Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - 09/05/2012 - The Church Of Whats Happening Now #3

Episode Date: September 5, 2012

Joey and Lee chat about music, comedy, tv and life. Mr. T, one of Joeys teachers calls in. Originally aired 09/05/2012.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 let's do this good morning cocksuckers welcome welcome to the church of what's motherfucking happening now Joey Diaz here Lisa yeah co-host was going on people to beautiful motherfucking data line to be alive let's spark this fucking joint and get the holy smoke cooking in this motherfucker good over here at 530 already had me smoking I opened up this morning with a little fucking black Sabbath Sabbath bloody Sabbath you guys let me tell you something when I was in my down his times I started listening to black Sabbath when I was like in the eighth grade when I was going through all my bullshit Sabbath fucking saved me
Starting point is 00:01:00 especially Sabbath put that let me explain some to you this album came out in fucking 73 Sabbath bloody Sabbath you look at the front cover the front covers them surrounding some fucking guy that's dying when you turn the cover around instead of that for those family members it's the fucking devils fighting for his fucking soul Jesus is fighting Satan it's a beautiful album covers got killing yourself to live on there looking for today Sabbath bloody fucking Sabbath killing yourself to live tremendous fucking jam but Sabbath bloody Sabbath some of our blood Sabbath buddy Sabbath when I was 15 after my
Starting point is 00:01:34 mother died I listened to it let me tell you something my mind was going fucking fight kill it Lee Sabbath bloody cocksuckers here you go from the beginning Lee from the beginning isn't that fucking guitar here you go you're fucking up with this music already Lee cocksucker oh yeah a little Sabbath early you know what Sabbath does it cleans up the fucking spirits the bad spirits as I call them the Espiritos Malos a lot of people mad at me about the Mrs. Obama comment I met last night listen I love Ms. Obama no disrespect to him let me tell you something I said that you know I was gonna eat a black
Starting point is 00:02:21 little monkey she's tremendous Ms. Obama so I'm sorry if you got offended but he I forgot to tell you not only will I eat a black little monkey I eat that black little fucking muffler too it probably smells like health you understand me so beautifully with Sabbath bloody Sabbath kicked that motherfucker and still playing turn it up loud we're killing the bad spirits at the holy smoke here take a hit your fuck that's a boy cocksucker we're spreading it man this shows about getting up being the fucking good mood people always hit me back Joey what the fuck ain't a bad mood about or what are you a good mood about
Starting point is 00:02:55 I turn the music off we're talking about a good fucking mood in the morning I got a picture of these guys see I grew up with as Dominic speciale Darren Rago and Anthony fucking Balzano and they're dead and they died when we were young this is the first thing I look at in the morning getting a fucking good mood cuz they're not here so I got to do what the fuck they're not doing so I gotta cover the spread today that's the mentality of the church of what's happening now you think enjoy what a fuck your glasses my glasses I don't want to be like one of those black basketball players you see these
Starting point is 00:03:27 motherfuckers for it all started about 20 years ago like all these fucking actors once they get a little old they start wearing glasses and I could see the husband the wife saying you look so sophisticated and so smart where the fucking glasses so they started with that bullshit now I got Kobe I got the guy in fucking Miami everybody's wearing fucking point-decks the glasses for $9,000 to look more intelligent get it together cocksucker your basketball player not a scientist all right the fucking little Halloween costume ain't gonna work bitches I was supposed to have a training session but the woman
Starting point is 00:04:06 apparently has too many trainers so I went over to the gym at my complex and I'm just starting out guys I don't know if anyone else that is starting out working out too I haven't worked out I wrestled all throughout high school and I probably haven't worked out since I stopped since wrestling season stopped my senior year that's probably like six or seven years so I'm starting out fresh and I'm doing though the stationary bike for like half an hour and I can do the elliptical for about 10-15 and then I then I pass out but so you fucking need to get the party started what you want to do is the fat guys get the fucking
Starting point is 00:04:34 blood going that's what I had to do I mean they proved me out of the wire the first time I walked in there really the fucking little training because you sign up for the wine Hollywood you go down there and they give you like an evaluation to see where the fuck you're at so I thought I was still like in high school I wouldn't like seven eight years I want to write after the longest sure I thought I was still in high school I could do a thousand jumping jacks and shit he put me on the treadmill to start and put it up like 1.5 let me tell you something my friend I had the four-minute mark I tapped out he was a little cute little
Starting point is 00:05:02 gay guy goes listen dog I love you to death but don't come back here till you stop smoking cigarettes till you start getting it together you can't even walk on the treadmill so that's why fucking started yeah you know I started at 4 fucking 15 when you walk a half a block and your joints hurt your knees hurt your feet so I put the whole training session in my head I knew by going to the fucking why that they have a heated pool mm-hmm so I just started going to the heated pool and I would run back and forth and I would swim well I was from 15 minutes 20 minutes then I got cocky and I overslept one night I jumped into
Starting point is 00:05:33 the Olympic pool because it bold I used to be part of the master swimming program what's that the master swimming program is where you go at six in the morning and at six at night and the ladies name was Jane and she would just work you like a fucking like a fucking slave in the water and she before I got locked up in prison there was a UPS guy at the Hertz where I worked that he was in great shape I said how'd you get in that fucking shape and he goes I started going to the master swimming program stop up the fucking volumes already they're saying it's too low these fucking people always say it's too low put your ear in that
Starting point is 00:06:03 little fuck like when you were kidding your mother was under the other room like when you listen to Richard Priam so you go at six in the fucking morning in Boulder Colorado on the dead of the fucking winter and the pool would be outside and they'd be surrounded by snow where they shovel and you'd have to fucking dress yourself in a little hut and fucking run out and jump in a pool and you have to do two of those a day a day three times a fucking week and she would train you for little triathlons not triathlons the double ones the ones where you swim and jump up and down for a half hour not really like all three of
Starting point is 00:06:34 them ride your bike that's a triathlon and means three so I always like fucking swimming not to mention Cuban you know you know me I swam around the fucking time as a young man like a savage cock sucker oh Jesus so I went back and I jumped into the Olympic pool and that's when I almost drowned I almost drowned at the water that's a scary story man I don't know if people have heard it do you want to tell it again or fuck no I almost drowned I went to the why I jumped the fuck in the pool and you know what when you go into a training pool it's heated when you go into a regular Olympic pool it's not fucking heated well
Starting point is 00:07:03 that's it's a different it's 30 degrees so first thing you it surrounds you lungs you can't fucking breathe here I am in the middle of the pool my fat legs were just fucking moving I wasn't going away though I just was spinning around like a motherfucker swimming is tough I mean I'd I used to swim I used to work I mean I was never really in shape when I wrestled but I was more in shape and you weren't on the track and you died I played football and you weren't around the thing and running and swimming are two different things swimming is tough especially when you're out of shape it really shows you when you're out of
Starting point is 00:07:31 shape like wow I am out of shape but it gets you in the best shape the problem with swimming the exercise doesn't go with you the rest of that like when you run for half hour six in the morning that raises your metabolism it goes or you really sweat when you go in the pool it burns the most calories per minute okay but when you get out of the pool you don't take it with you as much it doesn't burn like throughout the whole fucking day that's the problem with swimming a lot of people don't know that okay I'm saying so I worked out yesterday I had a good time I went over there I got in the treadmill
Starting point is 00:07:59 hit the bag for half hour then I on the treadmill and ran the did the Mike Dolce two minutes on and 30 minutes 30 seconds are running and I got on the bike to close it out look at that shirt fucking swellied right next to you today I'm gonna eat some sushi hang on I got dick going on today you know what I I mean it's a there's not much there's not much going out I mean I'm working on a TV show but everything that's gonna be in productions in production and I feel better for you guys I mean there's not much shooting I don't give a fuck about that we're always doing something what the fuck that the show is about
Starting point is 00:08:31 getting up in the fucking morning and go on there thought they're tackling the fuck everything you just got to make it happen yeah there's always action up there you got to just get up you got to get up with the fucking mentality you've seen trading places that's brothers at the end of the floor mortem is on the floor dying because your brother's dying fuck them we got to do what the fuck we do here you follow me so don't worry about the fucking weight watchers or whatever the big topic that I've been hearing about lately is just all the Blanco let's break it down I've never been fucking impressed with the cocaine
Starting point is 00:08:57 cowboys and I'll tell you why because they're talking about it in 1979 you know I would go to Miami in 1970 as a kid my mother baptized a girl down there and I would go down there and spend time with them in the summer I loved them Redar 4 and Vivian Vivian was a school teacher Redar 4 was a construction mogul he would go into we built all that shit that the the falls in Miami it's the north of South West they say Southwest 100th Avenue and 130th I was seven and eight and I go down and we clear bushes me and the son and the daughters and we do the whole thing now at night the three kids would go to sleep and I would hang out
Starting point is 00:09:32 with Redar 4 so Redar 4 knew my father I mean he grew up with my father and he always assumed that I knew what my father did so when I would go down there would stay with doubt from the middle of night he go come on let's take a ride and we go to La Joaquita La Joaquita in Miami is a little fucking it's a gas station that doesn't sell gas if they just sell beer milk and bread okay and cigarettes and you go there late night but it's the coldest fucking beer you never had and we drive out to La Joaquita and he get in the fucking he get me a soda but he let me drink out of this cold Budweiser that was like a big tree
Starting point is 00:10:06 for me of course go to his boat and we get on the boat we go out like 10 fucking miles out and he pick up bales of weed isn't a set Jesus and then we drive him back in like nothing it was like stealing they would float into this thing he knew the people and that's what he did for a living you know and I remember going down there when you watch because Gisela the documentary talk about how she ran shit in Miami in 79 by the fuck 79 was when I started doing blow what happened in 79 also this wall went down so now what happened 79 was Maria Lito's came in those fucking Cubans that started killing 130,000 Cubans for that
Starting point is 00:10:38 letter model their jails in 1979 130,000 130,000 100,000 100,000 of them were fucking cute in jail and these were you know like for smacking their wife or something these motherfuckers went to El Morro this fucking jail where you walk around half naked there's a hole in the middle of the fucking floor and you got to go pee and shit in that fucking home people tacky and take you in the fucking home fuck you in the ass after your shit so these were the type of criminals that came over this is a type of criminal I you know when he in Scarface they show the hand they call the Abacoas and these people were fucking nuts for
Starting point is 00:11:09 example my my stepfather's name is Juanito Puerto Riento which means four wins and he had three brothers two of them came from Cuba at that time and four of his nephews or three of his nephews within the first year four of the three out of four nephews were dead and they shot his boat at both his brothers because they didn't know anything else they came out and got into the fucking cocaine business and by that time it became Barracudaville that's where her claim the fame was that she shot now let me explain some to you I watched the first documentary and I bought into it and bought not and then
Starting point is 00:11:40 the second one was just a waste of my fucking time but it's funny because the other night when it happened I read it in the afternoon and I went out not thinking nothing of it and I went out and Rogan called me that night he goes he he they shot his other blogger I go fuck her and we started laughing it's like you know what the lady killed or supposedly killed all these fucking people a two-year-old kid you know what she was walking around knowing it was coming yeah if you you know one of the reasons why I got out of crime was one thing you never want somebody to knock on your door when you're 50 fucking years
Starting point is 00:12:09 old you know whatever you do at 20 is great you don't want to do time as fucking 50 and above you don't want to die in a fucking can that's a that's a that's a bad fucking life what is that I do the ghost of the girl that gives elder that cocksucker so you don't want to end up in that was the biggest deterrent I had was seeing my uncle Miami go to jail at 50 and you know when he went to jail he was a millionaire the next thing you know he's got to move into an apartment Atlanta because the federal penitentiaries in Atlanta even though he was rocking in Miami he had to move to Atlanta and put his kids in a two-bedroom
Starting point is 00:12:41 apartment three fucking kids so I see what it does to you I see what it does to your family but the worst thing is that you don't want to die in the can and that's the worst thing about karma man that you're walking around when you do something like there's a people in front in front of my house here that park and then go to work instead of parking for free parking they park back here because they don't want to do the sticker or some shit and they park in front of my house every fucking day I wake up and I see the same cars and I'm gonna go over and stick a nail in front of them or flatten their fucking tire or
Starting point is 00:13:11 scratch their door you know my stepdad was a fanatic about the spot in front of his fucking house oh yeah on his on his mind it belonged to him was it in New York it was in Jersey Morgan New Jersey and he would sit there all fucking night watching the spot with somebody parking it he got then flatten his fucking tires I got to the point where nobody would park on the fucking block because they know the tires would be fucking flat when you look at the fucking thing for I'm talking to you I'm sorry no that's so I sit out there sometimes I'm like you know what I'm gonna flatten this guy's tire today one was thinking
Starting point is 00:13:44 again catch it and put it on the door handle and you know at 49 I know one thing if I do that I'm gonna walk around I got something coming to me oh yeah I never want something coming to me that's the problem with fucking karma so Gisela whatever rest in peace but dirty bitch you knew you had a coming you out there slinging blow getting your fucking little black pussy suck or Colombian pussy suck they killed in front of a daughter in law some shit yeah yeah yeah like two people rode up on a motorcycle and shot her in the head fucking New Jack City style you know saying that's nuts I had a question I
Starting point is 00:14:14 was thinking I read that article and I was thinking about it the other day do you know anybody who's like has been a drug dealer or doing that stuff for their entire life and actually gets away with it and like doesn't go to jail or end up dead or other people who can do that for like a lifetime or is it every lot of people do it for lifetime but there's never you always pay somewhere okay you're always gonna pay somewhere somewhere you gotta pay for your fucking sins so you might rock and roll and make some money but you might have other heartaches that are associated with that and you know you know when it's kind of my landscape
Starting point is 00:14:45 made a bunch of money but he had a retarded son and his wife always blamed that really on the retard it's you know what he had done and I shouldn't say retarded he was fucking a momo whatever I don't fucking know but they she always blamed on that you gotta come always remember that the church of what's happening now let's play some fucking musically what do you need to move for today you want to play more black Sabbath or do you want to play something else I don't know I'm in the mood for something exotic what do you fucking think like we haven't done any real we've done a little bit of rap but not really or
Starting point is 00:15:18 any country country that's not fucking bad yeah what do you know about I love I like this with the fucking chicken the guy the lady out the bellum I like those fucking two of their savages don't forget mr. T's calling in today my high school teacher's calling in about 20 minutes uh mr. T's a very interesting guy I love this guy and I've spoken to him I keep in touch with him he was my teacher from freshman year to senior year in high school and pretty much after that he kept me out of he kept me from fucking taking a swan dive as he would call it you know Joey I hear through the fucking ranks you're thinking of
Starting point is 00:15:57 taking a swan dive it ain't worth it so I didn't see him from the time I graduated in 82 and in 84 I see them on the street corner he pulled up next to me he goes you look I'm like fucking mortal bond over look at you you filthy fucking savage look at this bad motherfucker so he said you know you got to get your life together you can't keep hanging out on corners and the next thing you fucking know I had to leave I had to leave North Bergen New Year's Eve 1984 New Year's Eve 1984 because I front of the half ounce of blow so I figured I'd front the half ounce of blow keep the pocket money and start a new life I
Starting point is 00:16:35 called him about six in the morning he picked me up and took me to Cresco New Jersey about 15 miles away and he took me to a few a meetings and he believed in me you know I got a job in the city and I got a job at a liquor store and I kept fucking doing my thing so after two months one day he goes I got a call from the cops do me a favor don't come back to you pull up with a fucking Cadillac I went to Rascals one time I called him I go I ain't got no Cadillac but I'm getting on stage do you want to come and we and that was about 15 years ago we've been tight and whenever he sees me on TV calls me and he's my
Starting point is 00:17:11 high school teacher wow mr. T and I love him to death and this is the reason I do this shit you know to make people like that proud they want on a limb for me so I'm trying to go on a fucking limb for them you know what I'm saying now looking back into those times when you were when those people would help you out and you were still doing crime are still doing drugs did you feel bad doing that and you just couldn't stop or you just didn't you know I think you were fucked why do I give a fuck you're doing your thing though when you do your thing you commit you don't fucking look back when you got to pull out a fucking
Starting point is 00:17:41 gun and so what are you gonna do I mean you know you you caught up in different things in your life you know I made mistakes like everybody fucking else some women suck 50 cocks you know I tried to roll the fact what are you gonna fucking happen sometimes in your life but I'm here to tell you I wasn't not happy about it now I'm gonna have a child I don't want the fucking kid to know but what are you gonna do the kids gonna know and you live with it you stick with your decisions of things we do when you ain't got a fucking gun Lee how about a little fucking Allison chains this morning down in the hole direct from
Starting point is 00:18:11 the from the murky waters of the underworld where there's H this fucking everything you understand me and if you find a live one do it but just go off and dirt just to get people in the fucking mood today because it shows about getting you up it's six in the fucking morning we think I'm doing up here I'm here for my fucking health or what when I was a kid and I get up to be the news the news and Jacqueline doing fucking sit-ups in a body suit like Bruce Lee without the fucking stripe here you got a bunch of shit you motherfuckers got 800 channels and then you got mad flavor you got what what Allison chains
Starting point is 00:18:42 on your play down enough motherfucking hole okay great fucking album dirt one of my all-time favorites I mean let me tell you something man I was down and out with music after the 80s I was like fuck this shit and when all that stuff came out of Seattle I was never so fucking happy I like that shit so much I made a girl move to motherfucking Seattle that's how much I liked it sound guard now listen chains I mean all that fucking shit pearl jam it was just a beautiful time to be up there and I was very fortunate too bad I was on probation the whole fucking time what are you gonna do Lee what are you looking
Starting point is 00:19:19 for a fucking crystal ball over there that's loading man give me give me four seconds loading what do you got AT&T versus for what are they fucking loading these motherfuckers they charge you for fucking everything it's gonna be the speed of light and then nothing fucking happens they're the biggest fucking rip balls without a gun AT&T sprint I love them to death I love my fucking sprint phone I don't like this is falling no no I'm saying ready oh who gives a fuck Lee you don't don't do that leak as you throw me off okay when you move your head and you tell me I don't know what the fuck's going on you're in
Starting point is 00:19:48 the middle of dropping fucking knowledge what are you doing look who's coming cock suckers here where the rest of them Terry Clarke what happened there's gray gray they're all fucking here who you kidding all my little cats are here these cats up my pregnant wife is here I got weed all over my shirt what's happening guys come on you want to say hello skinny my little man skinny bomb Benny say hello cock sucker say hello that's right say hello say hello good speaking to the mic cock sucker all right that's my boy and shit see we got a third co-host is my old boy here I got some fucking
Starting point is 00:20:36 pet greens catnip buds this is the real fucking deal people if you got cats and you love your cats don't fuck around what you know I'm saying don't smoke the buds all look at that they look like fucking medical marijuana buds like any kind of but look at this shit and your cat goes fucking man look at Harry Warren's right here next to me you know I love my fucking cats I love animals if you got a dog if you got a fucking cat go hug that cock sucker right now now my stay cock suckers it's a beautiful day to be alive right there how those nuts wash those fucking nuts those balls Lee what's up with the fucking there
Starting point is 00:21:14 I'm over here sweating like I smoke it myself and this reefer brought to you today by no ho CC I don't even know what the fuck it is like Superman but I got my fucking vape over here just in case it's an earthquake and I can't find my lighter like a doctor little something for Obama milk rob me put this in your fucking pipe cock sucker because that motherfucker is anti-marijuana oh yeah so for all you motherfucking Republicans that have owned for that fucking hermit months look at motherfucker just remember he goes into office we're really gonna get down here there's gonna be no reefer no
Starting point is 00:22:01 nothing but I don't give a fuck look at this I got the vapor pen and worst case scenario you know me I've smoked these fucking cat buds all of these from fucking Amazon go to Amazon pet greens catnip buds I love this shit from my cat they're getting used to it though now see they get the resistance like we every once in a while you're paying attention for the phone this motherfucker my call it's on whenever he's ready he might call in a couple minutes so that's how lucky we are today I still keep in touch with my high school teachers cock suck we're gonna have to get Barone to call if anyone watched the documentary
Starting point is 00:22:31 Barone was on in the guy with the red shirt in the blue background he's great that's a good fucking idea I'm gonna have my next at the stripper call I called it this morning she ain't fucking answering I want to see what her deal was wait that fucking freak up and talk about hand jobs I'm whatever the fuck she does who's this motherfucker send an email this early about travel they say you this fucking about travel calm who gives a fuck if you just keep sending emails after a year and I don't get back to you why you sending me what are you wasting your time you think I'm gonna change my fucking mind about your
Starting point is 00:23:02 product now I got Boston markets in the fucking emails you get their emails no don't come out the Boston market yeah listen man boy when you're a fat fuck Boston markets got great turkey we go there you get a little slice of fucking turkey with a little stuffing you know your double sides of meat you get extra protein you put that trip to fucking all in your system you go home and take a nap you smoke a fucking blunt so it's not bad because you're not gonna make a fucking turkey every week turkeys dry too much them and I tend to stay away from it like a turkey dinner I'll have turkey sandwiches but turkeys dry yeah
Starting point is 00:23:32 but the problem is because you ordered a turkey dinner on a fucking Wednesday by that anything's fucking dry her assholes fucking dry you gotta eat the turkey dinner when it's fresh on a Sunday even a no-ho CC down the fucking corn no-ho CC no-ho diner which you ordered the spaghetti and found out how bad the fucking food was they got a great turkey on Sunday slice it then the mashed potatoes blow the fucking gravy looks like pimple juice like I had pimple juice that's hits the fucking mirror it's thick but uh he's calling no not yet what are you looking at me for like I'm on probation cock sucker looking at you
Starting point is 00:24:03 remember I get yelled at when I look at the chat I get yelled at when I look at you I don't know what the fuck you're doing you're confusing me and everybody's everybody everybody that you saw last night listen I don't know how to break this down for you cuz people gonna get pissed off but I don't give a fuck and here goes all right when I turned out that Democratic Convention last night I seen that Puerto Rican Mexican dude in his last name is Castro I'm gonna shot myself that was a fucking weak move putting up a fucking Castro last Castro that fucking talk to people took over a fucking island shoved it up that
Starting point is 00:24:35 fucking ass and it's never gonna I hate Castro every day yeah Castro convertibles I hate I hate Castro I hate him fucking all so I got pissed off but thank God my girl you know what I'll tell you what I always think this election was gonna be won by the women on this one because they're fucking close I thought Obama's wife was gonna go up to and throw up Pete I love Mrs. Obama so don't get me wrong all that fucking thing was brutal she that was that that fucking speech is giving me an earbeat talking about her family and walking up the stairs and seeing her father who gives a fuck all right let me know what
Starting point is 00:25:09 your husband's gonna do I gotta sit through this fucking name that's one of those cocaine earbeatings when you want to check the suck your dick but you gotta let her tell a story to get there you know I'm saying she's talking about her father coming home and she'd be on the top of the stairs do I need this fucking aggravation in my life just like my nuts and move on with your fucking long story yeah no I can't stand this time of year I get yelled at all the time because I just don't vote they're all liars you gotta go fucking vote but they're all fucking lies at least you see through it I mean you know the big
Starting point is 00:25:36 question is how much is your life changed the four fucking years guess what Lee Obama didn't change my life Lisa that changed my life so you follow I'm saying to you but you know what man we're not doing bad the people we know I'm doing bad because we live here you know I get the trap I'm really really fortunate I get to go to Pittsburgh where the sport bars don't fucking open unless there's a Pittsburgh pirate game in there in town if they're away there's no business you know I go to Buffalo where it's half to be you know it's half the fucking business I go to Cleveland I go to Cincinnati I go to a lot of these
Starting point is 00:26:11 cities where you look around and go what the fuck even last time I went to Houston wasn't booming down there there was a lot of strip malls that were fucking open and whatnot so you know the country is not it's not everything is not LA I sweet we get you know we see fucking Jews driving BMWs and fucking out of these those fucking filthy fucking hypocrites with their fucking little half yarmulke wait till we make our fucking yarmulke line fuck you pay me that's the name of our yarmulke line me Emily it's gonna be a white yarmulke would fuck you pay me on it like that just look at a motherfucker don't know
Starting point is 00:26:41 what time of this fucking Jews driving Mercedes Benz when you told me that one time my feelings got her I never really thought about it that way those fucking momos you go down to town with a fucking Honda what's up baby no it's you got to pick up the phone 818 he's not gone he did you got to call back at that number brother he's gonna switch it on now 7719 yeah all right brother will be here all right stay blackbite that's my man Freddie boom boom tearing over my fucking mentor in life right there that's
Starting point is 00:27:27 how we do it I've been running with mr. T since 1979 freshman year I met him and I ran out in the football field I go T am I gonna play with freshman year and he goes yes sitting the sidelines or something so I was I got I don't know cold feet I'm on the sidelines talking to these guys and he's like Diaz Diaz and I heard him I'm like I'm like I'm fucking playing out of my form of this stuff I run over to him I go yes coach and he goes where the fuck you been sit there to your ass grows boots there he is Freddie tea yo what's what's happening baby how's mrs. T doing mrs. T doing good she's waiting to go in there and get
Starting point is 00:28:07 the right medication all right you're beautiful T what I was telling what I was telling these savages not to cut you off was that you know you're my high school teacher who became friends nobody ever cut you you had a great reputation because you always crack the joke and then in 85 and 84 you see me standing on the corner you pulled over you're like look at you look like that warm Dove you need a meeting you need a shower and then two weeks later you put me in your home and it started this great life of mine and then the cops called you one day and I called you go do me a favor don't come by until you pull up
Starting point is 00:28:41 with a Cadillac and I was just telling me you changed it all brother yeah well that's good man you did good you came a long way from 1977 wearing your sneakers to school you were the first one not to tie your laces because she was a lazy bastard that's right though you was a skinny lazy bat you must have weighed about 120 pounds yeah I mean real bananas in your yard and all burglars but you did good in school you were funny basuto Roger Holloway all the dogs man all the dogs came in wearing red shoes red vests green hair everything I got remember fucking who was a Hindu girl with the big feet and we would say
Starting point is 00:29:30 how can she had 30 nails and everything oh yeah yeah you would say you would say uh lighting up on the fucking who hoobas and then we had you summer school we had you in summer school we would go and you would teach history you will go this ain't fucking history history is Woodstock Alvin Lee and you turn this on to Alvin Lee till this day I listen to Alvin Lee cuz you and I laugh every fucking time every time Alvin Lee ten years ten years that I'm coming home what was the coming home did you go see Santana Alvin Lee or something at the Fillmore
Starting point is 00:30:09 East yeah yeah in the Fillmore East they played all night they were throwing black beauties up in the air all over the joint man we were up for like a week I mean it was like fine man it was really good they played all night Santana I'm staring they stunk in the beginning they played well did they really stink in the beginning yeah yeah he was stopping every five minutes he would stop the band stop the band stop he did it for like an hour and then they got rolling we nobody cared about was wrecked the whole turn was right and then he started playing and said we play it all night and we left out of there like
Starting point is 00:30:48 seven in the morning and over on the east side in the village yeah it was like great man it was a great show it even had like a warm-up before he came on he had a band called King Crimson who had the first synthesizer ever you know I mean it was back in the bag teedropping fucking knowledge RT you were the bet you know T to go to school nobody cut you for number one and you made kids want to go to school because you'd always make a fucking comment and since then I've had the utmost respect for teachers because in reality you guys raised us you know you gotta you gotta know something you gotta learn something if you come
Starting point is 00:31:27 every day you'll learn something and that's all it counts as long as you learn something you know I learned I learned fucking comedy dog cuz you would you would call attendance and get everybody up and goof on their t-shirt look at your fucking head do where'd you get those shoes one I remember the day the Puerto Rican kid some Puerto Rican kid in front of the Spanish cafeteria stepped on your shoes and you looked at your shoes and you said get those you said get those hoop-doop-doop-doop-maringe shoes off my feet oh my god I told my door cha-cha on its face
Starting point is 00:32:01 yeah I was a goof man a cafeteria duty was a goof I used to cut that myself I got caught I got hollered up by a vice-principal because I was with McCore at watching football films downstairs I was supposed to be on duty in a cafeteria I was with McGrath I wonder if he's still smoking camels man when we used to call him camel breath because he used to smoke the camel reds and his fucking small George George the camel McGrath his his his beer his mustache was orange remember mr. T from the fucking camel orange man she was ugly yeah big fucking Irish dude wonder why but he used to be in charge of
Starting point is 00:32:44 driver red he'd drive us up to chance dragging in to get steak on a stick how fucking cool was that George the camel McGrath man he used to have his fingers were fucking orange right T yeah his mustache we used to call him George McGrath we used to sing in that Death Leopard song he loses fucking mind good guy though him and mr. Zampella Randy fucking shave I bumped into Tommy Heintzen in Atlanta and I said to him I was the disciple of Randy shave and he just looked at me and shook his fucking head I hear you I hear that man T I was talking I haven't started even telling these motherfuckers Ringo stories yet
Starting point is 00:33:29 because I don't think they're ready yet I gotta I'm looking at a picture Ringo right now all muscle build it up this is before he passed in 99 this was we were always me and Ringo were his fucking bodyguards we didn't give a fuck and I talked to Joey Follata I talked to Joey Follata Monday he called he's been listening to the church of what's happening now yeah me and his father were friends me and Joey's father were friends man yeah he went to Vietnam that's right yeah he played for Memorial and I played for North Bergen and we used to hang out together at night over in West New York but Ringo was the best man he
Starting point is 00:34:09 brings the fresh when he broke his leg and I boy I went to the hospital I stayed with him in the hospital and told his mother got there that was like that but you never forgot you never forgot nah T we never fucking AT 30 years later I'm still on the fucking phone we out of respect yeah how about that so I love you to all my heart and I'm happy you called it you made my fucking week here show these motherfuckers which really cracking in the church of what's happening now T okay man hey we'll talk metal give him a teeth give him a metal and metal to do hauling company that's it met that in the new hauling
Starting point is 00:34:44 company one time we're selling them on a corner here from met that in the new hauling company that's the label where you knew album man send it in AT what was what happened time what happened the time you got surrounded in West New York at the pool hall by Puerto Ricans you said one dime one phone call 20 Puerto Ricans that's it man that's what I said are you kidding me oh my god that was like a fucking scariest time of my life over there but that was good we get out of there that's it one dime one phone call 10,000 oh yes yeah I love you I'll call you during the week I bless you always and the boys and Mrs. T send
Starting point is 00:35:21 them all my love man well we'll go man and stay black T that's the most important fucking thing you know that that's as good as it gets for me guys that's Freddy Terinova my fucking teacher and he's on my wall and I'm happy fucking call today so musically where's the fucking music you're here what do you want to kill me a little fucking mama Papa was a rolling stone by the temptation let's put some fucking soul into their life before I send them on to the fucking world all right so that was pretty crazy man it's something that I've learned hanging out with you for a while your friends and family and
Starting point is 00:36:03 seeing you right now they're really important to you man this is my life and I get emotion I'm thinking about you know at times you went into school and he'd be there you didn't want to fucking be in school you know and you go and he'd be there and fucking just make you laugh the only reason when you went was because you knew you didn't want to miss what mr. T had to fucking say you never wanted to miss what you have to say you didn't want to miss one of his jokes and you know till this day man whenever I'm having a bad week or whatever I'll give my call and just just two minutes on the fucking phone with
Starting point is 00:36:39 him refuels me you know it fucking really does refuel me so that's basically it man church of what's happening now is about getting you out there in a fucking good mood go out there sling some dick you know what's your what I write yesterday I write shit and I forget oh you said if you're not gonna eat a pussy why turn her over yeah if you're not gonna turn her over that's the fucking motto they go out there wash your fucking bones listen man we all have bad days who gives a fuck I've been waking up with no fucking dough and having to go to a diner in front breakfast like eat it and then make it breakfast front
Starting point is 00:37:12 breakfast say listen I don't have money to pay I forgot my wallet come back tomorrow you know and then start your day once you have nourishment you go out there and fucking Rob so whatever the fuck it is that you do Rob some stock you know edit fucking film what the fuck you do you know so that's what we do here is just get you stronger so you can get out there and fucking sling dick you understand me because we all gonna walk into the fucking mouth of the tiger today we all fucking started minus and it's all about just getting on your fucking horse and going out there fuck these motherfuckers they can't stop you
Starting point is 00:37:42 bro I bumped into my main man Brodie Steven's DNA and we're at the laugh factory I'll tell you about this no and I gave him a big hug cuz I love Brodie Steven's with all my heart and I'm proud of him for his show on HBO go and he looked at me at one point he gotta go you know I'm really proud of you when talking he looked at me he knows what school I thought I'm from he knows I'm an old-school fucking Jew from fucking a long time ago G kundo style Jew mix with I'm a Jew that went to Catholic school that's when the motherfucker shows up with two guns it don't get better than that I got I got the best of all your
Starting point is 00:38:13 education I drew Santa Rihant top of that I mixed it with some Buddhism what I got together is better than fucking G kundo so I look at Brodie and you know Brodie's gone through a lot in the last couple years and looks at me with his fucking little piercing Jew eyes and he goes don't stop keep going right and I go dog I'm fat I'm ugly but I got a big thing a lot of personnel ain't stopping me you know saying they ain't stopping us you got a big thing a lot of personnel ain't gonna fucking stop you whether you have a big dick or not we all got a big dick it's how you walk on the street yeah it's how you perceive
Starting point is 00:38:46 yourself go out there you got the 10-foot fucking dick when you walk down the street you'll see if I need nobody will fuck with you go out there people today's your fucking lucky day cock sucker little temptations I gotta get something to drink real quick what do you got for me Papa was wrong drop it on these motherfuckers I'll be right back I'm coming back with listen to this shit you know this is as good as it gets in my fucking eyes I'm gonna hit you rock music disco music fucking knowledge and now I'm gonna hit you with the core these are fucking five starving brothers wherever the fuck they were from
Starting point is 00:39:17 Detroit Michigan water they were from all over the south I love the fucking patients this shit I'll be right back play it up loud I found my little girl this is this is gray gray you my gray gray this is my little girl is the last one I brought up she was the I told you guys she was the owners next door and she would come by every night and call for me she's my little sweet angel these dogs these fucking cats man when you wake up in the morning I don't give a fuck what mood you make up in they always put you in a better mood just this just hugging them playing with her nose getting against
Starting point is 00:41:29 because she gets pissed off she don't like all this love she's a little dirty bitch but when you don't give a love then she gets pissed right little cock sucker what else dogs did you play it already yeah it ended no it didn't end but you were talking so you turned it off it's Paul I gotta teach you how to fucking play music you're slipping with the music what the fuck of music on cock sucker you hook em up it's like you gave my hand job right there we're gonna come do you fucking got your hands off that cock and you let them go killing me I'm gonna a little weight watches breakfast this morning I
Starting point is 00:42:10 got my little weight watches power booklet right here so you get 50 points and you write down all the fucking points you know so I used to eat like three eggs a half a pack of fucking bacon a loaf of fucking white bread in the tub of fucking hotel bar butter now I eat one egg one piece of toast a little bit of butter the three or four pieces of center cut Oscar Maya fucking bacon all total two for the egg two for the piece of bread one for the butter which is five about three for the fucking bacon eight point breakfast it ain't bad Mike don't change a little pissed off for me because I don't like the bowls and
Starting point is 00:42:47 shit but I don't like no vegetables in the fucking morning I like my vegetables later on I'll fucking smoke them what else is going on cock sucker you're sitting there you don't give me no music you love it on these fucking people look kick that shit I love the sniff Obama's wife's asshole just sniffed that little motherfucker smell like she's gonna go I love her I love that fucking buck to pitch I love it I love I love I love this is all mine the bad things about it but I'm depending on you to tell me that you what oh shit oh shit here we go
Starting point is 00:43:33 motherfuckers little fucking green red tea who you thinking you're fucking dealing with cock sucker and we got no sponsors but we tell them we're looking for fucking national font I don't know why castle get your shit together you motherfuckers they get me on Twitter saying that they want to fucking sponsor me they want to hang out and then I hit them back and they're thinking about it they gotta go talk to eight white dudes with suits on it's fucking white castler right one minute you eat a burger makes me your shit in blood
Starting point is 00:44:07 we're trying to get fucking people to white castle white castle I grew up on fucking white castler you understand me one of the best establishments but it's not for the fucking food it's for the ambiance and entertainment where else do you look at a burger three burgers for a dollar and see some Puerto Rican getting stabbed ah Papa was a Rolling Stone cut that shit Lee Lisa I add here the fucking mastermind of this motherfucking organization the podcast is getting downloaded on iTunes don't hit me no more with no fucking questions it'll be on iTunes and it's a good podcast you know I promise you know
Starting point is 00:44:41 I love I love would you kill the fucking music now it music you know now we're gonna talk here about shit I love these like they're bringing this show rest of development back right yeah now why did they cancel the show it's supposed to be the funniest oh my god it's the funniest string it's the intelligent comedy listen do me a favor you intelligent comics go fuck your fucking mother up the ass intelligent comedy if it was so fucking intelligent why didn't stick around now let's take another two years to put the fucking show on the air oh we got Ron Howard this guy's making a comeback let's you
Starting point is 00:45:14 suck my dick you fucking sheepy comedy fucking fans if it's not a rest of development it's fucking Chuck it's fucking Conan you motherfuckers the show goes to get canceled next you know you're jumping up and down on Burbank save Coco the motherfuckers still nobody watching that fucking show I like Conan O'Brien Chuck I never watch the fucking show but they're getting the momos came out we lay Chuck the fucking show I watched it one time I almost shot myself in the fucking head from boredom and this the rest of development if it was so fucking funny what the fuck is it what the fuck is wrong with you people
Starting point is 00:45:44 you always want to be different to do all because it's intelligent comedy you put your little fucking fake glasses on and drink a little fucking snippet of wine or tea what you suck my dick and get on board and get on the real motherfucking world and stop being a fucking fake that's where the fucking country's gonna change Obama and Romney and none of these motherfuckers are gonna help you we don't help your fucking self so all you motherfuckers with your iPhone and your iPad the answer is I you know what you need to fucking do walking around with your fucking fake fucking glasses on talking about
Starting point is 00:46:15 intelligent or rested developments making a fucking Ron Howard Ron Howard's a great director I've never seen Ron Howard on stage fucking killing for 10 fucking minutes all right for you all you motherfuckers well he's a great comedic actor you know the difference would be with comedic actors when what I do cut that's the fucking difference and they could cut and they could do it again and you motherfuckers at home John my God did you see him me and I fuck you would stand up comics doing we go out there and they know fucking director ain't no producer it's just us there ain't no cut there ain't no do-overs you
Starting point is 00:46:46 go out there and you're fucking do it so get your shit together on your judgment arrested development you fucking momos yeah it's been weird cuz they cancel it after three seasons and they've been talking for years fuck intelligent comedy go fuck your mother intelligent common intelligence what you make of it what good is if you're fucking intelligent but you're waiting online and Starbucks in the morning with a fucking iPhone like a Momo for a cup of coffee it's a fucking cup of coffee they got him at 7-eleven which is even probably a lot better you ever drink Brazilian bold no it's like doing meth
Starting point is 00:47:16 in fucking Tennessee okay you will be up for two fucking days drinking Brazilian fucking bold you think I'm kidding you go to 7-eleven get a cup of coffee for a fucking dollar go smell a Hindu start your day off on the right fuck go see some sandals and some shit I made the mistake of going to Starbucks after the last podcast and there were three guys behind there only one guy was making the drinks and I just waited in line for 15 minutes for an iced tea and I just I have halfway through I was like I already made the decision the way you are standing like a fucking Momo like a sheep like what you what your mother made
Starting point is 00:47:46 raised you not to fucking be yeah first thing your mom said to you when you before you left was if three people jump off a cliff are you gonna fucking jump off a cliff I want half of America to think about that shit every fucking morning are you gonna fucking jump off a cliff are you gonna put your fucking pants on with the two buttons in the back and you're a guy and you tap on shirt and look like every other fucking Momo or you're gonna have your own fucking identity your own set of balls that's why I write shit about balls every morning because women and men have fucking balls turn that era it's
Starting point is 00:48:12 fucking sweating I'm sweating up a fucking storm in a more white you know women when I write those things I'm not writing them just for guys we all have fucking balls leave but they do you know good if you're not doing nothing with them get up in the morning it's fucking early I'm gonna have my little weight watchers breakfast you know I'm saying I'm the right it down in my book look at look at look at great shit in the cap box right in front of me great get your shit together over here look at it taking a shit right here you know I'm gonna do I'm gonna tie her up and shit in front of her fucking face that
Starting point is 00:48:40 old lady never walked back down this blocking oh you she couldn't that was a fucking hilarious I laughed just thinking about just thinking about I told my wife the story she couldn't fucking believe I farted outside gave her what a four minute four second fucking walk 30 seconds 30 seconds before she walked there and the fart just elevated it was like it was like David Copperfield it just stayed right you got a love for I love it I love it I'm for that's all old Joey that's not intelligent comedy was Bill Martin I love Bill Martin okay I love fucking Bill Martin watch this show Bill Martin put me on politically
Starting point is 00:49:14 incorrect one time as a monster yeah me and Sebastian Maniscalco oh he's funny man yeah Sebastian's real fucking funny this is when politically incorrect was still on they had mob week and they were looking for promos so me and Sebastian went down and we got booked I remember taking Sebastian behind let's walk in there fuck these motherfuckers up I haven't heard from him in a while he did that fucking show time special was hilarious oh he did show time when I saw his comedy central right this way to the jeans and he was waiting through the jeans right in Ross no he did one that got released Sebastian's a great kid
Starting point is 00:49:47 representing fucking Chicago for you motherfuckers that don't know next week September 14th me and Ari are going on pre-sale in Chicago the house of blues go to Chicago such a great gig please come out and support it's fucking Chicago bring a hot beef sandwich I love it you ever have a hot beef Italian sandwich no man I was asking I haven't I haven't been to Chicago but it seems like a place that I would like I being from Boston I would love it Chicago awesome I'm being from Boston being a fucking Jew right let's get to the fucking being a good American fucking Jew yeah you need to be the fucking Chicago it's
Starting point is 00:50:17 a great city you know my love for Chicago is the fucking I love everything south side fucking north side hold him the wall an Italian place in the north side I like downtown but my heart's in the side you know me I'm a dirty fuck yeah I believe I belong in Tindley Park down there with fucking riddles and all those comedy clubs down there you know if you Bernie Mack all those guys are from then you hear some fucking great comedy stories man they brave you're a comedian and you love that shit you ever see Cheryl Underwood pull aside Cheryl's on that show a morning show okay but she was telling me some fucking Chicago
Starting point is 00:50:52 stories when they don't get in the car for 50 bucks and shit like that so Chicago's my heart man every time I go oh my god a nice when I used to go to riddles there was a restaurant close by the Italian restaurant I would call them they would deliver a hot beef sandwich and in the sandwich they make a pipe for me out of aluminum foil and he put a little button there for me yeah to hold me over to the fucking club started that's how cool the fucking guy was so I'm a big Chicago guy I'm also next week I'm going to Minneapolis to Rick Bronson's House of Comedy I'll be at there from the 13th through the 16th I'm gonna have a
Starting point is 00:51:27 great time I don't know what the fucking number is but go to Rick Bronson's the website I'm doing Thursday show I'm doing Friday and Saturday a week after that I'm going to Madison Wisconsin fucking great time I go up there and sling some fucking dick and shoot some fucking gallons of fucking milky milk Rick Bronson's if you go to houseofcomedy.net you can get the tickets and then now we got a Milwaukee and Madison and they're on my site they're brown paper tickets I would repost them on Twitter today then I go to the fucking one of the baddest cities in the country and I'm looking forward also to
Starting point is 00:52:00 going to Baltimore because that's the wire bitch oh yeah I'm saying that's a motherfucker wire bitches I haven't been to Baltimore in about 15 years oh so you probably haven't been to Camden yard that's a great that's a great stadium oh don't fucking don't get me so that's a great fucking stadium and they're in first place now fucking Baltimore the Yankees are falling the Red Sox are falling Baltimore's in first place did you give me a piece I didn't fucking know that's a wait watch a breakfast right there say hello to the people at home honey show them the belly let me rub the belly all right so feel look at my wife
Starting point is 00:52:33 with the mini skirt well piece of bacon Lee sir to held you over there you go buddy so now it even gets it lowest this is it man this is it more fucking pizza and one egg yolk I don't like egg whites all right fuck you guys oh I fucking hate egg whites with all my heart I'm gonna why suck a dick and drink the pre-cut you know saying that's and we were talking earlier that's the thing I can't stand people who eat healthy and they're like oh salmon is great and boiled boiled broccoli like you can eat healthy but it doesn't have to be disgusting there still can be good tasting food that's why I like wait watch
Starting point is 00:53:08 this your fucking food yeah so so you can eat the two eggs and what will you have for lunch on it like not a normal day I guess I have my chicken salad this is my fucking soda no that's your soda today I don't know I have a bunch of fruit you little one mm-hmm if the lunch today maybe I don't know maybe get sushi today sushi's great but then it's I mean it's a standard joke but you really get hungry like an hour later which is tough I love sushi but it's anything like that it's all the rice and what I don't know what it is but it gets you I get you really hungry later but I saw something the other night which I don't know if
Starting point is 00:53:53 you'd like because it's all in Japanese with subtitles the documentary called zero dreams of sushi it's about this like 90 year old sushi chef in Japan who's been who got kicked out of his house at the age of nine and has been apprenticing and like the baddest sushi chef in Japan he's like yes he has like the highest rated sushi restaurant and that you're watching Lee instead of going to the Wimeshade doing jumping jacks you fuck about a sushi chef that's why I love you because you understand was he fat no he was skinny I fucked I don't like skinny chefs I don't trust him let me bring this back put on some
Starting point is 00:54:24 musically for these people hit him with some black Sabbath snow-blind a little song about cocaine and we'll wrap this motherfucker up today for everyone else Gerald's dreams of sushi is a really good documentary oh shit snow-blind line this motherfucker always messes up the lyrics like this one might be good what I said goes within my veins that shit used to drive me crazy I go home and whip out a grandma blow and do it to this shit I even line a fucking cemetery some afternoons under the Sun I swear to God when I was like a sophomore I go to a cemetery with my boys did he can tell
Starting point is 00:55:51 we take like a half gram do a couple bumps and listen to this with a ghetto blast I were taught it were weak this is bad listen to this shit this is I'm fucking real fuck yeah we were having a good time I'm having people coming in you know stick em dot com let's give them a shout out for letting us on there smoking dope cursing talking about Obama's wife's asshole you know and it's been unbelievable the amount of love we've gotten on Twitter and I've been getting emails oh and speaking of emails please send us emails at a church of what's happening now pod at gmail.com we already answered an email will answer
Starting point is 00:56:36 as many as we can any questions you want to ask Joey Joey Joey's really good breaking things down and it's it's we'd love questions we're still looking for intrasongs and I've gotten a bunch of great ones already but what we're looking for is like a rock one with maybe Joey saying church of what's happening now or we could record it here but just you know what kind of music Joey likes a fucking studio yeah I can record it somewhere we could do right here yeah fucking you think you're dealing with Joey bananas bitches but you know but like this black Sabbath is the stuff he likes and then just make
Starting point is 00:57:10 it make it as rock as possible it's a church of what's happening now we want to wake people up with this song this is it you're going on to the fucking world I'm like your mother right now I'm your mother I'm your daddy I'm the nigger in the fucking alley you know I'm saying I'm with you I'm with you all fucking day dog fuck all this shit you're not alone no more and I walk the fucking steps you know I'm saying I'm still walking them every day that's why I love walking with you cocks suckers maybe I'm gonna put we might do birth Christ here I'm beating the beast today oh that's all Felicia last night Felicia
Starting point is 00:57:40 is a really great woman and she's a really beautiful girl honest to God I'm really lucky to have that crazy bitch in my life yes she's a fucking an animal she really is a savage I didn't know till about three fucking months ago how lucky I was to have her around so keep listening to beauty the beast also we're fucking doing it all we're covering we got interviews so we might put bird on today because we had a fucking guest fighter gonna come on but he couldn't fly out he couldn't make his fucking flight so that's tough first a great guy though birds good on podcasts birds listen man these podcasts I listen to a lot
Starting point is 00:58:13 of them and I see which guys I haven't struggling with them because they can't be honest they think this is fucking radio the reason why we do this cuz it ain't fucking radio so why are you treating it like fucking radio yeah you know why the fuck are you treating it like radio if it's not radio get on there and tell these fucking people the truth tell them what's in your fucking heart these people want to go in the heart and be fucking radio you ain't selling shit tell these motherfuckers what's crack I like it that's why I had tea on this one I got really emotional I talked to you have no idea where my
Starting point is 00:58:41 heart in my head was that guy kept me fucking alive that guy kept myself Ferney Basasuda that's funny because Timmy Holloway I talked to Timmy Holloway yesterday and he asked me about Ferney Basasuda Ferney Basasuda and I were brothers Rago, Lincanti, Labrano, Roger Holloway these fucking guys are my brothers and the Ferney thing is really sad I was there with Ferney when it started he got hooked on gambling oh he was the one who been on the Super Bowl right? He was on the Super Bowl he was up fucking 20 ended up losing fucking 60 right out of high school 1983 the rest 60,000
Starting point is 00:59:15 from being up 20,000 to being down 60 what a fucking change and he had to get three jobs and it never he never recovered from it you know and he fucking turned into a junkie they said and whatever but he's cooking somewhere in Hoboken I heard he's a great chef and he hits me up on my life from time to time who's on fucking my life they want to charge you like 80 dollars to join my I think it's a scam they always say Ferney Basasuda was looking for you on my arm whatever the fuck it is but I think it's bullshit but whatever T raised a bunch of us you know myself down Rago we were there every day we go to school
Starting point is 00:59:52 looking for T because God forbid you missed what the guy had to say God forbid you've seen somebody in third period like dog you should have heard what T said this morning because you had different periods that went in there he took care of me in 85 and dog it's fucking 2012 I still talk to the guy once a week he's in Sarasota so they don't have that much now and there's it's really something special when you get a teacher because like you said before when you're a kid they spend like 80% of time with you fucking percent of time with you you know and now since all these budget cuts and shit you get the
Starting point is 01:00:23 low end of the totem pole people that molest kids listen when I went to school I never heard of fucking teachers a male teacher assaulting a female and like that yeah like I said the other day there was a female teacher that was sucking wrestlers dicks that's a complete different situation she likes sweaty balls she likes smelly sweaty balls I'm talking about you know people molesting kids that didn't happen in my fucking society you know fucking kill you that's not accepted that's not even something to think about you know this shit that goes on now so you have a certain trust in a fucking teacher how's
Starting point is 01:00:54 he gonna be following your dick and don't get me wrong you know by the time we are in high school we were partying with these motherfuckers I mean he was talking about George McGrath the camel breath you know George McGrath camel breath sold blow for a guy helped him out that they had to make deliveries and you couldn't you know you're white you can't have a fucking Colombian kid coming over here so he'd be the white guy he'd deliver to white people for this guy you know he'd have parties and shit as a teacher delivering coke at night to make a to make a fucking living you know I mean this is this was that area
Starting point is 01:01:27 this is 1980 in Hudson County fucking New Jersey this is the second you know the coke comes in goes into Miami and from Miami we go to Hudson fucking County it's Cuba fucking film you know yeah and that couldn't happen now with Facebook and so that would get out in two seconds well it wasn't that he wasn't selling it to kids he was doing it outside in New York City so the guy he was working for was in New York City so he would have to go to New York you know white guys having a charity you know you know those people they want to give but they want everybody in the world to know oh my god you know so they call
Starting point is 01:01:59 somebody in McGrath would fucking come bring a fucking package that's what I'm talking about okay wasn't like some guy at a bar no he was delivering it to white people people Republicans you know people who got door living the fucking Upper West Side Upper East Side you know and he got into selling it for a while afterward he was because what happened was we robbed the story goes like this we robbed the coach the other two weeks after the guy he was the guy that beat us for the Ozzy Osmore tickets okay when I went over and he goes no the coke is really 120 a gram well like you've been charging us 60 the whole
Starting point is 01:02:27 fucking time his name was Mike and I went in there we robbed him for a half ounce of fucking blow and that Sunday we had Ferney in the car it was summer school you if you had three absences they would throw you out of summer school wow so fucking Ferney had two or three out two had two absences we were up all night doing blow so we had to go to T's house and tell T if he could cover for him in summer school this is the kind this is how we had it and I remember we knocked on his door at seven morning he's like his wife was like oh my god Coco Ferney how good to see you she's like I'll get Freddie and also he comes
Starting point is 01:03:01 on he's like look at these fucking guys so he get he was like go outside and wait for us you know so it's me Ferney this kid Conti sitting in the fucking car and all of a sudden downstairs from T there was a teacher named Jerry Composto a real Greek geeky motherfucker good good guy and he would drive for Freddie to school and mr. T came down the stairs and he's like what's going on here we showed him the half ounce of fucking blow in a tent and he went crazy like he was telling the teacher two minutes and finally when we show him the 10 years like Composto leave without me and he drove with us and I thought it
Starting point is 01:03:35 was him I was gonna bring it up and I gave him a grandma blow and a week later I had to go collect the money and I went and he goes go to George McGrath when I went to George George goes of course he did of course he snorts and I pay you know so he goes you thought that was good shit you gave me and I go he whoops out of fucking bag out of his freezer it had to be two fucking kilos and he goes try this so for weeks I was fronting from mr. McGrath fronting going over and going mr. McGrath give me an eight ball Joey you owe me $2,000 when is this gonna end you know what does mean I would go put it on the arm and he
Starting point is 01:04:10 go my arms are heavy my arms are fucking heavy cocoa I don't like putting on glasses I feel like that fucking dude from whatever but it was funny because I always was friends with McGrath after that that was friends with tea and stuff and the other day we had Lube on Lube was talking about robbing Hess a gas station we robbed the Hess one time and the funny thing about the Hess was that we robbed something and it was a big bag well we looked at each other like rich we get in the fucking car we open it up and it's filled with singles oh Jesus it looked like eight million dollars but it was all singles and I remember
Starting point is 01:04:49 getting 300 singles together for George McGrath I call him and going at three in the morning mr. McGrath were going down the shore front me out give me an eight-point him going no no no no no no you owe too much already cocoa and I go I got cash and he goes I'll see you in a corner in three minutes I swear to God that's how the conversation was and I met him at this bag 300 hours look like one of those bags when cartoons that have the money signed on unbelievable it was this fucking big and he looked at it he's like thank God you pay me the money oh but an hour later I call my wife everything already goes 300 fucking
Starting point is 01:05:23 singles 300 fucking singles what am I gonna do with this shit you fucking moron that was McGrath is on fucking Facebook you won't friend he won't be my friend that's a shirt for you he won't be my friend on Facebook so what are you on your agenda today Lee what are you gonna do today it's a beautiful Wednesday day it's a beautiful day I'm gonna try to work out before I go to work man that's all I can do right so I'll be around so maybe we'll work out together I'll be absolutely I'm gonna go to the Y again today I do something I don't have much on the books today but I'm happy you came over I'm happy fucking Mr. T called I'm
Starting point is 01:05:56 happy we got to do our fourth fucking podcast it'll be up later this week yeah I'll be up by tomorrow it's amazing talking to the people you talk to and we all heard stories about them but it's hearing them on the phone he wasn't what I thought he was gonna sound like I can just I can just imagine him in Sarasota Florida right now just walking around with white socks on the long skinny legs telling people go on with your bad self yeah and what did he say like the Oye's or whatever the fucking Oye's because that's how Latino's oh yeah oh yeah come on they only say oh yeah so he came from a different society's like
Starting point is 01:06:26 the fucking Oye's it's really amazing it shows where you got your company from every every person we talked to it's like a little piece of Joey Diaz no he's he was my one of my biggest fucking mentors and that's it brother when are we coming back we'll be doing another podcast do you want to do one Monday or let's do one fucking Monday perfect maybe we'll do one before church again we don't know okay on a Sunday because last Sunday was fucked up we'll have to take him to the hoop league thank you very much for helping me and all that you've done for me I want to thank everybody who watched I want to thank everybody who
Starting point is 01:06:59 fucking download this motherfucker also also we did not discuss it it is the season premiere of NFL football this weekend but I have no lines I can't I have to watch a few games and then we'll make you guys some money because I'm gonna make you money fucking watching the show trust me when I tell you Lee tell him you know it's tell him I'll take it to the hoop I would come back when Joey for about a year and he would call me every Sunday morning Joey calls me about every day just to check in and he would call me on Sunday morning and say what are you looking at no I don't want the Patriots and he would break down he's
Starting point is 01:07:32 like who's playing today who's playing today you break like the Browns he break down every game and he would it would be like the Browns and Cincinnati which no one wants to watch but he but he said that's where you put your money that's where you put your money why why bet the games that we have a fucking momos watching be fucking unique be yourself bro that's all that fucking matters don't forget Minnesota next week Wisconsin and Milwaukee and Madison and then we got fucking Baltimore beside that go to Joey Coco Diaz net we got don't eat blue cheese shirts we got stay black shirts JR send them to
Starting point is 01:08:04 Australia to England he don't give a fuck JR is my little black brother up there and fucking Rockchester New York JR productions he'll be tweaked he's a fucking savage Lee I love your cocksucker have a great week I want to hear about you're working on your diet when you get back you gotta go wait wait watch as you can eat whatever the fuck you want you know instead of eating 20 pieces of chicken you can eat one piece of chicken with a salad yeah we'll talk about it Monday I love you guys thank you very much for paying attention and for watching and stay black sticky stick them dot com get it together cocksuck
Starting point is 01:08:32 as I'm watching you know I love you here's a black Sabbath war pigs go out to the world on that fucking no cocksuckers this jew is making a comeback today you

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