Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #074 | CASSIUS MORRIS | UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT

Episode Date: June 16, 2021

Welcome to The Joint..... It’s Wednesday, June 16th..... This episode is brought to you by ZipRecruiter & CBDLion..... Go to https://www.ZipRecruiter.com/JOEY Go to https://www.CBDLion.com and enter... PROMO Code: JOEY or CHURCH And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz is on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #CassiusMorris The JOINT is Produced/Co-Hosted by: Michael Klein @onebyonepodcast on: Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/onebyonepodcast Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/onebyonepodcast Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video..... You can find Ben here: Ben Telford Visuals Cinematography and Visual Promotion Agency, Ontario, Canada visuals@benjamintelford.com Instagram: https://www.Instagram.com/b_telford or https://www.instagram.com/bentelfordvisuals  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's happening you bad motherfuckers? It's Wednesday the 16th of June Welcome to Uncle Joey's joint. The joint is brought to you by Zip recruiter. Listen Everybody's getting these unemployment checks. Nobody wants to go to work. Good help is hard to find You can't it's too tough right now. It's like trying to find a fucking peanut on the beach here in no danger You could always post your job online on the corkboard at the laundry mat But who the fuck hangs out at laundry mats of bums Then you got to sit there and hope the right person walked by and sees it. Listen. Stop dreaming Try Zip recruiter for free
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Starting point is 00:02:12 CBD lion I have gotten more from CBD lion than any other I mean from the CBD tablets to the CBD hemp flower you got to try it You got to fucking try it The vapor pen the back balls the cream the tape They have if listen just go to CBD lion calm look at this read read about what they have to offer you This is beautiful. You've never seen anything like this. They even tell you What to recommend the sense the size and strength if you want to give it to your pet They have the flavors and potential benefits. They got shatter. They got vape cartridges
Starting point is 00:02:55 They got distillate vape pens flavor tinctures listen, but it all starts by you Going to CBD lion calm and reading the types of cabanoids and how cannabinoids and how They could help you so right now go to CBD lion calm right now Pressing Joey or church and get 20% off Delivered right to your motherfucking crib. All right. It's that simple see be the lion has been with me for years And they came through with my surgery if you see I'm out of fucking tape I got that one little roll left because that tape is tremendous when I would go to the gym
Starting point is 00:03:36 So right now go to CBD lion calm read you find something try the tablets They'll point you to what you need CBD lion calm now. It's time To get this motherfucking party started We got a great episode for you today I mother fuckers uncle Joe here on a beautiful Wednesday June the 16th we're halfway out of this motherfucker as you could tell I'm looking a lot better
Starting point is 00:05:06 I'm feeling a lot better that little chitchat with the therapist I chitchatted with her twice already and I feel a lot better we came to a conclusion that it was my thyroid medication ever since listen since I've moved here I've elevated my you know I was going to like kickboxing and jiu-jitsu once a week but with the weights I've been hitting them four times a week and I even lost weight during the fucking surgery when I was laid up how could you not burning any calories you just laying on a chair I thought it was a strict diet but when I looked at the numbers the numbers were going really low so my wife came to the
Starting point is 00:05:45 cuz I've had a rough fucking couple days here with my wife and stuff not us going at each other us trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me you know I had like my heartbeat the other day was so bad you could see it in my stomach just the shirt somebody was sitting next to me my wife and she goes I could feel your heart what is going on with you you know so we brought the I checked my blood pressure two times a fucking day that's what you need to do I've been doing it for years and I fucking brought it downstairs now and she goes let me see what your blood pressure is like when you just sitting
Starting point is 00:06:22 down and it was perfect and then I started getting anxiety and that's when I told my heart's like playing the fucking it sounds like John Bonham doing Moby Dick I'm sitting there boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom so I said you know let's do it again and she goes your blood pressure is perfect but your pulse is down your pulse is way down so I think it's been my thyroid I haven't been on the medication since Friday I took myself off it and so far I'm feeling better the sleep is men's amends I've been working out this morning I went and drew blood let's just draw blood and I pissed in a cup the worst because you
Starting point is 00:07:06 got to go they don't even let you drink fucking coffee so coffee I drink coffee and I don't start fucking spit pissing in the morning but they don't want you to have anything so I had to go there and they give me a cup and they're like you got to pee before you fucking fucking give blood I'm like are you serious let me give blood let me fucking get all fucked up a little bit and then I'll pee and ladies like no we insist on how to sit there and then the boot you're not gonna believe this my fucking iPod after 20 years went kaput you know many fucking songs I got on that iPod you know many fucking albums I got on
Starting point is 00:07:41 that iPod I got everything from fucking Bush on there the fucking Megadeth the fucking I got everything on there all the faggot shit I like was on it cuz of my own personal but he could look in there it's not like coming over my house and looking at my arms in my iPod you know you know if you change your mind in the tendon line I had a dancing queen I had all shit on there I just you know it was a plane it was I used my iPod on the plane so I wanted music that I wouldn't listen to all the time yeah I had Sabbath and Zeppelin on there and shit so I'm stuck I'm like where's my fucking Santana so now I got no Santana
Starting point is 00:08:22 oh yeah come over but on my phone I got power rage I got fucking high and dry and I got something else and I just put power rage on AC DC I went in there put on what's next to the moon I gave the lady my arm first I had a pee and that was a fucking nightmare so I drank like 20 cups of fucking water right in a row and still no pee but then I found a little Hindu lady I went up to I said listen they want me to fucking pee first I can't do it let me fucking give you blood then I'll get scared and then the natural reaction will be pee so I went in like nothing gave it a fucking blood didn't faint I had a little high and
Starting point is 00:09:01 fucking whatever I put on what's next to the moon and next thing you know I felt the tape in my arm I walked out of there and I still couldn't fucking pee so I sat there for like five or six fucking minutes ten minutes and finally I kept pushing and pushing I go this is because I pee when I wake up but this is the second batch this still has all the minerals and you know I'm saying like it's those it stinks like ten dead fucking bodies so I pissed maybe two inches in a fucking cup and I could smell it it was fucking awful it smelled like a fart went bad you know I'm saying it's just horrible but the fucking blood
Starting point is 00:09:42 pressure medication the testosterone pills the fucking it's just it's no bueno you know I'm saying but I gave it a fucking I gave it a cup and that was it now it's I'm waiting for the doctor to call me and see what he's got to tell me let's pray for the best you know I'm saying I mean I've been working hard lately and I got flashbacks today you know I hate pissing in a fucking cup I fucking hate it I was looking around and then I took that was a mirror on me you know all those years on probation me putting shit in my dick and pissing and stuff like that I just got a bunch of I was laughing when I gave the lady my
Starting point is 00:10:22 piss I'm like in the old days I would give up the probation officer to piss and I'd wait for it to start bubbling because there was pool chlorine in there or fucking the shit to clean out your sink oh my god that was such a horrible time in my world thank God I got through with it but we're good man I'm going to a show this week to watch a comedy show I acted last week on a movie it was great I felt great fucking doing it you know and every day is better my house is fucking solid you know listen man I did something in the beginning of the pandemic me and my I decided that either we would end up best friends or we'd end up divorced and
Starting point is 00:11:07 I gotta tell you something that me and my wife have ended up best best best fucking friends you know the other night I thanked her for making my dreams come true she helped me become a comic she helped me become a man and she gave me a beautiful fucking daughter that's why I'm here having a great fucking time so you know sometimes you gotta look at the look at somebody from a different perspective and go wow if it wasn't for my wife I wouldn't fucking be here so we're good man and that's why today people like I thought you was my friend called this morning when I was eating breakfast and he goes what are you doing
Starting point is 00:11:47 like I'm at the diner eating breakfast but I just went to give bloody cuz you went to give blood I thought you were fucking scared of needles I go listen I'm scared of everything you know me I'm scared of fucking everything yeah now I was watching Biloxi Blues great fucking movie 1987 I think it's Neil Simon or Woody whatever the guy who fucked the Chinese girl I don't know Woody Allen and it was I think it's Neil Simon that did Biloxi Blues tweet me you know please don't I'm not Rick Ramos I don't know every fucking producer and every writer but I was watching Biloxi Blues and fucking Christopher Walken and
Starting point is 00:12:26 the guy who married the chick from Sex in the City and the little Jewish guy and just something I don't even know what I was gonna tell you guys I just been watching some fucking great movies I don't know if you watch Biloxi Blues but there's a row is a part in there where they got to go to a fucking Hooker's house and Matt Matthew Broderick has never been with a woman before and the fucking hooker is from a name is Rose I don't even know who the fuck knows why even started on this fucking Biloxi Blues what I'm trying to tell you guys it's everything is great we got a great interview today you know I'm in
Starting point is 00:13:04 podcasting for 10 close to 11 years now I don't consider myself anything I'm just a podcaster who's lucky you know the joint does what it does I don't sweat it I'm trying to give a message out some people I help some people I don't some people like it some people don't it doesn't make a difference to me whatsoever some people moved on God bless you I'm happy that you moved on whenever you want to come back you're more than welcome here but one guy that never moved on one guy that I is a fucking animal is a kid by the name of Cassius Morris I met him 10 years ago when he reached out and I did his podcast
Starting point is 00:13:45 and I felt so good about afterward because I was actually actually helping a kid out with his dream this was I could tell by talking to him that this is what he wanted to do when I gave him props you know when I was 12 I didn't know what the fuck I wanted to do I had no he had pinned pinpointed it and stuck with it and now he's 22 he's been doing a podcast for 10 fucking years you know he's a fucking great media guy and like I told him when you watch in 10 years he's gonna be the fucking king and you you get to see him now I don't know Joe is joined enjoy it Joe Diaz what's going on why are you my little friend been a
Starting point is 00:14:32 long fucking time it has been a long time my man it feels like we were in different worlds the last time we talked I think right right at the beginning of the pandemic was that long it was that long man but it's okay I've been I've been watching you obviously everybody else has loved it man I've been watching you too man you had some sensational guests on there thank you you're doing your thing you're growing which is what I saw well over you when I met you I was scratching my head the other night going how old was I when I went on your podcast first right and I said a bunch of fucking stupid shit and I left and
Starting point is 00:15:06 I'm like how can I talk like that in front of a 12 year old kid what the fuck is wrong with me like I I felt like such a fucking douchebag but then you became my nephew and I forgave myself how old were you the first time we podcasted I had to be like turning 13 wow and I mean I really appreciated it Joey because you were the first person to really give me an actual chance like that that was the the opening to a lot of things for me you know and that was a big chapter of my life when I look back and think on that it's I can't even really describe how it feels you know that somebody gave me a chance like that that never went
Starting point is 00:15:43 over my head just so you know you know how many fucking chances people gave me so when I see a guy online that's on there every day busting his ass I reach out you know we reached out we started talking we started complimenting each other you know I like that you were a young kid and you were going after it you knew what you wanted I think after the first interview you were talking to me about not going to school yeah yeah and you know just shit that was I was really blown away like how much when I was 12 I thought I was gonna be a fucking basketball player but I really didn't you know I'm saying like I want
Starting point is 00:16:26 to be a basketball player in an astronaut you know the idea right but to really tell somebody when you're 12 years old that you want to be in media and you know grow and interview bands and you know there was two guys that you guys really blew me away one was you and one is the kid from rocking pins okay yes yes I've watched both the use right take off while everybody else was fucking crying crying crying nobody gives me nothing you and Mauricio kept pounding it out pounding I still remember Mauricio paying for concerts to take pictures and bringing them to me at the store and and telling me like how
Starting point is 00:17:16 he had a sneak in and they threw him out and the whole thing and then he got a press pass and he started going to shows now and then he started writing a blog to accompany the shows and you know this is what it is nobody's gonna give you dick everybody thinks they're gonna give you dick nobody's gonna give you dick go get the fuck you know the other day some guy hit me up and he's like I want you to do this this this this in the pay on the podcast I go why don't you do me a favor start your own podcast he didn't even have a podcast and he's emailing you no and he's emailing me like barking me orders and I'm like bro you have the
Starting point is 00:17:52 knowledge on this great guy don't get me wrong he was a great guy and you know why I told him to start his own podcast because he's got a great story he's a cancer survivor which oh wow I know if I had cancer and I was at home sweating I mean I have a dear friend right now that's going through hell and I want to talk to a cancer survivor I want to see a guy that made it through the other side the same way a guy that went to prison for four years for a stupid thing looks at me and goes wait a second that motherfucker came out and did something different with his life turn his life around I could do it so I told him I go
Starting point is 00:18:28 you're a cancer survivor you could spread love you could save so many people and give so many people hope just by fucking one podcast two podcasts tell them what you went through the puking the chemo you know yeah so it's just it's a great thing that we're doing it's great that was still here fucking pushing doing it's nice that some people stick around like obviously you were always gonna stick around Joey but it's like it's true it's like a rotating door where it's there's not many familiar faces that you can say okay five six years ago they were doing a show and stuff it's like it's constantly changing you know so I
Starting point is 00:19:02 understand what you mean well this pandemic made people stay home and yeah I estimate you know ten thousand new podcasts started right especially now but as usual as per life is people want to make money and they don't have the patience if you want to make money go to the supermarket stock shells at night yeah and then do podcast in the daytime and build it up until it's like comedy it's like being a guitar player it's like anything else you know go get a fucking job keep playing your fucking guitar but I work eight to six well you know you got to go to one stage from seven to ten and exactly that's the
Starting point is 00:19:47 work and then somebody will throw you a bone some guy will say hey man I do a band and next thing you know you're making 200 a month next thing you know you make a 400 month next thing you know you're making 750 a month you know and now you're like fuck it now I know what I gotta do if I can make 1100 a month okay that means I gotta get rid of my cable mm-hmm I gotta go for me to live my dream these are the things I got a sacrifice there's so many sacrifices you know it's incredible I don't even have a TV in here Joey like in my new spot because I was looking at TVs and I said why would I pay hundreds of dollars that
Starting point is 00:20:24 I'm never gonna get back to waste time I was like let's get real here cuz I'm looking around and I'm like time is not something like it feels like just the other day you and me first met so it's like time is not something that is that expendable you know what I mean so it's it's it's it's insane and I feel like a lot of people they want to talk about what they want to do they want to watch videos of Bill Gates and sit and fantasize but they don't want to make moves to make that transition and I'm sure you've noticed that so much well it's not that they don't know how to make moves I write it out to the same thing
Starting point is 00:20:58 I have you don't know where to start yeah that's a big one you don't know where to start nobody's there to tell you I got out of prison I wanted to do standup you know what are the chances of you meeting a comedian slim and none you know you get more chance to get him by a bus right sadly meeting a fucking comedian to help you out and I was roofing I was frustrated I it snowed one day and I saw the movie punchline with Tom Hanks and Sally Struthers I not Sally Struthers the flying nun and I I really wanted to stand up after that like I was like wait a second I want to I want to do this and I remember calling
Starting point is 00:21:44 the local comedy club and they're like well you gotta come to open my nights and it just sounded scary like it right sounded scary and I let it go and then two months later I'm running an errand for the company I work for I'm getting coffee for the boys and I see an ad in the Rocky Mountain News about how to do stand-up comedy so I don't I for some people it's what are the people procrastinators exactly yeah and I procrastinated before I started comedy and for some people they just really don't know where to start I could totally see that and you know I was one of those people and you know one of the most
Starting point is 00:22:23 interesting things for me is because I've like we talked about like I've been podcasting since you know I was however old but the things that were new to me recently were acting and comedy actual stand-up and it's so weird I had this sort of the same type of urge as you when I went to Vegas right before the pandemic and I saw like for the first time like the size of the billboards and like I sort of saw it with my own eyes where comedy could take you where acting could actually take you the fruits of that labor and I realized like if I got hit by a truck tomorrow and I never tried comedy that's a pretty tragic
Starting point is 00:22:57 thing so I tragic you know what I mean so I came home tried stand-up comedy and then within two months everything was shut down so it was almost like I felt like I had to have that under my belt if it never came back I did it I just had a kid hit me up today and he said that the local club is looking for 10 comics and he's gonna out of respect he's gonna sign up and go down I go listen if you never do it again one time do it again just do it one time get that rush or the fear or the diarrhea that squirts out of here as the first time how I see that bro I wouldn't I didn't know Mike one time where kids shit himself I felt
Starting point is 00:23:38 on stage yeah wow so nervous wow this is first time you know and he fucked up because he brought like 18 people I go on stage the first time I don't bring nobody I didn't tell anybody no you don't say nothing you know when you start telling people I'm getting on stage and 18 people coming you bomb in front of those 18 people and then you got to go back to the bar with your little stupid drink and sit with them and they don't really want you sit at the table it's like people dressing yeah I don't want you sitting at the table you just bombed in front of fucking 80 people but you know you get on stage you just it's like
Starting point is 00:24:12 when I went to jiu-jitsu I didn't tell anybody right went to jiu-jitsu for like two months and got beat up I didn't tell anybody I was that's for you yeah I was too embarrassed I wasn't gonna tell Eddie he's a fucking master I'm gonna call Eddie and go I joined the geek class today fuck I didn't tell nobody you know order first yeah you gotta I think that listen I'm not a writer but every day I try to write yeah you journal right I journal but I you know I'm not a great writer I wish I could fucking be like Stephen King and write a book a year and you know right all that stuff all that stuff typewriter or a quill ink pen you
Starting point is 00:24:55 know I can do with that but you know what every fucking day forget the pen I'm with a feather with ink you know I can blood and fucking ink and shit but you know there's so many things I wanted to do in life you know the other day when I went to the city and I was thinking about my childhood dream and how I got into all this it was by me seeing a guy named Michael corn his freshman year come out on the it was you know March Madness and he played for North Carolina he was a freshman from Jersey City and I had no idea I was just watching the game to watch the championship game and when they announced
Starting point is 00:25:35 Jersey City my insides crumbled he let me know that I could be on that stage someday because you heard your own spot turns into North Bergen yeah so I'm like and he's from the projects his mom raised him he had no dad sport magazine that are right upon him on his mother Rosie how she worked on a diner to support him and to send him to Hudson Catholic the school he went to that's what inspired me to I wanted my friends to feel what I felt that day when it said from Jersey City New Jersey starting forward number 31 Michael I wanted them to you know from North Bergen Joey did that was for me that's
Starting point is 00:26:19 what I wanted a personal note I got that already you know now I got a bucket list like everybody else I've been playing the guitar lately I don't want to join a band or nothing like that I just like playing it to relax you know that was on my bucket list thank God Mike made my dream come true because I would never have the balls to go buy a guitar did he bring it over yeah yeah I would I used to walk into Guitar Center and fucking have a nervous breakdown that was some people like museums you know some people I love Martin you go fuck yourself me nice guitar we used to go to we used to get stoned me Mitch Hedberg you know
Starting point is 00:26:57 because we used to all live across the Guitar Center and it was next to the Sunset Grill the song the Eagles wrote about you know down okay right the actual Sunset Actual Sunset Grill it's not the same the guy with the wooden leg died there was a guy with a wooden leg he made hamburgers he would come over limping to you he made the best fucking hamburger that's where Don Henley got it from but then he sold they fixed it up they cleaned it up but the Guitar Center you were allowed to go in there and play drums and guitar and shit I never touched a guitar I was never disrespectful you don't want to be the guy who's just
Starting point is 00:27:34 sort of like fiddling with it yeah I'm not a fucking jerk off like that I didn't touch nobody's guitar I don't know nothing about guitars I looked at him and all I saw flying bees and right all this shit and then all the tricks yeah but then the guy asked me do you want to play the drums they have like a little station on the side and I fucked around with the drums he goes you're not bad you should keep doing it we have lessons hey I can't even afford to shut up my back never mind I actually play the drums do you still I do well well the thing is like and it's weird I found this almost similar to losing concerts
Starting point is 00:28:08 during the pandemic like now that I'm doing the apartment living the drums was just it just naturally ended you know and that's one of my passions that I'm really itching to get back to but it's so you know maybe talking about not knowing where to start it's like do I get an electronic kit do I try to get a studio space it's like you know we I think we all have those those moments where it seems like a big there's so many options you know with the passion what are you doing now right now well I actually started working for WatchMojo on YouTube so basically I started off doing a podcast for them as along with
Starting point is 00:28:42 the podcast that I've already been doing throughout the years and basically it just sort of went from just hosting to you know my title now is a coordinator so you know doing other things for the company interviewing people setting things up and it's crazy man because I just did a podcast about it recently like just about a year ago I was washing dishes at a restaurant and just the mental like difficulty and like sort of the demoralization of that knowing that I could achieve more and getting from that point to here has like changed my life like it's made me like a different person you know it's you know I feel
Starting point is 00:29:27 like everybody has to be very grateful for what they have and it's like to be working in podcasting on any level that's maybe one percent of the world but to be working in podcasting and not to be you not to be Rogan that's less than one percent you know what I mean listen the join isn't what the church was you know and I and I come to grips with that and I'm not upset or anything this is a new beginning for me you know so but I am very lucky that I have been podcasting for 10 years you know and I love doing it I know what I'm doing and it feels great but I watched dishes it was humbling I watched dishes in prison
Starting point is 00:30:06 there you go that's a different sense an hour you know I'm saying that's when you know you're ain't shit you know and then I before that I watched dishes for John Denver at his restaurant up in Aspen I forget the snowmass village I used to wash dishes and I remember as I was washing them thinking about building character like this is 83 when I would wash I would wash dishes on Tuesday nights it was prime rib night I took the job because the chef liked me and he goes I'll give you all the mistakes I was lifting weights so I like prime I would eat 19 of those prime ribs with horseradish every night that I would
Starting point is 00:30:44 steal a pound of shrimp no I only work Tuesdays and then they said you know coming Thursdays for lobster night right so I would go on Thursdays yeah I had the good nights but I still remember washing dishes and being proud yes like I told people I'm washing dishes part-time at whatever and they would go but you're an electrician in the daytime gives a fuck it's ten bucks an hour and they feed me I don't have to buy groceries that's a pretty good deal at the time you know and I would take a pound of shrimp at home at night and I take a shower and I fucking do my little shrimp cocktail while I was watching
Starting point is 00:31:20 USA or whatever the fuck I was watching and then I had to wash dishes in prison and that was you know he used to fucking abuse me from time to time I used to have to wash dishes in the morning and then I'd break them or I'd break the fucking machine on purpose but it by yourself time Washington dishes humbles you oh it does Joey and and just to be clear like when I say I found it demoralizing it's not because of washing dishes like I was trying to be the best dishwasher I could and the only reason I had issues with it is because I worked at a very uppity restaurant so it wasn't the type of restaurant where we're all a
Starting point is 00:31:54 team it was the type of restaurant where if you're doing sort of that type of work you're like you're worthless essentially is how you were treated you know but what really what it taught me was not that it's a bad thing it's like I have more respect for those people than I ever thought I could like the people who actually commit to doing a good job and they take pride in going in there every day and this is their career like it gave me an appreciation and a respect for that which like I think that a person needs you know when a person's doing a job that's kind of weird and you meet them and they start talking to you and
Starting point is 00:32:30 they're really solid people you really look at that job a lot differently like you're like wow yeah you know he's really proud of his job it's like what's going on now with the police department you know mm-hmm everybody's hating on cops listen there's bad cops but then there's cops that'll take a bullet for you are you that fucking stupid they're cops that will go into a fire and grab you out of there that you know in every field there's good and bad you know I tend to attract you know I right now I hang out with a detective in Newark and a detective in Union and they are I look at them and I admire them when they
Starting point is 00:33:14 tell me about their jobs and how they had a homicide some guy told me they shot a 16-year-old kid in Newark last week well it was you know from a car you know and he had a go and and while I was talking to him I was thinking about walking up on a body seeing a kid's head blown up you know what that's like that's what that's like meanwhile you over here yelling defund the fucking police or whatever you know think about I always think about what the cops saw before he came to your house you know did he see a kid crying and also now he has to answer domestic violence call and you know all the shit that they see and
Starting point is 00:33:54 it's called the moment before it's even used in acting right like the moment before what was that person doing before that's why whenever I look at a scene I always think alright so before I walked up on this body what was I doing before what was I thinking about that I have an argument with my wife that I have an argument with somebody else you know it's like when you're driving and you cut somebody off and they give you the finger you know what just happened to that person right which is what did he just go through that his wife just divorced him that his wife just serve him that he just find his wife in bed
Starting point is 00:34:30 with a fucking midget what what fucking happened you know driving down like why would she do a midget I got a big six foot dick you know and then you come pull it up in front of them yeah and you go fuck you and what are you what's gonna happen the moment before so it's really it's really important that it's almost like you're dealing with a different person every day it's like there's touches of their everyday personality but it's like the person you deal with that day is mostly almost shaped by what has happened leading up to that day and how long it's gonna take that to wear off so yeah it's a very
Starting point is 00:35:02 interest it's interesting that they would use that in acting like I would hear Gandolfini would like smack himself in the face before an angry scene or something and then walk in there you know like so that makes a lot of sense you know it's the moment before it's like right now we have a world that's a little crooked you know you guys I don't know if you watch the NBA I just heard not really a couple weeks that people were throwing things at players and they got ejected like sodas and fucking what yeah yeah two two people got charged I think it was like two separate incidents you know been cooped up I've never
Starting point is 00:35:34 thrown a fucking thing at a professional basketball player my mom through chicken wings at Rusty's top but she was a fucking savage so yeah it was called for he missed the call and fucking she lost 300 I'll throw a chicken wing at you too but I think that right now you really have to be very careful with people people have been in people have lost jobs people people are not okay right now no we're not okay you know I try to smile everybody I try to wave at everybody I try really hard lately because I know people are hurting I'm hurting I'm hurting over who knows what you know whether it's to move whether
Starting point is 00:36:18 it's coming home so lately I've been very that's why I don't want to do stand up right now it's right long hiatus but it's needed man it's needed it's you know I you know I need the little break but I'm already itching I'm going to watch a show this weekend some are you a minor in town I'm thinking I'm going to see Burke Christ when he comes July 17 nice you know just to go see them and I hoped it by the time the soprano movie comes out I'm well and I could fucking get back on stage I don't want to go on stage to fuck around I want to go on stage to fucking murder and I'll tell you what I'm gonna be dirty than I ever
Starting point is 00:37:01 was that's what I want to hear that's what I'm talking about I'm not gonna go up there like an animal and insult different races or anything like that no but I got to talk about what's going on right now you know there's a lot to talk about yeah there's a lot to talk I don't know if you know yesterday I identified with a seven-year-old kid you should have seen me had a hat with a peller on top you know I'm saying did you and the day before I fucking I was a horse you know the day before I ran down the block with a fucking straight you know you could identify as anything now you know I'm saying so it's anything
Starting point is 00:37:34 anytime right that's hilarious so our soprano's movie you guys are still looking at September September 24th very excited for it I saw it a couple weeks ago I really enjoyed it I really enjoyed what David Chase did I think people are gonna enjoy it I think some of the knuckleheads might not enjoy it okay yeah you know everybody misses Gandolfini you know you don't you don't know how much you miss Gandolfini till you see Gandolfini the other night I came down here with Mercy and we you know it usually at 8 o'clock it's like hey Jesse hey Jesse is those two fucking shows that drive me crazy but I sit it's
Starting point is 00:38:20 my daughter I watch him and as I was scrolling the drop was on okay with Gandolfini and with Gandolfini in it right and for two minutes I watched him and I was like fuck I miss him and then the next night I put TV on with Mercy again and he's on killing me softly oh he kept popping up yes yeah with Brad Pitt and fucking that's a great movie by the way that's a phenomenon I gotta check that one out when you see him do you are you looking at Tony Soprano or you are you looking at like Jimmy because you've talked to you know so many of his friends and stuff I never met him but when I see him I see a great fucking
Starting point is 00:39:02 actor yeah the things I heard about him have just been above and beyond what he did for that you know you could tell why it was a great show yeah you know what he did the type of person he was the type of character he was somebody said oh I read a meme from David Chase like something he said in the final scene he touched Anthony and little did he know he goes he didn't write that he touched Anthony's arm and little did you know that was the last time he was gonna touch his son's arm my fucking stomach he goes I didn't say that but that was a type of guy he was you know when you watch that show he was such a you know
Starting point is 00:39:49 God had to take him listen when you think now God had to take him because it was too big of a fucking he was just an animal he was just I feel bad saying that but he was such a star I think he was even surprised as to how big it became it became bigger than him it was like an entity it the energy he gave off there that show was tremendous you know and I wish he's in heaven you know I wish he's looking down and but I watched another show that I followed the mayor of Eaton Town did you watch that I didn't see that one Winslet oh I love acting I love yeah I love watching great acting I'm not an
Starting point is 00:40:32 actor you know I took a couple lessons and I fuck you're an actor get out of here no trust me when you work with actors you're like holy shit I better fucking get my game up you know I'm saying because this guy's doing this this guy's doing that and it's Kate Winslet just destroyed me with the seven episode show she did you know because she went in she went in there and when I heard that there's a sex scene and they showed like she's chubby mm-hmm and the director she told director to leave the scene in that's an actor because it's real it's real it's raw that's raw no makeup you know she
Starting point is 00:41:11 only wore makeup when she wanted a date on the show you know I enjoyed the show I just I referred it the show to brother of mine mercy's godfather he called this morning when I got out of doctor's office and we were talking about the show and he goes she's phenomenal I love watching good acting me too it's amazing I watched I watched the magnificent 70 night fucking Charles Bronson was he yoked he was a big guy a he was a big guy then you know death which was on the other night I've been watching you know I don't watch daytime TV I refused to put the TV on the daytime no more news since I moved to
Starting point is 00:41:49 Jersey I never watched I'd never put the TV on during the pandemic except you know it's a horrible thing to do I got hooked on the 330 evening news ABC wide whatever and that really fucked me up that got into my psyche in a horrible horrible way you know I thought I was a lot stronger than that but obviously I'm not the one I moved here I stopped watching the news and my I changed a lot I could see that it had contaminated me you know with and it's something that I looked at it for knowledge of the virus right but it wasn't giving you knowledge of the virus it was giving you just a negative feeling that when yeah
Starting point is 00:42:40 I'd watch the news to go smoke a joint and pop a fucking Xanax or 10 of them because the fucking news was so disheartening so now campaign of fear and yeah and fear yeah and now I don't have that in my life I don't know they have a thing called New Jersey 12 with a gay weatherman I love him you seen the guy he's got like a shitty microphone I don't wear sandals tomorrow if you're going to Asbury Park you know shit like that this guy needs his own prime time show yeah no he's great the weatherman on New Jersey 12 I fucking love him but that's it that still informs you that's the thing it's like the way I see the
Starting point is 00:43:22 news is that like and it's funny because I think that 30 years ago 25 years ago maybe CNN was the most trusted name in news or Fox or whoever I'm not biased against any but it's like I feel like more of these shows are more so talk shows with opinions it's like at a certain point they're not informing you about anything they're just giving you their opinion on a piece of information so what's that I was like I don't really need these people's opinions on it I can just try to maybe pick and the way I see it too is like if it's something that's super serious I'll hear about it I'll call my aunt I'll call my mom I'll
Starting point is 00:43:58 call somebody they'll say did you hear about these new restrictions I'll hear about you know what I mean anything you don't need to hear about I think it's just you know that you don't need it's just going into your head and just taking up your fucking time and it's weird I like 60 minutes I love that show yeah because they capsized the whole week for me in one hour of three it's very seldom that I don't like a story 60 minutes is telling me I don't mind watching a repeat I get pissed off in 60 minutes does a repeat like I'm already watched this one motherfucker give me the new stuff yeah last week they had the one about the
Starting point is 00:44:36 judge in New Brunswick about a half hour from here that they killed her husband her son my son or husband and she was fucking great but the Puerto Rican woman you know 60 minutes gives it me the news that I need you know I'll watch real time with the film our list to know the other I like Bill Martin he said some interesting stuff but what's the other guy that's kind of funny and wacky on HBO John John Oliver oh yes this week with John Oliver I love that guy he's cracks me to fuck up I like the UK guys there's a very I heard you saying on on the last joint that you would if you you know made a big sum of money you go to
Starting point is 00:45:17 the UK and do podcasts like the way that they set up their radio host there like you see a guy on a rap radio show he's dressed like the rappers it's like they're pimping just like everybody else out there on the radio it's crazy I would have gone to the UK set up a studio and hire a cameraman I would have fucking gone to Abbey Road you know I went to all the places I wanted I would love to go to the place where Pink Floyd recorded wish you were here that's the last time they saw Sid Barrett when he walked in I love to go to Judas Priest's neighborhood and take my dick out go here for you Rob Halford swing it around
Starting point is 00:46:02 we're in leather Judas Priest and Black Sabbath basically have the same neighborhood that both Birmingham Birmingham so right you know I love to go to those places and visit you know I just saw a picture from Ireland fucking Ireland has a fucking mural that says free Cuba wow that's I tell I tell people all the time that Cuba and Irish have a big connection I'm married Irish woman I always loved Irish women growing up we're very close because we're Catholic countries that makes a lot of sense it a lot of the same core values are there some of the same core values so in 1690 there was a Battle of the Boyne and most
Starting point is 00:46:44 of the Irish that didn't want to fight went to Cuba that's why there's so many Cubans with Irish names John Osai you know I went to school with a fucking kid with a fucked up name I don't want to say it on here because then it'll get pissed off then it reveals them yeah it reveals them but there was a lot of Cuba and Irish you know it's weird how you do a 23 and me and I got like Chinese Irish a little Jewish a lot of African you know my grandmothers or whores you want to bang the Chinese guy which is my love for Chinese everything yeah and that's the population of Cuba was Spain African Chinese Irish then in
Starting point is 00:47:22 the 50s the Italian I can't tell you how many Italian Cuban kids there are those gangsters were banging fucking Cuban women to it right you know I'm sort of the same way I'm I'm was talking about it with my family recently and yeah there's just like sort of so many different things in my background you know and now let me ask you this because this is sort of interest me about you do you like I would assume that you relate to your Cuban heritage or is it like you have so much heritage that you don't really gravitate to one as many as the others is or is it like a Cuban thing as a Cuban man I would have a lot of
Starting point is 00:48:02 faults I was around a lot of traditional Cuban men when I was a kid and they all had great qualities but they had bad qualities jealousy over machismo you know little things I didn't like so as I grew up I curbed them back I curbed that stuff back I didn't allow myself to be jealous you know men who are jealous of women when a guy I can't I can't have that shit that's tough I saw Mike talking to a girl who cares you know I am people talk it's if you put your dick in the mouth then we have a problem yeah people do a lot worse than talk you do a lot worse than talk but my machismo had a calm down that Cuban machismo shit just
Starting point is 00:48:54 didn't work for me sometimes you know it didn't work for me sometimes I was a mama's boy you know let's not let's never forget the fact that I love women I love women love looking at them I don't care what size they are the bigger the better the skinnier the better I love women you know so I think I borrowed from different races I'm like a fucking mutt in my head you know I'm a Catholic and I love Catholicism I went to church this week but you know what I do Buddhist stuff right my religion is different I love Buddhism you know a lot of mindfulness stuff a lot of mindfulness I never converted but I do meditate in
Starting point is 00:49:39 time-to-time nice I do believe in karma I do believe in what they do you know I went to I took a couple classes at Naropa I hung out there in Boulder I did walking meditation you know there's like a Buddhist yes I did school that they had fucking great speakers and the Dalai Lama showed and you could go you know okay you know all those great offbeat writers used to go to Boulder and do lectures there so I respect the Buddhist thing I then you have Santoria which is my original Cuban thing on the side which is like Cuban Catholicism right do I agree with all Santoria stuff no but it's gotten me to where it's gotten me
Starting point is 00:50:29 you know do I agree with all Catholicism stuff no fucking mortal sin if I don't go to church on Sunday go fuck yourself so to your own way yeah it's killing somebody and then not going to church on Sunday that that's a big difference me not going to church and me killing somebody you know where's the parallel where's the fucking one in between like you know so we all have our agreements and disagreements with whatever religion or if you're not religious you know I like some of the Jewish things you know totally this stuff you can draw from in all of them oh my god every religion you know I'm really tight with Ari and I'm
Starting point is 00:51:03 tight with Lee and I always ask them questions about Judaism you know and they tell me you know and I've always you know I always for a while I'm like I'm gonna fucking convert to be a Jew for the longest time I was really converting yeah when my mom died and stuff my father was so into it that I was like you know what I think I'm gonna convert because you were looking for something Jewish time to sort of gravitate towards right I was pissed at my god right and I'm on circumcised so they could still cut the foreskin saying it would hurt yeah you're getting there you listen you got to show up on an envelope in a
Starting point is 00:51:39 foreskin and they'll take you you know I'm saying that's the admission packet those are two fucking requirements to convert to Judaism you got a dated Jewish girl you still got that skin on your dick and your fucking you know and you're off to the races and you're off to the races so what's going on in your world beside that you know what man just trying to take all the steps necessary to get to the next level you know we talked about acting and just how crazy that world is I started in that world and I'm looking at like I'm doing my first auditions and stuff this past six months and I think it was really good for me I
Starting point is 00:52:15 needed something that I hadn't been doing for so many years to like give me a new challenge because I think I I'll be honest with you Joey I got a little carried away with myself by the time I started with acting because I figured okay I'm finally at an agent's office where's my movie where's my red carpet you haven't you guys been waiting for me and I realized quick it's not how fucking goes man you know what I mean and and I started looking into my favorite actors and the fact that Al Pacino didn't get Scarface till he was 35 and you know like this stuff takes years to build so the point being I'm just really batting down
Starting point is 00:52:51 the hatches to improve myself and build and do a million failed auditions and maybe get my one and I'm really just looking at life as a five to ten year plan right now like I think things will be cracking for me then and I'm not attaching myself to I need to be at this level next year you know what I mean that's the stuff I think young people do you know are you act are you actively looking for roles I am yeah and I mean I'm looking to get into the music videos for a little part you know what I mean short films if I can there's not many college films where I'm at but you know I want to do that because like what I
Starting point is 00:53:25 realized is if you want to act like you don't just want to be in the movies you want to go do theater you want to do community stuff so it's like I also learned like what's the difference between a real actor and some douchebag that wants to be on a billboard I never want to be that guy right you know what I mean so it's like it's about taking those steps so yeah just actively trying to do it and it took like actually doing these auditions and stuff like I always appreciated the guys like Gandolfini and looked up to them with wide eyes but then when I even started trying to do one iota of a facial expression of a guy like
Starting point is 00:53:55 that in an audition that's when it really hit me like a ton of bricks like oh this is this is a lifestyle thing like this is something people are born to do and then other people can kind of maybe do it so yeah it's just I'm just trying to be better Joey you know I just want to be there yeah that's all and it's contagious you know I I enjoyed doing the podcast because I've been trying to work on myself since I landed in this fucking state yeah and people are seeing that I don't want to lead by talking shit I want to lead by then watching me making the change I told you I was on a slowdown on the reefer I told
Starting point is 00:54:35 you I needed to lose weight I told you I needed the journal more to figure out what this anxiety I had was coming from I'm always trying to better myself in any single way possible you know especially with the daughter you want to give her all the knowledge you know she brought her homework down yesterday I gotta be honest with you I would have got an F plus octagon and four sides and I don't remember none of that shit but you know you got to be involved and that's that's what this whole thing is about you know this whole pandemic if by July of last year you didn't look at this and go okay there's a pandemic they took my job
Starting point is 00:55:20 Mike can't go do his open mic you know there's so many things we couldn't do let's focus on what we can do exactly it's still run you could still write you could still ride your bike you still play the gun on a webcam you know turn on a webcam there was so many ways to improve yourself and I said this to myself like in you know because we were all waiting for the pandemic to end and we didn't know when it was gonna end I made one goal and I'll take the notebook out and look for it I said I want one positive thing out of this pandemic hmm just one I want to be I want to come out of this I think that everybody should
Starting point is 00:56:03 have came out of this with one pant one goal out of this pandemic a dear friends said to me the other day that all he kept hearing was the disease and how bad it was the COVID but nobody in America was telling people to take care of themselves yeah listen this is what you need to be doing take the vitamin D the magnesium get your eight hours asleep this is the first time a lot of us have had this break you know people are changing careers people it's insane it's insane it's insane you gave America you gave the world a chance to think and look at themselves through a fucking microscope and now we know what we want
Starting point is 00:56:43 to do I intern acted last week and I got to tell you I fucking fell in love with it where'd you go in the city okay was it with Vinnie or was it with Vinnie P no no no I when I got here I contacted an agent I had from LA that was now here booking theater which I'm gonna nice call him this afternoon and tell him to start looking for a couple plays for me like 90 seat theater because I think I want to admit I think I want to commit you know people want to see it people want to hear you you know I want to be part of a play I don't listen when you join me there's a couple of group theater groups around here and I've been
Starting point is 00:57:22 going on their websites okay you know you got a clean bathrooms you got a sweep one month you take tickets at the door one month you do the lights one month you clean the bathrooms you know what bro I'm never fucking too good to clean a fucking bathroom it's like a comedy club you work your way up they hand on a fucking toilet so I'm either thinking of doing a local theater I want to see what New York I mean New York right now is not the place to be jumping up and down at night yet let's let it settle a little bit it's like a fine the theater group around here that'll take me because I'm a fucking
Starting point is 00:58:00 hack comic actor you know I'm like it's not please it's not like I'm there quoting Stanislaski or whatever well we have that in common yeah it's not like but I have read on acting and I will tell you something and I tell you this with all my heart caches and you know I'm the type of guy that people say shit about me and I disagree with them but I will tell you this when it comes to auditioning I don't know too many people better than me I'm better at auditioning than stand-up comedy wow because Mitzi sure used to make you do three minutes no at the store okay three minutes three minutes three minutes
Starting point is 00:58:45 three minutes you know how many comics have a quick comedy because they couldn't do three minutes probably so many you have to tell your story in three fucking minutes so I never really put it together when I started going out for auditions like you oh I would bomb every other fucking audition every audition thank you for coming yeah that was phenomenal yeah thank you and you're like you want me to read it again no no not really leave and then you walk out of there I had a lot of those you know and then one day I took a cold reading workshop and it was by the guy that did sleepers okay and Godfather too wow and
Starting point is 00:59:35 he changed me his audition system he wanted you to be aggressive I would walk into auditions very timidly hi how are you but then I started listening to those jerk offs in LA they were walking to a class like hi hi caches oh my god we have a mutual friend Michael listen you're still not getting the rope bitch exactly why you dropping Michael's name for get out of the way probably not talking your way into this dog I was an audition once where a chick brought up Trey Brownies for the casting director oh you know when they tell you dress up like the character if you actually go dressed up like the character you're not
Starting point is 01:00:14 gonna get the I've heard that's a bad one that's a bad one like me and Ari got a call one day Ari calls me in morning he was like did you get an audition tiger yeah they wanted me to dress up like a colonial fucking soldier oh fuck you I went in there with a Yankee hat on they're like where's your fucking you know Kentucky Fried Chicken suit oh fuck you who's gonna imagine it that's what that's power that's what they do to you I used it differently I used to like if I went for a mob TV show I wore a white shirt okay a mob commercial white dress shirt movie mafia role gray shirt or black shirt wow interesting what was that
Starting point is 01:00:56 I just want you know like when I got basketball I was a ref correct so I wore a shirt with strings okay so it looked like a whistle but it were you didn't wear an actual whistle that's the beauty of it no right no right that's a good one you don't go with it's like comics with comedy club send me a tape I send blank tapes I sent blank tapes for years tapes it's you yeah because they don't watch him right that's control yeah you go to you go to get paid on Saturday they got stacks of tapes with dust on them wow and I'm like hey that dude is really funny and the guy would look at him go I haven't had a chance to look at the tape
Starting point is 01:01:36 no shit it's got six inches of dust on it so all that dust is a control shit like you could call the same club owner 15 times go hi my name is Cassius Morris I like to work your club I haven't looked at your tape yet but Cassius could talk to Joey by mistake be talking to him go I'm trying to get in that fucking wise guys in Utah and the guy won't fucking take me and all of a sudden I call you and you're my feature right and my god this is how it goes I tried to get into catch a rising star for years for years they had Vegas some other fucking joint Reno and New Jersey okay three years I tried to get in there one day I got a
Starting point is 01:02:19 call from Jimmy Schubert you want a feature for me hmm she's about the relationship yeah it was you know 15 years ago Jimmy took me up there as a feature and I started headlining for the catch a rising star so you can't get mad at things you have to let things work themselves out organically you I gotta tell you man for a young man you have done a great job a lot of thank you Joey I mean what when do we do our first podcast eight nine years ago seven years ago yeah well maybe and yeah you're still going on ten yeah going on ten you're still how old are you now in 22 Jesus Christ you drink right no
Starting point is 01:03:02 actually I was you know but I actually not right now okay good I don't rule it out for the future but I'm at a point where like my job is it's more like organization scheduling spreadsheets like I'm my hosting is actually more so on the side and it's more so coordinating so it's like I just really looked in the mirror when I came into this new place and I was like okay you watch motivational videos from you know this guy this guy this guy would they have fucking old Milwaukee's on their desk would they have a fucking Rick and Morty bong in the corner no so okay screw off that and that was it you know that was it I know
Starting point is 01:03:39 you're on I know you gotta do your gig this afternoon no no I'm good Joey I'm good okay I wanted to let these guys know that you know I got a lot of 40 year olds and 30 year olds that follow me and ask me questions and they're confused about you know things and I'm happy that I have a 22 year old here that's been committed to something for 10 years when you're 12 most kids can't commit the dick except fucking texting and roller skating or whatever the fuck they do at 12 you already were like a young man and now you're a man you know I know you got a girlfriend I know you you're making moves and stuff like that so I'm really
Starting point is 01:04:23 proud of you thank you the people that listen to this podcast today or watch this I wish that follow Cassius you know I follow him and sometimes I write something for you sometimes I don't but I want you to know I'm always watching and I'm always very proud of you when I saw Rob Halford on your fucking podcast you know listen a guy like me would say fuck him he's got Rob Halford let me tell you something I was so fucking happy for you oh that means the world I was so happy for you because I know how hard you've been working you know Dean Delray when he got Brian Johnson oh my god I was crying for him people don't
Starting point is 01:05:09 name with me I was so happy for him I wasn't matter wishing it was me you know oh you you when you start cheering for people is when your life changes I see all these people on the internet that every time somebody puts on my positive they got a shit on it yeah and they wonder why they have shitty lives the first thing I do when I wake up in the morning as I go to Facebook and I see if I know anybody's birthday and then I find somebody I don't know and I wish him a happy birthday yeah that's my day off on a positive note I made somebody's day at 7 30 in the fucking morning without leaving the house some
Starting point is 01:05:49 respect somebody's gonna look at their fucking page and go that fat fuck Joey Diaz said no he's got an assistant that did it you know what yeah it was me but that's how my day starts that's I'm giving love you know and even once that goes into the subconscious that's still working for you that's still out there you know it works any anybody when you wake up from now on go to fucking Facebook and look at the birthdays yeah I'm the motherfucker find the ugliest dude you know that nobody's fucking inviting them nowhere it feels good my happy birthday see how good you're gonna fucking feel and I mean who knows you
Starting point is 01:06:25 could be the only person to wish him a happy birthday that day and you might stop him from icing himself you might start I mean birthday is a shitty days for some people they think back to where was I last year at this time you know I'm just saying but that's the first thing I do every morning is wish somebody a happy birthday that's a fucking stranger yeah because I want my day to go off the right way that's what it's all about that's what we're here to do is making people's day caches and I know you do it and I do it I love you I'm happy we had a chance to to call in today and talk with me and hang out it's
Starting point is 01:07:06 always a pleasure and I got to tell you something I'm very very very proud of you thank you and I can't wait to fucking retire from podcasting to pass my little fucking thing on to you you know because you are the next Joe Rogan in eight years oh my god it's getting old oh my god mark man is getting old Bill Burr is getting old they're all getting old and by the time in eight years you'll be podcasting 16 years yeah that's great that's a crazy to think about that that's really crazy to think about so the throne belongs to you you might not see it yet you might sit there going oh my god Joe Rogan is great yeah Joe Rogan
Starting point is 01:07:49 is getting older and shorter and I'm getting older and fatter and fucking Bill Burr is getting funnier and older he just gets funnier Bill Burr yeah Bill Burr is his time motherfucker just gets funny he's timeless so along the line and everybody's getting you know Theo all those guys are fucking moving on so I predict in eight years you'll be the fucking new Howard Stern if you want it did you even get ace freely yes yeah actually he made a big revelation on my show did he really yeah he premiered his political beliefs just out of nowhere on my show and then it became a massive thing but man that that motherfucker
Starting point is 01:08:28 man I love that guy I love such a good guy he just moved to Jersey wow okay I could see that definitely he lives in Jersey you gotta get him on the podcast listen I would cut my finger off to get a guitar lesson from him everybody knows he's a great guitar player we need a video of that oh my god I would die if I saw ace freely first off I think he's the funniest man in the world he's amazing he could I think he could destroy Chris Rock destroy Dave Chappelle I've seen his interviews he is a riot I think he's one of the funniest men I've ever been around him I've never met him I've never had the chance to talk to him so
Starting point is 01:09:07 just for that I give you kudos I think he's the funniest motherfucker around he is just incredible man and like just the fact that he was so down to earth like I interviewed him once before on the phone and it was he was doing a big press day and my questions weren't that great I was young but then we did this one man and it was just like shooting the shit with a friend and and you know like just the fact that it happened like obviously would mean so much to anybody but I wasn't around man like when destroyer came out like I wasn't I was it was great that's what I mean and it was great but it's like this is the closest I'll
Starting point is 01:09:40 actually ever get to even their prime so it's like that's extra layer of appreciation that's the thing I never this shit never goes over my head I'm never like oh yeah that's of course I did that no fuck that it's like people would you know there's people out there that that makes their day just the fact that I did it so I appreciate every second man honestly I love you little brother Joey thank you so much man absolutely congratulations on doing everything that you've done and I see big things coming your way and all I want you to do is when you got your big Howard Stern studio and the whole thing to
Starting point is 01:10:14 have a little picture of me on the side saying that motherfucker was my brother right there that's all I want from you you know I always will I have the painting in my house and that painting will be in my home for the rest of my life Joey every single day I love you brother thank you thank you give your parents my best absolutely I love your family as well you gotta love you love you bye bye all right you bad motherfuckers that was Cassius Morris don't forget to watch his podcast listen to his podcast I don't know what the name of it is watch mojo watch mojo on YouTube he's a great kid and he's one of
Starting point is 01:10:50 us he's just nobody knows who he is but he's gonna creep up on you and I guarantee you within 10 years you'll be on this dick cock suckers just like anybody else it's been a great week it really has whether it's on patreon or whatever I put that picture up on me as a nine-year-old you motherfuckers went nuts with my little Cuban suit on and shit you couldn't believe my mom dressed me up like that that's that's the way I was when I was a kid I was never dressed in my mother saw me now she ripped his shirt off my mother saw how I dressed now she ripped half my clothes the other night I put a church shirt on
Starting point is 01:11:26 that has a rip up here and I went to my daughter's softball practice and when I got home I looked in the mirror and I did exactly what my mother would do I just ripped it I just ripped down to the bottom go put a new fucking shirt on your pig walking around with that shirt on with a hole that I worked fucking 90 hours a week so you could have a hole in your fucking shirt your piece of shit but anyway flashback flashbacks you know how it is sometimes you got to drop it on you motherfuckers I love you guys thank you very much for supporting us thank you very much for watching us we're only gonna get better and better
Starting point is 01:12:01 I'm only gonna get better and better we're gonna get stronger we're gonna get Mike in this thing involved we're gonna get in my computer fucking alert looking up shit and we're gonna add more elements to this fucking show thank you thank you very much for always having my back thank you for supporting us thank you for watching and thank you for watching Cassius and you're gonna enjoy him all right stay black have a great weekend and now for a word from my motherfucking sponsors all right it's Wednesday I want to thank Cassius one more time for coming on I hope you guys enjoy them I love the kid with all my
Starting point is 01:12:35 heart but anyway the joint is brought to you by CBD lion the best when it comes to CBD how do I know because I know people have sent me thousands of different CBD creams and shit CBD lion is what's worked for me and I have 20 different uses for it whether it's the tape the extra strength cream the bath balls the hemp flower listen the hemp flower is really good and it's very helpful in a lot of ways somebody referred it to me years ago I thought they were crazy it's fucking great they have vapor patents cartridges but it'll also I treat you to go on a CBD lion calm and reading read the benefits and
Starting point is 01:13:17 advantages of CBN CBY and CBD go to CBD lion find something you like it they're gonna take care you they're gonna give you 20% off when you put in Joey or church it's that simple CBD lion the real deal when it comes to CBD the joint is also brought to you by zip recruiter good help is hard to find it's like trying to find you know a homeless person in fucking New Jersey you're not gonna find one you could always post your job online or at the fucking liquor store wall or at some fucking community wall but then you got to sit and hope that the right person walks by and sees it listen you don't want that stop dreaming
Starting point is 01:14:01 come on try zip recruiter for free again try zip recruiter for free at zip recruiter.com slash Joey you know why cuz they do the work for you with one click listen to me one click your job gets sent to over a hundred top job sites and here's where it gets fucking freaky here they're matching technology hooks you up with the people with the skills and experience that you need get a qualified candidate fast let them play matchmaker so you have more time to focus on your business zip recruiter so effective that four out of five employers who use zip recruiter get a quality candidate within the first day
Starting point is 01:14:41 you'll be sitting there for two weeks on your hands waiting like fucking you know mucla the law waiting for somebody 2.3 million businesses have already used zip recruiter whether you got 200 employees or five employees zip recruiter is for you why miss out while other companies overwhelm you with too many options zip recruiter finds what you're looking for that little fucking pebble on the fucking beats that nobody's seeing right now today Wednesday the 16th you can try zip recruiter for free Joey what are you talking about free free okay at zip recruiter.com slash Joey again that zip recruiter.com slash Joey you
Starting point is 01:15:22 could try it for free zip recruiter is gonna help you save time money and energy and get you a qualified candidate so you could take care of your fucking what you need to so try it for free just by going to zip recruiter.com slash Joey zip recruiter the smartest way to hide I want to thank zip recruiter I want to thank CBD lion I want to thank DraftKings I want to thank Bluetooth I want to thank all our sponsors this week for having our back but most importantly I want to thank you guys for always being here on Mondays and Wednesdays and supporting us you guys know we're trying our fucking best and we give it to you
Starting point is 01:16:02 straight from the motherfucking heart I love you guys stay black and if you need more joey dears go to patreon.com slash joey dears three five ten dollars and if these coming mugs are coming who the fuck knows I love you guys see you Monday tip top Magoo have a great weekend stay black you

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