Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - 09/23/2012 - The Church of What's Happening Now #9

Episode Date: September 24, 2012

Joey and Lee talk about UFC 152, the NFL games, and more childhood stories. Joey's friend, who also happens to be named Joey, calls in to talk about growing up in North Bergen and Joey Diaz' best frie...nd and the other Joey's cousin,  Darren. You won't want to miss this conversation. Recorded live on 09/23/2012

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh shit we keep the music brother come on it's Sunday the church is in full fucking effect Joey Coco Diaz Lisa at aka the flying Jew ready to fucking bring it to you motherfucker on a beautiful Sunday morning in Southern California and your fucking living room or bedroom put your cock away it's the church of what's happening now cocksucker I got grandmaster motherfucking flash delivering the message first then we're gonna deliver the message after that thank you very much for checking in on the Lord's Day from fucking Tuscaloosa to New Jersey believe the music fuck it oh shit the flying Jews in full
Starting point is 00:00:50 effectively put the fucking soda down there's gonna be an earthquake you're gonna electric you all of us it's gonna be fucking Jew on fire only Scott back and fucking Jesus we're here on a fucking Sunday UFC last night this morning we got the NFL football you like that Tony Scott cocksucker I won't be working for him any time soon anybody everybody's gonna fucking be mad at me for that one we're here great fucking car last night people still talking about John Jones fucking elbow we're talking about Evan Dunham's head we're talking about a bill buffers little fucking Sinatra jacket on somebody's gonna have
Starting point is 00:01:26 to stab him eventually I love I love buffer fucking I love buffer the debt with the flying six points but that jacket last night well at least fucking lighter joint in there if you're gonna small cigar he's walking around with a purple fucking jacket on like Puerto Ricans are watching you're in Toronto cocksucker and then you had my man Michael Bisbee great fight there got Brian Stan always a fucking great fighter I like Bisbee I picked Bisbee outside Benavides to fire beat up Demetris Johnson I was wrong on that one fucking to meet you know he came out with that Latin blood yeah the
Starting point is 00:01:57 brother sat back it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going underly you follow me Lee what are you coming over here smoking dope with me for I told you to stop that shit smoking joints and vapors I can't stop it man how you doing buddy how was your week I'm doing great I had a great night last night I was in the fat man's paradise I wouldn't because I've been working six day weeks and last night was my first night off in like a month and a half so I went to my friend's house and he made homemade wings homemade french fries and homemade blue cheese sauce and he made about three pounds of wings and
Starting point is 00:02:27 it's not like oh I'm gonna buy wings he takes the chicken he cuts the wings he brines the chicken was he fun he's from North Carolina I love that motherfucker already old school yeah he fries it and then he like he triple fries and fries or whatever so the crispy on the outside and he and when he's fat no he's fucking really he's super skinny which is pissing me off but he texted me he said I'm gonna homemade blue cheese for you and I like I like I like almost ran over there immediately but oh it was so good you dick suck at the end of the night no it's all guys that's a problem right there you didn't get your fucking
Starting point is 00:02:59 muffled like that oh after those wings I don't know about a little hook of the fucking suck your mink and then you fart in her face give her an extra 20 to fart in her fucking face what was the last time you farted a hook his face what's your fucking missing anyway so you had a good time with your goombas yeah that was a lot of fun there's gonna shout out to the fucking main man your father down in Florida last time we gave him a pot cookie took him 19 hours to get home and there's only a 20 minute ride you gotta call the cops on himself like Brian Redband I call the cops on myself one night couple nights I got
Starting point is 00:03:33 all cocked up oh really oh my god like an 80 fucking six and Aspen Colorado I got coked up to the gills one night solo and I kept calling the cops on my self and they kept saying Joey what the fuck you gotta get out of the bag dog Jesus and that's what they said then now they'd come in and rest you because there's stories about that about people getting too high or on whatever I'm calling cops yeah now they're a bunch of fucking momos they want on the old days they come over Joey what's the problem let me hold the bag till later I'll leave your grandma bring you back the bag in the morning that's a real fucking cop
Starting point is 00:04:02 right there that's why they came in one fucking night because they seem like shit on the wall I kept calling the cops somebody said yeah I was whispering I had the coke hidden in the sink so if somebody came I would put water on it I feel like a holy shit by myself in three fucking days that would ruin it so if the cops came in I just open up the fucking water the water hits the sink and I would put it in the sinkhole and I got scared that I would hit the button by mistake and it chopped my finger off and I got a coke snow one with one fucking missing finger all night then once I stopped getting done I got to drive
Starting point is 00:04:32 myself to the hospital like a Japanese who fucked up you know how Jesus like a Yakuza he cuts their fingers off we don't know about this shit no anyway back to the fucking fucker card for it never again bring that Zombo weed over here from fucking divine wellness throwing in you know what the name of this the weed is that we smoke what church from divine well right down like this and so if you enable it stop the divine wellness get a fucking edible they specialize in fucking edibles over a lot of people don't know that like you know why cuz they're users they eat the shit and they'll tell you right out I ate a pill I
Starting point is 00:05:03 see the devil there are meaning they don't even believe in the fucking devil there was an article I forget where it was but this in this city there's been two people this week who have smoked weed with PCP on it and they've killed people where city I forget the city don't go there but it don't wait don't go there and there was they pisses me off I'm not even a big smoker but they always say oh well people do this and whenever they people go crazy like the guy who ate the guy's face they said it was marijuana it's not marijuana they do they smoke weed and then they do fucking bath salts or PCP and they go crazy
Starting point is 00:05:32 it's just it's crazy I don't even know a bad soul so PCP I did in another way it was guerrilla biscuits when I was a kid or you went to Harlem they called like Jonestown there was like three bucks and you got like a joint you sprinkled it in your fucking joint I told the story once I'm being the beast about smoking crack with a pregnant chick and even though she was pregnant little black oh yeah you want to put a bag I swear to fucking God I was a running numbers on eight and a hundred and eight teeth in Spanish fucking Harlem it was 84 I was getting a buck 40 a day in Chales crew and not Chales son and this is Chale
Starting point is 00:06:03 the fucking Puerto Rico he's retired now and buy a mom but I used to go over there and when they get over there like nah we don't need you today so I said fuck I'm walking it's got to be 10 the more I'm the more I see some fucking black chicks and I didn't know she was pregnant she came on me I thought I was looking good that day I thought I wore the right color hey you want to split a bag of fucking I pay for three bucks it was like fucking 10 we bought it we smoked it it was Jonestown 2020 whatever the fuck it was back juice fucking the Jew free that you do the fuck it was I'm still dying over I don't think
Starting point is 00:06:34 people heard what you said that you want fire you want fire Tony Scott you're gonna did you pick the soda down you're gonna electrocute us Lee you're fucking killing me but uh why is we're fucking smoking it she pulled up the belly she's like I'm three or four months pregnant whatever fuck she was oh that's time I had one for that I like at first I didn't think about hooking up but it was one of those afternoons where you just hang out with a chick and get high we walked around I didn't come back to like 10 o'clock at night still fucked up on that angel dust Jesus so anyway back to the fucking car last night you know
Starting point is 00:07:02 it's funny you know it's killing me guys the church we talk about a lot of weird thing what the fuck was Rashad Evans doing there last night I was thinking about that I didn't watch the countdown till last night I'm like when he's training every shot Rashad Evans is that I know everything about him if you know anything about him you will fucking beat him yeah now you're gonna spread your kiss a deck over the poor veto who had a fucking shot last night but then it's like listen John Jones is that good I don't know what happens to these guys veto had one shot move ahead throw 85 fucking punches let the best thing I
Starting point is 00:07:29 didn't do that you didn't get to come alive like the fourth round or whatever the fuck but anyway it was a great fight great card yeah like I predict I knew it was gonna be great fights from the Benevities fight to the Stan fight to the Evan Dunham fucking bleeding Vinnie Magalese you know Charlie Brennan the early stoppers I think he was knocked out when he went down you know when their heads are going fucking you don't know what Charlie Brennan cuz he fights half a fucking who bots anyway his head's going back and forth and I think with a cup Swanson but it was where he hit him oh my god shot yeah and we'll take
Starting point is 00:07:58 you's gonna be okay and then he just dropped oh he just received that but what's in is a fucking killer with those hands and he's been down there for a while he's three and no none the U.S.C. he's fucking dangerous for anybody I love 45 and Alavara he's got to eat a steak that motherfucker looks like an x-ray you got a fucking either steak I'll marry a Brazilian get that for go forward a child on the arm tell him I'm fucking Brazilian I'm in the U.S.C. get in a fucking state and then trim down he's fucking looks like a fucking human x-ray yeah you got it you know but Cubs wants and god damn it I love
Starting point is 00:08:29 all that shit I can't even you've been knocked out I can't even fucking imagine what that's cuz he was looked like he was gonna be okay and then he just dropped and that happened in one of the early early cards to is a guy with the big hair or whatever he Charlie Brennan okay he got he got hit a bunch of times and he just went down down and I thought you know Joe said it was an early stoppage Dana White tweeted a couple minutes earlier later that it wasn't they thought it was a good and me I thought it was in between I know that when he went down he went down and just like he's so active and what happens is
Starting point is 00:09:01 you get a punch to the head you get knocked out but another punch comes and it wakes you to fuck up that's amazing that you get knocked out and another crack to the fucking head like what happened you know what fucking happened the Zombo land for 15 fucking minutes cuz he went down and and then they showed in the replay he went down and then they went at him again and if he only went down the first time it would have been early but they he started punching him and he was on the ground and my friend brought it up when the head start going side to side and they don't have any control over it I mean
Starting point is 00:09:28 that's pretty much when you have to stop it it's all over the shot and you do have control you just go down your legs go out it's a fucking man I've been knocked out like I got hit in the head with like a stick I got I got playing football one time one time I had a car playing street hockey in Jersey the street hockey is the most violent thing you could play in fucking Jersey right there I'm just with shoes not just with sneakers and there's some fucking kids that will push into for every day a car window got busted you know how this the bus the fucking car window every fucking time we played that shit somebody's
Starting point is 00:09:53 fucking head went through a window and in those days there were real cars not these plastic pieces of shit now spider fucking cars those things in my day you had those Cadillacs that are fucking they went through a building they went through a fucking building yeah so what the duty ahead you have in the old days you got good lumps to up in one time I threw a rock off a fucking building and I hit one Ali in the head and he had a lump of little pimple in the middle like with puss real quick in those days things did different to your fucking skull yeah by the way the reason why I brought up Rashad Evans is this man you know he
Starting point is 00:10:24 had his beef you know whatever happened down there and then he fought him and he talked a lot of junk about him and I think they made up or they didn't then he went to the camp and Vito came in and it's like he's putting hatred on this John Jones guy that that interferes with your own fucking ropes and times I love the shot Evans is a fighter but last night it really shocked me that he's a Vito's corner also and I know him better anybody you know how bad he felt standing in that fucking thing you know he beat me up now he beat up a guy fucking coach you the kiss of death yeah you know go stand on the 9-11 with a fucking
Starting point is 00:10:54 umbrella or something like that it always looks bad when you're getting that personal about it like it doesn't make sense but talking about personal let me tell you what happened this week and I went to fucking I went to Madison Wisconsin and I went to Germantown Wisconsin I'll tell you what I had a fucking blast you know me guys I like the middle of the fucking country that's only like to see what's really going on you know you hear about all these politics and this and this I know what the fuck's going on because I travel I heard about the tanks invading fucking different cities Connecticut people
Starting point is 00:11:22 seeing tanks coming into different cities it's gonna go down but I love going to the Midwest because that's where you get the fucking truth that's where you see the people driving what they drive the trucks you see them making payments I had a blast in Madison I had a fucking blast in Madison Wisconsin I worked at Duncan Trussell Duncan is one of the fucking funniest guys because he's taken his eccentricness and putting it in his jokes and it's fucking brilliant he had a bit about suicide how there's gonna be a suicide warehouse you know come on shoot you so I mean I was fucking dying so it
Starting point is 00:11:54 was a pleasure I enjoyed working at a Madison some fucking great people people just loved the podcast you know a lot of people are talking about the flying juice you get some fans out Jesus Christ then we went to Germantown I'm fucking fried let me tell you something about German and people can come up to me what are you doing in Germantown what the fuck I'm doing in Germantown I love all this shit I don't care where I go as long as the people are cool I'm having a great time you know that's starting to fucking fuck up though it's a lot of people getting drunk at these shows oh yeah real fucked up and these are fucking
Starting point is 00:12:23 that's why Joey D is whatever show he's a weed shows these people get all fucking drunk and start staring at you and they got bad fucking thoughts and they start asking you Google they follow you around the fucking thing and I love talking to these motherfuckers but when you get drunk I can't talk because you don't make any sense to me yeah I want to talk to people I'm at a cool black dude Arugula I want to give him a shout out from the boogie down fucking Bronx out in Germantown eluding fucking warrants it was something like that Rage a good fucking dude man listen I meet some great people when I do those
Starting point is 00:12:56 shows I really everyone's been very cool you know Lee you go and you fuck around with people on Twitter and Facebook and two years ago I said some on the Joe Rogen podcast but every day I eat my words I said you know these people won't be your friends with just a friend on Twitter I said some stupid comment look now you know we have a little family going on and it's great to see people from Twitter to see that I mean you know people know what I look like from the videos but beside that my Twitter page is a nice big set of fat juicy nuts so when I see these people and I see their faces in the Twitter it does
Starting point is 00:13:27 something to you Lee now you connect it you really do people come up to you on the Sun and go on this person you're like fuck man great to meet you yeah you know cuz we've been fucking around on Twitter or you respond to a bunch of like the same people you have to you have to these people were building something here then I fucking fans they goombas they're fucking friends at this point I told them I fucking mugged the hooker you know I never even told the priest I mugged the hooker that's what you open with that was like one of the first stories you told yeah you gotta let these people know what fucking time
Starting point is 00:13:53 it is because I don't want nobody showing up and thinking I'm one thing and I'm not the other fucking yeah fucked up we all people watch me I had a I was fucking starving we went to Red Lobster had a salad had the salad soup and lunch then the rest of the day I didn't fucking eat right yeah and I ordered something to eat I go what do you got that couldn't see without my fucking glasses so she goes the best kind of menus a steak sandwich I'll give it to me mushrooms hold the cheese because you want fries you know whatever it comes with I didn't get the fucking thing for after I got our stage when I got our
Starting point is 00:14:22 stage I fucking bit into it was delicious some guy taps me on the show he goes hey the Dolce diet people watch they care they're involved by the way shot out the Dolce diet I've lost about four pounds it's funny because I'm putting on mass I think I'm losing we work out a lot yeah I tried I try to do fucking something every day you may have moved the veins you're gonna move the reefer in the fucking lungs you got to do something yeah my ankles used to be really fucking fat I did acupuncture and that's one of the reasons it improves my fucking circulation and I work on it man what your blood's got to
Starting point is 00:14:53 be fresh I like to get cupped I didn't go to acupuncture last Tuesday I had a lot of shit on my plate this week I got shit on my plate because I'm leaving Thursday I'm going to Baltimore to the comedy fucking factory get your tickets now but Wednesday night me and Leah at the ice house at Testicle Testaments we're only gonna tape like two more we're gonna tape a total of five the third one is headed over to iTunes now yeah it should be up in two weeks you know I have a couple different ones to talk about I'll talk to you afterward and we'll discuss it also Leah I want to mention to you again that I told you on
Starting point is 00:15:21 the phone I'm gonna tell the people listen I got all your sponsorship stuff I sent it out to my attorney my man Nathan a bunch of people sending me some stuff all I could do is have my attorney look it over he'll call me Wednesday before I leave and I'll get back to you guys and not that I'm blowing you off is that we're trying not even to get the best deal I want to know what the fuck is going on I don't know a lot of these products you know but we got a bell bondsman the fucking oh that's what I know listen I when I live in Jersey I never used the bell bondsman because your friends they know people they go on
Starting point is 00:15:50 there they bail you out but in Seattle Washington I got arrested five times in 18 months I swear to God I still got a warrant out there those cocksuckers but they I use the bell bonds and I use the black guy I used to hang out at the college 10 points to get you right out you call them yeah you know you're gonna go back to court you're not gonna skip out there's America's most wanted you in no fucking danger but you somebody you trust so we got a bell bondsman I'm gonna see what their thing is what their rates are you know if they get to the brothers because you got to be good to the fucking brothers like public
Starting point is 00:16:17 enemy said to the street schools and the prisons history shouldn't be a mist anyway don't get excitedly I love when you say anyway just look that's the next shirt anyway what the fuck you want me to say you want me to lead into it I'm no fucking Johnny Custon you know the deal anyway we got a full fucking Lee get the soda off you're gonna electrocute us you want fire you want fire what does that say to you if you're in Baltimore what now forget Baltimore why are you killing me here what we're talking about it's fucking gambling today okay I got my buddy coming in my brother calling in Joey
Starting point is 00:16:53 Filato Joey Filato was cousins to Darren Rago one of the guys that put balls in my fucking life it was him and Mike Ronnie who I'm gonna see in Baltimore Mike Ronnie down is dead but me and Joey always kept in touch Joey flew out of here and me and Joey went to dinner with my wife in a some fucking place downtown with white people haha I'm so I see on again with bellyhills there okay eight businesses got robbed in bellyhills last last night what do you expect talk suckers you got money that's what who's going down next is those money motherfuckers shit's getting tied I always told people you better get a bow
Starting point is 00:17:25 and arrow a gun something anyway back to my man Joey Filato always kept in touch because we have this bond between us this fucking kid that was big in the life and he died 10 12 13 years ago we loved him fucking daily I mean it's amazing I think about him every fucking day yeah he used to drive I was back in New York in 94 trying to become a comic I'm trying to snort blow send child support I'm trying you know and I had nothing and you know who helped me he fucking helped me he was a childhood friend and I'd call him up at night I'd say listen this I can't break into the garage I can't steal change out of the
Starting point is 00:17:58 ashtrays and just to get home you go I pick you right up he goes let me take 10 minutes I'll stop and get a 21st so we could snort on the way home they picked me up I talked him into drive me to an open mic in the city and I told the story all the time that one night we went to Caroline's I had like a bringer show mm-hmm and I met some people I do the spot at Caroline's and 11 o'clock there was a talent contest and he went up and he fucking won first place no material no nothing he talked about a wedding band that when you look at another chick the wedding band would burn on fire you're walking around with no
Starting point is 00:18:27 finger and all this shit fresh off the top of his head and he won like this 50 bucks a porno and then we went to this other club in Union City called the players on dirty first street that's one of my last experiences down but I always remember them for that whenever I walk into an audition or something I always think about that because I go down went up there with no fucking material just want then drop knowledge North Bergenstein he won first place at the talent contest against 10 other fucking guys so Joe's gonna call in we'll talk about gambling look at some pics you know me and Lee we're talking about
Starting point is 00:18:55 Lee's a fucking New England fan so I thought I bet or better about what we were talking about interesting thing here Broncos Texas game is a good one yeah Texas game I like New England Baltimore you know the over and under is 48 52 and fucking New England some parts of the country Lee was saying he likes the under yeah Baltimore just so good on their defense and and their offense really isn't that great so I mean I always get nervous but in the over but I just with Baltimore if it's 50 points I could see us winning 20s to like 24 to 14 or something like that I hope so I think under is good bet and
Starting point is 00:19:34 then we got a Denver Houston the over and under is 44 what were we talking about I would think that'd be the over just because their offenses are so great and Peyton Manning had three interceptions his last game so he's gonna want to be okay this game I'm talking about this is knowledge right here but no fucking matter you can say all about Peyton it's all about the fucking line it's all about Vegas they don't give a fuck about Peyton Manning usually the team who loses on Monday night covers the fucking spread I think they're giving what are the whatever is given there Houston Texans
Starting point is 00:20:01 a minus three points at home and I'm a fan of Houston Texans I love those motherfuckers that's I've been watching them for the last like eight fucking years just get better and better you're always missing a component but now I think they got it all put together I usually don't like fucking around with the New England that four o'clock game of America you know America I like the concept I like that they're putting families together but I know that they fucking rip your heart out now you got to go into Monday and suck a dick I don't need that either in my life I might I want the people who watch this show to be
Starting point is 00:20:29 soldiers we pick up a fucking envelope every week even if it's a 50 fuck the bookmaker we're gonna piss in his fucking mouth today so on the New England game against Baltimore we're gonna go with the fucking over on that correct sure let's go no you can't say this I think it's the under but but I always get nervous but in the over because you said it's 50 let's go with the fucking under you're absolutely right I'm sorry I can't see without my fucking glasses they want to put one contact on my left I gotta walk
Starting point is 00:20:56 around with a fucking mouth I don't need that shit I need both my fucking eyeballs and then we were talking about the Bronco whatever game that that that I think that one's the over that's the over right there so let's go over on the Bronco game sit tight all fucking day you don't need nothing you probably made a little geetus last night maybe you didn't maybe need to get back to that so you're gonna wait till the four o'clock game take your wife to fucking target walk around with the kids throw the ball go outside water the fucking lawn make believe you're a good husband boyfriend but a quarter to four
Starting point is 00:21:25 get that cock sucker on the phone and tell him hey bitch here you go open up your legs Uncle Joey sending you a fucking flying dildo along with the flying Jew bang the fucking what is it Lee what stone on the fucking Texan game it's the over yeah the over is 44 and a half and then the new england Baltimore you're gonna bet the fucking under and you're gonna not go parlay parlays for suckers okay see what happens with the first fucking game and then decide on the second call them back the lines are always open they ain't going nowhere you know i'm saying and if your book he has to go eat dinner with his
Starting point is 00:21:59 fuck him he ain't really a fucking bookie a bookie's gotta be there till 11 answering the phone getting ready for the next day giving out the fucking line that's a good bookie you call him up you tell him this is the silver cavalier whatever your fucking name is and bang was six minutes from joey boom boom fallout i love you motherfuckers checking in on a sunday i appreciate everything you do me after this shit i got a i got a day filled out Lee the agostino my man from the ha ha the little young guys getting married he's getting married at two o'clock over on cofast i gotta put a suit on and run over
Starting point is 00:22:30 there i gotta get to the wire at some point for them to hit the bag stretch run a little bit do the bicycle my knees been bottoming my other fucking knees on you know when you when you uh repair a meniscus or whatever an acl you put so much strain the other one that you hurt the other one makes sense when i was training i think i hurt that one and it's been fucking killing me the last couple of days so i'm still gonna work out and uh you know i'm 50 i don't know if i do the surgery i do before the years over because i don't want to be in the hospital with my wife she's spitting out a kid and there i am limping around like fukin bullio but i was thinking about a story about gambling
Starting point is 00:23:04 the guy i'm gonna see next week is mike runney and mike runney was the king of suing people suing people and then getting the money and putting it and gambling it away oh jesus him and my other buddy came out to aspen colorado to my wedding he was supposed to be my best man he had rings around his nose the priest came up to me like listen dog mike can't do this shit he's too coked up so george he stepped in for him but mike was such a fucking loser in gambling that we had this guy at luci's bar called spider god he's not with us no more he got hit by a car sorry about that he got hit by a car now right now he's fucking he's uh he would he would be a drunk a coke dude but he would start partying at 11 in the morning well basketball don't start till 7 30
Starting point is 00:23:45 you start snorting and drinking 11 30 in the morning by four o'clock you're fucked up so my man runney knew this shit okay so runny would go to him right and he wouldn't know what was going on so he would wait for the games to start yeah like 20 minutes in he would call sports phone because in those days there was no pspn with the game with the sport lines every 15 minutes okay gotta call sports phones for 35 fucking minutes dog that's how you knew 35 minutes that would cost you that would cost you 35 cents and what and what would they do more sports was it uh readings your next fucking call is at 841 p.m right now let's go to the nba then they spit out all the things opening lines in college and it was just a pre-recorded call that got that bro you guys are living today
Starting point is 00:24:25 you're pretty easy go on your phone you know the score of the fucking game up to the minute the old days we get them like every eight minutes so everything so you didn't even know that's my unemployment so high all these people used to have jobs and do that yeah just sit there all day greetings thank you for calling Joe Diaz if you bet the night is go fuck your mother you're a loser you know i'm saying like so do follow them but then they give you the scores and the lines it was along and some people would just stay on there i had friends that would stay on there for hours mother fucker give me the school so he would call sports phone we get the score the game he would go up to spider spider be laid out the bar he'd wake him up it's fine i want to put this
Starting point is 00:24:59 game in he put the game in knowing the score already and he's still fucking loose so he'd be up and he'd still lose he'd tell me he'd come home and die because he'd be a fucking coked up and joe would be going from the side as i died what the fuck i caught spider halfway through and i still fucking lost that's how fucked up people we hung out with growing up this guy's just hang out at luci's bar my man joe luci down there in florida living off the fucking 20s he sold the bar to some porto rican's yeah next to venerian's funeral parlor now when we went back to north bergen and due to the documentary you said that a lot of people i think george said or i forget who said it was that that was a big thing like on saturday night you guys would jump in front of cars and
Starting point is 00:25:38 and try to get try to get like the hospital bill and sue people and there's no i had a friend sigh larence he was a he specialized in that shit oh yeah the jew he would say you're fucking bro come on i'll make you some money for 300 dollars he'd show you to a hole that you've fallen like a bump on the sidewalk and shit he'd take it to it boom you fall yeah he'd show it to you then he'd drive you to the hospital let's say you were supposed to scrape your shoulder yeah he'd scrape your shoulder up a little bit he'd take you to the hospital you get the x-rays the next day he'd pick you up at nine in the morning you go to attorney's office the attorney already had the paperwork on your fall he had everything done you had your doctor's appointment set up and your job
Starting point is 00:26:13 was to go to the doctor because the more doctor bills you rang up that's the more they give you know the fucking mind of the jew and then what did he what he told you to say uh where am i or what it was yeah whenever you fall whenever you fall a slip or something always even if you don't pass out open up your eyes and go where was i did i pass out did i pass out did i pass out those four words it's a hundred grand that's better than being a vietnam fucking vet you're following me because that's the first thing i'm gonna say he hit his head so hard your honor he passed out a hundred fucking gibos right there coming to you but those days are long gone it's tough to fucking take an insurance they follow you now my other buddy got an insurance company for like 200
Starting point is 00:26:48 thousand front front for their fucking grandma fucking coke went out dancing he's on the dance little fucking dancing they got a tap on the shoulder was the insurance guy boom he lost his money he was supposed to be at home uh nursing his bad knee he couldn't go to work for a year he couldn't roll his skate no more so he leaves out dancing in the gold god he's not fucking dancing so in the old days they fucking just wrote out checks now these motherfuckers follow you and cause and take pictures you see those things on like the news at 530 these fucking crime stoppers the eyewitness the eyewitness they drive around and follow people working for the municipalities smoking dope by the liquor store playing lottery tickets fuck it milking the system these fucking
Starting point is 00:27:25 suckers there's a state carbon in boston over the weekend who uh was drunk and passed out in a wendy's parking lot and it's in his in his car but oh we got a call coming in those there's my brother right there hold on joey felato yo what's happening cocoa my man what's up brother i'm happy with the church or what's happening baby you know how we fucking do it you got the day off oh yeah the day off finally you know cost sales but thank you for inviting me to the church because it's the first time in 10 years i've been in church and i like the church i'm smoking weed i'm drinking red wine right now red wine look at you like john goddy in 85 before you hit castellano like a doctor what's going on brother you know every week i can have i can have all these momos calling
Starting point is 00:28:11 but i want to have more bergen people calling especially specialists in certain fields you know we grew up in the same you know i always think about joey just to let these people know do you remember when larry holmes fought the great white hope remember that when we were kids jerry cooney and your father had the biggest tv on the block this is a true story so we went over there your mother made three different types of chicken colors the ones dipped in fucking uh a bat uh breadcrumbs and the other ones in flour oh my god we would i was i was probably 18 you were probably 15 joey third uh 14 exactly that yell was three your sister was three i mean uh this is how long we go back you know at that time joey's had the basketball court in the backyard he
Starting point is 00:28:57 had the fucking lat machine everybody was doing everything and you know who started the wait fuck the man the man everybody was drinking decker the robblin you know what i'm saying except for donnelly paradise he wanted carrot juice we had we had 15 we had 15 guys hitting the same needle all boiling off everybody had eddie leach when one time hit himself and started just shaking and everybody's still walking around spitting fucking nails like a soldier yeah yes exactly exactly you know i've been listening to your podcast and i heard one the other day on the 20th and you had your friend martin colin yeah and then after that you know i heard the flying jew like you know maybe some people don't believe any of these fucking stories but anybody
Starting point is 00:29:47 who's listening around the world whatever this man said is a hundred percent true oh we get down joey i can we why lie now i'm 50 years old what are you know what i'm saying why these people get lied to every fucking day thank you you can only believe me if you're from north bergain that's your coach you know when i call people and i say them from north bergain dog you know this is where we grew up we got to tell these stories to people they call back or like i contacted david baton i contacted mike mike fucking anybody on facebook because being out of north bergen when you look at it you realize how fucking crazy you are like you realize how crazy you know when when they got the hooker remember when they got debri and balling all remember she used to suck dick on 80th street
Starting point is 00:30:31 on smith street and they convinced this fucking hooker they convinced this hooker to fucking go on eyewitness news and tell her that she she was a hooker for the mayor and she wasn't who knows and they shut down the whole political system and 18 months later they found the fucking dead oh jesus dead remember that and then they changed her name her name was like patty lamanka and they changed it to debri and balling all that how much of a joke it was we live that life man these guys don't know we live with somebody from california you're gonna tell the story about what like we're sitting at a starbucks that's what i'm gonna tell you know tell us a little bit about your gambling expertise brother excuse me tell us a little bit about your gambling expertise oh my god well i
Starting point is 00:31:16 was a little bit of a gambling expertise years ago you know it was like 1988 i had enough and i was just hanging out doing nothing everybody else was dealing coke you know of course i couldn't live by that rule don't get high in your own supply so i didn't deal i just hung out with everybody so i never had an uncle frankie and i never knew what uncle frankie really was until i went and met him one day i bet i met the point you remember the point the point absolutely a cheeseburger the lux oh yeah disco prize oh unbelievable uh so i met him there one sunday morning and he said okay he goes i want you to go to ccork is at this job site and go meet this guy in the trailer and he didn't tell me what it was i didn't even ask he goes just
Starting point is 00:31:58 go be there so you know i go over there and all of a sudden they got 20 000 football tickets so i'm delivering football tickets now this is 1988 you know and all of a sudden i graduated to the phone room now the phone room if you ever know anywhere you take your bets in new jersey you know you gotta go over to watch tonight right because there's a ticket it's a ticket in new york but it's a felony in new jersey did you know that's why you do it new jersey you go over the river in new jersey it's a big time felony in new york to slap on a wrist so i never really knew who my uncle frankie was and how big they were and who they were with i'm delivering on monday night i go over to statin island i'm picking up 20 000 football tickets and on monday night i'm
Starting point is 00:32:43 delivering them all up and down bergleine every year and kennedy boulevard and merengue and this pub and pub and so i was fucking sick at the time i wasn't doing anything this is the first time i really knew and thank god uncle frankie is who he was because i wouldn't even be here talking to you on thursday on thursday night we'd settle up you know you'd settle up with koko everybody you know and you meet people here you need to drive around with 50 grand in the car so i was a sick fucking young man i just had somebody follow us one day you know suddenly about two months later and he did it as a cop you know what i mean he fucking he did it as a cop he pulled us over put the light on the thing and all of a sudden boom two days later we got 36 grand in cash and that
Starting point is 00:33:29 was the beginning of fucking doubt all over there and we went to the fucking phone room you know about the story in the phone room yeah what were you doing tell these motherfuckers oh my god well first when you get a phone room you're up in washington height and you take over the problem like 186 and st nicholas you know so it's like 15 000 Puerto Ricans and dominicans hanging out all over the place and you're walking through and there's six white guys walking through you know coming out of a link and getting all dressed up and you go with somebody's apartment and you and you have a phone and there were six phones and call waiting and we used to take numbers and bets and sports bets and and give the football lines so you know everybody's got a package back
Starting point is 00:34:12 then you know so my package was bike and you remember the guy named brian i don't want to drop any other right absolutely my brother yeah the car was down there yeah that's my brother man yeah yeah he had a used package and so we had somebody on the inside excuse me on the outside was betting through him we used to put everything when you called up copes it was like a phone and with a tape record on the phone with a little wire on the phone in those days so you could hit port and do whatever you didn't mean so we had i used to work with a guy named dean you know his father used to own the regs up there you know dean the answer yeah yeah and and this guy named jimmy teak snow load guy they were the head of the phone room so i had a friend that had a package
Starting point is 00:34:55 to car that was his name brian and he had a big package so we started putting him back after the thing was over you know after how you couldn't lose so back then we hit like four of us hit him for like a hundred and fucking 25 000 we hit a big you know within like a month period of time now the guy i was working for was in jail you know who he is right this fish yeah i don't even know if they're still alive these people i hope not because i'm not over there i'm over he's still alive he's still alive yeah yeah so we were putting in the bet after the game was over and all of a sudden we got caught so now nobody knows this now this is about you know a year or two went to you know i'm 19 i'm 20 years old robbing him for 25 grand that was a lot of money back then snorting every
Starting point is 00:35:44 fucking dollar too oh my god snorting every dollar looking out windows getting freaks putting coke rocks in their assholes tremendous exactly exactly and well we had a you would go into a building and right down there in the building there was selling coke there was selling coke right there and say nick thirty dollars a grand thirty five dollars a grand in those days i think 60 is the exact year we used to go with rego we used to go with rego we got caught yeah we got caught you know when we you know like these guys live it like we used to live that shit and these people feed in the movies when i was working for them every like christmas and every so often you have a big meeting someplace and we used to have them on 57th and 5th in this back room in a place called
Starting point is 00:36:26 billy hong's the chinese place fucking the best the best lobster egg roll you ever tasted 33 dollars back in 85 billy hong's 33 dollars they used to order 50 for the table i'm telling you my mother used to take me there as a baby and tip him 100 because i'd make such a fucking mess i used to go to billy hung so much as a kid there was a picture of my real father there the one that my real father manuel Diaz there was a picture of billy hong's wall because he was in there so many years from cuba like he was there and i remember years i went there to 85 lobster fucking egg rolls 33 dollars and nineteen it's unbelievable fucking three of them we have we have 20 guys in the back room you know like the front of the promos i didn't really know what was going on i was 20 years old
Starting point is 00:37:11 i didn't piece together who these guys were they order 50 egg rolls for the table so one time we had a a meeting there and everybody's there this coca this place is packed with 500 people on a saturday night i'm sitting there all of a sudden the shed he walks in with mark i please remember him yeah yeah is he still doing time i don't know but he was he was he was one of those guys you want to see at night time you know he would light down fire that was a rumor about him he was still something yeah he walked in big guy and he won i was sitting on a on a bar stool right there and all of a sudden for shitty open hand slapped me bang in the face he was like to put a fucking bolt in your head and the whole place stopped now this is like this is not a movie this is real life
Starting point is 00:37:56 and i was like i didn't do anything i didn't do anything and eventually i had a fucking and you know admit what i did and then the next day i ran to my uncle frankie and i never heard anything else about it you know and my uncle frankie i didn't realize was a huge capo in the fucking gambino's family you know so thank god i'm here to talk to you today thank god you know why dog because i'm a fucking mutual brother you know i i was telling these guys that before i go to an audition or anything i always think about darin i always do because i think about the balls and i was telling you that he was alive he would have loved you oh he would have been right here he would have been with the flying jew right now because uh he would have been out
Starting point is 00:38:39 there smacking motherfuckers everybody would have got smacked along the way adam sandler everybody wouldn't have treated me right because he loved this shit but one of the stories uh just to let you know about the mind frame and how fucking north bergenese we are and how fucking stupid but how loyal we are tell the story about the time where he uh gave the kid money don't sell the kid's name because the kid's a good kid and we've talked yeah he took the kid's money the kid uh it was a bad part in his life it was a bad part in his life and this kid was you know you know everybody was partying doing what they were fucking doing shit you know and this kid fucking got him for 60 bucks and it was like two weeks in a row and he just found all i promised my cousin didn't have anything
Starting point is 00:39:20 you know that coke and he would give you the fucking shut off his back bro you know he he he he does man he was you can't i mean even though he was who he was but it's unbelievable i miss him so fucking much he'd give you the shirt off his back so he can have 60 bucks he probably robbed it together to get to the kid because the kid was saying he had to feed his family whatever the kid beat him so fucking then the kid was going around town then he wasn't gonna pay him so you know how fucking Darren was like the incredible hoax he lived in 90 feet you remember behind the car wash there fuck yeah on the big red right there i hate fucking uh he went down the fucking block and he lived in an apartment building but he lived up on the second floor he ran through the first door
Starting point is 00:40:00 and he fucking ran through the second door off the fucking engine and fucking went in the apartment and started joking and it wasn't that he wasn't giving the money back it was like the principal was the principal that were you going around town you know how it was right but it supposedly broke the fucking table and he hit him with the table leg oh Jesus and he got and he got charged with attempted murder but i guess he died before anything and then he died he died right before that you know because of the bad time it was just a bad time and Darren's and that could have been any of us joey that could have been you me oh i think Darren took the bullet for me i always think about that how i got to do something every day because he took the bullet for me man i did
Starting point is 00:40:39 a lot of things with Darren i got out yes you know i hear you always tell me i remember the story of him the new robbing the fucking gas station with the water pistol that i got i robbed it from pacmok and got caught the first time i lied to the lady i told her that my little brother needed my parents died needed the water pistol we we want to take with a water pistol and we robbed him for 200 fucking dollars and then another time uh uh yeah georgia amico right there across the street from the high school we robbed the gas station but the best was we went to Harlem one night when we graduated high school was 135th and fucking amsterdam right and uh this is 1982 we're out there and look he had the ice box he had a car that had no heater so we called it the
Starting point is 00:41:31 ice box it's February in new york the green is called in the car outside the car oh my it was fucking there was a blizzard me and your brother me and your cousin rob so many stereos from steers sears that summer that's out that winter that's how we made a living we go to sears and steal a fucking stereo and get 60 bucks for it and that was our night out 40 50 for a half gram and 10 for beer oh he fucking beat me up one time with the coke uh me and darin there was uh what were you saying what happened no no me and darin and you and darin it's like a part of your life that uh i think about and i gotta sit down because i get sad i'm getting sad now i'm thinking about i look at his picture i got his picture everywhere he's still got those pictures oh my god i got his picture
Starting point is 00:42:17 on his wallet yeah i got a picture on his wallet i got a picture two pictures of him in my wallet one on the wall i got a shrine for him with my mother and all the other soldiers and i like candles from on monday and i pray for them and uh because what would you be fucking stories oh when i tell him about you it's unbelievable you know a long way man unbelievable that's darin regal right there i'm not the biggest fan oh my god tell him about in high school that these people i got a picture of my balls on my twitter but tell him how far back my balls go who's ever listening i was a fucking freshman and he was a senior and my cousin and him was best friend you know and we had this in gym class they would make you do like uh was a fucking gymnastics uh gymnastics and shit like that
Starting point is 00:43:03 so we had this teacher that was a dyke what was her name miss bernhardt miss bernhardt and i loved it she was cool as shit she was she was really cool so now joey if he tells you about it it's the truth he's got a Cuban egg roll the size of an arm he had on his shorts he cut uh sweatpants on you know and with a hole in the middle so he was going up on the parallel bars and i was young and i was passing by and my cousin was there and he swings his stuff up and he puts his legs over and his fucking egg roll falls down almost hit the mat and he said miss bernhardt miss bernhardt i feel fucking hysterical man and she's like get off the bars and stop showing me your dick and then she pulled me over later on she was like i don't
Starting point is 00:43:51 care what you're doing in that class just please don't show me your dick okay that's how cool you know i was uh whenever i think about darin i think about the a the purple kwayloons at black sabbath when we went down to Philadelphia to see black sabbath ronnie james d o and uh sammy haygaur and and he stopped at the back room and a burger king and some guy sold them uh what he was kwayloon it was supposed to be acid purple micro that acid but he ended up passing out so he kept torturing him for years there was purple kwayloons and he would always get fucked you there were no fucking kwayloons that was ass i could taste it well his beeper number used to be 714 that was his beeper number you know and for you guys that don't know 714 was kwayloon that was a number on
Starting point is 00:44:33 a fucking kwayloon 714 right uh man there's so many fucking stories you can tell about you how about when he fought larry mcneil and he threw him over the fucking king at the v vfw that fight started the fucking autos that was in time when darin first i remember being in my little apartment living with mike ronnie in the basement and one night your cousin shows up and he's buggy bug died and he goes koko let's do a line and we start snorting and he says i gotta tell you something i started lifting and i'm doing the juice and he would take his shirt off and pose for you this is right before high school ended he would uh pose for you so we had him on this program but we get him all fucked up anywhere and go darin take your shirt off pose for these motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:45:15 he would do 50 sit-ups he would do 50 push-ups and start posing this i mean you can't do it in union city in the box yeah yeah yeah autos we used to in high school i had a job bartending an autos grill on 30th in new york avenue the register would pull in 1500 they got $30 i kept the rest all on mondays it was the biggest mondays the bar ever had i had everybody down there from high school the deal was i'll buy a beer you buy a beer this is my fucking january in high school for you motherfuckers who don't have work and uh this is it right here we're dropping it on you i was a and on wednesdays science cock suckers i used to have to be there thursdays at seven a and i'd still make 800 then they used to have an envelope at the end of the night joey uh the bar
Starting point is 00:45:59 thing you got to put an envelope and put in the refrigerator it was just an envelope that you licked i'd go into the city get coked up on even on the night that i didn't work i had the keys to the bar on the way back i'd go go over the Lincoln tunnel let's go pick up a quick hundred and go pick up a grandma blow that way you do i go into the bar take an envelope out a brand new one take the money out take a hundred for myself put a new envelope and right to your mouth i was robbing forget about it and there used to be a sad red hot dog stand right there on 30th street right in front of where me and you ate league yeah me and lee ate there i took lee to eat that hot dog stand that's where the bar was right there right there we were in front of that fucking bar right
Starting point is 00:46:34 around the corner from my mother's bar oh jeez where we ate that hot dog with chili and mustard it was the i said that's a lot you're flying through there i took the flying june north bergen i took it to my mother's thing we shot that that's who shot the documentary the flying jew oh he did it oh this is my brother right here he knows everything man so next time we go we're gonna shoot one about darin that's our next documentary i think the relationship we had i'll fly in for it i'll know i know you will from uh i mean i love i love your podcast i'm even number i'm your fan because it's darin i'm darin's living through me for you you know what i love your brother you touch together man i love you know my heart man and i'm happy you call
Starting point is 00:47:16 thank you brother i love you and listen i want you you got the number you call whenever the fuck you want your family the people love you i love you man and we'll talk a kiss for your little girl girl kiss the flying jew i'm definitely gonna call back and call him periodically you know who just called him you know just called here jimmy volano just called me on the regular line and another soldier that fucking stick that sick fuck hey do you remember any stories about the metalans in the metalans in now it was probably a little bit before my time i remember the ones that you were telling the other day about the domino and the west cue and yeah the whole room down there the what was the hotel down there with mr tp but the metalans bar i gotta get
Starting point is 00:47:56 somebody calling that was a girl tina he's just sitting in the galliano bottle i was telling us he used to take a butt we used to all go down there we she'd take a fucking uh Budweiser bottle sticking her pussy and then the beer was hey yeah yeah yeah yeah we'll talk about listen brother what you did today meant the world i love you man just let these motherfuckers know what's really going on and where we're from hey everybody keep listening baby this thing is gonna go we're gonna blow up the internet we're gonna fuck them up i love you i love you brother stay black bye all right you too take care of yourself bye bye holy shit lee uh see that was a great call that's uh it's fucking crazy again that daren another good story was when he got in a fight at a club or whatever
Starting point is 00:48:37 and and he got like a knife in front of your leg or you threw a knife at someone's like i don't remember but he came in like he flew out of the wall like saved your life yes he did i mean another time i had a beer that was the night we were seeing he's in high school and it was the you know after the award dinner is like the best dancer we never make it we went over to 135 picked up an eight ball went to sabatino's liquor store his father owned he was he was a year younger than us too and he would steal his father's he's from the liquor store we'd go in there take the fucking booze and we'd go we went to this bar in union city where we weren't supposed to be at uh union city is the home of tommy heidson frankie winters from the green bay packers which i talked about
Starting point is 00:49:15 when i was in the fucking german town friday night uh we played cyo ball together i mean union city is a great little fucking town but they had this bar across the street from the uh funeral parlor that's why i hated this bar and the bar always changed hands okay it was always and i'd go to the thc crystal if you didn't want to go into the city to harland to get thc crystal you went over to this fucking bar and uh now it became like it was the after hours for the fucking high school dance that's a high school dance we were to borrow you by thc crystal the whole fucking school is they dancing and the fight broke out and some guy broke a fucking bottle man it had me in the corner i'm all fucked up on a lude my foot is bleeding and darin came flying
Starting point is 00:49:53 out of somewhere and took the guy so you know people always say to me what fucking drove you over the years is knowing that these guys spirits were watching over me man darin my mother my father all these motherfuckers watch over me how can i go wrong with these motherfuckers you know what i'm saying yeah don't forget motherfuckers testicle testaments this wednesday at the ice house 830 leasing to be there get your ticket six two six five seven seven eighteen ninety four the other thing i was talking about leah and lisa just to talk about on here i gotta get a fucking car and i want to get a pot well listen i don't give a fuck about the joneses i just want to get a car to get around my wife needs a car now in the daytime she's got the main car i got a
Starting point is 00:50:30 Subaru i gotta go get a Subaru to fucking maro i lease that one but i want something different for the house i just don't know what yeah if anybody has some help fucking message me on facebook whatever if you got a dealership up here in the valley you need one that you can bring the kid around in like the one you have as a small fuck the kid i got time for the kid let the kid take a fuck like a chinese kid on a rickshaw i got time to be fucking drunk around with kids i do 90 down the side street i do 90 in the school zone you know oh that was that was funny you said on the rogan podcast but when you have like a nice car i was telling someone that when like the only reason you buy that car so you can go 90 yeah i'll rip it up if i got a seven
Starting point is 00:51:08 series bmw just because i'm doing 90 everywhere a couple you know i just get my car with a jewish attorney with a yamak on it and a hundred dollar bill if they do what you gotta do you know what i'm saying rip up my license i'm gonna get it back on monday anyway fuck it why drive a night i see these people with nice fucking cars doing 65 in the left hand lane it destroys me fucking crazy i don't want a Porsche i don't want to be in dub I don't want nothing like that i want a regular working man's car i like the fucking Hyundai i like the Toyota Corolla i really like the Ford Taurus i just don't do this to make up yeah they got a new one really fucking vampish this shit you know i want to buy america with my fucking heart you know i really want to buy america with
Starting point is 00:51:44 my budget you know i got a thing from the credit union for fucking uh 15 g's or something like that so whatever i want to buy i don't want to buy a Honda with a hundred thousand miles you know you always want to buy a car that's two years old so somebody eats the fucking uh whatever the depreciation right off the bat okay but what they're doing now they're charging more for a fucking huge car than for a new car yeah you know some crazy going there so it's just i'm thinking about a used car but you know what i'm gonna end up going so today i'm gonna go to Hyundai i'm gonna go look around at what the fuck i gotta get a car by the end of the week i'm leaving thursday i like to get it's a fucking day of paperwork which drives me fucking crazy i can't
Starting point is 00:52:18 i can't imagine you doing too well with that no but i do good because i just go in and tell the fucking dude i don't have time to go back and forth i go straight to the sale who's the salesman like to go let's go here's what the situation is my budget you know let's do this or not just let me know i got time to go back if i'm not gonna sit down i'll drive the car when we're here we could do we work the deal backwards on the real deal yeah i got time to work the deal the four steps i've been there i sold cars from college what the fuck yeah the gm just actually recalled like half a million cars though for something with the transmission to be careful with gm and you know they all get you look at Toyota you couldn't fucking stop you know you got the Toyota three years
Starting point is 00:52:52 ago you you know it was jews paradise because everybody's getting real fucking ended you know it's a remake of the two parts yeah it's jews paradise because everybody's getting fucking re-rendered every fucking jew is jumping up and down every jew got a picture of toyota in their house they bowed her how much money that made for the fucking state is real fucking toyota everybody was fucking even my wife hit somebody that got you to sue she didn't know that the jews were available to her you know she wanted to basis with norton freaky and associates fuck those cocksuckers you know what i'm saying unless freaky's a jew i don't want i don't want to go into the chamber of debt with some fucking though they gotta go in there with a fucking jew throwing heat
Starting point is 00:53:29 samda luka in jersey city for all your attorney needs representing the man's old brothers at this fucking league tell these motherfuckers you're the only cuban with 18 jews surrounding the surrounding that's the only way to get ahead what are you going to show up with indian duke playing the fucking bongo it's that shit you gotta show up with a jew with a shiny suit like bruce buffers fucking jacket i'm telling you i don't know what's wrong with bruce buffer with that fucking jacket he's two days away from fucking well his entire job is being like in the center i mean he must get must get to you or something but jesus christ so we've got on tap this week we have another fucking podcast tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow is uh what time six
Starting point is 00:54:09 a.m pacific yeah and nine a.m mother fucking new jersey time cocksuckers so we got the car what didn't i cover we covered spider we covered oh you know what i want to talk about here's what i want to talk about from the bottom of my heart listen guys uh you know we got a lot of things going on at debt squad joe rogan's been very good to all of us uh dunking myself arie uh tom segura's got a new cd it's number five on items do me a favor let's make this motherfucker number one tom segura is one of the funniest fucking guys i know i love him and his wife christine and uh do me a favor just as us let's see what we could do for tom fucking segura it's called white girls with cornrows and has his picture on the front cover his last cd was fucking hysterical
Starting point is 00:54:52 tom segura is a fucking comic guys i'm not a comedian i'm a funny guy haha who how how i'm here to amuse you no i like to fuck around with people when i see a comedian that writes jokes and then patting puts effort into him i sit there in drool because that's what i aspire to be and i'll never be something that good tom segura is one of those guys you know uh tony hind cliff who i fucking love i i love joe rogan they're monologist you know they this is what they do they sit they fucking write please support tom segura he's my brother you know and uh we'll go see him and smoke some dope and do whatever the fuck it is we need to do and that's it you got the fucking under you got the oval we gave you we gave you joey felato throwing heat it's the lords
Starting point is 00:55:33 day man go enjoy your families it's a beautiful day to fucking be alive you're alive what the fuck you got to be mad about we goofed around today we smoked some dope lee no more reef on sunday's cock sucky you know good i'm sending in an a that's it it's over it's over it's an you get mad at me because i'm not big enough because who hit you that was just my hand and you were smoking for 18 fucking minutes i'm like lee put the pipe down let me blame it on me were you outside no you're sitting in here staring at the refrigerator with a soda going to electrocute us you know what the fuck lee you're killing me though you're supposed to be the fucking body i did uh i love you motherfucker's uh tomorrow i don't know who's gonna call it tomorrow tomorrow
Starting point is 00:56:13 i might have steve a girl i might have a surprise it's a fucking surprise but i'm very excited about you guys uh thank you for supporting the podcast for everything the fuck that you do for me and lee whether it's the documentary on payloads whether it's on amazon i don't whatever the fuck you do man we love your testicle testaments wednesday night lee it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder from i'm praying i'm playing the message i'm oh one other thing don't forget to watch it close range i gave it out to rogan think a bunch of people have been calling me back i hit me back on twitter fantastic movie you'll forget all about avatar and all this other shit you've seen christopher walken shorn fucking pen that's my movie for the week oh 1984 but donna lived to
Starting point is 00:56:54 tell us the soundtrack that's when she was married to shorn penn shorn penn was doing decker the roblin look at the first thing they got the guy from 24 what's his name doesn't even have a line in that fucking movie oh that's how strong the fucking movie is i love you guys stay black it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under hahaha hit it from lee what are you doing it's going i was gonna play different time but i'll do it here you go mother fuckers have a great day with your family you're alive yeah uh break the reefer smoke that motherfucker eat that monkey be a man bitches thank you for all your love lee throw a kiss bye guys it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going
Starting point is 00:57:42 under it's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how i keep from going under

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