Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #076 | PHILLY GODFATHER | UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT

Episode Date: June 30, 2021

Welcome to The JOINT..... It’s Wednesday, June 30th..... Today, we talked about Gambling with The Philly Godfather…… https://www.ThePhillyGodfather.com This episode is brought to you by Magnesiu...m Breakthrough & Relief Band..... Go to https://www.MagBreakthrough.com/JOEY and enter PROMO Code: JOEY10 Go to https://www.ReliefBand.com and enter PROMO Code: JOEY Follow Uncle Joey on Social Media: https://www.Twitter.com/madflavor https://www.Instagram.com/madflavors_world And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #PhillyGodfather The JOINT is Produced by: Michael Klein aka @onebyonepodcast on Social Media: https://www.Instagram.com/onebyonepodcast https://www.twitter.com/onebyonepodcast Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video.....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's happened you bad motherfuckers? It's Wednesday, June the 30th. The month is fucking over. The joint is brought to you by Magnesium Breakthrough. Listen, if you're a man, you gotta do, you gotta go to the doctor even if you don't want to. If you're ignoring how you feel, you need to listen to this. Fatigue, anxiety, headaches, all that might come back to one thing. You're not getting enough magnesium. Magnesium Breakthrough is the cure. Magnesium is an amazing fucking mineral. Not only does it help you sleep, it also reduces stress and maintains a regular heartbeat and boost immunity. I've been on this since I signed with Magnesium Breakthrough and I gotta tell you something. I take one, they have a special menu for you to take and it's
Starting point is 00:00:50 tremendous. You take day week one, you take one cap in the AM, one in the afternoon and one hour before you go to bed and then it increases over time. Then you go to three caps an hour before you go to bed and this will help you with maintenance and sleep optimization. You understand me? 80% of the population is magnesium deficient. I'm amazed at how much better I've been sleeping and how rested I feel in the morning since I've been taking the magnesium breakthrough. Now magnesium breakthrough is the only organic supplement that includes seven unique forms of magnesium. It works fast. I feel in about 30 minutes, just pop two, the three capsules before you go to bed and your tip top magoo. So for the joint family, go to magbreakthrough.com
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Starting point is 00:02:42 you drowsy and it has zero side effects. This used to only be available for hospital patients, but now it's available for everybody and this is how it works. Relief Band stimulates a nerve in the wrist that travels to the part of your brain that controls nausea. Then it blocks the signal your brain is sending to your stomach telling you that you're sick. That's fucking science. Relief Band is only over the counter wearable band that has been used in hospitals and oncology clinics to help with nausea and vomiting. Listen, when I was recovering from this fucking knee surgery, those pills were fucking killing me. I put the watch on and between me and you, I only got fucking sick. Two times once in the car and once I was down here moving around a little bit too
Starting point is 00:03:26 quick. Ensure nausea is never the reason to miss out on life's important fucking moments. Right now Relief Band has an exclusive offer for Uncle Joey joint listeners. Listen, I know you got family, your parents are old, your uncles. Go to reliefband.com. That's reliefband.com. Use promo code Joey and you'll receive 20% off plus free shipping and a no question 30 day money back guarantee. Relief Band, R-E-L-I-E-F-B-A-N-D.com and use promo code Joey for 20%. Here it is right here. It's nice, simple. You just go like this. You control how much you want. You could turn it down. This is the Relief Band. That's it. So go to reliefband.com. Use promo code Joey and get 20% off and get some relief from nausea. Let's get this party started. It's fucked on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Let's talk about a little fucking gambling today. All right. Hey, how you doing? Come on in. Yeah, Joey's in the back. Check one, two. Welcome to Uncle Joey's joint. What's happening, you bad boy? What's happening, you bad motherfuckers? It's Wednesday, June 30th. It's a beautiful fucking day. Welcome to Uncle Joey's joint. But I want to talk to you about fucking gambling, man. Let me tell you a little story about what happened to me. In 1991, when I got divorced, I had a little bit of money in the bank. I had a condo. I had a nice car. I had a truck. I didn't have much money,
Starting point is 00:06:02 but I had some money put away when I got separated and divorced. The fucking divorce destroyed me. It destroyed me, guys. I used every fucking card I had. I think I owed one attorney $100,000 just to the one main guy. And I had to pay him because he was referred to me by a friend. At the end, I didn't get what I wanted from the attorney, but I had to go to like three different attorneys before I got the main attorney. I was in debt probably $140,000 to attorneys, and I was probably in debt maybe $100,000 on credit cards. And some of it was cocaine. I know a lot of years ago, yeah, you were doing coke, but it wasn't. The thing that killed me was just the attorney fees. I don't know if you've ever hired an attorney for anything. It's
Starting point is 00:06:53 5,000 up front and 300 every time you call them. And this is before emails and shit. I don't know what they charge you for a fucking email. I had to pay that fucking dude back. I had to pay him back. I had to figure out a way. So like a man, I went over to his fucking office and I told him, it's going to take time. It was 1990 fucking two. I'm doing comedy. I'm selling fucking neon, and I'm trying the best I fucking can. And on top of that, I had to live. I had to live myself. I was making no money as a comic, maybe 200 a month as a comic, and that was the little hosting gig I had. And I was in all this debt. When I used to work at the puddle car wash, when I was married, these guys would come in a bunch of them, like three or four guys would come in once a week with
Starting point is 00:07:45 nice cars. They were all New Yorkers and they would talk to me and I would ask them what they did and they would always high hand me like, ah, we work for this guy, you know, whatever. This happened for about a year. You know, I asked them if I could get in with them. I didn't know what they did, but I knew they all drove nice fucking cars, a lot nicer than the car I had. And they had families and they had money. So I never really thought about it. I ended up quitting the car wash and I started roofing, but when I got separated, I lost my job with the roof in the company because they were my family. So I started selling neon and one day I got approached by one of the guys and he goes, listen, like in June of 91, 92, 92, the guy comes up to me and he goes, listen,
Starting point is 00:08:34 they're hiring in my office and I put your name in the hat because they're looking for East Coast guys and you know, you have an accent and blah, blah, blah. And that's what works. So I didn't know what he was talking about. You know, I thought it was, I just didn't have no idea. He goes, are you, is this something you're interested in? He goes, how can I, how can I be interested in something? I don't know what job you're putting me in for. He goes, I'll set up a meeting with you and you go meet with the guy. And then if you want to train and work for them, I thought it was stocks. I thought it was bonds. I thought it was something to do with something like that, like cold calling people. I couldn't get a stock license because I had the felony. So
Starting point is 00:09:19 I didn't know what I was going to do. But when I ended up meeting with the guy, he did something that I had never even knew existed. And he worked for, he owned a sports betting service. And what they do is you pay them a certain amount of money and they tell you who the gamble on. And I was like, what the fuck? I thought I was 29 years old and I never knew, I never heard anything like it. You know, I grew up in numbers in my house. My mother had a numbers operation and she bet baseball, but I never knew there were people who gave out information and you paid them. When they came to me and they offered me the job, you know, they offered me, it was like a flat. They said, well, you know, what kind of bills do you have? And I told them
Starting point is 00:10:05 that I was in fucking heavy debt. And they said, well, we'll pay you a flat versus commission. For the first month, we'll give you 500 a week, you know, and after that, you're on fucking commission. I was a little scared, you know, we're all hesitant, but when you got a 100% commission job, the good thing about it is there's no ceiling to your fucking income. You control your own fucking income. It takes balls to get involved in something like that. I had done it when I sold cars, you know, when you sell cars, they only give you the fucking 800 a month, you know, 1200 a month for the first 90 days. After that, you're on a commission basis and you have to learn to live like that. For some people,
Starting point is 00:10:52 they can't handle that shit. I fucking said, listen, I got nothing to lose, right? I'm broke as it is already. I'm broke as a fucking joke. What do I have to lose? So I had sold stuff before. I thought I was a salesman before, like I knew how to sell like a car wash. I knew how to put bits together for roofing, but I had never sold sporting information. So I let myself go and I went in there and let them train me and it was fucking interesting work. You worked six days a week from the only day off was Wednesday and your weekends are fucked. Like they tell you that when you get the job. Like if you got, if your wife plans something where your girlfriend plans something, you're fucked, but you have a chance of making a ton of fucking money. I went to work
Starting point is 00:11:50 for these guys not knowing what to expect. And sure enough, you know, I started in August and by mid September, the guarantee ended and I started making some money. I started making 600 a week. Then in October, I started making like 800 a week. Then in November, I was up to like a thousand a week, which was a fucking shitload of fucking money for me at the time. And December, everything is on. You got college basketball, you got NBA basketball, you got pro football, you got college football, the bowl games, you got the NHL. I mean, it's high fucking level. And I think that December I ended up making like maybe, I don't know, 8,000 for the month. That was fucking something I had never even dreamed of. January was the Super Bowl and it slows down
Starting point is 00:12:44 a little bit for the playoffs and stuff. And then what they do is if you had a good year, they let you stay till March Madness. And if you had a really good year up to March Madness, they let you work baseball season. Baseball season, you don't make a lot of money. It's only like maybe five or six or seven guys in the office. During football season, it was 17 to 18 guys in a fucking office, yelling, screaming, you know, you got to call people. How are you doing, Mike? This is Pete fucking Smith from fucking all star sports. How are you doing today? And people like, I don't need your fucking help. Go fuck yourself. And you got to call them back. And it was great work because I laughed. I mean, I love my job. As soon as I started making money,
Starting point is 00:13:33 I love bugging people. I love calling people up and, you know, you call them at work and they get, you know, anybody will talk to you at work. When they're at work, people will talk to you because they're killing time. They don't give a fuck. They'll talk to you about anything. They'll take the call. They'll let you pitch them at home. It's a different fucking story. So I would like to call people at work. So I would call them at the office and shit. I never gambled when I was there because it taught me that no matter what you do, people are going to fucking lose. Like the odds are always against you. So I wasn't gambling when I was there, but I was selling information, but it was really weird. I gambled as a child. I gambled not as a child. I gambled. I
Starting point is 00:14:17 started gambling when I was about 17 because my friends did it. And by the time I was 19, I learned my fucking lesson. It wasn't for me. I couldn't fucking win. Every once in a while, I won, but I always caught a fucking beating. I got memorable fucking beatings. I remember one time, this is why I play, if I gamble now, I look a lot at the lines because the lines confuse the fuck out of you. Like one year the sixes were hot and fucking they played the nets and the nets were given the sixes four points. Well, we all took the fucking sixes and the nets beat them up right because it was a sucker's bet. I didn't see that before the fucking the game started, but you know, those are all memorable fucking beatings. I remember one time I owed a bookie
Starting point is 00:15:03 money and he came to beat me up with a fucking chain. And two days later, the guy killed himself. Can you fucking believe that? Like on a Tuesday, I'm playing basketball behind hashways. This dude shows up with a fucking chain link and he goes, I want my fucking $300. I'm going to bust you in the head with it. And all of a sudden I started putting the money together and a friend of mine said, don't even bother. The guy killed himself. I mean, that was fucking horrible. And then in 83, before I left to Colorado, we were really involved in gambling. You know, I ended up robbing a fucking jewelry store in 82 because I bet Pittsburgh against Dallas on a Monday night football game and I lost. And there was a teacher I owed the money to and I couldn't
Starting point is 00:15:50 let him down. So I had to pay him. I mean, when you gamble, you got to fucking pay all those lessons. But the lesson that killed me the most about gambling was my roommate at the time. His name was Ferney. I loved him to death. He had never put a bet in his life before, never ever, ever that he put a bet in. And one day he came up to me and he goes, Hey man, what are you guys talking about? When you were stinky talk about sports, what are you guys talking about? And I go, we're talking about gambling. He goes, I want to give it a shot. The first bet he put in, he ended up winning like 1200 bucks and he went on a fucking tear for three months and he ended up losing at the Super Bowl. He ended up losing $80,000 and he had to pay that back. He had to
Starting point is 00:16:37 get three fucking jobs, three fucking jobs and he paid it back in the summer. When I saw him go through that, I decided fuck it. If it's, if I'm going to give my money away, I might as well give it to the Coke dealer and look out a window because at least when you do coke, you look out a window, you fucking crawl, you look for little pieces on the floor. You know what I'm saying? When you gamble, you just give your money to some fucking guy on Thursday at a fucking diner. And I didn't like that at all. So I stopped fucking gambling. That was the end of my gambling career. And for years, I never gambled, but after I worked at the sports betting service, I learned so much about the generic gamblers that it fucking petrified me, but I also learned how to bet
Starting point is 00:17:29 smart. That's what I learned after that fucking job. So if you listen to my story, I was a good salesman my first year. I don't know what I made that year. If I made 25, 30,000, not even in five months, I was lucky. I don't think I made that, but they told me on January 20th that I was only going to work till the end of the fucking Super Bowl. And I was so fucking depressed about it because I had tried my heart out to be good at this that I was heart broken. I mean, I went into a fucking depression and that's why I came back here in 1993 in January of 93 because I was so depressed that I had lost, I didn't lose my job. They just weren't going to take me back till August and it broke my fucking heart. So that's how much I loved the fucking job.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I came back here. I started comedy pretty much with that job. I still remember being in the Broker Joker contest in 91 and the guys from that office coming to see me and cheering me on and me winning. We had a great fucking time in that office. We, every Monday night from Monday night football, we'd finish at seven and they take us out to dinner at a fucking at a different restaurant in Boulder and we'd watch the game once every three months. He would take us to Vegas for three days. We'd stay at the Mirage. We'd go to Steve Wynn's office and look out his balcony onto the fucking the Mirage thing blowing up. It was just a great fucking experience for a kid like me. I went back in 93. I went to, I was kind of upset with them. So a guy had left that was one of their
Starting point is 00:19:24 best salesman and I went and worked with him for a few weeks. But then when the main guy called me back and he goes, what are you doing? You know, I was going to bring you back. I went back to work for them and I'm happy I did. I ended up working for them for three football seasons. My last season was 90, going into the 95 year and that December I made 60,000 fucking dollars. I must have paid 50,000 to the attorneys. I must have snorted 10,000. I caught up on my child support and if you guys know my story in June 25th, we just had the anniversary of 1995. I left Boulder to pursue my comedy fucking career. I never gambled again. You know, I didn't put a bet until McGregor fought Nate Diaz. That was my first bet the first time and I got it right. You know,
Starting point is 00:20:23 I looked at the line. I went to the fucking, to the way in and I saw that he flinched and I remember that I put like $400 on him and I didn't have that much money in my account. I had to call my wife in the middle of the night. It was like 1130. I called her up and I go, you got to put more money in my account and she goes, what are you doing on 1130 with all this money? I go, I'm not doing blow. I'm just putting in a fucking bet on fucking Nate Diaz and she goes, you better fucking win because we need this money and Nate Diaz ended up winning and you know, I started betting little UFC fights. I always would go to the UFC fights and bet a little bit at the fights that we would always take like 20s and singles and me and Ari would bet other people like five
Starting point is 00:21:07 bucks for this fight, but there was no line involved or anything like that. Now, DraftKings came along and became my sponsor and just like my sponsors today, you know, performance and relief band and all this stuff, I try everything. You know, for me to try to push something on you, I have to try it first. So when I got DraftKings, you know, I went on there to the site, you know, I don't know how to play cards, you know, I'm half fucking retarded. I don't know how to really play dice. I never had the patience to fucking sit there, but I know how to play sports, you know, and I didn't get involved with basketball as much or baseball. It was just football, little bets. And then this year, you know, I don't know if you guys remember Danny B from the Churchill,
Starting point is 00:21:56 what's happening now, great friend of mine, great fucking sports better. You know, he moved up north, but now he moved back to Pennsylvania and he's been laying low. I'm going to have him on a couple of weeks because I miss him. And I started talking to the Philly Godfather, you know, I was, I was looking at his pics on Twitter, you know, every night I would look at his little free pics on Twitter and I got to tell you something. He wasn't doing fucking bad, you know, so every once in a while, if I'm bored, I'll see what he's giving out that night and I'll throw 25, 50 bucks on it, whether it's baseball, if, if I see there's a game on at night or something, I'll call him up or whatever. And you know what? Right now, I'll show you my fucking draft kings. I think I'm up,
Starting point is 00:22:45 I think I put 500 in there to start and I still think I'm at like 540. I mean, I don't, I'm not a degenerate or whatever, but I'm having a great time. I think Saturday, I bet he gave me a baseball game. This days, listen guys, this times I bet 25 bucks and I win like 10 bucks on a baseball game and I don't give a fuck. It's just a little fun for me, you know, it's just something to do. This, you know, it was rough for a lot of months and I hate just sitting there watching TV. I'm not telling you to fucking gamble. I don't, you know what? If it's up to me, I rather you not gamble, but if you're gonna gamble, I want you to do it the right way. I want you to win money. That's why you gamble to win money, little bit of money to have fun. You're not gonna
Starting point is 00:23:35 gamble like I did when I was a kid to fucking do blow. Like I used to gamble like, you know, oh, I need 20,000. I'm gonna bet 20,000. You're not gonna fucking win. You're a loser. What I'm trying to do with this podcast is if you're gonna gamble, there's a way to fucking do it. Be smart about it. Have somebody who's guiding you. Don't stick to that rule, you know, stick to that rule. If you do sign with a handicapper like the guy I'm gonna introduce to you today, if he tells you to bet something, bet it the way he tells you. When I was a, when I worked for the sports of handicapping, I was blessed and I hate saying that word. I was really fortunate to work for the guys I did because they were honest. You know, most sports companies that
Starting point is 00:24:21 you sign with, they take like say tonight you got Milwaukee or tonight you got Phoenix against the Clippers. I think tonight's game seven. I don't fucking know, right? They give, if they have 300 people, they'll give 150 people the Clippers and then they'll give the other half of the people the Phoenix sons. The company I work for didn't do that. They will fucking straight up fucking gangsters. They did their homework. I could tell you fucking stories about people they had on the inside, girlfriends of college players, girlfriends and side pieces of mistresses of basketball players and football players. I'm not here to throw anybody under the bus, but they, that's how they, if they made a million dollars a year, they paid out a half a million
Starting point is 00:25:10 to get little information, you know, just little things that could change the fucking game. It's like an episode of Sopranos, Paulie Walnuts is talking about one night, he's out in a bar and he sees Joe Naim had come in fucking drunk as fuck and he called everybody he knew and told them to bet against Naim at the next day because he was drunk as fuck as midnight and his game was at one o'clock. That type of information makes you money. I don't want you to just bet like a fucking yahoo. I'm doing this podcast today out of respect for draft kings and out of respect for you guys that have been, you know, hitting me up and going, Joey, you know, we went on draft kings, we really enjoy it, but I lost. Listen, Vegas, I don't know how to say this, Vegas doesn't get
Starting point is 00:25:56 bigger and bigger because Mike Klein and me are winning money. There's no way. The odds are you, listen, Pete Rose lost, Michael Jordan lost and he played the game. You know, there was 10 guys before them who played the game and gambled. They're too heady. You have to know the lines. You know, I think the best that I ever do is when I bet the UFC. A couple of weeks ago, I had Moreno and there was a big upset. I think I bet 25, but I won fucking 75 bucks. I had, I bet against Nate Diaz and I bet, I think 50 bucks to win 10 or to win 20. That was the dumbest bet I ever made in my life, but I just wanted to see if I still knew how to read the lines and I still know how to read the lines. You got to look at the lines and go, wow, this is weird,
Starting point is 00:26:48 especially, you know, with the, with the UFC, they give you the over on the rounds, you know, they'll give you all the four rounds and stuff like that. So right now at this time, I consider myself really good at the UFC and that's it. I can't pick a basketball game to save my life. Baseball, I don't know. I don't even know what the standings are. I have no fucking idea, but if you're going to gamble, do me a favor, do it responsibly and do it with help and don't be a fucking yahoo. The guy I'm going to introduce to you now is a great guy. He's legit. I love what he does and I got to be honest with you. He's won me a little bit of cash. Check it out. It's a very small interview I did. I just wanted to introduce you to him and I just wanted to talk about this
Starting point is 00:27:33 today because a lot of people have been hitting me up ever since I got on DraftKings and I wanted to do an episode specifically about this. Here's the Philly Godfather. Enjoy. Philly, what's happening, my friend? How are you, my buddy? What's going on? Why are you so quiet today and shit? You're not on Twitter fucking telling people VIP members win $18,000 this weekend. I want to ask you some questions. You know, you've given me some pics the last couple weeks. You're fucking solid as fuck. I enjoy it. How did you become the Philly Godfather? I want to know this. You want the good and the bad? The good and the bad. Who gives a fuck? That's what we're here for. Man, you know, I grew up in Philly and, you know, poor Greek family.
Starting point is 00:28:26 My father had hot dog carts and stuck me in a hot dog cart at the age of eight and it was actually the best education I ever could have got. You know, I never went to school, dropped out of high school, ninth grade, started working in the streets and you really learned the value of a dollar in a hot dog cart. You learn how to network with people. You meet so many people from so many different, you know, parts of life. You know, we had hot dog carts in Center City. We met doctors and stockbrokers and lawyers and it's just, it was one of the greatest educations I ever, you know, I've ever had. And, you know, and slowly start meeting people. Next thing you know, an old childhood friend approached me and he was moving money for some big guys in Vegas.
Starting point is 00:29:02 This is back in 1988. This is before, you know, no one had a computer. No one had a dom best screen. No one knew what the lines were. Everyone was working off on newspaper lines. And he approached me and he knew I knew a lot of people and I was a street kid and he said, if you can find me some bookies, we can make some money. And that's how it all started, man. A long time ago, Joe. What do you mean if he found you some bookies? Like he had information. He had it. He was getting a lot of information from Vegas. He was moving money for some of the sharpest sports betters in the world back then. There's no reason to mention her names, but he wanted, he wanted me to find outs for him. He wanted me to find guys we can bet with and he
Starting point is 00:29:43 was going to give me a 20% with the work off. What that meant was, you know, if I can find him 10 bookies and we went 10,000 a week, my pay was 2,000 out of that 10 grand and the rest we had to turn in and then they would turn it out to Vegas. So I was, I was a mover. I was moving money for, you know, some of the sharpest guys, you know, out in Vegas back then as a kid. I was 18, 19 years old and that's how I got started as a mover. And, you know, at first I thought he was bullshitting me because back then I didn't know, you know, you hear gamblers, degenerate gamblers and you think they're all losers, you know, but these guys had the hot games. They had, you know, the best information, the sharpest information in the world and slowly he didn't have to tell
Starting point is 00:30:23 me no more. I mean, every week we were winning money and every week, you know, my bankroll was kept stacking. So that's basically how it all started. I was a mover. I was moving money for some of the sharpest guys in the world. And later on I realized like, you know, what if I lose these apps? What if I can't get them these connections? I wanted to learn how to handicap the games. So I kind of reverse engineered the games that we were moving on. I was trying to figure out, you know, why are they betting these baseball games? Was it the weather? Was it the humidity? Was it the pitching? Was it the umpires? Was it the stadiums? What made the ball, you know, go out, you know, some makes you watch baseball. They hit five, six home runs and other nights
Starting point is 00:30:58 they can't hit the ball at all. So what made that ball pop in baseball? A lot of it had to do with weather. So I basically reverse engineered the games whether it was baseball, football, basketball, college basketball. And the more you get into it, the more you start learning about regressional stats, what regressing the means is, uh, you know, different factors, historical probabilities on these games, what happened in the past and how it may affect the future. So you start looking for predictive indicators. You start looking for little bits of gold that'll help you when you're trying to make an education, you know, an educated guess on, on these games in the night to night. Now, how does the line, how does reading the line come into this? Because
Starting point is 00:31:43 I took a beaten as a kid, you know, I, you looked at the lines and you, you got sucked in, you know, the biggest beating I took was I think like the Chargers were playing Oakland on a Monday night game and they were giving seven, the line went up to seven and a half. So we decided to bet it in the fucking, we got killed and I had a robber jewelry store to fucking pay the bookie. Cause you know, you got to pay the book. I mean, he was a friend of mine, you know, like I knew him, he was a teacher at the high school. So I knew him and I had to give him the money and I got turned off by it, you know, once I lost, they said, listen, if I'm going to gamble, I'll gamble on me. I rather snort coke and look out a window than fucking give money to a bookie every Thursday.
Starting point is 00:32:28 That's what got me away from gambling. But then in 91, I hooked up with a sports betting crew and I looked at it from a different perspective. I wasn't betting the games. I looked at it as they were great salesmen. They knew exactly what they were doing, but I learned a lot, like you said, from gambling, from being on the phones and calling people. And when they would tell, like when a lot of people would tell me the same pick, yeah, I would see it lose. So if I would call you and say, Philly, it's Pete, you know, I'm going with the fucking, I got a two, two game parlay, whatever you would say, what do I need you for? I got the Mets tonight. Oh, I got the fucking Yankees tonight. You get 10 Yankees, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:14 they're going to lose. Yeah, you definitely want to be on the other side of the public. The bookie wins a lot more than they lose, but the, but the squares win as well. And that's why I tell people all the time, the worst thing you can do is wake up on a Sunday during the NFL season and remember what happened last week. Recency buys will get you killed when you're looking to place a wager. If you haven't done your research, you haven't done your homework on these games and you just wake up on a Sunday and you're like, oh, they look great last week. I'm betting them again. Well, that's a recipe for disaster. I mean, when you, before you buy your first home, you're going to look around the neighborhood, you're going to run the cops,
Starting point is 00:33:47 you're going to check out the school districts, you're going to look at the upgrades in the house, you're going to try and find value in that house before you make that purchase. And I know when I bought my first home, I probably looked at 40 houses before I bought a house. I probably spent about 200 hours before I made that purchase. Now imagine you just spent four or five hours a day on a certain game, handicapped in that game and research in that game, you're going to have a better chance of winning that game than losing that game, but most people don't put the work in and that's what we do. We spend about 10, 12 hours a day researching, you know, as much information as possible. But at the end of the day, it's an educated guess. And this is a market like any other
Starting point is 00:34:21 market, man, you're going to have your wins, you're going to have your losses. But if you do your homework and you really look at the game for what they are, and you can find some clarity in the market and you like the price, you're going to make some money. You know, I got hooked up with DraftKings and I like, you know, like any other sponsor I have, I go into the products, you know, I want to see if the product's any good before I pass it on, you know what I'm saying? And what I started doing last, maybe when I moved here, a friend of mine invited me over every Sunday to watch football with his childhood friends, Jimmy Florentine, great bunch of guys, you know, and I would just throw in side bets there, you know, and it was just for fun, 20 bucks,
Starting point is 00:35:06 30 bucks, whatever. And then I finally opened up the DraftKings account and I started having fun, but it wasn't like when I was a kid. I wasn't, you know, when I was betting as a kid, I was betting to snore Coke and to get laid. Like I was trying to figure out how much do I need this week. I need two eight balls. I need to take her out to dinner. I need to make rent. Okay. So I need 1800. Let me call the book and put a bet in for 2000. And I lose 10 out of 10 times. Now I got to hide for a week. I got to rob. I got to borrow. So it just, I didn't fucking, now I bet 25. 50 bucks. You know, I can't sit and watch a whole fucking game, but I'll watch a quarter. You know, I'll watch this. I'll watch a couple of innings, you know, just, you're sitting here
Starting point is 00:35:52 anywhere. You're going to sit here a fucking night. Every night there's an NBA game on. Every night there's a couple, I have, you know, 10,000 fucking channels. I don't have any of the sports packages or anything, but I just find that it, like I'm having a good time. It's not an everyday thing. You know, I made some really good money on the fights last time. You know, I picked some of the underdogs. I'm looking forward to the fights this time around. I'm looking at that. The NBA finals, you know, this whole fucking thing. You can't call it anymore. You know, Kwame's out. How do you work with all these like Kwame Leonard's out. The other guy had COVID. Like I just avoid the game. I mean, there's so many moving parts, but
Starting point is 00:36:38 right. Regressional stats. I mean, we'll take the Clippers for example. I mean, Paul George puts up 40. Reggie Jackson put up 20. Morris put up 20. They kind of outperformed their norm. You know, they almost doubled their output and scoring. And that's going to be hard to continue against the Phoenix Suns team. That plays some great defense. So I know they played lights out last game and they won the game over Phoenix at seven point underdogs, but to continue to play at that elevated, you know, level to come in night in and night out and give it an optimum performance, it's going to be very difficult for, you know, for the Clippers to beat the Suns. You know, I know the Suns are up 3-2. We got futures on the Suns at 49-1 that we gave out at the beginning
Starting point is 00:37:19 of the season. So we're kind of happy with the position we have. But in all honesty, I can't see the Clippers winning this series. It's going to be very difficult. Paul George is going to have to play lights out. That whole team is going to have to play above what they're used to playing in order to beat the Suns. I don't see that happening with the Hawks now, you know, with trades banged up. That's going to be, it's going to be tough for the Hawks to beat this Milwaukee team. You know, we already saw the total go from 222 to 218 on this matchup tonight. And that's basically because no one knows if Trey Young is going to be 100% or not. I mean, he's been playing lights out. He's been carrying that team. He's like the new Allen Iverson. I mean, he's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:37:56 He's so hard, you know, to match up with. But if he's not 100%, that team don't have no chance. So you know, injuries are big. Guys are banged up right now. It's late in the season. I think it's going to be Milwaukee against Phoenix in the finals. And it's going to be a great series. How many people work to make the Philly Godfather do his thing? How many people you have? There's a bunch of guys. We got six guys in the office. I got another five guys running numbers, crunch numbers. So there's 11 or 12 guys, some guys leave, some guys come back, you know, but it's just, it's a big operation. It's not easy to do a one man operation. I mean, we bet every sport seven days a week, 365 days a year. And if you don't have seven, eight, nine, 10 guys helping
Starting point is 00:38:40 you, it's not going to happen. Well, it's like having the Yankees, you know, when the Yankees make that team, the Yankees say, well, we're going to have to have for us to win the World Series. Four guys have to be batting 300. Okay. Four guys, not all nine guys, but four guys got to be hot, you know, like, so you don't know who's going to be hot at some time of the year. When the Yankees were build their fucking championship teams, you know, the guy you expected to be fucking hot during the playoffs goes cold. And some other guy comes to fucking life. You know, I'm saying that you, you never really expected it. I think back to the, to the, I think the 75 World Series when the Cincinnati Reds played the Boston Red Sox. I don't know what year it was, 70, you know,
Starting point is 00:39:32 Tony Perez did great the whole season, come to World Series against the Red Sox, he's 0 and 17, going into game six and he bangs a single in game six and they fucking win it. So he went one for 17, but the one mattered. It's the same with your team. Yeah, absolutely. It's a long, long year on randomness, even though it's an educated guess when we've done our homework, you know, it's the law of big numbers, man, of infinite numbers. We can go 17 and two, then we can go two and 15. It's just, you know, we're betting on randomness. You never know what happens. You can bet on the Kansas City Chiefs and they're killing everybody. Then my home breaks his leg in a football game and there goes your bet. So anything and everything can happen. We've
Starting point is 00:40:17 seen it over the years. So yeah, there's a lot of variants involved, but as long as you keep plugging away, as long as you keep doing your homework and your research, you know, in football, to beat that big, to beat that minus 110, you got to win 52.4% of your wages or more. And that's what we do. We've done it for the past 30 years and we continue to do it, but there's a lot of hard work involved and you're going to have your runs, your good runs, you're going to have your hot streaks, your cold streaks, but at the end of the year, we always end up with the money because we do our homework. It's just like any other market, man. If you do your homework, you're going to make money. If you just start picking games and betting games because
Starting point is 00:40:50 you like what you saw last year in trouble. No, I don't like losing money. You know me, I don't like losing money, especially fucking gambling. So for me to bet something like you helped me from time to time with fights, I'm good because I learned from Rogan a lot about fighting, but Rogan is so knowledgeable about the fight game. I look at the line for fights where he doesn't look at that. I mean, people will tell you, I have people say to me, well, how can you win when Michael Jordan fucking played basketball and couldn't win? Pete Rose played baseball and was losing games. They get too involved in it. That's why I think that I like putting in like maybe like if I was a full time gambler, I would bet anywhere from five to
Starting point is 00:41:40 six games a week. But that's my biggest odds of winning is keeping my action low, you know, and hitting them heavy for every fucking thing I got. That's the way I learned to gamble. If you're going to bang a motherfucker out, bang him out for everything. Once you start doing the parlays and the teasers and all that shit, that's when you get in trouble. That's what I feel. I'm not a genius, but that's how I feel from my years of doing this shit. Yeah, I mean, if you've got a 14 parlay, right, and you went to and you lose to, you lose the parlay, but if you get straight up, you break even, you pay a little vague on the side. So that's basically, parlays are difficult to hit. You know, they're more for fun. But like I said, the DraftKings had
Starting point is 00:42:23 a great promotion for me. They gave me 50% of my sign up bonus. I actually went down to AC and I fired away on a Houston Astros. Now the Astros, we had taken them at 16 to one, which was a great bet. Their odds right now are down to six and a half to one. Now the other day I was down there, and they were still around eight to one, but they gave me such a huge sign up bonus. I threw another thousand on the Astros at eight to one, and they gave me about 4500 and free money. So I put the whole 4500 on the Astros as well. So now I increased my odds from eight to one, the 44 to one with those free bets. That's why I love DraftKings so much because of, you know, the stuff they give out. And the reason why I like the Astros so much is they had one of the toughest schedules in the
Starting point is 00:43:01 first half of baseball season, and they got the best run differential in baseball right now. And in the second half of the baseball season, they got one of the easiest schedules. While the Oakland A's who are a great team and are right behind them, they got one of the toughest schedules in the second half of baseball season. So I see the Astros winning that division. And the other reason why I like them is come to trade deadline. They're going to go out and they're going to get somebody they need where teams like Tampa Bay, teams like Oakland, teams like San Fran, that more analytically driven, they really don't do that. They stick with the guns that they have. And I don't see them spend the money like the Astros spend money. Tampa Bay had one of the cheapest payrolls.
Starting point is 00:43:35 Oakland always has one of the cheapest payrolls where Houston will go out and get that big stud picture. So I think Houston can make a deep run. I think they got a great shot at winning the playoffs. They got a chip on their shoulder. Everyone from New York hates them. Everyone calls them cheaters. So I think they got that driving force behind plus the fact that they got one of the easiest second half schedules in baseball. And I'm sitting at 44 to one. I mean, I got big money on just with draft kings. I got 5500 with draft kings. I got another four dimes on the street at 16 to one. So I think they're the team that you can make some money on. That's fucking amazing. That's amazing that you narrowed it down that much to a fucking science. Like I said, I wanted to
Starting point is 00:44:15 have you one to explain to people, you know, what you do, the percentages, you know, people call you up and say, I go 80 percent. Nobody goes fucking 80 percent. If you go 80 percent, you wouldn't be fucking telling me. You'd be in fucking Vegas, you know, driving around like I knew a guy who used to play blackjack. And he's from Philly, probably a friend of yours. And I saw him go into, I mean, I saw him, you know, I used to, I used to open for dice on the road. And he would meet us at the dice show and then me, him, Jim Norton, Bobby Lee would all go gamble with him. And, you know, he'd go into, let's say the mirage. He would go into a private fucking room. A guy would bring his chips, you know, and he would play for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and he had a
Starting point is 00:45:08 system and he'd make 65,000. I mean, he bought dice a fuck at Escalade. I mean, it was crazy. He gave me three grand. What's that? Yeah. He got thrown out of a couple of casinos. He's still out in Vegas. He's still making money. I don't know how the fuck he does it. But, you know, he showed us, he goes, you know, I just go in there for 20 anything over 30 or 40 minutes, my odds of losing increase. He goes, I know what I'm going to do by the first 20 or 25 minutes. I won't sit there past, you know, he had different pointers because it's all a game of numbers. It's percentages. So, yeah, absolutely. I mean, there's same amount of low cards as high cards, seven, eight, some nines are neutral. We used to count cards, but they've made it so difficult
Starting point is 00:45:58 for you to win even at counting cards because they change the bedspreads, the way you can fire away. Once they realize that you're counting, all the pitfalls come down and they basically throw you out or they tell you they'll shuffle after every deal. So, you got to really camouflage what you're doing at the Blackbeck table. We did it back in the 90s. We got thrown out of AC so many times, but it's a lot of work. I mean, there's times and your edge is so small and they've made it even smaller over the years, but it is a lot of work. Sometimes we'd sit at that table for four, five hours and they can't come and we end up losing money. So, it's just like any other business, man. You got to work hard. You got to stay focused. And if you got a small edge, you got to take
Starting point is 00:46:34 advantage of that edge and you got to fire because that's how you make money in this business. You know, what do you guys usually do a week? Like right now you have baseball and basketball. This isn't really the busiest time of the year. I know once October comes, that's your fucking hate day. You got football. You got NBA basketball. You got fucking hockey. You got bowl season in December. I mean, it's a fucking, you know, now it's like a lot of people don't understand baseball gambling. So, they don't do it. Guys like me, I don't know. My mother bet baseball. I don't know how to bet baseball. You know, I don't even know what the fucking Yankees are doing. You know, you told me about Houston. I thought they were cheaters. I don't fucking know what's
Starting point is 00:47:18 going on. But like, what kind of numbers are you doing a week now during this? Like, I call this the slow time. A lot of people. Yeah, we call it the dead zone. Even the NBA playoffs are winding down. Baseball right now, it depends. I mean, it depends what our edge is. If we find a strong edge, we might increase our bet size to maybe like a four times bet or a three times bet and we'll fire away. But average plays a day for me, you might get anywhere from one to like five plays a day tops, even with the NBA rocker right now. Football season is a lot more. You got football, you got college football, and then college basketball kicks in. You know how many games are during college basketball season when the NBA comes back. So, there's a lot more volume there.
Starting point is 00:48:05 But yeah, we fire in the NFL. I mean, you see my futures tickets the last four years, 2017, before the season started, I gave out the Eagles win the Super Bowl. 2018, I had the Bears, but I had them at 95 to one. And if you remember in those playoffs, the Eagles barely beat the Bears, the Saints barely beat the Eagles, and the Rams barely beat the Saints. So, I thought that was wide open that year. That's why I took such a long shot with the Bears, which was a great bet. The following year, we came back. And then last year, I had San Fran, the year before that, I had San Fran at 28 to one. I had them to win the West. I had them win the NFC. And last year, if you remember, back in March on Twitter, I gave out the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at 50 to one
Starting point is 00:48:46 to win the Super Bowl, and the Buffalo Bills at 30 to one. Now, the Bills almost got there, but you know, the Buccaneers got us the money. So, we've had some good, good seasons with the NFL over the last four years. What's your strongest football is probably your best, or is it basketball, or is it baseball? What does the Philly Godfather think his specialty is? Man, it's got to be the NFL. NFL, then college football, then college basketball. College basketball is very random. And I tell people all the time, college basketball is very difficult, because the lines move so fast, and you might see a three, four, five point move on total, sometimes even higher than that. So, if I bet a game, I'll move the line. And by the time you
Starting point is 00:49:26 get it, it might have moved a point or two, and you lose a lot of the value. A lot of the value has been extracted out of that number. Where in the NFL, you know, it's a big market. It's the King Kong of sports betting. There's so much money being brought into the market, where it's hard to move the lines. And I think you got a better shot at winning in the NFL in college football. College basketball is a little more difficult. If somebody is looking to play some bets or need some help, how do they contact you? Just go to my website. We never solicit no business. I don't have an 800 number. I don't call people. I don't send spam emails. We basically have a zero acquisition fee. We don't spend no money on advertising. We let our resume speak for ourselves.
Starting point is 00:50:10 And everything's documented. I've given it all out on Twitter, given it all on social media, all the radio shows, the TV shows I do. You just go to the PhillyGodfather.com. You stop by my Twitter account at PhillyGodfather. And that's basically it. You're a fucking Jeep, brother. And I'm happy you took the time today to zoom in with me because I think the world of you, you know, you've given me some winners. And I really wanted to expose you to the world. I think you're a good guy and you have great intentions. I know that they're writing a movie about you. I mean, you're the real deal. You know, Danny and you know, Tim and you know, all the whole fucking crew. And I love you, you know, I love that you keep in touch. And I really
Starting point is 00:50:49 wanted to let people know you're available to them. Like if they want to bet with draft kings or whatever they want to do, if they got a bookie, whatever, you know, it's great to fucking collect. It's great to win, you know, and I just wanted to help people and turn them on to you and what you do, brother. I appreciate it. I'll give you guys some NFL futures. We bet that's cool with you. I bet the Patriots to go over nine wins. I bet them plus 150 to make the playoffs. I bet the Chargers over nine wins. I got a huge bet on the Browns over 10 and a half wins. Regular season win totals. I got the Browns winning the Super Bowl at 20 to one. This team is stacked. I know this team has sucked for maybe 20 years from excluding last year. They had one of the
Starting point is 00:51:34 worst records, the NFL, but good things come to, you know, the people that wait. And this year, this Cleveland Browns team is stacked. They got a great shot to get there in the NFC side. I think there's a lot of value on Washington. I took my 71 as a long shot. 49ers are going to be a lot better this year. They're one of the most injured teams in the NFL last year, but the Browns, the Chargers, watch out for those teams. Watch out for the 49ers and watch out for the Washington football team. That's fucking crazy. It's June and you're already talking football. You're already betting football. So your Jimmy is prepared. I love you, Philly. Keep me posted. If anything comes in, you know where to find me. All right. I love you to death. And the webpage again is
Starting point is 00:52:13 the Philly Godfather.com. There you go. You bad motherfuckers. I hope you enjoy Philly. I'll be in touch. All right, brother. Thank you very much for coming on Uncle Joey's joint on a fucking Wednesday afternoon. Thank you. Stay black. Thank you. All right. We're back. I hope you enjoyed that today, guys. I just wanted to do a little thing on gambling today, just because I got a couple guys on Patreon, hit me up. A couple guys on Twitter have hit me up. You know, they've joined DraftKings because of me. Thank you. And they wanted to just learn what the fuck was going on. Like I said, I'm not here to make you gamble. I don't want you to lose your house. I don't want you to, you know, I was just talking to my brother about a friend, a dear friend of ours who is having
Starting point is 00:52:58 a lot of problems with it. He doesn't stop. You know, he has hidden sights and all this shit. I don't want you to go there. When you place a bet, if you go on DraftKings, I want you to bet with your fucking head, you know, 25, 30 bucks, 50 bucks. You're not taking food out of your family's fucking mouth. I'm not here to promote gambling in that sense. I'm here to promote gambling in a fun way. You know, during the football season, you're Cleveland Brown. You're a Cleveland Browns fan. You bet Cleveland Browns. Like the man said, you know, he gave you some great picks on here for the year for football. And if you enjoy him, and if you like betting baseball or basketball, whatever you're fucking like, you always have the fucking option to hit
Starting point is 00:53:42 the Philly Godfather and at least win a little bit. Like I said, people get hot and people get cold. Like we discussed the Yankees, they count on four guys being hot in October. That's why they pay for seven guys. They know three guys are not gonna fucking, and that's the same thing with us as gamblers. The more you bet, the more you lose. If you bet every fucking day, the odds are higher. If you bet on what you truly like and what you truly believe in and what you truly know about and you keep it to three bets, I'd rather make three bets a week at 100 and go two out of three and, you know, make 150 bucks a week. That's 600 a fucking month you make off gambling if I had to. It's not what I want to do when I gamble. Like I said, it's for fucking shits and
Starting point is 00:54:31 giggles. I'm not in business to, I'm not weighing five dimes. That's not never been me. That's, I worked too hard for my fucking money and I got mouths to feed and I got a fucking door to these guys that go out on the limb. No, no, no, no. I promote it for you to have a good time. It's an option and that's it. It was the Wednesday joint. I hope you enjoyed the fucking trailer for the many saints of Newark. I put it up on Twitter. I put it up on Patreon and made my fucking heartbeat when my friend sent it to me. I almost fucking passed out. Like I said, on my Patreon podcast, I'm very, very proud of the work I did in this movie. I think I did my homework on this movie. I got to learn about how David Chase, you know, how he, you know, I mean David Chase
Starting point is 00:55:21 made an intervention funny. That is fucking hilarious. If you ever see the Sopranos when they had the intervention, you laugh your fucking ass off. You know, I just worked with Benny on that TV show I told you about from the Sopranos and I told him, I go, you know, I fell in love with David Chase before I even knew him when he made an intervention funny. So I'm very proud of this movie. It comes out October 1st. That's all I got to promote. I got no fucking dates. I got nothing. All I got is my heart, some laughs and this fucking movie right now. So the joint was short today. It was sweet and to the fucking point. We'll be back Monday after the 4th of July to rock your fucking world. There's going to be a slow fucking weekend. People ain't going to be
Starting point is 00:56:08 on the fucking computers anyway, but if you are on the fucking computer, I'll be around. I'll be I won't be around Saturday and Sunday, but I'll be around up to Friday fucking around. So if you need me, hit me up. I love you guys. Have a great week. Thank you for watching the joint and now for a word from my motherfucking sponsors, Jack. All right. I want to thank you guys. I want to thank the Philly Godfather. I want to thank Mike, everybody for the support to the joint, but I also want to thank our sponsors. The joint is brought to you by Relief Band. Listen, the third of Americans suffer from fucking nausea, right? When I got the surgery, I was nauseous all the fucking time from the pain pills. That's why I'm excited about Relief Band. Relief Band
Starting point is 00:56:53 is number one FDA cleared anti-nausea risk band that has been clinically proven to relieve and prevent nausea and vomiting. Check it out, bitches, right there. Nice. The product is 100% drug-free and it doesn't make you drowsy and has zero side effects. This is the kind that you still, you could only get this in a hospital, but now it's available to everybody and Uncle Joe is giving it to you motherfuckers. This is how it works. Relief Band stimulates a nerve in the wrist that travels to the part of the brain that controls nausea. Then it blocks the signal sending to your stomach, telling you that you're sick. Relief Band is the only over-the-counter wearable band that has been used in hospitals and oncology clinics to treat nausea and vomiting.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Listen, like I said in the beginning, when the fucking pain pills get to you, you know, any type of pill I take, I get fucking nausea stomach. Ever since I've had my fucking Relief Band, nausea is gone. And sure, nausea never is the reason to miss out on life's important moments. Right now, Relief Band has an exclusive offer. You ready for this? Go to ReliefBand.com and use promo code Joey and you'll receive 20% off plus free shipping and no questions asked on a 30-day money back guarantee. It's Relief Band, R-E-L-I-E-F-B-A-N-D dot com. Use promo code Joey for 20% off and get some relief and never get nausea again. I know you guys got parents, grandparents, uncles, maybe they have nausea. This makes
Starting point is 00:58:30 a nice little fucking gift for them, whatever. Give it a shot. The joint is also brought to you by magnesium breakthrough. Listen, I never even knew what magnesium was. But if you're an old man like me or if you're a man, you got to go to the doctor even if you don't want to. If you're ignoring how you feel, you need to listen to this, all right? Fatigue, anxiety, and headaches, all might come back to one thing. You're not getting enough magnesium. I didn't know anything about this. Magnesium breakthrough is the cure. Magnesium is an amazing mineral. Not only does it help you sleep, it also helps you reduce stress, maintain regular heartbeat, and boost immunity. I take one pill in the morning, one in the afternoon, and three before I go to bed at night,
Starting point is 00:59:16 right here. Boom. They also have tremendous digestion energy. These are veggie caps, ketogenesis. You also have probiotics. I mean, listen, magnesium breakthrough is not just about magnesium. Do me a favor. It all starts by you going to magbreakthrough.com and slash Joey and use code Joey to get 10% off. Joey, 10 to save 10%. 80% of the population is magnesium deficient. If you don't get the right amount, you eventually end up going to the doctor for some reason. I'm amazed how much better I sleep and how rested I feel in the morning. You guys see me, I'm looking good. That's because I've been taking this, this program for the last two months. Plus, I feel more relaxed and at peace throughout the day. Magnesium breakthrough is the only
Starting point is 01:00:10 organic supplement that includes seven unique forms of magnesium. It works fast. I feel it in about 30 minutes. Just pop three capsules before you go to Nappy Nunu time and that's it. But what we're going to do is it's all starts by you going through magbreakthrough.com, MAG, breakthrough.com, read, learn, and if you like it, press Joey 10 during checkout to save 10%. That's magnesiumbreakthrough.com slash Joey and use Joey 10 for 10% off. Listen, when you wake up in the morning, you'll fucking thank me and then you go back to mag breakthrough and tell your uncle Joey sent you. I want to thank magnesium breakthrough and I want to thank Relief Band for having our backs this week. But most importantly, I want to thank you guys
Starting point is 01:01:03 for always having my back, whether it's on Patreon, here, YouTube, Twitter. I love you, cocksuckers. I hope you enjoyed the trailer. I hope you're as excited as I am and I'll see you guys Monday to fifth tip top Magoo ready to fucking go. I love you. Stay black, cocksuckers. Have a great weekend.

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