Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #395 - Dr. Belisa Vranich

Episode Date: July 7, 2016

Dr. Belisa Vranich, author of "Breathe", and the creator of The Breathing Class joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio! Visit http://thebreathingclass.com/ to learn more! This podcast is brough...t to you by: Blue Apron: Go to blueapron.com/JOEY to get your first three meals free and free shipping!   Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.    Recorded live on 07/06/2016.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Me like I got the answer. I apologize For looking at you like you have the answer That's good, that ain't no I can I know I could hold my breath for 30 seconds There you go. Oh, but ever since I've been doing it the police technique my my Bong hits have been more efficient. You were not the first one to say that You are not the first one. Yeah, look at that. Yeah, I could blow a bong hit a fucking yeah You understand good now. You got it in your stomach. It cleans out your enzyme When you finish if you drink a little coffee, you got to go to the bathroom. Let's do this shit Lee. What's I come here?
Starting point is 00:00:40 I'm sorry. Yeah, he's waiting for the answers. I was waiting. I was waiting for the answers since 2011 look at me This show is brought to you by blue apron Check out this week's menu and get your first three meals for free With free shipping by going to blue apron comm slash Joey You will love how good it feels and taste to encrypt to create incredible home quick meals with bloke with blue apron So don't wait. That's blue apron comm slash Joey Shows also brought to you by on it comm go to on it comm use code word church to save 10% on all their great Optimization products like Alphabrain new mood trim tech immune and trim tech sport
Starting point is 00:01:17 That's on it comm it use code word church to save 10% I Kicked out at meal Lee. It's Wednesday night The people listen to they show ain't fucking deathly. I'm keep telling you this shit kick it Lee I can't hear it. You got to turn up the speakers or something I'm not getting on my speakers Oh It sounds like debt
Starting point is 00:02:03 You're embarrassing me the second time this week is DJ Lee for crazy. I apologize we checked it You see what I got to deal with ladies and gentlemen Wednesday night july Six seven to don't matter We're back dr. Belisa's back That's all that matters Some guy sent me an email joey with no more health fucking podcast unless it's dr. Belisa So we brought her back and now you can't fucking complain
Starting point is 00:02:34 Everybody's always got to raise their hand and be the fucking psychic. Listen when I do these health podcasts Do you think I put these people on? Because they don't know what the fuck they're talking about They know one thing that's going to change your life when I talk to these people if they move me I got to bring them on and let you fucking meet them So that's what the health podcast is about Lee. You got a little sympathy for the devil. Yeah, let's do. Okay. Let's try it. Let's try it Just a little sympathy not a lot of sympathy. Just a little sympathy. Yeah There we go. There you go kick it
Starting point is 00:03:09 There you go This is what i'm talking about You hear those maracas That means the devil's coming soon You hear that top suckers. There we go. The devil's coming soon Oh good There you go Lee look. Oh shit. It's going down tonight. I think we lost one. Yeah, that's when you thought it was safe Leave it for the mouse
Starting point is 00:03:49 You got to leave one for the mouse Whoa Oh shit Oh shit Get your breathing ready bitches Get the dumbbell put it on your stomach Dr. Belize is in the house cock suckers We're back bitches
Starting point is 00:04:26 Lee's still recovering from Kate Quigley He keeps calling me. He has answers questions So many God, it's it's just crazy to hear all the stories you guys have about just She's crazy. And that's why I love her and that's why it worked out. But fuck Kate for right now I got one of my favorites here. Dr. Belize saving lives changing lives People request I got to talk to I got questions for
Starting point is 00:04:54 How many people did you hear from? How many of these church people tormented millions these motherfuckers They could give an aspirin headache. They don't stop. They're elliptical savages And I actually had people show up at the workshop in New York You know You have something that uh people catching on they're they're saying yes, something is wrong with me Something has been wrong with me for a long time And in 1992 I was part of the cross country team
Starting point is 00:05:21 And I ran 26 fucking miles and now I can't walk a mile. You know, yeah, so people can't figure that The book did wonders to me because I read it I went to the first workshop Then I reread it and then I started doing the basic just I kept it real basic every week I put an extra weight on my thing beautiful, but it's so crazy how I was doing well I mean those first 21 days I would practice when I walked And here's what I came to the conclusion my wife for like two years kept saying You know, I got to do more setups and I got to do more kettlebells because the baby
Starting point is 00:05:57 Fucked up all those muscles and it's so weird My belly got so big that I jammed up all those muscles Every time I'm standing now and I'm walking I'm practicing With my walking I'm counting steps Beautiful. I paid the first two or three weeks. It was fucking painful. Sometimes you lose your place Yeah, you know, you're like what the fuck I'm inhaling when I should be exhaling It's confusing in the beginning and then you forget about, you know, the deep inhale to push all the air out, you know And uh, it's just
Starting point is 00:06:29 You know, it's pretty impressive. It's hard work. Yeah, you know, for me, it's been hard work You were saying my diaphragm since I'm a fast fuck My diaphragm But I did say your diaphragm It was so funny I went uh Nick or glorious was he and I met him and I was rolling around on the floor with him and during the workout You know, he made me close my eyes And he goes, I just want you to breathe. I just want you to breathe
Starting point is 00:06:56 I'm gonna get on top of you. You're gonna hip escape And then you're gonna get on top of me and we're gonna do this over and over and over I just want you to breathe with your movement to let the flow, you know And uh at one point he goes me and rough one of his one of my friends also were rolling and he goes Joey, just keep breathing. You know, you're a little out of shape You know with that nice accent you're a little out of shape. You know what I'm saying? But he goes if you keep breathing And get your happy spots
Starting point is 00:07:26 If you guard retention if you close them up here, these are all your happy spots And I'm trying to put together how this breathing correlates with fucking everything the only one I'm stuck with swimming I went to redugo pool. Yeah You know jumped around and for years. I was part of the master swimming program in boulder I I went in there zero and I got up to like number eight I even did a couple of those ride your bikes and swimming little boulder lake and the boulder reservoir One mile. That's what I'm saying. I must have lost it
Starting point is 00:07:59 The breathing somewhere around there now at this whole time. I'm smoking dope I'm snorting blow. I'm staying. I'm sleeping four hours You know, I mean I was just there was no health issues in my life at that time Like I said, if I had a hamburger that was healthy like over the years and my demented Cocaine drug mine, I figured out that if I ate sushi the next day after I did an eight ball I'd be fine that little fucking soup. They give you The miso so it cleaned me out like in my demented mind. I was ready for more coke now So there's no coke in my system
Starting point is 00:08:34 But the breathing and just I got in that redugo pool boy and to extend your stomach Oh, it's a different world. But listen, thank you for coming back on the tables yours. Boom I just want to tell you my dilemma with what happened How I were worked for me. I didn't measure my chest No, I should have I should have brought something to measure. You know, you sent me the Thing it's a great process. And right now I have my daughter And I always go if I can make it to 76 I'd be happy, you know, I'm saying I gotta I gotta talk about a lot. You know, I grew up in north pragan
Starting point is 00:09:08 It's pollution sea cork is that nylon, you know, you got to count all those measures and hanging out with lee and lizard meat That's definitely a health problem But it's been crazy ever since you came last time Breathing is it's I never realized how crucial it was and especially until I started lifting weights Just because it's that's the hardest part for me to still remember to breathe I'm so focused on my form that I just won't breathe for entire set Let's talk about that because that's actually a really interesting topic is how you breathe when you're lifting weights And there's an article that just came out in muscle and fitness about a month ago
Starting point is 00:09:45 And I'm doing another one that's going to come out in a couple months And breathing when you lift is something that everybody thinks they're doing right But they're actually not paying any attention to it all and if you are really a stickler about posture and how well you're lifting You should be breathing along with the lift. You should be breathing. It makes you be able to lift more And it makes you be able to recover faster So the whole thing is that and actually i'm going to take a look at you be watching your belly Is that on the inhale you're going to let yourself expand, right? So on the exhale say you're curling on the exhale
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah, but you're going to squeeze your belly So with every single move at the gym When you go into the move you let your belly expand and when you exert So just think exert means squeeze and exhale and it's going to make you be able to recover faster between sets And lift heavier when you need to most people just hold their breath the whole entire time they're there Besides you're you know in the gym and I just went to golds to I go to golds when I'm here in la And everybody's all decked out and looking crazy and ripped and wearing outfits and full faces of makeup
Starting point is 00:10:58 Venice yeah, so I Obviously have to put on more makeup before I go to the gym to keep up with everybody there But everybody's sucking in their gut and you actually have to let go even when you're squatting you inhale And when you push when you exert you squeeze and exhale So that's the that's the secret is try this tomorrow when you go to the gym Inhale and exhale, but really really consciously and it's going to be able to you're going to be able to lift more And last longer because you're not holding your breath the whole time you're in the gym now in least case It's more kettle bells now before you answer that
Starting point is 00:11:34 My friend is uh He came on the show Remember the big white dude nice guy Uh talking about what health uh He would touch your body with the magnets and all that stuff. Do you remember what his name is great guy? But when we I don't to see he you know, I went to see him one time for something unrelated And he just threw up my breathing And his girlfriend
Starting point is 00:12:04 Was one of the owners of v-max. Oh dole joe dr. Joe in the next day. He came to watch me do jiu-jitsu when he came on me because You know, I'm braiding dog That's the problem you haven't So he's adjusting my collarbone and picked me up into this shit But one of the things he was saying Was that Yeah, he wasn't a fan of the caliber. He's a fan of everything else
Starting point is 00:12:30 But he kept saying that the kettle bells would throw you breathing off whether he's right or whether he's wrong. Yeah, I like him too Yeah, what's the motion? Let's pretend he was doing a swing a kettle bell swing, you know from the front traditional So same same rule exhale on effort So anytime you're making x you're making effort you're exhaling so you're going to inhale and then exhale on the effort part of it It sounds stupid, but I'm at the point where I'm not it's not that I'm not breathing correctly I'm just not breathing. Yeah, it sounds stupid, but is there a way? To train yourself to breathe you have to do it at the same time
Starting point is 00:13:05 So it's going to feel like two separate things at the same time So on the way up is the exhale. Yeah, and think about it when you Throw when you punch it's always an exhale. So of course on the way up It's going to be an exhale and it's going to get easier for you and it'll feel like it makes sense So inhale is easy. It's coming down Exhale the hard part is when you exhale and think about it when you're striking every time you strike you should be exhaling too You shouldn't be holding your breath. So exhale on effort. That's all you have to remember exhale on effort So just start doing that you can do it even without the weight
Starting point is 00:13:41 So you don't get confused weight breathing other is that it makes sense inhale exhale inhale exhale And then you use the weight and do it and it's tough because I got in the bad habit of not breathing No, because like the shorts like the 10 and 10 the doing 10 swings in 10 minutes is easy You can do that And like catch your breath But what i'm doing now is like a really long set sets like systems. Yeah, and i'm dying at the end Well, also your back you need to protect your back and this is something that I talk about a lot is breathing in your back Is that when you inhale so val salva
Starting point is 00:14:14 You're going to inhale and then you're going to compress your belly to be able to stabilize your back You don't want to throw your back out. No, so holding your breath is not going to be good for that Just practice that so with anything with any weight you get yourself used to When you make something effortful You're going to be exhaling and it makes sense and your body will do it more and will do it better Right. I've also found and I don't know about you joey, but When i'm really struggling to get air. Yeah, I used to just go Like really short breaths and I would take me forever to catch my breath
Starting point is 00:14:46 But after I because I started reading your book earlier this week I was like, oh, so I started taking like really long breaths. There we go And it like it took like two seconds to get my breath back. It's like, oh, yeah That's because you're letting this go so you're going inhale and you're letting your body expand Your body should expand you're adding air to it But we're so taught to like even what's called rib gripping and you'll take a look at people You'll take a look at your friends. They're probably a little bit more narrow, but they will grip their ribs So they have no place to go but up with their breathing because their ribs are all tight
Starting point is 00:15:16 You have to let your ribs go and actually some people you actually have to make them stretch their ribs open So think about it with fish in here right here. This is where you would have gills right here, right? On your sides because that's where the biggest part of your ribs are We're the only dumb animal on the planet that's breathing like this So let it go inhale and exhale So you're going to be in really good shape once you start breathing that way because you'll just have more energy Because I would like it was crazy Like you said that the breathing really affected the belly fat
Starting point is 00:15:49 And that's really where I haven't lost any of my weight yet. Like I've lost it everywhere else It's the hardest place and it's the worst because it's like the most visible part But uh, are you exhaling and squeezing your belly though? That's my question. I'm trying to now. Yeah, okay. It's it's tough It's I mean It's so weird how when you do the focus breathing exercise when you get on your knees You feel your stomach going on and you feel like you're part of the french Actually trying to push to take a shit and your hips close back up Let's pretend you're doing the cat claw and you're doing the breathing exercise that way or whatever
Starting point is 00:16:26 The more you do it, it's like your skin has been dead for a long time Little by little like I started really feeling it in my back And really I started feeling sad Like I started feeling sad like what the fuck this has been there all along In fact, I was doing it so much that the little bit in my back started getting sore Now I could feel it around the top of my groin area When I breathe not right away But now when I do that exercise, it's like it's woken
Starting point is 00:16:58 All this up a little bit like that part of your body hadn't gotten oxygen in a while I guess I guess I wasn't breathing that deeply. I guess that that's how much reserve I have available and I never really Tapped into it and the more that I'm doing this You're stretching it out. You know, I try to still do this and you know from my shoulder and still do this I don't think my rib cage. Listen, there's too much shit in there. I tried to finger bang my rib cage over here I can't do it. I can't get my little fat finger like when you got to pay You know us cubans and we got to pay wool fucking Put moho under that little thing there. I think I can't get under that rib cage
Starting point is 00:17:33 I don't know what's there and why fuck with it. You know what I'm saying? So you you bring up something really important, which is this numbness that we have None we really like we really don't even think about from, you know, your armpits to your hips It's just numb because we're bracing all the time. We're squeezing all that and we're just Bracing because it makes us feel better. It makes us feel ready for action It makes us feel ready for something that might happen and we're just squeezing and all this is numb So all of a sudden you said something feels sad is like all of a sudden when you start moving this to breathe The way you should be moving
Starting point is 00:18:05 You get this feeling of sadness sometimes because you're like, oh my god, I feel so relieved and where has this been for so long So I actually want you Lee to not lean against the back of your chair So the back of your chair is actually not your friend. It's actually not your friend at all So when you inhale let your belly touch the front of the desk here inhale good exhale squeeze it Squeeze nice, but here be careful. I want you to tip it your hips So inhale you're gonna do this Good exhale hips under Squeeze there we go. Did you see that exhale?
Starting point is 00:18:42 Nice fucking savage. You are you're breathing savage. That's good. Well, that that was a question I had Yeah, how long do you exhale for because I can exhale for a lot longer You exhale as hard as you can get all that oxygen out. What is uh, what does hickson call it black gas? Which it's not it's actually, you know, having some carbon dioxide in your body or at least getting it in and out is good So inhale and exhale out squeeze all that air out. So you're gonna get lightheaded really quickly. Don't worry about it It's just like a it's like a legal whip it. Uh, uh, not up Not up bobby Go get your belly to touch here. Good exhale squeeze
Starting point is 00:19:19 And I want the movement to be at your hips So usually when we think about breathing we think, you know, because you see it in ads In I like the breathing in the background. I can talk and there can be like heavy breathing in the background I like this not up open your eyes I I'm sorry. I get really melt and when I do this inhale forwards exhale back open your eyes up Inhale forwards exhale back. Well, god sent you to do this God really sent this you as a message and I know people listening going what the fuck joey you're getting religious out of me No, I'm gonna tell you why
Starting point is 00:19:53 Because keep going Look at lee. He's going to fucking work over there Not up though. You're going to see we went we went from going up and down to horizontal. That's what I want Tomorrow by the way, your back is gonna hurt. Okay. Okay. Thank you breathing exercise and lee will get You'll see that the more you do them your muscles will start working. Oh my god Those muscles were fucking dead They were dead and here's the other thing that I know why you got because they were on me. They were fucking They've been a they've been a fucking semicircle for the last 10 or 12 fucking years
Starting point is 00:20:32 It's tough to get that those muscles activated. It's gonna take a long time of just breathing But whenever I either talk to you on the phone An email a text a fucking I see a picture of you it automatically makes me breathe So I think the network should just give you a show where you just sit there Like a fucking move and maybe just breathe and people watch you for 30 minutes and just breathe along with you No movement. I think that's a great idea. No, not to those three basic movements of the book of the first book That you do. No, I can't say what you do at the fucking seminar. That's private information, you know
Starting point is 00:21:06 Hey, I got a class coming up in LA and July 31st July 31st. I'm out of town Well, it's the last Weekend it's the second or third weekend when I got those pins in my nose The pins come out of my nose on the 18th. Keep going Lee. Okay, but she said I can't lift any weights and stuff I can exercise but she goes listen. I know you don't like blood I wouldn't want you to be swallowing blood because one chance she goes that shit's gotta go somewhere Here's the irony God I tell motherfuckers all the time calm is a motherfucker. You're never gonna beat it
Starting point is 00:21:39 For 27 years. I snorted coke. I can never find the straw Now for a whole week. God's gonna put two straws in my nose with a stitch I'm gonna have two little fucking straws to breathe. You believe that shit. Where were those things in the 80s? I was gonna say Who imagine if a fucking doctor could put two straws in your nose in the 80s And you could just go like this and the straw would pop down a little bit And you get the straw snorted and put the straw back in your nose. Oh my fucking god I'm surprised you never tried to like MacGyver it was like
Starting point is 00:22:10 Like uh, I used to hang out with Steve Benevento when that we're doing blowing the Bronx. He had a Listen to you know, this is when you see the other side of addiction Lee He would talk to you when he was talking to you thought he had a snot his nose. No It was the wall his nose had collapsed So the snort coke you'd have to hold it with a finger and find this dollar bill in there And then you have to snow Yeah, maybe don't maybe don't install the straw. You know, there's no installation of straws Oh my god
Starting point is 00:22:43 The wall of it and he just was like fuck it. Oh my god. It's fucking crazy. That's a long ass time ago I saw him now. He was like 400 pounds. He was bringing up me. Uh, like there's a good looking dude in high school He can't breathe. He can't breathe You know what once you get your nose done and you breathe through your nose It'll clean out because you've got air coming in and out of your body. So it's this is a good thing This is a good thing. I'm scared to pieces I hate all this shit. I gotta go in there. They eat with no breakfast That's two hours of torture
Starting point is 00:23:12 Then they come up to you and they put you in a room with no fucking windows With a fucking gown on with my balls hanging out in my ass out Yeah, the gown is not pretty and the whole time you're sitting there going. How bad does my asshole smell right now? I'm sitting on this leather fucking bed And I who else has been here before me? Oh my god And you said you get when your ass is out of the open I thought you get paranoid of this instinct But I that I wipe it with the wiping you know saying you're sitting there. I'm worried. It's humiliating. It's humiliating It's terrible. And then I get the surgery at 10. That means I'm
Starting point is 00:23:43 Zero for two hours with no fucking food sitting there and then they come stick that thing in your hand That's gonna make me go down like fucking I almost went down this week. She missed with the first needle and then put it in this lady's I'm terrible. This lady's god. This little black lady. She's you don't even feel it. I'm here to stick up for you I look the other way I put santana on and the next thing you know, she closes my arm and I go. Oh my god She's that's good. That's how good she is yesterday A fucking disaster and guess what saved me What did it
Starting point is 00:24:16 Santana The first needle missed look then the second needle I felt it fucking go in All the way down to my nut sack. You have a twist your fucking ankle And you step on it and your world just goes like your whole world's a shock. She goes Well, that's the shock I went through but I prepared myself. I put santana on I looked the other way And then oh, I gotta tell you more. Oh, should I fuck them up yesterday? Unless that I'm gonna die So the first thing I had to do was do that
Starting point is 00:24:50 Do that and I breathe You said that to lower your blood pressure To shut your fucking mouth and leave your chin up a little high and breathe in through your nose So I did that I walked in I swear to my mother's grave people whenever I walk into the doctor After 15 minutes on the 101 at 8 30 in the morning with no food in your fucking stomach When I walk in there, it's 190 over 120 sometimes. I ain't gonna lie to nobody. I'm in there fucking heavy I'm cubing and I I know I got blue collar fucking disease when I see a doctor of nurse My blood pressure shoots up. It's white coat. Right. What whatever this white black coat
Starting point is 00:25:26 I don't know what the fuck it is wax on the other hand. Who's the savage doctor knows this and he sits me down And he talks to me for an hour and then he goes come here. Give me your blood pressure And he goes look at this. Yeah 130 over fucking 90 at least we're better than what you walked in Guess when I walked in that yesterday 140 over 90 I go what he goes Joey and then the second one Boom 130 over 80 because I just sat there. I didn't think I did I did that little fucking out through my nostrils. But here's the killer
Starting point is 00:25:58 They made me do a lung x-ray because I had a slow heartbeat again The ekg. I just laid back Like I was in Cuba with no bottom on I didn't care of my asshole stump. Fuck it I was on the beach smoking a cigar And they made me take a a lung x-ray again because my heart rate was a little too slow So something's going on now, but you know what if you breathe well Your heart rate is going to go down because you're adding more oxygen your body So your heart doesn't have to beat as fast. So I like low low is good
Starting point is 00:26:32 It's probably lower than they've ever seen it on you or for someone your size But low is if you're breathing well and your heart rate goes down because of that. Perfect There was a lot of work. It was Um, you had to think about what you're doing, you know, sometimes you catch yourself slipping as long as you correct yourself Perfect, you keep correcting yourself For a while there, you know, uh, what do you call him? professor, uh Einstein professor, uh, my main man down at 10 planet west side
Starting point is 00:27:04 Professor Epstein from 10 planet west side Professor Epstein's a tough fucking nut to crack I've had a class. I know Let me tell you something if Jesus was his chef That made him the best steak the best potato the best asparagus the best salad the best napkin the best forks the best everything Epstein would still find something Something Jesus that steak. I don't know. It's not organic really grown Do you know what happens to people and you don't feed them organic beef to get cancer doc?
Starting point is 00:27:38 You know, you know, he's one of those guys he fucking said That by doing your exercises at the end of class he has more endurance It slows them down so much. You get a bunch more of endurance and your energy drop or something like that. Yep. Yep So what happens is that I think I don't know if I've talked about this perceived fatigue Did I talk about that first one? Perceived fatigue. Okay, so perceived fatigue if you're an athlete listen up because it's your biggest enemy so perceived fatigue is when
Starting point is 00:28:09 You get this feeling you're fighting you're running whatever's going on and all of a sudden you feel tired and you think I shouldn't feel tired now. Um, I'm talented. I've got good trainers Um, I've got good cardio. Why am I tired? And what happens is that your breathing muscles get tired and you can't feel them because they're deep They don't have nerves on them and you don't know why you feel tired So people say well, they'll look at you and say, oh, well, you know, that person doesn't have heart You don't want it enough you've gotten lazy and it's actually that your breathing muscles are weak So if you strengthen your breathing muscles by doing your breathing exercises really hard
Starting point is 00:28:46 All of a sudden you won't gas anywhere near where you used to you'll actually have endurance Like never before because your breathing muscles are stronger, but you have to exercise them separate from Your exercise your sport you actually have to do like what we did in class Which was like bellows breath bellows breath Is a great breath and it works all your breathing muscles. So most people don't work their breathing muscles They work cardio, but they don't work their breathing muscles So that's what gives you more endurance is that all of a sudden you can keep breathing You can keep going because those muscles are really strong now
Starting point is 00:29:21 You might you know tap or you might get choked out or you know time might run out But you will not get tired Very different. So it's really kind of a secret weapon now that I just told everybody about it I don't want people to think the reason why I did this. I actually read the book twice. I made notes on it Dr. Belize is a sweetheart. She sent me a An acid tester you lick it do not lick it after you smoke pot. It just lights on fire The fucking thing just go poof like like grandpa's finger, you know and the monsters it's fucking amazing I didn't know I'm I'm in there piping one afternoon. I go in there do a litmus test. It's just fucking them
Starting point is 00:30:00 Yeah, I think because last time you were here doctor You came in and had me do one of those and it was right after we finished smoking and like you looked me like I was dying that day It's not good. Whenever you have the tac it shoots up. It just cracks it No, when you wake up in the morning with the sleep apnea, blah, blah, blah I told you once I walked the baby and I come back It drops it drops like 6.7 6.5 This is what I did find In the two months that I haven't seen I have been consistent
Starting point is 00:30:36 With the jujitsu on the road. I've been lifting. They only have dumbbells But what I'll do is I'll lift ride the bicycle one day and I'll lift and I'll do the elliptical for 40 minutes And it's not like uh olympic lifting. It's chest incline bent over rows uh shrugs uh the side laterals, um Dead lifts with dumbbells. That's a great workout for being on the road Setups with the ball and then I do this jujitsu hip things and I carry the 10 pounds and I do a hip thing And then I do the elliptical and that breaks the fucking sweat. That's what burns the fucking fat
Starting point is 00:31:14 Then I go to jujitsu now I still have not had the confidence To go over to the advanced class But something funny happened on the way to the fucking dance Monday was the 4th of july and there weren't enough Fundamental guys, so he just said you three come on Go to the advanced class. No, it was just a warm-up the usual warm-up But usually you drill and that drilling I really focus on my breathing
Starting point is 00:31:42 I see what the move is and then I keep my energy now now I know what the move is and I restrict my energy here or there you just learned I didn't do that He goes just pick a partner. Thank god. It was a a girl that is a fucking rat that like she'll kill you in an alleyway She's one of those girls. It's tiny and quick But I could hold her and she kept trying to push me backwards I was I was too strong for her to push me back but she couldn't figure it out But just doing that with her. Oh my god. I was seeing fucking stars
Starting point is 00:32:14 So I just tried to breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe. I opened it up boom the bell one What? I went to the side. I sat it out guess what I ended up doing five Seven minute things I had a tap at three and give it a minute and jump back in there nice But the whole time I didn't focus on being jojujitsu I just focused on breathing if they got on top of me I made a little tunnel for myself. Yeah, and I just tried to breathe one time. I had a tap
Starting point is 00:32:43 But you know what that's You know, I was sick and tired of just going in there wasting my time. I would hyperventilate them Sometimes in the morning. I leave my weed in the car At six in the morning And I would run downstairs and I would run it up and by the time I got up to the top you have no fucking idea P would be coming out of my I'd have to run to the bathroom and focus and breathe breathe breathe I thought it was getting a heart attack no more. Yeah now I look at the stairs And I focus and I breathe with the step
Starting point is 00:33:16 And sometimes I get up there. I'm a little dizzy. I ain't gonna lie to you at 6 15 in the morning You shouldn't be smoking marijuana anyway Certainly not as much as you do It's noon somewhere else. So it's okay. It's tough though. It's been tough because all those muscles are gone I can imagine if if you're in half in shape and you read your book And really stick to it Forget about it. If you're like half in shape because this listen sleep apnea is not for just fat people I've seen when I go to those clinics at night. Sometimes I look at the first time I saw a guy that was joe mussels
Starting point is 00:33:50 Like were you fucking serious? He was a lifter, but he rode a bicycle. So he was just ripped. Yeah. I go. What's the story? He was I can't sleep one hour a night. He goes one night. I call 911. That was it. I'm down here to take the test I go listen I'm 400 pounds and then I had down 911 dogs. I'm way ahead of you So you never know how they get it, but it's their neck or something So the the your soft palate in the back of your mouth when you get older it gets softer and it can actually get in the way So there's a surgery. I mean, I wouldn't recommend it
Starting point is 00:34:25 I don't know enough about it where they actually put two sort of put toothpicks in the back to try to make it more rigid But that soft palate in the back is what will fall and actually get in the way of stuff It'll make you snore, but um, we can talk you we should talk a little bit about sleep problems because um, I had a lot of folks email and say, um, well actually the questions were pretty much acid reflux got a lot of acid reflux questions So, um, got a lot of can't sleep questions um My three favorites. I actually should tell you about this my three favorites. I got a an email from
Starting point is 00:35:06 Two guys that don't breathe when they work and I thought that was kind of interesting I thought I'd bring them up a guy named robert in virginia who Is a drummer So and he's found that his endurance drumming has gone down as he's gotten older because When he's drumming he probably isn't taking really big inhales and exhales So I thought that was kind of interesting I'd never had a drummer before and actually got two tattoo artists Joe from lido, california saying that he's a lot like a surgeon
Starting point is 00:35:35 Or anybody who's working on something super super tiny is that he's bent over Doing tat tattooing people and he's not taking a big breath because think about it if you're tattooing someone You're actually paying a lot of attention on on a You know a person that's a really small field of vision So for him, I actually told him he had to Get up every once in a while and widen his field of vision so that he could breathe Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:06 I wasn't laughing. He just came into my mind. Tell me I'm just thinking about a tattoo guy The funnest one actually erin has it over there You want to take a look at it was I sent you this guy. He was a he's a cowboy who does jiu jitsu And uh, you probably have a better accent now. Do you want to look at the one over here? No, okay Well, I don't know how to do a cowboy accent. So he's a 44 year old former professional rodeo cowboy And a combat athlete that sounds so hot to me
Starting point is 00:36:36 Who's now racing off-road motorcycles? anyway, um, he's suffering from what he thinks is early post-concussive type symptoms and uh, what's interesting is that When you fall off your horse, did you know this? They call it a dirt nap When you fall off your horse, you lose consciousness It's a dirt nap and then you just get back up again once you come out of it You get back on your horse and they don't think much of it You know, you just take this dirt nap. You're out of it. You get back on your horse. You keep going
Starting point is 00:37:06 but there's a lot of post-concussive syndrome like questions about people who have, um You know gotten hit in some way and now they're having symptoms later on and what to do about that so that was kind of the the range of questions I got but uh Yeah, we can talk about we can talk about sleep actually so getting to sleep This is by far one of the most interesting podcast because you've opened up so many doors That here you do a podcast about this and you think you would hear from
Starting point is 00:37:36 Some dude who's a jiu-jitsu brown belt who can't get his black belt that type of stuff You're hearing from a fucking drummer and you really think about it when you watch a drummer You know, you're holding your breath. You know, it's your breathing. Yeah, and then a complete different curveball A fucking tattoo guy and you go like that's why I was giggling. Yeah, I'm like that's amazing. It's you're right No one breathes It's gotta be you know, so
Starting point is 00:38:07 this you know Legacy where I go to jiu-jitsu. They have the tactical fitness class and this guy always talks about the exhale The exhale to get that that shit out of you get out get out. We discussed it on this one one time and it makes sense on the Hip escape, right? Hip don't breathe and then push his leg out or roll whatever the hell you're gonna do so don't make sense I don't know my point but And then you got a fucking cowboy. I know that it does a cowboy. That's you know, he's on a horse bouncing. Yeah, boom
Starting point is 00:38:42 Right and standing up and standing up and probably holding and then he gets knocked off. It's called a dirt nap I didn't know that I love that. I mean, but so something completely different, you know from the movies Yeah, so But listen, let's talk about because I want to actually some people I got to answer directly But those were the three things I heard over and over and over again were Acid reflux and sleeping and then concussions for some reason those were just the three I heard over and over again So I do want to talk about and give people some information on those three
Starting point is 00:39:16 You guys Sleep problems, you know what? I probably do but it's Really mitigated by the marijuana because I just passed out with this stuff. So I used to have problems as long as sleep When I was bigger people told me I had sleep apnea I never went to go get it checked out. But now I've heard that it on snores bad Okay, well, that's good to know. Yeah, and you'd go to sleep. Like, did you get to sleep? Okay? Yeah. Oh, yeah And you've got you've got your mask on but going to sleep is okay, right?
Starting point is 00:39:49 So you're probably too the only people I know that don't have sleeping problems because All I hear lately is people that can't get to sleep Or they wake up too early or they wake up During the night. I'm all those I'm all those You know, I'll go to bed at 10 thinking I'm beating the clock And then you got to pee, you know, they broke the fucking rule I mean now now you got to drink a glass of water and ask them before you go to bed
Starting point is 00:40:16 Now a week before surgery. I'm sweating a fucking heart attack Because I can't have my fucking asthma before I go to bed now. It's nice It's amazing and then you get up and they want you to have eight ounces of water That's two times. I got to get up in the middle of the night and pee 82 times 82 ounces for those 16 ounce investment. You understand me? It's a nightmare leave with you get to 42 You're gonna start peeing eight times in the middle of the night pray to god now Listen, if I'm you I start drinking shit at 7 30. It's like a drop in my lungs. I don't give a fuck I would sleep 10 hours straight if I didn't have to pee
Starting point is 00:40:50 Seriously as you get older. It's every four hours. You get going in a dream on some boom Jesus christ You could probably sleep a half hour more on it, but you're gonna have to get up eventually I just get up gods have been a thought goes into your mind on the way back I think The breathing has been helping me at night now with the sleep apnea like now I followed but I also figured out with the machine That a lot of that air is fucking stagnant. I clean out that mask every morning You know that air stays in there. That's why when I do the litmus test. Is it a litmus test?
Starting point is 00:41:25 It is it's pure fucking black. Yeah, which is too alkaline So by the way, just to let you know It's that when the when the test that you're taking it is a litmus test is too dark is You're way too alkaline and you can be too alkaline. You actually should be between 6.5 and 7 optimal is 7.2 to 7.4. You're like that's past 8 You're like 8 9. That's not good. That's my 19. It's black. That's not good. Yeah That's not good. So I figured out it's that mask. I mean, there's a little little tiny hole An exhaust hole. That's it. I mean, it's tiny. You got too much exhaust
Starting point is 00:42:06 So that air sits in there overnight. So that's why you have to give it time You have to get up to get a cold glass of water with ice cubes to get the mechanism I want you to x I want you to exhale It's a lot about the exhale in that case because people think more alkaline is better. No Your yours was and I would think that yours would normally be way too acidic You're probably in the five range. We'll see but that'll get better. You can change that You can you can absolutely change that Right now by looking at his eyes
Starting point is 00:42:34 What do you think is a serious Yeah, yeah, it's like mine is 220, huh? You're 19 and he's mine is 220 um Decidity, you know, let's talk about acid reflux for a second I um I have people asking about acid reflux
Starting point is 00:42:56 The easy answer to acid reflux is have two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and water before every meal Chew your food chew your food chew your food So, uh, that's pretty much all you have to do for acid reflux besides the breathing. So I guess it's three. So some apple cider vinegar with water Before your meals chew your food a lot more than you're chewing you because nobody chews their food anymore And then breathe with your diaphragm I'm thinking I put fucking apple cider vinegar on my toe and I got greener
Starting point is 00:43:36 I don't know what i'm gonna do with that fucking fungi toe. I blow towards it. I put apple cider vinegar I got one more shot. I got one more shot. I'm gonna try that dvd cb That's cvd juice I got some 51 on your toe on your toe. I got a fungi fucking nail like the last 10 years It's the most embarrassing thing. I I went on groupon. They sold the blowtorch patch If you go up to Sherman knows a little indian girl with a mask on With a fucking tube with cold edge and blow torches your nail and puts like fungi in there
Starting point is 00:44:11 That's that's the noise you can see the steam coming out of your toe. It's tremendous And you know, you're supposed to spray the thing on your toe and I talked to a friend of mine He said he sprayed the he did the blowtorch and he did something else and My wife said there's a pill I gotta go talk to this doctor and take another fucking blood test because everything's a fucking blood test So, you know, when I got a blood test got to be for something good. You know what I'm saying? I can't waste on a pill or shingles
Starting point is 00:44:40 Dude lump them together you like go test it for all the little ones At the same time I stole all the knee doctor blood tests from 2014 every time I go there like when are you gonna give the D doctor a blood test What does the mean doctor need blood because you want to see if I have arthritis So I haven't gone back to it's because marina del Rey plus I gotta give him a blood test He won't see me till the year 25 25 He's gonna ask you for a chance to die and his son could become a fucking knee doctor before he sees me You're gonna go down there in an uber drone. He's got two fucking
Starting point is 00:45:14 He's got two strikes against him two strikes. Yeah another one another one that wants to go to the moon Three weeks ago three weeks ago. She wanted to oh, I can't wait till we're getting fucking driveless cars The guy gets hit by a fucking truck Actually, he hit the truck Yeah, in florida, right? Yeah, you listen if you're gonna do those cars you gotta do what people are nice I can bowl the well people are being assholes about it. They look like it's they even say it's like It's like automatic piloting the plane Fear factor should be put one of those cars in jersey and see how long it's gonna last
Starting point is 00:45:55 Especially as soon as somebody finds out. Yeah, they're gonna hit it. Yeah, they're just gonna mess with it. They're just gonna mess with it Yeah, they should you're right. They should put it in a nice place Some chinese kids gonna figure out the combination of the computer and he's gonna point their car fucking south Forget about it. And here you are in the car a fucking victim to your own car. Listen. That's a bad idea Oh, that's that's I'm sorry No, we gotta talk about the acid reflux Apple said it right here the sleeping the sleeping is so fucking mental I'm 53 and I just figured it out maybe a year ago that
Starting point is 00:46:34 It's you cannot let thoughts go into your mind and at this point between the reefer and the stars I'll tell you what you can't breathe those things up I try every night to breathe them out. I spray my nose extra to breathe them out. You just can't it's just Once those thoughts enter your mind and leaves the same way Lee gets a thought about a chart for see how many numbers we did He'll get up at four in the morning Once you get up you're up for an hour or two Well, here's my question. Does it matter where you sleep the eight hours because I
Starting point is 00:47:07 Love working late at night. Like I'd much rather start working at 10 p.m. Where are you sleeping? Usually like not much usually probably like one to seven one to six Okay, but where are you falling asleep? That's what I wanted. It doesn't matter where you fall asleep Where are you falling asleep? Oh, you're in your falling sleep in your bed. Yeah. Yeah, it could I don't know I don't know what you're gonna answer. Well, no, it's just like is it okay to work like because I Is that oh, okay to sleep late go to sleep like could I sleep from three to ten or Yeah, it's not good. You're supposed to your sleep cycles will get really messed up if you're sleeping at different times So I would tell you to try to sleep go to sleep at the same time. It's called sleep hygiene
Starting point is 00:47:50 It's really weird because hygiene only sounds like oral hygiene, but sleep hygiene means you're going to sleep at the same time at the same place Uh, yeah, so it does matter actually where and how you're sleeping. Yeah, it does But you're thinking still thinking about the apple cider vinegar You went from apple cider vinegar the only time I ever used apple cider vinegar was to murder ants When you were a little oh salt on slugs. It kills ants, but don't kill my foot fungus I know. Well, no it killed the ants. It only killed the ants because you put that and uh Was it you put some like dish soap in it. So yes, it's up So yes, it's something
Starting point is 00:48:29 You'd rather save the doll 99 and go for dish soap It works. It works. It was like a death trap for ants. I know I got a bunch of tools that can do that But you just buy raid and it works just the same and if you light them on fire At the end it's even better You do not light the lowways on fire What I look at everything on fire as a kid Oh When I was a kid, I'd have a fly swatter. Yeah, I'm a filthy motherfucker and I gotta have Dean LaPreet
Starting point is 00:48:58 No, Dean won't call in because he's like half a fucking no it I hate fucking flies sometimes If it gets hot and you don't clean the little box at one o'clock the flies come in I go in there with hand to hand. That's how good I am. I'm hand to hand combat. Well, you can catch them I could fucking corner them and just fucking clap them and shit When I was a kid, I was like, I got a cat lulu that loves flies. So I'll take the wings off and give it to Pita is gonna call us
Starting point is 00:49:32 What are you doing to fly? Yeah, pita is gonna call you but one time when I was a kid on charles court Somebody said, you know, I had a memory of you one day. You were killing flies for like an hour And then you're a little more on fine. You were you hated flies as a kid. What was up with that? I fucking hate them I went to Puerto Rico and I got bit by a bunch of flies In Puerto Rico, the flies would bite us, right? Oh my god, and you could squeeze them and possibly come out when you're like Eight or nine, you're like, what the fuck? I don't want to ever see a fly again I don't like and when I was a kid, it was regular flies, dog. It was just black flies Then when they had green flies started coming out blue flies and flies with red eyes
Starting point is 00:50:07 And that's been the whole fucking game. Why are you looking at them? What why like why are you looking at them so much because I don't fucking like them That's why they creepy motherfuckers. They're small. They bother you at night. I'd study them before I lit them on fire You understand me. That's why everybody has their bug. They hate. I mean, you don't like ants. I'm mosquitoes Oh, yeah, those motherfuckers because they love me They love me. You'd be okay because they would just bite me. No, they bite me too all the time. They bite you too? Yeah, listen, man, I'm an old school old school new york city kid
Starting point is 00:50:39 66 To 73 I lived in new york city And I don't remember a lot of things from that block, but I do remember one night It's just me in a fall night maybe 7 30 Little dark the sun was gone. Just a bunch of kids. We were what? five six seven In those days, there wasn't a basketball court. There was a sign that said no parking
Starting point is 00:51:07 So we would play basketball and if you could hit the basketball against that metal thing on the It was a score and some guy goes look a rat I had never seen what I was about to see I saw 12 fucking kids stop what they were doing and chased this fucking rat from car to car under the car stopping cars They finally caught the fucking rat. They hit him like with a bottle a stick. This was fucking crazy Just they just this is this is between that, you know, this is between 7 30 at night, you know, how it is in new york
Starting point is 00:51:43 It's still a little warm. This rat decides to come out a little fucking early little early This rat had to be like this lee I started running with the kids because I thought it was Godzilla. I was just running lee. I was a little kid I was from cube. I didn't know what the fuck was going on at what point did you turn on it? Next thing, you know, they got this fucking rat and they hit them with sticks Not only no, so the rat's dead. No, that's not good. No, they pick them up You know some fucking irish kid don't do anything those kids They picked them up by the tail and walked them to Broadway
Starting point is 00:52:13 Then they fucking hit them there. Then they hit them with rocks more sticks bottles This fucking rat was dead. Then they let them on fire and they ran over You know what I'm saying? That got him They made sure they got a car They said They stole the car We put it out there was on I'll never forget the rat They put the rat out
Starting point is 00:52:52 They put the rat out it was nice to listen the fucking bill of rights is over right it was like 40 fucking years ago Whatever the fuck that's still in the subway you can stand in the subway platform and watch them dr. Belisa They did like two times the one time they killed a rat if you go to 205 west 88th street maybe 20 yards away from that front door towards the Towards the that side of the street and the kind of rat was there Kids with chanting die die die die
Starting point is 00:53:26 And I was Some guy runs it See this is before iPads and television and you know before yeah You're 188 that was hilarious that was Oh And there's always plenty of rats in New York. They're still are So I had yeah, dr. Belisa part of your book that I found very interesting was this How are you gonna jump from this to that? I really want to see this transition here
Starting point is 00:54:02 Come on Lee come on. I got it because there's no rats in my book That rat chapter didn't make it in this time I had a mouse in my apartment. Okay before I came here. I have to tell you how to mouse um But I caught it and I took it to the park I took it to the park Yeah, uh, you know it was little I caught it. I caught it in the garbage can and I I walked it I just You weren't 188 what
Starting point is 00:54:45 No, no, no, I was on 188. I'm sorry When we first moved from Cuba who the fuck knows where we were but the first place I woke up Was someone 29th street in union city by new york out Then when my father died, we got the fuck out of there and we moved to riverside drive in 89th street That's why I stole the elephant from the dentist And after that was all over because the guy made me bleed And he told me I wasn't bleeding. He kept saying spit and I kept saying that's blood. That's not blood. That's toothpaste I know what fucking blood is cocksucker
Starting point is 00:55:19 So on the way out he had like an elephant made out of like fucking ivory And you know me I'm trying to settle on this street for the small 20 of my mom found out Where'd you get the ivory from the dentist upstairs? Let's go upstairs and bring it back. You fuck. She made you bring it back Yeah, yeah, but then she cursed out the dentist for lying to me, but That's not the bone of the story. I don't even know what the most story was Then from there we moved to 205 west 88th street. So 88th street This is 19 fucking 60. I went the first grade there kindergarten second grade and third grade
Starting point is 00:55:54 ps 166 excuse me That's where I am now in the 70s west 70s. That's not a bad fucking name. That's a nice neighborhood, but one I was on 150 before that 150 was a that's a good fucking neighborhood too. Now now it's a better neighborhood than when I was there I was there. I was there in 150 in 1969 on 148th street. Mm-hmm. Yep I lived on so I lived on 150 and the the super was The Serbian guy and I'm half Serbian
Starting point is 00:56:33 So I went in he looked at my last name He said yeah, I got an apartment for you and my dad came and to make sure everything was okay My dad said what about the drug dealers because we had a lot of drug dealers on 150th street And the guy racine was always looking out for me. He said no, no, we told the drug dealers you leave girl alone You leave girl alone. If not And these were some serious guys like straight from Kosovo. So I had no problem. I had no problem in that neighborhood at all There wasn't even russians when I was there. No, I didn't know what a russian was I thought russians were on the moon when I was a kid in the cube
Starting point is 00:57:05 I heard some of my cousins moved to fucking rush like the dea side. I know nothing. That's all I know Did they move there? I have no fucking idea. You know, it's uh, I was sitting there About two weeks ago and I have no knowledge of my father's side of the family and no knowledge like nobody's ever raised their hand Nobody's ever said a fucking boo When I was a kid they opened up a fish market across the street from my mom
Starting point is 00:57:33 And my mom used to go, you know, those are like, you know, second cousins. What do you say? In English Is that what you call them? Leave my mom or something. She used to say, I don't know what the fuck But then it was said nothing to me and I never said nothing to them and then my mother died I don't know what happened to the fish market and we moved on. No, not one dea has ever raised their hand and said, listen Your dad is my uncle or whatever. So who the fuck knows if they came over here, but they didn't come over here I went out and my wife, you know, my wife is fucking snooty jay
Starting point is 00:58:06 So I Once I saw I into the street dot com commercial I could see my wife's eyes light up because she was going to do a background check on me Little late She met my uncle and then she went on there And then she came I came home and then she was up. I could tell she was drinking coffee She's like, I went on ancestry dot com. I could only find your uncle on there That's it. Nobody's on there. Not you, not your mom, not your dad
Starting point is 00:58:32 There's no record of none of you motherfuckers out there But then she found another site and there was still nothing so she's like, I can't figure out I don't remember nothing from Ellen silent. I remember a beach I don't remember going to no detainee the detainment center and talking to people people asking for my religion I don't remember nothing like that. I remember being in Cuba. Maybe And then being in fucking jersey running around in the ball. I don't know nothing Maybe you took the uber hovercraft There was no fucking
Starting point is 00:59:04 He hates ubers I never said I hate ubers. Nobody said I hate ubers. I just you know, they fly by nights like anything else I don't know what these people are doing. Listen, I know those Armenians around the corner. They sit there all night They don't even go home They don't even go home go over there at two in the morning. It was the same people. They had two in the afternoon But a bus station Up the six of them over there right now, correct? Oh, yeah, of course What are they doing? Huh waiting to get calls. Oh
Starting point is 00:59:32 Hey, people get off the train. They want to go to the airport or Or this is like the hub point. They can't sit at Burbank airport So they either could sit Burbank airport there or there someplace else there's rules now They got to pay like juice. These guys up here are allowed to drop off at LAX But they're not allowed to pick up. That's true. You are now Not these guys from up here. No, no, no, you really got to pick up. You got to pick up a country They see the Burbank or LAX these guys really I didn't know these guys from Burbank got to stay up here
Starting point is 01:00:07 Oh, okay, and you've got to park there and you got to sit there Sometimes I get in at 9 30 and they're like, you're our first fucking ride of the day What time did you get here six dirty for the 7 30 flight? Nothing happened. Dr. Bleacher gonna tell me about acid reflux. No, that's that's it. It's easy We'll talk to us about because when we talked on the phone, you said you want to talk about the acid reflux But now we're talking about Albanians and fucking soup is in new york. It's all related. It's all related Rats and hit them with the rats. Yeah I actually saw youtube video with rats
Starting point is 01:00:40 That they were teaching them tricks and they actually seem not the new york city rats because I can understand that people don't like them But these pet rats did not seem like a bad pet This one rat would go and get a tissue for you out of a box and bring you the tissue if you sneeze They trained it to bring you a tissue, right? I don't know. I like all animals. What can I say? Joe you're gonna go get a family of rats Just one put them in the fucking base Maybe migraines some fucking corn or whatever the fuck you do it. Just no flies. We just don't want any flies fly swatters
Starting point is 01:01:14 Do you don't need raid fly swatters are great. I don't like flies either, but a fly swatter is the most efficient thing There's out there. I fucking corner him. I corner him. Yeah Just like that. It's mush. So let's say there's eight of them. Yeah, I get five of them and the other three are gonna fucking nutch charlie Charlie what happened to you charlie? Charlie he killed charlie. Charlie who where is he and I didn't kill charlie. I just knocked charlie out kept his wings off And he's confused. He doesn't know i'm about to get lighter fluid And light them on fire. First i'm gonna light his wings on fire You just make next time we got to get some flies in film this because I really I
Starting point is 01:02:01 That was my obsession for years when I see a fly or when I see a fly no big deal But sometimes I can't fucking take it like why is this guy lurking around you know what i'm saying Then I think about that this guy's been walking around and shit Yeah, and they have lots of eyes too. Don't they have 90 90. What's the cramp song? 95 there's a lot of eyes. They have lots of eyes. You don't know lots of eyes. It's not just two eyeballs They have lots of them. Yeah, they're pretty creepy private eyes. I don't know No, that that's this is the first book I've read that It just made me more aware
Starting point is 01:02:38 Of what was really going on. I think even the breathing has decreased my appetite in ways just Just i'm feeling muscles down. I never felt before now um Sleep is an issue The weight is an issue So you lost weight you lost weight since i've seen you that no What I did was burn fat from the fucking jiu-jitsu and from the kettlebells and from walking
Starting point is 01:03:06 mercy to school And from watching my carbs. I got the eggs out in the morning I just wanted to get the eggs and the fucking toast and bacon. It's been 50 fucking years How many pieces of bacon can eat before you fucking die? How many eggs egg whites can eat? You know, uh, it just gets fucking old. So now I get almond milk I thought of some blueberries. I thought of some fresh strawberries. My wife freezes some fucking other berries I throw a half a banana in that
Starting point is 01:03:38 Bing bang boom I take my fucking pill. I drink half it and I take my other pills and I do a cbd oil And that's it. That's good. That's a good breakfast. That hits me till 10 o'clock like a soldier You eating the apple at night? Good one apple and maybe sometimes two, but if i'm still hungry, then I gotta go to town So good, you know, like weight watchers says, right? What do they say if you're hungry go eat an apple If you ain't hungry for an apple, you ain't hungry. You're hungry. So I eat two apples if i'm still hungry It's a pita butter. It's a pita butter on the apple. You know, that's disgusting. No, you know, I eat pita butter solo Like i'm michael jackson. You know what i'm saying? I ain't put michael jackson
Starting point is 01:04:14 Put fucking pita butter up with a fucking apple That's like drink. What are you looking behind my back for? Are you seeing something? Are you telling me and shit? No, I didn't know fucking uh If police was talking to you, let me know. You know what i'm saying? I'll call my friend and we'll take care of this The um The stress part of your book was very interesting. Did you take the stress test? I didn't take the test But I know I know it's I know it's very high. The stress test is good. Those are good questions Yeah, nobody can sleep because of their stress and your cortisol goes up
Starting point is 01:04:52 Um, and if your cortisol goes up, then you can't get rid of fat on your body. It's really hard to so That's what happens at the sleep apnea Quarterful shoots you put weight on like a fucking savage exactly before we forget. I gotta drop this on you I really took that thing statement. You said to me about the breathing See you didn't fucking tell me that you had to do a warm-up Before you see how many seconds you could hold your breath, especially me. I gotta blow out the old reef So I did a little experiment, right?
Starting point is 01:05:23 the most time I Do the exercises and then hold my breath the longer it goes Nice, so instead of being 22 now the first one's 30 And the second one's like 36 30 and I panic in my mind But at least I got it up a little bit nice when 40 yet But what's 40? Have you gotten to 40 yet? No, I got close and I fucking panic. Okay, but here's I heard sirens and You know some chinese people So
Starting point is 01:05:56 But I also noticed if I do a cold turkey, it's a fucking disaster My cold turkey sometimes I can't even make 22 Okay, so cold turkey with no exercise Wake up in the morning Drink cold water relax Boom exhale no warm-up Eighteen seconds If I do this five ten, yeah
Starting point is 01:06:30 Warm up if I cheat a little bit. Yeah, we pick up the 20 seconds So that's something else I found from my study from your book. So there you go I didn't want you to come back on and think I didn't do the work. No, I love you You do work. That's why I want people to know that this is what you get the fucking book She told you email and get the fucking book read it. I sent out Fouls Something out of it whether it's your waist got tighter Joey my waist is tighter now when I eat a real roast beef sandwich My shit's feeling smooth. I'm back to my James Bond days
Starting point is 01:07:03 something Let's talk about breath holds though because you bring that up 45 seconds is the average So studies show that 45 seconds is the average Which doesn't mean that if you get 50 or 60 or 70 or 80 you're healthier. It just means if you're under 20 There's a problem. So people that can't hold their breath 17 18 19 20 seconds. There's a health problem going on And that's why with you I'm thrilled that you're into the 30s and you're gonna hit 40 because that means your health in general I mean, it's just it's not like hardcore science But it just shows that your body is getting healthier that you can hold your breath a little bit longer
Starting point is 01:07:41 So I don't love the extended breath holds the whole I have people come into the class and say well I want to be able to hold my breath. I want to be a free diver. I want to be able to hold my breath Four or five minutes. I can get them to do that, but I don't think it's a good idea. Your brain needs oxygen So for all those folks who are like want to do extended breath holds Um, if you can do it till you know, you can get up out of the water for the next wave if you're a surfer That's fine, but Extended like a couple minutes. I can get you to do it. I'd rather not your brain needs the oxygen But I'm glad to hear you're closer to 40. That's good. Have we done that with you Lee?
Starting point is 01:08:14 I don't think so. I don't know. Do we need to do that? No, because when you smoke marijuana you go into a panic mode. That's true This is the thing with me and I don't want the people who are listening to this say joey jesus christ You're gonna throw that in but I have to To severe sleep apnea I had towards the end the couple months before I got it treated. It was fucked up It's fucked up. It's fucked up You know you go home You take a shower, maybe somebody comes over
Starting point is 01:08:48 You do a couple Why are you looking at you? You do a couple lines you drink some wine, you know, you mess around a little bit Everybody's happy the air conditioner is working cables on then I cut it to another week She goes to sleep you go to sleep You know, you can't even believe you're falling asleep with the coke And all of a sudden an hour later You wake up
Starting point is 01:09:16 On your hands and knees a foot away from the bed just breathing for your life Your face is red. You're dizzy. You think you're gonna have a fucking heart attack It just messes with you Psychologically so something I noticed at redugo park What I did at redugo was when my wife and baby went into the pool I did the exercise on the side of the pool in front of everybody nobody even knew what I was doing I was just sitting there like buddha breathing Then I did some fucking things one lady
Starting point is 01:09:49 Yes, some lady looked over at me like what the fuck is he doing? What the fuck are you doing? I'm doing something at least don't just sit there and be to get fat shame At least I'm making it happen over here. I jumped in the pool. Why strats? I did what I had to do Then I started swimming and I noticed the first set I was getting to half the pool to three quarters of the pool And then my mind would just tap psychologically So what I did was I got out of there I went into the kid pool ran with her and got on my hands and knees and you can move around And you know, you make believe you're playing but you're really doing mobility exercises in the water
Starting point is 01:10:24 In the kiddie pool. Yeah, and what I'm doing is I'm bringing it's a kiddie pool They they fucking splash down right here in burbank. It's a fucking party They sell hot dogs with potato chips and diet coca-cola You sit out there you put spf number two You see all types of people you see these fucking moms That after the fucking birth They said listen, I gave this I gave you this fucking ugly kid. But listen You guys still gotta keep mama banging these chicks a fucking banging ass implants
Starting point is 01:10:57 You gotta see him like you like you have four kids. This cannot be you Wow These freaks are out there at the kiddie pool shaking that ass Unbelievable. Can you tell ass implants? Can you I can't tell but I hear the other woman No, no, no, no, I don't I look but I look down. No, no, I know that. Yeah, but still I mean they have to look different I don't know but I when I got when I went to the hot dogs side, you know, you know white women Look at them. They're disgusting They sit out there. I don't even know what country they're from
Starting point is 01:11:28 Last time I was getting hot dogs for me and the baby. I heard them out there the women going look at them They're all fake. Those are ass implants So if women are saying that what the fuck do I know, I don't know nothing Well, they are getting them. I mean, there's a lot. There's a lot of ass implants out there Or you can do lots of squats. I don't know. I'm a big believer of squats. Yeah. Yeah, me too. But you know, how this What do we know? I don't know what people are doing at the house. Let me get some shout outs here. Chaz Fuego Chaz seven rodge Thames led better
Starting point is 01:12:01 Joseph Gibbs, Andrew Fillmore I sell Justin judikim My main motherfuckers hero jr. They'll be at lafayette New york city of bowery 721 and 831 that's august 31st They'll be at the viper room here in los angeles And art vandali also a shout out to that fucking savage there Dr. Lisa, I'm happy. I read the book. I'm happy. I stuck to the format. I made a little note. I'm proud of you
Starting point is 01:12:37 You know, I didn't do the progress. I thought I would do In jujitsu, but if I judge what happened monday At least I stuck it out to the end of class. I wasn't fearful. You had the end. I found myself rolling I was chasing some guy. He was about to throw me on my fucking back. I'm not gonna lie. Nobody in the bell ring I was like oof I fucking survived that shit. I ran home. I dropped like a fucking ad-ville CBD tablets and I made a protein shake with no bananas And that's it. I'm trying doc and this book is great. I think if you don't get it
Starting point is 01:13:13 I think you'll get something out of it whether you look when you heard the drummer and the fucking uh Tattoo or it is You know, I guarantee there's a ballet girl that ain't breathing I guarantee there's a bank when these count money. He's not breathing That means that there's so many aspects that you find yourself not breathing But now these breathing That's that's the important thing, right? I love the idea of videotaping Lee and just having people people want to watch what they need To be doing look at that
Starting point is 01:13:45 Exhale squeeze tipping at the hips beautiful Inhale forwards keep your eyes open Good exhale squeeze Till your hips open see now it's a lot of work to do this for 24 hours for uh Yeah, how long does it really take for this to become a natural muscle? You can you can do it in two weeks You can do in two weeks, but you got to remember Your work this is a lot of work
Starting point is 01:14:11 So it depends what you're starting out with if you have to lose some weight It's going to take you a little bit longer But there's two reasons why this is natural number one is you used to breathe this way So it might have been 48 years ago But you used to breathe this way And the second thing is that the only reason god put a diaphragm in the middle of your body is for you to breathe with it So your body's supposed to breathe this way. This is not unnatural It's totally the most natural thing that's supposed to be happening
Starting point is 01:14:37 We just got to break that bad happen of breathing with the shoulders so How how are you supposed to breathe? throughout the day all like that Is that All the time you used to breathe that way lee like when you were five or six used to breathe this way All the time and then life got complicated But this is the way you're supposed to be breathing is with your diaphragm not your shoulders. Yeah inhale exhale
Starting point is 01:15:01 So now you're breathing with your diaphragm beautiful Look at that exhale. I am super excited about that. Yeah Exhale squeeze tip your hips so taught. Yeah inhale tip your hips So on the inhale you're going to bump your butt back Good exhale tip your hips under and squeeze. That's it See lee now your bong hit is going to be like Huge snoop dog bong hit. Let's ask that after the show how big your bong it'll be because i love you. Okay That's what i'm going to call the next book. That'd be crazy if you forgot it
Starting point is 01:15:36 Oh smoke's going to come out everywhere, you know I've actually heard that. Yeah. I've heard that as well. I mean, I don't you know Tell people to breathe for that reason, but it is a nice side effect. It's giving me the second bang with the bong I used to be a king with a bigger bong. I figured out the shorter bong the mule got more kick So With this thing he'll leave and says he goes you smoke is longer Yeah, it's crazy. I don't know how you do it. I get all the way down to my fucking asshole And then you open that motherfucker up and do the swimmers
Starting point is 01:16:12 Add some more to that savage a little more and then right there. That's the number one and So you're doing air packing you're actually doing air packing when you're smoking I went to your seminar and just dreamed about fucking, you know, no, you were up in the front Embarrassed flexible flexible amazing. He was in like a full straddle leaning forwards like this Embarrassed trying to fucking die. I'm I'm over there holding my breath You're looking at me all weird 28 seconds. We might have to call nine one more What when am I doing some advanced stuff with you? Well, we have the surgery. Oh, no, then you can't for a while
Starting point is 01:16:51 Well, they're putting two straws in my nose the straws come out of the 18th. I don't know what time after that She says she wants me to take it easy, but that has nothing to do With breathing. It's not like you're gonna smack me in the face by mistake Kick me in the face or whatever like the spider-man movie The only problem we're gonna have is if we're breathing and I blow a fucking blood book out of my nose That's okay. I'm going down. Oh, you're going down And you don't want me to go down where you're at. That's embarrassing I gotta get up and drive home from wherever the fuck your office is
Starting point is 01:17:25 I'm embarrassed and I'm pale and I'm sweating the whole time. That's just a horrible feeling I know I'm going down somewhere I'm trying to be realistic with myself But I'm gonna stick to the breathing Well, if you're gonna go down go down when I'm around that way I can make sure you're okay Don't go doing it when you're on the 405 or well, I'm not gonna go down in the 405 Sound the type of guy that once it happens sometimes I control it But that means I tucked it under the carpet
Starting point is 01:17:54 So it's gonna come up somewhere later on like last night. I was fine. Yeah, I went over there They stuck me with the two needles I breathed I breathed I breathed I breathed I breathed I put the whole bed and take the fucking bandage off because I know Yeah, okay, I get home the baby starts asking me fucking creepy questions. Well, some of the bandits said listen, I'm into the doctor Let's take off the bandage. I see you booboo I took off the bandage again. I looked back at the cotton little bowl. They gave you there was two spots of blood About 10 minutes after that. I had to lay down for an hour Like I just see that shit now. I thought about the surgery and the splints and the fucking stitches
Starting point is 01:18:30 They got to take on on the 18th. Jesus Christ. Don't mind any of this shit So should we visit you in the hospital? No, I'm only there for fucking four hours I'm in a fucking eight starving to death And I come out of three with a fucking pain in my nose who wants to eat anything. You gotta eat jello with some shit or milkshake or some shit Oh, Lee just thinking about looking me. I'm already getting pale. Just fucking thinking about top of pudding What you do I look at the top of the other? It's got chocolate pudding. What you get to eat an ice cream. Yeah
Starting point is 01:19:05 Oh ice cream here What ice cream? I want no fucking ice cream My nose is gonna be hurting. They gave me goddamn percussion. You know, it would be perfect hummus What's with the hummus? Oh, he hates hummus You're bad you're bad. Okay, so I'll just work on him then while while you're recuperating
Starting point is 01:19:30 Yeah, I got to see you somewhere before the fucking 31st doc We got a justice. My nose is gonna be fresh. We got to get it back to the fresh nose. I like that Like, you know, let's think of the upside fresh nose The upside it's like Caitlyn Jenner after the surgery brand new 66. He's ready to fucking rock jack He's alive. You understand me the word on the street is I'll be alive again because I'll be able to breathe Get fresh oxygen or some shit fresh nose fresh nose fresh nose. They're not gonna shrink it It's still gonna be a fucking bugle. I'm not michael jackson it up for the third. Don't don't do that. Don't do that
Starting point is 01:20:13 all of this is Opening up some airway stuff. What do you know about this shit? It's not the one with the pads and to pull it out two days later She said there's still a lot of bleeding. I can't take asthma. I can take Tylenol I just know that that you'll be able to breathe through your nose getting air in and out of that is gonna clean it out So this is gonna be good That's good. That's a good thing modern medicine and cleaning out your nose fresh nose for joey. We like that This is all because I joined jiu-jitsu. I realized I couldn't fucking breathe
Starting point is 01:20:47 It's all because I didn't know what it was and I come to terms and I watched the Whitney Houston thing And they said how bad her nose was and I said if her nose is bad girl, but I'm from the same fucking neighborhood I was doing the same shit as Whitney Huh as Whitney probably I know what right there is the same fucking shit for years. So You know, what's the difference? This is gonna be good. Let's let's reframe This is actually a good thing. Yeah, I just don't like no this shit I don't like getting needles on an empty stomach. It creeps me out. No, no, I understand
Starting point is 01:21:21 I went I actually tried to overcome my fear of needles from to and I went to give blood And they and they said, oh, no, you're one of those people So I guess a lot of people try to overcome their fear by giving blood. Yeah, it was not good. I went down I was down Yeah, but I gave blood, you know I'm like, that's not so much. Yeah, I think they threw me out. I think they threw me out fresh nose Fresh that's what I was impressed with the most yet
Starting point is 01:21:49 The other day was that I it was a long needle And I breathed it the fuck out and it felt like forever Like usually it's half of that, but it felt like fucking forever I just kept breathing And I just picked up the pace and then I just started laughing on purpose I just started laughing so that fear wouldn't come in. I'm like beautiful And I just started giggling when I was thinking about we're telling you know what the fuck I was thinking about And then she finally bent my arm down
Starting point is 01:22:21 And I just kept laughing laughing laughing for a couple of minutes and I opened my eyes and looked at them Like what the fuck just happened And she goes, I'm sorry, baby. I missed the fucking vein the first time. Yeah. Oh, my feet are still tangled My feet are fucking still tangling just thinking about at least I have to ask for the butterfly needle like the little baby one Wait, listen, you're my brother. I love you to death. They're in a butterfly needle Let me go to the little chubby one right now. All right. They gotta give you the fuck room They gotta give you
Starting point is 01:22:57 A butterfly fucking needle. Are you kidding me? They need like three of them with a chisel And I have what they're gonna have with the arm Is this the one at work? No, it don't they're in a butterfly needle Oh I'm telling you you shut up when you bend the needle just like me I'm just saying If you did you try to put the needle in your arm, it's just bent and just me you'll like those type of guys
Starting point is 01:23:28 Trust me. Oh, I don't even like I don't like my arms. Yeah, listen so listen to the sound of your breath. Let yourself uh When you're there again because you're you're gonna get this done with is just listen to the sound of your breath Remember me saying this is that just listen to the inhale and exhale and focus on that So make your breath noisy. So either through your mouth Or through your nose, but just listen to that and focus on that. I'm not getting high after fucking friday. Like I'm not eating edibles So don't ask Are you smoking? Huh?
Starting point is 01:24:00 Will you be smoking? Maybe Why don't you do edibles? I feel like edibles would be the better choice Because I don't want to go in that fucking operating room with edible juice in me Because that makes it worse. They give me that fucking they put that mask on me in the hilly juice It don't match with the edible juice and here I am fucking mortals. I think you might never eat a mortals every day I can't take fucking fat I ain't doing edibles after time going in there clean and so we understand
Starting point is 01:24:32 I'll smoke some dope. Maybe like at six Just to keep me together because I got to think about the two hours with no breakfast I gotta win that and drink fucking ice cubes with a needle in my arm with vitality and the gown and the gown That's always open in the back. Jesus christ. I can't wait till the next time you do edibles after How long off? Oh, importantly. Yeah, I'm probably asleep. What for? How long are you gonna take off from the edibles? Uh, I don't know. I gotta say listen, you know, well, let's get the operation done and we'll worry about one thing at a time
Starting point is 01:25:07 Yeah, I can't breathe out of my nose for a few days So that means they can't be no edibles because I get anxiety, right? If I go down they can't put the ammonia in my nose I'm a big dude. It's not just one thing with me. They put one of these fucking nostril now at my age So this is gonna be a tough week for uncle joey to sleep after your mask Sometimes the air blows the snot down to your throat. So You can't sleep at night. So I'm about to sit in the fucking chair. So I'm prepared for whatever next week I got no plans. I got no expectations. We're gonna do a podcast sunday night I'm not gonna do edibles. We need a ton of reefer. I can't eat aspirin, you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:25:44 So I got my heart in danger. So I gotta be careful. I can't get excited No tight shorts, dr. Bullies And when if I actually So that's the deal that's the deal It's a simple fucking procedure 2016. It's not a big deal. But In my mind, this ain't my world There's people I go in there and get blood They give arms and you know, god forbid they do all that shit the process needles and they gotta buy the way waiting for me
Starting point is 01:26:17 You know, they you know, I'm not fucking stupid. I know they gotta buy the way waiting for me You have no idea. They usually what do you mean the one time they put a tube in your nose and shit You have no idea. They didn't give me a needle in my eyeball They don't do something to me. I gotta pull some Louis Lamar shit. I can feel it coming There's always a by the way. Remind me to call them tomorrow You go for another surgery if they're praying needle in your heart. Well, you might need to have it He's just thinking the worst scene now. We can't we shouldn't talk about it. I'm telling you They always throw a Louis Lamar on you doing the operation right when you get there. They go, well, I have to stick
Starting point is 01:26:53 At one time for my shoulder when I took the five ball out of my neck They fucking they stuck a tube in my thing. I couldn't breathe for six months I could feel it all the way up here for the sleep apnea. I almost fucking died Oh lord, please help me. Don't do that again to me new nose new nose reframe I'm sorry people I'm having a nervous breakdown if I'm having a nervous breakdown who passed my family, right? You'd rather me listen if you hear me drop that's fucking radio history We were there that night. It's like Orson Welles when he fucking attacked her night We were there the night joey fucking passed out on his own stories
Starting point is 01:27:31 Passed out on his own stories because that's what happens. I work myself up So I'm very sorry. I'm watching it. Yeah new nose. This is good 2016 thousands of these you'll be out booms. So what's the breathing out of my mouth when I wake up? I'm gonna be like on monday. So, you know what breathing out of your mouth If you're not focusing and keeping it low can make you more anxious So I don't love you breathing out of your mouth. But if you have to you have no, I know it's gonna be fucking clogged up So what do we do here next week? What's the plan with that next week? Is it you have to make your breathing noisy like you are right now and listen to it exhale slow it down
Starting point is 01:28:08 As slow as you can Big inhale and exhale, but I actually want you to move forwards and back So inhale release your belly exhale squeeze it Squeeze it in exhale Okay, here we're gonna have lead to the visual because I'm just I just love I love the visual flea. I'm sorry You're just so good at this inhale Good exhale squeeze keep your eyes open. This isn't this isn't Inhale
Starting point is 01:28:37 This is a great idea Exhale squeeze tip your hips So here you go. Watch Lee ready inhale. You're gonna bump your butt back like you're doing valsala Exhale squeeze and roll your hips under That's inhale exhale So inhale we're gonna do it together. All right. We're group breathing. Good exhale squeeze your belly. That's it You're just we're gonna videotape this for you inhale Yeah, I want you to tell me
Starting point is 01:29:08 You're gonna slow it down. You know what? I'm gonna send you an audio. I'm gonna send you an audio of a breath count I'll talk to you. All right. So right here. So I wake up. Yeah, I wake up in this fucking emergency room There's lights people looking at me on weed I can taste blood in the back of my fucking throat You know, I'm trying to be honest to people myself what to expect I'm not going into telling him to wake up and walk out of it. I know me I'm gonna get up taste the blood whatever the fuck's gonna happen. Now what I can't breathe out of my nose Now what you're not even gonna think about you're not gonna even try to breathe through your nose
Starting point is 01:29:46 So you're gonna breathe them through your mouth. She's gonna you're gonna let's do it together ready Slow down slow down your breathing. You're hyperventilating. So inhale relax Exhale, let's do it together inhale two three four Hold two three four exhale two three four five six Hold two ready inhale two three four hold two three four exhale squeeze two three four five six hold two inhale two three four hold two three four exhale squeeze two two, three, four, five, six, hold two. Okay, so that's called tactical breath.
Starting point is 01:30:35 It's from the military. I'm gonna send you the audio for that. Anybody else who wants it too, I can send you the audio for that as well. So that's a tactical breath from the military to calm you down when things are blowing up around you and that's how you're feeling. So that's the breath I want you to do.
Starting point is 01:30:50 I'm gonna send you the audio, okay? That will chill you out. Do you see what I live with? I get myself fired up. You get yourself fired up? So I know one night this week I'm not sleeping. Aw. Like I would just lay down and all of a sudden
Starting point is 01:31:05 I'll see needles and fucking doctors and my clothes and shit and stuff. The worst is when I could actually smell the alcohol. That's when I know my mind is a fucking douchebag. Well, your imagination is so vivid that it pulls you there with all the differences. I'm listening to you with the smelling and the blood and the love.
Starting point is 01:31:23 Yeah, no wonder. I mean, it makes you- You want to be gonna take yourself deep. You gotta take yourself deep. You can't fuck around. You're just taking all of us deep. Yeah. We're all there with you.
Starting point is 01:31:32 You gotta take yourself deep because it's not. So you're gonna bump into Louie and then you're gonna go, I didn't know about Louie. You gotta expect Louie. Louie. When I walk in and an asthesiologist comes in, I gotta go listen. What's your plan of attack?
Starting point is 01:31:43 Well, I'm taking a stick on a tube in your ears and taking out your fucking, no, no, listen. I gotta go home. I gotta go home. If he says that, you should go home. But I think that- No, they gotta do it in my mouth and I gotta get used to it.
Starting point is 01:31:55 This is gonna be a, yeah, I can't breathe that. That's right. They gotta put the air in my mouth unless they find a different way. You're gonna be okay. Oh my Jesus Christ. No, this is good. Any other time in the other country,
Starting point is 01:32:06 you just have to deal with this. So I want you to, I mean, I'm not gonna get corny on you, but I want you to go to a place of being grateful that you can have this surgery and come back a better nose, clean nose breathing man. And I'm gonna make you breathe again? Two, three, four? Amor.
Starting point is 01:32:28 I'm telling you, man, I think you and I start thinking about it and get fired up and shit. I know. I know. It's a horrible way to live, but Jesus. I'm less than a week, the only way I'm doing. We gotta go to war, Lee. What are you most stressed out about?
Starting point is 01:32:45 Huh? What are you most stressed out about? You know, just being under, waking up, not that first initial that I can't breathe. I mean, I got a little bit of anxiety. I got to breathe it out. A little bit of the pain, a little bit about not being able to sleep, how it affects me.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Two, three nights. Seeing the blood two, three days in a row, eventually I'm gonna go down, I'm gonna get up to pee in the middle of the night and see blood on my arm. And I'm gonna fucking drop in the middle of the night. I'm not prepared for it. And then one of the cats will jump on top of me and wake me up and shit.
Starting point is 01:33:23 That's what I'm scared of, Lee, all right? Why don't you, why don't you a couple of nights before you could like start just breathing out of your mouth like you used to? 10 years ago, if you came to me and said, Joey, you're not gonna be able to sleep for three nights. It didn't matter.
Starting point is 01:33:41 I've been in training for 20 years. I haven't slept for 20 years. I've been smart and blow you three fucking nights. I'll do seven. Now, I love sleep so much. I expect sleep so much that when I think about not getting sleep, it's bad enough every fucking Sunday I gotta get up with two hours sleep
Starting point is 01:34:01 and walk through an airport and fly back home. You know, half awake, it's bad enough. I don't even know how I do that. I don't even know how the fuck I do it sometimes. But I managed to do it, you know. Who gives a fuck if I'm just trying to tell you 20 years ago, I admired staying up. Now, I can't wait to fucking go to bed.
Starting point is 01:34:25 In fact, after the surgery, I'm just gonna do our spots. I'm not going out to do 11 o'clock spots at the store. I wanna be dip, dupe, dupe, and bed by fucking 11 o'clock. My world, everybody wakes up at six. So that's it. I've been waking up at six. I can do it.
Starting point is 01:34:42 When you gotta do it seven days a week, it gets fucking old. Because of the babies, right? Because of life, everybody gets up early, you know. So I gotta change my schedule. So I'm just gonna do hours during the week. My friend's got a room, I do another hour, and I just work an hour, I was going on the road
Starting point is 01:35:01 until after the, I shoot the special. It's gonna be okay. I know it's gonna be okay. I know. What the fuck? Yeah. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. So now, I get this thing.
Starting point is 01:35:20 I get this goddamn thing, this fly from Facebook when it says, Dr. Belize, July 30th. I'm scratching my head. I might just talk to her. She's just gonna be here next week. Why is she waiting four weeks to do a seminar? What are you doing the next three weeks? Oh, let's see.
Starting point is 01:35:40 A lot of video. So we're doing the video for the book. Okay. The book that's coming out in December. So we're doing the video for the book, some teaching, some breathing for warriors. Video as well. And I don't know a lot about video.
Starting point is 01:35:54 From what I'm seeing, you have to do a lot of planning. A lot of planning of people and wearing the places and just audio. I don't know. I don't know a lot about videotaping. So we're gonna do a lot of videotaping while I'm here, supposedly. And you're doing the exercises from the book
Starting point is 01:36:09 and the poses and how to do it. All the poses and all that stuff. I'm spending a lot of time working out and I've got, I get my foster dog on Friday. So I get my new, you know this, my new foster dog. So I don't know if I told you this on the last podcast, but Jen Wiederstrom, the trainer from Biggest Loser adopted my last pity.
Starting point is 01:36:28 So my last pity who was kind of a messed up little guy got adopted by Jen Wiederstrom. She's the gorgeous new girl who trains people on Biggest Loser. So she's got one of my dogs. Frankie, the three legged dog I had is Erin has Frankie. She adopted him. You kept Frankie, you said Franky.
Starting point is 01:36:46 Frankie's a cute dog, he's a tough sound. He's a tough sound. What the fuck am I gonna do with three legs? Yeah. That was better than that. And he's beautiful. He's a great dog. He's beautiful.
Starting point is 01:36:56 He has so much heart and this, I knew it. Yeah. I knew something Lee almost took him. Oh yeah, he was great. He was a good dog. Great dog. He's a good guy. And then Sophie is a mini pit.
Starting point is 01:37:07 So she's 40 pounds. I get her 38 pounds, mini little mini pipple. I get her on Friday. So yeah, I got work to do. I got writing to do. I'm gonna see some patients. 31st is the workshop. I've got a code.
Starting point is 01:37:24 I love the church. So if anybody wants to come to the workshop on the 31st, you get a discount by putting in I love the church. The seminar, is that? No, we actually need more space than that. So it's gonna be somewhere else. It's gonna be somewhere else. Dynamics, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Dynamics, they have a lot of classes going on. It's hard to slip in there. It's hard to slip in there, yeah. It's not a Warriors Cross. It's a general public three hour intensive workshop. So we're not doing specifically Warriors. It's kind of your general public sort of folks. So we won't be doing the hard stuff
Starting point is 01:38:01 that we do in the Warrior class because that class is pretty hard. No, it wasn't that it was hard, your class, by no means at all. I think that it put me into a little shock. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know that was coming my way. I already have mental issues with the breathing.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Now I gotta do it in a fucking circle around people that don't fucking know. You know what I'm saying? If it was a three day class, I think I would have done a lot better. I'd love to be in there. Because by the second day, my anxiety level goes a little down.
Starting point is 01:38:32 I trust people. I talk to you, I talk to her. Einstein's there. Doesn't fucking matter. Einstein helps me. And now by the third day, you're, you can see that, oh, okay, look at what happened. Maybe it's four, no.
Starting point is 01:38:50 My heart rate slows down. I feel a lot better there. I'd like to do a three day. Oh, that's good. Yeah. I have got a TEDx coming up in November. You know those TED talks? You ever listen to those TED talks?
Starting point is 01:39:04 No. No? Lee, you ever listen to TED talks? We do, we do TED talks. Yeah. That's interesting, yeah. So I got one coming up in November. Was it about breathing and not chewing?
Starting point is 01:39:12 It's the only thing I know about is breathing. Well, I know about breathing and I know about psychology. So yeah, it's definitely gonna be about breathing. Yeah, that's what I got coming up in November. Yeah, but life is good. Life is good. Just keep it simple. Training, go into the gym.
Starting point is 01:39:31 Yeah. That's what I like. Got my dog. I get to go to the beach. Yeah. How are we doing? Wow. Well, I don't know what to tell you, man.
Starting point is 01:39:44 It's always a pleasure to see you. I always learn something from you. I've learned so much from this book. Like I said, it's made me much more aware. What the fuck is that, Lee? I think she woke up in the promise. I'm like, what is that? Who is that?
Starting point is 01:40:02 Is that you, Lee? Is that me or you? I have no idea. It's you, the music. I'll take the blame for it. I heard it. I don't know if it was me or you. We'd make more juice.
Starting point is 01:40:13 It was over there. It went, no, no, it was over there. Oh, no. It went, moo. Moo. Did you hear that? That was Lee. That's disgusting, Lee.
Starting point is 01:40:24 You better not stink. It's definitely you. Nothing's smelling, so we're okay. I don't know if it's for her, I don't think. It's possible, I guess. You know, it's not fair to have only two hours with you. Because I'm sure you go for hours and hours. Oh, I do.
Starting point is 01:40:42 People go to the seminar, people say, fuck, I just listened to the podcast and stuff like that. That's good, I don't mind. As long as you learn, I don't mind. I don't really care. No, again, because I'm interested in this, just for GP here, the acid reflux. How old are you when you start getting acid reflux?
Starting point is 01:41:00 You know what? Is it for meat and pizza, is it for meat? It's for meeting too fast and not breathing with your diaphragm. So if you're a vertical breather, the way you used to be, but you're not anymore, breathing up and down, and if you don't chew enough, you're gonna get acid reflux,
Starting point is 01:41:16 because your diaphragm is sort of a secondary esophagus. I get it sometimes. I don't get no taste or nothing, but sometimes at night, I get really fucking high like tonight, and I start eating like crackers or something, I go overboard, and I find myself almost choking, but not really. And it hurts at a point, like something's ripping.
Starting point is 01:41:35 Yeah, that means you're swallowing without chewing. And then all of a sudden you're like, oh shit, something just happened, but we'll fuck it. Where's the phone at? Yeah, you're just not chewing, you're just scarfing stuff down. I remember reading about a woman who actually,
Starting point is 01:41:52 was eating Doritos, and she just scraped up to her inside of her throat, because she was eating so fast. So just, the point being is that if you have acid reflux, just chew your food more and breathe with your diaphragm, like Lee has showed us, of inhale, you relax your belly, exhale, you squeeze, and once you use your diaphragm,
Starting point is 01:42:09 it actually helps your esophagus work better and keep all the acid down. So, and do the vinegar and water. Don't, and acids are not good for you. So the vinegar, apple cider vinegar, two tablespoons with a glass of water, chew more and breathe with your diaphragm, you're set, it's gone.
Starting point is 01:42:24 Listen, I'm anti-appleside though, right? I've been working on my fungi toe. I know, I don't know about that toe, what are we gonna do about that? Well, they have a pill now that you take. And it's like a, it's like a recurring fungi. I went to the doctor, and the doctor's like, no, it's a skin rash, go talk, I'm telling you.
Starting point is 01:42:42 I've been like four months, it comes back, maybe it gets hot, and it starts to, like, jock aches next to, you know, my ass, is it, gee, not my asshole, well, my ass, like the cheeks are itchy, like I just get this rash. So he gives me an ointment, then it goes away for 90 days, then it comes back, so I'm not sure if it lives with me,
Starting point is 01:43:02 he gave me the blood test. He says, since I'm taking the blood pressure medication, I can't take that fungi medication that you take for a year. Well, we're gonna get you off the blood pressure medication because you're gonna be able to keep your blood pressure down, and then you'll be able to take the fungi medication. Well, like I said, and this is, you know,
Starting point is 01:43:21 I switch docked, one time something happened, and my doctor wasn't in town, that is a true story. So if you're part of the SAG insurance group, you have to go to where you live. I lived in Hollywood when I lived here, so I went to Bob Hope Medical. But you have an option when you move into the valley, you go to a place called Toluca Lake,
Starting point is 01:43:44 it's across from Boston Market, and the Jamba Juice in the liquor store, where I saw the transvestite that night, at like 8.30 at night, getting an ice cream cone, I said, whatever the fuck, dressed up, I don't know what, I don't give a fuck, I'm just saying, it was weird, it's Burbank, it's Disneyland, across from the hamburger place,
Starting point is 01:44:02 where they get the cars from the fifties, and fucking white dudes sit there on Friday nights, look at my 54 Kaurubi, whatever the fuck it is, and their wise, playing the fifties music, give us the name Burbank, it's cool as fuck, I love it. So, what's your point, Joe? I don't know what my fucking point is, Lee, what was I talking about?
Starting point is 01:44:20 Fungi. Fungi, fungi, fungi, fungi. So I went in there one day, and I went in there for something, and the doctor took my, the nurse took my blood pressure, she fucking walked out, Dr. Cameron, he's like, listen, man, how long has your blood pressure been this high? I go, it's been high for a while, he goes, hi, you got like fucking 190 over 160,
Starting point is 01:44:45 I can't let you out of here, he goes, I'm gonna buy, he goes, I gotta call him to your family doctor, and I go, listen, it's fucking four in the afternoon. What do you think I've done on that, but I've since seven, I smoked dope, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, but I smoked dope, you know, and then I go, I'm also allergic to whatever the fuck, blue coats, so he goes, I'll give you 15 minutes,
Starting point is 01:45:11 but I can't let you walk out of here until you get to this level. I sat there for like 20 minutes, he came back, boom, he was like, that's amazing, I'm telling you, you have to talk to me, I gotta trust you, everything's cool, we're cool, it'll drop, it'll drop on its own. What do you think about that, at least?
Starting point is 01:45:35 What the fuck do you think you're talking to? I'm drowning, going to mine, physical, cause I'm probably to do a blood test. You're as tough as nails, they're only gonna be the fucking, they're gonna stick you with like four of those Benjamin needles, what do you call them? Butterfly, they didn't have them last time. No, they didn't have them, they just told you that,
Starting point is 01:45:54 they just told you that to make you feel good. Yeah, they just told you. Sure, listen, they put that butterfly, like one of those fake tattoos that you put on, you wash it off the next day, he won't do nothing to you. He be with the butterfly, you got some pair of balls, they embarrassin' the nurse, the nurse goes to the doctor, the doctor comes in for a second,
Starting point is 01:46:15 the chubby guy wants a butterfly, not a million years insurance won't cover it. They tell him we're out of here, we're back stop. Give him the big fucking needle, fuck him, he's a big boy. Tell him it's the butterfly. I have some number eights, fuck them, save the number eights, give them number 14s. Oh my God, please don't do that.
Starting point is 01:46:42 We good? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know what I was calling, who the fuck is this? Calling me at 5.46 in the morning, crack of dawn. Well, I'm happy you came on, Dr. Lee. So what dates do you have here? July 31st, date is unknown, you're posted on Facebook, and on your other social media.
Starting point is 01:47:05 July 31st, that's the only seminar I'm doing here. And then what about New York? I have a friend that's interested in New York, sometimes you do a Saturday, sometimes you do a Sunday. They're all over the place, it just depends on how many people are around. I'm doing a teacher training in New York, so this has gotten a little big,
Starting point is 01:47:23 so I have actually people who are coming and getting trained so that they can go back and help other people wherever they're working at. So in September is a teacher training in New York, and in November is a teacher training in Los Angeles, and that's three days, 20 hours over three days of teacher training, so that's gonna be a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:47:42 We think it'll be shows up. I think it'll be great. The little teacher training, three to a little bit. Three days. Tells the ladies what's crack a lacon. No, I am pretty medicated, but my lower back feels a little tight.
Starting point is 01:47:56 Is it normal? Yep, that's totally normal, because you're using the muscles on your back when you inhale and exhale. Okay. Yeah, so that's actually good. If you can be sore tomorrow, that's good sore. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:48:06 Yeah, good. You'll be okay. I'm gonna go to the sponsors. I'm gonna get you out of here. You know, right now I'm a little bit in shock, but I'm just gonna read this blue apron, and we'll get out of here and we'll fucking do it right. You understand me, people?
Starting point is 01:48:24 I'm happy you fucking tuned in tonight on a beautiful Wednesday night with Dr. Belize. Don't forget, guys, listen, this book, it'll help you somewhere. You gotta read it two times. You gotta read it three times. You gotta put fucking underline under it. You know, you gotta put the yellow shit under it.
Starting point is 01:48:40 Just remember a couple of things. It's one of those type of fucking books. If you're not gonna do it that seriously, that's the only way. Like, I'm fucking halfway there, but I know it's improved, and it was proven to me Monday. Monday was the shit,
Starting point is 01:48:55 and the needle in the fucking arm was the shit. Trust me, if I was clogged up, I would've fell apart in both of them. But that's the other thing. You leave the steroids in my nose. It all came through. I'm proud of you. I really am.
Starting point is 01:49:08 Amen. I got this daughter. I gotta go at least half. I know that you only get a certain amount of heartbeats. What you do with those heartbeats is up to you. How you get there, it's up to you. You want them on marathons. You want a snort coke with the bitches.
Starting point is 01:49:24 You know, how you get there, it's up to you. So, I don't know. I'm sitting there going to Keith Bridges and I was like, yeah, I was going to steal a lot. Yeah. Both of the dudes that sang anthems to cocaine in the 70s and 60s. Poor Prince ate a couple pills, doomed.
Starting point is 01:49:42 Michael Jackson fucking went to the dentist and stayed for a year. What the fuck? He just turned the fucking mascot. Went to the dentist. Yeah, he just stayed for a year. I'm just going to stay here right here, doc. Here's a half of him, go in the other room.
Starting point is 01:49:58 Leave the mascot. I'm up for the little white Chinese guy. Let him stay in here and give me air from time to time and fucking fan me and cut my toenail. That's the way the TMZ won't know I've been in here for a year. Ha ha ha. Just 24 hour day gas. What's that?
Starting point is 01:50:16 Just 24 hour day gas. Can you imagine how like 80 mil, just go to a doctor, sell us some doctor, and then I came over here for my fucking root canal. You shot me with that fucking juju juice. Let me ask you something. Pfft. Let me ask you something, doc.
Starting point is 01:50:32 Listen, how much if I came in for a cup? Absolutely not, I'd lose my doc. Yeah. Doc. I'm talking about we start in price at a million dollars cash. I gotta have a fucking black major committee with a women that looks like Joe Pesci and JFK.
Starting point is 01:50:49 I'll have them over here in fucking 10 minutes with a brown bag with two mil cash. How much would that get me? Well, I don't know. Listen, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna give you three million off the top. I'm gonna bring in two freaks, I'm gonna chill it out for the whole thing,
Starting point is 01:51:04 send your wife home, send the Arabian chicks that takes the phone calls, send them home. This is just us going deep and shit. Just the whole night. What do you think they do, Lee? You think lights are fucking fairy tale? They just throw three million at this poor bastard, and he sits there and sits in the dentist chair,
Starting point is 01:51:23 and some poor little Chinese guy feeds him for 24, 36. Pfft. Pfft. Pfft. That'd be pretty fun, I guess. I can't get to you, you don't know. You're sitting there thinking about Nintendo and playing fucking Chinese checkers.
Starting point is 01:51:42 I've never thought about someone that's going for a 36 hour dentist appointment. Dripping gas binge. Think about it, how much fun would it be? I would rather just take a whole bunch of animals. Hey, what the fuck is going on? Did you hear that?
Starting point is 01:52:00 Is that you? That was me drinking. Jesus Christ, don't mind it. I thought we were getting a call from Mars or something like that. Let me talk to you, people brought something. When was the last time you cooked roasted pork and some fucking squat?
Starting point is 01:52:13 When was the last time you cooked roasted pork and some squash, huh? Ozabtard chicken burger with oven fries. When was the last time you cooked green chili chicken room? When was the last time? Never, never, because you eat the same shit. Every night you get out of work, you're in a rush, you go to the supermarket,
Starting point is 01:52:32 you buy the easiest thing for the equation, and then you wonder why you end up looking like Joey, you end up looking like me or fucked up, you can't breathe at night. This is why, because it all starts with that dinner. You ready to switch to a healthier alternative? And not only that, you learn how to cook. Listen, none of the ingredients are created equal.
Starting point is 01:52:51 Fresh, high quality ingredients taste better and are better for you, okay? So it's important that you know where your food comes from. I've had a personal experience with blue apron and I thought it was tremendous. Had to be about three weeks ago, they sent me a box. I don't know nothing about nothing. My wife cooked, I watched, I helped her a little bit,
Starting point is 01:53:09 but there wasn't much to do. All you had to do was follow the things, dip it in. I'll tell you what, I ate, it was good, it filled me up, and I could do it again. If I was a single guy, that's what I'd be doing. That's what I'd be doing, because for less than $10 per meal, blue apron would deliver seasonal recipes
Starting point is 01:53:29 along with pre-proportional ingredients to make your delicious home cooked meals. Blue apron knows when you cook with incredible ingredients, you make incredible meals, so they set the highest quality standards for the community of suppliers, family run farms, fisheries and ranchers, whether it's the Japanese ramen noodles,
Starting point is 01:53:50 or the wild caught Alaskan salmon, or the heirloom tomatoes. Blue apron is bringing you the best, okay? Number one, recipes are created each week by Blue Aprons culinary team, and will not be repeated for a year. They customize the recipes each week based on your preferences.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Choose delivery options to fit your needs. You want just beef, they send you beef. There's no weekly commitment, so you get the deliveries you want when you want them. And each meal comes with step by step, easy to follow recipe card, with pre-proportional ingredients that can be prepared in 40 minutes or less.
Starting point is 01:54:30 So by the time it's cooking, you're taking a shower, you're shaving your monkey, you brush your teeth, you put gel in your hair, you put some shorts on, boom, your meal is ready for you, like a fucking doctor. Here's what we're gonna do, all right? Let me tell you about this week's menu. Like I said, green chili chicken roll, seared cod with fresh old doomed noodles.
Starting point is 01:54:50 You don't even have to take out. It's right there in your fucking oven. Beef, summer corn and chiladas. What would you do for that right now, Lee? For beef, summer corn and chiladas with a nice kale, Monterey cheese. What would you do? I know you like this shit.
Starting point is 01:55:05 I always thought I was waiting for me, my friend. Lee loves all this zip-talk chicken burger with oven fries. I know there's hummus in there, there's gotta be something. Anyway, do me a favor. This is what I'm gonna do. Check out this week's menu and go for the first three meals free. That's right, free shipping,
Starting point is 01:55:23 buy going to blueapen.com slash joey, all right? Go to blueapen.com, see what they got. Check out the week's menus. I'm gonna give you the first three meals free with free shipping. Go to blueapen.com slash joey. Listen, you're gonna love how it feels. You're gonna love how it tastes.
Starting point is 01:55:42 You're gonna create incredible home cooked meals with blueapen. So listen, don't wait, do me a favor. Right now, stop fucking around. You're just gonna sit there, go on the computer. Go to blueapen.com slash joey and get three meals on the arm with free shipping. Blueapen, a better way to cook.
Starting point is 01:56:02 I ain't fucking around no more, all right, people? If I'm gonna talk to you about something, it's because the shit is crack or lack of it. Don't sit there like, well, you're all confused. A thousand milligrams deep. That was better than crazy Eddie and Tom Carvel all put together. I don't fuck around, I'm Uncle Joey.
Starting point is 01:56:17 I gotta drop it on these motherfuckers. You're not hungry now. You wanna be healthy? This is Dr. Belize loves this stuff. Go to honor.com right now and look at the fine selection of supplements. The mixed greens are still out of stock. All right, they got, they got the MCT all.
Starting point is 01:56:33 They got the fucking hemp protein, the drug cocoa. It's the best chocolate on the market. Listen, alpha brain, 100% guarantee. I can sit here till I'm green in the face. Go to honor.com right now and look at the great selection of supplements. You need something and they got the fucking answer for you. You like what they got?
Starting point is 01:56:53 Boom, you get it. You go to the box, you check out. Put in CHU or CH, get 10% off on the arm right there. Deliver it to your house. Just like Blue Apron. Everything I fucking pimped to you gets delivered to your house. No fucking around.
Starting point is 01:57:09 I want you to sit there, scratch your balls, watch TV and all of a sudden. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Blue Apron cocksucker. Also honor.com. I want to thank Dr. Belize, Dr. Belize. What's the website? Dr. I, it's thebreathingclass.com.
Starting point is 01:57:28 Thebreathingclass.com, simple, keeping it simple. And I want to thank my princess over here. Erin. Always looking fucking beautiful, drinking water. Stretching, drinking water, stretching. Stretching her sexy clothes, you should. That's why Lee's been confused. He's looking at your little, he's looking at your little
Starting point is 01:57:45 toes to go what they taste like with barbecue sauce on them. Hummus. With hummus on them, he's a filthy fucking animal. That's why I love him. He's my favorite Jew in the world. Don't forget, there are no expectations to it. Tour starts flappers, 721, nine days after my surgery. Whatever the fuck the math is.
Starting point is 01:58:05 I'm too fucked up to add. I don't give a fuck, all right? 721, flappers, Burbank, the Yoohoo Room, 50 seats. If you fart, everybody smells like that type of party. We'll be smoking weed for the cops. We'll be giving you tickets. It's our type of night.
Starting point is 01:58:20 Dr. Belize, I want to thank him. I want to thank my princess. I want to thank my main man, Lee Syat. And that's it. We'll talk this weekend. Don't forget, no expectations to it. August 6th, I got a casino in Oklahoma City, close to Arkansas.
Starting point is 01:58:39 I got Denver, the 10th to the 12th. And I got fuckin' Nashville. August 25th to the 29th, something like that. All right, go on there fuckin' wedge paid. Zanies, get your shit together. I love you guys. Thank you for the opportunity and a great week. This is my new fuckin' favorite brand.
Starting point is 01:59:02 Hero Junior droppin' at these bad motherfuckin' savages. Go see him this week again. Lafayette, Indiana. Why am I snappin' my fingers, you see what I'm sayin'? I watched fuckin' West Side Story two nights ago. Now I'm fuckin' livin' it. I can't stand watchin' TV no more. 721, they got the New York City Bowery.
Starting point is 01:59:23 And 831 right here, Los Angeles at the Viper Room, bitches. I love you, cocksuckers. Have a great weekend. Be safe. Stay black. Please wait for me, I got it. Oh, you're standing in the street, with open eyes and in between. All the good and the bad prepare.
Starting point is 02:00:05 All sophisticated nowhere. You're fallin' down on me. No smile, no sympathy. Oh, I'll never, I'll never be cold. They like, they love. The things I never, ever wanted to be scaled on. In a dangle room, if that begins like a chosen child. And as he runs away, in a sweaty stone.
Starting point is 02:00:41 He's tangled arms on a braided dream. Now somebody stop him, now move it out. I'm shinin' skin, but it's not dry. But it's okay. Oh, you're welling in the yard. Blurry eyes and same old fog. All the movie shoots itself. In the mind of where the crimin' dies.
Starting point is 02:01:28 The time for someone else. You're fallin' down on me. No smile, no sympathy. Oh, I'll never, I'll never be cold. They like, they love. The things I never, ever wanted to be scaled on. In a dangle room, if that begins like a chosen child. And as he runs away, in a sweaty stone.
Starting point is 02:02:02 He's tangled arms on a braided dream. Now somebody stop him, now move it out. I'm shinin' skin, but it's not dry. But it's okay. Oh, I wonder back again. Just to meet that day. My heart is all I see. Oh, I wonder back again.
Starting point is 02:03:02 Just to meet that day. My heart is all I see. Oh, you're welling in the yard. You go to blueapron.com. Slash Joey to get this. You're going to love how good it feels and tastes to create incredible home-cooked meals with Blue Apron. So don't wait.
Starting point is 02:03:48 That's blueapron.com. Slash Joey. Blueapron.com. Slash Joey. This show was also brought to you by onit.com. Go to onit.com. We use COVID Church to save 10% on all of the great optimization products
Starting point is 02:04:03 like Apple, brand-new Mood, TrimTech, and Unimped TrimTech.

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