Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #305 - Yogi Steve

Episode Date: August 4, 2015

Yogi Steve, Owner of Outlier Strength, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio. This podcast is brought to you by: Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout. HITecigs.com Fo...r a better tasting, longer lasting e cig go to HITecigs.com. Use Promo code joeyschurch for five Hit E Cig's for $50 Naileditlife.com - Get 20% off a vapor pen by using code word joeydiaz. They are also produce some of the best edibles on the market, Los Gummies Hermanos Recorded live on 08/03/15 Music:  Sympathy For The Devil - The Rolling Stones Wanna Be Around - Tony Bennet Soul Stripper - AC?DC

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Starting point is 00:00:44 Some of the best edibles on the market Use code and nailed it life slash those gumis or monos and go to hit e six calm While Joey opens another Hit e six calm and use code word joey's church to get five hit e six for $50 Oh shit The church of what's happening now cocksuckers you want to see the devil you got to get down Monday August 3rd We're making this motherfucker happen tonight yogi Steve
Starting point is 00:01:53 Wash his hands There's only one way to go deep cocksuckers Good evening out there in podcast land. How are you cocksuckers doing? What's happening Lisa? Yeah, I'm doing great I had a great Actually on Thursday I forgot on what yeah well after the podcast We went and had dinner with you with your wife and daughter and was like the best time in the world I was great. It was just I had I Haven't been around kids for a while. It's kind of weird
Starting point is 00:02:29 But after kind of like high school when you go to college, I haven't really been around kids and just seeing I Get to see your daughter Every few weeks once a month and it's amazing how much she grows and then she hasn't it's not that she doesn't like me But it's kind of like with your cats when they're like kind of feeling me out She's like I don't really trust him yet, but then when she was running around with the two little kids She's like just the biggest smile on her face And it was just it was a it was great to see I because I remember when you told me that you're gonna have mercy on the way Down to like one of the improv's when the improv's and now
Starting point is 00:03:03 She's almost two and a half or is two and a half and it's all changed Ever since she hit the half for the first six months. I kept thinking everybody says terrible twos They're gonna fucking lose their mind. She was a complete princess till two Once she hit two and a half it's over It's over. It doesn't stop. It doesn't stop. It starts at 8 15 and it goes straight till 10 11 o'clock at night We put it down at 9 and you can still hear pots banging and she doesn't do one-man show and a concert But tonight I was looking at her and I
Starting point is 00:03:42 Was at the dinner we're just sitting there and I was talking to my wife about something I looked at and I go, you know, if she knew how much joy she brought If she could understand how much joy she brought the two lumps life because I'm a fucking lump, you know I'm a fucking lump. I mean, let's face it and my wife is a lump with two people that were very Quiet at home You're solid you like see your solitary stuff was saw, you know, we're not we're lumps my wife was never into parties You know, that's why we hit it off right away. She told me her likes and the dislikes and I don't have to be a you know drive all over God's creation
Starting point is 00:04:21 My wife doesn't put no stress on me for that shit, which I really appreciate But if right now if it was just me and her, I don't know what we'd be doing. I Do not know as a couple of what we'd be doing She'd be involved in that work to the end and I'd be going on the road every week I mean, why not? I have no child. I would go out every fucking week and enjoy this run but This child has no idea how much whoever sent her whatever God that you got the Hindu God God God the Puerto Rican God the Irish Catholic God, whatever God you believe in that sent that little girl into our lives
Starting point is 00:04:57 Just I own my life like that. I can't even You know seeing her with the dog was like the best like the funniest I've ever seen because she would go up to it and like almost touch it and then just scream and run away and run away It's it's it's never ends with the animals. It's just I'm going through a great time watching her, you know, and it's I Just look at my wife. I look at my wife and I think all the bad things I've done and I think that This is the first person that I really genuinely made happy like she smiles from my eyes. She found her friend My wife again, man. This kid don't like anybody This little baby doesn't like anybody especially if she has her wife's my wife's thing
Starting point is 00:05:42 She's very sweet my wife, but she's never really been Involved with people right my wife gives it like a two-time. You got like two times Shots of my wife, then it's over. There's some people you don't really have And even today I took her to the pool and I could notice that she was just playing by herself There was a thousand kids at the pool. She plays by herself. She's not a ma-imagination phase Oh, she's an only child. I was an only child. So when I look at her, I know exactly what she's going through I remember, you know, I'm saying like you you think of how you had to dip into your imagination You put my not that my parents were older, but my parents acted older and they wanted me to act older
Starting point is 00:06:23 Right, they wanted me to have more you know I'm saying like I didn't have the luxuries a lot of kids have my you know My mom was a little stern on me So are you disinplenting her yet or like I don't know even know when that I don't even know how to fucking discipline I can't discipline nobody really can't discipline a child. I was taught. She's I'm like a big brother She fucking knows you don't know she calls me daddy because of Peppa Pig They call the guy daddy pig. You know I'm saying she don't fucking know she thinks daddy's a ride She jumps on me and I carry her and you know when she's getting yelled at by my wife. She runs to me I'm like her fucking intermediary. I'm not a father yet. I don't even know what the fuck to do
Starting point is 00:07:03 I was watching the Sopranos and that's when she had the party He drove her home and she goes what you say to me goes. I don't fucking know we love our kids That's why kids are fucking spoiled because we don't want to say dick to them. What are you gonna do anybody die? No, anybody lose a nine. No, then we're okay, right? So what they did some ecstasy What do you want me to do jump up and down? Are you want me to be a hypocrite? You know, so I don't know what I don't know how to fucking parent I wouldn't know the first fucking step. The only thing I know is how to give them love That's all I know. It's like my cats. I know how to give them love
Starting point is 00:07:34 I get mad at Demi out throw a fucking newspaper at that motherfucker, but the rest of them can't handle it They never handle it. No Demi's a fucking street cat, you know all of them are street cats But some people can have I can never hit a child. I don't know. I'm not asking you. I'm not saying you hit her But like pick her up by the neck. I don't know what that's like almost like kind of what your parents did where it's like They're teaching you how to how to add hold on one second check with me in 12 years You know I'm saying oh, yeah me and 12 years, but at this point. I don't know what the fucking say though I don't cuz I I don't know. I just I'm not even anywhere near right, but I've started think like you just start thinking about it
Starting point is 00:08:12 And I have like no I'd like when she was running around And we had like you your wife would be on one end and you'd be on the other just to like block her off from traffic Every time she would get close to anywhere near the street. I started having a panic attack. I have panic attacks We really trouble yogi Steve. What are you thinking? Hey doing guys? What's happening? I hope I want to have them 44. I'd like to have a kid one day, too So I know you're 52 so you give me some some serious hope maybe one day move up a little We ever married my brother. No, I've never been married. No kids. Just you know No, I was when I called you this afternoon was to ask you a really important question
Starting point is 00:08:46 Sure, I don't want to do it here, right? I'm gonna have to go for it Do you mind if I call yogi Steve on the podcast you call me anything you want what's your real name? My real name is Steven Tartar like Tartar sauce, okay, but Steve yogi Steve I just that was my Facebook name when we created our Facebook accounts everybody wanted to keep their privacy Maybe y'all they're looking for me, but I've never really done anything. So but that name kind of stuck So yeah, you can call me whatever you like Joey. Okay, I didn't know for sure I don't know if that was the name that our blood cuz John Bud's been talking about you to me for a year All right, I say you got guys get together cuz I've been selling him on the kettle bells
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yeah, yeah, I've been bugging him on getting a kettle bells at V-man getting a kettle bells. I'm psyched to be there It's awesome. It's a great way. It's a Tuesday morning. Yeah doesn't get into anybody So I used to go to a class for kettle bells and and I was I was always intrigued by them And then one night that but any you know when you and I were growing up We had a look at the fucking encyclopedia for information. That's right That's right happening. There's no kettle bells in that fucking Britannica didn't exist But now you have any question at all fitness health medication something you're feeling you go online So I went online and I looked in into kettle bells and it said that it was the number two exercise at the time for burning calories
Starting point is 00:09:55 Every swing burns 20 or 2 yeah 18 or just something fucking amazing and I know for jujitsu It's not about the bench press, but it's more about the explosiveness absolutely You know pictures have that explosiveness, you know football players may get the ball off the line That's what the swing is and that's what the swing is. Yeah explosive exercise So I went down and I started doing it first couple times. I thought I was gonna have a fucking heart attack When he made me do that the Turkish get up the first time, but he was like you you know get up to an elbow Let's call it quick. Yeah, we don't want to hurt you. It's a step down You know, yeah, now how did you get involved with kettle bells? Pretty interesting. Tell us I got a ridiculous long story
Starting point is 00:10:33 I'll try to give it to you a short, you know, and I turned 40 I was overweight and I realized I was basically pre diabetic. I was waking up to go to the bathroom three times a night I wasn't sleeping good. My daily energy levels were just for shit. I was just basically tired Now mind you I was smoking herb for 25 years. Maybe that has something to do with it But you know, I was always a yogi and into yoga, but I wasn't really training hard So let's just say somebody owed me money a hundred bucks And I knew I wasn't gonna get it and they said hey, I got these two I don't know what they are like cannonballs with a handle on them. I'll give you these instead of the hundred bucks
Starting point is 00:11:05 Knowing that I'm never gonna get that hundred bucks from this guy. I was like sure I'll take them So all I did with them was take them and walk them around running Canyon Park I live right in Hollywood and I started body fat just melted off of me and something about the way it felt in my hand I really liked so just like you said I went online and just googled it and I'm a hundred percent Self-taught everything I've learned from just videos. I've been one one-day seminar with an expert, but um Yeah, so I started training with them and I went from 188 Pudgy as fat as fuck all the way down to 155 like completely ripped But now in the last four years by using kettlebells and some barbell stuff because I like the deadlift and bench press and
Starting point is 00:11:44 Barbell squat I built my weight back up to the same I was when I was fat So now I'm 180 really lean and really strong and no longer pre-diabetic So you know a lot of that's with diet too, but training super important And I just love kettlebells are good for you to get older because you don't have to use 300-400 pounds to get a great effect So you can take a 53 pound kettlebell and it could be your tool for life It's a great combination of strength and conditioning, so it'll build muscle and help you burn fat now. It was really interesting tonight
Starting point is 00:12:14 my wife's friend Was working as an accountant or something weird and she quit her job and got a job as a controller or something Summon the same field, but not really and she's getting paid 50 grand more So she called my wife and she asked my wife if It was weird that she was switching careers at that age And and my wife was talking to me about I go listen in this economy You know when we were going up you were a mason for life You know you learn how to do masonry from your father
Starting point is 00:12:46 You learn how to do construction from your father and you took into it or whatever the fuck people doing now the unions You know they barely exist You know it's a lot of with the laborers and stuff they're using You know non-union labor and I know all these shits or stuff, but the point is that It was a really interesting story. You told me how you used to be an online gambler Yeah, and you made a living. Yeah eight years. How did you get involved on that? Well, let me tell you most gamblers and they talked to you about poker or any gambling about their success They're basically just they're lie about it gamblers are compulsive fucking liars, but I might come from a gambling family
Starting point is 00:13:25 I went to I used to go to Atlantic City when I was 13 years old My mother used to sneak me in the casino while she played a blackjack. I would just fuck around but I did start playing craps I got into gambling, you know all through high school and through college and then at one point I discovered poker and I learned because I studied math in college I studied accounting basically And then I discovered poker and I realized oh shit. I could be the house I could have the advantage in this only game in the casino. You really can't be craps roulette blackjack So I got into poker so my whole 20s were devoted to basically living in a casino. All I did was play live poker
Starting point is 00:13:56 Where were you living? I was living back east. I was living in Jersey and you were hitting the Trump I go to Taj Mahal. That was like my my playground basically every weekend I was that really I was actually teaching Taekwondo during the week and on the weekends I would go to play poker and after a year of that I was making more money playing poker And that's how you become a professional poker player you one day look at your money And you say I'm making more money playing poker then you know teaching Taekwondo How many nights a week were you playing poker when I was playing like that? I would play for like I'd only play on the weekends when I play 50 hours of the course of three days
Starting point is 00:14:26 I the most I ever played was 36 hours straight live Yeah, I was 25 young you have unbelievable stamina at that age, you know taking notes fuck all Poker is the one I need cuz I love blackjack But yeah, yeah, well as long as you can afford the losses you can play any game you want, but Gamma is it's a suckers game It's not you know I'm I got lucky that I had whatever I needed to be good at poker and then when poker came online You know, I'm really like a pot smoker at heart a pot hit it So I'd like to be able to work out of my home smoke up and work
Starting point is 00:14:56 So once online poker became popular I played that for a living for eight or nine years until they shut it down about four years ago you know government shut it down and I just wanted another business like I just got into kettle bells Which is what you know, I like to make my hobbies into a job and you're looking to somebody who's never really had a boss Other than when I worked for my family business back when I was like 23. That's really impressive making your hobby Yeah, your job. It's it's super satisfying. You know, I'm not rich from it But I just absolutely love what I do what you love what you do And that's what love not loving what you do is what puts people in the hospital. It kill it was killing me
Starting point is 00:15:31 It's good. I don't kill what anybody tells you. I don't and it catches up to you It's like a slow finger in the ass when you have a small asshole. It's tight It just drains you and you don't know what's draining you. Yeah. Yeah, and you look around you And that's what happens one day you look around you look at somebody who's ten years older than you and they're like I've been here for 30 years. Yeah, you see the scars on this fucking soul and shit You're like, I gotta quit and people tell you you're crazy. You're making great money and you know But you're like, I don't want to fucking do it no more. Yeah It's funny cuz Lee wanted to be a professional game and I was hoping by this time
Starting point is 00:16:03 I'd be making two three G's just under 10% he was gonna pay me But he fucking leave he wouldn't sweat it out. He'd lose and go home You need a big bankroll and you got a big bankroll. You got millions under that mattress You got Kuga Rans. You got those stocks and bonds Fucking God, what are you talking about? We're trying to count were you trying to count up like Jack? No, I'm not I'm It's not that I'm bad at math But my mom was yelling yet at me about it today if I don't like something I don't put effort into it Yeah, I just don't and
Starting point is 00:16:34 I Was decent and algebra But not even really passable. Yeah, so like that's the thing with like poker for some reason numbers don't really make sense Like they make sense. I can do basic math But when you're trying to be like, okay, do plus one minus one zeros for every card that comes out and then also to make sure no one sees you doing it and Still it doesn't guarantee you're gonna win. That's absolutely right. It's just it's tall like I've heard poker is the way to go But then I mean, how long did you put into it before you were good?
Starting point is 00:17:04 I was the general gambler like anybody else more over the first five years of playing it I lost, you know all the time more more than I won But then I started reading books on poker you have to read theory of poker by David Slansky These are all old-school books. You got to eat a read a hold them for advanced players by Mason Malmyth I'm not promoting these guys. These are the old-school poker authors nowadays It's all available on the internet But if you're not on discussion forums and talking about hands with other really good poker players, you're not really a poker player You're just a gambler
Starting point is 00:17:31 So I spent as much time studying the game as I did playing it and then one day, you know I couldn't beat the biggest games I beat mid-stakes games and I was very happy to make just a middle-class living at it I didn't have big dreams But I saved up a real good bankroll and Lee's right You need to have money behind you to gamble because God forbid you have a losing month, you know You don't want to kill yourself So once I had a bankroll I was off and I didn't I didn't do any I I always taught yoga, you know
Starting point is 00:17:56 But poker was always there. Just make sure you don't gamble with Joey around. He's a he's a kiss of death. Fuck you I put the yard stick up. I left you there because you were one I walk away cuz he's winning. I go, let me stake you. You know, you don't change things. Let me hang out with my brother Let me stake them. Yeah, I'll sit here for the ten points and money back. Sure. Let me stake them I sat there. He was looking at the Vietnamese chick and he was okay. Also, she sucked the man He was in Rambo do and I lost my yard stick. I don't know what the fuck happened. I tormented him You're lucky. I forgot about him to take it out of your check. Well, I mean first of all, it's a third He fucking law, I mean like that I turned around sneeze and also he's walking to me like what happened
Starting point is 00:18:38 She took my money you walked away. He got mad at me cuz I fucking walked away Yeah, you know, you never walk away when somebody's winning. Okay, so you're in this for five fucking years losing now Yeah, you're still working at the textile business at that time. I was actually teaching Taekwondo So I've had a bunch of different jobs at that time was a couple years out out of college I studied accounting decided I didn't want to be an accountant So I was teaching Taekwondo in my hobby, right? But I like I said, I started playing poker and just it just I was just addicted to it basically I loved it, but then eventually, you know, once I could beat it it became a job
Starting point is 00:19:08 but I was a degenerate like anybody else I just lose my paycheck every friggin weekend and It was depressing. I remember many times driving home from Atlantic City and Taking my poker books and throwing them in a garbage can, you know this shit, right Lee? At a gas station you're getting gas like fuck. I'm not doing this anymore and then two weeks later you go buy the books again and they're expensive books and I threw away all my players card on the street. I went I drove to Vegas. You're again for a weekend I love it. I love my it's in my blood. My dad's father was like a horse's guy Yeah, yeah, but like I was going for a weekend. I checked in the hotel
Starting point is 00:19:42 I think I lost like seven or eight hundred bucks in like two hours And I had like another night at the hotel but I just the one thing that saved me is that when I I would I always go to the ATM before I go to the Casinos and I don't go to their ATMs because then I would be homeless. Yeah, so I just That's I take what I think I can lose and I still shouldn't have gambled But it's just I threw away all my players cards. Yeah on the strip right by the fucking Denny's You're a gamble. I never had a players card in my life, you know, that's for gamblers, you know, I play poker I don't play the other games, but a player's card. That means you got a problem. Oh, yeah, maybe
Starting point is 00:20:21 You will go to Trump and get there at what time at night, I would leave it Friday, right at the end of the Okay, so you wouldn't go during the week I would never go you'll want to play in the weekends because that's when there's more tourists during the week It's more locals and kind of like degenerate gamblers that need to play every day But on the weekends you got people party in and that's why when I go to Vegas I don't go often, but I love to go to Vegas now because that's the only time I really play poker now And when you beat a tourist in a pot, they give you knuckles They're having a good time
Starting point is 00:20:47 But when you beat a degenerate in a pot like at Commerce Casino or in any place in Atlantic City, they scowl at you They're mad at you. They don't like you and that's just a bad feeling, you know Commerce is a scary place. I didn't I play put a lot of hours in commerce Don't like it and I don't have any plans on going back. Have you been to Hollywood Park? And yeah, I spent a lot of hours in Hollywood Park too because I would always just chase You know the best games I could find and poker wasn't always this big You know before Chris Moneymaker won the World Series in 2002 I had to like lie about what I was doing because poker was like a criminal thing
Starting point is 00:21:19 So, you know be it back in the day Hollywood Park that is dangerous casino My girlfriend lived down the block from it and I went I went once and it's just yeah That's not as you get to get the private parking if you're gonna ever have to go there But yeah, yeah, I don't go to casinos anymore though. So, you know So now what year that this computer gambling come on early 2000s internet poker kind of came on you live in here now I was already in California. I was already yoga teacher for a long time and Yeah, so I was kind of right at the tail end of not going to casinos anymore I couldn't take it, you know, this was before they made all the rooms non-smoking too. So I would come home smelling a smoke
Starting point is 00:21:58 I don't smoke cigarettes, you know, I smoke a weed, but I don't touch tobacco, but you live in that casino It's all over you, but um Yeah, so probably my early 30s was when internet poker became really big and I spent probably eight or nine years doing almost only that but still always teaching yoga and Yeah, we were teaching yoga in Hollywood you doing it up running. Yeah, I'm known for one thing the classes in running Canyon We have donation classes. We've done it for 15 years. We actually have 23 classes a week It's unbelievable used just to be I used to teach one class a day for five years at 1030 And then I was actually started making money playing poker
Starting point is 00:22:33 So I started recruiting my friends to teach for me and we added other classes So now it's not just me We have four or five other real long-time professional yoga teachers and we have three or four classes a day And they're always basically free But they're really by donation and people are even with the economy bad people are still generous and you give us a couple bucks The classes are big enough and everybody's happy, but uh, but yeah, but playing on poker stars. I was a sit-and-go maniac I played 24 tables at a time on the computer I would actually hook my computer up to like a big screen TV like you got here
Starting point is 00:23:02 And I play with an Xbox controller I wouldn't use a wouldn't use my keypad because I couldn't go fast enough But with an Xbox controller, you can manipulate the table with one hand check call raise I actually got arthritis in my hands and elbow from the gaming Crazy holy shit. Yeah, and it's all over now. What were you making a year on the computer? Oh, not a lot middle-class living I never want to give out any numbers just because whatever but there's a little bit of gray market thing But a middle-class living never getting rich saving a little but never to really save money in my life
Starting point is 00:23:32 Saving a little bit, but it's a nice middle-class living and then you wake up one day and it was gone You know the government you can't play anymore online if you ask people who don't know they'll tell you that sure you can play But in order to have a game that you can make a living off of you need to have the whole world or at least Multi-millions of people playing because you got to play a lot of games at the smaller I play a lot of games with the smaller stakes to make a living, you know to make a wage now You know the best we're gonna have I think maybe California will legalize it and we have about 40 million people here So that's a good player pool for online poker, but it was better when it was you know Seven billion people in the whole world could go on there. I could play games any time day or night
Starting point is 00:24:09 So it's never gonna it's never gonna be like it used to be I think it used to be online poker was basically like the old Like the Wild West is just never gonna come back like that But it'll come back in some form and hopefully the government will regulate it because we want to be regulated We want to pay taxes almost up front, but you know, whatever reason now once they stop the legalized game The online gambling what'd you do? What was your next step for gambling? Yeah for poker wise? Oh, I stopped I I didn't want to go back to the guess I thought I tried to go back to Casino, but I just I couldn't deal with the people and the LA casinos You know and I love California like I love LA. I love Hollywood, but the people in the casinos
Starting point is 00:24:43 They're rough because it's not I don't even know how to put it. It's not totally legal here. It's like kind of weird There's no slots. Yeah, well, I didn't tell you what it is and you have to pay It's like skill games or whatever. What is this is player back games? Games where the house takes a percentage of the pot or legal But you can't play a game regular game of blackjack where the house gets the winning So in poker if we're all playing together and a pot happens I get your money your money and the house takes a tiny percentage That's legal
Starting point is 00:25:10 But we can't like they can't run a blackjack game where they just play regular blackjack and if you lose you lose it to the house So that's the type of gambling that's legal in California and then it's just it's like People get it's like the opposite of jujitsu people get really upset Especially cuz I like I like blackjack because it's simple for me to understand Oh, they have blackjack in LA. Yeah, but like when I was playing at commerce You had to pay a dollar a hand to go in but now there's companies who do that for you and they take the winnings I guess I don't really know how it works But like if you do if you don't follow the like the way you're supposed to play like hit on this and or stay
Starting point is 00:25:46 I've seen people get yelled at in Vegas. It's not as bad like I've been at a table I got yelled at I didn't know what I was doing. I had no fucking really got yelled at in Vegas I've seen I've seen some guy Get drunk and just like like some guy was like, hey, you shouldn't do that and then he did it again So everyone literally just left but I've never seen anyone get yelled at in Vegas. That's too bad. I'm sorry about that No, no, no, I was young. I was in Vegas. I didn't know what I was doing. I still I vote There's two things that have always baffled me about me
Starting point is 00:26:16 Because I'm a fucking criminal listen if I wasn't doing comedy. I'm a criminal I do I stand up comedy. I act and I do podcast and I write a little bitch That's four things when I was a criminal my strengths were I love booking because I could lure a motherfucker. I Love stealing drug dealers robbing drug dealers. You know, I like that shit. There was things that were my forte I'll tell you what two things were never my forte drinking alcohol, I don't know why doesn't agree with me from the Jump Street and Gambling I Got I grew up in a gambling house. I saw my mother blow
Starting point is 00:26:55 Thousands on the fucking Yankees and the fucking Red Sox and everything OTB You know OTB is no different than the casinos in LA from what I've seen OTB was off track betting in New York City every guy got the OTB I've all I don't think I've ever been in but I've heard it's like just a dirty place. Oh my god What I used to do is take the bus on the 78th I'd walk get off the car and I walked down the Amsterdam by weed eat Cuban food You know what I do for two hours when I was 21 years old I go to OTB sit there stoned and watch and
Starting point is 00:27:30 Once I watch and once I saw the Marlon Brando biography and he was talking about how he would sit there in a phone booth in New York City Close the phone booth and make believe he was on the phone old school We had the phone booths that close and he'd watch people. I was never So baffled by what I saw at the OTB thing people shooting coke People fist fighting. They were fucking animals Animals these are people. This is the lowest line of gambler because they don't even have time to go to aqueduct They don't even have time to go to fucking Belmont steaks. They don't have time. We all Las Vegas They're just gonna come this casino. They don't give a fuck about the frills. They're just animals
Starting point is 00:28:12 They're just animals horse racing is is it's not I don't know if it's scary, but it's You meet really interesting people like I was just sitting down. It was like at the Golden Nugget and this old guy Hammer drunk just came up saying next to me for like 30 minutes And we'd be looking at the races and he would just be calling he called every so like literally like seven or eight races in a row He called the winner, but he was hammer drunk and probably had no money because he lost he lost all of it But like that's what that's my grandfather. Did my grandfather went to the track? Every day probably a brandos father goes every day. He's 92 since he retired at 61 He goes to the track every day when the metal ends is moved to somewhere else
Starting point is 00:28:55 That's the only time he doesn't go down there. How much does he do a day? These guys are smart they're like listen when I got I'm fucking how to walk home from the metal ends one day Yogi Steve it's gonna walk and I was up 800 and I had a walk back to North Bergen from the metal end And those cars are doing 90 from me, you know, I learned from that lesson only go to the track with $40 and when it's gone It's gone and that and that 40 has to include your clam chowder and your couple beers Because at the metal ends they got good red clam chowder, but two things that are bad for me. Okay, the drinking I get Some people can't do everything But the gambling is the one that till this day I go
Starting point is 00:29:32 One how many times we're in Vegas Lee and we're fucking sitting there like two jerk ups sitting there going I want to do this. I'm gonna do that at the end of the week. What do we do? We don't do dick we don't do fucking dick right or the ones we did like we're gonna lose anyway Like after the fight we went there all the time sports betting is like it's the worst because you Especially baseball because there's so many games and the games are so freaking long. Think about basketball fucking football And now they they've put listen when when Steve and I were young men it was Saturday college and Sunday pro and Monday night football. That's it. All of a sudden they got cute and they added Sunday night at eight o'clock
Starting point is 00:30:13 They would just play with it on Sunday nights every four or five weeks Then they kept that then ESPN started Thursday night college football and when it's not college, it's fucking It's foot. It's college. It's pro right now. They have now they have pro on Thursday So, you know, I always looked at it as on on Thursday is when they go get Jesus and they drag them and they bitch-slap them Then Saturday how many college games you've got for every college games you've got Jesus get a kick to the fucking stomach There's got to be 80 fucking college games. That's Saturday and then Sunday day early game 11 That's the fucking nail The other nail is the four o'clock game
Starting point is 00:30:54 Then the family game is the nail through the head and then the fucking Monday night game is a stab through the heart And Jesus was dead. That's what they do the American gambler without them even knowing it There are pre you know, what's Monday night college basketball night two games every Monday night on ESPN those double headers Who do you think stays up and watch those? Yeah, 50% of them are fans, but the other 50% are the generous fucking game Yeah, because it feels so good when you win and you always win One of the first times you go you're gonna leave like that's by one. Yeah, you're gonna always win the first three fucking times That's how they suck in it's like fate sucks you in well
Starting point is 00:31:29 I guess I do you guys have never been to a GA meeting you've never seen what that looks like It's all many many it's like half online poker players half old dudes hooked on sports betting It's that long sweat, you know what the sweat is like The build up that's why people like it That's why people like sports betting, but it's it's even harder to beat them poker from what I understand So if you can afford it do it, but the sports betting. What is it's worse than poker? You it's one of the things you prop people you could do for a living professionally But so few people do it very few people make a living in poker and even less people make a sport sports
Starting point is 00:32:03 Yeah, that was shut your life. That was the first growing up. It was the track with my mom and The Yankees in baseball and there was something about losing. I didn't like numbers were always safe I put five hours on a number. I wouldn't fucking 2,500. I lose I lose five hours and I move on when I was in the eighth grade Me and Whitey O'Donnell Used to bet 25 dollar games five times Five times in the Knicks and then they put Phil Jackson and I have a fucking heart attack Because when they put Phil Jackson in that means the game was over God damn it good night Whitey good night This motherfucker and we would lose
Starting point is 00:32:39 15 a piece a week or 22 a week and I forgot all about gambling and then my buddy Jimmy Bender turned me on to the sheets He sat me down at mr. Biggs and Hoboken. Oh, yeah It showed me how to do the betting slips. Maybe that was in the eighth order betting slips The sheets the college sheets with the college football on top and the pro football on the bottom So let's say you put you got to go four for four to win any money Oh parlay parlay card, so it's a dollar for four for four you get six bucks. Well, we need six bucks, right? I don't want six bucks. I'm gonna go 13 for they love those. That's like giving your dollar away
Starting point is 00:33:16 You can bet in in I don't know if it's Nevada or Vegas Token layer was showing me they have an app now for on your phone where you can sports bet anywhere Just from anywhere now and it's uh, it's scary like it's and Will you give him a credit card probably or you have maybe you have like an a key start out on a count I don't know what they have online casinos now like bovada and all that stuff, but it's It's crazy and that's the thing that stopped me from doing it is the older gamblers always have Stories of like this one guy when I went to the UFC with you. I stayed at a different hotel this guy was complaining to the to the
Starting point is 00:33:54 Dealers that the sportsbook wouldn't take his bet Like five minutes before and of course the team had won and it's just it's oh, it's always like oh if this one hand had gone differently Yeah, well those fucking guys just pathetic fucking losers this guys that just you know if I would have made it I called fucking Yogi Steve. He didn't answer the phone Fucking he should give me the fucking money. You know, there's always those jerks. You know, I Didn't do anything else all through high school people. Yeah, I did whatever I went to the track with Jimmy Bendis father from time to time shit like that
Starting point is 00:34:28 But it wasn't it was I moved in with this Puerto Rican kid named Ferney boss of pseudo I love Ferney till this day. We don't talk no more. He's mad at me for 30 from that time And I gotta tell you something Steve and I think back that October to that February was possibly one of the funniest times of my life And I was gambling my ass off and we would bet every nightly 40 times So 10 times is what 50? Yeah, 200 a game 440 timers and 240 time parlays. That's like just fucking yourself in the way you have to win 40 games You have to win two games each game is 40 times 200. So two games is 800 right, right? No, it's 400 and then I bet a 40-time parlay which a 10-time parlay is
Starting point is 00:35:19 70 to win 130. I thought you said you didn't like gambling. I don't even know this stuff This is serious the generic gambler stuff. This is what this is This is my running so me and Ferney would gamble during the week And I know Timmy's gonna listen to this on a lap because me and Ferney were fine Until one day of me and these other guys stinky with gambling and Ferney was listening and Ferney this poor Puerto Rican kid was like Like you ever see when somebody It's like when that person asked about heroin for the first time and you're in the room and they should freeze that and show With them 10 years later and see what that question asked
Starting point is 00:35:53 Like I'll never forget Ferney at John Marry still looking at me and stinking going What's this gambling you guys do? Ferney was no five beta Kappa Ferney was no five beta Kappa. He was big. You should have seen the size as kid naturally From it from 16 the summer from 16 to 17 he only vows All he did was behind the next front of the next Squats and bench five sets of six with a thousand pounds on the Cuban food
Starting point is 00:36:22 You have no idea what happens when you were just eat black beans and rice and steak every night Ferney was a sweetheart and friend. I remember him asking us and as he's asking me I'm like this guy doesn't know what he's getting into and sure enough He started getting the paper and he started throwing his no He didn't throw a bet and you ready for this. He waited and his first bet. I still remember Pittsburgh against Pittsburgh in Seattle and Somebody against somebody else first game. He won big first bet he ever put in what's how much was the first time you put in a
Starting point is 00:36:54 Bet what was the size of it? My first bet was small You know, I played craps for the first time in Atlantic City when I was 13 My first bet was five bucks with ten dollars in the in the behind it. How about you? Uh Probably blackjack. Oh, I know I remember I went down to visit my dad. I think It was either my dad in Florida at the at the Seminole hard walk Or up here in Vegas. I forget but it was like I was paying at most fifteen dollar hands Fernie's first bet on the phone
Starting point is 00:37:24 Was a thousand Thousand dollars That's what he when he told me that I go hold on one second I had to talk to Timmy's that Timmy you're not gonna believe He wants to put a thousand dollars. He put a thousand dollars on a game. It was the parley. So he had to win two games guys So now the first game wins And we're excited. I come in like a friend. Did you win? Yeah? Yeah, and I bet that first game But the second game he bet was Pittsburgh Seattle
Starting point is 00:37:53 Pittsburgh Was giving Seattle three points he took At the end of the first quarter Pittsburgh was winning 28-nothing. We both just went to sleep. I felt so bad for him He woke up. Seattle came back and beat Pittsburgh 2928 with a minute left to go in the game Fernie won a thousand dollar parley. So how much do you win like $10,000 like what's 10 times 140 14 he was even more it was even more it was way more it was way more and
Starting point is 00:38:27 Mr. Eight said come down and pick up the money on Sunday night and I forget that it must have been nine o'clock at night I still remember that he had a leather jacket on and he goes. What do you want to do? This is the first bet he put in I go Let's go to pick a leasing mall before Lee and let's get a fucking lobster for our Diablo You've had lobster for Diablo. No, no sir. No, no He goes no, I never had lobster We're 18 this kid never had a fucking lobster. I take him up there They bring a finger bowl to dip the fingers and wash it. I'll never forget. He picked it up
Starting point is 00:39:01 You know, he had never been it but to make a long story short Fernie and I went on a run That started that October and it was me Fernie stanky It was our little crew and it was every night yogi Steve every night and then that's when Me and another friend of ours Gerard had to go down to Hudson County Park and mug gay guys That's what we used to have to do set up a fucking gate. This is crazy that this is 1982 Nineteen years old. I just got a high school guys I got nothing going on and I'm on a bargamblin. I'm selling drugs
Starting point is 00:39:33 I'm working for a bookie in the daytime is doing numbers on a hundred and eighteen street This is fucking crazy and I am a fucking degenerate and I'm losing every week every Thursday I got to give this fucking guy 700 and you know when I made it Wednesday nights like I'd be dead broke I didn't have 700 for nobody. I Was just living on fumes degenerate gambler lies ducking blown sharks We borrowed money from this fucking and I'm my god. There's such a fucking hole with the bookies Furnie was or by that time Furnie. I think lost 50,000 on the soup ball Miami Dolphins against The killer bees wherever the killer bees played in 82
Starting point is 00:40:12 Miami against somebody he bet with the Redskins the Redskins He bet his whole bankroll plus he sat on everybody's action He lost everything that kid had to go get you got to go work for his father from six to two And then he pumped gas from four to twelve. He did that for eight months to get himself out of the hole Jesus that was the biggest lesson and I remember that I I owed His bookie like I think I lost like two grand and I gave the bookie 12 ones I'm like, I'm not giving them another dollar. I think I lived in Edgewater and I owed the bookie 800 I split the Colorado and Furnie paid
Starting point is 00:40:49 His $40,000 to the guy, but when he owed him 800 because I'm not giving you the last 800 Cocoa didn't pay you get it from Cocoa and then I'll pay you the 800 because I don't even want it You paid me 40 fucking thousand dollars. What I care about 800 fucking dollars That was the most horrible thing I witnessed. He didn't even talk like the last month or two I lived with him. He didn't even talk. He was just shattered. He had to go It was dad his dad had a bottle of money from a bank And he was 19. This was his introduction and I bumped into him in years later You know, he told me he never wants sports again. That's that's what I wanted to know is what happened to the guy
Starting point is 00:41:28 You never know that's fantastic. Then you know what? That's a win Because the lifetimes more a lifetime of gambling losing like that's more expensive never and you know me there's something to be a he never recovered from that as Because after that while he was doing that he was selling blow, but he would cut his coke so much. It was like doing We used to toy I used to torch him that sheet rock sheet rock dust You wouldn't be able to talk after you did his coke. He'd say how is it? You're like your mouth would stick the fucking together and from there he got on heroin and he never really recovered He's not even on Facebook, but his little brother's on Facebook And I talked to him very lightly and I apologized to the brother for lit when I lived with him on my baby
Starting point is 00:42:08 And he goes hey your mom had just died I couldn't imagine And about a month ago he posted pictures of Ferney and Ferney don't look too good. He don't look too fucking healthy But that was my sports about anything. I never Really fucked around with sports because of Ferney and I just didn't like what it did to me. It made me stupid It made me fucking stupid. I remember a snowstorm a Big a big snowstorm in 83. I mean three feet of snow in Jersey and you couldn't get the newspaper In those days you couldn't go online and get the lines You couldn't you lived off the daily news the post made their own lines
Starting point is 00:42:46 But the daily news were the original lines from Vegas that morning So that this is 30 years ago guys don't quote me on this. This is 1982 So I remember that time when I remember just picking up the phone and calling the booking going What do you got and him reading the things me to me and me telling them the bets and I remember one of the bets I made on that snowy fucking February March night, whatever the fuck it was was like Iona giving Ithaca Like 49 points like a game that nobody was watching, you know, and Warner Wolfe Do you remember who Warner Wolfe was? Of course. He was a sportscaster in New York
Starting point is 00:43:24 I swear to god Lee. I'm at a bar. I got a couple bumps in me I'm getting 49 points Lee Who gets 49 points on a Friday night college basketball game and loses 49 points, I'm getting so for people who don't know that means you could have lost by anything Other than like less than 49 points you would have won if they were to beat us 49 the one I Would have fucking covered the spread Okay, that's a division to basketball game. It's a 49 point spread. It's Friday night I'm at a bar with three or four my guerrilla buddies. We fronted a couple hour
Starting point is 00:44:04 Grams of blow we're drinking on the tab like fucking broke and Warner Wolfe comes on the sports thing And he goes good evening ladies and gentlemen if you had Iona in the 49, you're still a loser That's what he said. That's exactly what his words were. I don't know if it was Iona It was something like Holy Cross getting 49 at home. It's like a what do you call those colleges heart Harvard? Ivy League, it was like an Ivy League game. I'll never forget. That's what he opened up with that's how much of a loser I was I was getting 49 points and still and then I had one last score. I had this bookie I was gonna rob I had to go give him 800 and he opened up a fucking closet in front of me, obviously okay, I turn
Starting point is 00:44:44 linen closet and The fucking tops $100 bills the middle were 50s It was all the way down. It's like a cash register in his wall in my mind that motherfucker didn't know he was going down He was going down one way or another and I fucking cased that guy for three weeks I had my buddies lined. I had a plane ticket ready to go I was gonna rob him go do an A-ball and go right to Newark Airport and my hand got caught In the fucking Bob boy right there behind Safeway supermarket and it ripped that way and that way the shit was coming out of my Hands they said I'd never moved my fucking fingers again. I left my glove on
Starting point is 00:45:23 And I went to the bar that night and drank and did blow my fucked up hand I went I didn't go to the hospital till the next fucking day. That was my this is all my gambling shit This was all this is why I don't gamble So I it cost me six months of my life of nothing but frustration Going to bed thinking that you're broke and you have to get up and pay this guy next day And you have to give him the money by two o'clock. Is it do you think it's a better feeling when you win or worse feeling when you lose like Which is stronger because there's nothing greater than winning but losing and you just get depressed immediately If you know anything about me, you know, I've read about it over the years and it's like a psychological thing
Starting point is 00:45:58 Like this, you know, I was at the general gambler John Gotti But they said his gambling got to the point where he was You know, he couldn't live a day without telling you how much he lost It becomes an addiction to lose after a while He just go and I can't the one of the hardest things ever in my life. Listen Lee tell these people my cheap No, I don't give a fuck about money. I'll tell you what I do give a fuck is when I work for my money And I gotta go give it to a bookie If I'm selling blow and I'm mugging bitches and I'm robbing drug deals. I don't give a fuck
Starting point is 00:46:30 The money comes that's part of doing business. That's a street fake. That's just somebody I'm paying So if something ever goes down, he knows I'm selling who have my back But besides that if I'm working if I got to get up at 8 in the morning and go work You know, I'm gonna give my money to a fucking book. You know Thursday night You're fucking crazy screw that you're fucking crazy What do you think Steve was it was it better when you won or worse me lost when you play a lot even if you're winning player for a Long period of time and I think what universally happens is is that the losses hurt more and the wins you kind of just expect to win So you don't really get much pleasure from him anymore
Starting point is 00:47:06 It's always good to make money But almost becomes just like a regular business But the losses always hurt and even if you're winning player, you're gonna lose at least 4045 percent of the time you sit down to play you're gonna lose so that's your life like losing almost half the time But still eking out a win. So yeah, don't you know gamble for fun or gamble because you win but, you know Good that you don't do it anymore people told me the way to do it is to like and you've told me to is to find one game or Wait until a table up blackjack is hot and go
Starting point is 00:47:38 Because like when I go to Vegas with Paula We stayed at the Trump last time because if I wake up at 3 in the morning I'll go down and play and the more times you play You're more willing to lose you're more likely to lose like that's why there's this one game One dealer at the Venetian this black lady who it's like she's on speed She just doesn't stop so the more hands you play That's why the smaller decks are better because they have to shuffle and there's less time. There's less hands So that's that's essentially what I've been told we had this discussion two weeks ago
Starting point is 00:48:10 We discussed your friend that you got an astrologer. Oh, yeah, okay If you only think about life at space and valleys, you know, God bless you if you from 21 to 65 You make a hundred thousand a year God bless you in your life. You're gonna have bad years. You're gonna have good years Here's my philosophy on gambling you hit big you walk the fuck away, right? Who walks away, Steve? You well, you know what if you're winning you want to stay and keep winning But you should kind of say look I'm up 3,000 now if I slip back to two that's good I should leave but what if that happens in the first 25 minutes. That's not the way people gamble So you just got to bring money you can afford to lose and just hope for the best and you know try to enjoy it
Starting point is 00:48:49 You play poker. Yeah, it's a fucking long journey and you're hoping for it's a it's a marathon It's called a grind it's called a grind for a reason and I consider myself a grinder in the way I eat and train everything I do it's about just chipping away small edges, you know, I've never greedy as a poker player I just didn't want to win all the money I just wanted a little from you and a little from you a little from the other guy, but it's still a grind no matter what There's it becomes a work So but you know at the highest level, it's the dream job I'm sure you know if you're these guys that are famous for it
Starting point is 00:49:18 You know Phil Ivy and Tom Dwan and you watch it on TV. It's kind of funny You ask I started watching again recently because that's I really learned by making VH tips tapes of Before Tivo and everything of you know, roll poker tour. There's there's scumbags. I had every episode like memorized But anyway, I learned from TV and I still you know what there I think you got to be highly intelligent to be one of those dudes not though not the poker players the people who produce the show I had a man. I believe it. I believe it. Yeah, I don't know much about that It's a for people who don't know when you're in TV or movies the best thing you want to work a union gig and that's a union gig for editors, which is really which is really rare and
Starting point is 00:49:58 When I left for assistant editors, they were Union is 1800. I think something like that a week They wanted to pay 895 a week, which isn't even what a PA makes. Well, yeah Well TV poker is not what it used to be. It's a very small little niche now, but yeah, I've been watching it It's pretty good man. These kids are amazing at like 25. They understand the game almost pretty much You know, I'm at an unbelievable level and they're fun to watch play, but you know, I never had the patience to sit That's all that it's I got invited to a couple poker things early and I went like Okay, so now what I'm hearing now and I got to keep fucking sitting an hour is nothing It's shit going on out there. I gotta go. Yeah, that's the other thing
Starting point is 00:50:39 That I'm even getting bothered about sometimes lifting Like being inside like I don't know come to the park. We'll train at the park. Yeah, I was always a I was always an outside guy That that's what saved me about games. Like I've never as a child I played Monopoly a few times once you got park place and the other what's the high-level one boardwalk empire I'm done. I never got a hotel in my life before people started getting hotels. I abandoned shit You know, I was never I I I never once finished a game of Monopoly until this year and it wasn't even real Monopoly. It was pug monop Pug monopoly. What the hell is that with pugs? Yeah, my girlfriend got it for her birthday. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:51:19 She likes pugs. It's a monopoly board with pug faces on it. Very nice It's just It's when people I I didn't know this about you It's always been very intriguing to me when you said you made a living for eight years I give a professional gambler a lot of props because I tried to do it I didn't even know what a fuck to start and where the fuck to end I wish I had the time to go scout football teams and make believe I knew what I was doing to cut the percentages even low, but you and I always both know that. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:51:52 Don't know. It's just something to it. You have such a varied life. You're into so much I can't believe how much do you tell me how you're traveling for working everything and working all day When you're in the poker and you make a living at it. That's all you do But now with kettlebellion and training that's all I'm focused on so that that's all I do now, too So I want to know how you got rid of this gambler thing you had living inside of you I know well it you know as you don't fucking get rid of it through kettle because he was already a job by a time He was over by a time they turned it off basically in 2011 I was already like just going to a job and the first couple weeks when he was over
Starting point is 00:52:24 It's like, ah, this is great. It felt like vacation. Then you can see realize it's not coming back. So Yeah, I mean it just I got I got lucky I guess because I think most gambler stories are not good Not good and I'm friends with all these guys and you know, they're also like on Facebook not looking well Some guys escape it some guys don't but um, you know, we'll see if it comes back online I'm happy to play there again, but I'll play in Vegas one day. We'll go whenever you're ready That's the one place. I'd like to go to how he was a big poker player for a while He would go to those daytime tournaments. Yeah. Yeah, I think LA casinos and stuff and uh He got away from it
Starting point is 00:52:59 I you know, he got so busy with comedy and the whole thing that you just like you said It's gotta be I guess him and his buddy my old agent used to go to Vegas and do the tournaments for the weekend Yeah, I admire you guys. That's why I'm asking all these fucking questions. I appreciate I love I appreciate it I have good memories of the game and it taught me a lot actually about life because you get used to not winning every time You do everything, but it's hopefully if you win a little more than you lose then then you're a winner. So but yeah, it's No, I really appreciate it. Those that was a Fun time, you know Hey, I'm gonna have a game of my place. You can play $25 max total buy-in and I'll teach while we play
Starting point is 00:53:36 I don't have an idea what you say when you say buying. I know that you won't lose more 25 bucks You say check I forgot about that for like six months How my high school buddies and I had a poker night every like favorite and I don't think I ever won once I Was it because it's just like Correct me if I'm wrong, but you probably know every possible hand you could have and what you're supposed to do 90 90 when there's a full table of players with eight or nine people 90% of my decisions will usually be like completely automatic because you've just seen that situation many times Maybe 10% of them you got to think for a couple moments. So
Starting point is 00:54:11 Yeah, we're a little but the thing is you can still beat a good player because there's a lot of luck involved and you know The the weaker players win all the time. That's why people love poker You know, you know in the on on TV where it says like the percentage you have a chance of winning Of course, yeah, yeah, do players know that when like when they're playing they're like roughly like I have like a one in ten chance Of winning. Yeah, usually we look at it as like either a coin flip 50 50 You know a pair versus two over cards something like that or we know that the one guys get ace king of like it's ace queen We're about like three to one meaning like one at every four times We'll get lucky and beat that hand
Starting point is 00:54:43 Okay, those stats are not that important because it's all about if the money's all in and the cards are turned up That's tournament poker. Remember real live poker. That doesn't happen too often It's in a tournament once you're out of chips you're out of chips But in a regular game like in a casino that's not a tournament 90% of poker is regular cash games You go into your pocket. You do can't go but you go bus you get more So that's that's like real in a real cash poker tournament poker is different because you're all in a little more frequently So that's why they show those stats But if you want to learn how to play and learn the action learn the actions without having to go to a game
Starting point is 00:55:14 Just go to poker stars that net and play for free not promoting them But hey poker stars. I still love you guys, but they took the night You never lost any money when that place shut down due to the shut down. We got our money out easily I used to play poke on the soprano web page If you go to HBO.com, you know, that's it's still up. It's really it's still up Go look you completely can learn on that you can learn the action. Yeah, I would do check They start you with 10 grand and I got it up to 60 a couple times, but I knew in my head I wasn't ready for no fucking casino. You know, yeah, I the thing I enjoyed the most about game
Starting point is 00:55:47 I gotta be honest with you. It's the characters that I met not and I forgot I've forgotten all of them now But there was I was giggling here when you were telling your story, you know, you're from Jersey I'm from Jersey, you know, there's some stuff that only happens in Jersey, like Atlantic City, baby I was never you know, I didn't go to line say to the first time That's great. Maybe 10 years ago with Jimmy Burkle. I we lived down the shore. He's dead now God bless his soul me. We went to his house and also he goes, let's just go on. I said any crab legs I'll ask him. It was like a Tuesday empty. I don't know where we went It was all you could eat crab legs and then I got a call from Linda row to drive up to Connecticut
Starting point is 00:56:30 Like five and do a gig at eight o'clock. I was headlining I remember driving all the way to connect at some boys head and that's the friend then I went with Rogan one time to do The Borgata and everybody kept telling me. Oh Wait till you go to the Borgata. It's beautiful that place sucked. I could smell cologne in my room Once I smell cologne in my room. That's the end of the fucking party. Is it still up? I can't find it No, but I am also high HBO comm. Oh, yeah, no, I look at it. Wow. They used to have it. That's how But one night I'm in a Jersey bar. I'm 19. I'm a complete loser. I'm drinking on a tab I'm gambling, you know, I'm jones and for a line
Starting point is 00:57:10 I'm just waiting for a pageant to come in and this kid comes in this bus and it's getting he's a big kid He's older than me played basketball and he brought in a guy that was bigger than him, you know I'm just sitting there. They said hello. I said hello and all of a sudden the guy lived that came in his name Was Mike right and he was hell on wheels and he had a black eye When somebody comes into a bar in Jersey and they already have a black eye It's gonna be a good night and he gives me a bump in the bathroom or out. We drink. I never forget. We're drinking Bud cans You know and all of a sudden bus and it's they're talking about gambling and Mike's aggravated and they're fucking pissing
Starting point is 00:57:47 Mike's tough as nails and they're pissing them off. They're pissing them off. They're pissing them off And they're talking about how good a gambler's there and he goes So how the fuck are you guys good gamblers and this butchers guy goes in his pocket this bus niche goes in his pocket and gives Mike This fucking thing that you remember the 80s you get these things in the mail that you could open up It was like a map and when you got it, it was maybe the size of this league but Like they had them for exercises and shit so you could take him to the gym So it would be something small, but you could open it up and it became like this fucking map
Starting point is 00:58:21 And it was Kyle wrote junior And I'll never forget that it was his system to gamble Right how to become a millionaire with his simple steps. Oh man, and my buddy Mike opens it up and looks on his like Conroe, Jr. Oh Mike wasn't tight with these guys It's like going to a bar for the first time and meeting those guys at the bar and just talking and also Mike's looking at he goes This is fucking garbage. He just throws the paper the guy's face The guy jumped over Mike through a Budweiser can Adam an exploding shit. I think I was on acid That's right. I was on acid because that's what I remember going home going when you hit him with the Budweiser can and it blew up
Starting point is 00:59:02 That was the end of the fucking I couldn't even breathe after that was laughing so hard kid went down the kid He was wet went down just on purpose, you know like when your friend just goes down. Oh my god I got hit no you didn't he just went down and we just ran the fuck out of the next day We're back and Lila busted our balls was Tony Bennett cuckuck you know man this thing Happy birthday, Tony Bennett. You're like fucking 90 and you're still slinging dick. I Went to see that Amy winehouse thing and he's in that and she's telling them how she's nervous He's ambushed me with these edibles, huh? You like these, huh? Yeah, it's gonna be a good story coming on the shots for sure
Starting point is 00:59:47 I'm gonna tell you something. I gotta eat this cord over anything else No, just a little bite. You said you said ten doses on there by the way Like a tiny bite little tiny. I'll take a towel. Look at that right there. This is a ceremony. It's a party fellas a celebration For what? It's Monday. You lived another fucking day. How many times you get up in the morning say thank God. He gave me another fucking day Oh Guy doesn't know how to take a small bite. That's good. He's a soul. Yeah, fuck it. Who's better than you? No, I really appreciate this gambling stuff because I've always been baffled
Starting point is 01:00:26 Why today I don't pick up the phone and put a sports bed in why it's really really tasty chocolate weed Yeah, this is pretty wow last time we ate this. We seen the fucking devil. It was a foul We split a thousand milligrams. This company makes a thousand milligram Why would you make a thousand a milligram edible for fucking gorillas like myself? Mr. Sayah, you know his dad's coming on Wednesday. We're getting fucked up all weekend here in this nice I'm getting extra load of stuff And when you take this type of dose you don't wake up tired in the morning You wake up fresh and ready to go as it fucks me up pretty good. I call him up at 801. He's got he's a Marine
Starting point is 01:01:05 He's a Jewish Marine No, I really good for you. Well, I drink way too much that soda, but that's bad. Yes Sometimes I feel a little bit high still in the morning, but it's yeah, it's a lot better than being hung over I know absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, for sure. No, I do a lot of it. I eat a lot of it I know when I split the thousand milligram. That's fucking crazy. I Was in my kitchen. He ate that was expired The last time I gave good edibles he went to get wholesale sushi in Laurel Canyon He got sick all over his apartment. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:01:39 I was having cold sweats lining up against my fridge. It was like the breaking bad scene where Walt's like passing out or whatever I was having cold sweats. I My mind was I don't remember what I was thinking about. I just puked into my trash It helped but It was I puked three times off edibles, but and not in the last couple years It was weird when it's a banana bread. I really really that was the last time I barked right on channel I had to pull over the water was green people were beeping at me. You know me. I didn't go by the tree I just opened my car door and started barfing old-school Jersey style if I'm puking you're watching
Starting point is 01:02:16 It was weird though at the at the live podcast He gave me a third one and it just kind of like turned off. Have you ever gotten too high and it just stopped getting you high Yeah, I mean I got to a point where I smoke enough for weed doesn't basically work anymore and well not even that like I've taken some Edibles that I think my body is like it's like a safety mechanism. It knows that I could die from it Yeah, so it just stops I think people have been trying to kill themselves with weed for millions of years or however long right and it's never happened So you can get you get extremely sick, but it's virtually guaranteed. You won't die, but I don't want to feel that sick Fucking idiot I already had it just happened what somebody all right of this guy idiot jumped off the
Starting point is 01:02:54 balcony with That's somebody predisposed to it. I won't you know, that's gonna be a hard sell That was a suicide fucking note. Yeah No, you didn't you've been fucked up for years a little cock sucker If a person doesn't drink their way ahead of the game and everything, you know, if you're not into drinking heavily It's like you can get away with weed and junk I think the drinking thing is what causes people to kill themselves and I'm a real big believer in people being sober So whatever that was the hardest part for me losing weight is that everyone would say when you stop drinking you're gonna lose weight
Starting point is 01:03:24 I never drank so I never really had those calories Well, you drink and diet soda man Let me tell you something that fucks people up it fucks over your appetite up makes you hungry for other sweets So drink coffee man coffee's good I've never liked it and it always bugged me like I'd be in I went to school in in downtown Boston and people would be late But coming in with Dunkin Donuts I'm like what like and then it always bugs me That like if you go somewhere they could give you a bad cup of coffee if I go to 7-Eleven
Starting point is 01:03:53 Unless for some reason it's flat. I'm gonna get a good dad coke and but I I am trying to cut it But it really you're a monster. You're a savage man. That's crazy. Let me tell you something guys Here's you know, I'm prehistoric You do know I have a certain work. I have a certain worker. I think I have a certain work ethic And either you have that work ethic or you don't it includes a lot of things, you know It's it those people that you want to work Saturday. I can't I'm going down the show I'll bust your fucking head unless you're eating at Trump's table Everybody works on Saturday. Do you know I'm saying like I have a work every day and I and you know what?
Starting point is 01:04:32 I'm not a judgmental person But I will judge you by your work ethic because I know it carries into everything else So just for growing up a man, you know, he's not 20 or that or whatever When I was 21 22 and I'd see people drinking coffee Smoking a cigarette. I'd want to go up to them and kick them in the stomach and When I'd see people sitting there and I'd eat in the morning like this and talking It would make my blood boil. I did not understand that my world You got a buttered roll and a coke a can of coke and you ate on the move
Starting point is 01:05:07 Yeah, I didn't know nothing about three eggs. Yeah, my my mom made good Cuban breakfast is once mommy died I wasn't at the cereal. I wasn't at the cap and crunch There's nothing better than a butter roll for a while. I got into the real juice stuff the jelly and cream cheese Yeah, I'm a fucking oh my god cream cheese and jelly on a fucking Bagel up fucking no on a on a seat poppy seed roll on a roll really How many pounds cream cheese every day puts on you for breakfast it fucking kills you I was eating that shit with a coke or a you who I'm a you dog old school I got to stay away from that liquor store. I bought my house. They got the big use and they put in the beer cabinet
Starting point is 01:05:46 They keep those you who's fucking cold don't fuck around but I didn't It's just wait and it's expensive to people spend 15 20 bucks if you get two three coffees That's at least 12 bucks, right? Like aren't they expensive and I didn't drink coffee Lee till maybe Ten years ago, so don't be don't worry. I just didn't I didn't understand that concept You know, it's it's once you get hooked on it. It's pretty hard to get off. I love it I love my black coffee with some fake fucking sweet. No that on it sends me
Starting point is 01:06:17 It's tremendous and I only do one cup in the morning, but I'm hooked on those flat whites from fucking Starbucks at night They pull you go home me a little extra energy to make some notes about your day I watch something on Netflix and I'm in the crib coffee lifts me but drops me real quick from the 30 years of doing well That's good. No, I like all that stuff. So now what's done with gambling? That's it with gambling You don't put no time to time now I mean, I might have like a small home game of friends just sure I actually prefer to play it and teach and talk about the Hands while we do it. I don't want to play for real money. It's my friends And the 25 hours doesn't bother me
Starting point is 01:06:53 It's always been The the patience of sitting down. I've never really had the patient I give you a different experience because I do kind of like, you know, I like You know, I'm an armchair educator and I definitely I feel like I have a good understanding of poker and Make it fun, you know, it's a lot of stress playing for real money against strangers It seems like a great game for a stoner. It's an awesome game for a stoner and a lot of the top players I'm sure smoke but You know, it just depends, you know, as long as you know
Starting point is 01:07:21 You know what you're doing Edibles, I don't know man. I wouldn't I never mess with this stuff when I play it I was just smoking regular herb when I was playing online poker This should I would probably not mess with and but you can adapt to it. That's what I know about a Cannabis like a more you eat. You guys are used to these edibles. I'm not used to them yet, but I feel great I mean, luckily I came in with a pretty high tolerance anyhow. I love them. I love them I love the effect. Yeah, I love the different feel sometimes you eat one and one's another and you want me to taste something The best edibles you ever get are the ones I make at home because I go to Ventura and get some high-level weed
Starting point is 01:07:55 How do you make the butter? I just get regular butter cut the weed up Let that weed dry cut that motherfucker up with a scissor Right and keep the weed low very low because if the weed burns, then you're in no danger Maybe a little taste of olive oil in that motherfucker And I'll put little chunks of weed in there and squeeze it with the spoon and get that when that butter turns nice and green I keep taking that weed out I push it to the top and I string that butter and I put more butter on that weed and I hit that motherfucker With a fucking spoon old-school and I get a couple fucking like a cup of that green butter
Starting point is 01:08:30 And I take that thing and I put in the brownie mix and I mix that motherfucker all up And I put I have fucking hallucinated on my own brownies. That's the highest I've ever been is on a brownie I've went into Old Orchard Beach with some friends and I was sitting maybe two feet Outside of the umbrella for literally like eight hours. I was purple at the end of the day. I love it. I love it I don't I wouldn't I wouldn't know a life If I have to I do it all over again like I would have stayed away from coke booze all over again pills Yeah, I loved the calming effect of marijuana. It had on me. It worked for me. It worked for my lifestyle at the time I was old. I'm an only child. So I'm in my head. You're in your fucking head
Starting point is 01:09:10 You're thinking you people talk to you to me some times and I'm somewhere else. Do you know, I don't hear you in class. I Know I can't believe it. I'm half deaf as it is. Yeah, but you follow along you get good You take good cues you see what's happening and you just do it. Yeah, you just do it. Yeah. Yeah That's good. So that karate training no shit, you know how to keep your eyes forward and listen Oh, this guy's doing something that looks like that this guy's gonna all do about that. You pretty much get it right every time That's where before we came in we spoke about I got into I started this whole journey in 2009 I was 418 pounds I can only walk three minutes up a
Starting point is 01:09:50 treadmill on point five Three minutes to train at the YMCA pushed a button off and said can I talk to you in private? You gotta quit smoking cigarettes and you have to Just walk around the neighborhood and then come back and see me very fucking embarrassing You know, it's all time embarrassing But I knew from my younger years of working out and I hit the bag and I'd ride the bicycle was the easy way I incorporated swimming. I never dreamed of the weights. I always had this whole thing about the weights About six months ago. I was talking to a guy and he was my father lost a bunch of weight at 55
Starting point is 01:10:26 By doing bench press help by doing bodybuilding exercises, but still combining the strength Building exercises throwing deadlifts in there squats and bench presses heavy You'd still would do flies and stuff like that. I'll tell you what I started doing them again They refreshed me all over again. I loved it some it I think this country is getting away from metal too much I think they've forgotten about metal they they they don't know the importance of metal to your cardio your heart Your lungs your hips they forget You know when I told Lee the first week I did Deadlifts I was it I would have to go home and take a nap even though I got eight the night before and it wasn't the weed
Starting point is 01:11:06 Because I smoked weed every fucking day I know when I go home and put my feet up and go wow my fucking insides are tingling That was what I got from deadlifting but before all that started. I didn't touch your weight till I got into jiu-jitsu and I saw how bad The shape I was in and every conditioning thing that I talked about and read online They always had a small paragraph about kettlebells. They spoke about body weight exercises Which I'm too weak to pull 300 fucking 50 pounds 340 330 at the time Yeah, when I first walked into jiu-jitsu was 336 a fucking doctor had me on testosterone Meanwhile, I was making too many blood cells. I was walking. I was a fucking walk in the park from having a heart attack
Starting point is 01:11:49 My cardio was garbage every time I'd breathe heavy my body would stress and I'd see stars and I have to take my top He off and go outside and breathe oxygen Lee You have no idea how better a shape you were when I walked into fucking jiu-jitsu It was scary, but everything points to the kettlebells again. I'm the type of guy You know what you could learn a lot on YouTube. You can learn a lot watching and reading I'll go pay somebody don't do what I did even though. I'm proud of being self-taught. I actually Could have probably it took me two years what I could have paid somebody to teach me in a few months But you know training is not cheap if you're lucky it you can find a place it as a class
Starting point is 01:12:26 But this kettlebell training is almost always private training. This is called hard-style kettlebell training But first of all congratulations on that like gigantic weight loss. Don't forget that I mean somebody's got to tell you how incredible it is most people don't pull that off And that's amazing and you go to sleep for a while You know you rest on what you've done, but then you go you get on the scale and you put on 50 pounds Because I got all the way down to 70 to 76. That was when I shot that dog movie in Colorado And there was a lot of work because we're stoners. We like to throw a pot cookie in here and there We like to when you're a stoner changes the game. I know how to I don't have my jersey and I get mad at Lee for this
Starting point is 01:13:03 I always yell at Lee for he's from Boston You're from in my world in my world. I'm from you're from one of the best food markets Oh, it's amazing the world and one of the best food markets in the country It's so tough to compete with that type of food for me There's nothing better for my world in your world than a diner. I'm from New Jersey Okay, I trust a diner a diner has never done me wrong Those Greeks are the best kitchen motherfuckers in the world. Why are they always Greek? I don't know to ask him. I don't know Malbro diner. We all we all agree. We all had it
Starting point is 01:13:41 We all had the whatever I don't even know the intensity they were but we all had diners We all went to them. I grew up in a fucking time I grew up on two things that they've taken away from me here and because everything is forgotten here the slice Because there's no fresh slices here Nobody understands the power of the slice of pizza keeps you alive for four hours Yeah from two to dinner to when you can't take life no more when you know what I'm gonna fucking slice With a fucking Diet Coke and some red pepper crushes, and I'm gonna eat my slice like a gentleman Okay, and you that slice saves your life that slice has what how many calories is that slice 300 for cheese?
Starting point is 01:14:17 Just cheese, and we could all live on cheese. You don't have to be a galvanic But can I get the tight chicken with pineapple and fill some pepperoni on there and some roasted artichoke I don't he's good, but you don't need it. This is what I'm talking about what you could live with and what you don't so We have that you have the Greek restaurant two eggs We toast home fries coffee and water for 99 And you know the lady so you do her a dollar fifty whatever's left over and everybody fucking makes out She has 20 of those people leave her a dollar every fucking hour
Starting point is 01:14:51 She's making 20 bucks an hour that fucking check on those dollar fifties probably in so I grew up on that once you limit There's nothing better than walking into a diner, and you know their food schedule When you know what diners food schedule you're pretty much a loser The Berkshire diner even though I always found the hair in that motherfucker It was on bergen right now. There was always something a fingernail. That's gross. What the dog? That fingernail added flavor like a mother fucker Okay, that food with the open steak sandwich on white bread toasted with a little butter and some steak fries come on No fingernails in Jersey Sam. Come on dog. Stop. We all know this
Starting point is 01:15:31 Waiting Brad Pitt wrote that fucking stir everybody pisses in the food in Jersey I don't know if things are cheaper back then that's for sure I'm just making this shit up But you think of that I knew that on Wednesday nights I go out and get soup of the Hammond and I go to that Berkshire and get the cream of turkey soup With the fucking open steak sandwich you can't find that in Los Angeles thin steak chop thin over a fucking white bread with Butter on it and the gravy from the steak and the onions is dripping on your motherfucking steak fries Lee How you gonna act? How you gonna act at two in the morning?
Starting point is 01:16:05 While you're reading that when the waitress comes over she's gonna get you boys anything else you go Yeah, let me get four milkshakes all around. What do you want chocolate? I want vanilla. What do you want? I'm gonna throw up everyone that that the fuck up and she comes back You take that fucking steak sandwich you eat that fucking milkshake on top of it. How do you steep? How do you sleep Steve? Like you did heroin and you got 19 blow jobs. They suck the blood out of your fucking dick. It's amazing It's amazing how you sleep, but you can't not eat ever again like that's your point Like you got mad at me for going to Korean because the Chinese were here first the Chinese where you're first
Starting point is 01:16:45 And no, but it pisses me down town. It's two hours No, it doesn't never takes 30 minutes. I don't I don't go at Friday night at dinner. Are you fucking? Yes, you do Yes, you do to Korea town. Yes, you do. Yes, you fucking do Saturday Yes, I don't give a drive on that fucking Vermont and drive take your fucking time down that street Go ahead go to Vermont and I dare you to pass Like West Dirt Street, it's bumper-to-bumper and Koreans just stop the car I think they take the red light out of the back of the fucking car You don't know what they're stopping they think they're driving a fucking rickshaw whatever the fucking call that shit
Starting point is 01:17:19 They drive they just pull over you're stuck in behind ten then when he pulls out you got another one in front of him Yeah, I've never successfully successfully driven the fucking career town without almost having a heart attack I thought around even what's my favorite place in LA? Languages. You ever try getting the languages? You you ever eat a languages though? No, I try to cook as many of my own meals as I can No, no, no, there's a real fucking juice. I don't think so. Oh my god. Where is it? It's only open to a full Because it's such a bad neighborhood It can't stay open after four Okay, it's right across from that crazy park where you get the passports and IDs, right?
Starting point is 01:17:54 Yeah, I'm not another part if you walk in that park Don't people ask you if you want to buy a passport. It's the real fucking deal. It's alvarado Down on alvarado languages. Oh my god, but you got to go at 1115 and that's it They got the crusty ride bread with the pastrami You can't lose man. You guys know all the spots my argument is yeah, okay? Your argument is you eat pizza from fucking shit, and you're from Boston get this respect What are you never gonna have pizza again? No, you only you look for the best. Yeah, I do for the best Danielle's is good No, I don't care what you say Danielle's is good
Starting point is 01:18:32 Got a six on the calories. Yeah, you know how many calories are in it. What's it big? So why was it that I? Didn't know what to do and I went online and I and I bought a 10 pound kettlebell from five That's a paperweight. You just have no need for less. No. No. No. It was a nightmare. People don't know this Yeah, I still have it in my trunk of my car. I give it to my friend's wife That's good, and now I'm gonna take it back to do the Turkish gathers when I'm with my own It's a good thing for a couple tools But you know in almost any time you move a kettlebell you're using the whole body and move it so
Starting point is 01:19:02 Something like that. It's small. It's just too light So you start with at least a 20 or eight a kilo 18 pound bell or 26 pounder You're swinging the 35 pound bell easily in class I really want to get you on to a real a real kettlebell would be a 24 kilo There's no reason why we can't build you up to swing in that 24. He's 53 pounds Jesus, you'll do it easily, you know with with just just like what you couldn't do and jujitsu on day one You could do six months later. You just got to try to practice it two or three times a week for a little bit Not even a lot and you you know looking at the way you're moving swings and squats to be your life
Starting point is 01:19:32 you still have a very good squat and Yep You don't want me to do the cleans you could do as many of those as you want those are fun I just wouldn't go heavy with those because If we can make your clean really good Then the next step is to teach you swing really good Then the next step is to teach you how to clean it You see the way I clean it with in front of me and then get it to the this called the rack position hold it with control
Starting point is 01:19:53 I teach it to you that way But I would you can do the cleans for fun or for warm-up if you like them and do them But you know just getting as many swings as we can into you and the swings You know when any any any time you talk about kettlebell swings is the first thing they bring up Why is that the swing is basically the center of the kettlebell universe? I'm stealing that from from riff of course only people who are like obsessed with kettlebells know this guy So I give them credit basically the the movement in that the hip movement in that you do the same hip movement And all the other exercises the clean the press the snatch high pull all the basic exercises are based on that swing
Starting point is 01:20:26 But getting a person to move their hips properly It's a kind of a long skill set takes at least a few months for a person's body to understand it And once they do that once they can swing well Then they clean all the other exercises and it opens up like an unlimited branch of exercises and combinations That you can train with and I only do like six or seven of the kettlebell movements the real the real basic ones So yeah, that's why the swing is important plus everything athletic is done with our hips, right? It's done with our glutes our hamstrings our hips, you know in America when we're showing strength We go like this go boom some biceps in the chest
Starting point is 01:20:58 But you know Russians they look at you from the back stealing this from Pavel of course just giving credit to the people who brought this here and You know look at you from the back, you know big back big ass. That's what a strong person looks like This is just for show. So the swing is really about building the back of your body So if you're having trouble overhead pressing, that's not important. I wouldn't do that I would just as much weight you can pull from the ground swinging or deadlifting That's not your arms and shoulders. That's your lats That's your glutes your hamstrings your hips and that's your ability to sit up and stand down, you know extended
Starting point is 01:21:30 It's just like practicing sitting up to standing down under load now the method that you teach is what's his name? Pavel he teaches a hard style Pavel Tsatsuin the easiest name to mispronounce and it's a pretty modern system. It came here in the 90s Basically, it's a blend of martial arts gojuru Which is the first style of martial arts that I trained which is a this means hard and soft So this system is based on the concept of tension tension and relaxation and everything athletic is a this blend this combination of tension and relaxation So much larger than the punching you're loose when you make contact boom You tense everything at the same time then you relax again So the swing is the same thing you're tensed as you lock yourself out
Starting point is 01:22:05 All the exercises are based on that's principle and then some other a Russian weightlifting principles basically on how to make these really easy Progressions like how to take you from a 16 kilo swing for 10 reps for 15 minutes on the minute to a 20 and then a 24 Just over time. It's a real basic system 20 24 a 20 is a 44 pound bell You got to get used to this for some reason we're just still stuck on kilos with these things like you adapt to it But 20 is 44 pounds 24 is 53 But you could swing even bigger than this with training for sure, you know, but um and that's that's like when I started over at the other place Which was a great place. They would always start with Deadlifts sure and then we go to 10 sets of swings in 10 minutes. Oh my god. I used to have to run out of the gym and breathe
Starting point is 01:22:49 I'd have to fucking pee right away because yeah, and I think it's still my breathing my breathing Something's not right. Here's the deal I wouldn't want you to really train that hard because you're still just in the early stages of really figuring out how to do this movement So I'd rather you train less off the clock. That's something we do in class where we're trying to push you in the pace I would do less reps and rest longer because I don't want you to get fatigued or are you getting used to the movement now that being said I'll look at your breathing for you and everything, but you just put a lot of effort into you do it like a punch already I hear you fucking breathing. There's nobody else making noise in the class. These guys are all new to it and I can hear you On your swings
Starting point is 01:23:24 So, you know, you get that's also just from your karate training from a million years ago, right? It just is there You know what maybe I see this whole breathing thing came about after jiu-jitsu. Yeah I realized I've been holding my breath for years people breathing their chest as they get older and stress develops So you just got to you know, like relax your belly. There's a whole you know You're probably just a chest breather for many years. You don't realize it and you're just tense I got to sleep at me as soon as I have to warm up real lightly with things If not, that's when I see stars like I was your class last Tuesday Blew my mind because I broke a personal goal. I didn't cheat at all. I did 10 a couple of them
Starting point is 01:24:02 I did 12 I've seen the video man. I believe it. It was you got video of all that Really it was real for me Yeah, I could I could I could get to seven and then I have to rest a minute and a half a minute three quarters That's good, man. Well, this was And I paid for it the next day, you know, that was but then sadly I came back and I did five sets of swings I did five sets of cleans and I got a 10 pound dumbbell that I had and I did the Turkish get-ups to the move That's good. I practiced. I did sit-ups Is that the thing where you're on your back and you moved you oh, that was scary
Starting point is 01:24:36 That's tremendous when you when you are you gonna be that tomorrow? Oh, yeah, I'll be there But when you started doing it, I thought what you're gonna have me do it with the kettlebell my hand I was like, you know, I'm gonna drop this on my face. You have kettlebells right now. We'll do them right now My boy will be fucked up. I'm fucked up. I wouldn't do that to you buddy. We'll sweat that star at that rally I mean, we'll fill in tomorrow. Do you recommend? Going on YouTube because after your class I want on YouTube because I really I really I'm tear I it's not that I hate working out I don't know anything so I'm terrified it so I like I get negative about it But I had a great time at your class so I went on YouTube
Starting point is 01:25:08 And I watched like four videos and each one of them had a different way and just for me as a chubby guy Who's not into working out? That would totally turn me off if I was like at home trying to do it But being at your class it was super fun So like there must be other kettlebell classes in other parts because the I don't know how you taught yourself the YouTube for me Really was like scary almost well I'm glad you enjoyed it because if you don't enjoy it you won't continue doing it You have to just somehow pick it up like obviously you put it in your hand and you love it Joey
Starting point is 01:25:40 So I mean that's a huge step So you just got to do it regularly and just remember that it's all just skill first at your guys level at it almost Until you get very strong It's mostly skill and the better you can get at the skill the more weight you'll move naturally if you just reach the PR This last class if you come in tomorrow Back off and work more on technique because you just peaked you're gonna peak again this week That's not the way the body would work right so this is all just kind of basic You can call like a Russian weightlifting programming. So just based on what you're telling me. I was very surprised when I left there
Starting point is 01:26:11 I was Euphoric when I left there had to go to a meeting I ran home took a shower my dick was hard during the shower I had a protein shake and I ran the fuck out of there and I was great at the meeting like I it was a wet smooth, you know Let me talk to you about something Excuse me because I've been getting allergies lately. What is it about working out that you don't like? Is it about going to the gym as a heavy guy? No, I was I was never really self-conscious For me as a person I Was never good at sports
Starting point is 01:26:46 Just at anything so I got competitive in other things and I I don't like it when I like Paula has asked me to go bowling like 17 times I refuse to go bowling. I hate bowling because I'm the worst bowler and I don't I don't know like even the past few jiu-jitsu is I have anxiety Not even anxiety. It's just like oh, I don't want to like it's like almost dread. I don't I don't want to go there I'm terrible. Why don't I just go to on the elliptical that I know and I was nervous before kettlebells, but more so just because I haven't lifted weights Really since high school when I wasn't even doing it that heavy then
Starting point is 01:27:25 And yeah, I just I don't know. I'm really if I'm kind of like a sore loser if I'm bad at something. I Don't like it. It's it's like if something weird in me Well, hey for what it's worth your at least average plus given like there were ten guys there You're at least average or better. So you're doing good. It's only your first lesson. I don't have to and it's weird I don't have to be it's not like I'm comparing myself like I want to be first place because like I'm not gonna be especially there But you're not an idiot. You know when you're bad at something or when you're good at something So it's just like and and what I should do is Focus on that more and try to get good at it, but I get really I'm like
Starting point is 01:28:01 That sucks just to your best everybody sucks at this point. That's the thing is everybody's a beginner Nobody let's just learn something in one or two or three or ten lessons of training So if you as long as you do it regularly, I like the idea that you're enjoying it. That's all that matters Oh, I really like I almost went crazy. I was I had never like I would Not not at the class but home that night. I'm like a Not a I like watching TV and I'll be on my computer working or something. I'm a Sedentary person. I was walking around my apartment I had to I had to get in edible and go to the comedy store to calm down
Starting point is 01:28:35 Oh, it's come to my place and I'll give you a free a free session a couple free sessions to get your momentum going Cuz I do more than once a week and I don't want you to do without a little supervision Fucking sore. Yeah, I haven't gotten sore from working out at jiu-jitsu or on the elliptical I feel fine and like the first day I felt fine after your class But then like the second like the second half of the day. I was just walking. I was like, oh shit This hurts a lot But it was like it was cool. I felt like I knew I'd work Was the front of your legs or the back of your leg the side in the back the side and the bags go
Starting point is 01:29:08 We really want you if your hamstrings are sore the back of your legs, then we know we're really doing it, right? Okay, but hey, it's good that your sword that means you move something that needed to be moved. Yeah, it was fun as long as you're not hurt I I just have I Understand the exercises and for everybody and there was a time in my life when it wasn't there for me I didn't think about it. I had that old mentality I'd never get fat and meanwhile I'm putting on 10 pounds a year and the muscle I built lifting was deteriorate I still had the shoulders, but you know, that's how we all think until you get a You you go somewhere and you look at a mirror unlike that's yours
Starting point is 01:29:43 Sometimes you you look different in mirror in Las Vegas. You're Las Vegas hungry. You go to the bathroom. You so you walk by a mirror You go, oh Fuck because I think your mirror at home keeps you a certain way It's when you go to a different mirror you go Jesus Christ. They got loose and fucking weight for me It's pictures like I looking in the mirror now. I still think all the look relatively the same But then I have a picture on here from oaky spooky moon went to Austin And I just I look at it now. I'll get it before you when you guys are talking, but it's uh for me Even even I hate why never work. I didn't work out from junior year of high school until this year and until a year ago
Starting point is 01:30:22 If you can take the iPad and watch moving get on the elliptical It doesn't even because like that's that's what why I get mad at myself if I'm gonna go home watch TV I might as well be on the elliptical. It's really not that bad You don't need any cardio though. That's the thing is for your your primary goal is to get leaner and that cardio You can't think of training It's calories. How many calories am I eating how many calories right Bernie? It's good to know that it's good that it's good to know your general calories But my advice is to count calories for two weeks and you fucking know what to eat because if you're serious
Starting point is 01:30:52 You just should be really eating the same repetitious foods over and over a certain amount of foods that you know fit your program and And it's not a grind and if you're not doing that then you're not serious yet So, you know, that's fucking stars When you go home, you'll be hungry I know I got I'm gonna pick out and you have to and you have to you know, and that's the thing that kills me But I also eat it controlled. Yeah, that's what I was getting to the point with Lee Well, once I left the East Coast, I knew I couldn't go to a Greek dynamo. Why am I mind-boggling myself? Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can never have a steak sandwich again, right once in a while
Starting point is 01:31:28 Find one you know Food socks here fuck with the food in LA in general, especially where fine find the 11 o'clock fucking open steak Sam, I'll give you 500 Nobody's really no one has a Jerry's doesn't even sign the clock. I'll get you one over at Ruth Chris. They have the happy hour They have a steak sandwich. I never had it, but I know it's available just in case I got a sudden urge I want to watch a game with you or whatever the fuck want to talk some shit There's nothing and I'm sure it's the same out here, but at least I grew up involved Jerry's is $92 and everything's bad Well, yeah, not even I'm not even Jerry's everything's not bad at Jerry's. It's just one of those places that when the check comes you go
Starting point is 01:32:10 Why are we spending 70 fucking dollars? I had a soup. You had a soup. I had a sandwich. You had a sandwich Why is it 70 fucking dollars? Yeah, because I'm a Jerry's. I don't give a fuck The best pastrami I've had is from fucking, you know, the least place, you know Alvarado the place looks like a bomb in it the chairs are still there since 1920 But the recipe's been in the fucking family since God knows when so right but there was there's nothing at least I still remember I'm not even a huge drinker But while like 2 a.m. Those have drunk meals are just amazing. I think you eat dog shit That's where Taco Bell is good. Yeah, right over on you eat Taco Bell. Yeah, I eat everything. I just don't I swear
Starting point is 01:32:54 I swear I do but I try to like at my best. It's 90 percent 10 percent. What's your breakfast? Give me a daily. It's either Steve fucking died. I get up really early I get up at 5 a.m. No man almost I the truth is if it's 9 30 now, right? It's it's bedtime Yeah, yeah, no, I'm I saved up energy for this I've relaxed all day and I got I got juice for you But um, you know, I wake up and I usually just don't eat anything for from 5 to about 11 because I intermittent fast It's really simple. I only eat I tried at my best only eat between about 11 a.m. And 7 p.m. I just heard about that eight hours. It's good for me. It's good for men
Starting point is 01:33:29 It improves your I think it improves your hormonal profile So you just naturally improve release more testosterone and growth hormone when you're not eating you want to talk about like Detoxine or purifying any time there's no food in your stomach and you're moving around you are totally just detoxing It's you're pumping your body you're pumping everything through basically. That's true detox, but if you're busy digesting food You know, that's where the energy goes where you want to look at it's not like no mystical energy, but your body's energy So yeah, I like intermittent fasting, but the trick is is I'm not trying to really lose any weight So I eat three big friggin meals. I don't believe in snacking. I think snacking is a little for the for girls I don't specialize in men, but I know what I believe in for me and that many vault hunting
Starting point is 01:34:12 So that if you were like out on a long trip, you could go days without food and not Be a pussy about it. I can say that here, right? So that I think is the man He tried keys. It's an Oreo. I ate everything bro I was hooked on it I'm telling you I could have been type 2 diabetes if I would have gone a couple more years me too even without even being very heavy Although I was fat fuck. I think but 180 is not fat. Yeah, I know I know I'm lucky
Starting point is 01:34:35 I was 190 at my peak, but then the picture I have a couple fat pictures I you know the truth for me is like the pictures on the internet I look better in pictures that I it actually reversed Maya dysmorphia Maybe feel better about my body, but I just got myself really lean because I you know I just try to eat right and I know what you'll what you're 11 o'clock. Oh, so a protein and fat You know, I'm a big leader what eggs and bacon and ham and sausage and you know I buy almost all my food at like farmers markets. No potatoes for breakfast. Not yet I do potatoes I try not to because I think that if you start the day on proteins and fats
Starting point is 01:35:10 You just basically what you'll be satiated man. You have a big plate. I'll eat like six eggs I'll eat three of them wrong three of them cooked. So that's another thing. I eat them raw, too That was crazy. He did that after class. Oh, yeah, you saw it, right? Yeah It's very healthy for you. You just you should always only eat organic eggs if you can eat raw eggs You know USDA organic or from a farmer's market, but it's a good way It's like better than a protein so real protein shake and it's got unbelievable of vitamins and minerals in the yolk And it's got lights alive. So it's got enzymes in it That's the hidden secret with food in and losing weight
Starting point is 01:35:40 I think is like what's going on in your gut if you have any healthy bacteria if you're eating all overcooked foods or dead foods Even rice and potatoes are kind of like dead. You don't have this healthy bacteria Some fermented foods are good. You know, you got to like sauerkraut. Do you like sauerkraut? If you can get like this local fermented sauerkraut right in the neighborhood I'll bring you one next time, but you can eat a hot dog. No, fuck. Yeah, I mean I don't want you if you want to eat a hot dog at one point a hot dog. It's not all day. No, I eat it on a hot dog I'll do it. I love sauerkraut. It's got to be something around there. I got to be here in ash those fucking Polish Joe look, this is me
Starting point is 01:36:15 Skinny picture showed me that let's see you gained weight or lost weight. Oh, this is your pounds. Oh, I didn't know that about you But I'm sorry. I didn't look enough into your history. That's okay That was me a year ago Okay, you were really heavy. Oh, I was 355 well congratulations again. You guys are like honestly It's like the odds are better of winning the lottery than losing a hundred fucking pounds and keeping it off for more than two seconds I actually have a client that Lost it kept this is off for eight years now and but she's an ultra marathoner now You know what that is? That's more than a marathon. She runs unbelievable athlete
Starting point is 01:36:47 But that's what it takes like a commitment, you know, like a commitment to like not being heavy But uh, yeah, you guys are doing you guys are doing jiu-jitsu and weightlifting Maybe a little yoga we can get in there and you know, I started this whole thing with yoga my wife. I I think I really When I knocked my wife up, it was a mixture of weights yoga and Protein you probably have like the genetics. So if like a fucking from your stories that you tell you got Unbelievable genes. It's just been proven at this point
Starting point is 01:37:21 Why is that you're walking around and training heart and you know, everything's fine. So no, I think there's something going on with my heart. I Could feel it sometimes from time to time What do you mean, but I think I always got to go see a doctor with that shit. Oh, I go all the time Okay, I know you got I got good insurance. Yeah, you should go as much as you can Yeah, no, no, no, no physical on the 18th the finger in the ass the blood drawn. I think I'll go draw blood this week You know, I drink water now again It's because of my daughter's because of a lot of a lot of things I know what it's like to wake up in the morning and drink a soda and light up a fucking cigarette
Starting point is 01:38:01 And smoke two cigarettes back-to-back and then smoke a fucking joint The size of this finger that was already rolled waiting for me because God forbid I had a roller joint in the morning You know I'm saying I know what it's like. I don't know how that how it feels to have your blood pressure Shoot the fuck up like you put your thing on your arm and you're 180 over 120 at 801 in the morning I Know that feeling and I don't like that feeling and I know the difference now You know, I breathe a little bit before I smoke dope. I breathe a little bit in the morning now 30 minutes I drink some coffee. I relax then I hit a fucking little pipe full just to get the blood going
Starting point is 01:38:38 You know I'm saying just to just to make sure the spirits in the house. Yeah, I go do a little riding I fuck around a little bit. I go on the computer. I get my day sorted out my little wardrobe. I Fuck mama make some breakfast living in California. We're blessed We're lucky because we have access to good medicinal herb and that's just medicine and you know, I'm California patient I know you are too. Yeah, I'd imagine you are but if not, whatever We'll say you are if you're starting kettle bells How many sets would you do what? What is like a starting point for somebody like Lee after the next three weeks with Lee?
Starting point is 01:39:12 What will you have lead? I'll have a goal. I'll have a goal for everybody at V-Mac, by the way You know at John Bud school. I'll have a goal for all you guys I'm gonna bring a real good thing you guys haven't seen real kettle bells yet truthfully The goal for a man of your guys size of our size basically is to take a 32 kilogram kettle bell and do that This is my goal that I said for you and it's simple but you'll see I'll take a lot of work to get there and while you're learning the skill you'll be building strength and So instead of you thinking it out of just a torturous hard workout You feel yourself getting better and you almost accidentally get stronger till one day a 32 kilogram bell will be will be something you can manage and
Starting point is 01:39:48 And for some of the guys maybe a 24 kilogram get-up, which is easily doable for guys, you know of certain You know unless you're below a buck 40 get up Brother I can do a hundred and six pound get-up. So I mean I'm not that big That's all based on form that Past a certain weight it's about learning how to use your body It is actually some people have called it a loaded yoga That's probably why I was good at it because I had a lot of yoga behind me And then I started to pick up kettle bells and the get-up was like my specialty gets you the only exercise
Starting point is 01:40:18 That's kind of like a little guy that I could be really strong at and do something that most guys cannot do So yeah heavy get-up built me turn you into a monster turn your body into like a frame a steel frame But I have you swing to heavy swings real important too because the get-up is you know like a slow-moving exercise It's a grind kind of it's a you know, so but I like the explosiveness of the swing exercises, too Can kettle bells help with loose skin? Because I know a lot of people lose weight on that issue as a loose skin It probably has a part of an overall health plan which will include losing weight Imagine it's because I'm with because we lose weight. I understand that probably the answer for that
Starting point is 01:40:53 It's not great. You probably got to get that worked on because I don't think that Well, I think that you heard of you. I heard if you lift it helps I really don't want to have surgery well It can never hurt to be as muscle the thing is to be as muscular as possible You're never gonna be too big for unless you're on something and you're just a natural athlete Being more muscular is just beneficial for your health. It makes you resistant to injury and It burns energy, you know, like I still eat like 4,000 calories a day at 180 pounds. Yeah, so I'm all muscle lucky You know, I mean, I'm not a huge, but I just I burn, you know
Starting point is 01:41:25 But I try you know, I put in a lot of energy training other people to eat 4,000 calories in eight hours Yeah, I'm not I yeah, but sometimes, uh, you know, I'm not perfect I wouldn't I never lie about my diet, but I do cheat, you know You know, my theory is if you were raised on American foods here up from like zero to six like that age frame That was all you know, we ate that shit. It's impossible to not to look at it. It's something like I love that Twinkies. Mmm Like what the fuck like that shit is such a garbage, but I still eat it Whatever my wife buys in the house eventually the weed makes me get up
Starting point is 01:42:00 My wife is very smart. She buys the cups to the baby with the little cookies Now anybody whose old school knows those cookies taste like that's Oreo still maintained. They made a big pay-off There's still something in Oreos. They kept the coconut fucking fat in there They're getting a little weird with all the new flavors though. Yeah. Yeah, no That's for fucking this youth that wants to try listen I grew up on the only or thing I get beside Oreo is the double stack. Oh, yeah, that's it And you know flavors I ain't gonna lie to you about 10 years ago I bought the 10 that comes in Christmas that comes that dipped in white chocolate with chocolate
Starting point is 01:42:36 Really? They comes in the 10 over the fucking holidays. No way. I've never seen one. Listen listen guys from 2000 To 2005 or six you could ask my wife At night my fucking my eight o'clock high You know what the snack was after dinner and McDonald's for breakfast and breakfast at home and Chinese food And who's ever house? I stopped by a wall for me a sandwich. Yeah my late-night snack My all-time favorite is a little bit bigger than a 32 ounce coke. Yeah, 32. Wow, not the 64 Wow, and a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk with the soda
Starting point is 01:43:14 I like the ice cream, but all that soda too dog I cut the thing in half one scoop put it in a glass. Oh, man Put the coke in there. Oh my god And I'd mix it up so the peanuts and the chocolate go to the bottom and I'd mix it up real good I can see your mouth is watering right now. Oh my god No idea and I do that anymore, right? Never again diabetes, but and I drink like half of it And then I throw the whole container in and I put the whole thing in Stir it drink a little bit stir it drink a little bit stir it drink a little bit
Starting point is 01:43:44 And then I eat every piece of fucking chocolate in the bottom. That was my thing Honestly, I'm right now on this podcast. I was doing that three to four nights a week. So we all have fucking flaws I'm very happy. I do not have diabetes. That's the first they test me. That's fantastic. I made a pot cookie That was in my trunk. I did a blood test. No, you can't oh my god They call me within the hour. They're like you gotta come back. You got diabetes. You got melanoma more shit than fucking Little serious one second. Why don't you just check it yourself and get a glucometer? It's one of the only tools you can buy on the shelves. Fuck. Yeah, you know what? It's not what you it's not
Starting point is 01:44:20 It's nothing. It is nothing. You'll not be barely I'm most fainted during the UFC the other night. Let me give some shout out. We'll talk about this. Yes Some fucking people's house cost that New Jersey you should see this house guys This is the best house. I've been to in a shitty neighborhood you walk in he has a blood zeppelin Mural on his wall and a pinball machine on old guns and roses. Then you go upstairs. There was a bar There was pizzas everywhere. There was catered food. The fucking wall was gigantic Everybody was smoking dope. I went out to the balcony. I knew nobody But the one guy was at the comedy store the one night when I destroyed the English lady
Starting point is 01:45:02 So he came over to me. They offered me pizza I'm watching the fight amongst people that I don't know and all of a sudden there's a UFC fight And he's dripping the blood on his chest and the blood's going everywhere and brother I had to look down got dizzy because the last thing you want to do is faint in front of fucking strangers That alone that alone right there had me sweating bullets. I'm gonna give some shout outs to my man Joe Swanson Anthony Berardi kickback attack Rob Gebhardt Brian Burton Eric Harrison
Starting point is 01:45:37 Harry Solovich or whatever you so lucky on Harry silicon and Scott Phillips you bad motherfucker Yeah, that thing pricking yourself at the house that don't work. Oh, man. All right. I'll keep trying to get my fucking cat dimmy One of the craziest cats I have the only cat that I Love this motherfucker He and reefer Were born on the same day When I was when I used to come home fucking and I first gave up coke
Starting point is 01:46:09 The only thing that stopped me from jumping on the window was dimmy because then he was a kid and I get really high And I take a piece of paper from the notebook rip it and I play O. Lay with him. He could play O. Lay Had a so when he was six months old You don't know what life is till you play O. Lay with your fucking cat and I would go like this and he'd sit there Try to go through the fucking paper and then he turned right around look for it Well, Demi has a fat ball on the side of his thing so Took him to the vet like three months ago the vet said it was no cancer
Starting point is 01:46:43 It was just a fat ball that if it got bigger they got to take it out one month a week ago. He started limping So but he's been acting weird like he jumps on my lap and he wants to be loved demies always been a lover You know, that's what makes you love Demi that he's a scumbag You know, yeah, I'm not I get out by his shit in the living room. I'm in the bathroom taking a pee This is just this is just three weeks ago. This is the kind of scumbag is I get home. I'm fucking a little high I'm pissing You know, you got to run in the house and pee and I fucking hear something And I hear like something falling. He's on the thing pushing the pictures off the mantel
Starting point is 01:47:20 I'm fucking like a fucking and I look at him Look at home and this is why I love him because I look at when I go demmy and he just looks at me like what? Like what I'm just fucking around. I go demmy get the fuck down from there I go in the bathroom to wash my hands. I hear another fucking picture go down I'm not gonna chase him and fucking hit him with a shoe or fall on the scumbag He hides into the VCR and sits under there for an hour and his tail gets all big. It's hilarious You want to kill that motherfucker? But on the other hand, you'll be sitting there Kind of confused. You've had a fucked up day. You saw you went to see Yogi Steve when he fucking kills you
Starting point is 01:47:57 And all of a sudden he jumps on you And he lays this way and your legs and as he goes to sit down he pops his you've seen him do knuckle sandwich That's my fear. I was just gonna say that this motherfucker you go sit there Come here dog. Give me knuckle sandwich. You put your hand down and he'll come up to you and hit your head with He's a cool motherfucker Yogi Steve. He's a great friend. He's money. He's money. This guy is a solid dude He's just a fuck if there's something going on It's fucking demmy if there's something going at the sink is on or there's a piece of bacon on the floor That's demmy ripped it out of the fridge. We locked him in there when he was a kid
Starting point is 01:48:33 He locked in the refrigerator my wife opened the refrigerator. He was sitting meow. He was no fucking. That's how crazy is anyway I love him. I didn't say nothing because he I was upset the last two days My little demmy is so we took him to the vet today. They gave him pain pills I'm gonna go home and eat three of them and see cuz I asked my wife. What are they? She took a bag out this big of pain pills. I might as well go home and snore them I took my dogs in 1987 I did take hercules's No, they want to they took x-rays or something gonna cause tomorrow and decide what they're gonna do with demmy my wife Is our broken that's hot cat
Starting point is 01:49:12 Like that's that's the man of her life Jimmy and especially when Harry and him are together like when I come over sometimes you like play with my cats I'll be patting like Harry and demmy will shoot over and like knock my hand away And then a hair will fight for it. Those those are probably my favorite They're fucking good people so it would break the house and have Yogi Steve you have a lot going on. Yes, sir You know John but spoke about you highly as fuck You know, he always said we had to get together cuz I brought the kettlebell to be back a couple times I'm like John. Yeah, do these you know. Yeah, you're a jiu-jitsu guy
Starting point is 01:49:48 You know you say this because it helped me completely It really did it made a it made a huge jump and I was out there last summer dog before my knee surgery last August 24th I knew the knee was going but what's the difference? So I would go out there at night At 11 o'clock at night in July and just do and I would see stars But I'd hang in there and I would do between in those days. I do seven sets of swings Three or four sets of cleans I'd do the regular squats. Are you teach sure? I do five of those and they fucking kill you they kill you. That's what killed me last week It's a real important move though do that and you'll stay young, you know if you can squat
Starting point is 01:50:30 It's just a huge movement pattern You don't ever want to be have to be helped up out of your chair, right? You know, I'd be able to get up yourself So if you can do it holding a weight you can you'll be able to do it longer just throughout your regular squad is important help with your posture I'm happy that there's more guys like you out there that You're not you know, you're not Jacqueline. You're doing it to really help people I really I you're the reason why you're on this show is because I could tell when you come up on Tuesdays That you really like helping people and that's big in my world. I can't but I was shocked
Starting point is 01:51:01 I mean, I'm absolutely flattered you to have me on here and I really appreciate it and you know I like what you do on Tuesday mornings and I know that You're not getting rich over there. But like I said, I like your Belief and what you I'm telling you I'm telling you this is a man to man I like that you're from Jersey that you're Jewish. Those are two plus. There you go Always deep friend of my Lee am I lying? Yeah, who's the spokesman for the Jews by 2019? Who's gonna lead the Jews into the next fucking underworld tell them Lee probably you me with a yarmulke
Starting point is 01:51:32 Then we're gonna be throwing money at me because I'm the only one that's gonna speak for them. That's the right way I'm gonna leave them back to Israel take back what belongs to them Cubans and the Jews are gonna go together They're gonna go together. You think I'm pretty much what Miami is They got it going on but You know your page and you have some interesting stuff on your page King of the Jews your Facebook page And you have like a saying up there and I see that you're involved in Laurel Canyon You know, I was never really at not Laurel Canyon running Canyon when I moved here in 97. I dated a fucking whore Okay, she was a fucking pig. Okay. I loved it. That's great lady. We still communicate
Starting point is 01:52:11 But let's face it. She would suck anybody's dick anytime She was sucking my dick. It takes a lot to suck my dick not any fucking smart girl would suck my dick So this chick was just an animal, but she was a whore and her whole thing was we lived right on Hollywood and Laurel Canyon running Canyon. We lived on not the first building I live but in the white building It's an old Russian building. Yeah 66 something you walk in the thing. It smells like Slovakie and fucking Gyros it's all international building. That's your first place when you're moving to Hollywood That was our first apartment and in the morning. She'd make me walk up Laurel Canyon And we had a dog then and on the way down the hill we'd stop and I tell you what used to burn me up about Laurel
Starting point is 01:52:57 Canyon it became more of a meeting place and this was 17 years ago It was chicks all with hats and there was used to be a bench there the thing when you walk up where you guys do yoga now Yeah, used to be a doggy park. I live here. I remember 20 years here before I was here for about 20 years 20 years ago. So you're a doggy park and then you'd walk up then they'd warn you about the snakes I gotta tell you something when you get to the top of Laurel Canyon if you do Laurel Canyon four days a week You will lose some fucking weight. It's a nice little hike for somebody start now. It's not like the Hollywood sign I took the Hollywood sign was I like
Starting point is 01:53:31 Run in Canyon, but what bother me in those days was that I would wait for her She was always like doing something dirty and they were always be these girls with hats on and they were kept talking about Leo Well, oh my god, what did Leo say to you last night and this was when the Titanic was hot Yeah, and all they would do is sit there and talk about Leo and Jack How they went to Jack's last night and Jack was so horny, but he busted out of polish in pain It was so cool And I used to listen to them and wanted to get a gun and just ended for them right there And they would read their sides, which is always bothered me
Starting point is 01:54:10 Listen, I know what it is to go in front of an audition today. I was going all my sides. You know where in the fucking car Down the street from the audition because I got there 15 minutes early, you know But to read your sides in front of people so people could stop and ask you what are you reading for? Oh my god We love her. Oh my god, send her our love, you know, oh And that's why I stopped. Oh, that's why I stopped going to run in canyon because I felt like it Had become this other thing but then for a while there they've been doing yoga there He's a obviously you're the man 15 years running in Canyon is a is awesome And it's a it's just a it's a great park
Starting point is 01:54:45 You just got to kind of get through the entrance where all the dogs congregate and kind of pee on the front fence So it gives the illusion that the park smells like pee, but look it actually the place is very busy already. It's busy It's busy. Yeah. Yeah, you see in the mornings. You see if you drive in Hollywood at 830 You see people walking that's right from everywhere. Yeah fucking running in Canyon. It really it's yeah Yeah, it's a great. I so I pay a little extra for wherever I live to be close to that park So I can walk there. We're you know for yoga or for my dogs, but uh Yeah, I'm lucky to be close to that park for sure now what teeth solid yoga that you teach there My background is in like what would be called like a stronger yoga, which basically is like called people call it power yoga
Starting point is 01:55:23 So let's say my personality like kettlebell class from a little bit strict and focus on technique My yoga is exactly the same thing and it's not no mysticism and no Sanskrit even it's just very rigorous like even for beginners It's for beginners and up but uh, you know, you kind of got to be up for the challenge of sucking at it at first But I teach five classes up there a week. We have 17 other classes if you stick with it What time do you teach during the week? I teach a I'll give you all my Facebook stuff for that schedule because it's a huge schedule But I basically teach a five different days over the week, you know Saturday Sunday 10 30 to 11 30 in the morning Tuesday Friday and Sunday 2 to 3 p.m But I'll give you all my Facebook stuff at the end because we have all these other classes
Starting point is 01:56:02 And I always like to promote all the teachers and uh, it's all volunteer, you know, and uh, we're really lucky. So yeah I've always liked that style of Put what you can or can if enough people come out. I mean we do we do okay You know, I lived in Boulder for 10 years. Yeah, I didn't I was very I didn't know what yoga was I did not hate it, but I just scared me. I used to hang out at Naropa Institute I used to go there and eat lunch my friend owns a cafeteria And I used to hear about it and whatnot. It's just uh, I got into it one time at my wife My wife finally pulled me over and I thought it was interesting as fuck
Starting point is 01:56:38 But I did it at the Y in Hollywood, which was phenomenal yoga begin a class on sunday from Three to four thirty But then when I moved to north hollywood that yoga at that Y isn't that good and I was sure there's an 11 o'clock 11 45 to 1245 on mondays, which is my speed The wednesday night class is power yoga. Yeah, kundalini. It's a big fat guy and he shows you his feet and he's got Yeah, a lot of people tell me Oh my god, I mean he shows up with a gong. He has a big white beard He wears like a pajama top and the sweats don't fucking fit
Starting point is 01:57:13 You can see the stains and the sweats where he's peeing himself Then he takes his feet off his shoes off You think no, no, you think my feet are fucked up This guy's feet are fucked up and then he comes on he bangs a gong For the cup once he busted out the gong. It was all over. I did it We have we have both of that style of yoga and the other style that's like That's more like a disciplined and rigorous none of that mumbo jumbo shit But that turns a lot of people off to it is fear from back east especially
Starting point is 01:57:40 That stuff just people don't like it Now there are genuine people like that who I don't understand who are like fucking magicians I just teach this exercise And it really helped me actually as a strength athlete too because it improves your mobility keeps your mobility That mobility you had in karate from doing I see you're still doing splits and shit So you can see how important that mobility is. Have you ever done ddp yoga? Like I was I did I did it once and it was kind of cool It's that you want to like either do yoga or not do it like you got to know if you're following something like that
Starting point is 01:58:09 It is what it is. I mean, you're not going to do that for a lifetime, right? I don't know. I only I only did it once it was kind of cool Whatever your intro is but it's like anything else you got to decide you want to get into it and practice it and put In a few hours a week and then get better at it or do that a couple times and never do it again So whatever you feel like doing I like you doing the jiu-jitsu now You don't want to you don't want to eat too much now You're going to do kettlebells It's not that you're doing it with me once a week and you got to find another day to do it
Starting point is 01:58:32 You don't want to do this shit just once a week, right because you'll just kind of your body will just get stuck They haven't met my gym. I was going to do it again, but I was surprised how sorry I got Just yesterday I stopped being sore and I'll give you stuff to do when you're not in front of me But hopefully I get you in front of me eventually when we don't have a bunch of other guys there See the kettlebell stuff really does if you get serious about work best privately I actually don't teach I only teach this one class And I uh, I teach only privates. I work at least 30 hours a week So, you know, how long does the kettlebell private with you? It's always almost an hour
Starting point is 01:59:03 I try to just keep it at an hour because uh, right when you have a coach who kind of has a general idea what you're doing after screening you I know what i'm going to do with you because everybody needs most of the similar same movements and uh You know, I enjoy teaching like I said like the repetition of doing the same thing over and over and making it you know tighter and stronger and finessing it more and You can just get stronger You know and uh At that in an hour and I train people two times a week
Starting point is 01:59:27 I try not to train on more But I like the class of vmak with you guys and john bud. You've credit to john bud I thank him for introducing a meet to you the toughest guy. I know i've been kicking ass since we're in college, right? Your jiu-jitsu teacher john bud killer. I was really impressive that he knew you that long Yeah, yeah And you guys were still connected and that's a east coast type of thing where you stay connected and to live, you know Eight fucking minutes apart super lucky Is even uh luckier when he kept telling me about you
Starting point is 01:59:54 I kept saying this is amazing. I even out with some and how he described you I expected fucking some guy with long hand and the thing with the fucking guru But once you said you were jersey the whole fucking thing that that's what I have one regret when it comes I have two regrets That I didn't start jiu-jitsu at 25 Me too. I try to tell him because he doesn't understand. Well, he wrestled though. That's good Humps and bumps you're gonna go to well over one year league and then you're gonna have some way to go two days a week Regardless of what's going on in your life. Everybody's got a train. Everybody's gonna do something
Starting point is 02:00:28 You don't really like that fucking with jim doesn't matter if you're friends. You go in there, but uh What the fuck was I gonna fucking tell you cuck suckers your second regret My second regret was not starting yoga early. I loved yoga and I liked I paid for a class like a bigger time class. I didn't do too well in that. I wasn't paid I need something a little slow. I'm a little old to my knees. I had surgery on this knee And I got to go back and get in a cut again. This thing is damaged again I'm just waiting to turn the fat thing down So I could shoot down to fucking marina del rey and tell this guy listen
Starting point is 02:01:02 You got to give me another MRI. This thing's fucked up again. I heard the thing pop. Oh, no six weeks ago Yeah, I just been walking around wounded because I ain't got time to go to marina del rey You don't show pain. I couldn't tell you Oh, yeah, I limped I limped during the rest of the week. That's not good. I could feel it And it's not getting worse. It's uh, it's in the neighborhood. It's not as bad as the last time But there's something going on. But this one this one hurt while I was doing dead lifts. I left it the way The last two times I did dead lifts and the left one started which I had surgery on This is the one I knocked my wife up first. This is the 2009
Starting point is 02:01:38 This is the one that got the fucking rhythm going. They got the fucking savage going But yoga is another thing I wish I would have started earlier because I knew What the benefits were, you know, if you add it to something else You can build strength easier than anything else though You can still you know with the weight training with the yoga with everything that you're doing I mean your workload might be a little high. You just don't want to train you don't want to train too much You know strength training a couple few days a week Jiu-Jitsu a couple few days a week and the more walking a person can do
Starting point is 02:02:08 But I think that your general lifestyle of being busy burns a lot of energy anytime you travel I walked the baby to school Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. I walked there and back Then we pick her up. So I have my little I liked today. I took a swim, but I jumped in the big boys pool I did as many fucking laps as I could I go back. She jumped in with me I just went with her but I got to do laps again and breathe which is fucking tough It was tough and I had to modify my breathing I was seeing what I was doing wrong. I had to focus on my movement I was cutting like 10 feet before the wall and then I was going eight feet before the wall and then finally by the end
Starting point is 02:02:42 I hit the fucking wall because I wasn't tilting my head too much. I wasn't breathing Properly it's a technique is so Listen, yogi steve. I know it will pass your bedtime. Let me do some sponsors here. What's your faith? Oh, yeah, you go ahead wherever you're ready. Yo number two if you're gonna get in shape If you want to get your head together if you want to get healthy, do me a favor Go to honor.com right now. All right. They ain't fucking around Whether it's the alpha brain which I believe in because they give you 100 money back guarantee And then they want them they want the fucking product back to the hemp protein shakes the chocolate and the acai vanilla
Starting point is 02:03:19 I also enjoy the testosterone boost. Whatever you're fucking into do me a favor. I'm gonna sit here and lie to you I don't know what the fuck i'm talking about go to honor.com right now If you see something you enjoy just supplements. Will you go to the boxing press church? C.h. You are c.h. Get 10% off your first motherfucking order you bad motherfucking go to honor give it a shot number two Sorry, I got something stuck in my throat hilly six.com Tremendous 24 milligrams 1680 if you want to quit smoking they also have the cigar of fucking death You know what the secret is to hilly six
Starting point is 02:03:55 Longer lasting tastes better 1200 guaranteed pumps. What do you think those ices seven eleven? What do you think they're giving you they're giving you fucking three four hundred pups for fucking ten dollars hilly six 1200 fucking pups guaranteed go to hilly six right now and press in joey's church And get five for five. So this is what you're gonna be gonna get a fucking six five for 50. I'm sorry Five for five. That's old school. We're talking black beauties Hilly six Five for 50 you got a hilly six.com and press in joey's church Boom and you got a cigar and you got a 24 milligram a 16 and eight and zero
Starting point is 02:04:30 Who's fucking better than you and we don't stop there. Oh shit Lowes gummies motherfucking their monos keeping it together with the edibles of death Whether it's a white chocolate Whether it's the fucking gumi bear the dragon of death that Lee used to get fucked up just eating the head Whether it's their vapor pen whatever you want Lowes gummies and monos is there one of the best vapor pens in the market right now They're gonna give you 20 percent off your first order. It's 50. You're gonna get it for 40 You got a problem the little thing burns out. You call Dave. He's right there with the money
Starting point is 02:05:02 Go to those gummies and monos and press in go to nail the life and press in joey's I mean, what the fuck you're mumbling stumbling Go to nailed it life.com and use cobert joey's there you go You're mumbling stumbling your fucking 500 milligrams. You get 20 to one 500 20 percent off I'm giving you one five. What are you confusing the people you're giving them fake fucking numbers Lee 20 percent low school. Yeah I'm gonna give you five here these things for 50 bucks And on it. I'm giving you 10 for the best new tropics on the market and don't forget. I'm at the dc improv next week
Starting point is 02:05:36 Taking my new CD. I hope I have enough Enough material warmed up because I'm trying to cut this fucking hour and a half into A cd and a dvd, but fuck it. We're gonna make it work cocksuckers. I want to give a I want to thank Yogi steve for coming on the show today It's kettlebell knowledge. I really appreciate you. You have me on here and you want to shoot all that social media You're right now real quick hit me. It's uh an instagram and twitter. It's outlier strength. It's just two words outlier strength That's uh instagram and twitter and hopefully I'll be lucky enough to get at least one more video You swinging that kettlebell for a 15 second instagram clip. Fuck. Yeah with the group
Starting point is 02:06:12 I mean so definitely hit a hit up outlier strength on instagram and twitter I'll actually open up a twitter account because to you i'm not actually doing anything but uh Instagram and facebook really and if you want to know about the yoga stuff because we have a lot of classes The schedule is long. It's just running canning yoga on facebook and that's uh And that can give you all the information on your own. You also do nutrition also You know everything I do with food is just for free because I'm not really like trained in food But I've just been studying it and you know, I'm just a self-trained nutritionist and uh I feel like I can help anybody with their diet, but especially dudes
Starting point is 02:06:45 I think they're like certain habits that males should be a little bit differently than women You should you should create a system and I should all just be called snacks or for pussies Pretty that pretty much is the system buddy. That's the system. I'm sorry But I don't I don't want to like talk negatively because I understand that the the battle with food is as real I don't battle with alcohol or any other drug and if you're not doing the hard drugs It's okay to like whatever you want to eat fruit in between dinner I'd rather eat ice cream than fruit because to me like it's a simple sugar And I'd rather just eat it in a big dose and get like full on it and then I'll eat it again for like a day or two
Starting point is 02:07:16 So you eat a big dose of fruit You know my second meal after eggs and bacon for first meal Second meal would be like a giant salad with like broccoli Cabbage but a ton of chicken but not the low-fat chicken. I don't believe in low-fat especially for men High-fat diet is better promotes better hormones. So I eat. I like the chicken thigh and I put it in the crock pot I cook all my food. That's kind of like also unfortunately for that's the key And if you make your own food, you're 90 percent there eating out is tough And if you didn't ride steak and tons of potatoes and rice
Starting point is 02:07:45 And if I'm not eating good, I'll eat a pint of Ben and Jerry's a couple hours later. If I'm eating good, I'll eat nothing Thank you, yogi steve. You're a savage Thanks, boss. I love you cocksuckers. We'll be back Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock Don't forget about us stay black and don't forget guys I have my uh podcasting seminar august 15th in toronto and a lifeline jr. Radio on august 14th go to my website for tickets And this podcast was brought to you by on it.com. You go to on on it.com. It is cobert church To get 10 off
Starting point is 02:08:17 All the great optimization products. Also go to nailed it life.com It is cobert joey Diaz to get 20 off the premier vape repent on the market And they're also the makers of those gumis hermanos and get you as fucked up as I am right now And go to hit e6.com better tasting longer lasting The proof is in the vape and you get five hit e6 for $50 when you use cobert joey's church Oh Oh Oh
Starting point is 02:10:17 Oh Well Then she made me say Nice and easy And what you have me hollow and naked That's where she put me down For a lot of nights Stuck it in turning around
Starting point is 02:12:17 Then she made the same thing I didn't want to say Then she made me play games I didn't want to play She took my heart Oh Oh

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