Two In The Think Tank - 353 - "JURASSIC PISS" (Recorded as a part of Stupid Old Podfest)

Episode Date: October 15, 2022

A huge thank you to everyone who tuned into the Stupid Old Podfest stream on SOS presents, and another massive thanks to Evan, Bec, Emma and the entire Stupid Old crew who worked so hard to make it a ...success. You can still watch at sospresents.comInvisible Letters, Cardiac A-Rest, Beach Surgery, Cheese Loop, Nipple that Sucks Back, Dairy Matrix, Milk the Most Dangerous Game, Jurassic Piss, Caesarian Tooth, Glib Squad, Wise Crack SquadGustav and Henri Volume 2 is now available to purchase in Australia here!You can support the pod by chipping in to our patreon here (thank you!)Join the other TITTT scholars on the TITTT discord server hereGet Magma here:, why not listen to Al's meditation/comedy podcast ShusherDon't forget TITTT Merch is now available on Red Bubble. Head over here and grab yourselves some material objectsYou can find us on twitter at @twointankAndy Matthews: @stupidoldandyAlasdair Tremblay-Birchall: @alasdairtb and instaAnd you can find us on the Facebook right hereBorderline deranged thanks to George for producing this episode. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Oh, no, is this us? I think it's us. This means we have to go to the... Very pleased to be here. It's very, very nice to be here with you. Hello, and welcome. Welcome to Two in the Think Tank, the show where we come up with five sketch ideas. I'm your... you start normally.
Starting point is 00:00:19 I'm Andy. And I'm Alistair George William Trombley-Burchell, and it is such a joy to be here with you. Trying to pronounce the H's today. Hang on, you're pronouncing the H in with? Yeah, yeah. The silent and invisible H. The invisible H. I love that idea.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I've heard of the silent H, but also the invisible and the one that takes no space. Sure, sure. page but also the invisible and the one that takes no space sure sure because a lot of that's an interesting thing about invisibility is that like um it you know a lot of the time things that are invisible still occupy physical space right do you ever think about that that in when we put spaces in between words that there could be invisible letters i hadn't thought of that until now but that's i mean that would be incredible. What if we discovered that there had always been invisible letters in between all the spaces, in between
Starting point is 00:01:12 all the words that have ever been written and indeed said. That's right. And if we were somehow able to develop a new kind of glasses or maybe some sort of spray. Maybe we could just use those magic Mormon ones. Sure. Remember that one that allowed them to read the tablets? Of Maybe we could just use those magic Mormon ones. Sure. Remember that one that allowed them to read the tablets?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Of course. You just had some magic glasses. Anyway, they might not be available. If not, we could invent new ones. Yeah, yeah. I mean, of course, the other thing is once you discover that a space is an invisible letter, you realize that almost everywhere that there isn't a letter would in fact be could be occupied by an invisible letter there could be invisible letters all over you right now and indeed all over the
Starting point is 00:01:48 walls that's true this is the this could be there there could be a um a new sort of a a letter invisible letter theory of illness yeah and actually it wasn't the germs that were making us sick at all it was just all the invisible letters all over it. They were spelling out the word sick. Now that we've got the CERN particle. This is the Michel Gondry version of sickness. People are doing a lot of Michel Gondry-based references. How is that Michel Gondry? Tell me more about it. Michel Gondry would do a lot of that very simple stuff
Starting point is 00:02:24 where things are made out of cardboard and things like that. And I just pictured somebody getting sick because a little cell that has the word sick on it enters their other cell and then makes it sick. Yeah, very Michelle Gondry. Very Michelle Gondry. Yeah, I have Michelle Gondria. Yeah, Michelle Gondria. Yeah, I have Michelle Gondry-er. Yeah, Michelle Gondry-er. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:02:48 You heard me. I think that with the CERN Nuclear Laboratory, the big synchrotron. We're into it early, Andy. We're into it early. Is it too early to start talking about superconductors? No, no, no. It's never too early. Do you think that the people who are enjoying pop gays,
Starting point is 00:03:03 do you think they're still having a good time? Yeah. Anyway, I'm so sorry to everybody. We've moved around a lot. I think. No, I haven't moved around. I'm still on the same topic. No, I understand.
Starting point is 00:03:13 No, it's because I just meant, you know, we've gone from letters that occupy no space and they're also invisible, although they might be visible, but you can't see them because they occupy no space. Yes. And then there's also the invisible letters. It could be everywhere. And then we need glasses.
Starting point is 00:03:28 And now we're at CERN. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we're going to use them because now I think they might be running out of looking for new particles. That's right. You know, I think they've got maxed out the thing, but maybe they should start looking for new letters. And there could be a huge announcement for CERern to announce that they discovered a new letter if anybody's going to do it at a very high energy if you crash two particles together or maybe two articles here we go yeah and all the letters
Starting point is 00:03:56 and then it creates a new probably create the diphthong it could create that have we already had this idea as soon as you said smashing letters together to create a diphthong. It could create the... Have we already had this idea? No, maybe we have. As soon as you said smashing letters together to create a diphthong. No, but no. I think there's a possibility that there are letters that are always invisible. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And even if we discover them... They'll remain invisible. You can only see them if you sprinkle powder on them. But you might also be able to, like with your hwydh, you might be able to infer their existence from the effect that they have on the pronunciation of existing words. That's true. Yeah, yeah. That would be good new work for linguists who I imagine, I mean, you know, if they're up to date with the language, I guess they're just waiting for new words to come out.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Once they get the alphabet down, then they're onto the phonemes. And once the phonemes are sort of locked down, you're like, what do we do? We need something like that so that they can get a whole fresh pass over all the words exactly.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Then suddenly, all this work that's coming up, all these unemployed people that there's actually not that many. There's a huge skill shortage. Also, once we start discovering these letters,
Starting point is 00:05:01 whatever they may be, and all the words and that kind of thing, there's a chance that they will be, they'll make up some new information. We'll be able to read, you know, reading between the lines is all very well, but reading between the words, that's also good. And there could be some secret message in there, you know, about life or something like that, or maybe even just some insults.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Like anywhere on a page where there's a sentence and then there's a space and then there's the word shart. Is that right? You go, oh, that always seems like an awful word. And then you realize that there's actually been an invisible letter before. It's something like ooze or something like that. Like ooze or something like that.
Starting point is 00:05:38 And then it's supposed to be ooze heart, referring to Kevin Hart. I'm just giving examples of new information that we could be getting. I don't know. That's just an example and a good one. Yeah. Good one. All right.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Am I writing down? I think we're definitely writing down, in my mind, writing down using the synchrotron to try and find new letters. Yeah. Okay. Invisible letters. While you're talking about that, can I talk about something that happened to me uh on friday which is that i was carrying my
Starting point is 00:06:08 son around on my shoulders my youngest son and he was also eating an ice cream and he uh dripped a lot of ice cream into my hair um something that i i didn't i didn't think about i didn't i didn't put together those two. So you were holding him on your shoulders. Okay, yeah, of course. An ice cream. Of course, my head became, for him, I guess, the ground. I mean, from the Earth's point of view, we're all riding on its shoulders.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Of giants. Of giants, yes. Your son was very much like, I guess, Einstein guess... Einstein. Einstein or Isaac Newton at that time. Sorry, Isaac Newton, yes. Do you think when Isaac Newton was riding on the shoulders of the giants, if he did have an ice cream, would the ice cream have dripped into their hair? Would the giants have realised at the time or would it have been later when they came to get into the shower
Starting point is 00:07:00 and they discovered the sort of the dried chunks? Maybe what he was dropping was something else. You know, he could have been dropping something valuable, you know, like information, you know, like back into the hair,
Starting point is 00:07:14 you know, when you're writing a lot of like laws of motion, right. Yeah. One is bound to fly off and you lose that one. There could have been three or there could have been four maybe, or five. I mean,
Starting point is 00:07:24 he probably, I'm sure there were more. And then he sort of had to pair it back for the yeah for the radio edit or whatever yeah or he was just eating an apple and it was dripping that was just apple juice it could have been apple juice yeah do you think that we could introduce the new saying into the language uh i have um if i've if i've seen further than others it's just because i have dribbled into the hair of giants yeah with whatever I was eating whatever I was eating sitting on their shoulders like a little boy
Starting point is 00:07:50 exactly yeah I mean that's right you could have also stood if you want to see further you could also just stand on the foot of a giant yeah wouldn't see as far unless the giant was upside down doing a headstand Doing a headstand. Doing a headstand.
Starting point is 00:08:06 As part of like a yoga pose or something like that. Sure. I mean, people, this is the thing that I don't, that makes me sad. I don't want you to be sad, Andy. Well, I'm sorry. I can't wait to dislike whatever you're going to say. Very tall people. Very, very tall people.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Whenever they turn out to be like, you know, the tallest person who's ever lived. Yeah. You know, they always have some sort of issues with their bones they never stop growing and stop growing but then like you know they reach a critical point where like their heart struggles to get enough blood to their but and and then have problems with their knees and they can't you know run around and stuff like that like you'd like you want them to like if i hear about the tallest man who ever lived, I want him to be really fucking active and agile.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Yeah, I want to see him do it. Swinging off stuff and jumping over really big things. Yeah, I want to see him really enjoying life. Exactly. On a big swing. Yes. Doing a hundred meter sprint. Maybe with, you know, a lot of sort of average height people.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Well, the tallest person in the world should also be the fastest person in the world. That would make sense. That's what you would want. And I don't know how we make that a reality. Bodybuilding? I don't know. Genetic engineering?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Something horrible, probably. Build them a robotic skeleton? I'm not sure. Whatever it is. I just like to feel, whenever I learn about a new tallest man in the world, I'd like to feel really good about it. Yeah. You know how they sometimes do that thing to Olympic swimming pools' water to make it less viscous or something like that?
Starting point is 00:09:31 Alistair, this is not true. This is something we've made up on the podcast. Is it? I don't think this is a real thing in the world. I think it happened at the 2000 Olympics. I don't think they're doing something to the water in swimming pools. This is a Toyota Think Tank idea. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:09:48 This is reality, Andy. I'm losing the grip between the two. This is true. But I genuinely do think that I've heard about this, that they changed the water. I reckon we talked about it like last week. I know, but we were talking about people swimming in oil and whether you would go faster. That's a completely different idea. It's a different idea, right?
Starting point is 00:10:05 I think that they have done stuff to water, and I think you can Google it one day in your own time. I think that's really exciting. If it's not real, I'd like it to be one of our ideas now, a new faster water that's easier to swim in. Water 2. Water 2. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:20 But if they have made this kind of thing that makes it easier to move around or something like that, make that into blood for very tall people so that the blood can get up there easier. You know, you get more flow for each heart pump. Mm-hmm. Like that. Yeah. Or give them a second heart, maybe, two hearts. You know what I just realized?
Starting point is 00:10:41 I realize I'm a heart skeptic. I don't think that those things would actually be very good at pumping they don't look like they would be very good at pumping this is what's really going on in there yeah like they're not even squishing that much no then i don't think they are i mean i have i haven't seen i haven't looked closely because i will say that exposed hearts yeah one of the things that grosses me out i don't like sometimes you'll see it in a documentary or something like that and i always look away even though i should be looking more closely because i i want to be able to have answers for you i want to be able to
Starting point is 00:11:13 reassure you yeah that the heart is able to pump blood in the way that you you would want it it's a bit iffy at the moment yeah yeah unless it's like a really full bottle of like you know tomato sauce you know like one of those ones that you can refill at a diner or something like that Yeah, unless it's like a really full bottle of tomato sauce. You know like one of those ones that you can refill at a diner or something like that? And you don't have to squeeze much and you get quite a bit out? Like that? It could be like that. So maybe if the body is absolutely chock-a-block full of blood, then maybe it's believable.
Starting point is 00:11:42 I mean, maybe this is what you need to hear. Because if you think about the heart, if there's anywhere in the heart, and I'm not a medical doctor, but if there's anywhere in the body, I'm not going to tell you, if there's any part of the body that is going to be full of blood, it's going to be the heart. You think so? That's what I think. The lungs look like they probably have a fair bit of blood in them no not not a good day not a good day like going through like little veins in there
Starting point is 00:12:10 i guess there's a transfer somewhere somebody coughs up blood yeah that's probably a very similar mechanism to whatever the heart's doing really the heart is just coughing blood around the body and cougher it's a constant cough so when you put your ear to the chest and you just hear it going. I think that's what it is. It's constantly trying to clear itself. Yeah. Oh my gosh. It's like,
Starting point is 00:12:35 it's like the guy pushing the boulder. Imagine. Fred Flintstone. For a second, for a second, when somebody's arterial artery gets arterial artery, I think that's a tautology. When like their heart artery, whatever the main one. Their cartilage cartily.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Cartilage cartily. The one coming out of the heart. When that gets severed, there'll be a second there before the heart. You can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats. But iced tea and ice cream? Yes, we can deliver that.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Uber Eats. Get almost, almost anything. Order now. Product availability may vary by region. See app for details. Realises what's really going on. Where the heart squeezes and the blood just gushes out. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 That must feel so good for the heart. The heart is like, finally. I don't know, but there's still stuff coming in on the inlet. Yeah, there would be, but you would be able to squeeze it out so easily that the heart would feel... It would feel fantastic. It would feel so strong.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It's like when you've been hiking and you've been wearing that big backpack all day, you finally take the backpack off. You feel like you're floating. There's a moment there where that's the happiest beat of the heart's life. Yeah. Well, I guess it would know that now it's finally getting somewhere because it's only a certain number of beats away from emptying out the body, out the veins of all the blood, and then the job is done. That's what it's trying to do.
Starting point is 00:14:04 And it is constantly being swamped swamped its inbox is always full you know and it's targeting like we're targeting inbox zero yeah it's targeting like zero blood in the body that's the dream what do you think about a fat list this is like a write that down what is that down that's a sketch idea what is it heart the heart's joy the heart joy. The joy of the heart when they're able to somehow study it. And maybe this could be even a thing that we start doing where, you know, you can do this for your heart. When was the last time you did something good for your heart? Okay. Give it a win.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And they bypass. They do something. They stick a little thing in there. They open up that artery. They let the blood flow out into a big bucket bucket they catch it all and they put it back in later on just a few beats like that yeah it's just like yeah what a treat and so then what's just like you just do it into like a big plastic container putting the rest and they've got a cardiac arrest the rest have a rest so you're actually letting the heart just stop for a bit
Starting point is 00:15:04 well well just you know just just just have some So you're actually letting the heart just stop for a bit? Well, just have some wins. You should let your heart out. Just take it out. Put it on a beach with some sand. Imagine it really flopping around there like a fish. And by the way, and we've probably talked about this, but heart in your organs. Like, I mean, sand in your organs.
Starting point is 00:15:23 Sand in your internal organs. The idea of if you're going to perform surgery, the idea of it's like being a sandwich to a beach, beach surgery. Awful idea. Terrible idea. I hope that never happens. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:35 But at the same time, you know. It's like a spleen transplant. What, what, what? Like that. The sand's all over're trying to rinse it off but the you know you got to think about like i'm see beach surgery for me is a much clearer i agree you're completely right well-being is so it's such a holistic idea right and you think about our doctors and you think about how hard they've been working over the last couple of years with the pandemic and everything like that,
Starting point is 00:16:05 the pressure they've been under. Okay. And that must be taking a toll on their effectiveness, right? As, as doctors, whatever it is. Okay. And statistically speaking, we are going to reach a point at which you've got to start giving something back to the surgeon, giving them a break. And maybe that is letting them perform some of their surgeries out on a beach. Yeah, that's true. Or while smoking a cigarette.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Exactly. Ashing into the chest cavity. They get so much leverage at this point because they're so done. You know that thing where it's like sometimes you get a job, that job interview, when you finally – you don't give a shit about it. I don't care about this job. So many people in healthcare now don't give a shit anymore. They're like, I can't wait to get out.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And that's when they got so much power. Yes, you're absolutely right. They've got us over a barrel. And if that's where they want to perform the surgeries, over a barrel, we'll allow it. We're going to do heart surgery of you leaning over a barrel like that forwards and we're going to go through the back. Yeah, I bet they
Starting point is 00:17:12 would love, would say, alright, we've been holding out on them. The surgeons would say, alright, we'll let you go in through the back. Like that. And then sometimes... I know you've been wanting to do it from behind. I just want to give your butt, like just like you're still wearing pants, but I just want to give your butt, just like you're still wearing pants, but I just want to give your butt a big
Starting point is 00:17:26 like that while you're giving surgery. I think if they said that that's what they wanted. And if that was all they wanted. Yeah. I think that's a no-brainer. Yeah, but that, beach, surgery, you know what I mean? It can all be over barrels.
Starting point is 00:17:40 I don't know if that's absolutely what they would want. Imagine the Premier comes out and says, we've solved the crisis in the health industry. We've started a new one. The doctors are going to be allowed to give you a big spank on the butt. Yeah. I think it's a small price to pay for what they've been through,
Starting point is 00:18:00 what they have to witness. That's what they want. Yeah. I think it would would i would it would release at least some pressure especially in the butt muscle oh yes um i when you were talking before about the heart because in the way the heart is like a factory worker right whose job it is to just keep on the line yep absolutely modern times the big prank and i don't know if they did this in modern times. Perhaps they did.
Starting point is 00:18:29 But the big prank on the heart is that it's not pushing anything everywhere. It's coming right back in. Exactly right. Yeah. There's something, one of these kind of ideas where... The heart doesn't know any of this. But the idea that you would work in a factory and that you're pumping, you're helping, let's say it is a cheese factory. You're chopping the big blocks. Say it is.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Right? You're chopping up into smaller blocks, putting them into one kilo blocks. You're wrapping them. You're checking the wrappings. You're boxing them. Yep. They're going through a little portal, a little door with those flaps on it. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:59 But then sometimes you also work in the trim room. Yeah. Right? Which is where offcuts come in. Doesn't he know a lot about Cheese Factory? Yeah. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm not going to name any cheese-based towns that I may have done high school in.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Awesome. But then there's also the trim room where you just get bits of cheese that they then have to seal it up. And then they use it to make other cheese. So then you could just have the thing coming around they go oh we gotta unbox we got on there's one area where they just gotta unbox the cheese and we got this was packaged wrong we gotta repackage this so then they're putting it back into the factory goes back around it's back around like that's back in the loop maybe the same cheese it's the same cheese the whole time yeah like that and then i don't is what is that? What is this idea? Is this horror?
Starting point is 00:19:46 I mean, it's not quite, it's not comedy at the moment. Yeah, but I mean, the idea that, you know, I mean, you send the cheese out into the world and then they do just drive it straight back in, they turn it back into a, melt it down into an enormous big blob, right, and put it back through and you have to repackage the same cheese again. I mean, that is a kind of hell yeah it'd be hell but i mean i don't think it is hell if you don't know that that's what's happening yeah i think once you realize you're never going to win you're never going to finish the cheese yeah um that's maybe when it gets interesting i guess if you if you
Starting point is 00:20:19 were working if you're working in a factory you're not ever thinking well one day we'll finish the cheese yeah i mean you know i think i think you're like that's what i ultimately deep down i've never addressed this this is i i i don't i don't think about death yeah okay but i also think that one day i'm going to finish doing all washing and folding all the clothes really yes that part of my brain i haven't ever been able to fully reconcile the fact that I will never finish. But maybe it's the same thing. If I don't believe I will die, then I also believe that I will eventually one day finish all the, I'll have time to finish all the washing it's because you've never accepted that even the act of folding and and washing clothes is itself creates new washing to be washed and then folded yeah unless do you fold and wash
Starting point is 00:21:14 in the nude have you ever i don't think i ever have i don't think i've done many activities in the nude except for a few key activities yeah Yeah. Teeth brushing? Yes, correct. Riding your will? Driving Uber? Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Factory idea.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Yeah. I've completely forgotten what I was going to say. Oh, but look, but look, but look. Is there anybody who is a nudist, right, who is just doing it purely because they're sick of the folding and the washing of the clothes they're you know it's it's it's a it's a it comes from a point i can see you're already depressed about this no no i'm just trying i'm trying to think about this this factory thing still whether or not there's a way of like turning it into comedy i mean do you feel it i mean it's like it feels like a horrible loop you know there's almost sci-fi to it.
Starting point is 00:22:05 What do you find out that's behind it? Big money. There's big money behind it. How are they profiting off this? What's this sort of cheese loop they've got to strap in? I guess there's, you know, there's business, you know, one of those business grants. Do you think you could have a business grant for a company that ends up not doing anything? Because they're getting the new materials, that costs money.
Starting point is 00:22:29 You know, you have to buy the milk from the um from the from the cow people i suppose it could also happen in the context where everybody else in the world is dead right yeah you live in this cheese town that you've been talking about we all know cheese towns yeah i mean it's a type of town that you can have cheese towns there are cheese towns yeah i mean it's a type of town that you can have cheese towns there are cheese towns yeah i genuinely went to high school in a cheese town it's a real town it's a real type of town but um this in this cheese town yeah somehow the rest of the world has has ceased to exist everybody else is dead but they're trying to create this illusion they don't want the people in the cheese town to know that this has happened try to keep stability they're trying to keep stability and and what that means is that they got to keep the cheese moving through the cheese factory yeah
Starting point is 00:23:14 they're driving it out into the wasteland they're bringing it back they're squishing it back together into a blob and putting it back into the cheese factory but who's who's doing this so this is like is this like let's say this like, let's say, maybe aliens, social shady aliens. Imagine a few people in the government are like around, we go, there's only one town that survived this crazy bombing thing. And they'll go mad. They'll go mad.
Starting point is 00:23:37 They'll go mad. We need them to breed and we need them to keep leading normal lives because that's what leads to breeding. They're treating us like pandas, right? They need to do normal things like this and who breeds more than people who work in cheese factories all right you're around it all the time that kind of very erotic yeah food stuff smell there's something about it when your body your belly is full of cheese my goodness you feel like making love just just as a reminder for anybody who's never heard me
Starting point is 00:24:04 say this but if ever you want to know what the inside of a cheese factory smells like, when you first burst that block of one kilo cheddar, just breathe that air. Breathe that air in there, and that's exactly what the cheese factory smells like. It would be, wouldn't it? It would be perfectly sealed in cheese factory air. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:21 I don't love it. I don't love it. Yeah. Okay. You sniff it every time. I sniff it every time because it takes me back. i just it takes me back it's the it's that proust thing what is it you say it you always say it's a proustian madeline i know but what's the line yeah a la recherche du tom perdu like that i genuinely enjoy hearing you say that okay
Starting point is 00:24:42 so they're trying to keep everybody feeling normal. Yeah. Okay. So they're just... Recirculating. Yeah. They're just providing enough money. And you're there and you could be one of the people in this scenario who's cottoned on. You think that there's a conspiracy out there, a cheese conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Yeah. Right? And you're trying to tell everybody and they're like, don't be crazy. Yeah. But I'm also too horny all the time because I work in a cheese factory. That's right. I just want to breed and I've got to find somebody who's a willing participant in this sort of advance of human. There's nothing like a willing participant.
Starting point is 00:25:17 Yeah, there's actually nothing. Look, I know that this is not great. No, but I think it's something. It's made me think, you know, I love the idea of remaking the movie The Matrix, right? But instead of the aliens needing electricity to survive, the robots needing electricity to survive, for some reason they need cheese. They're entirely cheese-powered.
Starting point is 00:25:43 Robots. Robot overlords. And they're actually milking the humans. It would be exactly the same as the existing matrix, but instead of those few milliamps of electricity that they get, they're getting those milliliters of milk that they can milk out of male and female alike. So it's just from humans.
Starting point is 00:26:04 From humans. From humans. So they get our lactating abilities activated. They know the gene. They've been studying us. That's why they've been here for so long. The movie's exactly the same except instead of those little plugs all over your body, just huge suction things like they would have in a dairy over your breast.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And Keanu's nipples are extremely long when he gets out of them. They're flopping everywhere. He doesn't have nipples in that movie, does he? Does he have nipples when he comes out of that? I don't know if he does. I think he has nipples.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Does he? In fact, I guarantee he has nipples. I think you're distracted. Are you talking about Keanu the actor? Or are you talking about the... Keanu the character in the film. Yeah. I think both of them.
Starting point is 00:26:52 My memory of him is nipple-less, but I... I think they both have nipples. I think it's just that you were distracted. Both sides of his body? I think you were distracted by the other little bulbous... A lot of that ooze is very nipple-colored, and sometimes the discoloration from regular skin tone is only slight. And so I think if I was running my hand down his chest,
Starting point is 00:27:17 I would be able to figure it out more. Yeah. That's my thing is I have quite subtly-, quite subtly colored nipples, but very large. Are they very large? Yeah, yeah. They take up a lot of surface area, but you could also, at the same time, you could miss them. And maybe that's what Keanu has. I do miss them.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Maybe the nipple is full chest width. Using a sort of like a kitchen appliance or kitchen implement, how big would you say? Like a soup spoon? Yeah, i'd say about a soup spoon it was they puff out like a soup spoon yeah yeah they do yeah could you push them in and eat soup out of them or could somebody else eat soup out of them could you feed your small family i don't think i could reliably i don't i couldn't keep them pushed in depends on how heavy the soup is i don't know what i would do i mean maybe i could press like a ladle into there or something like yeah and then i could get some maybe cosmetic injectables injected in while that's pressed in and injected in there and maybe they would set
Starting point is 00:28:18 in such a way or some botox or something that stops it some bouncing back and then i could have some sort of maybe need some negative pressure in there negative pressure could also work yeah it'd have to be something sucking from within yeah the sucking is coming from within the nipple i don't know what we're going to use that imagine that you're trying to feed your baby and it starts sucking your baby's tongue into the into the into the boob that's a great horror horror concept it's the nipple that sucks back oh my god um all right let's is that we're gonna we're gonna put that we're gonna we're gonna write that down it's the nipple that sucks back i think it's a really good idea because they've done a lot of um horror movie concepts around you know parts of the body that that that may have you know some sort of hunger.
Starting point is 00:29:06 But I don't think they've done the nipple. Hungry nipple. Oh, I don't think the hungry, hungry nipple. No. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, it's true. You hardly see anything about the hunger of nipples in any fiction or non-fiction. An alien comes down, right, and it's somehow preying
Starting point is 00:29:20 on people who like to suckle. Yeah. And then when they suckle it it sucks them in should i be writing down um the sort of the dairy matrix yes yeah absolutely should um do you think that there's any other parts of of this world that is a bit more dairy based like there's more cheese shops. Instead of coffee, there's cheese shops everywhere. Or, you know, like how would the robots not –
Starting point is 00:29:51 how would they hide their love for dairy in their programming? Because they create it and they must just have such a passion for it. Yeah, well, I suppose, I mean, those alien octobot things, the squids that they talk about yeah on the end of each of those uh each of those tentacles there's one of those weird little cheese knives oh yeah a little yeah yeah little the little um a snake's tongue yeah and maybe instead of the lady in the red dress there's the lady in the sort of the overalls in the yeah yeah the lady with the uh the piece of wood across her shoulders and the two buckets on each end.
Starting point is 00:30:27 The sort of gingham dress that she's on a stool and she's milking a cow. You think that's cheese you're eating now? He says, well, yes, that's the only thing that's real. Yeah. And then also maybe Cypher. Cypher? Cypher, yeah. And instead of him eating a big steak, because they would hate that.
Starting point is 00:30:43 They would hate that. They would hate them. Yeah. He's eating a big cheese instead of him eating a big steak, because they would hate that. They would hate that. They would hate them. Yeah. He's eating a big cheese. Or he's writing an essay about the benefits of milk, you know. Instead of eating a big steak, he's writing an essay about the benefits of milk. You know, and then he's saying, you know, when my pen rolls over this page and I make an argument about the benefits of milk. You know what I think?
Starting point is 00:31:12 You know what I think? I don't care whether it's real or not. You know, that brings him enough joy. But there's still that disgusting crunching, like weird, you know, steak crunch sound that he's making. But it's in the pen somehow. And then the only other thing that's different is when they go to that big white orb, you know, that big white world. It was one of the sequels.
Starting point is 00:31:33 No, no, no, no, no, no. They go to this in the first one. When they go, the guns, we need guns. He's sitting there on the chair and it's just white. Oh, that one, yeah. And this one, it's yellow. Really? Like cheese.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Oh, I was picturing it white like milk. I thought you were saying all that white is milk rather than sort of infinite milk. What would that be? What would that be? How would that work? They're just in milk. There's milk up there and milk in the sky as well.
Starting point is 00:31:55 There's milk everywhere. They're just like trays of guns come and they go. Splashing through the milk. Splashing through the milk. Yeah. I'm really excited. Can we call this your great idea that you had for an Australian version of The Matrix? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:09 My mate Rick's. I realize that doesn't work on any other level. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's such a good name. I'd love to get it in there somehow. Yeah, yeah. Well, my mate Rick could be a farmer. He could be a farmer.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Yeah. He could be a dairy. Maybe dairy farmer. I suppose that would be good. I suppose that would work well. Yeah, yeah. I was thinking like canola or something. That's be a dairy. Maybe dairy farmer. I suppose that would work well. I was thinking like canola or something. That's a great addition. I do love those yellow flowers though.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Anyway, I guess you could probably feed them too. Usually when the aliens rise up, we try to get them onto something like Nutalex. The robots. I keep saying aliens. The robots rise up. We try and get them onto something like Nutalex. But they can't get what they need from that. No, that's right.
Starting point is 00:32:44 So that's what we do at first. We just have an offering. Yeah. But they see us as dairy creatures as well, right? Yeah. What do you think they do with the cows? A mammal. Any mammal.
Starting point is 00:32:53 You can milk any mammal. I think that they talk about hunting the most dangerous game and how these really rich people going on safaris, they want to kill all these exotic animals. But there's more than one way to derive sustenance from a wild creature. And, you know, if it's a lion that they want to kill... Death is in our air. This year's most anticipated series, FX's Shogun, only on Disney+. We live and we die. We control nothing beyond that. An epic saga based on the global best-selling novel by James Clavel.
Starting point is 00:33:35 To show your true heart is to risk your life. When I die here, you'll never leave Japan alive. FX's Shogun, a new original series streaming February 27th exclusively on Disney+. 18 plus subscription required. T's and C's apply. You know, in my version it's to eat it. Why not just milk it?
Starting point is 00:33:57 Why not going on a safari, a big game safari where you try to milk a lion? I know, I mean, I think a bunch of billionaires on an island being like, just like, we're going to milk the most dangerous animal of all. Man. Yeah. And they go out there and they are kind of,
Starting point is 00:34:15 they've got the big gumboots like this. That's right. We're out there just eating. Getting out at 5 a.m. Because you've got to do that if you're a dairy farmer. Yeah, yeah. I don't want part of it. And then they just milk us.
Starting point is 00:34:27 And we're our – because it's like men and women, we're full of milk. We actually need to milk. Yeah, we need to be milked. And so we both don't want them because we don't want the billionaires to win, like in regular life. You know, maybe there's a prize for you if you're able to get away with all your milk still in your teats. You'd want to hope that there's young, but maybe you could also... Just do it chemically.
Starting point is 00:34:50 They just give you a hormone as soon as they release you into the jungle. Partner up with your friend. I mean, if you and I escaped... We could milk each other. Yeah, we could just like... I could have one of your nipples in my mouth and you could have one of mine. That would keep us alive. We'd live off of each other's milk.
Starting point is 00:35:04 That's great. That's a beautiful scene in the movie where they realize they can do that. have one of mine that would keep us alive we'd live off of each other's milk that's great that's a beautiful scene in the movie where they realize they can do that it's like one of those movies where it's like you know like i think it's martin lawrence and the and the other guy uh tim robbins maybe they escape from jail and they're on the run and they're always they're handcuffed together amazing that there isn't already a martin lawrence movie in which he he and another man have to drink each other's milk yeah that's right and so – but it's that, but it's them. And they're cuffed to each other through the need for sustenance rather than through physical cuffs.
Starting point is 00:35:32 That's right. I'm just going to write – I'm going to write down the words, titty cuffs. That's all I'll write, and I think I'll remember the rest based on that. Milk. I think, you know, milk the most dangerous game, obviously. Or you could be milking an elephant. And instead of that awful scene where they're standing with a foot on a dead creature,
Starting point is 00:35:59 a much better one where they're on a little stool under the still living creature milking away there. I wasn't sure how long. I just want to make sure that we don't overdo time because, I mean, obviously this is all unbelievably good stuff that everybody needs to see. Are we supposed to go to 3.45? All right, we're just double checking so that I know where we're at. Because I mean, I don't want to go to
Starting point is 00:36:28 three words from a listener too early. No, no, no. Even though we're... Usually when I'm doing this with you, filmed, we're aiming for like hundreds. We're going... Yeah, 14, 15.
Starting point is 00:36:42 But the thing is that also today, it's deceiving because once we get on a dairy. Strike a rich vein of curdled milk. Exactly. It's hard for us to not come up with endless. Love the idea of being down the cheese mines. Yeah, you think? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:59 I mean, there must be. There must be somewhere. Naturally occurring cheese. Naturally occurring cheese. Because what does it take? Think about a creature gets, you know, dies and falls under the silt and it's compressed. Yeah. Sometimes it must have a full udder, whatever this creature is.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And maybe the over years. The cells learn how to replicate or something. Well, I was just saying over the years, you know, like you can get aged cheese, maybe the whatever milk there is. Dry aged milk. Yeah. You know, prehistoric, like Jurassic Park. Yeah, yeah. Jurassic, you know, fromagerie.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Yeah, yeah. But this is not like naturally occurring kind of like cheese. This is just cheese from a cow that's just died. Well, I'd argue that's naturally occurring. I don't know. I suppose. I just assumed you were going to find a new way for cheese to be created. You know, like nature always finds a way, right?
Starting point is 00:37:58 So, you know, there's like milk is made up of... Cheese finds a way. Cheese finds a way. Curds and whey. That's right up of cheese finds a way is it cheese finds a way curds and way that's right curd finds a way that's what it would have to be that's right curd finds a way it's almost more too elegant yeah um but you know i could picture the guy saying it uh you know nature always finds a way there you go that's exactly like the guy that was quite good actually well and you know and he would have been insulted if he'd heard that yeah yeah and you know i'm sure many people were when you said it was good um you know but uh at least we're
Starting point is 00:38:37 both equally offending everybody yeah you know because i'm just saying that the body is made up of many things and if those things were separately were to come together in a non-cow or mammalian system, they perhaps could create the same work. Maybe milk. Can I tell you what I have just pictured in my mind? All right. Let's see. It's a version of Jurassic Park in which for whatever reason, that mosquito that they find...
Starting point is 00:39:08 That is what they put in a cage. No, that'd be good too, though. This mosquito is 100 million years old. It's got blood in it. It's dinosaur blood. The mosquito is full of piss instead of blood. And they are somehow able to replicate, not dinosaurs, but they are able to exactly replicate dinosaur piss.
Starting point is 00:39:32 And instead of having big cages full of it, they have enormous vats of dinosaur piss. Flowing rivers, maybe? Yeah, maybe flowing rivers. Waterfall? Huge tanks. Bubbling, kind of like natural and everybody comes around to look at it obviously it's still just as popular yeah and you go and
Starting point is 00:39:50 you drive around all the different types of dinosaur piss yeah and then and then something goes wrong it's like jurassic wet and wild i was thinking jurassic piss but sure yeah but it's like you know but i guess you would turn it into some kind of thing for there's, like, stuff to do there, right? There'd be attractions, you're right. Yeah, okay, of course you're right. Like, you can go in a flume ride, but it's all dinosaur piss.
Starting point is 00:40:15 It's all dinosaur piss. You know, there's regular, you know, like you're in tubes, you know, like those big inflatable tubes, but they're like a child's potty or something like that or i don't know or you can i guess it could be like a big dinosaur vagina or something like that you know okay no i don't know maybe that's not as good could be a toilet seat it could be a toilet seat no but i mean what would a dinosaur ride a river of dinosaur piss in
Starting point is 00:40:46 why would the dinosaur be riding the ride well i'm just saying i'm just trying to find you know it's hard to accessorize you know we've got the dinosaur yes yes we've got that that's in the bank don't worry about that okay we figured out locked in trying to bring in the the logic i'm not i'm not trying to change your idea about the dinosaur piss. I want you to have that. Yeah, yeah, we've got that. Everybody's on board. Now, we're working on getting dinosaurs at one of these parks.
Starting point is 00:41:13 We've got to monetize this. We don't have that yet. We've only been able to replicate the piss. The science is 20, 30 years away. In the meantime, we have the dinosaur piss. Okay. And we have a lot of it. So much. And we can cover things with it
Starting point is 00:41:27 and things like that squirt it you could run through it if we're thinking about like you know i mean there's okay we can think cocktails can people drink it well drinking piss is healthy they say they say right so i guess we could try to make cocktails with it um people what else do people use just think of water and then what you would do with that and then we'll just and then we'll put the piss in yeah so i think i think obviously one where like it squirts up out of the ground it's like one of those water parks water parks but then if you create let's say a slide a water slide yes right there are things so you got the piss yeah right but then let's say people are riding on the piss in like big inflatable donuts. I think realistically back in the time of the dinosaurs,
Starting point is 00:42:07 if there had been a big stream of dinosaur piss, and it would have been big coming from one of the big dinosaurs, then what would have been floating along in that would have been seed pods and leaves and that sort of thing. Seed pods. So maybe, you know, on the forest floor, as that finds its way to the lowest point, we'll recreate that. The experience, you climb onto a big leaf that we've made out of foam
Starting point is 00:42:28 and you pretend to be, you know, a bug riding on a leaf in a stream of dinosaur piss. Yeah, great. Well, that makes sense to me. Yeah, and I guess it could just look, instead of needing to build big kind of things, it could just be a bit of, it's just, you know, carved out of mud, you know, just the way that like, and the water, I guess, could be coming out of it's just you know carved out of mud you know just the way that like in the water
Starting point is 00:42:45 and the water i guess could be coming out of big dinosaurs bigger than a real dinosaur just so that you can feel like a bug i think the fun part of this then you picture big bugs is going to be the setup you know you set up you're plugging the idea that we've been able to get our hands on these um ancient bugs that had um that had parasites that did live off dinosaurs. Everybody's very excited. They're expecting the reveal of, and we've managed to bring back dinosaurs. Then you reveal to them
Starting point is 00:43:14 that actually what you've managed to do is recreate exactly the urine. You could be the dinosaurs. Maybe that's what they say. You dress up as the dinosaurs when you get there. And then we've got you, and you're just one of those smaller dinosaurs. deal you know like those kind of really little ones those ones that are kind of like that turn into chickens or whatever like that and and then you're just dressed up as dinosaurs and but they've got these giant dinosaurs and you're just playing in their
Starting point is 00:43:39 robots or something yeah yeah they don't even have to move they just have big urethras and the piss is pouring out like that and that's kind of the park for now that's just for now and then later on we'll make real dinosaurs real ones but you gotta walk before you can run exactly you know so this is a very important stepping stone it might not look like it but we are well on the way i mean 10 20 years ago everybody would have told you this was impossible. It was impossible to have dinosaurs. It was an impossible dream. Dinosaur piss.
Starting point is 00:44:11 It's never going to happen. And they said I was mad. Yeah. No one's laughing now. Yes. No one's mad, thinks I'm mad now. What about the... Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:29 No, it was just going to be another dairy idea really but i mean i'm not i'm i'm not saying all the all the meats off that dairy bone you know i mean not all the cheese has been scooped off of that rind you know what i mean yeah yes great out of the old was it going to be dinosaur dairy do do reptiles make milk i don't think they do and i think that's one of the old. Was it going to be dinosaur dairy? Do reptiles make milk? I don't think they do, and I think that's one of the key things that they do not do. And I would say, in fact, the idea of a mammal, its defining feature is the fact that it does make milk. If you crack their egg open into a frying pan, does it go white and yellow? I think there's a very good chance. I don't know about the yolk. I don't know about the status of a reptile yolk. I don't know about the yoke. I don't know about the status of a reptile yoke.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I don't know if reptiles have that same yoke. And I don't... And they must have... Would they have hard shells on their eggs? I don't know if dinosaurs had hard shells. Hard-shelled eggs. They could have been soft shells. Could have been soft shells.
Starting point is 00:45:17 So you'd have to tear it open a little bit. It would have been maybe leathery. Leathery, of course, yeah. But we're used to, in popular culture, seeing a dinosaur egg crack. So maybe that is actually what... I guess it's got to harden at some point so that you can get out. I don't think it has to harden to get out. I think hardening, in fact, is a barrier to getting out.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I think if it was a leathery... But I mean, when I say harden, I mean like it kind of becomes more brittle. So that you can sort of like... Once again, it's possible to get out of things that aren't brittle. Yeah, that's true. Soft things, in fact, I'd argue, are easier to get out of. Do you think they use their nails? Picture yourself as a baby dinosaur.
Starting point is 00:45:55 I know the answer to this question. How do they tear their way out? I'll just finish my question. I think they have a special little tooth or something like that, a little egg tooth. I think chickens have it, a little egg tooth that they use to crack the— Where is it? It's in their mouth, and it falls out almost straight away. I think birds have an egg tooth.
Starting point is 00:46:14 What? I could be wrong about this. Egg tooth? Egg tooth. But how does it go? So let's say they've got a little beak. Yeah. So we're talking about birds now.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Now that you're asking me to picture it, I'm losing all confidence in this. One big buck tooth at the end like a rabbit. Yeah. That is what I'm picturing. It's pointy, yeah. And they go like that. Yeah, like that. And they kind of stab it.
Starting point is 00:46:36 But they would have to go like this. And this is the beak. And then that is the thing. And they go like that. And then it pierces a hole. Yeah. And they start to tear it. And they cut around. But And then it pierces a hole. Yeah. They start to tear it. And they cut around.
Starting point is 00:46:46 But like chickens don't do this, right? I think they might. Egg tooth. Everybody Google egg tooth. Give me any information you have. I want everything you have on egg teeth. We're not getting any info on egg teeth right now. I think we're going to.
Starting point is 00:47:00 I'm hearing that egg teeth are a thing. Yeah, yeah. I mean, right. I mean, that would be great for us. Like, you know. If we had one special tooth for eggs? If, like, babies could have, like, a cesarean tooth. That would be great for us.
Starting point is 00:47:18 I mean, not for us, but, I mean, as in, like, they could just be like, it's coming, like that. Yeah, it's coming like that. It's a great idea. They cut like a cartoon cat sawing a hole in the roof of a picture. That noise is so good. It feels to me like you've been doing that every day of your life. Yeah. Well, it was actually every day of your life. Yeah. Well, it was actually a monkey impression. Wow.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Yeah. Well, it was repurposed. It was a monkey, but it was a monkey sawing a hole. People, never get rid of your old monkey impressions. They can be reused to be a cat sawing a hole in a roof. I mean, and this is the kind of upcycling and, you know, circular economy stuff that we need to do to tackle climate change. But it's like that, you know, that sound that Leroy, Larry, or whatever like that.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Remember that sound that we all had to listen to? Those things always make me so upset whenever they happen. If I'm going like this, like that, you think it's an ape. But if I'm going like this. I think it's a cat sawing a hole in the roof it's a cat sawing through a roof yeah yeah incredible okay what was the last idea are we are we writing down cesarean i think we are i think we are i think it's exciting. It's the first self-cesareaning baby. Maybe we pitch it on Shark Tank. And it's somebody revealing to a pregnant person, a woman,
Starting point is 00:48:57 saying a doctor revealing it nine months in. And obviously we did that little bit of genetic engineering so that the baby could have a cesarean tooth. So that way you won't have any problem with pushing. Maybe very early on at the first scan, they say, do you want us to inject you with the thing? And then you can do it at home, which a lot of families love that,
Starting point is 00:49:18 being able to have that thing at home. Yeah. I mean, it would be pretty cool. I mean, this is maybe not cool, but... Pretty cool. thing at home yeah i mean it would be pretty cool i mean this is maybe not cool but cool i'd be cool if the baby could then sew it up as well if the tooth had a little hole in it that you could put some sort of dissolvable thread yeah in there and then it could go if you could just put no no spit normally isn't a problem when i spit that much on these audio
Starting point is 00:49:47 podcasts um you just hear it's like it just sounds like rolling like rain rain like you know it's very calming for everybody this is much more disconcerting but um you know there's got to be some hard wired you know bits of knowledge that we all have, right? That thing where babies, if you put them here on the belly right after being born, they already kind of know to push their way up the belly. There's that reflex about where they know to stop breathing underwater and that sort of thing. Yeah. I think you'll find that a lot of babies naturally know how to sit so close to the flaps.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah, all the different layers because there's a crazy amount of layers along the way. I don't want to know about the layers. You probably got to redo the abs. You got to reattach. Could this be happening on a beach somehow? Yes, beach surgery. Yeah, we're having a, it's a turtle birth. Yeah, Bondi operating theater.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Yeah, that'd be cool. And then you could have like a, what was it? You know, they had that first Bondi burger or whatever that was like – Bondi burger? Yeah. Sand in that? I think it was like those Portuguese burgers, you know, that Portuguese – or Porto. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:55 I think Porto might have started in Bondi, maybe at Bondi Beach. I'm not sure. I'm not sure if this is – I picture a Bondi burger having pineapple for some reason. I don't picture anything when you say a Bondi burger. You're talking about this like it's a cultural phenomenon. Yeah, yeah. I've never heard of it. You just picture like a bun, then you see like a beach ball,
Starting point is 00:51:16 and then like a pair of Speedos in there. I see a bun, and then I see the word Bondi, and then I see another bit of bun. That's all. I'm not visualizing a single. That's visualizing. You're visualizing. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Well, there's a lot of invisible letters there. Yeah, yeah. Invisible visualization. I'm trying to time this landing, you know? Oh, yeah. We've got 10 more minutes. I think this would be a great time to go to the three words from a listener. While we're on such a high.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Yeah, yeah. All that great stuff. Yeah, yeah. Here we go well okay so uh for anybody who doesn't know we have three words from a listener that come in from a listener who supports us on patreon um and also we have listeners which is very nice and uh and so they get to send in three words which inspires our final sketch sometimes you know more than one um now today's listener is crud k rud k rud um we never had confirmation whether or not it actually is kevin rud no but i think they are australian they are australian and they're very interested in whales yeah and then in our in our discord
Starting point is 00:52:22 they have their own channel which is all about whale facts. And sometimes fake whale facts. Which are still facts. Yeah, which is one of our favorite things is speculative biology. And so if you want to get into the Discord and get into that, go for it, please. The link's in the bio. And as he says, as he points to his own dick um the link is down here the link written on my penis yeah um okay so now andy do you want to try and guess what the
Starting point is 00:52:54 three words from a listener are um the hyperlink on my penis it's it's exactly like a hyperlink because if you click on it it also also turns purple. Something like that. Yeah, I can see that. I have to guess what the words are. You think that the link turns purple because it fills with blood? I think that's what's going on! Right. I never thought about that.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Why does it go like that? It loves it and it becomes engorged. I've written down two of K-Rod's sets of words because I think that one of them I might have done. So maybe I'll go to the... Look, whatever. If you guess any of them, I'll do all six words.
Starting point is 00:53:32 How about that? And the first word is Python. Python. Okay, that's neither of the first words. One of them is glib. Okay. The other one is musth. M-U-S-T.
Starting point is 00:53:47 We have done that one. Okay, we have done musth. Okay, great. Did you know what that is? It's the thing about elephants when they... They get aggressive and they get like a shot of testosterone. Around the period of their, you know... Yeah, okay, great.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Okay, well, the first word is glib. Okay, glib newcomer. Newcomer? Unfortunately, no. But I don't know. It feels connected. The second one is squad. Glib, newcomer. Newcomer? Unfortunately, no. But I don't know. It feels connected. The second one is squad. Glib squad.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Yeah. Beautiful words. What fun things to say. By the way, I don't know what Glib means. I've forgotten. Glib means sort of offhand, not serious. When you're being a bit Glib, you're talking about something that many people would consider serious, but you're not giving it its due.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Thank you very much. I think a lot of people treat 9-11 like that. We are in an extremely glib phase globally. We're a glib globe. Yeah, it's the glib globe 9-11 sort of parallel universe. Correct. Yeah, where you could almost, for many, 9-11 yeah uh sort of parallel universe correct yeah where you could almost for many 9-11 has become funny yes when it was a very to quite a few americans a few americans i think i
Starting point is 00:54:53 thought they would take a lot longer yeah to the glib to break the glib barrier yeah but no they're They're there. Yeah. And the third one is... They went through a comic boom. And then they broke through into the glib barrier. Yeah. Great. And so glib... Glib squad. Glib squad.
Starting point is 00:55:24 Grug. Oh, Andy, you were down, you're going down the right path. Oh, how could you tell? Nub. Glib squad nub. Yeah. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I mean, the idea that, you know, maybe being glib about a disaster is an important part of healing. You know, it's a sign. You send them out the front of battles. Exactly. They're there on the front line you know or like a you know a natural disaster a volcano has just gone off and you send in some of the most hardened you know millennials or whatever people who spend a lot of time online yeah yeah people who grew up when watching like you know saddam hussein get hanged in those beheadings all the something rotten kids yeah all of them.
Starting point is 00:56:05 You send them out there and they're the first on the scene before the ambulances arrive. And they're there. They're already being glib. It tricks your brain into thinking that the disaster must have been years ago and that you're already, you know, they'd have special, you know, high-vis suits. Oh, man. I mean, yeah. Which they also make fun of.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Yeah. But then it's like – It's tweed. It's this weird psychic – It's a kind of neon tweed. It's this weird psychic coding that kind of helps, for some reason, almost like a psychological condom. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:39 That's there to help prevent trauma from getting through into the brain because they're there making jokes about what is a very serious situation. While you're still there in shock, that's a point where you're very susceptible to being pushed one way or another. You could go down the trauma road. Or you could just treat it all ironically. Yeah. I think there would be consequences to this as well.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You probably fail to learn from history a lot more. Yeah. I think there would be consequences to this as well. We'd probably fail to learn from history a lot more. Yeah, yeah. I think there's going to be so many disasters in the future. We're not going to be able to learn from all of them. That's true, yeah. And also there's a chance that this is just a phase that they tried out this squad. The Glib squad. squad. The glib squad.
Starting point is 00:57:25 You know, and we're only finding out about it as the CIA closes this dossier. Really good. From a psy-op. Yeah, it's a psy-op, but it was for their own side. A positive psy-op. Yeah, that's nice. To lift the mood. A psy-op.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Psy-op. So they get you there, they pull up in their big van, right? And they get you. They put you into, instead of strapping you into a stretcher, they strap you into a wheelie chair. They slide you in the back of the van. And there's a whole lot of screens with all Twitter and stuff on there.
Starting point is 00:57:58 Everybody's posting glib stuff about the disaster. I thought they put you on a rolling chair and they spin you. And they're like, oh, you thought that was... It's orienting. Just bombs going off. But I think they need to be making sarcastic remarks about... Yeah, but you're on there, you're immersed in the
Starting point is 00:58:16 feed and you're in there being glib with everybody else about that. Yeah, and then they give you a mic and they try to get you to contribute. And that way also, they get everybody in, saying bad stuff that they can then use against them later on, 20 years later. So they could cancel you. They could cancel you. It's one way that the CIA can stop you from revealing secrets.
Starting point is 00:58:36 They can probably also kill you and stuff. Yeah. But if they keep you alive, if they go down that Batman route of never killing anymore, I don't know why they would do that. But they would just punch you. Punch you with their head. You know, like throw you off a building and stuff like that. But they wouldn't shoot you with a gun or anything like that. Just crush all your bones.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I think having a crack squad. A wise crack squad. A wise crack squad. A wise crack squad. Thank you. Alistair. We did it. Who can be sent in to perform character assassinations or cancellations on the higher-ups and the enemies.
Starting point is 00:59:27 But they go into the president's palace or something. And then they go in and they break into his room and in front of his children humiliate him by roasting him. That's right. Yeah, they demean you there yeah in in front of you the kids i think that'd be you know we we maybe we we transition into a we become a completely peaceful society there's no violence except for psychological violence and bullying yeah bullying becomes the new sort of one-on-one bullying yeah bullying technology, which with cyberbullying, we're already making great strides. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:12 We're at – that sort of thing is happening. Yeah. I think I guess if we start treating killing in the same way that we treat dropping nukes is that it's really, it's a very rare thing that you do. And almost, it's never- In a way, we already do treat killing like that, but then in other ways, we don't. Well, I don't think the state does, right? Sure.
Starting point is 01:00:34 We do as individuals, but I don't think the state does. Now the state, as well as having a monopoly on violence, the state also has a monopoly on bullying. No one else is allowed to bully, but the state can bully. But we don't kill anymore, but we are still still allowed to bully we're really mean yeah and they're some of the like the yes the the meanest bitchiest swat crews coming in breaking in through the windows swinging in on a rope and then making really hurtful comments about your body of work and your pants in front of your children. Your relationship to your parents.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Andy, I think we've got to wrap up. I think everybody's going to be happy to hear that. I think what we're going to do is I'm going to take us through the sketch ideas and then we are going to do a little outro song. Ditty. And then we are gone. Exity ditty. Are you ready?
Starting point is 01:01:25 Yes. All right we are gone. Exit-y ditty. Are you ready? Yes. All right. First sketch. Invisible letters that could be found using a particle collider. But there's also the implications of if we find all these invisible letters, there could be all sorts of new information already in the documents that we've already got. Yes. All right.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Then we have the joy of the heart once we sever the exit hole so to to bring it joy so we you know you might fill it up fill up a bucket with it empty out the body the the the heart's finally feeling like it's getting some work done and then i assume we have to fill you back up and bring you back to life or glorious yeah then we got beach surgery that's another sick idea then we got sci-fi cheese factory loop keeping us going so we breed after a huge uh yeah then we got the nipple that sucks back horror film right and then we got the dairy matrix then we got billionaire milk most dangerous game of all man there's a possible buddy escape sort of film in that where they have to milk each other to stay alive but also i wouldn't rule out just milking safari animals big game oh of course they would do that as well but then
Starting point is 01:02:37 after the billionaires get bored of that yeah that's when they go and i think the billionaires definitely they are still dressed up like traditional milkmaids as well while they go out into the... Of course, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then, of course, then we have Jurassic Piss. That's... You know, that's the park where they were able to actually get the dinosaurs. They've been able to recreate dinosaur piss.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Piss finds a way. Piss finds a... What was the other one? Life finds a whiz. Bird finds a way. Bird finds a way.iss finds a way. Piss finds a way. What was the other one? Life finds a way. Bird finds a way. Bird finds a way. And then that's the message for Jurassic Piss. And then we got Caesarian Tooth.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And then we have the CIA Psy-Up, the Glib Squad in the front line, and then a similar one is the Wisecrack Squad. Yes. They're more serious, but they're kind of more like a navy seal um sure it's navy steal your dignity or whatever it is there you go that's right all right so thank you very much you can get anything you need with Uber Eats. Well, almost almost anything. So no, you can't get an ice rink on Uber Eats.
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