Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #158 | RUDY SARZO | UNCLE JOEY'S JOINT with JOEY DIAZ

Episode Date: April 27, 2022

Welcome to UNCLE JOEY’S JOINT..... It’s Wednesday, April 27th.... This podcast is ALWAYS presented by ONNIT! https://www.onnit.com This episode is also brought to you by Manscaped & CBD Lion.…. ...Get 20% off plus free shipping with the code DIAZ at https://manscaped.com Go to https://www.cbdlion.com Use Promo Code: JOEY For 20% OFF Your Order! Follow Uncle Joey on Social Media: https://www.Twitter.com/madflavor https://www.Instagram.com/madflavors_world And don’t forget..... The Mind Of Joey Diaz on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/joeydiaz #JoeyDiaz #Madflavor #UncleJoeysJoint #TheJoint #Manscaped #CBDLion #RudySarzo The JOINT is Produced by: Michael Klein aka @onebyonepodcast on Social Media: https://www.Instagram.com/onebyonepodcast https://www.twitter.com/onebyonepodcast Huge Thanks to BEN TELFORD for the Tremendous intro video..... https://spoti.fi/unclejoeysjoint

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This podcast is brought to you by on it go to on it calm and look at the great selection of supplements If you find something you like pressing code Joey and get 10% off Delivered right to your house. What's happening you bad motherfucker's uncle Joey here the joint is brought to you by Manscaped listen. They're starting to movement over at Manscaped They want everybody to take care of themselves and with spring break approaching Listen, you got to have your nuts tipped top magoo some women like tall guys Some prefer big butts, but no one prefers them men with fucking smelly unkept fucking Ratholes, that's why our friends at Manscaped developed a new and improved lumbar 4.0
Starting point is 00:00:44 To keep the weeds out of your fucking crotch garden before you head out to spring trip Make sure you're groomed from ball to tip join the Manscaped movement by going to manscape.com Code Diaz diaz for 20% off and free shipping get your day started by trimming those fucking bat hairs With the waterproof lumbar point 4.0 clear your holes and smell the spring air With the fucking weed wacker. I love it. Where is it's around here somewhere? I always clean up my nose and also clean up that fucking old nutsack like mine with crop preserver and crop reviver Fucking tremendous and then you finish off grooming with the plow 2.0 A little razor you get a little fucking shave on your face
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Starting point is 00:02:11 Listen when it comes to CBD the best now what i've been doing is i found out from somebody if you take One drop of tbd under your tongue before you work out you're gonna go through it like a fucking savage I did a workout with it this morning. I felt a lot better before it had a lot better after it So add that to your workout routine CBD lion is number one Go to cbd lion.com and read the third party lab results They will blow your fucking mind whether it's the kinesiology tape The cream or the delta nine gummies, which are fucking tremendous and i'm giving you 15% off for 20% off take a chance
Starting point is 00:02:50 Go to cbd lion pressing code joey your joint and get 20% off and get it on that delta nine They're worth their fucking weight and gold again cbd lion dot com Code joey Read the third party lab results and get some cbd and put one of those cotton balls up your ass with cbd You'll be jumping up and down for days and now without further ado Here comes the joint cocksuckers uncle joey's ready for you on a wednesday morning So
Starting point is 00:04:14 You What's happened you bad motherfuckers i dream of genie with a 10-foot weenie you know i'm saying It's wednesday cocksuckers get your shit together. It's a beautiful fucking day to be alive. I'm feeling great I'm sorry about the podcast. I'm not even fucking sorry. I just had to tell you how I feel. That's it. Listen, man Ever since I moved that I left this dude alone is it's like you're dealing with a fucking retard But as usual people get fucking froggy when the fucking king is away So now I got to come back and reclaim my mother fucking throne You understand me and we're working on it cocksuckers, but it's great. It's wednesday. I'm feeling good. I had a great fucking week
Starting point is 00:05:02 I don't know if you guys got to watch The uh show on hbo came on monday night with john burnt all we were supposed to he was supposed to be a guest today We got rudy instead, but we'll have burnt all on next week to talk about uh, we own the city You watching mike Not bad the first episode was kind of fucking slow, but john was great. The characters were great You know, I like that wire writing. I like all that shit ghetto. I live for that stuff It's great. It's uh, yeah, they always get going for like the third episode But hopefully we'll have john uh
Starting point is 00:05:35 Next week. I got rudy today rudy's one of my favorite fucking people guys ever since I've met him He's always been like an older uncle like I I could ask him advice on anything because Music comedy entertainment. It all goes hand in fucking hand a comedian is a failed musician And a musician is a comedian who was fucking smart, you know saying that he said fuck going on a row with no guitar I got to protect myself and shit in case will smith wants to come up here some shit, but all jokes aside now I've had great talks of rudy. We talk about you know, just the business and how he sees it how I see it you know
Starting point is 00:06:15 I started taking some guitar lessons from and it's fucking crazy Like compared to my teacher that I was paying 40 bucks rudy was 30 times better And it's so weird when you get a lesson From somebody who he's a fucking legend guys. I mean White snake, you know, it's just so many fucking things, but he's not a legend because of his bass playing I'll tell you that much. He's a legend because he's a good fucking guy, man. And uh He just feels you know, if if you're smart and you're a young musician, I would follow rudy
Starting point is 00:06:50 He gives some great fucking advice. He's not uh a partier. He's not a heavy metal banger, you know It's so funny when you meet people what you You Portray them to be like, uh, who's the crazy guy? I like the guy that does all the Ozzy Oz one shit, you know, he does he's got his own band Fucking crazy dude with a beard, you know, Zach Wilde, you know, Zach Wilde, I love Zach Wilde But you know what I love about Zach Wilde? I love everything I hear about I love that when Zach goes on tour. He goes on tour. There ain't no shine. We're there ain't no shave and
Starting point is 00:07:28 You're just gonna be a fucking rough neck and stink. I love all that shit. But then when he's home He's a dad. He shaves the beard. He's at his kid's softball games, you know These are like split You have to have like a split life in this and you have to be cool with it If not, you know how many times I was sitting there eating dinner with mercy and my wife and we're talking about like, you know Stupid kid shit and before that we're saying prayers and while she's saying prayers I'm like, I gotta go down to the store an hour
Starting point is 00:07:54 And unleash a beret of fucking curses racial epitets and all this shit. This is this is double life Nobody believes this shit. Like I'm sitting here Same prayers with my hands up like a half a fag and everything And then now I'm gonna be at the comedy store yelling and screaming talking about sucking my dick guys. It's not normal, but You know, you you you fucking figure it out. I couldn't imagine Being like for me I would love to be like in a band and have my kids and go fishing and shit And then tuesday night you show up in philadelphia. You're on stage with led zeppelin with gongs and
Starting point is 00:08:30 You know, you look over your shoulder and there's fucking john bonham fucking playing the shit out of the drums drinking jack daniels and shit People throwing your joints underwears are flying. You're like, I can't wait To get back to freehold that I saw football game on fucking saturday. This is craziness. It's it's It's insanity when you mixed it to like I learned from Joe Rogan Because he already had daughters and he had a a step daughter and I'm like, how the fuck do you do it? You go out you'd be crazy. You smoke dope. Then you got to go home and face these fucking kids. Let me tell you Dog, I try my hardest not to smoke around my kid, but I'm not I try even harder Not to be stoned about it because I don't know what the fuck she's talking about when I'm sober
Starting point is 00:09:10 So can you about rick duke him and one of my fucking idols had a great joke that he had to stop smoking dope when he had his kids Because his kids were asking the creepy questions while he was stoned like that How come you drink grape juice? It goes in purple, but it comes out yellow and he would go Let me he got to get back to me on that was one of my favorite fucking jokes rick duke him and rest his soul but It's uh, it's it's really fucking hard guys and that's what I was having a hard time with when I got back here I was like, what the fuck am I doing? I like I felt like I was the mafia Like every night I'm having dinner with a nice girl and another nice woman and then I gotta go kill somebody
Starting point is 00:09:45 I gotta go shoot somebody in the fucking head and then come back like nothing happened Like I would go to the store on a Tuesday night There's cake quickly would be telling me run There's a checker wants to suck your dick in the back and I would get out You know after I would do one show and then smoke a blunt and then they give you a box of abx edibles And then you go to the original room and do another set and then I gotta go home and walk in It's like hi and my daughter's cadet. We watched Harry Potter and fucking he ate the monologue or whatever the fuck they do on harry potter
Starting point is 00:10:14 How do you think I don't know what she's talking about? It's like I just came from the store Where some woman was telling fucking my friend. She wanted to suck my dick I had to run out of and I come home to fucking harry potter and disney movies and and kanto and shit It's tough, but guess what I'm getting ready to go live that fucking life again because it's fun It's fun to have an alter ego It's it's it's amazing that I say those things on stage on the podcast and people judge you And they put you in a capsule. They don't know that you read a book to your daughter every night. They don't know that You know, you save birds. I don't save birds. I'm just saying, you know, they don't know what you're really about
Starting point is 00:10:55 It's really funny when people are like, hey, what are you out doing drugs tonight? No, it's sunday night I'm home watching winning time with the fucking lake is why would I want to be out tonight doing fucking drugs? I got something, you know, it's it's just weird what people think of you what they assume your life is like Like people always thought I had 20 people in the green room. I don't want 20 people in the fucking green You think I want chicks back there naked. I'm a married fucking man. I like felicia. I like the mc They both smoke whatever don't want to be in there. They better be able to fucking smoke one mc told me I'm allergic to thc. Lucy. You ain't working this weekend Because there's gonna be a lot of reefer in this fucking green room edibles and thc dust and you know
Starting point is 00:11:34 When it's a lifestyle guys and you got to get into it and you know what I missed it for a long time. I missed I miss rocking and rolling. That's what I fucking mess guys. I was and I was scared To rock and roll you have to be You have to be today. Who's not gonna be there with a camera? Who's gonna fucking? You know, are you gonna say a fucking some word and people gonna tape it and take you the fuck Who the fuck knows but you know what you just gotta go out there and not give a fuck It's like somebody telling you I don't want to go to I don't want to go to jiu-jitsu because I might break a bone. I don't want to be a boxer
Starting point is 00:12:08 Because I might get brain damage if you think about that shit, then you're gonna get brain damage You probably got brain damage already thinking that way If you're gonna think that way, but you have to go up on stage going. I don't give a fuck I don't give a fuck what they think and especially me now. I don't listen. I'm not going for no netflix special I could care less if they like me or they don't fucking like me. I'm not going for no nothing I am going for an audition for tom carvel tomorrow and you guys know i'm excited about that shit I've lived to fuck. I live for carvel to have the opportunity. I'm gonna put the audition on tape There's somebody on that movie that doesn't like me
Starting point is 00:12:45 I can't even tell you who it is But last time I put an audition in for a movie that I took that the guy didn't like me It was uh grudge match And then I realized the director was the one that sent in the fucking email for me So you never know when you get those type of auditions at first I was like, oh this bitch is involved with this movie You know, I go, you know what? That means any audition is just a page and a half so I could learn that now and I could just blast it
Starting point is 00:13:11 I'll fucking read it first Then I'll put the yellow on it to mark it and then I'll put my little things then I smoke a joint and revisit it That's how you fucking nail an audition I got my little list I read through the list and mark all this stuff. So the character has a fucking history And tomorrow morning like at 10 I have my wife set up the little camera pool The teleprompter and I'll drop some fucking knowledge and hopefully I'll be tom carval. Listen the chances are slim But fucking you got to go for it cock suckers. I preach this shit
Starting point is 00:13:42 You got to go for if you walk on ice you might as well dance and guess what it's all over It's time for you to fucking go for it. That's it. Yeah, that's it's time for me to go for it guys I've been sitting here long enough Fucking going to softball games and meeting parents It's time for me to go on the road and tell you motherfuckers what I really think and that's plain and fucking simple Do not forget It's sold out, but they might last some tickets loose. I'm on arie's story teller show next monday night At the village underground new york city eight o'clock. I don't know what time i'm going up
Starting point is 00:14:13 I'm just going to go there tell a story and fucking come home smoke a joint and see the boys Who's better than uncle joey? Nobody cocksuckers because now I got a taste of blood and i'm ready for these motherfuckers Now without further ado the great rudy sozzo. I hope you enjoy this joint Welcome to the joint you savage Look at me. I got some I got some I got sunburn I got everything last weekend
Starting point is 00:15:01 It must have been two thousand fucking degrees in jersey on the baseball field Oh, man, what's going on my brother great to see you. So blessings blessing. I'm really blessed. It's all good Life is good. No complaints. How's mom? Oh, she's a man. What what a blessing to have her home with us and It was uh, you know, rebecca. She she instigated the whole thing. That's that's my wife, you know I mean for for the listeners People watching this your but my wife's name is rebecca and she you know, she was kind of like, yeah Let's get her home now because you know, we were
Starting point is 00:15:39 The way that period with coven, you know, that was kind of tough, you know traveling and almost impossible and the risk and And and she was living in miami by herself and she she didn't want to you know Get the shots and be old by herself and something happened and so As soon as we brought her here to to los angeles, you know to live with us and And that right off the plane to get her first vaccine for covet, you know So it's so good. It's so good. It's a is it's like, uh, she's brought so much joy and and and blessings to our home and yeah
Starting point is 00:16:18 We're having fun Actually, you know Rudy when you told me you were bringing your mom You know, my sister died in cuba Like a month and a half ago, maybe So you couldn't really do anything. I couldn't really do anything. You know the situation I could call Yeah Yeah, and I took me four days to get a fucking calling card I couldn't even get a calling card to call and uh, you know, it it was weird
Starting point is 00:16:43 But thinking I was sad and at the same time I was happy because now she's with my mother Which is what my mother always wanted Following couple weeks Rudy started fucking with me a little bit I was watching uh, some show winning time the lake is on HBO And his mother sends him off and I'm like, I never had that Like I never had a mom sending you off to fucking colorado or la or Before you go do a show or something and and you know It was really weird because when my mother died I swept it under the carpet like I didn't deal with it immediately
Starting point is 00:17:18 I couldn't I was too young. I was involved with pussy and music and concerts or I didn't have a chance to really process it So for some weird reason in my mind Rudy, I always thought As crazy as it sounds that I would see her again You know, and it didn't dawn on me 40 fucking years later that I'm not gonna fucking see it. This was just a pipe dream I was saying to me. So if any of the listeners are fucking The watchers whatever take one thing for granted when your mom or your dad dies your world Sucks dick. I'm telling you from me even 40 years later. She never got to see my accomplishments
Starting point is 00:17:59 She never got to see that I could do this or I could do that So you got to be good to your mom's and I'm not saying this because next month is mother's day or nothing I'm saying this. This is general. You have to towards the end You want to be there with them you want to I don't care if it's for that last month to bring them in your house So they see what you're about and you you could see what they're about But now I I respect I give you so much respect Rudy just for you being you Now for bringing your mom into the mix, you know, 90 years old. This is it. These are your golden years I mean, what are you fucking 65? This is it
Starting point is 00:18:36 This is the time you want to be with fucking mom and I know they're a pain in the ass They don't hear and you know, but you gotta drive them to bingo You gotta, you know, keep them involved. Take them out. Take them to a ball. Let them have a glass of wine You know, mom did it for us What shouldn't you do for your fucking mom? Tell me and I know Oh, well, I go to therapy because of my mom because you're a fucking punk cuckucker Because you're a punk cuckucker Tony Soprano too, you don't go into psychiatry and tell him that your mom your mom is the goods and yeah
Starting point is 00:19:07 There's great moms. There's good moms and there's some that are bad, but every mom comes around The same way a dad comes around. So I'm very proud of you Rudy and I I can't imagine The fulfillment you must feel Oh, yeah, I mean every night, uh, you know, she goes from our living room where we have dinner And it's funny because I went when I every time I Watch her in her favorite chair because you know, she's on a walker So she's got to pick the furniture says that she feels comfortable sitting in so she found this chair in the living room And that's kind of like her throne
Starting point is 00:19:47 We call it la reina Because she was she was born the same day the same year as the Queen Elizabeth So she's just celebrated her 96 just like the Queen did And if you add on top of that my wife was born the same day same year as princess Diana I don't know what that means, but that is a fact So getting back to my mom sitting there. So we got her, you know, a really nice tv dinner tray You know, so she sits there watching and this is our ritual every day we watch the family feud And even though she's you know, because living in Miami, she really didn't have the need to learn English
Starting point is 00:20:35 Now she does and I mean, she's got a purpose now Okay, I I learn English because I can talk to my daughter-in-law My wife and my wife is doing the same thing. She's learning Spanish And I'm like really impressed how fast she's picking everything up because she wants to now there's a purpose There's a there's a person that speaks Spanish besides me in the house that she needs to communicate with And and it's really so so so sweet to to walk in the room and my wife has Uh an app on her phone and my mom has an app in the phone and they translate They want to
Starting point is 00:21:13 It's a fucking it's a new adventure in your life on top of any other adventures now you're just Doing your thing with quiet riot my apologies to you my my night got fucked up that night There was a there was a sleepover. That's how I got clearance The girls want to do a sleepover and that afternoon the guy The dad who was going to watch him got called into work in new york because he's a A sanitation like executive So he got called and he called me he's like we're gonna cancel. I go, you know what you can't get my daughter wouldn't shut The fuck up about it all week and the other kids
Starting point is 00:21:51 So I went over there sat with them till like fucking nine o'clock till the moms got home because the moms were going out They didn't know what the right hand the left hand was doing But i'll catch you on the way back either in pa. Oh, yeah Jimmy said you were great. He sent me a video of the bass solo Fucking rudy up there doing this thing looking like a fucking kid at the palladium 40 years back. Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, it's a it's weird because it's a state of mind, you know And I during this covered You know shut down and I say, you know what i'm just gonna like try to learn as much stuff as
Starting point is 00:22:28 interest special interest And one of them was music. I mean it's like sometimes, you know, it's like Did you ever question yourself like What you do? Why do I do what I do? What's the minute? Yeah every goddamn day You know, so so for me to be a musician and it's not you know, because growing up as a kid I wanted to be a lot of things. I wanted to be a baseball player. I wanted to be a movie director, but Once I got that Card handed to me and say okay. This is the card. You're gonna play you're gonna be a musician. This is it
Starting point is 00:23:02 You know, these are the cards that you got. So, you know, this is your hand in life, you know, and I'm going like You know, there's gotta be a reason this gotta be a purpose for me doing this I mean, it's not just me getting up there and playing a bunch of songs So this is even before I I got back with quiet riot, you know, prank. He was still alive, you know and all of that so And So I you know, I went on the internet started, you know, getting as much knowledge and information going to different websites saying, okay I like this. I don't like that. I like this. I want to hear more and and one thing came to the other So I just started basically it came down
Starting point is 00:23:41 To quantum physics with me And what really attracts me about quantum physics is that first of all, I understand it Not necessarily all of it but the essence of it, you know and to actually watch Scientists people who are way more educated than I will ever be in my life. I actually say yes There is a higher power. There is the highest power a creators And it it the source and we are all a source of that and this is
Starting point is 00:24:15 This is stuff that they do in the lab The experimenters and they find the smallest smallest smallest smallest quantity, you know, they go down to photons, you know, they go down into like molecules and and they split them splitting of the atom There's more into the I went to split the atom is split into different parts. It's more inside of it And just like you go higher you can go You know positive negative or it could be the same thing. That's really, you know What device passes a negative is that middle line that neutral neutral, right? And you go in either directions. You're going in the same thing. You're just getting more of the opposite, you know
Starting point is 00:25:00 and And so I started studying it and to actually hear Scientists these are people who are like they start out, you know debunking the existence of the higher power and years ago what was popular was to think that We live in a chaotic Universe the whole thing. This is all by accident. No, this is not by accident This is this is purely There's a purpose and there's law
Starting point is 00:25:30 And there's the laws of nature the laws of the universe the laws of the creation of the creator and the fact That what science is leaning towards is the fact that you me everybody else has ever existed This is a hologram What we experience We're just making this thing up And it's according to our consciousness our belief system that things turn Into they manifest themselves It's really crazy. I read about that
Starting point is 00:26:03 I read about that years ago. I had to smoke like 22 joints while I was reading I can't remember the name of it But it's that the images we see are only in our mind Mike doesn't see the same images that I see It's the same images molecules are bumping up against each other and you just don't see it It's just a a thing of our mind. It's our own movie made from our mind our life. I guess That's what they say it makes sense to me a little bit The other half i'm fucked up on so i'm not a scientist
Starting point is 00:26:33 And i'm the fucking smart guy, you know what i'm saying, but it's uh It's really weird but this pandemic made people think a lot, you know made people think a lot Others have made them so scared that they refused to think And they just kept going like a chicken went out of head on i'm seeing a lot of the results from that I'm seeing the way the pandemic affected people mental health, you know mental health fucking through the roof You see it people may not know they're experiencing it They're trying harder. They're overcompensating You know, there's been so many changes. We can't keep up with them. This has been a tough time for the country
Starting point is 00:27:13 And I tell you really I didn't know how bad the country the country needed entertainment Um, I just heard something yesterday where the stones had the number one tour of last year and they did like eight fucking shows They did like 115 billion fucking dollars those guys And every concert now this summer. I mean The the concert is a fucking Everybody's out from quiet riot to out and john to fucking everybody's doing a mystery tour So it's like the hardest, you know
Starting point is 00:27:48 People are going to fucking shows man. That's what i'm trying to say people are going to comedy shows People are going out because they never want to feel the way they did for those fucking two years again So people are really over over compensating planes are packed You know vacation packages are packed I mean, we finally got a house the last week of august and fucking North caroline i'm going down there with eight of the families and the kids and the boat and the fucking helicopter I don't know how the fuck I gotta drive eight hours. I don't know how the fuck i'm gonna do it, but We'll burn that bridge when we get to it, you know, how much longer do you have left on the tour routes?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Or this is open open ended open ended It's as long as people keep showing up, you know, because you have You have a you you may such a great point That's saying that people want to be entertained And I tell you what what, you know, I I heard you said that and what triggered in my mind was You know, I just like you i'm also an entertainer. So I I I I studied uh
Starting point is 00:28:55 The meaning of what of what I do To contribute to when people gather to come or see or show What am I offering to them for their money and their time? They made the effort to be there they're there. So now it's my responsibility My responsibility to deliver Whatever they came for and then some Because once you're given that extra they keep coming for more You know what I mean? You just don't say okay
Starting point is 00:29:23 You pay so much for a ticket. I'm going to give you a hundred dollars worth of entertainment for me No, it's like you give them everything you got and then you try to find that extra bit and say here Thank you so much For coming here because I've been a fan longer than I've been a professional musician So I I know all of the sacrifices that fans make Like myself, you know trying to get together $3 and 50 cents to go and see Led Zeppelin play at the Sporatorium and in full order they'll you don't know that, you know and everything
Starting point is 00:29:58 It starts like a week before you prepare yourself and you listen to the music you get pumped up or your friends You know, somehow you you've got a hold of a led zeppelin shirt somewhere in a in a In one of the extors, you know, and and I'm talking this in the 60 and the 70s So Merchant ice was very very limited back then, you know, there was usually bootleg stuff, you know And and then you make it to the show and it becomes a an unforgettable experience that i'm still talking about it with you 50 years later It's crazy because
Starting point is 00:30:32 I charge 25 dollars for my tickets 30 on a friday and saturday even though the agent's like it's new york you could check no 30 I'm not when I do a podcast and you tell me you don't like the podcast I don't give a fuck. It's an hour. We talk three hours. We talk. We try to communicate the best we can when you tell me I did a role in the movie and you didn't like how I acted that's fine, too I could tolerate that when you tell me you came to the comedy store to see me on a tuesday And you say you didn't like my set I could deal with that the only thing I can't deal with is bombing on the road
Starting point is 00:31:07 I got a real fucking thing About people coming to see me and my performance on the road You know, I tell people all the time when you're a gambler, you don't remember the big things you won You remember the shit you lost, you know with with the musicians. You remember the bad shows, you know, you Your base was off. Who the fuck knows your cat died It's a thousand variables when you have four people Putting a band together when you go to see a concert and that concert is tremendous
Starting point is 00:31:39 You got to thank your lucky stars because four people were on that night at the same fucking time You were the Yankees that night You were the Yankees, you know I'm saying some nights the singer's got a sore throat His chick gave him bd. You know, he's not gonna go out there And sling dick like usual for me when it came that's why I like the proportion. That's why I didn't want to go on the road. I didn't want to be guns and roses every night I think that you need just like when you need to recuperate from weights when you lift weights They tell you not to lift weights more than four days a week. You got to recover. You got to recover also
Starting point is 00:32:14 So I always respected that because I knew the more spaghetti I threw on the wall the more chances I got to bomb So during the week, I don't want to be out. I want to be at little comedy clubs trying new shit out Because if I'm on a bomb, I'm on a bomb there. I don't want to bomb. I mean I looked at percentages That's how crazy I took it down to I took it down to percentages I want to do great in nine out of ten shows. I want to do great in ten out of ten shows But I know it's not a possibility. It's nothing to do with me. It could be the microphone The sound coming it doesn't sound right, but for the most part it's on me
Starting point is 00:32:51 But I know I could give you nine out of ten I wanted to give you immaculate performances Not just that I was good, you know, I want I want if you go I thought that motherfucker was going to have a heart attack I did my job Like I did if my face gets red like I did two weeks ago And you know, it was the first time I was on stage in a year. So if my face gets red I got a little anger issue to me that night
Starting point is 00:33:16 You're on top. You're winning. You got it. You know, that's what I want, but I always knew that to percentages If I go out seven nights a week in a row I'm going to bomb two of those nights On five and I'm going to try to charge you big money. I rather charge you 20 bucks. You come to the store. You see 20 people And if I bomb it's okay I just want my percentages to be up on the weekend Those four shows have to be tremendous and again I know those five shows aren't going to be great. They're going to be four out of five when I do thursday and then two saturday
Starting point is 00:33:51 So I add one on thursday. That gives me six shows And I'll bomb one of those shows out of the six not bomb I don't bomb anymore. I just have a bad set. That's how I did my shit percentages I have so much respect for what you do because just to get up there on stage all by yourself not with a band Now with a band not with three other four other guys, but just on your own you are the show You know like if it not that I That I can tell you that I ever phone it in but you know shit happens shit happens on the end of the road
Starting point is 00:34:30 You know and sometimes your equipment is not working or you know properly or whatever or you get the flu I got the flu and I got on stage. I have to sit down middle of the show because I can't take it anymore I sit on the drum ricer. I tell you what Duluth, minnesota 1988. Uh, yeah, not no actually I tell you guys. Yeah, you know, so I I remember all this stuff, right? Okay, so So what with me now is that It's it's it's a whole different level I the purpose of me going on stage going on the road
Starting point is 00:35:10 Is to celebrate the legacy of quiet riot, you know this year 40th anniversary of Recording mental health the album and I go, you know prior to that in 1978 with Randy Rhodes We joined the band so next year is going to be 45 years First time I played with quiet riot, you know and and my And and and to celebrate the memory of frankie banally, kevin de bro and randy Rhodes. That's my mission I step out that door When I go on the road like I will got willing this friday step out the door and I now I know, you know, it's not about Whoa, it's it's 430 in the morning. I gotta catch an uber to go to uh, the airport. No, no, it's now it's like wow
Starting point is 00:35:58 I get to do this You know, I get to celebrate I got a mission now. It's and for and some way some reason for me It's I go in deeper Deeper because it's like no, no, no, no, this is not just me getting up their own playing on stage anymore. This is this is about The consciousness the consciousness that brought me to quiet riot in the 70s four guys You know three of the guys well since there were you know, uh, kevin and randy and drew foresight The drummer they were born and raised in in that area in the los angeles area me
Starting point is 00:36:39 I'm from cuba, you know, I made all the way down to LA So I had some different, you know Circumstances I was not living at home I was not, you know, doing things in my my in my hometown No, I was like the guy who was on survival mode all the time trying to like Be able to stay in the band because I'm not gonna have to go back to Miami or whatever or new jersey, you know, this this was it I already done that about three times prior to 1978
Starting point is 00:37:11 I had left LA because I kept running out of money. So on this time that was the last time, you know And so it was like all we were focused. We're gonna make it. We're gonna get a record deal This is gonna be a great band because that's what I saw when I first saw quiet riot as a guy me walking into the starwood I saw this band on stage and I got it I said these guys they have the vision They know where they're going and and if they keep going they will get there And so then again about a year later, I'm in the band. So I understood that I knew what I was getting myself into and it was a collective consciousness
Starting point is 00:37:47 You know that we had and that was 45 years ago next year so it's 44 years this year and and And it means everything to me, you know, I've heard of guys who like You know, they have they have like their their favorite memories making music was in the garage because all of the guys They were all about the same thing We just you know, we're happy here in this garage. We're making music and nothing to do with anything outside of that of that room Right everything that would that would that they all
Starting point is 00:38:23 Live for existed there in a combination of four or five guys or girls, right? and that band Broke up in 1979 that garage band and it was not a garage band because you know, we were playing around town and stuff like that But it was basically that that that's what I mean is the belief system of a garage band We're gonna make it right so then Randy goes off and join Ozzy later on I join Ozzy Randy dies and And 10 years ago. I mean 40 years ago this year I walk into a room to record one song as a tribute
Starting point is 00:39:03 To the memory of Randy Rhodes a song called Thunderbird that I used to play with Kevin Dubrow While I was playing with him in his band Dubrow Which is when choir riot broke up. That's what he put together and I was living with Kevin. So I was trying to subsidize my My my expensive, you know that I was living with him when I was paying rent so I would play with him and I that's one of the songs that I played that's all I knew and so I went back in there with You know to record just one song and that song led me To leave Ozzy one of the biggest bands in the world and they were treating me fantastic
Starting point is 00:39:44 They were there were tremendous with me. They were generous and kind And to leave that because I have lost my family when I my country my choir riot countries when I when Randy died It wasn't there anymore It wasn't you know, I mean if you look at the stage during while Randy was in in Ozzy and I was there It was two guys from choir riot at each side of of Ozzy two guys that have been a couple of years earlier Tall that we were dinosaurs That we were never going to make it by the Los Angeles record companies
Starting point is 00:40:24 And here we are playing with Ozzy and Randy had already recorded these two amazing and composed records Blizzard of Oz and diarrhea from Edmund. Here we are and I'm going I guess And of all the things it is, you know, Randy and I We came from from basically the same environment You know, I grew up in the Caribbean grew a south Florida Everything was the beach sunny Same thing with with Randy. It was all about living in LA sunny LA, you know, you want to go to the beach
Starting point is 00:40:57 You just go down to the beach any month of the year Whereas Ozzy was raised in the rubble of the Blitzkrieg He was born like, you know, two or three years after World War two ended And as a child as a baby, he was going through these lots in his neighborhood That was just rubble from all the bombs being dropped by the Nazis, you know in Birmingham an industrial setting I mean nowhere else could music like black Sabbath originated That was it. That was the soundtrack of the city of that time Black Sabbath music. So, you know, you have like different consciousness
Starting point is 00:41:40 Ozzy very dark. Then you have Randy me Growing up and you know in sunny environments, you know, completely different. So once Randy was gone, it was all dark That's all that's all I felt darkness not not that they are You know, Ozzy Sharon or Tommy, whoever, you know, that we happen to be traveling together now that there are bad people or dark people But that was the The spirit this is where they where they came from not necessarily Tommy because he came from It was born in Texas and raised in art, you know, he lived in Arkansas
Starting point is 00:42:16 When he was playing with the with black oak and all of that but but definitely Ozzy Ozzy Very very gloomy especially after Randy passed away, obviously, you know You know, it's crazy When I first contacted you a couple weeks ago, it was to do a podcast about Randy 40 years later remembering something And then fucking 10 days later, maybe five days later Taylor dies I didn't call you for a few days and I'll tell you why because Taylor's death Reminded me a lot of Randy's death
Starting point is 00:42:55 When I see Taylor Hawkins smiling, that's the last motherfucker. I thought was gonna die ever ever him and uh Twinkle toes on the guitar. They're always smiling. They're the happiest people in the fucking world. Uh The guy that does the really good barbecue. What's his name? Yeah, they've grown they've grown this great You know, Dave grows the happiest fucking guy in the world with he likes him a lot. So when When Doug, you know, when he died I I for a couple days, I mean and I didn't even come up a quiet, right? Uh A foo fighter's tremendous fan. I'm just a fucking fan of them and I like what they do
Starting point is 00:43:36 But it felt like Randy It felt a lot like Randy because it's the last Thing I expected to hear I expected to hear, you know That Ronnie whatever died in jail. He's getting old. What's what's the fucking porno guy that's getting charged with 78 rapes? You know, I expected to you know, somebody to break their leg, but I never saw Taylor Hawkins dying. I saw Taylor Hawkins Maybe having an accident and breaking his ankle like, uh, you know the singer from guns and roses and he has to perform on a stilt of some shit
Starting point is 00:44:09 But I don't I I never when I got when I listen, bro I when I walked out of that house on a Friday night And I got in my buddy's car in april And also he goes, you hear what happened Randy Rhodes died. I was done. I didn't know the man I didn't need to know the man But I was done for a few days that added that just woke up The pain that my mother left three years earlier when she died That put me right back there again. That's what happens when somebody dies when somebody close to me dies
Starting point is 00:44:39 It wakes up a sleeping fucking giant for a few days. The same thing happens with Taylor You know, I could see if I was like a big Taylor I mean, I was a fan of his I remember him with a not Alanis Morissette, but I he was the last guy like Randy What was Randy 20 years old or something like that the last 26, yeah 26 he's a fucking baby guitar He was about to take over the world with that fucking guitar
Starting point is 00:45:04 Or him and fucking Eddie were gonna have a blast like russia and ukraine They were just gonna throw guitars at each other. They were just tremendous and One day they just disappeared and that was it So when you talk about that like the Taylor thing, I wanted to bring it up to you because that's what it felt like And I know to you it didn't feel like it. I'm not trying to You know, I know I know you were tight with Taylor and I know you're the type of guy That's very empathetic But Randy was Randy to you and Taylor's Taylor, but it's still a death
Starting point is 00:45:36 It should affect you. You should have a reaction to it Absolutely. I posted immediately Based on my experience with Taylor. I never Saw him high and we were in events where other people were high You know public events part, you know, like events, you know, like celebration like, you know Not just at people's home doing. I mean, you know, we went to a couple things for example One of them was uh, Sebastian Bach He throws a birthday party and there was a bunch of people there and then there's Taylor and he's
Starting point is 00:46:10 And he was a some some sort of a disco theme and he's wearing disco clothes And he's just like I don't even think I saw him drinking You know, he's just hanging and and I will jam with him Uh, he had this side projects And never I never saw him high High on anything, you know, so So what I did see was somebody that was incredibly driven every time I see his footage of of him performing and doing his tribute to Freddie Mercury at Wimbledon Stadium
Starting point is 00:46:48 And all of that I see man this this this man is very special plus I used to I I'm really good friends and I play with sas jordan And sas jordan is who discovered Taylor playing in a club in in south southern california It's locally from this area and then from sas jordan's band. I mean, you know, you guys can watch You know on youtube him playing with sas jordan and Then that's when sas took a break
Starting point is 00:47:20 As she tells me And and alinas morris said who somehow they share some some sort of either management or label or anything like that She needed a band to promote her new record Jag a little pill and that's where Taylor joined the band because they basically took sas's band and they put it together and it's easier to do that, you know and So, yeah, I mean she spent a lot of time with Taylor and there was never ever any Any conversation regarding addiction or or drunk, you know
Starting point is 00:47:57 Being an alcoholic or anything like that nothing, you know So it's quiet right gonna put out an out We're working on it. We're working on it and it says coming along beautifully. Uh, yeah, I'm very very uh Very pleased, you know, I mean I will be completely pleased once it's done because right now when you're in the process you really Don't get to enjoy it as much as once it's done once it's done. It's like, okay Let me hear it now and it's like hearing it for the first time Because you know, you have to you have to wear one hat one hat is the creator and then
Starting point is 00:48:32 The the next hat is the spectator. You're watching this and you listen to you go. Wow. That's really cool and you're kind of like I can do this. I don't know if if everybody can do this, but I can actually separate myself from my creative self to my spectator Once, you know watching or listening to me perform, you know, and then it can be critical about it That's uh I'm fucking really happy for you Rudy. You look great I know that this is a
Starting point is 00:49:07 What did you call it a Fuck a passion of a project of joy, right? What? Yeah admission admission admission of joy You know, are you doing a lot of the writing you got other guys in the band? That I oh, yeah, I mean Everybody contributes, you know, it's really a band band effort You're all out in LA No, no, we're not but we are mastering The technique of doing everything up because you know, we get together on when we when we tour
Starting point is 00:49:43 And then when we create When we get creative see when you're on tour, you basically the way it's done now You know with the schedule you gotta get up at four o'clock in the morning to be in the lobby to catch a flight You know and hold your hands, please pray to god that it that you don't get delayed Or or it doesn't get cancelled. So you can make it to the next gig You know, so you're more focused on that not not necessarily on the creative aspect of it But more on the survival mode of surviving this experience so you can get to the next The next gig and do it all over again, you know
Starting point is 00:50:14 And so once once once we come home I can actually put that creative hat on and I'm um, I'm I'm very happy I'm very very pleased with uh with the ways things are are shaping up You're a fucking animal Rudy and you're an inspiration A lot Professional from being around you It's always a fucking pleasure. I don't know what I'm gonna make it back out to california. I'm trying Uh, I called my agent. Yes. I got some fucking auditions again. I got a little hot, you know, and I got some auditions
Starting point is 00:50:50 I got one for tom carvel I'm gonna play the fucking ice cream mogul. I hope I can that'll be me and shit Don't be fucking laughing. Mike. You know, I love tom carvel cocksucker But uh, Rudy, uh, let's stay in touch Let me know when we come in this way. I go see you in heresy pennsylvania. I go see you in the Bronx I'll go to Brooklyn or something wherever you're gonna be. Uh, That's it. Well, I love you to death. I'm happy. I love you. All right
Starting point is 00:51:20 And I miss you. I miss you. I miss you out here, you know Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now listen The clouds are parting and the blue sky is starting to come up again in my life. It was uh, It was a roller coaster there for like a year, but we're back You know what I'm saying? Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful to hear that. God bless you. I love you. Thank you. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye Cheech, what's happening? I hope you enjoyed Rudy Sarzo as much as I do the guy drops knowledge He's uh, I think close to 70 and he's still out there doing it. That's not an inspiration for me
Starting point is 00:52:01 I just got to do it on my own fucking terms. Fuck these agents. Fuck everybody. It's back to joey d's time cocksuckers I love you at all my heart Thank you for watching both podcasts this week. Thank you for having our back. Thank you for having our patreon We love you to death and we'll see you monday morning May 2nd god damn this month is going the rent is due bitches. So don't be spending at the fucking chinese restaurant tonight I love you cocksuckers stay black And I'll see you next monday tip top motherfucking magoo jack All right, you fucking savages. Thank you very much for supporting the podcast. Thank you for loving Rudy Rudy's a fucking gentleman
Starting point is 00:52:41 I want to thank Rudy. I want to thank you guys But I also want to thank manscape. Listen like I tell you in the beginning spring breaks here You want to look your best you want your dick sucked? You're gonna walk around with that fucking wolf man hanging around your nutsack. Listen women like dog guys Some like butts, but no no woman wants a fucking guy with smelly fucking nuts That's where the manscape movement comes in they develop their own lawnmower 4.0 to keep the weeds out of your fucking crotch hell That's down there before you head out for spring break or tonight or any other fucking night of the week Make sure you're groomed from balls to tip you want to leave a good impression
Starting point is 00:53:20 You want them to call back how they got to call you back if you stick if your dick stinks like newark Join the manscape movement by going to manscape.com Code Diaz for 20 off and free shipping Get your day started by trimming your fucking wayward balls with the lawnmower 4.0 They also got the body wash and the fucking 2-in-1 shampoo They got the lip balm plus you're gonna clear your hose with the fucking weed wacker That's for your nose and your ears and then you're gonna spruce up your nutsack with the crop preserving the crop reviver Finish off grooming routine with the plow 2.0 eraser
Starting point is 00:53:58 Makes your face like a baby's ass. Listen to me. If you're still mowing your face with the lawnmower And your balls and you're doing your face afterward. You're a fucking disgusting animal Even though I like to go under my mustache then sniff the razor anyway Get 20 off free shipping by going to manscape.com Pressing code Diaz di az That's 20 off plus free shipping at manscape.com code Diaz Manscape for when you want to get caught with your pants around your ankles Also on the agenda cbd lion when it comes to cbd lion, they're the fucking best
Starting point is 00:54:34 Listen, you got a bunch of people trying to say your cbd. Tell them all to sniff your fucking nutsack You just manscape cocksucker. Haha. Anyway, tell them all to suck your dick you with the lion CBD lion the best cbd available on the market says who says your uncle joey who lives off cbd And he's breaking down like an old man that he fucking is go to cbd lion dot com right now Read the third party lab results Get yourself the tension a back ball the cream is tremendous But the delta nine gummies are pushing a different fucking perspective and i'm giving you 20 percent off For your first order so go to cbd lion order some delta nine gummies
Starting point is 00:55:14 It's time to see the devil and get your body back in the tip top shape I want to thank manscape fucking cbd lion. I want to thank Who else was on here this week? Fucking You got better help on monday You got blue chew. I want to thank fucking stamps dot com And i want to thank you guys for fucking always having my back. I love you cocksuckers. Stay black Have a great week and i'll see you cocksuckers may second
Starting point is 00:55:44 monday tip top You

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