Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #294 - David From Los Gummies Hermanos

Episode Date: June 25, 2015

David, Owner and one of the minds behind Los Gummies Hermanos, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio.  This podcast is brought to you by: Blue Apron. Blue Apron sends gourmet recipes and all ...the fresh ingredients you need to make them right to your door. Use code word Joey and get your first two meals free! Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a discount at checkout.   
NatureBox. Visit Naturebox.com/joey for a free trial box.   Meundies.com Go to meundies.com/joey for 20% off.   Recorded live on 06/24/2015.
 Kettle Whistle - Janes AddictionSabotage - Beastie Boys

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This show is brought to you by Onit.com. Go to Onit.com and use Colbert Church to get 10% off of all the great optimization products like Alphabrain, New Mood, ShroomTech, Immune, ShroomTech, Sport. All those great products get 10% off when you use Colbert Church. The show is also sponsored by Naturebox.com. Naturebox ships great tasting healthy snacks right to your door. Forget the vending machine and start snacking smarter with healthy and delicious treats like dark cocoa almonds. Support this podcast by ordering a free Naturebox sample box at Naturebox.com slash Joey. That's right free Naturebox snacks I found at Naturebox.com Say that one more time. Free
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Starting point is 00:01:21 Wednesday What is it 24th or the 25th 4th 4th 24th of the month? It's a beautiful fucking day to be alive people. It's gonna be July pretty soon. Have you thought about that shit? Yeah, I have. Oh my god. Oh Shit Lee Cyan my man Peter and David
Starting point is 00:01:46 Well, David's walking around like a good sir. You're David. I can't compete You know, I smoke these blowtorch things crank that motherfucker Lee. That's Allison change our house and change That's a no deflection change addiction. Oh shit That uh, that blowtorch got me all fucked up. Oh fuck turn it up Lee. Oh shit Oh The church bitches Pacific Early tonight
Starting point is 00:02:34 Fucking you east coast fucking quarter to nine will pop it into your fucking Atmosphere and shit. Uncle Joey here. Lisa. Yeah, my main man fucking David Peter, which one we'll just call you both David and Peter apostle brothers over here. What's happening Wednesday night special edition church? Fucking beautiful day to be alive hot and fucked today. I don't know maybe put on this fucking green frog t-shirt Nah, I made junky game you this in Vegas. I never put it on You have the AC on at your house all like a motherfucker. Oh, yeah, AC blast until they it's been quick. It's been hottest fuck Yeah, but it's great, man. I you know what I've been thinking about and it's kind of girly I would love to get a convertible at some point like if I don't know if I don't want the Mustang one
Starting point is 00:03:18 But like I live in California. It'd be kind of cool to have a convertible. I don't know You should also get a fucking helmet because that might be an earthquake and you might get hit with a fucking building Did you ever think about that? I'd die anyways at that point. I got it together, right? No, you don't want people to know you're fucking in the car you want to drive invisible. That's your goal in life That's fucking that's the upbringing. I had even if you got ten million dollars you fucking drive You keep your mouth shut you keep the music down You're not like an animal and you just drive if you're on the five you blast the fucking music You know, yeah, you but you got drive with a convertible with your friends waving like you apologize
Starting point is 00:03:53 I don't want to wave it anybody the fuck out. You ever see how goofy they act on Sunset. Yeah You can always tell when they're tourists they blast and they don't know the wind your hair's every get the fuck Put the fucking thing down. I don't have hair not you but the girls the hares everywhere And they're they're driving on Sunset and they're making believe like they're having a good time Knock it off. All right, just get the fucking car with the hood on it and put the AC on everything be good How was the drive? Hot hot. Can you imagine what that fucking convertible? Yeah, you'd sizzle you'd sizzle in California That's that's a that's a myth. You got to put on SPF number fucking minus four even when you run that fast
Starting point is 00:04:28 I thought like if you're oh fuck. Yeah, man, I remember going through the dog. I'm gonna drive with Josh wolf through fucking Lake Habasu with the Sunroof open on the on the Saturn and we had vizien In the middle of the fucking thing and just the Sun hitting the vizien when we got there We got to put viziena eyes he put in his eyes first his eyeballs sizzle late Okay, you know that that listen man, that's shit that's in the movies They do it nice and everybody's head gets frozen and you know, I can't wait to go the guy I did it one time like I got to California somebody like a year in I got in somebody's car That was a convertible as a jack off anyway, like we're going on meeting or something. I was never so embarrassed really
Starting point is 00:05:13 Yeah, I was never so embarrassed. I've never been in the convertible. Oh, I was never so embarrassed I don't like none of that shit when I go to a restaurant. I want to sit in the back I don't want to sit in the front and eat alfresco Who the fuck eats alfresco with germs and dog hair and allergies and your fucking food You know that the worst one of that. Have you ever seen eat on Magnolia? That one it's like right on that worst part of Magnolia. Yeah, yeah one time It's it's a good It's they have pretty good food
Starting point is 00:05:39 But they have outside dining like literally in the alleyway because they have no seating and so at one time I does a why am I sitting in the fucking alleyway like an animal you want on Magnolia that little strip of fucking Momo that's the death over there. Yeah, you can't over there. They got a place called pie Okay, who the fuck don't eat pie who the fuck in America don't want a fucking piece of pie All right, they've been there for two years since mercy was a baby baby baby baby We went to that eat for fucking lunch. We went first. So we went to that eat and I don't know what the fuck happened It just blew we went down with a breakfast and then we walked over to get a piece of pie from my wife She was pregnant. It was 20 fucking minutes
Starting point is 00:06:18 So I said, well, how can you wait? You know, I made it for you right there? No, no, no, no They take the order she gives the ticket to a chick who takes it to another chick who takes it to another chick Who cuts it who then leaves it there for five minutes? Then a chick takes it to another chick, you know, it's Yeah, it's fucking drama dog. I don't want no fucking drama Beside that how would you get to last night? You're digging. Oh my god, uh Zach asked me that and I'm not having fun yet. Like it's not I have fun talking with everybody You were right about that. I'm like a lot of the guys are really cool But Zach asked me I'm like, I'm not having fun, but I'm not I'm still calm gonna come back because I got beat up last night
Starting point is 00:06:56 just uh, I Don't know. It was just hard for me last night that geek gets fucking heavy in a year You're gonna sit there and guys are gonna walk in like you and you're gonna go wow The only thing that's different than me and that guy is I've been coming for a year And you know, your mind's gonna blow you're fucking gonna be blown out. Yeah, just keep going I've always said this to be and I you know, I was looking for something else I'm not the type of guy that's gonna join the Knights of Columbus And go down there once a month and pay dudes
Starting point is 00:07:26 Dang, I would a bunch of dudes and eat pretzels and talk about your wives and your mother-in-law That's never been attracted to me. I'm not gonna fucking join a dart league I don't want to do nothing that has alcohol involved. Do you know what I'm saying? No, I don't hate alcohol I don't hate hate alcoholics. It just drives me crazy when I'm a circle of people. I gotta tolerate drunk fucking shit And how they act how they don't you know, you're not you don't like it And it's I don't like it either and it's funny when you see four guys on TV Talking and they're drinking and they're eating popcorn and they're watching like a sports game America's adopted that lingo. Sometimes you go to a home and there's four guys doing the same thing. It's so cliche
Starting point is 00:08:06 I always hated that shit like it always drove me fucking crazy So I knew I wasn't gonna listen once I joined the boys guns And I didn't like it. I knew I wasn't involved for a team thing, but I always liked going to martial arts There was something about martial arts that the kids were cool. They got punched in the face. So everybody knew where they stood You know, that's basically what it is You know, Joe says it best about people that go to jujitsu Why they're so nice because they know at any time you could kill them I could choke you out or you could choke me out, you know, I think that's the part I still haven't gotten over yet
Starting point is 00:08:40 Like the dude who's been wrong with me throughout of the four classes is a lot smaller than me and like every time I grab him I'm like, I don't I'm not used to like hurting somebody. No, it's like they're like pull your arms here I'm like, I'm gonna I'm gonna hurt like I'm not even then I'm strong. It's just like he's like 130, right? So I'm like, oh my god, you're doing him a favor. He's learning from you He's gonna be really good in six months because he's gonna learn how to move your weight How to put his hand under your neck and lift up an inch and then slide and go back to his guard Well, since people I've never I haven't even asked Zach this yet really But I have short arms and short legs. So all the jokes are really fucking hard for me
Starting point is 00:09:19 I it's it's hard for me to get all that deep up and then keep my body where it's supposed to be like yesterday We were doing this Throw from the back where you had to like grab them around the waist and then twist and then pick them up and throw them Over your leg, right and I couldn't get my elbow to where it needed to be I have to be like down by his ankles to get it there. So if anyone has any good moves for someone with short arms Well, he came a child who has a great point here He always says don't make you do to work for you. You make you do something, you know It's true out of all the moves
Starting point is 00:09:51 You're gonna learn a bunch of moves that you're not gonna be able to do But you're gonna learn a lot of moves that you're gonna be able to do that I feel your body type the same way I might not be able to do those The same with my man here might not be able to do those So there's different moves you adapt to and you pick up along the way and you get really good at yeah There's even if there's three moves all you need is one fucking move Look at what is Rhonda Rousey win with every time I'm bar. Okay, then why do you think she does that? Because she could pop it from anywhere. That's jujitsu once I go for that arm. It's night night Irene
Starting point is 00:10:23 It's all over the shot I'm not gonna stop till I get that fucking arm because I've gotten it like that so many times It's being very tenacious at what point do you start actually like putting the practice into motion because we actually rolled for the first time last night Two times and this one that blew my mind the guy was wrong with did the move we were doing in class Like he got my back and then he like twisted me and then put like to the backwards hip escape and then and got me with the thing and I was like we just practice that and like I Was I had no idea what to do. So I was just trying not to get tapped
Starting point is 00:10:57 I guess but like what point do you start being like oh I should go for that The more you go The more you go listen I've been going for two years. I just started doing it about three months ago That's how bad I am So the more you go and the more you roll around with dudes and the more you get adapted to it Once you start going for it. It's like anything else once you start winning a gambling you go back to it Once you start, I'm not even saying winning a guy like you and me once we see little improvements We go back because now we know we could do it. You know saying it's like when you got to get rid of the jitters
Starting point is 00:11:32 Yeah, when you started making these products, right? You failed a couple times. Yeah, you weren't fucking Johnny bananas right off the fucking gate Yeah, sometime. Oh shit. This is what we needed to do Fuck you learn as you go along And you progress and then you know, it's it's but you have to stick with things and and there's nothing more I work that right. Well, the more you do it You'll find out what works and what doesn't and you cut the fat out of the process and there you fucking go You know, I mean, we've done that with podcasting. We go along and see what works You know, you put out a podcast on a Friday. Don't work
Starting point is 00:12:08 Downloaded, you know, it's just very rough. I'm gonna put it on Friday. Then yeah, you have to social media You can't you know, it's just so many this listen and and jiu-jitsu what I like about jiu-jitsu is that once you get it You realize it steps. It's the same steps every time But there's so many fucking steps like the elbow has to be here Fucking hard that that that it steps. It's a rhythm And then you realize that everything you do in your life is kind of a fucking rhythm You know when you walk when you're on fire When I'm doing comedy and I'm on fire if you really listen to what I'm saying, you're not laughing at the words
Starting point is 00:12:45 It's that rhythm It's the word in a rhythm you're throwing and I'm going right back and it's working It's working. I know how to do it now. I'm timing your laugh and you're timing my last word Comedy is a fucking they think that you know, it's really fucking weird, but it's because I've done it so long Well, you must have it happen where like I don't know how to describe it, but like in the anatomy of a joke or whatever if you skip one part of it or you skip one one Laugh you do or whatever you do. It doesn't work. So it's like in jiu-jitsu I'm if you if I don't put if I don't close my knees when I throw them down
Starting point is 00:13:21 They're not gonna fall or whatever it is. Like if you forget something It must like it could like one little piece could derail your whole thing I've said since I started doing jiu-jitsu my comedy has improved I've said this yeah that work and over and over again. I've said this but it gives a fuck What's up with you Tarzan talking? I'm high as fuck. I'm me too. Me too. I'm high as fuck then he's high as fuck I'm not dishing today guys. It was the weirdest audition I've had in 15 fucking years when I moved here I used to get weird auditions like cold to see this guy at 5 30 and you walk in the guy would say put your hands on the table
Starting point is 00:13:57 What put your hands on the table? And you put your hands on the table and they take pictures of your hand they go Thank you for coming down and you leave My put my mic on a little louder. I'm not hearing You know I would go in for auditions like that. Oh Joey, they want to see you all right send the sides to Lee's house There's no sides. What do you mean? There's no fucking sides. Yeah, they want you to Make up a character and go in there with the fucking character and then it started getting around that people were doing at the right shows Like you come in with a character. They don't hire then they keep the fucking character little things little I'm alright
Starting point is 00:14:33 We got a call coming in. Oh shit What's up? What's going on? Who's this? Sweetie go in your console do real Yeah, you will call me, but I have my phone inside the house and I was outside. All right. What's happening, brother? That's weird that you called just now
Starting point is 00:14:53 Huh? I'm sitting here with your nephew. We were just starting the podcast and shit Yeah, yeah, what's up? I told him you want to move to California and be the CEO He said that he doesn't hire felons. No ex felons. No ex felons. So I can't be hired either Yeah, we only have to give him some work though. He wants to get out of Jersey Let's say he wants to come out to the warm weather. He's getting old now and shit. Yeah, I gotta help you get on his feet Look, that's a problem. That's right. I gotta get him on his feet You gotta give him an envelope and get him on his feet and shit. Look at them. What's going on, Papa? Nah, he's everything good
Starting point is 00:15:34 What can I say everything's good Jesus christ, I was when I talked to your nephew last night I was sitting there and I looked up And I'm like fuck. How long do I know tweedy? How fucking long I mean I I met you when I was like 10 And I'm 52. I don't even want to ask you how old you are because if I met you when I was 10 And you're still around Jesus Christ But you're one of the last ones tweedy
Starting point is 00:16:02 I'm 61 61 so I met you. I was 10 and you were 19. How old were you when you got married? 21 All right, that's when I fucking went to your wedding and everything. Holy shit That was a long time ago. You were the guy all fucking time ago And then you married her you stay with her for a while, but I don't know what the fuck happened And that was I separated and then two years later. We went back again. They didn't work So we both went always
Starting point is 00:16:34 Okay, and then I didn't see you for a couple of years And then you and then you popped into my life In the spring of 1983 And I started going down to visit you you give me 20 dollars You give me, you know, you you talk to me and shit and I started talking to you about colorado Uh, and I said I was thinking of moving to a place called Aspen. What do you know about it? And you were like I lived there. I lived there, bitch Yeah
Starting point is 00:17:03 I even know the name of the street maroon creek road maroon creek road and the name of the business was far east treasures There was one fucking carpet in the window. That's it All right, uh, we lived, uh, the next house over jack Nicholson the actor he had a house next door to us I was a long I remember I used to walk up there and walk around. I was trying to look for you I would leave you messages on that number Yeah That was a long that was great over there. That was nice. I was beautiful. I was like living like white people up there Why do they call you tweedy? Why do they call you tweedy?
Starting point is 00:17:35 my big head I'm tweety. I was always like sweetie bird. I was always doing bad things like tweety bird and getting away with it So after I went to Colorado, I didn't talk to you for a while and I Came back in Colorado and I went looking for you and what had happened Well, I caught that case in the Bahamas in 87 I was gone until 89 over there and the fucking Bahamas who gets arrested in the fucking Bahamas for drugs Yeah, we got arrested
Starting point is 00:18:12 How is the jail in the Bahamas? It's um, like the pirate's days Old cells, um No, babe. No running water You shouldn't piss in buckets That's fucked up. They dump the buckets twice uh twice a day Do they speak English? They might definitely do right? Yeah, that's right French and English right French and English and the Bahamas, correct? Uh-huh
Starting point is 00:18:40 French and English I was locked down all day long No letters. No letters home. Nothing like that. Nothing like an American person. You gotta speak a mouth, you know I always found the way of speaking a mouth so And they will come visit me like once a month. I had some friends there in the Bahamas They were always leaving me food there. So, you know, I mean it was bad, but it wasn't that bad. I always had what I needed And when did you get out of there two years I did over there so 89
Starting point is 00:19:14 And 89 August of 89, I think it was August of 89 I was still in the halfway house And I didn't go back to New Jersey till 91 now when I went back to New Jersey in 91 I went looking for you and I hooked up at one. Where were you in 91? In Miami And you were free Yeah, we're free for how long?
Starting point is 00:19:40 Well, I got out of the 990 91 And I caught this case in 92 and that's the one with the television and all that stuff But I that's how I connected with your nephew Fucking tremendous tweeting and you know what I never stopped thinking of you. I always thought he I would go to West New York I was living in Colorado and I went back I hadn't talked to one for six years and I went back to New Jersey and I walked up to 57th street like a man He had the little bodega in the middle there
Starting point is 00:20:09 Did you get to see it in the middle? He bought like an ice cream stop an ice cream shop and I went in there and he talked to me. He was really nice He bought me lunch. I thought he was gonna kill me But no, it was really cool. And then I asked him about you And he said you had been locked up didn't I see you on tv with the plane throwing it out of the fucking plane I knew nothing. I was living in fucking, uh, you know I was living up there wearing sneakers and sandals like your nephew making believe my name was joseph And
Starting point is 00:20:39 Now you're out man 20 fucking years later Yeah, and I reconnected and I reconnected with you through your nephews Because I told the story on the joe rogan podcast And they joined over a joint and they came to see me At flappers and told me who they were that they were tweedy's cousins and nephews from west new york And here we all are together in one room and now they're fucking up in san francisco With a beautiful company. They brought me some medibles. I'm fucked up They got the t-shirts. They got the pipes. They got the fucking, you know
Starting point is 00:21:12 It's amazing how life works itself over. I was really fortunate to get you on the phone last night For you to call up and just uh talk to us and stuff and talk to me You know, I love you to death, man We used to play the congress together at my mother's at my mother's barn. We used to play up in your apartment Yeah, like on 55th street. You had a place 56th street there and uh On hudson avenue there. You had an apartment That was a long time ago tweedy Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:44 Many moons ago many moons ago and we're still walking around Did you ever think did you ever think you'd live to be 61 or 60? Nope. No Me neither. I didn't think I was gonna make it the fucking 37 Did you know that at least I I never thought I would make the 37 then at 37 I'm like fucking I'm not gonna make 50 and here we are so You want to talk to your fucking nephew here and say hello, what's going on? He's right there. He's right there. Listen, what's going on? What's up? Who's that? David Peter. No, this is David
Starting point is 00:22:18 What's up? How's the baby? He's good. He's uh, he's home Uh, yeah, he's with uh with his mom his granny his little sister. Uh-huh. Yeah Well, everything's going good over there, huh? Yeah. Yeah, we came down. Uh, I had a little business out here and uh, see joey Probably either going up tonight or tomorrow morning Always in the move always in the hustle, you know how it is Yeah All right, we'll tweet. I might be I might be uh, I don't I'm not gonna say when but I got a trip plan
Starting point is 00:22:56 for colorado Ask uh He's going back to ask that. I'm going somewhere else. Uh, I don't know. I'm in the mouth of it. What's with the questions? What's with the question? I'm gonna shoot over there real quick to spend a day or two over there. Yeah It's real pretty up by uh, san francisco. I'm like an hour or two From san francisco. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I'm trying to plan this uh, maybe next month Oh
Starting point is 00:23:29 How does it feel to be out tweed? Feel something great Yeah What is it? What is it like to be? I got that letter in the mail saying that was over I saw him when he came out. He was uh, super happy When 18 years I'd be fucking happy too Like what was it like for you joey when you're like, how old were you when you got out? 27 I was a kid. Yeah, so what is it like at like 61?
Starting point is 00:23:53 That's not no. He's been out. He's been out for like five or six years. Oh, okay. How long have you been out for? Five years five years. So he's been out on parole working. You know, he's kept his nose clean just hustling, you know And now he's off parole after all these years. Congratulations, man. No, congratulations Man, I mean listen from if any we don't have enough time to describe What the 80s were like on that fucking Hudson Avenue. It's it's a it's a book. It's three parts of a movie It's amazing what happened in those five streets How many drugs were sold in that street? I know two things 80s and cures and killings and killings and it was just horrific It was horrific and I grew up there tweedy
Starting point is 00:24:36 You saw me there on those streets working at when my stepdad had The butcher shop with nico around the corner You I used to deliver I used to deliver flowers in the fucking summertime over there in Hudson I used to shoot pool up the corner and not at brindy, but the other fucking bar I forget the fucking names of those places, but That's right there. They're fool. He'll all my fucking god Refuel that was the name of the fucking bar on the corner. Are you kidding me? Or what and right next to the bar across the street was that cuban place
Starting point is 00:25:10 That had the fucking little cuban food like look eight thousand sandwiches there on the corner I fucking grew up there in the summers guy I would work a few hours Then shoot down the union city to my mom's bar and then go to dinner there and hang out there Food's cheap too real cheap cheap to live in those days over there expensive as fuck. I didn't even smoke pot No, I didn't do shit in those days. I played basketball in those courts behind memorial high school I ate cuban food for lunch Then I fucking walked the union city to my mom's bar and I eat dinner down there
Starting point is 00:25:40 And I'd see tweedy and those guys drinking and hanging out and I hang out with these guys and I go home at nine o'clock You know how we did it tweets We used to play down there in 63rd and Boulevard east Right where the sewage plan is and then every once in a while that shit would hit you Oh in the summer All that shit all that area down all down by the river there all that shit's changed all houses now I remember you should tell me or all is that I said one day. This is gonna be prime real estate. He says nah, I didn't ever do that. They never do that
Starting point is 00:26:15 They cleaned that shit up so quick I made money off of that They started with edge water. It looks beautiful down there. It looks fucking beautiful. It's a complete different city down there It's like a city under the fucking city uh-huh Thlewity, I love you. We're gonna let you go I'm gonna have you call in when you call in and we could talk about the whole thing here Uh-huh. It's Peter there
Starting point is 00:26:39 No, no, he's outside with Peter's walking the dog Oh, he's rolling one time. I said what's up and to call me one day. Yeah I love you. I want to let you know When I plan because we're planning because I got a friend over there doing something And he wants me to go check it out, you know All right So I want to see what I could what day I could you know make that trip over there Yeah, and right over there. I'll drive right over there to you. Yeah, you have my number. Call me touch me. Yeah
Starting point is 00:27:07 Keep in touch. All right. Yeah All right. Love you. Love you guys. Thank you. I already love you. Love you papa. Yeah, be good. Bye. Bye Were you shaking the floor with your foot? Yeah, that was me. Okay. I was having a panic attack All right, we're good. No, no Let me tell you something. He's a good dude tweedy. I grew up with that motherfucker at a time when it was a different fucking And uh, I remember going up to him one day. It was like fucking The weirdest thing and I'm like, I'm like dog. I'm thinking of getting the fuck out of here He's like, where you gonna go? I go ask him colorado. He goes, I got a house there
Starting point is 00:27:42 Me and some guys he goes, you can't stay there but you come visit us So at least now I had security. I'm like if something goes bad, I didn't see him But maybe one time I went to the fucking business And then he got busted. It was amazing. They were bringing up that much powder up there So what was the story? I don't remember. I might be too high right now His story was that I said I talked about him that he was a guy that was Pictures one time when I went back in 91
Starting point is 00:28:12 I guess I thought it was earlier when that went down Like in the mid 80s when that went down, but it's different. I knew him for a short stint Most of my life he was gone. He was gone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I knew him. Like I said, I was really young And he you know hung out at my mom's bar. I knew him. He was a knock-around guy and he did this and that But I didn't know he was involved at that level Do you know what I'm saying? I didn't know who was that fucking planes and cargos and shit like that and people and feel hungry You know if you keep on climbing and coming yeah, that was you know, that was when I saw him was 83 And I would see Spanish people in Aspen
Starting point is 00:28:50 And I would scratch my head, you know Spanish people don't even ski And they'd be walking around like, you know, not even with skis on I knew that we're up there in those days when you saw people who move coke In those days they check into three hotel rooms, you know The two couples And the grandma with the kids the grandma had to coke in her room Okay, and she didn't leave the room She ordered room service that bitch didn't even go to the pool
Starting point is 00:29:18 And when you went to meet them, they got another room on the third or fourth floor Because all their rooms were separate. They weren't connected. It's the weirdest thing and they were checking at all different times I would I would buy coke in those days and the guy would say I knew people in those days will go just go to this hotel. These guys are in from miami They got whatever you want over there and you go to the one room and they talk to you and they take the money there And then the guy would fucking pick up the phone and call another room And then some guy would bring it to another room and then they'd give you your fucking coke all day long all day long When you're selling like a good amount of any sort of drug, how much money are you just making?
Starting point is 00:29:55 Like boatloads of money It's just like paying for four hotel rooms. Okay, you're not listen Even at lower levels you can make money I know a guy right now that I've known him since 99. Let's per se. Okay. It's 2015 I gotta say he probably makes a hundred two hundred thousand miles a year And he's as low level as they come and he's probably keeping a real safe and he keeps it real simple and safe Real simple and safe My allergies acting up today people. I'm sorry. It's just been dry here in the heat
Starting point is 00:30:30 You buy something for 10 you sell it for 15 But you sell that over and over again a thousand times in a day Yeah, you know, so you bring in a certain amount like let's say 87 when I got caught up with I would pay 9 000 for 11 ounces so do the math what's fucking 9 000 divided by 11 right
Starting point is 00:30:57 Right, was that what I said? Yeah, 11 ounces. Oh, I had to do the fucking math. I'm too high to figure this shit out Let's say 9 000 divided by 11 It was about 800 800 and 18 dollars. Okay, so I would sell those ounces after I cut them for 1800 So on each ounce that way and it was very simple. I had two or three people that I would dump that on and I would make Whatever the math is so you made a thousand dollars profit on he made 11 grand Plus he was cutting it so he was increasing his total so I was increasing my total weight
Starting point is 00:31:30 And I was taking some out for myself. So how much would you sell out of the 11? I would sell I would throw two on nine And sell it for whatever make 10 11 000 and I would take one And do one and sell the other one in grams and fucking Eight balls and shit like that to people. I know and I cut that a little bit. Who are you cutting it with? I Nasa told baby Do you ever watch the wire? Oh, yeah, but you like it. That's a great show. I just started watching it. Yeah, you should watch that's a great show
Starting point is 00:32:00 You know when I was when I started it was I Nasa told I knew people kind of with baby laxative But not really because you always told it was in there As soon as I did your coke and then and I had to go to the bathroom I knew but That shit always makes you go to the bathroom. Yeah cocaine is that's what they say cubans do it because it's good for the digestions When I was a kid I'd be at a party and cubans would take it out and do a couple after dinner You want to bump for the digestion? What are you talking about with coffee? You know what that makes you do run into the fucking bathroom. There's no digestion
Starting point is 00:32:32 I would think about coke and I'd have to take a shit Like if the guy would call me and say where you at joe. I'm in the office. All right I'm on uh lancashim in flamina the street two minutes away come downstairs with 100 bucks On the way down the stairs The shit would be coming out of my ass. I'd smell I'd pop that first shit fuck that's right in your asshole Was a good one. Oh, it's thick And then you have to like move your legs like I'm shaking them down and you have to walk down slowly And but at the time you get outside and he puts it in your hand. He's talking to you
Starting point is 00:33:03 He's talking to you but my addiction was so bad at the end that after you put that coke in my hand It was like charlie brown I'd just sit there until you weigh yourself out And I'd run up those fucking stairs And I'd fucking go in that bathroom in the back there and I'd make believe I was taking this shit And I'd start I'd take a dollar bill out and I crushed the rock right there until one pile And I'd stick the fucking dollar bill of the 10 in that bendo and I'd do the whole fucking gram at one shot That's how crazy it was at the end. Were you taking the shit that you needed to take though?
Starting point is 00:33:37 Oh, yeah, no, no and what sometimes you take a shit and they ain't nothing in there your body produces it So if you eat a cookie and process it like an eight minutes It was horrible. It was a horrible way to fucking live, man It's crazy like and and like chris was there what it was going through it on the sopranos I'm really happy that like it's fucked up that my thing was food and they gained all that weight But thank god I was never doing anything like hard, but you're not a fool daddy. You like to eat You like to eat. It's not It's not on the same level, but you know, it's it people define addiction through different things. Yeah, you know what?
Starting point is 00:34:11 I'm not addicted to food. I like to fucking eat All right, if I was addicted to food, I eat fucking the same shit over and over again. What do you think? I don't know how words. No, how does it work? I don't fucking know some people are over-eaters Yeah, I was over eating. Yeah, you smoke 10 of those bonheads and eat one of these other boys You're gonna fucking overeat naturally It's not like I'll sit there. We've had discussions about this shit about binge eating at night and whatever After I left jersey, I lost that desire to eat at night because I knew I would never get a meal Like I would get a commons diner
Starting point is 00:34:43 Or a diner. I like fucking a cheeseburger deluxe dog with thick stick fucking steak fries and I want fucking That's what I want when I go eat if I can't have that why am I wasting my time on the on the second team? I saw those pictures you tweeted of chans. Oh my god I had to tweet them because we were having the conversation with Nicholas tutorial that night Yeah, but those were oh my god And my favorite part was a little mustard on the side because that's that's key That's key for the for the angle I was just telling one of my homies the other day about this go fries. Yeah, they have them right at the fucking big wangs too
Starting point is 00:35:14 LA is close Up north sharks the pizza is very bad up there um One out of every 30 pizza joints is like decent Down here at least you could find different things to eat different asian foods different It sucks up north I'm a foodie. Well, you're an hour away from civilization I mean, I mean you don't live in San Francisco
Starting point is 00:35:38 I'll drive an hour and a half to berkeley to eat something Um, but it's like berkeley's a college town. It's a bunch of good food up there. Really you like it Yeah, you know like mexican tacos and now that one has sour cream and all that shit. I'm done with mexican. Fuck mexican There's like nine Yeah, that's all you need to do. Yeah. Yeah per block out here. Like I can't do that I can't do that. I I go to the tie tie is really good. Tie is really good, especially near college An asian college like like in berkeley. Yeah, tie is real good Joey doesn't like tie. You don't like tie?
Starting point is 00:36:12 I'm old school. I grew up with the chinese you know what I'm saying Tie came you got to go with somebody like me that I don't have to go with nobody I won't even walk into that fucking place because the first person Didn't you make someone change your meeting? Yeah I made somebody change your meeting dog. Oh, you're heart like that. I'm pat I'm pat tie I don't I'll go to a pat tie. I'd apply. I eat pat tie shrimp I know you pat tie chicken right, but I'm gonna sit next to a guy that's gonna put coconut milk In his soup and I'm gonna have a heart attack. You understand me?
Starting point is 00:36:41 I'm gonna sit across from motherfucker. That's eating something with curry in it. I'm gonna have a heart attack I'm gonna sit across from somebody who's barefoot I can see his big fucking toe all black from walking around all day not washing his asshole That's why I can't eat at a fucking type place. All right You want the fucking truth because I don't want some guy eating curry next to me and barfing and fucking that goat milk and shit I don't need that coconut milk in my soup. I'm from a civilized civilization. You understand me? I don't need a fucking like I'm a savage coconut milk in my fucking soup with clams and shit What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:37:16 What Lee what your cocksucker? I'm fucked up. I know you're I'm good. I'm tip-top magoo. It was beautiful Those tabs are fucked up. Those tabs are interesting. That's why I'm coughing. They sneak up on you They they fuck not it. They sneak up on your throat and I'm coughing like I got a pubic hair something We were rushing, you know, normally you you paste them out, but we're like Well, the dog was making me nervous I thought he was gonna fucking get a flashback and buy this in the ass misty s8 days. No, that's a cute dog He's a cute dog. Yeah, he's awesome. This is a fucking big business. This I'm watching this edible business. I love them You know, I hope to be off the weed pretty soon. I'm gonna do the morning joint with an edible
Starting point is 00:37:53 Seriously, I'm hoping different though. I don't care. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like this cerebral I like it. I'm really starting to like it. I'm you know what I did for a week I stopped eating edibles and I noticed I was getting higher from the weed When did he stop eating edibles? A couple weeks ago. You didn't notice nothing because that Wednesday I only ate one star Which is nothing to me. Oh, okay. I was like, I eat a star. It's like give me a break It's like eating the fucking jellyfish One of those red fucking jelly stars whatever the fucking the Swedish fish. Yeah, Swedish for the same thing but uh
Starting point is 00:38:24 I stopped when I was getting higher when I smoked But you know what I like going to jujitsu and I like that my lungs are expanding and I'm lasting eight minutes now instead of one minute So, you know what I'm I'm I'm 50. I've been smoking for 30 fucking years. I'm gonna go to breathe it So I'm gonna get to the point where I could just eat an edible You know a little half edible in the morning. I could I could control it by 12 o'clock. I just can't do jujitsu and eat an edible I'm scared Really? You don't do that at all. No, I did that before. Yeah, but your heart starts. Yeah, your heart starts beating
Starting point is 00:38:53 Once you're on the bottom, you don't know how to get out. You're gonna have a panic attack Sometimes you get hot when you're high too. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Stop that. No, no I learned my lesson the fucking hard way, you know what I'm saying? So you're still making the gummies, correct? Oh, yeah, yeah, this is no more peanut brittle Um, right now it's a white chocolate based products and uh gummies is and what are the flavors you got these in We have cookies and cream We have a strawberry milkshake banana dream espresso and a rice pudding horchata bar
Starting point is 00:39:22 Now let me ask you this horchata bar 250 milligram still. Yeah, 250 of oil Hash oil. Yeah, it's it's not a of thc. It's of oil That's why you feel like you're fucking floating. Yeah, we I love it. I love this You could see the differences you could tell the differences in some of the edibles. We've been small, you know, and that's the other thing I'm With the edibles, it's like anything else. You build a resistance up to him You know, he gives us a bag of stars the 125 we eat them for 10 days straight I don't want to fucking see a star not even at night. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:39:53 I don't even want to fucking see a star at night floating shooting whatever the fuck they are. So Fuck stars, I like switching them up. I like switching them up My brother can only have half of one of these and he's like if he has a whole one, he's like wasted and he's done I had two of these I had two of my buddy has eaten six and seven of these Oh, he's a fucking savage. Yeah, but he's the only one that I've ever seen I could do that He's he's crazy. He's ridiculous. Yeah, he's probably got a fucking imbalance Other people have other edible companies have been like, dude, I can't get him Have they figured out
Starting point is 00:40:26 Well, like what it is that makes it different for every person because there's there's always that one person who comes to a show And I was like, I had two stars and nothing happened And I'm like with that the kid we met with the nice a bunch of a bunch of people have said it to me And it's just like I wonder I wonder what it is. Is it like like it's something in someone's body just doesn't just like Uh react to thc I don't know. I've I've not really looked that up. That's a good question That's something good to look up. Um metabolism probably has something to do with it
Starting point is 00:40:55 Like with edibles if your body processes food quicker, it's going to process an edible quicker in and out of your bloodstream so I don't know how it works. I wish I had the answers. I thought it was a bigger person I had a friend that said if you eat it with cheese You get higher. I've had a thousand things If you eat um any kind of weed with mangoes Your your high life longer mango helps you your digestion. It helps break down food. That's why they sold mango Pills for years 300. I would eat the whole bottle of those things
Starting point is 00:41:25 In fact, the mango things were strong in the 80s So I would go buy an acetal to cut coke And it's like two mangoes for $10 and I buy two of those mango enzymes and I eat the whole fucking thing like uh I ate a whole bottle of fred flinstone fucking vitamins when I was a kid. I should blood for like three fucking days Those were good. I had fun in the first grade. I ate a whole fucking bottle of fred flinstone pills I got all fucked up on fred flinstone pills in the In the first place really sugary Yeah, I got all fucked up on it, you know, it's it's it's the first couple times I did coke. I didn't get high
Starting point is 00:41:59 1980 cocaine first for six first six months. I did cocaine. I didn't get high So why do you keep doing it? Because I saw everybody else losing their minds and I thought and I thought what the fuck is going on with me Something ain't right And I and one night I figured out drinking I would drink with it and all of a sudden it took me to a different planet If I didn't drink with it, I was so high strung in those days that it wasn't doing nothing to me It wasn't catching on to me. It was the weirdest and then once I started drinking two beers and then doing a blast
Starting point is 00:42:31 It was over What's up, Lee? I wouldn't recommend anyone do that. No, no, I don't want nobody to do cocaine That's the fucking point here. You understand me. I don't know. They do fucking blood. Why do we talk about this? It's funny. I got a lot of my email system has been fucked up on the computer On one computer I get the old email and then the new computer Under the computer at home. I get the new emails with that computer and take on the road. I get the old emails Here's the weirdest thing I've ever been. Yeah, I've had similar issues too. So I answer them accordingly And I gotta tell you something the last three weeks
Starting point is 00:43:05 It's been a lot of drug fucking issues a couple people's dogs have died, you know Jesus Yesterday my friend a kid who listens to the show his dog got paralyzed. They had to put him down My heart goes out to the family. I forget what the fuck his name is But don't matter my heart goes out to his family the fucking dog died But it's been very uh Rough that it has been I got a lot of people hit me up with drug things. So I I know what the fuck's going on the dog got into the drugs or no, no, no the dog just got paralyzed
Starting point is 00:43:33 It was 80 years old who the fuck knows but it's so weird I actually just got hit up on my old camp counselor. He listens to the show like like I haven't seen him in over 10 15 years and he sent me this email last night that he He went he moved to london for a girl and then he they broke up and then he got cancer and then he was in prison and it just And now he's he has his own company in in portland, Maine like weed t-shirts and growing weed, but it's just amazing How like quickly like bad things like stuff like that happens to a lot of people and I feel really bad like where life takes you just
Starting point is 00:44:09 One bad thing after another like you never seem to like I've been pretty lucky. I mean I've had some ups and downs, but I was something always picks you up, but that must suck You know, you're very young. You're a nice kid. You really keep to yourself You know you the more you keep to yourself The less you're getting trouble Does that make sense? Yeah I figured out at 19
Starting point is 00:44:34 20 That if I went out five nights a week, I was going to get in trouble one of the nights So I cut it down to three. I'm serious. This is how retarded I was With me. It was always an odds game. That's why I became an econ major. I love numbers I love seeing what happened at this time last year and seeing what's going on at this time this year I love all that shit. I've always loved. I don't I always call you and ask how the numbers Are you selling holidays and I love all that shit? You know, I want to know what the fuck because you listen the numbers don't lie everything else could lie
Starting point is 00:45:03 There's a reason for everything. Everything has a reason. So What are we talking about? When bad stuff happens when bad stuff happens, you know, if you go out after six o'clock at night something bad's gonna happen You know, if you hang out with fucking moron something bad is gonna happen in my case. I was that moron You know, I didn't know that going in. I thought I was being slick I was gonna rob somebody from cocaine, but that wasn't the first time I did that type of shit I had been doing that playing that card for years not in that capacity with a gun I was robbing drug dealers. You know where I was from and that, you know, these
Starting point is 00:45:36 From where I grew up and then where I went to I would see holes in that game to pick a niche drug dealers Outside of where I grew up Left holes in your game When you're a career creep like me in those days at 19 that I'm looking for a kilo of coke I'm gonna get it from you. I'm gonna watch it till I get it. So you can't leave no holes What's a hole the guy that goes out to the clubs? The guy that you know, there's just little holes little things that guys do like a raptor that a guy like me sees
Starting point is 00:46:09 And attacks that fucking hole. That's all it is. So how long like could you be like looking at somebody for like six months? Just to see what they do or like how long would it take? What's the prize, you know Let's pretend. All right, I'm I'm gonna tell you a story. I'm not gonna say no names. It happened in colorado. Okay I Watched this guy for about three months I was involved in a circle of people And I and there's something about this guy I didn't like And he had arguments with friends of mine or and he was like the dealer that was getting the five kilos
Starting point is 00:46:52 Yeah, he just didn't jazz with me and I could tell he didn't like me Because he didn't like me. I didn't like him But he was a certain person like I know in life You don't like certain people because if not life wouldn't be the same He was the type of guy that I had encountered every two or three years He just didn't like me. I just didn't like him. But the people around me Dug me to death So the guy owned uh his his sly was a restaurant
Starting point is 00:47:21 Uh Co-cut restaurant. All right, and that was his first Uh hole with me. This was something snowmass But I knew he was getting the powder And he was giving it to three or four people And I was tight with three or the four people he was giving it to I was tight with his whole circle So I got I didn't know I inadvertently got a job shoveling snow and I would shovel in front of his house But I would never shovel in front of his house. I make the other guy shovel in front of his house
Starting point is 00:47:53 I'd shovel four buildings down, but I'd watch his door And I got his fucking programming down And most of the days he went skiing Once you go skiing I got you released an hour I got you. Yeah, no way that gives me even because I it would take me 15 minutes All the apartment buildings were the same. I knew each room. I knew each nook and cranny You know if I would go out at night and I'd see him at a bar and he didn't see me
Starting point is 00:48:21 I'd shoot down to his house and see if his roommate was home And then my buddy made the keys for all the apartments So it took me three months in the three months. I was picking off other people You follow me. I was I was saving this guy for a fucking rainy day And I was gonna hit him just for personal reasons and you know what I knew This is how crazy I was at 19 I knew that even if he knew I hit him there wasn't shit. He was gonna do to me There wasn't shit. He was gonna do to me. I knew he was gonna come up to me and put the finger on me
Starting point is 00:48:53 But there wasn't shit. He was gonna do to me I just that's how crazy I was after my mother died three three years four years in Let's see how fucking crazy you are And at the time I wasn't messing around with weapons, but I had one I was just a yahoo, you know, I was like the black guy that comes at you with the gun twisted and shit I had no idea about shooting nothing But I knew I didn't like this guy. So because I didn't like him this had become personal So I the first time I hit him a couple times
Starting point is 00:49:24 I hit this motherfucker a couple times. That was my signature. Just wasn't enough once wasn't enough Now do you ever like but another thing I was doing Since it was a small community I wasn't hitting him for everything I was leaving up dog. You're using them. Oh, I'm a dog. I'm a professional torturer So I would come to your house and instead of clipping 50 of these bars I cut 20 of them Now it caused controversy with you your brother your grandmother somebody took these 20 fucking bars Who comes in and just steals 20, you know, and I would listen to the street
Starting point is 00:50:03 I would listen to the bars to see what people were saying. There was a lot of times I would rob a guy He had too much pride to go out and say somebody robbed When you rob a drug dealer and they think they're cool, but they ain't shit They're just a college kid that their dad lent them $5,000 because they were gonna start a skateboard company But they get into the powder business. Those were the pigeons. I was looking for in those days Those were the pigeons I was looking for in those days You follow me so I would clip those guys Now I wouldn't clean you out. I wouldn't clean you out unless I didn't like you
Starting point is 00:50:34 Okay, so the first time I hit that fucking jerk off was Labor Day weekend His guard was down When you sell coke You got to have somebody else at all times If I see that you got drunk and got high you were going down Your game had to be super tight in my fucking world Because of you out getting coked up or whatever and me and my buddies in those days got a hold to you I mean, when I lived in Colorado, like I hung out with guys in Jersey that were kind of crazy
Starting point is 00:51:06 But when I moved to Colorado, I picked up like two or three friends in snowmass that were fucking crazy One of them being this dude from Ohio that was out of his mind. He grew up in Fayetteville, North Carolina And he grew up the son of a fucking marine like that's what they trained on there and shit. So he was crazy Diaz I'll kill him. I'll kill him. I'll fuck it. You know me Diaz I almost killed my stepdad when I was fucking 18. I seen a smack of my mom. I mean this dude was crazy So I had him in Colorado. I had some crazy guys in Jersey But I wasn't I was out of my mind because of the pain in my heart and the anger I had at the world Not because I was a tough guy. That was what I put on you. I wanted to put on you what I was feeling inside
Starting point is 00:51:47 So when I didn't like you and I knew you didn't like me. So the first time I hit this dude Was Labor Day weekend. I found out he was hiding shit in his business Right not in the safe either because he was paranoid that the cops would come he'd have cash in that And I heard this At a party from two girls that were talking amongst themselves. I was sitting there. I just heard the jackpot. You know what I mean? I got juiz I got those Auschwitz ears. I'll hear shit going down fucking two miles down if they're getting the matches ready I know I got that's the new shirt. What's that?
Starting point is 00:52:25 And I'm listening to her say that he usually puts it in his office That's it That's it That was it. So I went there labor day I went there to get a sandwich and they said that oh, he's in Glenwood Springs doing something but bam These fucking people couldn't deal with my sadness So the first thing he used to have a back door in the back where people went outside and they
Starting point is 00:52:50 I took a razor blade I buffed the sides in and I put it in a hole where the door locks That was number one. Okay. That was tick number one I did that about 330 they opened till five And then at five to five I went in there may believe something was lost And there was still a bunch of people in there. So she didn't see me and I went I left the back door open She had closed it already and I just twisted it and walked out. So the back door was open
Starting point is 00:53:17 Plus I had to double on it. So either the door lock didn't come in All the way and I could jimmy it That they had no security these people were fucking they trusted everybody. It was like nice white people. Oh, yeah You know if the door is open lock and not in my fucking world your door is open. I'm taking something And I went up there like 10 o'clock at night People were at bars. I could hear the people partying at the bars. Perfect. I went to the bars to let people see me Hey, what's up? Let me get a coke with fucking lemon in it. What are you drinking?
Starting point is 00:53:47 Or rum and coke they don't fucking know nothing They think I'm partying right within the thing would start I'd shoot over there Boom kick the door down. I went in the back office. He had fucking eight ounces of blow I went in the fucking thing where he had to think you had another $1,800 cash and I took him for like another two I remember I went home. I couldn't fucking sleep guys I just kept doing little bumps in the back of the room. I couldn't even tell my roommate I had four ounces whatever the fuck I had how exciting was that? Oh my god at 19
Starting point is 00:54:18 You know and I knew this and I was rich and at the time I didn't spend much You know, I was robbing coke. So the dude I worked with The dude I lived with was from north bergen. He was in charge of condos He worked for a company then vpm So he was in charge of condos So I wouldn't know who was in the condos who wasn't who was out of town I would ask him and he would tell me to stash shit at certain condos
Starting point is 00:54:44 Because they were doing work on them or they weren't doing work on them. Do you understand me? So I took the next morning I got up and I told him what kind I go now I found this jewelry and a piece of hash I want to hide I hid the fucking ounces I hid the fucking cash and I took like a thousand dollars cash and I took a bus down the glimmered springs No, I didn't do it the next day. I'm lying to you. I forgot about I waited late till wednesday I went to glimmered springs and I bought a stereo Without the radio. I didn't want the radio. So would I buy an amp? Okay, I bought an amp with a double cassette deck and a pair of speakers and some earphones
Starting point is 00:55:20 That's what I spent my money on. I kept a thousand but I bought the stereo from my room I never forget that and I bought Madonna's first cd Did you see him after that? I saw him after that And it was reported to the community that he had gotten robbed for cash that somebody had kicked him the door They didn't say nothing about the cocaine Of course not. I think I'm gonna go on the police report Now do you ever uh So I made
Starting point is 00:55:51 I made like slight inquiries about it like to people that were cool with me Like what happened to that asshole and they would say fuck because a lot of people didn't like the guy He had come he had he was born like what would they call that a golden spoon in his mouth That was the rumor about him. So he always had that air of you know, I'm a fucking better than you And then cocaine came along And now he acted like he was a drug dealer, but you and I knew he was a fucking jackal He just knew people who trusted him. They knew he had that business So they would give him, you know 200,000 on consignment and he would just give it to five guys
Starting point is 00:56:25 in snowmass village And then the second time I popped my pop in his condo at a christmas party I waited three months till his fucking thing got down again Always while people are partying having a good time and what I was doing to him at first was he lived with a dude That was a chef A personal chef So the personal chef dude was tight with me So he'd be telling me the schedule without him knowing
Starting point is 00:56:51 You know the guy would tell me the schedule without him knowing of the drug dealer and his schedule So I knew when the guy was going to be home or he wasn't going to be home And for about a month I was just taking two three grams out of his bag I had the key to his door guys. I had the whole thing. I wait for him to go skiing like go in I take 200 for lunch And a couple fucking grams of tooth I would take him for And then right before I found out I was leaving I took him for fucking like uh six more rounds Six more ounces and then he raised his hand and then by that time
Starting point is 00:57:23 I had banged out so many drug dealers and asked me in snowmass that the word was out that somebody they couldn't figure out Who the fuck it was they were hunting him down. They didn't they had no idea what the fuck I was playing them Because I wouldn't snort blow in front of them. So they knew I didn't snort blow I would get my roommate to buy coke for me or somebody else to buy coke And I'd make up it was Philly a guy at work. You follow me? So they didn't know I didn't snort blow So why would I be robbing blow if I didn't snort blow? Fucking crazy life. I had back then think of everything That was fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:57:56 And then they nailed me they nailed me Once they nailed me busting into the jewelry store They put everything on me and everybody figured it out. But I by the time they Put it all together I left town and I came back two years later. It was forgotten. They had gotten so drunk for those two years They had forgotten I was there again I'll see that that that fucks up my throat. You understand me. I feel you don't do you ever Like notice now like if someone's creeping around your neighborhood. Are you more aware of that?
Starting point is 00:58:24 Yeah, because I know the I know the footage. I know how you walk. I know the desperation in your in your walk I know your eyes You know, I know how you I shouldn't see you go up and down the block twice Right there. Bam a car. I know all the fucking movements Because I was doing those movements, you know, have you ever pulled anyone inside him like hey, man That's don't do that around here. No, I'll just stand different. I'll let them know that I know what I'd say nothing Oh How do you stand?
Starting point is 00:58:56 You sit down and you sit out there with a chair And you smoke a joint outside or something Very nonchalant they don't they know but You know when somebody's watching you when I would be in a neighborhood creeping One of the apartment building or the house that I As soon as I saw somebody the deal was off But I always had an excuse to be there You understand me. You always have an excuse to be there. Why are you in this hallway and fucking table? There's two doors down. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:59:24 Oh, no, no, because somebody's been robbing apartment. Really? That's fucking crazy, man. Have a good night You have to have a reason to be back there. You just can't say I'm looking for my friend's apartment dead dead You know, you have to have Why are you in this neighborhood? Why are you on this block? Why are you behind this house? You know with binoculars on in the fucking Tupper Vaseline, you know Because I'm looking for fucking birds at night. That's why cock suckers
Starting point is 00:59:53 It's just really weird. That was a really weird light I've been writing about it the last fucking two years And I was writing that whole thing. I couldn't believe how creepy I was as a human being, you know Imagine if you'd gone like like gone caught and then gone out now like tweety if you were just getting out now Like what do you think you'd be doing? You'd have to get a job first of all well Listen, man, my biggest fear of all time was that I wasn't gonna end up doing anything
Starting point is 01:00:23 And you ever see you were going to a fucking subway sandwich And there's a guy had a subway sandwich with a tattoo on his hand from 1965 And he's got long hair and he's still holding on to that shit, but now he's 53 And he's got no lady, but this is what he could earn now because for 10 years he fucked off I never wanted to be one of those guys. That was my biggest fear at 25 That is why when I go to the comic store, I go down there and I do a set and I leave Because I didn't want to be that old guy
Starting point is 01:00:59 that was still holding on You know You you you you've both been to places you walk and I'm not putting anybody down I'm talking about a man or a woman who's let their life go through who let their life pass before their eyes They didn't think they thought for years. Whoo Let it skin it and there's a party in it and then and it just Dog 20 years goes by that hot chick ain't that hot no more Now she's a sperm bucket her ass her tits are droopy
Starting point is 01:01:27 She's still good looking from a distance, but you can see she's got a thousand fucking Years of painting a fucking from sleeping with men or whatever the fuck they're doing And you see the guys at my age with a missing fucking toot and with a tattoo that says, you know Cheap trick or whatever the fuck they were into and now you're in a subway sandwich, bro As an assistant fucking manager. That's reality. You've seen those guys Lee You've seen them fucking too and you don't say none you don't judge But you know what their past is by looking at them somewhere along the line They fell asleep for 10 fucking years. They went to a concert. They followed the dead
Starting point is 01:02:02 They joined the cult. They made a fucking crucial fucking mistake here. They did something You know life goes by fucking fast You know people been telling me lately you've been angry lately sure you get angry because I I'm getting I'm fighting up a fucking ladder now I pissed away 30 years doing fucking blow 27 years doing blow I'm very happy to be where I am and I did something with my life But guess what I could have done much more. I threw away 20 years of my life snorting that fucking powder And you know what it went by like this brother It went by like that
Starting point is 01:02:37 And that's what happens to those guys when you walk into a subway, you know, they don't own the fucking subway Okay, it's not when you walk into a liquor store and the guy's broken But he's broken because he's been at that same fucking liquor store since 1962 You know and he's owned it. I ain't mad at the fucking guy, you know, he knows his business and shit by the way When I met the dude from those The star anarchy last week. Yeah I went somewhere and I got caught and I had to go down riverside And as I was pulling in to meet those kids with all the anarchy edibles
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yeah, as the chubby chick from the fucking bar from the From the liquor store came out a nice white chick When it works there for the black dude, she's dynamite lady. Remember we gave her an edible one day Yeah, and you kept saying how can you give her that we gave her all those gummies We gave her those gummies and we just gave her 250. We don't know what her head is like We didn't give a fuck. She's so cool with us every time we go. We talked to her. She always asked me if I'm gonna play the lottery Yeah, I'm playing a lot of recently played a lot of it's 18 million dollars papa So I put one that said you get on she's like fuck. Yeah
Starting point is 01:03:43 I gave her those gummies. I'm not seeing like a month later. She's like that was terrific So I saw her last week And she was going into her husband's truck the black dude the nice black dude Okay, and I go, huh, huh, and they both looked at me and I'm going And she's like and she walked over she goes, what's up, baby? I go here you go And she's like, oh shit. I know what I'm doing the rest of the day So if you stop and ask her what happened with the fucking edibles, her uncle Joey gave. Okay You do you love doing that you love
Starting point is 01:04:13 Like just giving it to like waitresses you give it to that stewardess one time and the funny thing you don't even get to see What happens you just imagine what happened they can like laugh at them let them go home and think about what happened Who the fuck could they give me that most of the time? I appreciate it last night. I tell you guys I got pulled over the fucking cops I Lanker shim by bank of america mother fuckers I dropped the agustina off and I had to put gas in my car because I was on E And I said, you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna go to the bank of america get some cash And put it on E and get a cup of coffee I went in my wallet had a five dollar bill
Starting point is 01:04:48 I go, you know what? I thought I had more money So I went in the little center compartment in the car and there was nothing and then I went in the thing between the armrest And then there was a five dollar bill and a single And I go all right. I go to 711. I go to bank of america And then I go get gas And as I went to bank of america, I see a dude walking down the street with no t-shirt on bleeding from his back With shorts on
Starting point is 01:05:18 dirty homeless You know, I don't know what he was And something it was 10 o'clock and it was 11 30 a fucking night And I went to the bank of america and I said, you know what? I'm not gonna take the money and I'm gonna catch him I thought I would catch him But you know, you slide out he was gonna walk and I had those two t-shirts in the car And the band guy sent me I had two t-shirts in the car and I had the six bucks And as I pulled out of the bank, I couldn't find them. We fucking disappeared
Starting point is 01:05:46 And also I look and he's sleeping by a little crevice by the bank of america. They had those little benches Yeah, now I know for a fact if I give him the fin Nobody's gonna let him into this business You know what I'm saying? Like you need a t-shirt to go into a business. Yeah, so I said I'll give him a t-shirt I'll give him a five hours 11 30 a fucking night. So I pull I make a left which was legal. Everything was legal I go, yo, come here. I got something for you. And he runs over. He cleans himself off. He looks like a fucking p. O. W He's like, what's up, man? He goes, you're not gonna shoot me. Are you? I go, no, I'm not gonna fucking shoot you here. Here's a t-shirt
Starting point is 01:06:19 I put the five hours. I didn't say there was five hours there. Well, here's the t-shirt He goes, thanks, man. Now I get up the Sun Valley. This is really cool. You man And he looked at me goes, why'd you do it? And I go, I just did it, man I don't know. Don't ask fucking questions. He goes, thank you very much. I got a guy. I get the Sun Valley He walks away and he looks at me goes, hey Can I give you some advice? Why he goes, don't believe a word tipper gore says and he just walked away Tipper gore, what are you fucking talking about 11 30 at night? And as he went to walk away a cop went to make a right no more said them
Starting point is 01:06:52 Oh And the cops like beep beep. He puts the fucking lights on my god. Here we go And the guy gets out and then he leave the car in the middle of the street. So I'm stuck and he goes you turn the ignition on What's going on here? Is this a drug deal? Yeah, I'm buying fucking drugs from Harpo dirt over here You know, what's he selling me crack rolled and fucking dog shit. Look at his fingers. I want anyone to fucking, you know I go no man. I was pulling the guy had no shirt on I wanted to give him a couple bucks I come over here and take a deposit out and He uh, whatever had no fucking shirt on and I figured
Starting point is 01:07:29 Five dollars in the shirt at least he'd go in some place and get a fucking soda And he was very valiant of you like you the fucking scumbag. You know, I just was trying to you know what the fuck And he goes, I'm not gonna so you're okay. Were you drinking? No. Do I look like I'm drinking? No I went to fucking do a vodka. What the fuck that one that the commie store He goes, all right. Go ahead leave. They didn't even add this such fucking piece. It didn't even ask me for my license I could have been mass murderer. I could have been wanted in 18 states. You see I'm saying though laziness Customer service and laziness. Have you had an edible before? No, I didn't do nothing last night. I told you I didn't do dick last night
Starting point is 01:08:06 I just smoked I smoked a hash joint A joint with a hash net that they gave me at the weed store. It wasn't bad But it's not that other shit. There's there's a brand the people give you it's a $15 joint It's got like bazooka milk in it hash keef lightning Strike it got dabs in it this shit me at least smoked it at the store at the store that night We drove up the thing and we were like this will fucked up. Why it came in a tube
Starting point is 01:08:32 Yeah, someone gave it to you at the store and I went into a weed store next time I go Do you guys have this and we're not allowed to sell that that's death. They're like that got glass in it and fucking Topanga juice and all this shit. Oh my good. That's what we need Somebody gave me another one. So I smoked it with fucking the kid from Tennessee My neighbor last night and we went down to the comic store. That's fun. The blonde hair kid. Yeah, you gotta do something You excited for Boston this weekend? Fuck yeah, I'm excited to boss me my man Those gumis and monos got connections and fucking boss. They got connections everywhere That's gonna be fun. I already talked to you about something. So he gets an email one day
Starting point is 01:09:06 That you're switching from those gumis and monos To fucking nailed it life. I got all those boomies and my nothing comes up nailed it life still comes up So what are you doing to me? No, they're both, um, um, those gumis and monos Dot com brings you to a nailed it life Um contact form that's the only thing nailed it like we're still there So tell me what you're doing with the vapor paint. You don't want to sell the vapor pens no more No, we're still doing the vapor pens. Um, but you're focusing on the edible now. Yeah, um, give me one more those What's the other flavors you got in there? You should try the rice pudding one
Starting point is 01:09:36 Let me try the rice pudding. How many calories in these things? Fucking 300 they smell like 300. Oh, yeah, we did do the math on these. This is a brand new product like super brand new We brought them down for you. Um I think we figured them out to be less than 100 calories Per square or the whole thing per square. Yeah Wow, that's not bad. I had 700 calories left. Yes. I'm down to four. My wife made tilapia. Anyway, a little red Little yellow potatoes, so it's not too bad. I got a couple carbohydrates. What's up? Are you one of the pieces? How much did you eat so far?
Starting point is 01:10:11 I had half the edible and then I I smoked this. That's it. No, it's time for another piece. 125 milligrams You got to try your cup. How are you gonna sell it to mama? 125 milligrams Which one's that one? There you go. Oh Oh You're gonna give this to grandma. Give this to your mother. Okay. No, no eat that. That's yours You have to eat it right here for the Mexican people in your life
Starting point is 01:10:39 That's deliciously or a chata Like cinnamon That's what it is. I can't eat that What do you think you're going with? I'm high. It's fucked right now. What do you got to do tonight? You got to survive Survive you're gonna go home. You're gonna watch the blackens and the orange And you're gonna knock yourself out It's deliciously it is. I'm just really high. That's okay. Eat another piece. That's good for you. It's a fucking guy
Starting point is 01:11:10 We're trying to expand down here down the LA market. We're trying to get into a bunch of clubs. So where are you now? Right now. We're in northern california. That's it. We're in a couple spots in oakland Um, but mostly patient to patient. We deal with people that just buy a bunch off of me And it's a nice fucking thing because they're great bro. Let me get some more chata juice there. They're delicious You know what the thing about edibles is there's a lot of mouths to feed You just put down like six of them right there and you named like another six edibles that you had in the last week And you like them all and they're all they're all delicious A lot of mouths to feed
Starting point is 01:11:45 And these work. Geez. Yeah, some of them don't work. Some of them don't work. Some of them do work Remember the things that guy dropped off Which ones? We got a lot of edibles here. Some guy dropped off some stuff. They were terrible We like I gave it to li that's how I know like the dollar rancher ones They were big lollipops like oh, yeah When we don't get high Candy's rough you can't over medicate candy because you got that in your mouth for like 15 20 minutes
Starting point is 01:12:14 And you're sucking on that horrible tasting candy. Yeah, no, you need it needs to be like two three bites max It's got to be right down for it to be a strong candy My favorites are the gummies. I love your Los Comis Hermanos And it's like They're just like the perfect amount and you could even just like If someone's new they could just bite the head off and be perfect when I first bought my license Which had to be maybe 2005 2006 Like a pot license have been yeah that edible game was completely different
Starting point is 01:12:46 They were huge li Lee huge You had to eat a fucking chocolate cake To get 100 milligrams. Jesus. There was no standard for strength. There was no standard. It was too strong strength For Ralphie May. I love him with all my heart. He would buy s'mores That were 200 milligrams like that was like the highest dose then like 150 125 There was no chi but you there was nothing it was like you had to buy big things like Cinnamon muffins
Starting point is 01:13:16 We used to go to the place next to dukes on sunset boulevard You go to the dukes for us a break next to the whiskey a go-go. Yeah, that's the first weedstriver walked into They had the vending machines those black dudes. They didn't give a fuck whether you had a license or not They had great shit in there. They really did that was a great fucking medical man I finally I had to go get my life. They let me in there twice like Joe. You got to get your license I knew them because there were bodyguards to somebody like Eddie Griffin or And I knew them from coming into the comedy store and they did security For this weed store and they were like dog. How you doing great to see you want to come in and check out the operation
Starting point is 01:13:53 They were selling eights in those days for 85 fucking dollars Is that a lot or a little that's a lot? That's a lot of dough dog. This place is doing that nowadays, but yeah, i'm ventura boulevard I'm ventura boulevard in hollywood bond and sunset. You still got places selling your weed for 85 90 dollars How much is it supposed to be down the corner 35 dollars? Oh fuck bill I get an eighth down the corner of some fucking killer weed for 45 fucking dollars They're tremendous. Why can't they double? That's crazy. I was spending 100 I was spending 60 a day in hollywood and I spent 20 a day in the valley if that if that
Starting point is 01:14:31 Because I'll buy one of those eights for fucking 35 40 bucks and I'll smoke those and I have high tolerance So the weed delicious the ferrari the fucking hollywood. Oh gee that shit's fucking delicious His tolerance has gone up though, but this is different. See right now his eyes would be bummed out of his head He's spinning. He's not doing that. This this is the the oil This is different on the edge right now. What I could see is Is that your eyeball your skin is red? Yeah, but your eyeballs aren't popping out of your head You don't look all Chinese doubt and shit. Yes. I do look at those eyes No, no, you look healthy. You look good cocksucker, but as your tolerance goes up, you enjoy it more
Starting point is 01:15:09 You used to panic. You don't panic as much. I didn't panic before but he was panicking. All right No, it's just a lot of he'd go into a panicking. So he would still panic. He would continue to panic. All this is gonna happen to me I'm gonna get raped The girl this is not you know, and then now he does this fuck No, he just says fuck it. What do I give a fuck? And that's what it is, you know people so I still know bump into people Last time I had a pot cookie. I had a bad trip. What are you talking about? What trip did you fucking take? It was a bad trip. What fucking trip?
Starting point is 01:15:39 What trip did you take? What acid did you do? You didn't take no bad trip? You know what happened? You fucking went over your head and you didn't prepare yourself or you went into a scan and the thought process You know, that's why I don't like the edibles with jujitsu because once my heart triggers And you start going it becomes something else. It's not just Lee and joey out of here. It's I'm having a fucking heart attack Physically having asthma. Yeah, your mind plays tricks on you and that happens when you're sober So when you're fucking high, I can only imagine it happens sometimes when you're when you're or happens to you when you're sober
Starting point is 01:16:13 Fuck you on in jujitsu so far sometimes we look and you think you're like, oh, shit. This is terrible the heat Yeah, so I can't even imagine being high What uh What do these go for These go in the club for like 15 20 bucks 15 20 bucks depends on the 215 milligram They taste delicious under 100 calories sugar Yeah, so you have sugar on them. Okay, so you can't give them the diabetics people I'm working on like gluten-free and we're working on different things
Starting point is 01:16:45 That's the thing. Listen, man. I knew a diabetic dude That him and his wife would buy a loaf of the banana bread every week And they would eat the banana bread and do yoga They would have a yoga lady come to the house and they would do yoga Then when she leave they probably fucked a little yoga pussy. Who knew what the fuck they did You know, it was an older couple that had no kids. He was telling me. I met him at the wheat store He was going in by a fucking loaf once a week So edibles that's what I'm saying to you edibles are a different world. Yeah, you know, Joe
Starting point is 01:17:13 I prefer them. Do you know Joe Rogan? He'll tell you what happens when they hit the liver and the kidney that because I don't know nothing I know you eat this and 25 minutes later. You're thinking of cheeseburgers and ship subconsciously. That's all I fucking I don't know what happens how the system breaks down in your body. I really don't I'm an ignorant fuck when it comes to that I prefer as like a novice weed smoker Like I feel like the high is better. You know, it's more full body. Yeah, but If I see you more seven out of ten times, I see you we eat an edible Hell, yeah, I know like tonight we smoke but that's very rare. We never smoke together
Starting point is 01:17:43 No, we smoke like a joint almost every podcast the first time the first two years we did over at your apartment No, even even a phone not every time here, but No, we don't smoke every time here. I don't we smoke every three times. Okay One of the three times I come I bring weed for us. I'll say we smoke this. What do you think it is? But I feel like smoking only affects my head and like the edibles. I'm like my entire body's fucked up Yeah, well it affects your stomach. Will you like me when you go home? You can't stop fucking eating those rice You're still eating those rice cakes. Hell, yeah, but uh, no last time you ate a rice cake. I've been out of them Oh, I know exactly when it was last monday and I ate an entire
Starting point is 01:18:19 Dude, I ate an entire pack of carol moe rice cakes after the podcast That's 600 calories. You say I live with So what are you trying to do brother? I mean you've been doing this now for three four years So you're succeeding you're making your living. Yeah, you and your brother are making you know chirping away, which I love I've been helping you as much as I can, you know with the web page and the vapor pans You got great products. We're just expanding. You gotta go nationwide. Fuck it. We um, we have We had five six really good distributors And now we're just gonna become our own distributor and we're gonna go up and down the state california
Starting point is 01:18:56 And that's it. Yeah, now. What about these other legals? Is it state? Is it these other states? Is it legal to have these in other states? Um, they have their own separate laws But going from one state to the next is not legal So we don't ship a lot of people email me all the time about shipping. We definitely do not so Can you sell these in colorado? If I lived in colorado and I made it in colorado and I had license Because they have their own regulations out there Within their own state then. Yeah, I could sell it if I had my own club and I and I made my own edibles in house
Starting point is 01:19:27 They have their own separate set of rules out there How how hard is it for someone just getting into the business to navigate all the Regulations and what forms you need and certifications. Just because I like It's so new. I'm sure if you go to the office four times you're gonna get four different answers There there's actually people that that have set up a really good business of setting people up in in their pop business Usually lawyers and they'll Cross every t dot every i good for them. Yeah Pretty good. I don't know any off the top of my head right now, but there's there's definitely people out there
Starting point is 01:20:06 that'll set you up in a pop business and and They'll tell you every single law in that area fight for you if they have to and like city council meetings and whatever is Well, the people that I've met that have started edible companies When you talk to them sometimes on the show or whatever they always say they had a knack for making edibles They just had a knack for making edibles that for years people told them man You really know what the fuck you're doing. So one day they lost their job But whatever the fuck happened and they started making this particular. Have you been good at this?
Starting point is 01:20:36 I mean the fucking gummies are great. I don't know who taught you how to make them I don't want to fucking know you know, but it's It's just R&D and and I come from a line of of spent my mom cooks like a mother fuck She cooks really good. I don't boy or everything anything that you could possibly think and that's I have that in me I love to spice things. I have to try things as I'm going. I cook for my for my family almost every night So it's natural that edible company would be me and me and pete's future Be honest. Is the tweedies recipe?
Starting point is 01:21:09 No, that's uh That's our own recipe We we found similar recipes and we like merged like four or five different recipes and and even that recipe We've changed it over time like people like hey, they're a little tacky Hey, they were a little dry. They're less like, you know, like all in the first like few batches We we we got a people around us that that told us what they were and what they weren't and we fixed them They weren't always this strong and Now they are so that they can hit people
Starting point is 01:21:38 They need to uppercut people, you know, there's a thing called the jujitsu lifestyle where people eat ice-cream bowls and You know, they get fucking whatever the fuck they do There's definitely a lifestyle to this and you guys are definitely the leaders in it Ari's a close second. This is Ari's lifestyle. Ari He loves all this shit. Like when I talk to him, you know, it's funny what people think you want to do and what you want to do Like if you ever ask yourself, what can I really want to do right now? Fuck the podcast. Fuck your diss What do I really want to do? You know what I want to do? I want to fucking move to Mexico and make beads And sell them on the side. I really need tamales all day till I made a hundred pounds. Would that make you happy?
Starting point is 01:22:19 I mean, Lee, I thought about, you know, like you think about that When I was a kid, I wanted to be Charles Brunson I wanted to have a little apartment and not have a girlfriend and not have no Relationships and not, you know, I knew that if I would get my would need to talk to people I mean, I had this whole thing about living on an island. I couldn't even imagine living like that right now. What would make you Come I mean, what do you guys want to fucking do here? If you could do what the fuck you want to do, Lee, what would you be doing right now? This I can honestly say this you really like this. I love this
Starting point is 01:22:49 I love and and then the only other thing and I talked about it on my podcast today is Is what I'm trying to do in Toronto I really think it'd be cool Because like I've always wanted to go on like business trips let my dad want on business trips I don't know why it just seems like it's cool and I feel like young comedians should could really start podcasts now and then
Starting point is 01:23:13 Grow a following like imagine if you had fans Like those fans were talking about in houston if they were listening to the podcast back then And if I could go around then help young comedians start podcasts That's all I think if you have a feature act, let's say right and he's a sharp kid and he's living in Montreal Minnesota San Francisco He's getting a little work, you know, he still can't make it professionally. He doesn't need to You know, he's got a good day job in the daytime. Why not? Why wouldn't you be involved in the podcast?
Starting point is 01:23:43 You know and every listener counts every week you get a new listener And you flourish and after four or five years when you're ready to go on the road These people have been listening to you. You've been in communication with them. You've been emailing back and forth You have relationships with these people In in in three years that we've been doing this podcast I have relationships with a lot of listeners that from Dante Gazzini, you know, there's a lot Dante's a good guy. He's a good guy. There's a lot of people, you know, john cutler, you know, his wife I mean, you know, leon
Starting point is 01:24:13 Constantine reyn jordan lee called me today to get me a Jordan lee was at the comedy store last night looking like fucking james deem before we went off the cliff You you started, you know, edger you start these relationships to people You don't hang out with them But your friends online and you support them they support you you put a pick whatever the fuck it is, you know It's become something else. So Sure, I think a comic a young comic would benefit from talking to you You know the same way you have a set of things that'll work for a podcast
Starting point is 01:24:44 They're all gonna learn by trial and error. Right there if they really put their hearts in this is what they want to do This is just another Being a comedian, right, you know, this is like this is gonna make their career, but I I see what it does for me a guy who who does The sound and then I talk but I'm not a comedian I don't have an outlet that I'm trying to bring people to so Yeah, I can only imagine if I did and I've been doing it for two and a half years What I could be doing and it's just I don't know I
Starting point is 01:25:15 Like I just talked to Johnny Roque and he he's just so cool and so nice and it's uh Everyone everyone's so nice to me through you like everyone like there's a couple of jerks, but like you see all these people and Not that they're struggling, but like you can like I've already talked about and you can see when someone's poor or something like Why like why wouldn't you want to help someone? If like that like if something like this just talking could Really help their career when you Simone Johnny Roque the Agostino Rizzo, you know you guys all have in common and there's probably other names I could throw in there Maybe two guys aren't doing comedy. Maybe they're promoters
Starting point is 01:25:53 You're all looking for your way So even though you may not all be comics you're only the same part of your life where you're looking for something You're at the same threshold or whatever the fuck it's called of where you're there You're just about to snap on to what you want to do Adjust the wheels and get stronger the longer you do it after that, you know For some people takes three years for some people takes 10 years. You're at that point right now You've got a couple products to work with you're not small time no more You're just not making gummies or monos and you could still whip out the peanut brittle
Starting point is 01:26:24 If you want to turn if you have mass production, you know and you can still whip up other products right now This is the time to get into this business and if you've noticed Also when I first got my license You there was nothing like this Lee chocolate bars to get high how big with it You want to eat fucking two fucking Nestle bars Lee that's fucking to get 80 160 milligrams And there was no 160 milligrams in those things in those days. You didn't know what the fuck was in there It wasn't no 80 even you didn't get to as fucked up as we're getting now And I can't imagine where their business is going to go in two or three years where you're eating a throat
Starting point is 01:26:59 Loss engine has got 8,000 fucking milligrams in it. I just have listerine strips that were that they used to get you fucked up What happened to those um It's a question. Yeah, they don't go to clubs much anymore. So they were all over. They were down here. Yeah, they were big time That's what rogan used to have those things will light you up. I think I came in right after that Those things were right up. They were light you up. They hadn't been there. I had one of those it stuck together Oh my god, it was a 15 times for the whole pack. Oh my god And they all stuck together. I had that she had a plane. I thought I had a plane I thought I was gonna die
Starting point is 01:27:33 That was one of the worst trips of my life. Get the fuck out of here I fucking took one from chicago to burbank With martin marino. This is when We we all worked riddles It was felipe martin me chivago, we all went uh roncho bob, whatever his name is And that morning I get up at six in the fucking morning. I look at my wallet to give the lady the The id at the southwest counter in those days. There used to be a tremendous flight from or not from midway
Starting point is 01:28:09 Yeah midway To burbank. Oh, it was tremendous. It got you on a 10 in the morning in burbank from chicago You could stop it. It was early though. And when I went to give her the license the strip You know, I came in a little seal of mealtime deal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah was stuck to the license and I looked at it And I thought it was one And as I was putting my thing I saw it broke and it was two of them and I'm like fuck at seven in the morning I'll eat a sandwich at the terminal
Starting point is 01:28:37 Holy I had my shirt off. That's the first time I took my shirt off on southwest In those days, they had the seats that faced each other in the middle Two or three of those where you had to sit looking at somebody And I I was in the middle seat with these old christian women And dog I started sweating profusiously I had to take that fucking shirt off the sweat was coming off my tits What did he weigh back then? What did that weigh? 390
Starting point is 01:29:05 380 I think that's why they stopped selling me because everybody that I know that's had one has a story like that like damn I almost died. I had them all at once But that was the beginning of shock like they put me into shock Like that was the roughest hour and a half It was cool for like two hours and then the last hour and a half was fucking hell People weren't ready for that. No, it was hash. No, they weren't ready for people were using hash and kief and like people weren't wearing There was another one too. There was a gum now and later
Starting point is 01:29:37 Kushmart when they were on ivar I remember kushmark kushmark before they be kushmark went on to becoming this two-floor thing in hollywood that did He bought the building downstairs and they were doing recommendations. It was one stop shopping I remember when they were small it was I remember when they were on the one street in hollywood And it was in an office building and they got thrown out because the office people couldn't take it no more They had dentists in there. You could smell weed in the fucking dentist office hysterical Right on uh, where the sandwiches where you get the sandwiches over over there But before that they were on gawa. You ever go between hollywood boulevard and sunset. There's those shacks on the side
Starting point is 01:30:18 I used to work on sunset. They had shacks. They were in a shack and I'll never forget going in and they had those those now and plenties what they call now and later now ladies They were a little skinnier And when you looked at the baggy you could see the haze On the juice coming out of them and one night I went home and popped two of those all lee Lee that was horrible. I puked. I tripped that night. I saw stars. I kept seeing purple. I couldn't breathe I had a crawl Like fucking iced tea. I drank water. That's totally a bad trip. Oh, it's a bad trip
Starting point is 01:30:53 No, it was I took too much at that time my body we were eating brownies You know like we were eating little brownies You didn't really know how many milligrams went and we weren't really fucking pitching heavy in those days Did you say it's a good one? Oh, yeah When you got too high and like I've been to clubs where the ladies like do not eat the whole I'm like nonsense Yeah, oh that shit When a fucking girl tells me don't eat it because I'm gonna get I hit a third dinner. You also weigh 90 fucking pounds I'm a fucking 300 pound gorilla. So take it and I've been doing your 22 and give me another one too
Starting point is 01:31:28 Yeah, give me another one as soon as somebody tells you don't eat Did you bring your car? Don't drag because you're a fucking pussy. That's why that's what the fun part about is fucking driving. Yeah The lights get all fuzzy. Oh my god, but when you've been doing it And then hardcore it's like dog. I still see them. I'll tell you something. The lights get fuzzy for me It's scary at night. Oh my god. If I'm high and tired. Yeah, it's that's a different trick. I'll tell you what my eyes get fuzzy on stage You have no idea guys You see but you can't look up as soon as you look at the lights they start going like this
Starting point is 01:32:05 They start switching around like somebody's playing with your head like you got knocked out That's what happens on stage when you mix the adrenaline with the thc That's why I go crazy guys I don't go crazy because I know I go crazy because I got 500 milligrams in me. This is the second show It's fighting testosterone and god knows what else in my body. I get on stage. I could see the front rows I just can't look at the lights as soon as I look at the lights. That's how I know I'm high Yeah, that's how I know that I could sometimes I'll eat two stars and go this ain't gonna fuck me up tonight And that's just sweating. Oh my god now get on stage and bam the lights start switching on you
Starting point is 01:32:43 Because it's a different game on stage That's it's like jiu-jitsu. You know what I'm saying? It's the same as jiu-jitsu But I've handled it for so long that I'm good jiu-jitsu. There's no way I can handle that's real. That's a guy on top of you Excuse me trying to fucking joke you to death That's fucked up. Yeah, but I go on stage and see the lights move around that's scary And that's how I know I'm fucked up and I just ride that once I see the lights guys I just ride it after that because that's it all systems ago cocksucker No, this is a good product. I'm fucked up
Starting point is 01:33:17 I'm fucked up, but I'm fucked up in a different way. I'm not googly fucked up I'm fucked up in a nice way like we use hybrid We don't use something too uh in the go to sativa somewhere right in the middle So you can still function but still got fucked up. That's all we listen. That's the result. Okay I don't give a fuck how you get there. I just want to get fucked up I want this I want people to try this and go, you know what man, maybe I could get off my pill addiction That's what I think this is for for some given these two people That take morphine in really dangerous amounts and I'm like here try a few of these and see if it works
Starting point is 01:33:51 Like I don't know if it's gonna work I've like I've never been in that much pain where I take morphine, but they switch And they feel better now my buddy's grandma is um like she she takes um He shows me the empty bottle. She's like look that's that's what she had last week. It's like holy shit like And he buys like 10 15 of them a week from I think leo sleep like a fucking king tonight. Lee There's no thinking about it. I'll be asleep. I'm talking about a baby tonight When you told me you were coming down till I got so fucking happy because I'm gonna sleep like a baby I gotta get up at two in the morning
Starting point is 01:34:23 I wonder if Lee's stomach like like like cringes a little when he knows where I'm coming down here Because he knows I've been I mean I'm people give me shit. I get high a lot now, you know, I would call him at nine in the morning I start my little tournament Nine in the morning seven thirty we call him at seven thirty and start already an infant that we're gonna go deep You better call your mother and get the wheel read, you know I go into call paul give her a hug leave her the wallet I'll give her your wallet like lefty did and dolly brass call the hospital see if they take your insurance
Starting point is 01:34:57 And every every hour and a half and then like at like four be like four five six and Yeah, I mean I I get too high time he get here He looked at it and as he was eating it there were a couple nights I could see in his face that he was looking at the job ads that day There was a couple days that he was like looking online like I don't know where my life is going. I'm 26 I could be an assistant manager by the time I'm 30 at the fucking donut place
Starting point is 01:35:26 But he's stuck it out and now, you know, listen man You gotta have a good time. You know when I first got out got out here in 06. I started working for a cannabis club That's the funnest shit you're ever gonna I'm doing your entire life. We used to open up at eight in the morning 7 30 We used to be through the door and they ate in morning. We used to open the doors You better believe every single morning. There was a secret society of nine of us fucking getting stoned 9 10 15 blunders God shit before we go to work like 7 30 in the morning 7 15 in the morning
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah, but the one you have to get for breakfast you have to go and get like 24 eggs But that's part of your deal see when you do listen you have a system people have a system I know people who get up in the morning drive 25 minutes having like coffee In the morning or protein shake and drive to work. Some people can't eat in the morning when they get a mini I gotta have coffee and relax and get high a little coffee You gotta do a little fucking tutu roots And then you go to a diner with your boys before you go into the factory and you fucking eat two eggs in those diners It's 450 and you get the whole thing two eggs two pieces of toast two pieces of sausage two pancakes
Starting point is 01:36:35 You know for 450 in a cup of coffee you can't lose at those places in jersey and pennsylvania shit like that Okay, and you get high and it's great. No more. I've always I never could think about when I was when I was young. I'm like, who the fuck gets high in the morning until I did it Love it until I did it and I was like, oh, this is a different fucking week If you don't need to be sober being high all day like just enjoy your day I started getting high in my sophomore year And before that I was getting high at lunch time Well, we get high like after school before and then once I started before seven and getting high and going to the gym
Starting point is 01:37:11 That's when you just break all the fucking boundaries like once you start getting I tell you today the fucking bar slipped out of my hand guys I was sweating up a fucking storm at the gym and I didn't put the The things and I was doing close grip bench presses with 135 fucking pounds And guys the fucking my right bar slipped and I caught it in the air I wouldn't be here talking to you guys right now because The bar would have hit the floor the weight would have fell down and this would have just caged right on me It was scary and I knew it. I fucking knew it. I didn't put my thumb I was doing them so close that I didn't put my thumb under the bar
Starting point is 01:37:48 My wrist was hurting so I had to do them this way So I would just bring them up and push very slowly on the last set I picked it up and as I went down the fucking bar slipped it went right off my palm this morning tremendous She supported the trainer came in what happened. I said none. She was make sure you put fucking collars on that thing Joe are you going to kill yourself? Yeah, I didn't go to jiu-jitsu today. I had that stupid audition so it cut into my day Did it look like your hands? No, this was to go down there and and talk to the fucking guy
Starting point is 01:38:17 I'm telling you what I was happiest one of brothers because if it was over that fucking hill I would have had a heart attack It was horribly it was hard. I left there fucking pissed and I go, you know what? I'm not gonna get pissed. I had no audition my agent's trying I go, let me go home put my shorts on I walked to the Y And I fucking didn't upper I did not do the elliptical. I just did the fucking weights, but I did them heavy And then I went outside and did like 2000 fucking sit-ups for a pound ball because it's all I know how to do for Sit-ups. I just go back and kick my legs and
Starting point is 01:38:49 And I was drenched today. I walked home dog. I had to drink two things a fucking nice team horse I gotta make ice tea again. I was I lost every Fucking fluid. I only lost like one pound. It's amazing. You sweat gallons and you lose one fucking pound Motherfuckers What's up, brother? You ready for the weekend? Here's what the edibles taking? Yeah You want me to tell you I can tell he's handling what you got this weekend, my brother I got two consultations this week. All right, and
Starting point is 01:39:18 Then I don't know. I don't know what Paul and I are doing this weekend. What are you doing this weekend, my brother? I'm probably spending with the family. You know, how old is your son now? He's just turned one 27 All the time I watch him every single day. He's walking. He's crawling. Yeah, he's running this way. He's running. All right You lock up the edibles around. Oh, yeah, they're not even I had and I took him out of the office No, I took everything out of there Yeah, I had a friend of mine come separate houses and like not even take everything Yeah, I was I started getting scared by mistake. I left two chunks of hash on my night table Yeah, and they grab it. They'll grab anything and put it in their mouth. I said, that's it. I took everything out
Starting point is 01:39:57 I'm nothing. All it takes is that first time and then you're like fuck. Yeah, they eat anything They take the fear is inside of you. Oh fuck you fuck because I know I would eat shit I would eat anything. I didn't catch it when I was a fucking kid. So I'm scared. So I said, no, that's it No more weed in the house. No more gummies. No more nothing in the fucking house. It all stays outside. I'm done Even though, you know deep down that if they like any dose they have then I gotta die. This is gonna have a ride, you know There's no lethal dose My little mercy eats one of those stars. She ain't gonna handle it She's fucking crazy mercy's crazy. I'm convinced she's out of my fucking mind. She's my daughter
Starting point is 01:40:36 She's definitely my daughter. She I mean, it's just great, but this I told you I'm gonna have to pay for my sins I'm paying for my she swims guys It's all from running how though She's a month away from being two and a half And she's going from me to the mother and it's you sit there and look at I look at the mother last week I was throwing up in the f5 feet and she was landing and coming out going more time More time daddy more time So it's it becomes a fucking blast but sign them up for swimming. You got a bunch of swimming programs
Starting point is 01:41:07 I'll sign them up for anything he wants everything. No restrictions everything. It's let I don't give a fuck the piano the violin Fucking face painting do it do it at least one time. You're not gonna know what happens until you do it, bro You know, you're not gonna listen. You're not gonna fucking know you want another face painting classes Yeah, I'm happy you're going down there and I told you it's a different conversation Lee That is what I say to you about the gym you start going to the gym with your girl You turn the gym into something you bring a movie thing the gym is to clean out that fucking head to just think If you go to the gym properly every time on the gym on the way home you call me and go I just thought of something
Starting point is 01:41:47 But you don't use the gym like that you put that TV on and you watch a movie so you're into the fucking movie So you don't see the thing I'd rather you put a towel on that bring a joint with you and right before you walk into 24 hour fitness This is what you do. You go Turn the joint off it'll last you a month and a half and your life will fucking change And don't bring the phone in there with you because you don't have a kid. Who do you give a fuck? Well, you get who's going to call you meet? I know you and the broad the texture so you're on the tip that you're going to fall off the fucking machine
Starting point is 01:42:18 So you leave the fucking thing at home and you go in there and watch what happens your whole life will change after a month Give me 30 fucking days not clear up your head. That's what you go to that. That's what martial arts is about You go there to talk to different people Just so you don't have to hear about fucking podcasts and comedians and my joke and my cd and a book and law school and fucking My scholar champ and if not, we're gonna go with my cousin to see Lana Del Rey and You know what that happens after to you for a while your head blows up So when you start going to other people and you see how the other half lives
Starting point is 01:42:55 It makes you appreciate that fucking half the martial art. Look what I say to you in the beginning I don't know what you're gonna do with this But I hope this opens your eyes to something else on tuesday nights Whether you like this or not, you know on tuesdays from now on at 6 30 I'm gonna join a strength and conditioning class from scratch beginners And you go and you hope these fucking morons aren't in the movie industry You pray to god. They're not fucking actors. You pray to god. They're just normal people So when you get there
Starting point is 01:43:23 That it's not that same boring ass conversation. That's why I go to those things That's why I go It's these kids and they talk to me about their tournaments and how they're training and they broke up with their girlfriend and Whatever the fuck and I enjoy it. It's in contrast to the same shit. You and I talk about no hence No, pardon me. I need you. You know what I'm saying, bro And you're your brother all fucking day. What do you talk about all day weed in the fucking Yankees in the fucking dog You know, kibans are complaining about you, you know, and that's why I do that. It's called peace of mind for one hour For one hour you're going in and if you can't do the hip escapes you go
Starting point is 01:44:00 Zach I can't do the fifth one and you go to the side then when you're ready to go jump in But while you're sitting there, you're gonna think of something You're gonna go. Wow. I didn't Oh my god, I could you know what I'm gonna fucking get in there And even if they tap you you're gonna go, you know, I'm gonna go on there to breathe Just and every week I go in there you go this week I'm gonna last 10 some more seconds And now it becomes a personal challenge. Now you got something vested in it
Starting point is 01:44:24 You know, this dude was really nice last night. Like when we were rolling forget his name But he uh, like he asked if I knew anything and I said no and he he showed me he showed me how to like, uh Flip you over like if you're on if I think if you're on top And I can flip you over a sweep. Yeah, he taught you a sweep. Oh, is that what it's called? Yeah, Vic Those people say and he you are sweating on them often and puffing. Yeah, I grabbed this collar Growing to my arm pull that you see what happens. All right now choke and you're like, okay And they're like no no choke hard and you're like, I'm choking like no fucking choke me
Starting point is 01:44:58 And you get and you're like wow this guy just let me fucking choke and to teach me the technique That's like me come up to you saying Lee you didn't punch me right punch me again in the fucking draw Who does that and any other kick by or karate? No and jujitsu. It's a fucking wild brotherhood I have not figured it out, but I'll tell you what I don't need to I just know I love it When you're on time the guy's sweating and he you grab him and he he could fucking kill you That's the discipline. That's what the whole thing is about. It's not about fucking killing people and choke There's a fuck about that My pants keep falling down when I have it like do you have like a suit another belt?
Starting point is 01:45:33 Like should I get it like a really long belt like you always fall down Just tighten the fucking I do let me give some shout outs I gotta give my brother out of here is the guy must have walked the fucking Sun Valley already with that dog him back, huh? It's a hundred degrees out there that poor now. I'm sure he's in his truck. He found somewhere to go Let me give some shout out to my girl joys mathison Evil monkey caches morris still making it happen Michael salgado james robinson riccardo warrez
Starting point is 01:46:00 Joey biamonti sandman and my main man peter Mother fucking garcia. So where do people go? Let's clear this up to get the strawberry milkshake bar the cookies and cream The brown dream bar the expresso bar and the olcata bar if they live in california If you're in california and you're impatient you can go to these gummies or manos.com Or i'm on instagram at los gummies or manos. I'm on twitter at los gummies Right now i'm doing patient to patient, but um we're looking to expand to clubs in southern california Keep refrigerate. Look at the warnings keep away from children and pets
Starting point is 01:46:38 Oh, shit. Lee. This is the rice pudding olcata. See you don't know what you're That's not uh, that's not gonna be our official label. That's just for you. That's just no I love this label with the fucking x it's like those sink benards Remember those dogs that were coming to the mountains and fucking with a barrel on their head with a barrel on their head And fucking one of these on their neck Fuck yeah, ladies and gentlemen. It's a beautiful night here. Wednesday night june 20 fucking whatever And that's it brother. So where can they go? Is there a number they could call? So right now you know peanut brittle just those gummies and just the white chocolate bars
Starting point is 01:47:15 Yeah, our products are gummies and the five white chocolate based products right there Anything else would have to be a super special order. We would have to Have done a lot of business with you and to make something special for you And if somebody wants to buy 20 of them and they live in oakland, they'll contact you Yeah, oakland's real easy. That's right by me. I'm always in oakland It's a beautiful thing. We they seem nice and easy. Nobody got their feelings hurt and we're back here fucking monday Sounds a little fun. I go to san diego on tuesday with the fucking family You gotta get high again though. We gotta get high again. Oh tonight right now. Oh, no, I gotta get out of here
Starting point is 01:47:50 I'm fucking tight. Are you crazy? I'm sober. We can't be smoking. You're not sober Let me give some shout outs to some people here. Number one on it dot com I used the fucking shroom tech today Sport and I went there and I did better than I've ever done. My shirt was wet. My lungs felt great My face didn't get really red when I was doing bent over rows Shroom tech makes it happen, man. You know, it works for me. I don't know if it'll work for you But you won't know till you give it a try do me a favor
Starting point is 01:48:21 Also, they specialize in the alpha brain the new tropics Complete earth-grown new tropics with alpha gpc and ac 11. Do I know what ac 11 is? No, I just know that you remember shit and your thinking is a little bit sharp and whatnot Go to honor.com right now and press in church I'm gonna give you 10 off your first order and they have the stay on the program list and they got a ton of fucking Shit, you know, I got a box of stuff and I gave some to my jujitsu buddies. They love the t plus They love the hemp chocolate. There's what I fucking drink every day. I fucking love it 16 grams of protein a scoop gives you 32 your body can only assimilate 30 anyway
Starting point is 01:48:58 Why are you eating fucking 90 grams in those milkshakes? You know what I'm saying? Go to hemp chocolate right now. Go to honor.com and press in church Boom and take a look at that great products, whether it's a shroom tech sport immune Whether it's the fucking alpha brain, whether it's the motherfucking new mood Whether it's the t plus. I mean the coco The coconut fat for your tea and your chocolate trust me. I'm telling you go to honor.com number two The best underwear in the market fucking hands down. All right hands down I use them to work out Lee said his nut sack pops out of his underwear
Starting point is 01:49:30 So he understands what I'm talking about with me on these listen Not only are they fucking great to wear only do they keep you dry Not only do they fit fucking great and you feel great when you're wearing them You have no problem. You're wear underwear guys and there's always a prom You always got to reach for your nothing pull that out and pull that out and pull that out That shit don't fucking happen with me on these.com. I'm telling you they're the best fucking underwear on the market right now But who the fuck am I you like Joey? Who the fucking you you're a fat fuck you probably stress those motherfuckers out That's right
Starting point is 01:49:59 And they still work for me and they still keep my nuts act dry And they still I have no pimples on my ass because I got no fucking moisture whenever I wear those fucking underwear I get little white heads. I got to keep popping them and shit in the middle of the night They go pop pop pop with the sleep acne machine on that shit don't happen with me on these because they keep the odor out They keep the sweat out They keep me cool and they keep my nuts where they fucking belong But don't fucking hear it from me go to me on these dot com right now And look at the great selection of women and men's fucking underwears that they have different colors styles
Starting point is 01:50:29 They got great sweatpants. They got long ones. They got short ones. They got great like rash guards They're a thin thin t-shirt, but hey go to me on these dot com and press in Joey And what do they get 20% off their first order and free shipping in canada and motherfucking united states You're like joey. Are you fucking pulling my leg? No 20% most jews give you 10 the people I run would give you fucking 20 and free fucking shipping So go to me on these dot com and press in joey And get 20% off all right number two you like joey 4th of july is coming You and the other fucking nick the tour on this other fucking jew fuck. You're talking about food. What do you got for me?
Starting point is 01:51:06 You know I got for you. Come here bring your ear close Nature box cocksucker. That's what I got for you. You know what it is free F R E E when was the last time you got something for free nobody gives you nothing for free All I'm telling you is go to nature box dot com right now And look at the great fucking selection of shit. They got nutrition healthy They have resealable so you could bring them in and only eat three of them instead of the whole box Like a fucking fat animal that you are when you got fucking when you're high your fat fuck because I was one of those people In fact, I'm still in one of those people that I got control so you'd have a reseal
Starting point is 01:51:38 You don't have to eat everything right there because fat people always think everything's gonna go bad Even though it's not gonna go bad So we eat the whole box and we justify that to make better with fucking nature box. They have a seal I never resealed it It never lasts that's because you got problems The garlic plantains the south pacific plantains the chocolate nom noms Listen, they throw in heat over there at nature box, but don't take it from me. You know what it's for free You're gonna pay for shipping and handling maybe two bucks stop complaining go to nature box dot com and press in
Starting point is 01:52:08 Go to nature box dot com slash joey boom and there you have it a free fucking sample box two big bags and three little bags Who gives you that type of love uncle joey? You got me on these you got on it and how about a big round to applause What the fuck you want to give him for my main man over and nail that life look at him He's looking at me like johnny zombo. He's so high. He's trying to make a smoke more shit here Thank you, brother for coming on. Thank you for sponsoring us this whole time and being a great sponsor and taking care of us And always bringing chocolates down here and Goomies you should have brought lia goomies. He lives for those fucking things so eat the whole thing Remember when leaf first started he'd only eat the head. He's moved up. He's done. He's well. He's fucking raised around amongst the ranks
Starting point is 01:52:50 You can always fire to this Look at the shape of this fucking moutage. I love you guys this week. I'm in Boston Thursday night I'm at the commie store for this is what I'm not. This is not happening. I'm hosting for my man Ari Shafir While he's on assignment in Israel. He's going to Jerusalem to see if Jesus really died And beside that. I love you motherfucker. See you Monday Stay black and we'll be here. Have a great weekend. Boston. Get ready to fucking rock cocksuckers This show is brought to you by naturebox.com Don't forget to go to naturebox.com and sign up to get your free sample box of great tasting healthy snacks
Starting point is 01:53:36 Forget the vending machine and start snacking smarter with delicious treats like barbecue kettle kernels Go to naturebox.com slash joey. That's naturebox.com slash joey And also go to meet undies.com slash joey and check out the pics of the men's and women's underwear. They have shirts socks Shorts and and sweatpants When you go to me undies.com slash joey, you're gonna get 20 off of your first order and free shipping in the united states and canada And lastly go to on it.com and use code word church to get 10 off of all the great optimization products So Oh, my God, it's super hot
Starting point is 01:54:49 I'm telling you, I'm a savage hot So, so, so So it's enough, cause you can't say nothing You shut me down with no push on your butt But you, I'm out and I'm gone I tell you now, I keep it on and on E-E-E-E E-E-E-E
Starting point is 01:55:20 E-E-E-E E-E-E-E Come on, so what you think you're my best Yeah, and we human, so good to get to Just keep it on the thin, and so go on I'm trying to tell you now, it's never done Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Gabba Gabba Gabba Gabba Gabba Gabba Gabba
Starting point is 01:56:28 Listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio, listen olio You're scheming on a thickness of a torch

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