Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #080 | GEORGE @ MMA JUNKIE | UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT with JOEY DIAZ

Episode Date: July 14, 2021

Welcome to The JOINT..... It’s Wednesday, July 14th..... Today, we went over last weekends fights with GEORGE @ MMA JUNKIE….. https://www.Instagram.com/mmajunkiegeorge & https://www.Twitter.com/m...majunkiegeorge & https://www.mmajunkie.usatoday.com This episode is brought to you by Onnit & Blue Chew..... Go to https://www.Onnit.com Enter Code: JOEY or CHURCH Go to https://www.BlueChew.com and enter PROMO Code: JOEY Follow Uncle Joey on Social Media: https://www.Twitter.com/madflavor https://www.Instagram.com/madflavors_world And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint The JOINT is Produced by: Michael Klein aka @onebyonepodcast on Social Media: https://www.Instagram.com/onebyonepodcast https://www.twitter.com/onebyonepodcast Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video.....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's happening, you bad motherfuckers? It's Wednesday, the 14th of July. Listen, the joint is brought to you by Blue Chew. Blue Chew is an online service that delivers the same active ingredients at Viagra and Cialis at a fraction of the cost. You could take it any time, day or night, and the process is simple.
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Starting point is 00:02:47 I mean, they have so many products that it's gonna blow your mind. They can't do nothin' for you on the club bells and the kettle bells, but as far as supplements are concerned, I gotcha. Go to Onit, press in Joey, your church, and get 10% off your order delivered right to your motherfuckin' house.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Go to Onit.com right now and press in Joey or church, and get 10% delivered to your house. Who else does it like that? Nobody, and 100% money back guarantee on Alpha Brain, and you could keep the fuckin' product. Who does that? Nobody. That's why I'm telling you to go to Onit.com.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Let's start this motherfuckin' joint up on a Wednesday. It's a beautiful day to be alive, the 14th of the month. Hey, how you doin'? Come on in. Yeah, Joey's in the back. Check. One, two. Welcome to Uncle Joey's joint.
Starting point is 00:04:15 What's happening, you bad motherfuckers? It's Wednesday, the 14th of July. For starters, I'm sorry about Monday's podcast. We had to tape a little early on fuckin' Saturday, because Sunday had plans. Monday I was gettin' fuckin' mouth surgery, so we didn't cover the fuckin' UFC, so we will do it today.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I hope you had a good couple of fuckin' days. I did have the surgery on Monday. On my gums, I got stitches on the bottom, and on the fuckin' top. Tremendous when you get stitches in your mouth. The feeling is, the fuckin' needles were enough. He put the fuckin' liquor cocaine on there, but he only sat me there for like two fuckin' minutes.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And all of a sudden, things, I just started gettin' fuckin' needles to the mouth. They were comin' out of everywhere. I couldn't even fuckin' control them. I had earphones on, I had my eyes closed, and I kept feelin' them. The needle at the top of the fuckin' mouth was the one that killed me.
Starting point is 00:05:27 That one, I never got a needle in the roof of my fuckin' mouth. That one put me in never, never land. Even the fuckin' nurses, like Jesus Christ, I came home last night. I fuckin' took one fuckin' pain pill, and I'm like, this ain't for fuckin' me. This ain't for me no more.
Starting point is 00:05:44 So I got rid of them. I just did the regular fuckin' IB Pro for an 800, and they gave me some shit to gargle with. And I'm back, cock-suckers. I'm back like a fuckin' savage. It's kinda weird. It doesn't hurt at all. It just, it feels like I got a piece of chicken in the top.
Starting point is 00:06:01 You ever eat meat, you don't brush your fuckin' teeth? It feels like your teeth got all fucked up. That's what I have, so we'll fuckin' live. But I wanted to talk to you about UFC 264 or 246. I have no fuckin' idea what numbers to even look at anymore. I don't know what they are. All I know is Saturday's fuckin' UFC.
Starting point is 00:06:22 On the gambling front, I did okay. I did two out of three. I had Gilbert Burns for the big night, and I had a small bet on Dustin, and I had 1.5 on the over, thanks to DraftKings. I told you, motherfuckers, to take the fuckin', I fuckin' put it up on Instagram and on fuckin' Twitter before the fight for a dollar.
Starting point is 00:06:43 You could win 264 with a first round knockout. Some of you just did it. Some of you just told me to go fuck myself. Now go fuck yourself. You missed out on 264 dollars. Even if you weren't gonna gamble again, one dollar woulda won you 260 fuckin' four. That's tremendous.
Starting point is 00:06:59 That's a great night out. I wish I coulda done it, but I'm part of fuckin' DraftKings, so they won't let me do it. But that's why I put that move up for you guys. Listen, I was hoping that the fight went fuckin' over. I wanted to win on the over, but then I realized that for what I bet,
Starting point is 00:07:15 I was only gonna win 22 fuckin' dollars. Boohoo, who gives a shit? I woulda rather win 264 dollars, but that's the reason why I posted it. What I wanna talk to you about again, again was the performance by Conor McGregor. Like I said, I put a small bet on Dustin because I thought Conor was gonna come in,
Starting point is 00:07:39 fuckin' the hands are blazin', and I gotta tell you it was I fuckin' wrong. I didn't like him enough to bet on him, but he's still a deadly fuckin' fighter. He's still an aggressive fighter. He's still fuckin' great as far as I'm concerned. I wasn't gonna write him off that way unless if I thought that fuckin' Dustin
Starting point is 00:08:00 would beat him that decisively, I woulda fuckin' bet 10,000 on it or somethin' fuckin' gone over my head. But I thought Conor was gonna come back, do what he did for Nate Diaz, look at the tape and see where his shortcomings were, but obviously not, and then we had to start with the fuckin' excuses
Starting point is 00:08:19 that he broke his ankle in training, or he hurt himself in training a couple weeks ago. Nothing bothers me more than shit. You lost, you lost. He didn't look that good, but what we're gonna talk about today is what happened afterward. That, like I was telling, we have a guest today.
Starting point is 00:08:42 We're gonna have my man, George, on here from MMA Junkie, and we were talkin' on the phone after the fights on Sunday. You know, I was telling him, I go, you know, that interview with Rogan and him on the mat, and what he was saying, and what he was saying leading up to the fight was not good, it just wasn't good. I thought that,
Starting point is 00:09:09 I thought that when I saw the whole picture, it disturbed me a little bit. I mean, after Rogan interviewed him and he was on his back and he was saying, and listen, you know me, Doug, I fuckin' said things to people's wives. I'll tell you why, because I read the Roberto Durand book and before he fought Sugar Ray Leonard,
Starting point is 00:09:30 he bumped into him on the street and told me he was gonna fuck his wife in the ass. Sugar Ray got all fuckin' confused, and that's why Sugar Ray lost the first fight because Durand fucked with his head. When I've done it, it's to fuck with people's head, but that behavior reminded me also of me when I was on Coke.
Starting point is 00:09:51 That's, you know, I've heard rumors, I'm not sayin' Dustin, Dustin Connor is on Coke, I'm not sayin' that. I've heard rumors and shit like that. I don't know if that's true and that none of my fuckin' business, but that behavior was kinda weird and I've seen that behavior before.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I've seen that behavior myself, you know? When I was goin' through my divorce, when I was unhappy, when I was unsure of myself, you know? I've acted in that manner, so that's why it was disturbing to me, because he's one of the best athletes in the fuckin' world and for him to act that way, and all right, he was on the mat
Starting point is 00:10:34 and he was in pain and he was disillusioned and he was hurt, so that's fine. I get all that, you know, I've been in, when after fuckin' surgeries, you gotta see me, I'm not the nicest person in the world either, but then he woke up from the fuckin' surgery and it continued on the Dustin Poirier thing and his wife, and that's where I see the problem, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:00 And let me tell you somethin', I've had a thousand problems, so when I see somebody acting in that manner, I fuckin' right away, I go, maybe it's drugs, maybe it's somethin' that's goin' on, maybe it's the pressure of fighting. I mean, listen, man, can you imagine being him having a hundred million, $200 million, having a whiskey business
Starting point is 00:11:21 and then having to go get fuckin' punched in the face, listen, once you have all that money, it's rough to go in and smell fuckin' feet again and do fuckin' sit-ups and fuckin' push-ups in a fuckin' stinky gym and, you know, it's kinda fuckin' tough, man. So I get it, you know, I mean, the guys on the mat with a broken fuckin' leg
Starting point is 00:11:45 and Dana White is already makin' the Poirier fight, you know? That's not fuckin' fair, let the guy go home. Obviously, you see the guy is a shell of who he was. The last three fights, we've seen him. It's been a fuckin' horror show, you know? Yeah, he beat Cowboy Seroni. Listen, Cowboy's a dear friend of mine, I love him to death, but even Cowboy'll tell ya, he's not the Cowboy of old.
Starting point is 00:12:11 If he would've fucked the Cowboy of old, it would've been fuckin' lights out also and I know a lot of yous would disagree, I know a lot of yous that'll say, yeah, maybe, but let's talk the truth here, you know? I mean, somethin''s not right, somethin' isn't right. I don't know if it's the pressure, I don't know if he should just retire,
Starting point is 00:12:33 like you're gonna hear, you know, this is a year injury. You just don't come back from this in six months unless you're fuckin' superhuman. You know, I mean, it's been six months since my fuckin' surgery and I still feel it. I mean, I'm not a fighter, I've kicked under the water, I've kicked the bag a few times, that's your foot, you gotta walk, you gotta kick, you gotta wrestle on it,
Starting point is 00:12:56 so it's gonna take time, you gotta strengthen that thing, you gotta do squats, you gotta start from scratch, so I hope that this'll give him a chance to look, you know, this'll be his fuckin' COVID, this'll be his little fuckin' breather to look within and see what the fuck he wants to do, you know? Listen, if you don't wanna fight no more, don't fight, but it's a lot better than takin' a beat
Starting point is 00:13:18 and breakin' your leg, you know, you were talkin' about puttin' a kid in the fuckin' stretcher and then turn, they carried you out on the stretcher, so that's what happens, it's a fucked up fuckin' life and you gotta be careful what you say to people. Listen, I'm 58, I learned the hard way, I got a big fuckin' mouth, I like to yell and scream, I've gotten into arguments, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:41 when you say something negative like that, you're leaving yourself open, it's like throwin' a fuckin' jab. When you throw a jab, you gotta know that you're open somewhere, now you just open yourself up. So when you wish something like that on somebody, when you say that to somebody, you really gotta fuckin' think that this could happen to you, you know,
Starting point is 00:14:02 I had a thousand anecdotes about COVID, you know? I still think a thousand fuckin' things about COVID. You know why I don't say him? Because I might get it, look at Ted Nugent, he was talkin' shit fuckin' COVID and next thing you know, he's fuckin' coughin' and sneezin', he's like, this ain't no joke, that's what happens, you know? If you leave yourself open
Starting point is 00:14:23 and you throw a punch or somethin', you're fuckin' open. So I just wanna, like, listen man, I look at Conor McGregor and I look at what I'm goin' through now and I tell ya, at 32 years old, you think you're fuckin' a wise guy, dog, I thought I knew everything at 32, you don't know shit, you really don't know shit at 32, you're just gettin' your fuckin' groove.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I didn't know anything till my fuckin' 40s and now, at 58, I could look at the field and go, wow, I could see the whole fuckin' field. I feel like Joe Montana, I could see the whole field, I feel like Tom Brady, I could see 100 yards, I could see the move before it happens and that's why they always ask older people, what would you tell younger people
Starting point is 00:15:08 if you could fuckin' do it again, you know? What do you think they ask them? Like, I look at Conor's situation as a 58-year-old and I go, listen, go home, get healthy, invest your money and sell fuckin' whiskey. Don't worry about fightin' for now, go be with your family, go get healthy, don't take calls from Dana White,
Starting point is 00:15:28 don't take calls from fuckin' nobody, not your agent, you don't need to, you don't need to, you're swimmin' in fuckin' dough, why are you takin' calls from these people so they can fuckin' push into something you don't wanna fuckin' do? Listen, he's gotta just take some time, reflect, and see what the fuck he really wants to do with his life.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I don't think he wants to fight anymore. You know, that type of money, I mean, you do your best work when you got a gun to your fuckin' head, you know? And it's a lot of pressure, guys, it's a lot of pressure. He just, you know, Rogan and Dave Chappelle went out and sold out two shows at the MGM Grand. I'm very fuckin' proud of him, that is fuckin' sensational.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Conor McGregor sells out of city. Do you know how hard that is to do? And he just does it naturally, he just sells out of fuckin' city. Everybody prospers when he's in fuckin' town. The airport, I mean, you know, you're gonna hear, I didn't even know Garth Brooks was in town with fuckin', I don't know how many tickets.
Starting point is 00:16:29 I mean, Conor McGregor's no fuckin' joke. So yeah, everybody's got a bunch of fuckin' vampires hangin' around them. We don't see it because we're not in his fuckin' personal life. But I could just imagine. I know what I went through as a comic, and I know he kicks it up six fuckin' notches
Starting point is 00:16:46 up in the fuckin' millions. So could you imagine the pressure he's got on him, the pressure that people put on him? It's a fuckin' nightmare. So he's gotta sit, think, and see what he wants to do and what his next move is, you know? And whatever it is, God bless him. You know, it's his fuckin' life.
Starting point is 00:17:06 That's what us as fans, we always were so selfish in every aspect of our life, but we're selfish as fans. You know, somebody wraps it up or whatever, we get kinda know that they have lives, they have thoughts, they have their own soul. You have to look at them and go fuck, this is it. You know, hopefully he'll come back, you know, and he'll come back 20 times better
Starting point is 00:17:30 and 20 times stronger. He'll be 33 years old, maybe 34 years old. So you gotta see where the fuck they're at. Today I had George from MMA Junkie join us via fuckin' Zoom. I hope you motherfuckers enjoy it, I'll see you afterwards. Stay black, oh, enjoy George from MMA Junkie. What's happenin', brother?
Starting point is 00:17:57 How are you, my friend? Good and you? Not bad, feeling good. Got some stitches in my mouth, but fuck it, we'll make it work, you know what I'm sayin'? I got some surgery yesterday. What happened? Did you get hit with an uppercut or somethin'?
Starting point is 00:18:12 Nah, I had to go, my gums are fucked up. So they were a little swollen, this had been goin' on for like three fuckin' months. Maybe four months, I went back to LA and tried to get them fixed, but they didn't take, she had to do some work. I'm not goin' back to LA to fix them now, I just got the gums done here.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I feel better today, I only required one pain pill, the rest was fuckin' that Motrin' 800. I didn't wanna go back on the pain pills again after the knee surgery. But I wanna talk to you about three fights, how you doin' today, big George? Doing great. Last week was fuckin' a whirlwind, you know,
Starting point is 00:18:54 here in Vegas, not only the event itself, but people comin' out like, you know, just comin' out for the first time in 18 months, so people just wanted to let their hair down. MMA people, friends and family, it all came together. You had Garth Brooks, 80,000 in one stadium, McGregor and Poirier in the arena, that's another 20,000, so imagine what the strip was like.
Starting point is 00:19:14 Wow, so Garth Brooks sold 80,000 tickets. And then in the new stadium, yeah. Holy shit, Garth is still that fuckin' big. Yeah, I guess so, I don't follow country too much, but I mean, I know the name, and it had been sold out for a while, so he didn't have a profit of 80,000 either. Yeah, I saw a couple guys went and posted stuff up
Starting point is 00:19:41 from watching him, I didn't know he was in Vegas though. I saw a couple videos of Garth Brooks that people had gone. But let's talk about Saturday night, let's start, we're gonna talk about three fights, let's start with the first fight of the night that sugar man against that crazy little Italian motherfucker from Boston, you have to hit him with a fuckin' missile to get him down.
Starting point is 00:20:03 He refused to go down, that kid's fuckin' anxiety, that's his nickname, anxiety, because he kept comin' at him, takin' punches to the fuckin' head, that kid must have a tremendous headache today. What were your feelings on that fight? Well, we were lucky enough to talk to him on yesterday, he's MMA junkie radio, Chris Mutinho,
Starting point is 00:20:21 and I thought he was gonna be like really, really lumped up, but he wasn't as bad, he almost looked like he did on Saturday, he took a lot of shots, Joey, he was takin' three to dish out one, but he was never back and down, he kept pressin' forward, he never ran out of gas, in fact, O'Malley's the one that kept lookin' up at the clock, where's the clock, when's this round gonna end? Cause he started gettin' tired at the end of the first,
Starting point is 00:20:43 Mutinho was hitting him with leg kicks, and then started throwin' some punches, I think he should've stayed with the leg kicks, and he told us the same thing, because O'Malley's had problems before with his legs, he's tall and lanky, so he's a little shaky, but either way, at the end of the day, O'Malley put a beatin' on him,
Starting point is 00:21:01 and Herb probably saved him from getting completely iced, but that's one hell of a debut, 10-day notice to go in there on the main card of the best-selling pay-per-view of the year, and one of the best-selling pay-per-views of all time, you got the green hair goin', so everybody knows who Chris Mutinho is at this point, so that was one hell of a debut,
Starting point is 00:21:20 and he got so many fucking Gs for sharing fight of the night with O'Malley, so... I saw that, I was really happy for him. Get invested in himself and get better before the next one, he might drop the flyweight though, he told us. He's tougher than fucking that, that kid, and he did take a lot of punches to the fucking head, I mean, that could be brain damage 10 years from now,
Starting point is 00:21:42 whatever, but you know what, you can't think about it, like, when you're a fighter, you just gotta go in there and let the pieces fall where they're made, look, I'm a fucking comic and I got brain damage from doing fucking, you never know, you know what I'm sayin'? It could be a punch to the head, a fucking microphone, a bombing, you don't know what the fuck it is,
Starting point is 00:21:58 but he was great, I was very happy for him, when I read he got the fight of the night and 75 grand, it's like I always say, the universe takes care of you if you do your job, you know, so the universe took care of him that night. The second fight, what's that? The pay per views are usually 50,000, sorry, sorry, the bonuses are usually 50,000,
Starting point is 00:22:20 but they bumped it up to 75, the fighters spoke up during the fighter meeting, I think they realized, hey, this is a big show, Dana bump it up, so he got an extra 25 Gs, but yeah, usually it's only 50, but he got 75. Dana had to lift the rock. Yeah, and you know what, let me tell you something, you ever watch Kate Fear?
Starting point is 00:22:39 He almost looked like Max Katie, remember when Max Katie got jumped in the park? He was on last week, I watched it for like a minute, me and my wife watched it for like two minutes, it was on one night last week, that was Robert DeNiro one, I hadn't seen it in the fucking years, good movie, but no, he was a great, he did great,
Starting point is 00:22:56 and I'm really proud of him, and he definitely made a fan out of me, you know, I've always loved Sean, but I didn't think I'd see anything like that little fucking monster from South Boston or whatever the fuck he's from, I wish him a lot of success, and I wanna see him fight again soon and get his shit together, cause he's gonna be,
Starting point is 00:23:17 it's like looking at a young Charles Oliveira, you know? That's when I look at those guys, it's like you're looking at a guy that UFC's gonna fucking, you know, just keep throwing in there, he needs to get about eight and nine fights under his belt, and then he'll be fucking champion, you know, if he looks at it in a three or four year
Starting point is 00:23:35 or five year window, so it was really good, I had a good time with the car, the only preland my watch was Carlos Conduit, that's the only one, that's when I got home, I was out, you know, with the family, with the girls, so I didn't get to watch any of the other fights. He got to a little too late, Griffin went after him early and Conduit, I think it was a five round fight,
Starting point is 00:23:56 Conduit comes back, but he just turned it on too late, you know, and he had taken a little bit of early damage, so. Now he's not with Greg Jackson anymore, Conduit? I think, I thought he was. I didn't see him there. Jackson doesn't seem to corner as many fighters, and I think a lot of them now that they make a lot of money
Starting point is 00:24:15 branch off and do their own camps, and like one of the two, maybe Winkle John shows up, and that's about it, it's like a lot of them are starting to slow down a little bit with the travel and coaching, and so I know Jackson slowed down a little. Good, good, good, the second fight I wanna talk to you about, one fight that I bet that I told you I was gonna bet
Starting point is 00:24:35 was Gilbert Burns against Wonder Boy, good fight, a little slow, you know, I bet Gilbert, I, you know, just had a funny feeling that Gilbert was gonna take him down, even though he hadn't been taken down that much before in his career, so I got lucky with that one. What are your thoughts on that fight?
Starting point is 00:24:57 So that one was one we agree with as well, and we went against the grain, Burns was the underdog, here's the deal with Stephen Thompson, is he's just a difficult puzzle to solve, because he moves around and keeps this space, you know, in between you and him, and he has, here's his biggest talent, he is not afraid to be boring,
Starting point is 00:25:16 he doesn't care about the booze, he doesn't care if you go, man, you only threw 25 strikes the whole fight, he doesn't care to be in slobber knockers, you know, or those types of fights, he's strategic, he's a chess player, so to beat him, you gotta realize you gotta be in a boring fight,
Starting point is 00:25:31 and that's why this fight didn't really pop, but if you're a hardcore purist, you had to appreciate what Burns had to do, you know, occasionally Burns threw some punches, and then he also got tagged, so things were evening out, but where Burns is way better than him is Jiu-Jitsu, and to get there, he needed to wrestle,
Starting point is 00:25:47 so he was doing these shots from like far away, low singles, and all he was trying to do was just get attached to Thompson's body somehow, so that he could then kind of work his way into a, you know, either drop him, or take him down, you know, traditionally, or hip toss him, anything, but just tie him up, because once they're separated, that's where Thompson's money, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:26:09 So I knew this fight was gonna be boring and strategic, but I thought Burns would be able to put his ego to the side and come up with a type of game plan to just do that, to do exactly what he did on Saturday, be boring, but be the guy that's so difficult to beat. You know, I love MMA, and I always hated, like I became a fan of the UFC, and my first five years as a fan,
Starting point is 00:26:38 I enjoyed not gambling on it, you know what I'm saying? Like I enjoyed it, and then when they started blowing up the gambling side of it, you know, this line, whatever, then you jump on the wagon, but at first I was a purist, you know? I love Wonder Boy, I think he's a great fighter, you know, I hate when people put down karate people, like I fucking bothers me to death when people like,
Starting point is 00:27:01 well, he's taking karate, it's not gonna do nothing for him on the street, it helps you in a way, but it does something for you, it teaches you timing, it teaches you a bunch of stuff, you know, so it was hard to bet against him, but I looked at the fight for what it was, Thompson's getting up there in the years, Gilbert's a little hungry, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:20 he lost for a championship, so now he's a little hungrier, so maybe if I'm right, maybe he'll pull out the win, and he did, it wasn't a fancy win, it wasn't flying through the air, there was no new chucks or nothing, but he got the fucking win, and that's all that mattered, you know, it was great, I thought it was a night of,
Starting point is 00:27:40 the Mexican girl had heavy fucking hands, you know? The little piling guy, you know, I felt bad for Greg Hardy, I thought he'd do a little better than that, he got knocked out, you know, obviously Tia doesn't give a fuck, I guess somebody put hot sauce in a shoe and gave it to him, that poor bastard,
Starting point is 00:28:00 who the fuck would drink out of a shoe? That's like eating a crack hole, a zazz hole, you know, who would drink out of a fucking shoe? I mean, what the fuck is wrong with you? But if that's what it takes to knock people out, fuck it, drink whatever they give you out of the shoe, but didn't somebody put pepper in there,
Starting point is 00:28:17 shoe or some hot sauce? Yeah, trust employee, trusted employee, he saws it and that goes and I were doing a viewing party, he said that Tye looked away, it's not like the guy was trying to be sneaky, he actually had it, kind of like looking at him like, do you approve? But it's all happening so fast as he's exiting the arena,
Starting point is 00:28:33 and I guess Tye looked away, but in the end he starts to do it along with the beer and homeboys drinking out of the shoe, and next thing you know, you see some orange or bread come out of his mouth, but he didn't look pissed, he was so happy, you know, he was so primal at that moment, I think he just thought out,
Starting point is 00:28:48 he wouldn't something to lose some with these damn shoeies, but yeah, you know, he climbed the fence and did his shoey, did a few, and then I think one guy from the second level just poured an actual beer in his mouth, I was laughing my ass off. I was laughing my ass off, what do you call it, a shoey? A shoey, yeah. That's fucking crazy.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I wouldn't even jump out of my own fucking shoe. What's happening? Let me grab you out a minute, if you do a proper shoey with him, if you're in a setting where there's not thousands in the arena and all that stuff, and it's just you and him supposedly, you're supposed to spit in the shoe
Starting point is 00:29:20 before he pours the beer, can you believe that? That's one step, if I ever do a shoey, I'm definitely leaving that step out, but I think I'd rather do Justin Poyer's hot sauce than someone else's spit, but that's what they say makes a proper shoey. I'm telling you, man, them Aussie fighters that do them shoeies are nasty dogs.
Starting point is 00:29:36 So that's an Australian thing? Yeah, well that's his thing, but I think it is, yeah. Where's he from? Australia. I thought he was like, you know, Samoan. Yeah, he's got a little bit of the Polynesian look, but I mean, he flies the flag, so I think he's Australian.
Starting point is 00:29:55 His background might be one of the other Polynesian islands, perhaps, but he's Australian. A fucking shoey. I could see if you know the person and you know the person doesn't have foot fungus and shit for you to drink out of a shoe, but I'm not walking out of a fucking octagon and just gonna take somebody's converse size 13 converse
Starting point is 00:30:14 and drink from the fucking bottom. That's just not gonna happen. That's just fucking not good. No bueno, you know what I'm saying? No fucking bueno. Goes, I don't know what happened, but during that watch along, they egged him on and his girlfriend walks in and gives him her shoe
Starting point is 00:30:34 and he actually goes pour the beer. He actually did a shoey in the middle of our show and out of her shoe, so it's his girlfriend, but I'll give him this. Not one drop came down on him. He actually drank the whole beer out of it, so he was really, really good, but then I told him, I go,
Starting point is 00:30:49 hey, make sure I thought I saw a little corn pad in there. And he almost started gagging. It was so funny. We were laughing our asses off on Saturday, but yeah, we had a good time with it. I've yet to do it, but we can honestly say he popped his cherry. Now a hot chick, I'll drink out of her fucking shoe. You follow me?
Starting point is 00:31:07 Like some hot chick that's got like a heel. You know what I'm saying? It's a high heel. You know, she doesn't live in them and shit. You know, I'll drink out of a fucking woman's heel. That's not that bad. What's the worst thing a woman could step on? You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:31:20 But as a man, I know what my feet have been. They're fucking disgusting. I don't even fucking bite my toe. You know, nothing, I don't do nothing. I'll bite my fingernails when I was a kid, but never disgusting your fucking feet. So I'm not down with the fucking shoeies, okay? Cocksuckers.
Starting point is 00:31:36 But now let's talk about the main card and what? So for the night, I had Gilbert Burns. I had the over 1.5 rounds. Okay. And I bet Dustin Poirier for 25 bucks. I won 61 on DraftKings. I thought that I didn't really want to bet Poirier heavy, heavy. I thought that Connor was gonna come out, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:03 throwing heat and maybe knock him out in the first round or whatever. I didn't know what to expect. Once the fight started, I saw what direction it was going. And it kind of broke my heart a little bit. You know, even though I bet Dustin to win, I wanted a little life out of Connor. Like I wanted to see what he could really do.
Starting point is 00:32:28 It was just 25 bucks, not gonna break my fucking heart. But what I saw was just really fucking sad, you know? And what I saw after the fight and during it was really fucking sad. What are your thoughts on it as MMA junkies lead fucking man over there? Well, so I thought that Connor would be able to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:32:52 He made the adjustment in the Nate Diaz fight. The second time everybody kept saying, he doesn't have the cardio to go. And he wound up going the whole 25 minutes with Nate Diaz. And I remember after the first Diaz fight, he said, you know what, I throw so much into every shot into every kick that I expend too much energy. So I need to like manage my energy bar.
Starting point is 00:33:10 You know, I gotta be careful here because these fights can go a little bit longer. And that's what I thought he was gonna do with Poyer. It was just be more efficient, more tactical, and also have an answer for that calf kick that really slowed him down, you know, six months ago. But he came out very aggressive with his own set of kicks. You know, he must've tattooed Poyer's thigh
Starting point is 00:33:31 like about a good five times. And then he kept following it up with that kick, that front kick as well. He missed wild, well, he hit him one time Poyer said, and I saw him hit him one time pretty solid, but I thought he hit him more in Abu Dhabi. It's just that Poyer looked so comfortable, Joey. The kicks were coming at him and he'd kind of like block him.
Starting point is 00:33:51 And then he'd kind of look at him like, no. And the couple shots like this, and he looked so calm, his breathing, he seemed composed, he seemed confident. And the game was in slow motion, which is something I remember Michael Jordan say is, for some reason, when the game is on the line, everything's in slow motion to me, and that's why I'm able to, I guess, execute.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And that's what it looked like to me for Dustin Poyer, whereas Conner, the panic setting in, you know, because usually by now when Conner hits someone, that person's starting to hunch over, or, you know, starting to bleed or whatever, and it wasn't happening. Poyer started to answer with like a four piece combo of his own, Conner didn't like it.
Starting point is 00:34:28 And next thing you know, their bodies are attached. Next thing you know, he gets the dumbest idea, which is to put his arm around and try for a guillotine, you know, and most of those guillotines don't work. Some do, but one that we know Conner to be a guillotine machine, a submachine, we don't. And Poyer pops his head out, and then he started raining down the Melbows.
Starting point is 00:34:48 So regardless of that kid's leg breaks or not, I just think round two, the end of round one was the beginning of the end. And I think in round two, Poyer was probably gonna light them up at some point. Conner still would have come off that stool, he would have had some firepower, and Poyer would have had to miss a few of those,
Starting point is 00:35:02 have a miss a few of those to get his offensive going. But by then I think Poyer had proved that he just has an answer for Conner's tactics. I'm happy you said that first, and I didn't say that first. So nobody will fucking get pissed off. I didn't think he would come out in the second round with an answer to Poyer either. You know, they're speculating all this
Starting point is 00:35:25 that I guess he said he had plenty of fire in him or whatever, I don't see it. I just don't see it at all. I saw him slowing down. I saw his confidence drop a little bit, and then they called the fight. And then the tirade that happened on the floor was just, it was fucking crazy, you know?
Starting point is 00:35:47 And I, that's when I felt really bad. That's when I was like, this could be over for a while. You know, what is going on with this kid? You know, what is going on with him? The last three outings have been fucking horrid. He's gotten mauled pretty much the last three fights. It's like he's not even been on the thing. I thought he was gonna go after the Poyer fight
Starting point is 00:36:14 and really do some soul searching, come back, and even just forget fucking Poyer. Let's do this right. Let's start, you know, with the number five guy. Let's work ourselves up, you know? Let's eliminate everybody. One at a time, boom, every six months, whatever, you know, get into a fucking draw,
Starting point is 00:36:30 get into a rhythm, and then fight Poyer when you're ready and then sail off into the sunset. You know, like a two-year window I was giving him. Now he's done for a year. This is a year that you're gonna be away for, you know? Poyer is just gonna get stronger. Charles Oliveira is just gonna get stronger. There's a couple guys that are on their way up.
Starting point is 00:36:55 There's a couple guys on their way down, but I just don't see Connor coming back and catching up, and I think he's a great fighter, and I've seen great things happen before, but I think it's gonna be tough for Connor after that one year, you know? I agree. That's a terrible injury to come back from,
Starting point is 00:37:15 and there's some killers that are waiting for him, like Chandler and Gagey. So even if Poyer, because Poyer is gonna move on to somebody else, and that's Charles Oliveira. He's gonna fight for the title. Now, knowing the UFC, they're probably gonna try and figure out a way
Starting point is 00:37:29 where they can come back and do the fourth fight. Dana White's already set in the table for it, but would it really be fair for Connor to come back and do part four if Poyer's champ? I don't wanna disrespect Oliveira, but if Poyer beats Oliveira, does Connor just walk into a title fight? Because fight three, number three didn't have a resolution.
Starting point is 00:37:47 I don't think that's fair to Gagey, Makashev, Chandler, Dariush, he's one like six straight. So there's a lot of killers there that are waiting, and they need a shot. So what I think he needs to do is take a fight, kind of like when he took Seroni. Now, I don't wanna disrespect Seroni, because he's had a great career,
Starting point is 00:38:04 but Seroni's kind of on the tail end. So maybe if he wants to do something like that, get somebody whose name pops, you can sell some tickets, but you can gauge where you're at and maybe get your confidence. Maybe El Cacui, he's lost a few. Maybe now it's time that you mixed it up with Ferguson,
Starting point is 00:38:19 see where you stand, and if you can get that win, then, hey, throw Connor in versus Poyer for part four. Now, that's what everybody was saying on fight night. No, there was no resolution, he broke his leg. But now that we're investigating it a little bit and watching the videos, you're seeing that leg kick
Starting point is 00:38:36 that he was throwing to the thigh. Remember when I said he would also come up right up the middle? They're showing evidence where Poyer was blocking it with his elbow. Right, with his elbow. And I think that's where he cracked the tibia. He cracked it there.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Cormier said something about, Daniel Cormier said something about, one of the kicks came up short. And that may have added to it, but I saw him block a few of those. And that's why when he stepped, that bone just went at that particular moment. And that's a defensive technique.
Starting point is 00:39:05 So you gotta give Poyer the credit that he actually stopped them. He actually stopped them via TKO. But they're not gonna look at it that way and they're gonna paint it another way because obviously McGregor's a money-making machine and that's the only thing the UFC cares about and how quick we can get him in there when he's ready,
Starting point is 00:39:23 straight into a title fight. But I would say if they took a risk in putting him in there against Seroni, then find another lightweight who has a name, put him in there, build him up, at least give him the one fight. It's good for him too. It's good for him, maybe.
Starting point is 00:39:36 And then see where he's at and then maybe give him dusted Poyer. Like I said, it's a year away, guys. It's surgery was Sunday. You know, you figure 90 to 180 days. I mean, I just got my knee done. I'm fucking 58 years old. I'm an old man and it was six months ago
Starting point is 00:39:57 and I still, I can't fucking do a 4-4-40. You know what I'm saying? But I could ride a bike. I could walk fast. It takes time. It takes time and that's on the fucking leg. You have to kick with it. You have to step on it.
Starting point is 00:40:13 You have to wrestle with it. So you want to strengthen that as much as fucking possible before you go back in that fucking octagon. So I'm looking at a year, 11 months to a year. You know, 13 months. That's the window I'm looking at. And if you think of where the UFC was a year ago,
Starting point is 00:40:31 people are moving fast. You know, people are still training. People are still, you know, let's see where we go. But my heart goes out to Conor McGregor's, you know, training camp, whatever the fuck, his leg. And my heart goes out to Dustin Poirier for being a fucking champion of champions. That's it.
Starting point is 00:40:50 That's basically- It's classy too. Handling it with class. He said, I hope he gets home to his family. You know, I just don't have that type of evil in me. But he did say, Conor just crossed the line. He called his wife a ho and, you know, implying things with the DMs and just not letting it go.
Starting point is 00:41:05 You know, I wasn't too sure about this whole death thing or whatever he was saying. You know, I always say, I think sending someone out on a stretcher's enough, but I guess if you want to go down the route of the morgue or, you know, a coffin, whatever, sounds pro wrestling-esque at that point to me. But I think Conor just, like I say,
Starting point is 00:41:24 he's having this like meltdown, oh, you know, as a human being, you know, not just as a fighter, but I think as a human being. And I think he really needs to take a look at it. And the only one that's going to be able to put him in his place, or at least talk to him, I think he's going to be a contemporary, like a colleague, even a former fighter,
Starting point is 00:41:40 like a Tyson or a Doran or someone, sit them down and go, listen, we all lose, we all no longer become the man, but you can get back there, you know, if you do the right thing, but you seem to not have a grip on reality here. You know, everything seems to be some sort of an excuse. Oh, Habib did this.
Starting point is 00:41:59 Oh boy, he did that, you know, or I wasn't at my best. Man, we ain't trying to hear that. The rest of the way, I think he thinks that we basically believe every word that comes out of his mouth. We love him to death. He's clever, he's witty. A lot of times he's right in his predictions, you know,
Starting point is 00:42:14 but the rest, we all put our pants on the same way, you know what I'm saying? And so a lot of us sit there and we just don't gobble it all up. And I think he needs to figure that out, you know? And once he does, like he's done in other fights where he's shown humility, he usually comes back pretty strong.
Starting point is 00:42:33 But right now he's still like in this, I don't know, this stage of just not being able to believe that someone else has skills like he does. You know, I watched the one presser. I watched the Thursday, not the weigh-in, but when he showed up with the suit and threw the kick. And I remember when he threw the kick, a couple of people hit me up on Twitter and said,
Starting point is 00:42:53 bet the farm on Dustin. You know, Connor's at it again. And it was just like they saw it right through the kick and the behavior has been very weird. The last couple of months. I mean, we've always had a crazy Connor. And that's what makes him Connor McGregor, the bus smacking the old man at the pub, you know,
Starting point is 00:43:14 all that crazy shit. But this one started when Dustin just reached out and asked him about the money. You know, what happened to the money for the charity. You know, he took offense to it and the hillbilly started and all that shit. And I was like, Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened? He was such a gentleman for the last fight.
Starting point is 00:43:37 And then when I saw him on the floor with Rogan, it wasn't, I'm not mad at him. I don't give a fuck, you know, it's not my life, but he just didn't look good. And trust me, I've gone off on people's wives. I said some shitty shit, but they've been when I was at a bad place in my life, you know, so I kinda see what the fuck is going on here.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I wish whatever he's seeking, you know, he finds, and I wish that maybe this break will let him see what he wants to do with his life. You know, man, you make a hundred million dollars, 200 million dollars, it's tough to get punched in the fucking face. It really is, it really is. It's a little tougher to get punched in the fucking face.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Once you get comfortable, it's tough. You know, a lot of people work better with a gun to the head. But maybe he's gonna realize this is behind him now. You know, it's too much pressure on him to come back. It's too much, it's too, you know, he's one and four now. You know, the last, whatever he is, one and three, the last couple fights, and you know, I mean, come on, people were impressed
Starting point is 00:44:51 with the Mayweather thing, I wasn't, you know, I thought he carried him for a couple rounds, you know, I mean, it's just, it's been, it's like a bad weed. It's like a rose that started out as a rose, then it became a fucking weed. It went into a different direction. So I wish him well, you know, I'm looking forward to Olivera against Dustin Poirier.
Starting point is 00:45:13 That looks like a fucking great fight. I mean, my dick is hard for that fight. And that's it, we'll realize, we'll see in six to eight months what goes on with Connor McGregor and what's happening. What's the state of MMA for the summer? What are we doing for the summer? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Do we have any great cards on the line for the summer? I mean, I don't even know what the fuck's going on. The next big pay per view is Amanda Nunes against Juliana Pena. So Pena came up through the ultimate fight. I'm sure you remember her, the Venezuelan vixen. She faces Amanda Nunes, the women's goat. And this is coming up in August in Houston, Texas.
Starting point is 00:45:54 They're back in Houston. It's easier for the UFC to get regulated there right now. So things, the states start opening up because they were just in Houston, you know, and usually they don't go back right away, but that's the world we're in right now. And then the main event is Cyril Ghan, who defeated Alexander Volkoff a few weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:46:10 undefeated, heavyweight out of France. He faces the black beast, Derek Lewis, for the UFC interim title, which basically sits in the stomach because Ngannu's the undisputed champ. He just won it three months ago. I don't know why the hell they're doing an interim title. It makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:46:27 It's not like Ngannu's injured, but the UFC loves to promote title fights of some sort, which they got one with Amanda, but apparently maybe Amanda doesn't sell as well. So that's why they got to do this. Who knows, but that that's the next big set of fights that's coming up. But you got Volkinowski versus Ortega.
Starting point is 00:46:46 You got Algermain Sterling versus Peter Yan. They're going to run it back. And then I think eventually Ngannu's going to face the winner of this fight. So there's some really good ones that are cooking. Now when John Jones is going to return, I don't know. He seems to want a lot of money and the UFC's not caving. He's a heavyweight now.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Blahovic is fighting Teixeira. I think that's an October fight. That's a good fight. So basically most of the title, most of the champions have some sort of an outline. Moreno just won. So we don't know who an opponent for him's gonna, but look for him to be a big star.
Starting point is 00:47:19 He just made the president of Mexico. He's the first Mexican born fighter to, you know, to win a UFC title. And you know, the Mexicans love their combat sports. They love it. They love it. And they got to do a card down there to really see what fucking insanity is.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I think he'd be tremendous for Mexico, you know, because he's charming, you know what I mean? He kind of comes off and he admits it. I'm kind of nerdy, man. I love Legos. But boy, can he fight. He can fight. He can fight, you know.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So I think the UFC's in a really, really good place. You know, Bellator started up again. They got their, you know, their promotion going again. They got a nice big fight coming up at the end of July, Patricio Pitbull-Fredi, who's a featherweight and lightweight champ. He faces AJ McKee, undefeated fighter, who's Antonio McKee's son,
Starting point is 00:48:06 but that's a fight that a lot of the hardcore's are looking forward to. So it's going to be a really, really good summer. We just lost Fury versus Wilder. It was going to happen here in Vegas. Fury got COVID. But man, if you're a combat sports fan, now's the time. You know, there's just a lot going on.
Starting point is 00:48:20 And I think now boxing and MMA and bare knuckle, everybody's got some love and respect for each other. And it's no more of a territorial thing, you know. Right now, I think everybody's really, really becoming fans of the other sport as well. So combat sports is really, really booming. How many days a week has MMA junkie on now? Mondays and Thursdays, New and Eastern, 9 a.m. Pacific.
Starting point is 00:48:44 We're down to two days a week, because now we started doing a little bit more like what we're doing now, Zoom. You know, a lot of these types of interviews with fighters from all over the world. Because it was cool to be on two days, two hours a day, Monday through Friday. But what happens is you're locked into that two hour window.
Starting point is 00:49:00 And everyone wants video. People consume, you know, a lot of content on their phone. That's one thing. And then two, you know, you got worldwide champions. You got Whitaker in Australia, style vendors in New Zealand. You know, you got the UK fighters. And sometimes that two hour window just wasn't convenient. You know, it was the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:49:21 So right now, building a studio at home, slowing down and doing more videos kind of allowed us to spread our wings. You know, but we're still doing the show. Good man. I'm happy I got to get you on today. I'm happy you made time for me today, brother. I've been wanting to get you on for a while.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And I wanted to promote, talk about a good card. And this last card was great. You know, I know a little bit about the UFC, but you're the fucking specialist. So I just wanted to get you on the joint to let people know you motherfuckers are still rocking over there to MMA junkie. Thank you, man.
Starting point is 00:49:54 Mondays and Thursdays, brother. It was a blast being on any time you need me, man. I'd love to chop it up. You know, I love talking mixed martial arts, any sport. I'm one of them guys though that follows any sport. And sometimes I think that might be a distraction to my to my own craft, I guess, because the sport's growing. And, you know, a lot of my colleagues, man,
Starting point is 00:50:15 that they're they're just so sharp and they know so much. And we have great writers, you know, and sometimes I'm like, am I straying too much to soccer and football? And, you know, not remembering every single fight, every, every single detail of every fight. But I think I think it's because now I'm in my 50s and I'm I'm slowing down a little bit, too. But I can definitely tell you what's going on with the big fights.
Starting point is 00:50:35 We're all slowing down a little bit. I love you, brother. Keep me posted. And I'll check in with you from time to time, like we usually do and talk about. The world of UFC and MMA and what comes of it. You know what I'm saying? For sure. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Thanks for having me. We're six weeks away from the NFL, two weeks away from training camp. So you'll be even more fucking. Stadium, the Raiders fans are going to be in town. It's not my squad, but I can't wait. Vegas is just popping with a new sports hockey team. Now a football team, they say an NBA team is on its way as well. So yeah, I can't wait for football season.
Starting point is 00:51:11 Well, we'll be in touch before football season. I love you, brother. Have a great day and thank you for calling the joint. All right. Thank you, Joey. Take care. Thank you, brother. Stay black. We're back, you bad motherfuckers. I hope you enjoyed George from MMA Junkies interview. We just shot this shit.
Starting point is 00:51:30 It was really no big interview. We just covered the three fights and the McGregor situation like I was saying before, you know, I'm a fan. I'm a fan of the fucking UFC. I'm a fan of Carlos Conduit. I'm a fan of fucking the Mexican chick. I'm a fan of sugar. Sean, you know, you're a fan of these people and you watch them
Starting point is 00:51:51 and you when you pay to watch them, it's like when you come in to see me, you want to see me a hundred fucking percent, right? When I see kind of McGregor or Dustin or sugar or fucking Greg, whatever, whoever the fuck it is, I want to see them at their best. I'm not cheering for them. You know, that's why I was telling George about the Gambling for years. I was an MMA purist. I just enjoyed watching the UFC and not betting on it.
Starting point is 00:52:17 Me and Ari, we'd go to the fights and we'd bet a dollar, two dollars with somebody in the fucking audience. We'd have the good seats and we'd bet a 20 or something. But that's different. The best the first bet I put in the UFC and it broke my heart was Frank Yeager against Sean Sherk. Me and my wife bet him when we went to a UFC and it broke my heart because I wanted to be like a virgin in the UFC.
Starting point is 00:52:40 But then once they started adding lines and, you know, I think the second fight I bet was Connor against Diaz and the rest was fucking history. You know, I like betting the fights. I enjoy it, but I'm a fan. And that's why I want to do this podcast today about what we saw on Saturday night. It was very fucking sad and it was sad for a guy like me. To see this kind of stuff, you know, you watch the fights and you're like, fuck, you know, I want to watch five rounds, I want this to end right.
Starting point is 00:53:12 You know, it's like watching Anderson Silver break his leg or the guy from Long Island breaking his leg exactly the same way. Years later, you know, when you see a fluke fucking accent, but that's not, you know, that's what happens in the sport. What concerned me the most was his behavior. And you got to ask yourself, why is a rich guy like this acting this way? You know, he lost. He was always humble and defeat, you know, but this one wasn't good.
Starting point is 00:53:43 And I saw some things that were a little disturbing. And I know you did too. You know, I mean, even if you're a kind of fan, I know that this fight you looked at and you're like, you know what, this is a little not for me. So I'm happy we clarified it. I hope he gets help. I hope that whatever is eating at him, that he fucking sees it because when they throw that much money on you, you're young and you don't fucking see it,
Starting point is 00:54:12 you know, you don't know whether you're happy. What the fuck to think? You think that money is your happiness and I said, I get it. I fucking get it. You know, I was 32 at one time. I was 21. I thought that, oh, I get money and I get a boat and I'll get bitches. They don't work that way.
Starting point is 00:54:29 I wish it did. You know what I'm saying? It don't work that way, you know, money doesn't buy happiness at all. In fact, it puts a lot of fucking pressure on you. If you're one of those fucking people, just live your life, be happy and enjoy what the fuck you're doing. Speaking of enjoyment, don't forget this Friday, laughing gas comes out at the ice cream shop on Ventura Boulevard in fucking Studio City.
Starting point is 00:54:55 I love these guys. This is they've done a great job with me before, you know, I've been dealing with them when they were urban trees. So I knew they would take care of me. The reefer is tremendous. It's like fucking 35 percent. I'm going to cut it for you and show you. This is Mikey's sack.
Starting point is 00:55:17 I'm giving them. Oh, shit, the sacks are tremendous. Oh, oh, wait till you smell this shit. Oh, shit, boom, laughing gas, boom. Oh, shit, boom, laughing gas Friday for 20. Boom, tremendous. It smells funky and it's going to fucking your world up. You understand me?
Starting point is 00:55:54 No more fucky fucky, nothing but hi, hi. It's called laughing gas and it's only available at the ice cream shop and then we'll go to other stores in Southern California and then we'll go to Vegas, then we'll go to Colorado, then we'll go to Jersey and then we'll go to New York. This is all we're fucking pushing at you today. OK, you understand me? Fucking laughing gas at laughing gas on Instagram.
Starting point is 00:56:20 You're going to fucking love it. Listen, I hope you enjoyed the podcast today. I hope you enjoyed the fights. I hope you enjoy what we're doing and what we're trying to do here. Don't forget to go to laughing gas to find out little details about this. We're going to have some shirts coming out, the whole fucking thing. It's a great fucking bag. It's great fucking weed and you're going to love it.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Laughing gas at the ice cream shop. I want to thank you guys for supporting us, supporting Patreon and for just fucking being here. I'm happy I was able to do this. You have no idea what these fucking gums feel like. It's a fucking nightmare, but you guys are well worth it. I love you, motherfuckers. Have a great weekend and we'll be back Monday.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Tip top McGoo on the fucking 19th. Ready for you. I love you, motherfuckers. Now for a word for my fucking sponsors, Jack, stay black. Are you bad motherfuckers? I want to thank you again for listening, watching and supporting Uncle Joey's joint before we leave. I want to thank our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:57:24 I'm going to start with on it. Let me tell you something. When it comes to supplements on it is tip top McGoo, whether it's alpha brain, shroom tech, the ECT oil. I mean, they just have so many great products. You have to go to on it.com to start. You'll love it. And the alpha brain also comes in a powder now.
Starting point is 00:57:45 So you could just pour it in water. Shroom tech comes in a powder. I mean, they're doing great things over at on it. And now they're releasing the black label alpha brain. Tremendous, it's a refined formula that promotes speed and fucking focus for extreme productivity. You understand where I'm coming from with this shit? This will get you this like drinking 20 cups of fucking tea,
Starting point is 00:58:11 doing blow, doing all that shit, put it together and you feel great and with no guilt. That's what alpha brain will do for you. Plus it's got a money back guarantee, 100 percent. You could keep the fucking product when somebody else does that in your world. That's when you know you're dealing with a great company. So go to on it.com right now.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Take a look at what they got and press in Joey or church and get 10 percent off delivered right to your motherfucking crib. The joint is also brought to you by blue chew. Listen, everybody wants to sling dick, but nobody wants to take blue chew. This is the way to go right now. All right, you like Joey. What the fuck is blue chew? Blue chew is an online service that delivers the same active ingredients.
Starting point is 00:58:54 As Viagra and Cialis had a fraction of the cost. You can take it any time day or night and it's easy to fucking start. The process is simple. You sign up at blue chew dot com. You talk to one of your licensed medical providers. And once you're approved, boom, you receive the prescription within days. The best part is it's all on fucking line. No doctor visits, no awkward conversations, no waiting online at the pharmacy.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Nobody breathing on your fucking neck while you're waiting online. It ships right to your door in a discreet package. The mailman doesn't even know you have a problem with your dick. Now, listen, you don't have to have a problem with your dick to take blue chew. You could be a young guy that slings dick, but you want to put her out for a few days. You understand me? Like you want to give her dick that she won't be able to go to the gym for three or four days. Then blue chew tablets are for you.
Starting point is 00:59:48 They're made in the USA and they're prepared and shipped directly and it's way cheaper. They're a pharmacy. So you too can benefit from extra confidence when it comes down time to give her or him a stabbing. Blue chew can help and they've got a special deal for you. You ready? Try blue chew for free. Joey, what are you talking about? Free, I'm telling you. Free with promo code Joey.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Just paying a five hours for shipping. That's it. And your dick will be tip top Magoo and you will tweet me and say, Joey, I fucked the brains out. My dick is fucking tremendous. Thanks to you. Isn't that what you want to do? That's what I want you to do.
Starting point is 01:00:26 So go to blue chew right now and try it for free with promo code Joey. Just pay the five hours shipping. That's blue chew dot com promo code Joey to receive your first month for free. And as always, I want to thank blue chew for sponsoring the joint. I want to thank on it. I want to thank blue chew. I want to thank CBD lion. And I don't know who else we had on Monday.
Starting point is 01:00:49 Fucking zip recruit or somebody. I love you as all. Thank you very much for sponsoring us. Thank you for having our back. But you guys at home. Thank you for listening. Thank you for watching. And thank you for supporting.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Do not forget Friday. Right now before the fucking podcast and go that laughing gas on Instagram. Join. We got different things coming out. But the most important is laughing gas at 420 p.m. Friday at the ice cream shop in studio city. The rest is up to you. You want to smoke some good weed? You got to deal with Uncle Joey and the ice cream shop.
Starting point is 01:01:26 I love you motherfuckers. I want to thank blue chew and honor again. But most importantly, have a great weekend. And we'll be back Monday the 19th tip top. McGoo and my stitches will be dissolved by then. I love you cocksucker. Stay black and have a great weekend. There you go cocksuckers.

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