Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #374 - Frank Mir and Richard Hunter

Episode Date: April 26, 2016

Frank Mir, Two time UFC Heavyweight World Champion and host of the Phone Booth Fighting MMA podcast along with Richard Hunter, join Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio. This podcast is brought to ...you by:   Texture. Go To texture.com/JOEY to get a free trial for the Texture App. The Texture App gives the use access to hundreds of magazines.   Helix Sleep: Go to helixsleep.com/JOEY to get $50 off of your order.   Onnit.com - Use Promo code CHURCH for a discount at checkout.   Recorded live on 04/25/2016.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 tormenting him 30 minutes before you got there the Diaz why I had him all fucked up I am so psychologically bent that he was actually thinking and then he would turn to me and say I know who you are I know who you are he didn't know dick I never saw that fucking moron before in my life I was at a fucking hotel in Miami and some people said do you want to come play basketball Jose Canseco's having a party and I went over there and he wasn't there some fucking dude his friend had a party a bunch of people they're playing basketball and I was there for maybe an hour I fucking left that was it but it
Starting point is 00:00:51 was funny that's how I started torturing him I was at your house that remember over by the beach remember that once I was breaking his house down for him I was getting I was like Alfred fucking Hcock I couldn't get away with him and he fucking kept looking at me and turning away and I kept tormenting him and tormenting him little by little at the same time the audience people I get to get him the fuck out of here the audience people I like fuck you can say go fuck you and right down the middle of all this you walk up and I go you go what's going on and I go this fucking mutt and he heard it he heard
Starting point is 00:01:33 it the poor bastard that he is he didn't even he showed up with his daughter with a mini skirt on do you remember she had like a fucking mini skirt and he had the chick with him yeah and by this point people start to throw little things out and finally security saw it and came and pulled them out that's what saved people do you mean you know I was right he'll kill me he would beat the fuck out of me he was right in front of me then I put any bravo on him to torture him to tell me needed to learn jiu-jitsu don't be talking to me you need to talk to him you want to fight people you need to learn jiu-jitsu now I had him all fucked up
Starting point is 00:02:05 now I had him all he was in bankruptcy court you understand and then I got my hands on him I was tormenting him that poor bastard he had no idea he had no he wrote that book he's do a little bit yeah that's it he's do you got a torment him you have to torment him he sold his soul once you sell your soul and the funny thing is he's got like eight million people on for on Twitter found yeah like he's a walking business and he's a fucking moron I mean hey you know what we all have you know skeletons in our closet oh please if you want to go ahead and you know you want to sell your business do you do it you don't throw
Starting point is 00:02:42 everybody else down with it you know the man no you'll never and even like like Sammy the bogevana to come out and he'll get a medal but this guy I don't know he did something that people really fucking got pissed off on him about which is like fuck with baseball yeah just you know this kind of man law you know I mean like you know you go out a bunch of guys I don't give a shit you know everybody's on their own you know one of my buddies his wife calls my wife and goes hey did you know and then my wife looks at me goes do you know I'm like I don't know anything she knows I'm not gonna know what's the model of the
Starting point is 00:03:13 show I don't know nothing I don't know nothing I don't want to know nothing I wasn't there I don't even know what you're talking to the person you got to worry about his man I really don't know what people people come up to me and ask me questions what this guy's for I don't know what you're talking about phone them so all right they look at you all weird my wife always goes how do you do that I was raising a home where they you know meet all your guy number one whatever happens in here nobody knows fucking nothing and you don't know I remember hanging out with kids maybe talking about drugs or something and I
Starting point is 00:03:43 used to go to my mom's bar and I'd see people smoke but I can never write on I would never say anything about marijuana you ever see anybody smoking by me never I don't know nothing I grew up in a very different part of the East Coast and because like I grew up in a town where speaking of cigars I was at a cigar place with my friends in high school once after we turned 18 what happened mom drove by saw me and by the time I got home my mom knew about it that you were smoking cigars mm-hmm and what she did you know she didn't do anything but she just she had that comment and I got mad I'm like why are people driving
Starting point is 00:04:17 around this town it's weird like you have a you have a small town so in a way you have kind of the same thing they just don't tell I guess it's still gossipy I would have imagined like North Bergen what's small but big and that you know what kills me about where I'm from it's that it's supposed to be like an East Coast town but they're like fucking rednecks in the way you know I'm saying like you know mentality is like very stay in town and get a job and whatever so not that they broke my balls growing up and nothing you know I'm just saying I play some music and start this motherfucker off the right way absolutely
Starting point is 00:04:53 let's do this shit do this shit this show was brought to you by Helix sleep go to helix sleep comm slash Joey right now to save $50 off of your order Helix sleep allows you to make custom mattresses that usually would go for thousands of dollars but now they're going for hundreds go to helix sleep comm slash Joey to save $50 off of your order the show is also brought to you by texture go to texture comm slash Joey right now and they download their free app what does this app do the texture app allows you to dive in to your favorite magazines including back issues anytime anywhere using your smartphone or tablet
Starting point is 00:05:36 that's texture comm slash Joey and that's texture comm slash Joey this show is also brought to you by on it comm go to honor comm these covert shirts to save 10% on all their great optimization products like alpha brain and new mood kick that fucking horse Lee kick it kick it Lee kick that fucking horse Lee Monday night April 28th you bad motherfuckers that they the devil was buried at sea oh shit oh shit I'm gonna sit here and tell you I did backflips with Prince and you know me though I tell you how it is listen to this song there's a bad mother fuck you
Starting point is 00:06:33 understand me before you put all right be Twitter Prince on your Twitter put a purple shirt on and get your dick sucked you're saying fuck it there you go Frank me a motherfucker what I got to go to one of his concerts before yeah fuck yeah goes a couple years back my wife got his tickets she's a big fan I like Prince you know what I wasn't as you know into it as a she was and she knew all the history purple rain whole video and it's funny because you know she's like you know it's a sexy guy I'm like really babe he's like five foot two you know fucking 120 pounds soaking wet you know what's this whole sexy thing and we're
Starting point is 00:07:07 sitting there and we're like you know two rows back and all sudden you know he's singing he's dancing on stage all live band and like you know he looks over we make eye contact for second you know you know I'm like oh I get it I think I just I think I crossed over to the side about a split second I was questioning my sexuality okay that's what you're talking about he's bad to the bone rest in peace man that holy shit that's crazy what's up please say that you're sitting there on mumble-dumble you're stuttering through the fucking intro what happened no it's the 725 I'm doing we eat the fucking Cuban sandwich I
Starting point is 00:07:49 bring I don't know the same 40 fucking minutes you understand me 40 fucking minutes at Porto's it's never it is a fucking nightmare you don't even get to enjoy one no I brought him on pastel the guayaba I don't fuck thank you Joe it's good stuff man it's flatbread precious awesome thank you around dog a little something for a little energy for late night that's we're gonna like our right home yeah listen on the way home you hook a ride over here you stay on the street you stay on all the way down don't fucking make a move okay you're nice Starbucks like a professional buddy yet there's a Starbucks that's the shit
Starting point is 00:08:20 there's a 7-11 that's the shit ice is drinks yeah fuck Starbucks you want to be out at night yeah black coffee yeah bold Brazilian bold yeah fucking Starbucks something like have a seat over no no that shit will fucking kill you ever go to Miami International Airport when you're flying yeah look at Starbucks dead there's that is there you got to be a moron to go look at Canadian goes in it because right down they have like a Versailles or something for 150 they give you the fucking super duper cup yep they believe that knows like if you have a heart condition you break that into fours when you go to Miami like the
Starting point is 00:08:58 old school it's when you're driving on whatever the fuck it is and you see those corner bodegas and you see four humans five humans and a woman talking pull up and they have the cup and it's 150 and four people will put a shot down each and toast and everything like and they'll be sitting there all day doing these fucking blasts smoking a cigar drinking coffee by the time four o'clock comes Lee the head spinning the end stem your head spinning you're in a trance you're in a complete a coffee with a fucking cigar all day is like a high oh my god it just takes you to a different zone got for big you throw a joint there
Starting point is 00:09:34 or one of those Cosby pills that's what I was there the last time we're there coming out of Miami my wife's like I'm gonna go over you know you know we're getting through security so she's gonna go get her you know bottle of water grab a little you know some you know snacks whatever I'm like I'm gonna go get a coffee real quick you know so the precise right there I'll grab you a sandwich so we're sitting there and that's when I was like oh man I'm gonna go cordito so that's why I told the girl you know like hey I'm gonna buy three of them but I need you pour them all in one cup because my wife's gonna tell me
Starting point is 00:10:00 that if I drink too many of these it's gonna hurt my heart so you just hook it up don't put nothing on the outside of the cup and screw me over here you know because you know I'll walk back over and she was how many shots and they're like I just want and then she looks at the cop you know sees a three written on it I'm gonna charge me for three but put it in one cup I was lit up on the plane oh my god you get a little on the plane I look like they put the sugar already in yeah wash it in there you have to grind a little bit of milk and they put like a little paste then they blast the next time you go to Miami International fuck
Starting point is 00:10:28 around go up to the Cuban later the thing go listen give me one sandwich for here but give me three to go don't cook them I show give them to you to go you put them in your bed nobody knows nothing you take those motherfuckers home the next day you put those in your oven at 350 for about 20 wait till the bread wait till that shit gets brown wait till you smell something right before you down 9-1-1 you take that fucking bread out bam that's how you smuggle Cuban food out of Miami you understand me like to just like that Buffalo New York was great thank you for coming to the fucking shows this weekend I had a good
Starting point is 00:11:03 time Buffalo's an old-school blue collar city they will stab you there like you could tell it gets really fucking cold people don't fuck around ain't nobody gonna wrestle you that it's a quick fucking hit and Buffalo they you would have stick a bottle cold be fucking around too cold to be fucking around you ain't going down on no match there or not like that maybe inside but I thought they will fucking stab you there but it was fun helium is a great club what's going on Frank me what's going on with you my man everything all right yeah we're out you know letting people know about our phone booth fighting podcast
Starting point is 00:11:34 Frank and I are doing and you guys are BBI last night yeah phenomenal show man unbelievable I'm so glad Eddie Bravo is doing what he's doing with that show bringing back jiu-jitsu the way it should be the way I started training it looking for people you know to go for submissions you know if it ain't gonna break a bone or choke someone out why we bother you know then it's a game you know just playing grab ass on the ground you know he does it the right way motivating people and people have tried to bring that back you know Abu Dhabi had that you know no points for the first 10 minutes or five minutes whatever
Starting point is 00:12:04 to call out points you know Meta Morris has been trying to do it okay no points but then guys still just stall because you get situations where you get you know you get a world champ black belt on jiu-jitsu like hey man if no one submits no one they're gonna call it a draw you guys that you know they're decent but now they're like ah man if I can go ahead and roll with like a Roger Gracie or you know Buchacha or you know Drysdale or somebody of this high level they don't tap me I can say I fought him to a draw I'm like yeah you didn't fight him to a draw you just you ran and I like what Eddie's done with his show because you
Starting point is 00:12:35 only get paid if you submit people so you see guys what I saw last night was everybody was hunting the whole time looking to take something home with them you know take someone out they're making stars in that thing too like Gary Tonan we just had him on our phone booth fighting podcast last week this guy like I love this EBI stuff you know and and when I heard that they were gonna start going to fight pass you know which we're there now I was more excited about that than he's gonna see and that's what I heard a while and we've been talking about he was geeking over yeah because I've been burned out a little bit on jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:13:06 the last couple years you know just because of the points and the way the guys now the system they play and I and I say that all the time and tell people that hey man so put the gi on I'm like the rule system for training that style and going there and doing tournaments doesn't apply anymore to fighting it ain't like it was when I trained in you know in 2000 when you you get a guy who's a blackmailed jiu-jitsu if he told you he was gonna go do a fight in MMA UFC Pride whatever two or three fights in he was dangerous you know already now you got guys that can be world champions on the point system and they have a gimmick
Starting point is 00:13:33 at how they they play and they win but then it's like yeah but that ain't gonna work in a real fight you know that it doesn't work in MMA and it shows they're not making the transition over you're not seeing world champions and IBJJ coming over and making a huge impact in the MMA world but if you got guys like I mean right now if you told me Gary Tonan or Eddie Cummins or even that kid right now uh Gordon Ryan if you told me he has a fight I'm like he's gonna be doing well right off the bat I have no doubt about it unless you match him up with a killer in the top three right now
Starting point is 00:14:01 that guy's gonna be you know I wouldn't put one of my guys against him he's you know that guy's you know but the way they fight and the way their their their training system set up now that's fighting that'll immediately cross over to MMA that's submissions they're going and everything they're doing even to get a takedown isn't just to score points but to get into a position so I can get to your neck get into a position where I can take your arm that's what jiu-jitsu was for me in the beginning it's like man you know like like aliyo said you know it's like it's like having a gun with you at all times
Starting point is 00:14:31 I'm dangerous no matter what in the shower out of shower you know you're a black belt in that style of jiu-jitsu submission styles of jiu-jitsu that's a weapon it's so innovative too like seeing Gary Tonan go to Seated Guard because you got that crazy leg lock game and in your mind thinking oh shit he just sat down this is trouble for whoever's standing up you know I mean how counterintuitive is that if you saw you saw two guys fighting and one sits down how about the fact that you're thinking holy shit that guy just sat down the guy that's standing up is
Starting point is 00:14:59 fucked better guard his feet sprawl out get out of there and raise those ankles up and push them now what was the first martial art you joined was camp out correct yeah my dad uh when he first came to the states you know his parents they uh they first came to Miami went to San Francisco but uh you know his you know he's the first uh you know he learned English throughout high school but uh his parents aunts and uncles and my grandparents you know grandparents they didn't speak English so moving to Vegas was a good opportunity to get
Starting point is 00:15:28 work in the casinos you work in the back of the house you know porters housekeeping you know my grandfather was a shoe shiner you know here you know in Vegas you know through tips they could make a good living you know and so uh they uh you know signed him up to take a karate class and so he started to shoot a karate and then really he got into uh the ed parker system of Kimpo karate fell in love with it then you know he's a 20 years old 19 years old working at McDonald's you know going to school uh community you know uh
Starting point is 00:15:57 you know v and um met my mom there she was also you know uh just you know senior in high school job for the weekend you know so then uh they start dating and then my dad being the kind of guy he is you know they're like hey you know you know what we can do together you know let's uh let's go ahead and go down in the karate classes so they start taking Kimpo together and uh you know my mom's career got shut cut short a little bit because she got pregnant with me and then uh by the time i came around my dad was a black belt and uh owned his
Starting point is 00:16:25 own gyms in Vegas you know so i was that little brat running around you know annoying the shit out of everybody until uh you know i got big enough to uh jump on there and start training with people you know who was the ed parker system it's a great system you know as far as uh it really carried over and it's helped me so much in my mind especially like you know if everybody watches how i do submissions you know going from one to the other and that combination of flowing of movement that came from how kimpo works as far as like i do this then i go to this i go to this and one
Starting point is 00:16:54 movement flows into another and i work off of what the other person's reactions are so you don't have to seriously like people sit there go would you think five moves ahead i'm like that's not really the approach because if you're sitting there thinking you're using the part of your brain that's slow you know i mean using like you know your super ego you know that that part of like i should be doing this this you're doing that that's too slow to be in the moment you know to be in the hunt um what it is is more like a feel it's almost like when you go to shake
Starting point is 00:17:18 someone's hand you know everybody kind of shakes hands a little bit different but as you're going you can feel the flow of the guy's energy and your body has so many repetitions of knowing where to go you go with it and that's where training the martial arts comes and kimpo is very much that way too you know i block the arm here you guy pulls back i know where my flow where my reeds gonna go from there and when i started learning jiu-jitsu i think that's why i picked it up so fast i only started jiu-jitsu when i was 19 i walked into a gym i had always seen hoist gracy you know do ufcs you know my dad you know he told me from you know day one
Starting point is 00:17:48 when we first watched the ufc he's all you got to learn how to do this ground stuff man this is the future that's you know that's that's that's fighting you know i mean look at that you know we were you know what would we do if someone grabbed us and took us down to the ground we'd be in trouble right you know and so so once i had that mindset that was established in kimpo that very versatile mindset you know there's an expression in kimpo that it's not the water in the vessel but the vessel upon the water meaning that you know once you water can be free flowing if it's allowed to just take the form of anything but if you
Starting point is 00:18:20 stagnate it and you say and this is how we're gonna do something it has to be done this way then it creates form and as function and it can be broken you know just like a rock it's solid you know we're the ocean beat up the ocean how do you ever beat up the ocean it but the ocean can knock you on your butt it could do a lot of damage and so uh that mindset of flowing and movement to movement i just took right into me with jujitsu i'm like you know now i'm like oh if i grab the wrist and you pull i'm gonna go for a triangle oh you're gonna push back in i go for an arm bar if i go for the arm bar then the human plata opens up oh now
Starting point is 00:18:50 your ankle's open and then uh other influences in my life you know like dan in asado who we were talking about earlier you know because you know obviously i'm a fan of bruce lee everybody very few guys that are martial artists i can say aren't fans of bruce lee so when i read his book and then i you know was exposed to dan in asado and then uh actually uh there's a guy that one of my regrets in life is i never got to meet him uh northern california a guy named uh walley j he did small circle jujitsu i got ahold of his one of his vhs's and he broke down submissions in a real quick way and i think that's why like if you watch my
Starting point is 00:19:21 pete williams fight i kind of pulled off a weird submission an elbow crank uh from the bottom that you know i've seen before in judo maneuvers you know jean lebel had a book out with gokart they did it standing and i was able to do it from the ground but a lot of it was attributed to a statement that walley j had said and um having the kimpo mindset that hey if it works it works you flow with it he said that hey a submission takes three components it's just leverage you know you need a you need a fulcrum you need a base which means whatever you're attacking on the other side of that fulcrum has to be stabilized and then you have to have
Starting point is 00:19:53 a lever and now you can make anything a submission if you have that you know component in mind so if i arm bar you my legs wrap around and i pin you to the mat right so now your body's the base it can't move my hips become the fulcrum and then your arm is the lever uh that's how i actually even started like i think i was one of the first people to actually do it because not that i ever invented a move i mean how does anybody invent something you know things have been done by everybody but uh when i fought uh tank abbott uh for about a year before that i would always hit him a plot is on guys and you know hit the
Starting point is 00:20:23 shoulder lock and i get sweeps out of it but i wouldn't finish a lot of guys a lot of guys who know how to roll and and fight out of it then i looked over and i see people's foot i'm like hey your foot's right there well now i have a base because you're i have your shoulder locked well i can create a fulcrum with my wrist and if i just grab the edge of your foot create a toe hole because i watch a lot of like human asada you know uh out of japan seeing his submissions and the toehold and the japanese are really good on the foot locks so i just started flowing and putting things together going hey man if it's open i can
Starting point is 00:20:51 rip it off you know just as long as i adhere to these basic principles now i can free my mind to go upon any of them i don't have to be stagnant to go well an armbar you know sometimes i sit in the room and just you guys you know we'll talk about techniques and they're like well you got to put your foot here and has to be here it's not right i'm like hey man it's like hand writing we all know the same alphabet but all our signatures look different right because within the realm of the principle of what an a and a b and a c looks like you put your own twist on it and what fits for your body your personality and your
Starting point is 00:21:20 brain and and how that works and so that's why i'm not a big stickler for technique has to be perfect well it doesn't has to application has to be perfect timing has to be perfect but as far as the structure of you know well if it's not done this way it's wrong i'm like ah that's too much of a form that's too much structure you know and within that structure fighting is chaos you want to hold that much structure in a realm of chaos a world of chaos and you'll you'll uh you'll break that's beautiful thing brother ah no i've always been a big fan of kentpo
Starting point is 00:21:51 yeah i love kentpo uh flowing overwhelming your opponent i was good friends with a guy and he was a black belt under a guy here in the los felices and it was pretty interesting we just became friends and he started explaining why his kentpo was different than everybody else's in town and it all started when the guy died he left the sun in charge so the guy from pasadena lost his mind the guy that does all the videos and shit yeah i'm just speaking what's his name you're talking with speakman or nice guy i see him in vegas i always see him at
Starting point is 00:22:24 the airport that's the weirdest thing what brother he does the the burbank thing the pasadena thing right he's up in pasadena but they there's like three guys that are like uh they're supposed to be the john goddy but they're not the john goddy at kentpo so left if you got tracy brothers right so left a lot of holes right the tracy brothers so now what happened this guy on in uh los felices was the guy who his teacher went to jail for murder david something right here in california but he's the guy that learned
Starting point is 00:23:01 the the leg lock maneuvers from from ed parker ed parker didn't have leg locks what do you call those things frank me and when i go into you and my leg hits your leg like a hip chin so it had all these leg checks in the style okay so when the father died some of the people took that whole section out but there's still a couple people in kentpo you had to hunt them down yeah i'm interested now that kept all the leg stuff so because we have a few of them my dad taught me right like i knew about the heel hook because we
Starting point is 00:23:36 did it off of a leg take down guide those around house we used to catch it and then reap the leg you know how on the bottom if someone mounts you you can push off or pull guard you can reap the leg by coming underneath the leg and come over the top i learned that technique when i was a kid but off of a kick guy kicks and then also now i'm gonna throw my leg over the top and sweep and reap your leg down and then go for the uh the heel hook we didn't apply it very well because it was kind of taken out of context but uh the basic it shows that
Starting point is 00:24:03 someone had was doing it it just got misunderstood as it got passed on it was and i went up there with the guy a couple times it was very interesting so not only will he attack your hands but his first movement was his leg against yours to distract you yeah knocks you out balance so yeah he did that with everything and then we started looking into it and there was the guy charges a buck and a half a month for two classes a week because nobody else not the guys in marina del Rey
Starting point is 00:24:37 not the guys and then go word not the guy in in Pasadena they took that style of it out even he has he even had weird forms but he had the books are meant by me this is crazy yeah so and kippo applies really well to street fighting altercations and people asking well why do you think you know even training jiu-jitsu with a gi i think has more street fighting applications and people want to give it credit for right because i tell people like hey you know mma is a hundred percent street fighting like not really you know is it close
Starting point is 00:25:08 yeah but it's still not like well why i'm like well i haven't gotten to a fight with anybody that started 30 feet in front of me every fight and altercation i got into like when i worked in the clubs at the rhino i got into fights i was probably about six inches away from the guy before we started fighting you know so the distance in the range was way different and probably almost all the fights anybody here's been in when's the last time you got into a fight with a guy from across the parking lot and then you guys start walking towards
Starting point is 00:25:32 each other almost every fight i've been into i'm able to grab the guy i mean we're within inches of each other when the altercation occurs so a lot of the kippo and foot you know leg inside the knees you know the clinch work the different hand trapping extremely apical towards being there sometimes you don't see it as much in mma because guys keep able to keep distance in and out a little more of a long-range kickboxing you know type of stance and and posture and distancing you know kippo wing chung that never really translated much into
Starting point is 00:26:06 mma like it was like a lost soldier like it just and i love it i love all those you're trying to see a lot of it come back though even the front kicks now john throws them kind of regregor throws it that way uh you see you know even uh the kicks you know that like no machita and uh anderson silva the snap kick with the ball the foot well they've taken pieces of stuff yeah that kind of kick that came i mean not that it came from kippo but kippo does that kick i'm blanking on his name but it's like wonder boy or yeah steven thompson exactly
Starting point is 00:26:37 well he's got more of a kickboxing type one dough base okay right yeah he's more of the spin but it's still no no no he's with your point is you know listen people have said well type one dough is impractical in the u.s.c. let me tell you something you catch motherfucker sleeping with one of those spinning roundhouse kicks those type one dough things not that you want then throw them to your fucking leg falls off jesus fucking christ well if i know it's common i'm talking about one every four yeah you suck them in you've been doing this since you're a fucking white belt now you're a black belt right i mean at that at that level if you're gonna yeah no matter what that always stays with you yeah and then the training camp
Starting point is 00:27:14 you know let me work this you i told you don't throw that fuck let me just fuck with it no that's one thing i'm glad about the the coach that i use now angelo reyes right he uh you know trained under uh freddy roach uh angelo uh anaheulahton is a world champion female boxer and um they came from he owned a kimpo school in san francisco you know in the bay area so here he's a kimpo black belt she goes into amateur boxing becomes a world champion female boxer and then now so now we implemented that back into our style of fighting so when i train with him you know it's funny i'd sit there and you know when i first started training i'd do a front leg wheel kick right and i'd train with a lot of moitai guys you know that was predominantly the striking art you know
Starting point is 00:27:55 the dominated man they're like oh no don't do it that way it's wrong and now it's funny because you know 10 years later i'm looking and now i'm able to throw the kicks the way i remember that i was taught to begin with you know it's like hey no our kick doesn't have to be a real heavy set down put your weight behind it because now that we have takedowns if it's predictable you get put on your butt how good's it kick if you can only land it once every five minutes to someone's leg and then they just shoot a double and hold you down whereas you know a lot of the snapping kicks the front kicks you know i think right now john jones is a great example if somebody can use the kicks the kicks he throws those aren't moitai style that's much more karate style speed and fast and it
Starting point is 00:28:30 hurts people and knocks them around and it gets his feet back down to the ground so he's dangerous again because you know you're always taught to i mean swine kimpo a lot of the kicks are aimed for the body or to the legs lower because you don't want to be in a street fight and lift your leg up it's not so much about how high you kick but it's being on one foot was never a good thing if you're close to a guy it's like hey being on one foot might be a dangerous recipe for success here you know you might not want to be on one leg while the other guy's on two unless you make the most of that movement you bring the foot up snap kick the guy to the solar plexus you know you put your foot down now you go into a hand combination that was a successful maneuver you throw a real heavy
Starting point is 00:29:08 roundhouse you kick a guy in the leg yeah it hurts but all of a sudden he has both his hands up you see a lot of guys get caught knocked out that way it was funny because when i here i thought you were one of those abodabi dudes i thought you had been involved in jujitsu since you were 12 and you went through abodabi yeah you lived in brazil and ran up hills and stuff the whole thing and you just told me you started jujitsu at 19 that's when you walked into a fucking jujitsu first time i put a gi on where was that um there was a gym in vegas it's called modern martial arts the guy that ran the school was a black belt in uh kimpo also he trained under a guy that actually trained with the guy that trained my father my father trained under the ed parker system uh the guy gary swan
Starting point is 00:29:52 steven labonte some of his lineage and then he directly trained in vegas under a guy named clifford mckinney and then there was a guy named eddie flash newman that also trained there at the gym so philip karpinski was a black belt under eddie flash newman phenomenal athlete great kick boxer you know from a kimpo background went into that world and so uh he also because he saw the limitations of just being a pure striker uh went out and trained in uh new york trained under a hinzo and hadrigo and uh gracey and so he actually was a purple belt under hadrigo gracey so that was my first exposure to jujitsu i remember i walked in the gym 19 years old at the time i'm a black built in kimpo big strong fast athlete you know i had a state champion in wrestling here in nevada
Starting point is 00:30:35 and uh went in those little guy you know 140 pound blue belt i wish i could remember his name and give him credit but we go out there and i you know i grab him down i'm on top of him you know we're rolling around i'm inside his guard you know so i put my hands around his neck i go ahead and do the uh you know what is uh rogan want to call it the rape joke you know so i'm i'm like i got this guy what's going on boom also next thing i know i'm about to pass out you know legs go up around my neck you know and he throws me into the first time i heard the word triangle you know and passes me out right i get woken up and do that again you know i remember i was so excited when i left there with the idea that submissions were so definitive because you
Starting point is 00:31:15 know i've been in fights before and i've seen people there's some guys out there i mean you see them in u of c you know that you can hit them with a baseball bat right and they ain't going away so you can hit them with your best sunday punch some people are just built they're not going down i don't care how hard you hit them and you know the other thing too that makes imma a little bit like i tell people real street fighting is way more like grappling than it is striking because you know if you notice everybody has to tape and wrap their hands you're not throwing knockout punches on a regular basis bare knuckle you know go out to your local gym find any boxer who's worth his weight and tell him to go ahead and wail on the bag for a round with no gloves and
Starting point is 00:31:52 no hand wraps you look at you like you're crazy human hand 26 bones i'm not slamming onto a bag let alone punching someone in the face you know the human skull is one of the hardest areas of the body you punch that your hand goes uh and so you and you were talking to uh on our show about that being kind of a misconception popular misconception that people see the old days the bare knuckle days and they go oh it was way more brutal backed in but you say you made the point that it was safer it's safer like even right now if i said hey you're gonna punch me in the head you're gonna do a bare knuckle your hand's gonna take a lot worse beating than my head is you might end up going to the hospital when you're done you know break metacarpals and uh your hand might never be the same again
Starting point is 00:32:33 guys break their hands even when they're taped let alone when their hands are bare so the head damage is a lot less people don't tape our hands you know boxers and and MMA fighters our hands aren't taped we're not wearing gloves to protect each other's heads anybody thinks that's for the safety of the fighter no it's not that's for the excitement of the fans now that the guys hands are taped he can knock people out a lot better i remember my first fight with burl travin in the ufc my first two fights before that i'm a kimpo guy we don't wrap our hands you know even when we go to tournaments you put your hand on a pair of gloves um you know you don't really throw hard to the face you throw hard to the body you know more of a street fighting mentality it's okay i might
Starting point is 00:33:13 throw a jab pop your nose water your eyes but if i'm going to take you out it's going to be the solar plexus hit you in the liver i'm going to try to hurt your body because it's softer and less dangerous for my hand i remember i'm in the back and the ufc has the cut men go back out there and stitch you know it sits there and starts wrapping my hands and so i remember i'm after i get my hands wrapped i'm walking around and my dad's like you know you know what's up i'm like oh my god i could put my hand through a wall right now like wow like so this is what it's like to get your hands taped like a fighter this is dangerous yeah and all of a sudden i'm like oh shit and my dad goes what's wrong i'm like the other guy's hands are taped too huh better move my head
Starting point is 00:33:58 this is gonna hurt how old were you when you walked into a ufc cage uh i was just turned 22 and by that point you were purple belt jujitsu yeah purple belt but with fucking wrestling experience that adds a lot yeah it helped out a lot i mean i've wrestled two years in high school i wish i would have wrestled more i basically did it because of football you know a big strong fast athlete and you know they were like you know hey uh at the time the idea was you know i would take you know i play football and i go run track through discus and you know around four by one four by two team but uh you know in the in the winter time you know i would just go to the weight room you know i like lifting weights and the defensive coach uh for the football
Starting point is 00:34:39 team was also the head wrestling coach his name was russ leet you know he got hold of me and said you know you're not very good tackler you know you're fast you're strong you run around you don't wrap people up very well let's get you on the wrestling mat and so i went out there first seven matches get my ass kicked you know i'm just getting pinned in 30 seconds know what's going on went home cried about it and then just sat there and like okay let me evaluate the situation what am i doing what am i good at what can't i and i was like okay a double leg takedown broke it down i'm gonna do this i don't know how to wrestle on the mat as far as you know controlling and tilts and you know chopping jam and spiral rides these are foreign to me and i'm catching up i've only been
Starting point is 00:35:14 wrestling for a month or two so i started cutting guys loose i went on to my junior year with the two months of experience got third and uh third and state zone runner up in the next year went like 44 and one you know uh one state went to nationals uh they went two and two at nationals the pittsburgh press and so i picked it up really well but not because i knew how to wrestle really well i knew a few wrestling techniques but because of my kimpo background and the martial arts idea of knowing how to set people up knowing rhythm knowing about timing and application so i as more or less i had the principles of combat down and that's the same thing that happened when i started learning jujitsu by the time i fought reberto travin my first fight in the ufc i had two years of
Starting point is 00:35:59 jujitsu experience reberto travin at the time was a four-time world champion in the moondials black belt by all accounts this guy's gonna murder me you know i mean this guy's been doing jujitsu since he was a baby and you know he you know he's not only going to fight in a brazilian i'm fighting a brazilian world champion black belt and we went out there and i ended up breaking his arm in about a minute into the fight you know through a combination he fell down i was able to pass over his guard went straight to mount he went to block the mount by bringing his knees up but he put his arm out and just my mindset of being free and flowing boom snatched up the arm and took it that's crazy this now and you still how long now you're a black belt now yeah i got my black
Starting point is 00:36:40 belt actually uh uh probably about four years into it uh i was 24 when they gave me my black belt so it took four and a half years for me to uh get a black belt in jujitsu and uh i got it the same night i won the heavyweight title uh from uh tim sylvia you know i'm so once you break his arm you got a black so once you break somebody's arm you go back to the school and you go it's over yeah you got all these degrees i gotta give him a black belt the time i started from the time i was uh you know almost a blue belt you know uh i think i got my blue belt i was already a blue belt under philip karpinski and then uh a guy named jacarta perez uh came into town brazilian guy who was a black belt under sarah jopenia who uh they have kind of a famous story that you know he basically
Starting point is 00:37:23 was beating hickson gracey in a jujitsu match down in brazil you know scoring a bunch of points on him he had a real active style and then you know the rumors are and i wasn't there i've never seen a video but the stories in the gym is that you know one of the graces go over there and the power and the building all of a sudden goes off they have to stop it takes a little while and then lets hickson recover and and get back into it and then hickson being the the champ that he is you know they had about a minute left in the match when they restarted it again was able to get mount and you know extremely phenomenal at mount if anybody watches his fights and then was able to uh get the choke you know with the collar and so uh sarah jopenia you know great tactician trained still in in uh
Starting point is 00:38:01 vegas hickardo i think now he's in uh ohio or maybe uh north carolina last time i checked in with him but uh it was right after i fought uh tim sylvia i'm sitting there you know i won the heavyweight but you know there's a little bit of uh you know like you know did he tap he didn't tap it was his arm really broken we're sitting in the back locker room and in fact at that point i think pat milletage tim sylvia's coach came in the back goes oh no i just attend and pop don't feel bad you know i mean that you know so i'm like oh that sucks i really didn't really win the fight i really didn't break his arm you know like okay and so then uh my coaches at the time said you know that you know with the the ceremony that jiu-jitsu guys have just kind of threw the belt
Starting point is 00:38:38 at me and go by the way you know now you're a black belt you know and so that was uh you know my my uh black belt ceremony was backstage at the uh i think it was mgm gran after becoming the u ofc heavyweight champ that's what it took for me to get my black belt and so uh you know then though we go to the press conference and before it gets started uh you know dan goes up there at the uh the mic and says hey you know everybody you know uh tim's at the hospital right now actually he's gonna get ready to go through surgery they have to put a plate in his arm it looks like because uh you know his uh his radius and his own is actually fractured in three different places uh you know congratulations to herb dean that was actually a very good stoppage and then uh it looked kind of
Starting point is 00:39:17 funny because you know my whole family there's you know 30 deep over there uh you know start clapping and cheering you know and so uh some of the people were like you know that's pretty barbaric you guys are cheering the guy got his arm broke and had to explain to a few people like nah man my family's not cheering because it broke his arm they're cheering because i mean not even bruce buffer announced me as the new heavyweight champ because after that fight they thought it was a wrong stoppage so you know they announced me as the winner but if you go back and watch that fight brougher didn't even announce me as the heavyweight champ of the world i got the belt being wrapped around my waist because there's so much confusion about whether it was a good stoppage or not so to
Starting point is 00:39:51 hear that that his arm was indeed broken that it was a good stoppage was vindication it was like confirmation that yes frank mere tonight won this fight conclusively no doubt about it he's the champ fucking tremendous tremendous night it was a good night and that's the first hope you got right you got three hopes in the fucking UFC right three what hopes like you broke three bones of two sets of bones let's see why i know uh rebuttal travins arm broke tim sylvia's arm broke and no gary no gary's arm broke yeah so and you got lurch with a heel hook right yeah okay that was the heel hook which is tremendous that's the see that's the history knee bar knee bar that's the history of jujitsu that's when i started thinking about joining when i saw that was i said you know
Starting point is 00:40:36 a big strong powerful guy i was raised in karate and uh you know you know the guy that the ten planet guy lanado laranja yeah his father oh really was my first karate teacher that's cool when we came from cuba and i got my purple green belt when i went to jersey and i was a karate guy and i bought tournaments and shit i never fucking dreamt of jujitsu like jujitsu and savatt were the things that were there but who gave a fuck well i mean when you talked about brazilian arts people first start talking about it i remember when i first even saw hoice came out to fight right i thought i was going to do a capoeira you know i'm like ah these guys gonna do those little like cartwheels and shit like you know is that i didn't know about that
Starting point is 00:41:16 like i came from the bruce liar i was there i'm an old man i came with bruce lee died i saw his shift you know i saw it go bruce lee though he was ahead of his curve man he knew about grappling yeah if you watch uh enter the dragon the guy hits a crucifix yeah even the kimpo gloves that he was using there right it's called the kimpo gloves right those were those are actually might even you know if they were a little smaller actually i think we're even sometimes more advanced than the gloves we use now because uh look how many times fights get screwed up because guys you know we post our handout you know a guy goes to throw a punch and you know that's a maneuver that's taught like hey you post and uh create distance right but only problem is guys do this
Starting point is 00:41:55 and they you know they poke guys in the eyes inadvertently you know it's not on purpose but even in training you know when we train i use a lot of bag gloves for my MMA training because they're small they're you know you can wear a 10 ounce glove and but it leaves my thumb free and i can grab so we can grapple but the advantage it has is it covers up the fingers because training with MMA gloves even if you make them really padded they're open finger and there's nothing worse i mean hey man you only have two you know you have one set of eyes right you don't want them getting you know poked out scratched and it's easy i mean guys you know you get the retinas and you know i've even you know in training had a high femur
Starting point is 00:42:31 a tear in my eye were filled up with blood just from an inadvertent poke and so uh you know brucelly had the the gloves the kimpo gloves the fingers are closed on them so you can't poke anybody in the eyes and you can grip and grab and that's because of his wing chunk background training with judo gene labelle he understood grappling training with dan and asado they understood that you know that fighting had the four different ranges you had the kicking range punching range grappling range and then the ground fight even in his fight with uh when he fought a kareen abdul jabbar in the uh the game of death you know a movie a lot of people haven't seen because you know that's when he passed away filming it but he at least filmed his scene
Starting point is 00:43:09 of going through the base of the temple or the building the different layers of martial arts the different levels of him dan and asado is one of the sticks right you know uh what a phenomenal fight they had then then he fights the top layer top level guy was kareen abdul jabbar basically would be what if we give a super athlete martial arts skills you know basically it was uh the original john jones and so he goes out there and he uses actually grappling throws him holds him a head and arm scarf hold trying to put him in a head and arm choke and choke him out and and using grappling techniques realize that i can't strike with a guy that has two feet of reach on me i have to make adjustments i have to flow you know like i said be like water you know and
Starting point is 00:43:49 used his grappling and doing that back there what in the late 60s early 70s before anybody i mean man it's still never caught on he was doing it there and he was such an innovative guy but i mean heck we were what 93 guys still weren't training ground until the graces came in and showed everybody what they were doing that was like that we're talking to matt sarah him saying that he's to have to go from long island to like asbury park new jersey once a week but he trained for four hours and then take the two-hour bus back because that's how far it was to train there was a jujitsu wasn't on every neighborhood back then how it is now it was very uh it was very smart you know brooklyn had like a school or you know and then the graces like now the machados
Starting point is 00:44:32 came out here and went down and south beach or not south beach whatever they call that down there who the fuck knows redondo beach i'm very sorry but i thought you were always like a life-long jujitsu guy see you gotta fucking read the wikipedia leaves them well and i have just a real good uh my body and being a heavyweight my flexibility and my motion you know everybody you know even a boxer everybody boxes but within boxing you have different styles of boxing and mma even though i know how to strike i have knockouts on my record taking people down my strong suit what i just have just a love for is the submission game i just always felt that it was the the best way and it's funny even i i tell my kids that we were talking they're like you know dad why are submissions
Starting point is 00:45:15 more important than strikes i'm like well you know i talk about the gloves that you know street fight you know it's hard to knock people out and without hurting your hands and also you know civil lawsuits you know even if you pass a criminal case look kind of bad if you punch someone's face in drop a couple elbows on them where you know chokes throws submissions definitely can control somebody and hey man you put a really good choke on anybody i mean they call it matter of the own for a reason you kill a lion you know i mean take them out but uh i say hey just look at nature you know i mean in nature things that strike things that hit things you know ram up against them the strikers they're the prey they're what get hunted because they create room they hit things you want to look
Starting point is 00:45:56 at who the predators are who does the hunting that's the grapplers if you look at an anaconda lions tigers bears you know a cougar jumps out of the tree they grapple you they grab on they go for your neck they go for the choke you know basically you know using teeth in their throat mouth but it's the same concept of wrapping a person up and incapacitating them and so that's the effective way to take somebody out you know that's the most hundred percent you know there's guys out there like i said you know hit them with a basal bat they're not going to go anywhere uh i don't know anybody in the world anybody wants to prove me wrong i'll give them my whole bank account let me slip in a renegade choke and tell me that you're not going to go to sleep well i know that
Starting point is 00:46:33 you're a man of the iron i know that you uh believe in carrying a piece from time to time absolutely except when i'm here in california the laws here and i love it too i can't carry a piece no more and i'm carried a piece for many years when i was a young fucking moron and i got involved in a lot of bad things and i gotta tell you something i never knew how important jujitsu was till i walked into that gym the first time i did my first hip escape and realized i knew nothing about nothing no i knew nothing about nothing because i'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna tell you what real life is for you motherfuckers that think it's about watching a tv show and the whole fucking thing i've seen people getting taken out of two fucking
Starting point is 00:47:19 minutes but today's world in today's world you want to get in and out of there and i know with two guys i know i'll bet my back account that frank meek a kick a guy in the stomach keep him off for three minutes and he's already sized this guy up his campo background his fighting background you already sized this guy up you already know you got a single on him through that fucking plate glass window and you're gonna pull it rip his fucking lung out through that glass the hindu is gonna drop his fucking jaw behind the count he's never seen none like that and this guy's gonna come back at you with a punch and you're gonna single him down get him and break his fucking arm when it come over within seconds you're gonna be in your car but then that's before fucking whatever calls
Starting point is 00:48:03 911 you're in your car and gone not even the camera court you play i know this for a fact because that's how fast it goes down and jujitsu when you're on your back in today's world you're dead you're deadly what do you mean isn't on the back still okay you're dead you walk out of 711 there's a guy by that red box you go to your car he hits you in the head you go on your back that's it he could stick his dick in your fucking mouth he could take your wallet flip you over fucking the ass light your asshole on fire you're deadly if you're on your back if you could get you back and regain your breath and at least grab the guy's fucking pant leg or if he comes on to attack you it comes down to attack you when i hit my button to fight if something happens and i sit
Starting point is 00:48:55 down i'm like you better leave now because if you want to engage me and come on top of me it actually happened to me i think the statue limitations have gone now so i'll give vague aspects of the story um but uh i got into a big squab uh my coach iqata pares we're at a some fights and uh he goes over there with a marco sevillius to calm some guys down so i'm sitting there ringside and uh one of the other guys and i got a weird feeling we walked into there anyways we walked in there dan lambit you know it brought his whole team in and we're there with them and uh you know majority of the guys there are all brazilians right so i remember we got a weird vibe right off the bat because i walk into this uh these fights more on the east coast and uh the
Starting point is 00:49:41 announcers like you know hey you know we're sponsoring a bunch of guys when you just sport here you know you know we got to really help kick these brazilian's asses i'm like hmm i didn't sit right with me man these are fights you know what i mean like man versus man like i don't really like that whole we start getting USA you know that's crazy yeah yeah USA you know you know you know hey you know you want to have you know love for your your nationality you know i'm for that too i was hey my father my family you know uh sacrificed a lot to become uh u.s citizens uh so my dad you know as a republican you know loves being here learned the language became a citizen so i respect being an american it wasn't just a birthright for him he sacrificed to be here and so um i hate when
Starting point is 00:50:24 they all do it not USA USA that's what i mean like when you go to brazil and brazil yeah they do it when you go to iran and then you know just like and i hate when somebody tags with it sometimes i just see a fight i don't even catch that yeah i don't even catch that i don't want to catch that you don't want to feel good about yourself somehow i don't know this is the brazilian and i was like god damn it i don't fucking know why you've got to mention i thought he was more arrogant yeah well so anyway so fight breaks out right uh they already said that and so you know there was a brazilian fight an american guy and brazilian's getting the better of the fight and one of the americans is up screaming and yelling and and so uh uh uh uh the coaches are trying to
Starting point is 00:51:04 shout instructions so one of the american guys there i'm assuming is american he's didn't like the brazilian team grabs him by the t-shirt yanks him off the cage to get out of my way i can't you know i can't fucking see what's going on so uh you know uh our guys run over there and hikardo you know very level-headed guy he's trying to talk the guy down he sits him down all of a sudden punches start getting thrown and a fight breaks out right so i see my coach who i'm living with at the time now i've moved in with him that's so he was like you know he's like basically i call him teal you know that's like my uncle you know what i mean so i run over there and i'm on the outskirt of the uh um uh cage uh and i'm looking down and my coach just disappears marcus just appears
Starting point is 00:51:42 there's a big fight and i just i can't see him so i see the guy that's tussling with my coach i just jump over the top try to throw an elbow and strike i hit the mistake because i end up on the bottom immediately my feet never end up touching the ground because i jump on a pile of people boom i'm on the bottom right so i'm sitting there and all of a sudden now i i bring my elbows to my knees and i try to get like an egg and a ball because i'm getting kicked on the bottom i don't know what's going on the guy that started the whole fight i just remember you know he looks over and he sees me right all of a sudden now he goes and grabs me by the throat and i'm like i can't in my brain i'm like what a christmas gift you just gave me your arm you had me man i'm on the
Starting point is 00:52:20 ground if you just would disengage i can't get to you i have to get back up so boom i slap an arm bar on him uh that into that altercation really quickly he uh ends up having to be taken out and uh we end the fight that way you know everybody's you know brawl gets broken up cops come everybody gets separated and uh that was the end of it and uh ending up on the ground but because he engaged my ability to do jujitsu you know saved me from a bad situation being on the bottom of a big uh ballroom brawl as you say and just even if you i go to jujitsu for the health benefits i just go for the health benefits like i could care less if i become a flying master i just love breathing on my back and doing all the exercise it's good for your brain it's good for
Starting point is 00:53:03 your body i finally you know i was going over here to v-max but they only i can't go at night they're in night school so i was going once a week so i finally i went to flappers one night they saw alberto cranes i said you know what i went home he has classes every day at lunchtime seven days a week lunchtime classes that's like stealing you get three of those a week i don't count i'm busy you are you know so i've been over this is january and i just go in a sweat just that sweat just that's good i'm glad you do that too many guys i talked to on the street they come up to me they're like man you know it's beautiful either jujitsu martial arts but you know i could never be a fighter i'm like who why do you gotta be a fighter train okay i mean that's
Starting point is 00:53:46 like do you like playing basketball yeah you're gonna be in the nba no so then don't play you you can't go play basketball down the court with your boys that's stupid right that'd be a dumb thing i was like well if you're not going to be in the nba why do you even try playing basketball i think the same thing with fighting martial arts jujitsu kimpo all the different arts you know they have so much to give you and it's such a journey and a lifestyle just because you're not going to be the one percent of the guys that turn professional i mean richard now blue belt jujitsu trains yeah he was saying he was inviting me over yeah he's like i'm over great you know there's times i was watching techniques one of his uh instructors was showing him and i was watching
Starting point is 00:54:22 the weather it was funny because we're at the gym i'm at robert drives those and my kids are training now you know and i let the other people coach him because i'm gonna still be dad not the coach i'm thinking that's a better way not to muddle the lines you know i'm a good advisor they come and ask me you know i'm at the backyard in the you know grass you know showing my son i'll show him a sidearm choke and you know hey what are you having a problem with you know the spider guard the guys grab my sleeves okay you know you step to the side cross knee break it down so i mean i give tips and you know and that type of stuff and a lot of philosophy and thought process but as far as being the coach you know being the hard ass it sits there and goes no that's wrong
Starting point is 00:54:55 like this like this i don't want to step into that role and so uh i'm watching my son train and my daughter's in the other room in the girls class and i look over and uh bendy bendy casimir he's over there training right it drives us and he's over there drilling his knee bars off of a back step and the way he's setting it up was beautiful you know the way he trapped the ankle and stepped over and hooked it i'm like man if you lock that up that way that's pretty much a wrap you can't defend so here i'm trying to my wife's like are you watching like yeah i'm watching our kid and like i'm drifting over i'm like but that's beautiful look at that over there look at that technique over there so the point where now richard and i we had to do our shoulder that night
Starting point is 00:55:30 at uh no regrets bar a bar it's owned by uh shan lane a good friend of my wife and i and uh you know so as we're getting ready to start the show we're clearing tables out of the way i'm like okay let me go over this real quick you know i just want to make sure i hold on to what i saw showing it to him sure enough we're there and and poor richard you know my 280 pound ass is like sitting on his chest trying to move his ankle you know and then one of the bartenders comes out with everything all right i'm like yeah yeah we're just playing around you know he thinks there's a fight out on the patio because there's two guys drilling knee bars you know he just looks over the bar and sees it but you know like when you talk about joey you train in jujitsu and this is the
Starting point is 00:56:06 this is the security benefit that i got from it at sticking with it long enough to get a blue belt and everything is it's kind of like frank said when people come up to him and go oh i'd love to learn jujitsu but i could never be a professional fighter to me there's a security in having a basic understanding of knowing how to handle yourself now if i run into a black belt who wants to pick a fight with me i might eat him maybe an issue blue belt and jujitsu but you're beating anybody in a street fight i mean unless they grab a rock hit you in the head right but i mean if you're a blue belt and jujitsu and the other guy doesn't know jujitsu 99 out of 100 times you're winning that fight after six months or after you're a blue belt and jujitsu you know why you keep training
Starting point is 00:56:41 jujitsu to beat other jujitsu guys it ain't about beating a guy doesn't know what he's doing about jujitsu you know you already know how to you know hip roll you already know how to hip exit you know sweep you know scissors sweep get on top mount them choke them you know uh trust me at that level you're not losing but then after you get up to that level like right now every technique that richard knows he knows every technique i've done you know all the techniques i've done in fights pretty much in the fights are all blue belt purple belt level techniques beyond that the combination the flows that's so i can beat other black belts at jujitsu that's why you keep training now how do i beat that brown belt that's over there you know that's why you have to keep putting
Starting point is 00:57:18 in time what are the chances of me and that guy actually get into a fight outside you know chances you fight in two black belts meeting each other up at the club not knowing each other and fighting each other you know it's gonna get hidden by lightning i mean i think of it like i think of it is sort of like knowing how to basically handle a firearm it doesn't mean i'm you know maybe i stick with it long enough to where i become an actual sniper but even if i don't just having a basic understanding of how to handle that weapon you got it in your pocket i think as an adult in this society especially for women i think it's a disservice not to train and know some especially girls i tell people at the time i'm like you know it was made for you for a woman it was invented
Starting point is 00:57:56 yeah and you can just catch a guy boom done you know i actually my mom my wife knows the basic arm bars especially from bottom you know you know the first things i show her you know like i'm like hey if i'm in your guard between your legs i go to grab you by the throat i'm grabbing your wrist she knows how to flip her wrist hips over and lock up and then i explain you know and i've showed a couple of her girlfriends to try to get them to want to train it's like look man it's your hips versus my arm i don't care if it's Brock lesnar you know i mean you're not out curling what a girl can leg press i mean even the average little 120 pound woman at the gym can put two plates on a leg press and and easily throw it up for reps right that's the kind of force their hips can
Starting point is 00:58:34 generate you know you're telling me there's a guy out there that can curl that much with ease there might be a few of them out there in the world doing the strongman competition but again we're talking about like you know what maybe 10 guys out of the 7 billion people in the population that might be able to curl against that that whole leverage concept and then throwing a choke on a guy stops the situation real quick saves him a guy goes to take a girl down gets in between her imagine she knows how to throw a rubber guard up lock him down put him in a triangle put him to sleep you know he's gonna wake up talking to the cops you know it's a definitely way to save him now her practice in striking i'm not against it but a woman trying to be 120
Starting point is 00:59:10 pounds and knock a guy out it's gonna be hard it's not gonna be easy you know what i mean she's gonna have to be extremely well trained spend a lot of hours perfect her art you know you know holly holmes yeah she's gonna go ahead and work a dude in a stand-up fight you know what i mean on a hula tin yeah you want to box her in the street you're gonna get you know you're gonna get worked you know me should take but you get the average blue belt purple belt girl i don't care what the guy's size is if he doesn't know what he's doing we've seen it enough times you watch the guy in a fell guy wrestles 170 pound MMA fighter as long as he's a blue belt and jujitsu at least the little guy's gonna win he's gonna choke him unconscious you're right joe i mean it's made for
Starting point is 00:59:47 for women in terms of protection because i had the same thing with my girlfriend i show her she'd never trained a day and i showed her a couple basic sweeps arm bar triangle and i said here's all you need to know i'm on top of you like said hands around the throat now i'm on the bottom and you're about to break my arm and some dirt bag who's trying to do some shit like that he's interested in praying on the week that happens to him he's like fuck this i'm moving on plus two all my kids well you know the first thing i show my good development information right rear naked choke right you know it's like hey if i get into a fight with a bunch of guys and all of a sudden i'm struggling with one or two of them if one of my people my children or my wife's behind you
Starting point is 01:00:23 they know how to put a rear naked choke on they're gonna get passed out you're out of it i just made them a lethal weapon you're focused on me you're in trouble hit it lea it's the halfway point of this show you do a jumping jack you know i'm saying you can either keep them potato now it's it's just monday we just play this on mondays and shit beautiful see i'm saying lea i'm to the fucking gazin it you understand me it's monday get your shit to get woke tomorrow you'll be listening it's tuesday i hope you're still tuning in lea is done look at him over in the corner he doesn't know what to do with his little fucking sugar night blue Hawaii shirt i went to fry better better or something look at this poor kid i gave him some THC stars of death tonight
Starting point is 01:01:18 all right he's done struggling huh i just didn't know okay i have a good time edible stuff scary right no it's great man i love it it's i like a way more than i like a way more than smoking it lasts longer he sees the devil twice a week but uncle joey we go twice a week this motherfucker oh i see you twice a week at night we go deep what you do on your personal time that's your own fucking thing you know what you're bothering me for let me get some shout out so we'll keep the show fucking going all right dominic solace john f cleo we're doing a podcast next week remind me oaky spooky rick kush molly danie beyond cooler with the north bergen report and my man mikey stein over by the one by one by one
Starting point is 01:02:06 podcast and also my main man down there in fucking waston bobby and bob lilingus in chicago you know what you're looking at me oh weird for lee that's a gus most fucking tremendous by the way no but it's wrong man it's good it's good so yeah now where do you get those uh this one i just happened to grab one of the tobacco shops when we're here because uh i went on a trip with the wife and kids on vacation last week so i had a bunch of uh cigars with me from my uh my dad's his cousin down in vegas don facente right owns a shop right across from uh the pond stars right there in north las vegas just north of the stratosphere and so he hand rolls you know dominican uh you know seed you know connecticut rapper knows how to roll cigar right so you know
Starting point is 01:02:52 it's fresh made right there so i always just buy about you know 20 40 at a time i go in there and go through them but uh when i get out of town if i go into a shop and i can look for one of my favorite cigars to try to purchase as uh padrons and my favorite is the 1926 uh and so that's a it's a good stick man it's awesome at least you're real with this remember like 15 years ago everybody started smoking cigars people tapped out fucking quick yeah no they had the cigar everybody was the mafia everybody was smoking cigars yeah my wife gets on me a little bit because she thinks now you know i mean obviously you know your wife always looks out for your best interest you know so i you know too much caffeine too much coffee and she's like hey calm down that's you know too many days
Starting point is 01:03:35 in a row and she's like that's not good for your heart man you know relax it's a little too much caffeine and same with cigars i've had a couple uh times where you know i get into the habit where you know i'll be smoking a cigar to a day you know doing any work around the house helping out with the kids and stuff you know i throw a cigar in the mouth you know have my little torch keep it going you know and then you know so that's when uh she's like hey you know can we cut it down to the weekends and stuff you know like you know i know you're not inhaling it but you know it's still a mouth you know cancer whatever cook but you know just chill you know and then i always talk about don i'm like ah facente you know the guy smokes like 20 cigars a day and he just went to the doctor and
Starting point is 01:04:09 you know his his lungs are fine you know it'd be all right you know it's like we all have to have some kind of place right when you when you're cuban it's in your fucking DNA like yeah like when you're cuban listen we fucking came up on an island like our fucking relatives yeah what an island did you ever think about that like you would think about that since i can't swim for shit you can't swim you gotta get your shit together that's it but it's so weird like like when i met my uncle one time years ago like my uncle was one of those bad news motherfuckers like every time i saw my uncle after 84 it was always bad news i took him out the language like five years ago like eight years ago maybe eight years ago two times nine yeah and we're eating
Starting point is 01:04:52 and he goes you know about your grandfather just like out of nowhere he goes who would have thought about the dodgers or something he goes do you know the story about your grandfather i'm gonna go now he goes he married his cousin like we're fucking in brit he goes did you know that he goes i'm surprised you're fucking retarded you know we're eating and he's telling me this shit i'm like my mother had mentioned it once yeah but i mean back then a little more common even in the states i mean first cousin no no no no no you gotta imagine listen listen your your mom was cuban and your dad was cuban no no see my mom's white okay so your dad's cuban yeah my dad's from okay so your dad's marvanna so his dad's marvanna so his dad's marvanna so his dad's marvanna
Starting point is 01:05:41 here's where it gets fucked up for me okay let me draw the fucking design for you and with the pen because i don't want no misunderstanding so you okay you got three routes just gonna came okay either there's only three options to your fucking family if your father came from cuba either they came from spain some part of africa yep or they were natives on a fucking island that columbus didn't kill yeah there you go through the survives okay so the few that fucking survived let's say well he killed you know he killed mat that way you know that way he killed that indian he killed them and all his people but the motherfuckers that survived were all spaniards in a way they all came from spain then they developed and then they brought over the slaves over from africa
Starting point is 01:06:28 then they came to work the sugar cane fields and that added a complete different twist they brought over that's why we were talking about the santeria you know the santeria and the whole fucking thing and then the uh you know it just brought over the spanish like diaz diaz is some kind of way they're these fucking people that talk with like a lisp okay like they were completely different than my world like the white skin i have is diaz i'm a valdez them fucking them desert rats those are fucking island rats the valdezes i just showed you the cousin wait till you see his sister all right you know we they're the national cuban band my mother's sister got raped on a party and my mother killed the dude stabbed him in the back while he was raping his sister so my mom came
Starting point is 01:07:17 to this country like in 50 fucking two when they didn't give a fuck when you just came over right come on over as she ended up in the batista was still in batista regime and then she went back with an identity that she borrowed from a friend but when she came back into the states that identity became her name okay so my mom too she died had an alias those are valdezes they're ratty people my uncle this uncle i'm tending london we haven't talked for two years this is the second time we didn't talk for 25 years the first time we pulled guns on each other on vermont 1984 no shit no fucking shit the valdezes don't fuck around and they jungle people right they're like mixed with fucking african blood and god knows what else now they're telling me their cousins what future do i have i went
Starting point is 01:08:03 on that fucking website to see your relatives there ain't nobody on there i got nothing nothing i'm scared to order the kid because god knows it's gonna come back to 25 hours i might find out something i don't want to know i'm a little jealous of that though that you still have some family history because that's the one thing though when you know when fidel took kid took over you know my father's family they left they had to leave everything you don't they didn't get to even take birth certificates you know high school diploma nothing you know the clothes on their back is what they got to come to the states with so you know when i back in may i got to go down maliki gaba worked out so we can go down to uh to cuba i went with arthur jones you know john jones is a big brother uh and rainier
Starting point is 01:08:42 you know another guy who's a first generation us guy but he's cuban you know both parents from miami and actually his grandfather and father from uh what's the little town there uh hersey hersey cuba and so uh i went there trying to investigate my ancestry because you know obviously my mother's side being you know from the states you know going back generations i have an idea of who they are where the last name the maiden name comes from within my father you know you know he came over he was 11 years old his father passed away when uh he was 19 there's a lot of family history there's a lot of relatives i have in cuba that i have no connection with so growing up and not having that understanding of who my father's side of the family is you know
Starting point is 01:09:24 that that's you know you know i think people that you know people want ancestry you want that connection with your history to kind of know where you come from so when i was down in cuba we were there for you know almost two weeks you know i was down there going down to my father's own house you know he gave me addresses maps and walking around trying to talk to people like hey who else has my last name you know who who's my family here give me some you know i went down to the the cemetery you know trying to just locate where you know my grandmother was still you know where she was put to rest at you know trying to you know get a sense of you know where i come from you know and and a lot of that's lost and uh you know but due to facebook now even when i was down
Starting point is 01:10:01 there uh one of my uh dad's uh it would be a cousin uh share the same uh great-grandparents was able to reach out on my facebook and talk to me and i was able to connect it with my father and not my father you know can go down there to miami reunion so we can set things up and start you know making reconnections because you know a lot of it was lost you know coming over here you know like i said you know you know fiddle castro whatever i'm not going to get on a political rant here and you know but uh you know a lot of people you know that came over here a lot of cubans just didn't get to bring anything with them you know and so maybe in the first generation coming from that a lot of history like you know you know a lot of people can go where their parents
Starting point is 01:10:42 or where their grandparents were raised and and get to see things and have history you know uh when castro and those people you know made that choice that they had to come over here with nothing that connection you know was broken and a lot of things were lost how come how come the last name is mir you know we tried to work that out it's funny what one misconception that i actually got to correct was a lot of people thought that because you know my name is francisco right from francisco santa's mirror the third and uh uh they thought maybe uh because like i shortened my first name for francisco to frank but my dad does that too you know spanish is his first language jose is my first name hey you know my name is joey that's it done we're in the states you know what
Starting point is 01:11:20 i mean they go by frank you know what i mean uh and so i go by frank so they thought the same thing like i'll look at this whitewast for you know cuban he doesn't want to acknowledge his family i'm like what do you mean i don't want to acknowledge my family i go by frank you know francisco is my name i don't and they go well your last name is maranda you shortened it i'm all no i didn't that's the name i was born with what are you talking about look at my brother and so i even went to my dad i'm like hey pops was our last name maranda and we shortened it he's all no man our last name is mir and even when i went back to cuba actually one of the instructors down there i was down there mma tournament uh he says yeah one of his students last name was mir and possibly cousins and
Starting point is 01:11:55 trying to figure each other out but that's because what you're talking about our ancestry going back several generations but i don't have a connection to figure out how or who it came from spain through morocco morocco has the last name mir you know moroccan's did a lot of uh you know rubbing around and here's the problem then everybody that's fucking says your last name says it wrong because if they're from morocco it's mew yeah right it's front mew well you know a funny story about the right my dad pronounced the last name mir right right real miss mir and uh and for the longest time i'm a kid you know you go to school i run for a touchdown people go it's frank murr so i used to go with it man you know i'm not i'm that guy man i need to go you know what i mean so after a while
Starting point is 01:12:41 man i just started introducing myself people who are you frank murr i'm not gonna sit here and every time i meet somebody correct you on how to pronounce my last name and then uh and then in the u of c i think my very first fire brutal tribe and i even pronounced it that way hey what's your name frank murr and my dad even said he goes hey you know son you kind of have an opportunity now to kind of set the record straight you know why don't you just go and pronounce your your last name the correct way i'm like oh yeah you're right so frank man i'll go ahead and i'll start doing that you know and so uh because you know you come here i mean other cultures you know probably can relate they have a last name or a name that you know when you say it in english people have a harder time
Starting point is 01:13:19 pronouncing yeah you just go with it man hey you know you mangled my name i'll be what is it you know yeah that that works works for me man whatever you want to say can we get the conversation going because i'm not going to sit here and spend three minutes every time i meet somebody explaining them that let me get my father from tuba yeah and this is how you say the last name and no it's not shortened from i said it mean yeah i'm in front of me that's it and i can see it now now that you said it that way i could see it yeah now yeah so it's not over you know there are people in cuba last name me are coming from from spain that's where the last name came through when i found out you were cuba my head exploded because i know your twin i grew up with your twin no kidding i
Starting point is 01:13:58 swear to god we laugh all the time and whenever you you fight he calls me up my twins fight we fucking giggle our ass his name is carlos cantero okay he's about 57 he's in jersey stab the bunch of motherfuckers great guy humans and knives right now him and his brother i've known since day one you know they they grew up in the hard part of jersey and they lived on the bottom of the hill cars used to always run and hit their house and it was crazy but uh first time i heard you talk i was like jesus christ him and carlos would drive each other crazy in a fucking room we gotta meet each other man it'd be cool oh so we always talk whenever you fight and stuff so his younger brother someone george alias do you remember george alias used to work for the ufc
Starting point is 01:14:43 yeah i think so last is the older guy i called him today to tell him you were around but i couldn't get a hold of him he lives three blocks away he was in studio city so he told me you were cute my head almost exploded because right away then i put it together i think i seen him at ebi yesterday he was at ebi yeah i saw him yeah okay so you know was that the guy that came up yeah oh that's okay yeah that's george alias yeah george yeah he knows my father you know i mean i'm right him and get that to us outside the park yeah can we throw the gentleman yeah yeah it's funny a lot of people know your dad a lot of people said to me they know he worked security with him yeah he's director security for uh station casinos after i left metro uh you know metro police yeah he was a cop
Starting point is 01:15:23 yeah uh jesus christ he's one of those hard-edge cubans yeah man and then uh then he got into security work you know uh for the casinos work for the fratitas work for station casinos now he's a director of security uh you know wears a suit you know deals but my dad's you know typical cuban you know great talker you know doesn't have to worry about carrying a gun or anything he can you know he defuses situations and you know you walk in there with an issue you walk back out just what happened i mean like the judo mind trick you know he has the exit yeah oh yeah real sick it's funny that's a lullaby it's funny because i don't notice it because that's what i grew up with in fact sometimes when i do commentating people be like you don't say that word right i'm like
Starting point is 01:16:00 ah you gotta realize that my english even though i don't speak spanish came from a guy that it was his second language you know i mean in the household so sometimes i mispronounce words the wrong way you know just not on purpose i try to go back through and re-evaluate and get it the right way but uh you know you're around that and you know his like i said my dad's generation my his cousins and Miguel degado uh Rob Roberto you know they're all the first generation you know they're all you know full blooded cuban born in cuba but as far as speaking english they were the first uh to to learn english they had to go in there you know if my grandfather or his grandfather you know wanted to go buy a car aunt and uncles my dad was the one had to go in there and translate
Starting point is 01:16:41 and help figure it out because of learning english you know which you know it took a little while and i think that's also too a bit of a disservice my dad because of spanish holding back a lot of his family members not being able to speak english that's why he regrets it now but in the early 80s he's like you know why am i going to teach my kids spanish and english you know you know it's not going to help him it's only going to hurt him you know we're in america english is the language that we need and he fought so hard to learn how to speak english properly and saw how you know family members that didn't want to learn how to speak english how they struggled you know so he didn't look at that as an advantage he sees that now as a mistake he's like man i wish i would have
Starting point is 01:17:16 passed that on to you i apologize but at the time you know that's what i thought was best for you know and so uh i fucking hated it yeah when i lived in new york city i fucking hated it really when i first moved to new york from cuba and she would call my name out of that fucking window i wouldn't answer really i wouldn't answer don't fucking call me host antonio from those fucking kids don't fucking talk to me in spanish in front of those motherfuckers all right and she would talk to me in spanish and i have to pull her aside don't talk to me in fucking spanish and she's saying when you're out there you talk english when you're in here i talked to you about the fuck i want and you're talking spanish so i i went on revolt and she said okay
Starting point is 01:18:02 you need sneakers next week right let's see how you're gonna come ask me because if you come ask me in english you're not gonna get those sneakers so get ready for fucking revolt you want to revolt motherfucker so i hated it but i adjusted it yeah let me tell you something the day i was burying her in that fucking hole i realized how lucky i was no it's a blessing that she beat me up all those years and then after she died i didn't speak that type of spank so i speak a cuban that your dad would look at me and go don't talk to me i speak like probably from a guy from miami i know i speak like a guy from media city oh okay and i grew up with teeth of it ask your dad what the teeth of it is okay that's what they call like fucking street merchants in cuban like my mom used
Starting point is 01:18:45 to call me a street cuban's a lot of slang though you know right so we speak with a lot of slang and a lot of people like i i met a guy in an audition one day and he was like a real decent cuban and i was doing stand-up and this motherfucker on the way out wouldn't even shake my hand like him and his wife clipped up and walked past me there's two types of cubans brother there's pasadena cubans there's cubans that know they got african blood in them and there's cubans that don't want to hear that shit you know what i'm saying yeah and then the pasadena cubans don't put mumbo up in front of those motherfuckers don't run out of that house yeah they're very intelligent cubans they have that spanish blood to them if you look at my uncle you can tell he plays basketball
Starting point is 01:19:27 something you know he got burnt with some my sister's darkest shit which is funny though right my sister's darkest shit my cousin who you saw is light i'll show you his yeah i seen a picture of she's dark my dad told me about my great-grandmother you know african she's african that's it that's just the way it is and you accept it you go fucking you know i hope tmz don't get all of this but it don't matter you know it don't matter what you saw yet look at the poor kid what what the hell mind me i mean fucking joey deus is related to yummy i mean i'm up you know i'm saying who gives a fuck at this point in the game i'm 53 i got one for the gray one of an an appeal what's up dog everything all right here absolutely i've been looking you know what i i get
Starting point is 01:20:12 it to say man i did so much respect for what you guys do here on the church of what's happening now because uh you know you're in my my regular podcast rotation and you know frank is because we started doing this phone booth fighting podcast together uh you know frank's getting up to speed on the world of podcasting but i told him i i you know i asked him i said let's let's go out to la we knew we wanted eddie bravo invited us out to ebi to do our podcast and which we did and i said let's let's hit a couple of podcasts while we're at it like the the top podcast you know and i appreciate i hit you up and ask if we can come out super happy to see you come on this one well i gotta tell you my next question for frank was what was your next move but i don't have to tell you
Starting point is 01:20:53 what your next move frank you have the world by the balls right now i think they did your favor i think they did your favor you're an intelligent guy you still speak fluently you fucking huh you know the game you've been hitting the head with enough chairs punches no no this guy you know this this i'm not the he got in the head with chairs you ain't gonna come to him and bullshit him like you ain't gonna come to frank man go why no you listen come here for a second i work the bar in vegas i got here with bottles and chairs and people you know are crazier than you crazier than you then i went on a fucking ring and i had a fucking tackle you know tim silvia and break his arm and then i went to a fucking whatever brazil and broke whatever shoulder you know that's like
Starting point is 01:21:36 tapping out fucking jesus christ yeah i'm taking out no garrel that's like tapping out jesus christ the jujitsu world like that's a sad day they didn't stop jabbing mohammed ali are knocking out my they closed focal the child's were closed across the country the next day and the story it was it was horrible it was like uh it was like jujitsu against jujitsu and uh and he's a great guy i loved that great guy you know uh another guy that trained in cuba or his brother yeah right well yeah human boxing team and it's funny because the first time i saw them i was like those motherfuckers can pass as my cousins they have that skin color that they can pass as my cousin so i was looking at your dog you you're great at but you could talk that's it you got to get the gap you could talk
Starting point is 01:22:19 shit to your 92 what happened when i when ufc 142 i strangled that motherfuckers on boom is 2000 you are man you're a natural i don't know i told frank even when you announced sometimes i'm like who the fuck is that yeah it's not fucking frank man well i don't think we started doing this because i come from a radio background you know and and we just much like this set up i'd we'd take gear over to frank's house and we'd sit in his backyard once a week and we do our show just like you and lee talk and i was like man you know i i'll give you a few little coaching tips here and there from a radio background but but you're a natural at it no he's the he's the future it's yeah he's the future that's what they want somebody who's natural who just talks yeah i've experienced
Starting point is 01:22:59 how i've been there i mean you know the guys sometimes when they talk and they've been on the outside of the cage and not that you don't have to have been a fighter to know about it you can break things down you know i don't think bill bellichick said they were throwing a touchdown pass but yeah obviously knows how to coach a football team but uh you know i think there's a little bit more of a you know people value that i come from experience when i sit there and i talk about what that fighter is going through or what he's feeling you know what's going on in that situation i've been there you know i've had more fights almost than anybody in the ufc how many fights all together what am i at 26 or 27 yeah 27 fights yeah so i mean 27 times i've walked down through
Starting point is 01:23:35 those curtains and walked out to an octagon you know so when i sit there and try to talk to people who convey what's going on i can speak from a point of experience of being there and then have you know enough of a gift that i can try to make it relatable you know sit there and talk in terms that i'm not talking above people or not trying to you know show them you know that talk from a a term that only another fighter would understand because why am i talking to fighters anyways you guys understand you know what i mean i'm trying to uh when i speak or if i break down fights i'm trying to speak to not the guy who's a fan who's sitting there watching the fights you know i'm giving him information he probably already knows i'm trying to talk to his wife his
Starting point is 01:24:13 girlfriend his mother-in-law was sitting there in the room going why are you watching this you know these two guys is rolling around on the ground listen to me talk let me explain to you what's going on you know these two guys you know they're throwing punches just trying to throw haymakers nah man this guy's set throwing this move you get this motion get this going and these guys are left foot you see he's trying to gain this he's gonna do something the other guy's not watching that left foot that's really interesting way he you guys say that stuff yeah it makes it more interesting because hey when you understand something you always love it more you know i always use the joke and well now it won't work as well because i was down in Australia
Starting point is 01:24:46 i sat there in youtube because it was on tv all the time i wanted to understand it but i used to always make that joke rugby seems like a real exciting sport right i have a hard time watching it because i don't know what the hell's going on i go watch a football game because i grew up in the states so i know what's going on in a football game but if you watch a sport no matter how great it is if you don't really know what's going on it's not as enjoyable you know it's like yeah what are they doing they're all just mashing up on top of each other like oh no this is a scram so what this guy is doing this guy's the hookery is sliding over the top this oh that's so same thing with grappling i think that's one thing about the MMA that really you know it needed
Starting point is 01:25:20 to convey over there's so much complex martial arts going on that uh you know boxing's easier to understand obviously boxing's really deep too it's its own science you can break down the intricacies of what guys are doing a mayweather you break it down especially i sit there now watch fights with angelo he shows me all right you know aturo gatti when he's fighting uh mayweather this was the angle off the left foot setting up the right hand of the body this is what's going on like wow that's interesting but you can still bring your mom your sister your wife to a boxing match and they can be excited because it's like well that guy hit that guy in the face i get it you know obviously it's a lot deeper than that but even without a deeper understanding it can
Starting point is 01:25:59 still be enjoyable but when you watch grappling you see two guys on the ground moving around or two guys in a clinch if you don't really know what's going on you're like well what's he doing he's just sitting on his back i'm like no no you see how his hand's pushing down on the guy's wrist right now they're having a fight a wrist fight right now they're hand battling well why are the hand battling well because if that guy's elbow slips down any lower he's going to throw up a triangle now this guy maybe now he's waiting for the triangle he's going to try to crush past the guard on the other side oh that's what's going on yeah they're just like they're sitting there i'm like well yeah because you're not seeing the intricacies of the little tiny fights and battles that are
Starting point is 01:26:30 going on and then when i point them out to the people that don't understand you know that aspect of MMA then now i think it turns over more fans makes it more enjoyable they can understand and see what's happening and now they can see it from my eyes and see how why i enjoy it so much and then it becomes fun again it's like oh okay so i see the battle that's going on because otherwise you just see two guys maybe just laying there another guy on top of another guy well what are they doing i'm like oh this is what they're doing because it's funny you say that because at EBI yesterday i don't even know if you notice this or not for anybody you've been to ebi joey i mean your podcast sponsors uh ebi but when uh uh you know it's very quiet in there you know when
Starting point is 01:27:09 they're grappling and everything and so we were sitting there and we were taping we're doing a little fight companion podcast but i didn't think in advance about how quiet it was going to be in there so you know we're kind of keeping like this keeping this voice down and in my first i thought boy i hope the people around us you know are not uh bothered by it but hearing frank's commentary the whole time and really enriching the experience like that i started looking around and people were moving closer because they wanted to be able to hear it you know it made it that much more enjoyable to hear him really breaking down what they were seeing well this is what i think happened when the UFC went from pay per view to fox
Starting point is 01:27:46 you know i think they should have got a more informative team you know joe does his best joe's great at it sometimes joe doesn't show i think that when it's on fox this is your chance to suck people in if i go and i see a guy again standing up against the listen first time i turned ufc on i saw a fucking tank avid with that suit on yeah and i turned it off and i never wants it again then i met joe rogan and he talked to me about this shit fucking ufc shit listen i grew up with bruce lee bitch i went to the garden all those years to see iran banks karate tournament i saw the guy catch the bullet through the glass with the 22 okay i saw that motherfucker four times you're gonna show up with a bikini on like thank avid then i turned it on
Starting point is 01:28:30 again i saw the black guy the guy that had the 18 black belts okay and i'm like are they fucking put me on like are you fucking people put me on like jump i wouldn't even say nothing to him then he started hanging out with eddie and they would talk and talk and they'd do what you and the other fucking dude did they'd be in the hotel lobby and all sudden people's foot would come off and they'd be choking each other in the lobby and teaching each other moves and denny and tate and they'd be knocking animals and i look at these guys and go they're fucking animals i came from a karate background what do you want to wrestle with men for i never even thought about it i'm like touching people's feet that's the most disgusting thing in the fucking world i'll
Starting point is 01:29:09 suck my wife's toe if i'm doing blow or something like that but touching somebody's feet you're talking about a toe hole before i almost died over he almost got an anxiety attack that's funny people still think that like oh you want to fight a toe hold you grab the guy's toe i'm like no it's called a toe hold because we grabbed that aspect the foot there but no i'm breaking his ankle uh it's an ankle break no i had it just a thought yeah but people don't yeah they don't understand grabbing his foot oh absolutely and and then one night i'm going through it here's a true story i'm going through the channels i gotta join me my wife's cooking chicken collards and i see they're talking about it the week before i had this in silver
Starting point is 01:29:48 is joining the ufc i'm like here we go some other fucking idiot with a bikini on i gotta put on and watch jesus christ i didn't know what to think and i'm scrolling through the channel and it's him against chris levin and i go here here's it i'm gonna watch this and that was just about a minute and a half my head almost blew up i was like that i go here we go all right now we're talking all right now i'll start going to these fucking ufcs this shit it's funny to talk about guys rolling on the ground you know half naked you know obviously i've heard my uh share of uh you know remarks made upon it uh i remember one time you know i was a 21 you know i had my own apartment living on my own now you know uh and my mom came over and you know a typical kid 21 22 years old
Starting point is 01:30:32 fucking apartment's a mess you know so mom comes over and does what moms do puts a you know a pot of uh food on the uh stove starts cooking you know and then as the food's cooking she's going around there in my apartment cleaning and picking up you know and all i really had at the time was a you know a tv you know a 36 inch tv that i bought off of my uh my uh first fight against reberto traven you know with the wind money you know and uh an xbox and i had my uh you know different dvds uh on the floor is thrown around and one of them was a jiu-jitsu and it showed two guys and they were basically doing kind of like an open guard work right but they're you know valued two little shorts you know one guy's on top of one guy you know he has wrist control foot in the
Starting point is 01:31:12 bicep foot on the hip the other guy's trying to control his knees and pass and that's the picture of the cover and uh my mom reaches down grabs the dvd you know to put it away and then she glances at it my mom drops it oh my god and so i'm sitting there you know on the couch being a lazy ass mom's cleaning the apartment cooking food you know i think i'm playing halo and stuff and i look up at her i'm like mama what's up you know like and i'm looking down at her like did you would you grab you know what i mean like i don't know porno's up in this place you know i knew you were coming over i at least hit that shit you know you know you're respectable your mother you know it also and i look down and i'm looking at it i'm looking at her and it took me a second to catch up i'm
Starting point is 01:31:48 like no mom mom mom no these guys are fighting they're not making love this isn't a homosexual video this is uh this is jujitsu yeah and my mom's like what i'm like yeah mom in the legs this is and i was like ah you know son you know and she has a karate background i even tried to get her to come to the gym and train a couple times jujitsu you know after the first couple days you know she came she goes you know son i'm sorry i can't sit there and put a guy between my legs and get on the ground or roll with them you know you know this is awkward for me i'm maybe i'm too old for this you know i mean like no but it's funny that's the first sponsor i still this day i remember the shock my mom happened she saw that cover she here i'm thinking she's like oh there goes any grandchildren
Starting point is 01:32:28 from this one you know i actually have a little uh secret i tell people whenever you're seeing a you're watching an MMA fight that maybe is not particularly exciting play this little mind trick on yourself pick one fighter okay and and convince yourself that that guy is trying to blow the other one okay follow me the other guy imagine that he is doing everything within his power to fight that guy off and if you get that narrative going in your head turns into a whole different fight what you're watching uh a little too close to prison type of thing i don't want to watch this stuff it's uh no that's a great point you may especially for when they went over to fox they even tried to add that football effect to it i'm like oh that's a growing period my Jesus fucking christ
Starting point is 01:33:18 they're trying to come into this football on sundays yeah i think they definitely need an opportunity but now now i think it's moving down they explain to the people are catching up i mean now i mean you go to the fights now and and a guy goes and starts grabbing another guy's arm and pivoting his hips out the crowd starts because they know it's an arm bar coming back in 2001 2002 and i'm in the UFC you would have a guy throw another guy in a triangle and i swear 90% of the crowd had no idea what was going on you see people tapping you know and guys starting to looking around left and right they're like that guy had his legs around his neck well why did he tap what happened you know what's going on i'm like oh it's a it's a joke man but you know people
Starting point is 01:33:58 didn't know you know and uh even the announcers if you remember things would happen sometimes in those fights yeah when jim brown and oh yeah the announcers would be like hold on a second there was i think there was confusion when there was a submission trying to dissect what happened yeah and that's why i mean when they went to fox i wish there'd have been a little bit more starting over again and breaking down like okay this is the guard and you know maybe even having like you know a section a 15 instruction okay guys this is side control this is the guard this is the mount this is what we can go right on world hit hit right on right right on round ball on youtube real quickly wake up out of your fucking coma over there look at you you're out to lunch you
Starting point is 01:34:36 over there fall asleep your eyes are red you look like you're fucking when i was a kid basketball came on cbs this is 1977 everybody knew who basketball was you just watched julia serban for the last fucking 10 years sizzled the a b a everybody knew who basketball was but at halftime they showed this every fucking game how many games they show on sundays on the mba two sometimes fucking three they would show all brand new you know they don't want to do this no more and i don't why don't do this for each fucking fight what which uh video do you want i don't know pistol pete maravich how's that he had everybody on there for years he would do this stupid shit that's it i'm passing how's that
Starting point is 01:35:30 look at that passing for fucking retards okay look look you why this is called passing the guard this is when extended this is pete maravich the greatest playmaker and passer in the game today passing to henry bibby also another fucking savage jazz notice the finger look at it he breaks it down to the fucking finger frankly yeah finger spread follow through just on a simple chest pass now pete in throwing that pass do you really think about that when you do it or does it become automatic well actually it becomes automatic but three basic ingredients in throwing any type of passes fingertip control backspin and follow through all right now demonstrate the other few fundamental passes all right the four basic or the chest pass and the chest bounce pass
Starting point is 01:36:20 well you can throw it two ways either backspin or forward like this but what is your major when you throw that bounce pass isn't it to get it right here try to get it right to the man's waist where you can handle it quite easily that's the key too many people throw bounce pass my point being you could kill this how basic is this yeah but that's awesome this is half and maybe guess what now if i was watching this when the halftime breaks on in the second period i'm going to be watching for that now and be like oh that was a good pass that was a bad pass i didn't play basketball i don't know that but guess what i just now i got more informed and i'm going to be more entertained and i'm knowing what i'm looking at i'm watching for stuff i'm more vested in what i'm seeing
Starting point is 01:37:00 because i have an understanding so they would show this during nba games halftime that was a halftime right on round ball who i mean he taught everything on that i you know i think too from a commentary standpoint that's why you know people don't give for example uh my goldberg enough enough credit when they talk about the dynamic between him and joe because you got to remember new viewers are coming to this all the time yeah and if it gets too advanced yeah it's great for the people who've been watching it for a long time but how are you going to speak to the person that's tuning in for the first time yeah you have to speak it to the people that are you need uh you need a knowledgeable guy a guy to tame it listen it's like the south things they always had four black guys and one
Starting point is 01:37:39 white guy to tame them down you know same philosophy same thing same thing same fucking thing you know you got to have a guy taming everybody down but you got to have a knowledgeable guy explaining it you got to have this you know how how fucking much i would watch the ufc if at the beginning they'd say in today's edition we're going to have frank me and teach how to break a fucking arm and how you come out with your little fucking gear and you break somebody's arm next week george saint pia the little spin that'll hold me there yeah at least how to pass the guard how to an mma that's for little kids that's for everybody to learn housewives it's knowledge knowledge is power iacocca lee what is it well i liked uh daniel cormea uh commentating the last fight so look maybe
Starting point is 01:38:23 they can have them throw out the entire fight and like commentate and then during the breaks or something i don't know do teach a move or or have a story i don't even have one of the rooms in the back of a green room we sit there and go okay what you just saw was this i can grab you know me and richard there i grab rich put him on the ground okay when the guy passed over the top you know when uh back of the matt hughes right all of a sudden uh he uh he's fighting george saint pierre in the first fight he arm bars him off of a kimora reversal right a lot of people watching that i mean what did i just see like well matt hughes was on top he reached over for uh uh you know george reached over for kimora matt hughes stepped over the head to block off the uh body transitioned across the rib cage
Starting point is 01:39:01 stepped down and it was able to counter into an arm bar a lot of people saw that and like oh he won but i don't think they really even got there's a lot of people that watched that didn't realize what the counter that they just saw that a guy went for a kimora and the other guy stepped over the side control and went for the arm bar but having that explained to people afterwards i think a lot of people suddenly like my mom would be like oh wow that's awesome my wife does it to me sometimes i can't even put fights on at the house because she'll sit down next to me i mean not not so much she can sit there and explain to most people what she's seeing but uh sit there and um understand it should be like frank start talking tell me what they're doing like all right well the guy's in
Starting point is 01:39:37 half guard but he's purposely not passing because he's keeping control of his legs and so that way he can establish position on top and this is what he's looking for the other guy well what does the other guy do well you know right now he's trying to either get his knee back through or he's trying to drive the other guy's knee up so he can either work for a sweep or for a get up and this is what this is the battle that's occurring right there and then she'll look back over it's two guys one and half guard one on top one on bottom and now it's entertaining to her again because now she understands oh okay i see what this guy's objective is and i see what that guy's objective is and what they're battling for right now and now i'm back i'm interested in again before i'm like
Starting point is 01:40:08 if i'm just seeing two guys do something what's the point of watching if you don't even see what if you don't even know what you're watching that makes a lot more interesting especially when it's such a growing sport you know when it's on nfl when i'm paying 50 bucks i know what i'm fucking getting but when i'm watching it on nfl it's because something else ain't on and i'm sitting there and i'm fucking broke i don't get paid till the 20th and all of a sudden the usc's got a free show from six to eight my friend that work won't shut the fuck up about this my friend that work won't shut the fuck he even got the shorts that work he won't shut the fuck up so you watching it one night you cook a steak and you sit in and
Starting point is 01:40:47 watch it what happens if a grappler fights a striker and he puts them against the fence and they're sitting there for two minutes and all of a sudden the guy at home here's the booze from the jerk offs in the audience i don't really know what's going on that right there i had enough for 10 minutes i can't watch that shit guy had him against the fucking wall i didn't know what was going on you know they want kicks they want punches they want frank me and breaking fucking the highlights of it that exciting part it's easy for people to understand but then you get a guy you know Daniel Cormier shoves the guy against the cage and like well what they're fighting for now is hip control you know Daniel's trying to get that left under hook
Starting point is 01:41:25 underneath these fighting down the other guy realizes he's doing it so he's trying to keep his rib cage protect to keep the elbow down and block but now Daniel's throwing a punch up to his head so now that guy now goes to block the punch but now exposes his ribs Daniel now is able to go ahead and lock up the the under hook and now he transitions off to his high crotch on the other side on the left leg keeps his ear posted in and then now he's going for the back the guy's fighting back but now his weight comes up too high now he dumps him and throws him over through the air it's like oh that was what's going on yeah i just thought i saw two guys hugged up against the cage i'm like no that's what was happening what about money mouse because he's like the last
Starting point is 01:41:58 previous to this fight his last two fights he won but they weren't very exciting so it was like the kind of card where you're kind of disappointed if you bought them because they're expensive they're 50 60 bucks but that's a lot of money yeah that's sad because he is pound for pound one of the best fighters in the world and everything he does i mean it's a science you're watching him move he's up there with you know you know dominant crews up there with uh uh you know um some of the great you know frankie edgar you know some of the greatest fighters in the world you know sometimes the guys are watching them you know they sit there and go uh that guy frankie's just dancing around i'm like no he's not he's hitting angles he's moving out he's trying to get you to put your
Starting point is 01:42:33 weight forward so you can hit off the side he's gonna go for a strike if you block and move your weight back too much now you expose the leg he does that post leg snatch where he grabs the lead leg and shoves you down and then if you go ahead and defend that after the first time now he has you set up that you're always seeing that read that you think that maybe a takedown's coming and now when you go ahead and go there and you step there and you get heavy on the leg boom now he smashes down with a kick all that off of different reads and setups and what's going on like oh i thought i was just seeing a guy dancing around i'm like no that's what's happening you know you see uh you know dominant crews another one if you don't know the science of what's going on you sit there
Starting point is 01:43:05 you're like i just see a guy with like some crazy footwork moving around i'm like no he's staying on a figure eight he's moving on the outside of it he's constantly out of his opponent's uh power uh range and so now he's setting up he's trying to get you to throw a punch so you can be a little bit off weight he's gonna have his feet set on the outside or on the inside depends on what technique he employed when you came in and now he has uh options a b and c you know but if you don't see that you just see a guy who's bobbing his head moving around and throwing a punch i'm like nah man there's so much science going on that if you don't understand what's going on it takes away from the enjoyment so i'm bringing it back and having that explained and
Starting point is 01:43:41 broken down to people man just you know that's why i'm so passionate you know that's why anybody that actually understands what's going on i've never met a person i brought into a gym and started showing them how submissions work how footwork on their feet work how throwing a jab isn't just your lead hand flying out you know the intricacies behind pushing your your hips pushing off the back leg well why is that guy jab better than that guy well this guy he's just stepping and kind of pulling his weight the other guy's pushing off the back foot driving turning his hips turning his shoulders adding three or four inches to his uh his uh reach putting leverage behind his shot that's what he's doing with his jab the other guy now is cocking off the
Starting point is 01:44:16 side loading his rear leg looking for the overhand shot always just swinging a haymaker no he's not even roi nelson's overhand right there's science behind it oh he's locking his feet posting weight on the back leg and then when he throws the punch he's actually aiming more for the back of the ear so he can hit off your equilibrium and that way if you pull away from it he still has a chin shot you duck in you're going to get hit behind the head both are going to be shots they're going to be pretty detrimental but there's a science of what he's setting up you know and so all the fights that they're that way they're not just two guys just going at it you know they're moving fast but when you break down the science of what two guys are going down and doing how do you not fall in
Starting point is 01:44:51 love with it i've never had anybody that you get give me five minutes of your time sit on a mat with me and let me explain to you what's going on you might not want to join up and join a gym you might have injuries might not have the time but you're going to fall in love with the way i fell in love with it the way we all hear fall in love with it just like you said you sit there you first watch guys in the mat you're like no these two fucking guys doing you know you sit there and hang out with an eddie bravo a guy who's a genius at grappling on the ground he starts why is that guy grabbing his foot what the hell is he doing it's like oh no this is rubber guard he's just not as a handle you know he's pushing the guy down pulsing through and now if you don't keep your elbow down
Starting point is 01:45:21 he's going to slide through you know zombie rising up grabbing an overhook now you're set up for pneumoplata he can push it through post up for a triangle go ahead and go for a sweep or maybe he pulls up the other foot and goes in for crackhead control and really just weighs down on the back of the head pulls down takes wind from you setting up the next position so now his hips are free to flip over on the side and attack that other arm man how do you not how do people not get into that if you like combat you like sports now you get an understanding of what these guys are doing everybody loves that i mean why do you think football you name it sports people love to watch but people like to understand it you know i mean look at baseball we break that down in numbers
Starting point is 01:45:57 you know the different pitches guys are explaining that people are going like why is this guy doing this well you got a guy on first so if this guy throws a fastball even if the guy swings at it you know he's going to make sure that the guy on first can't steal second he can't throw a change up right now you know the way the count is right now if he throws a change up that ball's going to be going too slow they can't send their guy from first to second to steal because the catcher's going to have now half a second more to throw down to second and get him out you know it's like whoa that's what's going on yeah i just thought it was a guy stealing the second no man there is so much strategy going on but people you know need to understand what that is or it's not exciting
Starting point is 01:46:31 when that's the reward of any fan investigating and educating themselves about their passion like i think that's why cooking shows are popular you know if i make something for you i give it to you can tell me if it tastes good or bad but if you understand the culinary aspects of it the ingredients that went into it you're going to have a greater appreciation for what i what i put together for you that's why i started training jujitsu because just working in MMA media i wanted to be able to have a better comprehension of what i was seeing to translate right that's how it started i was going to kickbox and i was like you know what i've been doing this for 30 years i knew jujitsu schooled open over that the first time i went in i thought my head was going to explode like i had
Starting point is 01:47:10 them i thought i was really gonna die and then i would go over there like just Jesus this is a fucking nightmare and then i started understanding i go you know what man the more i come in here the stronger i'm gonna get i don't have to be johnny jujitsu you just keep showing up here and you're gonna get a little every this is as tough as it gets this is as tough as it gets you know and you mix it up with some kettlebells and you walk and you lose weight and i love it i love it can i announce what you you guys do fuck no fuck no there's too many fucking movements and shit my mind don't catch that stuff that quick that's why i say that you're really fucking good at thanks because i tried to do it one time i was like no this is i know a kick to the head or points
Starting point is 01:47:54 to the groin well have you trained in long enough you get it to you better yeah it takes reps you know i've been in a gym for so many thousands of hours that when i see a guy grab a wrist and move there's only so many things that most likely he's going to do that are highly effective so i can sit there and that's why you know i when i've commented at wc fights you know back in the day when the wc was still uh people loved it right but i couldn't sit there and go oh you know i remember one time you know um i was sitting there going man are you is this live because you're calling moves out before you see them like well no i just trained long enough and i can speak fast enough that i see what's about to happen i can see the ebbs and flows of what each guy is going for
Starting point is 01:48:30 and sit there oh here comes the right hand you got through a right hand how did you know that was about to come i'm like oh because two moves before the guy did this i read what the guy did to counter it i'm sure the other guy is a trained martial artist read what the other guy was going to counter it and now they're playing a game back and forth it's like you know they're trying to set each other up and move well good podcast though i'm happy you came on now man i'm live too it's awesome this is fucking i know you guys gotta do this again man next time you're vegas do our podcast fight in the phone yeah i went on i went on you were out you were training in brazil yeah it was the week you you were actually out and i take colors down there in brazil yeah
Starting point is 01:49:05 yeah some pilot time we got this shit out of the way we'll get you the hell out of here you're coming back to vegas anytime joey anytime soon july night i think i think oh that's uh international fight week yeah i'm doing the whole thing for 200 you'll see joha yeah friday night i got to sit there watching the stand-ups and uh when hitting the rafters up top and i got to watch man great stuff man you both you know you came out there you open i loved it man and then rogan came out there and just a couple weeks ago uh no it's been probably about two years when i watched one of his stand-ups to come out there i was laughing because one of the things i completely related to i laughed my ass off to the point where uh you know i think some of the people
Starting point is 01:49:45 were laughing but i laughed like i mean the fun you know a couple of guys around me are looking over like was it that funny what he said i'm like no you don't understand how funny that is when i you know you sit there and he was talking about how you know what is up with fighters you know when a fan goes up to a fighter wants to take a picture everybody wants to put their hands up you know put the knuckles you know and and uh he goes you sit there you know you take a picture with tiger woods you're not gonna sit there and ask him hey can we can i pretend i'm doing a golf swing it's crazy it really is yeah i was laughing because that happens all the time i go and take pictures with people they lift their hand up i'll lift my hand up too you know you know whatever the fan wants you
Starting point is 01:50:17 know what i mean it's their moment you know their picture you know however they want it to go but uh you know the whole you know you know let's hold up our fists you know what i mean and yeah that buffalo some guy was driving me crazy almost fucking stabbed him there's a line it's friday night there's another show we take the picture there's no no no i want to take one with my hand up all right he took it he looked at let me take another one by the third one i go you gotta go dog yeah enough with the fucking theory you sell flowers for a living honestly you want to put your fucking hand up leave me the fuck yeah they want to screw off with you oh it fucking kills me anyway why fuck around there and listen we all read magazines we all uh
Starting point is 01:50:58 you know we try to keep up our magazines but it's tough because you don't know what you're looking for anymore you know after time uh listen thanks to pizza we're all binge eating thanks to netflix we're all binge watching but now with texture you can start binge reading trust me it's about to be a thing when it comes to magazines you know what you like and with text you can get all the magazines you want in one super convenient place texture has completely reimagined magazines giving you re-image sorry reimagined what am i thinking re-image re-image magazines giving you the articles and stories you really want all in one place place interactive features videos and recommendations just for you the texture app lets you tap into the world's most popular magazines
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Starting point is 01:55:01 ron jeremy ron jeremy we have some chicks fucking pussy but don't remember tune in to phone boots fighting new episodes every week and read the instagram day oh yeah our instagram is at phone booth fighting yep websites phone booth fighting dot com new episodes every week including as this one airs a new one posted today you're talking about all this all right stay black frank man who's better than you nobody awesome thanks for having us joey we really appreciate it man lisa yeah what's your deal look at you like fucking zombieville i'm doing good i'm in potato balls you know i'm gonna take fuck yeah all right that's why i love frank me and eat none he's a vegetarian nah man i'm gonna eat some i got a three or four hour trip back to vegas he's in tip top shape i got
Starting point is 01:55:43 my dinner i love you guys we'll see you wednesday night stay black thank you for tuning into the church what's happening now yo don't forget i'm an indianapolis this weekend that's right thursday friday and saturday indianapolis two weeks from now i'm in fucking sacramento at the punch line there you go if you are a girl who is in to do do i do a podcast called mat therapy with two two two girls if you this show is brought to you by texture texture is the app that lets you dive deep into the world's most popular magazines anytime anywhere using your smart phone or tablet including back issues and video content it's texture.com slash joey just get a free trial of the great out show is also brought to you by helix sleep go to helix sleep.com slash joey
Starting point is 01:56:31 right now to save $50 off of your order helix is a company that allows you to make custom mattresses that would normally cost you thousands and are now costing you hundreds it's helix sleep.com slash joey and go to honor.com slash church to save 10 on all the great optimization products like afro brain and new mood i'm listening but there's no sound isn't anyone trying to find me i want somebody come take me home it's that damn calm night you're trying to figure out this lie i want you to take me by the hand take me somewhere new
Starting point is 01:57:47 i don't know who you are but i i'm with you i'm with you i'm looking for a place i'm searching for a face is anybody here i know because nothing's going right and everything's a mess and no one likes to be yellow isn't anyone trying to find me you want somebody come take me home it's that damn calm night trying to figure out this lie i want you to take me by the hand take me somewhere new i don't know who you are but i i'm with you
Starting point is 01:58:50 you i'm with you why is everything so confusing maybe i just out of my mind it's that damn calm night you're trying to figure out this lie i want you to take me by the hand take me somewhere new i don't know who you are but i i'm with you i'm with you i take me by the hand take me somewhere new i don't know who you are but i
Starting point is 01:59:55 i'm with you take me by the hand take me somewhere new i don't know who you are but i i'm with you i'm with you you i'm with you

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