Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #092 | TIM DILLON | UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT with JOEY DIAZ

Episode Date: August 25, 2021

Welcome to The JOINT..... It’s Wednesday, August 25th..... Today we talk with our Friend & Comedian, TIM DILLON…. Follow Tim on Social Media:  https://www.instagram.com/timjdillon https://www.twi...tter.com/timjdillon This episode is brought to you by Me Undies, Zip Recruiter & CBD Lion..... Go to https://www.MeUndies.com/JOEY Promo Code: JOEY | 15% & FREE SHIPPING! Go to https://www.ZipRecruiter.com/JOEY Go to https://www.CBDLion.com PROMO CODE: JOEY or JOINT Follow Uncle Joey on Social Media: https://www.Twitter.com/madflavor https://www.Instagram.com/madflavors_world And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #TimDillon The JOINT is Produced by: Michael Klein aka @onebyonepodcast on Social Media: https://www.Instagram.com/onebyonepodcast https://www.twitter.com/onebyonepodcast Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video.....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's happening you bad motherfuckers it's wednesday the 25th of august a beautiful fucking day to be alive the joiner is brought to you by and i'm walking him back to the show me undies the best in the fucking business i still have 200 pairs of me undies even though they weren't with us for the last year i still been wearing their underwear why because they're the fucking goods that's why i love me undies me undies are designed to be the softest thing on earth that may sound like i'm fucking exaggerating but it's the truth softer than the baby's butt softer than a feather softer than a carvel cake that's been sitting in the sun me undies signature micro modell fabric literally grows from trees that means those undies are soft and sustainable i have all of them
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Starting point is 00:04:31 we got tim dillon on here today we ain't got time to play games people let's do this check one two welcome to uncle joey's joint so what's happening your beautiful mother fuckers it's wednesday the 25th of fucking august that's it we're getting closer to fucking labor day the summer's coming to a fucking end and we're making it happen i'm still away but we had time to do the fucking podcast for you and we got a great guest this week uh it's fucking weird man comedy you never know anything about comedy you know when you get into comedy you get in there with this blind you know you don't want to you don't know
Starting point is 00:06:10 where you want to go you don't want to raise your head and say i'm a comic and i want to be a movie star i'm a comic and i want to have a fucking tv show you're getting ahead of yourself you never know where you're going to end up so when you become a comic like i did i just became a comic to become a comic i didn't become a comic to be on tv i didn't become a comic to be on hbo i just wanted a life and i didn't want to be a fucking criminal anymore that's the only reason why i got into comedy there was the last resort for a guy like me sometimes you know i had no fucking gd i had a gd i didn't have anything going on then i got the felony and i knew i couldn't keep beating the fucking same old drum so comedy was something i could fucking tolerate if you saw me on stage
Starting point is 00:06:57 in 94 could you tell that i was going to be something no no not at all you know i couldn't fucking tell i was lucky if i would just be able to stay in comedy for 10 years never mind 30 fucking years by the time i was doing comedy five years i had an identity you know you you have an identity it's like it's like when you hear three chords on a fucking guitar you know you know if it's david gilmore you know if it's jimmy page you know if it's fucking you know you know if it's the guy from fucking motley crew i mean you know from their chords they don't have to tell you i reclapped him you know and that's what happens with stand-up you start seeing people and you go wow that person's getting better you know you never think that that person's gonna be a star you could
Starting point is 00:07:53 just that's why i love watching comedy i always loved watching comedy and watching my friends do comedy because you could tell like holy shit they're going somewhere with this you you really don't know you know i never judge what the industry said it was always me watching you on stage going this motherfucker could rock this chicks a bad motherfucker here but i could never really tell then you start getting what's called industry heat which is you know you start going to montreal and the moon tower and the festivals or whatnot and you still can't really tell because listen if you saw me in 1998 you would say joey dears didn't have a fucking chance the same way rogan said it rogan always said that when he met me i was struggling so if you saw me the first seven
Starting point is 00:08:51 years in comedy you would have said this poor bastard doesn't have a chance in fact one of the things that till this day bothers me and it was my ex-girlfriend her brother we went to a show one night her brother came and her brother looked at a comic that i was there and i think he said it to get under my fucking skin or he said it uh just because he was a fucking moron he goes that comic right there is gonna go places and i made a mental note i was like i'm gonna make a mental note if this guy knew what the fuck he was talking about i mean it was 1995 i was only doing comedy four years i didn't really have any expectations then but for this idiot to say that this guy was gonna be a fucking star in 20 years so i remember it lit a fucking light under my ass you know like i'm
Starting point is 00:09:41 like i gotta be funny and this guy and also made me stay in touch with this guy like i would stay in touch with him over the years and the result was this i got somewhere and this guy's still in this little fucking hellhole doing $50 fucking gigs you know the potential was there but he didn't look at it how i did i on the other hand started off slow and picked up momentum you know like i said at 1998 i was already a regular at the store but i was a regular because of my presence not because it was going out of my mouth it was my presence and my energy that's what pulled me along those fucking days and i'm really proud of that you know i'm like i i've said it to you guys before i'm no john malaney i'm no bill burr i'm joey motherfucking cocoa dears i'm a storyteller
Starting point is 00:10:37 i do observational comedy you know i improvise whatever the fuck i do i wish i could write like those guys but that's not the way it worked out everybody has a different journey on this fucking earth you know and with comedy you never fucking know you just go do you think i could be on tv i don't fucking know i'm not gonna sit here and blow smoke up your ass until you're gonna be on tv you know but you're not gonna be on tv if you don't fucking go for it that's the start right there i don't know you know the other night we were watching a world series of fucking softball my father-in-law called and he's like it's eight it's nine the 12 year olds see if mercy wants to watch it you know i called mercy she had come out of the shower and we're watching this fucking
Starting point is 00:11:24 world series the fucking girl was thrown 95 miles an hour she was 12 years old or some shit you know so you know i could just watch girls softball for 10 15 minutes and then i start feeling like a fucking pedophile but thank god i'm there with my daughter and my wife so i don't feel even fucking worse than what i do feel i'm sitting there got my sweats on i'm relaxing and i'm watching this shit and i told mercy mercy it's going to be nine o'clock in a little while you're gonna have to hit the fucking crib and she goes okay dad and finally she went over kissed her mom and she came over to me and she gave me a kiss and then she was walking to her bedroom she turned around she looked at me she goes you know what one day i'm gonna play softball on
Starting point is 00:12:06 fucking tv and i was like holy fucking my fucking jaw dropped and i'm like this is the fucking tremendous that for her it was kind of the same thing for me like i was playing basketball i got left back i was lost and i was learn trying to learn moves and fucking you know different things when watching college basketball and pro basketball i would be addicted to it and one day i'm watching a college game on a fucking saturday afternoon and they say something about jersey city you know and i was like what the fuck there's somebody on this team from jersey city and i remember i went to the courts that sunday and i asked somebody i was watching the nc double a's and they said there was a kid on there from jersey city and i wanted for me yeah there's a
Starting point is 00:13:00 kid on fucking north carolina from jersey city he goes i forget what his name is so i was like fuck it that monday was the final game of the nc double a final was the end of march madness and i'll never forget i sat by the tv waiting for the game to come on and it was marquette versus north carol fucking liner in the finals phil ford all these fucking players jerome whitehead but when they brought up north carolina they said starting forward a freshman from jersey city new jersey six foot seven inches mike o koren a fucking irish kid with bad skin and acne and i remember when i fucking you know because when you hear jersey city it's one thing but to see this fucking beautiful white boy come out with his baby blue fucking shirt and he was number 31 and also on
Starting point is 00:13:55 the bottom because remember hearing and seeing there's two different fucking things when i saw jersey fucking city my head blew up it was like my daughter tasting black beans for the first time you could see something wasn't right she was like eight months old and she was like that she was stuttering like labrano so fucking when i saw that i fucking went nuts i was like holy shit that was my life's inspiration if i gotta tell you what my life's biggest inspiration was was seeing mike o koren that day and jersey city because jersey city turns into north bergen and if a jersey city kid could be on fucking tv so can a fucking north bergen kid and that's how i looked at i had to look at it that way that inspired me for the rest of my life the other day i was sitting
Starting point is 00:14:45 there and i'm like i'm thinking of calling my man jim haig he writes for the the one of the jersey newspapers in jersey city he gave me o koren's number about a year ago before the pandemic and he told me to call i told him i go koren inspired me in ways that i could never be fucking inspired before and he goes here's his number give him a call now i'm fucking embarrassed but i was embarrassed at the time but after thinking about what he did for me and shit i said fuck it it's time to call mike o koren so maybe we'll have him on the fucking podcast and we'll talk about how he inspired me and whatnot he'd coach the nets he's an ounce and now he's great but that was for my daughter to say that to me the other day i felt like how i felt in the
Starting point is 00:15:30 fucking seventh grade when i saw mike o koren i knew i was gonna do something with my life as crazy as it sounds and look at years later anyway i'm going i'm heading up to shoot a tv show so 50 fucking years later it panned out for me anyway this week's guest is uh you know i'm getting older i love looking i won't when i was doing comedy i love going to the store earlier and watching different comics do their fucking thing you know but i really enjoyed i didn't enjoy the names i enjoyed the door guys you know uh there was one guy that used to do saturdays early i forget what is that aphelo or something in an la i forget what his name is he used to fucking kill me on saturday nights i would go down there early just to benny ruffalo whatever
Starting point is 00:16:28 his name benny i think i don't know he was just funny as fuck at the store there were some guys at the store that made me fucking laugh my ass off that you would know if you know to store guys and young guys that were just really funny you know this this guy that i had on the podcast this week i feel that him shoals you know these guys all have the ticket on fucking comedy it's just a matter of time before they become stars and my jealous fuck no i'm happier for these guys i'm happy for people when they strive because i want people to strive my job is to pull people up about 15 years ago i met with this dude i was talking to him at lunch this is before i got back into stand up in the church and he goes you really got to work stand up and be a mentor for younger guys you
Starting point is 00:17:24 know give them light because the more light you give them the more light you'll get and he was right this is what rogan has done over the years with his podcast you got to give a younger comics light you can't be jealous of them or judge them or say they're gonna suck fuck no you got to say you know fucking salute and fucking wishing the best and this guy i called last week we talked i heard something about him i checked in on him and i asked him if you want to do the podcast and we had a great time so here he is mr tim dillon enjoy i'll be back at the end of this to check in with you cocksuckers tim dillon looking good what's up brother how are you how are you my brother thanks for having me how are they treating you down in austin i'm about out of here you know i
Starting point is 00:18:13 mean i'm about i'm i'm little by little about to uh i'm going back to los angeles we just got i got an apartment the other day and then i have a house here that i own but i'm i'm gonna i'm fixing it up and i'm gonna try to maybe rent it out uh and hold on to it for a little bit absolutely look at it as an investment where you going right you're on the road you're doing your stuff i'm on the road just recovering from covet i got it i don't know where i got it i think those bastards in orange county gave it to me and um you know i'm still a little beat i'm a little tired but i've beat most of it but i'm a little fatigued what is it like four or five days now i got diagnosed i got i tested positive last tuesday last wednesday last wednesday
Starting point is 00:19:05 and now it's um uh so wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday monday where what is it uh eight days it's eight days so for you no it's a bitch it's a little bit of a bitch it lingers it lingers you know it's a it lingers it's one of those things where even after you beat it there's levels to beating it no shit yeah you gotta take vitamins and stuff gotta take all that shit you gotta just you gotta you gotta rest up and build you know i'm walking like three miles a day now two and a half three miles a day and just trying to get your energy up things like that but i was lucky people got it a lot worse than me a lot of people have gotten a lot worse than you and that's what i don't understand like i know jujitsu schools i know a bunch of people that have not
Starting point is 00:19:57 gotten it yeah and they're wrestling with motherfuckers every day and getting bit on the neck and they didn't get you know i nobody has a fucking you know now it that's one of those the variation in our species is one of the reasons that one virus could never take us all down it's very interesting a doctor explained that to me he goes the fact that certain people aren't getting it means that there will be no one virus that'll get everybody so that's interesting it's like he goes virus can never take out humanity because some motherfuckers just won't get it well knock on wood i haven't gotten it yet but i'm not you know you never fucking know you don't know what you know i swam in the Hudson i went on triple runs and ate that foreign ass on triple runs
Starting point is 00:20:45 that Montana ass and shit if that doesn't build your fucking immune system nothing will you understand me so you've got a very strong immune system well no knock on wood we're still not out of the fucking woods yet you know but you think about you know you've been on planes for 20 or at least for me i've been traveling for 20 years god knows what's on those fucking planes yeah you know and i would always get prepared before i get on a plane now i don't want to get on a fucking plane it's just like i'm not in a fucking mood right now after 20 fucking years i hear i get it i don't want to get on a plane either but i'll have to but yeah no i think that uh hopefully we're on the way out of this we're gonna have it's gonna be a little nasty in the fall and then hopefully by the time we get
Starting point is 00:21:32 to christmas new years it's looking better it's looking real good and by the time we get the next spring we're golden you think we will be able to sing in our homes this christmas let's band singing last year on christmas they band remember that they band singing yeah they're not bad i don't think they're gonna ban anything i don't think they're gonna shut anything down i think it's just you know we're gonna have to learn to live with it this thing's not going anywhere you know in a way you should be happy you got it over with yeah you're gonna live and now you can't get it unless it's a different fucking variant right and it will be but it will be yeah i will be god only knows what variance coming next i'm happy i'm alive dude when i know people uh you know i don't know
Starting point is 00:22:21 anyone directly but i do know people that are you know that i know that they're real who uh died of this who've died and who've you know have not uh made it out so it's it's good to just say hey i'm i i lived now you could really go for it you know the reason why i thought about you for the podcast was because somebody was asking me the other day they're like you know with comedy how do you feel about other comics and i'm like well i gotta be honest with you the comics that i met at the store like the let's just take the store for example i cheer for you guys like i'm i'm an old fucking fart you know i'm saying i got maybe five fucking years left you know i enjoy being a dad i enjoy being home but i look at you guys and you guys got the world by the balls now and i'm sitting here
Starting point is 00:23:17 on the sidelines cheering for you fucking savages like i told you when you first talked to me about you know leaving Austin i said to you bro go back to LA the team is ready for you that's it you're the you're the next one on the totem pole you know if you want it if you want it you're the next one i appreciate it you we think you're a young man you just need to to realize how young you are you're young at heart and everywhere else um i yeah i had to get out of Austin Austin uh you know i never fell in love with it the way that joe did or the way that other people did it just wasn't it it didn't grab me it didn't catch me it wasn't for me i mean i don't know what people are seeing that fall in love with it but they're seeing something and then maybe it's that i'm not
Starting point is 00:24:04 seeing it uh but then i i just you know i gave it a shot for months months and months and months and uh you know it's one of the least favorite places i've ever lived and i've lived on the east coast i've lived on the west coast uh but living here has been an education because now i say to myself this is not for me well at least you got it out of the way listen when it came to me when rogan proposed austin to me i was very happy at first i have nothing against austin i love i loved going there once a year right we all did we all love it for a few hours i love that double tree yeah i love that fucking uh poppy does you just roll out of bed and walk across the street i thought that was one of the easiest weeks in the country for me and i enjoyed the people
Starting point is 00:24:58 and i saw what they were trying to do and i was at first i told juggle let me just think about it but i had my heart set on new jerry i've been here a year today yeah a fucking year so it's like i just wanted to come to jersey because i was i wanted to be around my family that's it and you know everybody i think somebody told me once they said if you're lucky enough you get to go home this is what somebody told me once which i think made a lot of sense i'm like i think about that sometimes after you know i do my thing in la and you know will i end up back on the east coast i don't know but if somebody said to me once they said if you're lucky enough you get to go back home and i think you were lucky enough you worked your ass off
Starting point is 00:25:38 you worked really hard you made a lot of good things happen and and then you had the benefit of being able to go back to the place that you grew up that made you who you were and you have your daughter now and your wife and you could show them the experiences you know that you had growing up there well she's thanked me about a week two weeks ago my daughter took me aside eight years old and she's like that thank you for bringing me here thank you for turning me on to your food she fucking loves white castle you know she'll ask me twice a week can we go to white castle you know she loves fucking carvel i mean i took her out sunday she loves carvel she's all over
Starting point is 00:26:22 fucking carvel uh well yeah last night she asked me because i took her to a football game she's like you know it's uh get a sunday free today carvel i'm like we're not fucking going to carvel because i take a once a week for her every now and a second her a little fucking vanilla ice cream soda yeah but even like i could tell how she treats the people i grew up with right contrast to other people she really digs them she really goes out in a way to talk to them she's asked she asked some questions like did you go to school with my daddy you know so she's really appreciate that's what made me happy right right now i gotta be honest with you i've been having an all right time here but watching her have a great time makes my dick hard what's the difference between
Starting point is 00:27:10 when you grew up there and now how what what are the major changes holy shit it's listen i grew up in a city that was buck fucking wild no rules i was getting dressed yesterday in the shower and i was thinking about a friend of mine get me a job one day and before he left the room he goes enjoy your job you know and he goes don't forget to steal because if you don't steal they're gonna know i was stealing who the fuck tells you that in a society so it was buck wild up there i live an hour from where i grew up where i grew up is really fucking populated it's right across the hudson river from new york city so i didn't want to move up there there was no way i was moving up there right i'm in a place now where you know it's wide open there's trees the other was smoking
Starting point is 00:28:00 a joint on my front porch and two deer run ran in front of me i thought i was gonna have a fucking heart attack them dill yeah i thought i was gonna shit my fucking pants when i seen those uh deer my front porch at a quarter to 11 i got a cup of tea and me and i got half a joint i'm just sitting and i heard this fucking thing and the two deer jumped out in front of me and i almost shit my it's a different world to him yeah it's a different world you know and uh i'm happy i got to bring her here i'm happy my wife is here she's having a great time my wife had friends my wife has friends now that don't give a fuck who i am right you know before she would make a friend and after two weeks the girl would say you know can we bring give your husband a script and my wife would go
Starting point is 00:28:44 was this what it's all about and then when my wife tells him no they stopped talking to my wife that was la for my wife yeah and see what they could get out of her on her end and uh if nothing move the fuck on you know so right she's in a different place now she's surrounded with real parents yeah they care about their kids yeah these people are not you know in la people use their kids they're pimping out their kids in that way fucking marketing fucking cool no they're pimping out their kids yeah no it's crazy dope i know people will have a kid just to put them in carpenter yeah they don't give a fuck about the kid carpenter school for people don't know it's in studio city right and it's a grammar school but it's where all the fucking celebrities go their kids go to
Starting point is 00:29:28 school yeah and they have their christmas party at cbs radford on the lot yeah the fucking public school because i have a godson who's like a quarter filipino but we say chinese because we want him to you know higher end we say japanese or chinese we don't admit to filipino but he's but he's the chubby baby with the asian face i go let's get him in something let's make a couple of dollars here you know because the reality is is you know he the only thing he could be is is a nurse really because his mother's in our filipino nurse i said so let's just make let's get him like he'll drink some juice he eats the doughnut let's make a few hundred grand of this motherfucker before because he might grow up to be a beautiful kid but he also might grow up to be
Starting point is 00:30:12 absolutely uh disgusting we don't know so i get it like in la like sometimes you just gotta make the money while they're young let me tell you something i remember going to fucking auditions for commercials and seeing like you know when you go to those auditions they have eight rooms right and they have one room that's for kids like kids come and i would sit there and just watch the parents and watch the kids and fucking get sick to my stomach yeah how the parents would act because the parents are like pistol pete's father yeah they're pushing the kid they're telling the kid he's gotta get this audition the fucking poor kid wants to play with blocks right you know yeah some of those kids are psychopaths you know i well i was an actor as a kid when i was young i
Starting point is 00:30:58 was on sesame street i started in plays when i was like six no shit swear to god and i legitimately i did i toured around the country with a show my mother went on tour with me i did a lot of theater i did i did sesame street i did a student nyu student film i never did anything big i i tried out for big shit but i never got like home improvement or any of those big sitcom i never got them um and my parents were like they they weren't good at being a stage mom like they should have been pushier and more aggressive but they weren't and then every time i would fail at the audition we would go home through penn station in new york city and i would go can i go can i go to dairy queen and they would get me a dairy queen blizzard and i would eat it like a failure in the waiting
Starting point is 00:31:46 room uh of the long island railroad and i would get i would get like i forget what kind i'd get i get a Oreo or Reese's peanut butter cup blizzard and i would just sit there and eat it like a failure and then we'd finally take the train home so it was a tragic thing but i i had fun doing it but i never made it but you did it 13 i became a cocaine addict so maybe it's not good you started snorting at 13 at 13 yeah holy summer going into high school yeah jesus christ him dylan what haven't you done i was at my friend tina deluca's house and we're in long island and she had a nice house on the water and she goes we got you know me and a couple other friends were there and you know they were like let's try cocaine i said that sounds like a great idea and she had it and
Starting point is 00:32:33 we did it didn't even work i didn't eat the first time i said it doesn't even we had to keep doing it and doing it and then finally uh you know it took you got a drink with it yeah yeah it took eventually but i mean i was smoking weed i was doing acid uh you know all of those things yeah first tab of acid i was in um my first tab of acid you're gonna laugh was at my friend's house i was in eighth grade the second time i did acid i was on the graduation stage of my junior high school and me and my friend shea my friend tina we're like at three uh we all took a tab of acid and we were standing there and the valedictorian is up there wouldn't shut up some you know some asian girl and uh she was talking and talking god bless her but she was talking about you know
Starting point is 00:33:26 whatever you know and we were just standing there and then finally we went to the beach afterwards we were all we were finally tripping but yeah i started really young and then i sobered up at 25 so i had about a 10 year period of of being out and doing wild shit now you sober today sober is a church no drinking no smoking no getting no pills no weed nothing how long now about 11 years no shit him down about 11 years yeah the only guy struggle with his cigarettes i'm i'm not smoking them now and i don't think i'll smoke them for a while because it co once you get covid and you start breathing you go motherfucker i you know i don't want to i won't go back to cigarettes but like 11 years of nothing that's tremendous it's good yeah i'm i'm pumped about
Starting point is 00:34:15 that i'm happy about that it's funny when i first started doing coke i was 16 the first time i did coke and the first couple times i did it i wasn't getting high i thought it was a joke that's right yeah i thought it was a joke on me i'm like you know how sat night live people said it was fucking hysterical i would run home to watch and go this ain't funny yeah this ain't fucking funny you know uh samurai i mean i love belushi but that shit just wasn't funny to me at that age so i thought it was part of the big joke on uncle joey like it's a big fucking joke nobody gets high on this shit right and i would pay another 50 bucks for a half gram try it again and nothing and it wasn't till one night that we mugged steady freddy at punt them fuel and we got an
Starting point is 00:35:00 eight ball that i started drinking michelow blights and my jaw started going and i'm like finally after fucking nine months yeah i'm getting high on this shit i threw must i must have thrown two grand at this fucking dealer yeah for nothing it was nothing but once i started getting high it was tremendous yeah and i love it i love it i love we used to do it in our office because we were mortgage guys and it was good to just read blast lines right off the desk how long did you stay up for how many nights was your record i think my record was close to three that's what was my record three fucking three think how how happy you are now yeah that you're not doing a three day as a fucking comic let me tell you something as a comic the worst thing you could have is a monkey
Starting point is 00:35:45 on your back that's true and go on the road it's it's a horrible thing and i told people that if i still had the monkey on my back i would have gone on the road every weekend right that's what you do you're on the road you snore coke you fucking pick up freaks on the road and you do what you do but thank god like i still remember getting fucking high in bowmont texas out of all with a weird place is eating 30 valium's yeah for the weekends 10 mil you know and just so the last my last run on the road was sober you know reefer and edibles right you could i could still wake up at seven and make radio it's not like you get coked up and at 6 30 gotta call the radio station and tell me i'm feeling good i'm not feeling good i had some msg last night
Starting point is 00:36:31 you gotta call jim norton and tell him it's six in the morning i'm not gonna make it i had msg because that's what usually happened to me and it wasn't even snorting coke it was just you get off the plane you're living in california hours and you come to new york you're up till four in the fucking morning right and they want you in radio at 7 30 you're like shit i didn't fall asleep till five last night it must have been the msg it was a general towels chicken it was a general towels chicken and shit i'm happy to not be doing it like to not be doing it is is good absolutely man it blocks you as a comic yes comics think that you know i for years tim dillon i did not quit snorting coke because i thought the funniness would go out the fucking window right i thought it made me wild
Starting point is 00:37:19 on stage and i thought it made me edgier on stage you gave me like an edgy it's like when somebody takes a picture with a cigarette in their mouth right you know i'm saying they're trying to look edgy or will they take a picture with a budweiser in their hand with somebody else with a budweiser in their hand right it's the same thing when you're doing comedy i mean if you're a young comic and you're snorting or doing pills i'll tell you what and you're having a good time i ain't mad at you but if you really want your comedy to soar because i think the comedy blocks i think the cocaine and the drugs block your heart from your mind like to put your heart really into your sets i mean when i was doing coke i really couldn't put my heart into a set that's correct it
Starting point is 00:38:00 wouldn't go through like the my heart wouldn't go through it would just be words it's a block you said it perfectly it blocks you and in life in general that's what it does right so in life across the board it it it blocks who you truly are your true capabilities your true potential from being realized because you know you are a science experiment at that point you know you are different you're altered you're changed you're you're on a drug you know oh and and you're you're being impacted by the substance so you're you're you're you're you know it's you're you're an experiment you don't know what you're gonna do and that's like when i used to hang out with with people and i would see them and they would be using a lot of drugs i'd go that person is becoming
Starting point is 00:38:50 the drug they're not even them anymore it's like they're you know little by little whoever they are is is just becoming a you know you just become like you're taken over by this monster and you just exist to get the drug your your legs and arms are just to get on phones and to drive cars to get the drug it's crazy when you think about it like that you're you're you're operating systems hijack and literally your entire day or everything you think about everything you do it's all to just procure this substance and do it and it's a binary existence you're either high or you're not you're happy or you're not and i did that for a long time and it's good to not be in that position now 14 fucking years from me i have no regrets right i couldn't snort a line of coke now if
Starting point is 00:39:39 you fucking paid me i don't care if you forced me to snort it off the girl's pussy from fucking right hot chick that's like 50 years old that used to date pete whatever his name is davison i don't care i don't i can't even imagine yeah what it would feel like now i have a hard time with alcohol now right since i moved here i drank a fucking claw one day i almost had a fucking heart attack alcohol really doesn't agree with uncle joey yeah yeah you're at the point now it's probably like you have your weed you have an occasional stop at carvel that's it you know you we all pick our poisons and thank god that you know yours are manageable i like that you're a carvel guy i see you posting the fluffy the cakes yeah yeah fudge you the whale fudge you the whale
Starting point is 00:40:26 yeah there's nothing there's nothing better it's the the best ice cream in the united states i'll i'll you know i'll talk shit to anybody that denies that it's fucking crazy that was i was sitting with these parents yeah and they said what are you gonna do after the game i go this is about a month ago i'm going to carvel and they go what's that oh i go motherfucker you grew up in newark you don't know what the fuck carvel is and he's like nah we go to a place called sunday's i listen that's done yeah that's done with carvel people i'm fucking team carvel cocksucker yeah yeah carvel since 1973 yeah you know i'm running with carvel how you gonna break i my loyalty is fucking carvel but by saw on your instagram you always post them when you're on the east coast and i'm on the east
Starting point is 00:41:11 coast that's my it's my favorite thing to do when i get when i get on long island that's it i mean it's like that was when we you were growing up in long island if you were good you got carvel you know your parents would go if you were good you could get carvel that's how they would bribe us they go well go to carvel just behave well go to carvel on the way home just shut up and you would have to behave for the day and then you get carvel on the way back and that was how they just kept us alive i gotta tell you what tim dylan i know you're a fucking professional i don't mean to bring this up i know you like your food where i'm living in south jersey believe it or not you know me i'm a fucking loyal follower to carvel right but there's a place on the nine in freehold called
Starting point is 00:41:52 jersey freeze not fucking bad tim dylan okay okay not fucking bad i went the last time i was there as i was pulling in bruce string springsteen was pulling out really people were chasing with cameras and shit i'm like what the fuck just happened wow they're like you miss bruce springsteen i'm like holy fuck i saw him in the fucking jeep pulling out i thought it was him and i saw like three little fucking homeless people chasing them and shit with cameras yeah and then i went to eat the other night and they're like you see that gym right there bruce springsteen works out there there's these fucking restaurants down here from people from statin island that have relocated italians they got everything here tim dylan bagels down here you got wah wah you got some
Starting point is 00:42:35 tremendous pretzels i'll blast one of those in olive oil at night when i'm stoned who the fuck eats a pretzel with olive oil uncle joey cucksuckers so when you wake up in the morning your shit it comes out like a fucking missile out of your asshole no pushing no fucking gurgling no nothing you it's it's ten times the east coast is your ten times better food than ally my god it is so fucking good yeah it is so careful yeah the chinese is off i got a chinese place 80 yards from my door yeah she's always busy her name is lily yeah she's fucking tremendous every time you go down there she gives you something for free right like if you order 20 bucks worth she throws in fucking cream cheese wontons or egg drop soup it's it's a different
Starting point is 00:43:24 fucking world tim dylan ten how long have you been doing comedy for now i started in this the fall of 2010 so the late late summer early fall late august uh like i think august 25th might have been my first set in 2010 so 11 years 11 years congratulations on all your success at the 11 year mark at the 11 year mark i was still getting buried at the fucking comedy store yeah well it was a quick 11 years it was an intense 11 years um but it was also looking at you guys you guys with a blueprint you guys had the blueprint right you and joe and segura and burt and dio you guys had the blueprint of what to do and you know do these shows and entertain people on the internet and get a fan base and then go out and entertain them live it was like that blueprint was something that
Starting point is 00:44:17 helped me dramatically and i thank all of you guys and then all of you guys being good to me and having me on the shows it it sped up that period of time it it made me um you know it made me um aware of how difficult it was probably to start these things when there was no blueprint and you guys didn't know what these things are going to be you know rogan started in 2009 early there was a lot of people starting this early when people were like you're crazy you're crazy doing shows online you should be doing television you should be doing movies but a lot of you guys pioneering this stuff early allowed people like me to go oh this is the way to do it this is the root and then my everything that's happened to me i think was accelerated
Starting point is 00:45:08 because of you guys because i was able to like follow in the footsteps of you guys i gotta be honest with you tim i just watched mark maren yeah i watched joe rogan yeah i watched ralphie may yeah and i put that together that was my you know i looked up to rogan like i said in one of the podcast he was like my lighthouse yeah like if i'd see him i knew where i was at right and i saw mark maren do a great job with the podcast and i just wanted to do something different i always wanted to do radio but i didn't want to do radio right that style array it's show ideas here in the morning i didn't like that shit i wanted to rap you know like i wanted to just talk to somebody on the radio yeah like i wanted to do a little bit better than talk radio when i first saw
Starting point is 00:46:00 arty lang on howard stern that's what i wanted to do yeah that was the perfect for me arty lang and stern with a fucking blueprint there was one particular show when arty had the sunglasses on and he's fucked up in the night before and i'm like i want to go on there and tell cocaine stories the way arty's telling stories about fucking heroin yeah that was it for me that arty was the the lenny bruce of the microphone you know in a studio right he was very open with his life coppin hookers heroin getting beat up by arty lang i thank him for letting me know what to do on a podcast yeah which was tell your stories and tell the truth and don't hold nothing back right that's what makes for good podcasting with rogan and those guys it's intelligence you know his his thing
Starting point is 00:46:58 was intelligence i couldn't match his intelligence right but i could fucking match stories yes you know i grew up in jersey i had a great childhood i had a horrible childhood but i turned it into a great childhood with my stories yes and that's what it was for me you know basically just uh do you miss los angeles at all ever is there anything about it you miss the insanity of it the craziness of it that's what i miss sometimes i missed the comfort that i made for myself right i took studio city and i created my little haven i had cryotherapy i had my weed store there i had my jujitsu there i had my weightlifting there i pretty much made those restaurants my life the chinese place on bentora which is now closed because of covid the weed
Starting point is 00:47:52 store ice cream shop there were a couple play you know my life was too comfortable to him right i don't know if i could explain that to you it was i had this little world my office was two blocks from my house you know all my friends lived in the area lee the agostino dean delray we were berkreicher we were all condensed in there felicia so i missed that right i don't miss getting lied to getting approached with bullshit stories right you know i don't miss any of that shit at all i do miss there's a few people i miss there were some good fucking people out there but there was also some pieces of shit out there like worst in what i did prison with like people who come to you with a smile they're worse than the cats i did time with
Starting point is 00:48:43 right right yeah they're not good that piece is a shit compared to what i did time with you know at least when you do time you know where you stand you know you had a great line about people in ls once you said to me you go you go their minds aren't even their own no which i thought was a brilliant way to say it their minds aren't even their own great they sell their soul yeah and then they sell their mind and you start acting like that ten without knowing it's not their fault they're on a tv show they're making 20 grand an episode they're fucking you know this the first time people come up to them and talk to them so they want to fit in you know so they'll say whatever to fit the fucking even of of like uh current issues right like you know oh please save the
Starting point is 00:49:35 black people how many times have you had black people your house right cut the fucking shit out when i go to your house and i see black people in the in the fucking backyard when i'm not talking about you know a black dude that thinks he's white i'm talking about leon and fucking boo boo you know and the cousins and the fucking dreadlocks when i see them in your backyard then come to me and talk about black lives matter until that time you just agree with everybody else you see him at fucking parades you know i care about black people no you don't no you don't no you don't give a fuck about black people you know you went to one michael jackson concert and that's it that's it i went to see earth went on fire you know i've been black since i came from cuba you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 00:50:15 like i these motherfuckers will come to you oh well you gotta stop with the black people on the no because you're not fucking helping out right the biggest thing about this pandemic to me was that you had to get your house straight that was the number one rule i was taught get your house straight how you act outside is how you gotta act inside yeah but if you're gonna come home you know what people say when behind closed doors that's what i want to hear from your fucking mouth right i'll bug your house and listen to those negroes in studio city scared me you know we went down to orange county we were surrounded by philippines we smell pigeons that type of shit right that type of shit that's what i want to hear i don't want to hear you say how you love people you really don't
Starting point is 00:50:59 right you want to hear honesty the truth you really don't and i could tell when you're bullshitting i could tell when you're bullshitting oh rest in peace you were a kind soul no you weren't you were a fucking scumbag you stole me 25 bucks from that gig and veil 10 fucking years you know that's what pissed me off that you lose your mind not in a bad way people have a public self and a private self yes and and and i think the more and more those two things become further apart from each other society gets really fucked up people and uh people tend uh they're only honest with their friends and then when they go outside they're they're saying what they think they have to say and then everything gets fucked up because most people just go i don't want any problems
Starting point is 00:51:48 i don't want anything and so then whatever is happening publicly whatever we decide publicly is the truth is just a few people deciding it and then the vast majority of people keeping their mouths shut because they don't want to fucking they don't want any problems and then they go into their house and they go can you believe this this is bullshit i hate this shit can you imagine they're saying this is this that's fucked but you catch them out they go and they don't ever say anything so then you have a few people and they decide how everything's going to be for everybody and that's what and i i feel it even with myself and i talk so much shit all day or week everything but like there's a lot of things where i go you know what i don't want to
Starting point is 00:52:41 even get into the argument like i don't want to get into the argument i just want to live i don't know how many years i have on this planet why am i going to have the argument it's a it's a natural thing that happens to people they just i'm tired i'm tired i don't want to get into the argument you want to believe that believe it you believe it i'd be insane it's insane to me but you believe it so it's a it's a weird place we're in right now i don't i i the country feels weird right now and i remember me and you had to talk about this a few months ago it feels weird there's a there's something that's not being said there's a lot that's not being said but we're not where we were uh clearly before this pandemic before all this stuff a lot of
Starting point is 00:53:31 people out there have a lot of anxiety they don't know what's happening they don't know the direction the things are going and i feel like um and it's not political it's none of that shit it's not like this one's right that one's wrong it's just i feel all of us we have this ominous feeling that god forbid another shoe is gonna drop or something else is gonna happen and and i think it's uh you know it's scary i mean nobody expected the afghanistan thing right nobody saw that coming you know uh i'm not a political guy right but i know that this week that's been the big fucking issue you know when i speak to people i keep my mouth shut i listen i learn i don't really know what's going on over there but one thing i will tell you that i am proud of about LA
Starting point is 00:54:24 the last 10 years i was in LA i didn't hold anything back right you know when i shot movies or tv shows one of the hardest things i had a problem with was shooting tv shows and movies i don't like the behavior of some people how they act phony and shit when i went when i got off the powder i went on a head hunting fucking ordeal and he and he said i went to if i could tell who the director is i don't want to be on that set right like if i get on the set and he's got a little hat with a feather in it right and his sleeve is rolled up to show the tattoo of the parrot you go fuck yourself you're not really a fucking director you know what i'm saying like it was just so i had a lot of problems i was told a lot of times i was tough to work with just because
Starting point is 00:55:10 i would speak my mind right you know and uh i'm really proud of that because from 97 to 2007 when i was doing coke i wouldn't speak my mind right because god for bread you break up my little cocaine den and my dreams you know i'd rather not argue with you like uh there was a situation i talk about with tommy at the store with him and another comic came up to me and gave me shit about joe and i went home and didn't register that they were picking a fight with me right if i would have known what i know now i would have put both of them through a fucking wall but i didn't and part of the reason was tim dillon my cocaine habit right right i didn't want to fuck up that little world you know go to jail for two days three days because you smack somebody right once i
Starting point is 00:55:59 got off the coke i i'll i remember that i still remember the first time i wanted a commercial shoot and the director was being a dick to me and i go i'm not taking this not tonight it was a night shoot right and i fucking went off on him and he was so pissed he fired me and locked himself in his trailer and he wouldn't come out he kept saying until you're gone i'm like it's three in the morning you're not going to hire somebody else to shoot this right come out be a man apologize right let's shoot this and we'll wrap up and go home and now you got you got the saints newer coming out yeah no but i had no problems on that was a new york shoot see tim dillon there's a what i learned was there's a big difference yeah between an la shoot and a new york shoot right
Starting point is 00:56:45 new york sets a close and they don't play that agent shit yeah where your agent shows up and gets a free meal and i came to check on you get the fuck out of here you didn't come to check on me you came to get the fucking free meal cocksuck and our agent will get three free meals a day yeah yeah so so i don't i didn't want that yeah but shooting in new york i just shot something for apple a few months ago fucking painless yeah when i got the rules they sent me rules tim dillon right i was like this ain't no work uncle joey don't do good with rules but once i got there was smooth and that's what i i'm really proud of that that i really you know like i would call a comedy club and i would and justin would call me back and go uh they said
Starting point is 00:57:31 that they can't book dean delray because they already have a feature and i would go well then tell him to give me a week but there's no feature right we'll simplify why fuck around they already got a feature let them stay and bring another headliner and then that was my way of saying that you're in or you're fucking off the boat right i'm bringing him i don't give a fuck who you booked you should have known better right so it was like i didn't take shit like i was like no i'm not taking shit and that freedom was what got me to where i had to go yeah once you break those self-binds that new york shoot was i'm sure that was a great experience doing that movie it was one of the best experiences of my life in the entertainment business yeah because i
Starting point is 00:58:16 learned something i learned something from david chase i learned how to get comedy from quiet he's the master of getting comedy from a quiet room a look i tried to bring our style of stand-up on that set right and the first day i realized it wasn't gonna work right that style of stand-up was not he was doing something completely different right when i saw what he was doing it blew my wig off so much that i had to join in i had to join Scientology right i'm like i became one of his fucking guys i'm like i understand what he's trying to do i never worked for somebody that had a plan like that i've worked with some great people some great directors but he was brilliant tim yeah you're right about that when you watch
Starting point is 00:59:05 his appranos you see a lot of the funniest moments are looks reactions things like that he really taught me about looks reactions and quiet how you have to say a joke and shut the fuck up let it ruminate in the room let it go you know like when you did theaters at first people say that theaters are different you know you have to say the joke and shut up and let it ruminate the room is big it's a fucking theater just machine gun them to death but it's that's what i learned in new york at 56 years old so when i learned something i'm in i'm one of those guys if you got something to teach me i'm fucking in right that's important it's important that you keep challenging yourself to be better because otherwise you get bored you get bored you know
Starting point is 00:59:53 that's what happened with me with stand-up right now i'm a little bored i'll give it a breather i'll let all this shit pass us yeah and when i'm ready i go on there with a base you know like you want to do it there's nothing worse than doing comedy and not want to do it that's there's nothing worse than showing up dangling i didn't want to fucking work tonight right you know and i had a lot of those the last couple years so i figured i'd give it a little breather let tim dillon take over the fucking world well we'll see is but i'm having fun and trying to try to do the best that i can and uh you guess i got sidelined with this thing for a minute but i'll be back up it's like it's shitty there's so much out there you don't control you know and i'm
Starting point is 01:00:35 on a on a roll i'm on a roll i'm doing shows and shows and shows and then you get hit with this and you go you're fucking health and then you're like fuck this is what you don't have any control over well tim dillon i feel in my heart that this is just a bump in the road for you yes you have a great fucking plan you're one of those comics that's very intelligent that sees things for what they were for what they are not what they were thank you know just what you told me about the spring that everything should be you know you're all you've always been very knowledgeable and i'm right here clapping for you waiting to take over the world my friend well let's hope we'll see i mean i don't know if i want the world i don't want to take over the world i want to make a few people
Starting point is 01:01:17 laugh and make some money but everybody else can have the world the world is is a little bit of a mess that that uh tayla tomlinson can have the world she'll do a better job just give me a little corn just give me some carvel that's all you know i gotta tell this tim dillon story real quick i was watching one of your videos everybody was telling me about tim dillon i'm watching one of your videos two three years ago i'm laughing and i see you a week later at the store and i'm like what the fuck is this guy you're gonna say and you came out you're the sweetest man in the world you were like hey wait watch this work and i'm like yeah that's how we started talking i'm like all the things tim dillon could have said to me he's like wait wait watch is working for you i go
Starting point is 01:01:56 yeah you know i like it i've been on it yeah fucking 18 years i finally lost some weight and shit i love it yeah yeah have you done it during the pandemic and not really yeah yeah i stuck to my points during the surgery oh wow when i had knee surgery knee replacement i couldn't do anything i had no metabolism so yeah i stuck to the fucking points you know and i eat i just don't fuck with sugar right i'll eat sugar maybe once a week like a snack with my daughter when we go to carvelos and i'll get an ice cream soda without ice cream in it right i'm one of those fucking jerk offs you know so how do you look at what's that ice cream soda without ice what do you mean by that date when she gives me the ice cream soda with the ice cream in it i take it out and
Starting point is 01:02:40 i give it to my daughter and she puts on her chocolate ice cream soda oh okay yeah she likes the ice cream and her soda so i give it to her and i just drink the fucking thing and it's like 20 points but it's really club soda with vanilla syrup so right right right you're not gonna fucking die you know what i'm saying what's the name of your tour tim dillon uh the tour i think we're gonna call it the post apocalyptic tour i like it when does it kick off well it was it was happening and then we got we got kicked back in with covid it should kick back off soon we're hoping we're seeing we're seeing uh when we can get back out there well i love you tim dillon i love you thank you for having me buddy i saw you posted uh uh dates for the beacon theater
Starting point is 01:03:24 yeah speak in in new york city what number i'm pumped about that okay i'm gonna come see you and say hello and give you some fucking love if the numbers don't ruin it for you yeah and the fucking face mask and the vaccinations and all the bullshit all the things but i love you keep in touch thank you brother tell ben i love that cocksucker yes i will ben's a good man and uh we'll do what we did we had lee we had lee come in tremendous i don't face him one of the funniest things i've ever done i think what was the look on ben's face i saw it but my glasses didn't let me see the full effect look on his fucking face it's so funny when we had lee come in there we saw lee in boston and we saw lee lee came out we hung out on him yes he told me he's got a girl he's
Starting point is 01:04:06 doing great thank you joey thank you so much and i'm excited to see you in the movies love you brother stay black and i'll be in touch thank you brother thank you for being on the joint thank you buddy thank you boom i hope you enjoyed tim dillon it was always a pleasure talking to him he made me laugh uh like i said he's the future of fucking comedy and he was on the joint today to help us out to make the week go a little smoother and make your day be fucking nice that's what we do here i'm not trying to set the world on fire i'm just trying to come through on mondays and wednesdays give you a fucking giggle learn you learn something and we move the fuck on i'm not looking to be fucking johnny bananas of the podcast world i'm old i got shit on my plate
Starting point is 01:04:53 and i just want to get to you motherfuckers twice a week and let you know i love you i'm still doing my thing and i'm still here i hope you enjoyed tim dillon it was a great interview it was great to see him i'm happy he's getting healthy i'm happy he's going back to la and he's gonna like the fucking world on fire we're getting old so we got to make room for these fucking youngsters that's just the way it is you can't take this shit personally you know what i'm saying it's your attitude cocksuckers but anyway we had a great week monday we had a great week today we had a great show i hope you guys enjoyed it and i'll be back next week monday morning nice and early tip top magoo ready to tell you a story ready to give you an ear beating then we'll be back
Starting point is 01:05:37 on wednesday with another fun filled podcast i love you guys have a great week and uh the summer's coming to an end stay black now for a word for my motherfucking sponsor jack all right i want to thank tim dillon for coming on i love that motherfucker he's a nut and i want to thank you guys for supporting us this week my patreon family i love you guys you know we're trying over there thank you very much for all the support you've given me you can see i'm making a comeback a little by little my mind's getting right uh some of it is therapy some of it is working out some of it is fucking alpha brain but most of it is my balls in my heart but anyway the joint is brought to you by zip recruiter you want a job every place is hiring right now zip recruiter has a fancy
Starting point is 01:06:27 technology that finds the best people for the job and it helps you get them it tells you who's most qualified and invites them to apply it works you're going to get two and a half more candidates this way and anyway you put it four out of five employees who post on zip recruiter get a quality candidate within the first day forms magazine says jim salons hotels are going to go on a hiring spring the next few months millions of jobs will be need to be filled as businesses keep reopening how do you hire people fast uncle joey's got the answer zip recruiter try it for free at zip recruiter dot com slash joey you got nothing to lose here's the difference with zip recruiter you're just not posting a job and waiting for a resume from joe schmo to come in zip recruiter
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Starting point is 01:08:07 white pair fucking whitey connie whatever the hell you call those things tidy wise you don't need those things don't think don't do nothing to help your nuts act or keep anything dry or in place that's what me on these comes in let me tell you something me on these are designed to be the softest thing on earth that may sound like a fucking bullshit story but it's the truth softening the baby's butt softening the feather me and tim we're talking about a carvel cake that's right it's softening a carvel fucking cake how me on these signature micro modal fabric literally grows on trees that means these undies are soft and sustainable that's what you want when somebody's cupping your little nut sack they offer different cuts because they're that cool they get you
Starting point is 01:08:52 different cuts for different butts that's their motto plus check out their socks brolets for your girlfriend lounge wear and of course all the undies ranging from extra small to 4xl for your little chubby people me on these has a great offer for the joint listeners for any first time is get 15% off your first order this is a deal in itself and free shipping at me on these dot com slash show you again that's me on these dot com slash show you the best underwear is in the business i'm going to take a picture of my fucking draw and put it on instagram to show you how many fucking me on these i have and how well they're used and how they look there's no bulges you know yeah a little white underwear has got holes in them and shit from you farting in there
Starting point is 01:09:41 nothing like that with me on these the material is tremendous that modal it's comfortable and it's tough and it's sustainable so check out me on these problem free fall philosophy if you're not satisfied with any product for any reason they'll refund or exchange it no questions asked that's me on these dot com slash show me on these dot com comfort where it counts the joint is also brought to you by cbd lion the leader and fucking cbd i don't know about martians i don't know about a lot of shit but i know we related stuff and cbd lion has helped me with my surgery with the cbd lion extra strength cream to the roll on for my fucking knees and elbows and shoulders to the hemp flower if you want to smoke it they got vapor pens they got little capsules they got
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Starting point is 01:11:33 you guys too have a great week i'm happy you enjoyed tim dillon stay black and we'll be back monday morning ready to fucking rock tip top magoo have a great week talk suckers come see me on patreon and laughing gas is back in stock at the ice cream shop stay black so

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