Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #055 - ALESSANDRO NIVOLA - UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT

Episode Date: April 12, 2021

Welcome to Uncle Joey's Joint..... It’s Monday, April 12th..... Today, we talked to our Friend and Actor, ALESSANDRO NIVOLA of The Many Saints of Newark...... This episode is brought to you by Bluec...hew & CBD Lion...... Go to https://go.bluechew.com/joeydiaz Go to https://www.CBDLion.com PROMO CODE: JOEY or CHURCH And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz is on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #AlessandroNivola #TheManySaintsOfNewark Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video..... You can find Ben here: Ben Telford Visuals Cinematography and Visual Promotion Agency, Ontario, Canada visuals@benjamintelford.com Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/b_telford or https://www.instagram.com/bentelfordvisuals  

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Starting point is 00:03:37 So go to CBD lion calm right now Pressing church or Joey and get 20% off your order and they're having a tremendous sale on 420 We'll talk about that some other time, but for right now go to CBD lion calm Right now and now it's time to get this party started. It's Monday morning Candles a lick cocksuckers You What's happening you bad motherfuckers, it's Monday. I don't know what the fuck the date is the 12th of fucking April It's a beautiful motherfucking day to be alive. I hope you guys are doing great. Welcome to the joint
Starting point is 00:05:14 I had a great weekend. I got no fucking complaints My daughter's softball game Saturday. I was fucking psyched about that Had some other shit going down, but we'll talk about that later in the week Knees good, you know feeling good healthy eating good sleeping good finally figured out the fucking Sleep thing, you know ever since Rogan put out that book about sleep years ago. Rogan had a guest on I've been trying to fucking figure out how to get my best sleep, and I'm finally doing it these days I feel good. I'm healthy, but all that aside. I want to talk to you guys about something on Mondays, you know We're in a business any business that you're in whether you're a plumber electrician a contractor comedian an actor
Starting point is 00:06:02 You always go in there. You always have a first day, you know, there's always a first day, you know for me for acting I had That baseball and Bronx County a pilot that you'll never see that you'll never even heard of on CBS or my throwaways, you know Those are two projects of mine that withdrawal ways as an actor, but in any of those feels what I'm trying to say to you is that you always Look at somebody else for like to lead you, you know like I'm not saying that I want you to be a follower and I'm a follower or anything like that
Starting point is 00:06:39 But when you when you first go, I mean, I still remember being a 19 year old kid and going to Aspen Electric You know, I had taken a eight week course in a college and I didn't know what I was doing and they put you with another helper You know when you kind of you kind of look up to them They kind of like a mentor for a couple days until you figure out who the cool person is and there's always a mentor at a job You always have a mentor when you when you work at a restaurant There's always somebody that you look at and you can pay yourself to that person and go when I get my shit together I want to be that person, you know All I am is a bunch of fucking. I just I don't know if it's imitating is the word or
Starting point is 00:07:22 Influence, you know, I've been influenced by a lot of people I have tons of influence because I've left myself be open a lot of people like no, I'm gonna do my fucking way That's great. Okay. That's great I appreciate that you want to do your way and your way is the best But every once in a while you have to let yourself get influenced by somebody and go, I'm gonna try it that way I am not by no means an actor. I am not classically trained Have I ever said I was classically trained, you know, I respect John burnt off or going to Russia I respect all that shit. I really do
Starting point is 00:07:56 Me I'm not classically trained. I went You know, I'm was a criminal who's got on stage You know, I couldn't even become a musician because I wouldn't trust myself enough to pawn the fucking guitar What a pawn the base or the point? Thank God, you don't have to bring your own microphone and comedy Because I would have pawned my microphone I would have been up there with fucking, you know stings the fucking bullhorns and shit I would have I would have fucking pawned my shit. So when you get into comedy, you don't need anything You just need a fucking t-shirt a pair of pants some sneakers and some material to go on stage
Starting point is 00:08:31 So it was pretty easy for me, you know, it was pretty easy Then you get to LA and they tell you you got to act, you know Some people say ah, you should act or whatever and you know, some people are smart. They take an acting class I take a class for anything if I don't know what I'm doing. I'll take a class until I Could get out, you know what happened with jujitsu like jujitsu, for example, take jujitsu Do you know what happened with jujitsu? What how I burnt out on jujitsu? I had too many people coming at me wanting to help me and that's great You know, they were they were coming at me from a great place in their heart
Starting point is 00:09:07 But they didn't understand that I was just a fucking beginner So I got overwhelmed with all this fucking high level when I got into jujitsu Everybody wanted to teach me something everybody had this type of fucking game every you know and at the end I just got so fucking confused. I mean, I'm thinking of going back now I got no problems with that now once my knee heals up But what I'm saying is when you're when you're first learning something you focus on one person You know, so I moved to Hollywood and then now they tell you you got a fucking act or they say to you Do you want to be in this picture or whatever and you as a comic?
Starting point is 00:09:43 You might as well say yes and take every experience because it all helps at the end of the day It all goes into the same fucking blender. You mix it up and you whip it back together again. I Didn't know that then but now I know that but I always wanted to try acting. I was a fan of movies I was always a big fan of movies Big fan of actors. So when they gave me the call to act sure I went down I had no fucking idea what I was doing for baseball and I had no idea what I was doing for Bronx County But then I got into an acting class and I had a semi idea. I still remember getting fucking called in for a pilot I picked up like four episodes on a TV show and when they would say stand on your mark
Starting point is 00:10:29 I didn't even know my mark was and I was already in LA for fucking three years. So I Mean, you know, I'm being honest with you guys. So what you need to do is I read one time That Jean Hackman I took little pieces of shit that I read about Like when I got to LA I know I was gonna do a lot of mob movies. So I read every fucking mob movie every I Read every mob book. I could so I could put backgrounds To the characters I was playing like today. I got to put an audition on tape for a movie You know, I don't know what the fucking guy's name was but the other night when I was working on the audition
Starting point is 00:11:09 I had actually write the guy's name out and give him a biography. He went to school in fucking, North Carolina You know born to a Cuban parents, whatever I always give that person a life story The moment before I know all that stuff and then I learned about going on a set how to act on a set how to fucking, you know Behave yourself on a set. Do you stay in your trailer? No, you go on the set and you watch and you watch older actors You see the guys that been doing it for a while, you know, whenever I get to a set I put my shit in my fucking trailer and I fucking run to the I get to the set and I watched them shoot Even if it's got nothing to do with me I watched them shoot because I want to see the style they're shooting how fast they're shooting
Starting point is 00:11:56 If the directors are fucking dick if he's patient, I'm looking for a lot of things, you know, you're just looking This is what happens after a few years Like I said, I didn't want to act, you know, I I didn't have the time that like there was an acting program I thought about going into but they wanted you to go in there for a year and a half and not take any roles and Then I end up flying out. They were connected to Scientology in one way or another. So I had that had it rough I had a fucking when it came to acting, you know All those fucking acting classes in LA you get something out of them, but they could only take you so far
Starting point is 00:12:34 It's that expression you can lead to a horse to water, but you can't lead them to drink they take you that far So now how do you learn by going on a set? watching experienced actors and Imitating them letting them influence you picking up little things, you know when I did Spider-Man 2 I picked up little things from Tobu Maguire when I did Longest Shard I latched on to Nick tutorial. I knew he was on TV for all those years and he would talk to me I also latched on to the quarterback From the guards, you know Buffalo Bill Bill. I forget what his last name was
Starting point is 00:13:11 We didn't end up being great great friends, but I would ask him different acting questions Why because I don't have an ego and you have to learn you have to ask these questions Not the wrong with asking questions I got 20 guys that asked me comedy questions every day on any platform whether it's fucking Twitter Patreon Facebook they asked me little simple questions about stand-up if I could answer them I could answer them But how do you learn the most if you're trying to get into stand-up by going to a stand-up club by working out as a doorman for a Few months swallow your fucking pride
Starting point is 00:13:47 What's the big difference and when you go on a set or you go on a work site or you want a construction site? Don't be a fucking freight to ask I'd rather you do it right the first time and learn how to do it right the first time then fuck up only a fucking shithead Would look at you and go you don't know what the fuck you're doing them. No come on. Let's go. This is easy This I told you a thousand times if you could fog the bottom of a glass up You could take a glass and fog it up. You could basically do fucking anything It's just you just not wanting to fucking do it, you know I mean, I listen. I'm not my client mechanically inclined. I could change a flat oil
Starting point is 00:14:28 Forget it, but I rather pay the $19. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing by the time I save the $19 I have all of my eyeballs. I'll flood the fucking streets with oil squirrels will be dying on the street because the oil will go down a corner So I like that shit for the professionals, but my point is when I go on a set I Always look at other people. So whether you're in construction whether you're in a plumber a welder, whatever You're always trying to learn you go you look at somebody who's doing it How you like to be done and you emulate that person if imitate that person get influenced by that person I'm not you know, I'm not telling you to steal their aura, but I'm just telling you to look at that person Maybe I'll try it that way. He's a winner
Starting point is 00:15:14 For a reason he's in 20 movies and I'm in three movies for a reason So let me go pay attention to him. He's the foreman of this job for a fucking reason He's the you know a master electrician for a reason. Let me go talk to this guy Never be ashamed to fucking ask for help. Anyway, with that being said My guest today is Alessandro Navolo. Let me explain something to you about this guy. I love them I worked with him on the many saints in Newark. I had never met with him before I Can't tell you how intimidating it is even for a guy like me to walk into the table read of the many saints in Newark It's intimidating guys. I could tell you oh, yeah, I got this. No, it's not you shit your pants
Starting point is 00:15:59 You know, you're walking into the unknown if I walk into a room To do a meeting and I see like Bill Burr and Dave Chappelle and roguin and fucking a bunch of guys in there I'm gonna shit my pants cuz I'm with I'm hanging out with the best of the fucking best When I got on the soprano set, you know, I didn't know a lot of these guys But I know David Chase don't fuck around and I know the actors he had were worked their fucking weight and gold So again, I went on the set and I watched some people fucking do their thing You know, John Berthel had my back and grudge match and grudge match when I went to grudge match Wait, I hang out with all cool J. When do I find you know, when do I rap? Yeah?
Starting point is 00:16:38 Yeah, when do I find time? Yeah, that was me was so that's just alone on the boat. No, it wasn't. Oh, you hang out with deniro No, I didn't know nobody on that set. I went down there Side unseen going into the unknown not knowing I knew the director Peter Siegel and I fucking looked at John Berthel For help if you look at the at that movie. I played John Berthel's like fucking nemesis Barber deniro chases me out of there But I looked at John Berthel now again and many saints in Newark I had John Berthel there for support but I asked him questions as many questions as I could but I also looked at Alessandro and
Starting point is 00:17:16 He took me under his wing and did a great job. So from the many saints in Newark and My buddy. Here's a little fucking short chat with Alessandro Nevolo from the many saints in Newark. I hope you enjoy What's happened beautiful How are you buddy? Better for seeing you. Holy shit. You look beautiful Fucking handsome as fuck. What's going on? You know just like a year of not stepping foot outside and
Starting point is 00:17:53 You know not seeing the the Sun is obviously good for the complexion Yeah, you look great, man, and you're in New York City Fucking here. Yeah, I'm here in Brooklyn at home my kid just got a new puppy which yaps and pisses all over the floor and My wife is going on a spa retreat with her best friend and leaving me to pick up the mess
Starting point is 00:18:24 That's how it usually fucking works out, man Last time we spoke you were fucking going through Rome to get through Australia To get your son a fucking SAT test Unbelievable your wife was shooting the show in the UK. I mean you were like fucking mad dog in it and now you're Totally weird. I mean, I wasn't I wasn't doing shit except waiting for our movie to finish up and But she like, you know, nobody profited more from COVID that you know apart from Jeff Bezos then Then my wife who like made her directorial debut You know and they they said um
Starting point is 00:19:12 She was about she was like two weeks away from starting shooting when when you know in March 13th, which was like our first day of The added filming that we were doing and we got shut down and they were like Saying she wasn't gonna get shut down at all and it was this was like panic time everybody was freaking out and I Called up the producers and I was like, you know, what's going on here? My wife is not flying back to England now like nobody's getting on a plane and they were like, oh, you know It'll be a couple of weeks. We'll shut down and then it'll be fine. You know just carry on and So I was like you got to be kidding me man. Like, do you know what's going on here?
Starting point is 00:19:50 You know, it was all this stiff upper lip, you know, keep calm and carry on stuff and So sure enough they shut down, but then Like three weeks later, they were up and running again they were like the only other movies that were shooting were like something in Iceland and something and in New Zealand or whatever and she was like the first thing back and they threw us all back on a plane like in hazmat suits and whatnot and off we went and and Yeah, then the Italy trip, you know, my kid was trying to take his damn SATs And there was no place to take him anywhere in Europe except in Rome
Starting point is 00:20:34 there was like one school that was open there and So we were like fuck it should we just go down there and do it there and we flew down together and and He took his SATs in some suburban Italian high school with a bunch of Italian kids Like school with no air conditioning in the middle of August you were Very nice to me on the set like I looked at you at the table read for the many Saints When I walked in I was as intimidated as fuck and Your warm smile just fucking that and the prosciutto little fucking breads that they had
Starting point is 00:21:14 The prosciutto with the fucking bread on it and stuff. They was right behind me. I'll never forget at the table read I was like, oh my god. I'm fucking starved and I couldn't I couldn't walk away from the table read because those things are Right fucking behind me Next thing you know that we finish the table read people are clapping I'd turn around and go get like two of them. I come back and my script is gone I go what the fuck this happened They just clipped the script somebody just came along and took the fucking script and that was the end of it I never saw the script again. You see I never understand that like that's such a thing now
Starting point is 00:21:47 I mean, I think it always has been with David from what I know about the Soprano shoot that like I don't know I heard rumors that he had like Actually shot some scenes in certain episodes that didn't really exist Just to like put people off the scent of what was happening or whatever You know, I more and more I get sent like Movie offers or you know meetings to have with directors or whatever where they just like say like you can't read it and I just don't I don't get it like I don't know why People are so scared of their script being read who cares. I
Starting point is 00:22:31 Mean, do you understand it like who cares like You know, the movie is gonna be what the movie is gonna be there's gonna be good or it'll suck but like What somebody thinks of the script doesn't really have any impact on it at all as far as I can tell but people are like Just so secretive about it now. It's so guarded about it You sign hundred NDAs and the thing like explodes in your face like, you know an hour after you you get sent it And I mean, it's like CIA stuff. I don't I don't understand what's going on the first time I ran into it was really with spider-man 2 Yeah, spider-man 2 they sent your sheets that were coated
Starting point is 00:23:13 Yeah, and you had to hand them in at the fucking day of the shoot. I mean, but that was ramy's process I only had one line. It didn't fucking matter to me. The line wasn't gonna change But I started seeing that then that People were very secretive with scripts, you know I understand david's process. How did you even come into this fucking world? How did you even come into this david's world? Uh, you know like the many saints the most old-fashioned way I got sent the script by my agents And they said do you want to audition for this thing and you know
Starting point is 00:23:55 I guess like by the time I was auditioning for it. There was a kind of like pared down field of candidates and So like I don't think at that point I was you know one of a million It was like, you know, they had a group of 10 guys. I don't know, you know a bunch of guys and I like I just did a videotape at home and I sent it in and
Starting point is 00:24:26 and then You know, it was a really long process after that um A lot of waiting around to just sort of See what was going to happen and you know, eventually I heard he wanted to meet me and um David and Alan Taylor took me out to lunch And we had lunch one afternoon and and we you know, we got along great. I mean
Starting point is 00:24:54 This was like the first time That I'd done a uh, you know where where I like had a job opportunity that You know, we're like Having the name that I have That nobody can say and everything was an asset Alessandro Nibala Yeah, I mean like This thing I've spent my whole life
Starting point is 00:25:17 Having to spell it a hundred fucking times Having to repeat it having to say there's an o at the end not an a Having to say there's two s's not a j Having to say there is not an x. It's like, you know, I mean people can't get it and it's a weird even like Among italian-american Names like it. It's not that common like I don't know if it's like a More northern name. I mean my my grandfather was from sardinia
Starting point is 00:25:49 And you know, which is the island uh under Corsica, uh the other island not not sicily and um There's a lot, you know, there's a lot of alessandro's there and that is not like in northern place. It's a very, you know uh working class um Part of the part of italy except for this one little coast where all the russian billionaires park their yachts But like where my grandfather's from is in this little village in the mountains in the middle of the island and there's nothing there except like a bunch of you know shepherds and stone masons and
Starting point is 00:26:26 There's a lot of alessandro's there, but I guess like when the big kind of you know wave of immigration came um, there weren't that many You know northern italians and there weren't that many sardinians They were mostly southern italians Maybe alessandro isn't like a big southern name, but like you don't really hear it that much and so uh You know, I've just like it's just not familiar to to people who aren't italian and uh So, uh, you know, it's confused people all my life like in terms of like, you know
Starting point is 00:27:07 For the a long time when I was starting out as an actor people like is he you know foreign is he European is he south american is he english? Where the fuck is this guy from? Why can't I say his name? and You know there came a point where I was like god. Did I just really blow it like not Changing this thing and like making it some one syllable number. You know what I mean? And uh, and then like Finally this thing came along and it was like the first time where
Starting point is 00:27:43 I felt like being called alessandro like Put me in like a secret society of of like people that david chase like You know had some felt some, you know affinity to just before I'd even met him and uh, it really mattered to him that The person playing this part like had italian provenance and uh, you know new, you know Yeah, came from whatever immigrant parents and stuff and
Starting point is 00:28:21 uh, and so we just immediately had so much to talk about because of that and You know and then all through the whole The whole shoot like it was just the first time that I really got to like Play a role that drew on my like family history and my like my personal history, you know Are Most of my career up till now like that has not been the way that I've been cast so Now I heard you I heard your italian. It's fucking beautiful Like better
Starting point is 00:28:56 I moved I was surrounded with sicilian. So I understood it because I speak spanish I could pick up a word or two. Yeah. No, there's when you were talking when you were talking to the italian actress Yeah, I was a little lost your italian was book italian like The italian you learn at school, which I took and failed The palmazano, you know, I'm saying I took and failed it. All I remember is uh, I fucking even forget not bonjour Bonjour, no, senor professor That's all I fucking remember Because for the year that's what I need
Starting point is 00:29:30 You know, you know, I didn't speak it as a kid like my dad Never see when my dad was growing up His first language was italian But and he learned english in school But by the time like he was like in his teens and early 20s He was like trying so hard to be americanized, you know and he was kind of like You know trying not to be this foreign guy and so when I was young like
Starting point is 00:30:01 He had Really kind of like he never spoke italian to me. He he spoke italian to his parents when he didn't want me to know what he was saying And it wasn't until I was a teenager And I started going to visit My extended family over in sardinia and I have like hundreds of cousins in this one town where my grandfather's from And none of them speak a word of english not one word like not even hello like nothing and So I started going there every summer
Starting point is 00:30:35 And just palling around with them and like literally this town is is everybody there is my cousin to the point where Like you'd be walking down the street with your with like my my I had this one cousin elia Who was my my my age and he and I were really close and we were walking down the street one day and I saw this really pretty girl And and I you know, I just didn't know whatever. He's a beautiful girl. And he goes no Cugina She's your fucking cousin So I believe your cousin in the neighborhood But so it was around that time
Starting point is 00:31:13 that I started to like actually teach myself out of a book And I like learned grammar just out of a book that I bought and then going and visit visiting my cousins and stuff And that's kind of like how I I learned what I have, you know, it's not great. Like it's all right Now you went to fucking Yale That's right What did you major in what what is your degree in? uh english
Starting point is 00:31:40 Which is like the soft the soft degree The one you don't have to show up in class for And how did acting come in? uh Well, I I wanted to be an actor way before then like, um from a really really early age and uh I think from like third grade or something and I started going
Starting point is 00:32:07 And you know, I didn't have anybody in my family that were Actors or anything, but I I asked my mom to start sending me to like summer drama schools and all that stuff and I really had the most old-fashioned career that You could conceive of like You know, I went to like summer drama camps and then I went to I started interning as a teenager at this uh summer like theater festival um in connecticut where they um Would like uh do readings of new plays and a lot of the like big playwrights at that time like john guare and
Starting point is 00:32:50 John patrick shanley and august wilson and people all like workshop their plays there Over the summers and they would get like amazing actors like in years before I was there like meryl streep would be there and Sam jackson and you know a ton of like People who went on to become big stars and stuff, but at the time I was just like literally like doing odd jobs and uh, you know getting drunk and and uh, you know getting up to no good and Just like building sets and make you know cutting splicing sound tape and that kind of shit and then um I did that for like five straight summers and the last summer I was there
Starting point is 00:33:31 they like Invited me to be part of the company and do a couple of like young roles and in plays that they were developing there and That was like my first professional start and then I went on to like Do like regional theater stuff around the country and it plays in seattle and philly and You know, I just all over the all over the the us for the last two years that I was in college
Starting point is 00:34:02 And then when I finally got out I was in uh, new york for Uh in the first year I was in new york. I got cast on broadway opposite helen marron in this turganyev play And uh, you know, it was her and and f mary abraham And that was like, you know, I was often running then just a year out of out of college But I had like it had been years of like even at that point already had been years of
Starting point is 00:34:32 Like doing You know stuff in in the regional theater little theaters all over you So you learned from the fucking inside out. I mean well, I mean, you know I guess it was like it was It was the kind my career is like by that time, you know, most people were just like most people who were going to be in movies were just like You know in movies like they they weren't sort of Dicking around in like in a regional theater and and bumfuck wherever they were like
Starting point is 00:35:06 You know heading straight to hollywood to make it happen. And that wasn't really my ambition at the time. I was I really kind of Like wanted to be a stage actor And uh, it wasn't until when I was doing that play on broadway. There were all these other young guys uh jew law Billy crudup Damian lewis
Starting point is 00:35:29 Rufus stool like there was a whole bunch of guys who were all Doing broadway plays at the same year that I was and we were all like Going out all night and you know getting up to You know mischief until the sun came up every day and then Sleeping all day and then going and doing these plays and then we meet up after right after the play and started all over again And and we did that for like six months and then one by one
Starting point is 00:35:58 Each one of them like started going off to do these movies and I was sort of like wait The fuck is going on like everybody's going off to make these movies and I was abandoned and uh, I suddenly felt jealous and Like I've been kind of left behind And that maybe like my ambitions were in the wrong place And that was when I kind of sort of like woke up a little bit and was like I think I think maybe there's like a whole other world for me
Starting point is 00:36:29 But I hadn't ever really conceived of for myself and and that was when I uh Headed out to do face off. That was my first uh, my first movie. Travolta face off. Yeah. Yeah Wow It's crazy how You did Listen people go to hollywood. They join a fucking acting class. You know They expect the best they get a couple short films. They go to festivals whatever and then they fizzle out, you know I admire the guys like you that
Starting point is 00:37:01 You did it. You did what a comedian does you did an open mic for fucking five years You know, it's like before this is my 30th year doing comedy But what I don't tell people was the first four months of me doing comedy. I cleaned bathrooms I fucking lit the stage. I swept the front. I fucking did the sound I was the doorman. I had a fucking, you know, I learned it from the inside out. I looked at I asked questions I kept my mouth shut and I asked questions. So before I got on stage. Yeah, I was a pussy I'm not gonna lie to you. It took me fucking, you know, five months of You know, this internal conflict
Starting point is 00:37:38 And then you start To do these things and then, you know, I was telling my wife the other day. I saw this whole fucking country I performed in every state except fucking Hawaii Like I've been I I scored coke in south dakota That's my biggest accomplishment. That should be on my resume That I made eye contact with a mexican waiter in fucking south dakota snake pits south dakota
Starting point is 00:38:06 And I got coke and fucking south dakota. I mean, I mean, I've been everywhere, you know, like through comedy This is what you need to do interesting it really is like you know comedy is now the kind of closest thing to You know that kind of like starting your career through theater through live performance because most people in movies now they like His television is so pervasive everywhere. There's so many like little television jobs that you can start with that Like most people just start that way. They just start on cam
Starting point is 00:38:37 But like the live thing is like it really, you know, it's like a Dunkin and ice bath, you know live theater to me has to be It's one of my biggest fears And i'm not scared as shit when it comes to I did general hospital, you know what i'm saying? That's fast. You could do a soap opera. They don't fuck around They don't even talk to you. They don't even look at you. They just tell you sit in your fucking room until your number comes up You go out there. You think you you never did a soap opera yet? Have you ever done a soap opera? I did do one. I think uh, I can't remember it might have been guiding like it was in new york in like it must have been like
Starting point is 00:39:17 1994 I'm thinking uh, I think it was like that was the first like the only the first thing time I'd ever been on camera was one day on that. I called up my agent I was like I can't pay my rent like what am I gonna do and he was like I I might have something for you I was like waiting for my number to come up in my dressing. Oh my god. They didn't even talk to me like I got there You gave them the license They told you to go to room 22 Your wardrobe was there. Nobody there wasn't an ad nothing
Starting point is 00:39:55 Nothing. I fucking sat there in my room All of a sudden they go scene 22 come out. They do one rehearsal And you go and let's say you fuck up your line They like you're not gonna start again. You're gonna start right from where that line is and boom A bell goes off and you move on you're out. It's nine to five. I wish I would have known that I would have gotten a fucking soap opera job It's kind of it's kind of amazing like it's got its whole it's a it's a whole world Unto itself. It's like the porn industry Like there are these like stars in the in the uh, you know in that world and they rule that
Starting point is 00:40:33 Those sets, you know what I mean? They've been there for like 20 fucking years Doing those shows, you know, and they're just it's like they're living room or whatever and they just like own the place and uh, you know like Some of them like you might never have heard of one of the most Think one of the most exciting things I was One of the things I was excited about the most about moving back to new york
Starting point is 00:41:00 And i'm still very excited about this I got vaccinated and i'm excited because I want to go start seeing small time plays Yeah, you know off-broadway plays. That's where you see the nuts and bolts of acting That I got to see a few times in la but la has no fucking theater They really don't they they can't resist because they really want to be movie stars Like once this clears up a little bit my friend's sister Works as a you know, she does works for a theater production and one month you fucking wash toilets
Starting point is 00:41:36 One month you run the lights One month you're the plumber in the play One month you sell tickets and it's a good thing because it'll teach me from the inside. I don't care that i'm 58 I'm not looking to be a movie star But it's something just to do you know two nights a week to replace comedy just uh Just a fucking I would love to do something like that. Well, I think it's all gonna come roaring back That's that's my guess. I think it's all gonna come back soon because people are just dying to You know have communal experiences and
Starting point is 00:42:09 But you're right. It's those little theaters where Some you know in New York at least we see a lot of a lot of the good stuff because the thing about Broadway now is it's just like It's gone the same way that the the film industry is gone where like everything is just these huge spectacles and So like, you know, most of the plays are like big musicals and things there and sort of the the you know stuff that has You know more more ambition for for just like straight plays are it's all off Broadway. So yeah, I want to see bad bones. Shit
Starting point is 00:42:46 Yeah, I want to see the bad bone shit Yeah, well, we'll we'll go together. Let's do it. You you go to a lot of areas. I mean I um I try to do a play every few years Uh, but like the last one I just got like I found myself at times just like sitting in my dressing room with my hands Just going like that before the show every night. It's like it really like It's hard on the heart, you know
Starting point is 00:43:16 like it's Really is stressful I've shot pilots in front of live audiences And I've done okay, you know, it's something to you look at it. You absorb it and you go. Wow. It's a complete different fucking thing I think the thing that blew my mind the most was about two years ago There was this hot hollywood show on monday nights A comic an actor anybody could go up on stage with a band
Starting point is 00:43:44 You did 15 minutes of material 10 minutes of material And then you had to sing a song Alessandro, I went up there no problem with the comedy. No problem Would you sing uh The one by rage against machine Fuck you. I won't do what you tell me, you know, whatever So it's so funny because what you're supposed to do is say, thank you Turn around and then they start the music and you face the audience and you start singing, you know
Starting point is 00:44:16 Let me tell you something. I turned around the band started playing when I looked back at the audience Singing and doing comedy is two different fucking worlds. Do you understand me two different fucking worlds? I turned around and I could feel the turd Like a half inch just came out of my ass. I was like, what did I get myself into? And now I got to sing this fucking song It was it was just so It's a different energy, you know, and I thought about like when I left there that man I was like that was fucking mind-boggling. I got anxiety and
Starting point is 00:44:50 And I thought about live theater. I thought about the honeymooners You know Ricky Ricardo those motherfuckers used to do those shows In front of live audiences. I can't even fucking. It's too much Well, yeah, it's like it's too much guys like uprights Jesus, we're getting stuff to do those Yes improv shows with live audiences every night. I mean, I think it's like I'm sure you feel this would stand up like It's like a muscle. So, you know, once it once you get into the rhythm of doing it night after night
Starting point is 00:45:24 You know, you the whole thing just becomes like almost like muscle memory and you know, you relax into it or whatever, but uh I still found it like really sphincter quenching, you know, like And I was sitting, you know, I was doing this play with Bradley Cooper the elephant man And uh, you know, we had done this play a lot like we did it up at williams town For a summer and then they moved it to broadway two years later
Starting point is 00:45:58 And that was and then then we moved it to london so like All in we did this play for like a year And I was still just like shitting myself You know before each show I'd go in and have like diarrhea before I'd go on every night And he would come in we shared a dressing room And he would come in just like
Starting point is 00:46:24 I mean, you know eight shows a week like You know, and you have if you have to do something emotional in the thing or whatever you're just like You come into the fucking theater and like you're just staring at yourself in the dressing room mirror and you're just like, oh my god I can't believe I got to do this again Why am I doing this, you know, and he would come in like Fucking tigger, you know, uh, just like So jacked and and ready to go and he'd be like bro
Starting point is 00:46:58 Bro, do you realize how fucking lucky we are? Do you realize how fucking lucky we are to get out there and do this? And I'm like I'm just gonna Very good. You mean because like I don't want to do it tonight. Oh, I just don't want to do it, you know and uh, and then like we get out there and You know, he was really kind of amazing because the guy has got so much energy and
Starting point is 00:47:31 every night like he would sort of You know, we'd make it a little bit different every night and he would like Drag me, you know onto the stage and we would like You know make it alive again or whatever and then like you bow and you have like a moment of just like the greatest Like feeling of relief that you could imagine like you just had the biggest dump of your life and then like about an hour later
Starting point is 00:48:04 It starts in again. Like I gotta do this again. So you would do two shows a night Would you do two a night? Two in a day we do like on wednesdays and saturdays you do like a matinee or something Two o'clock and then right then you go like have a nap and then you'd go and do it again At seven or eight or whatever, you know when I got into stand-up see it's changed now Stand-up is now a thursday friday saturday thing But when I got into stand-up it was tuesday through sunday I was on Joe by friday night. You were ready to put a gun in your mouth
Starting point is 00:48:41 Because you had already done tuesday wednesday thursday you had already done five shows You had three more on saturday And one more on sunday The second show you're on stage and you don't remember if you're saying this joke already Or you didn't you don't know if you this is the first show or the second show And forget the fucking third show Like somebody was telling me they're going to for florida. There's a club that does three shows mandatory. I'm like Don't never see my cuban ass
Starting point is 00:49:14 Because those three show nights fucking ended for me a long time ago. That's a nightmare. You don't remember what you said So the third show you're up there just floating going. I might as well improvise because I don't know if I said this already tonight and how I said this It's such a fucking lesson when you Listen no matter when you don't want to like right now I don't want to perform because of covet and what's going on like I've got my own personal reasons of why But when I was getting into comedy It didn't fucking matter how I felt
Starting point is 00:49:50 I had to get up there And you know you go through this fucking you know when you're doing in the beginning when you're doing comedy You're basically just getting shit on every night People tell you you suck You know people don't talk to you People make no eye contact with you. It's a it's a constant thickening of the skin. You know, it's constant It's it's a fucking beacon, you know Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:50:12 You and back then like I had no choice. My goal was 30 sets a month That's one spot a night that was my minimum Do you guys like do you feel as you get older like that you Still like that you still profit from You know just standing up and like having like arrows thrown at you like do you feel like you still I don't know somehow benefit from that or do you feel like you know what like
Starting point is 00:50:49 I just don't want to like put myself in the line of fire that way in the same way as when I was younger Do you like how do you how do you look good as life if you're not getting arrows thrown at you Can you imagine just living life with no arrows thrown at you? It would be a fucking boring fucking thing Because I can't react You know I'm saying I like arrows thrown at me. It makes my fucking dick hard. I love doing podcasts. I like doing good podcasts I like doing bad podcasts I like doing them all to get a reaction, but you're doing and that's what people don't understand
Starting point is 00:51:22 You're actually you're not a potential energy your kinetic energy whatever the fuck don't confuse me. I'm stupid But you're actually doing it So I don't give a fuck if you want to throw arrows at me I got to keep doing what I'm doing and the goal is to deflect those arrows Yeah, you know for 15 years you actually let them hit you as you're like you feel like you're You know stand-up style has changed a lot over the years like have you uh You know either like consciously or unconsciously evolved as as a stand-up absolutely
Starting point is 00:51:57 Fucking Lutely because when I started I started out as a joke teller And when you're a joke teller, it's great You you're funny people love you. There's a certain connection But then I evolved into storytelling kind of sort of and reflecting from my life And putting on stage and that's a deeper connection Letting people I I never wanted the audience to think I was above them I wanted to tell the audience guess what? I shit in my pants the other day driving on the jersey turnpike because I couldn't make it to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:52:30 I'm just like you I have flaws just like you You know, I I can't go to new york. You know why because I know I got to stop and piss 18 times Especially when I go to the gym. I drink the protein drink before The six the 92 ounces of water during and then the little protein drink afterward I get in the car. I got a pee every eight fucking fucking minutes I got to pull over at every fucking rest stop in new jersey every fucking eight minutes Put my mask on piss and you can't piss outside a cop catches your next thing
Starting point is 00:53:00 You know, you're not a lot of kid plays no more because you decided to take a piss at the side of the park And you didn't know that you didn't I didn't even know that a friend of mine got caught taking a piss at the park He had to register as a sex offender You need that shit You need that shit, you know a 58 year old guy So now like was there somebody that you were was like comedy style changing at that time and you changed with it Or like was there one person that you saw who was kind of like finding this kind of elliptical way of
Starting point is 00:53:31 You know storytelling that was bringing a joke around and having a bigger payoff at the end or whatever that like got you fired up Like what what was it that started you? You know, you know morphing into this other type of comic I had a dear friend that I loved with all my heart and he's a comedian He's not doing comedy anymore, but he was very funny. He was a very one-liner type of guy and he got a special one time like a spot on a special with other comics Yeah, and I wanted to support him. So I put the special on And I was watching it, but all of a sudden I had to take a shit
Starting point is 00:54:12 I had to go to the bathroom so bad and I'm waiting to see this guy, but I got a shit I'm starting to get anxiety. So sure enough. I get up to go to the bathroom My girlfriend wasn't home at the time. So I left the bathroom door open so I could listen to him on stage And when you watch comedy and when you listen to comedy, it's two different worlds There's people that watch this podcast on youtube and there's people that listen to it on the drive home It's two different fucking experiences So when I heard him doing those one-liners I was like, this is fucking horrible. I never told him that we're still dear friends and
Starting point is 00:54:53 He's selling real estate in fucking florida or whatever About the guy who inspired you It did inspire me because I realized I was up there Chucking and driving whatever I do. I don't want to be like this guy. No, I wasn't connecting with you Yeah, so I want to connect with you. I want to let you know that I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you That's the most important thing in my game. I want to know that you know what I Guess what I shit my pants two weeks ago. Guess what I fell off the bed. Guess what I fell off my bike You know, I never wanted to talk down to the audience of sound swarming. You know, it also got like really confessional
Starting point is 00:55:31 Right. So I got really like fucking telling the story. Take him to take him to that place I love when I make him cry. If you make him laugh, you got to make him cry So sometimes you got to make him cry too So these are all the lessons that you just learned in the 30 fucking years like you you've been doing it now for how long How long has this game been going on for so I I guess like my first real professional gig would have been 1991 or something so 30 fucking years my friend What and that's why I fell in love with you. I would watch like when I got on that set
Starting point is 00:56:12 I had been on you know, I've been in a ton of movies But this for me was sacred When I got the call To be in the many saints in newark Everything had to change for me. Like I knew I had to change everything I prepared. I You know, I did everything I could I flew to new york. I did the table read with you guys great time Then we went back and we shot the first day. I was very intimidated If you remember, I was improvising a lot. I was
Starting point is 00:56:43 Yeah, what was our first day? Was that set free alleys? Where was it? Um, I I think we were doing the back end of uh I was seeing it was just you and me in a room and you had to do something. We won't discuss it but uh I remember that I was watching you And I was like, this is fucking tremendous. It's like watching christopher walken. Have you ever seen christopher walken do a set? I uh played uh christopher walken's son in a in a road picture
Starting point is 00:57:19 I'm gonna show you a picture. Um, and we spent I'll tell you a little story about him. We spent, um Uh, I guess like two months doing this movie about a father and son Who like take this road trip together And he uh here. There's us I Wow, how long ago was that? that was like
Starting point is 00:57:48 I want to say like eight years ago or something So we're like we're in um, we're in we're filming in albuquerque and uh You know We spent so much time in this fucking car together that like on our days off like it didn't even occur to me That I was going to call a guy up and say like hey you want to go drink or whatever because like we'd seen just too much of each other and So I was just wandering around albuquerque on my day off and I look across the street and I see this guy And it's him and he's in this like floor length black trench coat and his hair is like standing straight up and
Starting point is 00:58:26 He's wandering around like a zombie. Just like looks so depressed and confused and so we come in the next day to work and I'm like hey man, listen I I don't want you to think I'm like following you around or anything But I was in town yesterday and I saw you walking around and I gotta say like, you know, you didn't look that happy Like everything. All right. How you doing? And and he says, um Albuquerque They're not my people and uh
Starting point is 00:58:56 And so I'm like, uh, yeah, you know, I mean I can see how there's a mismatch there and uh, so then like About three weeks later. We end up filming in Atlantic City, which was the end of the shoot And the minute we get to ac. He's just like Lights up like transforms. He's bounding around on the you know balls of his feet He's recounting me all these stories about being on the boardwalk as a kid with his dad and getting in fights and stuff and and um, we're like doing this one scene driving through town And um the car it's like this was still when we were using real film And they had to change out the mag on the on the mount on the car
Starting point is 00:59:43 And we pull over to the side of the road and they're changing the mag and you know We get out to to stretch and we look across the street and there's like The longest line of zombie looking people you have ever seen like it looked like Michael Jackson's thriller or something And it became clear there was a methadone clinic there and and like everybody was there to get there fixed that morning And suddenly one guy looks up and looks across the street and sees chris and he's like hey it's the king of new york
Starting point is 01:00:17 And like suddenly like all these ghouls like turn and look at us And everybody starts freaking out and they start coming across the street, you know towards us like, you know Coming at us and they're coming at us and they swarm around all of us and it's like They're all like just like pawing at our clothes and stuff and they come up and they're all around him and touching him And stuff and grabbing at his face and everything and and he's a really tall guy And he's towering over them and he looks at me across the car and he says These are my people I never met him. I met his wife
Starting point is 01:01:02 When I read to the sopranos the first time Yeah, I was I was waiting for an 11 o'clock with her Like in 90 2000 maybe Yeah, uh, her assistant seen me at carolines And i'm outside in the street and she comes up to me. She's like, hey I'm casting this show you might be good for why don't you go upstairs and Leave your name and number. I go to jan. I'm your 11 o'clock So she's like, come on walk in with me. So we walked in we got on the elevator
Starting point is 01:01:32 And I go, I gotta ask you a question. Is it true that christopher walking as your husband? And she goes, yeah, and I gotta tell you something else His best movie is at close range And she fucking lit up. She goes, you're right. I always say that also Wow, and that was it. I went and I auditioned. I didn't get the role. So what the fuck you want from me? You know what i'm saying? You try to butter him up All the saffronos what happened did she cast all the episodes? I think so. Georgine and had a partner who was also
Starting point is 01:02:06 A sweetheart in la. She took care of me She put me in something and then she like tried to get me into like A couple travolta movies to sequel to get shorty Yeah, because it was walking something casting So Georgine was in new york and her partner was an la who was great lady to me So I got no fucking complaints before you Before we get the fuck out of here taking enough of your time Before you got this movie. Were you a fan of the show?
Starting point is 01:02:36 Oh, yeah, yeah You watched the show and was like, what the fuck is this? Yeah, I mean I just felt the way that I think everybody felt which was that it just especially when it started It just felt so different than everything else on tv and It still does like to me like I think I feel like everything else is kind of imitating it, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:03:02 The way that television evolved all evolved to try and kind of tell stories the way that that did Um But imperiali was always like you know In a way the guy I most admired on the show and uh So it was cool that I was going to be playing his dad And you fucking did a great job for me dog. This is how I felt
Starting point is 01:03:30 I went in there and that first day with you We had a great time. We're giggling about something. I knew you weren't like, you know an la actor I was like, oh, thank god this guy's not, you know I had you and john to fucking guide me through this thing and You know, I check with I check in with you from time to time and I check in with john And it's because you guys helped me through this. I didn't get David chase the style of shooting to the second day and then I was off and running Then I was off and running my first day. I was a little like
Starting point is 01:04:01 Improvising and shit and then somebody came over and yeah, and somebody whispered a little something in my ear And I was like, I get it That's it. And then I got the magic who was david chase Yeah, like then I I was like, oh Fuck I get what this guy's trying to do and you want me to tell you something? It helped my comedy Because I remembered lesson number one of comedy let the joke settle and hit I have a mistake all comedians do because we get excited. We got a laugh. So we step on our own lines
Starting point is 01:04:36 David chase don't step on his fucking lines Yeah, he gives you a line and it goes and it goes and it goes And it resonates Yeah, and that's what I learned from david chase I've told I told a couple people this and I don't need to blow smoke a possessed, you know, I love them to death To me. I don't need to do another movie I'm done If I don't do another movie after this
Starting point is 01:05:01 Regardless of what it does in the box office, whatever whatever just me being from jersey being cuban Being from fucking north peregan and being able to be in that many saints in newark It has been Such an honor to me like and to meet you guys and to see how professional you guys were And alan king, you know, I'm a fucking dirty comic You're a real deal Motherfucking act out as andro. So well, I'll tell you what like, you know It may have like come as surprised to you that you had to like say your fucking lines or whatever and not make this shit up
Starting point is 01:05:38 but It sure sounded improvised to me In the best possible way Which is really, you know, what the whole point of it is is to kind of find that that uh, spontaneity and um, you know, you you just have like such a kind of effortless Authenticity and and it's like a major major grounding force in the movie, you know Well, thank you. I think the best night we had and I want to tell the story is the night that We had one more scene to shoot
Starting point is 01:06:11 It's gotta be four in the fucking morning. We've been there all day And it's you and all of a sudden they wrap me. Do you remember that night? They wrap me I go back to the room like fuck 12 hours my feet hurt I'm gonna smoke the fucking biggest joint in the world and call uber I smoked the joint had to be two feet fucking long I ate an edible I did a fucking tootsie roots And all of a sudden I'm waiting for the fucking uber on a corner in brooklyn at four in the morning
Starting point is 01:06:41 I'm waiting not to get mugged because these dudes walking towards me. I'm like, I'm gonna get fucking mugged And also I see the girl from this thing come up to me. She's like, I really Tell you this because they unwrapped you you got to put your suit on and go back and I'm like, you're not fucking serious You're not serious. It's four in the morning and I wasn't tired or anything I was just, you know, and I remember giggling while I put the suit on and I walk in and you're there My boy from hamilton is there and also an adam king goes. I'm sorry and I go. You're sorry. Let me tell you something This is the most unprofessional fucking thing that's ever been done for me Not even on your part on my part too
Starting point is 01:07:19 I'm starting to the fucking gills and you called me back at four in the fucking morning This is the most and we fucking died him the fucking arab camera dude was a piss of the guy that I used to call Syria whatever What am I gonna see you buddy you're around Uh, yeah, let's do it soon. I um I'm here, uh, definitely for the next uh little while my kids unbelievably have been cast in this huge movie
Starting point is 01:07:52 And which had nothing to do with us. It came through their school and um Next thing I know they're filming in Ohio all summer long and uh My wife and I have to like tag team like chat throwing these kids all summered out Well, they eclipse both of our careers It's all over man. It's all All over
Starting point is 01:08:21 But we'll be back But that doesn't start that don't start till june. So so uh, I'm here before then we got it We got to get together before them. Okay, and then we got the big premiere september 24th Finally, yeah Let's see how they how they do it. I don't know if we'll go to like some festivals and stuff or you know I don't know. Let's see. I'm waiting to hear how they're gonna how they're gonna roll it out But yeah, um, but I gotta see you gotta see you wait before that. Okay. Yeah, I'll come into the city We'll do some lunch or something like that
Starting point is 01:08:55 What's that? Yeah You got the I'm saying that's a life that way. That's a lifetime away We gotta we gotta we we need to we need to catch up long before that. Oh, no, no I'll see you in a few weeks. Let me let let's let this vaccination get in me I think I'll be yeah, I just had my second one two days ago myself. I did my monday. I did my one one and Um, I went to the gym today
Starting point is 01:09:20 I went to the gym yesterday too. So I don't know, you know, I don't know if you got your first You just got your first one. No, I got a johnson and johnson one shot. Oh, you got one and done Cubans. Yeah, I was up with the cubans. I couldn't, you know What they're not are there no side effects on that one? Not so far, you know, I feel my head's a little my head's kind of throbbing But that's yeah, no, I had the beginnings of a headache, but I took two fucking Whatever Tylenol and I was tip top magoo. I was on Joe. Thank you for taking care of me on the set Thank you for being a big brother and for taking me under your wing and for making me feel Like a real actor instead of a fucking jamoke
Starting point is 01:09:57 I love you cocksucker. Give your wife a kiss and congratulate the boys for me, buddy. Love you too. Stay black. You got it You got it. I hope you enjoyed that cocksuckers. Let me tell you something bot Alessandro, he's won a screen actors award He's been nominated for a fucking couple things He's in the movie, uh the wizard of lies The fucking one with the uh, he's got a movie with the kid from social The facebook movie social
Starting point is 01:10:30 He's got a great the art of discipline or something like that. What's the name of it? The art of self defense. That's a good little fucking movie did That I caught a few weeks ago. He's got a couple great movies face off Watch face off Alessandro's a fucking real pro and i'm happy we got him It's a monday morning fucking podcast. Thank you for watching the joint. I appreciate you motherfuckers You know me. I'm everywhere on my dog shit Instagram twitter patreon
Starting point is 01:11:00 Follow me and if not, that's it and that's that Now for a word for my motherfucking sponsors All right, you bad motherfuckers. I want to thank Alessandro Again for coming on the show, but most importantly, I want to thank you guys for always having my back On a monday morning. Don't forget if you're looking for a ps5 They'll have to come by but cbd lion is making your dreams come true They're having a fucking raffle over there cbd lion You ready for this for every ticket for every ten dollars you bought you spend
Starting point is 01:11:33 You get a ticket you spend 50 dollars You get five tickets and that's more chances for you to win The ps5 over at cbd lion dot com It's enter you could enter for free also. You don't need to no purchase necessary So that's the kind of deal they're running over there right now for 420 But when it comes to cbd, I only trust the lion I've been working with them for four years on my own And during this surgery they came through for me with my own
Starting point is 01:12:00 I still put on pieces of the kinesiology tape. I still take the back ball You know, I still use the back balls. In fact, I'm out of back balls I gotta get some more back ball But anyway, it don't make the fucking point CBD lion works at night when I get home Before I watch tv with the family ice my knee. I put the tins on there And I put some cbd lion lotion on there thousand milligram I feel tip top
Starting point is 01:12:24 Motherfucking magoo. So go to cbd lion right now Read read up on cbd and the benefits for you whether it's cbd cbn cby You got to start by reading. Okay, go to cbd lion right now Register to win your free ps5 enter enter to get into the contest to win the ps5 right now But besides that if you're looking for cbd This is the way to go the liquor store guy ain't gonna help you the guy at the foot store ain't gonna help you Uncle joey's gonna help you. Just go to cbd lion dot com right now and read
Starting point is 01:13:00 Read on the great selection of cbd products, whether it's the back ball Kinesiology tape the chocolate attincture go to cbd lion dot com right now Press in church and get 20 off Delivered to your house the joint is also brought to you buying a beautiful monday Blue chew spring is here. Forget the fucking birds and the bees. It's time to go in deep Deep deep get blue chew and combat all forms of ed Same active ingredients is viagra and sialis and a fraction of the cost Blue chew brings you the first chewable dick pill
Starting point is 01:13:39 uh No more fucking Shit from the liquor store. No more buying pills at the tire center Blue chew is an online prescription service. No visits to doctor's office No awkward conversations and no waiting online for the pharmacy. Let me tell you something maybe you're not suffering from erectile dysfunction like your uncle joey when you get old You can sling dick with three hands, but why not go with two guns? Be prepared You want them to call you back blue chew dot coms got the answer
Starting point is 01:14:09 The process is simple. You sign up at blue chew dot com You talk to one of the licensed medical providers and once you're approved You receive the prescription online within days. It's that easy It ships right to your door in a discreet package. The mailman don't even know dick Nobody knows dick. Just blue chew blue chew tablets are made in the usa And prepared his ship directly. It's way cheaper than the pharmacy. So go to you blue chew right now right now They got a special deal for you. You know, I always show up with something for you motherfuckers on a monday I'm not gonna leave you out there. You know it's either a ps5 something try blue chew for free
Starting point is 01:14:48 What are you talking about? It's monday. Why are you playing tricks on me because blight go to blue chew for free right now By using promo code joey at checkout. All you're gonna do is pay five dollars for the shipping That's blue chew dot com promo code joey to receive your first month Free and as always I want to thank blue chew for sponsoring the joint. I want to thank blue chew I want to thank cbd lion. I want to thank a la sandro But what most importantly I want to thank you fucking savages For always having my back on a monday morning and supporting the fucking joint. Okay
Starting point is 01:15:24 I love you cocksuckers. Stay black. Have a great fucking day. And I'll see you wednesday Ready to go tip top magooda stab a motherfucker in the neck. Don't be stabbing nobody right now only in la They're not pressing charges. So it's not bad. But everywhere else. You got to be a christian I love you cocksuckers. Stay black. Have a great week And I'll see you guys wednesday ready to rock So You

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