Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - 03/27/2013 - The Church Of What's Happening Now #66

Episode Date: March 28, 2013

Kenji Gallo, ex mobster calls in to talk about his life and his book. This podcast is brought to you by Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a discount at checkout. Streamed live on 03/27/2013...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh motherfucking shit it's Wednesday the 26 20 sad I don't fucking even know no more dates it's just a beautiful fucking motherfucking day to be alive and guess what you're in it cocksucker joey D is here the church what's happening now my main man Lee the flying Juicy I can't leave so I know you got to get your oh shit you grew up with niggas you grew up with oh shit Lee that's why it's time for the doctor to check your ass nigga used to be my homie beautiful motherfucking day you know I'm saying and this is the way it goes the church of what's happening now coming at you Wednesday whether it's the
Starting point is 00:00:45 26 Lee 27 I think the 27th yeah about three joints to smoke today Lee I don't want no job we got this fucking gorilla finger and we got these two bats from hell Satan rolled one of those we'll see if I'm alive at the end of the podcast you always fucking alive cocksucker it's a beautiful day to be alive what are you down 68 fucking pounds 65 you fucking your ass oh smells like cucumbers oh it's fucking gross is it I know why animals manure stinks all they're eating is vegetables it smells exactly like that the manure yeah it's terrible it's gross you can't even sweat you can where's Rose you call no she's
Starting point is 00:01:20 Jesus fucking Christ beautiful day to be alive people everything's great today fucking it's weird what happened last night so Lee calls me last night about 9 30 Lee and I called you back I called you back no I called yeah you call me back at 9 30 what happened was ever since I've had the baby I fucking hate working out at night because your metabolism but sometimes I get caught up with the baby and that's a good thing about the movie tie America that they have a 8 o'clock at night class that goes to about 9 30 10 real heavy-duty class couple people in their jumping ropes sit-ups they got coconut water the
Starting point is 00:01:55 whole fucking thing so Lee called me when I was in there and I called Lee when I got out and he's like why are you doing comment no I was supposed to do coming they can't call me like at 7 he's like well the room we don't know if we're gonna have enough people we want to I said fuck it don't we didn't get a chance to have a time don't worry about it so Lee called I call Lee back and we're talking and then I hang up with Lee and I go to the weed store mm-hmm the one on Burbank no-ho organic okay all right and I parked on the street they didn't have parking spots in the parking lot so I parked on Burbank Boulevard I
Starting point is 00:02:29 go in to the weed store I get a g-bola room I get some joints for you he offers me an edible nice people I love Jay I really like those guys over at Noho again they might like cuz they're open to 11 Wow open to 11 sometimes 12 you know the other one divine moment closes at 8 and there's no fucking parking on length to shim up to 6 you know motherfuckers so I go over there pick up a gram they have chocolate candy bars they do good over there they got the fucking vapor pen they got the five hour energy T8C drink they got really yeah oh shit so I get my phone rings and I get I am talking to somebody as I'm the
Starting point is 00:03:09 first door at the weed store there's one two three doors okay you walk the first door and I can't answer it because there's cameras but the second door I hit it now I got my shorts on with some t-shirts drenched track sneakers on and I got a hooded sweatshirt on this it's an old one that I used to work out like if I get on the floor and I wash it every week it's disgusting like if I go to YMCA and I do a treadmill I'll take it off and throw it on the floor okay so but it's small so between my gut and the car seat whenever I sit it makes the wallet pop out oh no yeah so I fuck this is Jews nightmare a Jews fucking
Starting point is 00:03:49 nightmare I get into the car boom I get to my house I run up the stairs and there's no one I use my god let me sit down the car so I wash my pussy first I get like a fucking protein drink in me and I go let me go look at my car look throughout the fucking car no fucking oh no I go back upstairs looking the bag and no wallet look at the trunk no wall when I had my wallet cuz I had to pay with the weed I usually don't put my cash in my wallet but when I go to the schools or whatever I put whatever I have in the thing yeah I go back I get in the car I call I try to get no organic on the phone yeah there's no
Starting point is 00:04:28 information for these weed stores they got these numbers no the guys like what what kind of businesses and I'm like they sell fucking tremendous weed do you know I get back in my fucking car and I go to Burbank Boulevard and I'm right there at the left to go to you know like I'm headed to the 134 to 170 yeah I look over and from my car I can see my wall on the street no you can yes I couldn't I could see three kids with three kids with a fucking dog we're walking and as I made the left I seen two black kids walking right now they looked at the fucking wallet I went back picked up my wall and came the fuck
Starting point is 00:05:03 home dog you got lucky shit that's the second time one time I went to the flappers in Burbank uh-huh and that's fucking that way oh that's that's far right that's far you put it say fuck it I parked across the street from Monies Beanery because I couldn't figure out parking in that area is my first couple few times yeah and I walked over to the whatever the fuck it is the mall the flappers uh-huh I get back in my car come on the way home I park I go for my wallet in there no dog I did 90 down because listen of the wallet isn't about the cash the wallet it's about the shit in there you got to call 15
Starting point is 00:05:41 fucking people now and you got to go to DMV but which is what you're really thinking about the whole time you're looking for your wallet you like I got to go down there and deal with those fucking greasy motherfuckers for a day because the DMV ain't no fucking joke they're like the Wu-Tang Clan it's gonna take you an hour and a fucking half to get down there that's all I was thinking of my drove all the way back at 12 30 this time it was in the middle of the street like by the yellow line no like I had dropped it on the walk to the car and it was there again this wallets are fucking savage Jesus I just got into a
Starting point is 00:06:11 wall because my old one was falling apart and you gotta get you gotta put it like I put in the front pocket because the back pocket it would fall out all the time and you got one of those jewel it's where you open it up and fucking the fucking president is like clock he hasn't seen daylight is brown leather one oh shit no no well look take the first bill out that bill hasn't seen daylight you fucking 200 I never use these I have eight dollars in my wallet and you never use no fucking eight George Washington this fucking in there he's asleep he hasn't been that you Jews you give him a hundred dollar bill and
Starting point is 00:06:41 market I remember Josh Wolf had a hundred dollar bill one time for like three years that gave him he would show it to me to torment me I still fucking got it you motherfucker he would just shoot you fucking Jews I'll give you a 20 motherfuckers still be eyeing the year later with dust on it yeah fucking you motherfuckers make those nickels scream squeeze that fucking bird to that motherfucker yeah it's a beautiful fucking day to be alive get up you fucking sexy shit just like me get up get up you know it's funny when I went when I went to prison I was thinking about this in the shower for like my first
Starting point is 00:07:21 month when I got settled mm-hmm a guy came up he's like lesson man not for nothing you're a little too happy in the mornings a lot of guys are in here doing life you know you gotta tone it down a little bit people might think you're a little weird I thought about I'm like you know what you have to accept your fate if you got life I already I knew I was gonna do two years I wasn't going no way I wasn't thinking about escaping I ain't one of those motherfuckers so you got to accept your fate and just deal with the best fucking hand they gave you for the day that's every day we got a fucking new hand can you believe
Starting point is 00:07:55 that somebody came up to me and said you're too happy in the morning I can understand it from their point of view kind of I mean if you're there for life and because I mean fresh as someone who would fucking die within four minutes in jail who me you would not die yes I would you would be surprised how you you know that experience was one of the best experiences of my life because I'm here because of it uh-huh but it also gave me a certain life confidence it also gave me it was just weird that I overcame it before I went we got locked up I swam every day I hit the fucking bag I got a bucking coach I learned how to throw
Starting point is 00:08:29 kicks again you know I thought I was gonna go in there fight for my fucking life and it's and it's how you compose yourself how you walk around in there the things you do it's just on the fucking street based on character I already decided I would punch the guard in the face and I could I could do solitary but no I I I love those like documentary things of in jail like they like the behind-the-scenes or whatever and a lot of people a lot of the people who are in there for life talk about how you just think you can't think about the outside and they just they had to normal life to them now so it's normal life you have to
Starting point is 00:09:02 the only way you're gonna do that time is by being it's fucking hysterical how people think doing time you got to be locked up it's not doing time I did the worst time I did was after I got out in my head I was in hell you know after I got out mm-hmm time could be a just a state of mind where your heads that for six or seven months and you don't even know why you don't even realize it till years later this is advantages of being fucking 50 and talking to you young guys that sometimes your head goes in places that you can't fucking figure out oh yeah something that happens a trigger for years I walked around dead after my
Starting point is 00:09:37 divorce you know losing my kid and just the way they punk me just a pumpkin it was like somebody kicked you in the stomach and you can do nothing about it because they're gonna throw you in jail or you just can't do something about it that's the worst feeling in the fucking world that's crazy that that and that's worse than jail just like that's that when you think I've never gone through it but yeah worse than fucking jail you know after you're in a country like the United States and you go to Cuba and you can't play Led Zeppelin that's jail yeah you know when you meet when I met my cousin that day for the first time we
Starting point is 00:10:08 were Jerry's deli or Cantor is talking about music and they were telling me how 20 people get together to listen to Led Zeppelin out and you couldn't listen to it loud you gotta listen to it kind of low and then you rock to it then you have to hide the album really that they search your house and they find Led Zeppelin you go to fucking jail for a year why why Led Zeppelin just anybody just anything that was American right now anything American oh shit okay that's freedom of speech they want you listen to fucking communist propaganda all day about Fidel you know on Sundays in Cuba the old days they'd make you
Starting point is 00:10:44 fucking get up and go to some square in Havana and yeah listen to Fidel for 10 fucking hours and there'd be people watching you if you didn't clap you could they fucking take you out of them throw you in jail for a day or so you gotta fucking clap after every fucking said that's what I gotta get some of those people to come to my fucking college and the people don't fucking laugh they can beat the fuck up if I want to take a couple hits of this don't leave me here like a fucking one-on-soldier get up wash your pussy get them oatmeal some strawberries something something a cheese sandwich something get the fucking
Starting point is 00:11:17 day going get out of the house might be sunny it might be snowing if it's knowing get a fucking shovel help people shovel out charging 10 bucks you'll make a quick fucking deuce tell me you got no fucking work you need helping people that's it get the fuck out of the house a beautiful day to be alive go down to Valley College in your neighborhood sign up for an electricians class tell me you're fucking poor and they'll let you do payments and do half price how do I know cuz I fucking did it get up cocksucker get up it's a beautiful day to be alive let's talk about lifestyle okay very interesting
Starting point is 00:11:47 conversation last night after I called you I didn't have my glasses somebody called me and I called them back there was a dear friend of mine that I've known for about 15 years out here and she just got out of her fourth rehab in two years okay Jesus so she was asking me if I had heard that she was in rehab I said of course you know and she was everybody fucking knows and and it's funny we got into a conversation and four minutes into it she started going off on her life and how she was gonna change now and how she didn't want to completely stop drinking but the courts told she had stopped drinking and that
Starting point is 00:12:23 she's still gonna drink from time to time and I'm listening to this I love it dearly and I'm listening to a fucking babble about this shit and I wanted to raise my hand but she's one of those people that you know people who stink of vodka yeah if you say to him it smells like vodka they'll go I haven't drank in three days and you want to say to him are you fucking kidding me but you know if you say that you're gonna get into an argument yeah and you go to yourself I'm not gonna say nothing you know especially after four rehabs you kind of just want to rehab and she's still not a fucking Alki and that's not
Starting point is 00:12:55 her drunken driving it's not you know she falls so her ex-husband goes over and she's got a fucking black eye contusion on the fucking head and she'll say that the kids threw a snowball it's always something it's one of those fucking things yeah and listen man I'm the type of guy that I'm either in a hundred percent or I'm out once I can't help you I'm out I'm your friend but I can't help you yeah you don't want me my hell you're gonna come to me with some Chinese fucking story about how you're only gonna drink wine cool this this is she's telling me last night right she's like I'm only gonna drink what you
Starting point is 00:13:27 smoking this or what I just it's me are you here was that spiritedly I couldn't tell I expected a little fat chubby Jew he came back looking like this little Steve Reeves Steve Reeves absolutely not okay Christopher Reeves before him your fuck I don't fucking know I'm still a mother fucker so I'm talking to her and she's telling me this plan she's got and I'm listening to this on the phone and I'm ready to fucking yell and I just stopped and I said like a prayer in my head you know I said you know God bless her because this is fucking crazy this is great I went home and I think it was before the wallet that's why I was
Starting point is 00:14:07 pissed because I got involved with her on the phone and then upstairs and it's just weird how people don't understand when you have an addiction or something like that it's not yeah everything's temporary for 90 days like right now you're doing a rehab in a way yeah absolutely from the food now you're next your next 90 days are the most important oh yeah next 90 days of the steps in your life it's the driving past McDonald's mm-hmm it's the making deals with yourself it's preparing you know I started at 418 pounds yeah yeah and I went to Nakafoli and I boxed and I would wear underwear and two pair of shorts
Starting point is 00:14:43 because in between my breads I would pee my pants that's fucking crazy you like fucking crazy fucking crazy I couldn't walk upstairs with groceries because it was either breathing or carrying the fucking groceries and by the time I got upstairs I have to hold the wall this will come out according to my breath so it will come out and then not pee and then it will come out not pee I was 418 pounds I was at the time my diet I hadn't done blow in like three years or something is that when you get most your weight two years and I hadn't smoked cigarettes in like five years okay and no no no I had the weight kept coming out
Starting point is 00:15:21 from the sleep apnea and the fucking terrible diet the weight kept coming out I didn't know if you replaced blow with food or no no no no I food was always it was always number one to blow you know so and with me it's not the food addiction as much as I like really good food I love healthy food and when I say healthy food is you know Taco Bell is good when you're high but the nutritional value will kill you if you talk about eight times a week it not only gets you fat it does other things to you oh yeah it does other things to you like McDonald's and all these fast food things so like I said I was very fortunate my mom didn't
Starting point is 00:15:56 like me didn't let me fucking fast food as a kid so then it really knocked it out and even when I was hustling and pouring whatever I'd always try to get the best shit you know but when I when I first started working out with NACA I thought I would go in there I would go and I'd be probably going there for six minutes and then not going to say just go hit the bag and but I go you know what this can't be but if I get jumped by three fucking Puerto Ricans I got to be able to hold my own so I keep going back there and yeah I was a pop holy shit 40 hours of pop because at that time I was just doing personal training with
Starting point is 00:16:30 them mm-hmm one hour boxing training 40 hours of pop I did that all through November and December and I went from 418 to 390 over the holidays which is big and how I really did it was just the secondary foods the secondary calories yeah the mayonnaise's the sodas I first started drinking water I mean guys I was like you for fucking years I drank water with meals but after I drank six coats no yeah so I would drink six coats with Chinese food and then drink a thing of water with lemon and go wow I'm healthy yeah and then I read like that November I was ready to fucking do no I wasn't gonna tap out to the surgery yet
Starting point is 00:17:16 I was gonna do the diet you were doing online with the food nutritionist and yeah nutritionist and I remember this chick Marilyn that I had two friends that really did well with weight watches and I talked to her and she broke it down well I talked with them when I talked to her years earlier me and my friend Rick Ramos when I learned that when you you could work out like a lunatic but if you're not eating right the diet won't happen you know and it's not it's really weird you everybody calls it a diet if you call it a diet you're gonna fail because you look at it as something as to fucking
Starting point is 00:17:47 diet nobody likes that word diet that means I don't eat no cookies instead of but it's not really like that mm-hmm we all know that you're gonna eat a fucking cookie yeah and I want you to eat a cookie that's why fucking the bisco made them but have one instead of a box and have one instead of a box or have three instead of a box knowing that that day you did an extra 20 minutes on a bicycle you know it's really important that you weigh your time when I say that is I love my wife gets those hundred calories snacks yeah you know and I'll eat them and I won't count them on weight watches because again it's a hundred
Starting point is 00:18:22 calories mm-hmm it's two points or something like that but you know I eat six in a day which is fucking ten points that makes a huge difference mm-hmm but I won't even you know what it takes to burn off fucking six points hours 30 minutes on a fucking you political and going hard yeah and going you know on the on the weight fat burning program mm-hmm you know do 30 fucking minutes because remember on the bicycle I could do we call that shit I could do 230 calories in 30 minutes mm-hmm I could do 330 minutes on the fucking the political it's amazing that the contrast and calories yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:19:03 double it really is fucking double but after you go to go you go that was fucking three of those things and you start going worth towards that's how you start yeah it takes a long time people always say you got it with anything even with addiction to fucking sucking cock or addiction to go I was addicted to coke and I know that I was ready to stop I was like everybody else that you can't put their pants on you're sick of walking upstairs you're sick of having to get a shirt that's an extra lie you know when you're fat that's a lot of work being fat yeah it's just not fucking eating you got to go out there and
Starting point is 00:19:37 have some clothes that fit you got to go marshals don't have larger than 2x no so you got to wear a shirt that's tight on you sometimes so you got to wear a jacket over it and shit that to hide the fucking rolls I mean we all fucking don't take one day you go ain't doing this no more yeah it's so weird I was I watched your tape I watched all your your tapes okay sure yeah we were a family and if you look at the first six of them they're fucking horrendously I wanted to shoot you head the first week is tough so what I want you to do is I want you to put those on your computer and next time you want a burger and I
Starting point is 00:20:08 want you to download it to your phone I want you to see yourself you look great now you don't have bags under your eyes that shit was killing you yeah so it was funny the other day I didn't say nothing Lee I just said to you I don't need I could look at a place and tell you what they're doing I could look at a restaurant tell you what when you go to McDonald's and you look at the salad at McDonald's it's got that glaze to it it has the not so how it's like it looks like somebody whoever grew that lettuce with smoking cigarettes and blowing fucking smoke on instead of putting water on it that's what McDonald's food
Starting point is 00:20:39 looks like when you look at it in the hole all these other places do the same thing they just glaze it up a little bit it's when you go into that $40 range of restaurant that they don't add the extra shit to the fries to dope you up you said yourself McDonald's Burger King those people have to have something in their food oh yeah to be addicted to this like them cigarettes you know every time I'm on Lancashire and then what is it the one street with McDonald's is 170 there okay I see that McDonald's it's never not busy never that drive through is fucking packed and you sit there and I try to equate I try to
Starting point is 00:21:14 justify well it's across from a gas station right that's a woman McDonald's and I look at all the people going there for cigarettes and I was one of those people yeah so I understand what it feels like that they tell you every fucking day that shit's gonna fucking ruin your asshole but you're still sitting online so you know the other night was watching your and you were saying that you didn't want to know and you didn't want to do this and in a way you sounded like that girl you know when it was when you were telling the story that's all I was thinking you sounded like that girl you were trying to tell us what you were
Starting point is 00:21:44 gonna do yep and hey man that's the beauty about being 24 we have all the fucking answer because I thought I had all the answers to 24 but I didn't but as your brother I'm telling you that the lifestyle is how you have to look at this now mm-hmm and then lifestyle tell the people what happened last week when you went to a movie why are you over here okay the shitty movie no tell me the truth why are you okay I want to see the just a regular bad movie and he called me he said no more bad movie you gotta go take a walk or something and that that I still write I even though I know it's good for you I don't think
Starting point is 00:22:24 anyone can live a hundred percent doing the right thing hold on let me tell you the right thing was where'd you go from there to work and what do you do at work sit yeah you understand I'm trying to say to you this is what a lifestyle changes you have to plan your day buddy yeah plan your day I'm telling you you're gonna be working from six to four now mm-hmm let's pretend after you smoke a joint jerk off on it's 530 mm-hmm from 530 to 1 that's good enough for a 24 year old young man yeah one let's say you get up you have a Kahlua shake what other fuck you make what do you call it kill juice then you're on the computer dick
Starting point is 00:23:01 around till 2215 you wash your pussy put on some sweats you get your iPod you listen to your little flying fucking juice you don't want to go to the gym yeah and I don't blame you you live in California nobody wants to be locked inside but you go for a little walk around the neighborhood mm-hmm when I you come back you jerk off you take a shit you healthy lunch and then you go to work tell me the truth from the time you get home from work you don't leave here again do you have to go back to work no no we live in California we don't live in Buffalo or Seattle or it's cloudy out yeah you understand I say to
Starting point is 00:23:36 you so it's a lifestyle brother I don't I love you I respect you I love what you're doing people are getting fucking inspired but we all want you to stick in there I'm a fat fuck I went from 418 to 270 I'm walking around about 310 now mm-hmm I gained 40 50 pounds am I embarrassed fuck yeah but I'm like you I'm only 100% fucking healthy either yeah my hundred I docked a hundred and 15 pounds now we'll go to the next level and I'll take it down to 270 again then we'll hang out to 290 then we'll take it down to 230 then we go up to 250 then we take it down to 218 yeah but you're always in a struggle you're always in a
Starting point is 00:24:13 struggle and you had planned out your week I plan out everything if you're addicted to fucking peanut butter you know when I'm you're addicted to coke when I stopped doing blow I couldn't go back to that barn hang out and eat yeah I couldn't go to El Compadre and fucking eat a taco or go to the bar and get a margarita because I knew what the next step was mm-hmm I know that three margarita after three margaritas I'll let you fuck me in the ass you follow me so anybody you know so I nipped from the beginning yeah you know I told you that a couple guys hit me up saying Joe you know you put down California Pizza Kitchen one
Starting point is 00:24:47 really fucking get a Nate in LA sent a great music guy he sent the article he sent you the article yeah and California Pizza Kitchen didn't want to even release the caloric nutritional values they released them after they got beat up and this was to men's health one of most caloric salad menus in America can you fucking believe that and it's a it's crazy because as a fat guy the thing you when you think salad and like it's not it's not as bad as a McDonald's but it is it's they put barbecue sauce and some other dressing on it so it makes sense and when you were telling the story about your friend that I was thinking
Starting point is 00:25:27 it it was like what I was doing and I I'm I've already decided I'm not going to fast food anymore but it's a listen I want to take you something like I said some people bits that you said Joey's crazy he wants to take it to a Philadelphia cheese steak with steak fries yeah I know these people I know that they have fucking steak is a hundred fucking percent steak yeah people don't even go you know what's the fucking cheese takes are there 20 bucks okay 20 fucking dollars not because it's on a great street or nothing because the guy gives you excuse me the best fucking meat possible when you leave the even have
Starting point is 00:26:03 that soft diarrhea you have fucking nothing you have nothing you go home you don't even fart and that's what I thrive for I want the best for the fucking least you know if you go there's this Chinese restaurants that have great lunch specials and if you do the math in your head they make money at that lunch special it's the ones that you drive by they want down 99 for one special oh yeah that meat you're gonna get fucking sick you know Panda Express I don't go to Panda Express no I love that I love that place I fucking love that place I love that place the pepper fucking beef with the white rice and I
Starting point is 00:26:38 tell you what'll kill you that low mean that fake low mean that's what I get that's garbage that's double orange chicken oh yeah yeah and I'll get the egg roll with the fucking soup you know me I'm a fucking Chinese fanatical I avoid it when I went to Sacramento last week yeah right across the street next to a habit oh my choices were red lobsters sushi whatever and the other one you know how I did it those three days up there again I planned it out before I went even when you travel when you travel I always fucking when I get the itinerary I get the hotel I go on I look at their menu and I look at their
Starting point is 00:27:10 exercise facilities okay if they have a fucking pool I bring my goggles and my fucking steam when I go on the road with Joe Joe's day is a great hotel it's four seasons shit God bless him I go right to me I call Ari and go what are we doing we're gonna hang out like like Jews over the first thing I do in a nice hotel is if you're gonna fucking be a Jew you gotta act like I go right to the steam bat right to the steam bat and tell myself my own fucking problem and complain I sweet ask Ari we'll call fucking Ari right now ask Ari you know Ari's father has a fucking son in his house no he does that's a Jew that's a
Starting point is 00:27:47 Jew he took money and he goes what gives me the biggest fucking pride in the world to sit in a fucking steam bath and sweat and think about my fucking million that I got buried somewhere under a fucking rock Jews love that shit Russians love that what are Jews called Schvitz's yeah spritzes right and the fucking Russians the Russians at YMCA you go there at five in the morning they got the white caps on they're drinking fucking vodka but it keeps your fucking young those Jews love it that's what we gotta find the gym with his fits and go down and just sit look at each other with look at our titties what's going on
Starting point is 00:28:20 oh yeah put a little music on for what the fuck what's all this doldrum this morning we're talking about Jews and spritzes what the fuck Lee Lee Lee Lin huh oh shit you better check yourself before you wreck yourself let's do this shit Lee oh shit beautiful day to be alive joint number two coming at you like a fucking big black Oh shit Lee oh shit I feel it now we go from good jolly you better check yourself or you wreck yourself oh shit it's a beautiful day get out there watch that pussy watch that ass watch that cock get out there work on your resume do some jumping jack something fucking
Starting point is 00:29:18 eat somebody's pussy do something not for a while you ready that's what I'm losing the weight you ready with your tear that month you know it yeah let me ask you something because I haven't done the Weight Watchers I was talking to a guy at work last night who lost 50 pounds and he said the thing that really helped him is he eats every two and a half hours absolutely and do they talk about that absolute okay absolutely because he is like a small salad he'll have a protein bar someone like that you know an English muffin with an egg mm-hmm scrambled piece of ham bam that's
Starting point is 00:30:00 breakfast maybe an apple glass of fucking water cuz you can't do juice yeah you know then two hours later blasted fucking again another apple maybe you know at first I cheated with fruit like a motherfucker I'll eat a whole pineapple that's cheating I don't give a no it's not cheap see at first they wanted to charge you points for that I never wrote my I never wrote my points I lost like 80 fucking pounds on Weight Watchers yeah never wrote fruit for points either like a motherfucker and it just shit it out that's it yeah and you and but at first I was chasing my points at first I would eat and then have to go to the
Starting point is 00:30:36 gym at 10 o'clock at night are you gonna McDonald's and stuff no no I wouldn't cheat like that I would I would eat an extra slice of pizza you know meatballs fucking eight points oh fucking meatball yeah I need two of them when I go to fucking sparrows or when I go to fucking Pinocchio's I need two fucking meatballs I don't go to sparrows yeah I don't mind sparrows I don't mind pizza from sparrows I don't mind a lot of things yeah well I left Sacramento's a pizza joint a pizza a slice of pizza's eight fucking points a pizza a slice of pizza with a salad that's delicious the other thing you realize is that you
Starting point is 00:31:10 don't need as much if you just stop I'm a gorilla dog you see me I have fucking missing fingers you know I fucking have missing a missing finger like a Yakuza but if you eat and sit for five minutes and ask yourself do you want that other piece you won't fuck it's a prison diet it's not going to prison you know prison what's the food up is over the food's over yeah yeah once you get to where you're going you go to potato chips online whatever the fuck from the commissary they drop it off on 30 it's great it's like summer school you got a big bag on Thursday night you stay up all fucking late peanuts
Starting point is 00:31:47 and chips yeah and then on the fucking you know you have to wait a week to eat again you know to get the shit again it's amazing I would always order candy and shit in prison but I would lose weight you know I would stay in my way because the rest of the day you're eating portion you know what the fuck are talking about that's all I think about now what I want you to do is to think about you go until next Tuesday yeah what I want you to do is think about what you want to do and next Tuesday we'll go get that fucking lunch you tell me wait so you eat your own breakfast here your own little faggy fucking breakfast
Starting point is 00:32:20 some granola you know some special K something mix it up you see how many different cereals I have I fucking hate it yeah I hate living like this but I have to leave I have to because I'll blow up and it's a secondary shit that'll blow me up it's that so sodas that's what'll blow you up the fucking pound cakes the fucking butter mm-hmm and I love bro I can eat a stick of butter peer I can get popcorn okay this is how disgusting I am I get popcorn that's hot put it in my mouth and have a tub of butter and get a teaspoon and put the butter in my mouth not the butter melt in my mouth I'm top of the fucking
Starting point is 00:32:56 popcorn no you I'm more disgusting I am a fucking fat fuck to the max I did I could eat a can of peanut butter and three four fools oh my god just dig it in my mouth and eat peanut butter I love peanut butter love it Lee yeah love it but I won't go get fast food yeah did you follow what I'm saying where my fucking freak is that's what my freak is I love banana milkshakes oh some all natural ice cream briars with the chocolate dots in it yeah nice banana with some fucking milk some whole milk mm-hmm come on that's the shit I like that's my fucking freak right there yeah but I would never fucking you know
Starting point is 00:33:34 that's why we're here to help you cocksucker we're here to help you wait listen today I want to do some special I'm gonna get a call here what time is a couple minutes we got 20 minutes but people been bugging me lately about this from the beginning I think we paid a little pink Floyd and people want to know what I don't understand that I hate repeating the songs in this shit but sometimes people just go crazy on me they keep asking me they want to know about solos and Pink Floyd or whatever but Pink Floyd's got a bunch of fucking alms and and the four alms they have after the one thing with Gilmore no band
Starting point is 00:34:07 could ever do that again including Zeppelin I don't think nobody has four alms like that wish you were here dark side of the moon animals and the wall and I think metals included in that so five alms back to back people can't do that nobody can do it today people look at chemical romance broke up I mean fucking dickheads you know nobody could do that you could do five albums but to release five masterpieces from echoes to fucking you know dogs to fucking wish you were here to comfortably numb nobody can do that nobody can do that a five fucking different alms to money it's just too much one of my fucking
Starting point is 00:34:44 anthems one of the things I listened to that when I was in my deepest ever deepest down this would keep me alive is dogs the first sense the first two three senses because it's what you need to do and then the guitar solo and dogs he has a bunch of them on animals at the end the fucking sheep but just amazing Dave Gilmore has some of the best guitar solos I've heard that's why I'm his biggest fucking fan this isn't the solo this is the first verse listen to the words you got to be crazy I have a real need you got to sleep on your toes when you're on the street you got to be able to pick out the easy meat
Starting point is 00:35:19 with your eyes closed and don't get no better than that you should listen to that that's what I'm telling myself in the fucking showers I'm getting up as I'm washing my balls in the morning that's the fucking thing I'm telling myself hit it Lee we have to smoke another fucking this dude you're a real need gotta sleep on your toes when you're on the streets you got to be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed are you fucking kidding me you got to strike are you fucking kidding me he's droppin on you just take
Starting point is 00:36:04 notes let's break out the reef is too much make the call call fucking wipe out of mom you got to be trusted are you fine Lee call the fuck you can get some wheelie I got another one I got this back from death what do you think right here baby you get the chance to stitch the knife in oh shit let's blow this bazooka of life good morning wake up Lisa I had say hello on this side are you kidding me we're here get up drink some juice do the Dolce diet do something cocksuckers there's Chinese kids doing math I got to steal your
Starting point is 00:37:06 fucking lunch in two fucking weeks speed that up to the guitar solo for uncle Joey we have my heart 30 seconds by the minute listen to the guitar so the fucking pain he lays on you this is a little more little more late all this shit right here this is this is David Gilmore and his best ladies and gentlemen don't get no better than this you can listen to whatever the fuck you want the heart the pain he lays into that guitar the church was happening now giving it to you fucking straighter than cancer this is how we roll your league one of the hitters later you're gonna sit there like a fucking walking I'm all set
Starting point is 00:37:55 cuz I'm sure we'll have to do it tonight at the ice house I'm gonna smoke 55 with these at the ice house we might even have them tonight with I can't luckily a little piece of chocolate fries will cheapo chew I'll be puking I'll have to sleep at the ice house will be worth it worse than Yoshi here we go this does guitar solo this is my whole fucking thing now picture this being 12 or 13 and smoking when you smoke you got different high when you're 12 or 13 mm-hmm I'm a being in my room when you had two speakers and you had that mono sound where it came out kick it we kick this up loud listen to
Starting point is 00:38:30 this fucking dog right here's what's all about baby are you kidding me and then I got to be 16 I do fucking acid and blast this with earphones on in a dark room are you fine I just cry and laugh it would be like a fucking it'd be like Denzel and man on fire we would get drunk yeah and he go through all those emotions with the gun and do the fucking same thing like Jim Valvano said you gotta cry laugh and think every fucking day this is what it's all about pink flora and it hit it Lee with this guitar solo make these motherfuckers feeling this and they're fucking what's the ball in the back your spinal cord
Starting point is 00:39:09 oh shit oh shit all right it's time I'm taking you motherfuckers deep at 635 in the AM listen to this shit this is too much no wonder you brought three joints today I had a kill I had a kill of fire my wife is leaving tomorrow hit it Lee just bring it he's just beating out on the fucking octagon he ain't gonna stop listen he just takes it oh this is my youth dog this is what this is why I don't go to California kitchen because you can't put one over on me you listen to this shit every day you got to wake up early to put one over on fucking flame
Starting point is 00:40:25 hit it right here we were here and you lose control you'll read the harvest you have some there you go cut it right there Lee that's it you want to eat cheeseburgers you're gonna be a fed fuck this is it guys what else you're fucking want it's the morning you gotta fire yourself up to go out there with those fucking morons out there cutting you off they want to steal your parking your boss your paperwork go fuck yourself I listen to Floyd this morning and scratch my nuts like a fucking king it's gonna be a great day speaking of that I thought of you this morning because I stopped to get gas and let
Starting point is 00:41:16 this be quick as we should be getting a call soon I stopped to get gas at like 3 30 in the morning and the gas station attendant was smoking right by a fucking he lit up right by one of the tanks what and I almost my head almost blew up I didn't say anything and like I got I got the fucking scared and we talked about before how like you'll say thanks to people and like I like it's something I don't do like would you have said something to him then because it was this fucking guy it's what he was just smoking you could smell gas did he work there he was the gas station that fuck it what are you gonna do he was confident
Starting point is 00:41:51 he did it before fuck hey man some people do shit that you will sit you know I was watching one of those alligator guys yep that don't alligator's and grab their mouth and jump on your fucking back let me tell you something I love doing crazy shit that's one thing I don't want to fucking do you follow me I mean I just can't jump on some fucking alligator I'd watch that show you do no what if you were doing it oh yeah yeah if I was doing it I know you'd watch it you'd be cheering for the alligator come suck it you know alligator 3DS nothing I'd be walking on a little stuff
Starting point is 00:42:26 on my arm telling people to suck my dick I don't give a fuck you know I was in high school I used to have a high school shop teacher Mr. Panicucci looked his arm in Vietnam to the elbow that motherfucker would punch you with that elbow you think I'm fucking kidding you he hit you like in the kidney like a little fucking liver punch no one yes he would yes he would have you fuck around this class mr. Panicucci and he had you know like he had no arms so he put this in the sleeve in the okay in the pocket but the elbow would still be you give you a fucking elbow that you feel that motherfucker with that stub was powerful
Starting point is 00:43:01 oh my god because I think all the power from the one arm goes into the other something we I don't fucking I'm those I don't eat broccoli fucking no leave it's a beautiful day I don't know so you didn't watch the thing you know I watched that Valvano thing Ari came over yesterday we got stoned yeah he had an audition he was stoned to the gills he came over he watched he said so the babe my wife left and we're like you want to watch that thing so I showed him the five slander jam and all that but we watched that part and it's so important because I'm trying to incorporate into my life you know when Valvano took over
Starting point is 00:43:35 North Carolina once a week you would have like a cut the net practice where there was no balls no running they would just practice cut down the nets that's the most brilliant thing I have ever heard in my life mm-hmm that's like you know and the kids were saying at first it was redundant but after a while we started to enjoy it do you do stuff like that like practice doing like Madison Square Garden or something like that me yeah no no no I wouldn't I'd scare myself and have a heart attack with anxiety attack I don't know how to incorporate into my life but what a great concept once a week to prepare these
Starting point is 00:44:16 kids you know if you haven't seen it everybody's got ESPN so don't bullshit me that I don't have Netflix I don't have HBO everybody I'm fucking stoned don't yeah everybody and I didn't put my nose in the fucking allergies gonna be a shitty day today in California gets the shitty all over the fucking country oh yeah it's snow and blizzards can you imagine fucking being somewhere shoveling eight feet of fuck that's it fuck you cock suckers but it's a I kind of do it and it's kind of embarrassing and I normally don't believe in stuff like this but you know how like 1111 you're supposed you're supposed to make a
Starting point is 00:44:49 wish like if you're an idiot like me every night I whenever I see it and I see it a lot I was I wasn't happy for a while like it before I met you and when I was at a job I didn't like and every time I see it I say I want I want to be happy or wish to be happy and I'm doing and I it's not because of that but I've said it for probably two or three years I said every time I see it and it's a like the cutting the net is kind of like the positive thing where you if you say if you say you can do it you can if you can't you say you can't you can't so stuff like that helps me and it's man I'm this I write a lot I write about my
Starting point is 00:45:27 goals and the things I want and it's funny sometimes I write shit for quarters like quarter double one I want to do a movie and two shows 55 sets I want to write 30 minutes of new material you know and I'll forget it I'll go back and look and I'll go man I was pretty fucking close wow just subconsciously thinking it to myself you know when when Jim Andy called a couple months ago which he spoke to me the other day I got to get him to call back he taught me those goals it wasn't about writing your goals it was the plan was how you were gonna get to that fucking goal you know it's not anybody can write I want to lose
Starting point is 00:46:02 80 pounds I want to be a better comedian anybody can write that I could I want to write a special what things do you have to do to do an hour special mm-hmm well you know for a guy like me I like to break it up into 320 minute blocks 318 minute blocks of pure fucking excitement you know so that you have to perform four times a week you have to tape all your sets you have to watch them you know these are the things that will make you strong I fucking hate looking at myself like I didn't hear in my voice you know I hate hearing my voice by the way I want to talk about some you've been putting out those mad
Starting point is 00:46:35 flavor worlds and I love it and I watched the one that you made with denero in this set of flappers you know and well a lot of people don't know if you look at that picture of me and denero in that I'm crying I really when I'm taking my picture with him at first I'm fucking crying and I'm telling him that he's a bad motherfucker if you watch that video he's like talking back to me have you seen it yeah he's looking at the camera but he's telling me like thank you it was a pleasure meeting you you know you really made me laugh or something that's what I was that's what I was saying to go that's crazy yeah we'll finish this in
Starting point is 00:47:07 what's up brother yo yo no we'll try again yeah I'm trying again it happens it happens sometimes people call we lose them it's a cell phone today the call is Kenji Gallo Kenji I met him he works out of fortune Jim great guy Kenji worked for both the columbos and the LA fucking family and he's in the witness relocation plan he put out a book called break shot a life here we go let's try this again Kenji yeah can you hear me yeah what's up buddy I don't know how are you do you
Starting point is 00:47:54 teach a class yeah well now what class is this from 615 to 630 45 no it's 615 to 6 to 7 but I cut it short today so I can call you and it's a kickboxing class no shit you do it right there in fortunes yeah and you have students who show up at 615 I have yeah the show but like six god damn we were just talking about that because I go up to a movie tie up in the valley because I live in the valley Kenji not because I don't love you I didn't know you talk kickboxing down there and they're thinking of doing a 7 a.m. class and I was telling my birdo crane a block away doesn't you get to class at 7 a.m. and
Starting point is 00:48:32 if you drive past that motherfucker he's got eight people in there at 7 a.m. breathing on each other bad coffee breath and shit but they don't give a fuck that's the way to do it to get your metabolism going that's the way to really do it catch yeah I know it gets you started it gets you going to get your whole day set you smoke up a bucket you throw some sidekicks for Jesus a little oatmeal you wash your pussy who's better than you who's better than fucking you Kenji yeah that's it so I spoke to you a couple months ago and I read up on you a little bit I never picked up the book because every time I
Starting point is 00:49:03 go with I forget to pick it up and they never say to me hey Kenji left you a fucking book you are texting me and said you left it for me your book is Breakshot a life in the 21st century American Mafia yes that's my book tell us a little bit about yourself mr. Kenji okay well the name of my book Breakshot was my codename with the FBI I was with well I was a criminal I was a cocaine dealer in the 1980s in Orange County California with some of the biggest people including a lady we called Mama Cocoa whose real name is Grissel Dutcher Heel Blanco the black widow I knew her and her sons were
Starting point is 00:49:41 there now dead except for one young son Michael Corleone Sepulveda and after that I went I started hanging out with LA guys which is the Milano crime family on a part of Costa Nostra I was with Jimmy Kachi and Pete and those guys for about 10 or 11 years now Jimmy those guys not to interrupt you this is this was in Palm Springs correct these guys weren't worked out of Palm Springs or LA LA but Jimmy was the captain for Palm Springs in Orange County in Riverside okay and he was like he was kind of my guy you know the guy that I hung out with all the time he's since passed away so but that so I was with
Starting point is 00:50:21 those guys I was in LA then I was in pornography I was in the adult business I handled that for our guys back east the KV Colombo and Gambino guys and then I finally moved to Brooklyn in 1998 and I was with the club I transferred to the Colombo family I was with Teddy Perceco Jr. and then after he got out of prison I I started wearing a wire for the FBI and that's pretty much it I was there till 2005 now you would you took down Percy Perceco Jr. the old man still locked up right yeah the common Perceco senior is in prison and alley boy his son is in prison alfons they but Carmine been in there since the commission case in the
Starting point is 00:51:14 80s and he's never getting out and alley boys never getting out now what's crazy is this I know there's four people out here that I know have been involved with the Colombo yourself Sal who bots Donny Shax and the kid that was in Miami that killed somebody with the Colombo and then he went to Miami and got crazy had those two restaurants liquid yeah it's Chris Chris yellow but he's no longer in California he actually he moved back to Miami and he would even though he was he transferred he was originally with the bath Abner crew and hung out those guys in some Gambino's and then he transferred to Wild Bill
Starting point is 00:51:53 Kutlo's crew he got Wild Bill to transfer him transfer him and then he but he was involved in home invasion right yeah I know I know a lot of like Jimmy Clonder really well and some of the other guys from that Avenue and Chris he's actually he's the one that started putting alley boy away because he got alley boy arrested for having gunned his bowed and some other stuff that alley boy did with him it's amazing now he had a restaurant here when he got out or he went into the witness relocation but he had a restaurant somewhere on Lebray or something like that he had two of them and they both went down one in Berkeley
Starting point is 00:52:29 Hills right off a little Santa Monica it's called it was something else Kristall pizza and then it was called so 90210 no shit yeah now have you tried to sell your story I mean you have the book and the books done well have you had any bites from television people well yeah I sold the I sold Breakshot to Fox to yeah channel 11 Fox here in California I wrote the screenplay with Bobby Morisco who wrote a million dollar baby in crash one Academy Award for him and we sold it we wrote it they didn't they didn't pick up our show now it's currently in development again so that's where we are with that and what's your
Starting point is 00:53:16 life like now I mean today my life is I'm a trainer I'm a writer I'm in our right television and feature films I've sold one to a couple to history channel I sold something to sci-fi and and I I've been writing international stuff for people in Europe to transfer into English and I go and I speak to enforcement groups and to at risk use and that kind of thing so that's pretty much what I do every day do you regret what you did not well not the running part the drugs and the pornography did you have a good time not you know what it was good when I was young yeah it's great when you're young it really is but
Starting point is 00:54:00 by the time you're like 25 you know it's like dude what am I doing you just find yourself in a position that you don't know how to quit and it was it was a cut like if I look back on it now and I've been talking to a lot of my other friends who went into Whitsack and did the whole thing we talk about the life yeah I was a complete waste all I can do is share my knowledge with other people and tell them and it's not what it seems like I thought I did at the highest levels I thought it was great it wasn't and the more I look back on history and the more the guys that I knew in California like Jimmy Mike Rizzi all all the guys that
Starting point is 00:54:33 were like the tough guys or even the guys in in New York you know like Teddy Perceco Jr. and Eddie and some of the guys I hung out with anyone like that it's just destined for a life of like heartache and so is their family the smart guys are the ones that got into it because they had no other choice they're in poverty they think you know get a company and then they're out their sons never have anything to do with it their family nothing it's amazing how fast and I tell people this is a lot of different situations but in that situation how one minute you're doing football tickets for example and the
Starting point is 00:55:09 next minute you're driving on the fucking one-on-one with a body in the truck yeah and it becomes surreal at that point you ask yourself like do I keep moving forward or what the fuck do you do and I guarantee you know they have these words called rats and whatever hey man I met some tough guys that fucking roll and I bet you 90% of it is that they just wanted to end 90% of it is that they just wanted to end that's it I'm fucking done man well this is the funny thing about this is I actually started by the whole this whole life with football cards I was starting that's it that's how it starts yeah and
Starting point is 00:55:49 that's it just easy you fall into this life and it was when the FBI came to me it wasn't because they had anything on over me they offered me one thing and one thing only which is a new start a new life a fresh start that's it they offered me no money nothing else and at that point at 28 years old I was over the whole thing I've been doing it you know in decades at that point I figured that this is it for me and I realized it it's like being on a tiger you it takes you deeper deeper in the jungle and you can't get off because it'll eat you and then you you don't you know if you stay on you keep getting deeper in the
Starting point is 00:56:24 jungle and that's kind of how I equate it because I just you just you don't know what to do like you're and it also consumes your whole life it becomes everything because all the people around you everyone is just like that so like you said it becomes normal the next thing you know you have a body trunk and no one cares they're like oh they congratulate you for being bad it's amazing I robbed the jewelry store I got into it you know I came from North Birken which is all mobs to consume on the Jersey side it's very Lucchese and it's very fucking decalucante and it's very Gambino-ish and it's for crazy I
Starting point is 00:56:58 robbed the jewelry store a simple jewelry store I probably had about 150 in jewelry in those days it was 1982 gold was 800 an ounce like it is now you got you got good for a piece right I think I worked for two days selling pieces one by one and I made about 10 20 grand I got a call one day from this kid that's a connected kid this Frank Avella guy real fucking douchebag he tells me that I did good that I'm a good boy but I should bring him what I have so I go down and I show him I have thousands of dollars and this guy says to me I'll give you 10,000 for the whole bunch and I said I got to turn you down and he goes
Starting point is 00:57:36 you don't understand we're family if you do this I'm with you there with us at the hole and I go no and a week later the cops were looking for me they put the cops on me myself you know the themselves that was one of the guys they were paying and I laughed and came back and I started seeing it for what it was like on TV they show these guys that are making millions of dollars you know those are three or four fucking guys everybody else is fucking starving doing stupid shit yeah I mean you're correct in this it's like first of all there's so many guys that are informing that I used to go to meetings and then I
Starting point is 00:58:10 would forget like I would tape record for the FBI and then I would forget about and they're like whoa wait a second wasn't fucking Andrew there with you and I'm like oh yeah yeah yeah I remember I'm gonna jump it and yeah he was there I mean because you just don't remember but I mean obviously someone else in the group of eight people is also informing is also second of all there is like a zero honor yeah give me give me your jewelry for $10,000 that you just broke your ass for and if you don't sell to me you're gonna get it and that's the kind of crap that they do it's like one of my friends who who was a Colombo he was
Starting point is 00:58:41 with Wild Bill he was through they went through the war he was fought in the Colombo war he did all the stuff they paid these guys $150 a week and their families had to go on welfare when they're fighting because they couldn't work and they didn't care so then when when the war is over they make peace they decide to shoot this guy after he went to prison they shot him in the head they didn't kill him in Coney Island he got away they shot him in the foot and he's in the hospital bed and he's still not gonna rat he said I'm not saying any thing and then two guys from the Colombo family broke into his house and
Starting point is 00:59:14 stole his two Harleys and tried to rob the safe so then at that point he's like all right screw it you know it's it's weird how they depicted it's weird that I just read about a year ago how the fucking Gambino's were hooking 14 year old girls and the Luke Hayes got arrested for doing a phone scam in prison with some fucking black street gang you know what do you make from selling a cell phone yeah what do you make from selling a stolen cell phone $50 fucking dollars so these guys now are hitting the bottom of the fucking barrel you know they can't scan the union labor no more which again none of
Starting point is 00:59:51 you guys saw that money none of you guys saw that money only the top guys saw it I mean even when I was there guys were like if you look at if you look at the movie Johnny Brasco you see them breaking open parking meters that's a pretty good depiction of how that you're mostly in soldiers end up because there's it there's very few guys like I ran a book I ran a book for Teddy and those guys I had control of a lot of money because I was doing online gambling I was doing the pornography I'm different but I saw I saw many guys that couldn't even eat I mean one of the guys I gave him a thousand bucks and I bought his
Starting point is 01:00:32 family a turkey dinner he's a May guy and because he didn't have any money he got a prison and the rest of the colonels are like what the fuck are you doing man that guy's a loser why are you giving him money and I go he was just he's just down for nine years I mean what do you expect and they're like well he's got to get shit together that was out for like three months he's on parole what's he gonna do yeah it's it's it's it's so weird I picked it and when you see it you're like at first I was impressed like everybody else at 16 and 17 you know anybody else you see these guys they don't fucking work they talk
Starting point is 01:01:07 about this they give you 20 bucks to go to the store and you keep the change and then you look into the dynamics of it I remember that I had a friend that was a main guy and he had these guys he came up to me when then he goes I got something for you and he goes I want you to help these people out in the city selling nickel bags so I go what is it paying he goes no no no you're on commission for every 25 nickel bags you sell you get 25 hours he goes these guys are out here 10 hours a day do you know how many fucking nickel bags you have that's a lot of nickel bags to sell for you just to get 25 hours so I think you made a
Starting point is 01:01:43 hundred I think you made a hundred and a quarter and you kept 25 hours they kept the rest right and I'm like why would you and in my head I'm like you know what I can't do it I'm on probation plus I got this and this and in my head I'm like 25 fucking dollars I get doing me a fucking favor so if I'm out here three hours I make 75 bucks and I risk going to jail which you don't give a fuck about either and they're not gonna be there with the bail that's only in the TV where they show up with the bail and the lawyer that's 8,000 an hour they don't fuck they they run from you when you get arrested yeah I mean all the
Starting point is 01:02:17 time like from my from age 13 until I was 35 years old I was never off probation parole or on bail or locked up that's the truth never not one three months is the longest period of time I went in 1996 before I got re-arrested again and not one time did anyone ever help me with my lawyers or bail I paid everything at one point just for my Las Vegas case when I got taken out of operation thin crust and I'll operation button down with the LA guys I spent $14,000 loan on just Xerox copies of the court Jesus Christ yeah well hey Kendra this is Lee and I'm a producer of the show I got two two
Starting point is 01:03:02 questions for you you said a couple times transferring families it doesn't sound like you're transferring schools is it does that happen a lot where you just change families no I mean my guys did it like Chris Pastel I like a lot a lot of guys do it back in the old days Jimmy Fadiano the transferred from LA to Chicago I decided that if I was gonna do this I might as well do it right and like why be on a farm team when I could be in the Yankees so what I did is I I had known some Columbus that I had worked with before and I lived in Miami and I used to know him so I asked them if I kid I was gonna move to Brooklyn I went
Starting point is 01:03:39 to Brooklyn I met with some Percikos they decided to put me with Teddy the car they spoke to Carmine he was in law park at the time there was another guy from the LA family there and I transferred from the LA family to the Columbus so that's how that went down you know what was a big transfer Sammy the Bull yeah yeah and then you said you went on witness relocation in 2005 and you wrote a book about it is like are you not scared like when you think of witness relocation you think of Iowa working at a county store for the rest of your life like it like how are you comfortable coming out running a book
Starting point is 01:04:23 about it well here's the thing I I first of all I went to witness relocation in 2005 I was in there for 18 months then I moved to Spain I left the program I'm no longer I'm no longer under protection but what it is is that I did the same thing that everyone else does I was one of those guys but I'm not like one of those guys that's like hey man I got a problem with you I'm gonna come I'm gonna I'm gonna call so-and-so or I'm gonna get this person to do that I didn't need that I did this for 20 years I was the guy that's like alright dude you got a problem with me what to deal with it I'm a professional fighter I'm
Starting point is 01:04:58 an expert in grappling and jiu-jitsu I was in the I was in ROTC and reserves I know how to fire a machine gun a fire gun unlike these other guys and I'm not scared of them I know how they set up people and I'm not getting in a car with my friends in Brooklyn going to a warehouse Jesus so it's just you just didn't want to live like that so you're just you're gonna wait for them to come and they're probably not gonna do anything that's well I was it I've been locked I said I was locked up I was on parole the whole time I could have got killed at any point in time but any number of people including law enforcement
Starting point is 01:05:33 I if I chose to live under protection like I know guys that sit around and drink and take the government money and are hiding in Arizona in fear I could be like that if I must will be in prison I mean what's the point I mean you know what I mean so when I see what I see that I'd rather just be in prison so I'd rather be free and whatever happens happens I mean I could get killed walking across the street by a car and more chance than to have actually have them sending out eight guys from you know the Columbus to kill me here in Los Angeles not gonna happen it's funny because in the movies again they show these guys that got on a
Starting point is 01:06:09 plane and come looking for you and I both know that these guys are from Brooklyn Jersey whatever we're special because we got on a plane I I talked to eight guys on a daily basis that I grew up with that five of them have been to places in their life Miami in Atlantic City yeah I mean that's it 100% correct that's it like small town guys they're small town guys they would get lost out here they would get lost at a fucking airport and I'm not saying they're stupid or whatever but it's amazing I came out here 83 to Colorado and I went out hiding I old bookmakers and this and that and for years and I'm like these
Starting point is 01:06:46 guys have never been out of their fucking county it's amazing that these guys and you know what you're seeing with all the money and shit they live in apartment buildings with their mothers or something like that because they can't show the income or they live in a basement or in a basement and they live you know it's a it's a weird life I'm you know I get high can't you I love smoking dope and I remember what it was to smoke dope and go home and think the fucking walls are gonna come down that's how I lived I enjoyed it I enjoyed getting paranoid thinking about what I did today and how somebody's gonna come
Starting point is 01:07:21 beat me the fuck up or something and now I go home and I go to bed that's a beautiful fucking life you know it's amazing that and Ken you know I didn't get into the trouble you did I pulled the kidnapping on a drug guy in Boulder and I got arrested for kidnapping aggravated robbery the whole fucking thing I had a weapon but they couldn't put my prints on it they you know the guy said I wasn't one of the main guys so I plead bargain for six years and that's what woke me to fuck up but God knows I could have been in your shoes Ken I grew up with a bunch of those fucking guys I did shit with them
Starting point is 01:07:52 growing up right I did shit with them you know Mike I come from a town where they're very fucking political and after my mother my mother died and she knew all these guys so they granted me a little mercy you know when I robbed the jewelry store when I do this and this they'd say you know when his mother just died one day in 83 this guy came in that was a serious guy and he looked me in the face and I knew I knew his brother was the mayor of my town he doubled as the fucking man and he looked at me and he goes you know you were getting away with murder it's time for you to start helping us with the election and
Starting point is 01:08:25 ripping the signs down that means I'm gonna start burning houses down I was on a plane a month later Kenji because I knew where that first step would take me that first step I would have made a move that next time I would have realized where I've been it would have been ten years later you and I both know that yeah ten year run the whole the whole thing is that it's you're sold like this big it's like a it's like a big it's just a big con man I was I believe it I believe it hook line a sinker they would ask me like hey go go take go handle this go talk to this guy go go tune this guy up and I was
Starting point is 01:09:01 like yeah no problem and I just go do it never question but then when it comes time for any money to be cut up or anything I never got it back you know nothing not a dime man I every bit of money I made I shared it's like that other people make you don't get a fucking time it's like that scene in casino with the old guy remember when he started keeping record records and he started telling them I'm going to Vegas I'm picking this up I'm sitting in there like you're going to Vegas under our fucking wing and they're like yeah but you guys aren't giving me a fucking time I'm going to Vegas to pick up $200,000
Starting point is 01:09:33 when I get back you guys take it walk in the other room and say thank you not even a $10,000 envelope and don't do that they'll fucking do that I knew guys that were selling coke in big bulk for these guys quailudes and they were making nothing nothing in the fucking 80s nothing on these quailudes for the Lucchese you know years later I read an article about gas pipe how he ran these quailudes and when I was a kid there was a kid in my neighborhood that was a Lucchese he really is he really is him and his fucking brother and the sister used to sell quailudes and they were the best they were fucking mind erases you
Starting point is 01:10:09 forget everything I broke into a chicks house and ate a pussy one night and just left that's how fucked up I was can those Lucchese quailudes were the fucking best but you know putting two and two together I mean I'm very happy that we were right brother yeah I'm this my life is great I'm very happy for I think it and I feel bad man for the guys that are still involved like if some I contact some people contact me every once in a while and they ask me and I'm like dude you gotta take care of yourself and your family man that's it otherwise you're destined for a life of prison and and heartache or death you know it's nothing
Starting point is 01:10:45 good nothing good ever comes out of it there's no there's no happy endings in this not even the guys at the top my wife is leaving town tomorrow for a week she just had a baby so I'm gonna come down and see you next week and pick up the book and read it detail then we'll do this again all right fucking happy you did this what's the name of the book and get away can they find the cake okay my book is called break shot life in the 21st century American box and it's on Amazon and at bookstores and also I have a blog it's break shop blog.com or break shot I read some of your blogs I read a couple your blogs and also do you
Starting point is 01:11:20 have a webpage for training or anything well these guys could contact you if they want to train down at fortunes or wherever else you train people all they could do is they contact me either on Facebook Twitter or my blog and I answer it all right away as you know it's okay this is Kendrick Gallo I appreciate you coming out this morning brother I love you at all my heart say hello the fucking savages down there thank you for having me on thank you brother holy shit there you have it cocks smokers that Griselda thing at the beginning if you haven't seen cooking cowboys that fucking that was crazy
Starting point is 01:11:57 that's and then it was funny how he said when I asked him about the witness protection how he said it would have been like being in jail and you talked about that earlier how you said the worst time you did was after the divorce so it's the worst time you could ever do is the time in your head that's the worst time you can do in your life when you're down things that turned around feel like after a divorce or a death or something you're very rollable you're confused you know and something like this come you lose your job and I've seen it I've seen it you know when something bad happens it's a little thing you know what we're
Starting point is 01:12:30 here to do with the church is one thing look at guys life is hard enough I'm here to avoid the shit you can do to yourself that I did to myself you know life was hard enough when I was 32 I'm the one that would go to came on look on the floor and get receipts and walk in and walk out with a low mo because I was a fucking low life too and then it goes sell the fucking low mo you know but I couldn't just had a job I couldn't just have a job but I refused plus the habit plus the rent plus the child support you know so all you know life is fucking hard enough you just try to avoid all the other fucking drama you
Starting point is 01:13:06 know yeah I'm gonna go for a physical this week I'm gonna get my finger in my ass to make sure there's nothing wrong then the headboard on the left side mother said either when you were gonna bust the him well yeah as usual I gotta tell you guys something I like the honor products mm-hmm but the ones that really I've benefited from and you know what listen man sometimes people eat animals and they go they don't do nothing for me you know when I did coke for the first year I didn't get high on coke till I drank with it I would do bumps and nothing would happen I would just lie to people it's great like a fucking idiot
Starting point is 01:13:37 like a 15 year old fucking moron but what things I get the most on it is the strong bone especially with my weight working out the joints you know I go on it for 60 days and I get off a fraternity and I've been doing that electrical again and I taste some that shit will fuck your world up I sent my wife down there two days in a row and she's like Joey you're right it's fucking hard and you look at the calories you like what and you look at your shirt and you could smell bacon and cookies and fucking be yogi juice and all the shit that comes out of your asshole oh that's where we should go
Starting point is 01:14:12 sushi when we're gonna go to sushi next week you like sushi oh fuck we'll go tear up some more you could eat sushi yeah oh shit are you gonna start walking a little bit that's I have a little bit I have a little bit of time I want you to do me a favor I want you to take those two million dollars you got in the bank I want you to go online I want you to go online I want you to find a new balance store I just got new shoes brand new new balances that outside new balances yeah who's better than young what number did you get 623 years and you're gonna walk a little bit and every day you're gonna give an iPod and your iPhone yeah you're
Starting point is 01:14:48 just gonna put those for Jews that jump around by the way happy Passover if you Jewish get out there you fuck like the candle get an envelope put it on the fucking computer you know kids when they lose a tooth they put a dollar under the pillow they put a tooth under the pillow they wake up and put a nickel they find the fucking change or whatever yeah you choose you put an envelope with a dollar under there see what happens leaving that every shit that's part of Passover the coffee coming you have to find the piece of matzah they give you money see who the fuck you think you're dealing with you got to find the
Starting point is 01:15:18 pizza matzah then you get the mom how bad is that matzah smell oh I don't understand it my non-Jewish friends love matzah it's worse than a saltine I can't even I like I can't even do it like saltines either saltines with a peanut butter cheese on it but I got ready if you like saltine they're a good little cheat oh yeah those little cheeses yeah those little they have what he called black cow the blue cheese yeah oh that's good okay point bro those things are a fucking pointer to and you can't beat them I think it's four crackers for one point oh okay four crackers for two points in the middle
Starting point is 01:15:52 of the night with an apple to break it up a little bit you know I'm saying just add a little piece of cheese now internationals cut apples and put three cheese on it haha same shit you're by yourself with fucking blue cheese and yeah what do you call a milky cow I know yeah the yeah I know you're talking about the best ice cream instead of cow what is it the milky cow the silky cow those little chocolate sandwiches okay the two fucking points uh-huh and instead of buying a container ice cream you buy a little fucking ice cream the little ones and it's three fucking points these are the things you do yeah it's not
Starting point is 01:16:25 going on a diet it's a lifestyle change you know you got to add a little fuck and it's either with alcohol addiction you know if you're addicted to alcohol what are you gonna do you're gonna hang out in front of the fucking mum I'm gonna drink I just know you got to lose all that you got to make wait you got to be you know when I when I'm trying to get off the coke I joined kung-fu and I made sure I went to the 10 o'clock class mm-hmm because I knew that if I wouldn't go to that club I knew if I had to cook I wouldn't go to that class okay so you do shit to make yourself come out of that fucking house you do shit because
Starting point is 01:16:58 with drugs you get involved you get caught up in the fucking and that's for any addiction I don't know what else is out there I don't know for talk to I don't know if it spells but you're not gonna hang out in the fucking pharmacy if you're off oxy-cons or with these fucking guys talking about oxy-cons yeah gotta have a little pace first you know when they teach you a hook okay a hook and a punch they teach you a weird variation of a hook and you're like this they do that because that's a fundamental way how your body throws and everything else you have to see what your lifestyle is and how it's gonna work
Starting point is 01:17:25 for you and that's it and lately I've been on this you political because I want to go down to 70 again and I've been cutting my shit back on weight watches the 44 fucking points but it ain't working and I'm back on the on it protein powder the hemp force because the reason why I don't do the juice is I don't like taste taste I start gagging milk and shit I have some in the fridge if you want and but even like the protein powder was buying from the one company was okay but didn't have the flavor that fucking on it the chocolate yeah that flavor in that thing it's like you're drinking a fucking you
Starting point is 01:18:08 put some ice cream in that motherfucker I'm just easy like Einstein the guy that was on the show he made coconut milk he says it's fucking delicious with some ice cubes I just make I can't even imagine they also use the coconut fucking oil that you get from on it just do me a favor if you're fat fuck like us go to honor and buy the fucking starter pack just get the starter package go to the corner and type church into the fucking top corner get yourself 10% off they send you a t-shirt some fucking kazoo and just give it a shot if you walk and your knees hurt your joints and your hips try the strong
Starting point is 01:18:41 bone if it doesn't work then you go to the doctor you gotta check out but let's work on this fucking together whatever you want to do it's a lifestyle change as we call it here at the church or what's fucking happening now tonight motherfuckers we're doing a podcast who's not gonna use dream we're gonna put it up later on if it works out with the main man Vinnie Curtis start today dirty tickets 6265771894 there's only 80 seats this is usually we don't usually sell 7080 seats come on out what else leave we got we got the South Beach Comedy Festival April 19th if I sell out the 19 which is 203 tickets they add the
Starting point is 01:19:15 second show I'm done in Miami for two days don't just fucking sit there do me a fucking favor right let's sell this show out together I'll bring some fucking banana bread we'll fly it in what Lisa Yats thinking of coming for if he gets unemployment he's coming because then he gets fucking a nice big check we can eat like fucking doctors down there on him cock second please come on out to the South Beach Comedy Festival may I'll be in fucking Austin New York Long Island we're gonna have a good fucking time here right t-shirts the hoodie it's cold out there get yourself a church what's happening hoodie well commemorative
Starting point is 01:19:49 church of what's happened long sleeve t-shirt that helps us with the podcast and we get all these people want to donate lately what I might a fucking cat with a black eye buy a fucking shirt and help us all out that way you understand me go to joeyds.net today look at the tour dates and see what's going on if you want to hit Lee up he's at Lisa Yats on fucking Twitter I'm mad flavor what the fuck else do you want I gave you a witness relocation dude I gave you the fucking dogs I gave you a fuck music I gave you a Lee what the fuck it's a beautiful day to be alive it's a great day out of here it's human it's supposed
Starting point is 01:20:22 to start raining but it's gonna be what's gonna rain on Easter Sunday what are you gonna do Easter Sunday I'm gonna eat fucking Chinese but I don't know I got nothing I'm Jewish so you can't eat till next Tuesday yeah it's Easter this Sunday Easter this other man drink some juice like a rabbit no so then Tuesday what's your gonna be your first menu Tuesday we do for breakfast when you wake up Tuesday I gotta do something like so maybe some like a fruit salad and and maybe like a couple eggs or something like to break it just to break it yeah I gotta do stuff okay
Starting point is 01:20:58 just kill me no no just like a quarter of that little 5g with your father like just a quarter then we'll go out in the fucking that's more than enough we'll go right before I go to acupuncture we'll go after acupuncture we'll be at my house at 230 okay we'll shoot over get a fucking lobster tail a fucking steak and a wedge what do you think I love it and whatever you don't eat you bring the steak home yeah just can't bring the lobster home you'll put a little lemon on the lobster we'll dip it in twice fucking melted butter are you kidding me you fucking kidding me sounds very thinking dealing with my wife is leaving
Starting point is 01:21:31 for a week and a half with the baby and it's gonna be the risky business at your house again I'm a party I'm gonna try to put this book together I gotta put this book together once and for all I gotta call Omar today and we gotta finish this book and then we're gonna start writing the testicle test and we got the special we're gonna shoot we have the CD we're putting together so we got some work to do so well shit's happening here at the church of what's happening now raffles Lee's gonna start coming we're gonna try to podcast live tonight we are gonna tape it and if it's good we'll put it up if not go fuck
Starting point is 01:22:05 besides that you know what man I love you motherfuckers yes me and Lee get up early and do this for you we love you motherfuckers we want to get the word out we know you're gonna fucking do good it's gonna be a beautiful day you got life by the fucking balls grab that go up to the first chick you see grab that fucking snatch until I love you bitch because it's all about love today people it's Wednesday what song you got for me that this motherfucker I got sheep off of animals yeah let's see what you got all right let's see what you got speed up a little bit watch Gil listen to Gilmore this Gilmore comes out throwing fucking
Starting point is 01:22:44 heat on this guys I love music I love music this podcast was supposed to be a music podcast but it's been going in different arrays lately we're gonna bring it back because I love smoking the weed just sit back listen to music thinking where the fuck you went wrong you understand but you're not gonna go wrong no more cuz we got Lisa after flying Jewish I direct connection to Israel too all right listen to fucking the speed it up motherfucker He's just sitting in the back now, he's doing a line of heroin.
Starting point is 01:23:29 He's cleaning off his nose, he's drinking a little fucking water, he's walking in real plan. Here he goes, he just starts, he's just starting right now, letting the fucking guy know he's in the house and shit. This is amazing. Is it the song? No, it's not. It's the real one.
Starting point is 01:23:46 It's a great fucking album. Oh shit. And he's just lurking, he's just fucking with you right now, that's it. He's just giving you little jabs, light jabs, like is this David Gilmore, who's this fucking faggot. And here he comes, here he comes, kick it Lee, here we go. Oh shit, there may be dogs around. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:24:16 Here we go. Ho ho, ho ho, ho. Put it to the end, let's see what's at the end. He's got something bad on one of these albums. On one of these jams. Uh, the last thing is pigs on the way. No, put the last, the last thing on the song. All right.
Starting point is 01:24:41 Keep going, keep going, keep going. Heard the news. The dogs are dead. This is for this motherfucker. He's shredded. So it's pigs, sheep. Uh, pigs, dogs. Listen to the end of pigs.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Let's see what's at the end of pigs. There's three different versions of pigs. Which one do you want? Let's say the first one. It's acoustic. I think they're all acoustic. All right, listen to the end of that. Yeah, listen.
Starting point is 01:25:23 All right, let's see here. I gotta move this back a little bit. Here we go. The next one. So it's pigs, dogs. Pigs again, sheep, and then pigs up on the wing. So this is the second one. The endless.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Okay. I want you to hear this fucking solo. This is like with a minute left. Keep going. Keep going. Keep going a little bit. All right, leave it from here. Watch this ending here.
Starting point is 01:26:07 Keep going a little more. A little more. Watch the piano on this. Fucking. Now watch this beat. This is a beat and an emotional beat he puts on the guitar. We're gonna end with this. Go roll the number.
Starting point is 01:26:36 Listen to this. Ready? Hit it, Lee. Listen to that bass. He's right there with him. And you'll go nuts on this. You feel his fucking soul. And he ain't stopping.
Starting point is 01:27:04 All right, he's got you down there. Now he's just gonna beat you to death. I wanna cry. I wanna cry right now. He's just, it's amazing. If this don't make you want to go out and stab a motherfucker in the neck, I don't know what will. He hasn't stopped.
Starting point is 01:27:20 Listen to him. He's still on you. There's too much beat, but I don't know what to tell you. This is why, this is what we do at the church. Motherfuckers, there you go. Have a great day. Stay black. And he's still beat you.

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