Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #467 - Dominick Polifrone - The undercover agent who brought down the Iceman

Episode Date: March 27, 2017

Dominick Polifrone, an undercover agent who worked at both the local and federal levels (for agencies such as the Attorney General's office and the ATF), calls in to talk with Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt ...about how Polifrone gained the trust of and eventually took down "The Iceman," one of the most notorious and feared serial killers and hitmen in history. This podcast is brought to you by:   Blue Apron - Go to blueapron.com/joey to get your first three meals free and free shipping!   MVMT Watches - Go to MVMTWatches.com/church to get 15% off of their high quality watches at revolutionary prices. MVMTWatches.com/church for 15% off, with free shipping and free returns.    Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.     

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Starting point is 00:01:24 It's a special church. Lee Syatt, my favorite Jew in the world. Your Uncle Joey Diaz. And the motherfucking Beatles. Come on, we're there. Oh, shit. What's happening, you bad motherfuckers? Uncle Joey here with my main man, Lee Syatt. The reason why we're doing this podcast is an unusual podcast. This is the way we started the first podcast, but I have to run as easy came on the
Starting point is 00:02:01 show a couple months ago. He had a brilliant idea where he goes over books or whatever. And when we first started the podcast, we used to talk about a lot of different books and whatnot. And there was one fucking topic that's always killed me and it's the Ice Man, as you guys know. Yeah, he was from Jersey and the whole thing, but let's start from the beginning. I've always been a read. I've been a reader since Mr. King will left me back in the seventh grade. And I just like to read. I'm an only child and I've always read. I can't read everything. There's a lot of stuff that I read four pages, and I got to get rid of it. You know, if I got 10 books in one day, I would read three of those
Starting point is 00:02:39 10 books because those other seven are just written, you know, sometimes the two, the writer thinks he's too swarmy or sometimes they talk too much about the same subject. Like I got a book about Rudy Tomjanovich about when he got fucking beat up at the Laker game by Kermit Washington. And it was a good book. It was very informative, but I felt it was very repetitive, you know. And then you might read a book that has like a movie done around it and the movie's always better than the book or the book's always better than the movie. Then, you know, I read Silence of the Lambs and it's just as good as the fucking movie. It's just you just have to read, you know, and see what you like.
Starting point is 00:03:19 How long do you give a book? Like how much rope do you give? Do you give like a chapter? Three or four chapters and I could tell this is going in the direction that this is not going. It's like anything else in life. If you try everything on the menu, there's things you're not going to like. That's the problem with books that I think it's so important to fucking read. I think it's so important to fucking read. No matter what you do. I mean, your wife has realized she has to read. You know, it's so important to give, especially when you write. The only way you can learn how to write is to compliment it by reading and reading different types of authors. And like I said, listen, man, some people pick up Puck and Hemingway and think it's junk.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Some people pick up Bacowski and think it's junk. You know, everybody has their own style of whatever. I don't like subjects about the moon. I don't like a lot of subjects that a lot of people would think I like. I like subjects about stories about characters. I like characters. I like to read about the psychology of that fucking character. What made him do these things? What do you mean character? Because you seem really, you love interesting people, it seems like. Well, I can't stand fucking boring people. You think I want to sit there next to somebody who's telling me about, you know, the same shit everybody else is telling me. You know, I'm not normal. I'm not like everybody else. And I know this going in. That's what makes this podcast
Starting point is 00:04:34 successful, that the people who listen to the podcast are all missing a fucking nuts somewhere with a goddamn line too. So I'm not normal, but I know this going in. When I talk to people, I know they look at me weird or whatever, my views or whatever. And the same thing happens with books. You know, you're not going to give everybody, people send me books all the time. And some books I read a few chapters and they're fucking god awful. This is not me. Do you have a thing with like, for me, it happens with movies where someone like really is excited about a movie or a book and they sell it to you. And then by the time you read it, you're like, oh, this was garbage. Oh, it happens all the time. Because people have different tastes. So they don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I'm into more criminal stuff and I'm a criminal. I always want to delve into the mind of the criminal. I always wanted to see what made me do the things I did at the different time periods of my life. I'm 50. When I was 20, if we got into an argument, there was always a misunderstanding that I might fucking shoot you. I didn't know when. When I did that kidnapping, my state of mind was completely different. I'm not the same person it was today. So I always wanted to study what had made me come to those conclusions. What made me kidnap? What made me pull a John a knife on John? What made me do all those robberies when I was a kid? No, those stupid fucking burglaries that amounted to nothing. It was a state of mind I was in.
Starting point is 00:05:49 You know, so I always want to see what people state of minds are. And I've always been a student of the mind of watching people. Have you ever have you read a book or and I'll just see it like it seems fake like because you you're a criminal. Like, have you read a book about a criminal? I could tell. Yeah, I could tell when it's a book about a criminal or a book about somebody nostalgic about something. It's two different things. Okay. There's two books about the Iceman. There's the one that Bruno wrote. Anthony Bruno, the one we're going to discuss today, which focuses more on the investigation. Okay. And there's one that a guy, Carlo wrote that that was the one that they optioned at first for Mickey Rourke for this movie about the Iceman.
Starting point is 00:06:33 The Carlo book tells you all I think that by the time, I don't know which one of these books came first, but by the time the Carlo book came, it was what happened on his HBO specials. He just started glamorizing it and he just started getting, you know, he was responsible for JFK. He was there when they killed that guy, Joe Marys. He was he had towards the end, he was saying that he was there when they shot poor Castellano. You know, he just started. So he I think the other the other book, he talked about more hits that we had never heard about. And now I'm starting to wonder about those hits. A lot of them. This book, the one we're going to discuss today, we're going to have Dominic call up today. All right. This guy's name is Dominic Prolephone. And he was the undercover
Starting point is 00:07:18 cop for the ATF that worked closely with Essex County to take down the Iceman. His undercover name was Dominic Michael Provenzano. You know, he kept it the same and we're going to ask him about undercover questions. I mean, you know, is it true? Like I always thought like when I lived in Boulder, the cops that undercover cops that worked in Boulder that came from Boulder usually arrested people and asked them. They were sent to Aspen so nobody would know them. How far apart are those two cities? Four hours. Okay. Because here's one of the things I'm going to ask him that just he talked about. He was from Jersey and he had brought like he grew up in the area. I don't like that doesn't seem far enough apart from it. It seems like it seems like he could be at like,
Starting point is 00:08:02 I don't know, like home goods or a store and just like. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That's it. Like and he did. It's not, it sounds like he did a bunch of them. Like he was, I read some things and he talks about like the process he went through. I'm very into like it sounds like he was like almost kind of like his own boss. I've watched too many movies. You have to be. If you read this book you'll realize what I've been telling you people for the last 20 years and I'm going to ask them right in front of you people that for every 100 kilo million dollar arrest you see on TV they blew nine of them. They blow nine of them. They blow nine of them because once you get all the bureaucracy involved and all these white dudes who think they know what they're talking about
Starting point is 00:08:47 that's where they blow the case. Like there's a part in this book and we'll discuss with Dominic where he's in already. He's in with the Iceman. He's in. He's in with him. But now they want to send another guy in with him to him to make an introduction. This guy's a professional. If I'm doing business with Lee, one on one, every day Lee comes to me and brings me guns and one day I don't see Lee for four days and he comes back to meet me and he shows up with somebody. I yes him to death. I keep my answers very fucking loose and I get in my car and I go home and I gotta assume as a professional. I have to remember to cover cop. See this is what I'm fascinated by is that's what I would imagine especially on the Iceman's level that he would be way more cautious.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Way more cautious. And then one time like it apparently like they wanted to get the Iceman for the murders. So Dominic was talking about how he like he had him talk about each one of the murders on a recording and I'm just thinking like how is this guy bringing up random murders? How does that set off bells? Well you know before you it's like going for the pussy before you kiss the titties. If you don't kiss her neck on the titties and you just go right for the pussy all of Trump it's not gonna get you anyway. This is a process. If you come over over zealous as an undercover agent they're gonna sniff you and if you don't look at people's eyes and I mean there's so many fucking things that I used to read as a criminal. Like I once read I once heard from one
Starting point is 00:10:16 of my friends when somebody brings one of those people put a blue suit on them. If they look like a cop they're a fucking cop. So you know I never ever ever in all those stories I'm telling you guys for fucking 10 years of all the bullshit I put up. I never really had too many contacts for cops because I smelt them. I know exactly when somebody shows up with a cop. Even when I was a young kid there was a really interesting story when I first left North Bergen in 83 about a guy who was coming to the bar and bringing us all back to his house and taking out drugs in front of us and jewelry. I knew that guy was a cop. I knew that guy was a cop the second time I went to his fucking house. I put it together. How many more times you go to his house? That's it. Oh thank god
Starting point is 00:11:03 okay all right. Like that's it just seems. That's it. I didn't want to be on camera. I didn't want to be bringing people in. Would you leave that area? Would you go like go out of state for a few weeks? No no no. I went over there the second time and I just thought about it. It sounded too easy. Even at the age of 19 I knew if it sounded too easy it was too fucking easy. So you're inviting 10 strangers from the bar to your house and you're taking out pieces of gold and half ounces of blow and you're showing all this jewelry. You're looking for something. Don't get me wrong. In my 20 years of fucking doing all that shit I bumped into a lot of stupid fucking people. I bumped into a lot of stupid people that had no idea who they were dealing with when they're
Starting point is 00:11:44 taking out jewelry at two in the morning and showing people you know the guns they have. You're just setting yourself up for somebody around you. So it was just your somebody to take you down. It was just your inner feeling your gut feeling that separated them between too easy and a comp. Too easy. It's too easy. There's got to be a little bit resistant somewhere that this was too easy. You're bringing me to your house. You're showing me you're safe. You're showing me your bedroom. You're showing me your jewelry. You're turning me on to coke. You're dropping names like it's going out of style. Something's not fucking right here. Yeah. And then I was like how did you ever did you hear someone not following their gut?
Starting point is 00:12:25 Like that seems like all the time. Listen if you read this book the Iceman did not get caught because the cops were that good. The Iceman got caught because as you get older you get tired and as the more you do something you get repetitive and no matter how careful you could be he was leaving you get sloppy. You could be tight for six years. Not everybody could be perfect 100 fucking percent. So we're all going to make mistakes along the line. Cops, detectives, investigators they pray for that one mistake. That's all they pray for because Klinsky did it with Dominic. He got so much trust into Dominic. He was he had killed Prongay by that time. He needed Sinai to kill people. He had to go out in the open. He had to go out in the stomach. That's what that
Starting point is 00:13:13 expression is called going out on your stomach. You know a lot of people don't like selling drugs. There's a lot of money in drugs. But you know what happens when you sell drugs? You got to go out in your stomach. You got to expose yourself. So once you a lot of people do great unless they have to expose themselves. And it seems like he really at least at the beginning made a really big effort to not expose. No six seven years. He had a regular family life. He had a great the way he was doing things. The hits. He was selling weapons. You know he kept it to a minimum. He dealt with it's a lot. The more moving parts the more chances of you getting popped. And then I know he's going to call soon but as another criminal and you see someone like this
Starting point is 00:13:54 and all of his associates are getting killed. All of the icemen associates are getting murdered. Why are people still working with him? Like that just seems crazy to me. Why do people still smoke cigarettes? Why do people still do cocaine? Why do people still buy fucking shitty records and go to fucking shitty restaurants? It's the same reason. We all have weak points in our lives. You know when I kidnapped Kent Vella that was a very weak point for me. Why? Because I wouldn't be caught dead talking to those guys I got in trouble with. Not in a million years would I be caught dead talking to those fucking idiots. But I got desperate. I let the junk give me take over.
Starting point is 00:14:39 I wanted to believe that Tidwell was the real deal even though I knew he was a fucking joke. That's a lie. Now you wanted to believe. I wanted to believe that he was the real deal with the motorcycles and the tattoos and the pit bulls and the tinted windows and the loud stereo and the strip clubs and all that shit and all his fucking stupidity about his partners. Well I have some partners that were doing time which gives a shit. I really wanted to believe that that was all fake. But I knew deep in my gut it was all fake. And then when I got sentenced and I saw him mopping and he was a trustee with a fucking on parole with a violent crime and you're a felon you got to be a rat to have that fucking job. But that's the mistakes
Starting point is 00:15:22 we all make. We all listen. I was dimming and dabbling since I was 14 15 right selling a little masculine selling acid that all counts to all the shit you do. You know you always ask me how did you get away with it because I did it with people I dealt with. I grew up with you know I had six or seven customers that's it. Once somebody comes to you and go hey I got a guy that wants to buy 10,000 hits once a week sounds too good sounds too easy just like that. He's going to give me a fucking I mean if you read this book at the end with Dominic he wanted Sinai. He was going to sell Dominic a half million dollars worth of weapons and try to shoot him and and he was going to fucking kidnap a Jewish kid that wanted to buy three kilos all in one day.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Buy himself. No. So he was going to meet Dominic. Dominic was going to bring the Jewish kid. They were going to spray Sinai in his hamburger and then fucking kill him and then get split to $85,000 for the three kilos and Dominic would have had him on murder that's the last thing Dominic was trying to set him up with Sinai for him to put on his hamburger for him to and then on top of that he was going to set up a deal for Dominic to buy silences on the 38 on 22s to sell to the Irish Republic and when he showed up with the half a million dollars he was going to kill Dominic and take his half million dollars. Exactly I hear you. Uncle Dominic. Hi Joey. How are you buddy? Thank you very much for taking the time to call on the line. I got special retired agent one of
Starting point is 00:17:01 my new uncle's Dominic prolophone. I've been a fan of yours for 20 years. You know I saw you on the HBO documentaries and stuff and I was talking about the book one day the other shitty book the Carlo book and a mutual friend of ours connected us together and this is one of my best days ever in podcasting because we get to read a book and we get to talk to a real deal. How are you doing today sir? I'm doing good especially when I speak with you. Oh my god it's been we were talking all week. You told me to read this Iceman by Anthony Bruno. I passed it on to my partner Lee. Lee say hello to Mr. Provalophone. Hello Mr. Provalon. And we're both sitting here in shock you know I read this book thinking about the Iceman but I ended up learning about a fucking cop from New Jersey
Starting point is 00:18:01 that has balls of steel and I also ended up learning about myself where I got the craziness I have installed in me and it's somewhere in that water in northern New Jersey brother. I'll tell you one thing I'm surprised our pants didn't cross. You know I was right there from 80 to 85 like I told you this morning in the book they mentioned you kept meeting him at the Vince Lombardi truck stop and Oregon and New Jersey are the only states that you could you can't pump your own gas. When you go to Oregon there's a pumper and when there's when you go to New Jersey there's always a guy gas station attendant. I got a job once I was telling you this morning at the Vince Lombardi and it was gonna it was raining out Dominic and and I got the shift
Starting point is 00:18:50 from four to twelve and I would get the shift and they would tell me to drop every time I would I would always get jobs at gas stations that were close to the bridge or the tunnel so they would be busy and I would come up with like two three thousand dollars and I have a friend pick me up on the corner and that was the only time ever I ever got caught. I almost got caught was at Vince Lombardi because the guy chased me but then I lost him because I got on the bus. There's no easy way to get out of that. Oh my god oh my god I got on the bus and then he called the cops and the bus took off and I'm fucking sweating bullets. I get the port authority. I'm thinking the cops are gonna be there wasn't one cop there. I got away with it but this yeah so our pads could
Starting point is 00:19:34 have crossed that one time or another. How long were you a cop for Dominic? Close to 30 years. I started at the Burton County Prosecutors Office and then I wanted to see what the government was about and I looked and I really liked the ATF alcohol tobacco and firearms street agency you know and that fits my type of mold sort of and I wanted to see really what the difference is and tell you the truth the difference between the state and federal is more bullshit on the federal level but you have more leadway. Well there's always more bureaucracy and more paperwork when you're dealing with the feds they're fucking Gentiles. You gotta do a paper before you shoot somebody yeah somebody pulls a gun they shoot at you you shoot them back
Starting point is 00:20:22 you get them in the leg you got 19 pages you gotta write a fucking encyclopedia while you shot them what color the sun was. It's ridiculous I got a lot of paperwork they talk about paper reduction act and all this expensive bullshit. Well Dominic I was I was watching something when you were speaking about the process that you would go through as an undercover just going from the different agencies and like just to get like the approval to do it and like to me it seemed like I don't know someone would just give you an assignment you'd go on like it seemed like you were really run like you were going and dealing with all this bureaucracy yourself as like almost like a solo practice like it was weird it was like you almost weren't being governed at all.
Starting point is 00:21:04 No it's true well with this particular case of Richard Gokrinski you know I just got done finishing the case be honest which I infiltrated all five families in New York and we took down I don't know around 68 people and a lot of made guys and then there was a contract out on me and they wanted to send me somewhere else but ironically through some other processes I was fortunate enough to stay in this area and I chose Jersey I said that's where I was born and raised and that's where I want to go and they thought I was crazy but that's what they gave me and that's my career and I was fortunate enough to work the New York New Jersey area I mean I've been all over you know doing undercover St. Croix, Puerto Rico, Miami, Denver, Washington just a bunch of places I almost
Starting point is 00:22:07 worked for all different agencies getting things on consignment which was unheard of and you know built a reputation I was fortunate enough I really learned a lot from one of my partners Alex Theatris born in Brooklyn New York and we're very close to this date he's lucky he's alive he was shot five times in Miami in a deal and with a career 57 and the other agent was shot in the head and died and he was fortunate enough to live with school and communication and learned a lot learned a lot learned what works wanted to come on strong on the back off and you know you get that gut feeling you know after so many years in the streets so I was fortunate enough I spent about over 15 years in the streets you know really I made mistakes as a neophyte but down the road and
Starting point is 00:23:05 I had an individual in it that went on the witness protection program sat me down we hit it off and I worked with him for quite some more some time a long time matter of fact so you had an acting coach you had an acting coach really made my bones there you had an acting coach I had an acting coach the only thing with that is once you made the introduction I don't believe you know a source continuing to work I get him out of the picture and then I work up the alphabet and I feel that after my experience and everything and I'm not bragging or anything like that that you know I was good enough to have a career they used to say when is that rope going to be tightened up on you but I was really fortunate enough that nothing had happened and to this day
Starting point is 00:23:58 even with the wise guys I mean you know I mean we might have broke red here and there but that was basically it they respected me and I respected them and you know one hand washes the other and that's the way it is how long were you uh patrol how old were you a patrolman or whatever before you went into undercover say the truth I got out of college I went to a university in Nebraska Omaha oh shit don't ask me why I got in trouble there and I think it was good that I got out there and you know got a scholarship I was a little old American out there and I was the southeast district heavyweight golden gloves champion out there I did a lot of shit I believe me I my path
Starting point is 00:24:51 took me on some crazy adventures but I weren't up in law enforcement I wanted to be a Zed teacher I wanted to work with kids but you know I had that fork in the road and I took the one towards criminology I graduated in that and started my career there and and how long till you jumped into undercover right away was it two years they put me when I started in the prosecutor's office 1970 they threw me a narcotics right away that was my when I'm right into narcotics so I worked narcotics learning you know the ropes here and there and then you know worked homicides bikes etc all that stuff and after about five years I really wanted to see the difference I wanted a bigger bigger venue and that's when I went to build alcohol tobacco firearms and from
Starting point is 00:25:47 there the training that I've learned and working with the really the criminal enterprise I believe listen you know my experiences as far as I'm concerned you know I did what I had to do I'm not saying I'm the best in the world a lot of people make mistakes out there but I was fortunate enough to survive and did many many different undercover operations with made guys you make them fuck a mistake in the streets you die you can make all these mistakes you want at the academy you get a second chance in the street there's no second chance what sort of special like is there any sort of special training that undercover's get or are they throwing you out like what it like what do you do to prepare to be a different person it's not that you're let's back up a little bit
Starting point is 00:26:40 a lot of people think you know undercover you look on the on the tv you know and you know it's really cool you know I'm doing my thing but the bottom line is there you know when you're in the academy you start learning the ropes a little bit the only way you're gonna make your bones as in the streets working with bad guys okay you're not going to really learn in the academy I was taken under a wing by a fellow by the name Alex the atrium okay he took me as a seasoned agent he was my partner for many many years and to this day we're still very close friends and I also learned a tremendous amount when I was OCCB from New York City came in and they were looking for an Italian guy that had some experience we were going to infiltrate them up all five families all five
Starting point is 00:27:39 boroughs can I interpret one second I just I'm sorry I just I just I just wanted I want to know like do you start off with like smaller like the model of all five families that's that's a lot of experience yeah but you you start off slow my first the first I don't want to bring up names but I went to Queens I'm dealing with some heavy the first time after we sat down with New York City OCCB and ATF we were in the office in downtown Manhattan around five o'clock and we talked for about two hours with the source who was going on the witness protection program he said hey listen this is my guy this is the guy I want to work with meaning me so what I did was we went out that night and I met a maid guy in Queens and he I rented a sort of shotgun that that he thought I was
Starting point is 00:28:42 going to take off some type of robbery at a place where we were going to rob some humbles and it just snowballed and the terms and terminologies and I was given information way back when say you know they don't say he's a wise guy they said he's a good fella that term was coined by my buddy who went on a witness protection program and what comes out several years later but the movie good fellas and what you always are really a good fella you know they use the term wise guy but it's it's a good fella you know meaning hey he's he's he's one of us he's part of the family so there's so much involved with undercover when I give talks regarding undercover operation there's a lot of people that would like to do it that aren't made for it and there's a lot of
Starting point is 00:29:42 things that I can do that other agents and police officers are very good at so you know my niche was the undercover operations and the undercover work I grew up in an Italian neighborhood I was a kid I was driving the milk truck to make extra money before I went to high school I was 14 years old I'm over there delivering milk before school and then I found I was finding money wrapped in paper and then I came back to the truck and I said to the guy I said what is this and he said hey those those are numbers I said what do you mean numbers he says people play you know a quarter for box straight you know and collect the money get into the bookie and if they hit on a total mutual handle from the daily news they make a score he says you're interested and I said yeah
Starting point is 00:30:32 so not only was I making seven dollars a week delivered milk I was making an extra seven dollars picking up the numbers so I was making 14 dollars a week I was loaded and I was starting to learn the information and some of the guys I grew up with in certain neighborhoods there hey a lot of guys went to jail you know for robberies armed robberies and you know I mean we knew one another and the bottom line is they knew what I did later on and respected me and I respected them if they needed something they come and see me if I needed something I'd get the information and one hand watched the other you only learn at it really if you're from the neighborhood and understand how heavy a tank's work you know when you go when you sign a contract damn fucking bull down on a piece
Starting point is 00:31:24 of paper the handshake the handshake that's it that's all you need that's the bond that's the bond is the handshake you avoid that you're fucked Dominic what really got me and Lee going was when I lived in Boulder and when I got out of prison I would work to the car wash I was in the halfway house and uh and I was very intrigued with the political system how I always was I mean you know you have an attorney called uh Samuel DeLuca yep out of Jersey City bad mother fucker that was my mom's and my stepdad's attorney so Cubans always played no oblo whenever you arrest a Cuban he don't know nothing I don't oblo I don't oblo so they even play it to the attorney that they don't oblo so I would have to go to Jersey City and sit there with my mom you know this is
Starting point is 00:32:15 when she was big in the numbers and remember in Jersey numbers are a felony in New York they're a misdemeanor what a fucking scam you know so you should be shot and hung if you do numbers in New York all you gotta do is pay four dollars and take all the numbers you want in fucking New York City you got arrested in Jersey but I was always very intrigued with it always with the political system you know if I wouldn't have gotten through a problem I would have had I would have gone so I was at the University of Colorado I'm like you I was in Boulder I was at your fucking nemesis growing up how fucked up is that I didn't want to tell you I was so embarrassed so I went you talked about going to Boulder what I was doing undercover I flew to Denver I met a guy over
Starting point is 00:32:58 we talked over the telephone I flew there it was some type of bikers okay and we started negotiating for silences and I bought a couple of silences while I was down in Denver and then they delivered me 200 more silences up at Penn Station in Newark and I and I got arrested they got taken down you know there's so much stuff uh working on Cherry Street uh with uh that's the movie Frank Sinatra played the detective oh I got I got tons of questions for you I mean I want to know what there was an undercover cop what happened was they would come into the car wash and they would say Boulder County Sheriff's Office so after a while I figured out that these everybody all the other marked cars came in but these unmarked cars were like cutleresses and these
Starting point is 00:33:47 fucking these these race cars and I would and I started putting two and two together these are undercover cops so I became friends with one guy and he didn't know my situation you know he didn't know I was on probation I was halfway house but we became tight I also became tight with the DA there that's how I got out of my jam I he said to have my attorney send him a motion and then he would get me out of the jam but this guy was telling me that he wouldn't work cases in Boulder or Denver that they would send him to Aspen and Snowmass and the cops from Aspen and Snowmass would come to Boulder why were you in your backyard you got balls of fucking steel man I don't know about that but I tell you one thing I learned a lot say listen you get a
Starting point is 00:34:31 feel of somebody you know okay we really haven't met but we talked we we sort of hit it off right here and you know you get that camaraderie okay you're a Josie boy I'm a Josie guy you know you you involved with some of the information that I was involved with growing up as a kid I mean we got that bond there yeah no it's there already you know the same people we know so there's a lot a lot involved here I mean there's a lot of respect you know these beds I mean when I was driving hey I had brand new Lincoln's I mean you know I mean the Mark 4 I mean I used to call these to call the car the shark man I'd be bouncing in that thing you know but I did did so many different operations I would get bearer bonds on consignment 500 dollar denominations on consignment
Starting point is 00:35:26 guys in the Bronx heavy heavy made guys giving me heroin you know I was dead there was a guy in Brooklyn okay it was called the Villa Agia you never forgot it the Villa Agia in Brooklyn and a guy by the name of Mickey boy Paradiso ran it he saw me hijack loads of untaxed cigarettes and I did and I wanted part about that as they killed him right Mickey boy Paradiso not killed right yeah uh he's like to shoot somebody with all this yeah he's guys to make the to make a point he was given loan and money out as a Shylock there was an 80 year old man there's a story they told me 80 year old man who was late on the payment he went outside with the old man he yelled to the neighborhood to look everybody's looking and what happened he took a settling torch and burned him and threw him
Starting point is 00:36:25 he says tomorrow you come with the rest of the money to make a payment you're never linked with me you didn't care anything because business is business that's the way it is especially with these wise guys you know they had to break bread and stuff but don't give me that fucking bullshit power buddy go fucking way you know because some other uh mama Luke will come around and fucking blow your brains out so you gotta know what the hell you're doing I take nothing for granted nobody for granted when I'm in the street I'm always business always you know I don't want to be mad I don't need this I don't need to go over here you know help yourself with all these ladies I don't need that shit you know so you gotta really know what the hell you're doing otherwise you
Starting point is 00:37:06 fucked up now at what point how many years were you an undercover cop when you got the assignment of your life well before this question I read the book and they were saying that you did something you busted one of Sinatra's guys I know that this protocol if you could tell us the story it would make our dick hard if you can't let's find through you know I still love you either way well I got involved I was working some of the families in New York and what happened when I meet this guy who's selling me a lot of guns he's interested in selling guns but he was a jersey guy who was working on the set as a makeup artist he came yeah yeah I meet him we we we have some coffee under the out before they took it down
Starting point is 00:37:57 and in New York and on the west side so I meet I meet him and I wanted he sells me some guns on the set right on the set where they're doing on Cherry Street and crazy man I got I think I may still have blown up pictures of this where we're still on the set where he's selling me guns and all this and he must have sold me a total of I don't know doing the operation maybe 50 60 guns and and the last time he brings it would you believe he brings his I think he had a young kid he brings on one of the one of the buys you know I told him the same do me a favor don't ever bring a boy here like that you know when we're doing business like this he's too young now you know these guys well they see his green you know they don't think but we did what we had to do I bought the guns and then later on
Starting point is 00:38:56 we took him down and then he cooperated you know see a lot of times when people go down I also get arrested whether I use the name of Dominic Lucci Dominic Michael Portman Zano whatever so you know there's different avenues to to maneuver here so do they do the people who you're targeting not know that you're an undercover until maybe they see you in court on the stand like if you get arrested so when I don't go to court I don't go to court if out of my career I mean I testified I had to testify okay what what had happened later on during these cases they got more publicity they started a current affair I mean with this particular case because I was on everything from you name it to Mary Hart I felt what the program was with her Mary Harden
Starting point is 00:39:58 they had all you know I couldn't hide couldn't hide any more I mean this case it happened to be one of my last cases and uh it's the way it was I mean I did a lot of things but all right so you really have to know who you are you know I don't I don't play somebody uh I I am who I am look my name is Dominic Paulifor I use the name Dominic Michael Portman Zano I met Mr. Portman Zano who headed the unions growing up Tony pro and Tony pro that's right Tony pro and I saw it and I figured you know what I'm going to use my name as Dominic Portman Zano I got the ID uh my rash everything uh was Portman Zano and my car has come back you know and I lived in a high rise in Fort Lee behind where uh Palisades amusement park used to be you know there's like 20 000 units
Starting point is 00:41:07 all right down Jackie Gleason used to live in those buildings didn't he remember I had you know if they want to check me out uh what happened is they had red flags on doing the undercover operation because New York City took me in and took mug shots of me uh you know for different crimes and stuff and put me in the system so I had a record and photographs and stuff like that and uh but when things happened and when there were arrests they fled out I mean they just fled out so you know I went to trial yeah I went to trial on several major cases but you know it didn't didn't affect me I was fortunate okay so my mom the last bus she took was 76 to 75 it was for numbers but it was numbers with a little bit of conspiracy
Starting point is 00:42:05 to drug and what happened guy what was a guy from uh a guy from Patterson called the bar number there was a bar a phone number upstairs that was separate from the bar they had the phone bar the number tapped the guy from Patterson called his street name was Bonny Owah bread and butter bread and water because he was like a Puerto Rican torture chamber or something this fucking guy so he after a while they arrested my mother they came to the house we knew the cops were coming to the house so the house was clean I got in the call 15 minutes before they showed up tell your mom to clean the house and they just hung up the phone and I told my mom in Spanish clean the house I don't know what that was and she did and there was nothing in the house anyway just a couple of
Starting point is 00:42:50 whatever but what we found out later on through Sam DeLuca who was a fucking savage was even they were hiding the the informants name we found out the guy's name I mean we found out the fucking guy's name Dominic so my question is like we found out from our attorney from DeLuca DeLuca would spoke around give him a week and it was funny how so me and you I'm selling you two kilos of blow you get arrested we both get handcuffed together do they put us in the same jail do I see you anymore or what happens Dee what happens is I give you to be exactly scenario that went down I'm dealing with a guy from Jersey and this goes down a premise New Jersey in the age this guy offers me silences I meet him I buy I buy three silences he calls he says
Starting point is 00:43:49 how'd you like them I said really nice really quiet he goes how many can you handle I say listen I said you know maybe a couple more but that's about it he says can you handle another three or four I buy another three okay I let it go he calls me almost every week can you handle 50 can you handle 100 still fucking am I going to do with 100 I said I can't handle all that God's honest truth gets me in November December he calls he says I wonder how many you can handle I said you know what I'm going to reach out I said how many can you do God's honest judge he goes 3000 I said you can do 3000 he says that's right I said and they're going to be nice 22 I stand the caliber silence is very quiet no matter if you're serious
Starting point is 00:44:44 remember like you told me this is that's right I said okay I said I can't promise you this but I can't handle that I got to reach out to someone this is get back to me I make some phone calls some shit's going through my head I said I got the perfect scam IRA I get a female agent Irish Marge Marge that's a name what a place Marge that's Marge that's my girl the IRA you go ahead brother you got it I don't fuck around she plays the IRA I call him back I say listen I got a woman I said I'm dealing with okay she'll take him overseas but you work it with her I'll be the introduction and stuff but you know I said what do you want for the for the 3000 she's a million dollars cash I said oh I gotta talk to her she goes fine I get back to him he's let's do the deal
Starting point is 00:45:43 we do this is see we do the delivery Pearl Harbor day was December 7th I think in premise at a diner of a bus we got the planes up following the truck you know the plane is the fox and the rabbit is the truck the bad guy we follow him and sure enough he comes out of the mountains up there and meets me at the diner with the woman she's got an attache case he pulls up he comes into the diner he says okay he says what do you got I said look you talk to her she's talk to him he says I got the million dollars I want I want down to see the silences gives me the keys I go to the truck I open up there's like 60 boxes I open boxes I think there was 20 or 50 silences in each box in in some type of oils no manufacturer
Starting point is 00:46:41 or serial number they were beautiful 3 000 of them I come back out I close it I give the key back to him I said give him the money as they give him the money she gets up and she and all of a sudden all hell breaks as they rest me and him they bring us back to premise police department and threw us in the in the joint all of a sudden we're in there a couple hours next to each other uh he's in a separate cell across from me what happened was get a knock I hear talk he hears talk the fuck's going on DEA comes in this guy named Provenzano yeah we've got a warrant for him to distribute in major kilos of cocaine they take me they lock me up and take me to the federal system
Starting point is 00:47:40 and never to be seen again he put out you get my drift yeah no it's a beautiful thing that's what I didn't know if you saw him again because I know even in the Klu Klinsky case when he got arrested you really wanted to be down there to put the cups on and I understand after all the time you had put in but they're like what you know why go down there the thing about this book that intrigued me the most that I was telling Lee before you called I know your time is short is you're fucking in there with Klu Klinsky you're going down to the store in Patterson you got all these people in your corner but here's the weird thing that at one of your last meetings they call you in you know per the book and they they rib you a little bit and they they doubt you like these fucking guys
Starting point is 00:48:23 that sit on a desk all fucking day are doubting you on when your job and then they go well maybe we'll bring somebody else in dumb do you know how many times I was in the eight in the nineties I was around drug dealers that would we would be talking like Spanish kids they were nickel and dime guys selling fucking eight balls and quarter ounces and one day some clown would just pop up with a friend and go I want two pounds of blow and they would come to me and go what are you thinking I go run like hell and change your number so the guy that you were selling it to shows up one day with another white dude and all of a sudden from buying three quarter grams and eight balls he wants to buy a pound of blow and you're looking to come to me are you fucking retarded you know they blow
Starting point is 00:49:07 you know like I totally for every hundred million pound or every two hundred silence a deal there is there's four of them that the feds dropped the ball on because they overthink the fucking thing right what I mean yeah yeah look this kukuliski thing like he was this started when I was left the prosecutor's office and for several years I'm in the streets in New York I just finished up the uh a while ago you know less than major players and the five families and everything so in 1980s I get a call to come to the prosecutor's office and there's you know the state and the prosecutor's office the state police and we sit down and they give me a bunch of information about this guy Richard Kukuliski who's in Dumont New Jersey
Starting point is 00:50:12 and they mentioned you know this guy's a stone killer you know and that he's got a family uh and but he uses poisons he says but he's killing people we've got circumstantial evidence a lot of cracks in it we need direct evidence from them so you're asking me to meet a guy and he's going to tell me how he murdered five people you come to me and ask me how I murdered people take a go fuck yourself exactly you you understand now let's just back up don't ask me why I always had this fucking knack for whatever reason it is it is I can't explain it I write up the report I sit at the headquarters and they were kind of concerned because saying what the hell is going on this is you know we're dealing with poisons here if it gets into your epidermis
Starting point is 00:51:06 you know uh there's no antidotes right away you kiss your ass goodbye he said you sure you want to do this I said I want to do this I had to get a declination from Washington and from the U.S. Attorney's Office in New Jersey that anything that I do on this task force will not go federal everything is going to be turned over to state and they want Richard Kokinski for five murders and they wanted me once I did need him to extract information how we murdered certain individuals and what happened is I started hanging out at the store in Paterson New Jersey all these wise guys man were hanging out there was unbelievable just like good fellas man I mean I thought they would put the movie you know they could have did the movie there it was unbelievable
Starting point is 00:51:53 all these guys would come in the cops would come by I know on a Sunday I'd see them and they just hijacked a whole load of uh chenzenal umbrellas and they were throwing them into the police cars and they were just taking off there was a big line and a lot of these guys would come into the store looking you know for different avenues and schemes from jewelry heist to hijacking loads was amazing the networks that they had and it took me over a year I knew information would get out there because what had happened is Richard Kokinski was murdering certain people that he had a little connection a little cell of mob guys in Jersey that he wasn't happy with and he was killing them and they weren't a part about it he kills a guy by the name of Mr. Softy who was
Starting point is 00:52:50 supplying him with his cyanide pure cyanide I should say pure cyanide and Kokinski murders this guy now I'm hanging out at the store for close to I don't know 18 months approximately and phone rings one day and it's guy picks it up and says sonny it's for you the big guy wants to meet you and that's what they refer to him as the big guy and wants to meet you at the uh dunk and don't want to talk some business and I we were waiting for that because I was doing a lot of legal business with these guys and they were trusting me at the store but nothing went down uh one day I'd come into the store and I was on my way to New York I pulled in my link and I get out with an attache case and they're going well what's that it says for people in the city and they were going come on
Starting point is 00:53:48 come on what is it and this was all prior planned I knew they would ask what's in that attache case so I got approval from Washington to go in with props but they were certified props I walked in and they said come on let's take a look I go in the back room I open up the attache case and I got 10 blocks of plastic stolen explosives from the military and I got 10 high-standard 22 caliber silences and they're going and we can use this every day man this is for people in the city and they knew I had all these connections and word was getting out that I can get anything and it got back to the big guy which is known as Goklinski and when that phone call came in I went to the Dunkin Donuts and I met him for the first time after about 18 months and I had a
Starting point is 00:54:44 lot of information on him and when he got out of that Camaro that's man he was like the jolly green giant he just grew and I mean grew he's about six four to seventy big massive guy with these orange tinge glasses and he got out of that car I said holy fuck I got out of my Lincoln I go to shake his hand and he had some mitts on him believe me and he I thought he was looking to take my soul out of my body from those glasses when he was looking at me and I'm saying to myself you know just chill I said this motherfucker ain't getting my soul that's for sure and I can just feel him just looking we go inside the Dunkin Donuts now this guy's on his feet striking dead we sit down we have coffee we're talking generalities and he goes can you get coke
Starting point is 00:55:39 I said I don't do coke he says no he says can you get coke and I said well I said I can get it he says what do you get a kilo for I said about 32,000 this is where I can get it for 28 I said well you're better off going with your source and so he turns to me now this is one of our first conversation he goes but I don't know if I can trust the guy so I look at him and I said you are fucking dummy and he must have stared at me I'm telling you for five seconds like I said he was trying to burn my soul or take it out of me or whatever and look and I'm I'm staring at him you don't you don't tell somebody to go fuck themselves but I've been around too long I got the experience I don't want to come on and want to back off if you were to back off he would have ate you to
Starting point is 00:56:27 fuck up alive and you know that you know that you don't trust the guy I said you're a fucking dummy yeah I don't deal with anybody I don't trust and he's after about five to ten seconds he goes you're right so help me god when he said that I said I got this motherfucker I felt that comfortable on our first conversation then he turns around he says I hear you got connections and I said yeah he doesn't say can you get cyanide he says can you get pure cyanide because you gotta know how to get the connections for pure cyanide not going to the hardware store to get rat poison you're going you need the good quality and it smells like almonds and you gotta have a lab person to make this and he happened to kill his mr. softy there and uh who was his connection for
Starting point is 00:57:17 the pure cyanide and that started the ball rolling and I said to him he says I need I needed he says I gotta take care of some rats I said well I'll tell you one hand washes the other you gotta show good faith to me because what's that I said I want some steel he goes steel I said yeah nice and quiet you don't you want a nice shake kid I said that's right I said nice and quiet I said but you got a show good faith to me and he says okay we walk out we shake we shake hands and he gives me this telephone number that I've had during the investigation that they had that every player that he gave wound up dead later on so I said man this is this is working up perfectly now this was a chance me so he leads I ride around I go to pay telephone I drop the
Starting point is 00:58:18 dime my call I said listen I just met Kiklinski this was like about 1130 now 12 o'clock when I tell you all hell broke was all hell broke was at three o'clock they said there's a big meeting you know all the suits you're gonna be there all kind I'm telling you it was unbelievable every from the attorney general you name it was there and this is gonna be one of our first meetings and when I went there was sitting in with everybody was just coming in and I haven't met this guy he was a major and I'm not going to get in with the palm or whatever so he grabs me just come over here I want to call up here he brings me in the room now a lot of different heads of agencies are coming in now and deputy attorney general carol who I worked with choir I did a lot of
Starting point is 00:59:11 undercover operations for them with the attorney general's office and the ss county prosecutors also they knew me so prior to that I walked in with this superior and he goes uh sit down kid sits me down he says this is what you're going to do you're bowing out of this investigation you're introducing one of my guys I said what he says do you hear what I'm saying now they're very you know what's the word I'm looking for he's very white regiment right every regiment right very right and I say I said run up on me then he says you're bowing out and you're introducing to one of my guys so they don't work like that you don't work 18 months you meet a guy finally
Starting point is 01:00:02 you got a reputation and all of a sudden you introduce a guy and you bow out I said don't work he says you're going to do that and I said go fuck yourself and I got up and I walk out he's red as a beat I walk out and there's the deputy attorney general Bobby Cavill what's going on and I told him he goes what he goes let's keep a clear head here so this other suit goes around and they all sit at the table they said right down tell us what happened told him I you know I met Krakowski gave me his number told me he needed pure cyanide I said I couldn't believe he used that term uh first time we met so he says uh was it taped and it wasn't taped the first time so I said listen while we're talking my pager goes off it's Krakowski
Starting point is 01:00:59 so they asked who what's that and I said it's Krakowski so this major goes get a tape we're going to request no we're not taking we're not taking I'm not taking now there's a big argument going on if anybody's fucking those guys you're going to be responsible I said fuck you I said five people are dead under your reign I said so don't give me this shit I said everybody this guy works for when he says jump you jump I'm talking about Krakowski and he'll tell you when it comes down I said it ain't happening with me I said he's got something that I have that he needs and he's got to show good faith to me and there was a lot of shit going on a lot of a lot of discussions and they find finally the AG's office the attorney general that was going to prosecute him with
Starting point is 01:01:47 for the five murderers who've only done and you can hear the pin drop and the page he gives up any fucking body else dies you're responsible you know we're going back before let's go fuck himself you know I don't work for them I work for the government you know and so they calmed everything down and they formulated this task force where they wanted me now to start meeting with Krakowski and gather information how he murdered people and Richie you know this guy was was a mass murderer I mean this guy loved the killer I mean he loved it even the way he talked he he he would carbon niche for himself you know he this is me you know he's a cold blooded son of a bitch I can feel it he just loved that he just when he talked about murder if you can see in his
Starting point is 01:02:39 eyes it was like he's staring and getting a high was unbelievable and then he's telling me how he murdered people but there was a lot of information that I gathered you know one he says you know I made the cops look like assholes I said what are you talking about he says well he says I had a guy in a prison for two years so what you see I had a guy at the two years he says and I put in I put him in baggies and I buried him in the prison and after two years I dumped him and I think it was out in West Milford area New Jersey and some jog or something found the body pulled the police and the individual mask his name was Louis Mascay that was murdered and kept in the freezer did not be composed he had the same clothes he had on that he disappeared two years ago
Starting point is 01:03:45 it was amazing did not be composed so when they took him back to do the autopsy this is like in august and september and as they started doing they found these ice crystals like in the in the body you know and since something's wrong there something's definitely wrong did further information they found out that this guy was Louis Mascay who met Krakusty years ago that disappeared now Krakusty told me how he murdered him and how he kept him in a freezer and how he tried to make the cops look like ass he says where there's uh where there's smoke there's fire he says but they can never find the uh fire because he says I'm too good at what I do he says let me tell you something just so you know he says I should do a commercial so what do you mean a commercial this is his
Starting point is 01:04:34 sense of yield me he says I buried the guy in plastic garbage bags you know what kind I used I use glad he says now people should go out and buy glad he says they last a long time I mean and he would smile you know and say and I'm saying to myself holy shit this this is the devil this is definitely the devil you know not so I'm getting all this information from this guy and he's feeling comfortable up telling me how he's murdered people you know how he murdered the people with them with the cyanide how we put it on their hamburgers and you know and amazing just amazing you know I buy the silences from him he has shoulder faith he's feeling comfortable and I don't know if you remember this but during that time during I'm doing this undercover operation there was cyanides there
Starting point is 01:05:29 with cayenne all you remember right yeah yeah yeah the book it says Lipton but I thought in 82 somebody did something with Tylenol right so what I happened to said to him is this is ironic and this is true there were a cyanide scared they were finding cyanide somebody was injecting into the Tylenol capsules they were breaking the seal and doing that so I said to him hey listen I gotta be careful one idea of being this I said you know I said I had to sign I had the cyanide for you I said but I'm not keeping up with you they're gonna think that I'm the one that's you know been doing the capsules in Jersey and he bought it bought it hope it gave me time to back off a little bit to gather more information but this guy was a cold calculated son of a bitch and murder the only
Starting point is 01:06:20 thing is you don't fuck with his family he had a family he loved but you know one good deed doesn't deserve another with this guy and I knew down the road that I was dealing with an animal and you know you you gotta keep your sense who the fuck you are and he used to hang around with a guy by the name of Roy the male in the Gemini lounge in Brooklyn, New York and that's where they used to chop up the bodies and Roy the male was a made guy in New York and I believe Jerry Capricci wrote about him in his book their murder machine or something like that and the male was going to be arrested alone for committing 64 homicides by himself I mean they had some group gathering here you know it was unbelievable unbelievable the Kaczynski really killed the male was he I thought it
Starting point is 01:07:25 was uh I don't I don't think so I don't buy that I think it was the captain from the Gambino's that shot him yeah because he was very comfortable um they know who murdered the male and it was not Kaczynski it was not Kaczynski because then they asked him why the chandelier was on the top and shit yeah from the time yeah you got you met him to the time he got arrested how long was that process as crazy as it sounds I met him September so September October November December four months I got all the information that I needed on tape from the murders and for all the circumstantial evidence that they had I filled the cracks with documented direct evidence from his mouth how we murdered these individuals now you you mentioned how he had been uh killing a lot of people who
Starting point is 01:08:22 you worked with and and I heard something that you said you had a gun in a special pocket on you at all times what like what was the I was just gonna ask what the line was for you I had a 380 caliber pistol in my left pocket I'm right handed but I kept I talked with my right hand you know at times but I had the gun pointed at him and during this investigation I said he was known as putting cyanide in the spray and spraying it into people and on tape there several conversations with him trying it out in New York where he give them a boost he called it and watched the guy looks like he died of a heart attack walking in the street he's told me a couple of times he went and that he uh went to dinner with somebody and he put a boost in the in the
Starting point is 01:09:14 poop as the guy went to the bathroom come back he mixed the cyanide in it and all of a sudden the guy drops into the pool everybody's clean he thought that I had a talk died of a heart attack he gets up easily and walks away uh you know this this is unheard of I mean because I told him started this investigation and started this conversation between Quincy and me was I say bitch nothing nothing this is at the vismarie service station where we had many tape conversations I said I don't understand you I said I killed people with guns he says listen my friend you can do it that way but my way is mentioned clean nobody looks for it he says you're getting a boost now when he mentions boost it's pure cyanide he says it makes him look like he
Starting point is 01:10:08 wanted that an artifact he says or if your client wants a statement made I can make a message I can cut his tongue out stick it up his ass put a canary in the guy's mouth there's a lot of ways to do this but I like my nice and clean he says there's no mess he says a couple of times I got the bodies he says we have a mortar set in so I'd either chainsaw to cut the tendon so I can get him in the barrel the dumbbell and uh that's the way he was I mean you know he was unbelievable he was he was you know uh school of hard hard knocks um had a rough time growing up but we all did you know I mean that's the way it was back home in Jersey uh you know especially in certain areas you lived in uh you
Starting point is 01:11:00 know uh you know look I mean there's been so many things written about him and everything I mean the one of the things he mentioned that uh we mentioned he had to do a contract hit he went to see somebody I think it was in a movie that was out where he goes to the player he meets him and the guy goes Richie Richie please please don't murder me God please he says I'll tell you what he says it's six o'clock he says six thirty Jesus Christ come down you're a free man six thirty one bang you fit I guess you and Christ didn't come down you know like you said in the beginning it's real lucky that our paths didn't cross because all these places I used to go to Liberty Hotel York Motel
Starting point is 01:11:53 70th and New Kirk my friend Darren Rago God bless his soul lived I walked past that fucking garage 20,000 times you know the the Paul's Diner on Route 3 are you fucking crazy by the Clifton remember when the Clifton driving was out there and we were kids that the Diner on Bergen Boulevard the Skyview Hotel I stayed there you lived down the block from one of my all-time favorite restaurants when you had that apartment in Fort Lee called Piccolissimo you know you know the funny thing at uh I think it was the York Motel that's where he had the guy chopped up spying night on the hamburger and then watched the victim die in the bed and then he strangles him with the cord after they're laughing because he says to me I had the
Starting point is 01:12:43 fucking guy he says and I told the players went more upstairs when the hamburgers come in don't eat the ones with the pickles don't eat the ones with the pickles so he gives the ones with the pickles to one of the people he kills in the York Motel with cyanide he goes look I had a constitutional fucking mode quote from him he goes down he says I'm sitting there he's eating the whole hamburger I'm watching I'm watching this is finally the fucking guy dies he rolls over he's he almost ate the whole hamburger you know and tying them into the circumstantial evidence and getting the direct evidence from Coquinsky was was unbelievable how we tied every single one in and every night when I used to meet with Coquinsky I would drop off the tape to
Starting point is 01:13:36 call Smith one of the investigators and then I'd meet them later on at the plant we had done a walk of black stotch with Coquinsky's picture on it and during this whole investigation we must have went through 20 bottles you know going over you know information that we needed this I needed that I needed this for this particular case after a while I told this I ain't got no fucking room upstairs man I need a break here you know I mean it was was constantly on going and I didn't really live far from him you know when I was doing this investigation I lived in one town which was really about maybe 10 miles from where he was in Dumont New Jersey I'll pass it across any any place anytime at that fucking uh at that supermarket in Cresco you could have been anywhere
Starting point is 01:14:26 one last question for you brother uh it says it in the book so I gotta ask you because we've had we had Sal Ubatz on the show do you know who Sal Ubatz is he's he's the he's the first guy to roll on John Gotti for the heroin small timer he lives right around the corner from my office witness relocation plan had two sons play profession that's why he said he got into the witness relocation plan because of his boys they ended up playing pro football oh but uh in your in the book here it says that you also had busted Vinnie Gotti that's true so that's why I'm asking that Vinnie Gotti on Bass Avenue where as a matter of fact in Brooklyn I think uh we're uh right now they filmed John Gotti with um um another Jersey guy uh who's playing
Starting point is 01:15:20 Travolta John Travolta are they really filming that are they really filming that I met I met uh the younger Gotti at the bedrock bar on Bass Avenue in Brooklyn New York and I fronted him X amount of dollars and he came back later on uh when he's facing um I think six years to life though they're showing me that one uh hit one on hand to hand one on one uh and Bass Avenue original where these guys would hijack loads of stuff and swag and all that they take care of the neighborhood first which is smart take care of the neighborhood whatever it is clothing food this way when the cops come nobody knows nothing we know nothing we know nothing you know there's so much involved Bass Avenue uh for Christ's sake that's Sammy the Bulls on neighborhood
Starting point is 01:16:18 that's where his office was I love it one of the players I mean I was dealing with the Bronx and this was a made guy which nobody fronted money I fronted $10,000 I met him at the uh JFK the airport I fronted him $10,000 I'm waiting at the airport motel there at JFK he comes back within two hours he called me every 15 minutes thought I was hooked up with a made guy in in Manhattan he delivers me three more packages of heroin I fronted him 10 when he came back with the other two I gave him an additional $20,000 he made $30,000 that night my name was gold and no arrest everyone I was getting silences on and Riverside and Riverside at the diner from this Greek diner uh Joey sick he he believed he murdered peanuts
Starting point is 01:17:29 uh in the in Yonkers I can't think of a name right now uh he nice to meet him he used to go by the name of Joey sick a big guy uh there's so many players uh involved with all this it was wild you know you mentioned Mickey Paradiso before let me tell you who that is I just remembered who that was there was a war between the Luccheses and John Gotti what was the guy that took over after the guy went to jail him and uh Vince Amuso Vic Vic Amuso and the other fucking guy well that Mickey Paradiso had a problem with him and sent two guys to shoot that guy at a Chinese restaurant do you remember that story he went into the Chinese restaurant and that's what saved his life and when he came out he went yeah he went
Starting point is 01:18:20 to Gotti and said I want Mickey they wouldn't give him Mickey because he was a big time heroin dealer it was big time Mickey yeah yeah that's what it was so now you do one thing I I would get a call from OCCB uh Tom you gotta meet me at the Meadowlands let's fuck I said come on I'm just got home no you gotta meet me there I want you to meet Harry the pick fuck that's all right I go meet them at a pre-designated area I meet Harry the pick Harry comes in we're at the Meadowlands uh at the Meadowlands racetrack Harry comes in hey this is sunny from New York hey I thought we'd start talking uh he knew I was hooked up Harry the pick went around for the mob you know it was a top notch safe cracker and would open up any safe
Starting point is 01:19:13 and he would get 10% of the booty inside that no other person can open up these safe she'd cry all over the country and I needed to know a specific case that he was involved with what you told me he did in Queens and he gets 10% of the money I mean these guys were unbelievable unbelievable they had a network that was phenomenal phenomenal I know we're not going all over the place I mean nothing's really chronological here but um but it is what it is right now you know it's funny like you said in the beginning it's really weird that our paths didn't meet because when I was 14 I would go out to that Meadowlands at Pegasus and my friend's father oh yeah and my friend's father my buddy was the head chef at the fucking Pegasus Vinny Lynch
Starting point is 01:19:59 so I would go and I would walk in there he'd have a jacket from that walking there like Johnny Bananas when I was 15 the summer before my mother died Jimmy my friend Jimmy he knew a lot of guys down there so he would go I'm gonna bring it down there at night so when somebody wins a trifecta you cash it for them and they give you a little taste so I would go down with my social security card and I clean up like I get like 10% or an extra 20 you know I'd go home with $300 there's a fucking freshman in high school that's a score I didn't even that's the only I made like 82,000 dollars the track that year I don't even know I didn't I didn't really win any money Dominic I love you brother ah yeah even the diner owners I told you they would go play this baboo game all the
Starting point is 01:20:42 diner owner from New Jersey would go into Australia Queens and they'd play babook upstairs to a private game they had bounces that made NFL players look like midgets unbelievable but tons of money tons of boards anything you want and everything they report to one godfather this Greek guy and he would use the name as Petro up there and he wanted me to blow up the Claremont Dynum on move three years ago what happened was they just pipe on that years ago my god the Claremont Dynum listen I know you got to go to dinner man I it's been an education this week and not only education I got to meet a really great guy you're a special fucking guy Dominic god I wish we had more time to really go chronological oh no no I'll call you I'll call you next
Starting point is 01:21:34 month again we'll do this these guys are gonna love this I mean you're a great guy and god bless that nothing ever bad happened to you man they don't make sandwiches like you anymore and your family and everything else to be safe and I really enjoyed this and I'm gonna give you a call tomorrow I want to find out exactly what's what would yeah Lee you got any questions from my uncle Dominic just really quick uh something that uh we've heard about on the show and I just want to know if you've heard about it have you ever heard of the metal lands in metal that's how soon it was a small little place that was a small little bar in North Bergen where women would stick bottles in their pussies and shit from 79 to like 81 it was owned
Starting point is 01:22:19 by North Bergen police North Bergen cops had a long fucking time ago my friend yeah long time well you know with your goombas uh cappuccino and coffee that's funny and the other guy oh it's amazing small world I love you I love you brother and I will call you this week and I thank you for your time I know it's valuable I know you have a family down there but uh I will be in touch with you a lot Dominic thank you very much for taking the time brother god bless you thanks a lot now love be speaking I really appreciate it I really enjoyed this love you dude thank you bye bye what'd you think of that Lee it's uh it's it's sound he's so calm about it and he's talking about it like when he was when you guys were talking about uh Colorado and he's
Starting point is 01:23:15 saying oh I flew to Colorado once and I sold these things he's talking about like it's a vacation like like how we talk and like oh I got this to eat in Colorado once he's like oh I went to Colorado and sold these sandwiches you know it's uh I've always been very interested with undercover work how I didn't end up doing it guys is beyond me how I didn't become a I didn't even know about this undercover work so it was too fucking late and I had felonies you know but it's always intrigued me this conversation was good for me because it closed it the questions I had about the iceman and just meeting this guy just talking to him on the phone about uh what went what really went down you know I bought the other book first the one by carlo something carlo
Starting point is 01:23:58 the iceman and like I said it was a lot of I felt it was a lot of rhetoric and a lot of nostalgic guy trying to build himself up the one day based the movie off the iceman this book by Anthony Bruno this was the one that really brought a lot of things to life I'm happy I picked up like I said guys you're not gonna learn dick if you don't read a book a week or a book every two weeks I know people are busy man and some people want to go back to school but they don't have time to what's the better thing to do than read and it don't cost you nothing you go to the fucking library you check out a fucking book and you read it and you bring it back man a lot of people fucking just at home wasting their time I'd rather if you're watching six hours if you're watching six hours
Starting point is 01:24:40 of tv a day you're on the fucking computer three hours a day you can't win how about an hour of any fucking book that interests you just to get your mind off at least you can have a conversation with somebody you know about something more because you can't have a conversation about tv or social media just yeah and and that's something that I haven't done since high school probably yeah no we all forget that reading is fucking fundamental when I'm having a hard time writing I go to reading I start reading my fucking asshole you know this week I gave book that I gave Lee that book uh The Art of War which a lot of you have sent me pictures on twitter and whatnot you know the main thing about that book is the word resistance the word resistance is a motherfucker that I have it this
Starting point is 01:25:28 morning I have it every day for something different every day you talk yourself out of doing something different if you read the book The Art of War here's your homework assignment for the next two weeks the Art of War whatever the fuck the War of Art if this is the fucking uh this is your homework assignment your homework assignment is basically to catch yourself every time your resistance comes up catch yourself see how many times a fucking day resistance shows his ugly face to you you know oh I want to go work out I'm gonna take a run and something fucking else happens or you don't want to do it and there's always you know I have friends that Lee and I were talking about a certain friend of mine that we loved to death he does this type of work but he puts that up
Starting point is 01:26:11 first to take away from what's really going on like wait a second I didn't work on this today because I did this that's another form of fucking resistance it's the same fucking thing and it's it's hard because the frustrating part for me in the book is he made it he makes it seem like it's a daily like a daily battle like you everybody has it on a daily fucking basis you know everybody fucking has on a daily basis so just a touch on that the Art of War the War of Art whatever the fuck it is the most important thing is that it's you find yourself getting the resistance either write how you overcome it or just work against it that's what I usually do now you know you give yourself a goal I'm gonna go to the gym three times a week every day I'm gonna go to the
Starting point is 01:26:56 gym this week at 12 from four to five I'm gonna write fucking poetry you know I'm saying I don't give a fuck what gets in your way nothing could get in your way of that you know if you come to Mingo I did kettlebells and said that don't mean nothing you were supposed to fucking write that's what we're supposed to be done nothing else I don't give a fuck and that's what I had to realize over the years that's what I had to realize over the years I thought the daytime was to go talk and play with your fucking goofy friends who got nothing going on no the daytime is to write and to send emails and to fucking you know get your day together like every day you have to have a different mission and this is what this book teaches you I don't
Starting point is 01:27:37 want to frown on that book we'll get back to it but the homework assignment for the war of art or the art of war whatever the fuck it is is that you catch yourself your resistance and acknowledge it that's it now back to this fucking book over here it was just what really intrigued me about this book was what he said guys from 1979 to 1985 I raised fucking hell I could have a lot of bad things gonna come to me I'm not gonna sit here and tell you oh I could have got killed they don't no no no no no no no but read these fucking places where I verified with you guys I don't know all these places I was doing something except for the place in Patterson that he talks about in the book the shack where people go there's a story about him going in there Dominic and
Starting point is 01:28:26 some guy pulls him aside and go I got a half a million and fives that counterfeit give him to me for 20 cents on the dollar he's like what am I gonna do a fight on the fucking bills you know that's a complete different world that people don't know of and I love when people try to go into that world when you when you watch TV and you see a person between 20 and 29 get arrested for something really crazy it was that he got himself into a world that he didn't know existed he watched something on TV and that's the difference a lot of people have never realized that in life and that's why I tell people before you make any of those type of moves that you want to get a kilo of blow or an ounce of blow to sell it and make money think about what you're doing
Starting point is 01:29:10 and think about the people you'll be dealing with you know Lee and I have been talking a lot the last couple weeks how the people we deal with in our lives in the daily basis here I'm a comedian I'm very proud to be a comic man there's a lot of comics I like there's a lot of comics I dislike just like you guys there's co-workers you like and there's co-workers I dislike one of the main things I hate about comics are that they will take the most from you for the least of money they will take more shit from you and try to get away with paying you the cheapest that I've ever seen before and what they do is comedians is they don't take care of the areas that they have to take care of like they'll spend money a lot of money on a web page but they
Starting point is 01:29:54 won't spend money on the guy that's featuring from like the guy that's driving them down they try to be cute like drive me down and I won't have to save on a plane but I'll give you a hundred for gas take care of that kid give me the extra fucking hundred give me the extra fucking hundred take care people if you notice Lee doesn't do any podcast and they're the other fucking comedians because he heard he learned the hard way except for Steve Simone he learned the hard way that with comedians they want to give you 10 bucks or they're always late or there's always a fucking problem or there's always you know and Lee paid me a great compliment last week he goes you know that's crazy that you're my best client aside from the drugs and
Starting point is 01:30:33 the stories and the prisons and all the craziness and the stealing I gotta hand it to you you come through like a fucking ace it it it's almost it's funny but in my head if I had if so if you had told me this when I first started that it's not even close guys like it really just isn't even and I'm not saying that it's always like a breeze like it's always like sunshine and happy flowers like there's we work hard and sometimes it's hard but it's not even like oh there's a close second to like just just like being on time like just quickly about the the the the war of art he said like you do all this stuff you do what you're supposed to do for your job you like your most of the time you go to work on time you do all that and then you're hurting
Starting point is 01:31:18 yourself personally and you all these people that I've dealt with are all self-employed essentially and you shouldn't you shouldn't be my worst client like you in theory late yeah never showing up never paying you on time a check could bounce always a story tired no no I have treated this like a fucking soldier and because I wanted to give you the respect that you deserve which a lot of people never think about other people's feelings and what they're going through some people live their life never considering anything else I love when people call me and say hey uh you know fly into new york I had a situation this week where a family friend a friend a sister's sick so I called my friend like I'll go see your sister and stuff so I want to reach out
Starting point is 01:32:10 to the whole family I reach out to his brother we haven't spoken a while I apologize I tell him what's going on with my life you know this motherfucker hit me back I said listen when I go home next time let's uh let's break bread man let's eat something and let's catch up and let's get this animosity beside us I'm getting too old you're getting too old this problem is assist it has existed between us this little riff I mean we've been friends but we've had a riff since 1981 that's 26 years we went from being the closest people in the world to people who wave at each other and say hello and if you don't think it bothers me after all he did for me you're out of your fucking mind so I hit him up we talk we go back and forth on facebook he says yeah I'm
Starting point is 01:33:01 gonna meet with you guess what this motherfucker says to me so let's do this let's forget the dinner why don't you just fly out august 11th and do my function for me and uh the mayor's gonna be there and all these people gonna be there I'm like how did it go from me going back there to the Bogota July 29th and meeting you for lunch then flying back there to do your fucking event at a at a at a thing like what justifies you asking me that and it's weird how it goes from friendship it's just all yeah like what just do you even have a clue what goes on in my life do you know I have a daughter do you know I have a wife do you know I do a podcast twice a week do you know I'm trying to fucking lose weight so I try to focus on my workout my breathing my eating there's so many
Starting point is 01:33:49 you know I'm trying to write a book do you also know I'm trying to write a mystery of a stand-up when my stand-up is fucking hurting so what you want me to do is get on a 13 fucking hour flight six each way plus the hour plus the hour to drive plus the fucking ubers to come to your event I wish I could just do that all the time I wish I had a helicopter which I could just people don't give a fuck and if you think the people in the Midwest don't give a fuck like they're a little rude not even compared to what we deal with out here Jalee had a podcast for a year the guy was late every week every week there was always a story there was always four people with them and then on they miss the hall it's like weddings I got invited to this wedding in two weeks listen
Starting point is 01:34:35 between you and I guys I really want to go when I talk to her you got to hear her on the phone she has not considered me by no means or what's included in my world or what's going on and I understand it's your big day but you never asked me about my day and what I'm doing on that day that's why when I got married I got married on a Wednesday before Thanksgiving because I wanted people to be in town I didn't want to take away from nobody my wedding was from three to seven dog I got married at one the party started at three and everybody went home at seven I didn't make it to go to you understand me there's people that I'm having this event in Montecito well that's a two hour drive so you're asking me for four and I have a child
Starting point is 01:35:20 you know and that's what I don't I'm not even playing that no more with people like I'm not even playing that game no more with people like that that's not gonna exist I don't you know I'm going to the UFC fight with Joe the Buffalo guess what I'm not saying for that fucking fight I don't give a fuck of Jesus fighting I'm not picking up an envelope so I'm coming home to my family the week before I'm at Liberty Live all fucking weeks so I'm six hours away both fucking weekends you think I'm gonna sit there an extra fucking day to watch a fight you're crazy best place I've watched a fight is in my fucking living room with my feet up picking my fucking nose you know that's the best wife you know that's the best time I have is watching
Starting point is 01:35:56 that type of shit at my house I don't want to go there I'm 54 years old and you're not fighting your nature being stuck in the city for who for what what's the purpose I get on a plane to pick up an envelope and bring it the fuck back to my family I don't have time to get on a plane to go to a wedding or if the wedding is there when I'm going back to do the comedy sure I'll stop by in the afternoon say hello and drop off a fucking envelope I'm not an animal by no by no means but you know but you they also still have to uh to understand what the fuck I'm doing absolutely let me do some shout outs real quick Philadelphia Collins Chris Hines who else is on here laughable Colonel Michael John Doherty beware podcast
Starting point is 01:36:49 Tyler Truber Dom T and Derek Sparks I love you motherfuckers don't forget I'll be at Liberty Live West Nyack Thursday Friday and Saturday this weekend and then 420 Liberty Live Oxnard right here in California bro blowing this place down all right so that's that that was very interesting this call because I had never really uh we never had an undercover cop on here before and uh we've never really had anybody of that after I think we had a cop on when I did Beauty and the Beast right yeah absolutely but we never had a cop here before and I wanted to really go into this you know he was talking about Mr. Softy like I said Lee when we did the documentary and we went on Charles Court I showed you exactly in conjunction how far it was from my house to
Starting point is 01:37:41 Mr. Fucking Softy's house you know this guy Mr. Softy talks about in the book is really interesting because he had two boys and a great wife a beautiful fucking wife and we all played together and the boys were great boys I know one of them passed away died in the car accident God rest his soul but the younger one that's still alive I think changed his name and he contacted me about five or six months ago on Facebook and you know my normal whore adage would been to I mean I haven't talked to him since he was a child I'm not gonna lie to nobody and tell you I keep in contact with him but my natural whore attitude was to contact him on Facebook and have him call the podcast to talk about his fucking father who was an animal who they couldn't wait I didn't have
Starting point is 01:38:29 the heart in me you know if he listened to the podcast and he would like to call in now and tell his thoughts on his father amen I give him all the power in the world I'm not mad at him it's just something that happened but here's the crazy thing I officially left Jersey at 85 and in 84 do you know what Prange did or 82 do you know he did he put a bomb in front of his fucking house to kill his wife and his kid are you serious man like where on the street no on the balcony on the porch fuck like this is this is this fucking guy lived around the block from my house do you feel at all like now that people think you're lying but like vindicated having Dominic on the phone like he like just that he's like yeah I remember he knew your lawyer how crazy
Starting point is 01:39:21 is that listen bro I don't really give a fuck what these people believe what they don't believe because there's times I'm doing something and I get little messages like you know this or this if you don't believe what the fuck I'm talking about after all these fucking years then go watch fucking Star Trek or go watch you know Agents of the windshield whatever the fuck that show is or you know these are the same people that watch that shit and believe that you know I listen I've been doing it I'm 54 motherfucking years old dog and I'm really 80 in cat years do you know what I am and I've been very fucking fortunate to live a bad life and I've been very fortunate to have a good life do you know what I'm saying I mean it's very hard to describe what that means you know from
Starting point is 01:40:10 zero to 15 I had a very good life I had a couple notches in there with my family I wished I had more from my family or more but that's the way life turns out I had a beautiful relationship with my mother and God took her away her taking her away made me a better fucking man from 16 to listen you know 40 I was basically a failure just holding on and the only thing that kept me alive was this fucking stand up and in all that time I got a story for each of those fucking days that I learned from either being a piece of shit or being a good person you know 10 years ago I decided to stop doing cocaine which was really holding me down you know I got 37 years of stories of cocaine I got 17 years of stories but I probably forgot that when I go home people remind me of little
Starting point is 01:41:01 things like holy shit I kind of forgot about all this I have never told anybody I'm a bad person I've told people I've made mistakes and I was put in different positions by my own hand no you know it was Lee's fault you know no no no no I have a great life man I've learned a lot of things in number two I've met a lot of great people and I've said that yeah the sadness in my life deep down is that God took my life you have a little of my mom's life and my dad's a young age and and you have a little anger to God I don't have that anger no more because it made me a part of who the fuck I am today and one of the things that comes with is the stories why do you think I yell at you every fucking day to get out of the house I want everybody to live a full fucking life
Starting point is 01:41:52 and if you know what if that means experimenting with an ice cube Lee and putting a little acid on there you alive absolutely anything happened here you kidding these damage did you jump out a window did you have a bad trip I'm tea all I'm trying to do is help you reach out a little bit I never wanted Lee to be a criminal or snuck coke or or gamble or and I don't want that for any of my fucking friends I know the traps in life I went through I did them all I'm here for you I'm here so you can fucking learn but if you learn anything from me learn two things tell the fucking truth and live your life and go balls for the fucking wall who gives a fuck at the end of the day it's like when you go bowling I always think I'm a bowling ball for me to do the best fucking thing
Starting point is 01:42:41 to get a strike what happens there's pins laying everywhere it's like I dropped a grenade and that's people's feelings that's people's emotions that's people who didn't believe in me but on the other side those are the same people who did believe in me you know for you to do what you want to do in life you know you're gonna make somebody unhappy somebody's gonna be unhappy you're gonna call home tomorrow and go mom I'm gonna become a cop and she's gonna go no you're not but your dad's gonna go thank god Lee you always make no matter what decision you make somebody's gonna be fucking unhappy with some my wife's gonna put up a hand like Joe you're gonna leave for five days but for you to accomplish what you need to in your life as a human being you have to live this fucking life
Starting point is 01:43:26 and that's it it's hard like that I struggle daily with not caring about what people think and that's that's a huge thing uh just the way you do it like I never want to make anybody unhappy I really don't but and that's where like with the other podcast whatever whatever work you're in Lee if you call me tomorrow right and say to me Joey I can't do the podcast because me and Paul are going along beach and you're done I don't need that in my life right yeah but if you call me and go can we put the podcast on Thursday night because I really want to go this poke a tournament it means the world to me you know what Lee I'm gonna be mad at you for eight minutes and then I'm gonna go this is what this kid wants to do and then it's all gonna be forgotten it's all gonna be forgotten
Starting point is 01:44:15 whether you want to lose you took the experience I think right now in our society people aren't taking the fucking like I said you know I found the pill in my pocket that's all a joke and I took it and it was one of Larry's yum yum pills people wouldn't do you know and I'm not saying to I'm not saying to do drugs or to be a thief for that no no no no no no I'm talking to find out what you really want this fucking life you gotta get up off the couch and get out of goddamn house you know for the last couple months we've been scratching the surface you and I talking about podcasting and podcasting and podcasting and one day you came to me you know what man I'm a big professional gambler did I get mad at you did I say Lee but no you're gonna be a thousand things before your
Starting point is 01:44:58 30 years old Lee I'm sorry to tell you for you to really really have a great life man you gotta have variety you might kiss 20 fucking women and one's gonna steal your car one's gonna give you VD but eventually you're gonna meet that one that really rocks you or you just might meet that one there's people that have 20 jobs before they find the job they want that's what happened to me you think that I had an easy peat the other day somebody wrote on Twitter I wish I had your life and I wanted to write now you didn't you're doing great on your own you don't want my fucking life I don't want my fucking life at times I think about sleeping on those buses and robbing people's houses and corolling through a window you think I don't think of these things
Starting point is 01:45:40 at night or every three days of the things I've done and I think of the good things I did like I said the other day I'm not fucking funny you think I'm funny you're a fucking asshole you're a fucking asshole I'm not listening to the podcast yeah the fucking the only thing that you could get out of me is the talent it took to get here the talent it took to go to bed crying every night and say this is what I want to do the talent it took to actually drop my daughter off and go do a spot without having a nervous breakdown and I need pills and no no no no no no no no no no the courage to fucking sleep in a car and have people like Ralphie may go in his house and take a shit in the shower Ralphie didn't look down at me at the time you know why because I was a man
Starting point is 01:46:23 with a dream and you weren't stopping me the most dangerous thing in the world is a man with a fucking dream bro that's on the right track not a man with a dream that well I got a parking spot that that no no no I'm talking about a man with a fucking dream that has that dream ironed out in the steps on how he's gonna do that let me tell you something I fucked up I got it left back in the seventh grade I didn't answer my mother was she was for dying but if you don't think I planned this the last 10 years you're fucking crazy because I reevaluate my life every fucking 90 days every 90 days I reevaluate my life Lee because I know we're not gonna be perfect every 90 days what aspects do you look at what am I doing with my life what am I doing for me
Starting point is 01:47:16 and what am I doing to make somebody else's world a little bit fucking better am I am I imposing my influence on somebody who's who's having a hard time you know I really try to help out young comics as much as I do they're not gonna get a fucking handout you're gonna work the same fucking way I did you know I'm saying nobody here rides for free nobody's gonna gotta call and go oh come on let's go on the road don't work like that bitch I gotta see the fucking math I gotta see the work I gotta see the fucking work because I will point out 10 comics that are doing the fucking work every day I will point out a 10 young comics that I know that they're doing the fucking work every day it's like when I went on Domino Revers podcast we have a basketball mentality
Starting point is 01:48:02 you can't stop practicing because that guy he's playing right now where you're sitting with your girlfriend and her family jicking around that dude where you're gonna go up against in November for first string and UCLA he's practicing right now he's not fucking jiggling and having a good time he's in a ghetto right now playing five on five in the fucking rain that's your mindset when you want to go forward that somebody is doing your job 20 fucking times better so you've got no time to slack we they know and that's what this book you know the not the ice man you even said to me what's this devil book you made me read because you know what I'd when I tell you here two weeks ago I said the best one of the best books I ever read was telemarketing in the 80s it really
Starting point is 01:48:49 it just taught me how to sell how to narrow it down to sell the second book that really got me here was that book by Stephen Pressville the war of order the order of war whatever the fuck it is it really got me here because it got me to show me how much time I've been wasting it pisses me off like it's broken up into sections and that first section like I had to I I had to like he breaks it up beautifully it's really easy it's an easy read I had to like put the book down like every little section and like I almost want to write him an email and be like fuck you you gotta get your notebook and write what he's explaining down so you never forget this and every 90 days you're gonna read that book every 60 days that books only keep you honest
Starting point is 01:49:38 you know I wish I would have read that book when I was 28 oh I'd be on a yacht right now with my state of mind I'd be on a yacht right now maybe not a fucking yacht but I wouldn't be renting a house I'd be owning a house and I'd be owning a fucking you know I'm saying and this is what I'm telling people that the time well I told you two months ago if I was 28 right now I wouldn't be dicking around I'd be thinking about I was gonna make my next fucking milli my first milli because it ain't getting easier out there for a pimp it's getting harder and every minute you waste those a young adult today oh because to be honest you guys aren't prepared adequately you're not prepared for what's about to happen adequately you know Dom made a great point we're
Starting point is 01:50:20 both from Jersey if you hear we both have I came from the street I don't know about nothing but you know what I do know I get in the car I know all you people listen to all these smart guys on podcast and they know about this they don't know what Uncle Joey knows they don't know how to wake up in the morning leave the fucking house and come back with money a lot of people don't know how to do that and I'll get my fucking white wife to come in here and tell you guys how many times I left the house and no matter what I brought home money if you come to me and look me in the angle Joe tell you we need 140 pay the phone bill I feel bad for somebody do you think you have you we're speaking earlier in the podcast about people realizing resistance did you have resistance when
Starting point is 01:51:01 you were I guess maybe coke was the resistance but everything I lived was I am resistance when you look at my name in the fucking yellow pages it's resistance they should call me Joey resistance even though you got so much done can you imagine if I wouldn't have known it if I would have known about resistance 20 years ago I'm not trying to fucking sell anybody religious I'm not trying to sell you rhetoric I'm just trying to make your time fucking more productive that's that's what you do when eight hours you could possibly doing four because you're talking on the phone you're he's has in the book hey listen you want me to lie to you before I fucking open up that lit lift I gotta listen to music I gotta smoke a joint I gotta jerk off I gotta get a piece of cake
Starting point is 01:51:49 that's all procrastination that's all resistance it's like and it's I think what is so powerful about it at least for me is that you're reading it in your own head because it's not like it's a brilliant book but it's not like it's not something that you should know it's an easy read yeah it's an easy read it's an easy read but but then it's from from the time I was a kid I've been being told I was a procrastinator and procrastinating is bad and everyone everyone tells you all this stuff but for it just doesn't when you're reading it to yourself and it's your voice hearing it I don't know it just drove me great like I got called you like three times that's why the when you write stuff down it goes back to that when I tell you I kicked an old lady in the tooth
Starting point is 01:52:33 and ran away with a purse we giggle when I write that story down and I read that story back it doesn't feel so good anymore so when you read something that's why I had you read it Lee because I wanted I wanted you to talk about on the podcast and I wanted you to help other people that are going through the same fucking thing bro I put my pants on one leg at a time just like you motherfuckers the movies the stand-up that's all bullshit I'm a man first I was a loser a minus loser first before that so I know exactly what everybody's going through that's struggling with dough where they were frustration frustration you have no idea frustration is when you're at the store killing people every night and you can't get to Montreal
Starting point is 01:53:22 and you can't get an agent and you're booking movies and nobody wants to talk to you I had a situation last week guys 25 fucking years in comedy I still get no respect you hear me crying about it no I go home I took my dick between my legs and I try to be a better version than myself and that's all you could fucking be if it starts are you reading the fucking book or not we're going to do this kind of podcast every two or three weeks about a certain book or once a month and I hope you enjoy these things I love reading and I've learned a lot about reading and half the shit I babble on about here is life experiences and half the shit is shit that I've read that I've learned from a book sometimes if I learn if I read something from a book and it sounds a little
Starting point is 01:54:06 kinky I'll research it I'll go to where the author fucking got you don't dog I'm a fucking old school Jew I'm a Jewish Jesus you know I'm saying I'm fans with Jewish Jesus Jewish Jesus question fucking everything you said we all have different jobs when you're 60 70 you're gonna be a private detective I can order you have like you do all this research by yourself like you go in depth into the ways that no one else would ever look at so I can't believe you do research into books I have to research because but how can I come in here and repeat what I read in the fucking book because there's always one asshole out there at this internet world that'll call you out because you said the word wrong or whatever you know so you before when I read these things if I read
Starting point is 01:54:47 any book if there's a part of a book that like when Led's when I read that that book about Led Zeppelin and they said they stuck a shark up a chick pussy in Seattle I did research for a week you know just before you know when I heard that that John Lennon had written fame and then he wrote Benny and the Jets for Elton John I did the research for a fucking week I don't want to tell somebody and then look like a fucking asshole you know what I'm saying yeah let me give a shout out to my sponsors and I'll get you out of here first off Blue Apron let me explain something to you Leigh tell them when they deliver the food how nice is it it's amazing they deliver literally everything you need to to make all these amazing meals it's all in one box they have it they have
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Starting point is 02:03:44 Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it Some people really need it

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