Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #015 - DOMENICK LOMBARDOZZI - UNCLE JOEY’S JOINT

Episode Date: November 23, 2020

Welcome to Uncle Joey's Joint.... This episode is brought to you by MVMT, DraftKings & CBD Lion..... Go to www.unitedharvest.com and enter Code: JOEY Go to www.manscaped.com and press in Code: JOEY Go... to www.cbdlion.com and enter Code: CHURCH/JOEY And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz is on PATREON: www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #DomenickLombardozzi

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Greetings cocksuckers. It's Monday the 23rd of November. It's gobble gobble week Well, let's start up correctly. All right, Uncle Joey's joint is brought to you by United Harvest you like Joey. What the fuck is your United Harvest? I love to welcome these guys to the show with open arms and a full stomach There are lots of other companies that will sell you meet the box It never looks like the pictures and it tastes like the cardboard they said it in these guys United Harvest sent me a box of meats that blew my mind pork belly ribs biscuits
Starting point is 00:00:38 Chopped sausages lamb and a rib eye that my wife cooked up on Thursday night. That was fucking delicious I wanted to marry all over again. The meat is fresh. It's packed. It's sealed Our freezer is packed for the winter or whatever the hell they're gonna show up with United Harvest is the new Virtual farmers market get the best that American ranchers have to offer without leaving your house Here's what I want you to do go to United Harvest Com that's United Harvest dot com and pressing code church to get 20% off The website with your order of $50 or more. That's United Harvest
Starting point is 00:01:21 Com use promo code Joey at checkout. Let me tell you something the ribs look fucking tremendous The brisket looks fucking tremendous. So I'm telling you right now Stay out of the grocery store. Nobody wants to fucking be walking around with a headache on Thanksgiving If you value quality flavor and convenience Check out United Harvest calm and be sure the promo code Joey to save you 20% off Your first order. Let me tell you something that rib by steak was delicious guys. So go to United Harvest right now Pressing promo code Joey the church is also brought to you by Manscaped right here the best of man's grooming from your nutsack to your nose
Starting point is 00:02:09 They got your fucking covered and right now the holidays are almost here and they're the most want number one Wanted gift right now is man scape You got a trim that fucking tree pole if you wanted to tickle your fucking nut sack Manscaped is the perfect gift Dads brothers uncles everybody has been sitting on their asses for months growing fucking roots and Malukia sticks that gets eliminated today with man scape It also has a weed wack of nose and ear trimmer with 9000 rpm motor and a blade that moves
Starting point is 00:02:49 360 degrees Back and forth check this motherfucker out right there tremendous nice and quiet You could do it in the closet. You could do it on the plane before the COVID test and let when you land in New York You could do whatever the hell you want. That's man scape. So do yourself a favor right now Go over to manscape.com and get free shipping 20% off and free shipping at manscape.com use code Joey That's 20% off with free shipping at manscape.com use code Joey J-O-E-Y and trust me your balls will thank you and your nose will thank you
Starting point is 00:03:31 Sniffing all those fuss they go right into your hair The joint is also brought to you by CBD lion the best as a matter of fact the best is starting up a sale today November 23rd go to CBD lion. They just added a dark chocolate and a milk chocolate that is fucking tremendous We still got the sound of the gummy bears. We still got the roll on we still got the back balls We got it all for you over there at CBD lion calm go over there and read the third party third party test results and you'll see why CBD lion is not fucking around Again another great gift for the holidays
Starting point is 00:04:18 Somebody some CBD tape. There you go. They keep bitching at you. Oh, I can't walk up the stairs Get them some CBD tape for their knees go to CBD lion right now calm and Pressing Joey or church and get 20% off Delivered right to your motherfucking crib that CBD lion Candles a lick hot suckers. Let's get this motherfucking party started You What's happening you bad motherfuckers, it's Monday the 23rd of November another Episode of Uncle Joey's joint. I'm here. I'm queer
Starting point is 00:05:36 What's happening? How was your weekend? My weekend was the same as every other weekend. No fucking comedy I guess they're starting to close back shit backed up down whatever the fuck up Down all around they're just starting to close shit up and there's nothing you could do. I mean what turned into three weeks Four weeks has now been eight fucking months and it's a holiday season to come and so Everybody's a little moon and gloom right now me. I feel okay. What are you gonna fucking do? They could take away your livelihood. They could take away this they could take away that But they can't take away who the fuck you are motherfucker, especially on a Monday fucking morning here This year you know Thanksgiving is when you sit around and you give thanks for what you have
Starting point is 00:06:27 Your family and they're telling you you can only get together with two families You can't sing you can't talk loud. You can't yell only two hours. So Expect whatever the fuck to happen after this I mean it sounds a little like communist Cuba only two families could come over you could talk for fucking two hours But you do the best you can, you know, if you got to wear a fucking mask I wouldn't go somewhere where there's a lot of fucking people this weekend. I'm keeping my shit low I don't I don't ever go out on black Friday to shop, but if black Friday don't spell cavodio situations I don't know what then you see every year people fighting and arguing and fucking
Starting point is 00:07:08 Ripping that mask off and shit this year. It's gonna be tremendous black Friday. I don't know what the fuck they're doing I don't know if they're just gonna do mail only or Amazon or whatever But it makes no fucking difference to me. It's Thanksgiving week, man, and You know, usually these weeks you sit around Thanksgiving Couple weeks the holidays and you reflect on the year that passed and you give thanks for what's in front of you Well, you know what man as much as you people fucking having a hard time and whatnot There's still thanks that you got your help. You got the people around you I'm sure all he is aren't gonna fucking stick to the fucking curfew of just sit there by yourself and isolate
Starting point is 00:07:51 whatever solitary Whatever and just have Thanksgiving by yourself. I've done enough of those You know and like I said, I'm gonna fucking do Thanksgiving I'm gonna go down and see my brother first and see his family I'm gonna mask up because they got some old people down there and there from I'm going to some dear friends house I'm gonna spend Thanksgiving with them. They're only gonna have like seven or eight people over the fucking house And then from there I'm gonna catch dessert over another buddy of mine's house on the way back and by that time the bulk of his family
Starting point is 00:08:26 Or have gone he's gonna have some windows open and with any luck We got a some nice weather if we get some nice fucking weather Then it'll be nice and easy. Everybody opens the door You could fart you could smell farts and breathe and everybody's alright Can you imagine that said as it is already now? I'm having a fucking hard time with like restaurants sitting inside, but The numbers are okay down here in this county. They're a little higher up in Northern New Jersey New York City shut down
Starting point is 00:08:58 Philadelphia shut down the club shut down my heart goes out to them My heart goes out to Wendy Curtis out in Denver They shut her down on Friday two of the best clubs in the fucking country and her restaurant So and this is why I didn't want to make dates. I didn't want to get all excited and make dates and Start thinking that things are gonna clear up because I had a funny feeling they weren't I mean College kids are gonna be coming back home. You're gonna have gatherings listen Every morning you wake up and you go to yourself. Ah today. They won't lock us down You know, we have another week another two, you know, they're rolling back restrictions in California
Starting point is 00:09:37 Even though they caught that governor Newsom having dinner with 15 fucking people and that's the thing I understand that Listen man, you lead by example You lead by fucking example, you know, I'm not a governor. I'm not a senator I ain't shit, you know I'm saying but even I try to walk to walk if I'm in here talking to talk That's the least I could fucking do. I tell you guys I take care of myself. I drink water. I fucking Work out, you know, I'm looking at different options to do because it's fucking Boring in the daytime and you just can't write fucking jokes all day. They've taken away our jokes outlet I mean, I've got my uncle Vinnie's I did great last week at Uncle Vinnie's if you came to the show
Starting point is 00:10:21 You had a great time last week for the first time in nine months I had a beginning a middle and a fucking ending. Thank God Thank fucking God that meant the world to me But you know, they're 38 people they're running with 38 capacity so some of us have nothing and Some of us have a little something to work with just to keep the I could go down there every night listen I go out every night, but there's a lot of things at stake
Starting point is 00:10:49 There's my health and the other thing is there's a lot of other comics that need work, too It's not just me. There's a ton of comics in this area But it could use some work and you know, you got the stress factory. You got Uncle Vinnie's Comedy Club down in Point Pleasant. You got the gojo of comedy the dojo of comedy. You got Sam Tripley's place You got bananas. You got some places in Jersey, but it's like a fucking third to the comedians that they had Serbs it needs to make a little fucking money, you know, I take Wednesday nights. I don't take comics big nights which is the weekends and That's what that's what my fucking plan is. That's why I didn't want to book up December
Starting point is 00:11:30 People offered me new years. We don't know what the fuck we're gonna do and we don't know where the fuck we're gonna be So why book something now? I got it hanging out over my head So next August in the middle of everything else once everything clears up I got to stop what I'm doing and go make up a date from fucking two years ago. That's not what I want to fucking do I want to start this later or fresh When we know exactly we go out and be comfortable in comedy clubs. I doubt it's gonna be fucking theaters Just go to fucking comedy clubs and start from there. I don't care if a hundred people gonna come out I don't see a lot of people running out, you know, the vaccines are hitting the fucking shelves here any day
Starting point is 00:12:10 Now you got the one that's 28 days That's like putting icicles in your fucking blood and you got the other one. That's just fucking. I don't know I don't pay attention to this stuff. All I'm trying to do is live for today And how we're gonna make it happen today, you know, right now is the time when people call you up and they go Hey, what are you doing next Saturday? I don't fucking know. We don't fucking know because we don't know where the fuck We're gonna be at right now. So if Philly's surrounded right now and New York is fucking closed We're right in the middle of that. Am I not right? We're right there. We're right in the fucking middle So obviously we're next and the sad thing is like listen, I don't give a fuck about me, you know
Starting point is 00:12:52 You know, Mike, what do you do at your time? Not much. You watch your kids are growing. That's it That's all we're doing right now. So For me, it's them closing the schools again like Europe closed locked down but left the schools open This school that my daughter goes to hasn't had a burp and the other one in town hasn't had a burp Not even a fucking mishap not even a teacher not even a fucking email So that's you know what they I'm worried about they close up the kids once you close up the fucking kids and the schools over The holidays we're gonna have a lot of fucking problems. There's just really nowhere to go. It's not like at least in California You could take them for a fucking bike ride. It's it's
Starting point is 00:13:30 60 70 degrees here. It's already starting to get nipping the fucking a hairjack. There ain't much to go And you know me guys every day I try to toughen it up. It's colder. It's colder. I go for my little fucking walks You know, but after a couple minutes, it's fucking cold out there. I got the long underwear on order I got the long t-shirts on order. It's gonna get cold for a chubby dude. And trust me. I haven't been in the fucking winter Haven't been the Colorado winter since 84 when I was homeless. I did 12 I did there New Jersey went there when I was homeless. I did 12 Colorado winters But you can do those with a fucking hoodie sweatshirt on those aren't that bad They only get about two weeks of really really really really intense cold fucking weather in Colorado
Starting point is 00:14:20 The rest of the year is you know, yeah, it's 32 for three days But then it goes up to fucking 70 for four days and everything melts and it's hard to take a cap You know, if you're a fucking weatherman in Colorado, that's a tough fucking bitch right there Jack That's a tough motherfucker. I know you guys there was some UFC fights this weekend. I did not even watch him I don't have a fucking cool. What's going on anymore in the UFC? That is crazy that somebody called me up Saturday night. They're like, hey Are you watching the fights and I'm like, what fucking fights? I didn't know there was a fight on the card I didn't know when they told me who was fighting. I had no idea who the fuck they were
Starting point is 00:15:02 So I love to talk about the UFC with you motherfuckers, but I don't know dick I know the Jets are one nine. They suck dick. I know Cam Newton is trying his best up there in New England New England's fucking dying. I love you guys with all my heart You know, I'm not here to goof on you But we all knew it was gonna be a tough fucking season now you gotta add Kobe to that motherfucker New England's like fuck. We had dynasties up here for 20 years We had white people throwing touchdowns and shit that should all change that boy fucking our boys down in Tampa Bay Nice and warm. He brought he brought his little buddy Grimkowski back. He's got Antonio Brown now
Starting point is 00:15:45 Who knows what's gonna happen? That's a shame to see New England go from fucking that powerhouse all those years They're just a regular fucking team. I've been paying attention this year Why because I got nothing else to do and for the first week on Sundays now I'm forced to watch football So I go to Jimmy Florentine's in the afternoon You the slice of pizza and I watch some fucking football with the guys almost last time I sat around and watch football with the guys never because I was always too busy fucking landing and fucking Getting my fucking luggage ready and throwing my laundry out in the whole fucking deal But things have changed things have changed you're sitting there at home like Joey what it why is this happening to me?
Starting point is 00:16:27 This is happening to everybody and On top of the fucking shit that's going on and on top of the shutdown And on top unemployment on answering the phone you got just like people with bad luck going around That I've my heart goes out to them. They cannot catch a fucking break Have a dear friend that cannot catch a break right now. I have maybe four of them that they cannot catch a break whether it's looking for a new place to move to You know the job opened and closed right away People are sick people are dying and man
Starting point is 00:17:05 It's like God's true test that tasted that testing your fucking patience and trust me I've been there a thousand times times in my life and I'm like This is not happening and you know what I'm talking about money is not right Your girlfriend's giving you a hard time Your boss calls you sent out the wrong stuff and then you go out into your car to start the car You got a flat fucking tie It's getting to that point for people where like they're like You know
Starting point is 00:17:38 Well, what the fuck is going on? I talked to a friend of mine something happened to me got hit by the He got blindsided and I go are you okay? And I mean he looks at it for what it is. He goes this is part of what's going on right now That's sad when we have to accept things like that. That's not only a Things falling around around as people are dying. You know, it's not bad enough We don't have a normal fucking life right now, but then the people around us are going down People around us have bad luck and you know what I don't care. I'm as optimistic as can be I'm tip-top my go every day. I wake up with my dick hard ready to salute the day
Starting point is 00:18:16 But after two or three of those phone calls, it just puts you in their position You go, what the fuck would I do if I was done right now? Whether they have to find I mean I have a friend who's looking for a bad now during the holidays You know how fucking hard that is to find an apartment during the fucking holidays and get settled and whatnot You know, I have another brother who lost his fucking wife It was his birthday Friday when I call you don't want to talk to him Friday. He goes this is the first time in 37 years I've celebrated a birthday without I mean, you know People have bad times and listen you got tough with it up right now
Starting point is 00:18:56 Because at times aren't gonna get no better they don't they're not gonna get better by themselves It's not just gonna miraculously happen that the fucking Sun comes out and there you are fucking jumping up and down with your little fairies of boot pants on and shit It's not gonna happen that way. It's gonna be a process But the most important thing is you have to hold on You have to look at it and just fucking smile and go This can't take me down this cannot take me down because it's just it's little things It's little things, but every day they add up. It's little things your package didn't get there on time, you know
Starting point is 00:19:33 You got a flat tie The fucking light bulb went out the fucking computer thing went out It's like little things and it starts like I talked to a friend of mine is hot water heater went out The pipe went out his house. He says he he was taking a shower and all sudden shit started coming up through his fucking tubes You know and and you could sit there and be upset and Curse drink or whatever the fuck you do to ease your attention The best thing that there was just to sit there and say this is part of the times I mean it happens here with me and I can't even get upset about it, you know
Starting point is 00:20:08 It's just part of what's going on right now. How you respond to it Is how bad it's really gonna be if you lose your mind over it and go fuck This is the end of the world and it is gonna be the fucking end of the world But if you look at it and go up, this is just another day in the life I got to come back a little fucking strong in the mall Then you will come back a little stronger tomorrow. Trust me, Doug. I'm going through this shit I went through it with the comedy. I went through it with the podcast and you know what it was like We had one day in here were taping and one of my cats got stuck under the fucking couch
Starting point is 00:20:43 I mean you couldn't write it like we didn't have enough fucking problems We did the podcast outside and the microphone didn't fucking work people blame and pull Mike was my fault I didn't fucking know it was our first time out there, you know, everything that can go wrong could fucking go wrong But what are you gonna do? Are you gonna get depressed about it roll up in a ball and fucking quit? No You pick up your balls you salute the flag and you go We're gonna go for it again and again and again and again until I get it fucking right and that's it That's what being an American is Being an American is not going to fucking outside tab and I
Starting point is 00:21:21 Voted with my little half a fag sticker on now. It's learning how to fucking get up after you fall It's learning how to get up after you fall right now. There's so many balls going up in the air, you know So many fucking things going up in the air, but think about all those balls that are getting juggled What do they have to do with you? Nothing All these balls are getting juggled in the air black lives matter this dad whoever's talking about this and Tifa Fucking the election. How does it affect your everyday life? Is it gonna make your unemployment come quicker? Is it gonna make your kids computer work faster on the fucking zoom is it gonna know know
Starting point is 00:22:04 So eliminate all that shit Eliminate all that shit because that's gonna happen whether you're involved whether you like it whether you're not involved That's all gonna happen. All you can control is your fucking house It's what what's in front of you and your happiness. Listen, man. I'm having a great time lately. I Have a lot to be sad about and I have a lot to be grateful about What I have to be grateful about outweighs what I have to be sad about. Oh, I can't do comedy Well, we'll do it next fucking year. That's it You know, I was telling somebody at November's like a rough month for me and they called me and they're like
Starting point is 00:22:43 I just want to check them with you and they're like, no, I didn't mean it like that I meant it that it's just like you think of things. How did they happen? I thought about my mom's life. How did it happen? How did she die and I move forward? I'm not walking around Johnny. Oh, I'm for three days. I can't do nothing crowed up in a ball looking for fucking attention What was me? No, this is just things that you look at you look back at you go How the fuck this happened how the fuck did I end up there and how the fuck did I end up here? You know, I'm still in awe about the fucking To know drugs and the addictions and all that shit, you know, I'm kind of I'm a little embarrassed about my sobriety
Starting point is 00:23:24 Because my sobriety isn't like anybody else's my sobriety works for me That's the only person is supposed to work for it's not supposed to work for Johnny bananas It's not supposed to work for Johnny Luna. There's a great podcast out there called the dopey podcast I don't know if you guys heard it, you know, the guy was a stone cold fucking junkie And he tells his stories and whatever now he's Deep deep, you know, he's doing great podcast He helps a lot of people and they tell great stories in the dopey podcast You know, he contacts me every once in a while to do it and there's something I don't want to do it
Starting point is 00:23:59 It's that my sobriety is like everybody else's sobriety You know, I like to smoke my fucking pot. I don't drink But if I want to go go over the fuck in the place and have a little sangria from time to time I could have the same grid. Do I get drunk? No, I don't get drunk anymore. I'd love to Be able to I drank out of the fucking you guys saw me have a drink with the Dre and Mateo podcast I just wanted my refrigerator. There was no waters downstairs. There was a beers. So I took a stella I drank I didn't fall all over the place. I didn't you know, shit my pants or anything I just don't do sobriety like everybody else and with my sobriety. I didn't want to do fucking
Starting point is 00:24:44 Cocoa pills or put myself in that position again. That was it. I took down what took me down Rifa never took me down. In fact, Rifa Makes me feel halfway fucking normal. It makes me feel like I'm doing something at least a little Illegal to make me feel like I didn't fucking just switch governments and now my half a bag full time I like smoking a little pop from here to there. It just makes me feel a little dirty last night If you ate a few edibles, it was sad. They had nothing really on my responsibility plate So I ate them. It's not like I used to be in LA Eat nettles every day and whatnot as a matter of fact. I'm patreon from now on
Starting point is 00:25:24 We're gonna have a little show. We're gonna look at different edibles and how they affect you and What to expect from them and you know, whatever we're gonna start that up pretty soon Just to let you know what the fuck we're doing because I'm not eating a lot of them anymore I'm not eating a lot of anything. I'm just trying to get healthy. I'm trying to be a good husband I'm trying to get this podcast together for you and keep running this patreon So I don't get you people fucking hating on me like you do but I don't give a fuck I'm gonna keep saying what I got to say Whether you like it or fucking not because what I'm talking about is the truth here
Starting point is 00:26:00 Keep keeping on your alcohol consumption Keep an eye out on what you're doing over the holidays right now I'm getting it from a lot of people that they're struggling with drugs or alcohol and they It's a tough time to be a fucking American right now I spoke to my old drug dealer last week just out of fucking, you know, we called each other up I was telling a story about he used to have my old drug dealer had a guy that lived in a stairway You can't write this shit so when you walked into his house it was too leveled But when you walked in there was stairs and there was you know how every stairway has little claws on there
Starting point is 00:26:38 You put your vacuum in there or whatever He had a little black fellow that lived in there. His name was who that I swear to God Plus the guy was a fucking a super hero on Hollywood Boulevard So he'd be over there fucking cop and coke and all of a sudden the fucking Hulk would walk in You know, and the hope is a big motherfucking this guy was a skinny little black dude And he lived under the stairs of the house and we he would have a little light in there He'd have his little fucking Nintendo games and shit And he'd come out from time to time and challenge the drug dealers who were also African-American
Starting point is 00:27:15 To fucking, you know, like I'll play you with NBA for like the game They got and they'd be like who dad get back in your fucking closet cocksucker before we beat the fuck out of you tremendous shit You can't write this stuff, you know I'm saying but I was talking to my drug deal He was telling me cocaine was up to 1800 an ounce and he can't get enough of it before because the more he gets of it The fucking more he moves of it. It's it's hysterical. So people out there snorting with fucking three hands. Thank God I'm not one of those people. I still got it down in my marijuana and I'm very fucking happy with it But what I was saying is I don't do so bright like anybody else like I just I believe in the principles of
Starting point is 00:27:58 AA AA is worked for a lot of great friends of mine that are friends of the program You know, they're friends of John. They're fucking great. Well, you like that who that you know I gotta throw something in here for you motherfuckers. It's not all about boo-hoo's and he's I gotta throw a little story in there He's from time to time. Oh, it was hysterical He just opened up the closet and come out with half a Hulk uniform on so you have the big thick pants and the top He looked like an x-ray like Jesus before he got stabbed. You know, hope you're not supposed to be fucking skinny But what are you gonna do people things are bad all over you know Sam?
Starting point is 00:28:37 All I'm trying to tell you is that this week Be careful with the booze be careful with the alcohol new years is coming You know, I gotta tell people out there be over house I'll start doing drugs on the 31st. Listen if you start now It'll be a lot better for you. If you start tomorrow Whatever journey you're gonna start in July on December 31st. You could start it today Well, let's go wait till December 31st for everyone. I gotta do that December 30. Yeah, listen that people gonna put cookies out I just can't eat 50 cookies. You know I'm saying I could eat one
Starting point is 00:29:16 Who the first part of the joint? There you go. The garlic is working almost fucking slipped out and went that way over my head But who gives a Frenchman's fuck? That's why we're here. We're doing what we're doing cocks up is on the daily Yeah parts all the time it comes out of his neck the poor bastard. I don't know what Lee's doing. He's up there in Boston He's been hiding lately He took two edibles at Tommy's got he's in training for us to do the zoom. He's got to take fucking Two edibles five days in a row and then we'll put him on the fucking joint and he's gonna eat three the day of That's the only way they want to see him. We don't even show his head up there on Fuck you have nobody's seeing Lee. Nobody is seeing Lee
Starting point is 00:30:04 There are no fucking pictures of Lee. Nobody not even at PA surveillance. So FBI surveillance That's always one we'll wait to look for that one, but I don't know what the fuck's going on with him but what I do know is We got a guest today on the podcast. We do a little zoom with him I'm trying to mix the podcast up for you I don't want to be on here for an hour like a fucking Devone and try to say what I'm trying I ain't trying to say you're nothing all I'm trying to do is talk to you motherfuckers and make your Mondays a little bit better That's it. I'm not here to change nothing. I'm not here to fucking tell you that
Starting point is 00:30:41 You know all I'm here to do is To wish you a great fucking Monday bring you a little bit of entertainment a little clarity to your fucking world and just know that It's fucking Thanksgiving bitches. It's our fucking week The guy I'm bringing on the podcast Is a friend, you know, it started out by me being a fan of his work I've saw I saw him in a couple movies and then I saw him as a young kid on Law & Order And then one night I was brought watching Bronx town and I figured out that it was this kid. So I don't know Law & Order was his first performance or Bronx tail was his first performance
Starting point is 00:31:23 And it just happened to be Bronx tail. So he's been around for a long fucking time. He just did a great job playing Fat Tony Salerno and the Irishman with the narrow and Pacino. I loved the kid He's got a ton of respect for me. He built the fucking a fort that I saw But I was just blown away and I reached out to him and He opened up his heart to me and spoke to me and I I see that he goes to other comedy shows and whatnot So I want to get him on the joint and talk to him a little bit on a Monday morning And that's what we did. So now without further ado joint motherfuckers Mr. Dominic Lombardosie, I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:32:10 Wednesday pre fucking Thanksgiving. Thanks. I can stay black Dominic Lombardosie here guys a fucking acting savage. How are you good? Good? Thanks for having me Joey? I appreciate all you need is Dean Martin there with the fire going. That's it. That's it. That's it. How are you? What was his line? Don't drink and drive you might spill your drink Yeah Dean Martin was the shit all those guys are being troubled now for me to and people. Oh my god I'm surprised they haven't meet to Frank Sinatra. Well, let's speak of that Even even like from a comedic standpoint, right? I mean you couldn't do comedy that were in the seven
Starting point is 00:32:51 You couldn't do that in the colleges today, right? I mean, no, no the college even The the cleanest cleanest guy in comedy Seinfeld Was starting to have a problem with colleges. He says they would be in two PC Wow, and that's that's Jerry Seinfeld, you know, I but if there's one If there's one area where that has to go out the window it has to be in comedy It had I could understand I could understand a lot of different places, but when it comes to comedy I mean comedians they need they they need that leash, you know what I mean? That's why you need a leash and you need freedom at the same time at the same time exactly at the same time
Starting point is 00:33:40 There's a thin line, you know that we could use It's part that you're classless or whatever, but if you're talking what's in your heart It comes out authentically, right and people know where you're coming from, you know, yeah There's a thousand million ways to say something It could sound bad or it could sound good I think the purity in your heart is what makes it sound like it's just another day at the park Without a doubt, but yeah, that's usually good comedians and you you know, I love comedians, man. I I I a few of them are my friends and
Starting point is 00:34:21 I've always thought When when it comes to comedians Nobody has it harder. Maybe writers do people that you know see things from inception and Create something and and maybe it's because I'm an actor. I come I have a completely different point of view But when I talk to my comedian friends or I see them work, I Could never do that. I could never do I mean, I've been listening to you for a very very long time When you started with Rogan and all that stuff and I loved you guys together
Starting point is 00:35:00 But yeah, let me just go to the club today and we try new material That that's that would freak me the fuck out I Could see, you know, they did, you know, they always do that survey and they said what are people scared of the most dying and Speaking in public Yeah, you know public speaking is very very hard to do and I don't think you know, you know, when you do stand up somebody comes up to you and says Dominic, you're a funny guy try stand up And you put in the back burner. You watch a couple of tapes
Starting point is 00:35:35 When you go up there that high You know that high it's for theaters. It would be doing live comedy in the theater live theater Right like not, you know, sometimes you tape a TV show half of it is on segments on tape Then Friday they come in and they do the live stuff. Yeah, you know, there's some rush you get from an audience Oh, absolutely. I had a little bit of a taste of that I did I did a sitcom We were doing the pilot and it was a multi cam. It was and and we would rehearse and then we would
Starting point is 00:36:13 It would be in front of a live audience kind of thing and I had my taste of that and I can't tell I wish the show I wish it would have got picked up and I would have had A few episodes to do that But To make a long story short It was a long story It was a great feeling landing that joke
Starting point is 00:36:36 hearing the crowd laugh then resuming it is I I and I hear it from theater actors too. It's a different type of rush It's musicians. They get the same thing when you have a lot of live crowd It's a whole other board game Like I never saw stand-up live I listened to Richard prior albums I listened to Lenny Bruce albums
Starting point is 00:37:00 It all hit me when I went to see a show by the name of Beatle Mania I don't know if you remember that show you were a kid with that show I I've heard of it though. Yeah, it ran in Broadway for a long time and I remember leaving there thinking to myself Like I you know, I I didn't know music. I was just a young kid. It was a school trip But when I left that theater I kept wondering about how they felt up there how they felt being up there that always struck a chord with me and
Starting point is 00:37:36 In the back of my mind, I just put a deep deep deep that Someday I'm gonna have to try that. Right. I don't know if it's gonna be with a guitar I don't know if it's gonna be by myself You know, I didn't know about improv then I knew about nothing Right, but I always knew I wanted to try that Well, that's your so I joined the band. Yeah, I joined the band the band broke up in the sixth grade and I just knew
Starting point is 00:38:04 Being a musician took a lot of work You know, like it it took a lot of commitment so I bowed out on the on the musician stuff And then years later the plane. Yeah, it's a it's a different different discipline altogether It's funny. I talked to a guy now That's 70 years old He's been in three of the biggest bands
Starting point is 00:38:26 In the world at one time or another And when I called him sometimes He still practices four hours a day Four hours a day he practices that's that's just that's to let you know and he's made it three times over white snake Ozzy's band And somebody else's band, you know So for me to get that that and he's 70 something years old Which is even more inspiring. It's passion. It's passion too with passion. Yeah, you know, if
Starting point is 00:38:58 People always want to know They don't want to get into acting because there's no money. They don't want to get into comedy where there's no money They don't want to get into music because there's no money There's got to be passionate before there's money Or it's the reverse They think there's a lot of money They think they think all all all that stuff comes along with it But what they don't realize is the the tremendous amount of sacrifice
Starting point is 00:39:24 They think automatically, you know, I hear it a lot of times, you know, my daughter wants to be an actor My son wants to be an actor. I'm like great, you know They take some lessons and I tried to steer I tried to give advice To what I wish I was told Because I like you joey. I took a long road with a lot of twists and turns you know, and um I kind of
Starting point is 00:39:49 Related to do you remember this come on. I don't know if you remember this come on. You remember the apex auto trade school commercial Yes, the ball that you learn a tool the tool goes in the box Yes, remember that Yeah, same thing with me I felt like my my whole career was like that. I go, you know, try something if it didn't work Well, now I know not to do that and well not to do this
Starting point is 00:40:14 I had nobody kind of coaching me So I I I could relate to that. So when I give advice, I try to give the best advice and the most honest advice And sometimes the honest advice is not what they want to hear No, no, they don't The honest advice is hard work Yeah, and commitment and you know Blowing off weddings to do what you, you know, uh Walking off Dominic. I gotta put you I gotta put you on the play
Starting point is 00:40:44 And it works Tuesday through Sunday and you got two matinees You know, you people can't do that. They're like, well, I have to go to this person's wedding You know, it's just so many and I'm just talking about the topical sacrifices I'm not talking about sleeping in a room with another man When you were a grown man, you know Uh driving all night in a bus with grown men These are sat smell and feet And men fart. These are sacrifices that you put yourself through
Starting point is 00:41:14 That as a college educated person, for example, would say I don't need this Like I don't need this shit, right? It's a journey, you know, and you have to Just put you have to put yourself completely in or this just isn't gonna work for you You know, I believe that That's the advice I give myself that I I've seen over the years. I took some acting classes I love to audition Dominic. I hate it doing the work I have great advice for that. Uh, uh, an active body of mine. His name is John Dolman
Starting point is 00:41:49 Fantastic actor great character actor He he he was um I played with him on uh on the wire. He played the uh the commander believe it was Rawls and I would oh and I and I I've worked with him in the after that and um We were just talking and he has a great perspective on it. He goes. Well, I just look at it this way It's acting for free
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yep It's acting for free. So you just go you you learn and it's like you're going to work that day And you're not getting paid And he's right so now when I do an audition I really get into it It's like I feel like I'm going to work the next day. I put myself on tape because I'm here in westchester and Let's be honest. That's the way things are being done now and uh
Starting point is 00:42:44 I have a great time with it I have a really great time. I have a great time trying I still Even though I haven't worked since February I still look at monologues and I try to remember I just try to keep the uh, you know the uh the tool sharp so to speak um, but um I always had that approach. I hated audition. I always felt it was a tedious process. I didn't like the room Sometimes I always felt people had this preconceived notion about me and uh
Starting point is 00:43:19 and it would get in my fucking head And I was like, you know scrap that this is a job. I'm going to work and And I just roll them out I love it. Just uh, it's like you're acting for free. It's the best advice I ever got How old were you when you got into it young? Yeah, it was um, I believe I think it was 14 for a bronx tail um, it was an open call And I remember going in with a bunch of kids because I'm from Arthur Avenue
Starting point is 00:43:53 I grew up on um 187 street than prospect That's a good neighborhood. Yeah Long time ago. Yep and um I've met all the kids everybody was going, I mean, I really didn't care about it I want you know, I wanted to be a ball player, you know, all I cared about was playing softball baseball You name it and um, it went in for a read and I kept getting called back and called back and then
Starting point is 00:44:23 I mean, Joe, you had to see these lines people were coming in from Staten Island Brooklyn Queens Manhattan everywhere were coming to the playhouse that was on Arthur Avenue and um And it just dwindled and I wind up getting the part One day of work Principal role got got in the union. My mom made me join the union in case if it's something I ever needed God bless her, you know and uh and then it wasn't A few years later where I got I did this independent movie called kiss me Guido was which was like this underground hit
Starting point is 00:45:01 That paramount picked up and distributed and that's how I got an agent but then you know, it was uh casting calls going in and and just a grind man Just a guy still remember you on an episode of law and order. Oh, wow. Yeah with glennie briscoe a long time ago Stolen stereos or something shit. I didn't even have an agent at that time
Starting point is 00:45:28 Like those gigs I didn't have I they would just I guess they would have a list And they would call people and I remember going to those auditions. They were like cattle calls 20 people 15 people You would have to wait like an hour and a half two hours But uh Yeah, all the new york shows Um
Starting point is 00:45:54 And I always get you never were on the sopranos and I never how was the sopranos movie? It was great It was it was something I was looking forward to because I always wanted to work with david chase Right comedically speaking, you know Uh, I hit my goals. I got to work with harrell ramus Analyzed this too. Not the best movie in the world. But for me, I got to work with harrell ramus one of the greatest comedy minds and We talked and he gave me some advice and I ran with it and with with
Starting point is 00:46:31 It's so weird what you take from different directors You know, uh There's a well-known comedy director in hollywood That does a lot of shows for cbs. I've worked three times with the guy. I've never gotten nothing from the guy Like there's no I didn't learn anything With uh, I think the most I learned from was like, uh Sam ramy was very good To work with
Starting point is 00:47:01 When I did a movie for david spade the director spoke to me for a little while Even though it was a line He taught me how to deliver it a different way Right and it was great and then Who did I did my tourney? Yeah, and then the longest yard adam lets you do whatever you want to do Yeah God bless him when it came to me. He was like
Starting point is 00:47:23 Just do whatever you want to do So I had him and chris rock feeding me lines off You know, like the camera was on me But they're feeding me shit giggling. You were very good in that film Thank you. I you know, I didn't know what I was doing. I had no idea What I was doing. I was just looking at nick tutorial and looking at adam and
Starting point is 00:47:46 Looking at buffalo bill blooming rich the guy from buff blood does a bunch of movies You know, I looked at the real actors in that movie and I just tried to copy catam You know burnt rentals. That's all I did. That was my first More than three days on a movie, right? Everything up to that was three days four days I would get the scene with the credits rolling through it in the beginning This was the first time I had
Starting point is 00:48:15 leeway and The only negative thing about that movie was that there was like two camps There was the the Steven's camp Siegel the guy who directed it right and there was the adam samler camp So you didn't know who was really talking to you So I would get direction from the director and then adam would tell me something different
Starting point is 00:48:46 Uh-huh. So I would do three or four takes And make it work, you know, but I didn't know what I was doing That first day or that second day and I got tracy morgan to the left of me I got chris rock to the life of everybody in that movie. I had everybody. So It was I learned a lot from adam. I learned a lot from the director But I always felt I loved learning I loved learning something I like when a director says do this, you know, when you learn something from it
Starting point is 00:49:19 With david chase is the funny story. I went on there with my comedy bullshit And he shut it down the first day Wow Shut it down. Why I mean he didn't shut it down. One of the guys in the set came over and he goes Stick to your lines Oh, so you couldn't you couldn't want you couldn't really ad-lib too much No ad-lib which I'm not used to You know, it's always your line and then I add something and it works
Starting point is 00:49:53 This was the first time I was told this is how we do it and it's a reason And when I did the first day, I was like now I get why He's david chase, right? And it was that quick like I went I went back to my room and I started rewatching episodes And now I understood how he worked Well, you're gonna come you're gonna come joe. I mean you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna come across that The more the more you you wind up doing television more the more film you do you you're gonna come across that
Starting point is 00:50:27 There are there are there are certain writer directors or writers that that You know, it's it's what they put on the page and that's what they want and then like I work with jud apatow over the last summer And it was like a shooting gallery of lines You know and it's try this or try that and then I've been on other thing where it's it's it's every punctuation Everything you gotta you know, it's it's it's exactly what's on the page because That's their vision and I understand that and I learned to respect that
Starting point is 00:51:10 Even in auditions, I always want to put whatever on the page Because add a respect to the writer because I haven't talked to the writer You know, you don't feel these people have you know, you haven't seen them. You haven't talked to them. So I I always Have to give the writer that respect And then if they say well, you know, if you could think of something like I worked when I did the Irishman on Scorsese Scorsese allowed that play There's a whole scene
Starting point is 00:51:43 That first scene where I'm sitting down with Pesci and De Niro and it's the first meeting where they come and visit Fat Tony Maybe those first three four five lines that introduction That's me ad-libbing Bronx tail was ad-libbing The whole elephant the gun the gun stopping the elephant driving the truck That's that was all ad-lib so At first I give them what they want and then if there's something but you're gonna find that you're gonna find that everywhere
Starting point is 00:52:18 I don't get mad at them. I respect that writing. Of course. I don't get mad at them at all. No, not at all And I've worked with people that have said, you know what? That's a better line than when I had Use it. I have worked with people who have said your line is better You know use it or use my line first and then throw half of that line and yeah, so I have worked with people But I always want to respect the writer You know, but I also have to look for a window as a comic, of course, maybe that he didn't see So I want to add a flavor to it
Starting point is 00:52:53 With chase it was by the book But I saw The fruit of his labor Yeah, you know, like I saw it. So then I was like Okay, how was it shooting the irish man? It was uh, it was it was it was great. I mean, you know, I was working with uh I mean come on. I mean I was working with guys who I admired my whole my my my whole life You know, it's not there's nothing. I didn't know about them. Nothing. I didn't know about that work
Starting point is 00:53:27 To me joe pesce was everything It was everything. He's everything. He's he's my you know, I love deniro I I love and I I work with deniro on threes on three different occasions And to be perfectly, I he started my career. I think he also helped facilitate me Uh being in the irish men because at first I didn't understand why they would hire Someone my age to play somebody so old when they were eight When they were getting everybody that was old and they were aging them down so
Starting point is 00:54:03 That being said being in the more when it comes to joe pesce. I always admired him the most Because I I could understand probably the obstacles he had to go through You know and and men when he's unseen when he's doing a scene He's there. He's present and uh He owns everything he every see every scene. He's in he just owns it man and and uh, he delivers all the time So i'm sitting there. He was great in the irish men. Uh, he's he I think he was phenomenal He's phenomenal in it and uh, especially to play a character. That's that stoic
Starting point is 00:54:48 that's that reserved compared to All the other roles that he's done with marty and bob and you know and just the more loud the boisterous guy Now he's more he's more late and man. He delivered You know and um, I loved working with him I I loved it. I I can tell you look great. Everything about that movie was great I've watched that movie eight times Really?
Starting point is 00:55:18 Yeah, because I would get I would get there at at three three o'clock in the morning sometimes two thirty in the morning and uh Mike marino would would start It would be like four or five hours in and makeup and then when everybody came it was blocking time So basically when I was finishing My makeup, which I was in a completely different trailer
Starting point is 00:55:43 Uh, they were coming to work And I know ray romano, steven gram I know these people And they're sitting at my table with doing the scene and I remember going up to ray and I'm like, hey ray, what's going on? How are things going? And he's like, hey, how you doing ray romano? I'm like, no ray. It's me Where where are you? Like no one knew and joe. I never seen without my makeup. So who knows?
Starting point is 00:56:11 But um, it was a real joy um Just sitting opposite it and watching these guys work joey. I mean It's it's like they communicate telepathically they hardly talk on set And they just know maria just come and say, you know, let's do this thing, you know, whatever and uh, and then they just They did just a weld oiled machine That's the best I could explain it It was uh, I waited for that movie in anticipation
Starting point is 00:56:49 And it delivered everything Everything I wanted from that movie. I got I thought it was great. I mean, it's a difficult film. Yeah, you know, and uh, it's based And I remember I remember reading the book and I did all my research on as much as I possibly could on fat Tony Because there really wasn't much There really wasn't much and And if you read the book Marty the movie could not be It had to be that long To tell that type of story because if you read the book you'll understand why
Starting point is 00:57:29 But uh, I don't have a problem watching a movie for three hours as long as it's a good movie Me too I have absolutely no problem with it And I'll be I'll watch on the plane. So I won't get disturbed I watched the irish spin on a red eye It came out on Thanksgiving whatever that wednesday. Yeah, and I was going to miami that night So I just fucking downloaded on netflix Stayed up all night took some edibles
Starting point is 00:58:00 And just watched the irish been twice Till I got to miami. I was blown the fuck away. It was great. You know, that's crazy So congratulations. You did great on that. Thank you. Now. What have you been doing since february beside cooking? building reading monologues A lot of personal stuff that I think me and you uh, we we texted each other about That's been taking up a lot of my time, you know, uh stuff with my mom and And uh
Starting point is 00:58:41 I tried to offset that with um I built a uh the tree house I I loved it. I loved it Uh, I I did so much work I I I did so much work because when I bought when I bought my house, I gutted the whole house and I did everything And um, so I just continued to do that You know, I need the the the flagstones in the front. So I would do the flagstones Uh, I some trees needed to be cut down. I cut down the trees. I split the wood
Starting point is 00:59:15 This is the wood right here Tremendous. Yeah, so um, I I I've always liked getting my I guess, you know people paint And I like to physically do stuff with my hands I guess that's my outlet, you know, but other than that That's really what I've been doing, you know, trying to stay safe because I got to be around my mom and uh But other than that, you know, how's your mental?
Starting point is 00:59:49 I'm good You look good. You look great, you know, you're smiling go boxing So I saw that Yeah, so um, yeah It's hard, you know, I'm not gonna lie. It's it's a long time. I I I I I want to get back to work But um, there's just You know, I'm not the only one, you know, it's there's a there are a lot of us that there's just nothing out there right now You know, so if it means for everybody to be safe
Starting point is 01:00:20 And then that's what it's got to be That's what I'm doing. I'm just trying to stay safe. I know I know Uh past this time away. I got a show tonight. I do 38 people It's socially distanced, you know down at uncle Vinnie's um I don't really do much, you know, I'm I'm I have high blood pressure. It's controlled But I'm still a little scared of getting the uh, you know, we're all taking the d and the zinc And now they're saying melatonin helps and all this shit
Starting point is 01:00:55 Uh, I worked out today. I was going to the gym just like you, you know And that's all we can do drink water and get good sleep. Yeah I mean you go to an actual gym or do you go? Yes Yeah, see I haven't I haven't been to uh, like an actual gym The place where you boxing I go to my my buddy, uh, raffa celli has a place called contenders up in almonk Where I box and we hit the mitts, but if I do it with him, it's just me and him Outside outside or inside and I mean he has the machines. He has the fog machines. He has the steam machines It's the it's probably it's the cleanest place on earth
Starting point is 01:01:37 It's um, and it's just that's that's what I do and if not, I I'll either do pull-ups or dips or or push-ups, um at home splitting wood dragonwood and you know A lot of like good. I basically got the rocky five workout going on so You know, I try to do it all I got the seven-year-old Yeah, which you guys are always welcome. You guys always welcome to come up
Starting point is 01:02:08 Uh, you have children My girlfriend has a son. Yeah That's what tree house for he said that's what I saw. I don't know if he's got I don't know if he's got kids in that. No, that's a great tree house tree house I I look look I'm gonna be perfectly honest when I bought my house I imagined everything when I was a little kid The things I wanted and the things I never got because
Starting point is 01:02:38 It just didn't allow for it. You know, I grew up in uh, five five store retirement on prospect avenue My parents always worked They always did the best for us, you know, they came here in 1969 So they would like that last wave from from italy and uh, oh shit. Yeah, so they you know in retrospect, that's not a long time No, it's not it's not and um, I was here when longer than them Yeah, I've been here since 66. Yeah, so Wow, that's from what part of Italy they come from mollice of bruteses mollice
Starting point is 01:03:20 mollice region and um So I remember these things like the pool, you know, and and the tree house and the swings and you know The the yard the the the garden all that stuff. So I said when I get a house, man, I'm gonna do this and then um, like my girlfriend, uh, Josefina she has um A son and he's like, I wish I had a tree house. I said, you know what? Fuck it Went to home deep all got wood started stripping all the wood And I just started building it and I built it for
Starting point is 01:03:56 For sentino and I built it for my my neighbor has two daughters with the sweetest things and When they want to go in they go in when they want to go in the pool they go in the pool As long as they got their mother's permission and their mother's around that's fine. You got the pool too. Yeah Not built in or above the ground. I I built it in Good for you, man. Yeah, so you put some investment in there. You added some equity. Yeah, it's funny with me Because I did all the work Yeah
Starting point is 01:04:26 That's phenomenal. Yeah, that's just great with me When I moved to this area, I saw that all the kids had fucking Swingers and that same gymnastic shit And I'm like if I buy one, I don't mind buying one for her But she's gonna use the swing two times Yeah, and then they go to the park and they use the swing two hours So it's just gonna sit in the backyard. What the fuck can I put back there? And all of a sudden you put the tree house up
Starting point is 01:04:55 And I'm like I went back there. I started looking at the trees started doing a little measuring I I showed him, um I I I I showed him and you know, uh, I showed him your podcast and and I said Listen to this guy see look what he says And um, it was when you mentioned the uh, when you called it a fort He's like, he's talking. He's talking about my tree house. That's my tree house. He's talking about And uh, yeah, yeah, so you put a big smile on his face, you know, you blew I love those things. I love I'm an only child At the end of the day, Joey closet. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:34 Yeah, my tree house was the fucking closet. So I was going to closet Mine was the fire escape Yeah Yeah, I remember I was on the second floor when I was I was so lazy. I didn't want to throw my baseball glove I didn't want to go up stands to drop off my baseball glove. I would just chuck it up on this on the fire escape Fucking fire, you know the deal you know the deal was such a big part of I like, you know, I when I came from cube I went to New York City And I lived on 205. What's 88th street?
Starting point is 01:06:07 No, okay. I went to ps 166 for my first uh, two years Then my mother always had the bar in jersey. So I ended up going to catholic school. It's funny I went to my buddy's house before and his kids having problems at times tables And he goes, did you have problems at times table? I go, fuck no, I went to catholic school those nuns Beat that time table into you. Oh, yeah. Well, I mean when I mean they eased up when I went When you were going to school Oh the early 70s, they were fucking you up dog. Did you get did they have the paddle?
Starting point is 01:06:44 They had the paddle they had the pointer. Yep And their bands man, I had we I had uh, god, uh, god love them, uh, father john No, brother john brother john, he would yeah, he was a brother. They were the two brother brother gilbert brother john so, uh Brother john He had these ears That were like this Right
Starting point is 01:07:09 So every time he would turn around and right on the board they would go quack quack So for some reason he thought it was me and he go and he turned around he goes you and he had like Man his his his index finger was almost like a piece of iron And he would he would point that you're hitting the chest. He goes you better simmer down on my doze before I knock you down He got the grace I I never forget this guy, but he had the things like this um
Starting point is 01:07:43 But none of the paddle stuff and I heard stories about the paddle because I have cousins that are your age And uh They they told me they even the ruler on the hands Ruler on the hands stick your hands out. Yeah, holding the books with your hands out your arms out Yeah You know and you think about it now and it's toughing me up a little bit. I didn't like it But it's who I am today, you know, I I don't like hitting kids
Starting point is 01:08:14 I have a daughter. I'll never touch just because I don't believe it changes you, you know, it doesn't Didn't do anything for me by hitting me. No, I was still a fucking savage What are your plans for the rest of the year? What are you thinking? Um, just what are you hearing? I'm hearing um I'm hearing I think we're supposed to be locked down again, right? I think um, biden takes office There's probably be a more I think a mandate of uh, uh, of a of a lockdown Um, if that's what it takes to
Starting point is 01:08:50 Stop the spread of this thing and and and and maybe try to go back to some normalcy, man, you know and I I don't know. I don't have the answer You know, but what I can do is only stay safe And hopefully there's a project that I could join where it's safe And go back to work That's what a lot of productions I know that there's a there's a few productions that are going going on but they're their existing shows and they're kind of like skeleton crews and um
Starting point is 01:09:26 But I don't know I don't really know much about Other than that, but there are some things that are going on The I guess it's from state to state I guess and um But I don't know I would like to go back to work They talked to me about something in december december 6th through the 8th And Wilmington and I'm like it's too far away It's too far for me to decide
Starting point is 01:09:53 We don't know where we're gonna be I don't want to be Wilmington, North Carolina three For three days work. Yeah You know, I don't know if we're gonna have to quarantine on the way back I don't know if they're gonna put us in the hotel. I turned it down Because I just didn't want even want to Move travel in december. I don't know what's going to be going on You know three weeks ago. They offered me philadelphia and a week later. They shot 22 people in two days there
Starting point is 01:10:24 So I don't want to say I don't want to commit to a city Go into that city and there's a bunch of violence going on And I got to fly in and out of that fucking city So for me, I rather take the chance to stay home with my family And I'll take the knock. We won't eat out as much. You know, I gotta tell you man, it's uh It's scary what's going on, you know, it's uh, it's a part of me just doesn't get it I I I would think everybody would just want to just Bunker down be safe, but it's just
Starting point is 01:11:03 Between this whole election and everything I mean even if you go on twitter the first thing you go on twitter, man It's like people are throwing arrows at each other. Yeah, it's not good. It's not good. It's not healthy and A lot of these people what they don't realize they're doing is they're instigating so much stuff You know, you know, I remember, you know, I remember being a little kid being in the schoolyard You know, and you always had that kid who would who would who would Rouse shit up, but he'll be the first one to leave the schoolyard Yeah, and there are a lot of people like that on twitter And they don't realize the damage that they're causing
Starting point is 01:11:42 They're fueling. They you know, you fuel things. I understand everybody has a perspective. I don't I don't care if you're republican I don't care if you're democrat. I really don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. I don't care. I really don't and uh, but I do care about instigating and instigating violence And scaring people That I do have a problem with because at the end of the day that's going to affect me if I'm going to store You know, tomorrow will be three months You know, it's uh, but I I think you know people have nothing else better to do but get on twitter and and just start, uh
Starting point is 01:12:25 instigating stuff Dom the sad thing is that they really don't have nothing else to do And it's not their fault. It's no the position. They've been put in They're frustrated. They're waiting for an unemployment check They're angry, you know, that's why it's like acting. I always look at the scene before Yeah, my scene If I'm gonna do something with dominik, I want to know where dominik is coming from From that scene and where I'm coming from
Starting point is 01:12:54 You know, it's like the scene before, you know, so these people are at home They're not getting through the unemployment, which is a fucking shame They're not working The kids are out of school and they're in the fucking house You know, uh, they're getting time to think which is never good Right when you get time to think And then you go to social media to get a few laughs Because for me, that's what social media is
Starting point is 01:13:21 A few laughs and keep in touch with some friends from high school And you can't post nothing everybody's got if you post something negative they go, uh, yeah And if you post something positive, they go, uh, yeah So there's really no winning right on social media You know, right now There's an abundance of people on social media Because like you said, they really don't have anything else to do right So
Starting point is 01:13:48 I try to put content out there that you know, hey, you know, you're like, yeah, I you know things that I do You know, I try yeah, I'm not I don't go on twitter Or or instagram to try to sway people and what what what they believe and stuff like that. It's just it's not who I am You know, but then again, I'm able to have I just wish people would sit down with other people and have Some sort of dialogue. I think that would really help you know and uh but it's just
Starting point is 01:14:22 back and forth stuff, man, and uh, I I I really don't want any part of it and um So that's basically what it is for me. It's just doing stuff putting putting it out You know building the tree house or whether I do something around the house But it's fucking meatballs look good too A couple weeks ago. That's uh, that red lead you made. Yeah, I can't take credit for that I make my own sauce So every august Get the uh, you know tomatoes. I make the sauce a jarred maybe about 120 25 mason jars
Starting point is 01:14:59 But my girlfriend ho sefina. She's the one she's she's the cook She she's really good. So I can't those meatballs looks fucking delicious. I'll tell you she's great. I go for three of them right now Yeah But Dom, I loved you man. I'm happy you took the time. Uh, yeah, we've become friends on social media, which is a positive especially in these times and uh I'm a big fan of your work. I loved you and A couple things that you've done
Starting point is 01:15:28 When I saw you law and order I'm like this guy's a career actor What the fuck he's not some just a half a wise guy from the Bronx. This guy is the real deal So, uh, you have a big fan with me and anytime you want to come on like what I just wanted to get you on and talk some shit and uh Let people know we're not We'll move them We put our pants on one leg at a time just like everybody else. That's it I try to tell them so whatever you guys are going through at home
Starting point is 01:15:57 We're going through so we're going through it together. So why be mad at each other white turn on each other Let's uh spread love tell people you love them And that's all I can do down and I'll be uh calling you for that now that now that's church That's church that's church man. Well said joey well said I'll be calling you for directions on that house or uh Yeah, whoever you want to come up and you want to get out of uh, just come up You know, you you know how to get a hold of me. So absolutely. It'll be great. You're always welcome here Man, thank you. I love you at all my heart. You have all my respect. I love you too Thank you for taking the time and coming on today. And if you ever need anything
Starting point is 01:16:40 Please feel free to reach out brother. Thank you joey. Love you brother. Have a good day. Thank you peace See you All right, you cock suckers. I want to thank dominic lombadozie great actor Great guy just loves comedy. I love him to death. Uh I want to thank you guys and I want to thank uh, just you motherfuckers For being here for being loyal soldiers whether it's here On the uh joint or on patreon wherever you're at. Well, listen from your balls to the butt
Starting point is 01:17:13 The best in men's grooming is manscaped The holidays are almost here. And it's the number one most wanted gift is manscaped You're gonna trim that fucking love stick and you're gonna fucking trim down your nutsack And manscape would be the perfect gift. Why because you got that you got brothers. You got uncles Everybody's sitting on their fucking asses for months growing roots and vines It's time for them to clean out that fucking asshole that dickball and that nutsack Give the gift of manscape get a smooth goblet without carving the turkey if you know what I mean With their skin safe technology that won't fucking destroy your nutsack
Starting point is 01:17:54 Get it all in the performance package. You're like joey. What's the fucking performance package? The performance package comes with a weed wacker a nose trimmer And with the the head trimmer and nose trimmer. They got 9 000 rpm mode I don't take anything out of that and a blade that moves at 360 degrees to clean out your nose pubes You also get the lawnmower 3.0 the best known trimmer of mankind And you get the crop preservative the crop reviver to keep everything smelling fresh Smooth plus they're throwing in a free travel bag With boxer shorts if you order right now, you can't beat that nor the nights
Starting point is 01:18:36 Manscaped is coming to your chimney. Listen guys This is the easy gift. You don't know what to get people. You're not going to be in malls this year You're not going to have a chance to walk around Just throw them a fucking manscape And i'm giving you 20 off and free shipping right now today at manscape.com Use code joey again that's 20 off with free shipping at manscape.com Use code joey you get this for your granddad your father your fucking uncles who gives a fuck Let them trim up their ballsack disgusting animals that they are go to manscape.com right now
Starting point is 01:19:14 Impression joey. I want to welcome to the to the joint united harvest. What a fucking box What a fucking surprise how beautiful And this meat was how it was packed. This is what i'm talking about There's a lot of other companies that sell you meat in a box But it never looks like the fucking pictures does it and it tastes like the cardboard they sent on it not with United harvest They sent me pork bellies ribs brisket chops sausages lamb and a ribeye that made my wife cook Listen thursday night jimmy came over. That's the ribeye asked jimmy florantine how good it was
Starting point is 01:19:52 But they're not fucking around over there united harvest There are new virtual farmers market and get this the best that american ranches have to offer Without leaving your house again They might shut it down. They might not you don't know that but you want to be fucking prepared Go to united harvest right now The lamb chops are so tender they're falling off the bone The new york strip comes from cows that eat potatoes not fucking corn These cows eat better than most of you fucking people do every day
Starting point is 01:20:22 Plus the wego beef It's tip top magoo. Everything gets processed In origan by an expert butcher and sent overnight It's premium. It's fresh and it's fast High quality small batch meats At surprisingly good price and support small farms with Old school the right way. Here's what I want you to do. Go to united harvest dot com That's your night at harvest dot com and press code joey to get 20 off
Starting point is 01:20:54 The site with your order of 50 or more That's your night at harvest dot com and use promo code joey Stay out of the grocery store if you want value quality flavor and convenience Check out united harvest dot com And be sure to press promo code joey to save 20 off your order of 50 dollars or more The joint is also brought to you by CBD lion. This is it motherfuckers
Starting point is 01:21:23 My favorite from the roll on to the cream To the gummy bears whether it's tropical raspberry orange The bath balls. I mean listen if they if they make a product CBD lion has it covered now. They got dark chocolate And they have the milk chocolate listen I've been doing business them for two years. I use their products I love that product CBD lion is the way to go and they have a sale starting today Over at CBD lion. So when you go over that read about CBD learn about cbn
Starting point is 01:21:59 But also get yourself educated on what they have At the end pressing joey pressing church They're going to give you 20 off no matter what the fucking pressing Because you tell them uncle joey sent you, right? So joey church 20 off Biggest sale of the year black friday starts today at CBD lion. I want to thank CBD lion I want to thank united harvest
Starting point is 01:22:25 And I want to thank manscape for having our back here at the joint I want to thank you guys. You're traveling. You're doing what you're doing Be safe and have a happy Thanksgiving cocksuckers. See you wednesday You

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