Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #078 | LEE SYATT Pt. 2 | UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT

Episode Date: July 7, 2021

Welcome to The JOINT..... It’s Wednesday, July 7th..... This Episode is also called “Living in Hell and Not Knowing it”…. This is Part 2. Today, we finished talking to our friend, LEE SYATT…...… Follow Lee at https://www.Twitter.com/leesyatt & https://www.Instagram.com/leesyatt & https://www.youtube.com/c/leesyatt This episode is brought to you by Manscaped & Lucy.co..... Go to https://www.Manscaped.com/JOEY Go to https://www.Lucy.co and enter PROMO Code: JOEY Follow Uncle Joey on Social Media: https://www.Twitter.com/madflavor https://www.Instagram.com/madflavors_world And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #LeeSyatt TheChurch The JOINT is Produced by: Michael Klein aka @onebyonepodcast on Social Media: https://www.Instagram.com/onebyonepodcast https://www.twitter.com/onebyonepodcast Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video.....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's happening you bad motherfuckers it's wednesday july the 7th the joint is brought to you by manscaped listen summer's here and you're ready to show off your beach bod you're gonna show up with fucking hair on your shoulders fucking puff between your legs you pick up a chick you bring it back to the hotel room you're gonna stink like a fucking tzatziki sauce those days are over we get rid of those stinky hairs with manscape we've just revealed the fourth performance fucking package first up the new and improved lawnmower 4.0 trimmer i could give you a bunch of marketing mumbo jumbo but this is skin safe technology no anxiety you shave your balls right over the fucking toilet right there you pick up your dick you hold on to your dick tight and you shave right
Starting point is 00:00:49 around that motherfucker but the bottom line is this design to protect your fucking privates even my long balls don't get caught in these fucking things and the blades are sharp enough to cut through the white hairs which you fucking can't cut through like butter set the length of your trim from one to four if your old school they even made a fucking light for you you can fucking shave your balls in the dark like a savage and they added a travel lock and made it waterproof so there you go you could shave in the shower blame the pubic hairs on your kids i didn't do it it's my fucking kids throw this in your fucking weekend bag and you're set for any situation and it don't stop with your nuts they also got the fucking weed wacker as seen right there
Starting point is 00:01:35 it'll trim up your nose and your ears and your hairs everywhere at a 9 000 rpm motor you know this thing got fucking boogers out of my nose that have been in there since the fucking 80s remember that booger a couple months ago that's because of fucking manscape then you got my favorites the crop the crop preserver tremendous for anti-shaving ball deodorant and you also have the crop revive out which is my all-time favorite because it tones your balls and tightens your nutsack and you could also put it under your eyes i got fucking crop revive under my eyes right now smoking people like you look like carry grant no no no no it's the balltona and when you get to the performance package they throw in a travel bag and a pair of boxes who's better than you
Starting point is 00:02:24 but better yet who's better than manscape you're gonna watch them this week when you watch the ufc they're right there with the ring because they want every man in that fucking fucking place to have nice smell well balls you understand me you want your balls to be in tip top condition and that's where manscape comes in so do me a favor get 20 off and free worldwide shipping that's right even you in india cocksucker just because you got covid don't mean you got to shave your nutsack go to manscape.com slash joey that's 20 off and free worldwide shipping by going to manscape.com slash joey no more stinky hairs on your nutsack with manscape the joint is also brought to you by lucy nicotine gum tremendous listen i used to smoke
Starting point is 00:03:16 it sucks and you you guys know how hard it is to quit when you're craving a cigarette you just need that little something to satisfy the habit now you could call me ricky ricardo because i fucking love lucy gum with lucy you don't need to smoke anymore get lucy today so you're prepared when the temptation strikes you sign up for their subscription service so you have it when you need it make sure you have it on hand when the craving hits lucy gum comes in three flavors and i love them i love the fucking pomegranate cinnamon's great and wintergreen is great if you don't like the gum they got a cherry ice flavored license trust me i ran out of lucy gum and i hit those losses is not fucking bad so do me a favor for the joint family go to lucy.co that's lucy.c.o
Starting point is 00:04:05 with another dot use promo code joey to get 20 off all products including gum and lozenges that's lucy.co use promo code joey at checkout and here's the legal mumbo jumbo the product contains nicotine derived from tobacco and nicotine is an addictive chemical we all know this already but you already knew that go to lucy.co and use promo code joey i'm going to take care and this lucy gum is tremendous it's not that shit you buy at the fucking pharmacy go with lucy.co right now and press in promo code joey let's get this party started we got the lee interview part two what's happening you bad mother fuckers it's
Starting point is 00:05:50 wednesday the 7th of july a beautiful day to be alive we're back uh what the fuck has happened in two days nothing i had my guitar lessons listen i am digging my fucking guitar lessons it's the only thing that's uh it's a hobby um like i said sometimes hobbies are better than fucking uh going for something i'm 58 it's not like uh you know i told mike the other day i got up with the guitar for the first time like i always play it sitting down you know what i'm saying but i stood up with the guitar and tried to play it not too good you know sometimes you get up too fast you get dizzy yeah it was the same thing i only the guitar was dizzy like the guitar was like begging me sit back down this is not fucking working but i'm i'm digging it i know the beginning
Starting point is 00:06:40 at the ac dc i'm working on cocaine by erick clapton i wanted him to teach me the a couple lines from heartbreaker and it's just fun that's it there's no expectations i'm not learning how to read music i don't want to join a band i don't want to do none of that it's you know throughout this whole thing it's just been a hobby like some people collect stamps some people watch porn for me you know this fucking house shuts down at fucking nine o'clock at night like my wife and the baby i like oh we're tired okay go to bed so what am i going to do come down here and watch tv the same shit every fucking night so i try to do different things i make notes for erica to write the book uh this week we should be signing the fucking deal for the audio book and the regular
Starting point is 00:07:32 we got nine chapters under our motherfucking belts fucking laughing gas will be out july 16th at the ice cream shop in studio city and then we'll get it out to other stores i will keep you posted on which stores but you need to do me a favor you need to go to at laughing gas two g's at the end on instagram right now just do me that fucking favor at laughing gas if you're a fucking professional fucking head like me and you want this reef it's gonna be 31 percent it's not too strong it's not too it's not no susquehanna there's no susquehanna and uncle joey's life you know i don't like that shit even though i gave mike some new jersey susquehanna the other day and it was not susquehanna it was tremendous weed i smoked a
Starting point is 00:08:22 little butt of it and i was impressed it didn't take me to fucking marsville but excuse me it took me to where i needed to be you understand so it wasn't bad my uh my nephew gave me some jersey weed it was fucking pretty good i want to run it by mike so at least jerseys making a fucking climb for it but you know us we're always running with the fucking ziki we don't give a fuck they're the ones that helped me put together the laughing gas and you know i've been smoking with them for three four fucking years it's tremendous reef i hope you enjoy it listen i hope you enjoyed monday's podcast with lee sciat we didn't lie to you we taped two parts and uh today we go a little deeper into what happened with the therapist and all this shit
Starting point is 00:09:08 so uh i hope you enjoy it it was great seeing him let's go to the video replay enjoy lee sciat yo what's up it's been a long time it's fucking wednesday cocksuckers i wanted to do this in two parts so we were talking about when we took off on monday we were talking about you getting into therapy right and i started seeing your mood getting a little darker you were getting darker you were having trouble sleeping and that's when i was taking a look at that podcast and feeling the weight of it when i'm i'm sorry i i'm i'm bad that no okay i don't want you to apologize because by you going to therapy it opened up my mind okay it opened up my mind to to think about what the fuck this poor kids in therapy what am i doing to him
Starting point is 00:10:18 where is his mind going at night with these edibles all of a sudden there was an air of guilt to me i had this guilt to me and the other guilt was this kid's been doing this for six years i think you were about to turn 30 probably yeah at the time yep and i was like you know what man i'm 50 something i've done time i've done this you know i got my dick sucked behind the church you know you do all these things and you you you're proud of some of the stuff but you're not proud of some of the other stuff you weren't doing any of those things i was encouraging you to go out you know you were getting paid you had access to weed you had access to fucking edibles you had access to i mean you could have been your whole new cosby you could have just dumped fucking abx
Starting point is 00:11:12 and every chicks drink at a fucking bar and see who passes out first but uh you know you didn't you weren't doing those things in fact you got even more isolated and on the flip side of that i was doing the same thing in my house all those edibles and all that shit and all the the stupidity from the podcast from the people cancelling to people not showing to i was thinking of this one fucking girl don't mention her name okay that got to the podcast late and then she had the balls to look me in the face and go oh by the way i don't do any longer than 30 minutes on a podcast yeah and two weeks later i see her doing three hours on rogan and you're like you know you can't win you try everything you can i knew the girl for years i was always very sweet though we
Starting point is 00:12:15 had a great relationship you know doing comedy and all of a sudden you're coming here with that attitude you know it was it was all those things that made me think i mean you were and then you got into comedy and i didn't know where that had come from you know you wanted to do comedy and you were really working it you were heading out to the fourth wall you were really doing it on the other hand i was feeling guilty because i couldn't take you with you me with you because i had you with me all week now i'm gonna take you with me on the road and we're gonna really fucking hate each other you know what i'm saying and i got and i got dean delroy i got all these other people who had a different level who also needed money so i wanted to spread the the wealth you know i wanted
Starting point is 00:13:02 to spread it around all my friends you know when you started doing comedy i got really nervous really now you yeah you were going to different spots at night and i always felt i was a little responsible for you like things you didn't know when i was coming back from the store i would drive by your house just to make sure the fucking your house wasn't on fire and i remember one of the angriest you ever got at me was one of our first sponsor it was who was having a party at comic con in san diego so i took my ex down there and red band was having a show and it got back because i had a couple drinks before the show and it got back to you that i had driven home drunk from san diego which i didn't um i had like a couple drinks before but then in the two hours of
Starting point is 00:13:51 the show i had sobered up um and you called me like angry but like be out of out of love like you you would always do that you there was a lot of times towards the end especially during i guess not right before covid and a little bit after is you would just show up at my apartment and we would take an edible duo like sit in the car for 10 minutes like you brought me cuban fried rice a couple times like you you did care about and then like i um you would always get like nervous if i was going on the road like driving along ways like you i think if people thought about you they might think like you don't really get nervous or like not that you don't care about people but like you get like you get actually like really like i always i would call you like when i got home from places
Starting point is 00:14:46 like i'm home don't worry about it like you and you might say it in a funny way like don't go down there what are you going down there for but like it's it's coming from a place of like i don't want you to get hurt like i remember i drove uber for like a month and you really didn't like that you're like what am i gonna tell your mom if someone stabs you in the heart yeah he's driving why is he driving uber you're paying him you know mike leaves here and i tell mike the first thing when you get home hit me back right whenever i go out at night i drive by jimmy's house i drive by christina's house all my friends just to make sure there's no creepy people in front of there you know you are on my watch i was on your watch yeah and i wanted that love to come through the screen
Starting point is 00:15:34 i think that's what people appreciate the most about the podcast that's what people hated when i first came back with zoom they didn't see the love across the stream that's why i gotta tell people i can't put people on zoom if i don't know you right i'd love to get you on you're very interesting but they gotta feel that connection you know i cared about you i wanted the best for you and at the end like with the pandemic hit do you remember us having a fucking specific i want you to tell me the truth a specific talk maybe the beginning of april where we both looked at each other and we said a lot of things are going to change from this pandemic people going to change their minds oh there was a like two or three at least if not four podcasts about that like very topic yeah
Starting point is 00:16:25 did you ever thought that it was going to be us when we were having those conversations i didn't pre-think it at all but like i said last week you you made it very clear from like almost the beginning as soon as you had mercy that you didn't want to raise her in la so when you called and told me that you were leaving i wasn't i wasn't shocked by it when i remember around march when like you started to hear about it in europe and asian it wasn't really here yet and i would take walks with steve simone and jimmy schubert and we would talk and and even like even the president said i'll be gone by easter and then we thought maybe by july it'd be over and then it just it got to the point where like already before then i wasn't doing
Starting point is 00:17:32 much and then there was literally like we probably weren't even supposed to be doing the podcast i think i even asked you that once and you laughed at me like listen we're we're still gonna do the podcast but like that was the only time we were leaving the house from like the middle of march or april through august when we were there it was all we were doing and to be honest and make like i wouldn't i wouldn't have said i'm leaving for the podcast but it makes sense like it just it it didn't make sense to keep living like that and they just ended imagine if we'd been there till april of this year living wearing masks on the podcast guests didn't want to come i mean it would have been awful it would have been terrible the way i looked at it was
Starting point is 00:18:30 i looked at what we have done i looked at the situation in my house you know my daughter wasn't in school right you hated that it was weighing on it it was weighing on my wife it was weighing on me um comedy was weighing on me you know when you go to pee in the morning and you have a knot in your stomach because you got to go to the store or the only thing i really enjoyed was that office and that podcast you know it was great to go there at night and find the fucking pill you know what kind of pill you got no computer to see what i've been doing so you wouldn't have looked it up anyways yeah i wouldn't have looked it up anyway you know they were all great things but all good things must come to an end right and the name of these
Starting point is 00:19:24 two episodes is living in hell and not knowing it we were living in a hell and we didn't know it you know i lived in hell and i didn't know it before i went to prison i lived in hell and i didn't know it while i was married the first time and i think the last four years of the podcast we lived in hell and had no idea we were living there i mean it's so weird to say this until the day that i threw the the table off the fucking thing to salami and brett and we were done with the boxes and daemon was helping us pull down the things when i ripped those walls off i was like we were in hell in here this was just a different form of a prison you know when chris cornell sings fell on black days he talks about doing time he wasn't he wasn't talking about doing time
Starting point is 00:20:20 he was talking about doing that mental time something was weighing on you something was weighing on you the thing that was weighing on me the most was one we had done 800 episodes we had nothing else to prove to i could see that if you stayed a little longer i thought something bad was going to happen either you would snap call me one day and say you can't do it no more i could see you slowly going into a depression it was a slow depression i was calling you at ten and you were just waking up you couldn't sleep at night so all these things were weighing on me then i thought about myself when i was 21 and i was making good money and i thought i was having a good time being a bookie i thought i was cool and shit and i go i can't keep doing this the
Starting point is 00:21:21 rest of my life this is not going to work out i'm not going to get a resume after this you know what happens if i do this i'm 31 this is funny because i kept here i was 21 but i'm like what if i do this till i'm 21 or 31 what happens if they get busted how am i gonna get another fucking job you know how the fuck am i gonna get another job who's gonna hire me nobody i got no fucking work history so i started looking at you and then july 12th was when fucking the fuck nut Newsom said there's not going to be any fucking school for the rest of the year and that devastated me and my wife and i took my wife in the other room and i remember saying i spoke to jimmy florentine his sister-in-law is going to call you we're going to buy a house
Starting point is 00:22:15 and my wife going so what are we going to do i go we're just going to pick up and leave and move and we'll get lee in apartment you know and i remember calling jim and going jim do you think she could find lee in apartment and lee goes and she goes she's going to find lee in apartment but it's going to be four towns over this isn't an apartment town you know and i'm like fuck he's gonna have to be like an old bridge or the fucking you know genghis khan or whatever the fuck town this is you know so i started thinking about and i go wait a second this fucking kid is living in hell doesn't take a genius you didn't want to date anymore uh you were eating to kill the pain the same pain i was killing with the fucking edibles and the fucking xanax you know had
Starting point is 00:23:07 had that xanax for fucking 20 years in my house never ate a xanax before started watching world news tonight and my panic went into i remember nights that i would get in the car get out of the car get in the car get out of the car that's not normal that's not normal this is the first time i'm exposing this on on on a podcast there was nights that i would get in the car out of the car 10 times and then i would just sit on the couch and try to get my composure to me and tell my wife to bring me ice so i could put it on my forehead yeah you never told me that and she'd go you got to go do the podcast go you know like i had all those episodes another night i had that when i was going to a UFC fight at my friend Todd's house you know i was just the the fear of the
Starting point is 00:23:54 of the fucking uh you know i didn't want to die and i didn't want to give it to you and i didn't want to give it to a guest i didn't know if it was real i didn't know what the fuck was going on so but back to the situation with my wife i told my wife i don't think i'm taking lee i'm not doing him any favors i'm not doing any favors in this life he's uh in a rut i'm in a rut but i'm in a different rut i was in a way different rut than you were i i was enjoying doing the podcast i thought we were going a little overboard with the drugs i couldn't believe what i was smoking right you know i started looking at what i was smoking and knew that this wasn't gonna end well you know i have stomach problems today little
Starting point is 00:24:48 noises and shit i hear from time to time really you know what do you think you're gonna hear after you eat 10 000 fucking elible stars that have that serdo in it or whatever it is to hold that gel together you know that's gotta not be good to you you know i mean we were eating everything there wasn't anything that we didn't put we were drinking i reminded you of the tubes the other day oh yeah oh my god the five hour energies of the yeah there were five hour energy pure thc a hundred percent tube you know we were we were talking about that the other night i mean there were just so many fucking things we were doing wrong but the thing i felt i was doing the worst was it's like what you said you know i was bringing you cuban fried rice which is
Starting point is 00:25:40 20 000 calories on its own well you did that like twice it wasn't like every day you're bringing that and and i mean the edibles you always thought i always i feel like i hurt your feelings a couple of times you always thought when i would say oh i'm gaining weight because of the edibles or partly because the edibles i'm an adult you didn't force me i i mean and you eat edibles and you didn't gain weight first i didn't give a fuck about your weight gain i had my own problems i was going home and eating six alami sandwiches three apples a bag of pirates booty right swiss cheese i haven't touched salami since october damn i was going through a pound of salami every three days like just go home at night and start with a salami a piece of salami two salamis three
Starting point is 00:26:27 salami i got no bread and then i would eat fucking two salami sandwiches you know i would stay up till three in the morning get up at seven you know yeah and walk around with mercy and think that was okay no naps all day yeah and then going into the toxicity which is comedy yeah you know i was i was i was poisoning my body i was poisoning the temple of doom and on top of that i'm fucking toxic from these fucking desperate people that are walking around you you know always trying to get something from you always trying to come into you on a light and and it got to the point where i didn't know who was who anymore i loved you i love steve i love jerry rocha i love diagostino i mean you young guys were the guys that were the glue in my life
Starting point is 00:27:21 you know eric rocha you guys were the glue mike the fucking stars of comedy and those guys they were just you know hi it's great to see you oh my god how is Toledo get the fuck out of here right you know it all sucks we were all lying to ourselves i was lying to myself i was saying to myself oh i'm having a good time this is what i should be doing until i found myself on a plain thursday saturday and sunday i would get off the fucking plane on the sunday my back hurt for fucking two days you know and then i'd have to go work out and all this shit but the the final thing was lee i just wanted you to have a normal fucking life and i wanted you your confidence was low yeah um my confidence was low i needed your confidence to come back you were a happy fucking
Starting point is 00:28:18 kid when we started i remember we went to see grudge match at the movie theater with fucking salami all of us we were happy fucking people yeah that had disappeared that had disappeared that that podcast we took the podcast and turned it into a job you know that's why i couldn't take a fucking week off i felt that people fucking depended on us you know but then you put the podcast out and totally to fix the fucking hearing yeah i can't hear the fucking thing you got too high you shouldn't have worn an atlanta braves shirt on it was like we're giving you content for free right and you're still fucking bitching you know that's why now i do what i do i don't give a fuck if you like it you're liking if you don't go watch the other fucking podcast go
Starting point is 00:29:08 watch disney plus i don't give a fuck what you're fucking watch i really don't you're taking it you're not taking it why can't hear it it's not perfect well nothing is it's pirate fucking radio you fucking morons right i know three guys that work at sirius they're doing their fucking shows on their phones nobody's going into fucking sirius building it's a ghost town go to sirius and new york bang on the windows ain't nobody gonna answer the fucking door for you right this is this was pirate radio since day one that this was not w p l j or w any w or sirius we weren't supposed to be fucking a a fucking 20 000 operation but that also happened to specials people said a little well you have to have 300 000 to shoot a special my friend shot one for 8 000 and it's got a million
Starting point is 00:30:02 downloads on fucking youtube what are you talking about i remember you hated whenever you saw the crane shot every time you saw the crane at any of your tapings or anywhere like i hate that why do we need a crane what we need a crane for it's a camera straight up why are we fucking you know and then i read keith richard's book he does a whole chapter on live music that we've gotten so fucking smart we've forgotten about fucking live music you know how to do how they forgot how to wire the fucking drums to do live music because everything was so technical everything was so fucking technical we forgot you know people wanted perfection at all levels and this isn't it's pirate radio guy right it's pirate radio i saw when joe opened up his
Starting point is 00:30:48 ding and austin i read the remarks oh yeah i don't like it it's a bumble then the shut the shut the fuck up when you do a podcast then come talk to me when you do 800 episodes then you come and tell me whatever the fuck you want until then you gotta suck my dick right that's it it's that simple the 800 fucking episodes they all got over fucking you know 100 000 views on them and you're still fucking complaining that's the the non gratitude and during covid it got worse yeah oh yeah it got worse it got really worse i didn't see i didn't see uh it it just wasn't pleasant anymore people weren't happy and that's why i wanted to keep doing the podcast because i wanted just to just give them one hour that we
Starting point is 00:31:43 would goof around you know and just talk shit and grab a joint and don't get away from the fucking news and i was watching the news also getting scared to death yeah but i never wanted you to think that i didn't love you i never wanted you to think that i got rid of you what i did was i wanted to give you a fair chance at life in eight years from now and you call me and you go hey dog we gotta start a podcast up i gave life a chance my wife dumped me for a lesbian you know uh i can't get my dick sucked it's time to do a podcast i'd love to do a podcast with you i'd love to this would be great but at that time we needed to end it to move on with our lives oh absolutely and what has happened let's let's let's go over what has happened
Starting point is 00:32:37 we both have podcasts yep guess what we're under the radar nobody gives a fuck about what we say no more they're all focused on the big guns right you got healthier right you got healthier on your own no drama no nothing you do it by yourself with a bunch of patreoners you started a patreon you started a podcast you bang some jubrod you got a couple jubrods up in milwaukee you got those fucking viking jews that you know yeah they don't like they like the cold weather you got those viking jews you know i'm saying they don't wear a yarmulke they wear a yarmulke with like a stocking it's the whole fucking thing everybody wants to be fucking barbis trisand and that moviental oh jesus and uh i'm really fucking proud of you like i'm
Starting point is 00:33:30 really fucking proud of you that you kept it going for 10 months you didn't give a fuck you got yourself a little fucking office and i knew this was going to happen i did not know i was gonna cut down on the marijuana yeah i would never have guessed that the dog please i did not know i was gonna cut down the marijuana i did not know i was gonna cut down on the edibles i did not know that i wasn't gonna go back to stand up right away i i definitely needed a fucking break from that and the bullshit i was going through with that and i definitely didn't know that i would end up a little sad at times a little bored a little lonely at times but you know what it all worked out you know friday night i went to eat with some families you know this is wednesday today so friday night i went
Starting point is 00:34:36 to eat with some families and one of the families their husband works a lot good great guy i love him to that great guy but he didn't make it to dinner and she was there with the two kids it was great we had a great time the kids were running around we took pictures the the fucking and they had real japanese people at the steakhouse by the way which i was in fucking awe no fucking mexicans with scott's tape on their rise not like benny hannah and they were making chuchus the guy was shooting sake in my fucking mouth i almost puked and shit we're like a butter thing i was like this my daughter was proud because they threw up cucumbers and me and my wife caught him in the first try like seals and shit and i told my wife we were both in the circus in cuba and she's like
Starting point is 00:35:24 that's a lie that's a lie you mommy never worked in the circus i'm telling you we worked in the circus in cuba but i noticed that dude missing from the table yeah and that used to be my wife and the first thing she says is excuse my husband he's got to work at 11 o'clock tonight and he figured he'd get a couple hours of sleep before work he works 11 to 8 and right away i thought about my wife and this is my what my wife was doing for the last fucking 10 years you know going to things by herself she was like fucking the guy from the godfather that represents veto you know she was like whatever his name is contiglieri yeah she was she always had to show up to things you know and by herself with my daughter you know for three weeks i went to new york she had
Starting point is 00:36:16 to do it all those things started to bother me when i got here and it's okay like it's okay so now i'm i'm with her you know i got to all the softball games i want to be a part of our life especially these crucial years stand-up will always be there uncle venny's my favorite comedy club in the country will always be there the borgata always be there your boy up and laugh boston will always be there your boy at the will but always be there if i want to do it i'll do it if not i'm not but my biggest fucking happiness is that you and i had a great talk three weeks ago and we both saw where we were at the love was still there there was tons of love still there it had just gotten interrupted by the drugs and uh and there was a lot of drugs you know none of them
Starting point is 00:37:12 illegal just weed and all of edibles but it was to a different fucking level uh we got to see the devil which is very important you got to see the devil before you can see god and live we saw god yeah it's um i always said LA was like a business trip i don't think anyone ever liked like there's few people who like it whatever it felt like a business trip like you and i like i spent things more thanksgivings with you out there than anybody i never the fact that i got to spend thanksgiving with my mom it was the first thanksgiving i'd seen her in 10 years and then i spent two months i spent my dad's birthday with him if i spent two months in florida i i get to see my aunt and uncle a lot now you you would always tell me it's good to go back to your moms or just
Starting point is 00:38:03 to your what your hometown to like restart and it it's not where i would have like uh seen my life going at 32 but over the past year i feel like i've like i've really been building a really good foundation for the rest of my life i feel like i like i've gotten a lot a lot i didn't realize how big i'd gotten i i got really big i i wasn't i wasn't doing enough stuff outside of the church because i just i would make excuses about about oh i have to be ready for when joey wants and and yeah i mean we we didn't have a schedule but there was plenty of time for me to do other stuff and i even though i'm not uh like i'm still building some which you always say by the way like you always say like one month you'll make four the next month you'll make six the next month
Starting point is 00:39:07 you'll make eight i'm actually building something for myself and i've i get to have dinner with my mom every night i get um i get to like get healthy and and mental health going back to the earlier this episode and last week and last on monday too it's always been something i've struggled with but towards the end of la i just it was a bad i wasn't suicidal or anything but it just things start to pile up and when you're only focused on business or when i was only focused on the podcast and i didn't care about my health and you're right i didn't have any interest in dating and i had friends but they were all comedian friends i just wasn't like a real person like i just i did a a couple things and i had a blast on the podcast for the most part and
Starting point is 00:40:08 yeah there were times where i i i wasn't super happy but it wasn't like anything that you did or it just you go through down periods but coming back and and doing this it's not what i want my whole life to be i um i'm by the end of this year i'm planning on being out of my mom's house um but it's it's just been great to see that i can actually do even the losing the weight thing and i think you can relate i've always given up like you had bobby kelly uh bobby kelly on your podcast a few weeks ago and he has a joke that i love that he says he's on a sixth fat and i've i've always given up at like 70 pounds or like that that would be like the top most times i would lose 10 pounds and i'd have a bad day and i would just say fuck it who's
Starting point is 00:41:04 gonna care but just it's it's proving to me that i can do it and if i can if i can lose 100 pounds then i can definitely build a business then i can definitely find a wife and it's it's just i got i i was always very focused on money and i still am but it it's good to have goals that aren't related to that and to prove to myself that i can do things and build like you said build up my confidence and it's uh as fucked up as this last year was i'm hoping that in five ten years we'll look back at it as probably one of the best years of our lives my wife said at the other day best she goes you know i hate it what covid did to society i'm sorry for all the grandmas and uncles and people who lost family members i got a call from my sister the other night
Starting point is 00:42:07 she cannot get uh you know the lady who brought me in she passed march 20th it's gonna take 12 weeks to get the rock engraved the headstone because they're backed up from covid all the covid deaths you know how she's chilling that is to even say on the air they're backed up from all the covid deaths they're grinding out other tombstones you know i i really feel bad for that but if you listen to that podcast from april i also said there was gonna be a silver lining to all this we're gonna have a tremendous silver lining and the silver lining for you was getting both of your feet under you starting your own business i know you're doing well with consultations you're building a studio for people you're really going
Starting point is 00:43:01 after it and for me it was seeing my family looking at them uh knowing that let me tell you something comedy as a hobby was a lot better than comedy is a profession right and when i do go back when i'm ready it's going to be more of a hobby it's not going to be a profession it's not going to define me it was too much it was too much you know i look at instagram now when i see these comics you know taking pictures and and it's like it's too much that's not what we were programmed to do that program and this desperation in you and this neediness in you and i didn't like it that that was the weight i lost that was the real weight i lost it's not the physical weight i lost that weight on my shoulders that i couldn't do nothing without picking up an envelope that's a great statement
Starting point is 00:44:02 but it's really not you should be able to want to go to uncle vinnie's on a tuesday night and do a guest set just for the sake of it right yeah i was going to the store and picking up fifteen dollars but i saw i was also picking up a nice envelope in the main room that's why i was going there if it was just for the fifteen dollars i don't think i would have gotten maybe i would have because it's the comedy store i want to reteach myself i'm looking for a pizza place that has an open mic right oh that has eight people in it i'm gonna start one just a pizza place listen let me come in here on tuesday put eight people in here you know because that's all i want a pizza place like rick dukeman used to have rick dukeman's mother lived in ohio his mother-in-law
Starting point is 00:44:51 and he would do let him in and then drive to ohio and fucking his wife would go where you're going he goes i gotta start my new set there's a pizza parlor down the corner that does comedy i really i really don't want nobody to see me right i just want to get back into this fucking you know thing not ready i'm not ready right now but i am so proud that because of you i speak to a therapist that's wild that's great i speak to a therapist i've made some great progress with her as you could tell by looking at me i still got my fucking problems you know i still got my problems but we're not where we were early and that was just 10 months ago that's it is crazy how quickly that went crazy it's 10 months ago i mean uh we did uh the whole month of july and then we did eight
Starting point is 00:45:49 episodes and what fucking two weeks yeah we we we moved to both of our houses we moved the studio and then we had we had episodes right up until the last week of august yeah yeah because i think we even did two of them without like a wall we only had like a wall we did like four of them like i was like i had like the we had like uh beach chairs that we were sitting in that's right we had beach chairs we were like i was uh resting the cameras on like a box or something like it went it was kind of a cool way to end as weird as it was because it kind of brought us back to like when we first started it we were using lysol wipe bottles as uh tripods for the webcams and it sort of it sort of ended that way like it just uh we had some great and then even i i
Starting point is 00:46:35 think about this a lot sam trippley came on towards the end and we had a very emotional episode but he even was saying like to me and i don't even know if you remember he was like like you'll go back you'll lose weight you'll get healthy and it uh yeah i just like my mom even told me when i first started losing weight she's like when you got home i was worried you were gonna have a heart attack i me too yeah it me too i was very worried about you yeah it wasn't good you know we were very very worried about you yeah i kept pushing you to go to the doctor i kept pushing you and i came back to all that stuff in fact i gotta go back next week and do more blood work and oh jesus yeah but i'm okay with it now now okay you're not scared of it anymore let me tell you something
Starting point is 00:47:21 that the last six months for me were not goodly i had heart palpitations and insomnia and whatever i finally from advice from people you know advice from our brother jerry rocher nobody's got better advice to give you when they're staring at death you know and uh my heart goes out to jerry i'm gonna take some of the patreon money and send it to him at the end of this month and we get paid on the fifth uh for his uh recovery he's a great guy and he he did more for me than any therapist did with one conversation you know wow that's great but uh yeah i i'm happy i did the therapy i'm happy i'm on the medication you know i'm doing great on the medication i think i needed it 30 years of doing coke is not healthy for you and then eight years on looking for the devil in
Starting point is 00:48:20 search of the devil on the patreon uh the church what's happening now doesn't do you any favors right i mean you're a real family man now like every time i call you like i went to a softball game we did this like you're like you're basically a stay at home dad now i mean you're you're still working doing the podcast doing a lot of stuff but it's it's very it's it's almost like like the nerdy guy from back to the future who's just like home and like like you i remember towards the end of la you got very upset even before covid about being home at night and you were like bored to like you had nothing to do in your mind and you were very bored and you're doing less now like less uh like comedy wise and and you're home more now and you've you've never even
Starting point is 00:49:11 said once like oh i'm i'm losing my mind here it's too quiet here there's nothing to do here it really seems like you're really enjoying it lia i never had a normal childhood i never had normal teenage years and i didn't have a normal adult life i've always been i've been out since 1979 every night jesus that's close to what 42 years yeah i've been out at night i'm 58 years old you know what rich vas had a birthday party last wednesday at tiff's you know the comedy dojo right i wanted to go in the worst fucking way but i gotta tell you something couldn't do it couldn't leave my family not yet not yet i'm not ready for big social stuff i'm hoping i'm ready for guns and roses mother fuck in september 11th in atlantic city oh yeah that's what i'm hoping i'm ready for
Starting point is 00:50:15 mentally that i could go in with that i mean i remember when you told me you went to florida and you went to a greek place and the place had 300 people with no mask oh and you fucking ran out of there and i'm like yeah it's gonna take time it's gonna take time for me it's been it's been great i don't wear a mask the other day some guy was sitting next to me double mask and i got anxiety just sitting next to him but what i wanted to say with these two podcasts is that you're my brother you always have a space on my table i don't want you at it but you always have a space on my table because you were there from the beginning um i wanted you to have this life this was the life you deserved not hanging out with a 58 year old doing a podcast hanging out with other old people
Starting point is 00:51:09 i wanted you at 30 year old getting your dick sucked getting chlamydia you needed to get syphilis you needed to get crabs you needed to get a tongue in your ass there were so many things you needed that i couldn't provide for you thank goodness i'm saying uh i just couldn't provide for you that you had to reach on your own and i couldn't tell you these things last august and it broke my heart because deep down inside i knew you were smart enough and you would put this together that you couldn't keep living the way you were living and i couldn't keep living the way i was living and at the end of the day it wasn't that we were enemies or bad for each other we enabled each other you know that fucking guy called me last week with the sandwich is a great guy
Starting point is 00:51:57 oh yeah oh god great the spicy italian oh i love that sandwich i don't know if you know this but we're shipping sandwiches across the country now i'm like listen i'm three minutes away from the best sandwich in new jersey and you want to ship me a sandwich in a fucking box with dry pepperoni what are you crazy ship those to people in cleveland we don't know better and what did you think about the fucking subway tuna i told you there was no tuna in that fucking subway you have everything but tuna i just knew once i tasted it the way it went down that's not tuna that's like a goldfish there's a bunch of kids crying outside of fucking subway where's my goldfish where's my goldfish they've been serving goldfish for years those cock suckers that was one of the
Starting point is 00:52:37 most upsetting things you would have these theories that seemed way out there but then like it would turn out to be right i forget there was a bunch of them about like just yeah like the subway one about like the the stray cats in korea town you you would say some wild shit to me never never you never saw cat cats were all over la you go to korea town there's no cats but there's a special moosh you point what the fuck is going on here what are you fucking kidding me or what yeah oh yeah it's crazy but not my thank you i uh i love you too i think you know that um i love your family you really took me in at a time where i really didn't have anybody in LA i had some friends from some of the tv shows i worked on but in LA if you live 20 minutes from somebody
Starting point is 00:53:27 you're not gonna see you're not gonna see and and you you always included me in holidays you included me in bro you took me out one of the last things we did together is on my birthday you took me to the honeydew and he just like i can't have you at home on your birthday you um you treated my parents great you let my mom come into the wilbur that one time my dad turned him into a zombie at and uh oxnard with the stars we had to carry him out from the quiche and shit he went knocked out he went dog he had one arm around lee and one around somebody else felicia felicia his little legs were dragging to the fucking car because he took three right he took three of the reds uh 375 and he he loved it we had a great time your daughter i don't know if you remember this your
Starting point is 00:54:14 daughter was maybe like one two maybe three and i came over your place and we had spent some time together and we were saying goodbye in the porch and she went in and slammed the door on me she like it's enough it's enough of him i got to see her uh you it's weird to me i we spent a lot more time together before mercy but we really didn't we it was only a couple years and to see how happy you are as a dad is great to see like i see the pictures of her winning winning softball is great and just the fact that i i said this to you because like right at the beginning we weren't sure if i was going to jersey and i said i said because you you're someone who doesn't really make a decision until you have to like you're not like you don't you plan stuff but it's like
Starting point is 00:55:02 you're the only one who really knows the plan sometimes and i said i said i must have said it to you seven times i was like hey i i just want to make sure we're cool if you had wanted to continue doing the podcast i would have but now i've been looking back at this year i don't think there's even a question if if we made the right choice i miss you and hopefully i'll see you soon in person but it i i going back to what i said last on monday i don't think you could have written a better quote unquote end and there was only really an end to the podcast we're still friends you still bust my balls three or four days a week you call me and ask me if i if i called my ex and and if i if i licked an asshole yet and uh it it it was just a great
Starting point is 00:55:51 kind we because we were together for like nine we did a lot of shit before the podcast even started it uh and i wouldn't i wouldn't have made it a year and a half in la if i hadn't met you i would have been back in boston anyways so it was uh a great experience and i love you man it was great i love you too i'm gonna smoke this for you oh what's that that's the devil oh shit full effect you know i'm saying just so i don't have anything fuck it you know what i guess i do hold on alonzo bowden gave me this he gave it he brought it to me from mexico and he said he forgot to give it to me the last time he was on so i said fuck it i got it for old time sake fuck i'm gonna have to cancel a date tonight these are true shout out to true
Starting point is 00:56:40 leave in florida they're 50 milligrams fuck it might as well take one for old times oh god they even smell like weed what do you think they're gonna smell like feet what the fuck they're capsules they're fucking little red like this is the devil oh yeah that's mixed with god knows what fucking the cats from fucking korea town oh yeah oh yeah there's definitely cat piss if you're meowing tonight now have you have you called milkshake any of the girls to say hello no milkshake won't talk to me um the girl milwaukee fuck she broke your bed you shouldn't talk to her that fat fuck no we broke the bed that that but i the girl in the walk i can't believe i just took that it's fucking one in the afternoon but um the church is back bitches that's right that was oh my god this
Starting point is 00:57:33 is fun i love you lisa yet i love you and i want to give a quick shout out to mike mike you're doing a great job with my savage doing great with everything mike did the artwork for uh what was i thinking and and uh he's a great guy has a great family has always been a gentleman to me and i'm so happy that that you guys have each other and let me tell you something the other day i told him i go mike i'm trying to save you some fucking energy time and heartache i don't want you as a fucking co-host look what happened to my last co-host he went off the fucking deep ends all right stop with the fucking co-host sit there nice because i don't want two co-hosts i already put one guy in the fucking lululan smoking dope and you know he smokes dope and he's all right with
Starting point is 00:58:17 it he could he could eat 200 milligrams but he's skinny he's skinny mike if you ever want to gain some weight i'll teach you we're going to mcdonald's twice a day and we're going to 7-eleven and getting candy fucking every day so you need to gain some weight when you told me to start by my walkie that you fell asleep with the fucking nutter butters oh and the in the bed yeah in the bed the kid cats and you rolled up and you had fudging your eyes like a football player you like ronkowski you had those fucking things under your eyes oh i was eating there were times i was going to the fourth wall just because i knew i could go to 7-eleven get candy your ice cream after it was yeah that was like that was the not good times but now like i'm eating better i'm gonna have to
Starting point is 00:59:00 be fucking careful the night with that thing but uh yeah we had it we had you know as as much as this podcast we talked about how some some of the times weren't the best for us when we were shooting the podcast and and and talking before and after and you calling me at six in the morning for three years straight tell me to get up and like we we had some even even if i wasn't happy as a person i still had some great times i wouldn't trade it i i i know i had i had a life and i think i might have even said this on the last church i'm a boring person man i so i'm a boring person and i would have never done a millions of what we did on the church if i hadn't been on it and uh it's it's just a great thing to uh to have done and and the fact
Starting point is 00:59:59 that that i mean i get to know you and samon is one of my best friends forever triply it's one of the honestly one of the coolest things about the pandemic has seen is seeing all the people who are taking off and triply doing so well is amazing uh tim dylan blowing up is amazing fucking great it's just it's it's cool to see like andrew shoal like you know what and i i said this on on a podcast uh someone who i think used to get a lot of shit but i'm really very motivated by his brandon chop the fact that all the work that he does and theo too but shop has so many things that he's doing he works so hard and it's there's just so many comics get a bad rap for doing drugs and for being out whatever there's like look at arie
Starting point is 01:00:54 do all the stuff he's putting up there's so many comics who as uh an entrepreneur or a content creator whatever you want to call it that are just doing so much by themselves and for themselves that it's just like leo had caches morris on here caches morris is a young man now we know him how long eight years nine years and he's making his entire living from podcasting it's uh and then seeing you just had josh potter on he's blowing up it's um the thing that that i learned so much from you is that i was because i tried to start podcasts when i was with you is consistency is really the most important thing one of the things i love doing is looking i go on youtube and i go to like a really popular youtuber but i go to their first video and they look like shit the
Starting point is 01:01:51 lighting is terrible the sound is terrible and but now they have a million subscribers and i one of the things that i always struggled with was i wanted things to be a certain way or if i ran into an obstacle i would just give up and it's it's better it's it's good to see that you know man if you just try it and it might change and it might adapt but if you just keep doing it good things will happen i feel the same fucking way guy this is it this is it twice a week you're nice you do your thing i'm not here trying to talk politics or trying to be a fucking genius i'm just trying to open up my heart to people so they don't do the same fucking mistakes i did and at least if they do them they know that they can bounce back that's
Starting point is 01:02:44 what this whole movement for me has been about right i love you little brother i love you i'll talk to you tonight and uh yeah this was this whole week was dedicated to church week fucking i love it first week of july and it's your birthday this month so we'll give you a shout out thank you for doing two episodes and uh of course stay black we'll put them up back to back fuck these motherfuckers that's right they got the church reunion they wanted i love you buddy love you too kick that mule mic you kick that fucking mule mic keep that indian gin love you lee love you too buddy love you joe i don't think you can hear me anymore but love you brother oh okay i'll call you later all right buddy thank you what's happened you bad
Starting point is 01:03:29 motherfuckers so i'm happy see you guys wanted the church reunion usually i tell you people go fuck yourselves but after that gentleman wrote that thing on twitter saying how much we changed and how happy he was and hearing a couple people we finally got uh a little respect for what we did and i'm really happy for lee that he's moved on i'm happy i'm getting to work with mic now mic's a fucking sweetheart uh somebody reached out to me that they want to pitch the album to the week to a television show because it needs to be done and mic needs to be the producer of it because he does a great job but the thing about a tv show with music is you got to get right from every fucking i tried it already guys it's a fucking nightmare but anyway i don't want to
Starting point is 01:04:17 take much of your time i know that was a long interview that you wanted and i try to keep the podcast up for an hour i wanted to turn you guys on to this too today you guys saw we used at the end this is going to be the official pipe of fucking laughing gas reefer right here this is tremendous it's the devil himself look at this bad motherfucker that's an nft right there that's laughing gas bitches and for you motherfuckers have a great week all right we're back in more ways than one mentally physically spiritually my dick is looking a little better hold on fun guy told report fun guy told report we're getting better the fucking teacher all is working the other day i buffed out my nails i buffed out the skin around the nails i killed
Starting point is 01:05:20 all the fungus tremendous smoke everywhere my wife came down here i go that ain't dust bitch that's fucking toe jam that's that's old fun guy toenail stuff i don't call my wife a bitch you'll backhand me but that's the way life is listen i love you motherfuckers with all my heart if you're on patreon the nft's come out today i think today yeah wednesday this the seventh the nft's will be out and that's it and that's that guys it was a great fucking week i hope you enjoyed lee sciat you're like jesus we didn't see lee for 10 months then we got to see him two times in one week yeah that's how we do it here you know i'm saying always trying to strive to bring you the best in a good podcast guys i love you with all my heart do not forget right now do me a favor
Starting point is 01:06:07 go to at laughing gas with two g's at the end at laughing gas michael put a fucking thing up here to say it at laughing gas on instagram to follow us for sales where it's going to be located specials we're going to start with california nevada i want you to know what stores they're going to be at and uh that's all i wanted to say to you guys it was a great week i'm feeling better i'm happy you guys are better let's kick this fucking meal cocksuckers have a great weekend now for a word from my mother fucking sponsor jack all right i love you mother fuckers thank you very much for watching uh it was great to see him he's uh a great guy but hey that's enough of that now it's a word for our sponsors to join us brought to you by manscape summer's here and you got to
Starting point is 01:07:02 be ready to show off your beach body listen i went to the beach a couple weeks ago i had to shave everything my chest because i got white hairs i shaved my fucking nut sack and it wasn't even the beach it was the pool to be honest with you whether you're going to the beach the pool whether you're going to be out in public you want to look good i even used a fucking my manscape to shave the afro on my knee it works on knees it works on balls and it works on the area from around your dick listen what we're going to do is this i'm going to come out with the fourth generation or better yet manscapes coming out with the fourth generation performance package first up they give you the new and improved lawn mower 4.0 trimmer fucking tremendous
Starting point is 01:07:45 my arms are long i'd show it to you i'll give you a bunch of fucking mumbo jumbo but listen it's skin safe technology the bottom line is it's designed to protect your private you're not going to cut your dick off and throw it in the field and the cops got to look for it even my long balls don't get caught in these fucking things and the blades are sharp enough to cut through the white hairs like butter you set the length of your trim from one to four and if you're old school you even make the light brighter you add a travel lock and they made it waterproof so you could do it in the fucking shower me i like to shave over the fucking toilet you get deep in there deep into the nut sack deep around the dick pole and you're ready to go throw this in your weekend bag when
Starting point is 01:08:30 you go away in yourself any situation you pick some chick up or another guy you could shave their fucking nuts or their fucking pussy whatever the fuck you're into i mean it's a gay pride month anyway it's ending but it's gay pride every fucking day in my world and it don't stop at your nuts this summer people are going to be looking at you from all angles so you got to get the weed whack it trims up your nose and your ears with a 9000 rpm motor this thing got boogers out of my nose that have been in there since the fucking 80s and then you got my favorites the crop preserver that's an anti-shaving ball deodorant i'll tell you what it works all fucking days on your nut sack but this is the product this is the fucking creme de la creme creme creme you ready for
Starting point is 01:09:13 this the crop revival oh my god oh that's how balltona tightens your nut sack very nicely and when you get the performance package they throw in a travel bag and ready for this a nice pair of boxer shorts where you're gonna get that action at for that price listen who's better than you better yet who's better than manscape nobody i'm gonna give you 20 off and free worldwide shipping by going to manscape.com slash showy again that's 20 off and free worldwide shipping by going to manscape.com slash showy if you're stuck in the fucking delta variant then you're in england and lockdown fuck it at least you can see the ups guy when he shows up with your manscape and you can shave your nut sack your eyebrows whatever the fuck you need to be in
Starting point is 01:10:04 shape when the lockdown is over all right worldwide shipping and 20 off at manscape.com slash showy no more stinky hairs with manscape go to manscape.com slash showy the joint is also brought to you by lucy nicotine gum the best it's fucking july and you haven't quit smoking yet get your fucking life together when you're craving a cigarette and you just need a little something to satisfy the habit lucy gum is right there you can call me fucking ricky ricardo because i love lucy i love the flavors i love how they send them to you get lucy today so you're prepared when the temptation strikes you sign up for their subscription service so you have it when you need it make sure you're having on hand when the craving hits lucy gum comes in three flavors that are fucking tremendous
Starting point is 01:10:57 okay pomegranate being my favorite cinnamon is another good one and wintergreen is tremendous let's pretend you don't like chewing gum your boss says you fucking chew your gum like an horse go with the cherry ice flavor license it'll make you jump up and down and salute the fucking flag it's fourth of july week you gotta be excited so listen to the joint family go to lucy.co co use promo code joey to get 20 off all products including gum or lozenges that's lucy.co use promo code joey at checkout and here's the legal shit i gotta do this product contains nicotine derived from tobacco but you knew that already nicotine is an addictive chemical no shit go to lucy.co use promo code joey and quit fucking smoking it's going to destroy your fucking
Starting point is 01:11:50 life i want to thank lucy.co i want to thank manscape but most importantly i want to thank you guys for having our back i want to thank lisa for coming on and being honest and open do not forget nfts will be out today on patreon also uh sign up at laughing gas on instagram please immediately at laughing gas at instagram if you like smoking reefer that's the fucking page for laughing gas uncle joey's personal fucking reefer it's mixed up with ice cream shop that's who's going to be distributing it out of studio city but if you register if you sign up for at laughing gas you'll know the other stores it's going to be at and they'll make your life and easy and you can see where the specials are i love you motherfuckers thank you for having the
Starting point is 01:12:43 joint thank you for having mine and mic's back and we'll be back monday tip top magoo on the fucking tent my mouth will be hurting i'll be going to the dentist but i'll still be here i love you cocksucker stay black thank you you

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