Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - 04/29/2013 - The Church Of What's Happening Now #75

Episode Date: April 30, 2013

Joey's beautiful and hilarious wife, Terrie, calls into the podcast. This podcast is brought to you by Onnit.com. Use promo code CHURCH for a discount at checkout. streamed live on 04/29/2013...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh shit oh shit the moments that make up a fucking dull day are you kidding me or what it's Monday April what 29th yeah oh shit the month is fucking over I hear you Joe I hear you Lisa yeah are you fucked blast that fucking thing Lee oh shit waiting for someone or something to show you the motherfucking way we're always get up cocksucker the church of what's happening now is here what's happening Lisa yeah low fucking pink Florida so what's happened nothing much I'm feeling good I know you're feeling good yeah I'm gonna bed last night you looking good I don't I only got like a few hours because I have to work I've
Starting point is 00:00:49 started work again so I have to go to work tonight so what time you got to be there 630 so it's not bad what time five at that well at the at the latest so hopefully it'll be right there by three or four you're fucking savage you're looking good try it we're starting we're starting the juice fast again on Wednesday Jesus Christ I don't know me I've got a bunch of tweets people got the juicer and stuff so we'll do it together everybody's gonna do this together that you're gonna do it fuck no I don't like that shit oh I'll let you try some on Wednesday morning yeah let me try nothing what's happening beautiful
Starting point is 00:01:27 people it's Monday it's a beautiful fucking day to be alive before we even get to start it if you came out to a live podcast at the ice house the other night thank you very much for supporting us it was like a death squad fucking festival you had us in the one room Rogan Segura Burke Christ in the other room red man you had the flying Jew and I mean it was I'm gonna give a shout out to who's put the show together was a cat these cupcakes fucking delicious the strawberry one delicious the peanut butter one fucking delicious the chocolate peanut butter one that's what it was banana banana peanut butter oh
Starting point is 00:01:59 my fucking god if you're a stoner look into cat these fucking cupcakes cupcake Kathy I'm going to see if they have a website right now yeah I think they do it's on Facebook hurry Jonathan and cat I mean nice people you're doing you're gonna cater a party you need about 2,000 fucking cupcakes you call these motherfuckers up they got like 20 Mexican cup the whip up 2,000 cupcakes in a fucking hour you understand me so thank you very much for coming out supporting anybody came on it was good we got high we got a good time but he wants to take it on the road I told him sleep slow the fuck down but we're
Starting point is 00:02:33 working on things you know at least smoke some reefer what the fuck you're over eight feet away you know you're going to church today your cock sucker there you go brother this Monday we got to get nice and fucking stoned so beautiful motherfucking day to be alive it's your second chance day bitches whatever so what you went back to smoking on Saturday so what you had a fucking donut Sunday after you blew the guy who gives up up it's Monday it starts all over again cock sucker that's all that matters in this fucking world it starts all over again on Monday you got a second chance and that's what we come
Starting point is 00:03:06 in league a little fucking uh bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye whatever it's Monday with respect out to my mom Tony Bennett I want to be around this we do every fucking Monday we get respect to the soldiers who fell before us let them know we're thinking about them and we're gonna watch that we can stab a motherfucker out of respect for them you follow me that's the beauty of this fucking day look at that little piano a little reefer and you guys ain't gonna believe what I got today this is THC fucking water what's the name of this shit I want to be around to pick up the pieces after Lee drinks this fucking
Starting point is 00:03:44 water he ain't drinking shit this for me remedy age to all this is the new thing people cannabis fucking water are you gonna be able to drive home who gives a fuck you drive my sound you know I'm saying you bag a few cars you hit a pedestrian who gives a fuck you just keep going look straight somebody who so do you watch sports in the past couple days the ESPN gets a lot of shit for stuff they do but we've talked a lot about their 30 for 30s but they also do these stories on like medical things and they did this thing on this kid who got drafted DJ Hayden and he he got hit in practice and like now October November
Starting point is 00:04:28 and the vein that carries blood from the lower part of his body to the top like detached from his heart or whatever so they had to go in and re-sew it up and they said it was like so in pieces of wet tissue paper together and after a few months he was down on his luck and he started working out they said he never played football again like the thing the injury is 95% fatal and he he survived and he started working out and he got a drafted 12th by the Oaklandators and it's just it's always because we talk about it a lot is not saying like not listening to the critics and and working hard and this guy almost died and a few months
Starting point is 00:05:06 later he's getting drafted 12th listen bro if you fucking believe you could do anything yeah I'm sure that you have seen this week what a way fat man alert fat man alert fat man alert fucking Roy is a fucking savage and if you're fat today you should be jumping up and down with a white castle with your dick out scratching your balls I respect for Roy left I've told you Lisa to me they go Joey you're right there are some fat guys who were in shape listen man you can't walk around like one of those jelly bellies you know those motherfuckers that walk around that's way past that fucking thing if you're at that point
Starting point is 00:05:39 you got to go to the gym or shoot yourself either or just call on it and walk into honor and see if they'll stab you and cut you up into pieces and sell the fucking fat to vitamins or some shit but you know listen man it's okay to have some weight on you as well he's losing weight since Dana said some but what I like about Roy Nelson is that every time he wins Dana gets fucking dizzy and crazy that shit he says he's got a disease in the sea that's bullshit that's Roy Nelson's fucking ghost fat little fucking go yelling is he a fuck you I love Dana wine I got none but respect for the guy but just because the
Starting point is 00:06:12 guy doesn't look like the fighter you want him to with muscles like Chuck Congo what good is it looking like Chuck Kong of you fucking head you know and I've said this a thousand times I grew up with a kid Mike Ronnie he's called him to the show skinny lanky yeah you could do all the steroids you want you could show up with a fucking night this guy would break it over your fucking head he used to say I love steroid guys gonna just beat the fuck out of him you know and that's the thing you could do all the shit you want if it's in your fucking heart it's in your heart you know what you can't walk around fat
Starting point is 00:06:39 forever because it does affect your heart and affects your joints and affects later things later on diabetes is looming whatever the fuck they're saying but I will tell you what man I'm a fat guy I could look the other day those stairs were fucking long at the middle ends I went up there two times to pee then I tapped out but you know what five years ago I couldn't even walk up those stairs I wouldn't even walk down it wasn't a UFC event no I was in the UFC event and Joe give me floor tickets I go down there one time I piss on the floor like a cat before I walked up those stairs I pissed one time because
Starting point is 00:07:11 one of the places has carpeted think the MGM grand I just pissed one time years ago and then when I was really heavy I would just get the ticket and trade with somebody and I would sit up in the fucking top I swear to God for Chuck Liddell Randy Couture that time 2006 I sat up top he was pissed at me kept saying my land scaper said you didn't show up I did fucking show up I traded tickets with somebody I just sat up on top I was too embarrassed to tell fucking Joe because I didn't want to walk downstairs people yeah how fucking crazy is that but you know what five years ago passing I could have walked up those
Starting point is 00:07:44 metal and stairs 10 more times I just didn't see a need to after the second run I sat upstairs and watched the second card I had a great time at the fight yeah I can't sit there no more like I'm way beyond sitting there anymore and you know especially you know when you go there with Joe and he goes at 430 you go at 430 so you watch the Facebook fights you watch the fights in the fucking you know you see but by 7 o'clock you've seen double the fights that the people see at home yeah you're sick to sit man so this time I walked up by the balcony and I bumped into these dudes from Long Island that had come to
Starting point is 00:08:16 one of the shows and I bumped into these other cats we just outside smoked dope and then I went back and I sat at the bar and I got some drinks I got fucking beers oh shit I'm stuff oh yeah but I was delicious I drank two of those and then one of the guys went to and got some chicken fingers and some fries from Nathan's holy shit holy shit don't know how to make a french fry in that way they really I don't know how people are fat in that way because I don't get it how these Mexicans walk around 800 fucking pounds what the fuck are they eat well how how high were you to look oh that's to add to it a little
Starting point is 00:08:54 bit I took 200 some dollars worth of animals to the Jersey with me I gave some to some friends of mine and shit but besides that they all went my way was that without that whole stack you bought yeah I told you was he last your month pretzels fuck me up the fucking candy bars I gave to some ex-cop friends of mine and shit he called me hours later like damn dog how you living how the fuck are you living walking around cuz we ate the pretzels for breakfast what I had this motherfucker eating pretzels in the cop car for breakfast fuck it then we went to bagel now she got a bagel and he was like how
Starting point is 00:09:28 the fuck do you do this I don't just let let the he called me like three hours later dog I'm fucked up fucked up but back to fucking Roy Nelson and being a fat fucking all this man listen I love all that shit because he's proven people wrong yeah okay this country we do have a fat fucking man epidemic problem and I had to but at the same time I'm not as bad as I used to be I could do shit now yeah and I'm very very fucking surprised and I remember today the elevator broke at least now to walk up the fucking stairs cocksucker I'm looking for and I noticed and I fucking noticed you have a gym here in a pool yeah and you
Starting point is 00:10:04 sit down have the balls to watch TV every fucking day yeah sit there and watch TV like a fucking bolt when you can at least be in that thing walking on that treadmill I look to see what they had in there and you got a three-foot pool which is the best when you're a fat fuck like us because your joints won't hurt that's as easy as the pie in there yeah you put your little bikini on and just run laps in there from side to side for fucking two hours in a month you'll be like slim Jim Magoo you don't have to drink that juice shit you're 24 your metabolism is right there no it's not yes it is your fuck boy you
Starting point is 00:10:34 got to pick it up I think you're gonna pick it up not by sitting down watching fucking 30 30 about some kid who got a heart attack on sucker how many games you watch yesterday all no I only want to something don't fucking lie to me you watched all of them cocksucker I didn't but I have to say I did it makes me happy when the Lakers lose so that was nice that's terrible you're buying kiss a death on the Lakers you live right here down the block what the Lakers ever do to you it's something it's like it's like you like it's like you like in the Red Sox but which you shouldn't but you do oh shit oh shit how much of that you
Starting point is 00:11:05 supposed to drink who gives a fuck you drink at all and you let the pieces forward they may what do you want to do I want to drink a little bit it's like these kids as we have elbows at home don't do no good at home bring them out the fucking UFC not to bother me moment something says man I got weed at home what's that do what you do with that how was that working out for you now there's an earthquake and you got a walk home with no fucking weed like a moment that's the first thing you put in your pocket you look at my wallet I got like emergency papers everything I got baggies of emergency papers there's a
Starting point is 00:11:36 fucking tsunami I'm smoking dope on a fucking palm tree I'll hook up to a fucking truck the top of the truck and I'll be smoking reefer never do all these yeah they showed the black people flow no that'd be me only with a fucking number cheese I'll be sending smoke signals up at those fucking helicopters the fuck we get your shit together well don't they check for weed at those places at those events yeah they go in your pockets no they don't check for weed they scan you with the fucking with the Arabian fucking fortune teller I think you're the only one who doesn't get checked out I've had friends who go
Starting point is 00:12:08 with like the little pipes and stuff and they get well why would you bring a pipe I don't know what you gotta be prepared there's different situations that call for different things okay you roll the papers you put them in your fucking wallet you take your reefer your break you put a little fucking piece of paper and you put it in your sock I'm never gonna find unless they're fucking Houdini and heat you fold your sock over the lump so there's a lump in your sock anyway what the fuck you people not fucking read you know I know you read fucking stupid shit you're not practicing stuff and you get in your
Starting point is 00:12:39 wallet right there in the fucking arena ain't nobody gonna say nothing to you I just think they're not saying anything to you cuz you don't say to nobody it's how your body language is you follow me if you're standing there making a big scene roll the joint they're gonna nail you I fucking it's your body language like I said the reason why I'm having a hard time lately when I drive because I go to like places for lunch and I'll drink six things iced tea yeah then I get in the car and I got a fucking pee in the old days I just pulled over and picked up a pay phone and Pete took my dick out and just let that fucking stream
Starting point is 00:13:12 of urine fucking come out now there's no pay phones so I can't pull over I got no way to pee so I gotta tell you what happened me at the fucking airport you know I got to the thing to meet Rogan we were flying the other day and I parked the car in number three because we were flying Virgin okay and what I usually do when I get to take my luggage I make him believe I'm getting shit I leave the car door open I take my dick up and I pee before I get into the airport I just pee who gives a fuck you got a pee I'm the only thing I'm gonna walk in with pee in my bag I go through security with a pee in my fucking kidney wherever the
Starting point is 00:13:42 pee is your pee bag and bladder bladder I fucking took my little helmet out I started peeing and the turtleneck was pointed in you know how much circumcised yeah and the flap it was like the pee was hitting the flap of my back and when I looked down my all my pants were fucking wet I walked around with pee all over my fucking leg like a Puerto Rican all the way down to my knee you should have seen it you didn't just change your pants oh yeah yeah I'm gonna change my pants right there in the fucking parking lot I thought about it but I said fucking oh dry there's no humidity dry dry the fucking eight minutes it's not
Starting point is 00:14:14 like pee for a little while I'm sitting with Rogan I ain't impressing nobody you know sometimes I pee myself it happens dog I'm 50 years old I'm an old fucking man I've been telling you that for fucking years you want to keep fucking around with me guy sometimes in the turtleneck is fucked up when you're in circumcised sometimes the meat hangs to one side it's like a little it's like a little fucking gutta flap it's a boop so you're peeing it points it back at your fucking leg I pee on my feet all the fucking I'm like a chicken I pee on my feet more than fucking anybody does I gotta drink some more this this shit goes
Starting point is 00:14:46 direct people remedy divine well I'm telling you my two fucking weed stores are the best two weed stores I go around you guys know me you know I don't fuck around and you know I cut right through the fucking bullshit the red tape the blue tape whatever the fuck you want to call it all the tape whatever what is it all the tape all the tape I cut all the fucking tape but let me tell you something okay no whole organic the best if you want a vapor pen they just up those vapor tubes like 92 but you just take three hits and you're fucking dizzy by the way I seen people smoking a vape at LAX it's out it's yeah they
Starting point is 00:15:17 see me and they're like bow they know they know they fucking know so you go to over there nice people nice Armenians J I love to death the fucking girl I love they ought to stop with Woodland Hills the best this NOPR is the best I've smoked all fucking year I kid you know for ten dollars a grand that shit I've been smoking that for a week and I'm still getting fucking high I'm telling you right now that's the best weed I fucking smoke and for all you all the shit I get the edibles I get from divine wellness except J over at no holes got the Chibo choose okay so we got the double strength we're looking for the
Starting point is 00:15:52 quad motherfucking strength huh I'm looking for any yes you look you're looking cocksucker you got no choice so they have divine wellness got the juice they got the banana bread they got the fucking carrot cake they got bang chocolate they got Chibo choose they're not fucking around oh shit they got gold tablets you know gold tablets are I don't want to know nothing you're gonna know I'm gonna fucking just give it to you and tell you it's vitamin you know vitamin E capsules yeah that you pop and put on your face and shit okay they are those in T.H.C. if I can kill regular juice you pop two of those it's two for
Starting point is 00:16:23 $25 dog you know why it's $25 why cuz you see the fucking devil what are you supposed to have two can you just have one you take one if you want if you least I am do you just take double whatever the recommended doses sometimes street times why go for broke that's for regular Americans what's gonna happen in like five years you're just like taking like four to choose at once oh my god no what I usually do Lee is I add to it like let's say the cheap but you okay that's 180 milligrams I'll add to it this little drink that's a little drink that little drink right there is a hundred fucking milligrams go down a
Starting point is 00:17:00 divine get the remedy drink tell a Uncle Joey sent you they got something for you I don't fuck around with people I ain't got time where's another joint here fucking Monday it's fucking Monday Lee how you gonna act and you're gonna spend the rest of it in bed no I gotta go home at 8 and I got the baby I got the fucking baby from 8 to 11 well until Wednesday so I got the baby time I go I'm gonna hang out for a little while with her mother feeds it and then I take I put the stroller I get the stroll I go for a walk I'm gonna try to lose weight well you can't do nothing with the fucking kid yeah anything I do if I
Starting point is 00:17:32 got a book she starts yelling if I got a notebook she likes hanging out yeah she likes hanging out she really does so I just take her I throw on the stroll I smoke another fucking number it's a beautiful day to be alive I take it down through Rex and I take it down through Park kids are playing over there sometimes I walk around no I burn a few calories and she's out fucking cold and that's how you cut right through this shit why work against the kid let me work with it it's funny because you know I had my first kid when I was 30 so she's 23 I was really 27 or whatever I was just thinking about this year they're
Starting point is 00:18:04 like I was really trying to think hard on what things I used to do and I got all these fucking stories and everything I can't remember what I used to do with this kid you know why Lee what I'm gonna tell you what what fuck my job what really fucked me up with my daughter I didn't know until I had this daughter addiction are you think so yeah let me tell you something it wasn't what was it it was that I even told Joe when I was telling Ari the other day we're talking about different shit me always a great guy to talk to you know it's like you you know I have different friends to talk to about different things and
Starting point is 00:18:37 sometimes we get high you know I was talking to me about his friends on coke or something and I was telling Ari about how when you you can't really love when you have an addiction and it can be anything could be the oxys it could be the speed it could be the fucking smelling black chicks assholes like Lee Lee's addicted to fucking sniffing and you know it can be anything I mean we fuck around here you know for me it was fucking the blow but it's so weird to try to live your life with an addiction because nothing else really gets the attention it deserves it really does it really doesn't like nothing
Starting point is 00:19:13 and you don't know this while it's happening while it's happening you don't know this and I know it doesn't you know listen there's three fucking things that drive this podcast crazy okay last night I answered close to 111 fucking emails holy shit and last week was 80 and the week before fear conversation I'm still getting kind of human fucking things addiction yeah and you know people getting the help with fat I mean it's really weird that I sit here I smoke fucking pot we curse we talk about a lot of shit but we talk about something that yeah I see that America really needs to talk about the
Starting point is 00:19:49 thing about moving forward with that life you know there's a lot of people you know I'm very fortunate you know I lost my parents you know I lived in a fucking car doing comedy but the other things God gave me or whatever the fuck gives you magic powers they gave me the magic power to never lay the fuck down a lot of people have parents and they may have money and they may have a nice bed but they really don't have the power to move forward or whatever the fuck it is and that's called fear fucking fear is so fucked up but I have never I could sit here and get together with Jerry Lewis I can bring Abel and Costello from the
Starting point is 00:20:21 grave you know I could fuck around with you we can talk about Poland and in Auschwitz we can talk about the funniest things that we've come up with off the cuff Lee and nothing gets more emails than when we talk about fear like the ability to grab something by the balls and say it's over you know and I don't my addiction was wrapped around the fear that's it bro addiction and fear walk hand in fucking hand what do you mean addiction and fear walk hand in hand it's the same thing if you're scared you know my addiction elevated my fears and you're saying Joey you got on stage you want an audition you did movies you
Starting point is 00:21:00 had fears but I had fears of moving forward I never wanted regular things because it might fuck up my addiction you know addiction fucks up everything don't it yeah fucks up everything like a slow finger in the air you don't even see it you don't even see it it just slows it down bam so sorry to be hitting my hand sounds like two fuck man I have roast beefs for fucking hands my own hands I just have a fucking fag that's the worst when I hurt my own hand but people listen don't I swear to God man you can live in fear or it takes two seconds to just pick up your leg and go fucking I'm not living like this no more
Starting point is 00:21:38 because what's with your legs either gonna run or you really gonna kick somebody or you're gonna get up and go to the phone or you're gonna get up and just fucking live your life and it's so weird every time we talk about fear and God people hit me back like it's Joey you know you were right or whatever I'm scared what the fuck are you scared of America it's you it's you got one shot at this you know Lee I busted your balls about going gambling but you went did it yeah that's all that matters you know there's motherfuckers that still be talking about still be at home reading the computer reading a book getting
Starting point is 00:22:13 prepared reading about hotels going on hotels calm the fuck you're gonna do something to it say people and they say to me I'm gonna leave in two years I hate that it drives me fucking crazy that is the end of our conversation when you come to me and go hey I'm moving to LA and in two and a half fucking years what's gonna happen in two and a half years when somebody says to me we're getting married a year and a half I want to just punch him the fucking mouth and that's been the same since I was 10 I was like how can you plan a year and a half out yeah what you're gonna do with this person you love this person oh she's
Starting point is 00:22:46 gotta finish school for what what difference gonna make a fucking year and a half fear fucks you up man get that shit out of your way and I never knew that that's the shit people want to talk about in these podcasts you know I get to talk about movies again talk about more fucking music talk about this but fucking fear and addictions and the addiction part of it I just told you motherfuckers this is it this is as simple as it gets you're addicted to Oxycontin or those pills or Valium's or coke which I was addicted to for 27 years and I'm telling you from fucking experience you know what man you will
Starting point is 00:23:18 never have a life while you're addicted to shit I have a friend that just turned 40 I can't stop fucking drinking yeah the red devil I love it dearly but I know she's never gonna have a fucking life how the fuck do I know because I never had a life I thought I was living I thought I was a champion listen no stories I tell you they're funny we ha ha ha ha but they ain't that fucking funny that's not living raw man and fucking light woke his wigs not that ain't living that's that's a that's a retardation part of my fucking life that we got a laugh at we you know we just the idea like some of these we're gonna
Starting point is 00:23:54 fire is classic I still see people with wigs and I want to like that fucking what like take the way you go listen you don't think nobody knows get it together die your fucking chrome don't do something don't walk around with a way gets 2013 late what do you gonna play some zeppelin sure who that water fucked you up oh like a fucking oh shit oh shit it's Monday get the fuck out there do something bug somebody take a bus to nowhere I don't give a fuck take a bus and walk home I don't give a fuck walk home put the iPod smoke a joint taking your next move a man without a plan it's not a motherfucking man
Starting point is 00:24:34 especially on a Monday bitches we'll let's apple for you get your shit together Lee Lee Lee this joint got your fucking name on and I got another ten of these things look at this one look at this week two look at this week three can you count them with me look Lee Lee Lee fall Jesus Christ and look at this at the half and five in the house ah oh you can't leave oh shit the beautiful day motherfuckers I don't know what to tell you you know Lee's starting a new job today this is like his 18th job he's got more jobs in
Starting point is 00:25:28 the fucking Jamaican trying I see some interesting people when I went back home I think getting the car and going on Berg and how do you shit I stayed right there in New Brunswick the whole time in the great carola Memorial Hotel who's great carola great carola who died oh okay great we stayed that same hotel I think that was the hotel where he passed oh so we split the state theater fucking state theater in Jersey was off to hook Joe Rogan some crazy motherfuckers came out if you came off thank you very much in the bottom of my heart but I had some cool motherfucking friends I had a friend came out that this was the guy I
Starting point is 00:26:04 don't know if I ever told the story in the podcast when I was a kid my mother died I lived with his family he was a cop and he had just started so he used to work the midnight shift 12 to 8 okay so he would call me in the middle of the night he would pick me up like at 1 15 or 12 45 after he'd get in and we drive around I was a sophomore in high school and I drive around with him at night I smoked dope we get coarse cans and we drink beers the fucking cop car Jesus Christ and we used to park in North Bergen at this place where it was a big mouth subways okay and the parking lot was behind the thing but it was on the hill
Starting point is 00:26:40 so you can look down and we'd see the cars running on Bergen line and we'd be in there with a mirror snorting coke in a cop car here I am 16 fucking years old are you kidding me Jesus Christ are you fucking kidding me then I seen the other guy Tweety who can't call the podcast or he's off parole but he was the guy I talked the story about under Joe Rogan podcast who in 1990 or something 89 he got caught smuggling coke in a plane and they show video of him with the police chasing throwing the bales of cocaine on the plane and then that night I went to flappers to do a set this cousin was in the audience so we beat I hadn't seen
Starting point is 00:27:16 Tweety since I was a kid we used to play Congress together he was a little older than I was and that's who I met Saturday that had hit home that what the addiction had done to us like I knew Tweety I was I'm 50 Tweety's 53 okay so when I was 14 Tweety was 17 hanging out my mother's bar cutting deals with fucking men and I liked them and then I didn't see him for years after my mother died I bumped into him in 83 again and he was living in Aspen Colorado next to fucking Jack Nicholson in Maroon Bells holy shit and he had a carpeting company called Far East Treasures on Malina Street Galina Street in Aspen and
Starting point is 00:27:55 all they had was one fucking carpet that wasn't from the Far East it was fucking Jersey some Puerto Ricans mother made it their Julio and the next thing you know I went home I used to see him in Aspen and I went home I lost contact with him and I saw him years later somebody told me he had gotten busted that the feds caught him throwing the coke off the plane and shit well they had video of it mm-hmm so he's gonna get off you know he's got like a year and a half parole but he's trying to get the video from his daughter and said he sent me a copy we'll figure out how to play it on the fucking part but I saw him and I was
Starting point is 00:28:30 looking at his face and what the years had done when he got nailed he did two years of Bahamian prison then the Bahamians handed him over to the feds holy shit what the 18 fucking more I'm sitting there looking at this guy going 18 fucking years of my life it's like you racing comedy from my life yeah 20 years a racing comedy like that's what it would be like and I sat there in my room shaking like that's what you thought was gonna happen with the like you were gonna send letters to Jay Leno yeah I thought I was gonna murder my fucking ex-wife and the fucking bald headed fucking boyfriend so that's
Starting point is 00:29:10 over with though my heart you know like I don't give a fuck about those people I can contact my daughter I've been thinking about lately back and back and forth I don't really want to I don't really want to like I'm that type of fucking move forward I got this little princess now my wife is beside herself she's happy as fuck yeah and that's all that fucking matters you know it's like I played the new song of the podcast is that song by Tupac rearview mirror I hadn't heard that in fucking years when I heard that the other day listen to the lyrics I was blown the fuck away because it's true fucking it's you live in your
Starting point is 00:29:43 life looking at that rearview mirror it's behind you bitch ain't no reason to fucking put that car in reverse unless you're gonna run over them that's the only reason why I'm gonna put that car in reverse to run over those motherfuckers beside them let's keep these fires straightly say at you bad motherfucker what's happening we talk to me tell me something new you're sitting there with your fucking break shirt did you show the people the shirt I brought you back and cuck suck it thank you very much the UFC shirt look at that John Jones fucking jail look at that we don't fuck around championship I got that for five
Starting point is 00:30:15 fucking bucks on the street hello hello who's this who's this baby's mama what's happening baby I got no baby's mom I got a wife what's happening beautiful what's going on what are you bothering me for you told me to no I didn't tell you to I told you to call me when you're ready to see what the fuck I'm gonna do this morning not the car in this line what's happening baby you told me to call it 630 all right well I gotta ask you a question all right dad bumped into my friend Tweety yes the one I told you that went to prison for throwing the coke bales out the window and all that shit yeah I
Starting point is 00:30:58 started thinking I started thinking about how I fucked up I was when I met you can you tell the difference from five years ago to now Terry Clark no I'm still fucking idiot which is what mercy oh that's true that's true I'm in the new drug name fucking mercy no Terry can you just allow me I couldn't tell a different study is we wouldn't be still standing here together to the change the way I thought a lot to the change a lot of things I hope so because it changed the way you acted because if you had kept on acting the way you were we would not be together was I crazy oh you were I mean and you still are crazy and you're
Starting point is 00:31:41 still pain in the ass so don't think that you're not no I know I'm a pain in the ass I know those things psycho and paranoid and goofy and all that stuff still so I don't think that was so much the drugs I think that's more of the type of person who takes the drugs but you changed how you thought of people outside of you a lot of them a library you had a lot of loyalties a lot of dumb people and I think that the drugs were partly responsible for you not wanting to see your other relationships you know it was easy I mean I think it was hard for
Starting point is 00:32:32 you because you didn't want to be in some of those situations but you didn't know how to get yourself out of it so I think you did a lot of drugs to just not think about or have to deal with you know a lot of the losers you were hanging around and it kind of justified being around them because they were also doing the same mess interesting did I get more aggressive that I get do I do more I think you do more now because you're not dulled out what do you mean dulled out as you were you're a bit of a bolt you were also too busy doing things that you shouldn't be doing you know you were hanging around all hours a night with
Starting point is 00:33:19 people who weren't getting anything accomplished and you weren't getting anything accomplished either because you were too tired that's fucking you know I don't think it was that you didn't want to accomplish anything it's that you didn't have any energy reserves left left to do it you know all day long you're trying to put 60 dollars together you do a gram of coke all day long you're thinking about the next three days of the addiction really use that $60 for something else oh please tell me about it fucking tell me about it I just we just I just finished paying the car your priorities have changed oh please I
Starting point is 00:33:53 just finished paying the fucking cars from the damage yeah oh please that two cars I started to do it took years to get all that off you know and when you're doing it you don't realize how much damage you're doing to your future all you're thinking about is how much I can shove up my nose right now there was no future you didn't even think you had a future you didn't consider the the possibility of life after two months down the road you know after your last booked a gig you know if you had a if it was July and you had a gig in September then that's all you were thinking about is getting through September you didn't
Starting point is 00:34:48 even think that there was a life after September no no there never was I thought it was gonna end that night I think deep down inside I wanted to end that night you know but it never did so I had I had to figure something to fuck out yeah you know I didn't want you to find me on the floor many times for it to end that night yeah yeah but I don't want to make enough cigarettes and burning up holes in the carpet do you remember that when I first had to sleep at me honey and I would smoke coke and I would smoke cigarettes and burn the carpet like a junkie yeah and then snort coke up your nose cuz that's so helpful yeah I would
Starting point is 00:35:25 fucking smoke cigarettes and pass out on the carpet with the fucking cigarette on fire and oh fucking there were Lee I'm not lying to you 50 to 70 cigarette burns on our carpet oh Jesus we had to replace the carpet it was horrible oh like this is ridiculous you know and thank you for you know what you just hit oh worn out why did you stay around for so long Terry I have no idea I mean honestly I had gone home in September the year before we got married and had talked to my brother about the possibility of moving back home because I had you know and and this was after all of it you know because I was like so
Starting point is 00:36:26 what's the point if he's gonna quit everything and clean himself up and then he's still not going to think that I'm worth anything because he was dragging his past around Joey has a tendency to drag his past with him and not let go of it and not see what's happening in front of him for fear of what happened before and it just was it just I couldn't take it anymore and I was and then luckily he came to it senses she didn't even say nothing to me no I didn't tell him I didn't know I just knew something was not right I knew that I want to lose her so I had to clean it up a little bit and then the main thing was Terry I
Starting point is 00:37:11 didn't want you finding me on the floor I didn't think you deserved that no I told you I didn't deserve that I wouldn't mind the shot of finding you on the floor no I know it's a terrible way to sleep thinking you're gonna find somebody on the fucking floor you know you know it's a terrible way to sleep already when somebody's practically dying every five minutes next to you because their breathing stops their heart stops everything stops with a sleep at me and I couldn't get you to go see a doctor then I think it was because you didn't want anybody to find out she was still doing coke yeah probably it's
Starting point is 00:37:48 fucking crazy huh I was I was at my wit's end you know and you know Lee I loved him but that that doesn't mean that I was willing to put up with him forever so don't think that cuz that ain't true what to move it towards the awesome moving forward if he didn't continually try to move forward every few you know months and like if he kept defending if he defended his coke like he defends his pot we wouldn't be together yeah now mind you I hate pot to you just had him how old is mercy now a few three months old four months old if you four months on the 8th if you had had mercy five years ago right
Starting point is 00:38:50 before Joey got off the coke but what would what would the difference have been I think five years ago we'd have been fine ten years ago we would have been a disaster you think so what what do you think would have been the difference five years ago it would have just prodded him to to do all that he's doing faster ten years ago it would have prodded him to leave you think so yeah what do you think Joey would have been too much it would have been cut into my addiction yeah do you follow me we're just talking about this that would have been cutting into my addiction nothing could fuck with your addiction and I
Starting point is 00:39:32 would have had she couldn't she couldn't deal with it she would not deal with it I would have had anybody out here for a support system so it would have been one more daughter that he has no contact with no contact with now to because I think it's great but tell tell a story about Joey with mercy just something that he hasn't told people yet like I told him I said you know I fuck her toes that is disgusting he goes don't fuck her toes that's so nasty her feet look like my feet and you have a day before he left he goes you know I suck on her toes they are delicious they are that fucking
Starting point is 00:40:17 delicious the fingernails are the toenails are delicious they are delicious oh my god it's fucking delicious it's delicious it's got no taste to it I love you baby thank you for calling you're a you're a fucking great wife and that's why I love you what do you make it for breakfast I ain't making nothing for breakfast yeah I make some I know mercy you awake and asleep and awake and asleep I can't kind of figure out what I want to do this morning you don't make oatmeal baby huh am I gonna make you oatmeal yes I don't know leave
Starting point is 00:40:57 me alone and let me get dressed all right I love you have a good day love you too see you later Lee fine Terry you're my favorite guest on this show I love when you go thank you I'll talk to you boys later yeah she has to call every day I love when she goes I don't fuck around I was fucked up guys I was and I know a lot of yous listen to this and you're going through the same shit I'm telling you man it's a lot easier what you think it really is a lot easier go look at one person that makes a difference in your life just go look at them go look at the person that's put up with everything
Starting point is 00:41:33 could be your aunt could be your mother go look at them and look at them and picture them at your fucking funeral you know because there's idiots are gonna be on your funeral he was my friend I just saw him we just went to a Red Sox game you know but you know I'm talking about I'm not making fun of Red Sox I'm just saying you know that's the kind of people with a joke and a drunk that we just went to a Red Sox game you know look at these people and see what their life's gonna be like without you think about them having to answer questions about you or your kids or whatever think about that shit fuck rehab fuck hugs and
Starting point is 00:42:11 all that shit you know grab what's between your fucking legs and go I'm not doing it no more I'm not fucking doing it I'm not living like this no more I can't keep putting these people around me through this and that works faster than anything in the world and then look and see real quick just write down write it down just look and see what you think is really the cause of this just write down what do you think you know whatever somebody molested you whatever fucking mind fuck you have for what you think while you're doing this is not even close to what the thing is because I thought for years there's mommy dying
Starting point is 00:42:43 it ain't about my mommy fucking mommy this was about other shit that was killing me inside not that I got raped the finger bang like this this is about shit like you know not making a fucking basketball team kill me the thing with my uncle killed me these are the little things in your life that change you and change your thinking attack those things don't worry about what you think oh my girlfriend don't be that don't give a fuck pussies everywhere it flies so your retirees that you went home in September what one did a super bad happen do you think super bad happened I'm not sure super bad I might we got married off of
Starting point is 00:43:26 fucking when I went and spoke to a friend of mine and we were talking about something he brought it up and it hit me like a ton of bricks we got married in two months we talked about in September we're married in November well like the good question and we can talk and we'll talk about this in a second but the question I had was let's say super bad hadn't happened in your stone coke and and Terry had left what do you think what happened by now I'd probably be back on the East Coast working at a school somewhere in North Bergen doing comedy living on somebody's car who knows who really fucking knows yeah who really
Starting point is 00:44:07 knows would turn me around what really got me thinking was when Marilyn was dying of cancer excuse me that really got me thinking like I something has to change I was here I had done movies I had done TV and I couldn't get a bite I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong and I wasn't doing nothing wrong it was just me it was the paranoia it was myself you know and I looked at her for what she was she had stayed you know during the longest shot I realized she was my wife I just didn't know if I want to get married again what's the use of getting married you love somebody they love you but you got to marry him to
Starting point is 00:44:43 make it paper you got to make it paper for women's sake for their parents for their head you know if it was me and you I don't give a fuck I ain't gonna fucking marry nobody wants to get fucking married but I had to do this for her you know right now the baby you know what I've done a movie like I graduated high school yeah believe it or not I wouldn't got college classes and I was short credits and shit but I still went I never thought I would go I never thought I had the money to go you know I won a couple contest doing comedy just the fact that I'm still here it's a great accomplishment but the best thing I ever
Starting point is 00:45:16 did for anybody was what I'm doing for this woman because when I see her in the morning playing with that baby I'm making her world I always talk about making somebody's day like today's a beautiful day to make somebody's day it really is tell somebody look nice helping somebody with the groceries somebody you don't fucking know or somebody you know but you're not doing it for an underlying reason you're doing it because you want to do it you know because you want to make that day you want them to smile you have no idea how easy it is to turn somebody's day around with just the simplest thing when
Starting point is 00:45:45 they don't see it coming I want to make her life I want to make her life if I get hit by a car when I walk out of here this is always parking across the street behind your sign I run across and I get hit by a car you know what man she's gonna be happy she's got that little girl yeah and every her life with that no no woman every woman with their 25 if you're a woman and you're just one of these dummies that sits down like I don't want kids the same way we talk I don't want to be married I want to be single with my mother you know those idiots women you're missing out as a woman because the whole purpose of
Starting point is 00:46:19 being a woman is spitting out when these little motherfuckers and you know I didn't know this 20 years ago I did but I didn't because I didn't see it yeah now I see it with this woman and in you know you're not saying like that's all they're good for but it's like a part of the experience it's their experience they were born with fucking two things to spit out kids we weren't yeah you follow me I'm not putting down any women out there what I'm saying is that it's who you are it's really your identity you know if you look at the earliest fucking cave guys and all that shit that's who we really are we've just
Starting point is 00:46:53 doped it up over the years but that's the simplest way yeah you know we go out and hunt and the gatherers and you raise the children and you know whatever I'm not saying nothing wrong what I'm saying is that I see the difference when a woman has a baby when a woman doesn't have a baby yeah difference I see what Mrs. Rogan I see it with my wife I see it with Eddie's wife I see it with my friend Damon and Leslie and I never saw these things before I never saw these things before and a lot of the listeners are probably 35 going Joey what the fuck are you talking about I've never seen this before yesterday guys I see how
Starting point is 00:47:27 that's pregnant bitch hot ass pregnant woman banging beautiful she was ready to bust and I still would eat that fucking over and play the clip she was fucking beautiful beautiful I've seen women in Colorado with ski boots on fucking nine months pregnant yeah then you'd bend over they're fucking beautiful and this is way before my wife had the kid yeah this is just general purposes you know is that why you were so nervous when she was pregnant cuz like you knew what was like it was gonna be like a big thing like it was like you were excited for and made you nervous I was excited for I was excited for but
Starting point is 00:48:00 at the same time she's 40 fucking three years old my wife yeah look on the internet and look what it says about 43 year old women giving birth and you'll fucking take the computer and throw out the window and I made a mistake going on the computer I didn't believe and you know what man nothing in this life happens unless you fucking believe you gotta believe you know and in 1969 the Mets won the World Series and that was their slogan some of our belief and I'm gonna be a little kid from Cuba and watching the games afterward my mom chairing I remember thinking about that that that whole expression you got to
Starting point is 00:48:32 believe yeah leave or whatever the fucking is and it goes all the way down the simplest things I do it every day sometimes before when I'm in the shower I'm thinking about this I'm watching this in my head mm-hmm you know when I go home and I'm preparing my set for the night I'm writing a joke I see myself on stage by the way Thursday night we got to New Jersey and across the street the same theater Lewis Black was playing oh cool and it was really weird I went over there and watched his first 30 minutes or something it's really when you watch comedy you do comedy and to see them that situation you know it taught me a
Starting point is 00:49:06 lot something I don't do it's something I don't do enough of and I go to comedy clubs and watch comics as I'm there but I sat in the audience this time yeah the general mission I sat a great time I got a beer and I sat there I drank three beers this week oh shit three fucked that's more beers than I drink in a year I know how fucking crazy even the bartender the ice I was like you want your amaretto milk amaretto milk how much of a pussy am I I want to give a shout out today to a cop Gino from Hoboken who showed up at the shows with a bag of wet mozzarella fucking bread and fucking wine really oh my god and fucking
Starting point is 00:49:47 tomato pies from Hoboken I mean this food was so fucking good the funny thing was I ate a little bit of mozzarella on the bread and I called around to see how I was gonna sneak it back but something happened the game ended the fight ended up one in the morning the other night so everybody was hungry so I went up to the room we devoured the wet mozzarella all that's left was the water and the baggie they devoured the bread the bread by that time it got a little harder my jaw still fucking it's like I sucked 19 dicks but but yeah it's a so and then so you and Charlie got married in two months that's crazy in two months I went
Starting point is 00:50:24 and talked to a dear friend of mine and we're talking about a bunch of shit and he asked me off the cuff when he gonna marry I started thinking about it and I went home and called her and so let's just get married picked the ring tonight and we did we did everything unorthodox yeah but we did it she wanted to do it that way too so that helps sometimes you meet abroad the fucking wants to walk down I'm I gotta fucking have a cousin's there fuck that shit she was like we're doing this quick and shit I think I will ask her next time she calls I think if you had gotten down on one knee and then the whole thing with with Teres you probably
Starting point is 00:51:01 would have laughed at you she would have laughed at me in the stomach probably my wife Rose Steve Azevedo he brought me some fucking clothes from my wife this guy's a bad motherfucker Mikey L Gil Martinez Chris Trotter Mark Blake Malin Conn I love you cocksucker and Michelle and Jeffrey happy anniversary with the fuck is your birthdays fuck her up the ass day I don't know what you're doing you know I'm saying I don't know what the fucking tell you Lee you know it's a beautiful fucking day to be alive we kept it short today I want to talk about on it this weekend how I brought on it because I know I'll be around a lot
Starting point is 00:51:37 of people I brought the immune tech with me that don't hold yeah cuz you're flying a lot I fly a lot and I tell you man if you fly a lot you go buses a lot you do a lot of contact with people what do you call that you weren't gonna bank what the fuck you do go to honor.com and take a look at their products seriously I'm not even kidding you know we work for them we have a taste of the fucking thing when you click but here's the deal for truth I eat this shit if you notice and you listen to a lot of podcasts I got 19 fucking things they want to do me and Lee look at everything cuz Lee has a job and I have a job I'd rather
Starting point is 00:52:10 be honest with you people than try to push something on your throat you're not gonna fucking help I'm still waiting for the people to contact me with those chocolate strawberries again from Mother's Day we're waiting on the men's razor club yeah because guys who will listen a dollar a month or whatever the fuck it is it's a deal in itself what we're doing today is this simple fucking simple all right you're gonna go to audit go read through the fucking web page maybe you want a rope I can't help you with those but as long as the vitamins and minerals the shroom tech sport the shroom tech immune the strong bone which
Starting point is 00:52:39 I'm still on I got a little bit left I'm gonna finish that I hit a protein shake this morning with a fucking banana and milk I put a couple ice cubes in it bam look at that I ain't farting it's fart-free right or wrong you didn't even smell a fart you don't smell my asshole coming at you they're still plenty of time left but you're absolutely right at least you're a positive fucking young man Lee see what you got you want to start you want to be a healthy fat fuck like Roy Nelson that's it nobody's putting you down man listen it bothered me the obesity problem because you're fucking it up for every little mid-chubby
Starting point is 00:53:11 guy now now we everybody's got to get shit from Governor Christie for some people it works you never seen a guy that's 80 is a little fucking chubby listen I can't carry these 300 pounds and I'm 55 and I'm working on that I'm trying to chip it off I like to be on the 250 by the time I'm 55 because after that it's torture on your knees and it really is it's my knees don't hurt my shoulder hurts when I fly the fucking dude always next to me is always bumping me in shit so now I figured out I gotta fly with a sling you're gonna put a sling on like an old-school fucking Jew that's how I just so people won't touch
Starting point is 00:53:43 me okay you touch me I'll fucking sue you I got an attorney on speed down he's on three you know saying two is my pot dealer get your shit together what's up Lee what are your plans brother just work and so you work five days straight now five days a week yeah okay four months this this shows for four months and then starting just fast on Wednesday if anyone wants to do it and fall me in time you're losing that I only want 30 days yeah I lost 66 last time 36 days so I'd like to lose at least 50 and that would put me within 50 pounds you're jumping jackson fuck you let me see you do a jump jump yeah one jump
Starting point is 00:54:21 and what jumping in for people my pants are gonna fall that's okay that's what people want to see do one jump one fucking jumping jack it's a beautiful day to be alive if you do a jumping jack I do a jump everybody does a fucking jump jack you know I was telling it's funny when neighbors are gonna hate me not gonna fucking hate me they'll love you at least you're trying you did three fucking jumping jacks that's better than most fucking people doing a goddamn me it's funny because I was having lunch with Joe and he asked me what I took from the deniro movie he goes what did you really learn the teacher you know
Starting point is 00:55:00 what I'm learning bro that you gotta fucking stay in shape you gotta fucking stay sharp you really do yeah at 68 years old this guy gets up or he does calisthenics which the whole world has everybody walks around fat but the whole world doesn't need to join the gym you don't need to do nothing you get up in the morning you move your coffee table you put the TV on your stretch you do four sets of 25 sit-ups and four think about this shit yeah the bed with your arms up jumping jacks fucking squats burpees and that's the shit he does and I'm like it sounds so dumb and so like president's award type exercising
Starting point is 00:55:41 but it's gotta work yeah I mean it's a party weight everyone everyone talks about body weight exercise and he goes I do that for an hour jumping jacks sit ups push ups fucking shrugs whatever pull yourself up on a fucking but you know I've never pulled myself up on a fucking pipe I'm either you need my shoulders are so fucking weak I can't pull myself up I gotta do so many things I can fly through the air throw flying sidekicks but I can't fucking we lean with the reefer you smoke Joe no stop what you doing you stole that fucking joint I don't know what you do my phony cigarette here is you when we
Starting point is 00:56:15 before we started the podcast you must let his funny cigarette why are you telling people that shit for why are you bullshit the bleak probably what I said the whole place on fire no this motherfucker's turning out to I gotta do what motherfucker we got four joints layer left for war but I gotta say those cuz we got this no whole p.m. what we got this weekly we got another podcast Wednesday I got a great fucking guest for you if you're an Ozzy Osmore fan make sure you listen on Wednesday what do we got this week I'm gonna be an Austin motherfucking Texas oh shit oh cap city comedy club I can't wait I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:56:50 gain 15 fucking pounds so what days are the shows Thursday one show Friday two shows Saturday two shows we're gonna chewies we're going to that one fucking barbecue place forget about it I'm gonna run up and down my friends are coming up from Midland oh friends coming down from Houston Dallas I love Texas I can't wait so come on out it's gonna be a fucking party next Thursday me and Ari Shafir where it stands up live it's Phoenix Arizona oh sure my girl Yolanda candles coming down from fucking Jaguars a strip club I'm gonna have some beautiful women there for you guys she's a beautiful girl on Facebook
Starting point is 00:57:25 I love it that she's a single mom and then 516 30 18th I'm gonna be a long island that governors come on down let's party I seen a lot of people dog Lee I seen a lot of little fucking shirts this weekend I saw that at the ice house this guy had the hoodie the hoodie looks good hoodie looks good but I saw people with Berkshire t-shirts I saw people beating the beast t-shirts I saw people with Joe Rogan t-shirts the guys at the fucking thing I saw Pete they had an Ari Shafir t-shirt let me tell you something man you guys are really supporting that squad and it means the world to us when we go to a
Starting point is 00:57:58 fucking show we see our people you know there's gonna be some people oh yeah whatever I'm gonna go see that fat fuck but you know there's people we know what the fuck is really crack I like it what's happening sexy look at young that sexy chick over here when husband walked by that y'all they looked at it she's looking around so what the fuck's wrong with the elevator I don't know it was working last night you got no water today we gonna take a shower you jump with the pool like a reekin no it's a today supposed to turn back on it for so we'll see but then when you turn on it's that brown water so I'll turn it on for
Starting point is 00:58:26 a second so make sure you wash your pussy this morning just to make sure you cover it wash your hair wash your beard oh shit that's a good thing about eating beer that if you eat ass it stays with your finger banging somebody yes oh you dirty motherfucker what else leave your nose for Uncle Joey had a good time at that live pocket I love it you know I was against those things I'm not gonna fucking lie to you Lee kept busting my balls I was against those fucking things I'm gonna take this thing I got an inch in my ear you're an inch in your fucking now I got a parliament it's a waxy singer the live fucking podcast is
Starting point is 00:59:04 something that we should discuss it with me I went to see one of them I thought it was terrible it was more like a game show it was more like a like a talk show and I didn't want that effect you know and even though I go up there and crack a fucking couple jokes on Lee and then Lee jumps in then Bert jumps in I was on I was crazy and I was fucking stupid yeah you're fucking eight animals out there we got there Jordan Lee our buddy offered us another fucking strength bar yeah and that shit took me over the top I blacked out on THC that some people black on alcohol some people blind you with science some people fucking forget
Starting point is 00:59:39 about it I fucking blacked out on THC that yeah you call me like 11 a.m. the next day like what did I say I don't remember what I said I'm like oh god oh my god but I fucking said that the point thing from wash which we were so high we just look for each other we giggled and giggled and I like that bowl bro listen that's what it's all about if you think I want you to come to a live podcast to stare at me and then get offended or something go fuck yourself we're having too much of a good time too much of a fucking good time and that's it go to Joey Coco Diaz net net right that's it yep look at the
Starting point is 01:00:11 t-shirts look at the hoodies also look at the tour dates if I'm coming to the area I'm going to Salt Lake City ocean going to San Jose with the flying Jew and trying to a podcast up there I'm going I'm going everywhere I'm going to Philly Portland Buffalo Grand Rapids fucking Michigan with some dirty mother fuckers I love it oh shit Grand Rapids chicks will come down with dirt on their feet and some fucking sand from each pumping you know the whole fucking deal here so that's it Lee I don't know what else to tell you no podcast there's a nice little way to start the Monday not too much drama I know your people
Starting point is 01:00:43 expect to explode so there's a shit like that's what I had my wife call in I wanted to talk about addiction to I want to talk about fears the thing that fucking affect the people who listen to this podcast amongst I tell you what we all have fear dog I'm scared every fucking day but that's what makes your life special you have that little bit of fear to you take that fear you flip that motherfucker and you sometimes I get so pissed that I'm scared you ever just pissed that you're scared yeah like you go what the fuck am I get up get that fucking break I'll eat that motherfucker right now and that's why
Starting point is 01:01:14 you sometimes I get myself so I got so insecure sometimes and I take I get so pissed at the insecurity that I want to fucking strangle myself when I go up there so even if you use it that way take the fear turn into fucking hate or whatever the fuck it is I'm telling you just for that minute if not you take them you take the fucking the focus off you that's all we do what we're fear we're putting the focus on ourselves fuck that shit fuck us we know what we're gonna do we're gonna take it to the hoop like we do every fucking day that's it plain and simple it's fucking Monday today roller Julie wash
Starting point is 01:01:49 your pussy wash your cock pull the skin back rub the fucking creases somebody's gonna suck your dick this week and you want to be prepared to go to war what the fuck am I saying leave that fucking juju juice that remedy waters killing the motherfucking that and the three edibles you had here and whatever you had I mean three joints you had here whatever you had at home I only had a bucket and I'm a protein shake and an alpha brain and a couple shroom tanks in my blood pressure medication I'm on fire right now I need some breast milk and I'm ready to fuck go oh geez I forgot to spray my nose this morning this
Starting point is 01:02:20 is fucking killing me I doctors put a lysocane in my nose when you check my ear yeah destroyed my nose it took my nose back to nineteen fucking eighty four oh really all right yeah so I gotta spray my nose I gotta wash both sides but hey what's I got to do with you motherfucker it's Monday all right it's Monday I need for you to write your goals for the week I need for you to fucking prepare your menus for the week and if you eat some fruit I need for you if you're sick make an appointment if you get insurance we need for you to be straight that squad I love you motherfuckers Harlem that squad Grand Rapids
Starting point is 01:02:54 that squad Nashville that squad Connecticut that squad that I love you motherfuckers pick up a piece of paper today do something kick an old lady I don't give a fuck do something all right Lee what are you gonna do you want to work what do you got for me today Lee I got I got work what music you got for me okay here go get some Curtis Mayfield oh before Curtis Mayfield do me a favor on Wednesday we're gonna have a great podcast I'm gonna show you some shirts by a new friend of mine a new friend he's been a dear friend of mine to foil up at 510 he's got a clothing line that muse what is it muse dot com
Starting point is 01:03:26 it's nine the number nine music and USC co co co co co dot com yeah take a look at the clothing line we got some shirts here want to put them on on Monday fuck around with you guys on Wednesday I'm sorry and besides that I'll see you motherfuckers on Wednesday do me a favor have a great day today have a great day tomorrow stay positive stay beautiful stay black we love you throw kiss Lee let me guess music Lee don't do my business oh shit
Starting point is 01:03:57 boodoo boodoo boodoo boodoo boodoo boodoo boodoo boodoo boodoo HIT IT LEAVE I love the album cover for this Stray Gangsta music to get you all uh Baby, baby, baby, baby Darkest of light with the moon shining bright There's a circle and strong, a lot of things going on The man of the hour has an air of great glory
Starting point is 01:04:28 The dudes have been with him for so long Oh, super flat You're gonna make your ancient bed But if you lose, don't ask no questions back The only game you know is doing that Uh-huh-huh Hard to understand, but a hell of a man This kid of the slum had a man and wasn't dumb
Starting point is 01:04:57 But a weakness was shown, cause his hustle was wrong But the man lived alone Oh, super flat You're gonna make your ancient bed But if you lose, don't ask no questions back The only game you know is doing that

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