Two Hot Takes - 87: Unfortunately, These Ghosts Are Real..

Episode Date: October 27, 2022

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-host Justin and Lauren! This episode is full of paranormal stories EXCLUSIVELY from listeners! Lauren still cant sleep 4 days after recording this epi...sode, so I hope we're giving the spooky season the goodbye it deserves with these ones.. UPCOMING LIVE SHOW IN LOS ANGELES DEC 2ND: Join us for our New Spotify Live Show: to join LIVE !! to listen to already aired episodes !! Patreon for bonus content: Our SubReddit to Submit YOUR Stories!!! Full length Video episodes available on YouTube: Partners: GhostBed: Promo Code: THT Match: Download the Match app for FREE and DO YOU Everlywell: Alo Moves: Promo Code: THT

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Any Hour Services has a team of technicians that can take care of any plumbing, electrical, or air conditioning needs you might have around your house. Got a drain that's clogged? Call Any Hour Services. Need a ceiling fan installed? Call Any Hour Services. Air conditioner not working? Call Any Hour Services.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Maintenance repair or install. Any job. Any size. Any Hour Services. Mention this ad and take 50 bucks off your next visit. Call Any Hour Services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. Why am I nervous?
Starting point is 00:00:31 Woo hoo hoo. Cause we're about to tell, we're about to tell scary stories in a scary place. See, I don't know if I'm more nervous about the scary place thing or that fact that you told me that I have to read a story. Oh, yeah. I'm really bad at public reading. You'll be okay. You'll be okay.
Starting point is 00:00:51 I trip over words. I don't pronounce them all right. That's okay. That's what editing is for. You know, I did do line reading though with an actor. With the actor. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Thank you. For a new Netflix show. It was an addition, but actually it's so funny. So yesterday I watched his most recent Netflix show, which is Partner Track. Have you guys heard of it? Oh, you're really dropping them like that, huh? Well, I'm actually kind of, I want to know, if anyone else has watched this, have you guys seen it yet?
Starting point is 00:01:23 I saw the previews. It's on my list to watch. Yeah. So, he is completely my type in the show, and I actually want to know if our THT friends in the show. Yeah. I can't guess which one he is. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Based off, if they think they know my type, because his, the character he plays is, it's yeah. Okay. Spot on. Okay. So fam, if you watch the show, comment on the YouTube and see if you can take a guess. Lauren's chatting with, I'm really excited to see if they can guess. Chatting.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Chatting with. Just chatting. I like this. So, you've noticed, if you're watching on YouTube, our costumes by now, everyone say their costumes. Halloween week. I'm a unicorn, but I look like a beanie baby. No, it's really cute.
Starting point is 00:02:13 You have by far the cutest one. I like yours a lot. Well, Justin's is pretty cool, not, I wouldn't say cute, but it's cool, you know. Cute. What do you mean? This is hot. I was an astronaut. Damn.
Starting point is 00:02:25 He's turned on about the idea of himself being an astronaut. That's good. That's good self-love. It's my alternate personality, but also like my personality, because it will happen. I will wear a suit like this someday. After you make a hit song for Dua Lipa, you're going straight to space. Yeah. He actually would.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't have the money he'd be on the next spaceship with Jeff Bezos. Oh, no, no, no. I'm just going to apply to the Mars missions. Oh, okay. So Lauren's a unicorn, Justin's an astronaut, and my name is Tigger. Wow, you practiced that.
Starting point is 00:03:03 That's something I've always been able to do. No, she just does that. She does. It just happens all the time. Yeah. No, you are. It used to be better when I was in high school. What sound do you think a unicorn would make?
Starting point is 00:03:17 A horse sound. Okay. Okay. Just like maybe with sparkles. So funny how unicorns like are this mystical character, they're literally a horse with a horn. They're definitely real, or were in the past, I mean. I like that.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Because think about those little seals with the horns, narwhals. Think about all the crazy stuff that's in the ocean. Yeah. And did you know that whales and cows apparently are like relatives? What the fuck? Yeah. Well, everything is technically a relative on some level. But 99% of all species that have ever existed are extinct.
Starting point is 00:03:53 That's really sad. So if you think of the diversity of life that we know on earth now, think about all that was before, and there was much, much, much before dinosaurs where there's not even fossils or anything because it's just too old. So we really don't know what could have been. How did they come up with these theories? It's just reality. I mean, if you think about, we can estimate with high accuracy when life began on earth
Starting point is 00:04:25 because of the changes in atmosphere, and you can see all this in the different layers of rock and such, but the crazy thing is that leads even to the idea that there could have been past intelligent civilizations on earth. And it's just been so long since that it's all been buried and just like just returned to earth. Sediment. And on that note, tune into the next Spotify Live where Justin talks layers of the earth and past species.
Starting point is 00:05:02 We just did our space episode on Spotify Live. Oh, wow. Everything got a whole hour and a half to talk about space and thriving. Crushed it. It was a good time. I'm just a tangent guy now. Even in sessions now, I start to just talk to someone and we'll go down a crazy rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Or a black hole. Yeah, wormhole. And all of a sudden we'll all be sitting there and I'll be like, okay, I'm sorry, I'll stop talking because I get everyone so off track. Which we're, train is rolling on this one. So we are in costumes coming at you with a spooky episode that is completely made up of listener write-ins and we are recording at the Mission Inn in Riverside, California, which is one of the top three haunted places in California.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And it is so beautiful. You guys, it's insane. I kept being like, nowhere this beautiful could be that haunted. Yeah. You're like, there's so many happy things that happen here. How's it haunted? Yeah, there's weddings and stuff, but I will say the rooms are so creepy, like all of the architecture, it really is like terrifying, but the outdoor areas are just, it all is
Starting point is 00:06:25 beautiful honestly. Yeah. It's all in your head. I know. We'll include a couple of videos. I think I did this YouTube video of just like the hotel and areas we were exploring. I mean, we went through every corridor, we're going to do a little bit more exploring after we record this.
Starting point is 00:06:40 So maybe I'll be patching an audio that like, oh my God, we saw a ghost, but we went into like the bowels of the basement where the ballroom is, we were pulling doors, trying to get in to spots. And we haven't seen anything yet, but there definitely is a vibe here where it just feels maybe a little eerie because there's a big chapel on the property and it's just like that gothic renaissance style. It's very old, old school and like I was saying when we got into the room, it smells like a haunted house.
Starting point is 00:07:09 It smells like a haunted movie. Yeah. I mean, so the place for a little haunted movie, like if you, if you watch a haunted movie and then you imagine that it smells like something, like what's that one really famous one? The like red rum one? I don't know. What with Jack Nicholson?
Starting point is 00:07:29 How to kill a mockingbird? What? Uh, secret window? No, it's the elevator one with the twins and the blood. The shining? Yes. Yeah. I never watched it, but I have seen parts of it because people forced me to watch, try
Starting point is 00:07:43 to watch it, but this place looks how that place looks like it would smell and smells okay. Okay. This isn't working. It smells old in here. We get it. Yeah. Which it is old.
Starting point is 00:07:56 The original hotel, which was called a boarding house back then, the Glenwood Cottage was built in 1876. And then the owner, who at that time was Christopher Columbus Miller, I know, unfortunate name, sold it to his son in February, 1880. And Frank Augustus Miller was the son who purchased it and turned it into a full service hotel in the early 1900s. And I mean, there's been super famous people that have stayed here, a lot of past presidents. So the place is a vibe and a lot of people report seeing, hearing all sorts of things.
Starting point is 00:08:32 Smelling. Okay. Sorry. I'm done. Justin does not like the smelling haunted comment. I'm just still trying to decipher. I'm still trying to figure that one out. He's confused.
Starting point is 00:08:44 He's confused. But let's get into these, these listener writings all about paranormal experiences. Let's do it. Let's dive in. Are we ready? Born ready. I don't know if I'm ready. Fuck.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Okay. So this first one, I'll start off by saying, okay. I'll start off by saying that this has been happening over the course of my life, starting at the age of 17, which was by far the scariest thing that happened in my life. I'm currently a 29-year-old female. When I was 17, I was living with my boyfriend and his family. They were unaware of our relationship. Because of a situation I was in at my home, and so they took me in.
Starting point is 00:09:42 They didn't have a room open for me, so I slept on their couch. They had this huge clock on the wall at the end of the couch, and the damn thing would tick so loudly. I have insomnia, so this drove me nuts, but one night I was laying down, and both hands on the clock dropped to six, and all of the toys in the living room started going off. Shut the fuck up. Do you hear that? All of a sudden, the clock starts ringing here.
Starting point is 00:10:14 It is 7-0-1. That is terrifying, though. The timing of it, though. That was good timing. It's like a grand clock, too. I don't know if you guys can pick it up, but we can hear it from outside. That's like a creepy clock sound. That is really creepy.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Wow. That was just cool. That's pretty cool. Good timing. Good timing. Good timing story, Morgan. I love it. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:40 So, I was laying down, and both hands on the clock dropped to six, and all of the toys in the living room started going off. I was so scared. I put the blanket over my head, and after a few minutes, I was silent again, except for the damn ticking. I chopped it up to maybe I fell asleep and dreamt it all. Fast forward about three months. I'm still living in this house, but now they have moved me into a bedroom in the back of
Starting point is 00:11:05 the house. My boyfriend and I had kept our secret, and he would come in at 3 a.m. almost every night. So I thought nothing of it when I woke up to someone standing above my bed. When I looked at him, he was wearing all black, and his eyes, dot, dot, dot. I can't even begin to describe what I was seeing. It wouldn't do him justice, but I could feel the hatred radiating from him. His image is burned in my memory. He turned on my light, and he was gone.
Starting point is 00:11:38 I started to try and reason out what happened, and made my way to my boyfriend's room, and he was snoring in bed. I began to realize the true nature of what happened, and I started to hyperventilate in the corner of his room and shaking profusely. His mom and stepdad ran into the room to find out what was going on, and I explained it all. His stepdad turned white and told me he had seen the same person the night before outside on the front lawn, but maybe thought it was a kid in the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:12:06 What the fuck? Fast forward a couple years later. I moved into an apartment with my oldest child's father, pregnant with her at the time, and I was Skyping with my friend in my bedroom, my back to the door, having a random conversation, and then she stops mid-sentence and asks me, who's with me? I'm, of course, confused as hell because I was home alone. I turned around to see no one, of course, but then she said he was standing behind my door, and I looked, but no one was there.
Starting point is 00:12:37 I then looked in my little camera box and, sure as hell, there he was, the same man that I had seen in that house two years prior. New house, new city, same man. What? I just got full body chills. Camera box? I'm not sure what it means. We can ask maybe someone- Like she reviewed the recording or it's just like-
Starting point is 00:13:00 The footage? I'm not sure. Or like- I don't know what a camera box is. I'm not sure. 10 years later, I'm laying in my bed. New apartment, new city, waiting for my fiancé to get out of the shower. This house seemed good enough. Never seen anything here or heard anything other than my neighbor's fighting.
Starting point is 00:13:17 No spirits. I was calm and waiting, when all of a sudden, I was flipped over to the foot of my bed, staring at the bathroom door. Hands. I felt big hands across my legs, holding them down, not letting me move. I felt them again across my chest, making it hard to breathe. And when I opened my mouth to scream, nothing came out. Like I had a hand over my mouth.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Everything started to fade into a black tunnel. Unable to breathe or move, I stared at the door hoping for any relief. The shower turned off and I was released like nothing happened. He tried to kill me. I've always been an open person and have been able to see things that not everyone can see, but not really on command. One thing I can do somewhat easily is see auras, colors, if you will. I've always called it my instincts.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I can tell. God, there was like a little fruit fly and it was going in circles and it was the corner of my eye and I was like, it's a fucking aura. Okay. I'm not doing well so far, just so you guys know, this is not, yeah. Are you like, Justin, you're on phase. You look on phase. I'm chilling.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Oh God. Okay. Sorry, Morgan. I've always called it my instincts. I can tell based on my instincts, what kind of person you are or how you're feeling. I am an empath. That being said, a month ago, I was having a conversation with a host for a job I was doing in LA.
Starting point is 00:14:46 This person is not someone I've ever met before and had no connection to till this day. We were talking about spirituality and what it means to us and this quote, man got brought up. I started to tell the story of what happened and before I could tell her what I saw, she stops me. She said, I know this is going to sound really strange, but I just got an image in my head. I told her to please describe what she saw because I needed to know if the image I just played out in my own head was the same.
Starting point is 00:15:18 As soon as I think of him, I always have the same image. What she described was too accurate to understand. How did she know? Had she seen him before? Had she encountered the same being? Why does my skin hurt? Why is my scalp tingling? What is this connection?
Starting point is 00:15:37 Had I thrown an image with my own mind? How is she seeing him? I had so many questions and didn't know where to start. She knew exactly what his eyes looked like, the sunken black holes that have scarred my dreams and the way she described how she felt, the pure hatred, the disgust. Did the universe put her there to do this with me? What the hell kind of connection was this that allowed images across both our minds? Who the hell is following me?
Starting point is 00:16:08 To this day, my youngest child, four-year-old daughter, talks to someone in our home. She has never stated that she was scared, but I know that she's open as well and it terrifies me that she may encounter the same man that has haunted me my whole adult life. The fuck. That is insane. Have you guys heard that type of story before? Like that's, yeah, so kind of. So my friend Laura has a sister named Kat and Kat has like worked with a spiritualist,
Starting point is 00:16:42 especially in recent years since their dad passed. But there's a story that Laura told me where Kat was really young and their older cousin or someone was like babysitting them and Kat was sleeping and the cousin like walked into the room to like check on her sleeping. And there was like a dark figure hovering over Kat while she was sleeping. And so Kat has like worked with a spiritualist and the spiritualist kind of told her like, you have this man that is attached to you, that has been following you. And so she's worked with this person to try to like create a boundary like in her own
Starting point is 00:17:16 mind and like from her energy to like block him out. But it's it's very real. I fully believe that this is a thing. Wow. And it's scary because like, how do how do these people find you and do they find you when you're more open to spiritual connections like this? Like Justin, nothing's getting through that. He's just like very unfazed, like doesn't really react to.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Do you believe in it? Do you believe in it though? Because you like it, right? I'm just like, I will get there when I experience it. So I invite the experience 100% not right here and I've done that for years. When Jake and I would live in lived in New York, we used to be like, like, come on, come to our apartment. We were wanting to experience something, but why anything?
Starting point is 00:18:09 Just to freak you out. I mean, I'm I mean, I'm sure on some level it would. But at the same time, it's just you don't like you can hear a million stories. And, you know, there's people that would never lie to you. But there's also the fact that the brain is so powerful. And like your brain can kill you. Your brain can make you believe anything, see anything. And so it's like every time you are seeing right now,
Starting point is 00:18:36 your brain is completing some part of the image. And so so interesting. It's I don't think people are as aware as they think they are most times just in the sense that everything you're seeing is just like this, this processing that your brain's doing from what your eyes are taking in. It's just it's very interesting when you get into the whole mechanics of how you see and perceive and now and analyze. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And like our brain doesn't even allow us to know what we really look like, which I think is interesting. But the thing about it, though, is though, I am very I'm open in the sense that I know as a species, we are intelligent, but we are so far from knowing all right. We are so just the what we know is like when you think about the ocean, we've explored like a very minute percentage of it. So we don't know what's out there, let alone the great expanse of space.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So we really are so limited in what we understand, even though we think we know a lot. And because of that, I can't say, oh, yeah, no, that stuff's all fake. It's not real. I don't whatever. But you just don't know. No one can say, I mean, sure, there's probably people who fully, truly believe it. But there is nothing when you like there's nothing scientifically proven.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I don't think if you that can prove or disprove. And so it's just like I need to have an experience to be on that train. OK, I always thought that you were way more like a believer, so it sounds like you're more of a not a believer. I think it's a very like skeptic. Skeptic, OK, but like I can't open to the like your yeah. But like, you know, if you come and told me the same story. How do you argue?
Starting point is 00:20:31 I'm not going to be like, hmm, OK, well, let's go through what could have happened. I mean, your mind definitely goes there when you're on my side of it, where you're like, Well, you could be in this half a sleep thing because I've like had all sorts of types of crazy dreams and you wake up and you try and figure out, okay, did I just experience that or not? And your brain is powerful enough to have these crazy dreams.
Starting point is 00:20:56 I mean, think when you have a dream, how chaotic and like supernatural. You know the difference though. But like, well, what's weird in me out is the fact that there's so many different people that have like the friend who saw the man in that call. The person, he saw them, the dad who saw the man on the lawn.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Like there's so many different people involved. That's what's strange. That is what's strange. And so that's the kind of thing I'm talking about. Whereas if I had some experience and I went to Morgan, she's like, no, wait, I saw this too, like a few days ago. Then I'd be like, oh, shit. But I'd almost be more fascinated by it and be like,
Starting point is 00:21:31 oh my God, there's this whole realm that like I just got a little dip my toe into and I have no idea about, but it's more of a fascination where it's like, oh my God, this is so crazy, but cool. Not like, I mean, it would be scary too. So I don't know. I can't speak on it because I'm not there.
Starting point is 00:21:53 It's so scary when something like this happens to you because for me, you do question yourself after you're like, did that just happen? Like what the hell? But like I was not asleep and it's definitely so different than a dream when it does happen. And if you guys didn't watch like the last spooky episode,
Starting point is 00:22:12 I've talked about it a few times on the podcast, but I had like a paranormal experience where I heard footsteps like running up and down the hall and like the light switch flicking on and off of like this old assisted living place, turned Airbnb that I was staying at. And so it feels surreal because you're like, how is this happening?
Starting point is 00:22:34 Like I know I'm here alone. You try to rationalize it in your head and you're like, but there's no, no one's here. The doors are locked. I am by myself. I mean, this takes it a level further because if you physically see and interact with something. To be touched.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Touched, but also even just to see. Like yours was through a door and you're seeing lights and you're hearing things. You didn't actually see, right? To see, oh, if I would have saw. That's what I mean. That's what I mean. I don't know how she was like ever okay again.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Like knowing that that like creed, whatever it is could like come up at any point if it keeps coming up like throughout her life. Like I don't know how you, I would, oh my God. Well, I told her I said someone has access to the house. That's what I said. When she called me the next day, I said, A, you just like literally can't stay there anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:25 But B, I was also like, I want to come stay there and experience this too. Everything was locked though. Every door had chain links. Every window had a wooden bar in it. I mean, there was no- You were alone, right? Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:23:41 How did you go back to sleep? Put a blanket over my head. I laid there for quite some time after. Was your heart just racing? Yeah, I felt like I was having a panic attack. Yeah. I'm my heart's racing this like entire past few hours. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Yeah, no, seriously. I think the craziest thing about this and we've said this quite a few times I think it's kind of common knowledge that like little kids too are more perceptive to things. They see spirits more than we do as adults. And so the fact that her daughter, the four-year-old is talking to someone in the house.
Starting point is 00:24:15 But the fact that the four-year-old is not afraid though, that's- Cause naivety, naiveness. Kids usually aren't afraid though. Cause they don't know that to be a scary thing. They haven't seen horror films. They haven't heard all these crazy stories. They're more just like, hi.
Starting point is 00:24:30 They don't know. They have no clue. I mean, you can feel like if she really felt that hatred, if it was the same person, maybe it's not. Maybe she, cause she said, she just thinks that her daughter's open like she is. So maybe it's a different like source. Maybe it's presenting different to the child
Starting point is 00:24:44 to try to gain the child's trust before. Oh, that's so creepy. Before it flips. I mean, do you think this has been happening ever since there was slightly intelligent being such as like when there was cavemen. I'm saying when there was a distinctive human like species, right?
Starting point is 00:25:01 Or do you think this has occurred throughout all life? Do you think there's, when life has all just- There's always been spirits? When there was always just like little bacteria. Do you think the bacteria, like some turned into ghosts and then some bacteria be like, oh, but I guess they're not smart enough to realize.
Starting point is 00:25:15 So I guess if it, if you are an aware life form. Well, and I'm not sure about like cavemen and what they believe in, but I know- What about like dogs? Dogs see these things, right? The animals can see- Cause then they start barking. Like sometimes June in the studio,
Starting point is 00:25:30 Austin's dog will just all of a sudden, if you throw the ball into this one corner, she'll grab the ball and then she'll look up, kind of up like this and she'll just stare for like 10 seconds straight. Oh my God. Yeah, there's something there. And in, in the studio one day,
Starting point is 00:25:44 this girl was freaking out cause she's like, oh my God, did you see what she just did? And we're like, yeah, she kind of just does that. And I threw it over there again and she grabbed the ball and like looked up and just stared. There's something there. Let's get a spiritualist in there.
Starting point is 00:25:58 I'm down. I mean, if there was going to be spirits, they would have been in the old studio. Well, we never sensed the thing. Just wrote great songs. Yeah. Anyway, I'm sorry. I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:26:08 But it's relevant. It is. And so what I was going to say though too, like I'm not, I don't know if you kind of meant it like this, but like if other like forms of human civilizations had spirits or things like that, but I know within native American or indigenous people, their culture, there's a lot of legends about spirits
Starting point is 00:26:29 and you know, skin walkers is a conversation. And so we're actually on an upcoming Spotify live episode, we're actually going to have a native creator come on and talk with us about skin walkers, which is kind of like a person that can like change forms. And they can also like kind of mold into animals, I believe, but don't quote me because we will have a true native American creator come on
Starting point is 00:26:53 and like talk about this with us. But I think a lot of other cultures do have like the belief of spirits and ghosts and things like that. I'm not fair. I just meant back before they could communicate it or write it down. We're going to have to look up caveman because I could see it, I honestly could see it.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Like, but they would experience it and they wouldn't have a way to pass it down necessarily or cave drawings, but maybe we just think there are other people on the wall. True. There's so many cave drawings. I'm picturing a caveman, just like draw like a ghost. Ghost.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Like the emoji. The emoji. That's what I was envisioning too. Okay, moving along. Cave is haunted. Yeah, literally. What's up everybody? I'm Mike Wilson with Any Hour Services
Starting point is 00:27:31 and if you've been thinking about replacing your old water heater, Any Hour Services is here to help and save you some money. Whether you're looking for a new tanked water heater or you want to see what upgrading to a tank list would cost, the plumbers at Any Hour Services can show you what options are available. And right now you can save $400 on a tanked water heater
Starting point is 00:27:47 or $1200 on a tank list. Call Any Hour Services and schedule a free estimate today, Google Any Hour Services or schedule online at No one helps more homeowners than Any Hour Services. So this one starts off. My dad's house used to be a troubled girls home. When we moved in, we had one of the neighbors tell us that
Starting point is 00:28:07 there were rumors about the people running the home locking the girls in the basement when they would misbehave. We found claw marks in the brick in the basement. At night, you would hear footsteps coming up and down the stairs, but there was no one there. Little did I know it would get much worse once I lived there alone.
Starting point is 00:28:26 This is when the footsteps started coming all the way up the stairs and into my bedroom. One night, when my boyfriend and I were watching a movie, playing as day, we heard footsteps come up the stairs and into my bedroom. Then we heard, quote, wanna play a game in a little girl's voice. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:28:46 We left the house at that time. After this, items started getting moved around the house. My wallet ended up outside when it was in my purse by the front door. Items in the kitchen would disappear for a day or two and return to their exact location, et cetera. When I started dating my now fiancee, I told him about the house before he stayed the night.
Starting point is 00:29:07 He thought I was crazy. I can be pretty dramatic and exaggerate things, so it wasn't all his fault. One night, I was taking a shower and he was in my bedroom. When it sounded like a man was having a conversation and then coming up the stairs, my fiancee ran into the bathroom with a baseball bat and locked the door.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Then pulls the shower curtain open and the look of fear in his eyes is something I have never seen before. After this occurrence, a dark figure would appear around the house. I woke up several times to it standing over the side of my bed. My fiancee goes to the same college I graduated from
Starting point is 00:29:46 and had one of my old professors who is obsessed with ghost hunting. She literally gave us all extra credit to come to a ghost walk through downtown. He tells her about the situation at the house and she asks him for the address to Google it. All I was told is that the lights in her office flickered. My fiancee went to leave campus, tied home,
Starting point is 00:30:07 and gets about five minutes from campus when his car dies on him. There were no lights coming on and there was nothing detected by a mechanical scan. When he gets back to the house and tells me the lights at the house started to flicker, keep in mind this house never lost power.
Starting point is 00:30:25 I'm talking the whole neighborhood would be out of power and this house would still have power. He stopped telling me what happened and the flickering stopped. My brother and dad live there now and haven't had any of the issues I had when I lived there alone. I thought it was over, but last month,
Starting point is 00:30:42 I woke up like I did many times at that house to a dark figure standing over my side of the bed. I grabbed the dog, rolled over, and pulled the covers over our heads. I'm not white enough to check the figure out. Oh, I think- So what does she mean I'm not white enough? Like, I think, like, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:31:03 Like a white person would be silly enough to check out what the ghost is, do you want to? Justin, not this white girl. Why does this always, I get the footsteps happened like necessarily not at night, but why are so many of these occurrences? Like, oh, I woke up in the middle of the night to this. It was like by my bed or hovering above me.
Starting point is 00:31:27 Why, why is it always at night? Do you, I wonder if it's like, okay, so let's, in the version of let's say this is completely accurate. I know that like you're very skeptical, but maybe that's the most vulnerable time because- It is. Yeah, because you are, your guard is down.
Starting point is 00:31:44 You're completely in a dream state. Like the ghosts feel that they can get close to you because of the fact that you don't have all these other things going on in your brain. And like, you know what I mean? Like you're- But it's always when you're, that's also when your mind is the least clear, right?
Starting point is 00:31:59 That's when we can not necessarily discern between what's a dream and what's reality. And you sometimes you wake up and you're afraid and you have to literally convince yourself that it was a dream, right? Because dreams can be so ultra realistic. So are there any of these stories that we're gonna encounter that are like,
Starting point is 00:32:18 yep, middle of the day, walk downstairs and there was this figure in my kitchen? I'm not sure, but you, you, I'm not sure. You're gonna have to do some research on this. I had this one psycho ass dream one night and I was at Morgan's and you know how right out of the bedroom, right to the right, it's the bathroom. And I remember kind of like most nights,
Starting point is 00:32:43 I'd probably say every night, I get up to like P in the middle of the night. So I'm used to that. I do too, it's so annoying. Yeah, but like, you know, when you wake up in the middle of the night, you do not need a light on. You can see, because your eyes are adjusted. At least for me, I get up and I know
Starting point is 00:32:57 exactly where I'm going and I take that right and I go, I don't turn a light on the whole time because that's just, it's too bright and it's gonna wake you up. And I just remember, I was either washing my hands or something and I turned and this, the shower curtain opens like this and there's this huge ass dude,
Starting point is 00:33:17 kind of like Game of Thrones vibes, like not one of the Giants, but like. The mountain or the dog. Well, just, yeah. And he's like, this bald guy got shirt and pants on, whatever, and just the eyes are just pure white and just starts walking towards me, steps out of the tub and starts walking towards me.
Starting point is 00:33:38 And I like fall back into the hallway. I remember this so clearly. It's crazy. And then I wake up just in your bed. But if I had been, you know, sort of in that like half dream, half not, like I still had to like, I woke up and then realized, oh my God, it was just a bad dream.
Starting point is 00:33:57 But I could have easily associated like, oh my God, you don't know what happened to me last night. So I'm just like. You're being a skeptic. We get it. I'm just, that's just from my reference point. I think there's a lot to be said about in your sleep. You are vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:34:13 You're also maybe easier for them to tap into for energy because I do think like a lot of these. Yeah. And I have seen like a lot of people say that like, in order to connect, these spirits do need energy and they often borrow from us or tap into us. So if you're closed off and you're not receptive to spirits, you're not allowing them to tap your energy.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And so I think there's something about sleep. You're vulnerable, you're at ease, you're not, there's no guard up. And I think it is very easy for them to approach. But you're saying if you're not open to it, it still won't happen when you're asleep. I think there is something to be said about your willingness to be open
Starting point is 00:34:57 and whether you believe or not. So then once you have an experience, you're just automatically open forever because you can never refute it. Like this girl, so once you see it and you're like, oh, fuck, I never want to see that again. You can't just close that off because you've already seen it.
Starting point is 00:35:14 So you're believing. Well, and it could be too where it's almost like muscle memory where like once that you have been connected or like once that spirit has shown themselves to you or sucked your energy or whatever the fuck it is. Maybe they have an easier time reaching you again because they feel like you're a target now. Like they're like, okay, this is someone
Starting point is 00:35:34 that I have been able to get through to. So I'm gonna continue to try. Exactly, I got this bitch on speed dial. See, but then I want to know what it's like to be a spirit. I want to know why you feel the need to do that. And also I want to know if you're attached to a place or if like- Place or building. See, that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:35:52 As soon as I would be into it, I'd be like, oh my God, okay, now I need to know everything about it. Like why, what so- Well, maybe we start doing a couple of paranormal adventures and like getting you an opportunity to have an actual experience. But then when I have the experience, I'll be frustrated because I won't be able to understand that whole side of it
Starting point is 00:36:09 and all I want to do- But you might believe it more, which I think is like the first step. Yeah, and there's people that do research this extensively. And that's the hard part about this is that it's like, okay, Justin obviously has a very scientific mind. So it's, you can't do these hardcore studies because the afterlife, we don't, it's not tangible, you know? So it's, we really don't know, we don't know a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I'm also not a not believer in the sense that I truly, truly, truly hope there is something more than what we're experiencing now. I really do- You're just not convinced yet. Because who would not want that? Who would not want things to continue? I want to see how far humans make it technologically. I want to see how far we get into space.
Starting point is 00:36:57 I hope that in the afterlife, you can go and actually understand there's other life forms out there. And you can actually see what they're doing and how advanced they are. Like I would be, I would be like, happier than I've ever been ever, if that were your thing. You know, if like I could go see all that and experience
Starting point is 00:37:13 because those are such burning big questions. Well, let's not have you find out too soon, but maybe someday. Not, I'm not saying I want to die. I'm just saying- No, I know. I would be so excited to learn all of that. I don't know. Well, and yeah, it is really interesting.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Cause, so one of the questions I asked them when we were going through the hallways is do you think that ghosts attach to a particular building? Like are they within the walls because there's so much energy and exchange of memories that live within these, these, these, the structure that's, you know, over a hundred years old. Or like, is it the land?
Starting point is 00:37:47 Could you like knock this all the way down? And if you got rid of every ounce of this, like, would they still be attached to the land? So, I don't know. Yeah, so I get so curious. And then, yeah, and then hearing this ghost, cause I've always thought it was just like, it was stored memory.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Like, like there's so much energy here that it's just like, you know, that's what I've, what I've thought about it. But hearing that this girl has somebody like following her to a new location, that blows my mind. Yeah, both, both of these people. Yeah, the footsteps thing though. I would react the same goddamn way.
Starting point is 00:38:21 What? You're in your house and you're someone coming up the stairs. I had one experience like that when I was a kid, one. But I heard, I was at home alone in the living room and I heard these footsteps and I swear, I heard it coming up from the basement. But that's what my mind associated it with because I'm like, oh, I'm home alone.
Starting point is 00:38:44 But really it was my parents coming up the stairs from the garage to come into the house. And then the door opened to come in the house. And it was just them the whole time. But I almost had that freak out where I'm like, holy fucking hell, someone's in the damn house and they're coming upstairs. So I was ready to book it out the goddamn front door.
Starting point is 00:39:03 But I know that instant fear, like you hear footsteps and especially you hear some conversation. Oh my God. That's terrifying. I don't know if I've told you guys this, but this was one of the scary times when I was young. Like I was home alone a decent amount. And one of the times that I was home alone,
Starting point is 00:39:19 I heard crazy gunshots. And I was like, I'm being under attack. I'm going to die. I like ran upstairs. I ran into my closet, went into the very corner of my closet. I put clothes all over me. Like my heart's beating. The noises are louder and louder.
Starting point is 00:39:35 And then I was like, oh my God, it's July 1st. People are like not fireworks. Oh my God. I was like, fuck my life. That's funny. Early fireworks. That is funny. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:48 I'm under attack. Yeah, like it was one of the scariest moments. And it was like, I was like, I'm a fucking idiot. I was like seven. I don't know, I was pretty young. That's crazy. The thought of my sons growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking.
Starting point is 00:40:02 I talked to my doctors. And then I threw away all my cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters. I started exercising instead of smoking. Staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key. I kept on trying. Learn something each time. Do whatever it takes.
Starting point is 00:40:17 No matter how many times it takes. We did it, so can you. For free and confidential help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit, developed by CDC. Well, you're getting your wish with the next story we have, because it does happen. Daytime. In the daytime, or at least not when they're sleeping,
Starting point is 00:40:35 and multiple people witness it. Perfect. So around eight or nine years ago, my little brother had this Buzz Lightyear doll that no one thought anything of. That was until the day the doll turned on and so clearly spoke my mother's name. Ooh, I like that.
Starting point is 00:40:54 At the time this happened, I was around age 10, and my brother was seven. Being 10 and a doll saying my mother's name scared the living daylights out of me. And to be honest, it still would now. Anyways, one night when my two eldest sisters, one of their friends, my mother, and I were in the living room talking,
Starting point is 00:41:14 my little brother came down the stairs to ask if my mother could fix his Buzz Lightyear doll, as he had no batteries in him. Obviously, my mother said yes, and took the doll into her hands and went along pressing buttons to try to find out where to put the batteries. And that's when she pressed a button,
Starting point is 00:41:32 and the doll said, quote, hello Rita, the air is breathable, and flicked down its helmet, which it was programmed to do, but Rita being my mother's name. Note, the doll had buttons to press for it to speak, and they were programmed phrases from the movie. The original phrase for this was, quote,
Starting point is 00:41:55 the air is breathable, as the doll flicks down his space helmet. Everyone went quiet, and I remember not hearing it the first time, but hearing it the second time, when my mother pressed it again. Hello Rita, the air is breathable. I sobbed, I was terrified.
Starting point is 00:42:15 My brother and I each held each other. My mother sat there frozen, as my sisters and their friends sat there in disbelief. My mother pressed the doll a few times to make sure she wasn't hearing things, and each time she did it, it was the same phrase being said with her name in it. My mother doesn't believe in possessions or demons.
Starting point is 00:42:36 She'd rather believe in ghosts and angels as she says, quote, the dead won't hurt you, but the living will. So from this, my mother believed it was her younger brother who passed away a couple of months before this encounter, who was reaching out to her through my brother's doll, and that he picked my brother's doll
Starting point is 00:42:53 because he was my brother's godfather, but who knows? My mother did end up getting freaked out after a while, and started having thoughts about whether or not it was her younger brother. What makes it more chilling is the fact that the doll had no batteries in him whatsoever, and there was no way to make him talk without batteries. The doll turned on and spoke
Starting point is 00:43:16 when my mother pressed one of the buttons while it was off. Everyone was freaked out when they remembered that the doll had no batteries. As everyone got so distracted by the fact, it said my mother's name. My mother became freaked out, probably by her children saying that it's some creepy possessed doll,
Starting point is 00:43:34 so she went outside to put it on the porch. She wanted to bend it, but it was pouring down rain and dark, and at the moment, she couldn't find shoes, so she just improvised. A day later, my neighbor's son saw the doll. He was around the same age as my brother, and asked if we were throwing it out,
Starting point is 00:43:50 and my mother said yes, so she gave it to him. A few days later, the Buzz Lightyear doll was in their dumpster. No one knows what happened with the doll. Whether my neighbors saw it as junk and threw it out, or whether they got freaked out too, nobody asked them. Why? Still not.
Starting point is 00:44:09 It's the first thing I would do. Right? Did it talk to you guys too? Yeah. Still, to this day, I wish somebody would have recorded it as proof that it happened, because it was terrifying. It'd give you chills, including the fact it does not work without batteries.
Starting point is 00:44:25 It goes to show not everything gets recorded, so who knows what else is out there, and what stories people have that are 100% true. I'm lucky that I was around family, and my sister's friend when this happened, so they can all back me up. All of us encountered it. Anyways, that's my supernatural encounter
Starting point is 00:44:44 that I will forever remember. I mean, I like the mom's positive swing on it. It definitely do. Lightens the mood for you a little bit down there. Yeah, it does. I would just love to experience this. That would be so badass. The toilet all of a sudden starts saying your name.
Starting point is 00:45:00 That'd be so cool. I'm picturing a Peter Griffin type of dad, just in the corner, like he was the one who programmed the doll. It's a long, bad dad joke. No batteries needed. Yeah, it is something else, man. I don't know about this one, because at the time, I remember seeing that doll too,
Starting point is 00:45:22 and she sent a picture of what exactly what doll it was. Yeah. So I mean, it's just that standard like buzz light here. That's the one? No, no, no. Oh, just like that's the type of Google. Why is it never recorded? Is that because it won't happen if you're recording?
Starting point is 00:45:38 I think it's because people are shocked. It just happens so fast. Yeah, you can't react that quick. Also, people now could. You all you have to do is like... Yeah, the ghosts stay at bay now that people have iPhones. They're like, fuck that. As soon as I, if I saw something,
Starting point is 00:45:52 it'd be instant, it'd be like, and as soon as Apple Watch has a camera, no one stands a chance. Just, poof, done. That's the actual buzz light here moves. Ironically. I gotcha. Yeah, and then you're like, I gotcha. Oh my God, it is.
Starting point is 00:46:05 That's exactly what Buzz Lightyear does. So I have a question for the crowd here, meeting you guys. Okay. Not our people that are going to be tuning in? Well, yeah, sure. Yeah, but I need instant responses, right? Okay, there you go.
Starting point is 00:46:16 So if you were to know someone very closely, and you said, let's say they're significantly older than you, like a great grandparent or a grandparent, whatever, you know, there's kind of this pact to say, hey, if there is something more, if there is something greater, if there is something after, I will find a way to let you know.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I will find a way, because in all of the, in a lot of these stories, not necessarily just the ones in this episode, but a lot of the paranormal and these experiences, a lot of it think, you know, a lot of people associate it with someone trying to reach out, and someone who maybe lost their life unexpectedly,
Starting point is 00:47:01 way too early, and they say, all right, you know. Why are you laughing? I'm sorry. Your face, I just need to do a zoom on Lauren's face. I'm 100% listening to you, your face and the reactions you were making as he's talking. I was taking it in. Horiceless.
Starting point is 00:47:22 She's crying. Oh my God. Okay, Lauren, this question's for you, because you're actually paying attention. No, no, no. She was deep in thought. It was insane watching her face. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Just like I couldn't, I can't get over it. And I'm asking this because my dad had this, I think it was a great aunt, and she, when she was, she was sickly, she was like, Oh yeah, you told the story on Patreon. Yeah, and so she might've been an episode or something. It was Patreon. Okay, and so she was like,
Starting point is 00:47:56 she knew like her time was coming and she was accepting of that. She was kind of the type who just was like, always trying to figure things out. And she just like would be this type of person. And she said to him, if there is something after, if there is something more,
Starting point is 00:48:18 I will find a way to let you know. And that happened, I think when my dad was pretty young, maybe when he was our age, and there's never been a single sign, nothing. And so my question is, do you think if you make that kind of packed, let's call it, or that promise, do you think you are then blocked
Starting point is 00:48:40 from actually letting that person or anyone around them know, because if there is that ability to connect from the other side, then why has there never been anything like that? Well, okay, so if I'm honest, like on my take of all of this, it's that I feel, and I kind of mentioned this too, I don't necessarily picture it as somebody,
Starting point is 00:49:09 like if I were to die right now, and then it's like the figure of myself, and I'm just bopping around being like, hey, hi guys, I don't picture that. I don't picture that I'm not like a sentient being. I don't like picture that type of ghostly interaction. That's why I was asking you about like what ghosts attached to you, because to me,
Starting point is 00:49:29 I picture it as like a storage of energy. So it's like my presence on earth is still stored here somehow. And if there was a place that I were to be all the time, there is this like energy source, that there's this memory that the world remembers, not that like I'm physically there aware of what's going on,
Starting point is 00:49:48 but that people will experience the memory of me. So what's that with the Buzz Lightyear? That's a fucking possessed doll. So, and yeah. So you're seeing it as more like the dark side? Yeah. Well, no, I don't know about that, I mean, the mom was on something good,
Starting point is 00:50:04 but like these type of stories are ones that I don't really, it kind of throws off my theory. Do you know what I mean? I think like what you're like my take. Well, they can coexist I think too. So I'm just, yeah, sorry. I think well, and I think maybe by saying like, if there's something there, I'll find a way to tell you,
Starting point is 00:50:23 like I think that's kind of making a bargain you can't keep or a promise, it's making a promise you can't keep, because obviously it depends on what you believe in. I believe in reincarnation. So maybe she didn't learn her lessons in this life and therefore was reincarnated, or maybe she did complete her lessons and is on a different plane
Starting point is 00:50:45 to where she's not able to communicate. Like I personally think that spirits that are still here are unresolved. Yeah, I've heard that a lot too, so that makes sense. And I have a story. I'm not sure if we'll read it today because we have so many other ones, but I will share all of these listener write-ins.
Starting point is 00:51:04 I'll make the Google Doc for it available so you guys can read them all. But there is another one from a girl who after her grandma died, all of these strange happenings started like going on in the house for years. And then one night her mom had a dream where her mom, the writer's grandma,
Starting point is 00:51:25 visited her and said, you know, I'm moving on, I'm at peace now. And after her mom had that dream, everything stopped. And so I think there's so many different levels to this and what you believe in really matters. But I don't know, like I think there is something to do with like unresolved, resolved, and like reincarnation is a big thing.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Like I just, my dad came in and he like burst into our room the other day and he goes, oh my God, you gotta watch this video. And he accidentally refreshed his TikTok page, but it ended up coming back up on mine oddly. Oh really? Yeah, and so it's a story about this little girl who like was talking to her mom
Starting point is 00:52:07 and her mom was calling her Claire. And she goes, my name's not Claire, my name's so-and-so. And she goes, I have two daughters and I died in a building that got hit by a plane. And so the narrator is like, no, not 9-11 and not the Twin Towers. This woman died 80 years ago in an accident when the Empire State Building was hit by a plane.
Starting point is 00:52:29 And so it turns out this little four-year-old girl had the memories of this woman and like they tracked down the two daughters and all this crazy shit. I have seen some crazy stuff like that before and some crazy stories. And like honestly for both of you guys, like I don't have a hard view
Starting point is 00:52:45 or like decision on any of my takes. And it's kind of fun that all three of us have presented different options. You ready for the next one? Yeah, there was like that little boy that told very detailed stories from a war or something. Yeah, he was a fighter pilot. And then he actually gave the name of the ship he was on
Starting point is 00:53:00 and then he picked it up. And the name of his plane that he flew in. Which you couldn't look up. No, and they found out that he died like in action or something. His plane went down and he even said like, yeah, my plane went down in the ocean or blah, blah, blah. Cause it started as his parents took him
Starting point is 00:53:17 to a war museum with airplanes. And he said, that's what I used to fly. So insane. I just want to know. Well, and in terms of like physics and whatnot, it's, you know, you always hear the energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So it does make you think like reincarnation,
Starting point is 00:53:32 like the memory of the world, the, all of this stuff. It's so interesting. I think. Fun fact, matter and energy are basically the same thing. I don't know what. I don't get it. Matter, like things that you see and can touch and feel are just basically energy.
Starting point is 00:53:52 They can, they can matter, can turn into energy, energy can turn into matter. It's all kind of the same shit. I think you're closer to believing in ghosts than you think. I'm like, I'm not open. I don't want to get possessed and like wake up to some dark figure with eyes, like terrorizing me.
Starting point is 00:54:09 That's not what I'm wanting. I don't, who wants that? No one. It's more, I just want to see like someone float by and like give her a little wave. I'd be pumped. Maybe we should open the curtains. I would be so pumped.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Well, we're going to go walk around the hotel in our costumes. Maybe the ghosts will be more perceptive to these outfits and who knows. But I will say the movie, the movie that really fucked me up as a kid and made me believe in reincarnation. It was so sad, you guys. Maybe someone else remembers it out there,
Starting point is 00:54:37 but it was a movie about a dog, technically. I think it was called Fluke. And it was this little brown dog on the case of the movie. And so this dad was married, had a kid, a son, and his like friend killed him or something, like drove him off the road. And so he came back as a dog. And his little boy like adopted him as the dog.
Starting point is 00:55:03 And it's like Jack Frost. Yeah. And the guy that killed him ended up like trying to swoop in on his wife and all this stuff. He was kind of just like Jack Frost. That's a great movie too. See a movie or a story is not, it's not gonna get me there. No, but maybe, yeah. Maybe this next one will.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Okay. So it starts off, if you don't know what the Black Eyed Children are, I will briefly sum it up before going into my experience. The Black Eyed Children are supposedly demonic spirits that camouflage themselves into kids that are in need of help and hopes you let them in. Their eyes are jet black and big.
Starting point is 00:55:43 In my experience, they also had black mouths with visible purpley veins and they are scary. After reading my experience, I suggest looking up the Black Eyed Children. I know Reddit actually has a bunch of stories on experiences with them or even look on Google. It is terrifying. I, 25 female, live in a secluded, quiet neighborhood
Starting point is 00:56:05 surrounded by acres and acres of forest land at the base of the foothills in Washington state. My friend, Caitlyn, 25 female, lives about 20-ish minutes south of my house in a neighboring town. To get to town where Caitlyn lives, I have to drive on a very long stretch of road, probably 10 miles long.
Starting point is 00:56:25 That is very secluded with forest land on both sides and for the most part is always quiet. Hardly ever do I pass a car on this road and if I do, it's maybe one to three cars max. This road runs alongside an old train track on one side and a river on the other. One day, Caitlyn and I were driving from her house headed north to my house.
Starting point is 00:56:48 It was the middle of the day, sunny and quiet. Caitlyn, who has a tendency to like to scare me, suddenly gas audibly and kind of like flinches. I was driving and it made me jump. So I yelled, what, what happened? She said, you didn't see those kids? And I said, no, don't freak me out. She said, weird, I swear I saw kids, but maybe I didn't.
Starting point is 00:57:14 They were just like standing over there. I swear. I shrugged it off and ensured her I didn't see anything. I really didn't think anything of this exchange later either other than that it was random and weird, typical Caitlyn, LOL. Three days later, I was home alone. My husband is in Montana hunting on a week-long trip.
Starting point is 00:57:37 So I decide I'm going to have a sleep over at Caitlyn's house. So I'm not bored at home and alone. It's the middle of November. It's late, probably eight PM or so when we decide that I'm going to go over to her house. I pack my overnight bag and head out. It is pitch black outside as I make it to the long secluded road headed south.
Starting point is 00:57:57 Like usual, I'm the only one on the secluded road. My brights are on and I'm probably one mile in. When I see this big bright light, probably a football field laying the way from me. It's so hard to describe because it's not like a typical light. It's not casting light across the road or in the trees. It's just this huge ball of light that is on the left side of the road.
Starting point is 00:58:24 And it's like, I can't stop looking at it. As I get closer, I see three human kid-like figures in the light. And as I drive by, I look directly at the figures and what I see next, I will never be able to forget. There is a figure of a girl on the left, medium height. I can tell she has light brown shoulder length hair and it's kind of frizzy and wavy.
Starting point is 00:58:48 I can't see any physical facial features, but I can tell it's a girl. Like I can see the whole outline of her body like a glowing silhouette. As if she is standing in front of the light I see. On the far right of the group, there is a very tall male figure, completely shadowed out. Like a shadow person.
Starting point is 00:59:07 I can see it is a tall male broad frame, but that's it. Unlike the girl, it's not a glowing silhouette, but a tall black one, literally like a huge shadow. And then in the middle, clear as day, I see a little boy, probably like age 10 or so, holding a lantern. He looks straight out of the early 90s. He is very pale, has a bowl cut and blonde hair,
Starting point is 00:59:36 light blue pants, white sneakers and a red jacket. His eyes were completely black and very big. His mouth was slightly parted and in between his lips was also completely black. Around his mouth looked really veiny, but the veins were dark purple and spider-like. I freaked out and it felt like I floored at the rest of the way to town,
Starting point is 01:00:00 making sure I didn't look in my rear view mirror the whole time. In fear, I would see them in my back seat or something. Oh my God. It was such a scary feeling, seriously indescribable. Not to mention, I don't have service at all on this road. I felt like the road was extra long and even though I know I was driving,
Starting point is 01:00:20 I felt like I was going in a never-ending tunnel. Like I could see the end of the road, but I couldn't get there quick enough. And then I remembered Caitlin's and Maya's exchange the other day when she asked me if I saw the kids. As soon as I got service, I called Caitlin. I'm not joking. I was like hyperventilated at this point
Starting point is 01:00:38 and I told her I saw the three kids she saw the other day. The first thing she says after I tell her, I saw them was, quote, was there a little boy and was he wearing a red jacket? My heart dropped. Whoa. I couldn't believe it. I didn't tell her any of the details I had saw
Starting point is 01:00:56 other than I saw three kids. How the fuck could she have known there was a little boy in a red jacket? I begged her to stay on the phone for the rest of my drive until I got to her driveway and ran into her house where she confirmed without me saying anything, every detail in the three kids I saw as well. What is most puzzling to me is how Caitlin saw them
Starting point is 01:01:21 in broad daylight right next to me and I didn't see them at all. What is also confusing is how I could so clearly see these kids in the middle of the night. The road I am on is a 45 mile per hour road and it feels like I looked over for just a second but somehow it felt like I was looking at them for a long time but I never stopped my car.
Starting point is 01:01:44 It was almost like I drove by in slow-mo or something. I can't even describe it. Once my husband got home from hunting, I told him everything and I also told his dad. His dad was the one to tell me about these black-eyed children and I couldn't believe it. It's so crazy that this is something that other people have also experienced and in some cases
Starting point is 01:02:07 in a way scarier scenario. It's safe to say I still get freaked out every time I drive that road alone at night but this was a couple of years ago and I haven't seen them since. Neither has Caitlyn. So maybe they have traveled somewhere else now. By far the scariest encounter I have ever had.
Starting point is 01:02:25 It still gives me chills even typing out and every time I tell the experience. That's fucking insane. I've never heard of this before. No, I wonder if there's like pictures of them drawn out. Black-eyed, oh God. Oh God. You see anything?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Yeah. I feel like they've been in a bunch of horror movies. I mean, I'm sure it's been turned into a reality. The black-eyed thing, yeah. Yeah, black-eyed children, the chilling legend that began in Abilene. And I mean, I can't tell if this is dramatized for the thing but yeah, it definitely is something
Starting point is 01:03:02 that is gonna give me nightmares for sure. What's the idea behind it? It's that there are different spirits disguised as kids or like I don't understand what the whole thought theory is. So here's a picture of a real one. What? What do you mean here's a picture of what? That was casually, what?
Starting point is 01:03:22 A real, like an actual picture that someone took of a real one. What do you mean? Yeah, so this is- Oh my God, I don't know if I can do it. Oh, I can't, oh God, oh God. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, Lou. I can't, I'm so gross.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It's just a little kid. I know, but I don't wanna see it, I'm scared. So this image is like of a child crouching next to a tree. And literally hundreds of years of reported hauntings and mysterious sightings are waiting for you as you walk on this tour. How does that look like a kid? A little kid crouching.
Starting point is 01:03:57 It just looks like the bush next to it. Okay, I'm, okay, it's not that crazy. I just said I just made up something in my head and got scared. Honestly, it looks like a little astronaut. Looks like a little helmet. I mean, there's this one though where it does look like a child in an old like sailor suit.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Like, you know, the kids that used to like, like on the Titanic, they would have like the sailor, like little bibs and you can just see. Is that Justin Bieber to the left? It does kind of look like him. But you can definitely see like an old little sailor costume. He's one too. Of the kid with the dark blacked out eyes.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Like that is clearly hair, a part, eyes, nose and the eyes are just blacked out hollow of a little kid standing behind a tree. Also this damn car alarm needs to shut off. Maybe it was the black-eyed kids. Literally. Don't speak about us. I keep thinking that I hear noises too,
Starting point is 01:04:52 which is probably normal because we probably are hearing noises, but then it's like, I didn't want to say anything at the time cause like I'm like, okay, I'm the only one that can see it. But like I literally saw like something jut by my eyes over here by this pole. Stop. Dead ass.
Starting point is 01:05:07 But like I'm the only one that can see this and I'm also reading. So I'm like, maybe my eyes are fatigued and tired. That's definitely coming through the mice. Brief interruption for a car alarm that will not fucking stop. One hour later. Wine.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Oh, they knocked? Yeah. Oh, I didn't even hear it. Wow. Wine. Wine. Coming. That's the ring light.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Hi. Would you like me to bring this in? Yes, please. Thank you. Perfect. And where would you like me to set this? No, we got a podcast going. Hi.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Hi. Sorry. No, this is, you're helping us. Oh, perfect. Wherever you want to throw it. Have you had any scary interactions here? No, I have not. I would have quit.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Oh. I have not. It's so good. Amazing. Well, where do you go stories right now? So that's what I wanted to know. Some of the housekeeping crew have, but me, no. Any crazy stories that you have?
Starting point is 01:06:01 You're like, thank God. That they told you? Crazy. One time that I was called the housekeeping and they had someone, I never said to me this, but they had someone like call out for them and then they turned around and nobody was there. And I was like, I've heard of one of my coworkers,
Starting point is 01:06:18 like they felt like they were pushed down the stairs. I think 401. Oh. But they say up the fourth floor is where it's more like. Yeah. That's where we're at. Yeah, where we're at. Wow.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Yeah. But me, thankfully, no. That's good. We'll be able to handle it. You stay on the first floor. Yes, exactly. Yeah. If I saw anything, I'd close my eyes.
Starting point is 01:06:35 Yeah. Amazing. Of course. How was your night going? It's going good. I'm terrified. We're like, this is scary to hear these stories. We have like listener writings
Starting point is 01:06:46 and they're telling us crazy things. About mission in? No. No, thanks. There was literally just a high. Yeah, no. Lauren wouldn't be here right now if it was about the hospital.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Yeah. I've been here for two years, so we should be fine. Okay, cool. The fingers crossed. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. Have a nice night. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:07:02 I mean, imagine if you had the lights like clearly set up around the bed and they're like, you want me to bring this in? Like, yeah. Like, no, don't mind us. We're not filming a porno. Right? Around the bed.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Yeah. I know her face. That's why I was like, oh, we're filming a podcast. Right. Like her face when she saw the ring light, it was like. We're wearing ones these, you know? What do you think?
Starting point is 01:07:21 That is a fetish. I mean, people wear furry costumes. That's true, you're right. You are not wrong. Okay, go. What I was going to say about my mom is that my mom is just, she's always been such a brave person. Like she will go up to situations, confrontation,
Starting point is 01:07:38 like a big scary man and like, da, da, da, da, da. Like she like will stand up for herself. She's always been like that. Yeah. It was so crazy one day when she told me how terrified she was because she was, she's a realtor and she went into an open house and she didn't have like fears about this
Starting point is 01:07:57 going into it before, just in general, you know, that wasn't something that was ever like on her mind. And she went in there and she instantly felt this weird like feeling like she felt it was a freaky like energy all around her. And she was like, this is weird. And she goes downstairs to do whatever, basically kind of like rearrange the furniture.
Starting point is 01:08:17 She puts a box down right by the door. And I don't remember the story exactly. I'd have to ask her when she comes back up from being downstairs. There's no one there, by the way. This house is like in the middle of nowhere. And she comes back up and the boxes moved to the other side of the room.
Starting point is 01:08:33 Yeah. And she instantly like ran out of there. She left the lights on like, cause she like normally would shut them out but she was like, I need to leave. I need to get out of here. That's terrifying. Like a little thing like that,
Starting point is 01:08:48 but it's like there was no mistakes. She didn't go to that corner of the room. No. You know, like not even for a second. Something moved it. All of this just, seriously, I just want to watch some, like I want to rewatch the nun. I want to watch all of those classics. What's the other one?
Starting point is 01:09:03 Hereditary? That one's badass too. No, no, no, no. Were you like Quiet Place? I just watched the Quiet Place movies. They're so good. Do you see the second one? Yes.
Starting point is 01:09:13 But it's like an alien. It's not a ghost. Yeah, I agree. It's so different. Yeah, like give me alien stuff all day, but like when it's ghosts, like because I do believe in ghosts. Like I really do.
Starting point is 01:09:24 And I just shit that like aliens aren't really yet. So it's like, it's still fake to me. Yeah, it's like. But like ghosts, I do believe are real. So anything that's a ghost or paranormal related freaks me up because I fully believe it could happen. Well, something else though about like an alien is that they're tangible.
Starting point is 01:09:42 Like you could fight yourself off with them. You know, they're there and then they're not if you fight them. Yeah, but a ghost. But a ghost, it's just kind of like they're... Boom. You know, unstoppable. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:53 What were you going to say? It's what it feels like. I know like a lot, sometimes this comes up in the studio, honestly. And we had this girl tell this story where she was filming a TikTok or something or on, she has the video. And all of a sudden.
Starting point is 01:10:12 Yeah, scariest video. I don't remember the story, but you can clearly see it. She turns and she's like videotaping and talking and whatever. And in the back, there's like a space like that where there's a doorway. And then in the video, there's a hallway. So that would be like a little doorway
Starting point is 01:10:30 right there to a hallway. And you see this figure turning to walk down the hallway. And there was no one else there, that kind of thing. So we had a full day in the studio that was all stories like this. And I have the video, I do. I know you've shown it to me. And I actually, I came across it organically on TikTok.
Starting point is 01:10:52 And so it did go viral on TikTok. They were playing this game in their living room. It's the ring one. That's what it was, that's what it was. You hold the ring and let the ring go and it goes on a hook. And as they're playing this game, they pan the camera to record around the room. And as they pan over the doorway.
Starting point is 01:11:12 They weren't turning to record the room. They were just simply like filming their game. And she turns it back on herself and you see it behind her or something. Yeah. And so as she either flips the camera or pans, I can't remember exactly. There's a girl standing there in a nightgown
Starting point is 01:11:27 and walks past the opening of the room, like the doorway. Walks past the doorway. It's like a white thing and then total black hair. It's so scary. And it wasn't there. I gotta try and find this. The girl was not there. No doors were open or unlocked.
Starting point is 01:11:43 There was no one living in their walls. They broke their lease and actually moved out. What the fuck? Because they were so freaked out. That does happen though. People do live into those walls. I mean, I try to find it just now. And there's actually other TikToks.
Starting point is 01:11:55 I believe it. There's literally someone waiting to come out of that wall right now. I mean, that is a rather thick wall. Like what's actually in there? The bathroom doesn't go that deep. You're right. And then where do the stairs go to?
Starting point is 01:12:08 Heaven. That's a wishful thinking. Or a dungeon. Well, I have two questions, very important questions for you guys and for the entire THT fam. One, what would be more scary if there was an actual person hiding in your room or a ghost in your room?
Starting point is 01:12:28 Actual person. There's a greater chance they could actually fuck me up versus the ghost. Okay. I'm not as tangible. I always get really scared walking out to my car at night. What if you knew that? I think someone's gonna slash my ankles.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Oh God. I used to think that was little. I forgot about that because I watched a movie where that happened. Yeah, there used to be. Things for reminding me. Women, like women would get attacked or like people would get attacked
Starting point is 01:12:51 by someone hiding under their car and cutting their Achilles tendon so they couldn't run away. So every time I walked to my car at night, I like unlocked my car and I kind of like hop in. Okay. It will have been through some bad shit. Let me ask you this again.
Starting point is 01:13:03 What if there was, what if you knew the outcome was you're going to be fine regardless? You'll be 100% fine. You'll escape, get away, whatever. Like everything will be fine. Still, what do you think would be scarier? A ghost or a person? A real person.
Starting point is 01:13:16 What about you, Justin? Would you pick ghost? I don't know. I'm torn. Cause it's like, what if it was just a person who literally, I don't know. I was having like a freak out and I don't know. Lauren would get both at the same time.
Starting point is 01:13:32 God damn it. And they're like in collusion. Yeah. She would. In cahoots. Cahoots, yeah. Oh my God. No, she absolutely would.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Oh, what a fuck. And maybe we're answering the way we're answering cause we're actually watching The Watcher right now which like, I don't want to give too many spoilers but like it's very early on in the first episode so I feel like this isn't that serious. To say, but I need someone to watch it with me. It's really good so far
Starting point is 01:13:56 but there's a guy that's like in this dumb waiter which is like an elevator for food in the house and they open it and he's like in there. And so it's just really creepy. Like I think that a person would be, that would make the most sense. Like you said, logical reason. Like they could hurt you.
Starting point is 01:14:14 They're not there to be friendly. Yeah. And but I think the thing that would scare me with ghost is just the continuous feeling of like, how long will you follow me forever? Like that one story in the beginning. That is true. Yeah, that is true.
Starting point is 01:14:26 The thought of my sons growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking. I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters. I started exercising instead of smoking. Staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key. I kept on trying, learned something each time. Do whatever it takes.
Starting point is 01:14:46 No matter how many times it takes. We did it, so can you. For free and confidential help, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit, developed by CDC. OK, Lauren, moving on to your story. Do you want to read or do you want me to read? I think you have such a good reading voice. And although I'm working on it, I'm
Starting point is 01:15:06 going to sound more like a robot. Like I'm reading a textbook, whereas like you just have it so good. OK. So Lauren helped me find stories for this because there were so many in the Google Drive, Google Forms, which I appreciate everyone that wrote in. I appreciate it so, so much.
Starting point is 01:15:23 And I'll try to find a way where I can just copy them and share them so we can all look at them because I think these paranormal stories are really, really good and fascinating. So Lauren found the next two I'm about to read. I have no idea what they are, so I am going in blind and totally blind reacting to these. I'm a little scared.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Fuck yeah. OK, I'm not really sure where to begin as this isn't technically my experience, but rather a collection of experiences from my mom and older siblings. To preface, this all happened in the early 90s, and my mom was still married to her now ex-husband. My older brother was around three
Starting point is 01:16:00 when they moved into their first home. The house was a small two bedroom with a crawl space underneath. It was built in the 1930s, and they were in the process of renovating when my mom found out she was pregnant with my sister. Weird things started happening pretty much immediately. First, it was just small, creepy incidents
Starting point is 01:16:19 like cabinet doors being open or keys moving across the countertop, but then things escalated. My brother was becoming very skittish and started talking to himself. Or at least, that's what it seemed like. Something important to mention is that my mom has always been especially in tune with the supernatural. Kind of like a medium.
Starting point is 01:16:40 She would see things, but never mentioned them to my brother because she didn't want to scare him. One day, she was sitting in his room cleaning out his closet. He was on the bed playing with toys, and when she finished, she stood up and closed the door to his closet. My brother began screaming at the top of his lungs
Starting point is 01:16:59 for her to open the door and continued saying they would get mad and that he could hear them trying to get out at night. My mom was very disturbed by this and opened the closet door, but left it alone after that. One night, my brother comes running into my mom's room screaming and crying, but my mom hushes him and gets him to fall asleep next to her.
Starting point is 01:17:25 The next day, she asks him what happened. Did he have a nightmare? And was he okay? My brother looked at her, tears welling again in his eyes, and he lifted a blood-crusted finger with bite marks on it. As he said, quote, the evil boy hit me. My mom was horrified.
Starting point is 01:17:46 One of the apparitions my mom recalls seeing the most in that house is one of a boy, about 10 to 12 years old, wearing an older-looking paperboy outfit. And from what she has said of this spirit, he was up to no good. Several times, she would see him peeking at her from around corners, just wrapping his fingers
Starting point is 01:18:05 into the wall, peeking his eyes around slowly. She tried to ask her husband and other friends and family who visited if they saw him too, but everyone brushed her off and deemed her the crazy lady. Until one day, just past Christmas, when my brother's aunt came by to drop off some gifts. My mom and brother met her in the driveway.
Starting point is 01:18:26 They had been talking for a bit when his aunt looked past and asked if my brother had a friend visiting. And when my mom said no, her face turned white as she asked, quote, who is standing in the window? My mom had a small grin when she realized someone else had finally seen him.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Crazy reaction, by the way. Small grin. Yeah, like, oh, there's the crazy lady smiling at a ghost now, but just the satisfaction she must have felt. For sure, yeah. Oh my God. My brother kept getting worse.
Starting point is 01:18:59 He wouldn't sleep at night because he was terrified. He became more aggressive and was starting to change in strange ways. My mom heard him talking to himself in the kitchen one day, saying things like, quote, no, I don't want to do that. Mommy will get mad at me. After which my mom interrupted,
Starting point is 01:19:17 asking who he was talking to, he death stared her, replying, no one. Some point shortly after this incident, my mom noticed that all of the knives were starting to go missing, but she could not figure out where they were. One day, she goes in to clean my brother's room and lifts the comforter,
Starting point is 01:19:34 knowing the tricks of little boys trying to hide toys, but she was shocked to find all of the missing knives. When she asked my brother why he had them under his bed, his response was aboard, the mean boy told me to. My sister was born in early December, and at this point, my brother would either stay in the living room or my mom's room because he refused to sleep in his bed.
Starting point is 01:19:57 The only problem with this was that he was supposed to be sharing a room with the baby. My mom decided to put the crib in the room anyways to try and get my sister adjusted to sleeping there, but this quickly changed when once again, my mom was awoken by the screams of one of her children. Mind you, at this point, my sister was still a newborn so she couldn't roll or move around in her crib.
Starting point is 01:20:21 My mom said she was terrified when she walked into the room and saw my sister's legs pulled through the bar of the crib with handprints on her thighs. The only people in the house were my mom and brother as her husband worked overnight. Things became so extreme that they decided to ask different churches to come and bless the house,
Starting point is 01:20:42 but my brother was still exhibiting extreme and abnormal behaviors, so it was recommended that they do a prayer circle and bless him. The way my mom describes this moment sounds like it is out of a movie, but she said that several members from the church, as well as a priest and some family members
Starting point is 01:21:01 formed a circle around my brother and held candles as they prayed over my brother, who is described as looking furious, quote, "'Empty behind the eyes and scary.'" I'm not really sure what the outcome of this situation was, but I do know that they ended up moving out of the house shortly after the blessing occurred. I'm not sure if later experiences in mine
Starting point is 01:21:23 and my siblings' lives can be attributed to things that happened in that house, but our family has always had some shadow following us. Please move out of houses right away if something happens. Instantly. Would you, Justin? Well, clearly not. You have a dog that's staring at a ghost every day
Starting point is 01:21:45 and you're fine, so. I would be so distraught. Yeah, I think that's a little, I mean, it's different when you see some shit, but when you have a kid that's starting to like change and shit, I don't know, I don't know. Did she see it? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:07 So she saw it and then. And then the other, what was it? The sister or the friend? Aunt or friend. The aunt came by, yeah. Because that's the thing, you see it and you're like, well, I'm open to spirit, so it's not unusual for me to see things,
Starting point is 01:22:22 but then you have your son who starts seeing things and you're like. He's stealing knives and shit. And then your sister, because that would be your sister, right? Sister or sister-in-law, I think maybe her husband and sister. Probably OP's aunt, maybe.
Starting point is 01:22:34 That is literally some movie shit. The mommy won't like that. Yeah, but that, I mean, you think about it and if you have a child, because I mean, children have invisible friends, imaginary friends, that's sometimes normal, but what if every single case of an imaginary friend is a spirit?
Starting point is 01:22:54 Think about it. Child or children are more sensitive. They're predisposed to seeing things. Kids just simply have a more open mind. Just for the pure fact, they haven't been for the lack of a better term, brainwashed by the society we live in. I mean, there's no,
Starting point is 01:23:11 like the studies on how much your creativity is killed throughout your times between like, when you're really young and when you get through finished high school or college, I mean, your creativity is just completely demolished. But I think in this case, like this is definitely. I'm just saying, like I'm saying your mind is so transformed through growing up
Starting point is 01:23:32 in the society we live in. Well, here is an actual like a connection, parallel, whatever, but we were talking about why do they visit people in your sleep? And then it's like, well, why are they visiting children? It's like, these are vulnerable states. Yeah, and they're naive. They don't know, you know, all the things adults know.
Starting point is 01:23:51 They haven't been taught that spirits could be bad. I mean, we had another story we read on an episode, I think with Alejandra or maybe it was Patreon. So if you haven't heard it yet, it's probably Patreon, but a listener's grandma called them after the grandma had already been dead for hours and left a voicemail. And so they had this whole belief in their culture
Starting point is 01:24:18 that if a spirit is reaching out after, I mean, it could spirit you away. It could essentially steal the children. What, how? It's just, I don't understand. Yeah, being spirited away is like a thing. So why is the whole spirit ghost? Why is this always, always, always,
Starting point is 01:24:41 it seems to be negative. It's in horror films where it's like, oh my God, that's my worst absolute goddamn nightmare. Because isn't it? And all these stories are so terrible. Why is it always, why is it always like spirits are bad? That's, it's not always like that. We've definitely heard like good spirit stories too.
Starting point is 01:25:02 But I think, I think as humans, like we really fear what we don't know and what we don't understand. Definitely, but it's like, if you had, if these were all positive, like, oh my God, I had an interaction with a grandparent I had lost that I was so close to. How many movie tickets would that sell though? Like that's the whole point of movies.
Starting point is 01:25:22 Like you're talking about movies. It's like sharks, like sharks are not nearly as dangerous as they're made out to be. But damn was Jaws a Blockbuster. But all these writings are like, there was this, it just sounds so evil. Well I have positive ones too. I just didn't pick them.
Starting point is 01:25:37 Because it's a scary season, Justin, keep up. Well, one of the main figures of like Halloween and spookiness is a ghost. Okay, but also at the same time, look at like Dia de los Muertos. Fuck, literally, fuck my accent. I can't say Spanish words. Dia de los Muertos?
Starting point is 01:25:54 Muertos, yes, thank you. Where it's celebrated. Yeah, yeah, where it's celebrated. It's beautiful. Like it's always a beautiful concept. So it's like, I just want that to be a part of my culture so bad, I'm so envious. It's so beautiful.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Yeah, and think about it with, think about it with, when we talk about stuff, like we've all heard that whole, well I guess we shouldn't say we have all heard it, but like if that whole thing where it's like, look around and tell me, think about how many orange things you see in the room. And then you close your eyes and you say,
Starting point is 01:26:25 okay, how many red things do you see? And you're like, I have no idea because I wasn't looking for it. So it's like in our culture, it is very like common to stigmatize the ghostly experiences. So we are looking for those scary things where it's like, then you hear about
Starting point is 01:26:41 Dia de los Muertos. I'm gonna go literally like, you need to crop that out because I'm embarrassed at how horrible my accent is. Say it one more time. You got it. Dia de los Muertos. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:26:52 Crushed it. I don't speak Spanish. Yeah, organically. But I just don't want anyone to be like, fuck you, don't even try to say things that you can't say. That's how we learn languages though. I know. That's how we learn languages.
Starting point is 01:27:04 I didn't learn it. It's so sad. Let's take a trip and let's do an immersion and just like, we'll practice on Babel before and then we'll go and we'll take a trip and just literally we cannot speak English the entire time we're there. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:16 We'll get it done. I can read a lot better than I thought. Unless some crazy shit goes down, it's like, bro, I just saw a fucking ghost in the corner. Yeah. You're not gonna like try to put the words together and figure, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Then we'll talk.
Starting point is 01:27:27 One ghost. One ghost. Spirit. Yeah. Yeah, no, but we got this. Okay. Oh, so anyway, yeah, my point is, is that like in a culture that looks at the afterlife
Starting point is 01:27:39 and the spirits visiting as so positive, then they constantly have these stories about positive interactions. So, I mean, I'll be ending on a positive one tonight too. So, don't worry. And I've also, I think I've said this before on the podcast and then I'm not sure if it was a Patreon or not, but, and I'm not saying that this is necessarily
Starting point is 01:27:59 like a spiritual visit, but kind of, because when I was little, like my grandma died when I was, I don't know, maybe like six or something. I was really young and I don't, I have memories of her, but I don't have a ton of memories. And I have only dreamed of her one time in my life that I can remember. And my grandma had died like six months
Starting point is 01:28:20 or a year prior to this dream. And I woke up in the morning and I didn't even think about saying anything. And all I saw was like, I had this like vision of my grandma's face smiling, so warm and so like much love in this dream. And I woke up and I didn't even think about telling my mom, but then I was like, she might like to hear it.
Starting point is 01:28:39 So I told her that I had a dream of grandma and my mom's jaw dropped. Because she was like, I had a dream of grandma last night too. Wow. Yeah. And it was just like, the overlap of it was just amazing. And it's like, we, of course it could be a coincidence, but like it felt like she really did come down and like say that I'm with you.
Starting point is 01:29:04 I fully, fully believe that spirit is visiting in dreams as a thing. And I think it goes back to the sleep and being vulnerable. It's an easy time for them to access us because I have had, and my dad has had, we talked about this on the Patreon episode, my dad's dreams about his mom. And when my grandma passed,
Starting point is 01:29:23 I think it was about the same mark. I don't really remember, but I had a dream of my grandma and I was in the dream at her funeral and she sat up in the coffin, which a little freaky in the dream, but she sat up in the coffin and looked at me and she goes, Morgan, this is okay. I'm okay.
Starting point is 01:29:41 Just know. That's nuts. Just know I'm at peace. And then like literally laid back down and like I woke up. But like, I think it was her way of like telling me, like I'm okay. Like, and she was such a spiritual woman. It was also like she died in our home that we lived in with her.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Like I grew up with her being super close. Like she also basically raised me. So she's like, don't worry, I will not haunt you. I actually have everything resolved here and I'm going up. Well, it is. Did she die at the condo? No, this is my grandma, my great grandma, Ellen, who died.
Starting point is 01:30:19 She died at my farm house in Minnesota. Yeah, she died actually right outside my bedroom door. That's the crazy part. Like I don't really have the greatest relationship with my bio dad and I never, never like really slept at his house. And so it was really interesting that like the weekend my grandma passed,
Starting point is 01:30:39 it was like the only weekend I stayed at my dad's house because if I would have walked out of my bedroom door, I would have seen her right in front of me. That's so beautiful though. I mean, it is really cool to have those experiences and whether we can put, you know, we can't fact check them, but we can feel it in our heart and that's amazing.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Yeah, and I think so many of us. I mean, a lot of the listener right ends I've had, one that is also I'll make sure is in the dock. And if it's not in there, I will get it in there because I just, I don't have a lot of time, but it's from a listener who titled it, I got to say goodbye to my grandpa while he was in a coma. And so I'm not probably remembering it completely correct,
Starting point is 01:31:23 but her grandpa was really sick in a coma and she went to bed one night and had a dream about him like saying goodbye and woke up the next morning and he had passed. Wow. And there's another story I've read from a listener where a family member was struggling with addiction and borrowed money and things like that.
Starting point is 01:31:45 And she had a dream where the family member tried to give her the money back or something like that. And she was like, no, don't worry about it. I remember that actually. And woke up the next morning and they were gone. Yeah, I remember that one. I think dreams are such an, because I do, I don't,
Starting point is 01:32:02 I know like, oh, there's science behind dreams and you're in REM and you're in all these cycles and things like that. But I do believe that dreams almost offer us a different like realm sometimes. I think there's a combination. I do think that sometimes dreams, especially cause I remember my dreams like almost every night.
Starting point is 01:32:21 So coming from that, like, yeah, it is crazy. Can you control your dreams? I have before like a few select times, but I really, for someone who dreams that often, no, like it doesn't really happen. It's so great when you can. Yeah, it's only happened a couple of times, but the thing that's really, really weird for me
Starting point is 01:32:41 is that like sometimes I wake up, actually a lot of times this happens, I wake up and I want to fall back asleep and complete my mission. Cause a lot of times my dreams are like mission based. Same. Like it's like end of the world. Like I need to like save someone or save something and it's so apocalyptic.
Starting point is 01:32:56 Yeah, same. And so it's like this, when I wake up, I'm like, no, I'm not completed. Like I need to complete this. And so it's weird, but for someone who dreams as much as I do, or remembers my dreams as much as I do, I do think that there's a combination. Like there are times where I'm like,
Starting point is 01:33:12 that is just a random select amount of things that have happened in my life that have all been put together in one really crazy-ass puzzle piece. That doesn't make sense. Yeah, and then it flows and you don't really understand why, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:25 But then there's other times where I'm just like, that was deep. That was like a visitation. Like that was real, that was raw. Yeah. And I'm not downplaying your dream at all, but can you imagine if you're at a funeral and someone sat up?
Starting point is 01:33:41 Probably one of my bigger fears. Like in reality, especially when you go up and you kind of like look and then just- Open caskets I don't, I can't do. Yeah, I remember when I was really little, I saw my great aunt, and I remember going up to the casket and seeing her
Starting point is 01:33:57 and I was like, this looks like a clay person. I was like, I'm so confused. And I was so little that I just like didn't understand death really. And so I remember thinking like, that's not her, that's not a human, because they take so much makeup on them so that they don't look dead.
Starting point is 01:34:11 Yeah. And I also, I don't want anyone to mess with my dead self. Just like burn me immediately. Do you want to be burned or do you want? I think you should be turned into a coral reef. We've talked about this. Yeah, that's true. You would love to give fish an ocean life.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Yeah, you're right. But there's something freeing to me about being like sprinkled over some like magical like earth type of, over a mountain that overlooks the ocean. Because unfortunately you probably get turned into coral and the coral would die not long after. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 01:34:44 It's well looked after. Oh, really? It flourishes. In the ocean? But you're revitalizing ocean floors. I understand that, but I'm just saying with the current climate of- No, the company that does it,
Starting point is 01:34:55 you're well looked after. Oh, okay. I thought it was just like in some random spot where there's a coral reef and it's like, well, I know you're well looked after. This sounds weird, but it's like, I like the idea of that for like the whole concept. But the idea of like putting myself
Starting point is 01:35:08 in this contained version of myself where I just feel like I want to be so like spread apart and like free. Does that make sense? What's really funny about that is you've told me this before and shortly after you told me this, I got a video on my TikTok page of two daughters that went out to like do the same exact thing
Starting point is 01:35:30 with their father's ashes. And as- They blew back in their face. They ended up eating the ashes. No. And I literally was just like- Oh, good. Did they make a joke about it or like where they-
Starting point is 01:35:42 They were like, I mean, they posted it on TikTok. Okay, that's why I'm laughing because I would not laugh if that was a serious matter, but the fact that they posted it- They posted it. I'm assuming they're like, you know. Yeah, so- The dad would probably have like loved that.
Starting point is 01:35:54 It would probably be a great dad joke. But I think like, you know- Truth. Yeah, like it's kind of like that reality of like people that want their ashes spread at Disneyland and they do it on the haunted mansion ride. And so when the haunted mansion ride stops- Vacuum it up.
Starting point is 01:36:07 It's typically because someone did something like that. And so all they do is vacuum those ashes up and throw them in a dumpster. But no, I'm wanting it over a body of water. That's a fact. Like I absolutely needed to be in a body water. So it's like, I'm gone. Like the minute I hit the water,
Starting point is 01:36:22 but it's more of just that moment of like principle of not principle, the moment of like freedom, you know? And so, yeah. Well, right. Your body is just simply, and this is coming off of our latest- It's a vessel. That spot-ified live episode is when you really get down
Starting point is 01:36:41 to it, your body is just the universe in one way or another just experiencing itself. Here's pieces of all these elements that were created in stars and all like coalesces into this body. And at the end, it just goes back to being the same thing. Which is why I think it's- I'm sorry. Yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 01:37:01 I think it's so beautiful when people choose to, one, get cremated. And like, two, I really like the Jewish faith where you don't be, you're not embalmed. Your body goes back to the earth. Like I hate the thought of being embalmed and you have all these chemicals pumped into your body. No.
Starting point is 01:37:22 It's so unnatural. Yeah, and I mean, it was so traditional. So it made sense. Like to me, like growing up, that was the best option. That was the thing that made the most sense. That was the most beautiful thing. That was the most sacred thing. Like that's what I was taught.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Growing up, and then whenever I got a little bit older, I started realizing what I would want for myself. And like, I don't think that, you know, my grandparents, they were buried that way. And I'm not like, they made the wrong decision. You know? But whatever you choose to do with your fucking body, like do it, it's your body, it's your death.
Starting point is 01:37:53 But I do agree that like for me personally, like I do like the idea of not being, like I'm telling you, I want to just be free. Oh, I'll fucking chuck you. If you die before me, I'll chuck your shit everywhere. Just for you and me, I'll tell you that. What do you mean? Justin's going to get launched into space.
Starting point is 01:38:07 My body is going to be perfectly preserved. You don't need no embalment, nothing. I'm going to be like, I'm going to look the same as I did the day I died for a long time. Yeah, he's getting launched. If I'm shot at the right trajectory, I will outlast the planet's earth because earth will go into the sun in five billion years.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I'll still be floating. I'll look just like me. You could literally look at me and be like, oh, yep, that's Justin. There he is. Oh my God. We got to have a little window on your space casket so you can just see him just floating around.
Starting point is 01:38:39 I hope to not go into orbit around anything. I don't want to orbit the moon or something stupid. That would be so dumb. Oh, look, there he comes once again. There he is. No, I don't want to orbit shit. Some asteroid hits him, takes him out. I'm down with that possibility.
Starting point is 01:38:54 It's all right. I just want to be shot at trajectory where I have a solid chance to leave the galaxy. But my only fear, my only fear in doing so, I know this already, my only fear in doing so is that I could encounter some super psycho advanced life form. They're definitely gonna resurrect you.
Starting point is 01:39:11 That for some reason can bring me back and then they like test me like I'm on some experiment. Oh, look at this being we found and then I'm perpetually kept alive, but experimented on. Yeah, I can see it. That is a fear. I can see it.
Starting point is 01:39:24 I can see it. Listen, talk about being more free than being shot out and floating in nothingness for billions of years. You're dead. You're not even gonna feel the free-ness. He is like, excuse me. Are any of us? Lauren's not gonna feel the free-ness more than me,
Starting point is 01:39:41 except I'm gonna be way the fuck out there somewhere. Well, okay, this is what, can you imagine being dead and then just watching your body get launched and you're like, wait, wait, no, no. No. No. What?
Starting point is 01:39:54 Yeah. Like say your spirit was still here. And then it means that you can't stick around Earth with all the other spirits and you're just like perpetually on this journey alone forever. Fuck, yeah, can you imagine? No, it's just, I'm loving this
Starting point is 01:40:04 because Morgan's just here being like the most supportive girlfriend, like I support your dreams of your death. Fucking just, I get to hit the button, launch. Why is this so great? You think you're gonna live me? Yeah. I got good genes behind me.
Starting point is 01:40:19 My great-grandma's still alive. My great-grandma lived until she was pretty old. We're the same age, fam. Men die before women. So I like how I just realized that all of our like, our death wishes are so like us. Like with God. Do you know mine?
Starting point is 01:40:42 Yes, of course. You wanna be a diamond. No. Oh, what? Since when? It depends on what my children would like. Okay, I thought you wanted to be a diamond like for your children's ring.
Starting point is 01:40:52 You could definitely pass me out like candy. I've said that at a previous episode. So. Candy. Party favors, party favors. Each kid can have a diamond. Okay. That's such a small amount though.
Starting point is 01:41:04 It's like. I'm gonna make big rocks. I'm not doing it shitty. I understand. I will a state plan to allot my children the proper sized diamond of me. I know. Or if they don't want the rocks,
Starting point is 01:41:17 then I want a Jewish funeral and I wanna be in the ground three days. All right. Either or, you know. Okay, so what do you want more? You know, just, I don't really care. I'm gonna be gone. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:41:32 So it's what my family wants. Okay, fair enough. I don't wanna leave you alone in the ground though. So you want her to be a diamond? Well, I could become a partial diamond and then you can launch the rest of me in your coffin. Just fucking send it. Send it to the moon.
Starting point is 01:41:48 There you go. All right. Okay, we got a couple more. We gotta move this train along here. I think this was enjoyable. I hope other people enjoy it because. We're a little off our rockers. We are, but honestly, that's what this episode is.
Starting point is 01:41:59 It truly is. And also people are always like, I love when it's a long episode, which always makes me freaking laugh because in the first episode we recorded, do you remember? It was like 23 minutes. I was like, Morgan, we gotta keep it short
Starting point is 01:42:12 because people are gonna be really bored if it's too long. And Morgan was like, oh, okay, yeah, yeah. And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And now people are like two hours. Yeah. I know. And Morgan's like, yay, I have to edit for five days.
Starting point is 01:42:25 Yeah. It's okay, but I love you all. And Lauren's editing a little more these days. She's four episodes of editing so far. So, you know, it's not just me. I'm 80 to four. Justin did one actually. He did Lyle and a couple of partials.
Starting point is 01:42:42 So. People will probably tune in to the launch of my body, literally. Or it'll be so common at that point of things being launched. It'll be the HTNC revised channel. Yeah, it'll be the last. It'll be the very last HTNC revised.
Starting point is 01:42:54 Our kids will run it. Yeah. There he goes. Yeah. Yeah. The rocket blows up on the launch pad. THT juniors. The kids.
Starting point is 01:43:04 Yeah. Geico presents daily affirmations. Repeat after me. We can overcome any challenge. We can overcome any challenge. Like when we left our interior lights on and our battery died. Like when we left our interior lights at the, what?
Starting point is 01:43:18 Good thing Geico's got emergency roadside service. It's available 24 seven on the Geico app. Good thing Geico has emergency roadside. Now we feel very relaxed. We'll be talking about that actually. Am I still supposed to be repeating after you? No, not not. To manifest car insurance made easy,
Starting point is 01:43:33 go to Up next. A couple of years ago, I was home alone one night taking off my makeup at my vanity. I remember I was listening to a YouTube video when I started hearing a man's deep voice faintly in the background. I kept hearing it,
Starting point is 01:43:49 but thought it could just be the video, but it kept getting louder. I paused the video and didn't hear it. And when I played the video, it kept going. So I paused it again and the noise continued. My room is on the second floor and faces the front of my house. So sometimes if a neighbor is outside talking,
Starting point is 01:44:08 I can hear it, but I checked and it wasn't coming from outside. I realized while looking around that the sound was coming directly from my vent. My room is above the garage. So I started panicking because it sounded like the person was having a conversation over the phone.
Starting point is 01:44:28 So I thought if this is a person, I'm scared. But fuck that. What if someone broke in and they're planning something over the phone? I watched a lot of true crime at the time, which didn't help. Anyways, this all happened in a matter of minutes. I didn't call the cops right away
Starting point is 01:44:44 because when I was younger, I thought someone broke in and called 911. The cops took over two hours to get to my house and thankfully, no one had gotten in, but it left me feeling like they wouldn't get there fast enough if I ever needed it. Because of that and because of how close this voice sounded, my first instinct was to call my boyfriend at the time.
Starting point is 01:45:04 He had been at my house not too long before the noises started. He recently left, so I thought he could just turn back. When I called him, I was so terrified because at this point, the voice was so loud and clear. He had weirdly the words sounded muffled where I couldn't make out what it was saying. Can you fill me up a little bit more?
Starting point is 01:45:25 Damn. On FaceTime, my boyfriend answered and I just stayed quiet and signaled him to be quiet too. He was confused and then proceeded to ask who that was in the background. Mind you, this was a FaceTime call. Even if it had been someone outside, there was no way he would have heard that through a call.
Starting point is 01:45:47 So the moment he said that, I knew I wasn't going crazy, but it made me even more scared and so was he. Yeah. He was worried. He started calling the cops for me and as he was going to, I hear my mom's car arrive in the driveway.
Starting point is 01:46:01 I was worried someone had actually broken in at that point and feeling frantic and scared. I just thought I'm going to get to my mom before anyone else does. So I heard when her keys were in the door and I ran over to it. You could still hear it, but as soon as that door opened, it went quiet.
Starting point is 01:46:20 The first thing I asked my mom while she was still in the door was if anyone was outside talking. Nobody. When I saw my boyfriend next time we talked about it and he said the voice sounded so loud that he thought someone was in my room with me when I first called him. This was one of the scariest things that has happened here,
Starting point is 01:46:41 but when we moved in, I was in sixth grade at the time, we found a jar with weird things in it buried, kind of hidden in our backyard. My mom got scared and threw it out. Then sometime after this incident, my boyfriend had moved in and he found another jar in a really weird spot. It was on the roof drainage tubing.
Starting point is 01:47:00 Sorry, I don't know the technical word for this, ha ha. He found it when he was getting a helicopter toy down for a kid. We're Mexican and my family jumped to the conclusion that it was a brujeria. Brujeria? Don't ask me. See, my Spanish ain't that good, Lauren.
Starting point is 01:47:19 Or witchcraft, probably from the last homeowner. Years later, I'm not with that guy anymore, my mom moved out and rented this house out to me and my best friend. Things have been okay, but we do hear random noises from time to time. The jars and voice were definitely the scariest moments, but we're all pretty spiritual in the house.
Starting point is 01:47:38 So we try to focus on positive energy and the good memories we've made here. The end? The end. Oh man, it's just giving me so many ideas. What do you think? Justin just wants to use this to fuck with someone. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:54 Meanwhile, I'm like- Just to leave stuff around the house as you renovate, like, all right. I have, I just can't. I can't, I can't, cannot bring energy like that to my life. Cause I believe, I believe like voodoo dolls have power and like, there's this old movie with,
Starting point is 01:48:11 it was one of Kate Hudson's first movies, I believe, and it's called The Skeleton Key. And it kind of has the same plot of Get Out, which is really interesting because I've never put this together until now, but this older couple hires this woman to be a caregiver and shit goes wrong. And I don't want to spoil the plot for anyone
Starting point is 01:48:33 who hasn't seen this movie. But Skeleton Key is the original Get Out and it is fucking terrifying. And so I just can't have that in my life. I can't have that. I hear this stuff with jars full of shit. And I'm like, what do we got? You want to-
Starting point is 01:48:50 What we got? What's in there? You want to know what movie I'll tell you to never watch because I, when I was in Orange County with my friends, we like, after the bars too. So we're drinking and everything. We're like, let's put a movie on, haha. And then we're like, oh, we'll put a little spooky movie on
Starting point is 01:49:02 because you know, it's Halloween season. We put on this movie called Old People on Netflix. Within the first five minutes, I was like literally gagging. It's called Old People? It's called Old People. Or Old. Old People.
Starting point is 01:49:15 Well, I could be wrong. I was after bars. So there could be- Was it the beach one or no? We were five minutes in and I said absolutely not. Yeah, Lauren though, like you are, I will say, you are one of the most easily scared people. Like we had a true crime episode on
Starting point is 01:49:32 in a car once driving back from a road trip and a lot of us gals listen to true crime. And Lauren is sitting there in the back seat. Shut it off, shut it off. I'm gonna throw up. Shut it off, shut it off. I was like, if you continue to play, that's fine. But I will ask you to pull over and let me out.
Starting point is 01:49:48 And let me out. And I will hitchhike. I think honestly, I think if we kept playing it, she would have just opened the door and rolled. So. I did just read a murder mystery book though. And I loved it. Okay, perfect.
Starting point is 01:50:00 And I also watched a murder mystery movie and I also loved it. So like I have true crime next step. Perfect. Here we go. I'm having true crime, but sorry. Here's what we're gonna do for the fans. And because of the fans, you're not gonna be able to say no.
Starting point is 01:50:13 So my idea is we all get together one night, movie night and we watch the movie old. And we have a camera that's facing us. Cause obviously we can't, you know, display the movie cause copyright. I won't watch that. And we just, we get, well, you know, it won't be the whole movie.
Starting point is 01:50:32 We'll just cut to some of the best reactions you guys have. But we'll just, it turns into great content for our people. And that's why we're here. So. That's a, sorry, go on. Oh, so you're down. No, I'm saying that's a funny idea. But I also like, even though that,
Starting point is 01:50:47 that one TikTok that you made of me, Morgan, where it was my reactions, I absolutely thought it was hilarious. I loved it. It was great. But like, I'm like, I've been watching that movie. I'm like, my reactions.
Starting point is 01:50:59 Sometimes I'm like, why are you so dramatic? Stop. People love the drama. I gotta say, if I were on the phone with you, and for whatever reason, like Jerry wasn't going to be home. And I heard that shit.
Starting point is 01:51:16 The most shocking part of this story to me is the fact that the boyfriend did not just zip the fuck back there. And it's like, yeah, the mom showed up. But even if I knew your dad was about to come home or your mom was about to show up, I would have my ass back there. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:32 Maybe he did. He's a long distance relationship. No, he had just left her house. He had just left. Oh, that's bad. And she had called because she's like, maybe he could turn around. Yeah, but maybe he did come back after the mom,
Starting point is 01:51:41 but the mom got there first. Okay. Well, still, I would just, I'd be back. I think it's crazy that the volume was so loud that he thought someone was in the room with her. Which is significant because... Because iPhones mute a lot of background noise. They have that technology to mute stuff like that.
Starting point is 01:51:59 I would just be like, what the, I wouldn't even know what's going on, but I know my ass would get back there. Yeah. Well, thank God, cause I'm scared of the dark. So I need that energy. Well, if I knew you're going to be alone, I probably wouldn't leave.
Starting point is 01:52:10 But if that ever had happened and this was like our story, whoo, I'd be back. And then of course, when I'd show up, there'd be no more voices and I'd have no fun with it. So. I know. I wonder like, I would love like on, we had group therapy today and an amazing listener
Starting point is 01:52:29 who is on group therapy regularly. I think this is her second month actually. But she said she's going to send me crystals for like protection and stuff. And I just wonder if like, you do live in a place like this, whether it's a house. I know you can sage. However, you should always make sure you buy your sage
Starting point is 01:52:48 from a native American or indigenous person because a lot of sage is actually like harvested inappropriately and overexploited now. So there's a lot. So make sure you're buying like ethical sage. But I just wonder what other tactics like you can do to protect yourself in moments like this or other cleansing methods.
Starting point is 01:53:09 Like I want to know everything that's out there. Yes. So a little bit ago when I said I have two questions, that was my second one. We only got through my first question, but I knew that it would come back around and I'd be able to ask the second one. So the second one is that what do you got? Like what is the appropriate response?
Starting point is 01:53:27 How do you defend yourself? Do you, like that girl in the video you show, do you scream and like run at them? Do you like match their energy essentially? Yeah. Do you say some type of words? Do you leave the area? Like what is your best defense against an interaction like this?
Starting point is 01:53:44 Or is there really no defense? Well, I think it depends. I think, I think it really- No, I know. Oh, I thought you were trying to say a skeptic thing. No, I'm saying- Like if it does, it's not real. No, no, no, I'm saying if there is that
Starting point is 01:53:55 supernatural happening, do you even have any real control? I think maybe, but I don't know because- There has to be. There has to be, because right, like people, in a lot of these stories, people say they start to pray and the spirit vanishes or something like that.
Starting point is 01:54:15 So I really do think it's kind of person dependent where what you believe in. And I, but I have to think too, because if we're onto something, like if they really do visit us when we're at our most vulnerable state, children, sleeping, whatever, then if we are just literally like,
Starting point is 01:54:34 fuck you, do you know what I mean? Like are they going to, you know, if we're like hardcore, we put up this shell, we put up this wall, like we're like, ugh, like then like, do they dissipate? Be gone, bitch. Because if that's, if the vulnerability thing is an aspect,
Starting point is 01:54:48 then like I could see it. I could see it being so freaked out when you match their energy versus cowering, that I could see that. I could see that working. Or there's me where I'm like, tell me everything. I know.
Starting point is 01:55:01 And they're like, wait, what? No. And then they disappear. You scare me. You'd be one to like open the door with the Ouija board or something. Cause I'm like, you want to know more. And then-
Starting point is 01:55:11 And it's like, bring me in. A ghost hovers over Justin at night. He wakes up and is like, what's your middle name? What's up? What's up, bro? What's your favorite color? What's your sign? What's your big three?
Starting point is 01:55:22 What's the other side like? What's your five year plan? And they're like, this is boring. Bye. I hope that's all that happens. That's the real defense. It's kind of like the monster's ink thing. Ask them what their five year plan is.
Starting point is 01:55:32 It's literally monster's ink, where they couldn't like write. The whole thing was about scaring. And if they can't scare, it's just worthless to them. Yes. Yes. Exactly. Yes.
Starting point is 01:55:42 Yeah, you two just collaborated on that. That was great. That was great to see. Aw. It's fun, you know? It's totally fine. It's brutal to watch when you see it and the other person doesn't.
Starting point is 01:55:53 Because that's how you feel when you go to high five me and I'm not like. What happened? It's okay. Lauren tried to high five you and you just ghosted her. She probably went like this. Ghosted her. No, it was a halt.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Cause I looked away. We'll roll the tapes. We'll slow mo it on YouTube. It was a, it was brutal. It was brutal. That was better than most of your high fives I see on the podcast, by the way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:56:14 A lot of the high fives we do on the podcast, Instagram thinks are hail Hitler signs. Oh. Dada, they removed it for hate speech. I got one more and then a wholesome ending. The ghost of a woman who killed her baby lived in my house. Well, this is actually my mom's experience, but I remember the situation
Starting point is 01:56:34 as I was about six or seven at the time. This all takes place in my old house in Queens, New York. It was a two bedroom, one bath. And the way the layout was, you could clearly see both bedroom doors from the kitchen. Anyways, one night I remember being woken up by my mother telling my sister and I, me and my sister shared a room
Starting point is 01:56:53 that she wants us to sleep in her room with her. It was probably around two or three AM and we were confused and we still went in her room. I asked her why once we were in a room, but all she said was that there was a knocking on our front door and she wanted us to be in her room for safety. Apparently my mother went to the kitchen for some water
Starting point is 01:57:14 and she looked over at our bedroom door. We sleep with the door open and saw a woman with a stroller turn the corner and go into our room. The baby, however, had a knife in its back. My mom thought it was a woman who just came into our house until she saw her walk straight past our bed and through the window. We lived on a second floor,
Starting point is 01:57:40 so obviously there would be a fall if this was a real human and she literally passed through the wall and disappeared. Another experience was when my mom kept having paranormal experiences and she got so scared one night she called my aunt, who is a devout Catholic and had her on speaker and they started praying together out loud. The room temperature went from hot to cold.
Starting point is 01:58:04 The lights went absolutely crazy and the kitchen cabinets were opening and closing, kind of like a scene from out of the conjuring or something. My sister- Classic. My sister did research on her house and that's when we found an article about a woman who killed her baby in our house before we moved in. When I heard about this, it really scared me
Starting point is 01:58:27 because my mom, along with all of my family, are very religious and they do not believe in anything paranormal. So for my mom to go through this was insane. Dude, that's the other thing I always feel like in movies. It's like the very religious family is the one who gets picked attempt. Yeah, picked.
Starting point is 01:58:46 This led to my mom getting our new house blessed when we moved to Georgia. I just hope that woman and baby's spirit find peace. Because I literally, the mom saw the woman with a baby stroller and a baby and a knife in the baby's back, which like fucked up. That just makes me think like in the old house I used to live in in North Hollywood
Starting point is 01:59:07 where the kid killed their two parents like with a hammer or something. And you didn't have any experiences. What, this is the house that you're in? His old house. The one before. Do you not know this? No.
Starting point is 01:59:20 And just by... Justin lived in a double homicide house. Yeah, like if you typed in the address, you scrolled down a couple of Google pages, all the news articles were there. Yeah, a 23 year old kid murdering his parents. Yeah, and one body was in a truck down the street. One was rolled up in a sheet, like in the room still.
Starting point is 01:59:35 And just by reading the articles... Did you know that moving in there? No, our neighbor told us about a month and a half before we were actually moving out. We'd been there for two years. No way. And the thing that's crazy... No bad vibes there though.
Starting point is 01:59:48 Zero, wrote a bunch of great music. We had obviously we had a revolving door with all the people we worked with. I mean, all these music people and like creative people are very tied into energies and vibes and things. And you wanna know the... I'm sorry, I'll let you finish then I'll... I'm just saying with this story,
Starting point is 02:00:08 it makes me think of what if one night I had like got up and gone to the bathroom and like down the hallway, you just saw this kid like carrying this hammer, right? Then I'd be like, oh, fuck. Like, yeah, I've fucking, I've gone through this too, but there was absolutely nothing. If we had never been told...
Starting point is 02:00:26 You would have never known from the energy in that house. Never zero, just absolutely zero from all the negative shit. Even after we knew, you couldn't feel that energy there. No, we still slept fine. Which the craziest part is the new house you moved into. Do you remember how bad it was when you first moved in there?
Starting point is 02:00:45 What, you had bad dreams and stuff? I... Oh, you did, yeah. And Jake, one of Justin's roommates had terrible dreams when they moved into this new house. Nothing ever happened there. We know all the owners. Nothing happened there as far as we can research.
Starting point is 02:01:00 Like we deep, like deep dived. And I saged the place. Like I went to an indigenous shop, I bought sage, I saged the place. And still, I have never had as bad of dreams as I've had at that home. Like I was scared to sleep there. I did not like it.
Starting point is 02:01:18 And so I actually saged it again. And after I saged for a second time, stopped. You know what's weird? I haven't really had bad dreams there. My worst dreams that I've had in recent memory are all at your place. And it's all with the dream catcher right next to my head on the side.
Starting point is 02:01:37 Maybe the dream catcher catches spirits instead. It was a dream catcher we actually got in South Dakota during our road trip. Our original one. No way. Wait, you guys are me. Me and you. We bought it from a Native American store in South Dakota.
Starting point is 02:01:53 Literally right next to my head. The fucking memories. We need to look at pictures and just like, remember that period of our life because that was special. It was. It was. Torquing my ass in an elevator. Yes.
Starting point is 02:02:07 Bingo dots all over my face. I know I took a bingo dober and just put them all over Lauren's face when we were so drunk. Can we go back to these, like vibes? Yeah. Let's go, we should find a bingo club in LA. I'd love to play again. Can we be young again?
Starting point is 02:02:21 Yeah. Yeah, three amigos. I can't cheers. Yeah, we're empty. Doesn't help. I just think that I feel like would have been my time to experience. Would it have not?
Starting point is 02:02:33 I don't know. It's hard to know with spirits, but we're going to end on a positive note here. Okay. Or what I- I just wanted to drip on me. Or what I consider out of all these stories positive. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 02:02:45 I mean, I was just trying to somewhat categorize it. Yeah. And relate, but I just, I feel like I was in the environment for that. You were. You definitely were. And I just, I think it, I don't know because I mean,
Starting point is 02:02:59 here we are in the third most haunted hotel in California, our third most haunted place, maybe number one hotel. And we haven't had anything besides like the brief shadow I saw across the wall, but- And yet an employee who brought the wine literally hasn't had experience in two years. Yeah. She lives on, she, not lives.
Starting point is 02:03:16 She said that she hangs out on the first floor. The weird shit happens on the fourth floor. Which we are. Yeah. And she said- So we're going to go outside, we're going to adventure, we're going to open ourselves up. We're going to, we're going to see.
Starting point is 02:03:25 Cometh spirits. But I'm absolutely closed. No, no, no, no. But Lauren did call the person downstairs when she ordered the wine. And that person said that they have had co-workers with many experiences. And even the girl that-
Starting point is 02:03:38 Yeah, look at that. She has experiences too. It's all happens on the fourth floor, which we are on the fourth floor. Yeah, we're going to go hang out, fucking crazy. Sure. And so in saying, okay, we're going to hang out, we're going to go explore,
Starting point is 02:03:47 we are thus inviting these experiences. Yeah, what the fuck are we doing? Bring it on. This is why we're here. We're doing it for you guys. Here's the thing. Let's do it. Let's see people walking around.
Starting point is 02:03:58 I don't know, but I feel crazy now like saying that out loud, but I really did. It's hard to know as you're reading, and I'm like, did my eyes get tired? What happened? But I literally did see a little dark shadow move across that wood beam. So what I want to say though, you guys,
Starting point is 02:04:13 is that I don't know if they, okay, so we're speaking about if they visit when you're vulnerable, they're not going to visit these detectives. A lot of times it's people that are just their believers, but they're not looking for it. Because if we're looking for it, yeah, they're not going to come to us because then they might be taking pictures of, videos of.
Starting point is 02:04:34 So why are you guys so scared of a Ouija board? Because then you're asking for it, you're inviting it. Right, but so are we in the sense of we're going to go walk around, we are being detectives. So why would you be afraid of Ouija board if it happens when you're not asking for it? I feel like Ouija boards are inherently dark. Did you hear that scream?
Starting point is 02:04:51 I didn't hear a scream, I heard banging. It was like a squeak. You wasn't here banging? I heard a shriek. So now we're asking for it. I have to pee so bad. You guys not, you didn't hear the banging. I heard a shriek.
Starting point is 02:05:04 You didn't hear any of the banging? No, you're going crazy. No, I believe you, but I have to pee and then we're going to end on a wholesome note to hopefully cover up all this emotional damage. So no, the thing is, is that I don't, it's, I wasn't scared about it because it sounded like it was something coming from like the room next to us
Starting point is 02:05:21 where they're like stomping really loud. No, there was just like a squeak. It's our show now, Lauren. Let's go. Can you imagine how do we handle this? Okay. Go for it. What?
Starting point is 02:05:34 Go for it. Okay. We don't know how to interact without Morgan. That's not true. I know. It's going to be funny. So I think, yes, I heard the high squeal thing, but literally it just was like a sound of the background
Starting point is 02:05:49 just the same as that car passing. Yeah. I didn't hear the stomping. You guys, I can't believe you didn't hear the banging. Maybe we'll see Chucky. That would be really not ideal. A little guy with the knife. You know, actually, you know,
Starting point is 02:06:01 there was two people in my childhood that were really terrifying and they're both movies that I was not supposed to watch that I did watch. It was It and Chucky. The original It before the remake. Yes. Did you see the remake? Yes.
Starting point is 02:06:15 No, no, no. Oh, it's so good. Oh my God. I was terrified my entire life, not life, but like for most of my childhood, like I like would drive like I would drive my bike. I would ride my bike or like go past sewers. And I was like, I'm, it was from the original.
Starting point is 02:06:32 From the original. You guys see the new one. I was a kid when I saw it. It was awful. And then yeah, Chucky too. Me and my brother hid underneath our kitchen table. My sister had friends over and was watching Chucky. And he was like, don't say anything.
Starting point is 02:06:45 We got to watch a scary movie. My brother used to tell me to do all these things. And when we were little and he was a bad influence. I used to bring a little portable speaker around with me. And when I'd be with like Jake or my friends in a hotel or somewhere we were traveling, I'd put it under the bed in the middle of the night. I'd take my phone out and start playing like creepy,
Starting point is 02:07:04 like little kids singing songs or things like the theme songs to horror films, that kind of thing. That's literally what my dad just told me he wanted to do. And we'd wake up in the middle of the night and it'd be like this creepy song playing. And I would just be trying to hold back the laughter. And you hear someone like sit up. I had no idea that you were insane.
Starting point is 02:07:24 Yeah, he's pretty bad. Let's end this on a wholesome note. I don't want this to ever end this. This has been the best night ever. Last but not least. I'm an ICU nurse. We often have patients who are palliative and nearing end of life. This one night shift I had a patient who was very near death.
Starting point is 02:07:41 Hours away. We had called the family in and they were on their way. As we were waiting for them, I went and sat in the room with the patient to get caught up on charting. I didn't want her to be alone while she was dying. While I was sitting there, I suddenly had a feeling of pressure and coldness on my left shoulder. I immediately thought to myself, this is odd.
Starting point is 02:08:02 But I shrugged it off and I went and I grabbed my sweater. When I came back into the room, I could smell a cigar smoke. I thought this is getting strange. There was no one other than the patient and myself in the room. I called for another nurse to come into the room. I asked her if she could smell the cigar smoke. She said she could and left. I was kind of weirded out now.
Starting point is 02:08:25 Again, I was alone in the room with the patient, still smelling cigar smoke. When again, I felt pressure on my left shoulder and instantly felt cold. The smell of cigar smoke was becoming much more prominent. When the family finally showed up, I asked them if anyone in the family smoked cigars. They told me their dad, the patient's husband, was a cigar smoker. When I told them about the smell and the cold shoulder, they said that their dad, who had passed,
Starting point is 02:08:56 would often stand with one hand on their shoulder, smoking his cigar to offer them comfort in tough times. I totally believe the patient's husband had come to welcome her to the other side. Why am I crying? I thought I was going to do so well. When your eyes well up, so be mine. I know. Wow.
Starting point is 02:09:20 That's so beautiful. That's insane. Love. Just that love that he would be waiting for her. She's getting ready to cross. The fact that it was not even a family member. That is wild. The nurse.
Starting point is 02:09:40 Just a random nurse who would have no idea that their dad used to do that. And then all of a sudden, it's like, oh, my left shoulder. Because you know when someone rests a hand on you. And then to feel that coldness. And then the cigar smoke. I don't think that it's cold. I wish it was warmth, wouldn't you think? Still, I see that's what I'm hopeful for.
Starting point is 02:10:01 It's so beautiful. Like you can carry cigars into the after. Like, damn, you could do something. Like, I mean, that's just dope. Like it's just seem so happy and peaceful. Like you can do whatever you want. And then you have the power to come welcome others. That's what I'm hopeful for.
Starting point is 02:10:19 I mean, shit. Amazing. So amazing. Yeah. That's better than the like dark figure with the no eyes and whatever. Well, you kind of like wonder too, because we've came up with so many theories this episode and it's just like, was that energy?
Starting point is 02:10:37 Was that a person who couldn't cross over because he had unresolved things and he needed to figure them out before he crosses over? Like is it her illusion? Like it's like all these things where it's just this crazy concept of like, what it's, we won't know. We don't know. We don't know.
Starting point is 02:10:57 I see my battery symbol on my camera is on. And so that means as beautiful as that was, as spooky as this might have been. It's time to end it. I got to get my ass up out of this chair before I lose it all. We talked enough for sure. This was like, this was a great episode. It was like a three hour episode.
Starting point is 02:11:14 It was like really fun. But I just want to say thank you everyone who shared their stories. I'll figure out a good way to put the Google docs up. Our live show that's happening in LA on December 2nd. And on moment house live stream, two separate shows on December 4th. Tickets are going to be on sale probably by the time this episode drops. So check the episode description for those. Otherwise, thank you.
Starting point is 02:11:42 Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for making this show a thing. And, Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry. Yeah, what do you got there? I'm watching it flickering.
Starting point is 02:11:52 I was just going to say this is one of the episodes that we have been the most like, I feel like talk about ourselves. So if you guys enjoyed this episode, then it's like, Thank you. Thank you. And be sure to share your stories or what you think on, you know, the paranormal, spirituality, all of that in the description because I would love,
Starting point is 02:12:11 I would absolutely love to hear from people of other cultures and what your takes are on spirituality in the afterlife. Yeah. So be sure to share. If you don't want your name tied to it, it's super easy to make an anonymous YouTube account. I know from the troll comments. So,
Starting point is 02:12:27 True. But on that note, love you all and until next time. Until next time. Until next time. Bye guys. Bye. The thought of my sons growing up without me inspired me to quit smoking. I talked to my doctors and then I threw away all my cigarettes,
Starting point is 02:13:11 ashtrays and lighters. I started exercising instead of smoking. Staying away from alcohol when I was first quitting was key. I kept on trying. Learn something each time. Do whatever it takes. No matter how many times it takes. We did it.
Starting point is 02:13:26 So can you. For free and confidential help call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or visit developed by CDC. Hi, Jan from Toyota speaking. Jan, I heard it's a good time to buy Toyota. Sure is. From now until April 4th, you can shop all your favorites like Corolla, RAV4, Sequoia and more.
Starting point is 02:13:46 Imagine yourself in a new tundra where- You stopped by the home improvement store and finally built that tree house you promised your daughter. Sarah? When did you hop on the call? Hi, Dad. Mom said you were taking too long on the phone.

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