Episode Date: September 24, 2019

New season! EVERYTHING CHANGES (nah not really)Withering Body, Butt Gripping Pen, Adictall, Roundup Service, Scam Fran, Queenglish, Sacrificial Pet, Family MealPlease check out our appearances on thes...e rad podcasts: The Weekly Planet, Do Go On and Doghair PresentsHey, why not listen to Al's meditation/comedy podcast ShusherDon't forget TITTT Merch is now available on Red Bubble. Head over here and grab yourselves some swag....and you can support the pod by chipping in to our patreon here (thank you!)Two in the Think Tank is a part of the Planet Broadcasting family You can find us on twitter at @twointankAndy Matthews: @stupidoldandyAlasdair Tremblay-Birchall: @alasdairtb and instaAnd you can find us on the Facebook right hereTranscendent, shining thanks to George Matthews for producing this episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are you working way too hard for way too little? There's never been a better time to consider a career in IT. You could enjoy a recession-resistant career in a rewarding field, with plenty of growth opportunities and often flexible work environments. Go to and take the free career evaluation. You could start your new career in months, not years. Take classes online or on campus, and financial aid is available to qualified students, including the GI Bill. For more videos, visit for more podcasts from our great mites. Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah, Zubisah Everything changes. New season, new us. Yep. You know, I'm a different man.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Yeah, I'm now Mark. Yes, it's Gavin. Craig Gavin. Yeah. Well, you know, you see a lot of hyphenated surnames, but well in French, you see a lot more hyphenated first names. You do. You're Jean Paul's. You're Mary Clades. Okay. And Mary Clares as well. Yes, yes. But Mary Clade. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:30 And you know, it's just nice. It's just nice. New births, new beginnings. The sun is sparkling in the trees. The birds are crying in the sea. That's right. The wind howls. The logs are becoming alive and swiping.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Sure. You know, the leaves are growing underground. The roots are in the air. Everything's gone topsy, turvy, or should I say turvy, topsy? And so we're going to try to keep going, doing the show as it was, but I don't know if anything will come out the way that it Normally should because this is a new season. Mm-hmm. And anything goes now. We could change the rules We could do the three words from a listener up front. Do you want to? Let's do it. Okay
Starting point is 00:02:20 Look at this. Okay. We got three words from a person who's donated $3 to the podcast. On Patreon, thank you for supporting us. Thank you so much. Thank you for the gift of money. It ups us immensely, especially during these, we're now at the beginning of four to five months of unemployment. The long winter time. We gorged out our hairy bellies at the catering table of our previous work once a week, but it
Starting point is 00:02:48 will it be enough for us to suckle our young through to the rich times of the coming winter? I want you to all know that no it's not, but it helps. It helps. It helps. Yes. And so the three words from a listener, this listener has called themselves Pupu bummen. Okay. And there are three. Do you have any idea who it might actually be? I have no idea who it is. Wow. What an effective pseudonym then.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's really working. Yeah. I think that anonymous, the group anonymous, should have chosen the name Pupu bummen. I think it's a, it would have been a wise decision. People would take them less seriously. And then they might underestimate them. And then they might be able to achieve even greater forms of disruption of the norm. That's right because-
Starting point is 00:03:39 Which is maybe what they're after, I don't even know. Exactly. They'd be like Mormons or something. I think if they're like choosing the name anonymous, it is like, it sort of makes them not anonymous, like it gives them an identity, like they should have chosen a name like Gavin Wilkins. Yeah. And then when you Google Gavin Wilkins,
Starting point is 00:04:00 like not only do you get the group Gavin Wilkins, previously anonymous, but you also get all the other Gavin Wilkins and their You know IMDb's and that sort of thing and then you'll kind of are anonymous Exactly you slink into you know The anonymity you so crave yeah, that's true You know I something to think about there. Yeah, should I write this down? The anonym eye? Other ways of becoming for anonymousonymous to call themselves Anonymous?
Starting point is 00:04:26 I don't know, it's not quite a sketch. I would have called myself Google. That's good. Something that's ungoogleable. They can't find even themselves. Yeah, they're a group that's probably struggling to work together. As it stands. The three words from Pupu Bobman are the first word is T-I-T-T-T. It's long-tipped.
Starting point is 00:04:52 It's sort of a long-tipped. Well, really the 200th episode where we came up with the 17 hours worth of 200 sketches was the longest tit of all. So far. Mm-hmm. So far. Yes. By the way, thank you to everybody who's listened or helped in some way, or even commented, or or remained alive for the duration of it.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Yes, there are people who have already listened to the entire thing. There were people who sat and watched the entire live stream and we... Thank you to all of you. We're in awe. Now let's get to Pupu Bumman's words. Okay. Tit. awe. Now let's get to Pupu Bumman's words. Okay. Titt. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Is. Yes. Finished. Oh my God. Well, in a way, yes, the longest titt of all is finished. Okay. And, you know, our long titt has dried up and become useless, with it and fallen to the ground.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I mean, that makes me feel like, wouldn't that be great if any, all of your body parts, whenever they were done with a task, they would start drawing very quickly. Each body part that only has one task. Well, now I'm saying that after every task, so maybe it's just a process that happens faster. So we're talking like a disposable penis, right? That it is used for the purpose, whichever so purpose you choose to use it for.
Starting point is 00:06:09 And then after that, it dries up and falls off and a new small baby penis. Yeah, a big begins to work, right? So then you would, that way you would never have to use the same penis that you used to pee. Correct. You would to, to, wait. So after every time you pee, does it also dry up a
Starting point is 00:06:27 fall off? It dries up and falls off. How long does it take in your mind for this peat on in your mind? Hopefully. Yes, I hopefully there will be no penis that's growing in my mind. But I would say, I don't know, I would give it like 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Oh wow. Yeah, okay. I mean, that's good. That's a healthy turnaround. I feel like if you overuse your penance, you would wither away at the task of sort of constantly replenishing it. I think it should drive and fall off like in like leaves in autumn. Yeah, I mean, look, that's great too. It could be a seasonal thing. But I picture if you go shoveling, you know, you got to shovel your driveway. As soon as that happens, both your hands fall off. Mm. Like that.
Starting point is 00:07:09 You get a nice fresh pair of hands for the next task. Which would mean I think you would also have to eat more. Mm. Right, which obviously would be difficult, more difficult without hands, but what are arms, if not large chopsticks? Correct. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:07:21 And, of course, once you've used them as chopsticks, they dry up and fall off. Ha, ha, ha. And once you've seen this horror've used them as chopsticks, they dry up and fall off. And once you've seen this horror happen before your eyes, your eyes dry up and flake out of your head. Yes. And we're constantly being refreshed. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:34 We're being born and you. Like a comedian's ticket sales during the comedy festival, we are constantly refreshed. God, imagine how good it must feel to be that ticketing website during those glorious 28 days. They must have to advertise on those on those sales reports because they would get so many views Mmm, just people fresh. Yeah, click you know, it's refreshing. It's got to be a scam. We can make work somehow Nobody refreshes the page more often It's refreshing. It's gotta be a scam. We can make work somehow.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Nobody refreshes a page more often. So do you think this is a sketch? Just, it's, you know, that's right. So you get to eat more because you just need so much more matter. But then also you're not putting on as much weight because you're all that, all that matters going straight into your, just drying up and flaking.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Dry up and flaking. Just this mean that like, I mean, for me, I like the season, there's a season, I like the season about element, because I like that, you know, in that glorious time in spring, you could walk down the road through drifts of freshly fallen penises. So you don't think it's something you would do privately, you would go out into public? I think that they just try up and fall out their bottom via
Starting point is 00:08:45 trouser leg or something like that as you go back and get it out, sort of like the like dirt in the great escape. In the greatest. Yes. That is a metaphor that has come up for me a couple of times recently. How unusual. How unusual.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Unusual. No, I mean, I also think that there could be something to, you know, that a man, when a man's reproductive life is done, you know, and I think, and I'm talking like at the age of 40, this should happen. Yeah. The penis should dry up and fall off. And then you're like, you're no longer, do that kind of stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Or you do it with, you know, with the toys available in shops. Sure. And so then then it's no longer for just pleasure. It's for, you know, it's focusing on other people's pleasure. Or maybe there bits of also dried up and fallen off. So it's not even for their pleasure. Yeah. It is just for the purposes of perpetuating the sex toy industry. Mm-hmm. You know, which is a invaluable contribution to the economy. And give someone pleasure. Sure. The accountants.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I imagine. Possibly the CEO. It's not so crazy. We're not so different, you and I. That's what your sons who are twins must say to each other all the time. They do. I'll teach them to say that. You want me to teach them to say that?
Starting point is 00:10:05 Teach them to say that to each other. We're not so different than you and I. They are, and he is, how is it? They have such distinct personalities. Absolutely. God, you try and be me trying to convince somebody else of that fact. It's tough, but I see the differences.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Absolutely. It's different as two boys who have different ways of drawing things. Yeah. Is one still do tiny circles? Yeah, Arlo does tiny little details. You know, when they were just yesterday, when they were doing writing on grandma's birthday card,
Starting point is 00:10:38 fended huge blue lines across the whole thing and Arlo did tiny little squiggles. And he was like, oh that's an ant. Yeah, that's cool. He cares about the time. You got one who's micro. He's just changed their names.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah, I should. I should. One of them is bigger as well. You know, and once I was writing in a notepad near my uncle who I don't see very often, but he came up to me and he was noticing that I have tiny right and I think probably because I had small writing because anytime I'm in public and I'm writing down any ideas I don't want anyone around me to read them because I feel ashamed. Yes. And he came up to me and he go you know
Starting point is 00:11:17 what they say about people with small writing. TOT ASholes. Wow. Do they? Is that a thing they say? Yeah, but so that might be a thing. Hmm. Anyway. I think you could probably write with your bum. You could probably put a pen in your bum and write. You could definitely put a pen in your bum.
Starting point is 00:11:38 You could definitely, that's probably halfway there. Yeah. So far, yeah. I mean, that's barely a hurdle to climb. The trouble is having that backstop that allows you to stop the pen from going all the way in. All the way in. So I think you would need like, especially design pen, right?
Starting point is 00:11:56 With a little ring stump to stop a while. Why couldn't you just create a product? It is like a little cross that goes, why not a nice Jesus cross? Okay. That goes, that you put your pen through the middle of it, through the middle of the cross part, like that. And you just slide it to the middle of the pen, like that.
Starting point is 00:12:16 And then it just kind of hooks there and it stops and it's rubbery and it's got a lot of grip on that pen. This is basically almost you're describing exactly the specially designed pen that I was talking about. But the great thing about your one, Alistair, is that it doesn't just have to be used for pens, right? Now you can stop any small, you know, cylindrical object from going all the way into your butthole. A chopstick. Well, exactly. But also a toy. It means that if if it does somehow just let a thing in accidentally, you can just get enough,
Starting point is 00:12:45 that you're crossfit and won't. That crossfit that you've proven doesn't work. Well, you can use again. I mean, you might have been cooking and you just had a lot of sesame oil on your fingers. So when you put it on there onto the chopsticks, onto the wooden spoon, you were to use to stir the bee. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Was he the spoon isn't going to go all the way in? No, you're right. You know, that's... You're right. No, the spoon isn't going to go all the way in, but it is going to go a long way in and no longer protrude far enough to be useful for stirring. Well, okay. So you don't want... It'll be useful. It depends. But it'll be painful. stirring. Well, okay, so you don't want you it'll be useful. It'll be painful. It'll be painful.
Starting point is 00:13:31 I think I would argue that it might almost not be useful anymore, right? Sure. I think if you were stir frying that's fine, but if you were if you were stirring a deep soup, yeah, I think I think you need a strong one. You need a strong word for what you're trying to do. No, no, you're fine, you know? I mean, one might be able to argue that you haven't been fine for a while. Just because your feet are up on the counter, either side of the hot plates, hang your crowds on. Don crudal pantless, co-wearing crutchless panties. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:10 Because it's more distinguished, you know, because you have people over. And you're gyrating over the walk. You know, a poor choice of pan with such a shallow spoon. Oh, I don't know. I feel like the walk is a quite a good choice of so. But you're gonna be burning your legs because as you lower your buttock to get those, you know, let's say some of the onion that's sticking to the bottom.
Starting point is 00:14:40 What pan could you possibly imagine that would be better? Just a shallow regular frying pan. Now we're on. Yeah. Yeah. I mean. Oh, you picked the only example that worked. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Oh, damn it. Oh, you're right. Yeah. So. So what is this? Is this a sketch? I mean, it's a product. I mean, I think just the fact that there's a,
Starting point is 00:15:02 there's two brothers going into this same business. Oh, okay. Am I twins? I have different attitudes. It's like, I think just the fact that there's two brothers going into this same business. Oh, okay. Are they twins? I hate because they have different attitudes. It's like, I think it's like, isn't there like the Budweiser guy and the guy who created the German bootvar or like brothers as well, something like that? And they both just took the same recipe, but one took it to America and one made it. Well, you know that the Aldi Corporation is actually split up in Germany into two Aldis,
Starting point is 00:15:24 I think. And one had like East Aldi and Germany into two Aldi's I think and one had like East Aldi and one had South Aldi. West Aldi, that wouldn't be East Aldi. One's a Communist Aldi and the other one's... Something along those lines. Well, so it's two brothers who are trying to create a pen that you can slide into your anus so you can write with. Yes. And, you know, this could be for people who don't have arms.
Starting point is 00:15:47 This could be, at this point, it's such a late stage capitalist idea that they- They don't need to come up with the idea. Why? They go, this is something that will sell. Yes. We can settle enough for these. We've done the math, but they split on whether or not
Starting point is 00:16:03 to make it a single use, like, you know, it's a pen that is built into, or it's just a fixture. You put onto a pen or anything that is around the surface. And yeah, it becomes like a platform. It becomes like the iPhone where you just build the platform, you build a platform good enough, and then you leave it up to the developers to find what they can do with the technology. It's an open source kind of thing. Well, really, this just, it turns your butt into a little gripping hand. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And now it's up to the market to determine what it is that people want to grip. Now, maybe you try and go the Apple Store angle, will you try and maintain a little bit of control over exactly what it is, so that people know that whatever that they're getting to put into their butt gripping hand is going to have a certain level of quality or reliability.
Starting point is 00:16:48 So, and that's the brother who decides to make, you know, a butt gripping pen, and a butt gripping spoon, and a butt gripping shovel, and everything like that, right? And then the other one goes, well, I'm just going to create this fixture that goes over the things, and you can decide. Right. And it's these two conflicting ideas, and then you see them play it out and explain what, you know, they're explaining to their people why they're not ideas, the greatest name. They each have a manifesto. Yeah. And they're demonstrating it for people and they go to big food fairs and they, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:20 they're cooking stuff in front of people and they're up there on the counter and they're great salesmen. Well, they're going around to their parents' house for dinner because they still get together for family dinners, but then they're fighting over who's, you know, and they're demonstrating up there on the counter. Who gets to cook the meal for Mullen Dad and the sisters in your husband?
Starting point is 00:17:39 The parents are just so supportive of both of them. We don't see why you have to fight. What you're doing is so important. So it's so nice to say we're both doing fine. And our ideas are as good as they ever were. If not better. If not better. Definitely better.
Starting point is 00:18:00 Yeah, thank you. We've broken through to the other side. I think I'm, what's great? Gavin, what's your other name? Uh, Claude? Can't remember. Gavin Claude. What's great is that where I feel already more tired than I did at the end of the 17-hour
Starting point is 00:18:17 episode. Hmm. Yeah. There is that thing of like if you start recording later in the day, after a full day's work, you're already tired. No, you've only got so much tiredness that you can feel, right? Yeah. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:32 And so now you're just having to compress it into a shorter amount of time, and that's why you feel more tired. Whereas, you know, we had 17 hours to feel tired last time. And so we spread it out so thin that we felt so awake, probably more awake than we ever have been. Now here's my great thought process that I just went on while you were talking, right? Oh, caffeine wakes you up,
Starting point is 00:18:56 but there aren't any drugs that make you sleepy. We should pitch drugs that make you sleepy. Anyway, then I realized there are lots. Yeah, a lot of them. We're probably drinking some of them right now. Yeah. But no one, no one is pitching the feeling of tiredness as the thing, no, wait, I take that back again. That's people who take sleep drugs. That is genuinely the selling point of it is being tired. Being tired, yeah. Yeah, all right. Still. But would have been great if I'd been the first person to think of that though, wouldn't it?
Starting point is 00:19:32 But there's no drug that makes you feel somewhere in the middle. Okay. Which is probably where people need to be most of the time or are. Yeah, a little bit tired, but a little bit wake. And that's great if you're too awake, say if you're high on speed, or too sleepy, say if you're too sleepy, or high on heroin. So is what we're pitching here at the speed ball? Isn't that the combination of an upper and a downer
Starting point is 00:20:02 that sort of brings in an element? No, this is a new... This isn't an accommodation of anything. This is not a combination This is one pure elemental product. Yeah, it's hitting you in the exact middle. Mm-hmm. That's right. We're not We're not gonna do this through some magic potion. Mm-hmm. This is this is gonna be through years and years of research Finding yeah exactly a single compound. We're gonna we a single compound. We're gonna milk spiders. We're gonna scrape the underside of Beavis nostrils. Yes, we're gonna chew on lichen. We're gonna lick rocks.
Starting point is 00:20:39 We're gonna do whatever it takes to find something that is easily applicable. Again, haven't we just invented mood stabilizers? Like... Ha ha ha ha. Sure. But tiredness stabilizers. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Sure. All right, it's no good. Yeah, sorry. Well, I absolutely, Alistair, we'll accept that I gave you a bum steer, right? What about this? Which we could do with our new product? The bum steering wheel.
Starting point is 00:21:13 No, what about this? Wait, where's it going? Oh, Alistair before. I was at a bum steer, a new bum steer. Oh, well, what about this, right? A drug that only gets you addicted to the drug, right? It doesn't have any other effects, right, other than making you addicted to the drug. So there's no high, there's no buzz, there's no mellow, anything. Yeah, it doesn't open your mind or anything like that. It literally all it does
Starting point is 00:21:45 is get you addicted to the drug. And because it all it does is make you addicted to the drug, it doesn't affect your performance in any way, you're still able to be perfectly functioning as an addict. That's all you are as an addict. And it's a great way to get the experience of being addicted to something without any of the negative sides, like feeling good or what. Do you think that like accessing any apparent higher truths? I feel like this is something that I could come at because what I really don't want is to be in a too much of an altered mental state. But I don't want it to be in a, you know, too much of an altered mental state. But, you know, I don't necessarily, addiction of itself isn't necessarily a bad thing. And there's a credibility that comes with it.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Oh, sure, absolutely. Did you see here, it was an addict. Yeah. It's called addict. Addictor. It's called addictor. Addictor. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Because everybody who takes it, it becomes addicted. That's right. Is that a sketch? It, it becomes addicted. That's right. Is that a sketch? It just gets you addicted. It doesn't do anything wrong, but it's just something that you'll want to buy all the time. Yeah. But not because it's like,
Starting point is 00:22:57 but where it's not motivating you through making you feel bad. You'll just want it. Yeah, it's all right. That's right. And not because it makes you feel good when you take it, just because just want it. Yeah, it's all right. That's right. And not because it makes you feel good when you take it, just because you want it. And but then what what would it, how would you get, like does it cost money or is it free? This is like the opposite of an idea that we had, maybe on like one of the first 10 episodes where we came up with a product that
Starting point is 00:23:26 Makes you feel unbelievable, but you don't get addicted But it ruins your life because it makes you feel so good Yeah, right because you just don't want to like you know, you just want to take it all the time But you're not addicted. You're not even psychologically addicted. You just want one all the time But this one does nothing. This one does nothing other than really make you want it. I mean, is it possible? Is there any way in which that couldn't ruin your life, though?
Starting point is 00:23:54 Like the idea of having something that you just want all the time. I mean, I guess you take it and then you're free of the want for it for an hour or something. Right? Or maybe not. I think I want another one straight away. and then you're free of the want for it for an hour or something, right? Or maybe not. I think I want another one straight away. I'm chained, I'm chained poppin' these. But like I guess it depends on how hard, like whether wanting would feel bad. Sure, I think it does.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Because I think, yeah, well then that's bad. But what if it's like, it doesn't even make you want it that much. But that's what's so addictive about it is that there's actually no effect. Sometimes wanting things feels good, doesn't it? Like if you're like in the early stages of a relationship or something, that kind of flirty kind of thing of wanting to... Like, wanting to see the person. Yeah, well, it's quite a nice feeling.
Starting point is 00:24:50 And you get to have that feeling satisfied of like getting a want, satisfied. Mm. Yeah. So you've achieved something, gives you a sense of achievement as well. That could be really addictive. Mm. Okay. It was a little abstract, you know well. That could be really addictive. Mmm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:05 It was a little abstract, you know, but there might be something there. It just gets you addicted. I think the slogan really sells it. It just gets you addicted. That's it. And then all like all the other people saying, like, it doesn't make me, it doesn't make me feel bad. Yeah. But it also doesn't make me feel good. It just gets me addicted. It just gets me addicted. I just like that I wanted all the time. It would be, I mean, it would be a great thing to invent.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Right. It's nice to want something. Exactly. It's something that you're in control of as well, right? Because you can just, you want it, you just go out and get it. But I think, like if you were sort of a company, a drug company or something,
Starting point is 00:25:46 what a great thing to invent, right? Be so good, you just get everyone addicted, it doesn't hurt anybody to just get everyone addicted. And then you can say, well, actually, we've invented this thing, basically, you just plug it into your guts, right? And then it just provides you with the thing all the time and you can just feel exactly normal as you did before,
Starting point is 00:26:01 but you just have to pay us, right? You have to pay us on a subscription thing, $15 a month, and you'll just feel normal. It'll be like nothing, but, I mean, isn't that the best, isn't that the best business model you could come up with? Yeah, but then you get charged, you charge people $15 a month to feel exactly the same. Well, but then you're not letting them get to want it anymore.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Yeah, I know. I don't mind that element of it, but now I'm just thinking of a cynical, you know, cynical, a capitalistic kind of world in which you can just charge people just to be. Well, I mean, I think that's maybe a separate idea where you just want people, you go, why not just pay us $15 because maybe you don't have enough subscription services? Yes. If all your subscription services, all of the amount that they take out per month, adds up to say an uneven number, and you love it if they, it came to, it rounded up to just like
Starting point is 00:27:02 a hundred bucks or something. So it was easy to keep track of. We have a service where we'll just take that extra bit of money out of your account per month So that like the total is exactly a hundred dollars and you know It's easier to do the mental arithmetic Because or else what you're multiplying 97.3 sure times 12 months or whatever it looks disgusting on your numbers. You don't need to feel yuck like that. We will take an extra $2.70 out of your life every month.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Yeah. I think what it is is it's a subscription service service. So whenever you sign up for something new, you sign up through our service. Right. And then we combine all the bills of all of that together. And then we just charge you $100. Okay. And it's a hundred. Round it up for you. We round it up.
Starting point is 00:27:53 We do the rounding. We make the maths easy. It's easy to keep track of. We don't. We don't, you know, um, then maybe you think, oh, now I'm paying too much. So I'm going to get rid of Netflix. And then you go, okay, cool. Well, now that I've taken you $12 down, and now you you think, oh, now I'm paying too much. So I'm going to get rid of Netflix and then you go, okay, cool. Well, now that's taking you $12 down. And now you've got this ugly number.
Starting point is 00:28:10 So we'll round that back up to 55 or whatever. Sure. You know, we're too 90. I think 100 is a good number. I'd add it up to it. Sure. We'll run it back up to 100. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Yeah. Are you working way too hard for way too little? There's never been a better time to consider a career in IT. You could enjoy a recession-resistant career in a rewarding field, with plenty of growth opportunities and often flexible work environments. Go to and take the free career evaluation. You could start your new career in months, not years. Take classes online
Starting point is 00:28:45 or on campus, and financial aid is available to qualified students, including the GI Bill. Now is the time, You were on a great, great thing where you was signed up to that wine company, and then they were just taking money out of your account, Just in case you wanted to buy wine with it. Yeah, how much were they taking? I think they had taken it out like five or six times because when I bought the wine they were like, hey now we've put you on a list and you're on a waiting list to eventually become one of our angels. Right, this was like, you know those wine cards that you get that says like get here's a $50 card and it gives you basically discount on a 12-pack
Starting point is 00:29:29 Yeah, and and then there's a put you on a list of angels and then for a few months I was like getting things saying you've moved up the line You've moved up the line and I was like well, I mean, I'm I think at some point I just kind of put it in the spam or whatever So I'm not seeing these things all the time What is an angel? Well, then you would get like special First dibs to different kind of things that they would get or maybe special deals on different. Yeah, all right so then eventually you do become an angel Which I hadn't realized that I had become and then
Starting point is 00:30:03 Part of that which I hadn't read is that they just take 20 or $25 out of your account every month or every couple of weeks or whatever and then put it in a special, just in a special fund, it's like this is your wine money here in case you want to spend it. It is such a fucking scam. Oh, absolutely. It's one of the most brazen things I've ever heard. I would suggest that possibly the whole point of that angel thing and the updates to tell you you're moving up the line was specifically so that it would annoy people enough that
Starting point is 00:30:34 they would then mute or send those emails to their spam. So when they'd finally tell you, by the way, we've started billing you, you're no longer seeing those emails. Are you writing this down? No, no. Oh, you're writing the roundup business. Were the roundups? Yeah, I think another thing they could do, right, is at the end of the day, they come over to your house, they go through your wallet and stuff like that. They get rid of all the change. They get rid of all the change, and then they round that down to like, you know, some nice note figure.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Yeah, and they give you like a crisp note. That's the idea. They come to your house, you know, they just go through the, you know, you put points in where the thing is. It's like sort of like the tooth fairy, but you leave money under your bed. That you leave coins under your bed. And then in the morning, you wake up, there's a nice crisp note.
Starting point is 00:31:22 The lowest, the next lowest denomination of note. Yeah. Or if, you know, the next lowest denomination of note. Or if you know, you only had sort of like four dollars or something like that, they just take everything into the camera. It's all good, it's nothing. They take that bucket of change, you've got. It's the change fairing. They jingle their way in and not. You see the change fairies jingling down the street, their pockets bulging. But you know, that that company I straight away like reported them to the ombs men or whatever to them. Yeah, awesome.
Starting point is 00:31:52 One of the things just to kind of go like, I mean they haven't got back to me whether or not they've investigated it, but there's must be so many people that are hooked on this. They just like have, you know, like as soon as I said something they refunded my money. Which they would do because they're like, oh we don't want no trouble. like have, you know, like as soon as I said something, they refunded my money. Mm-hmm. But- Which they would do because they're like, oh, we don't want no trouble. We don't want anybody looking at this scam
Starting point is 00:32:09 that we got going. Yeah, and so they must just have so much money just in there that they can invest or whatever they can do different things with. You know what I call the money that I wanna, my one day wanna use to buy one? I just call that my money. It's just my money.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Yeah, I do have a fund for that money. It's called my bank account. I keep it all in the same place. But good on you guys for trying. Yeah, angel ones, I think it's maybe what they're called. Yeah, right. Well, you heard it here. This is an anchor one.
Starting point is 00:32:38 What do I watch dock? Yeah, right, naked angel. Naked angel, maybe naked ones. That's what it is. Anyway, we've got to keep moving. Well, maybe naked ones. That's what it is. Anyway, we've got to keep moving. Well, I just wonder if there's any kind of idea in that, you know, like in a, I mean, it's such a great scam.
Starting point is 00:32:53 I, you know, like, like, I think, I think why can't scams be franchises, you know, why, you know, because really the old, I think franchises very often turn out to be a scam But I think a A franchise where we basically we offer you a scam that you can get involved in All right, we sell the idea we come with this great scam. You do this you do that right now you sign up and you can get to have our you know Jim's scams Logo that right now you sign up and you can get to have our you know Jim scams logo you can put it on the side of your scam ban
Starting point is 00:33:35 do you think you think this scam franchise is a scam? No, it's actually back quite a legit business They're great they've been really good to me Sure, I mean they're like a scam franchise. Yeah. Yeah. So they're quite upfront about it. Maybe they even advertise on TV. Well, we don't sell scams.
Starting point is 00:33:54 What we're selling is an education program so that you can learn how to scam. Yeah. Because so many franchises and so many investment opportunities turn out to be scams. So we're empowering you by putting the scam in your hands. So you can be the scammer this time. Last time I was last year I lost $17,000 to a scam and I said that's the last time I ever lose money to a scam. Now I'm the scammer. Thanks to Jim Scams. I scam. 24 hours a day while I'm sleeping even.
Starting point is 00:34:34 You know, it's so easy. You know those people who make money from home like they make $3,000 from home? They think they're making that money. I'm making that money on that. I'm scabbin' in. I mean, this basically is a pyramid scheme. Is it, we've invented the pyramid scheme.
Starting point is 00:34:51 A little bit, but odd. But it's more blatant about it. But maybe they can also sell the scam still. Oh, sure. Pyramid scheme is one of the types of scams that you could, you learn about at the scam skill. You could scam people with.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And then there's like a, you, even more basic level skips, what about this? It's kind of like an alternative to like those in pro troops where they have all the different levels and that sort of thing. But it's just a scam group. So instead of learning about in pro, you'll learn about scamming and being a con man and that sort of thing. And they start you off at basic stuff, like falling over in shopping centers or like throwing yourself in front of people's cars and then asking them for money.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Giving, giving like $10 and then when they give you change you say, where I gave you a 20? Yeah, that kind of stuff. You would learn that day one. That's a day right scam. You know, and you know, a lot of people, they come in gun hoe, a lot of standout comedians when they come in, they come in and they say, you give me change for $5. I gave you $360 because that's because they think it's all about going big early.
Starting point is 00:35:57 But a lot of the scams got to be more subtle. It's all about truth and personal connection. That's right. Yeah, little gains throughout the day. You've got to do a lot of scams. It's not about truth and personal connection. That's right. You know, yeah, little gains throughout the day. Gotta do a lot of scams. Not about one big scam. It's about a lot of small scams. No, I defy, I'm scared.
Starting point is 00:36:13 If I make, you know, $67 an hour from scamming, I consider that to be a successful hour. That's a big scam. You know, then you're not working for the man. You're the man or the, you know, or whatever the other ones are. Yeah, they're not men. Yeah. It's always like kind of hustle, hustle Academy, you know?
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah. My hustle, I don't want no hassle. But I scammed in me. Mm. Scammed. I scammed him. Scammed. I scammed. I have. I mean, I cast scammed me.
Starting point is 00:36:55 I cast scammed me. Alistair, it's always too good. I cast scammed me. My sons, my sons. All three or just two of them. Just, my sons, my sons. All three or just two of them? Just the two, the talking sons. They, I just realized, you know, we say, let's look for another truck, right?
Starting point is 00:37:16 And they say, there's the another truck. So they think that when I say, ah, another truck, they're saying it, let's look for a, another truck. So they've thought that another is the word. And I think maybe it was once, right? A, another. A, another. It's like neither.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Oh, I guess it's an, other, isn't it? Fuck. Maybe it's what it used to be though, maybe before that. Maybe, maybe before that. Maybe before that though. It was a another. A another. And then eventually they just moved the end across. And then that's why now it's, I don't like that either. It used to be, I don't like that neither.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Mm, I mean look, and either. Yeah, is this anything? Is this anything? Is this a sketch? One thing that my, my catered talks can't quite, no matter how many times I correct him, he goes, he just uses the word what, where you should use the word that.
Starting point is 00:38:17 So he goes, I'll be the dog, what has a cape. Mmm. Alright. Right? I saw a cupcake... ...what had sprinkles on it. Mmm. And I key that had sprinkles on it. Or...
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah, what is that? What is that? I don't know. Why? Well, that is what. Like what? I just don't know. Yeah, but it... I think that is a kind of like a speech floor that you sometimes see even in growing adults who haven't necessarily learned the Queen's English particularly well. Right?
Starting point is 00:38:56 Great. If the Queen started teaching English so that we could just have standard English. Well, I mean, if the Masterclass people haven't been in touch with the queen, the queen teaches English, if you haven't, if you're not getting the same targeted Facebook ads as well, then there's this series of masterclasses that they're selling that are taught by like, you know, a Robert, oh God, I can't think of any of the examples. Who's the guy from... Jodapatow, that's comedy. Teachers comedy, thank you.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Stephen King, Stephen King, teacher writing. We're like the lady from who wrote the Handmaid's Tale. Margaret Atwood. Margaret Atwood, teacher's writing. So this is the queen teacher's English. I mean, what a coupe. Coupe? What a coupe? What a coupe?
Starting point is 00:39:49 Yeah. I didn't like it's a thing filled with chickens. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, the royals always seem like they're struggling for money. There's always noise. Yeah, I thought you always hear like they're all there down to their last 15
Starting point is 00:40:04 million or something. I've never heard that. I think they're always doing okay. No, I mean they're doing okay. They're getting funds from the government and stuff like that. But they also, they must own so much land. Isn't she like the biggest landholder in England? I don't even mention she gets a whole lot of money from rent and shit like that. I don't know. I'm feeling really... She a landlord? I'm not sure. Do they? Maybe not. Maybe she technically owns it, but it's actually owned by the government.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Like, maybe that's what Crown Land is. I think that's all the queens, but. But actually not hers. Yeah. Like she doesn't. Like like she's the head of state, but she's not really gotten any panoramic. So she's like a landlord of, you know,
Starting point is 00:40:43 like a landlord figurehead. Imagine if she's decided to sell it all up, she wanted it all in cash now. She wanted to do that, that scrooge McDuck thing or whatever, and dive into the gold coins. Now that would be a tourist attraction. If the Queen sold everything, right? And just had it all in money, and you could go around
Starting point is 00:41:04 and look at the Queen's money. You can't see Buckingham Palace anymore. Well, I suppose you can still see it, but it's not hers. It'll be under the money. Yeah, she has, now she has just a huge pile. Let's go and look at the Queen's money. Now there's something to guard, you know. And she, well, she guards it herself now. She's, she, she's always walking around her pile of money. And she's got a life in her now that you've never seen before. She paces. I bet. And she's got a shotgun.
Starting point is 00:41:32 I forgot about that movie idea we had to Prince Philip or whatever. Hmm. Has too much time on his hands. Yeah. Stuts Hacselings people. Yeah. Did we talk about that on the podcast? I don't know if we talked about it on the podcast, but he collides. In my mind it was because he collided with somebody at Bunnings.
Starting point is 00:41:52 Like a hardware store. Already we've made such a huge leap. Yeah, like, you know, he's gone out for a royal outing and there's just one other, maybe it's just some other guy who works at Bunnings because it's like they would probably reserve the whole Bunnings so that he could do it himself or whatever. But he, he, they're trolleys collied in an aisle and then he's like, inferior, he's infuriated by. Seething with right. Yeah, and they guys like, oh, oops, and he's just some slacker, you know, dude, who's just
Starting point is 00:42:21 like, oh, sorry, hi, like that. And he just goes off and then he's just like, he sorry, hi, like that. And he just goes off and then he's just like, he just puts that in his mind. And then he's the enemy with too much time on his hands. And he's so petty like that. And then he just finds ways. He has to sneak out of the crowd. This is Prince Philip.
Starting point is 00:42:35 This is Prince Philip or whoever is a top royal at the time, the making of this thing. Prince Charles, he'd have a lot of frustration in his life. So he might want to take it out on somebody. Sure. And then so he's sneaking out of the palace at night without the guards seeing him get out. He goes out as a guard who's like, you know, pretends to be a guard going off duty and then gets into a car. Goes and throws stuff at this guy's house.
Starting point is 00:42:58 He escalates, kills his dog. That's right. But he has to hide it from the papers and from everybody else, and he can't. Nobody ever talks about this as a good reason to have a pet, but it's probably worth having a pet so that if a psychopath ever develops a vendetta for you, they have a really obvious thing to kill
Starting point is 00:43:19 on the way to killing you. That's right, so it's like a little buffer. Like a canary down the mind or something like that. Well, you could have a canary. Sure. And if you lived down a mine, and that way they'll kill that on the way down to you. Is that it? Why can't remember whether or not we've already come up with that here?
Starting point is 00:43:38 No, my other one about having a sacrificial pet. So that people have something to kill. And you're like, somebody's killed my dog. That means they're probably gonna kill me next. I mean, maybe this is a good way to sell. You know, they have a lot of animals that people aren't adopting. That are gonna get put down anyway.
Starting point is 00:44:01 Probably if they're not adopted. So you'd be crazy not to adopt one as like a sacrificial pet survive for psychopaths who have a vendetta against you. It's a small investment that will, you know, really pay dividends later on once you've infuriated someone to the point of them wanting to kill you. And it is your fault if someone wants to kill you. Absolutely. Yes. I have an idea that I've remembered that is I came up with a little while ago, but it was an off-pawed idea.
Starting point is 00:44:29 But it was about, you know how people talk about it. So, I'll put it into the pod. People talking about that, you know, because of climate change, should you think twice before having more kids, you know, or having a kid or whatever like that. And I go, climate change is a reason to have kids, right? Because then if everything collapses, you're producing your own meat. You've got something that you can eat when the apocalypse comes. You know, you and your, you know, you like what you don't realize is that your partner is essentially a meat factory. Yep. Yep. And then you can make a new beast, like a new sort of roast or whatever every, you know, the longer you keep them, the more meat you get. That's just basic agriculture, isn't it? So that's it anyway.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And I think we should bring that up with these people because they're the idiots. They're the ones who do it. They're not thinking, I mean, they're going to go, well, okay, yeah, I'm thinking about the future at all. Exactly. What are you going to eat? What are you going to eat? Nothing. You can't eat your morals. Mmm. Only when the last tree has died. And the last fish has been killed.
Starting point is 00:45:56 The last fish has been killed. Do you realize you could eat your children? Yeah. Okay. Great. Well, that's inspiring. Do you think that's a sketch idea? In what format would you feel comfortable putting that out into the world, Alistair? Great, well, that's inspiring. Do you think that's a sketch idea?
Starting point is 00:46:05 In what format would you feel comfortable putting that out into the world, at least, obviously, other than amusing on a podcast? Maybe as a sketch. As a motivational poster? Yeah, well, sure. As a sketch, but like what form does it take as a sketch? You're talking to your beloved about it. I mean, maybe it's something we could make and then put it into one of those
Starting point is 00:46:30 things for people who love to be like who are preppers and just talking about how like, well, this is my first, you know, port of call because I'm also obviously I'm going to have a lot of salt in my things so I can, you know, store the meat and things like that and preserve it and that maybe go make it last for a long time. And you think this is just too horrible? It's, I mean, it's reasonable. It's reasonably horrible, Alistair. But, you know, it could be great. But it could be great. You could also eat parts to yourself.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Do they have to, how much of yourself can you eat? And still be functional. Yeah. Can you, like, I mean, a calf muscle? That feels like... They wouldn't have called it a calf muscle if it wasn't supposed to be eight. It wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:47:10 If it wasn't. What did they name it after a succulent beast? Yeah, exactly. They may as well call it the veal part of the leg. Yes. And then the... It's like, it doesn't look like it needs to use as much muscle as there is there.
Starting point is 00:47:24 Like, it seems strange. What could... Like, that's big one. Maybe that's what bodybuilders are working towards. Why they've got so much unnecessary muscles, so that they've got all that stuff to eat. That's right. They can slow cook later on when the apocalypse comes.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I wonder if that muscle is... It'll be tough. Yeah, it'll be tough, but Andy, I mean, it's the apocalypse. You're not complaining about the toughness of meat and also you dunk it in some pineapple juice for about an hour. Yes, but no longer. No longer, because then it'll start getting a bit dusty feeling. But put it in there for about an hour.
Starting point is 00:47:59 So you've got pineapple juice. Yeah. And you've got your own muscles, your own body builder muscles. Yeah. Because I mean you can just keep trimming until you know like there are no there are vital organs but there are no vital muscles. I think I wonder if like you wouldn't necessarily, how about this Alistair? How about this as a compromise, right? You're not eating your own muscles. But what you have done is you've got implants all over your body of sort of high density, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:37 fatty sugary foods. So that look like muscles, right? But that you can then basically drink when you need. Right? Sort of like a camel's hump. You can feast on your own resources. Okay, yeah. So I guess what I'm describing here are fat deposits
Starting point is 00:48:56 that the human body normally has. But now they take the form of little sort of insertable sachets. You know what I'll write it down. Because now you look good. Because you can get them put into places that you want to look like abs and look like a good bedonk-adonk ass or whatever it is that you're having before. So abs.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Junk in your trunk. So abs and a fat ass. Isn't that the dream? It is. But Andy, so I'll write it down. Okay. Having children said that you can eat them. And that's what you want to write down. Then that's what we'll be written down because as we've established you're the man holding the pen clenched in your buttocks. But Andy, if you did get a sword, you know, for this room. Well, the pen being... The pen, I mean, they claim the pen is my dear. But I think that if you
Starting point is 00:49:51 had a sword and you pointed it at me and you told me you sketched your ideas. Yes, you'd run them down. I'd ride them down. I had a knife here for the 200th episode, actually. I didn't use it. It's not about the size of the knife. It's about how you use it. Yeah, the motion of the ocean. Sure. It's not the size of the knife. It's the threat to take the life. It's just a little, one of those little handy little phrases that helps the criminal think of exactly the processes that they've get through, go through in their various extortion attempts. I think the problem with you know, you know, foods that aren't
Starting point is 00:50:32 injected into the places where you would have muscles in your body is that people can steal them. People can steal your prep underground, kind of, or whatever, but nobody can steal your pecs. Yes. Except for you when you drink them that one time. All right. So you'll have. All cannibals. All cannibals.
Starting point is 00:50:52 Yeah. But then they've taken already more. Yeah. Because I guess they're not coming to you and just sort of sticking your straw in your boob. And. I drink your peck. Shake.
Starting point is 00:51:03 Shake. I think we did good. I think we got some. Shake. Shake. Now let's start, I think we did good. I think we got some sketch ideas written down. Yeah, we're back. I think we're more or less back. Episode one, season two, completed. Great. Do you want me to read through the sketches? Now let's take a look.
Starting point is 00:51:19 We've got one. This is called the withering body, but this is either seasonal or single-use body parts that as soon as you either use them or you hit fall or autumn, they wither up and dry and then they fall to the ground and a new one grows. I like the single use and he likes the seasonal. Because I like to walk through a drift of dried penises. Is that wrong? Sure. I mean, I guess that would mean that would have to be sort of like a walking of the, like,
Starting point is 00:51:50 you know, every fall or autumn, all the men would go out into the park. And their browning penises would fall off. Woffed to the ground. Woffed to the ground like that. And then people would, with the rakes, would do the... Right, right. Or people would walk and kick them up like that. And they would flap up into the air and like that.
Starting point is 00:52:11 Dogs jump into huge piles of them. Yeah, people would, you know, just light them on fire. And then we got, but the butt gripping pen brothers. And this is one idea, two brothers. Two fundamentally different approaches. There can't be reconciled. Do you build the platform or do you sell purpose-built products? What's the right thing to do?
Starting point is 00:52:34 That's right. Then we got a dick doll, which is a drug that doesn't do anything bad, doesn't do anything good. It just gets you addicted, you know? That's almost cigarettes. Like I feel like almost the only thing that a cigarette does is to make you, like having a cigarette makes you temporarily quills the desire
Starting point is 00:52:54 to have another cigarette. I think yeah, I think in the end, any drug kind of, because it becomes so mundane, it just, it does become, kind of become like that, you go, oh no, it's just an addiction. It's not. That's why you're chasing a high that you're never gonna get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Man. So now then you're kind of just having, so you don't feel bad or you're just having, because you're used to having it. Then we got round up, round up, sign up service. Oh yeah. Or round down. Just signs up the costs of, rounds up the costs of things that you purchase.
Starting point is 00:53:27 So like when you look at your bank account, it's just these nice round chunks of money coming out. So you can send them, you know, 30 cents, you know, even just like it's a card, it's a credit card that we do. It's not a credit card, it's a debit card. It's so that when you pay for something, it always rounds it up and then sings the rest of the money to us.
Starting point is 00:53:49 This might be a good saving kind of thing. Actually, there is an app that does that. We're rounds it up for you and then puts the money into a saving. Rounding. That's a really good idea. I wish I thought of that. You did.
Starting point is 00:54:03 Yeah. Really a lot. Really. But Andy, even if you thought of it now, did. Yeah, really a lot. Yeah, no, really a lot. But Andy, even if you thought of it now, were you about to go home and just back to the kitchen? Yes, I was about to go to dig out my life to it. That was my thing, I'm gonna be that guy. We're drowning in ideas, which means that we don't focus on a single one.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Correct. We got scam franchise. This is, it sells you a franchise in which you can do all sorts of scams that you want to do. You all want to scam college? I teach you all the scams. No longer is being a franchisee, be synonymous with getting scammed. No, this is a franchise that you get involved in that allows you to do the scamming.
Starting point is 00:54:42 Finally. Finally. Then we got the Queen Master the scamming. Finally. Finally. Then we got the Queen Master Class teaching English. Yes. I mean, that's a great idea. What a great get. What a great get.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Oh, that's, I mean, that ad should be made right now. Mm-hmm. Yeah, Sanctuary. I'm gonna go do it right now. I'm gonna dedicate my life to it. Go, Andy. Well, I mean, all you gotta do is just get a little costume. Get a hold lady.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You can do it. Somebody's got operate the camera. Well, that's what the old ladies for We've got a sacrificial pet to find out if someone wants to kill you. Yes Makes a lot of sense. I mean, I don't know why other people get pets as as a somebody who doesn't own pets Mm-hmm right now. I'm just living Surrounded by people who do own pets and you go all your pets are super annoying I can't go outside my house now. I can't go into my own backyard and hang up clothes without being barked at Mm-hmm just uncomp- just like horribleness. It's that was a person. What would that be like? Someone who just yells at you.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Someone yelling the word bark at you. Then it gets another dog going, and you're just having to listen to two really angry creatures yell at you. And each other. And each other. Anyway, but you know, if you have it for the purposes of protecting yourself, you know, knowing if someone's trying to kill you
Starting point is 00:56:08 I mean you know I can let it go But if it was for that idea it's not for that people are doing it for the selfish act of wanting to be loved. Yes And then there's having children so that you can eat them and then also getting injections into your pecs and butts Prepared for the you can drink that preference. It's like that gel, that gel that they give to marathon runners. It's sort of like a high sugary energy gel thing that you just put under your tongue and it just falls.
Starting point is 00:56:34 You know, it could be those dense energy bars. You can squeeze it out of your nipple if it's in your peck. Oh, that sounds good. And you can drink it. That's right, just a syrup. It would be like a colossed man. You know, a colossed man. It would be a colossedrammy bag that you get put in there.
Starting point is 00:56:51 That if there's ever any, God, I hope there's never any confusion down at the factory. I don't know why. I've got four colossed bags. That's the factory. I'm telling you, pre-filled. Oh, fantastic. And thank you so much for listening to it too. And I think we really do appreciate it. It's good to have people listening to just a good normal hour Gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, gun, before we hit record on this episode. We just feel that we need to run up now these days. We've been able to do it that way. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:46 So that we, because we don't want to give you too many good ideas, that's why we're tired now on every episode. We've got 16 and it was prior. Um, we've appeared on, we're appearing on the weekly planet. Correct. So you should listen to their podcast. It's a very good podcast, comic book movies
Starting point is 00:58:00 and movies in general world, on there talking about ad astray. They are such funny and also good people. Unbelievably funny and unbelievably good. Who do things for the world as well? You know they're raising money for climate change on their podcast? I know this.
Starting point is 00:58:16 I'm in awe. I'm in awe. And, hey, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. And we also have a parent the end of a do-go-on episode with Matt Stewart. Yeah, they've got a new episode coming out about some kind of cult. Sex cult? Some kind of sex cult. Christian sex cult.
Starting point is 00:58:34 We're in that doing the little rap up. Just at the rap up at the end. And plugging this. And if you've listened to this, go listen to that and be told to come back here. That's right. Well, a while ago, I was on a podcast called on Rory's podcast. From the Dog Hair Network. From the Dog Hair Network.
Starting point is 00:58:49 The Dog Hair Network presents, right, and we were talking about, I talked about Terry Pratchett, so I'll try and remember to put the link down below for that because I forgot to plug that, but it was a lot of fun talking to Rory. If you want to hear me talk about Terry Pratchett, I'm on his podcast. Excellent. And I think that's everything. I'm at Andy, stupid old Andy on Twitter. I'm at Alistair TV. We would love it if you review us on iTunes. There have been some beautiful reviews on iTunes. Some gorgeous reviews. Thank you so much. From gorgeous people. And that's very nice. And it fills our lives with joy.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Correct. And if you want to sign up to the Patreon, that also fills our lives with money. Mm-hmm. Some tiny bits of money. Joyous money. You can control, three dollars for the, um, to give a suggestion and eight dollars to get bonus episodes.
Starting point is 00:59:36 Exactly. Which currently includes sci-fi try guys and just side tank and different things like that. And, um, So get back at it a little bit. Mm-hmm. And you know what? We love you.
Starting point is 00:59:49 This podcast is part of the Planet Broadcasting Network. Visit for more podcasts from our great mites. I mean, if you won't, it's up to you. Are you working way too hard for way too little? There's never been a better time to consider a career in IT. You could enjoy a recession-resistant career in a rewarding field, with plenty of growth opportunities and often flexible work environments.
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