Two In The Think Tank - 27 - "CLASSIC REVERSAL"

Episode Date: November 19, 2013

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Let's go! Mmm! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Is it? Okay, so the invention of fire extinguishes. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So there's possibly they were invented before the fire. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Or possibly like immediately afterwards. And so a guy invents fire and then another guy puts it out straight away and and he's like what did you do just invented the fire extinguisher yeah or uh a guy invents the fire extinguisher and doesn't know what to do with it yeah or both yeah that could be well look both well i guess if he only just came up with it, was he making it while looking at fire? I don't know. What do you mean? Well, if it was right after. Okay, right after. Yeah. No, that's... Okay. I think there's two ways it goes. One, it's revealed at the start, the fire extinguisher. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And they're just standing around looking at and shrugging. Yeah. Because they haven't invented fire yet. Or you open with a guy inventing fire and then straight away a guy comes in and goes and puts out the fire. See, that's fun. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:41 And the guy who invented fire says, oh, that's great. Or what did you do that for? Or something. Yeah. Could the guy who invented the fire extinguisher be the devil? Does that not help? I don't think it helps. No?
Starting point is 00:02:00 I don't think it makes it more clear what's going on. Yeah. No. I don't think it makes it more clear what's going on. I think, like, if we were doing an episode of confusing the issue, then it might help. Yeah, that's true. Because it would confuse the issue. But, so, okay, well, I like that the guy, somebody's invented fire in the lab. Yeah, in the lab. Yeah. Okay, so not cavemen.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Well, that's what you would expect. Yeah, that's what i would expect because that was my idea yeah i know but andy these things this is a meme and it's and it's evolving fast okay yeah wow too fast yeah okay so because you could have it as a series of things people inventing things in labs yep right and so like you could have another one you know there's a lot of things where there's just like The smoke kind of clears And then it's like It's a chair
Starting point is 00:02:47 That's actually a really good idea And just the idea of A guy inventing fire In a lab Yeah Is quite funny Yeah So well done Alistair
Starting point is 00:02:58 And then And then the guy You know so straight away A guy kind of Yeah Puts it out with the fire extinguisher. And he's just pulled it from his little smoking bay area. Smoking bay area.
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's one of those things where it's like, it's one of those, I don't know exactly why they would be smoking. But it's like one of those things where it's like there's been some chemical processes where there's no human involvement yeah it's almost like the uh when the terminator teleports in like in the terminator exactly there's just smoking rubble and bits of whatever yeah that's our picture of the creative process for yeah and so first they do the fire then the guy puts it out with the fire extinguisher then later on the guy goes and it's a chair and then the guy puts it out with the fire extinguisher. Then later on, the guy goes, and it's a chair, and then a guy puts it out with a fire extinguisher. Yours, that's a very funny idea. It is a little bit less clear what's going on.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Because I don't think, I don't know if people would necessarily know that the fire extinguisher has just been invented. But one of them goes, I just invented that. Oh, well then you fixed it in the script. that the fire extinguisher has just been invented. But one of them goes, I just invented that. Okay. Oh, well, then you fixed it in the script. Yeah. No, but how are we going to make it clear? Like, let's say we've got two separate ideas here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:14 How are we going to make it clear in yours that the fire extinguisher was just invented? It was just because of the cavemen. Because they're cavemen and they don't have anything else. Yeah. So, like, everything has just been invented. Anything that they happen to have. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:30 It's relatively recent. Even though that caveman period went for, you know, maybe a million years. Yeah. Maybe longer. You're right. They could have had that fire extinguisher kicking around for a few generations. Yeah, absolutely. It loses the sense of immediacy.
Starting point is 00:04:50 But maybe if there were all these cavemen around, like sort of giving him a little round of applause when he puts out the fire, like, oh, look at this great thing. So the guy's invented fire. No one pays attention to him. Everyone pays attention to the fire extinguisher, which they think is incredible because it can put out fire.
Starting point is 00:05:08 What about, okay, so look. He invents fire and there's a group of people going. Yeah, a little golf clap. Like that, right? And then over to the side you hear this other clap. Yeah. And it's this guy who's just invented the fire extinguisher standing in the middle of the circle.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Yeah, that's great. And then he walks over to the fire and he goes and then they erupted even louder applause or just regular applause just to keep the the pattern going i reckon i reckon a couple of beats like yeah yeah yeah that's great there's a helicopter? Yeah, then the guy who runs the first Elvis. The first Elvis? Yeah, the first helicopter that puts out bushfires.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Oh, the helicopter, the Elvis. I mean, it could be... He made Elvis. Yeah. It would have been very impressive. No, first he would have to make slavery and then blues music. And then, only then could you make Elvis.
Starting point is 00:06:12 That's true. Yeah. It's true. It's a multi-stage process. You have to build on the shoulders of giants. Yeah. Stand on the shoulders of giants. No, build on their shoulders.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Shoulders. This is some kind of project they got in Dubai. We're like, you know, we just can't. We noticed one kilometer up, that's the highest we can do. So we decided from now on we're going to start building on giants. I'm done calling. You know, like with giants, I'm talking like the guy in Big Fish. You know, it was also that Chinese guy who plays in the NBA.
Starting point is 00:06:48 We're building on these guys. Yao. Yeah. Yao. Yao or Mao. Well, Yao. Is it Yao? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Okay. Or Mao. But it is Yao. But there was an A-O, I know. But in my mind, it was an A-O. A-O. A-O. A-O. I know, but in my mind it was an animal. Ayo. Ayo. Ayo.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yeah, possibly the guy with the fire extinguisher, after he's put out the fire, could go and try and put out other things, so you could get the spraying in the chair if you wanted. Yeah. I don't know if people would continue to applaud after he has done that. I mean, with the scientists they could also be standing around and applauding
Starting point is 00:07:28 as the smoke clears, then there's a fire yeah, a little group of appreciative scientists write down some version of this idea Alistair, and then we'll move the hell on we'll just pack this house up we'll cut it down the middle
Starting point is 00:07:44 and we'll put it on two trucks and we'll put it on two trucks and we'll drive it very slowly down the M1 to the next. What does subsequent mean? Subsequent means the one after. So, yeah, the subsequent idea. Cool, and I'm using it correctly. Oh, great. Subsequential.
Starting point is 00:08:04 Subsequential. I had a thought before. Wait, so we're talking about the... Invention of? Invention of fire. Extinguishers. Look, it's probably gone. The idea? My idea, yeah. Did it fleet? Did it flit?
Starting point is 00:08:22 It fleeted. Yeah? Yeah. Was it ephemeral? No, I mean, like, it came as a series of boats. Oh. And then destroyed... The harbour of your mind.
Starting point is 00:08:37 The harbour of my mind. And now it's just an eroding shoreline. Ah. Yeah, what are you going to do? Yeah, well, that's what the rich people shouldn't have built their houses so close to the bay. an eroding shoreline. Ah. Yeah. Great. What are you going to do? Yeah. Yeah, well, that's what the rich people shouldn't have built their houses
Starting point is 00:08:47 so close to the bay. I mean, they were going for the cheap property prices, but really, it's funny that you can sit in long term. It's funny that rich people
Starting point is 00:08:55 aren't afraid of naval attacks. They should be, shouldn't they? Well, that's, like, you know, like, they're very exposed to sea,
Starting point is 00:09:04 yeah, attack by the sea. Because, I mean, like, you know, like... They're very exposed to sea, yeah, attack by the sea. Because, I mean, like, they built Canberra inland because they didn't want it to be able to be... Is that really what... Yeah. Really? Yeah. It was between Canberra and Eden, I think, for the capital.
Starting point is 00:09:18 It's still funny to think of boats as being a threat. Yeah. We'll attack it using boats. Yeah. Oh, big threat. Yeah. We'll attack it using boats. Yeah. Oh, big ones. Yeah. So look out and we'll shoot big old hunks of metal at you. We'll float over there.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Any plan of attack that involves floating. Being over water. Yeah. Yeah. Splashing along. I know, but it just worked for ages because of how ridiculous every other mode of transport is as well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Like having to go over mountains. Ugh. The worst. Ugh, I know. I'm so glad that we were born after that period. Yeah. Where I was like, oh, we're going to have to go over a mountain.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Ah! Like that. Yeah. But like Like that. Yeah. But, like, yeah, everything. Aeroplanes feel like the only serious form of transport in my mind. Like, they're the only one that I can look at that and be like, okay, now you're getting somewhere. Yeah, all right, no more fucking around.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Yeah. Yeah. This is how we're going to get there. We're going to go through the sky. Yeah. And look, that's, I think, appropriate. Yeah. Because we're just propelling like a cannonball through the air. Basically, they were shooting cannonballs at the docks from the ships. Yes. And they went, I wish
Starting point is 00:10:39 we could just travel like those things. Travel like a cannonball. Yeah. Be like the cannonball. The cannonball is like the bird. You can fly something. He shakes the shackles of gravity again and takes to this guy. So beautiful. So free. Look at him up there.
Starting point is 00:11:04 And then two cannonballs see, and one cannonball sees another cannonball. Yeah. And they sort of fly around together. And then like a smaller cannonball comes and starts to bother them, like harry them around the sky. Like those little birds that sometimes chase crows. Attacks. And those big cannonballs are like,
Starting point is 00:11:24 Like a wattle bird? Like those little birds that sometimes chase crows. And those big cannonballs are like... Like a wattle bird? And then they go up and sit on a power line. That's a sketch. Yeah, the flying cannonballs. So are the first two cannonballs sort of like pelicans? Or are they more like... I think they're like crows or something.
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah. And then the other one is more like an Indian miner. Yeah, exactly. That's what I was picturing. Yeah, an Indian miner. Yeah. Starts to harry them around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:56 I mean, it would be great if one of the cannonballs could refuel the other one. Or, you know, they dock. What about one cannonball, like, smacks into somebody's window? And the window doesn't break, but the cannonball just falls down onto the ground. And the person comes out and is like, gets the cannonball up,
Starting point is 00:12:17 and then, like, puts it in a cardboard box with this cotton wool and stuff and puts a little bit of water in there. And then eventually, one one day they take the cannonball out onto the veranda and the cannonball goes out of the out of the box
Starting point is 00:12:33 shoots across through the sky like smashes into somebody's head kills them or it shoots off and like it knocks over like a Roman siege cannon or something. Yeah, or sinks a ship. Sinks a ship, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Cannonball flight. Yeah, hits window. Hits window. Falls down, knocked unconscious. Flight of the cannonballs. You know, scientists have looked at cannonballs and they've said that actually they shouldn't be able to fly based on the size of their wings relative to the size of their bodies.
Starting point is 00:13:11 They're not able to explain how a cannonball can get into the air. A cannonball's... Buzzing around flowers. Yeah. Landing on flowers, yeah. Crushing them. What a strange time they come from. Cannonballs?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Yeah. It was just like this throw a big old hunk of metal. Yeah. Just shoot this block. Do you think you could still knock down houses pretty well with cannonballs? It's just throwing rocks, basically, isn't it? Cannonballs. You're just finding a way to throw a bigger rock.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Well, you're just putting an explosion at the base, and then just like a tunnel to direct it. Very literally what you're doing, yes. Wow. We have come a long way. I mean, I guess that's what guns are. Yeah. Guns are just an explosion.
Starting point is 00:14:04 It's just like throwing a rock, but we've made it pointy. Pointy rock. Well, that's something, I suppose. And then you can get ones that have got hollow tips, so they explode inside you and just shrapnel goes everywhere. They're really unpleasant. I'd rather get shot by one of the other ones. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah. Well, I think maybe you can get one that will just go straight through you. Yeah, but I think exit wounds are pretty horrible. Oh, that's true. You want two bullets to come in from each side. At the same time. So there's just two entry wounds and one just goes out through the, like, crash in the middle. I reckon they just stop.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeah? Yeah, they just meet up in the middle and they just stop because they're just both, you know that crash in the middle. I reckon they just stop. Yeah? Yeah, they just, they, they meet up in the middle and then they just stop because they're just both, you know, equal and opposite forces. Yeah, it'd be perfect. Think of the two marksmen that you would have to get to shoot you. They would have to be really good at, at, and trying to shoot each other in the, in the, uh, in the sort of the revolver hole. In the revolver hole.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Yeah. I wonder if Mythbusters have ever tried to like shoot a bullet out of the sky with another bullet. That would be so hard, wouldn't it? I think that would be exceptionally hard. I mean, maybe with a couple of robots or something like that. Oh, with a couple of robots you could do it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I don't know, but I don't think there's any men that could do it. Can we do a sketch? It's something about, you know, when you go to Movie World on the Gold Coast? Absolutely, I know that. Yeah? Have you ever been? Never been to it. Me neither.
Starting point is 00:15:44 No, I've been briefly to Queens. I spent a bit of time in Queensland, but not near the Gold Coast. Absolutely, I know that. Have you ever been? Never been to it. Me neither. No, I've been briefly to Queensland. I spent a bit of time in Queensland, but not near the Gold Coast. You didn't go to any of their themed parks? Oh, I was on youth allowance at the time, so I don't think I could have afforded the cover charge. The budget did not stretch to water slides. Yeah, water slides. They are not considered one of the essentials.
Starting point is 00:16:05 Buttered popcorn. Is that a thing they would have there not considered one of the essentials. Buttered popcorn. Is that a thing they would have there? I imagine Movie World would have buttered popcorn. Oh, buttered. Yes, definitely. And caramel. Mmm.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Caramel. Malt. Malt. It's something, and they have those displays of, like, very impressive synchronized driving.
Starting point is 00:16:22 You know, where those cars drive past each other and don't crash yeah what can we do with that um okay something with pedestrians possibly just doing it uh are we just putting on a really unimpressive show i think we are yes um people walking dogs yeah and that would be quite impressive
Starting point is 00:16:47 this is a strange thing that I said the other day but I said something about sorry we can go back no it's fine I wasn't going anyway
Starting point is 00:16:55 it was the thing it was about I don't know why I thought that's funny but Indiana didn't find it funny anyway but tell me the idea Al
Starting point is 00:17:04 that you know my girlfriend we go for walks sometimes Indiana didn't find it funny. Anyway, but... Tell me the idea, Al. You know, my girlfriend, we go for walks sometimes and then she takes me down to the park and, you know, she lets me off my lead and you know how, like, when you go down to the park and there's all those dogs kind of hanging out together?
Starting point is 00:17:20 Yeah. And one of them's causing a lot of trouble amongst all the dogs that's me okay but are you a dog in that i know i'm a human scenario okay but but i'm the dog that's creating all the problems yeah yeah but wouldn't it be great if they were like i don't know why i like this but because you see the dogs all running together and then all the humans are just standing by kind of watching yeah right and they're kind of just making sure none of the dogs kind of start
Starting point is 00:17:53 giving their dog too much shit and stuff like that and they'll kind of intervene yeah um but if one of the humans was really like the one giving the shit to the dogs or like this is this is the self-contained little sketch, is that you get, you know, you just get someone walking their dog down to the park, and they get to the dog park, and it's like a sign saying, you know, you can have your dogs off a leash here, okay?
Starting point is 00:18:16 And then the person unclips the dog from the leash, and then they run off and just start running around all the trees. And the dog just sits there. And then they see another person over there, like, doing the and they run around each other yeah the dog just sits there i think that's really fun yeah with all the dogs just sitting around yeah humans are just occasionally a dog will go up and stand next to another dog and just sit down and they'll talk i'm gonna write that down that's just that's just your classic reversal there. The classic reversal. We didn't even bump into the curb.
Starting point is 00:18:52 That's how that reversal is. We parked that one. We parked it. We got our peas. We did. Okay. So somebody does their learners, test so badly that they lose their license to walk. And they have to go everywhere with someone else to... So wait, they lose their license to walk.
Starting point is 00:19:27 Yeah. So now they have to go back to their learners? Yeah, I guess so. That would mean they're crawling or something. Or they have to walk with an adult at all times. Sort of like go back to like a kid. Yeah. Kids, they always have to be with an adult, accompanied by an adult.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Yep. It's like they're on their learners. Yeah, take them back through the stuff of crossing the street. Yeah. That kind of thing. And what other things do you do when you walk? It's funny, you never really need to walk backwards. Almost never.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah, you really don't need to walk backwards. It's great that that feature's there. I mean, you need it when you're kind of like, maybe when you're guiding some people who are carrying a fridge. Or if you're one of the people carrying a fridge. One of the people carrying a fridge, yeah. But it's amazing that we evolved with the ability to carry fridges, even before we had fridges. Like a long time ago.
Starting point is 00:20:16 That was amazing foresight. It was, yeah. From the powers of evolution. Good design. I mean, it's great that the legs can even just go backwards. That they have both options of forward and backwards. I guess it's so that you could kick. Do you think early man...
Starting point is 00:20:35 Early man? Yeah, early man. When you see him in the literature, in the films and things, you don't usually see him with a spear and stuff. A lot of hand weapons. But you never see him kick the shit out of something.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Which he definitely would have done. I think that's better for me. Even before shoes, can you kick? Yeah, because those taekwondo guys and mixed martial arts and shit, they're kicking all the time. K much more powerful and what about even just your heel yeah well stomping like you can get anything you need with uber eats well almost almost anything so no you can't get snowballs on uber eats but meatballs and mozzarella balls yes we can deliver that uber eats get almost
Starting point is 00:21:24 almost anything order now product availability may vary by region see app for details Oh, stomping a thing. Plus, you've got those toughened feet from the walking on, you know, bits of glass all the time and rock, sharp rocks, that you'll later use that design to make bullets. Yes, use that information. Remember the pain of the sharp rocks on your heels and then think, imagine if this was being fired by explosive gases out of a long, thin tube into somebody's head.
Starting point is 00:21:58 I bet they'd have really sore heels. Yeah, really sore heels if that was in their head. What about early man yeah right and it's just a guy who's just got to a meeting early yeah how can we do something with that okay well what about a guy just shows up at a meeting really early yeah yeah right so let's say the meeting is a neanderthal he's the early. Yeah. But it's also that he's like early, early businessman. Does that make sense? Early, early businessman? Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:37 What about a guy gets to a meeting, but possibly they're still like constructing the building and he looks at his watch and he's like early again and then like later on the guy
Starting point is 00:22:52 he gets to gets to the meeting he's all dressed up he's got his briefcase or whatever and like they're just like some settlers are just
Starting point is 00:22:59 coming in on a boat yeah and like surveying the land and he just looks at his watch and he's like just looks at his watch. He's like. Early again.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Reset his watch. Might have to get a coffee. Yeah. And then he turns around. And then there's just a coffee stand there. Yeah. Yeah. And then later on he gets to somewhere.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And like a fish creature is just crawling out of the ocean. And he's like. Oh for fuck's sake. Early man. Good thing out of the ocean. And he's like, oh, for fuck's sake. Early man. Good thing I brought the paper. Then he holds it up while evolution occurs in front of him. Takes place. I think that's a sketch.
Starting point is 00:23:36 You think so? Yeah. Early man, a guy who's just progressively more and more early for meetings. Way too early. Early, early man. Yeah, early yeah early early man i think there could be yeah two or three sure do you mind if we do seven today yeah sure let's go great i think we're burning through we're burning through i mean i'm not doing a lot of the burning at the moment no no no no why do you feel bad about that oh because maybe you've had ideas and i've ignored them no
Starting point is 00:24:03 in no way has that been the case okay but i'm glad that your automatic reaction is to feel bad yeah no it is glad because my automatic reaction is to feel glad yeah gladness malcolm gladness what malcolm gladwell i just who's malcolm gladwell he's a writer like a sort of science-y kind of writer. The guy who did the book Outliers, where it mentions the 10,000 hours. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's that guy? Oh, Christ.
Starting point is 00:24:37 What about a guy who comes up against Malcolm Gladwell? He's like a sort of scientific writer about how to make geniuses. And he says, my book says you can do it in 10 hours. Yeah, obviously he's going to win. 10-hour genius. I wrote this book in 10 hours. Look at me.
Starting point is 00:25:00 I mean... That's fun. There's something, by and large, there's something in the idea of fake self-help. Yeah. I don't know, because that's such a popular thing now. It's very popular, isn't it? Helping yourself and...
Starting point is 00:25:16 Yeah. Especially at buffets. Sorry. Oh, no. No, it is. It's true. Do you have steamed broccoli at buffets? Like, if there was steamed broccoli at a buffet, you wouldn't eat it, would you?
Starting point is 00:25:30 I don't know. Like, I feel like there have been... No, I definitely wouldn't. You're right. I thought about it. And there's no way I would eat steamed broccoli at a buffet. Like, if there's prawns there, you're not filling up on broccoli or broccolini. The steamed broccoli.
Starting point is 00:25:48 Its tiny steamed heart must just sink when it sees somebody putting down those garlic prawns next to it. Just, alright, here we go. I'll tell you what, I'll tell you how I felt in high school. I felt like a bit of steamed broccoli there. All you can eat, Buffa. Yeah. Prawns being laid down. Sesame prawns. Sesame prawns, sure. I felt like a bit of steamed broccoli. Had an all-you-can-eat buffer. Yeah. Prawns being laid down. Sesame prawns.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Do they do sesame prawns? Sure. Sesame seeds seem like they would go well on prawns. Yeah, but also like frying the prawns in a bit of sesame oil. I imagine that would be fantastic. Did I tell you that with my ex-girlfriend, she had this theory or she had heard somewhere that sesame oil was good at keeping mosquitoes away. No.
Starting point is 00:26:29 So we went camping and we brought sesame oil. Everybody else brought anti-mosquito stuff. And at some point we're just putting on sesame oil getting bitten by mosquitoes.
Starting point is 00:26:46 But we smelt like a stir fry. And I reckon you would have got a bit of a stir from the people around you with their mosquito repellent. What you got there? Sesame oil? What have you got? Oh, mosquito repellent. Deet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:08 It's a chemical formulated to repel mosquitoes. It's a neurotoxin. Yeah. Anyway, good luck with the sesame oil. Later on, I'm going to be making a beef black bean. If I could borrow some of that, that would be great. Don't use it all up. We weren't getting through it.
Starting point is 00:27:36 We were just dabbing it on, making sure it just kind of got into the veins in our neck. Mosquitoes are definitely the most annoying of the creatures. I mean, that and all parasites that enter your body. You know what? Not one for animals either. The animal kingdom. Boo. Boo. Oh boy. Oh boy. Not one of the top kingdoms The Animal kingdom Yeah Dominant You know they're like
Starting point is 00:28:10 They're like a really irritating football team They're like Collingwood Okay They are Yeah I think they lord it over everybody They're not good winners The plant kingdom The plant kingdom That's one that you consider get. They're not good winners. The plant kingdom.
Starting point is 00:28:25 The plant kingdom. That's one that you can sort of get behind. They're solid. Well, they're humble. They're humble. Exactly. Yeah. I mean, except for the ocean aquatic creature, like aquatic sort of plants.
Starting point is 00:28:38 I'm not a big fan of those guys. Yeah? Yeah. You don't think they're humble enough? Yeah. I don't know. Just the way they shoot spores into the water and... What?
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yeah. Coral. Coral's not a plant. Yes, it is. It's vegetation, isn't it? No. It's not fauna. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:29:01 Nah. Coral's like a seashell kind of thing, isn't it? I don't know. Like an animal. Coral's an animal. Maybe. I mean, but even like, even mussels or something like that. They're an animal.
Starting point is 00:29:16 I know they're an animal, but they're like, they're almost made of rock. Yeah, okay. So, you know, they live on geological time. Yeah. Okay. So, you know, they're, they, they live on geological time. Yep. No, but, but coral. And they're humble. Well, no, I don't like, I don't know, because they're mostly tongue. Okay. Yeah. That's not good. Yeah. Like, they're like Gene Simmons. Yeah. They're like Gene Simmons, but like strapped to a rock. If Gene Simmons was just 85% tongue and then just outer shell around a tongue, how do you make a life like that? That's why they just bury themselves in the sand out of embarrassment.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Just what a silly creature they are. I'm just a crust around a tongue. How do they experience the world? Oh, they filter it? Yeah, they do. But, like, they don't see anything? Do they? No.
Starting point is 00:30:14 No, I don't know. I don't think they have eyes. Just blind, blind, just tasting your way through. If taste was the only way that you experienced the world, do you think it's... Do mollusks have eyes? That's a question. Yes, they must do. Because, like...
Starting point is 00:30:30 What's the names? You know the ones. Snails. They've got eyes. They're mollusks. They've got those things out on prongs. Those eyes. Yeah, but I think those are a different thing, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:30:42 I don't know. Because octopuses, octopi, octopodes, they've got eyes. Squids have got eyes, and they've evolved from mollusks, right? So does that mean that eyes evolved separately in humans and in mollusks? Yeah. Yeah, squid eyes evolved completely separately. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:03 That is the greatest thing as far as i remember reading that is so fantastic yeah no like wound up being so similar in a way yeah they can change the whole shape of their eye i think oh okay but no but like they are similar yeah they no but that's that's one of like the arguments for them saying that they think that life is almost inevitable. Yeah. And that things like eyes is kind of like a... It's not even that impressive. It's inevitable.
Starting point is 00:31:33 It's just going to happen, guys. If you have yourselves like a little Big Bang, eventually you're going to have something looking at you. People struggle with the inevitability of death. What about the inevitability of eyes? Yeah. You're going to get them sooner or later. Sooner or later. And then sooner or later after that, you're going to get something in your eye.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah. It's also inevitable. It's inevitable. Yeah. Salt water, for example, especially if you're a mollusk. I don't know. a mollusk. There's something about that, like,
Starting point is 00:32:08 about the inevitability of, like, life evolving. Yeah. Contains within it the inevitability of something getting something in its eye. Or, like, all the, like, inconveniences of life. They're as inevitable as life. Yeah. So, like, traffic jams are
Starting point is 00:32:24 inevitable, or whatever, you know, like... They're particular... They're popular in the ant... In the ant world. Yeah? Yeah. Very popular. Oh, they're super popular.
Starting point is 00:32:35 But I guess they don't care. Unless you've got the real knowledge of the passage of time. I wonder whether ants get road rage. Sorry, I'm taking this away from the idea. That's fine. My brain is not functioning on all fires. All fires? Yeah, it's a fire system.
Starting point is 00:32:52 It's a steam engine. They also have cylinders, I imagine. I just set fires to power my brain. Yeah, just to light the neurons, to get them firing. Good. Yeah. It's a furnace is what I'm running. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:09 It's not really so much a brain. It's just a brown... No, not a brown thing. It's a... Well, it's kind of like brown coal in that it's just really wet. And it just takes more energy to get it going than you're really going to get out of it. That's quite good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Thanks. It's warming up. Yeah. But I do like the... Okay, the thing about the... Because inevitability of... Inconvenience or whatever. Life.
Starting point is 00:33:39 But also like... But I think compared to the... So the idea is that the inevitability of death means that there would have had to have been an inevitability of life. So if at the beginning of the universe, when the Big Bang happened, death was inevitable.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah. Which means that life is inevitable. We had to get something together to live in order to die. Yeah. Yeah. Inevitability of death. I had something and it's gone. I had something and it's gone. It's because I talked about my grey goo.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Could be. Brown goo. What about a lost and found? Yeah. Which is a bit more conceptual, where you can go along and you had a train of thought. I was talking about something on the bus and it's gone. And you go in there and they've got a box that they rummage around in, the lost and
Starting point is 00:34:41 found department. And they say, was it the inevitability of death? And you're like, no, I don't think so. It wasn't like that. It was something with an L in it. Was it the name of the person in the movie Forrest Gump? That was it. That was it.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Well, here you go. Here's that. Janie. Wait, what color was it? that? Janie. Wait, what color was it? How do you, you know, like if you're picking up a thing, they go, I lost a phone on the train.
Starting point is 00:35:11 They go, yeah, what color was it? They go, blue. They go, yeah, you can have it. Yeah. You got through the system. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that's something there
Starting point is 00:35:25 conceptual lost train of thought lost my way lost my faith in humanity lost my youth lost my virginity on the bus
Starting point is 00:35:37 on the back seat I was sitting up the back and I got home and I had lost my virginity that's a bit weird. Oh, your virginity. Yes, here it is. It's a bit embarrassing. I don't want it back anymore. You can get
Starting point is 00:35:56 it back and it's all covered in fluff. It's been down the back. Very nice of someone to hand it in, actually. Yeah. Oh, somebody found it. It's very unlikely that these things get turned in, but there you go. Yeah, I kind of don't even want to touch it after somebody else's. You don't know what they did with it. Yeah. What do you imagine a virginity would look like? I imagine sort of pink and floppy. Like a fish?
Starting point is 00:36:22 Just like sort of like a lung fish? But like, okay. Like a fish? Like a lung fish? Okay. Slopping around. But are you just kind of like imagining sort of vagina flesh? Yeah, I guess so. I guess I am. And did you, when you lost your virginity, did you lose a vaginal virginity? What? Like, was your virginity vaginal? Yes. Yeah. I have a vagina.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Is that what you're asking? No, I'm not asking if you have a vagina. Okay. I'm not really asking anything. Okay. To be honest. Sort of a lot of the things that I've said today have not really been things they've kind of just been words strung together and sounds yeah just a sonic scape just a bunch of noise yeah i'm kind of i'm experimenting with like machine noise as part of my talking yeah i'm industrial
Starting point is 00:37:23 talk yeah my conversation was too accessible and I felt like people were continuing to expect the same things from me. And from now on, I'm just going to make screeching and grunting sounds. And then if people really appreciate me and they still, you know, if they're true fans,
Starting point is 00:37:44 then they'll keep talking to me and keep listening to me people are great like that I like that I'm trying to do a Lou Reed thing oh did he go into industrial sounds he did an album I think it was called Trans or something
Starting point is 00:37:59 which is or maybe that was Neil Young but did a like a machine that was just completely unlistenable this record just horrible noises and so he's like if they stick with me well i think he just wanted to lose people he just wanted to push people away basically he didn't want to be famous and he's was like, well, I'll just fail big time. I was thinking about that. There must be a certain...
Starting point is 00:38:30 I wonder if there's a certain freedom once you become irrelevant as an artist. You know, once people... There'd be this thing of you've got to... You're starting out, you've got all these ideas. People latch onto some of them. They really like these particular things. You do that a bit more, that becomes your thing, right? But then, you know, if you keep doing that,
Starting point is 00:38:49 you sort of, you can wind up in self-parody. And if you stop doing that, then people just be like, well, he's lost it, right? So, but like, there might be a point where you can get to where people sort of stop paying attention to you and you can just do whatever you want again. And that must be kind of nice. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 00:39:05 like just, okay, maybe I'm a bit irrelevant, but like I'm doing. Yeah. I also think it's kind of interesting that like people still get upset when an artist just changes his style. Yeah. Like they go like,
Starting point is 00:39:22 Oh, but it's not like it used to be. It's like, yeah, I can't keep doing the same thing.'s not like it used to be it's like yeah i can't keep doing the same thing that's how everybody has to do it everybody has to change you know what's like my old stuff my old stuff listen to my old stuff you want to listen to my old stuff i'm not gonna do my old stuff for my new stuff okay so i think somebody told me that it happened with the new, when Arcade Fire just released a new, or maybe the first track of their latest album.
Starting point is 00:39:51 And somebody saw it on Facebook where they released a thing and somebody said, guys, just remember your sound, though. You know? You're not the LCD sound fire or something like that i don't know whatever you know this yeah it's like like no dude you can't just go stay with this thing yeah yeah we're gonna box you in we love you for your creativity now but like the whole i think on some but i don't think artists also need to know that that you go look this is what has to happen you can't keep all the fans.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Right? Okay? People are going to like you and then other people are going to start liking you and then some of those people that like you are going to hate you
Starting point is 00:40:33 because of the new people who like you. Alright? And then eventually, you know, maybe some of those people will fade away because when you're not so hot
Starting point is 00:40:40 and then other people will come in later. You know, it's like, it's always going to be a cyclical and you got, you got to allow this shit to happen. Yeah, totally. But that's a hard thing to do. You know, it's hard to let go.
Starting point is 00:40:52 It's hard to lose people. Yeah. You know, and have people say bad things about you. Yeah. Well, like, like someone who heard the other day about talking about like, uh, you know, people who sounds what are like, I don't listen to the haters, you know, all the haters they hate, right? But they'll listen to the lovers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:11 The people who love them. So it's like, oh, the haters don't know what they're talking about, but the people who love me. Yeah, they're onto something. Yeah. Those guys, I could agree with those people. I'll take the love. I don't know what it is, but something about the lovers, I'm inclined to think they know what they're talking about. Those guys. Hey, look, I know we've only got five. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:31 But I feel like we should wrap it up. Sure thing, Alistair. Cool. And look, if you didn't like it, then screw you, okay? Yeah, or, you know, stick around and maybe we'll... Oh, yeah, sorry. Yeah, or, you know, stick around and maybe we'll... Oh yeah, sorry. Yeah, keep listening. So we got, today we got the invention of
Starting point is 00:41:48 fire and then the subsequent invention of the fire extinguisher. We got cannonball flight, hits window, knocked unconscious, then eventually gets released again and then destroys a ship. Three, we got classical reversal, which is dog walkers at the park.
Starting point is 00:42:03 The dog sits by while the owners run around classic we got early early man which is just a guy who's super early for things you know he's there
Starting point is 00:42:11 he's like ah checks his watch this is the first fish that ever walked on land there we got the conceptual lost and found
Starting point is 00:42:20 possibly at the old bus bus thing down the old bus thing yeah And found. Possibly at the old bus thing. Down the old bus terminus. Yeah. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 00:42:38 You guys are great guys. We'll be right back. Because that's alcohol, and we deliver that too. Along with your favorite restaurant food, groceries, and other everyday essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See app for details.

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