like, I don't know, I think too many like things pointing into a way
Starting point is 00:22:58 of everyone wanting to like give her sympathy and to see her as a victim. And like, I've heard situations like this, like through other people that I know, like their friends and whatnot, where sometimes people will tell their story in a way that tailors it to validate themselves. Right. And I actually think about this when we're on the show and you're telling me stories of people that are like, am I the asshole? Like, I just punched my friend in the face for no reason. Like, am I the asshole? I'm like, wait, how do you not realize that you're the asshole? And I'm like, this has to be like genuine because like why like, no, like, you just dead ass don't realize that you're the asshole and you're asking people if you are. But like, when someone write like this,
Starting point is 00:23:45 like writes in, you know, I don't think she said am I the, did she say that am I the asshole? No, she didn't. It was just true off my chest. So I wasn't necessarily looking for a vote. But it was, you know, looking for some type of validation. Oh, attention. Oh, validation 100%. Yeah. And so I, and I've like, I know, I know that sometimes people will literally just go to therapists to validate their own stories instead of just to get help. Right. Cause like to go to a therapist is to be just completely vulnerable, tell the whole story, how it is, like all the points that you can see from like your given stance, right? But like, some people go there and whether they're unable to see other like
Starting point is 00:24:28 aspects of the story, or whether they genuinely just want to get that validation and tailor it directly to like get the therapist to be like, right, the people around you are toxic. Like, that's what this feels like. It is interesting too, because it was posted on true off my chest. So it's like, it's supposed to be true. You fucker. You fucker. God damn it. I know. So on the best of Redditor updates, they've compiled all this and the people do say like, I was a little skeptical. Like the fact that she was just playing herself up to be such a victim and blah, blah, blah. And it's like, yeah, I will say like, there are people that do go through this. Oh yeah, of course. That's why we all believed it. Yeah. 100%. It's like, well,
Starting point is 00:25:12 and everyone on the true off my chest did too. Like looking at that, everyone commented and were like, no, fuck that. Everyone commented. You guys literally, the fact that I was just like, yeah, I don't think that that's the right way to like communicate to a 16 year old saying, I wish you were never, I never had you. And there was people that were like, mad about me saying that. And I'm like, I'm not saying I'm against the mom. I'm with the mom, but yeah, but I don't, I think there's better ways to communicate your feelings. And people like still weren't happy with that. So like, yes, like that story, like things like that clearly happened. It's believable enough that like, not only the people on the Reddit comments, but the people on our comments also
Starting point is 00:25:52 were just like, no, they were like, mom power, fuck the boys, like any type of like, so yeah, like we're, yeah, it does, it does happen. Yeah. Absolutely. Like plausible and other families, but not the case in this one, which is why it was so important that this other side came out. And so thank you for sharing. Thank you for allowing us to read it. And again, if anyone has questions for her and, and also one last thing I just want to point out too, like even though this is sad that she heard this from two hot takes, but then it also gave the ability to share her side of the story and then we could share it too. And it doesn't really matter because nobody is named, right? But at the same time, it's kind of cool that we're
Starting point is 00:26:42 also bringing this to light. I don't know. Would you say like it's a positive to it? Yeah, I, I had really mixed feelings when I was like, I just, when I saw that she heard it on the two hot takes podcast, cause like, obviously, I know, I'm gonna get choked up. I don't know. I obviously know everyone that's writing in is the real people, but when you accept the troll posts, but when you feel that like directly affects someone, like I was so scared for that because I was like, I even messaged her and I was like, I'm so sorry if this was like, even more traumatic for you like to go through hearing this. And like, you just feel bad because I try when we read these stories, like sometimes I get really heated and I throw out a lot of
Starting point is 00:27:24 fuck yous, like fuck you, Jane. But I try to still give my answers where I'm not overly aggressive towards the writers. If they piss me off or the people sometimes, well, I don't know, but it's easy like to dissociate. And that's why like when any, like in any world, if people are commenting, the meanest comments that they'll do is when their name's not associated, right? Like, and so when it goes like back and forth, so it's just like the less that we identify people with people, like if your name's like kitty cat, one, two, three with no profile picture, then it's like harder to like identify you as like having any type of human substance, you know? But yeah, no, I've actually noticed this too within when I'm speaking on the podcast the other way
Starting point is 00:28:10 around, right? Like sometimes you've read a story off that is a listener writing and my reaction, I'm like, okay, no, she's she's wrong. And then and then all of a sudden I'm like, oh, fuck, I forgot it's a listener, right? And now I feel bad. Yeah, because now you're like now I now you're now we know now you're a human, you know? So I know that shit happens. Like, well, it's like a phenomenon too. I mean, it really is. You look at even like positions of power can change people. Like, I know the Stanford Prison Experiment has now been like invalidated, but it has been invalidated. Yeah, I didn't know that there's something recently there's something with it that the prison guards were like coached before.
Starting point is 00:28:55 And so it wasn't necessarily like an accurate portrayal of what people would do in positions of power. Some people say it still stands, some say the guards were coached a little before. So I haven't really dived into it. But and I'm not saying like we have positions of power, but like even if you're a platform, so to speak, I guess. Yeah, that's true. Like where you treat the reddit ones different than we would a listener, right? Because they're like our part of our little family. Yeah, the part of the family where it's just like, I want to hurt their feeling. It feels so anonymous when it's, you know, on Reddit, and we don't know anything about it. And it is anonymous, which is why the listener writings are exactly, which we would never do that about a
Starting point is 00:29:34 person like expose them on this pot. Like even like, I don't even like talking about anyone in my life on this podcast, because I don't want to like anyone to feel like exposed like that, right? So I think that's what makes it feel like it's, you know, okay. But at the same time, when we hear that somebody is just like, I heard it from the two, it makes it feel so real. I was like, holy shit. Yeah, I don't believe you start crying when I read it. And so it's just, I'm happy that I feel like I can rectify it a little bit. And which was why called 911, aka Lauren was like, we got a record. And then we made this whole theme of other two sided stories. Yeah. So on to the next one. Okay, let's do it.
Starting point is 00:30:39 This one is titled, it's been like super, super deleted. I believe it was titled a rock and a hard place. I read it in a committed long term relationship with a wonderful human, met in college, so many lovely adventures and fond memories. Significant other is great, super supportive of what I do, loves unconditionally, and would never leave anyone stranded, stayed with me through some of my lowest lows with my career and mental health. Huge reason as to why we're getting married. Recently encountered someone on a work trip. At the time, I had no thoughts of making a mistake. And there was no situation in which that would have happened. I may have developed a crush. I left it alone and chalked
Starting point is 00:31:27 it up to infatuation by proximity, maybe just some physical urge, maybe just the circumstance of the trip. But nonetheless, left it alone. It's been four months since that trip, and I find myself captivated by my coworker. Sex appeal isn't necessarily a factor here. When we talk, I feel emotionally engaged. I find myself going above and beyond to help with their projects and make active effort to talk to slash hear from them. To make it worse, they're in a relationship with a mutual friend of me and my significant other. I haven't said a peep about it to significant other or a co-worker. I'm still trying to process it. I've never dealt with anyone like this before.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Is it even possible to be in love with more than one person at a time? I'm confused, guilty, frustrated, all at the same time. I don't have any ill intent. I don't want to home wreck, and I certainly am not going to act out on impulse. What the hell should I do? Fuck, what the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? We have an update. Month update. Coworker has said via text that they love me and I reciprocated. Has also since called me and told me they were thinking of me and wanted to hear my voice. I think it's time to break this off with my significant other, and I don't expect coworker to do the same, nor do I expect to end up with my co-worker. But this isn't right or fair for my significant
Starting point is 00:32:53 other, and I don't want to string them along if I'm not totally devoted to them. Wish me luck. And here comes the other side. My now former fiance, 28 male, came here for advice months ago on his emotional affair and never said a word to me, 28 female. I don't really know what to say about it. We just relocated halfway across the country and I don't know anyone here. I think it's gross that he involved me in his emotional affair, wanted me to be friends with her, asked me to help him put a care package together for her birthday, which is how I knew something was off. He never does stuff like that. We even went away on a couple's weekend with her and her boyfriend in June before
Starting point is 00:33:45 we moved. It just feels so slimy. I found their cutesy messages a few weeks ago and he acknowledged that it was wrong but denied any connection. Just said that he was struggling and being self-destructive and looking for validation. I stayed because he said this was related to mental health and he wanted us to try to get to a good place. This morning, I found his Reddit post where he said they've told each other that they love each other and he was asking advice on how to deal with the guilt of loving us both. He wrote that he was going to end things with me but he posted that two months ago and he never said anything. That was before I even found the first text. Why not just let me end it when I confronted him about them instead of convincing
Starting point is 00:34:28 me to stay and dragging me through all of this? How about before I moved 1600 miles away? How about before you pursued her at all? I ended it this morning and he didn't argue because he doesn't love me anymore and I guess I kind of just can't fathom that. I'm not shocked that we weren't in a good place, so much background I don't know what to include but I am shocked that he would do something like this to me. We've been together for eight years and I thought we had a solid friendship underneath it all. I'm going to be okay and I know I deserve better. I'll end up with someone who loves me the way I deserve but I wanted that to be him and I really believed that it was. So how can we be here now? The betrayal I feel? I don't know how to describe it. Please tell me someone else has
Starting point is 00:35:15 been here. I know I'm not alone but I think I just need to hear it. Wow. This was a comment on it or she reposted it. She had her own post. It looks like yeah. How do we know that they're related? It does say edit text of his Reddit post can be found in the comments below. Update in the comments as well. So she shared his post in the comments of hers. So you know it's linked. And she found his account which makes me think like it wasn't just her finding the post. She actually like found his account so that sucks. Oh my god that's just like the most like horrific thing ever because it's it's so hard because it's like okay he was trying to do the right thing right? Like by thinking maybe I'm just going through something and I'm like I don't know what's
Starting point is 00:36:15 going on. I know I love her. It sounds like he was having like a mental like battle with himself being like I love this person that I've been with for so long but why do I keep having these urges but like it's just because you know what I mean like it's but it's else it's so wrong it's an emotional affair. He was definitely tussling with himself. Yeah also I have something. Okay I don't I get like yeah he was struggling and really like having a hard time with things but why would she say I love you if lines like hadn't been crossed. Like I love you that's so serious. Well that's why I think it was an emotional cheating. Yeah because then he just didn't consider that crossing the line. Yeah a lot of people don't. What? Weirdly but I think like because they both had a relationship
Starting point is 00:37:08 what I'm picturing it as is that he he was like I can get to know her and be really close with her and be friends with her because we're both in a relationship so we're not like do anything wrong we're just being friends and we're like a couple's friends you know what I mean but then it was like it got to the point where it was like they were clearly close there's clearly something going on and so then that happened and I think that is honestly worse than physical cheating and it's hard to like put them next to each other but like that is insanely painful. I think it's more intimate. It's so intimate like not that this can just be sex right but there's no like a one night blacked out sex like not saying that that's any less painful that's like extremely fucking it's
Starting point is 00:37:56 still an affair. Yeah it's it's awful that's right being cheated on. Receiving any of that like when you're in a relationship where you have this like commitment like that type of betrayal is it's it's awful like I honestly think that I don't know hearing stories like that really make me cringe a lot because I just can't imagine the feeling that this person must be having hearing that the person that she's dedicated eight years of her life with was doing this to her like it kills me to hear that and so I can't even imagine. Can you imagine like finding a post and that's how you find out? Oh my god like this isn't even just when I've been together for four years about four years it's been over yeah and so for me this would like that's they were together eight so even like
Starting point is 00:38:53 imagining this now where like I went on reddit and like find a post like oh I'm thinking about cheating and then oh I need to break it off I need to break up with her but then he didn't break up with you he's just been toying you along and and moved you moved across the country I know breaking up with someone is hard right but you gotta be strong enough because like if if you actually love and care that person about that person which you were with them for eight years like I hope to fucking god that you do then you have to be strong enough I know it's hard but like you can't do that to a person that is so awful like and I don't think he loved her I'll tell you why why uh the comment here she stayed with me through some of my lowest lows
Starting point is 00:39:41 with my career and mental health huge reason as to why we're getting married I think he liked having his emotional support it like even yeah like she's great she's supportive of what I do loves unconditionally and would never leave anyone stranded but nowhere in this like even the first line in a committed long-term relationship with a wonderful human met in college so many lovely adventures and fond memories there's no mention of love here I love her I care so deeply for her I don't want to hurt her but god this co-worker I don't I don't know like there's no mention of any feelings in regards to her yeah it's all like and I I know a lot of times we and he truly probably thought he was doing like
Starting point is 00:40:37 the right thing yeah and I know like we do describe people based on how they make us feel like that's a yeah absolutely but at the same time like no mention of love yeah like there's nothing there except like she she puffs me up and I recognize she's a good person and that's a big part of why we're getting married I would hope that's not the reason someone wants to marry me where's the love yeah where's the love a lot of comments from op on the original I'm reading off of best of redditor updates agreed her boyfriend is a friend of my ex fiancee which makes it that much worse I took screenshots of the reddit post and told him that he needs to come clean or I'll tell the guy myself he hemmed and hawed and tried to worm his way out of it he just deleted the text
Starting point is 00:41:29 conversation with her instead which just shows he's not remorseful he just doesn't want consequences if he doesn't do it tonight when he gets home from work I will I suspect he contacted her to delete her stuff as well but I think the reddit post is damning enough edit too for those who want to see his original post I did include the link earlier but then people were going there and commenting which like girl I hear you and I'm just not trying to make this even more difficult so I pulled it update he did message the friend and come clean I did feel he played it down a little bit my significant other felt this and my significant other felt I should message you etc etc as if this was because I reacted poorly rather than them having this flirtation or whatever
Starting point is 00:42:12 he did not send the reddit post up first but did afterwards when I insisted the girl's boyfriend said it was no big deal so hey whatever I hate guys sometimes whatever floats their boat I fucking hate a casual some men can act act act act capital underline act italicized no big deal strike through I don't care no honestly there are some like I know some guys were like I mean then girls too but like specifically I've met a couple guys that are calling I don't know what anxiety is just called an retriever yeah we had a big blow up said some mean things and he went outside to call his family and cool off when he came back he sat down and apologized and I actually believed it was sincere we both made the same phase at the same time
Starting point is 00:43:08 I need to watch that back on the camera because I just like dosed off and did that and then I looked up at you and you're doing the same thing as me um I don't believe that at all yeah what I don't know how she's also who goes outside and calls their family in the middle of a big fight with their significant other go for a walk maybe read the news but hey I don't know I don't know teach their own whatever I think he's lying we're over but we cried and mourned the life we would have had together you may think me weak for that but I really needed the only other person in the world who could feel the life we were supposed to have say goodbye to it with a hundred percent yeah I don't think that's weak at all I literally have to mourn absolutely
Starting point is 00:43:52 eight years yeah and to be able to do it engaged and yeah and to do it with somebody that the only person who understands as much as you do or possibly as much as you do like yeah of course that makes sense yeah the angry part of me feels like to be unloved by the person I love cheating the whole thing is my worst nightmare and he knows it I've always told him cheating is a deal breaker it's harder in practice and quote I can't make you love me makes me cry every time and I think he wasn't brave enough to break up when he wanted to so he concocted this horrible cruel backstabbing nightmare to make me do the dirty work of the breakup while he got some cheap validation he trickled truth the whole time it took multiple confrontations with irrefutable evidence to get
Starting point is 00:44:39 him to acknowledge any of it and he didn't even care enough to stop talking to her afterwards he wanted to sweep it all under the rug and was annoyed at me when I expected him to tell the truth to me and the girl's significant other but I'm at a point now where the anger is tired and all that's left is heartbreak the weaker part of me feels like he is struggling with his mental health and he wonders if it's not that he doesn't love me anymore but he's just pushing me away I know you'll think that's just an excuse which is fair and maybe I'm blindsided by wanting that to be true so fucking badly he is going to be seeking help and I can't stop myself from thinking oh well what if he gets better and turns out this was temporary insanity and he'll treat me like he
Starting point is 00:45:23 used to before all this in eight years he's never done anything even close to this he doesn't even look at other women didn't is a better word I guess but I feel like this has just smashed me so even if there was a miraculous resurrection of an earlier time I don't know if I could ever trust who he's messaging or what he's deleting I think we'll still be living together for a while but I'm just going to do my best to live my own life I do hope he gets better and I want him to have a good life the idea of never seeing him again just burns me up inside the idea feels unnatural maybe it'll feel less unnatural tomorrow or the next day if you're still here thank you for reading my ramblings I don't feel as strong as I did
Starting point is 00:46:05 earlier but your comments and DMs have bolstered me I've read every single one of your stories and while I'm sad that so many of us have been in this boat I'm glad we're paddling together that's so sad oh god heartbreak is treacherous I think she said it all in that yeah I really don't yeah I have nothing to say I think living together will be hard but just time to heal yeah hi Jan from Toyota speaking Jan I heard it's a good time to buy a Toyota sure is from now until April 4th you can shop all your favorites like Corolla, Rav4, Sequoia and more imagine yourself in a new tundra where you stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house you promised your daughter Sarah when did you hop on the call
Starting point is 00:46:56 hi dad mom said you were taking too long on the phone Toyota let's go places see your participating Toyota dealer for details dealer inventory may vary do you like bananas yes I do what would you do if your partner didn't like bananas nothing nothing shove it down his throat shove it up his ass went off the deep end fast there oh what is the story okay so it's titled am I the asshole for having a craving of something that makes my partner sick okay I 25 female recently found out I was pregnant with my partner Lyle's 26 male baby we've been together for three years and we live together Lyle has ADHD which he refuses to get treatment or medication
Starting point is 00:47:44 for he's pretty normal about 85% of the time so I haven't really pushed it one thing that really affects him though is sensory problems he has a few but the biggest one is bananas he cannot stand the smell of a banana or the taste of banana he's accidentally eaten something with banana before and ran to the bathroom like a child to throw it up if we are somewhere and someone is eating a banana he will claim that he can smell it in the room and make us move with the threat that he will be sick if we don't move he will start gagging make himself throw up and I've seen him start shaking too this has happened in public before and it's extremely embarrassing anyways let me tell you what happened I was really tired pregnant and hormonal yesterday
Starting point is 00:48:31 and while I was watching my show I had a craving for a banana which I normally avoid when around Lyle but pregnancy cravings are just too strong to resist he was going to get groceries from work so I called and asked him to get me some bananas because I was having a craving he started begging before he even got them to not eat them in the house and I just got fed up and told him no that I was carrying around his child and the least he could do about it since he's not the one having to nurture the damn thing in his stomach was to get me a banana I'd read online that this was probably the baby's way of telling me it's deficient in potassium and that's all I could really stand to eat at this point was the damn banana and I don't want to deprive it of what it
Starting point is 00:49:14 needs he argued back and forth asking me to eat it outside at least and out of frustration I just started crying which made me feel embarrassed he finally gave in to calm me down and brought it home I'll admit I was still really mad and upset from our argument on the phone when he came home and I in that moment couldn't face getting up and going to the kitchen when he came into the living room and sat on the couch I asked him to peel it cut it and bring it to me hit him where it hurts jeez I really didn't think this that this was a big deal but he blew up yes you did yes you did what do you mean you just said that he shivered and ran to the bathroom to throw up you didn't think it's a big deal okay sorry I have a lot to say on this one actually
Starting point is 00:50:04 I told him that plenty of people have foods they don't like and he either needs to grow up or seek help for his illness because he's acting like a child and his problem with bananas is completely abnormal we argued a bit and he finally got up yelled that he was tired of my bullshit and left the house he hasn't been back yet I get his issues are a sensitive topic for him and when I was talking to my friend about it she said she had an autistic sister and what I did was a bit messed up so Reddit am I the asshole I'm gonna go with yes okay but here's the thing like I understand it's a really irrational fear and issue that he has with bananas like there there's not liking texture and like being like really like cringe to you know
Starting point is 00:50:53 sensory anything I totally understand that whatever's going on with him is whatever did you hear that yeah um whatever's going on with him is clearly like above and beyond that which is why I think it's fucked up because it's like okay if it was just like he's like oh I really just don't like the texture of it and she's like please like I'm so exhausted like please just give me the fucking banana but it's how far is the walk from the couch to the kitchen bitch yeah and it's I mean I haven't been pregnant I don't know how crazy like the hormones are I really don't so it's like I try to be sensitive there but like when you know that somebody has such this like fear no matter how irrational it is that's not how you handle it
Starting point is 00:51:37 and it's she said seek like either grow up or seek help and it's just that is so not like a what is the word like come supportive way and yeah to like help be a partner to yeah to like help somebody get help like whatever he's going through like that's some serious shit and yeah it sounds funny it's a banana like but it's just but it's it's serious in his brain so yes that was that was rude as fuck I it's so weird there's so many little comments that I didn't even pick up the first time I read it but the one where she's like he's pretty normal about 85 percent of the time I have 80 ADHD 80 that's a lot I'm pretty normal like 50 percent of the time what that's high for me I'd say 30 yeah my my ADD is out of control lately I
Starting point is 00:52:28 I literally was like in the middle of my NFL draft the other day and well not the other day it was a couple weeks ago now because we're into the season but I'm sitting here in the office actively participating have to pee get up go pee after I'm done peeing I literally go ask my dad I was like do you want to go to Trader Joe's mm-hmm totally forgot about my draft mm-hmm how yeah how my brain my brain is just so I know I will I will write half an email and then I'm like oh I want to do something else I pull something else up and then I get halfway down oh there's nothing else I need to do like then forget about task in one and two yeah and I think like well and a lot of like with like any type of like mental health issue which I
Starting point is 00:53:11 didn't really understand this until recently but it's all on a scale so like there's the sufferers and the non-sufferers so a lot of people can probably relate to a lot of ADD symptoms right especially in our day and age because we're so like with all of the fast screen time that we have and like growing up with that it's like our brain ours like our wired different now yeah our like our span what brain span tensions attention span yeah like it's it's just it's just not as it's not it's not how it used to be right like and so a lot of people can probably relate to these type of feelings but all of these things are honest on a spectrum so sometimes it really like just when it disrupts your work when it disrupts your relationships
Starting point is 00:53:53 like that's when you start to have an issue but a lot of people can relate to a lot of these mental health topics yeah I just don't get it I really really don't get this one I think the fact like kind of what you said like oh hit him where it hurts he literally went to the store out of his comfort zone and maybe he is on the spectrum like yeah I mean I have sensory I definitely have like sensory issues but also like we all no matter if you're neurotypical or neurotypical divergent like we all have what's called a sensory profile all of us do we have like sensory seekers or sensory avoiders like we all have this specific palette of our sensory likes dislikes needs wants whatever if you want to take one it's called the sensory profile too it's really
Starting point is 00:54:46 interesting I don't know if you can take it actually if you're not on a tee but it's cool and so like why force something on him when it doesn't affect him right like you said where I was actually trying to go with this like hit him where it hurts like he brought you home the bananas and now you're gonna go push it one step further and say hey can you open this can you peel it can you cut it who fucking cuts their bananas just bite it like a normal person but then but then you could say Morgan well some people don't like food touching their teeth apples and bananas they get grossed out when it touches their teeth so they have to cut it that's how they normally eat it so their normal is just different than your normal yeah but why did you have to push him so far
Starting point is 00:55:29 yeah cut it your fucking self get up she was just yeah she was just being a bitch on purpose like and I don't I like I you guys all know how much I appreciate pregnancy and I should be an olympic sport pregnant people should get medals automatically if you are pregnant or have been pregnant and whatever fucking you get a medal yeah because I mean it's fucking hard but at the same time get up walk your five little feet to the kitchen and cut your banana not even that why can't you just like let him bring it to you bring a knife and then cut your own banana yeah like there's a lot of options that we could like have him not be interactive with something that literally makes him cringe so much and I and again there's
Starting point is 00:56:14 probably something else going on because there's there's sensory issues and there's sensory like like you said we all have these pallets but then it's like the fact that he was like throwing like throwing up and shaking and trembling is just like there's honestly really normal really yeah so like when I was doing shadow hours for OT I never had a pediatric rotation because I automatically knew I didn't want to go into pediatrics but when I was doing all my shadow hours which was I think I needed a hundred I did all of mine in pediatric clinics so I worked with OTs that did feeding therapies with kiddos that had sensory aversions to food and there's a lot of kiddos that have like literally only three foods that they eat I think one of the kids I had
Starting point is 00:56:58 was like that I think he had like three or seven I'm forgetting the number now it's been almost 10 years but he only ate like eggowaffles and like that was it literally only eggos lunch dinner breakfast eggowaffles and so that just like wasn't functional for him in his life so they were trying to introduce new foods to him and so they started with like foods that were like similar but not the same so the next step was like pancakes and so there's like a specific process with foods where first you look at it and then you might touch it and then you might smell it and then you kiss it and then maybe you'll lick it and then maybe you'll actually taste it like there's a an actual methodology that OTs will use for feeding therapies like that for getting the
Starting point is 00:57:46 actual name but it's a good one and so there's some kids that would literally at the site of a pancake or at the site of a banana would act like this and they just can't they can't help it they it's just they're wiring they're just well and I have I have weird like not to that extent of but at the same time I sometimes like bodily waste will freak me out especially if it's fuck me up I fit I really I have to have the perfect texture of a banana it can't be too hard and it can't be too soft otherwise I will gag yeah I mean I have things where it's like so what's the bodily fluid one so yeah so like with bodily fluid so it's just like obviously there's spit in my mouth I'm not worried about the spit being in my mouth but like but when I was doing a COVID
Starting point is 00:58:35 test and I'm spitting into a tube then it's like my brain did this weird thing where I pictured like drinking the spit again and it was like I started gagging just looking at my own spit into the tube and it just it's like it's like bodily waste that's like separated from me like that I don't like that like if it's separated from a human for like at least like a amount of time like how do you do when your friends throw up around you I haven't really had friends throw up around me but like I well I had a friend throw up when she was driving and oh yeah in her car and and like and then I was like I started laughing and then I started were you in the car I was the car and then the smell like kicked in and then I started gagging and I literally was like almost
Starting point is 00:59:27 about to throw up I sympathy puke but it was like oh my god and it was so funny because I had to hang my head out the window because I was like I smell the whole like it was so comical what was going on but at the same time like I was like I could I was I couldn't stop gagging I was like and which almost encourages her to throw more yeah and then afterwards but it was funny because afterwards she I was like I'm not gonna lie almost threw up and she's like literally fuck you for not throwing up she's like then I want to feel so stupid she's like you should have thrown up god to puke and still be able to drive yeah it was impressive honestly yeah but yeah I don't know it's just yeah I don't I'm not I'm not really that good with that type of stuff but I it's amazing
Starting point is 01:00:08 I was able to survive in health care as long as I could I had a stroke patient once and a lot of times after a stroke you'll have a difficult time managing secretions spit in your mouth like your tongue might not work half of it might not work so you have a hard time swallowing your own spit and so a lot of times there's drooling or just like an abundance of saliva in the mouth of a hawk a loogie thing like I could never watch that I like like gagged every time I'd watch that you know how they like they pull it up they go to the ground and then they suck it back up every time I no no no so I literally was like trying to help him manage his secretions and in the hospital you have like um the same thing they have in the dentist essentially like sucks but there's a switch
Starting point is 01:00:54 to turn it on and off and so he still had like great motor movement of his hand and so I'm like oh he can manage it by himself he'll be fine yeah it was not fine accidentally stuck it way too far back oh no and it was so bad and like I I literally like realized that I'm a sympathy gagger for sure and so he starts like yeah and I literally have to like I'm holding the puke bucket with one hand I'm like trying to breathe and it smells and I'm like I don't this was pre-covid I didn't have a mask on in the hospital so there was no there was nothing oh no I didn't have gloves on god I just like it's now I give so much respect to the nurses out there because holy shit like I just can you imagine too if like you are in a hospital throwing up and then your nurse just
Starting point is 01:01:40 throws up with you I was so close I was so close I also spent a lot of time in the bathroom with patients like my toots smell bad these people could clean out a fear of like tooting or something because like you just don't like I don't I don't know but then it's like why don't we why are we okay with our own farts like our own smells like are fine like you can you can recognize that they're bad but like you're not like upset about it I know Lyle uh the therapy gecko and he came on was like yeah like you know how people like to smell their own farts I saw that clip yeah I saw that clip and jesson was like no he's like what no wonder you're scared of fart in front of him he doesn't even like his own farts no exactly he doesn't understand it and it's not that I necessarily
Starting point is 01:02:25 like the smell but there's some times where I'm like what okay what is that smell you guys kind of like curious about it you don't necessarily like it but you don't also hate it at the same time it's a confusing relationship to have with farts yeah yeah yeah this is way too much today just way too much oh god no honestly like same yeah okay cool so the top comment on the original post people did call her out for the asshole which was good okay because that could have gone a lot of ways mm-hmm I think she she did herself in there when she went above and beyond for the peeling yeah which is what the top comment and cut it bitch yeah which is what it felt like yeah like it was punishment for the fight that's what it was it was let me assert my dominance over you
Starting point is 01:03:11 and punish you for this fight with one of your biggest fears that's what gets me is that like it's literally using his weakness against yeah and I'm like that's what makes me wonder I'm like have you never had something like I don't know I just don't understand like can you not relate in any way where you realize that that's fucked up I know it's a banana like rationally yes it seems silly we get that but like rationally we also know that humans are so fucking complex I don't know though like I get it because like oh yeah banana but like some people are like I love fish I could sleep in a bucket of tuna and I'm like fish nope I'm not touching that thing I don't want to look at that thing I don't want to smell that thing I want to know who Morgan knows that
Starting point is 01:03:53 sleeps in a bucket of tuna oh my god oh my god we need to phone a friend on this okay literally I will say though I have a really fucking weird relationship with fish where like with raw raw fish yeah where sometimes like I can I I think it tastes really good but other times it's like again like the texture and like the thought process where sometimes I feel so gross I was in Hawaii meet me in general yes me too meet meet in general and I was going to eat chicken instant gag can't eat it I was in Hawaii and we got like this poke bowl and then I all of a sudden was like like sometimes I like it sometimes I don't and I was just like I'm gonna we were with a bunch of his friends and I was like do you have a stove and he's like what because you wanted to cook it
Starting point is 01:04:37 yeah because I was just like I can't do this anymore like it's not it's not the day not today yeah I was in a grocery store with Justin recently that's who I was gonna phone and uh phone him I wonder if he'll even remember it as being like a critical part of my grocery store experience this is so cool hello hi so I have a question for you yes remember when we went grocery shopping recently and the grocery store had a certain smell yeah a little bit do you remember what the smell was a fish smell yeah yeah it might have it might have smelled like fish okay do you remember that kind of do you remember what I did when it smelled really really bad like fish yeah what I do gag I literally and then what did I have to do what what do you mean well did I
Starting point is 01:05:38 what did I do I walked away I don't know see it wasn't as like Trump like traumatizing for him right but I literally had to I gagged I could not control myself it was so bad so I'm gagging it's almost like you're acting or like overreacting yeah he literally thought I was like I was being dramatic about it he's like oh he literally was like okay come on and I'm like no this is uncontrollable it fucking reeks yeah it's disgusting and so I literally had to like walk away to the other end of the grocery store and the whole girl like you're very sensitive mm-hmm okay thank you hi Jan from Toyota speaking Jan I heard it's a good time to buy Toyota sure is from now until April 4th you can shop all your favorites like Corolla, RAV4, Sequoia and more imagine yourself
Starting point is 01:06:27 in a new tundra where you stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house you promised your daughter Sarah when did you hop on the call hi dad mom said you were taking too long on the phone Toyota let's go places see your participating Toyota dealer for details dealer inventory may vary and a boy's response mm-hmm so that's the whole point of this mm-hmm okay so it was a comment on the post by username Kyle not Lyle oh hey guys it's Kyle here Jessica's boyfriend yes she literally changed my name from Kyle to Lyle and thought that was good enough one of her friends sent me this and I want to set the record straight because I am beyond pissed off first of all I want to address this quote refuse to get treatment or medication
Starting point is 01:07:17 bullshit I was diagnosed with ADHD as a fucking child it took until college to realize I needed to adapt things to how my brain worked rather than slap a medication over it and try to pretend I'm neurotypical I adapt well in life I graduated on the dean's list in college and I'm doing well at my dream job and thriving as a neurodivergent person do I still forget about the laundry sometimes or have a hard time focusing on certain things especially when I'm tired yes and it pisses Jess off does it mean I have quote issues fuck no this medication BS started almost immediately after we found out Jess was pregnant like a month ago it wasn't approached like hey Kyle I notice XYZ that seems to be hard for you I think you need help with that it was instead first asked
Starting point is 01:08:04 if my ADHD was going to quote spread to the baby literally spread was used wow and second told that I should probably take this as a chance to get it under control because she quote didn't want the baby to grow up dealing with any problems also I don't know how far along she is but finding out a month ago makes me it's more than likely to be recent a month ago so you're two-ish three-ish you couldn't get your ass up to cut your own banana you're not on bed rest I don't know I think the first few months though you can get really nauseous but yes but anyway but to your point keep going now let's get to the sensory aversions I have been through therapy to manage it I can now after years touch paper towels without my gums hurting but bananas I just cannot deal with people who aren't
Starting point is 01:08:59 neuro divergent and don't deal with sensory aversions don't understand that it is literally physically painful in many cases and genuinely makes me sick I don't make myself throw up my body naturally reacts like that Jess has told me many times how embarrassed she is by it and how it affects her and her solution is exposure therapy what she doesn't realize is that it's essentially the same thing as torture to me there are some cases like the paper towels where I've realized it's just a little too common but bananas are not common enough for me to sit there and torture myself just to make her feel less embarrassed next time she wants me to try a smoothie her sister makes and lie about the ingredients finally other details I think are important
Starting point is 01:09:45 I'm just going to bullet these because I'm going to write too much otherwise Jess was binge watching a show on Netflix and wanted me to bring her a banana while she watched the show on the couch we are in a one bedroom apartment and the smell would probably be there at least for a day we had gotten in an argument about my ADHD and me not having meds c.2 and 3 the day before so this didn't seem like a sudden craving but more a cruel jab since it was still tense 100 yep called that yep the pregnancy wasn't planned and no random commenter I didn't fucking rape her she was on birth control and it failed what kind asking asking asking for a friend she wasn't too sick to get up she was too lazy and pissed and told me to go cut it for her quote
Starting point is 01:10:35 because I just want to watch my show in peace I'll admit I snapped when she insisted I cut the banana and do quote just this one thing for our child to show I care as if she didn't go out of as if she didn't go out and quit her job pretty much immediately without even telling me wow and I'm now dealing with all of the household expenses while she shops what what the fuck I've also been caring for most of her butter on that one like literally I've also been caring for most of the house because she already claimed being too pregnant for morning sickness so yes I was fed up with her bullshit ADHD is not an issue just mean my it just means my brain works a little different I'm so tired of the ableist bullshit that comes from nowhere get over yourself
Starting point is 01:11:26 lots of other comments from him as well which I will just say like as an OT whether this was a kid or an adult I would never ever make this goal a part of their treatment plan because it doesn't affect their life like the banana yeah so if you look at the comparison that he gives like the paper towels right the bananas he uses like more common yeah but you could use like you could change that term out for like more important in your day-to-day occupations you actually need to use paper towels day-to-day or some sort of towel or whatever to wipe things up to clean whatever so that aversion isn't functional for his life it's going to impede his quality of life maybe bananas he can go the rest of his life avoiding
Starting point is 01:12:15 bananas it's not going to impact his life no OT or therapist would make it a goal for him to touch bananas if it's not severely impacting his life right quality of life or function right god and this also like reminds me too I forgot that this happened but um there was a time oh my god it was so fucking brutal so basically my god my dad is a dentist and he gave me whitening trays and then like this whitening stuff and I was in high school at the time and so I was like cool I want my teeth whatever like I overdid it he basically said like only leave it in for a few hours but it was annoying to leave it in like and just like go about your day so instead I put them in and I slept in it and I woke up and I can't even explain how treacherous the feeling was
Starting point is 01:13:06 but it was like it was this way where it was like I I don't even the cringe that I felt like I was writing with a pencil a fucking pencil and the sound of the pencil on the paper was like nails on a chalkboard I was in school and I was like falling over like it was just the most horrendous thing and then there was a guy that once told me like before that that biting into a towel with dry teeth was one of the most like cringe worthy awful visions that he's ever had in his entire mind and I imagined it while my teeth were that sensitive and I literally was just like like shaking it was so I like I'll never forget like how fucked up that that day slash two days were because I was just like any thought or sound was nails on a chalkboard like times a hundred it
Starting point is 01:13:59 was so bad that's how he feels about bananas exactly and that's exactly why I'm like I'm relating now to that to that because it's just like but yeah I don't it's she's being such a fucking brat well and so there is another comment from him that goes literally everything was fine and just wasn't like this until she got pregnant and suddenly did a 180 on the personality it's been a month and it's just gone downhill she wanted to keep the child and what can I fucking do about that regardless I think I'll be leaving which the fact that she quit her job the minute she found out she was pregnant weird this feels like a baby trap to me literally this feels like a baby trap honestly because it's like the fact that she okay the fact that her birth control failed
Starting point is 01:14:46 that does happen it does happen right but then the fact that you quit your job immediately hmm two plus two equals four it's one plus one equals two yeah I we don't know math but we know a little bit the basics the basics and the basics is saying baby trap did you think this when you read this originally I didn't read his response so I just read the original post to make sure like at least that was good and then I because so what I did is I actually posted on the two hot takes subreddit and I asked for help oh yes I saw that and so um this one was a comment on there and so after reading the original and like knowing that it was at least good I didn't go any further okay cool um nice so so you kind of have these like one reactions to yeah this on this one
Starting point is 01:15:41 I try to like conserve reading as much as it fucking pains me um there's one more comment on this best of predator updates oh don't worry I have this whole thing saved already because I'm sure I'll need it in the future and I'm about 95% sure I'm done with the relationship as you should be I mean I kind of think I mean yes I do that's how I that was my thought and I support his decision but then I'm also wondering if some weird shit is going on with her right now because if he said yeah because if he said she was never like that before which is that also was what like give me the baby trap idea right like lock him in and then change your whole personality but three years is a long time to not yeah uncover yeah some shit so maybe like go to therapy first
Starting point is 01:16:31 together and see I don't know I don't know if it's worth it though because for someone that's willing to like can you imagine if you had a boyfriend that was like Lauren your ADHD isn't real your anxiety isn't real you just need to get medication and you'll be fine like just discrediting who you are actually like that actually really pissed me off because like as someone who has ADD it's like no don't just slap Adderall like Adderall is just like very a questionable drug right like and so I it's Lydian and Fetamine yeah and I'm not I'm not against Adderall but like I definitely helps yeah it definitely helps I just think that like to just be like you need medication it's just like there are other like healthy things that you can do to help yeah ad to and so I just bandaid
Starting point is 01:17:21 not a solution yeah I just think that it's like really important to like focus on the thing like you know we were talking about this before where it's just like there you could put tennis shoes right by your bed so when you wake up in the morning you put them on like it just like starts off a more productive day you can like there's like reading a book for me instead of going through TikTok it helps my brain like stay very focused and more like I don't know I'm reading yeah there's just things that you can do that I I just it's it's annoying to hear somebody just be like take your fucking pills and shut off you know it's like just discredits like who you are too and it's I don't know and I'm all for medication but like but don't just slap that on
Starting point is 01:18:06 I don't know I won like so for me it's like I think like I recently went on medication again for a little bit and it did really really help and then I just kind of like was like I keep forgetting to take it and so I stopped taking it again but when I do take it regularly like I noticed a huge difference but it's also the fact that like I take it regularly but I also have really like good habits of like I have a calendar massive calendar and I write everything down in it now so I'm also implementing other techniques yes because it's not just the medication that helps it definitely makes things easier and makes me feel more like yeah regulated stable chill but at the same time it's like if you don't have those other techniques you're missing a part of the
Starting point is 01:18:51 equation that's going to help you succeed yeah which is why I like that he highlights with his ADD ADHD he's like like medication is that's just like no like for me it's like I learned how to succeed with these other tactics and blah blah blah which is great and that's and that's why I think ADD is like a little bit different than like I've I mean every every single type of mental it's it's all different mental health is all different but like I do think that ADD there are a lot of really great things that you can implement and like like do with medication like try before doing medication like so yeah well I think it's really interesting too and I think screen time is something we've mentioned already with like there's a rule in OT that like if you
Starting point is 01:19:37 have kiddos your kiddos should not see the screen of a phone or iPad before the age of three because it changes the way their brain is like wired wow I believe and there's so many other little kid shows like Coco Melon and there's other ones that like change the way your kids brains wired and your dopamine their dopamine receptors work and so like it's actually really bad for your kids like Coco Melon is not good for your kids yeah it literally increases like the dopamine it's the fact like their brain changes and so I think it's interesting to see how ADD ADHD has also like the diagnosis rate has increased which makes sense like look at tiktok all of our intentions our attention spans are like changing because of tiktok okay let's move on to the next
Starting point is 01:20:20 one went down a rabbit hole gotta go gotta go okay hi Jan from Toyota speaking Jan I heard it's a good time to buy a Toyota sure is from now until April 4th you can shop all your favorites like Corolla, RAV4, Sequoia and more imagine yourself in a new tundra where you stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house you promised your daughter Sarah when did you hop on the call hi dad mom said you were taking too long on the phone Toyota let's go places see you're participating Toyota dealer for details dealer inventory may vary one last one okay okay so first post there's three okay so this is last but not least but there are three parts to this is from true off my chest the moment my husband suggested a female male female the marriage was
Starting point is 01:21:11 over in my heart what three some okay am I overreacting what please I need help sorting out my feelings or maybe controlling them because my emotions are controlling me 100% right now about two to three weeks ago after making love my husband and I lied in bed for some afterplay and he told me that it would be awesome to have a three some I kept my cool but he must have noticed that I stiffened in his arms my heart was yelling this can't be happening this is so over this is so so over but my mouth said I don't think this is something I would ever want to try I've been avoiding him like the plague ever since which has been a very hard task because he's a very affectionate man and always wants to touch
Starting point is 01:22:00 and hug and kiss I don't know if he's noticed anything yet because I have been busy with work and the kids but he's bound to notice soon I've only told my best friend and confidant about it but she thinks that I'm being overly sensitive and dramatic but I swear I'm not playing or trying hard I just can't control my heart especially when it's playing the same tunes as my brain I want divorce on repeat every time I see him she my best friend told me that it was just my pride just he asked you and you said no and he respected that please can I fix this anyone with the same experience I have three small children and we share a beautiful life together help to me that's a jump a jump like to go from what about a three some some time to divorce
Starting point is 01:22:58 yeah that seems drastic to me I I definitely I'm going to preface this I have not read this one at all oh okay cool have not read this one at all okay none of the parts um no I mean I it's it's weird because like hearing that from an outside perspective I also feel like that I feel like that's a that's a big jump like what like he just threw it out there and then immediate divorce and you know what I mean right but but then if I put myself in that situation I don't know how offended I would be like if I would just be like if I would think you've known me for so long we have children together this has never been something we've ever talked about yeah and like you know that I want an exclusive relationship we made these vows to each other before we got married
Starting point is 01:23:47 like why are you throwing this on me now are you bored of me like and like the fact that you're thinking about other woman and you just want to incorporate them in our relationship in our life with our children like that fucks me up like send you down the rabbit hole yes I mean on the rabbit hole so it's like yeah that like someone like throwing that out there like three some you know I mean it's not like the first time that anyone's ever said that it's not crazy it doesn't mean they don't love you anymore it doesn't mean you know xyz but like it when you're in that situation where it's just like dude I literally like thought you knew me I thought we made commitments to each other I thought we were on the same page and now you're throwing it out there like I could see how
Starting point is 01:24:24 she's kind of in a weird place I don't I'm not I don't think that they should get divorced like I think she needs to dig into that and have like a further conversation yeah but like I can like see where she's panicking I just don't understand where it's like you have this great marriage that you say you do you have this great life together you have three kids a home and like by the sounds of it a good marriage I don't understand why you just can't say to him then like no that's not something I ever would be interested in but but you also have like talked about before that like you would potentially consider a three some right I never ever ever would have before Justin it's only this relationship that I've like been very open to it and I'm not I'm not
Starting point is 01:25:09 implying that like anyone that doesn't want a three some is like insecure in their relationship that's not at all what I'm saying yeah everyone has their own relationships but I will say like I think it's the fact that I am so comfortable with him and I know he loves me so much that I'm even like willing to consider it and like my thought is is that like when you hear this story and you're picturing it in your situation like if you and Justin were to be married and he were to say that it feels way more like nonchalant because it you guys it's not that big of a deal for like your relationship but like if you were a person who was so stronghold on like never wanting that in a relationship then all of a sudden you've like committed your entire life to them kids and
Starting point is 01:25:54 marriage and then they bring it up it might feel like they just pulled the rug from underneath you because it's like yeah okay that's a desire that you've always wanted and it's not at all what I want so is that going to be in the back of your mind and I denied you to your like your desires in your life right I think you definitely could it could create a lot of insecurities but I also think it's all context like yeah has he asked for a threesome in the past and you've already said you're not interested and so he's bringing it up again yeah because yeah that's that's a little worrisome maybe is he already cheating and wants to bring in his affair partner in for your threesome like that's a rabbit hole you could go down but if it's truly something like he's never brought up
Starting point is 01:26:34 and you have this great life together and maybe it's a new fun way to spice up your sex life I kind of look at it as like uh like just talking openly about your sexual preferences even like yeah hey like would you consider pegging like would you consider calling me mommy sometime like not like I keep seeing a lot of mommy fetish reddit stories so that's not relevant in my life at all FYI I know I've overshadowed this podcast today but uh there's a lot of mommy fetish out there so I think it's just like a conversation it didn't have to be like that but we got two more updates okay like one update and then um his side okay so hi again I have a little update here I've talked to my husband now only a little bit after him asking me why I'm so absorbed in my phone
Starting point is 01:27:27 I told him that I was thinking about his request and how it affected me he said he's noticed me being distant and sad but that he didn't know how to approach me we talked a bit more and I asked him if he still wanted a threesome and he answered in the affirmative so I asked him if he'd thought a candidate and he said yes that she actually was the one who suggested it hmm yeah that's I absolutely not he showed me her instagram it was all I could do not to freak out and to keep my head cool I have all the information now and the ball is in my court now I guess I commented earlier that I was already having flashbacks with him and a faceless woman and these flashbacks are haunting me now the woman has a face oh no I hate it I need to talk more to
Starting point is 01:28:20 him we just talked for a few minutes but I just couldn't talk more tonight all my being is screaming give me a divorce so I'm waiting until I'm less irrational if anything else happens I will update I appreciate you for wanting to know how this is going I really thought he broke me with his request until I asked for more details and he provided I'm off to bed now oh I just like I hate these feelings for them top comment on this one my question is why is another woman comfortable enough to ask your husband for a threesome oh such a good question yes what I'm wondering yeah who the fuck is she what kind of conversations do they have it's probably a man catfishing where are the boundaries in your relationship with people of opposite sex
Starting point is 01:29:10 if it was me I would not at all be comfortable or happy about this and I would express that to my husband if that's how you reacted after he said imagine how you'll feel going through with it is this a random Instagram girl or is this like someone he's like friends with we're for sure gonna find out oh okay for sure okay because I'm like if it's a random person online I would I'd be like catfish tell me now I need to know what do you sneak peek I read the title so this was posted six days ago okay I will say the husband side is posted two days ago super fucking recent super recent I am so so impressed with those that shared this on the two hot takes subreddit so thank you the FMF female male female is happening on Saturday or Saturday next afterwards I'm
Starting point is 01:30:03 serving my husband the divorce papers wait what she's doing it and then divorcing him mm-hmm okay that's that's a little crazy it's unhinged it's a little unhinged it's unhinged I made a throwaway yesterday on the sub about my husband asking me for a threesome with a woman and how it ended my marriage in my heart I have had mixed reactions about it and many advised me to tell him how I felt communicate communicate communicate where's Justin well that's what I've been doing since last night I found out that the woman he had in mind is an ex-co-worker an outspoken Pauly who kept being friends with her co-workers from her old job my husband included he showed me all of his DMs with her both in the group chat and private
Starting point is 01:30:53 there's no affair between them but she's the one who showed interest in a three-way with my husband and I because having sex with couples turns her on and she thought that we're hot so at least there's not the emotional failure yeah happy happy I don't think that there's emotions involved like at all this girl wants a Pauly boyfriend and my husband only wants to spice things up anyways I'm leaving my husband because I can't control my feelings he broke me I'm certainly still not communicating my feelings properly to him but I'm probably just wired this way when someone hurts me I just shut down and shut them out what my best friend said I did anyways I have contacted a lawyer and I have a meeting tomorrow to go through the process
Starting point is 01:31:34 and details now for the female male female I'm going to say yes mostly because I'm so curious to see what the fuss is all about reading the comments yesterday you guys made it sound like it's what every man dreams of I'm intrigued I want to see the reason my marriage is over does this make sense nope no I want to know if it's worth ruining my heart another thing is that I want to he doesn't know uh another thing is that I want to do something nice for him before leaving since he's so excited what my way of saying goodbye I told him I'm good bye gift I told him I'm game and that I wanted it to be over with this weekend he got excited and tried to kiss me forget fucking it she should have said fucking forget it he didn't notice I avoided his touch we spoke
Starting point is 01:32:30 to the girl she thought Saturday is too soon if we're both first timers maybe we needed to meet her first etc she's a pro I give her that so we're meeting for drinks on Saturday let's not label it she said let's just meet and see how it goes from there as I said pro I know this will I know this will piss you off probably but I promised an update so here you go please don't hate me too much oh and we are mid 30s and the girly is early 30s I think if I sound childish it's probably a mixture of language barrier but also childishness good night this is also a throwaway she keeps saying good night um I want to bang my head in a wall this is okay this is not as bad of a situation as I would have thought
Starting point is 01:33:22 because like you said the initial process yeah because like you said there is no there was not like a romantic uh or emotional cheating going on so it seems it just seems like it's like literally it literally seems like a it's just business a shot in the dark it seems like a shoot your shot yeah like I think your wife are hot I think you and your wife are hot if you'd ever consider a threesome I'm here and I guess like why I ease up too is like one time I had I was dating a guy who um like he was my boyfriend and his ex was like I love your girlfriend I think she's so cute like could I have a threesome with her because she's bisexual wow and she like had a different relationship going on and she didn't want it with me and my boyfriend she wanted it with me and like
Starting point is 01:34:14 the relationship she had what and I never told you that no and my boyfriend was and my boyfriend was like no that's so sweet but no and I was like oh my god I was like love her for that but it was she called me pretty I know right I'm like I love her now but it's just fuck yeah it was just like one of those things where it's like it's so interesting and again we're all so fucking different and the way our brains work like we just talked like some of us will like put bananas up our ass and some of us like will like run and throw up to them so it's like we're very we're we're different we're different but it's just like instantly like her saying that about me made me just feel like I'm like yeah this this ex of his is a homie like she's like
Starting point is 01:35:06 non-threatening to me and so this story kind of reminds me of that and that doesn't like her feelings are her feelings I think it's fucking weird that she's like this is my goodbye present but like this is breaking my heart yeah but at the same time I am kind of curious what it's all about yeah right what what's the hype all about yeah and it's like are you interested or are you not interested right because you're sounding more interested right you just like want to do it maybe it like maybe she has some type of like I don't know religious like thing where she's like I can't do this like for good conscious but like I'm being I don't know like this is the only way I could do it with like my like guilt being I don't know whatever I'm making shit up at this point but like
Starting point is 01:35:47 but I'm like it's just it's getting weird because it's just like okay one you should tell me how you feel because it's like yeah if you're in a committed relationship you should you owe your partner that right like absolutely and then and then two what are you what is this vindictive like what are you doing I don't get it is there more is there updates so I'll go to the no don't tell me there's no updates accounts been deleted so I don't have an update from her but you have from him I have his side but I will say her like she like italicized it when she said it too so she goes italicized communicate communicate cute and me indicate is she like quoting Justin like I don't know she watched the show maybe Justin found her original post well that's what I've been doing
Starting point is 01:36:35 since last night that's the exact opposite of what you've been doing you literally are like doing this as a test you're you're like dangling this bait as a test and it's like for what if the marriage is over in your heart in your head because he even asked for a threesome what and so it's like I've been telling him how I feel but apparently not good enough you've been communicating that you want this threesome so much so that you're setting it up how are you communicating how you feel and your wants and your needs yeah I'm like I'm really mind-fucked with how she thinks she's communicating I know okay top comment stupid games end in stupid prizes and OP responds what does that mean
Starting point is 01:37:30 hey Siri what does stupid games end in stupid prizes mean you don't get it okay I found this on the web for what does stupid games and in stupid prizes mean check it out yes if one makes poor decisions one should expect negative consequences most often in response to violent or humiliating outcomes of poor decisions see also fuck around and find out okay so his post is titled my male 35 wife female 37 told me this morning that she wants a divorce after yesterday's three-way my wife and I had a three-way yesterday with a woman that I know it was terrible to tell you the truth my wife was so awkward and she refused to take off her nightgown amongst other things she never looked at me once and refused to let me touch or kiss her
Starting point is 01:38:27 the girl female 29 we had was more relaxed and she tried to make my wife get comfortable my wife was more receptive to her advances than to me she just shut me out completely I only thought it was because it was my wife's first time and that she was awkward she is a very shy person anyways halfway she just took a more passive role and even didn't let the girl touch her this morning she told me that the marriage was over and that she wanted a divorce I asked her if it was because of yesterday and she said yes I asked her why she didn't tell me that she didn't want a three-way if she hated it so much and that it's ending our marriage she said our marriage ended the day I suggested the three-way and that she just wanted to see
Starting point is 01:39:12 if it was worth breaking her heart and said I hope it was worth it of course it wasn't worth it I would have forgot all about it had she said she didn't want it she did say that she wasn't into having other people when I first suggested it and I respected that but then she changed her mind and agreed my wife and my family are way more important to me than any three-way if she didn't want it I would have never brought it up again I feel played what do you fucking say to a woman like that I fucking love her and I don't want to live without her but she has asked me to move out tomorrow ps thank you for sending me my wife's post one reads the moment my husband suggested an fmf the marriage was over in my heart am I overreacting the other one reads blank I don't know how to
Starting point is 01:40:03 include the post but I have read them I and I alone have ruined my life I broke my wife's heart edit to add look I know I'm 100 wrong here and that I fucked up completely and ruined my life and broke my girl's heart what she did is so fucked up it's just so fucked up that she never once communicated how she felt to me her husband I asked her once and she decided to force me then in there and she pretended everything was cool between us if she and this is like all caps bold if she had told me that a threesome is a deal breaker I would never have asked her again I repeat if she had told me that a threesome is a deal breaker I would never have asked her again yeah if she told me how that broke her heart I would have done anything to try and mend it
Starting point is 01:40:51 but she was just so calm and collected about it none of you live with us to see my point of view no one can see how fucked up this is I know I should have been more attentive during the three way I wasn't and I regret it bitterly it's my first and I got it confused because she was the one who brought up the subject again after telling me no and I forgot about it but according to her she was already set on divorce so there was nothing I could have done during the three way to change her mind she has thrown away her marriage because of a stupid stupid request that I didn't follow up on but she did damn also I don't know like she wasn't really into him touching or kissing her before the threesome so
Starting point is 01:41:33 I don't think if he would have paid more attention to her it would have mattered no not at all she already made up her mind I mean I'm I'm so down to be I'm like so here for being like very like hurt by the asking of a threesome I get it but like this I just I'm sorry like I don't this is too much for me like you need to fucking communicate like yes we do live in a world where people do have threesome it's not like the craziest thing to request and like yes that's really hurtful and like yes you would hope that your husband knows you well enough to like not like to not request that if but like but communicate like your feelings your thoughts like tell him how you feel see how he reacts give him a fucking chance if this is someone
Starting point is 01:42:25 that you've dedicated your life to like why not give him a chance to explain himself like he's like he like he said he's not that interested he just was like hey shits and gigs this was an offer what are your thoughts like do you know what I mean like do you do you feel that way or like is this just me but that's what I'm saying I think it's I think the conversation and that's kind of what I said I think the conversation when he initially like mentioned it was so casual yeah and that's it's no different than discussing like what do you think about pegging yeah what are your thoughts on six nine what are your thoughts on hitting it from behind that rhymes um no I think I think it was just way way over analyzed from her and I think she just
Starting point is 01:43:08 self sabotaged again and again and again and again and again and it's it's hard to watch it's hard to hard to read the delusion of that second update yeah if you're against it just say it just say it why and if you already know you want the divorce why then that's like like he said he felt played yes he was played and I get really bad vibes from this I mean bad vibes from all of this it's making my brain hurt to be honest the same and there's there's a lot of comments on this post I'll be sure to link them they're also linked on the THT subreddit under this episode theme along with some other ones we didn't get a chance to read that are also probably really good but yeah this is what we're ending on this is we're done fuck this I did have a really wholesome
Starting point is 01:43:59 one but it's I guess it's not that long do you want it the wholesome one yeah okay like I need to go to bed but like yeah so it is titled I 29 female keep finding long hairs in my bathroom which is strange because my husband 32 male is bald and I have a short pixie crop hairstyle she's that wholesome I know I prefaced it well this started a few weeks ago while cleaning the bathroom I found a number of long hair strands over my bathroom wall by the shower this struck me as very odd because not only does my husband not have hair I also wear a very cropped short hairstyle so it's impossible for the strands I found to belong to either me or my husband confused I washed them away but couldn't stop thinking about it I decided not to mention it but kept looking out
Starting point is 01:44:53 for them there seems to be a pattern that there's hairs appearing when I'm either at work or out for a longer time period I feel like I'm going crazy and I feel like I shouldn't just immediately go to my husband cheating on me with a longer haired woman I asked my husband about it and he just shrugged which makes me more paranoid as surely this is something that's strange so why is he so blasé about it I'm starting to think he's playing it down to stop me from finding out the truth it happened again two days ago and I asked my husband again he dismissed it but this time admitted it's strange but told me the only explanation is that they must be my hairs they are not and after saying so now he'll just ignore me if I bring it up I don't want to assume
Starting point is 01:45:41 my husband is cheating on me and accuse him of such over something so ridiculous but I'm driving myself into the ground trying to work out how the hairs have gotten there without my husband dismissing it as nothing during lockdown we haven't had any visitors that I know of so can rule out his sister that was the post shut up I mean there's an update um it's like I I mean I would have a reaction but I don't because I know it's a wholesome pose so I'm just like I'm like what is he doing is he like braiding his pubes like I'm confused yeah a lot of comments on the original do you do your laundry at a public laundromat or share washers and dryers with anyone or is there anyone you've been in contact with during this time that has long that has long hair
Starting point is 01:46:34 while unlikely it may explain finding hairs once or twice but if it's recurring especially in the shower I don't think you are unreasonable to be suspicious yeah um someone goes could it be a wig could your husband be into they use the word cross dressing but I believe that is an inappropriate term these days it's weird she finds them on the shower wall blah blah blah so a lot of comments update I ultimately decided against getting a secret camera set up because ironically enough I didn't want to betray my partner's trust though part of me wanted to get one to squash any worries of someone living in my walls as per the comments I did though plan to leave work early which is something I've never done before my boss allowed me to leave after a
Starting point is 01:47:21 half day upon returning home nothing seemed to miss I was expecting another car on the drive or parked outside on the street there was no other car I didn't recognize quietly letting myself in I was immediately confused in the hallway there was a pair of shoes I didn't recognize and a pony and not only that they looked like men's shoes standing in the hallway trying to work out what to do if I should sneak around or make my presence known before I could decide my husband walked out of the kitchen with two cups of tea by my husband's face it was obvious he was surprised to see me it was the tea guy from earlier same story playing along with naivety I asked my husband how he could have known I was coming home early to make me tea expecting my husband to lie
Starting point is 01:48:13 he surprised me by sitting me down and explaining everything tea what tea guy what do you mean the tea guy from the story who is like not wanting to share his tea now he's sharing his tea that one might go to patreon okay at the beginning of lockdown his friend someone I'm not all the close with because only met once was evicted lost his job and had been couch surfing so for some days over the past couple of weeks this guy's been traveling to her house and with the acceptance of my husband using our bathroom to freshen up to attend interviews he was also borrowing shirts and suits for my husband as it turns out my husband's friend has long hair and a beard so it turns out my husband isn't cheating on me but was hiding the fact his long haired friend
Starting point is 01:49:02 was coming over to use our shower after his shower I ended up meeting Dave and he turned out to be a very nice bloke just down on his luck I wished him the best for his socially distanced interview and he went on his way why didn't he tell her I asked my husband why he didn't just tell me as I wouldn't have had a problem with it turns out he was worried about my reaction and me not liking his friend or approving of the situation he also told me Dave was very embarrassed about the whole situation and didn't want people to know what he was having to do I told my husband I was starting to believe he was cheating and he was shocked having not even considered those implications while attempting to cover for his friend I told him this whole thing
Starting point is 01:49:46 was ridiculous and even suggested his friend live with us until he's back on his feet funnily enough my worst case scenario which was mentioned in the replies was either a homeless man or woman living in my walls and sneakily using the shower and though this seems to be half the case I'm glad it wasn't a stranger as such that wasn't unwelcome and someone that wasn't living in my walls I don't like that he kind of gaslit her about it like being like I don't know what you're talking about long hairs they must be yours I'm like now that we're on the topic of um other side of the story I'm like what if he told his friend with long hair to come in to cover for him so the wife would get off his back with his affair or what if the two of them were
Starting point is 01:50:35 still having an affair and he lied about him doing interviews we will never know the account is now deleted but there's like that was kind of a two sides even though they're both coming from her it was kind of like yeah no no no and it was it was a happy ending that was definitely wholesome great great friend it was good it was great friend it was good time for bed time for bed time for way too late way too late um thanks for tuning in guys thanks for being here Lauren for this emergency session um thank you for all these updates that you all shared with me on the THT subreddit be sure to tune in for Spotify live the episode tonight was absolutely fucking bonkers and I share a personal story that happened to me in Iceland that was extremely traumatic I want
Starting point is 01:51:24 to tune in it's really good can I really can I re-listen or is it only yes you can re-listen if you're unable to join live on tuesdays 7 p.m pacific 10 p.m eastern you can listen back on fridays when the episode drops only friday though it stays in that stays yeah it's on the regular spotify app on friday but join live it's really don't you get nervous like you can't edit it no oh morgan's raw I know it's kind of scary um but it's really really fun and I shared a story about this like thing that happened in Iceland and it was terrifying I'll show you pictures after this okay I'll put a picture on the youtube if you're watching just so you can get an idea of what I'm about to talk about on that episode but it's nuts also you guys we had to record this
Starting point is 01:52:12 really late because like she said it's an emergency session so any sleep depriveness that's where it's coming from same and I'm still super jet lagged from Iceland so we try to give you guys our our best so we did we really did yeah so give us some grace love you until next time good night bye hi jan from toyota speaking jan I heard it's a good time to buy a toyota sure is from now until April 4th you can shop all your favorites like corolla rav 4 sequoia and more imagine yourself in a new tundra where you stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house you promised your daughter Sarah when did you hop on the call hi dad mom said you were taking
Starting point is 01:53:26 too long on the phone toyota let's go places see you're participating toyota dealer for details dealer inventory may vary it's jeep 4 by 4 season make your next adventure epic and hurry in now for great deals now well qualified returning fc lsc's get a low mileage lease on the 2023 jeep grand Cherokee L laredo 4 by 4 for 329 a month for 24 months with 3999 do it signing tax title license extra no security deposit required call 1 8 at 8 9 2 5 jeep for details requires dealer contribution a lease through ally financial currently must end by 63 24 extra charge for miles over 20 000 residency restrictions apply take delivery by 531 23 jeep is a registered trademark

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