Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #371 - Dr. Belisa Vranich

Episode Date: April 14, 2016

Belisa Vranich, PsyD, is a renowned clinical psychologist, author, and public speaker and the creator of The Breathing Class joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio! Visit http://thebreathingcla...ss.com/ to learn more! This podcast is brought to you by: Tracker - Go to Thetracker.com and use code word "church" for 30% off of your entire order.    Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a discount at checkout.    Recorded live on 04/13/2016.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This show is brought to you by tracker never lose anything again with tracker listeners to this show the church of what's happening now get a special discount of 30% off of your entire order go to the tracker comm Tracker comm and enter promo code church. That's the tracker comm promo code church to get 30% off of your entire order and The show is brought to you by on it comm go to on it comm and use code word church to get 10% off your order of all They're great optimization products like alpha brain new mood swim tech immune and swim tech sport Oh shit, oh shit, we're getting this motherfucker started playing with the Irish take it Lee Oh
Starting point is 00:01:16 More days till the jungle book comes out Where will you be at a ball with a bunch of steps Stone to the gills with little kids and jungle book jungle book jungle book jungle book motherfuckers jungle book the church What's up Lee sciat You're I get I used to love the jungle book when I was a kid and it comes out fucking Friday I don't listen. I don't even give a fuck the jungle book Friday and 3d Let me explain you're gonna go in 3d ten o'clock in the morning
Starting point is 00:01:56 I'm taking two of these fucking green stars or maybe 18 of them I'm taking my daughter with my wife. We go we get some popcorn a hot dog Once if it goes sour, we give the baby fucking raising that so she loses her mind and we get out of this does yelling screaming like a fucking They convict the felon if not We sit there with it with the 3d glasses and she takes them off and I'm cuz she doesn't understand Oh, okay. I thought it was phenomenal. I'm telling you that Zootopia If you get a chance to see it in 3d whether you have a nephew or a niece or not Nobody's gonna judge you if you go to the 10 o'clock and sit in the corner by yourself
Starting point is 00:02:32 It's a great film. I'm telling you this I was was it Pixar Do you know because all these movies now are made like when you go? I used to go late at night when I was in college because then it's all Like people with like 20 year olds and 30 year olds who just like like they look all like Wally up all these movies are good Guys, they're entertaining very entertaining, but so is my guest tonight that I got a fucking I mean, it's just been a great pleasure to meet you. Oh Dr. Belize. Thank you Ron it
Starting point is 00:03:06 What's up, doc good? I'm glad to be here now How long are you in town for I'm in town for another week and then I go back to New York for a month And then I come back here and back and forth and back and did you do any stings today? Yeah, yeah, I saw a couple people today. I wrote some stuff, you know, right see people take care of my dog Now let everybody know what you do So I'm founder of the breathing class, which is exactly what it sounds like. I've always gotten yelled at About changing the name, you know get a name like Lulu lemon. Why don't you get a name like a Spin classes like a pure yoga and I can't it's the breathing class. That's what it is
Starting point is 00:03:42 I teach people to breathe so I'm a clinical psychologist from a million years ago and I switched over to teach people breathing and Whether it's endurance for sports or stress reduction. It works. I love doing it and that's what I do now When you say you work with somebody for endurance, I'm I'm a track runner. I'm young, you know, 32. I want to run the Iron Man. You whatever What kind of how much work goes in on the other side, okay? Well, it's not like you're gonna touch them and Do three jigs because he I've heard this shit before I did some of these some is a guy in Burbank You go down and he touches your lungs and you get endurance to me That sounds fucking far-fetched now because they believe that the
Starting point is 00:04:29 The rib cage is attached to the to the lung the long bone expand and I heard that I'm like something don't sound right there I heard that about a year ago. I was like that that's not gonna work How long would a person have to work to increase their endurance with your principal? Okay? Well, let's think about first of all is that if you're 32 You your lung capacity actually grows until you're 29 So you've already started to plateau as far as your breathing at 32. It's not like you're gonna get better Your breathing is gonna get better. It's actually going to get worse. So you need to start doing breathing exercises I'd say you can make a change if you're super motivated within a week
Starting point is 00:05:10 Definitely within two. So I've seen people get the exercises do them crazy do them With like incredible motivation and focus and change their endurance within a week ten days Absolutely, you can do that. I can't touch your chest and have it happen in a couple seconds. Definitely not but I don't know about that I read somewhere where you worked in Jacques Cousteau. Yeah, I did work a Yeah, and so in New York and and then I got moved over to the office in Paris. It was great I mean, hey, I wasn't on the boat. I wasn't on the boat, but I was a big Cousteau fan before I mean, you know, you learn so much Wow, so no, I know a lot. I mean, I loved marine life beforehand and my French was
Starting point is 00:05:54 My second major so I wanted a job with the Jacques Cousteau that had anything to do with animals And and water and you know, even though I was in New York, I didn't get to go on the boat But he was around his family was around. It was a really great experience. No, your resume is just When it comes to breathing, you're like the jikun dog breathing You've and it's very smart. I love that about people. I hate people who show up and say well over at Harvard I specialize in this and this is how it is and somebody's gonna say listen I read this journal and this and this and this and this is what I took from each person This is what what kind of and in my world they call us
Starting point is 00:06:33 Synopsis, what's the other word an educated guess in a way, but a proven guess. Yeah, I could tell by your confidence Yeah, we had an email and then you called me and you told me to do this and we tried to connect I'm on a private level and I was always busy because it was pilot season and then I saw that you were doing a seminar I just signed up without calling. I was just excited. I was in town the same week. You were there, you know, and What really made me want to put you on the podcast and what really was your call to me on Sunday It was distressing but not Fatal, you know family we could work on my lung power and do all these things But it really touched me that there's still people who believe in customer service will call
Starting point is 00:07:18 Oh, yeah, send you stuff afterward and we'll call again and keep in touch you, you know, called me yesterday, Anthony Haddock I got my car. Who's this fucking 3-1-0 number? It was Anthony. It was great to see you. Boom. I'm in That's the school of thought I was raised on me. No, like I was gonna call you Monday You didn't give a fuck And that's how I work with people is that If you're motivated and you want to get better or you're motivated and you want to get You know rid of your whatever medical problem you have or you better endurance if you're into this If you want to, you know, work with me, I'm excited about it
Starting point is 00:07:54 I love people who want to change and want to get better And I will call you. I will remind you It's tough love because I'm going to say things you may not like But I'll say things that no other doctor has ever told you before because a lot of doctors will pussyfoot around They'll say well, I don't want to tell my patient this because then I'll have them here for another hour And they'll be calling and I'm just gonna write this script But um, no, I I everything about you. I'm liable Then I'm liable if I tell there's something going on inside with me. Yeah, I know there is it's it's not lung cancer
Starting point is 00:08:29 Nothing like that But you know, I go to acupuncture. I go to the heart doctor. He does all the fucking inks through the heart and all that stuff The problem, uh, oh you tell me were you like you should have been on some type of oxygen therapy When I go to sleep at me a doctor the first thing they do to me is I blow in some fucking bugle Yeah, you did you did the bugle you did the bugle in my class and I know it's fucking terrible Because I can't even finish it. It's like a fucking You know, it doesn't take a genius. I'm no med school student, but I know it's not good The lady walks away and nobody says dick to me. Yeah, they come back and they ask me what I'm doing a sleep study
Starting point is 00:09:09 Okay, and what I say to you. I said I'm already done the sleep study What the fuck am I gonna go back in then get tortured for they put a masking and then turn the head down to two And watch you squirm around like fucking Hannibal like that at the end Like they electrocute me. Fuck you. Well, that was kind of my question It sounds like a silly question, but why is breathing so important? Okay, you know and I have to say the short version of that is that it's the cornerstone of your health So if you're not breathing well, you can do everything after that. It's just not going to work as well So it's ox. It's self fuel. It fuels your entire body
Starting point is 00:09:42 And it's what your brain works on what your organs work on what your muscles work on Think about it. Everything you do is to get more oxygen in your body when you take supplements You know, you're working out all the things that you do are so that you can Use the oxygen better and get more oxygen in your body. So why not actually just breathe better? I mean doing all the other stuff is good too, but just start with breathing better It sounds a lot a lot of what joey talks about on the show is uh Like getting to the root of the problem really like just getting to this the most simple step So you can it's like when people do like for a podcast
Starting point is 00:10:17 I'll do weird stuff that you don't really need to do like weird videos or whatever And before you can work out, I guess you have to be able to breathe like before you can do any of that It's very cut to the chase. Um, and that's my mo Even as a therapist because I was a therapist for 25 years I was very cut to the chase. I was I used to give people homework. It was very dynamic. I didn't sit back and go Okay, well make an appointment with me, you know, four times a week for 10 years. That was not my I mean a lot of people wanted that and needed that. That's not my the way I work It needs to be dynamic. You need to do your homework. I will love you. I will call you
Starting point is 00:10:51 I'll do anything you need to get your goals done, but you got to work with me It's very dynamic and and you see change immediately. So um, so that's why I mean your body needs oxygen But I also I mean it needs a balance of oxygen if I'm going to be more specific It's that more and more and more oxygen isn't better It's the combination of of having a balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in your body And using the right muscles, which is what Joey learned about what muscles you have in your body that help you breathe better And he's making those stronger. So yeah, I did the twist today. Yeah side bend. Nice I did the kettlebell on my stomach with the breathing. Let's try that your belly button. They hit the back. Yeah
Starting point is 00:11:31 I read another chapter I just uh I gotta tell you it's sad Because that was my forte growing up that I could You know me and these girls catty moran We were fucking geeks in the eighth grade Yeah, I went around the corner and smoked pot with the long-haired kids once But you know what my I loved I wanted to get really good at basketball
Starting point is 00:12:00 So I knew in the fourth quarter. What do you need fucking endurance? Okay And I would sit against the wall and work on my muscles to get tight in the eighth grade and seventh grade But she was a track runner in the high school. They were older than I was Her and her girlfriends and I would go to them and say dog. I don't know nothing about Ronnie And they were okay. Just come to the high and we go to McKinley first and they had a like a hundred yard Concrete fucking platform. You went to my Graham school. Yeah And her and I would walk out 40 yards and we'd do 40 yard sprints and Another kid poncho Cuban kids stole the the hurdles and I tried the hurdles and I was really good at them and
Starting point is 00:12:42 You know, I started playing basketball when I was A freshman I could hold on to the rim and I was two inches away from dunking and I could run And I remember running from you know, I come from the second hilliest town in the country I come from north bergen, new jersey on paper. Look it up on you It's the second hilliest town behind san francisco When I first moved to north bergen the cemetery is one of the bottom of the hill So when it would rain the graves would wash out. They'd just fucking fix that maybe maybe 20 The bottom of 46th street a casket was floating down
Starting point is 00:13:16 A fucking tuxedo with a half a skeleton. That's what down your fucking block and then they had to get engineering and Redo it back because the cemetery would wash out. You know the cemetery is fucking old. So You know, that's terrifying me and this fucking me and these girls would run up Like we'd walk up the first hill and we lightly jogged the second hill and we'd go from fucking North we'd go from 39th street, you know on a light jog All the way to 88th Hudson County parking and run around the lake 18 times And then run back home and then 94. What does 94 put me 31 years old when I was 30 They used to have this bike trail in north bergen that you rode up boulevard east overlooking new york city skyline
Starting point is 00:14:02 So there you are riding up you go to the You go all the way to fucking the george washington bridge And then you ride across on the bike and then you go all the way down the west side highway To the ferry and then you take the ferry across that's your only breather And then when you get to the other side that one of those ports if you look up the wee hulking There's stairs that are attached to the mountain Lee and it's just attached and it's endless. You see you see elevators But then you see these stairs that go up
Starting point is 00:14:31 So me and these gorillas used to grab our bicycles hold the bicycles and run up those fucking stairs like gorillas to the top I never huffed I never puffed who knew what the fuck happened My endurance was always money 30 years 20 years of doing cocaine your endurance gotta count for something, you know what I'm saying? That's a lot of endurance overnight I smoked cigarettes for a few years You know not early on but later on in my life
Starting point is 00:14:59 And I stopped I'll tell you what was fucking me up the vapor pens Those little vapor things I think they fuck you up a little bit my breathing was off after that But the anxiety started two years ago after an ear infection I never had that if I can't get air anxiety ever ever ever before in my life But your body's pissed when you said you know that something's wrong with your body because that's Most people that come to me they'll come with me to me for specific reasons But then I get that person who goes I know something's wrong, but I don't know what and they usually touch their chest I know like I know intuitively something is not right inside. I've got tons of prescriptions
Starting point is 00:15:40 I've got doctors. I've got appointments, but something isn't right And I don't think that I'm getting it's getting addressed with my appointments So you're gonna get better. You're definitely and I you may not do those stairs with the with the bike Because that sounds crazy But we're definitely you're gonna get better because like I said, it's the cornerstone of your health So we're going to see your blood pressure come down Everything everything's going to get better. My blood pressure has really come down
Starting point is 00:16:07 The last couple years. I think my health and fitness. I mean It's very deceiving What's going on with my body sometimes because I've always been a big bone not fat But just a thick dude and once I had a weight to my regimen It really like there was There's nights when I'm sleeping and I go to roll over and I feel my leg and I don't know whose leg it is Because that's how different my body has got like it's hard now, you know I love all this shit. I'm doing now
Starting point is 00:16:37 But when it comes to my breathing and something you said something at the seminar you said something happened Till this day, I don't know what happened Because I was fine. I swam When I went back to the y when I got really heavy I started when I was 418. I walked into I did a commercial at Where you know the dude who's got Parkinson's the boxing coach Right here in hollywood. We're Pacquiao trains Wildcard
Starting point is 00:17:07 Okay, I did a commercial there and I met a guy named macca foli And during the thing macca foli as I say, oh, you're in a movie. You were very funny And he goes, I gotta be honest with you, man You could be funny for a long time. You should lose some weight. Why don't you come to the gym and throw some mitts with me I'll train you for a while. Even if it's for free Just to get you started I had nothing to lose. I was 400 fucking pounds. So I started going over there And I couldn't believe how hard I was working and how slow it took the weight to come off
Starting point is 00:17:35 And I was still drinking three or four cans of fucking coke Every day, you know And finally I read an article about no matter how much exercise you still need to control your diet Your diet's number one thing, you know And I kept going but at that time I used to have to wear two pair underwear. I was thinking about you to give you more history Because when I couldn't breathe I'd pee my pants My pants couldn't my breathing couldn't control my little dick and my breathing at the same time
Starting point is 00:18:05 Is that a common thing because you're you're you're like you don't seem surprised You know what? I'm a you know, I did 25 years of therapy with people You got to say something really crazy to get me to blush or I think it's nuts. I've heard some crazy No, no, no, I didn't say it to get in the blood. No, no, no, I'm saying to see as she ever heard it before Yeah, that's what I'm asking you. Yeah, no, no, no, no. So, you know what? So, um Your pelvic floor and we did this in class. We talked about your pelvic floor. It's the 20 muscles on the bottom of your body It's connected to your diaphragm your thoracic diaphragm like those two things. Remember we did this in class where Here's your body, right? So your pelvic diaphragm is down here. Your thoracic diaphragm is up on top
Starting point is 00:18:42 So they're related so that your breathing had something to do with your pelvic floor With that happening makes perfect sense to me Yeah Everything's going to get stronger Everything's going to get stronger. We can go back to one pair of underwear for sure. Oh, no I'm not a one pair underwear, but this was This was wild. I'd go the round would be over and he'd say go in your In your corner
Starting point is 00:19:06 And I would feel the pee going out of my pants. There's none I could do. I wasn't going to make the bathroom If I walk to the bathroom, I have a heart attack Like by trying to hold the pee at the same time I'd have a heart attack When did that start that started when I hit 418 because and I was shooting the longest shot I didn't have those problems But when I was shooting the longest shot, I believe it or not when I was in albuquerque They gave me oxygen The doctor or the team said come here for a second. I'm gonna give you ox. I'm thinking about all these things
Starting point is 00:19:35 just so you know But I'm also thinking about switching to sleep apnea doctors now that you also told me that because After they look at that they should make some type of assessment. Your numbers are really low really low When I know you're really low. I know I can't blow like a fucking candle. We did an exercise with our fingers. Yeah Oh, look at that He's breathing perfectly now I'm watching him now that is so weird because it's so weird because sometimes you lose the focus And you're sucking in when you suck
Starting point is 00:20:09 So you really really gotta focus but I when I read your book It says repeat repeat repeat and you'll cause the new habit break from zero to 50. What happens because I have a three-year-old And when you look at mercy from the side, she looks like a fat little fuck But when you look at her straight ahead, she's tiny long and scant limb and that's because when she watches tv Yep She's breathing. She's breathing right. She's breathing. So you made a point that we breathe normally till we're five And what happened and then okay, so what happens five years old? So she and her little belly go to school
Starting point is 00:20:49 Right cute little belly. She doesn't know, you know, she's just happy to be a little kid Go to go to school and what happens somebody pokes her in the belly and goes fatty Right because kids are mean because kids are mean. So all of a sudden she comes home. She thinks she's fat and that starts Decades of sucking in your gut Decades of like sucking in your gut so that you feel or you look skinnier And then we're told that that makes you stronger too and that doesn't make you stronger Really bracing your belly does not make you stronger Inhaling letting it go and actually working your abs and squeezing on the exhale. That makes you stronger
Starting point is 00:21:24 But just bracing your middle dozen. So other things that happens. She starts sitting because Americans sit how many hours a day do you think Americans sit? All day How many hours at least 10 12 13 to 16 hours a day, but that's when you factor in the drive and yeah the lunch is You know most people say that it does go down. I'll tell you what I I can't lie to you I forgot the number because you mentioned it on that the summer And yeah, I did something when I stood
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, I just started standing more at little things man because of you know, I fly I fly five hours one fucking way. You don't think I get up and stretch my calves And when I sit down, you know acupuncture said, uh, they call the cap the the heart of the leg the second pump So instead of moving around sometimes I just do leg lifts at my seat good to keep the blood going So you don't get that shit way. You know, you got like a blood clot whatever fuckers I said, uh, it's crazy. I just found out recently in the past couple years that girls suck in Like I've always been jobby, but I've never once sucked in all I can imagine sucking in All day, but then again think about especially little girls you start wearing clothes and they're tighter
Starting point is 00:22:37 You start wearing compression garments. You have like, you know, little sports bras Sports bras will squeeze the hell out of you, you know, and exactly where you want to be opening up and breathing So then we're told, you know, the posture you tell somebody to sit up straight The first thing they do is they pull in their gut if you get injured And I mean with sports now kids get injured or you fall off your skateboard or sled You get hit in the middle of your body You don't want to take a deep breath that hurts there
Starting point is 00:23:04 And then you look at everybody around you and your little kid and they're raising their shoulders when they breathe So you think that's the right way to breathe So all of a sudden you're sucking in your little gut and you're breathing like this like your parents do Unless you stop them and you teach them, you see take a deep breath like mom and dad and you show them the right way to breathe So which is through the middle of your body pretty much from your armpits to your to your pelvis Is where you should be breathing from but none of this up and down with your shoulders. Yeah Yeah Dile I want to see that inhale next tail again. That was good. That made me happy
Starting point is 00:23:37 Yeah, I'm trying. I'm trying. I gotta tell you his flexibility. I was amazed Three hours you sat there. You've some flexibility. Holy cow. Even when I was really heavy. I always stretched that night guilt over me and I was always involved in martial arts and stretching and then My wife took me to yoga a few times and I really enjoyed like the uh Like the downward downward dogs and the child's pose and then The one the cat cloud pose which we didn't class. Yeah, that's what I've been doing for the breathing And I enjoy a good stretch. In fact, I was me and my wife made like the same commitment She's been over at her yoga place for five months. She she went and bought 10 passes and just
Starting point is 00:24:24 She always had a problem with the why And then one of her girlfriends took her to another place and that place was too fucking My wife's in Tennessee. She don't buy into the Yeah, she just you know, and it and at first when I started dating I kind of bothered me about it because some of the shit to me is interesting But some of the shit is just so out there. It's just white people trying to be fucking crazy You know and at the Y there was a little click of that. There was this little like Japanese girl Very cute and she'd go in there, you know with her perfect little body
Starting point is 00:24:59 She was 22 Filthy feet the feet were always filthy like way beyond dirty like the dirt has stuck onto her feet Because she did yoga dances where a bunch of people play bongos What they do the line dance the line the conga line and they Talk to the angels while they do downward dog and shit that my wife will not tolerate You know that one my there's no woe in my class I there's a little bit of woe, you know at the end we do a meditation. No, no, no, that was great That was great. Yeah, and yoga is called shavasana. There we go
Starting point is 00:25:33 I try to do that at home when I laid down. I go, this is just shavasana While I move my hips and breathe and exhale. Yeah, so they're just laying there like a fucking mummy It was funny because I used to go to a german Listen, we used to go to yoga together me and my wife before she got knocked up I got divorced and I was young and it bothered me and I got divorced and really bothered me because that's the most Simple thing is a relation. How can you fucking? Divorce somebody what the fuck is wrong with americans? You know I'm saying that is the simplest form of friendship is
Starting point is 00:26:05 So I got So when you do comedy you get lost sometimes, you know Not that you get lost but you forget where you stand even as and I didn't want to lose terry So I'd pick her up and we'd run home on tuesdays and we'd go to yoga together, but our favorite yoga class Which I went just to get high and giggle You had to be a monster. It was called power yoga On tuesdays and it was taught by a german shirt. And I mean when I tell german this chick was Hitler's niece and she never lost the accent. So she would go
Starting point is 00:26:38 shavasana Like I don't even I don't even give a justice She did it very germany. Yeah, I can't And we me and my wife would leave the like I'd be fucking crushed Crushed she had me picking up my leg and joey you could do this one more sun salutation down She'd say I'll lose a hundred pound you come to my class and she taught somewhere else like she taught like in venez Like three days she goes if you come to my class in venez twice a week I'll have you a hundred pounds lighter and she would say I'll have your breathing
Starting point is 00:27:09 Restructured and I'll have that fat falling right off you and I used to look at like you're crazy So me and my wife used to call the joe the german And after a while i'm like I can't go to joe the german no more though. She fucking kills me But she was a big stickman shavasana She really stressed the breathing and she walked around and she made the adjustments and She did other stuff to the things and yeah, yeah Well, how often do we really pause and just relax a little bit? We don't we don't really pause and do nothing and really do nothing
Starting point is 00:27:41 It doesn't happen You're always checking your phone or going somewhere or coming back or worrying about something or regretting something Just really doing nothing for a couple seconds. Good for you I have been since this little thing. I was little it would concern me So as I went to jiu-jitsu the first time into the hip escape and Tried to jiu-jitsu eyes. I went home Mortified like and then I tried to get high and go to class. I got high to do anything I went to got high one time went to jiu-jitsu class
Starting point is 00:28:13 I thought I thought I was dead. I thought I was dead I had to go outside and breathe and take my gi top off between the heat Because you got to get used to that heat that heat at first and i'm a hot dude You know what i'm saying? I go to the doctor and the chicken takes my blood pressure goes You're a hot fucking dude. Like you're hot blooded. I'm a cuban dog I wake up at 190 over 180. You know what i'm saying? I'm one of those motherfuckers I dream about yelling and screaming and jumping up and down and Somebody stealing my fucking chocolate cake or something like that. I don't fucking know
Starting point is 00:28:45 I have some crazy dreams too. I have some really like I don't have dreams. I can't lie to you. I just No, it's weird the alpha brain will give you a vivid dreams Uh, whenever I go on an alpha brain cycle, I'll get my dreams. I'll get like they come back in color Yeah, but I'll tell you what I I know I talk in my sleep with that fucking sleep apnea mask on because my wife tells me She'll tell me you having a conversation with the master. You know, and I just had a bunch of fucking mumble and stumbling But I know you talk Spanish I always talk Spanish in my dreams So i'm dreaming of my son when I was a kid always with my mother talking with my father
Starting point is 00:29:25 An uncle I always dreamed of Spanish So this this concerns me because one of the things that happens is you talk a lot You talk for your job You talk in between your job and wherever you're going and coming from and now you're i'm hearing that you talk in your sleep Poor terry No, no, no, but I don't she doesn't she entered with this like three times a year One thing about me is that when I first moved to LA, I didn't say no And by 2004
Starting point is 00:29:57 I wasn't suicidal, but I was I didn't have a life. I didn't have you know, I was with my wife from 2000 To probably 2003 I didn't see her on a holiday I didn't believe in it. I'm trying to go after a dream here. You know, I'm saying You want to get married and get mushy? Well, let's do this first And then we'll fucking get married, but who wants to get married to fucking struggle all that goddamn life What the fuck wants to do this shit? Yeah, we'll we'll get what they say no fucking banjovi song, bitch It's 2016. You know, it's 269 the least mother fuck and that's with zero down
Starting point is 00:30:38 You know, we bought what's that banjovi song? That's great. I believe in that too But you got to work, you know, I'm saying listen, man But then I thought back about because I was looking at it as a person. I didn't have a family I did have a family. She was my family I looked at it as a Cuban single dude who didn't have parents or an uncle fuck it I'm not gonna sit home I might as well go to houston and try to make a little money and stuff And then I go I've been dating this girl for so long and living with her
Starting point is 00:31:05 I gotta start spending more time with her So I started spending holidays with and stuff like that And since like 2005 I really appreciate my time because I know How fast hollywood could be I could be said I've told Lee a thousand times I go Lee. I could be sitting here with you Making plans. I don't know son. I'll get a call They come up with a new tv show And it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen leave or one day I'm gonna call you go. No, I booked some show
Starting point is 00:31:35 And I got to work fucking six days a week and I got to be there at six in the morning I'm working till six at night. I want to come in and fucking talk to you He knows he knows how we do it. He's looking so sad. He got a lot of tears When I'm home at night, I relax man. Nice when I go home at night It's not about me and my wife. I keep you listen. My wife is white A real wife from Tennessee. You get her started You ain't gonna shut her up, you know, if I tell a story about my uncle stabbing a dude She'll tell me a story about one time her and this is to kill the fly
Starting point is 00:32:12 And it won't fucking end It won't fucking end. It's a big fly Yeah, it won't end. So I don't try to entice my wife too much And once I entice her I pray for the fucking phone to ring You understand me once she starts going off. Yeah, they should shoot But my wife's smart, man, and sometimes I get myself in the fucking well And she won't shut the fuck up. Don't get it started on politics She'll start torturing with the super delegates and shit and you're praying for that fucking phone to ring
Starting point is 00:32:40 You're sitting there, please somebody fucking call already lord, please. I don't give a fuck if it's a wrong number If that's on the carpet, I'm buying it to cancel this fucking conversation So I try to keep it light at the house And I really like the two hours before I get up in the morning because I spend two hours by myself And I don't say two fucking words I sit there without the tv on I put a notebook. I get coffee. I smoke a couple two salutes I listen to my heart pound now I breathe. So now I got the chair and I just do my little hip things on the chair Can you hear your heartbeat though?
Starting point is 00:33:18 No, I eat it when you eat that fucking star. You'll hear it pounding in your head One of those disney. No, you can hear it. Yeah, okay good because I got a breath for you to practice though Yeah, you can hear it. It's with here. Okay I got the advanced stuff to give you because you're now you went through the beginner. You're in advance No, let me ask you this. Okay, just for people Uh-huh How does this help with blood pressure? Oh, it's direct blood pressure is actually The the medical condition that has the most research behind it when it comes to breathing the most
Starting point is 00:33:54 Lots of other things Not as much there are studies and some don't have studies yet And I'll tell you it's my you know Medical intuition or whatever but blood pressure there is a lot of science that shows you control your breathing You take a breath where it's helping your parasympathetic where it's helping that calming breath and your blood pressure will come down It's it's intimately connected In fact, you can't breathe with that lower body breath without your blood pressure being affected
Starting point is 00:34:24 And if you actually want to do the opposite when I work with actors and they want to get upset And they want to get more into whatever upset state they're in Depending on their role They have to breathe with an upper body breath and their blood pressure will go up Their heart rate will go up their cortisol will go up. Yeah So it's completely connected which is wild That's why I actually like working with blood pressure patients because you can see your blood pressure come down and you can keep it down So all of a sudden you start realizing I actually have a lot of control
Starting point is 00:34:54 Over my body and we actually talked about this is that it sounds like I'm giving you bad news That you're in trouble But the good news is that you're in trouble But your breathing is going to change things and you have ultimate control over your breathing None of your doctors do none of the prescriptions do You can change your breathing. So your blood pressure is actually something that we're going to watch go down pretty quickly I've been doing any exercises And you have to really think and control yourself and control your breathing
Starting point is 00:35:25 But what I found to be the most interesting how is uh You You told me to focus on the exhales. Yeah, but You tense up like I still tense up to control everything still You know, I still tense up But then all of a sudden your mind goes stop tensing And all of a sudden now you're breathing a little easier and I know that it's like karate It's like anything else that you learn single movements
Starting point is 00:35:54 They always want you to over exaggerate them So the repetition and then in your book I also would repeat repeat repeat So I know that right now. I'm just over exaggerating. You know, I know I'm doing the belly workout with this You are yeah, I wake up the next day a little bit. I was sore the sunday after the seminar And what did I do sunday? I think I did kettlebell sunday Monday had a busy day Tuesday I went to jiu-jitsu and today I went to jiu-jitsu You're maniac. That's what I did
Starting point is 00:36:24 That's good. And now I got no option. I gotta go to jiu-jitsu tomorrow because it's there the opportunity's there and that's The commitment. I'm cheap because my fear was getting on my back But that fear being on my back stemmed from sleep apnea. I pushed my sleep apnea to the fucking health And you know when I and we've discussed sleep apnea on the show before You have no idea what it is To to you have no idea Lee Once that sleep apnea comes you have no fucking idea people kept telling me I had it Like I don't I never woke up choking but I was a huge snore
Starting point is 00:37:01 So people always told me I should go get checked out. What is what is your girlfriend saying now? Now I don't now she used to have to wear earplugs. Well, you lost a lot of weight. Yeah, you've lost a lot of weight So the weight went down. So that was the same thing at 4 18. You couldn't sleep three doors down You couldn't sleep three doors down my poor wife was well if you think about exactly what that is So that noise is that there's something in the way. There's there's tissue. You know fat fat Fucking tubes. Don't say it's fucking fat. Oh, you kid, you know, and it's weight You know, that's the other thing I factor in like when I first went to jiu-jitsu I got so fucking discouraged and I went home and I felt really bad and I go
Starting point is 00:37:42 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a second. First of all, this isn't me. That's number one I don't get discouraged. I'm not good at fucking Mechanics and I'm not good at fixing a computer, but that's never been my aptitude God never gave me that aptitude when I was a kid and I got a flat tire I threw the bike away and I bought another one for 14 95. Okay, so that one for eight Just of course, I was too lazy to change a flat because I wasn't good at it I can never get the fucking thing in the tire and take it out and then fucking sink the thing I didn't have the patience for it. That's why I love a Camaro, but who's gonna fix it?
Starting point is 00:38:17 You you're gonna come over and fix my Camaro to be a car enthusiast You gotta know what the fuck you're doing, but I do know different things And I like different martial arts. I look at all that For most people most people look at a martial arts like that as a combat martial art I don't look at it like that. I look at it as two guys. It's a chess game With your mind, but your body's in the way And you the guy who gets best is the guy that can move his body Without moving his body around you. That's all you get to it
Starting point is 00:38:53 If you look at all the really good guys, they don't even break a sweat Or breathe it hard. You don't even breathe hard You mean why you're fighting them and they're fighting nobody They're just waiting on your moves and controlling your moves and you know, it's so interesting So I didn't like that. I was scared of doing something. I fucking hate that shit When I'm scared I'm fucking pissed Of something, you know, it's like when I have to go give blood like tomorrow Because I got nothing on the cards really except for 10 o'clock
Starting point is 00:39:22 I gotta go over to this fucking place and give them an allergy test the lady told me it's one drop of blood It's pissing me off, but I get up like when a Cuban and I'm going down there right now I gotta bring my iPod. I can't smoke dope And I go down and get my allergy test But that's the same way I felt about jujitsu being on my back because I kept getting at the end my sleep apnea Was getting to the point that I would wake up and just run and stand up and just go What the fuck was that like I didn't know what it was like I wasn't just waking up and looking around and going boy. That was uh, that was a piece of chicken in my throat
Starting point is 00:40:03 No, I was running up out of the bed going You know what it's like in a hotel room Where you wake up And you don't know where you are and you can't breathe You know the anxiety I used to get and then I got help for the breathing for the sleep apnea But towards the end of the cocaine the sleep apnea I started getting anxiety Dr. Belize and it wasn't It was from not breathing. I would go on planes and my mind would take off and it go. What if
Starting point is 00:40:36 What if the plane shakes and your head hits the glass? Will you bleed? What are you gonna run? What are you gonna run to and dr. Belize my fucking brain? Would take over and it wouldn't stop till I just breathe But again, I was a mouth breather So what am I putting in my body calm? I'm an oxide, right? Especially in an airplane in a fucking airplane So this is sending me into a fucking state of And I got arrested twice and let go because I would tell him get me off the fucking plane
Starting point is 00:41:06 I don't want no bullshit. Give me listen. Give me off the phone complaining. So it's karate chopping motherfuckers in the neck So they got to talk to me and they make my wife come down and shit Then they put me on pills I got off the pills and I just went right to reefer an acupuncture and it went away and I worked on My weight and I dropped a hundred pounds And that took that anxiety So I walked into jiu-jitsu and they gave it back to me again And there were times before I would drive to jiu-jitsu on the drive there. Oh my god. My heart at the light It would be pumping up a storm
Starting point is 00:41:46 And then as soon as I touch a dude's a gi I would have to tap just from the fear and the anxiety and the lack of oxygen. I just have to tap I want them when you go to the doctor's marta look at your co2 Because I can tell you that one of the things is that you have too much carbon dioxide in your body You have too much in your body. So how do you get too much carbon dioxide in your body? You're not getting it out So how do you get it out? So you're learning how to exhale Which is exactly when once your exhale gets better it'll even out So you could have a machine, but I would rather you do you can do it yourself
Starting point is 00:42:21 It's just that exhale because if you have a big belly To exhale all the way out takes a lot of effort So you have too much that's too much in there. I had um, I had a guy actually was a friend on facebook I never really met him, but he would wake up and he would almost be psychotic He'd have like some ptsd stuff. He was a vet happened and once they took him to the hospital And they looked at his co2 and it was super high Super high. So that's what happened is that he had too much in his body So he was it was toxic to his body
Starting point is 00:42:54 So I can tell you because of the belly and you're going to get rid of that belly and you're going to exhale And your whole body will squeeze so watch yourself when you cough because I just watched you cough and you Look at that. See how you cough you cough perfectly Which believe me not everybody coughs, right? But that's a good cough when you cough your belly squeezes because it's trying to get air out of your body, right? Beautiful. That's exactly what I want you to do with the breathing Is exhale all the way out. Does that make sense that like your belly's in the way of the exhale? It does make sense. So now what do people do?
Starting point is 00:43:26 Like because it's actually really crazy that you're here today Yeah I my dad loves everything and he he was watching and I cough a lot and like every time I get a cold now I get like bronchitis. Yeah, so if I if like, okay if I want to Explore more of this. Yeah, how do we like who do we come like contact you or like? Who do we talk about this? It's me Right or actually he's getting to be kind of an expert. So I don't know after saturday
Starting point is 00:43:53 You may have him right next to you. But uh, but it's your exhale you too with your exhale. Let me see you cough I See how your cough's better. Yeah, what did I do wrong? Yeah, so go ahead cough A little bit, right? So I want your exhale to be really big exhale really big exhale. So go ahead and exhale Okay, and now give me an inhale an exhale Now just regular exhale no cough. Yeah an exhale
Starting point is 00:44:25 See there's nothing you'll see you will teach you okay, but it's all up here again And this up here that's a stress breath and there's no lungs up there So pretty much what Lee's doing is that on the inhale he's picking up his shoulders and on the exhale is putting his shoulders down So you're breathing with your shoulders pretty much Which means your diaphragm is sitting right there in the middle of your body doing nothing I also have a problem that everyone yells at me when I do kettlebells that I stop breathing when I'm doing the kettlebells How do I fix that? Well, you know, you know when you swing it you kettlebells need the breath
Starting point is 00:44:57 Incredibly you can't do kettlebells and not breathe you cannot So pretty much the rule is exhale on effort Whatever you're doing at the gym when you're making an effort when you're pushing or pulling or Doing the kettlebell the effortful part of it You should be exhaling and that's going to make it actually easier to lift more weight And it does and I'm trying I it's something I have to focus on because while I'm doing it I'll focus too much on the act of doing and I people will be like breathe. Yeah, breathe But they should say exhale exhale because you're already in an inhale. You're kind of in a constant inhale
Starting point is 00:45:32 I need you to exhale. It's a similar thing actually similar Do you think the fat shocks our body the lungs the extreme weight the weight definitely The cortisol goes up, but your body gets toxic So it's inflamed and that's why you have the nose stuff going on is that the inflammation in your body from the weight Everything catapults from there So now you're fixing it from the bottom up now that you're breathing from the bottom up your body's less acidic because we actually We did this acidity, right?
Starting point is 00:46:02 So we're going to get yours to be better and yours is better when you breathe after class the other day You're at 6.8. So you actually got the inside of your body to be healthier by the end of class Your acidity changed significantly to the end of class And that just makes a huge difference. So I'm on a mission with you. I'm on a mission I know you are which is why I'm excited. I did like I said, I did the exercise thing that was interesting that I missed Well, I didn't remember it from the seminar was the ball on your lap And stretching your back. I did that one today. You know, I did the side, you know Intercostal stretches. Yeah
Starting point is 00:46:41 Exhaling and back up. I did it on both sides. I did the kettlebell. Like I said earlier I did the one where it's shana was now which is breathing I did a little bit of rock and roll and that one's good because I'm just that works on keeping my shoulders down So I just go out. Yeah, you did some interesting stuff where you breathe And then you take another breath and put your shoulders back And then let it all out that one. I didn't mess with because I was catching myself doing the wrong exercise I was catching myself doing the wrong for me. You know exactly what I was doing I was using my shoulders up instead of sucking and then going back, you know, I'm saying
Starting point is 00:47:19 So all these are from there some of them are from yoga some of the exercises from yoga Some are from martial arts like pretty much the system of russian special operations stuff Um and other martial arts and some of them are from free diving and surfing Um, so it's kind of a mix of different exercises from all different sports Including western pulmonary health and all the all the numbers that we took in the beginning Now do you do the seminar across the country in the jitsu schools or just all different schools? Yeah la and I move all over. I move all over. I do some I do the department of justice in san diego And I do the da in new york, actually
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yeah, and no other jitsu schools across the country like I what do I have coming up? Um Um I've got a couple corporations. I got some private patients Um, now how I learned about you was to jiu-jitsu magazine. Yeah, so let's pretend I'm a school right now In san antonio, texas and I want to bring it down for a saturday. How would they get a hold of you? They you know on the website or uh on the website and
Starting point is 00:48:24 Actually, if you just put in dr. Bellisa or breathing you'll always get a phone number or an email So dr. Bellisa at gmail.com Uh d r b e l i s a at gmail.com or there's a phone number up there as well 646 250 63 90 Now when when I went to your seminar the other day you handed me a book that's your a book and you have a couple books out I got a couple. Yeah, and are they all on the topic of breathing? No, they're not because Um, all within psychology. I've had a million different jobs So one of the jobs I had along the way was being the sex and health expert at men's fitness magazine So I have a couple books out there about relationships about relationships
Starting point is 00:49:04 Yeah, not that that's one of my strengths as you asked me before Before coming on the podcast. Yeah, you're very attractive. I like your style. You're very warm I was just I didn't know guarnic was made and I was serbian. We got serbian and cuban. Yeah Okay. Yeah, I wasn't trying to be this suspect. Not at all. I want to ask you a question very interesting question That I mentioned this before on the show. So I have no embarrassment here. We're talking to this family and I'm sure that not too many people have asked you this. Let's get it out of the way Breathing and sex Good topic great topic. I'm not trying to be
Starting point is 00:49:45 Before I said something off color I was talking to lee and I mean it towards you. You know, I love you. I said a little dick But I didn't say that's a joke. I just said it's a true. You know, we're talking here I consider you like family. Yeah when I meet cuban people Um, how I I test cuban people's I say a couple things years ago when I first got to LA I met this student in an audition and He was cuban from Miami and we spoke and I go listen I do this show we're at the commie store come on down, you know, I talk about my family on stage
Starting point is 00:50:18 At the end they ran out of there like a month later. I called the guy and he goes He was never that insulted And never been so ashamed to be cuban that he heard union city, you know, he was a cuban from uh, Michigan and the little community was not lacked him. So I've always been Very listen man, I went to another cuban's house with a bunch of other cubans and the cuban played mambo music and the parents went Buh fucking nannies Like and then we found out later. It was for racist motives whatever But you know, cubans are fucking weird people. So yeah
Starting point is 00:50:53 But for me with cubans, I'm too old to stick around. So I push an envelope more more dick You were very sweet And uh sex and breathing sex and breathing. Well, first of all, you know what? um I'm not gonna get I have thick skin and um, and I like I like when people are real, you know, I like when people are real. So, uh And I had this this sex and health background. So I was a sexpert for a while And uh, nothing, you know, and a psychologist for a while working with all kinds of people. So any weird question
Starting point is 00:51:27 I love the weird. Well, you said something very interesting. Let's break it down to fucking open. Yeah I don't want to leave the girl outside with the dog that much something. It's a bad neighbor. So we'll go like 15 moments This is a very interesting question okay, so before When I was a young kid, I was spooked into catholic religion You know spooked and you spooked about sex and your sexuality and you don't talk about it And everything I learned was at the fucking ball, you know
Starting point is 00:51:54 I'm saying and I went to a few movies with some godfathers with my godfather. I'd say a Ted or whatever and I was always ashamed. I don't know and yeah, you know, when you get to be high school You mess around with people you you get breasted your finger somebody whatever I was never I never just even thought about sex or nothing like that And then the summer before my mom died I met this little dirty white chick And we used to play around and shit because I used to drive him to southern girl In grandma school and that was a good dry hump. I could dry up for two or three hours You know what I'm saying? I could dry him to a whole side of the song
Starting point is 00:52:32 So her and I broke up shit evolves And no, we're fucking family here. I guarantee other guys have these problems and I'm telling you you said some things that the other day I was in the bathroom reading and I go wait a second She's fucking sharp So Me and this girl fooled around And listen, I don't know nobody knows if they're a Romeo or not. I mean nobody left this out This is vanity. You know nobody went home pissed off. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:53:01 You know wanting a refund, right? Yeah, nobody wants a refund, right? So After my mom died and years later I got a steady growth and I noticed that It was down to a minute And I have no reason to lie to you doctor, but I'm not trying to be funny. I mean Yeah, my ejaculate calm whatever a minute and a half it's all like it's all And sometimes I'm breathing heavy and sometimes I even get dizzy And sometimes I can't have sex in the morning because I get really like if it's early and I get warmed up
Starting point is 00:53:34 So the other day you said that sometimes your body goes into shock and your breathing changes. I didn't notice that I was maybe 20 You know now i'm 50. I can't believe I knocked my wife up Because these are the reasons why I don't break it down, but we're family here Does breathing affect your sex breathing? Absolutely tantra is based in breathing when you think people talk about tantric sex tantric sex You know, what does that mean tantra and breathing? It's the same thing So think about this in class. We talked about pelvic floor and people kind of laugh sometimes when they think Why are we talking about the bottom of our body?
Starting point is 00:54:13 Why are we talking about all the muscles between your legs and your thighs and your glutes and your lower abs? What does that have to do with breathing? They think breathing happens all the way up, you know by their shoulders top of the chest And the fact is that your pelvic floor Is involved you can take a better breath and this is the breathing through your balls that I talk about sometimes So if you inhale and you relax your pelvic floor and again, I'm going to actually go into detail If I talk about pelvic floor, it's the 20 muscles that are in the bottom part of your body And the the the very specific pelvic floor is your bicycle seat
Starting point is 00:54:49 So all those muscles that hit the bicycle seat, that's your pelvic floor as well So if you strengthen those muscles, you're going to strengthen your erection. You're going to strengthen Being able to last longer in bed So that's why I say when you exhale and you squeeze your lower abs and you squeeze your whole body Go ahead and squeeze your pelvic floor too. And by squeeze, I mean This is what you can try stopping the stream of urine midstream That's using some of your pelvic floor muscles Most of them not all of them or if you're trying not to pass gas and you squeeze
Starting point is 00:55:24 Those are kind of your pelvic floor muscles as well. It's not all your glutes if you're squeezing your glutes That's not your pelvic floor But if you work out those muscles by squeezing on the exhale, which is breathing through your balls Everything that has to do with sex is going to get better for men and for women So you're doing kegels pretty much Yeah So the takeaway with that is on the inhale relax your pelvic floor relax your hips relax your butt Okay, that's a reverse kegel on the exhale
Starting point is 00:55:54 Squeeze your belly squeeze your body and actually squeeze the muscles on the bottom part of your body the ones that hit the bicycle seat So you squeeze those and you let them go and you do that often when you breathe Letting go and squeezing and letting go and you're going to have a better erection if you're a man you're going to be able to Stay hard longer and for a woman you're also going to be able to have better orgasms. Yeah Crazy but true, right and you're oxygenating and all those other things. It's a really good multitask Right now everybody's squeezing right now. I can tell I can tell I'm looking at you guys Areas going like squeezing and letting go. Yeah, it's just really weird to put all the pieces together That's the problem. I've been having the last two days. Not really
Starting point is 00:56:41 It's when my mind goes away and I start and then I go, what the fuck am I doing? I'm I'm breathing out but my stomach's going the wrong fucking direction But I do notice one thing and I'm a very honest person. I do notice that on all my Exhales my stomach Can't go all the way in because of the amount of fat Now where is your diaphragm? Okay, so diaphragm. Let's do this So you put your fingers up by your sternum that little notch right there
Starting point is 00:57:10 All right, and then you walk them around and everybody should do this Go ahead and walk them around that front rib and see if you can stick your fingers Underneath that front rib and kind of give it a little tug Yeah, okay, so tug it out a little bit now your ribs are attached to your sternum like handles on a pail And they should come out horizontally when you inhale And they should squeeze together and your body should get narrower on the exhale Keep your fingers going around that rib around the side. You're going to hit that floating rib once you get to the side Keep going
Starting point is 00:57:42 Now if you get your fingers and have them go all the way to your back Okay, but imagine them going all the way to your back. So your diaphragm is attached all the way around that bottom rib It's a huge muscle the size of a you know medium-sized pizza Right in the middle of your body and it's the enterprise That's a really important muscle to have it smack in the middle of your body And lee for instance here is not using his diaphragm because he doesn't know how to yet He's using his shoulders still but right now when you inhale and you let your body relax and expand And you exhale and you squeeze it. That's you using your diaphragm
Starting point is 00:58:20 So you're doing it Good stuff Well Mayday mayday mayday coming again. This is very The seminar I left there First off the next day I woke up and my head felt different My head felt I don't drink and I don't smoke, you know smoke even numbers But my head felt different
Starting point is 00:58:47 Like something different that happened And then the next day I felt my back because the next day I went at it pretty hard and I reread The beginning and I made some notes and I did some of the exercise and I remembered a few things And I remember one of the exercises I could see that my shoulders were moving too much So I stopped doing the exercise until next week When I go to now, what's the difference between two and warrior? I gotta actually remind you that you also you you also had a nice poop, right because Yes, ma'am. Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:17 That's the clinical word. That's the clinical word for that. Hey, you know, given how constipated we all are as a country You got to celebrate a good poop when you have one, right? So the breathing even helps to poop. Absolutely. We'll have to digestion. It helps to digestion So everything gets better because think about this actually leaves thinking. What does hell is that? Is that if your diaphragm is pushing down on your on your organs, they're all getting a massage So if you have acid reflux, it's going to help with that constipation irritable bowel But if you breathe with your shoulders nada nothing So that's why you got to learn to breathe with the middle part of your body
Starting point is 00:59:51 But uh, okay, so the advance you can't go straight to the advance without taking the beginning class It's just you have all that information has to sink in But the advance we actually when it's a jujitsu class is that we do Different types of breathing in your body. So we do a lateral breath. We do a back breath We do a lower body breath and upper body breath But in different positions because jujitsu is super interesting in that You are always In a compromised position pretty much in any other sport. You're in an uncomfortable position sometimes
Starting point is 01:00:22 But in jujitsu, you're always going to be in a position that's awkward. It's just the nature of the sport I'm so fat that this time I'm on top of you and I can't fucking breathe That's when you know, you're a fat fuck When I'm on top of you in side control And I'm having a fucking hard time breathing and I ain't even moving I'm holding on to you like you're a fucking rope and there's an earthquake. You understand me. I ain't going nowhere I'm holding on to your neck if the earth tips over You know, I'm taking it that's them. I'm amazing that they told me, you know, when you pass the guard
Starting point is 01:00:55 Breathe and catch your breath And sometimes because you know, you get caught up or they're holding your gi You know, when they hold your gi and you can't move and You know, in my world, I know it's just to keep breathing. You just keep breathing, you know, just keep breathing and keep breathing But once you pass the guard you I would lay down just to catch my breath and sometimes it was worse Well, one thing is that if you're breathing in a dysfunctional way if you're breathing using your shoulders That's a teeny tiny breath
Starting point is 01:01:25 So if you're prone to take a teeny tiny breath when you have friction of the other person or the mat on you It's not going to work So that lower body breath is a much more efficient breath That's why I like working with athletes is that you take a breath through the lower part of your body using your diaphragm That's worth six breaths on top. So you want to be able to breathe Efficiently when you only have a couple seconds to catch your breath So You know in the like you asked in the advanced class
Starting point is 01:01:55 We take all the exercises we did in the first class and then we make them a lot harder So that they really become challenging So we do them in inversions. We do all those breaths that we did upside down So that's what we got coming up on uh on saturday Is that we're doing them upside down. We're doing them in all different positions and then we do a lot of yeah, yeah, yeah I hope you got some fucking assuming rest is that a we got some I'll bring some to class We do them in different ways and then we talk specifically about fighting. So Um center of gravity, you know, you want to breathe in a way that lowers your center of gravity
Starting point is 01:02:31 You want to breathe in a way that helps you tolerate pain? Um Smothering so we get a little bit more specific which is nice which is nice If it's just jiu-jitsu, then we just talk about your jiu-jitsu is which is nice if it's people from all different fighting backgrounds that when you can use examples from all different fighting backgrounds, but Um, you know, like we started talking about is that if you're stacked or neon you can't breathe Well, how are you going to breathe when you are in those two positions that are Really difficult to breathe in and that's you know, some of the things that we do
Starting point is 01:03:00 I love talking about fighting and breathing. I can do it all day so a lot of times like Do you see that stage north cut fight a few months ago where he he tapped? But it wasn't really in but he said later on he had like a flu and couldn't breathe so Do you do you work with fighters then click change their entire careers? If they're not like gassing out all the time, you know what? I haven't I you know I had the first fighter I had was a brown belt Gracie brown belt and he had plateaued and he would gas while he was fighting and he would also get very nervous
Starting point is 01:03:33 So he came to me because he wanted to get his black belt and he did he worked like a fiend And he got his black belt because those were the two things that were holding him back And thankfully those were the his technique was amazing. He was super talented But you know, he would run out of energy and he would get nervous So that's perfect for breathing. I got him over those two things. Now. How about nerves? Uh-huh. Well, if you're breathing upper body breath Are you talking about nerves while you're fighting or before? Listen fighting and comedy before you go on stage. It's the exact same fear
Starting point is 01:04:07 Okay, you know, I tell people all the time that I wear long shirts I wear long shirts because I hate traveling with underwear I rather smuggle on weed or Something more important than five pair of my underwear, you know five pair of my underwear can feed a fucking village You know I'm saying so Sometimes on the saturday you you work out you jump in a pool And you forget to put underwear and you forget to take your underwear up before you jump in the pool sometimes So I actually had my underwear counted for four days
Starting point is 01:04:35 So sadly on stage you have to go on stage And sometimes I pain my pants from the anxiety before I go on stage And it's the same fear for that one Minute and a half I talk and it makes you a good fighter or comedian or a good jujitsu guy That's what we don't We have to just use it. Yeah, it's very weird and I know how to do it and stand them. Yeah, I'm the master I forced myself to Once I hit that foot
Starting point is 01:05:04 My goal is to touch that mic as quick as I can So whatever fear I have in my stomach. I've already learned how to get it out through the microphone. It goes out Their laughter comes back in and feeds me and we got a tennis match going Now we got an energy tennis match going. I haven't figured out how to transform that into jujitsu kettlebells now with weights I could in my mind take the rack off exhale
Starting point is 01:05:35 correct inhale Exhale on the way up inhale exhale. I know this going in now when I'm walking on the treadmill From a systemic guy that we had on the show The problem was the heat in the room at the other place messed up the tape And I'm going to call him and get it on I get get him back on the podcast he spoke about because
Starting point is 01:05:59 There's a jujitsu school in hollywood In uh bellie hills and they have a system of school. It's a system of jujitsu school to he give machado And uh, I forget what he's a great guy this guy No, I smoke too much pot But one time him and I were speaking and he goes, this is what I want you to do. Just go for a walk in the park And I want you to start with two steps. I want you to exhale on two inhale on two Exhale on two then go to three and then four then five and six And he was telling me what he could do with my mind almost fucking blew up
Starting point is 01:06:34 So when you mention to stem it in your system, you know, whatever whether it's a couple of warm-ups what I'm going to do now is the next Fucking eight months I'm going to do all these warm-up exercises as part of my warm-up for either kettlebells or jujitsu Or lifting I'm going to do the side stretches the breathing the weights I'm going to put a fucking tank on my fucking stomach. You understand? I'm going to put lee I want lee to put his head in my stomach and lift his feet up like a somersault
Starting point is 01:07:04 We're going to be podcast diesel a you and I Because I know the breathing exercises already helped me And jujitsu today a little bit Not that I submitted anybody anything but I had more energy I moved a little bit more And I focused on the exhale beautiful. I focused on the exhale all the way to the end And it did lower a little bit of the anxiety Good it should it should because neurologically it puts you in a lower state of anxiety. So yeah
Starting point is 01:07:37 Yep Yeah, your nervous system and we talked about this in classes your nervous system Here's be in fight in flight when you breathe with your shoulders So you can't be anything but anxious when you breathe with an upper body breath. So when I'm working with You know, I actually had a particular swat guy who was uh, he was having panic attacks in the truck And uh, I had to teach him how to breathe with a lower body breath and then talk to himself to pull himself down to calm himself down So it's that lower body breath so that that makes you feel better your neurological system Then you can talk to yourself, but you can't talk to yourself and still be telling your body neurologically to be calm down
Starting point is 01:08:18 Because it's not going to listen Even as uh, you'll see the godfather Before he goes to shoot so lots over at the restaurant You know, that's why he's such a great director at the guy. I forget what his name is francis He he you hear a train stop me Now you're a sweetheart of a human being i'm telling you this from experience before you do something bad To that level and then I did a lot of things in that level Your body unless you're a fucking psychopath, which I think it doesn't happen the psychopath
Starting point is 01:08:52 But it happened to me. I know whenever I would do something bad The adrenaline rush combined with your breath gets taken away. It's like If I knew for example right now that lee and you had 20 000 dollars in cash here and a kilo blow And my friends dropped me off on the corner by the cemetery there By the time he dropped me off by the time I crossed the street I would be breathing so hard just thinking about it telling you the story My breath has Risen just thinking about it because I know what I have to do. I gotta kick that fucking gate down like zambo
Starting point is 01:09:33 I either got to kick that door down Shoot it or well or jump up here And get you know, the only out here where the fuck you guys gonna go You have to jump off the balcony and get around the building So by the time I jump up here, I got a gun to the door. It's over. I gotta get through here get the gun You know what's going through my fucking head? And I used to control that don't ask me how I did that. There was no book named fucking breathe There was no book named fucking breathe
Starting point is 01:10:01 It was when I get in the car It was like I had just run 22 miles Like you felt that worn out that that's how that much adrenaline should now in hindsight I know this from 30 years experience, but 20 years ago. I didn't know this stupidity how That short period of time probably at least starting to make noises that means he's really fucking high I was wondering what that little purring Little purring noises over here. Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:34 He gets too fucking high and he says praying for his soul He can hear me please please jesus help me Please jesus help me so it was really weird You control that and that's what's happening to me in jujitsu and every time I go to jujitsu I go for two more things To last a little longer on top and breathe Or to complete something like the other day I completed a sweep when I was really tired and I tapped The guys said come on you had me I go I'm done I'm good. I did two rounds in this whatever I swept you and uh, I like when I uh
Starting point is 01:11:11 When somebody's on top of me and I last a little longer Because my anxiety that was I learned how to create a frame Stay there hold them down until I get them Hopefully if they pull away I try to escape, you know, I've learned all these little things which has given me more confidence So, uh, these are the little things I work on for my breathing just so my breathing gets better. I love that and because You've learned in a way
Starting point is 01:11:38 I teach in a quantifiable way and that's what I like you got this number And you're gonna get to this number and then you're gonna get to this number So it's all about these little steps or big ones because I could see you taking big ones but It's all about steps to get bigger and uh, and you're doing them you already automatically Go to about 30 seconds. I want 45. I'm at a minute. I want two minutes Well, the breath hold is still a little difficult. Don't worry about the breath hold the first time is still get stuck Yeah, and the second time I have to look away
Starting point is 01:12:09 I have to look away and focus and not have the clock around me And I've been hitting like 34 32. That's fine. I don't want you practicing the breath holds are not that big of a deal I'm more than anything. I want you breathing through your nose because you know that the nose breathing is super important We're gonna get your nose better. You know, one of my biggest fears the breath is there's an earthquake Something I gotta run with my daughter And she's 40 pounds and all I could do is run a half a fucking block and Godzilla's behind me We're playing through Japanese guys in a fucking drum So every morning when I walk out of school
Starting point is 01:12:42 I try to last a little longer and I pick her up and I just walk with her and I just focus on my breathing I don't focus on how heavy she is or how pretty she is or how nice her head looks I focus on my breathing, you know, my exhale my exhales. I've been working on it because it fucking Patrifies me. No, you got it and because we're putting upside down on saturday. So How Can you please take a picture? I will take a picture. Do I get to hold myself? I'm not gonna even tell you because yeah, yeah, it's gonna be a surprise But you know, you brought something up that's important which is
Starting point is 01:13:16 The endurance and sports if you can get your breathing muscles to be stronger Then you don't gas, you know, then you don't have this feeling of not being able to of losing motivation of losing focus So those breathing muscles, I mean, yeah, we're getting you to breathe the right way Through the right orifice, but a lot of it is strengthening your muscles. It's not, you know, it's not brain surgery It's making sure your intercostals your obliques your abs your pelvic floor your diaphragm are all working Just like any other muscle you want to be stronger period So that's a little sore in the morning that you get which is good. I want you to be sore
Starting point is 01:13:55 I want you to have that feeling of why am I my middle of my body is sore. That's weird or i'm breathing in my back I feel it in my back. That's why well sunday The seminar was saturday And sunday and monday Nothing happened with my back only something in class when you made the stretches a certain way But tuesday, I was walking mercy to school And I was focusing on my breathing. I didn't I didn't fucking get my wife started in no conversation I just walked three feet ahead of making believe I was thinking about something and I really focused on my breathing
Starting point is 01:14:29 And at the light I guess when I had to stop I could feel my back moving around my little fat And I was like, okay, we're getting somewhere. I'm bringing that to life. You know I'm saying we're getting somewhere So and you used to breathe that way I mean one of the reasons why it's not that hard or it makes sense anyway Is because you used to breathe this way when you were little it was a long time ago But you used to breathe this way and now I could make my body remember your body can remember by over exaggerating the movements Yeah, because it's kind of testing you to see are you going to let me breathe this way?
Starting point is 01:15:02 Because it wants to your body the only reason god put the diaphragm in the very middle of your body that huge muscle Very center of your body right below your heart. So you could breathe with it Right and you haven't been at all and now it's sort of going. Can I use can I work? Are you going to let me do this for real? So it's sort of Seeing if you're okay and you're really going to use it or you're going to go back to shoulder breathing and Make it not do anything again So, yeah, it's just your body checking you to see like are you really are we really going to work together now? Because when you breathe with your diaphragm when you read the right way
Starting point is 01:15:35 Your whole body is working together and you should get some kind of a feeling of that of like I feel like My whole body is inhaling and exhaling I feel like I feel more unified in some way Maybe not right away, but see if it comes to you You're a bad motherfucker Let me give you some shout outs and I'll ask you some more questions. We'll get you out of here My main man James Wilson always emailing me Little jiu-jitsu drills. He sent me a kettlebell workout. This is what's good about this health thing that everybody kicks in a little bit
Starting point is 01:16:08 My man Alex Costino and shit Dak Z Not Rob G the octopus fire god is bet Paul Savage Sean scooter Brandon Lee no brandy Lee My girl from Minneapolis and my main man and his dad bob lalingus
Starting point is 01:16:31 What are you fucking nuts? So what? So you do the Breathing for warriors to this satellite now when you go to new york is there a breathing for warriors one? Yes, we have a breathing for warriors one is End of may I don't even know my own schedule end of may And then we've got a teacher training Which is uh going to be either the end of may or the beginning of june Which is exciting because I've had and actually that was not my idea
Starting point is 01:16:59 I've had so many people who train or who are physical therapists say can I learn this? How do I learn this? I want to be able to teach this to My clients my patients so the teacher training is going to be fun and I love teaching I mean you give me a group of people that are interested in anatomy and psychology and You know I'm in heaven watch it's weird because enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm And uh, I'm not a big fucking seminar guy. I wouldn't make this was very important to me because I almost quit doing jiu-jitsu because of this because every time I was going to jiu-jitsu You know, I thought I was gonna die of a heart attack
Starting point is 01:17:37 But I kept going more and more just working on my breathing working on my breathing You know if it was one more hip escape don't worry about it as long as you breathe yourself out of there So this was a big decision Of whether or not I wasn't going to quit jiu-jitsu never had horror stories that one There's a guy at Higgin Machado's That rolled one day I know he left class he sat on the way home his left arm started hurting His wife told him to drive himself to the hospital
Starting point is 01:18:04 They did a double bypass they put balloons in his leg and shit and he's back doing jiu-jitsu You know You've got to love the valour But I don't want to be you know I'm saying so I'm trying to be careful I know the one answer is like I just got to drop 100 fucking pounds But that's easier said than done and I gotta tell you When I first attacked this diet thing It had to be when I was about 45 or 46 when I cleaned up
Starting point is 01:18:33 And It's become double hearty and Uh burning calorie wise because I walk a lot now. I forced myself to walk. I walked to the weed store now I walked the baby to school You know if I have a chance to walk I walk to the office You know and so let's just work everything and I could tell there's no ice cream in my house My wife gets fucking ice cream from time but you get from the The Mexican ice cream man. He shows up at 6 30 the little cones are delicious. But besides that
Starting point is 01:19:04 I'm not like a sweet guy and like that if I eat marijuana when you eat marijuana It's a tough fucking devil if I can beat when I smoke marijuana. I don't even need to eat It's eating marijuana that if I stay up past 11 40 The refrigerator is done. You know I'm saying Now I've dropped the weight. I know I burned off secondary calories I avoid chips. I try to avoid french fries only when this fucking demon over here takes me to a place called stout I'm a horrible influence. They got I apologize They got onion rings with horseradish, you know
Starting point is 01:19:41 Oh my god, you just find that thick and the burgers are delicious and I'm not even a cheeseburger, dude, so And they're open late. It's great. Oh, shit So I'm uh, I'm a burger without the bun type of do the town So I live a little burger without the bun and the protein shakes and the drinks You're trying to get me to like I said, I drank I tried that green drink with a lot of apples Oh my god, how about grapes in next time if you if you that's what I eat, but everything sugar Because out the fish Let me taste some this fucking thing tastes. It's so bad. I can't do it anymore. It's like I told my wife. I go, you know
Starting point is 01:20:17 people have to understand that When you're 20 you still listen. I I didn't eat sushi till I was 26 and I fucking love sushi today But they caught me early. I knew at fucking nine The cauliflower wasn't for me. I knew at nine that broccoli was not for me There is no better dish Looking wise eyeball Then broccoli with cheese on top, especially when you smoke 10 fucking joints and you're a hungry kid Nothing looks better. None of that shit has ever appealed to me tofu
Starting point is 01:20:48 I wouldn't eat fucking tofu if that was the only food left on earth. I was a starf I'd rather rake up in Africa with that kiwi mosquito bite me or some shit like that Then eat that fucking tell you the shape of this fucking zombo. You'd rather wake up in Africa Fucking eat that tofu shit I mean, you know, that's a little bit extreme doing the dog. I'm telling you right now I take it out of my hot and sour soup. Okay. I don't fuck around even I don't even put my I don't even taste hot and sour soup
Starting point is 01:21:20 Until all the tofu was out of there. Why what is it gonna do to you because it just it destroys me the texture would fucking kill me The texture kills me all that shit kills me if I were to like that I would have liked it a long time and trust me. There's not I'm a fat fuck There's not that many foods out there That I wouldn't like soup. I don't like two seconds Listen, I didn't want tofu on my table You understand me, but I like hot and sour soup, but I have a job to take it out of there myself So that's what I do. There's certain things I can't eat dr. Belize. I just can't do
Starting point is 01:21:53 And I've tried just breathe. Do you know what I ate today? What spinach? Oh Like I could eat spinach, but it's got to be made a certain way It's got to be doped up heavy-duty Garlic fresh garlic cut it thin a little butter and then throw the spinach in there and mix it up nice That the thought you get some black bean rubbish with some Some whatever I went to Listen, man, I went to my today
Starting point is 01:22:19 I had a meeting at three and the people wanted to take me to eat lunch first. I said, all right Let's go eat lunch. I put a suit on They took me to a nice place white people I went in there and I got everybody was eating steaks like canna wars What do you think I had a nice piece of salmon? With a Bean hash with spinach I didn't touch the bread and I had the And I had the chopped spinach with anchovies because
Starting point is 01:22:44 What'd you drink water and ice tea beautiful and you didn't touch the bread basket a plus Yeah, yeah, we think you're dealing with some fucking novice. I'm trying to pick up the heat. Yeah, and it's tough I did take a spoonful out of the chocolate mousse. I know that's okay. No, you need a spoonful cream. Yeah No, no, that's okay. I wanted you to from 11 to 12 to that you can do that You deserve a little fucking eat the flan eat the flan. No, I know I know no it's from that movie. Remember eat the flan Real women have curves. I don't remember. Yeah, you got to see that with america If you eat fucking flans, you have a lot of fucking curves There's two flans you can eat. Okay. There's the flan you can eat at your fucking friends restaurant
Starting point is 01:23:25 That's tremendous. You you haven't expressed so when everybody giggles Somebody might go home and smut and fart one of those almond farts from the flan Or you go to a real cuban's house where they make it with condensed milk. Yep, and it weighs 22 fucking pounds for a tray. It's like a lasagna and you're like this supposed to be a dessert You can't figure out why Until you eat it and you sit there and your body composition changes I want to see you lick one of those fucking things after you eat a piece of flan whip thing. It's black It turns black. My mom does not cook but she makes flan flan they fucking love
Starting point is 01:24:00 Cubans will make a flan that'll kill you with the egg yolks. I mean everything sometimes That's how I like it. I like the coconut, but that'll kill you Heavy it's heavy too. You'll get a piece of flan. It's really heavy. It's too heavy. There's like two. It's two pounds for a slice Yeah, and I because it's at portos. I don't know if it's cuban though, but trace lages. Is that cuban or no? Is that mexican? I think that's more mexican. Okay, but that's crazy too like Just cubans have a great dessert that I loved and my mother loved and I gotta say it was probably I hate to say this god, but it was probably what contributed factors to heart attack There's a dish called matilla
Starting point is 01:24:40 and it's a custard But it's poured over entomines pound cake I know with cinnamon and you put in the freezer and it gets hard Then you pull it out and eat it while you're watching the honeymoons. Oh my god, that sounds amazing And that's the end of the fucking show right there. You understand? That's how good that is and there's one place that makes it just like my mother With that and I'm not I wouldn't even tell nobody else. I'm telling you motherfuckers because my girl's here. What do you live in new york?
Starting point is 01:25:10 I'm on upper west side. You have cuban food not by you. No, I gotta go up a little further. You gotta go up by it Yeah, but a couple blocks. You gotta got it. I got that on Man It's okay. It's not like, you know, it's not every I like cafe con leche Down on 16th 16th and 16th and 8th avenue. They're from but they're yeah, they're porto rican. They're from uh Cabo rojo. No, no, no victor's cafe Ah, you know, there's not there's uh How say I'm at this place it is it's up on 136 that's you just have to go uptown not in my immediate neighborhood
Starting point is 01:25:46 We just got a lot of bagels. We got bagels and locks It gets in my mother fucking world. You know what I'm saying? Stop it. Uh, dr. Bliss. Thank you very much for coming on I just want people to know, you know, a lot of people Who go to jiu-jitsu or black? But I mean I people always hit me up like it's like james wilson He sends me exercises. He sent me something called the The goat bag blaster for cardios. You got a kettlebell. I told lea And you pick it up. What's that call when you hold it around healing you do a squat. Um, yep
Starting point is 01:26:19 Hoogler or whatever the fuck it is gobbled squat gobbled squat Oh, I love those you do five of those and then you turn it over and you listen to this You put this in your diaphragm the bottom of the ball And you spread your legs just a little bit. No, I'm still shoulder and you bend over instead of doing swings And strengthen your back that way to help with your to help with your uh hip escapes It it does something to your hip joints. It makes them a little stronger. I did that's the work I did the other days. I do some turkish get-ups with my shoe Because my shoulders kind of loose. Yeah, I'll do some cleans. I'll do some one-art swings
Starting point is 01:26:56 And some squats and that's the end of that. She does uh, uh yoga class for jiu-jitsu Specifically yoga for jiu-jitsu. Where Eren at Eren does it at dynamics here in la. Does she She did something like 10 planets. No, I think she I mean she might do the class there as well Yeah, we'll pull her in here and ask but it's a yoga for jiu-jitsu class. Okay, we know and they could go to dynamic And that's anthony harden jump. Why was that? Yeah, that's a great place great place and I'll be back there with you sadly Thank you very much for coming on Just to know that our acidic level was okay. They have to eat a piece of Cuban food Your acidic level was perfect now and I mean this isn't you know, man
Starting point is 01:27:36 This isn't one of our typical podcasts, but I thought you were so interesting and so open up Can you tell us more about your book real quick? Yeah, it's called breathe I mean and and anybody who emails me and says I heard about you from the podcast I will send you a book. So just write to me. Give me your address. I'll send you a book Um, it gives you the basics that we learn in class. It's not as good as class, of course But it'll definitely give you the basics and I'm teaching all over the place and if you want me to come teach wherever you live is just about setting up Setting up a class and I'll come over not a problem back to new york
Starting point is 01:28:09 When you look at your apartment Because I think you're as interesting as fuck And I think that you should alert more people of this thing you're doing because I tell you man Listen Leonard Skinner's got a book out. I read four pages a day I've been reading the book for two fucking months I read four or five pages a day not because I don't like one. It's kind of because I got a lot on my plate I've read your book three days in a row like 10 pages So there's something in there, especially for me because this is a big fear of mine, man
Starting point is 01:28:38 So thank you for uh, you know, tell me about your seminar for staying on top of me And i'm going back sun saturday to get fucking part two of warriors. Yeah, and even if I get Five seconds more cardio and I get to just keep working on it Do you want me to do it in the beginning and after class or just the beginning of class? Often is possible right now like right now when your body's learning this If you can do it twice a day and then every single time because I see you you're reminding yourself You're sitting here and everyone's well. You'll you'll do an exercise or two, which is perfect because right now your body's kind of open to Uh, you know learn something new so as often as possible right now because the more you do it
Starting point is 01:29:19 The more it's going to sink in and you're going to click over and it's going to become natural Yeah, thank you. Beautiful. Thank you. Thank you, doctor. Let me talk to you about something you savages here Real quick. Don't forget as usual on it Then my people they take care of us. I just brought in some, uh Where is it that over there? I don't know who cares it's some uh, it's some, uh What is it called alpha brain alpha brain the instant stuff I got some sense to me tremendous if you do a lot of flying And you get that jet lag at the end as usual, you know me you got me with shroom tech
Starting point is 01:29:56 That's as good as it gets in my world. You get a little bit more endurance You know when you leave there sometimes you think you're winded, but you're really not you just left because You thought it was time to leave and that's what shroom tech sport does You have shroom tech immune again if you fly and getting people breathing in your fucking neck and then you go home and you call What good is it? So you need some shroom tech, uh Immune on it has a great selection of all different stuff. Do me a favor Go to on it.com. Take a look at what they got from the mct oil To the to the shroom tech to the what else lead to the to the testosterone booster
Starting point is 01:30:33 The alpha brain with 100 money back down on the dolce way protein The dolce way protein, which you're almost fucking done with already It's delicious Listen, just go to on it.com put everything on a cart Press in church ch you are ch And get 10% off 10% off the top right off and it gets delivered To your goddamn door. Who's better than you? Huh? You don't have to leave the fucking house
Starting point is 01:31:02 You get chinese delivered you get on it delivered What else? Also, this is one of my favorites. I've gotten some great little reviews on this You know, you got smart cars smart phones smart homes Technology has made everything smart But losing your stuff still makes smart people feel really stupid Tracker makes losing things a thing of the past Tracker is a coin size device
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Starting point is 01:32:27 t h e tracker dot com and enter promo code church The hardest thing you'll ever have to find is their website. Go to tracker dot com right now and enter tracker dot com Go to the tracker dot com go to the La la la go go to the tracker dot com right now and enter promo code church for 30% off your entire order Again, that's the tracker dot com Promo code church. I want to thank tracker. I want to thank honnit I want to thank dr. Belize. I want to thank my main man. Lisa. Yeah, I want to thank staff one I want to thank everybody for being nice people for listening to the show tonight
Starting point is 01:33:09 And have a good weekend. We'll be back monday ready a fucking rock and roll. Don't forget Next thursday night. I'm in buffalo motherfucking new york Straight up at helium comedy club next thursday night And the week after that i'm in indianapolis dr. Belize. We want to stop by. We'll do some fucking breathing exercise In indianapolis, you know what i'm saying? And that's it. What are you doing this weekend tarsan mama coming over? Uh, yeah, she's coming over for the boy last week. She's now i'm gonna be home Also, they call him saturday night and he's half fucked up. What's the matter lee?
Starting point is 01:33:47 Oh What are you doing us together? He was all panicking and she's probably panicking. You still not wearing the robe She was there. She wears the broken the fuck is wrong when you're still walking around with your physique with long boxes You know it's on and shit when you wear the robe, you know it does I get too hot when i'm in the road. Forget that it makes you fucking Mysterious, they don't know what you're packing under that one. You know, it's been three years. She knows exactly what i'm back You gotta show up with different costumes friday night. You're a bull rider saturday. You're a fucking exorcism
Starting point is 01:34:19 And they all wear robes. No, you wear different outfits. She thinks it's a different person. You talk in different languages You gotta keep it interesting. You got that three year mark If not, it goes sour. I don't even have a book world. I don't even have a relationship on books. This is my name This is my new venture You gotta get a cape and like a tarsan mask for how like how many can't rotate them No, you gotta wear the same thing every night. No dummy. You gotta rotate them. No, but like okay, so like every week You're a fucking surprise. Right. All right, but like let's say i'm a cowboy, right? Right Do I have an ongoing story like three months down the road? Do I like come back and like listen?
Starting point is 01:34:57 You know what? Whatever your imagination. Let's lose whatever makes paula happy if she wants it to be an ongoing story Like you come to town every three months Smack her around throw it to the kitchen table and then make love to her and leave that works Then you come back and add like a doctor. You hemander and heal until you love her Singing the song turn around Every now and then I feel a little and then you fucking leave and you come back as charles bronce and you leave money on this counter Take it. I'm not a whore You know what i'm saying? You gotta play. I don't know. I don't do that shit. You know me. I'm a
Starting point is 01:35:33 I'm a latin lover. I don't know what costumes were you were in your rotation. I only had one dog a cape No, you didn't yeah with with work boots on balls ass naked. That's how I roll when I was in my hate Black that's what underneath with nothing but skin and work boots on When you show up with a cape with work boots and a grandma blow you're running a fucking game. You know what i'm saying? Did you tie it together and like run? Did I what do you like run around with a cape? I would do a little dance You know how I do you just don't show up with your dick in your hand You gotta have a little cape and do a little dance women like to dance. I'd say hypnotize
Starting point is 01:36:09 I'll use your fucking brain lee. We'll talk about this off air We'll be back monday eight o'clock the next wednesday. I love you guys with all my heart Buffalo get your shit together again. I'd like to thank dr. Belize. Is there a website? Dr. Belisa.com or Dr. Belisa.com or the breathing class All right, you're beautiful. Lee you got a website I do at leecyat.com and I just did a great episode of life in neutral with johnny rock We told you it was great. There's somebody rated. Yeah, the new york times contact you cocksucker. Sure. Don't be lying and shit
Starting point is 01:36:42 The what is it? Uh, no, he's got a good show. Lisa. Yeah, Lisa. Yeah in this kid. I've known him for a long time. They work really hard The onions. Yeah, so the joke stay black This show is brought to you by tracker never lose anything again with tracker Listen Listeners to this show in a special 30% discount off their entire order. Go to the tracker.com T he tracker.com enter promo code church And go to on it.com and use promo code church to get 10% off all of their good optimization products like alpha brain and new mood
Starting point is 01:37:30 So Hey Hey, I'm your life. I'm no one who takes you there. Hey I'm your life. I'm no one who cares Hey I'm your only two friends now. Hey They'll be great. I'm forever there I'm your dream make you real on your eyes when you are still on your pain when you can't feel
Starting point is 01:38:48 Sad but true I'm your dream My industry I'm your eyes, but I'll go away. I'm your pain while you remain. You know it's sad but true Sad but true Oh Yo, you're my mask. You're my cover my shelter You you're my mask. You're the one who's playing Do do my work do my dirty work stinko
Starting point is 01:39:35 Do do my deep for you're the one who's shamed I'm your dream make you real on your eyes when you must steal I'm your pain when you can't feel Sad but true I'm your dream my industry I'm your eyes while you're away. I'm your pain while you remain. You know it's sad but true Sad but true You
Starting point is 01:40:36 Oh I'm your dream I'm your eyes I'm your pain I'm your dream I'm your eyes I'm your pain You know it's sad but true
Starting point is 01:41:36 I'm your hate. I'm your hate when you want love. Hey pay the price pay for nothing's fair I'm your life. I'm the one who took you there I'm your life, and I no longer care I'm your dream make you real. I'm your eyes when you must steal. I'm your pain when you can't feel Sad but true I'm your truth telling lies. I'm your reason. I'll advise. I'm inside open your eyes I'm your Oh
Starting point is 01:42:30 Sad but true

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