Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #011 - SUE COSTELLO - UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT

Episode Date: November 9, 2020

Welcome to Uncle Joey's Joint.... This episode is brought to you by Hydrant, CBD Lion & DoFasting.com.... Go to www.drinkhydrant.com and press in Code: JOEY Go to www.cbdlion.com and press in Code: ...JOEY Go to www.dofasting.com and press in Code: JOEY And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz is on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/JoeyDiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #SueCostello    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's happening you bad motherfuckers it's Monday November 9th. Uncle Joey's joint is brought to you by Hydrant. Listen the days are getting shorter, it's getting colder outside and we could feel our energy getting sapped. Don't get sick this winter. Hydrating is the best thing you could do for your health. That's why I start my day with Hydrant. It helps me hydrate faster. After a workout, a bike ride around the neighborhood, this helps Uncle Joey feel tip-top Magoo and it don't taste tremendous. Hydrant is a refreshing drink mixed powder made with four key electrolytes your body needs. Sodium,
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Starting point is 00:03:16 going to come. It ain't going to come. So start today and get this over with. So by the time January 1st comes, you are already in a rhythm and the weight is falling off and you're getting healthier. Join now and speed up your weight loss journey. That's dofasting.com slash Joey for 50% off a six-month plan and you get your seventh month free when you use Joey. Who's better than you guys? Nobody. I'm here to take care of you. Let's start this fucking jam. Candles are fucking lit, cocksuckers. Hey, look who it is. What's happening? Check one, two. Welcome to Uncle Joey's joint.
Starting point is 00:04:20 Greetings from Podcastville, you bad motherfuckers. Welcome to Uncle Joey's joint Monday, November 9th. It was a great week last week, but eight this week is going to be a lot fucking better. For starters, let's give New Jersey thanks for legalizing fucking medical marijuana, whatever recreational marijuana for you people who think I had something to do with it or whatever. I had nothing to do with it. I don't know nobody. I don't know nothing. I just called around before I left and they said it was going to be put on the ballot. I think it got shot down last year, the year before and so I was hoping I can't vote or I could do a son fucking, you know, osmosis signals and that's exactly what I did and now we got it. So for you motherfuckers who
Starting point is 00:05:23 were hating on me going, we're going to call the cops on Joey. Call a cop. People have been calling the cop for 30 years. They suck my dick down. They can suck my dick now. So sorry, that's all I do anyway. I just smoked my reefer. The other night I went out and I did drink some cocktails, two fag cocktails. I had two, not one, but two mimosas, not mimosas. The other faggy cocktail, sangria, but I'll tell you what, I slept like a fucking baby. I realized because I went there the week before and I had a mimosa fucking sangria. It's just a little fucking glass to six cap, six weight watcher points, but I realized when I came home that night, I slept fucking solid. I fucking slept like a tank. Did I get drunk? Not at all. I slept like a fucking tank though.
Starting point is 00:06:13 So this Friday I had the opportunity, a buddy of mine goes, you want to have a fucking drink? I go, I'll meet you over there and we'll have a fucking sangria and that's exactly what I did. I went over, I had my two sangria, 12 weight watcher points. Thank God I rode my bike that day and fucking tip top Magoo. I slept like a baby. So I think that you're going to convert your uncle Joey into a red wine drinker, not like with the fucking glass, like a half a fag. I don't like glass wines. Whenever I see somebody drinking wine out of a glass, I want to like at home, like, you know, to think that they're on dynasty or on some fucking high level show. It makes my blood pressure go up one over a fucking hundred. So I mean, I drink it on anything, a fucking,
Starting point is 00:06:55 a fucking juicer. Yeah, I don't give a fucking coconut. I don't give a fuck. A zombie glass, you know, I just hate those people. You know, I spilt wine while I was doing a zoom on my fucking iPad. What are you retarded? Why is wine close to your fucking iPad anyway? But who gives a fuck? Speaking of zooms. All right. Listen, when Mike and I put together Uncle Joey's joint, we told you that we're going to get better every week. We're going to do different things. Yes, it's tape on an iPhone. Yes, the bar had COVID. Yes, we had problems. We stumbled upon, but we kept pushing along like, Hey, listen, and this is what life is about. It's pushing along. You know, if you want to be a fucking victim, you can be a fucking victim. But in my world,
Starting point is 00:07:44 there's no fucking victims. You push along and you start somewhere and every week you add on and every week you try to be better and better and better at what you do. And people are going to try to kick you in the fucking stomach, just like they did with stand up, just like they did when I tried to act, just like I did when I tried to do the original church and the beauty and the beast. Me, I don't listen to you motherfuckers. I agree with you. I don't give a fuck. I just know from life that I'm going to be way better and better. So this week, Mike and I decided to add the blue sweatshirt to maybe add a little contour to the fucking podcast because some people think by adding a different shirt or, you know, I've had different fucking
Starting point is 00:08:26 advices from people to, no, not really, Mike, you know, I'm just saying that, you know, everybody's a fucking podcast fucking expert. So people always go, maybe it's, you should need a new table. Maybe listen, what you need is fucking verbiage. What you need is communication and what you need is your heart and soul to come through. Any other thing that you might have explosives or cameras on fucking, what are those things that they, yeah, I have a camera on the drone. It'll give you a different look. I don't need a different look. I'm ugly from every angle. I know that, you know what I'm saying? And forget from the back. My ass is flat. I got a bald spot like a fucking Jew. You know, I got problems like everybody else. But this week against my best, you know, interest because
Starting point is 00:09:13 I have to, it's like me moving. I got to do what's best for everybody. I decided to add the zoom feature to our little fucking Uncle Joey's joint on a Monday to give you a different perspective, to give you a, just to let you know where we're going with this fucking podcast. Every week we're going to add on and we're going to have different ideas. It's just like the fucking patreon, you know, there's the smoke thing didn't work. The crowdsourcing didn't work for us. So now we got to figure something else out. So maybe we'll give you an extra album of the week. We were supposed to do two. Let's do four. I got a thousand albums I can review. So I don't give a fuck. You know me, I'll do albums till the end of fucking time.
Starting point is 00:09:52 But I'm doing them in order, which is really weird because I want you to know the order of which my music came up on, like how I saw it and how it was presented to me. So it's kind of different. It's not like a whatever list. So it's even like that. Like we're adding different things as we go along because we don't know what we can do, what we can do. Once this COVID is over, we're definitely going to have some fucking guests in this bitch. And we're definitely going to light a fucking thing on fire. And I'm definitely going to get an office where I could yell and screaming go off with my daughter not upstairs. And I don't have to disrespect her. But for today, we gave you a different perspective. We gave you a zoom with a dear friend of mine who I love for years. I love
Starting point is 00:10:39 she's fucking beautiful. But I've always been in love with her balls because if you're going to be a female comic, you better show up with a fucking strap. If you're going to be a man, I'm putting enough women on the lineup where you got to earn your fucking way up on the lineup. I'm sorry to tell you that. And it's not by fucking doing sexual favors, nothing. It's by being fucking funny. So today I bring you a little interview we do with Sue Costello, my girl out of Boston, fucking tremendous comic TV show. She was in the fighter. I mean, she's the real deal. She was up there running with Lenny Clark, all the fucking boys, 30 years. I hope you enjoy it. Here it is. What's happening, you bad motherfuckers? We got my girl today, my fucking friend, old
Starting point is 00:11:26 school, one of the best comics, fucking savagery, ran with the boys, never made a fucking peep. Miss Sue Costello out of Boston mass. What's happening, you sexy savage? What's up? How are you, Sue? I'm so good. I have literally never been better. You look great in the fighter. Thank you very much. When I saw you on there, I was happy for you. You're still in the fucking game. You're still beautiful. What's happening? Thank you. Everything's going good for my whole career. It's finally coming to fruition. How long have you been banging it off for fucking Sue? How long have we been banging it off for, Sue? 30 years for me. 29 for me, Sue. So if anybody has their right to raise their hand, both of us do. So always know that. Yeah, we do. What's going on in your
Starting point is 00:12:19 world? Oh, so much. So you know I had Costello back in 1998. Right. So what's going on in my world is the way I've seen the world. So Costello was a lot about the disenfranchised middle class. It was about the healthcare system, the education system, sexism. But I was young. And I was just out of Dorchester. I was just out of Boston. So I went to Hollywood with no nepotism. So I was like chum for the shocks. And so it's a duality that goes on with my career because they did let me on TV because I'm very appealing to the working class. But then they tried to manage me and control me because of the sexism and because they don't want the middle class to rise, which is why we're at where we're at right now politically.
Starting point is 00:13:09 How long did your show last for? It was on for eight episodes. No, we filmed eight. There were four episodes. But even the first they, so what happened with Costello was they thought it was going to be the best thing that ever happened. Like the guys who produced Home Improvement and Roseanne did my show. And the night of the pilot, the Marines were literally hanging off the rafters screaming with the guys. It was always the guys too, which was so interesting. I mean, the girls like me, but the guys really, and they were like, we fucking love you so. And so they also are dollar signs and these guys who produced Home Improvement and Roseanne, first of all, they chased me around the whole time telling me, don't be like Roseanne, don't be like Roseanne,
Starting point is 00:13:51 don't be like Roseanne. And all I keep thinking is I should have been like fucking Roseanne. Roseanne was on for how many years and when mine was off for like four episodes. And so they were already established at this point. So they, so I had this other woman co-create the show with me. And they left, they abandoned her and she ended up having to run the show, but she didn't know how to run the show. So they thought it was just going to sail like, like Home Improvement did. Once they saw the pilot, they thought it was a slam dunk. And they put me on. But what they did, so it's, so what's going on in my career now is all reflected back then. So what they did was they moved King of the Hill, which was a male driven show. And it was that it was that it was
Starting point is 00:14:29 on Fox and it was the, uh, the main, that was Fox's biggest show. It was their, their foundation. They moved King of the Hill to Tuesday night to launch my show, but it was a male driven show. No guys were going to watch a woman show without a reason. So what they did was they tanked King of the Hill by doing that. And the night of my premiere, Mark McGuire hit a 60 second home run. So it got preempted. So all the press building up to it, shit the bed and the press looking back now, Colin Quinn, me and Colin had a big talk about this. The press were so provoked by my middle classness that I have an accent. They were very provoked by it, which is what's happening right now in the media, the elite media. They've gotten way worse. They don't want to hear it, which is
Starting point is 00:15:12 going on with the divide in our country. They're, they're shitting on the people that are voting for Trump. And I'm like, this is, this is why they're, this is why they're voting for Trump because you did on us. And so, uh, back when I, so everything that's happening now was going on with Costello while the sexism was very strong. So it's a duality that goes on with my career. It's like, I really, I pushed through in a way that's never been done. And then the biggest thing that could happen, like even Mark McGuire, he's, he was on, they said he did steroids. So I'm like, Oh great, a drug addict guy ruined my career. So what happened with CBS after that? So then, so what I, so CBS, Les Moonves gave me my first two deals.
Starting point is 00:15:51 He gave me my first deal where I did a pilot called Paulie Dodge. The second deal I was supposed to be on Murphy Brown for 13 episodes, looking back now, because I just went back in with CBS. I realized he pushed me on Murphy Brown because I was supposed to go on another network. So all the talk about him fucking with women's careers is true. He promised me 13 episodes on Murphy Brown. I went on Murphy Brown because I thought that was the humble move to make instead of going on Townies, which would have been, which was a new show. And I thought that was too egotistical. I was like, if I go on Murphy Brown, I'll get the exposure. I'll learn from the best. And then I'll do my own show instead of being an egomaniac thinking I want my own show. Well, she kicked me
Starting point is 00:16:31 off before I even went in front of the camera. And I was devastated at the time. Now looking back, I see it's because he, he didn't want me to go on ABC. So he forced me on Murphy Brown and she flexed her muscles and kicked me off. So everything that's come out in the press about Les, about him fucking with women's careers is true with the career, with the business aspect of it. And then there was a pilot called Queens. He called me at midnight one night and he said, Sue, I just fired Eliana Douglas. Get on a plane tomorrow and come take over for. So I take over for Eliana Douglas. I shoot the pilot. They don't pick it up. Everybody sees me on Queens and says, Sue Costello deserves her own show. That's how I got Costello. So every move in my career was based
Starting point is 00:17:12 on my acting and my ability. It was never just a fluke and everybody's always like, oh, Sue just got all these deals. I'm like, no, actually, I did a pilot. And then from my acting, I got the second deal. And then from the second deal, I got Costello. So then after Costello, I was, I was like, I can't take, this is the sexism is too much. And I always wanted to do it like the boys. I've always been around the boys. I was on tough crowd. You know, I've always been around everybody and they've always invited me in and they've managed me. I've been managed by the men. And I, and I, and it's just a fact. They keep you close, but they keep you down. And because there's more men than women, it's just, and I always say this, like,
Starting point is 00:17:52 when they go on tour, like when, when Dan Cook and those guys and Bobby Kelly went on tour in a, in a trailer, I'm like, do you think they're all going to sit around and go, you know what, let's invite Sue too. It's not going to happen. They're not going to invite a woman where they're all being boys. They're doing all their dick stuff or whatever they do. It just wasn't going to happen. It's just like, it's not going to happen. So all along I was like, how do I do what the boys do? How do I break through? So I wrote my play. I started writing my play, which is about my life, which is about, I took myself out of Hollywood and wrote my play. And I did it for, performed it for 20 years. In New York. In New York, in LA, everywhere. I performed it everywhere.
Starting point is 00:18:35 I performed it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, because I wanted to get so strong that I could perform. There's no props or anything with the play. And the play is about my whole life and my career. It's about Hollywood, about getting exploited. It's about how the system is set up to hurt us. It's about everything I tried to do with Costello. Because when Costello got canceled, I was like, I'm not, I still have my voice. There was something about the fame thing. I didn't want to be famous. I want to be creative. And I didn't like all the unfairness. I didn't like the sexism. I didn't like the way the agents exploited you. I didn't like that they made you sign a deal where they put a lien on your career. I said,
Starting point is 00:19:11 I'm not fucking doing this. And I went to therapy. I told my therapist I want to learn how to do this where I don't have to pay any percentages. She's like, oh, Sue, if you can get over your weaknesses, there's nothing you can't do. And so I worked really, really, really hard on the play. And the play got great reviews. I got a standing ovation at the New York comedy festival. And nothing would happen with it. So it was like, you want to talk about building strength. I had everything that you could need, but nothing was happening with it. But I never quit. And then one day, I had a tour booked in China. So this is the sexism stuff that I want to talk about practically. So the sex stuff that's been gone with the guys, that's always gone on. That's how it has always
Starting point is 00:19:54 been. So now that it's, that it started coming out with the Me Too movement, the whole, I was, I was front and center with the Me Too movement because the end of the, I've always wanted to do it like the guys. The reason why I made a big move is because I was supposed to go on tour in China. They came to me and they said, Sue, we want you to headline in China. I was booked at the end of August for six weeks or something. And the guy, long story short, he was bullying me before I went to China, the Booker. And so I had to stand up to him to make sure that I didn't go to China by myself and have somebody bully me for six weeks. So I stood up to him and he pulled the China tour over from underneath me. So that ego thing with men has been a, has been a real thing that's gone
Starting point is 00:20:38 on financially for women. That is a fact. And so I felt like completely leveled again. I was like, oh my God, this is like the millionth time that this has happened. I'm like, I can't, you know, we can't book more time at the end of the summer because people book in advance. So he crippled me financially. And I was sitting on my desk and I said, what should I do? I said, I said, I want to do it like the boys. And I said, go see Les Moonves. A voice came down and I emailed Les Moonves. I hadn't seen him in 20 years. And I said, will you meet with me? I need advice because ABC was coming to me about doing a talk show. They wanted me to be on the view. They wanted me to take over for Katie Couric. And everybody, the IFC was coming to me because they were like, Sue, you're on
Starting point is 00:21:15 stage talking about what it's like to be a woman and you're not angry. You're making it hilarious. So that was very enticing to them. Did you meet with Moonves after he got fired? No, before in July, 2017. Okay. And I told him an inkling of my idea, my TV show idea. An inkling. And I talked about my play. And he was like, oh my God, if this thing's as good as you say it is. And he was like a mad dog. He was like a fucking animal. I'm not Joe. And it was business. It was business. And he kept asking me, how you making a living? How you making a living? How you making a living? How you making a living? How you making a living? How you making a living? And I was sitting on the couch and I knew what he was doing. I knew what he was doing. He was
Starting point is 00:21:57 trying to find my weakness because that's what they all done to me, my whole career financially is where they all fucked me. And so I told him on purpose. I said, I've been broke. And the reason why I told him I was broke, this is where I started to learn how the boys do it. Because I was like, I'm going to put the stake in front of the lion. And I'm going to see how the lion acts so I can protect myself. Most people would tell you don't tell him that you're broke because he'll take advantage of you. I'm like, no, tell him and see how he acts. And sure enough, he went like a wild animal. But at the same time, I didn't know what was going on behind the scenes that they were trying to get them out. But they were trying to get them out because of the merger. They weren't
Starting point is 00:22:34 trying to get them out because of the sex. But I had no idea while I was up in front in center with this. So I lived front and center during the Me Too movement. And so I was a witness to all of it. So like I was telling you on the phone earlier, I'm able to see how they just totally fucking do a couple guys under the bus so that they could do dirty business. So I'm like, never did I think I would come forth as a voice for men too. But that's what's happening. So forget about Me Too, it's men too. Well, so you're smart enough to know how the comedy scene works. I mean, listen, if they start fucking canceling people, they're gonna have to cancel Sinatra eventually. They're gonna have to cancel Dean Martin, you know, the Rat Pack, they're gonna have,
Starting point is 00:23:18 you know, for years, there was a way that things were running, you know, metal music, music in particular, you know, and women have stories and men have stories. I mean, if they really wanted to press charges today, they could throw Jimmy Page in jail for having a 14 year old girlfriend. And, you know, this has been going on forever. I'm happy that it got brought up into the limelight now. I have a daughter, you know, I have two daughters, I have a seven year old. And I don't like what happened, how it went down in comedy. Because everybody knew what they were getting themselves into, I think. I think that when Harvey Weinstein took you to lunch too, and he got up and said, let's go up to my room to look at a script, you had an inkling
Starting point is 00:24:09 about what was going to happen as a woman. I like to hear what's that. I like to hear what the guy, we got to let the guys talk so that we can hear what your, the reason why it's gone on is because guys have been told not to have feelings and not to talk. So they act out. So then if we're going to shame guys more, guys need to be able to talk, even if what you're saying isn't comfortable and even if it's wrong. We still need to be able to let you have, then you're not going to hurt me as much if you're talking. So, okay, so you tell me that. And then I say, and then I explain to you, I hear what you're saying. And then I say to you, because there's a little bit of truth in everything, right? And I also think the dynamic was set up where women were set up to have to use their
Starting point is 00:24:52 sexuality. There's a whole stuff that needs to be brought up. But the reason why it wasn't brought up is because they used the Me Too movement to fucking throw everybody on the bus. They paid the Me Too movement off. They didn't, and that's why the guys are so mad because they know it wasn't real. If a guy, same thing with George Floyd, guys know that raping women is wrong. No guy's going to stand up and say, we should rape women. Nobody's going to say that what happened with George Floyd is right. But it's because the media is using it to cover and they're not doing what's right that's causing the provocation. It's why the men are frustrated because they know it's bullshit. They know they're being real loaded and they are real. CBS used the Me Too movement to
Starting point is 00:25:32 cover what they were doing with the merger. They used the sex stories so that the media would look at the sex stories so they wouldn't see what was going on with their merger. And that's what the men are starting to see. So when you say that about Harvey Weinstein, there's another layer to it. Women brought those women to see Harvey Weinstein. The problem that's going on right now, at least for myself, I'm speaking for myself, is that I had to overcome my own women weaknesses because there was a sick way of everybody operating to get the power back. So women brought women to Harvey Weinstein. And that's a mechanism that goes on a lot where the women help the men to hurt the women. So there was a trust with the women because the women were bringing them to him.
Starting point is 00:26:17 I'm not saying that sex doesn't go on and it doesn't get exchanged and everything, but there's that mechanism that goes on that everybody doesn't see, that the men don't see. So there's a trust and they did it. So they set up, so you brought up the Harvey thing. That's what they did in business with the women. So now, all the whole year while I was doing my business, the men would bring a woman in the office with them. That was the new Me Too rule. And then I would sit in the office and I would go, oh, so they would make a woman who's really brilliant, equal to the man, bring her into the office to be a watchdog. So now they're knocking the woman down and she has to watch, just sit there and pretend like she's watching that he's not going to sexually harass her.
Starting point is 00:26:55 But the woman that's equal to the man who works with the man is forced to feign empathy to me so that the guy can still fuck me financially. So you see, that's why everybody's frustrated because they know it's bullshit. They know the bullshit's going on, but they don't know how to get underneath to the bottom of it. So they just keep building false narratives to cover what's really going on underneath, which is the business. Sure, I got to ask you a question. Let's narrow it down away from Hollywood. Okay. Let's talk about it in the comedy club world. What did you experience in the comedy club world? And let's go with that one first. And then we'll go to the second part of this. What was your experience with comedy clubs? I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:41 you're a fucking savage. I'm a savage. I've seen you around men and I respect you around men because you turned into one of us. I've said crazy shit around you and you've never fucking flinched because you knew you were smart enough to know that this is a boys room. This is a fucking boys room. What do you fucking think you're going to hear in a boys room? Prayer that we love our wives? No, we talk about disgusting things. I go watch football on Sunday at my friend's house. Women run out of there. Women run out of there because it's men in their crime most fucking state. Every nationality gets a fucking whatever. You know, pussy, squats, what, camel toes. You hear shit that you're not supposed to hear. I don't want my daughter
Starting point is 00:28:35 to hear. How did you put up with it all those years? Well, I've all, I put up with it because there was also, there was a more sophisticated thing that I had to do. So say take Tough Crowd for an example. We were on Tough Crowd. One of my favorite episodes on Tough Crowd was, so I described this recently about, because first of all I put up with it because I didn't know any different and I knew I wanted to keep going. I left Boston because of the sexism. I've always stood up for myself and I've suffered in my career because I've stood up for myself. They fucking leveled me. Watch this Facebook. Bill Bloman Rice tried to fuck me out of, he wanted me to do my special in Boston. I'm from Boston. I just sold out the women's comedy
Starting point is 00:29:15 festival and Laugh Boston and I wanted to do my special there and he said, okay, it's gonna be nine. This is what, listen to how they do it. It's gonna be $9,000 a night, a show. You have to do two shows and you can't sell any tickets because you won't sell any. He was completely trying to cripple me behind the scenes. So the way I put up with it is I started, I rented out the VFW Hall in Boston and sold that instead and got an equal thing in the Boston Globe compared to the, to the Globe. That's how I did it. He, I have an email where he said, you're a fucking loser. So all this stuff was going on. This is how I did it. I just kept moving forward, but the tough crowd thing. So this is what people, I, what I did was I just kept managing my emotions
Starting point is 00:29:57 and I kept understanding. So you're talking about the men when you're primal, right? I've just, I tried to get more like rational and I'm like, okay, guys, when they go out with their guy friends, say they can't be vulnerable because they'll get the balls busted. They can't. And then I'm like, oh, oh, so that's what's happening. So I get rational about that. And then I look at tough crowd and I go, okay, so tough crowd, Colin Quinn and all the boys had a regular job, a regular paying job. They were regular. So they were very solid in their jobs. They, they were making money. They had camaraderie because they saw each other all the time. And then they would bring one woman in and circle her in every once in a while. So we had to come in with these guys who had the
Starting point is 00:30:39 camaraderie, the financial stability and have it be one girl with, with what, four guys and kill. People don't understand the level of what it, that's the dynamic that, that needs to be vocalized. Forget all the throwing the guys under the bus and everything. Guys, I don't think you'd interview anybody who would say, I'd like to rape women. And if they wouldn't even say it out loud anyways. But what's going on is we're not having a conversation about the actual fact. And I had to get over my own like resentment and, and victimhood. I had to, I just had to have like radical forgiveness. To move forward, you have to, you have to, because if you start putting the victim label on you, you're never going to move forward. Like right now, they're organizing to sue the
Starting point is 00:31:23 comedy store. Why? You know, I don't know. I just heard through the grapevine that a bunch of women don't feel like they were getting equal treating and stuff like that. You know, I used to count the lineups every night when I, I went back to the store in 2014. And then a couple of women mentioned things to me, like in 2015 and 16. And if you noticed, I always put women on my podcast. I always had women on my podcast since day one. I, I didn't want to create that barrier. And I treated them just like the men. And I talked like if I had a man in the room, I always gave them the respect they deserve. But people still weren't happy with that. You know, I don't know, you know, I don't know how to please everybody. You can't please everybody.
Starting point is 00:32:16 No, but I know. I was going to say the sophistication with tough crowd. You asked me how I handled it with it. So I realized I can't fight all the guys because then I'm just going to sound like a loud fucking crazy lady. And that's not, I don't want to be allowed. I want to do my comedy. I always just wanted to do my comedy. I was like, I just want to be funny and do my comedy. And I've had Al Martin tell me, Al Martin said, right to my face, Sue Castella, you kill more than any other, any other comic I've ever seen. And I hesitate to tell you that because you'll have the power. My friends told me they would say, Sue, the guys are intimidated by you because you fucking kill. And it would kill my spirit because I would be the club owners
Starting point is 00:32:52 would crush me because they were, a lot of them were failed comics and they didn't like that. I killed the way I did. And I was never trying to take the guys down. I was just trying to hard flex how fucking hilarious I was. Jolly Murphy. He used to God rest his soul. That man gave me my props like nobody's business. He uses a Sue Castella's fucking gangsta. He put me in a suit. I thought you were a gangster. When I saw you in the store in 98, you intimidated me. I thought you were a gangster. And it's so funny. Right. But then I don't want to hurt the men. I had to break through that. I was like, I finally realized I was like, Oh, they think I want to hurt them. I don't want to hurt people. I love men. I just tweeted. I said, I love romantic
Starting point is 00:33:29 justice. I hate sexism. Like I'm finally able to vocalize my femininity. And so I'll talk about tough crowd in a second. But also I started to learn that the word woman is for man. And if I stayed in my angry, feminist, crazy, like pain and when justified pain, then I wouldn't have saw what that meant. And what it means is we have an energy that can call forth the best in men. And that's what I'm learning how to do. There's a bit of a like that I have to do. I'm from Boston. I got the balls. I can, but guys like that. Like that's how guys respond. It's like wake them up and then you call forth the best side of them. And that's what men want to do. Even when you're dating somebody, a man wants to please you. He wants to
Starting point is 00:34:12 feel useful. He wants to believe. So if we break it down, go back to basics and get rid of this weird. It's almost a perversion that's happened with this sex stuff. It's perverted. It's like, why are we so perverted? And so with tough crowd, what I learned how to do. So one episode they had, they were talking about how women were becoming men, women becoming men, women becoming men. So I know, I've learned over the years, Jay Thomas, Artie Lang, I know how to hold my space and then go in and say what I need to say and not react to what five men are saying, because I know that's never going to win. And so Patrice, so the beginning of tough crowd, we used to have a fourth act, right? And so I remember I was sitting there and the fourth act
Starting point is 00:34:51 said, Sue Costell's flat ass on the monitor. I go, what is that? What is that? And the producer was like, oh, you're not supposed to see that. Oh, you're not supposed to see that. I go, what is that? She goes, that's Patrice O'Neill's fourth act. I go, I'm going to fucking get him. I'm going to get him. And my whole focus on the tough crowd was to get Patrice. And they were all talking about how men, how women are turning into men. Now, if I was weak, I would start yelling. And then I'd look weak to the audience because the guys don't know, people don't know what's going on behind the scenes. They don't know that the guys are camaraderie that's for, they just looking at us like women aren't funny because we're screaming. So I started to learn that I started to get very
Starting point is 00:35:28 sophisticated. And so I waited and I waited and I waited and I said, what do you mean? I said, men are turning into women right before our very eyes. I go, look at Patrice. He's transforming into Aretha Franklin right now. Patrice fell over laughing. And it was funny because the guys would email me after tough crowd and they'd be like, Sue, your brilliance is intimidating. And then I'd get confused because I'm like, well, how come the guys aren't laughing? I'm like, oh, the guys aren't laughing because they don't want people to think I'm funny. I'm like, there was a whole dynamic that was going on that people weren't seeing. And so it was manifesting as like women screaming. So nobody was getting a handle on it. So I started to get very sophisticated with it. I had to. You had to sue
Starting point is 00:36:08 because the only way you would last 30 years, this is why you've lasted 30 years because you've grown, you've adjusted along the way. And you, you know, I've never, you know, you just kept growing and you never stopped. And I love people. Yeah, you do love people. And I love men. Good for you. I love men. And I also see that women are part of the problem too. And I'm not afraid. I go up on Boston. I'm not afraid of girl gangs. I'm like, wait a minute, what the hell's going on here? Maybe everybody's afraid of the angry women. I was afraid of them. And I'm like, wait a minute, I grew up with the honeybees in Charleston. They fucking threaten to be all the time. I was like, fuck you. I'm like, I'm not afraid. I started to get like, I'm like, I'm not afraid. And I also
Starting point is 00:36:53 am righteous. I know what's right. I was upfront. So I negotiated a TV deal with CBS while less Moombas was going down that has provisions for women and protections for artists that have never been done before because they thought I was a fucking idiot blonde girl from Boston. So I had CBS sign my NDA to protect my IP after they robbed, they tried to rob it from me and I still beat them and had them sign my NDA to protect my IP. Then they tried to give me a deal and fuck me. And I fucking out negotiated them. And they tried to steal my script before less went down. And I caught them. And then they retaliated against me. And I still caught them. And they thought everybody, because everybody was coming at me for a sex story, because I was in the office with less.
Starting point is 00:37:33 And then they kept coming to me like the New York Times came to me. Oh, you were in the internal investigation. They were, they were questioning less about you. And I'm like, why? I'm like, I have a deal. What the fuck is going on here? And they were so shady that they helped me figure out what the fuck happened. And now I see what happened. They used the Me Too movement to fucking push less out of the CBS. And they gave me a deal that they didn't honor because they didn't think anybody was ever going to see it because they were going to make me look like a whore. They were going to take my script. The less article was going to come out, they were going to say Sue was in the office with less. We don't know what
Starting point is 00:38:03 happened and pushed me to the side and steal my TV idea. And I fucking beat them. That's how you do it as a woman. That's how you fucking flip the table. That's how you stand up and you fucking flip the table. That's how you do it. Sue, you have been a breath of fresh air to talk to after the last eight months with everybody fucking jumping up and down. Let me ask you one last question, Sue. Okay. When you were at the store those two years, three years, did you feel anything weird? Only from Joe Rogan. That's it? Well, not even sexual. It was not sexual. I've had guys grab my ass. I've had club owners tell me to take my shirt off or now get my check. I've had a lot. I mean, I've had people like lots of stuff like that go on. Tons and tons of that stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:50 But take your shirt off or you won't get your check. Yeah. In the office, in the back. I don't think there's any guy in America that would say Sue should be treated like that. I really don't. I don't think that then there's anybody that thinks I should get treated like that. And I think I could prove a million times over how funny I am. I've been I could prove it for you. I'm not worried about the funniness. It's the attitude that I mean that. Yeah. Listen, man, it's how you go into this as a woman. A funny woman told me a story one time. She goes, when I moved to LA, I had two options. I could either suck dick or put my ponytail under my hat and become one of the boys. And she goes, I went with the second option. And that's why I am today.
Starting point is 00:39:40 But now what I'm doing, I want to go further, Joey, and maintain my femininity. I want to go even further and be like, Oh, being a feminine woman is actually going to help us all. It's going to manage the men's aggression. If I stay feminine, if I stay loving, if I stay adorable and funny, which is what I always have been. And I'm like, how did I even, all I wanted to do was be funny and get paid for it. That's it. I mean, I got paid less in Vegas. Joey, just recently, they paid the middle guy less more than me. It made me do more work. And I went on stage and I fucking called it out. And then the Bons had tried to like scare me to throw me off stage. I was like, fuck you, I've been throwing out of strip clubs in fucking Canada by my neck.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Go ahead, throw me out. I don't even care anymore. I want my money. And I don't want it. I'm not mad at you. You need your fucking money. I do. I just want my money. I want to be funny. I should put, make that the name of my ship, my special. I want my money and I want to be funny. Now, so you have a podcast. I have my suit TV show. I do it every day. Every day, one time. Five o'clock on Facebook and it's building and building because I talk about politics. I talk about this, me too stuff. I talk about the working class. I talk about how we're going to end up, it's going to go beyond the race. It's going to go beyond the gender and it's going to turn into the 99% the general strike. We're all going to get empowered because we're going to see
Starting point is 00:41:01 where they're trying to keep us separate. They're trying to make the girls and the guys fight. They're trying to make the black and the white fight so that the 1% can keep us down. And I'm like, not today, motherfucker. Not today, Satan. So I want you to, I want you to circle back with me in like three weeks. Once we get this system down more and you and I are going to get deeper into this because this was a trial today for us and it worked. Yes. I feel like I'm so happy. I feel like me and you will be good together because we really are a blue collar where we're solved to the earth. You're beautiful. You still look beautiful. Thank you. God bless you. I feel beautiful. I feel happy. I just recently found out that you dated my brother for a while.
Starting point is 00:41:45 Who's your brother? My Irish brother, Greg Fitzsimmons. I never knew that. Greg was my boyfriend for four years. I lived by them. I never knew that. That's how I got to New York. I never knew that. I loved that man with all my heart. If there's somebody I miss in LA, it's that Irish cocksucker. He was going to Cuba. I hadn't gone to Cuba. My aunt was going to pick him up at the airport before COVID. That's how much I loved Greg Fitzsimmons. Yeah, he was my boyfriend. He's the reason why I moved to New York. I never knew that to just fucking maybe a month ago. Yeah. That's how bad I am. He used to coach me with the stand up and try to control me and I would fuck up every time on the stage by accident because he would try to control me so
Starting point is 00:42:32 much. When Nancy Carrigan was in the Olympics, I remember he was like, you got to do this. You got to do that. You got to do this. You got to do that. Now I'm a free spirit and I got on stage in Tanya Harding. When I got on stage, I was supposed to say that I looked like Tanya Harding and I said I looked like Nancy Carrigan and he's like, what are you doing? I'm like, you put your brother on me. I'm a free spirit. I'm not like a... Well, Sue, I'm happy for you. I'm happy that we got in touch. I'm happy you were the first guest on the joint. Even though I couldn't get you on the church that week, I wanted to make it up to you. I love it. And I want you to know I love you and I support you in any
Starting point is 00:43:12 venture. And if I can be on Sue TV, let me know. I'm going to. And I'll just you doing this, Joey, and giving me the visibility is helping me. Just letting people see my natural habitat. I'm not here to hold you down. I'm here to give you light. You're here to give me light. And I'm just, I just want to be funny. That's it. Yeah. We're a team and I want you to circle back with me every few weeks. All right. Do you mind? No, I would love it. Sounds good. I love you. Have a great week. You have me dates coming up. You want to plug? No, I haven't, I haven't been going on. I can't. I just moved to Boston. We can't get nothing. No, we got nothing. I thought Boston was going to open up a little bit, but it didn't. But I'm
Starting point is 00:43:54 going to move forward with the CBS thing and the, and with my TV show. So I still have my script. My script is all about bringing America together. I didn't let them take it. It's mine still. And I'm going to come through. They're going to, I have journalists. They're going to write the story about what was going on. So when I come through, everybody's going to go, can't argue with Sue Costello being a bad bitch. And you let them know here, I know Uncle Joey's joint. I love you, Sue Costello. Love you too. There you go, Cox. I hope you enjoyed my little Tate Tate with Sue Costello. Sue Costello's great. I support her fully and I'm looking forward to doing her show. Hopefully this week we'll have some more Zoom guests for you. Just to break it up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:44:38 You know me. And then once I got things happening, I got things in the works. If you guys know anything about, one thing about Lee, he told me once that everything I do is very cunning. It's very, you know, I think it out and it's very thoughtful. Why do one thing when you could do one thing and it branches out to three things? Do you follow what I'm saying to you? Everything has to be accurate. Everything has to be by the mark. Why would I want to go out on the road and hoard myself out right now when I got no material? That wouldn't be justice to you or justice to me. So I do everything by the fucking book and yes, I'm hard on myself because, listen, that's what the problem is. Nobody's hard on themselves. Nobody calls themselves a
Starting point is 00:45:19 fat fucking slob cunt. Get your shit together, you motherfucker. You know, when I say those things in the morning, that's what I'm feeling in my heart. You got to get up and you got to get the fuck out there. Nobody's going to give you fucking dick. Those things I say are the same things I say to myself. I tame them down for you motherfuckers because I don't want to hurt your feelings. But I say horrible things to myself. So I'm very tough on myself because if I'm not tough on myself, who's going to be tough on me? Life now. Life is tough enough. You got to be disciplined. You got to be fucking tough and you got to stick with it. If it was up to you guys, I'd be off the fucking air. You know, if it was up to with anything, with stand up, any endeavor you want to do,
Starting point is 00:45:59 any endeavor you want to do, there's always one motherfucker that puts it down, right? There's always one guy that has to make a fucking comment to try to deflate your fucking dream. Fuck that. Don't try to deflate my dream because you're not going to fucking work. Your dream is your dream. So we added this Zoom on this week. We hope you enjoy it. You know me, dawg, I'm here for you motherfuckers. I'm not looking for nothing. I'm just looking to cover that one week of entertainment, two weeks of entertainment. I'm looking to let you know it's going to be all right. And I'm looking to let you know that I'm going through the same things you're going through. We're doing it fucking together. Thank you for watching Uncle Joey's
Starting point is 00:46:33 Joint. And I'll see you guys Wednesday morning, Tip Top Magoo, ready to fucking go. If you need to see more of Joey, if you want to see the album of the week, subscribe to Patreon. I think the album of the week is a great idea. Eventually, somebody's going to knock my head off. Last week, we did the fucking great prior album. So if you haven't seen it, knock yourself out. We're probably going to add, I'll let you guys know I'm Patreon, but we're probably going to add a code to the Vimeo and just release it to the church, the tier members. All right, guys, I love you motherfuckers. Have a great week. And now for a word from my motherfuckers. Thank you again for listening to The Joint. And again, it's brought to you by Hydrant. Listen, Hydrant is a refreshing drink,
Starting point is 00:47:19 mixed powder made with four key electrolytes. Your body needs sodium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. You like Joey, what do I need Hydrant because you don't want to get sick this winter. Hydrating is the best thing you could do for your health. That's why I start my day with Hydrant. It tastes tremendous and it helps you hydrate faster. After a workout, a bike ride with my daughter, whatever, a little walk, I drink my little drink and tip top Magoo. I'm ready to rock. I feel a lot better. Why? Because you got an extra boost. So try Hydrant immunity. It's got all the vitamins you want. A, B6, B12, C, D plus ginger and don't forget turmeric. Drink it hot or cold. Hydrant is backed by 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you don't love it, if you don't love it,
Starting point is 00:48:13 if you don't love it, send it back for a full refund. Try Hydrant today and save up to 25% on your first order. Again, what the hell are you waiting for? I got a special deal like every other day, 25% off your first order. So go to drinkhydrant.com slash Joey, enter code Joey at checkout. Very important. That's drinkhydrant.com slash Joey, enter protocol mode Joey for 25% off your first order. Remember, you can't do dick without your health. Health is walked. Don't risk it. Get 25% off at drinkhydrant.com slash Joey. Church is also brought to you by CBD lion. One of my favorites out there. Why? Because they reduce inflammation, anxiety. It helps you with all that. Who the fuck am I? I got a GED. You got to go to CBD lion for the
Starting point is 00:49:11 fucking read, read, read, read. Don't just go to a store and buy CBD. You got to buy the CBD that's tailored for you. And by you reading the information on CBD lion, you could see what's going to work for you. Is it the cream? Is it the back wall? Is it the kinesiology tape? Who the fuck knows? Go to CBD lion.com right now and press and Joey and get 20% off your order. All right. That's all I got to tell you. The joint is also brought to you by do fasting. Listen. Losing weight is a motherfucker. It really is. And right now we're going into a weight pandemic. Pandomium here. Everywhere you turn, there's cookies. I live in Jersey. Everybody got a pizza in their house. How are you going to live with everybody got a pizza in your house?
Starting point is 00:50:01 When you're 14, you can eat two slices and nothing happens because you're running around all day getting chased by the cops. But once you're an old man like me, you eat two slices a day. You got a string on your ass and people float you around. You don't need that. Right now is the time to get healthy. Do fasting is the easiest three in one solution for weight loss. You probably heard people trying this and the benefits go way beyond weight loss. You can reduce inflammation, bad cholesterol. Do fasting is the most comprehensive fasting program complete with meal plan and a workout routine that'll help you reach guaranteed results. This isn't a diet where you're hungry all the time. You can still eat normally just at certain times of the day. Go to
Starting point is 00:50:46 their website, take a quick quiz and based on your answers, they'll generate a specialized program that is perfect for you. Now is the time to take care of yourself guys. Get it done with do fasting. Go to dofasting.com slash showy and press and code Joey and get a six month fasting program 50% or plus one extra month totally free. Sound familiar? I'm trying to push you people in the right direction. Join now. Speed up your weight loss journey. That's dofasting.com slash showy for 50% off a six month plan and get your seventh month free when you use code Joey. I want to thank do fasting. I want to thank CBD lion and I want to thank hydrant, but most importantly, I want to thank you guys for having my back. Stay black. Have a great week.
Starting point is 00:51:42 I got nothing this week, but I'll be around. I love you cocksuckers. Thank you for being on Patreon. Thank you for watching Uncle Joey's joint. There you go. I want fire department coming in here and shit. Hey, how you doing? Come on in. Hey, look who it is. What's happening? Check one, two. Welcome to Uncle Joey's joint. You

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