Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - 06/26/2013 - The Church Of What's Happening Now #92

Episode Date: June 27, 2013

Fan favorite Danny B calls in again. This podcast is brought to you by Onnit.com. Use promo code CHURCH for a discount. This podcast is also brought to you by Hulu Plus. Visit huluplus.com/joey for a... two week free trial. Streamed live on 06/26/2013

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode is brought to you by Hulu Plus. With Hulu Plus, you get total control to watch thousands of shows wherever you want, whenever you want. Binge on full seasons and watch your favorite current shows like Community, South Park, SNL, and more. Right now, our listeners get an extended free trial of Hulu Plus by going to HuluPlus.com slash Joey. Again, that's HuluPlus.com slash Joey. Oh shit! Oh shit! Wednesday morning, June 26th, and what the fuck have you done? Get up, jumping jacks, coffee, wash that helmet, and let's go to fucking town today. It's a beautiful motherfucking day to be alive.
Starting point is 00:00:47 We're here smoking dope, getting fucking HIV. We don't give a fuck. It's Wednesday to church, Lee's smoking, and this is what it's all about, baby. The boulevard of broken dreams and how the fuck are you going to react to it? You know how? He walks alone. You don't give a fuck. What's the story, Lee Syac? No, I never would have expected you like Green Day. You surprise me every week. Listen, brother, I like fucking good music. You know what I'm saying? Sometimes I joke around about it. I like good fucking music, and if it's got some heart to it, we're playing it on this church. What's happening now? Good morning, cock-suckers!
Starting point is 00:01:24 It's a beautiful day to be alive. Then tell them all to suck your dick. We're here to fly in Julie Syac with his blue little shirt on. Ready to rock this weekend up in San Jose. Ain't fucking around. I can't wait. We're gonna eat good. We're gonna walk around, do jumping jacks. It's nice and sunny. McCormick and Schmitz to happy hour. And for everyone who thinks Joey wakes up at five only for this, you called me last night. You're waking up. We're waking up at five. We're gonna take a walk. We're gonna go to the elliptical. We're gonna go take a nap. Then we're gonna go take a swim. I don't know how you fucking do it. I mean, you're up until like one or two in the morning, and then you're like, it's five.
Starting point is 00:01:58 I gotta go on. I gotta go do shit. Listen, man, you fucking sleep when you're dead. I rest too. I get little pockets of sleep in three, four hours, but you gotta go for it. We got one fucking life to live. You gotta go for it. You gotta go for it. If not, it's a bad situation every day. You mother fucking to stay at home and sleep the fucking sun shining the birds. I can't see it. I can't even when I sit there sometimes the daytime with a bit. I gotta go. I gotta get her out. I gotta get her out of the house to get some air to breathe your fucking lungs. You still do a walk every day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn't do it Monday because it was cloudy. I did it in the afternoon, but yes, I took it for three and a half hours. I got 1130. She took two fucking naps. Oh, we haven't talked about it. Great came back.
Starting point is 00:02:38 You said on Twitter, but you didn't we haven't talked about it yet. Fucking great came back the love of my life And she has not left the bedroom. We are really she was she scared, but you know, I don't know what happened All I know is that she slipped out They found her in the garage Behind the fucking house Lee. They opened up the garage and she came flying out. She me out for a day Oh, my god day. She just people meow meow meow meow. So I picked her up. She has not left the room last night She does not leave the bed. She slept three feet from me. I mean all I had to do is put my arm out all night and she was right there That's awesome, man. I know you know my god. It was it. Listen, let me tell you something you lose an animal you think about
Starting point is 00:03:20 You know, he could have got hit by a car, you know, so here I am driving on channel and I see the cat But at least I know where I stand if I didn't see the cat and I'm thinking some kid like I told you some kids are throwing darts at You don't know somebody walks down the block grace friendly She comes up to you rubs your leg and next you know, you're picking her up and next you know You bring a home and your son's throwing fucking darts in the basement. I don't know I don't fucking know But that's what goes through my mind. It's never the good shit. It's the worst shit that's that's always happens to me I always think about the worst situations even even though like new jobs or new friends I was telling someone because I went to a comedy show this last weekend
Starting point is 00:03:54 And I let go into that stuff alone sometimes because I was saying like if I bring a friend I didn't even invite anyone because when I invite someone I'm always like I'll look at them I'll worry if they're enjoying it like why can't I just enjoy something like if I even if I even had a movie Like I always think oh, I don't want to go with someone because then they'll talk and if I do go some was one I'm like, oh, I recommended the movie. What if it sucks now? I Don't know what it is man. I always go to the negative stuff. You're pretty much alone all the time It's funny because this song was talking about the one we just played It's about I walk alone and so we had heard that yesterday
Starting point is 00:04:27 and I was thinking about a lot of things that You know in life we have a family and we have friends But the people that bother me that you ever talk to people I got a hookup You know if I go out to California my friend works for this thing And I'll get me a job or whatever and it's so weird that at a young age you always have this misinformation that you have People that are just gonna you're gonna fly out and they're gonna do whatever they do for you because they totally hook you up or whatever Yeah, and this is one of those things like the career that we do is one of those things that people go Well, he's not funny. He just did that because he's friends with such and such. Yeah that he had to do something guys
Starting point is 00:05:05 He had to do something friendship Can't do that much for you But it's the people who depend on that friendship to move forward a lot of people go Well, I don't need to do this because he'll just and then I thought about life I thought about even like what happened with me If my mother would have lived my wife said to me a day She goes look at the baby if your mom will live she would have been really happy right now Not gonna say this to her cuz I didn't want her to think I was retarded a little fly
Starting point is 00:05:31 If my mother was alive, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be with this baby I'd probably be in a rehab for the 15th time. I would have been a very soft person You know because naturally, you know, I like music, you know what it takes to be fucking listen to music. I'd be lazy You got to sit there and smoke pot and listen to it and talk to your friends about it And in the meantime, you could be fucking writing a book or going to school learn to be an attorney But for my first 20 years, I loved anything to do with sitting down getting high and smoking But the same goes for television. I fucking love TV. I could sit there all day And that's TV if you let me I know that I can't as a human being sit there and watch TV all day
Starting point is 00:06:11 And especially football that that's the one thing I understand because I love doing that and you I don't think you Make it through the highlights on Sports Center And since I was a kid I like sports. It has nothing to do with sports I just feel like I'm killing myself. But when I was like I was watching the 76 basketball finally 75 I was watching the dr. J thing and I was thinking about how I'm those days I get home and I'd watch basketball till the last game Then I take my basketball and I go to the court and watch the game with a notebook And take notes of the moves people are making you take notes on the moves notes like like left foot forward
Starting point is 00:06:44 Left foot forward fake remember this Nate Archibald move remember this move That's crazy. I go to the court at 11 o'clock for midnight and I practice the move I practice the fucking move, but this this isn't what it's about. What it's about is basically that You're alone man. You're fucking alone And when the faster you get that through your head in this life the faster you'll excel at least it motivates the fuck out of me Yeah, like if I'm sitting there watching TV sometimes I'll go well I Should be writing, you know, and I'll say well, this was the old me the old me wouldn't give a fuck about anything You know when I was watching TV and I had pink Floyd on I'm smoking bonn hits
Starting point is 00:07:21 And I'm trying to watch all movies. I'll watch an old movie over and over and over again Yeah, now when you say old you do you mean coke you or like even before that even before cuz just it's in my roots It's in my jeans to fucking sit there all day with piles of food around me and watch TV That's who I really fucking so then when did new you start No, my mother died because I knew I had no time for that. Oh, okay. I knew that I always couldn't do that I'm lying to you. I did it afterward But for me to excel I knew that I had to put that in my mind Mm-hmm. That's my state of mind all the time, but I'm alone. I can't if I don't pay the rent
Starting point is 00:07:58 I can't call my mom and go mom broke. Mm-hmm. Let me it on your tone next month. I don't have that privilege Do you know I'm saying I've never had that privilege so I can't call a relative and go Hey, I need 600. Yeah, I borrowed money from friends, but it sucks. Mm-hmm. It really fucking sucks I need to borrow money from somebody like that constantly. I was a loser. You know I'm saying when you're a loser You don't know where your rents gonna fucking come from but what I'm trying to say is a Lot of people think they have help out there in the world and you you're alone You're alone and the faster you realize that the faster you'll excel and eliminate a lot of thoughts in your head that you have for comfort We're alone when we fucking when the doctor took you out of your mom's snatch
Starting point is 00:08:40 You're alone. He pulled Johnny cut that and but once you cut that fucking cord you're alone Mm-hmm. It's so we had a lot of people on act like that in that daily life That's something I've never understood There's people who I know who that's it's not always girls But I know a lot of girls who they don't even like being alone like they always have to hang out with somebody That drives me nuts. You like being alone. I do. I love you. I don't like I'll tell you why I don't want to go to a movie with somebody why because if I call in your four minutes late You just fucked up my whole movie. I don't go off. I miss the trailers if me neither
Starting point is 00:09:10 If I'm sitting and you walk in during the trailers, you just fucked up my whole day. I do I enjoy being fucking alone 85% of the time that's what people understand people always coming who'd you travel alone? I don't want to travel Joe says shit to me all the time. I don't understand how you could do that, bro It's drama for a guy like me. Yeah, I gotta wait for you two fucking minutes. Yeah, it's drama If I have to wait if after it's drama if I'm just like my mind is smooth. I like to do it alone It's so weird. I'm alone. I'm an only child And it reflects like you you like being alone. I love it And I like every once in a while I'll get lonely and I'll go hang out with somebody
Starting point is 00:09:49 But like I drove out like I drove across the country one and a half times by myself the entire time I go to movies Not like a Saturday night, but like during the day. I'll go alone. I don't know. I just I Don't know if it's I it's not that I don't like people because I'm social But I I enjoy being alone sometimes especially I mean, it's it's even more for you because you're entertaining people But I'm with people 12 hours a day after that. I don't want to be with it Like I like being alone like on set like when I told everyone listening that sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on like Saturday nights
Starting point is 00:10:22 I couldn't go out Friday Saturday Sunday night go to a club if you wanted I like it once every couple months and that's it You know, it's so weird how you need your I Like it. I hate that shit when girls will say, you know girls that can't be alone. Yeah, that's a I can't stand it I don't understand. I fucking just don't understand. I could sit there I could plan a whole fucking day by myself. Oh, yeah, it's a plan a whole fucking day by myself and have a good time And once people come don't get me wrong. I'm like you. I'm a social person. I really but man, even when I used to do crime I Like burglarizing because it's something I could do by myself once you get a look out
Starting point is 00:11:03 I don't know what the fuck he's looking at in the crime. You got sent to jail for you to have a partner Yeah, I don't know what the fuck they I can't count on that's what I'm saying Now, how do you do in jail because you were never alone in jail? You're always alone really much alone. Yeah, well, it seems like you'd be surrounded Well, you have people it's like anything else you go to school you have people around you But then you have sometimes they put two people in a cell. Mm-hmm, but for the most part I was in by myself Oh, okay There's a lot of overcrowding now, but when you go to sleep and let you by yourself
Starting point is 00:11:32 There's always somewhere once, you know, once you go into the system whatever system you go into. Yeah Then you have yourself and you know, sometimes you have a one-man room I hated all that shit like I tell you what event I hate is watching sports with men. Why don't like it I've never been a guy guy to sit there and watch two games with a bunch of guys eating sour cream and onion dip and potato chips Like once the chips a guy, let's go Once the chips are gone, I gotta sit here with you fucking morons and watch two more games I've never done that in my life. I did it maybe two times a day for me
Starting point is 00:12:09 I've never been a raw raw type of guy that could sit there with eight guys. Yeah, I don't understand There's a lot of fucking shit that I can't I can't understand being a part of something if you're not a part of something So because then you're not playing this board. I don't want a woman. It's like when people say to me I went it's like when the comedian says to me. I went down The hangout of the comedy club it eats my craw. Okay, if you're not going up, don't come down here Unless Dave Chappelle's down here. You want to learn something? But again, I always learn from going to open mics and watching But this comics that make a living out of going to clubs at night and trying to get on and hanging out
Starting point is 00:12:51 I've never been one of those guys either you have a spot, but you fucking don't I Rather go somewhere where I'm definitely getting on stage and go somewhere to linger and be a painy ass to somebody A lot of comics like being a painy ass or something. Hey, man. You mind if I do 10 minutes? Yes, I do fucking Yes, I do mind I have a show it's already a show who the fuck are you just gonna stroll in Yeah, I'd rather have the idea that that's there. Let me go do a spot and if anything else, I'll shoot back there That's why I don't like following comics on Facebook. I don't like comics following me. I'm free for what for what? What what to do what I don't know you you don't know me when you're fine Well, you think I'm gonna crack a joke on it. No go follow somebody the fuck else go get your shit out
Starting point is 00:13:34 Go spread your shit out to people Not the other fucking comics. Why would I want to be followed by a bunch of fucking comics? So I know their shit and they know my no get the fuck out let me normal people know who the fuck you are I'm gonna mingle with fucking comics for what nothing now. I was actually thinking about this earlier It's funny. We're talking about it because I want I've been on a couple dates with this girl and I really like her and I was thinking about you and Terry because you like being alone and
Starting point is 00:14:02 Terry likes being alone and not even that but it's just that I Was thinking about like because I'm really liking this girl and it's it's interesting when you like click with somebody and It's I can't imagine that like you have a lot of girlfriends who you clicked with and like it's you and Terry are like in like not Insappable, but like a great match. It's like what do you think that happened or like like what do you think it? Like I was thinking about that the other day people think that they just stumble on the right person You're never gonna stumble. You don't think you stumbled on you're never gonna stumble on the right person So you're gonna have to kiss fucking 80 frogs Before you meet somebody that you're very compatible with I mean, you know why you're fucking that chick whether you're gonna stay with her
Starting point is 00:14:45 The rest of your life or you're not yeah, there's something about that, you know when you and I never liked that I didn't like just going out with girls for fucking them. I don't know why It made me feel fucking dirty or something if I don't like you why are we gonna fuck Cuz I got listen to you after I Got listen to you one of my best friends once told me if you can't stand Look at that person before you bring it home Make sure you want to wake up to that motherfucker in the morning Because when you're under the ether all that talk that she's talking is interesting
Starting point is 00:15:21 Yeah, after you fucker that shit that's coming out our mouth ain't that fucking interesting you want to shoot that bitch So that's if you want to bring a home and we might do the same for them We're fucking idiot. Can you imagine going home with me and waking up to me in the morning? I want eggs and you know, I'm hungry I'm scratching my balls in your fucking bed. It's disgusting. You know girls date their fathers Yeah, I always remember that women date their fathers So whatever you do, that's who they're gonna go date. I Can't imagine that my wife dating me one time in her crazy father. I understood. Oh really guys are similar
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah, he's a crazy fucker He yells he's crazy, you know, he watches TV likes to eat. He's built like me. He's a big fucking dude No, do you think I like is I just didn't know your mom. Do you think Terry is like your mom? Um You know, I don't know if the Sun's dates them a date. I don't know if that applies in many ways Yeah, in many ways Terry doesn't take shit from me. Yeah, which you have to be friends with me You have to you have to I don't like hanging out with people that I could fuck around with I like people could say no I'm doing this you have your own opinions. Yeah, you know I'm saying there's women who become you
Starting point is 00:16:39 You ever go to some place and there's like a bicycle tournament and the womb the bike their husband is the bike But the wife is dressed up in a bike outfit Mm-hmm, and she's like you be you never liked bikes till they married You were a lonely fucking ugly chicken a corner of the dance now, you know, I'm saying like I don't want my wife to have my interests My my wife's brother asked my wife about my act. Mm-hmm. Yeah, there's he's still rough and my wife goes. I have no idea Haven't seen him in ten fucking years. I like that about my wife. Yeah, you understand me I like that a woman has her own identity a man has to have his own identity in a relationship They just can't become one. Mm-hmm. Whenever I see people getting into a car
Starting point is 00:17:19 I see a couple outside with their kids waving and holding each other Yeah, it makes me want to stab myself because I know it's bullshit. Just going to fucking out No husband left to wave goodbye. He's watching TV. The wife goes as I says bye. Thanks for coming That's what my when I first got married. That's what she wanted our relationship to become. I don't like that shit Yeah, I don't like that American family type shit. I wanted to My wife to have an opinion. I want my wife to have her own life I can't date a woman who takes my shit. I can't hang out. I can't do it It gets boring after a while gets boring. There's no challenge
Starting point is 00:17:52 My wife reads my wife don't give a fuck. Oh, you know My wife and I have in common what music Big music big music we play fucking music all the time. That's funny outlaws. She likes country, you know, she's country So that makes our that's where our little thing does easy. I like I'm a big fan of country music I don't know about it. So she schools me on. Okay, you know, there's little things like that that people might not I never knew she liked music. Yeah, she's a big classic rock fucking wench You know, that's why she's got the satellite radio in the car. She's a big winch. Oh, that's cool I like it, but I don't want to go crazy. Oh, my wife has to have certain things
Starting point is 00:18:31 She has a classic rock. She has the heavy metal thing Now, did you ever date anyone who is like I dated the girl the last girl I did in Boston was all like we were like Exact copies of each other and we just kept butting heads and I just didn't work Did you because I mean you and Tara you're similar, but you're not the same like I feel like if you're too similar It's not gonna work out. No, she's hard-headed, but in different ways. I'm hard-headed in different ways But it works and you know listen, man You have to all there's what people think people think that they're gonna hook up with a chick and right away It's gonna work out. You're gonna have to give some stuff up yourself to make it work
Starting point is 00:19:05 Everybody has to cut off a little waist and somewhere along the line it meets. I'm very surprised about Terry Just like you I'm very surprised Terry stuck around you are yeah, but Terry's not a give her up her type of chick either She's not gonna give up. I mean if she if she went through how many years was it five years that you were still doing coke when you Were six six if you boat you going down the deck of those. Oh, I ain't fucking around today cock fuckers I'm getting ready for San Jose. I got comedy right to it. We're gonna prepare Lee I gotta get him in shape. You know his mind is somewhere else. I gotta get this shit going here So yeah, I mean if she if she's last in six years of coke you You wanting eggs in the morning is pretty easy, but in those days, I never really said much
Starting point is 00:19:47 Addiction over took everything. I didn't even I didn't want to cause problems on anybody because God forbid I can't do coke So you wouldn't argue as much That's interesting so you like you would let stuff Happen because all you cared about was a coke. I didn't really give a fuck about anything but the coke everything else was a Long shot second You know everything else is a long shot second. I think of my life now and I think I'm with the baby I think of my life 20 years ago with the child Jacqueline and I see the differences because you can't love anything when you're addicted to a drug You can't you cannot
Starting point is 00:20:28 Everything takes second place even my comedy. I don't like it. I didn't like it. I like this. I like that my comedy is in first place I like that my family is in first place. I like that my life is in first place It's not all falling second to cocaine Is that why you think you're so serious cuz like not that you lost it But you didn't take full advantage full advantage for like 30 years If I tell you something I'm gonna leave this I was serious when I was a kid I Was very serious. I mean I believe it. You're serious. Oh, I was very serious about anything I did as a kid that left back
Starting point is 00:21:03 Really fucked me up when you're taking notes on basketball game. No one does that. No, I'm fucking serious Because we I go to airports a lot. Yeah, I travel a lot and I see people in the airport What are you hearing about pay the fucking attention pay fucking attention? What do you look straight walk? Walk look straight look around you look at your fucking surroundings at any time an Arab could drop a fucking box of bomb or something And meanwhile, yeah When I'm going through security and people are fucking around and there's like a big gap in between the belt Fucking I will say something yo, come on. What the fuck? Did you see the show that's who gives a fuck? Let's do this
Starting point is 00:21:44 Let's do this and then we get to life. Yeah, then you do whatever fuck you want, but pay the fuck attention You're the same way when you're driving same thing when I'm driving same thing when I when I was a thief Yeah, and I pick up my buddies and we're going to make a fucking thing It's like that that thing in Scarface before they go to buy the coke in the hotel Mm-hmm in the beginning when they cut the guys arm off. Did you see that part of the chains off? I'm right. Hey, they're driving. They're fucking around look at that girl and finally Tony goes. Hey, what the fuck straighten out motherfucker We're gonna rob somebody. I want you in fucking pump We're not in pop-up on my mindset every day. Okay, look around you you could see the fucking kids
Starting point is 00:22:23 I could walk into a room and I could mug that guy that fucking idiot I could take his iPhone as soon as he puts it down because we're somewhere else You listen you know the sun people in their mind they have time time time time time time you've got people Just walk around like fucking months, you know who the fuck they are it's most People, but that's sixty percent of people all day. I see him I want you to give motherfuckers the impression that you're But in your head it's time to the time That's the impression you want to give people let them assume you're a fucking moron
Starting point is 00:23:03 But by the time you walk up on them and they come into your sights. You've already got them. They're a pork chop And that's what life is all the fuck about is to give somebody the illusion you're doing something else Meanwhile, you're fucking their wife up the fucking ass. It's hysterical how for years People before Twitter and Facebook if I took a poll and said to people what does Joey Diaz doing the daytime? They think I'm in a bar drinking jumping up and down Giving a fuck about who won the Celtic game and dropping stats and talking about all those stats for hours But meanwhile your girlfriend's fucking the neighbor
Starting point is 00:23:38 Yeah, do you follow me? You got to pay attention to what's going on right in front of you Like I said always give them the illusion to hit the time. Oh, yeah, look at Joe. He probably ate an edible I'm a sharp as a fucking tack and I'm watching you at all fucking times And if you think oh, yeah, yeah, he's gonna be off his game watch watch me Watch me once I got left back in the seventh grade. That was the most humiliating thing that could happen to a guy like me Even in the seventh grade even in the front because I'm not stupid. It made me feel fucking stupid And there's a difference when you're being stupid and not being prepared. Yeah, there's a big difference between You know
Starting point is 00:24:16 Being stupid and not preparing your day or scheduling your day People don't have I'm gonna great moods and times when I finish my day And I look at that notebook and I see that everything is done to plan Because at the end of the day when I wake up, I want to know how many things I got to do So today I got to do six things so I write one two three just like a retar just like a retard would do just so there's no misunderstanding So once I do that six thing my day is done. I'm very happy But I write everything down even if I'm gonna go to the gym I write it down. I gotta go doctor for a shot I gotta write for two hours. I gotta write that down and once that's all checked off guys
Starting point is 00:24:52 It's fucking Miller time in my head. Is that why you get so upset when you get like an audition at five o'clock or something Yeah, because it grows my fucking day By seven o'clock at night. I got my whole next day plan to fuck up to the minute lead to the fucking minute That's the only way it works It's so funny when you like when you call me in the afternoon You're like like it's to you like they just call me for an audition at four the fucks my whole day up because I had this plan No, you're done. Yeah, if you didn't get to me by the daytime, you gotta treat me with the same respect I'm gonna treat you last night had to a table read. Mm-hmm. There's always things maybe I'm stoned. I'm driving
Starting point is 00:25:25 I forget to do things But the moral of the fucking story today is let people think you But in your head you're fucking motherfuckers up the ass. That's the beauty of this. You're always fucking people up the ass always fucking be Focused on what's going on in front of you. Yeah, always We're fucking good time looking fucking front of you. What good time? The only time I'm having a good time is I'm 69. That's my good time When I'm 69 I got my tongue up and I'm looking at that little hemorrhoid popping out of her asshole That's a good time for me a good time for me is when I'm getting my dick suck with a coke rock in it
Starting point is 00:26:00 And I got a chick putting the feather up my asshole put a coke rock in your dick. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Oh Jesus not anymore But in the back of the day, that's a good time You gotta you gotta fucking go to your mind and say what's really a good time and what's really I'm wasting my fucking time You know, it's funny when I was a kid Nothing pissed me off more than when I go to a concert the concert sucked And I'd see somebody the next day and I go how was the concert? They go it was fucking phenomenal in the back of my mind. I go it taught me that Once we pay for something we can't come to terms and say it sucked. Yeah, that's true
Starting point is 00:26:32 Nobody would ever go I went to Europe and it sucked because they don't have the balls to fucking say it that they look like a fucking idiot But every time I go on a vacation after four days. I'm like, when does this end? You know this this end. I want to look at this shit and these rocks and these fucking people You know, I need this shit in my life and that's for anything anything. I've ever done That's bit. It's like when I got the Laker tickets last year. Yeah, I was dying to go see the fucking Lakers for a quarter Recorder, you know, hey, once I got there, I'm sitting there half time I'm looking all these mooks with Laker teacher time walking up and down and shit I'm going myself. There's got to be something better than I could be doing
Starting point is 00:27:10 Geez, that's that I mean, I guess it's a horrible fuck. I was gonna say it's good, but it's also like it seems like It's gonna be nice to fucking tight. I don't know if it's like it's not that I don't know if you're wrapped too tight, but it's what I think is it like people this is fun Fucking fun. Well, it seems like you enjoy. I mean, it is Fucking eatin it's all that but like you like you're with her for like a full three hours But it doesn't seem like you feel that way with with mercy at least with no, no, no, no, no, no Yeah, with mercy. I know that that's the best that's going on. Yeah, I mean when I go to a social event Mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:27:46 I go to a concert Like the concert stuff was great. But the fucking you know by the time I was 30 something I knew that was it. Yeah, I'm gonna sit there with these people that they bank everything on this fucking concert used to break my heart It breaks my heart like this is the end all be I'm saying this is fun But it's not the end all be all like Jimmy Buffett tickets, you know Jimmy Buffett is yeah, of course He sang a song 80 fucking years ago now he people go see him They put fucking parakeet things on their head and they get in a bus with a keg really. Yeah, really guy No, I know you don't like traveling but it seems like that's why you like the road once you're there
Starting point is 00:28:23 Oh, I love you can't you can't about travel because I get to meet new people and see that I just don't want I like when people come up and go, but you gotta hit this restaurant You have to hit this restaurant. It's an hour and a half away. Come in No, I just meant like you can you can work like there's nothing It's not like you can have like a distraction because all you have is your hotel room. You're working out and the show It's not like there's no distractions there on the week. No I love it. Yeah, I love it when I go on the road. I know it's when I'm gonna get a chance to rest Yeah, the chance to rest
Starting point is 00:28:56 I'm gonna watch TV. I'm interested to see what you're like this weekend. I watch TV. Yeah, you know like last week I watched the I Watched two movies. I watched a dumb movie with Chelsea Handler and the chick another chick The cute girl. I just got the DUI Reese Witherspoon Reese Witherspoon with a data FBI agent Oh, I saw the movie what's the Clint Eastwood movie with his daughter with Amy Adams. Oh the baseball movie. Is that good? It took me a while. It's it's too social for me. It's got Justin Timberlake as a pitcher Okay, Justin Timberlake has a hard time being a boy scout, you know, I think he's funny and time I love Justin Timberlake, but he didn't sell me as a major league pitcher is what I'm trying to say
Starting point is 00:29:35 Of course, no, that was a failed pitcher. You know, I want to see a pitcher. It's a little taller I think that was a bad casting But Amy Adams fucking great Irish chick Clint Eastwood is bad as it gets. It wasn't a Clint Eastwood movie I don't think no, it doesn't he didn't direct that didn't know that I don't think so So it wasn't you know something fucking crazy, but I enjoyed it But I had the patience to sit there and watch it with a notebook out in Between with a cup of coffee knowing I'm going to the gym to do the epileptic Yeah, you're going to the gym, but the whole thing is in LA you could be going to meetings you could be doing a thousand things and
Starting point is 00:30:11 You weren't Lexington Lexington, Kentucky. There's not really any meetings or anything. You could do there. No, no, there ain't shit So I right I like I want I really wanted to see killing me softly with Brad Pitt and gamble feeny But I didn't have a chance. It was on sale on the okay the television on the thing and you know shit like that Lee hit me with some fucking music. Let's park up a number here. It's a beautiful fucking day to be alive What is it June 26 June 27 26 26? Holy shit. Oh Shit little pearl jammy a little fucking chiba-choo little on it. I'm ready for the death of some alpha brain today. I'm back bitches Let me jump in jash with Lily. I'll do some now come get this fucking reefer cuck suck I'm ready. I eat a chibo chew
Starting point is 00:31:07 I got vitamin C and me for fucking San Jose preparing oh shit Have I got a little story for you? Spark that motherfucker Lee Lee looking sharp with his new haircut. You put some gentlemen Gonna put no hair put gentlemen now put some John and push it straight to you in one of his columns You feel better you've been doing nothing doing them. I Jumping jacks are fun It's funny. I love doing this podcast
Starting point is 00:31:47 So it's like I'm tired before you get here because I get off work at three But what as soon as you get here, I'll get excited to fuck up cock sucker Oh, yeah, that's why that's why I can't have any of the soda because I have to go to bed pretty soon After this, it's funny. We do this, you know, we get up and this morning's I got up. I'm like, what? But I know that I want to be a part of these people's mornings Mm-hmm. I know that they enjoy it. They enjoy fucking around with us listening to a little music I'm gonna give a little shout out, you know It's funny. I switch with on it, you know, I always go on different stuff on it
Starting point is 00:32:21 And the last 10 days I've been back on the fucking Alfred brain. I love it. You do. Yeah, I could see through a woman's clothes now I seen some chick shelly three heads on a pussy. Oh God I could see right through this. I love this. You do. Yeah, it makes me crazy And you've been writing a lot the book and comedy. Does it help with that? Mm-hmm. I Love smoking refill. I told you that lately. I have you know one thing I really like to do like I've always loved this love this I Love it feeds me. This is perfect for me Alcohol never works for me. The marijuana makes me think Makes me listen to music so makes the music sound a little better. This is something I've always loved
Starting point is 00:32:59 Yeah, this is the best time I have. See this is what ruined my life This ruined my life because this cut right through the chick Like once I cut through this my mind is fucking on fire You smoke some weed you mix it with some alpha brain you do a couple jumping jacks. Thanks. No, no stopping you No, sir. Have you ever because I have you really mixed the weed and the alpha brain together with in the paper Yeah The fuck is wrong with you cocksucker No, I've never done that but I'll pop a fucking alpha brain a couple alpha brains do a couple bottom hits and I'm back
Starting point is 00:33:37 I'm back. Oh the fucking look at Lee getting ready for San Jose. What are you gonna do this weekend when they fucking tie you up? They got some savage Peter Lonzo. I'm looking forward to it Peter Lonzo is one of those guys from West New York He owns that glass works. Oh my god. He's getting ready every day. He writes me every fucking morning when I got up I got a new thing. He's inventing a hash for you No, I love it. I can't wait I've uh, I Can't wait to go and it's and I've heard great things from you and other people about San Jose, but I just I'm looking forward to it. It's a great club. It's a great little city with great fucking people I've been going up there for a while and I just like the whole the whole couple days
Starting point is 00:34:16 You know, I miss my wife and my kids when I go on the it's really weird I used to be able to leave to go on the road two or three weeks at a time You would leave for two. Oh, I used to leave here in November and come back in April Really when I first got him 97 98. Yeah, man, cuz you're trying to become a really good comic. What do you fire? Like how would how does that work? Okay, so Let's say I'm leaving November 18th. So November 18th is a Thursday or Wednesday. So let's say I'm was I'm gonna start no pass. Oh, okay So I would fly though pass up and then from no pass. So I'd probably take a bus to Houston
Starting point is 00:34:49 I'll take a ride with another comic do a week in Houston from there do a week in Austin From there go to Miami. I take a plane to fucking Miami stay there for two weeks make a little money Do you have this book? Do you just show up? Oh, I would have it all booked I would call ahead and I would leave like I would leave pieces out so I could pick it up as I was moving along Cuz there's always fallouts There's different bookers you could call on Monday and go. Hey, man. I'm available. I'm in Charlotte I'm on this side of the country if anything pops up. Give me a call. So I would go from Miami to let's say Davey, Florida to maybe Jacksonville
Starting point is 00:35:23 To Atlanta to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Maybe stop and do three nights in DC. These are all weekends Send clothes home. I would buy clothes at different Walmart. Do you attend them home and send the old shit home Like if I show, you know, if you have a sock, so they're getting all thrown away Yeah, and I would just stay out there from there go to Jersey from Jersey go to Boston from Boston I go to Maine and do that room up there from there I go to Canada. I go to Toronto for two weeks. Maybe do a weekend fucking Ontario fucking Canada there go to Buffalo on the way down Syracuse Rochester
Starting point is 00:36:00 Fucking back to Jersey and then it start all over again. Now, that's that we were talking three or four months We were talking about being alone. That's really being alone. I mean when you think about like that's even I love Oh, and I love it. I love it. I love getting on a bus. I love that would get greyhound. I would mix it up I take train planes trains and all over with with the with the Emphasis on trains and fucking buses really you hadn't fly a lot in those days. You couldn't afford it I was making four or five hundred a week as a feature. Oh, so they don't pay for you. They wouldn't know Oh, you would just say I'll come work for you. Yeah, so you take a bus 50 bucks and you're there I love trains and the nights that you're off. You got to pay for your own hotel
Starting point is 00:36:39 So you got to figure out shit to do So some nights I'd say I would get off at 3 I'd say fuck it I'll sleep at the bus station and save on the hotel and check on 11 and get the whole fucking day Yeah, oh, yeah, how to scam different fucking things. It's just really is amazing life You know, it really is an amazing life. I know how to I could get through an airport I don't go from I don't go to the regular window. I always check them for first class I'm not gonna stand that fucking long line like a Puerto Rican
Starting point is 00:37:07 You see three people go right in there and I got a question you and you're gonna say I don't know I didn't know I don't know. I don't fly. I don't fly No, they don't send you back like that that security line at the airport. That's his first class only I Security line is different. Okay, I'm talking about when you check in. Okay, we got a cock What's up Danny B? You tell me my friend. What's going on out west, you know me dog the fucking son is Adam getting ready to go to San Jose tomorrow I got my fucking edible in me. I gotta go to doctor
Starting point is 00:37:42 The edibles the edibles the lovely edibles. Yeah, we don't we're not fortunate enough to get those edibles here in Pennsylvania But you'll be getting fucking soon soon to show You know what people don't fucking know Danny B is Pennsylvania is where it all started forgot like me The best drugs I used to get were in East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania back in the late 70s early 80s with what's that kid named be a Monty remember that kid be a Monty? Yeah, I do I definitely do it's been a while but that name definitely rings a bell Actually Stroudsburg's a rock throw from here probably about 20 minutes away from East Stroudsburg right close to the Poconos Yes, and I'll tell you what other what other town in Pennsylvania is a good comedy town. It's fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:38:24 I almost got my dick sucked there one night and I was gonna let the chicks suck my dick But it was the first woman that scared me because I thought you suck my dick and then rip it off and shove it in her pussy And take my dick to go and now Wilkes Barry, Pennsylvania. We did comedy in a fucking barn Yeah, that's uh, that's a rock throw that's you know, I'm centrally located to a lot of good shit here I got Philly Atlantic City, Jersey's right up the block. So I would tell them to you know, it's on the map It's kind of quiet, but there are some fucked up people here. Yeah, and don't mess with those girls around here They are fucking crazy. What's going on brother? How's the baseball been treating it? Baseball has been fantastic. You know the last couple of weeks have been as back and forth
Starting point is 00:39:07 But overall I'm killing them this year Coco best year ever in baseball call it lucky call it whatever, but I'm killing them I'm 55 and twenty two and two on a year. That's like 71% You know when I met you without when I met up with you in Long Island You said something pretty interesting to me and you're a very honest guy even as a professional that you do you said that you You farm out basketball and football for information, but baseball you pick yourself Well, you know, you remember me as a kid baseball is always my passion. Hell actually I'm playing in a baseball league right now a hardball league 45 and older would bats and all old-school shit, but yeah baseball is my thing
Starting point is 00:39:49 I know it inside out, but I do a outsource a lot of my football my basketball, you know, I had Donagie for the NBA Football I use various guys. I track people Coco, you know, and it's tough Obviously if it was easy everybody'd be making money, so I just follow guys that are moving big money They don't win every game you know, they take it on a chin So you follow the guys that do this for a living guys that are moving some serious weight You know the other day I was sitting with my man John Salami John Salami's a writer that I hang out with director and he's from Jersey. He's one of us. He's about 47 48 And we're talking about New Jersey stories down the show and that's when I called you
Starting point is 00:40:32 I was telling the story when I went to your house that day with the guns and Your mom was about to shoot you with the deck and you were snorting coke at the same time We got to put that scene in a fucking movie Well, I'll tell you what there's a lot of movies to be made about guys like Hudson, New Jersey Northburg and Hudson County the armpit of the world But you know those were the days, you know, I was talking to somebody recently about the steroid days used to snort coke Shoot that Roll wake up. It was a mess. I don't even know why I'm still alive by all rights. I should have died years ago
Starting point is 00:41:04 I don't know how I'm still here. I still remember, you know yesterday was I Think it was 13 day 13 year anniversary of Rago dying Good friend of ours that we went to school with It's funny. I was thinking about him and I called Joey Fulato And he goes, that's funny that you called me because it's the 13th anniversary of down Rago And I still remember I had no idea about what steroids were or whatever I thought people lifted weights and they got big and one day he came over all coped up
Starting point is 00:41:36 We're probably about 18. We're in senior year in high school And he came over and he was cocoa. We started doing coke and his jaw was going and he goes cocoa Gotta tell you a secret. He took his shirt off. He did a bunch of push-ups. He got up and started posing It was just me and him in the hotel room. He starts doing push-ups and posing and telling me how he's fucking shooting vitamin B and Shooting something else and eating those. What were the balls? It was funny anywhere I would take Rago we anywhere we would go we could be in Harlem Copping on the 135th Street and going to a bar to get a beer I go Rago take your shirt off and do some fucking push-ups and start this motherfucker
Starting point is 00:42:18 No, we could be an all-black bar in Harlem. He would drop 50 push-ups take his shirt off and start posing at the bar hilarious Dude, he was a like a little pit bull Actually down and I go back even before North Bergen. He was the second beatman I was the shortstop over in Fairview for the Lions Club our first stop my I know Johnny they grew up on Maple Street in our Fairview Then later on to North Bergen, but yeah, Darren was a good dude crazy Yeah, he got you know a bad rap for the drugs and all that but he was a good dude and
Starting point is 00:42:53 Talking about Darren me and Gary would discuss in Darren because everybody misses down. He was Remember one day we're partying at his house We broke the one and what might have been two days into the party me and Gary are looking from like we're in his mother's Away in Atlantic City. She liked to gamble So we're looking where the fuck is he you know, we're scared ourselves paranoia setting in Finally we go into the mother's bedroom and we open up the closet door He's hiding in the closet behind the mother's dresses or crashed down going Then he got out. He took a hit of coke and ran back under it was a fucking it went on for the whole day
Starting point is 00:43:30 You know, so one of the last times I partied with Darren He was hiding behind his mother's wardrobe in the closet in North Bergen It's sad though man, Joey Fulato what the fuck how'd he been? He's in st. Louis He's a general manager for car dealership doing great. He has a little daughter. The wife is happy But it's just funny how you said that that Darren got a bad rap for the drugs pro We all got a bad rap for the fuck. I remember one night It had to be the fall of 84 and by that time we had passed on the smoking bar Beyond the snorting we were making bazookas smoking at that point making bazookas in a microwave oven with
Starting point is 00:44:15 I gotta take a shit to think of the vibe. I remember everybody was on this bazooka craze Where you take the coke and put the bacon sold and bing it for 26 seconds and then make it hard You break it up in a joint and roll the joint then you you put the lighter under the joint So the coke would melt into the weed God and we lose our fucking minds, but everybody's how she went to the coke. They had to have a microwave oven All right, so I'm driving down. I think with Mike Ronnie with driving down Kelly Boulevard by three in the morning About to go somewhere to front coke and who do we see driving by the bank across from the Hashways, but Rago with a microwave oven
Starting point is 00:44:56 This thing was fucking huge Remember in the 80s. They were still huge now. They're small, but this was when it was a fucking oven You could bake a fucking bomb in this thing He's walking sweating and we're like down put it in the back Why do you have a microwave because do I got an ounce of coke and I'm going to somebody's house? I don't want no problems. I get over there got a microwave that goes my fucking night He showed up with a microwave to fucking people's houses. That's how crazy this thing had gotten But I'll tell you what those bazookas I got lost with those things, you know our fucking from 84
Starting point is 00:45:28 87 88 I wasn't even snoring either unless I was in the club Take me back to the crib a dude. I used to get weirded out on that. Yeah, I was smoking One night I smoked I got out of rolling papers like I ran out of rolling papers And I was cooking the bazooka and with the weed in a bond and I had one of those bonds that were like plexigram at glass That night started out a three-foot bond the next morning when I woke up. I had melted the bond It was like a foot and a half it melted in the bottom It went down at the World Trade Center now the World Trade Center. Oh goodness went down Went down
Starting point is 00:46:10 When that boy comes out with the big beautiful bong he loads it up for you and you drop an autumn. Oh my god That thing You know that that was those you know what I gotta tell everybody that's listening I know there's thousands of people that listen to you rightfully so This man is hysterical at the end of the show. He spends a lot of time with the fans everybody's lining up Just to ask you how about that crazy girl that kept saying did you ever he ever tell somebody to go fuck themselves? She kept saying it over and over again You remember that little nut? Yeah, it's funny because
Starting point is 00:46:45 I'm you know Danny when we're we're from everybody's fucking nuts So when I go on the road people club owners always come up to me like even the guy in Lexington was like I just saw your the people that are here tonight. They're a little crazy You know, it's so funny how these people are going out the comedy clubs. I'm not the norm You guys that come out the comedy clubs are supporters. You're not the norm. Who goes to comedy clubs? It's these conventional nice white people that go sit and they're like, oh my god that humor You motherfuckers from the church
Starting point is 00:47:14 show up with bongs and cakes and fucking weed and You're reeking of fucking weed when you when you when I come out to crack jokes I could smell the weed in the fucking air of people's breaths It's brilliant But you know what though they love you and I've been I went down it flew down to sea in Miami I drove up to sea in Long Island. I'm going to definitely be there with a crew in Philadelphia At the end of what July 19th is all let me tell you something It's worth it. It's worth it. If anybody out there you have a chance to sit it on stage
Starting point is 00:47:45 It's worth it You spend time to make you laugh man. It's real stuff as you're telling the jokes in Long Island. I'm filling in the blanks I'm telling my wife. I'm like, okay. Yeah, that's the story when they black the prostitute with hollyway and conty It's like I'm living it as you're saying I'm like and it's taking me back And it's all real. That's what I love about you your comedy is real Your talent your delivery your expressions man. You're just killing them. I'm so happy for you I'm I bro. I got my comedy from you Danny B You motherfuckers have always made me laugh. You guys have been in the original comics in my life
Starting point is 00:48:17 All I did was take all my friends and put them made them a comedian And became that comedian That's all I did the same thing with my when I do my radio show and I talk about my experience And I do the same thing. I just talk about the way I've seen it what I've seen over the years Mistakes that I've made, you know getting into trouble waiting for that monday night bail out game I don't have the money to pay mr. Holloway or whoever else jumper number Frank jumper Was you part of that those days with Frank? You know what man? I was I was a buddy of his younger brother
Starting point is 00:48:51 But the word on the street is his younger brother's the shit now for the lukezi's No, dude, listen, you know, I got hooked up with him In 84 when I was borrowing money from him and I was running back and forth from california, arizona with bundles of weed You know governor christy prostituted him You know back in 88 89 Uh, but yeah, those were some fucked up times It seemed like naturalized to get on an airplane with 50 pounds of weed checking in snort on the plane We'll shit with the waitresses. We've been I don't know how I got away with it
Starting point is 00:49:24 You know, but we did personality. They could not expect it to be from you And what he's saying is true. This guy would get on a plane with 50 pounds and go on the plane Do fucking bumps and talk to people like he was really going on vacation and skiing Did you check it in or did you carry it on how do you check it in? Do you really do you check everything in guns everything I would check it in it was like a routine every 10 days california or or uh, arizona gallus arizona kind of boarded mackerel Like it was nothing, you know, and I I'd have a fucking A coke on me just open it up in the plane just snorting like I was fucking like it was legal
Starting point is 00:50:02 And I looked back and like god damn I should be dead or in jail for the rest of my life Did they did like the baggage handlers take like a couple pounds out for the for like the trouble they didn't know But I tell you what I did get caught. I did get caught in 1988. We got tipped off First james brother joey got caught And then we kept going on it was like a routine one brother would go then I would go I got nabbed at la had pulled on me to date It was uh, October of 87 right before my birthday
Starting point is 00:50:33 I got away with it too. They uh, uh, illegal search and seizure, but I'm doing my thing I check in I have a couple of drinks. I'm getting ready to board the plane and sure enough those marshals come up and They had to routine search. Do you have any money on your blah blah blah? So I don't got no money on me a few dollars blah blah blah. So if you mind if you check my bed if we check your bag So I said go ahead. What am I gonna do? Sure enough. They tell me how you got no warrants. You have it, but you do have a shitload of weed with you So they booked me uh, I spent a couple of days in uh
Starting point is 00:51:06 In the la county jail Now I'm going to get a ring. This is the funniest part Mr. Bill Arquillo was being accused of bop-bop idea. How much weed did he have? Nobody know I got I had 59 counts of weed and my bail was a hundred bucks a hundred fucking bucks Because they didn't know how much we just had when I went in front of the judge But six months later. I got away with it illegal search and seizure Now one for the home one time I went home to boston and joey gave me some edibles and I was paranoid
Starting point is 00:51:36 About it. Were you freaked out when you would have it under the under the plane for like the entire plane? Honestly, honestly, it was like fucking like I didn't care. I had balls bigger than an elephant. It was fucking You know, we didn't care. It was like It was a rude clean thing Even though my uh older cousin just got popped a few months earlier I'm like, well stupid he probably gave himself away No, it was like a rude clean thing get dropped off put him in check and then with leverage pick him up Take a cab into I had a guy in new york that would take the whole lot off of us
Starting point is 00:52:06 Sell them in the candy stores two or three days later I go back to california and throw it all over again in a couple of days after that But no, I was never scared. I was never afraid of anything until I had kids now. I'm afraid to So uh, no back in the day I was fearless. It's funny how I used to bring you guns. I used to bring guns from colorado to jersey every week And you check it check him 10 guns I could never have a fucking t-shirt 10 9 millimeters with the miami vice holsters Remember Danny I'd bring the miami vice holster at don johnson war on the show
Starting point is 00:52:40 And I'd bring bullets for everybody with the two clips. So you go you were ready for war They don't check nothing like the wild west. I used to bring them every one then go fly back with eight ounces 10 ounces of blow in an envelope Well, I get I get nervous when I fly that the toothpaste is going to come out of the end and get on my clothes You're not worried about guns No, I don't give a shit. I'm gonna go for that. Listen if you're gonna go for it go for it If you let that shit go into your mind Remember to trip me me tommy russo and uh clagg made out there. Yeah, you were out there. I forgot what year was 86 85
Starting point is 00:53:13 We stopped we picked up some guns. We rented a car Drove to vegas then to california hung out with james for a few days got on a plane and i'm like, oh, shit I pull out the gun didn't like you have any weapons. I just pull out the pistol. You need a carrying case for that It's 50 bucks. Oh, okay. Well, give me the carrying case. That's it. It was like nothing back in the day It's not 11 shit fucked up for everybody I remember buying a new work with a suitcase of guns Coke and having a little bit of weed in my jacket And they asked me to take my jacket off and the guy went in there and took the chocolate tie out
Starting point is 00:53:45 I thought it was all over He put it right back in gave me the jacket and I went right through you the suitcase of guns suitcase of guns blow We're lying, right? He ain't lying man. It was like fucking space North ferns copo probably uh, was the biggest arms dealer in the jersey from colorado for the longest time fucking was a steal No, he's for real man. For real. It was like nothing nothing like that. Fuck. What do you got? I had a cop in colorado that sold me all his confiscated guns Which were dirty guns anyway people paid top dollar for those
Starting point is 00:54:18 And then I go to a store and buy brand new guns and bring them back He told you and and you would make money because you're selling them illegally. Yeah, okay And I make a profit over what I pay you buy the gun for 200 Mike I got busted with one of those guys Yeah, I got busted in 87 another I got I got hit three times in one year. It was like a hat trick Now what happened with Gwinnett the Gwinnett buy a gun and it got took from him till I tell you that about Yeah, yeah about 15 Yeah, I was at the comedy store one night about 14 when I first got here first year. I'm here
Starting point is 00:54:54 Mike Gwinnett comes up to me. He goes did they call you cocoa when you were a kid? I go, yeah He goes, I'm Mike when I don't I know the fuck yo, what's up, but I give him a hug I go, how's your brother Eddie? He goes, listen before we move any further. You owe me 150 dollars from a gun He goes, I bought a gun from danny and he got confiscated. I go, what the fuck are you fucking kidding me? Get go get a drink and let's go do a line of 150 dollars. Get the fuck out of here I remember I remember hearing something like that. It was the 80 April 1st of 87 You know, I got busted later on in 87 out in California too and then at 89 and 90 I was like, you know, I got more arrest and fucking most people can count that but uh, anyway, uh,
Starting point is 00:55:31 April 1st, I'm up all night with the eddlers. Okay. I'm with him on dorm avenue And uh, they just clear out the house like six o'clock. Everybody's going home. I'm ready to hit the bed And all of a sudden I get a call from uh from remember joel tobya. Yeah, I robbed him Yeah, everybody brought joel. I got even that. Let me tell you how intense that motherfucker was he had a an alarm on his car in 1985 That if you fucked with his car his pager would go off Do you remember that's how electronically fucking ahead of the game? He was in 84 Like he would hide the coke in his car and we all knew in those days. We'll bust that fucking glass and take his blow
Starting point is 00:56:14 But he had an alarm system that his page. I got him. He's the last guy out of north bergen He was tough too because he know I came with a reputation He would he he had me on fucking point, but he let his guard down for like three hours. Bam Yeah, I hear he turned informant for a while. Yeah, that's what I heard too Now he's hanging out with tommy russo and i'm up in uh, north jersey, so again, but Yeah, yeah, I don't know the whole quick. I'm removed. I've been removed for a long time But I don't want to see those people talk to those people Especially that little crew
Starting point is 00:56:54 That little crew had always the reputation of being rats and I'm a firm believe if there's smoke there's fire Oh my god, you know if you haven't been arrested or or fucking in trouble then, you know whether smoke there's Since we were kids russo had the bag of being a fucking rat since we were kids everybody knew that Well, he he he was a pretty boy. He had no heart. No fight to him. You know, I've been shot. I've been stabbed But it ain't nothing I haven't seen You know, I spent some time in jail. I've been fucking broke made millions lost it got it back So, you know life's full of ups and downs. So and you live like a fucking doctor brother. I love this kid
Starting point is 00:57:31 I love this guy. I had a real I had like this guy that wanted to be on fire. I go no I gotta have daddy be on it's been a while. This is real. I needed this back on the show Because you know, that's what what i'm about. That's how I know myself and my product is by just being me, man We're fucking family for a long time. Well This is real. We're family from a long time. I needed to have some family call in today I really did uh, well speaking of family. How's the little girl? Fucking just Nuts, huh?
Starting point is 00:58:02 Ah, you don't know you look at this little baby and you think about your wife and you go. What the fuck What the fuck I walk around like you I walk around scared because of the thing named karma, you know Dude, I'll tell you what I eat do nothing wrong these days. I can't even drive I can't even shop up to the airport no more. I feel guilty I used to be able to fucking steal a new york pose to the Thing of water and now i'm fucking paranoid to even uh, I'll tell you what man Philly is gonna be great for one main reason you ready for this danie What's that two words mic running
Starting point is 00:58:39 Oh, and steve and steve coming that steve's daughter the son is coming. He wants to come a day early He sent me an email saying can I come in a day? I just want to smoke with my uncle joey We're gonna have a fucking blast. I got to have mike runny called back on here again next week Just to remind these motherfuckers about what's gonna go down in philly that thursday night Good good good ball player. Mike runny was a good baseball player I was gonna say call the cops had your cops should be there, but isn't steve running your cop these days? No, he's just retired. He just retired. This is he just retired in january. He called me How old the fuck are we we're fucking retiring already? How do you retire? I can't retire
Starting point is 00:59:18 Remember he was an undercover cop for a while and he would fucking go to work jack that joe would always go I had a commie. It was driving around. Yeah, he used to stop by and see me on his way to work with the fucking guns You know, I started tying up with I go all over the place I started telling the story back in april. How are at 87 how I got hit? You know, they uh, joel calls me up and he tells me hey The gmc is here to take your car that we present. I'm like my car because it was in the shop getting all wheeled up My mother wasn't making the payments on the fucking car. I'm like five car car payments behind You know at that point that i'm fucking hungover. I call my mother at the rush. I'm like you need to get home
Starting point is 00:59:57 So she comes home. I'm blowing up. I'm fucking screaming my cars. We possess for no reason I start throwing shit through the window louis spits. Do you remember louis? Yeah, yeah the cop. Yeah, los bergen cop Yeah, so he comes up. He's like, what's going on? I'm like these fucking guys louis my fucking family to fucking killing me. I paid for the house. I do this I fucking this one that one they fucking make all over in my car He's like calm down calm down bro. And then out of nowhere Joe bodie I don't know him at that point comes up because you're all full of shit
Starting point is 01:00:27 You're a fucking drug deal and gangster bookmaker criminal and when we get you you're going down I'm like, what a fucking you well sure enough They got a warrant to go into my house because my sister sissy Turns in one of your guns now I used to be I was smart enough not to keep them around when we were partying So I would keep the ammunition in the safe and take the pistol and put it upstairs And my brother's baby diaper bag So she turned in one of the guns and next thing you know, they got warrants for my arrest and I got a little probation on that
Starting point is 01:01:00 But yeah, it was your gun, buddy. My first pinch. Well, it was uh, what's your gun? What am I gonna see you got no, all right, so let me ask you this real quick. So you got baseball going on You're going into july the all-star break and then after pretty much the all-star break ladies and gentlemen It's welcome to football season Yeah, absolutely They got Denver going off as the favorite this year Lee's very upset because one of his knowing on page. He's got arrested today when I came in It's okay, it opens up the room for t-ball
Starting point is 01:01:37 Oh Jesus, they knew shit. That's what it got t-ball. You know, he's so he can play a wide out He can fill in for Gorkowski. He's heard a little bit here and there. So yeah t-ball's gonna This is the uh, slow time. So what is what position is Aaron Hernandez play to tighten Oh He was he was great and Gronkowski was great, but he just had his fucking sick surgery and a back surgery two weeks ago Gronkowski the other tight end. Okay, so I don't I don't I don't know what's gonna happen this year People's gonna be big daily. You think he's gonna catch you think he's gonna be able to catch balls Get the respect he deserves
Starting point is 01:02:13 That'd be awesome. I mean I we don't walk around anymore. We don't have any I agree. We have Tom Brady, but he has no one to throw to right now So hopefully you're right Eight to one so they're they're uh Number three to win it Broncos 11 to two san francs six to one pats And Seattle are going off at eight to one. So uh, so yeah, they're still favored You're one of the top teams and how can you not be when you got bill of check and Brady? But you're gonna see people gonna show their people
Starting point is 01:02:44 I don't like the way they've been hard on this guy, you know The guy's nothing but a a good kid. He plays hard and so what he's not a quarterback He's not your typical quarterback. So what he's a winner You know, I'm different my approach to sports is different than most but I'm a winner So what the fuck I caught people that hate us. It's freaking. Hey, what do you think of the big side? This Paula Dean. Is she a bigot or not? Ha ha ha Listen behind closed doors everybody says the word nigga
Starting point is 01:03:13 Whether they hate it or they don't or they don't it's just the way their nature knows fucking animals saying all the time So, uh, you know, when I say when I came from Cuba, I hung out with the brothers They were the first friends I had in 125th street in Harlem So even when I fuck around and go yo nigga, whatever, I don't hate nobody I might my idols are Julia serving in Muhammad Liam Richard prior. How the fucking I hate niggas You know I'm saying but there's people that really, uh, you know, whatever Listen, I when I was locked up and shit, you know, I'd seen it all military at a young age People of people, you know, some of the worst people I've ever met are your white trash
Starting point is 01:03:50 And I'm sorry if I offend anybody but white trash is worse than anything So I look the other way at that shit. I use the n word here in the app I don't mean no harm by it. No, I say spit two a thousand times. I love Spanish people Well, that's the thing she told the a black person that you wanted all the waiters at One of her family's weddings to dress up like slaves So she she was saying Tire up the jungle dick in her ass Well, you know, but you know, it's people are haters. Everybody's looking to take a shot at somebody
Starting point is 01:04:34 You know people take shots at me because of my past. I don't give a fuck. I don't do it. Yeah, I don't go nowhere You know what and I'm fine as people are fucking people, you know for fucking I gotta tell you something Danny for After I got divorced and that lady said a few things to me And plus the shift from my childhood for about seven eight years I walked around on this shame And every once in a while I would get high and tell one of these stories to somebody about mugging a hooker You biting roger's ear or for fucking
Starting point is 01:05:07 You know snorting coke with daryl Dawkins off a refrigerator. In fact, joel Joel was the ball boy for the nets That's the guy I talked to Joel was a ball boy for the nets when we were growing up And they would give them the sneakers after every game they would throw away their sneakers and joel would sell them And then get blowing sell the daryl Dawkins. That's the guy we're talking about. I was embarrassed about my mother I was embarrassed about my family my mother doing blow and my father And then one day I said what the fuck I came out. All right, you know saying who gives a fuck Who gives a fuck, you know, sometimes you look back
Starting point is 01:05:41 Especially when you're a parent, you're like you try to do the right thing and image is important for your kids But you know what it is what is I would do things differently Well, shit, we we I was raised without any guidance. I came out all right. Oh, I evaluated I said, okay, you know, I'm not no choir boy Listen, you know what hurts the kid the church I go to is this church, you know what hurts the kid the most When they get lied to It's not about your image the kids will accept you the kids are like dogs and cats don't accept you Kids get pissed when we get lied to anybody in this room still pissed at one of our parents for lying to us
Starting point is 01:06:17 Something it could be something simple that till this day we get mad about when your mom and dad got divorced Lee, maybe your dad lied to you your mom. It bothers you So a parent lying today. I got to tell my daughter everything And I got to have her find strength in that the same way I found the strength in that So what I stole this so what I robbed this. This is why now I got to work that much harder Danny You know, and that's what that's what this is. I'm taking a piss right now. So don't mind me. No, no Danny B. Where can they find you? What's going on for football season? Are you running a special? Let us know what's going on real fast
Starting point is 01:06:54 Well, what's I'm done pissing. I piss a lot. Uh, You know what? I got some nice deals going on especially for church members You know right now I got a hundred and twenty dollars special for the month It's four it's four weeks of plays. I don't play a lot But you're getting anywhere from 28 to 30 games a month Just enough to wet your feet make enough money less is better in my business You know, uh, I'm just battling with this internet. I'm learning a whole new thing here. I'm a radio guy for the last 20 years It's been television and radio
Starting point is 01:07:26 Now I'm into social media anytime you lose a game that's looking to take shots at you It's like an ugly world out there But uh, you know, I'm just doing my thing and I'm running specials one day I have this special going on next week another special But I treat all the church members Uh, differently because any friend of yours is a friend of mine. I love you cocksuck. I'm gonna see you in philadelphia and get ready to rock Yeah, listen, thanks a lot and we thanks for helping out because I'm ready to start my yeah real quick
Starting point is 01:07:55 Yeah, yeah, he's gonna start this podcast. I'm doing my podcast after you all start breaks Uh break twice a week Monday and Friday I'm gonna start talking football and recap and all that neat stuff and hope to have one first guest I'll be on there, brother. You know, I love you to all my heart Okay, he's back at you man. Just loving kisses and I'll keep in touch. Give the wife a kiss She's a beautiful wife. Give her a kiss. I love her and give the kids a kiss too I will do that. My little kid's upstairs running around like chucky. He's a little nut or he has these little foot But anyway, listen, if you're kicking me off, I'll let you go. If not, I'll keep talking
Starting point is 01:08:34 No, I'll let you go. I gotta get the fuck out of there. I gotta go start my day Yeah, you know, I started calling you at 6 45 a.m. This morning your time I know when I got up, I said, what's he doing calling? Who? I'm sorry. I thought you were texting me 6 45 I know I know. I thought my time. I'm sorry, brother. I'm sorry. That's okay. I was up anyway, but listen guys loving kisses and Love you up the baby. Lee. Thanks for your help. I got one of your church members, Andrew Andrew Tomasino Tomasino So he's gonna help him. He's gonna do his production. Yeah, good dude. He's gonna be my lead only. He's Italian All right, dude. He's the flying Jew
Starting point is 01:09:08 I'm gonna have him fly up to san jose this week. Everything's gonna be beautiful. I'll get a hold of you next week cocksucker Okay, thanks a lot, buddy. Thank you. Thanks for your help. Danny be wins dot com Danny be wins dot com cocksuckers Do you know the way to san jose motherfucker? I don't know nothing I'll see you later, buddy. Thanks for your time. Appreciate it. You too What's up, lisa? Where's the fucking I gotta do some shout outs and shillie you're slipping this morning. I'm sorry I'm gonna give a shout out to my girl. Melissa Perez coming to the late show friday Mark rent. I love you cocksucker leon
Starting point is 01:09:43 Dead squad from coast to coast down to australia all the way to dead squad japan Dead squad Harlem dead squad bolivia. I love dead squad. I've been not giving you a shout out lately jill himitsu Hope you get well rex fucking up in seattle frank westland Jeremy kennedy and my man danie lions in the fucking house bitches What do you got for me? Don't just fucking sit there like the color on that shirt. Thanks. It's beautiful It's very nice. Don't wear a white shirt underneath. No, what's that wear? Nothing. Hey, hey, I have I have hair
Starting point is 01:10:17 Well, then let it pop out your t-shirt like you're gonna go to fucking some insurance con You know I'm saying your lisa. Yeah, you ain't got time for this shit. You're the flying fucking jew So you want me but it's blue and white. That's I didn't bother you this morning on other bulls because you're gonna have enough problems Just weekend. Oh, yeah, you've been saying that you've been calling me for weeks like dude. They're making this cake for you It's an ice cream cake. Where was fucking woodstock? In new york, where was The other one the crazy one. Oh, uh, altamino or all that all that shit up there. That's still people up there Those people from altamino. They're waiting for
Starting point is 01:10:55 I got an email the other day some guys going he's just they just come they're paying for tickets to watch the show But they're coming to torture you This is why I told you monday eat these fucking edibles because i'm not gonna carry you you're gonna wake up You're gonna wake up in an alley and samples say your pants gonna be untied Your ass is gonna hurt your dick's gonna be red. Well, I think I didn't do my pants Because they're gonna rape you your lisa. They want to give you an edible and have some chick fuck your brains out. I'm not kidding you I'm trying to prepare you. I've never liked you. I might get fucking drill sergeant here I'm your father uncle mother wife for the rest of your fucking life till your father comes and I take a few days off
Starting point is 01:11:30 You're my wife everything until your father gets here and I take a few days off So i'm just telling you right now. All right cops like I had a yellow and this morning He's like I don't want to eat. I don't have time for that. She you're a soldier. You're a church of what's happening now soldier Yeah, it's no more juicing. There's no more nothing. We're going commando this weekend. We're going commando I don't expect to do a if you call me monday morning. Go Joey. Don't come over here. I can't do a podcast because i'm sick I'd be proud that you wouldn't yes, I would be not you'd be knocking on the door. We'll do it in the afternoon That's the point for monday. You're gonna party so hard this weekend You're gonna get back sunday. You're gonna go to sleep in monday. You won't be able to I haven't I haven't drank in a while
Starting point is 01:12:09 I'm looking forward. I'm telling you. I'm not kidding. You're so I'm telling you as your friend your uncle To take the stick out of your ass anyone who wants to come out and do I love tequila shots That's what I want to do. There's no fucking crime. Melissa Perez is shaving her asshole right now She says she stopped shitting since monday So friday night late show melissa beautiful because she's fucking oh, yeah She's gonna fart in your face. Why you love I said You like the like they don't shit since monday. Like it's just sitting in there. It's just sitting in there compressed
Starting point is 01:12:40 If you stop shitting this morning, yeah, like after you shit today twins day, we don't shit till friday or saturday See what happens. I don't want to see what happens You get this air around your ass that even when you pull your pants off your ass stinks Because it's compressed right in there. It's like a it's like a keg right in the blow And then after some cocktails a couple mozzarella sticks at the comedy show then we'll give her a cup of coffee I'll take you upstairs. I'm bringing the camera Thank god we have that boom you wouldn't want to miss this and I want like uh, I want your face Look at the zebra like you have a little block dot like so many
Starting point is 01:13:11 You look like travolta and pop fix when they kill the guy and you have little pieces of blood in this fucking head Don't you want some some some shit on your face this couple? I've come to terms a little bit with the fart the shit on why does it have to be shit on my face because that's part of the Patois you ain't gonna shoot nobody don't have blood on you. You're not gonna eat spaghetti without some sauce on your shirt You're not gonna have sauce that's that's shit when you eat when you eat a fucking bagel with cream cheese Yeah, with the tomato nice and the onions. Yeah, don't you get a little cream cheese on your shirt? It's not shit. And don't you get a little couple seeds from the poppy seed on your shirt? Come on. Lee you gotta give me a breather here. What what what's talk to me about fucking hulu plus?
Starting point is 01:13:48 What what the fuck you haven't said none of now? Well, that's good. I was we're gonna do it later, but it's uh, it's my saving grace man. I love hulu plus My wife's digging it too. I knew she was I knew she my wife likes all that I watched the daily show on it. I love I love the daily show. I think it's funny John Stewart's on a break right now, but they have that they have they have family guy, which I love They have parks and rec which I I think she's very funny. They have tons of shows So just go to joeideas.net. There's a banner there Go to huluplus.com slash joey because because we talked about it
Starting point is 01:14:20 It doesn't have to be lowercase anymore So go for it. Just go it really they don't ask for your credit card. They don't ask for anything You get two weeks for free And that's it two weeks Who gives you two weeks? Some people don't even give you two fucking hours or two fingers up the s Lee, where's some fucking music for me? Get this day going. You got the weekend. That's it. Mother fuckers Fourth of july is next weekend. Dun dun dun dun dun
Starting point is 01:14:46 Hit it lee Oh, shit little acdc fucking power rages or something for the australians. I love you mother fuckers, you know I love these people. That's why we do this shit. Lee. I made it. We ain't going nowhere. I'm too stone I got to drive home. I don't even know what I got to cut off asians like an asian What else lee? We're going to fucking san jose. We're going to philadelphia in july acdc And that's all I got for you mother fuckers today If you're not putting alpha brain in your system if you're not putting strong bone
Starting point is 01:15:15 If you're not trying to have protein from on it, I don't know what the fuck to tell you Go to on it.com order something and the box press church Press church. You're not going to be fucking sorry. No, and don't forget do something today. Right at joe hit it Go lee Oh, shit wiggle fun for joey lee. There you go guys. It's like you haven't wiggled in a while You know jumping jacks now. Oh, that's a boy Yeah Speaking of shit, do you shit when you when you smoke because every time I get really high
Starting point is 01:15:48 I take like the best shits. I don't know tremendous. It keeps your digestive tract open Is that what it is? Yeah, and if you smoke a joint and you pick a half a cup of coffee with some oatmeal and apple You know, I went to the doctor once I go doctor. I don't I shit too much. He goes no There's no log in shitting too much. It's good. That means everything's moving It's when you're sitting there stale and you got, you know Packets of meat in there and stuff like that. I guess why I went last night with my wife Where'd you go? We got a gift certificate already mornings. Oh, you want it? Oh, yeah, I went last night I was with a pinch. We went I had the halibut. Oh, it was good salad. Yeah, it was delicious
Starting point is 01:16:22 You got fish at the steak house. My wife got the steak and I got a little steak I can't eat meat every day league. Really? I'm 50 fucking years old. I can't be clogging up the fucking use the pores the fucking valves I can't do that every day and I had to pick a deal for breakfast, you know For lunch the ground beef with the potatoes. Okay, yeah, I didn't want an halibut. Look delicious. It was fucking delicious I love I can't cook halibut at the house. I'm the worst fish cook I don't know what I'm doing I go to these farmers markets and they sell the halibut and the salmon I bring it home
Starting point is 01:16:54 It's a fucking dry piece of fucking fish. Yeah, I can't do it. I brought swordfish. I threw it away last week I made it for lunch with lemon juice. I love swordfish. I don't know to cook man. I can't fucking cook man Yeah, fish is tough fish is fucking tough. So when I go out, I see a nice piece of fish like every time you go out to get Halibut, it's always previously frozen. Yeah, you know, it's pretty hard to get fresh halibut And then if I could get it, I don't know how to fucking cook it So these guys I know they're not gonna fuck it up Every time you go to the food is so fucking fresh the lettuce you piss like a wastewater after you leave Whatever because you piss you're fucking that lettuce is all water. It's crisp
Starting point is 01:17:29 You see the water shoot out of your fucking mouth. It's like going to the dentist Jesus I I have the same thing with shrimp. I like I like I never something you don't like. No, I love shrimp Lots that you don't like. I don't like lobster, but with shrimp I can't do like anytime at someone's house. It's always frozen and it tastes soggy and watery I only have shrimp at restaurants and I know I love it But I can't every time I'm at someone's house and they have oh, we have a shrimp cocktail. It's disgusting. I can't do it I don't know. This is what happened to get me. I get those Costco shrimp and they're not
Starting point is 01:18:04 world-class shrimp, but I like to make red sauce with it and Shrimp cocktails if I'm not but they're not like when you go to fucking Dantanas or Artie Morton's and get those shrimp cocktails. Those are prawns. Yeah, they're fucking they picked them that morning They're so fucking good. They picked them that fucking morning. So I'm the same with you But if anybody has recipes for fish, you know, swordfish halibut Salmon, I'm getting the fucking sick of you know, because I've been eating salmon in Seattle And it's great for your heart and it's great for your joints back
Starting point is 01:18:32 I have it once a week and I could go to big pizza and fucking have it They give it to me with rice and the salads. Don't worry about the salmon I need like halibut recipes and I need like Swordfish recipes and there's tons of tilapia out here. I don't know how to cook Do you have a griller? No, because I have a griller yard And I have uh, whatever I have in the kitchen, you know in the broiler and all that shit But it's just I I like to get fish, you know, I really don't It's like a Jew driving a BMW. How do you I go to fucking
Starting point is 01:19:02 Arnie Morton? I forgot the steak. I got a couple pieces of that. It was so good And she got it rare melted in my mouth like butter. Yeah, I usually get the the lobster bisque I didn't get that this time. There's too much cream. Okay, so I didn't get that I just got the salad. I had one piece of bread Did you get those uh horseradish mashed potatoes that we got last night? Those are good. I love those My wife got those and we got scallops wrapped in bacon Deliciously, you know, my wife I I'm leaving. I won't see her again. So we had to get certificate of sitting there It was fucking sitting there. We're like, when are we gonna go there? We're gonna go to father's day
Starting point is 01:19:35 We ended up going swimming. We're gonna go to Wendy's We ain't got a chicken sandwich, you know, like normal human beings and last night we were running She made red sauce, but I said, you know what for us to have it the same day it sucks When you make spaghetti sauce, you want to sit overnight really? Yeah, you don't want to have the same day Let that pork and the fucking beef get in there and you know the onions and oh, it's delicious the next day You've cold up then today you take that motherfucker a lot of moves a lot of meals are not you shouldn't cook them for that day paella A lot of steaks and stuff like that. I understand but like lasagna
Starting point is 01:20:11 It's better better the next day Yeah, I wonder if you've not had food that it's not better than that. I guess that makes sense Like that that's the reason why I got so big is because I hate cooking and the thing you have to do is cook for like A few days in advance because I hate doing it I can make a couple things if I had to yeah I can make a mean steak on a you do that with the garlic and the onions and the onions and the white bread and the two eggs I make a great breakfast shit like that, but like I would love to be able to make like a pot roast, you know You'd love to make a pot roast
Starting point is 01:20:48 Pot roast and mashed potatoes and slice that motherfucker up thin Come on with some garlic clothes in it. So when the meat gets cooked now the garlic spreads into the fucking meat No, it sounds great. I just don't imagine you're warming the cook Come on guys. Who doesn't want to be able to fucking be a but see I'm like I'm like that guy that doesn't want to do You know, I always meet comics though. Like I don't want to host You got a fucking host. You got to do the system. So I'm not the type of guy that wants to do the years to learn how to cook Yeah, I just want to get the fucking uh the Whatever edition to just go the liner notes. Yeah and cook, but you can't do that
Starting point is 01:21:22 No, you can't do that with cooking and that's why I fail as a chef or any type of You know, I'm great with tuna mayonnaise onions. Oh, yeah, I'm great with what we're saying I told you about tuna you like try this. Oh, uh all vinegar and oil or something Yeah, and even that subway just try that subway if you want to try something try it somewhere where it's cheap And you have no investment in eight hours. Yeah, you get tuna With italian bread. Yeah lettuce tomato this the lettuce can't be whole it has to be shredded Okay for the sandwich the tomatoes have to be very thin salt and pepper a little oregano Maybe an avocado and some vinegar and oil
Starting point is 01:22:00 God damn Oh met the avocado but put some vinegar on the tuna You know when I was a kid blimpy based how the great sand was at roast beef Lettuce tomato onions. Is it still round blimpy? Yeah, but that meat it looks brown. It looks. Oh, yeah Looks like like a little old ladies pussy like it's just It's just fucking brown roast beef either has a look to it. It doesn't they have to shave it right there It's like a chow molester You know what I'm saying? They either have to look
Starting point is 01:22:28 Roast beef is like a chow molester You know the the roast beef when you look at roast beef either has that look or it has that look like you're gonna fucking die Yeah, that brown fucking look and that's what I don't like, you know, do you ever go to kelly's when you went to uh, Boston, it's wicked expensive right now, but I There was a place called riley's and they they shaved it right there But then they warm it up and I can't like cold roast beef that's been sitting there all day that has that can't be good When I go to subway or places like that I get tuna turkey or ham anything else that seems like it's dangerous Which you taking a life in your hands turkey you're taking a life in your hands
Starting point is 01:23:05 And the ham the turkey I want it to like from subway. Yeah, but it tastes so fake Yeah, it really does taste so they put a coloring on it to may have that brown circle It's not real and what about the ham? Is it turkey ham? It's boar's head ham. I mean really I usually get at subway That's what the sign says who knows if it's real But I usually get when I go I usually get tuna I'm a tuna guy at subway I start putting onions on it. It's great. You like putting the raw onions just a little bit because I'm just getting used to it But I like it
Starting point is 01:23:37 And put some vinegar on them. I'll try it scares me. Oh, you don't love it. It's tuna wet. It's nice Okay, I don't like my food wet. This is tuna wet. I can't believe we're talking about fucking tuna What does it happen to you smoke? I gotta get the fuck out of here I don't know what to tell you people it was a great week You're alive the sun's out go for your fucking dream this week cocksucker grab your balls smell your fingers and go What the fuck has been going on for the last 10 years? I gotta get back in this fucking race, lee Oh, shit. Lee. I feel bad for you this weekend. I really do I've been looking forward to it. I'm gonna get mad at you this morning because you can't say this shit to me
Starting point is 01:24:11 I'm telling you I'm not lying to you. I guarantee I'll take you to my other email from joe dears dot net You're gonna be you're not gonna go. I'll go if you read the emails, you won't go. I was thinking about this I had a race and like beating the beast Because if you read this, you're gonna go You're gonna die and I can't have that this week. You gotta be prepared I'm sure I'm bringing you up on stage to do 10 minutes. What? Yeah, you didn't know that No, the club's gonna give you a couple hundred. You gotta go on stage and do 10 minutes So you gotta write me a material by tomorrow. Wait, you told me Wednesday for tomorrow. I thought you knew. No, I
Starting point is 01:24:43 What the fuck? I wasn't supposed to know what you were playing Come on. I told you I told you this six weeks ago. You didn't tell me you told me go up and say hello It's joe dears with the comedy liking's the least I had Well, people are in for a treat I love you cocksuckers. Listen have a great weekend. We're doing next monday and wednesday the 4th of july is on thursday Yeah, so uh, it's gonna be a great week next week. We got used then we got a live podcast in july I can't wait. I can't wait for that one either. And I'm sorry. We couldn't do one in san jose. It was just too short to know this
Starting point is 01:25:17 But bring the podcast stuff anyway. Oh, I'm gonna bring enough. I have to for the for the thing if you like And maybe we'll get a couple people. We have a great feature this week. If you get a great kid I can't fucking think of his name. I'm excited. We'll come to the show Come into the show guys and bring heavy come heavy bring refit Eat like sometimes you go out with two joints bring three joints Let's say there's a fucking earthquake while we're at the san jose improv. You know what I'm saying? We got lee there. We got to keep them in fucking reef for the next two days and water So hurry up. Come on down. And if you're high get the uh, the spinach or our joke dip. I love that
Starting point is 01:25:51 Would you stop with the fucking spinach? Nope. I'm gonna get it every time. I'm gonna call melissa right now and have her fucking eat a bunch of that stuff Oh, if it was spinach or our joke dip part, I'd do it in a second. I love done. That's it I love you cocksucker. Where's a cdc? It's right here. But really guys I'm gonna do I'm gonna do this one from the heart because joey's been giving me shit Go to hulu plus. You get two weeks free. You go you get to watch all your favorite shows joeyds.net Uh, or go to joe or hulu plus.com slash joey. You get two free weeks Uh, watch your favorite shows watch it online watch it on your phone
Starting point is 01:26:26 Watch it on the plane watch it on the way to the show in san jose. It's awesome. That's it. That's all guys You knocked it out of the park today cocksucker. We had a little blue shirt on you did some jumping jacks you wiggled Yeah, I don't wiggle I'm giving you a breather today from the edibles Because I feel bad for you after this weekend this weekend. You're gonna be begging me not to even smoke I'm serious. This is gonna be a lot of we'll see what have monday recap show I'm happy that we're going to vegas next weekend. I got a couple days to rest. That's all i'm saying I love you guys. Have a great week. Be safe. Stay black and beautiful always You didn't do hulu. I just did it. Don't fuck with me leek. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:27:07 You're another bull. Now you're playing with my emotions. Fuck the leek Oh Yeah To sin sin I know the wind And sin sin Well it's alright

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