Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #511 - Rudy Sarzo

Episode Date: August 28, 2017

Rudy Sarzo, Legendary Bass Player who has played with, among others, The Guess Who, DIO, and Quiet Riot, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio. This podcast is brought to you by: Bl...ue Apron: Go to blueapron.com/JOEY to get your first three meals free and free shipping!   Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.   Recorded live on 08/25/2017.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The church of what's happening now is brought to you by Blue Apron Blue Apron is the number one fresh ingredient and recipe delivery service in the country. Period! Blue Apron's mission is to make incredible home cooking accessible to everybody. Do me a favor check out this week's menu and get your first three meals for free with free shipping by going to blueapron.com Slash Joey again, that's blueapron.com slash Joey You'll love how it feels taste and you'll be happy to create incredible home cooked meals with Blue Apron So don't wait. That's blueapron.com slash Joey also brought to you by honor calm
Starting point is 00:00:40 Alpha brain 24, but it was not even 24 hundred hundred percent money back guarantee Go to honor.com slash church boom and press Joey and get your little alpha brain today Just out on a dot-com slash church on a dot-com slash church. Let's get this motherfuckin started Oh shit Monday the 28th of August Labor Day next week cock suckers. Here you go Me Mama, let me be all you dirty freaks out there The church of what's happening now Rudy Sarzo
Starting point is 00:01:52 Oh Shit uncle Joey coming at you on a Monday morning nothing but assholes and elbows What up you filthy fucking animals really Sarzo here, Lisa. Yeah, what's up? You know, bro, putting the pieces together Day don't stop Top everything I gotta raise a four-year-old at my age Jesus fucking Christ. How are you? Bless as a matter of fact or you were just playing American woman I just became the the permanent new bass player in the band. They guess who
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah, I've been touring a lot and just having a having a blast when you first went on it was just a temporary bass Well, the what happened was that the the original bass player that you hear on that song Jim Kale had not retired Fully, you know, he had not made the decision yet. So he finally decided to retire at least for a while, you know and So he passed me a torch say okay, and how many weekends are you doing a month with them? We do about at least three weekends a month. Yeah, so it's like, you know, so it's just Friday and Saturday No, no, no, no, I mean we do about ten shows a month Yeah, do you ever get bored playing music or you're like, I wish I didn't have to play music this week
Starting point is 00:03:14 You must have been you must have been doing for what 40 years something 50 like it. It's crazy. It's like eating Breathing having sex, you know, you never get bored of that, you know, you know, I always thought I'll do calmly till I'm 50 And then you're just too fucking old Fucking old who wants to listen to some white hair crack fucking stupid jokes and here I am 54 and I always said I miss I mean what next year is gonna be the last year Then Ron White comes on he's 60 he goes on the road every fucking weekend You know and now you see these music guys that are all coming back
Starting point is 00:03:51 They're no fucking spring chickens and they're fucking banging it out. So you're like, I don't know what to do. I live in hell You know, you you decide not to go on the road. I couldn't see my life without going on the road I think my head would blow up being here all the time It's been too long that I've been taking these little comedy vacations That's why it's even hard for me like I I don't want to sound in grateful when I have these home weekends. They've bothered a fuck out of me Because I still have my life around these comedy shows when I'm on the road
Starting point is 00:04:24 It's just about comedy for 24 hours. Yeah, I don't I'm laying in the whole tub room and I'm just worried about fucking comedy It's like if you had to do the Pomona grounds and then Sam Bernardino you're fucking home So you still got to walk your dog. You still got to go to the supermarket You still got to fucking take a shit that when you're on the road, you're on the fucking road jack You roll a joint you watch gangland. You know what I mean? You take a nap And I get that you had like you do it for your family But that's why I don't like when you have a weekend like this weekend when you're in Ontario
Starting point is 00:04:56 It's like I I like I almost expect you To stay near because it's like an hour drive hour and a half each way. No, it's a long drive I can't fall asleep knowing that I'm an hour and a half away I used to do it all the time try set up the sleep apnea machine lay down at 2 o'clock go one of my fucking crazy I'd rather spend the day with my wife even if we just go to the farmers market In no home get a watermelon juice. I'm one of those Filipino chicken sticks But really somebody's cat somebody's pigeon that's missing some magician is missing a white dub somewhere
Starting point is 00:05:29 And these guys are selling those little fucking sticks on the corner I'd rather do that than sit in a hotel room all day When I'm an hour and away from my family, that's me But when I'm when I gotta get on the plane I go into a different mode And I know you said something to me early on that I did it because of you now I always like saying like a little prayer to myself as I'm walking on the door God bring me back In the same shape. I walked out this fucking door on sunday and that's it
Starting point is 00:05:57 Yeah I know I know I know exactly what you're talking about because to me every time I go out that door It's about the trip coming back home. Yeah, that's it You know and make sure that I come back home, you know with an envelope You did a good show. You had a good time like everything My whole problem with the road like let's say this time I I came back on the 12th of august And I'm not going out to the 15th of september. I'm gonna work
Starting point is 00:06:26 I still got tons of work But I don't have to get on the plane That week before I got on the plane I'm fucking miserable I gotta get on this fucking plane the whole week I'm gonna quit doing comedy after this weekend fucking done This sucks ass As soon as uber as soon as lyft picks me up
Starting point is 00:06:46 At my house in the morning that little lyft guy It all goes out the window I got a little anxiety when you hit the 405, but after that you're like, I'm going to work. Who's better than me? I got a job I'm fucking doing stand-up. It doesn't matter Like nothing matters. What what else would I be doing painting a house? I'm gonna fucking perform 20 years ago. This was a dream I would sit in my room and I cry and writing all the cities I was gonna play at when I got good
Starting point is 00:07:17 I got me and now I'm fucking doing it. What am I upset about not getting into a great mood I eat a couple stars. I get on the plane. I start mingling I put my iPod in I put in fucking diary of a madman and two hours in flight You can't wait to land to go do fucking comedy, you know You miss your family. You miss your loved ones But you go, what the fuck was I gonna do at home sit there on once tv and talk about It's gonna be hot next week It's gonna be on a night next week. No shit. We gotta do this get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:07:48 I admire you Rudy. You're still out there, but that's what we're talking about earlier about Uh The doctor we told you about that he he told us that most of the people he had was musicians at that age That's why you look great. I asked you if you lift the weights. You said you don't like to strain yourself The bass player is the heaviest thing you want to pick up. No, no, I do lift some weights, but I you know, it's nothing you know over Yeah, you don't go with that. I'll be your Arnold Schwarzenegger Yeah, yeah, I'm not trying to hulk out because what happens is I I travel
Starting point is 00:08:20 So when I travel what I do I do yoga but extreme yoga in my room Just to you know, get my blood, you know pumping and you know getting ready for the show because you just don't want to go There and kind of like be you know, half asleep, you know, when you hit the stage you want to be pumped up You know, so I think along the road your guys the best thing for me to do that I usually hit the fucking gym and do the elliptical and Lift a little couple weights and do push-ups and setups just for the same reason Like today I wanted to go to jiu-jitsu, but I knew That I have the long drive
Starting point is 00:08:55 This afternoon so you get all tight So when you leave jiu-jitsu and you sit down, I can't recover from that. My knees start to hurt Like when I fly I got to take an aisle seat But on the right side of the plane so I could stretch out my left knee If not my knee gets fucking stiff, you know, like there's all these little ailments that you have And all these things that you learn as you go along and you know, wait a second if I go work out for two I like yesterday I had to work at night. So and I had a long drive. So what I did was I just boxed I hit the bag a little bit. I didn't do nothing that had my legs involved
Starting point is 00:09:32 I did all the heavy steel bad stuff. I did some curls a lot of push-ups a lot of setups A lot of crunches all that shit But no squats no kettlebells No, nothing that involved bending that much speaking of fights. What do you think about the upcoming fight? What? Oh by the time they fucking hear this. Yeah, they'll know so I know I know but yeah What do I think what do I think is going to happen this weekend? or last weekend
Starting point is 00:10:02 I don't know I really could not put a pulse on this fight. Yeah, I I can't even imagine how it it actually You know got sanctioned to happen Well got sanctioned because the state of california gets eight percent of every ticket sold So they're making money even to his father. Yes. Okay. There's a lot of there's a lot of people who had problems with this fight A lot of people the only reason why this fight is happening is because of his MMA and Whatever, you know, they felt that he would be prepared No that he would be prepared
Starting point is 00:10:37 But they're really scared that Mayweather could hit him hard in the head You know Mayweather's a fucking assassin with his hands. Yeah, it's it's a narrower game You know, uh, I felt that What's his name McGregor he's been working on all aspects of his game for 10 to 15 years. This guy has just specifically worked on boxing Now for years, there's been critics that have said that boxing and MMA boxing is two different fucking worlds Which it actually is and but you know, listen, I'm not a boxing
Starting point is 00:11:12 Enthusiast like I was when I was a young kid. Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but I just didn't like this fight for personal reasons that was it I didn't like this fight because It kind of halted the UFC for this fight, you know, it put a lot of the young fighters and Whatever that's it. I just have my own personal reason. I don't care people watch the fight or not You know, I had taken the week of work before the fight was announced. So it didn't mean Anything to me. It's like I'm gonna cancel the fucking fight if I cancel Saturday night
Starting point is 00:11:46 It's because my uh, friend's dad died last weekend and they're gonna bury his dad on Sunday I would take a plane just to be with him and his sister if I did anything but It didn't affect me. I don't know why at all. I didn't react to it at all I have other things on my plane. I think well, I mean Rudy you must have as being on the road as much as you've been Like do you even get excited for like events anymore? Like you almost can't because you you have to miss 90% of them like Super Bowls Whatever, I don't know exactly what you're into, but whatever that you're into you must miss 90% of it Events such as the Super Bowl, you know any any organized sports
Starting point is 00:12:24 I I'm not really a fan anymore Like I used to be when I was younger because back in the day when I was a kid It was all about the sport now. It's all about the money You know free agents and the agents getting involved and all these incredible deals that usually what happens is when When an athlete gets paid so much money, they never come up to their expectation You know that to me is the kiss of death, you know, you hear about, you know, this uh This athlete that pay, you know, like the highest Ever in their sport and all of a sudden they start sucking
Starting point is 00:12:56 I don't know if it's a psychological or a actual Economic, you know situation that they get themselves into because now they have all these different responsibilities to come up with, you know so I think that That is bad for for the sport for sports for the game itself, you know I I this this whole fight it doesn't make any sense to me. It's like a sprinter going against a marathon runner You know, if this fight goes over four rounds, which I don't think is going to go
Starting point is 00:13:28 My Gregor is never gone over four rounds Boxing, you know, this is a stamina that you build Through through your life, you know, when you're a kid you start training for for, you know for going 10 rounds at least three minute rounds. Yeah, it's 12 so it's 12 three minute rounds. Yeah, so that's basically 36 minutes When they fight in the UFC, it's 25 minutes, right, which he's never really done only Uh once really maybe with Diaz They went to five rounds and people criticized it About his stamina or something like that. Like I said, man, you know
Starting point is 00:14:07 It's so weird how you grew up liking sports You really enjoyed sports You couldn't wait to tour your teams get together and for me Rudy. It was about 26 At 26 life got in the way. Yeah Life just got in the way, brother And it went from watching all day sunday to then whatever But I'll never forget when I was really down and out in 84 I was forced to sit at a bar
Starting point is 00:14:33 All day because that's where the action is. You're gonna say the bar people come in. They got a hundred quailudes They got a pound of pot. You got to be there And I used to always ask myself on sunday even at that point in my life How the fuck do you sit here all day? From 10 in the morning and watch football till and in those days there wasn't no uh sunday night game yet Sunday night games were on espm very rarely in those days They were like four sunday night games a season It was all all day and then you the anticipation was for monday night
Starting point is 00:15:07 And how many game wasn't it 14 games to wasn't short a shorter season? Yeah, it was 14 games. They didn't really The 17 games is for vegas to get bigger right? Yeah, that's what the 17 games was for You know when I was a kid gambling was big on monday night football and your gambling week ended then Then you had tuesday and wednesday for basketball and you paid the bookie on thursday, but your week ended on monday But there was really no action really if you didn't bet sports if you're a purist and you just bet football There's really no action for you until friday until saturday unless you're bringing high school Yeah, then they said fuck that they had college. Remember they used to have college on thursdays Then they said fuck that we're putting pros on
Starting point is 00:15:54 Fuck college So they would alternate like college and pro so you could actually see the pattern develop They did friday thursday they started with you the book making Saturday you got all day in college with the last game being hawaii at four in the morning That's what the coke had gamblers bet hawaii Because they'll be up all night anyway snorting coke watching hawaii Everybody knows that when you call a gambler on a saturday night that does coke ask him what he's doing I'm watching hawaii
Starting point is 00:16:21 They're my salvation because Everybody there's always this the gambling the gambling mind believes That people who go play football in hawaii don't go to hawaii and play football If they go to hawaii they get caught up in the beauty and hawaii beats the fuck out of them hawaii has the worst team I know i was gonna say So you you sit there and you bet hawaii like you actually bet hawaii getting 38 points at home And you'll sit there going they better not lose by more than 35 you know what i'm saying like that was hawaii And then sunday you wake up early and you have football. So what did they do?
Starting point is 00:16:56 They had a thursday And they added sunday night the family night the game of the week that four o'clock seven p.m. Game And they have a couple of them too now they'll have a couple monday night games sometimes and then they have monday night games They learned how to get the most out of the system. I just I love fucking everything. You know, I like watching football. I like watching baseball, you know Now it's changed for me now. I watch football December and january I watch baseball in september
Starting point is 00:17:27 There's nothing more beautiful than baseball in september and october nothing more beautiful in this country Than baseball. Have you watched a documentary about the cuban brothers? No, you know the two that defected Come on, which ones now duke duke. Yeah, of course. You see the documentary the 30 for 30. Yeah, come on Come on. You gotta see that ESPN the brothers in arms They show the first brother come and then he fucking
Starting point is 00:17:59 Played for the marlins and they won a world series And then the other brother got shunned by the cuban government. They would throw eggs at his house They would stop him and shake him down They took him off the baseball team. He was only allowed to play in sand lots And then he defected, you know, the boat didn't show you gotta watch this though They were ready to take him back and that agent showed up joe cubus and got him to Uh, somewhere where there's no extradition treaty because jamaica or the Bahamas has an extradition treaty with cuba
Starting point is 00:18:31 He got him out of there And then he brought old duke up to fucking the Yankees Wow, but the whole time he had to leave his daughters in cuba So his kids were getting tortured and shit So finally he's pitching in the world series He's it's games four against sandiago when they swept him In 1990 something. I don't know exactly They had just one
Starting point is 00:18:56 And some lady they had they had kept trying to get his daughters out They kept trying and trying and trying to get his daughters out and the mother They had no way to get it and they called this lady in washington And she goes, you know what my mother my mother instincts came back to me I felt for what they were saying. She goes. I knew one connection to castro and there was an arch of bishop She goes I called him up And I told him he had to get on the plane that night to cuba And some state department guy wrote a letter
Starting point is 00:19:28 To fidel and explained the situation that old duke They thought he was going to say no and the guy when the archbishop walked into fidel's headquarters He was actually watching the fucking world series man That's how fucking you know what i'm saying. Here's a kami Watching the world series like he was into it like he was cheering for old duke And the arch bishop gave him the letter. He looked at it And he goes, you know what the guy's a savage Put his daughters on a fucking plane
Starting point is 00:19:58 And they told them duke and the fucking in dugout in San Diego He got in a plane went right to tita borough in new jersey And you could stand there and look at the plane come in. Oh my god tremendous dog brothers in exile. That's the name of it Oh, I'll check it out. Shit. Oh, shit And they showed the two brothers hugging and he goes you got any advice for your brother now that he's here from cuba
Starting point is 00:20:25 Stay away from mcdonald's Fucking tremendous Tremendous tremendous. Oh, yeah. No, I go mcdonald's Tremendous, you know the casters try it out for the yank. Yes, you know to be a pitcher What or the senators fidel Castro's the yank. Yeah fidel. Yeah fidel How come all these terrible people have like nice dreams like hila wanted to be a painter fidel wants to hit Let's try it out for the nicks He was too short
Starting point is 00:20:58 Yeah, a lot of people don't know that Do you want it? Yeah, you want to be a nick of baka, but red red holes one wouldn't take them as shit It was against this religious police. And that's where you learned to hate the jews and the yankers No, you're uh, you're an interesting dude rudy When I was talking on the phone the other day, you were telling me you were at this fantasy camp. I had it all confused I thought it was the camp where you guys get together with kids and they play in a band But then you were how many of these do you do a year? Yeah, we do about eight and I've been doing them for like almost 10 years now Um, this is the deal the the birth of rock and roll fantasy camp is from a former sports agent
Starting point is 00:21:39 David fishoff and he saw the baseball fantasy camp as a model For the rock and roll fantasy camp, you know having everyday people Joining your you know your sports heroes, you know playing with them, right? So the whole thing about rock and roll fantasy camp is basically the same But except that with sports you have guys who are retired, you know, they're older You know in fantasy camp the sport, you know baseball fantasy camp whereas with rock and roll fantasy camp You got people that are actually active touring musicians, you know, for example We have one coming up in about well, september 16th
Starting point is 00:22:18 And it's judas priest and it's everybody from judas priest rob halford You know happy birthday. Happy birthday. That's right. Happy birthday rob And um, you know, scott travers and richie and and the uh the original bass player in hill Everybody except glint tipton. They all come and why is glint tipton not coming? I don't know. He's never been to the camp, you know, but there was a band, you know, it's it's fine because you know KK dallas show no kk He's not in the band no more richie for you know richie farkner is in the band and uh What what they do is that we actually we go to the whiskey
Starting point is 00:22:53 Down here on the sunsets trip and we play and they play with every single camper On stage at the whiskey or gogo They do one one song when judas priest song with everybody So they get to perform like, you know, if there's like 15 camp camps a camp is actually a band They'll play 15, you know with 15 different bands You know the band and and judas priest together and it's an amazing amazing fun experience That's fucking crazy. Yeah, it's nuts. I mean in this, you know, judas priest is getting ready to uh to release a new record So it's not like they're retired, you know, or how old is he today?
Starting point is 00:23:33 I think it's 66 What I saw at this morning. Yeah, Jesus Christ and gene Simmons too. He's like I think he's 68 It's his birthday too. Yeah. Yeah It's it. Listen, I can't believe he's freely 65 And he's putting on a new album. Yeah, he's like going on the road too. Yeah, yeah Well, you know, the guess who we have a new record coming out It's already done finished right now. We're just going through the process of, you know, you know, putting it out with the record company and doing
Starting point is 00:24:07 Doing the the promo pictures and everything that we're going to do next week and all that, you know, it's it's it's a process Unbelievable did you think when you were Playing with Ozzy that you were gonna be playing when you were fucking in your 60s, you know, I didn't even think about it You know, I I don't even think about the last note that I'm going to play. I don't know. I don't think about it I can't It's now that I can't it's just that why why should I think about it's like What do you think is going to be the last joke you ever going to say? I don't want to think about it. Yeah, exactly Yeah, you know, you know, it's so it's you know, we're here to live not to
Starting point is 00:24:44 Sit around thinking about dying. I mean I sit here the other way before july like in march I was sitting there one day one night I picked up the phone I called Dean I go Dean Hold on one second before I say something to you. I don't want to be an asshole I went I went online. I pressed an appetite for destruction Because I remember the season that the the summer I got sentenced I got sentenced in 88 and that whole summer in the afternoons that we get home at three and put on MTV
Starting point is 00:25:15 And sit there like a momo and I would sit there till sweet child of mine would come on and slash was tremendous on it And then I go, that's right. That's 88. That's next year, but that album came out in 87 Let me check and see sure enough. Yeah fucking 30 years ago July 20th or whatever was the release of Appetite for destruction and here's the crazy thing That's still on the fucking road. Oh, yeah, that that's the crazy thing when helvis released Love me whatever in 55. You didn't see that fat fucking 85 jumping up and down on stage. He was dead jacked These guys are fucking still alive. That's great
Starting point is 00:25:58 Not only that they're still out performing three nights a fucking week four nights a week Did musicians always do that or like we did like my mom When she grew up or her Favorite like from the or not her maybe her parents from like the 20s or 30s in the 70s. Were they playing or were they not touring? Yeah, I mean if you look at like, you know, let's say miles davis, you know, he played until day he died Buddy rich, you know, these are guys that were not retired, you know Sinatra was up there with a wig with a teleprompter. I saw him forgetting his words singing the song backwards But it didn't matter. He was still five. I saw him too in 84. He was fucking brilliant
Starting point is 00:26:35 I saw him. So matter of fact, I went with sam kinnison. He was performing and he had it like a night off You know with sam we used to play, you know, he was to bring musicians and remember he had that record deal Wild thing wild thing. I played on that. Yeah, and I'm on the video too. So, uh, you know, we were in in los vegas I think I think was scissors and he says hey, let's go and see uh, frank so, you know He's you know, he's uh his wife or girlfriend. I don't think they were married yet Malika and sabrina and my wife rebecca me and we just went there and we sat and And the curtain opens up and it's frank and he's just standing there. I thought wow
Starting point is 00:27:17 Is he is he dead because he's just didn't move And then all of a sudden the orchestra goes into fly me to the moon, you know And he opens his mouth and it's like magic man. It's just fucking. I'm fucking magic. It was like holy shit I was 21 and I just went I didn't like that music all and all at that age at 21. Yeah, you know, it's tough to go from judo's priest Uh, whatever to that night. So let me just go and it was Just fucking marvelous when he sang my way
Starting point is 00:27:52 Your fucking guts come out your guts come out Because he means every fucking word of it like his ego just meant every Word of it like I can just tell that special they had on them on hbo Did you watch that? Oh, yeah Fucking brilliant just brilliant shit man. Those guys are from a different fucking cut, you know You know, I I grew up playing and listening to a lot of different styles, you know When it was in top 40 band we played anything we had to play whatever was top 40 it could be My what not my way, but uh, you're having my baby
Starting point is 00:28:30 Paul anchor and then turn around and play smoke on the water, you know You had to make it work because that's that's what the The the club owner Wanted you to play you want to play top 40 whatever's on top 40, you know So I really learned to really appreciate what always looked for in music Which we had a lot of that in the 60s and 70s was honesty Honesty in the playing and the singing, you know and the music itself lyrics You know, if you listen to any of the bird backtrack how david songs, you know, it's just man. It's just unbelievable
Starting point is 00:29:05 It's a lesson on how to write a song, you know It's incredible. Listen to alfie. I know it sounds goofy But if you really listen to the lyrics, it's just amazing amazing stuff. Will you be those guys? Oh, yeah, absolutely They change your world completely from day one, you know, and and I was on a plane, you know, and you're like going around Trying to find something interesting to watch and I came upon this uh Was his name run howards Documentary on the Beatles they eight days a week and it you know in my mind
Starting point is 00:29:37 I always go back to that 13 year old kid that sold the Beatles for the first time when I was it, you know With my with my folks and my little brother Sitting in the living room with our tv tv dinner trays, you know watching it solving and the Beatles come on and And it just changed my life, you know, and I thought I thought Wow, it changed my life my life because Chicks were screaming at them and I said I want that I really I want that that You know
Starting point is 00:30:06 To be noticed because I was pretty invisible when I was a kid I was just some fat little little kid and you know back in the 60s You know being overweight and being a kid just was bad. It was not a good thing, you know And so I was like, you know girls didn't want to have anything to do with me And I thought wow becoming a musician that's going to give me some sort of significance, you know I'm a musician now. I am somebody, you know, and I'm going to have girls screaming at me and stuff. But now, you know 40 whatever 40 40 years later or 50 years later uh
Starting point is 00:30:40 I look at the documentary and I go man What really got me about the Beatles and I did not realize it was that they were bad ass They were so incredible live, which I think they were handcuffed a little bit when they went in the studio And you really didn't get that sense maybe on the first record Because from the first record they had just come off, you know playing in Hamburg doing like You know 10 shows a night whatever, you know playing for hours They would do like playing the afternoon they would come back and play at night, you know, that's all they did
Starting point is 00:31:14 And that's captured. It's raw, you know if you're listening to money You know that was the last song that they recorded for for that session, you know money, you know And and there's there's this it's an urgency and they're a bad ass and just like, you know Playing through it like with everything they got, you know And I and I watched the documentary and this documentary has different angles But you can actually see wringo wringo was a bad ass drummer, man He was just like lean in over his snare and just like bash away and play like Then they have a ph system like we have today, you know, they have to be heard over the screaming girls
Starting point is 00:31:52 With no ph system no monitors nothing the harmonies were perfect These guys have no any or monitor nothing, you know, like all these people, you know complain nowadays Well, my any or monitor went out and I can't really sing, you know on a Grammys or something now the people that didn't matter They just went out there and they did it and it was just mccarney I'm looking I'm looking at the documentary and I go, okay When is he going to look at the neck of his bass when he's singing? zero
Starting point is 00:32:21 He's just played away and he was playing bad ass Stuff. I mean to me a beatle song is like a bass lesson You know, it's just amazing and it's like perfect and it's just like orchestrating all these bass parts It wasn't like, you know, just being you know playing bullshit up there And the guy was so incredibly he still is incredibly musical But you know, but to have somebody you know to have a band full of badasses George Harrison, he was like 16 years old It was like kicking ass on, you know playing playing lead lead guitar. It was like holy shit, you know, and of course linen, you know genius
Starting point is 00:32:57 You know all these guys and you think well, there's gonna be a whole Country full of guys like this. Yeah, there were but I don't think anybody compare to the Beatles The Beatles really were at the very top and then everybody will just follow him, you know people Different bands had their, you know strings like the stones had there were more R&B More bluesy than the Beatles were Beatles were Beatles were more pop and then they became experimental, you know with revolver and onto to Sergeant Pepper and stuff like that and And you know, he you had the kinks you had who? Rock opera who the hell came up with that? That was brilliant. Nobody had ever done that. Have you ever read the book?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Pete Townsend book no, no After and he was having to do with their managers, you know, they really talked them into Taking music to the next level because their managers were They were cinematographers and they saw Pete Townsend's contribution to music is more like a script or film, you know And so they they they talked them into writing a rock opera, which was Tommy You know and in the book, you know, Pete talks about that from that point on every single piece of music he wrote had A purpose a direction had a it was not just a bunch of songs thrown together
Starting point is 00:34:23 It had an arc on a story a statement everything, you know, which is Totally different from the average band, you know going out there and making an album, you know We used to make albums based on snapshots You know, it's like it's a snapshot of where you're at today as a musician Your life is this is this is what you sound like. This is what you look like Which net later on with mtv was a company with video, you know, so those are slices of our life, you know That's why I always looked at Best off records a little bit more like a collection of pictures through
Starting point is 00:34:59 Through a certain period, you know, like let's say if you it's a 10-year collection of your music. It's like pictures, you know It's a little bit disjointed but it's a representation of what your growth as a musician That makes a lot of sense even with comics Even when we put on CDs, yeah, yeah, I listened to The blue album and I want to jump out a fucking window But I could tell when I was listening to the blue album I could hear the cocaine in my soul
Starting point is 00:35:33 Like it was fucking crazy live at The queen of clubs whatever I could hear the cocaine in my soul It's you or the priest To me was the best thing I ever did. It was loose There was no safety net There was nothing uh I was very happy at that time
Starting point is 00:36:00 Like I was just having a good time Lee and I were just starting to hang out we're making videos Nobody was there was no real tickets being sold It was just us having fun and that you could feel it The uh Eat pussy with asthma is just god-awful It's a reflection of what was going on at the time, which was I was overwhelmed
Starting point is 00:36:27 You can hear the overwhelm In your voice you got too much going on And there was nothing going on Do you know what I'm saying? There was too much going on But there was nothing going on Savage dad I grew a little bit. I could hear the growth a little bit Still got my best work
Starting point is 00:36:49 But I could feel the happiness from having my daughter around I just heard it on the plane a few weeks ago to tell the few ones Beside it's either you and the priest like a listen to for longer than four minutes I think you and the priest is like eight minutes Savage dad is like six minutes Eat and pussy with asthma goes off within eight seconds. I mean you could just hear the Confusion in my voice that early. We're working with it with the record label at the time. No, no Just me and Lee fucking around
Starting point is 00:37:20 Just you guys, you know, that's that's really amazing because uh, you know putting out Equality recording like you were just talking about with with Back in the day we We had to go through a system this system basically was if you Were signed to a label you were assigned
Starting point is 00:37:44 An artist relations person which meant that the person Picked your material. You know, he came over to your rehearsals. Okay. Let me hear what you guys got for the new record or your first record So if you if it's your first record It means that you've been working on songs for the last maybe two or three years So you got like maybe 40 or 50 songs to show, you know, the uh, the artist relation guy And then he would look at it as how many singles can we get out of these guys because that's how they make the money The money, you know longevity and all that because back in the day record companies did not have a piece of your merchandise And did not have a piece of your of your touring
Starting point is 00:38:22 It was all based on how many records they're gonna sell That was it, you know, today is different and then If they didn't feel like they had about four possible singles They would say, okay, uh, i'm gonna bring in an outside writer So, you know somebody who who has already had hits with other Bands that needed help in the songwriting and it's your first record, you know, or the a and r guy will also bring A song it says well, listen, I got the song either a remake
Starting point is 00:38:54 You know, for example, I can choir right or it's a come on feel the noise was a remake of a slate song, you know and Or or something that he's working with a publisher You know a publisher is it's an agent basically for For songwriters independent writers They go to a publisher and then the publisher gets together with record company A and r guys artist relations and it says if you can find a band to cover the song, you know We could have a hit. So record company is looking for a hit
Starting point is 00:39:25 The publishers and songwriters are looking to place that song to be a hit with a band a band is looking for a hit Because you know, there's nothing like getting your music played on the radio. So people come to your shows And if you got a hit then you become a headliner Which is ultimately what you want, you know, you you're an opening band For a certain amount of period But if you're gonna if you if you become known as that as a perennial Opening band you're screwed because you're never going to get to be the headliner and that's where the big bucks are you know and
Starting point is 00:39:59 So beyond that you have promotions people, you know radio promo people going to radio stations and doing payola, whatever Yeah, payola did exist Then you had the guy that was then working with a video, you know the video side of your music You know finding the right director with a storyboard to complement your music and having that person bring in a stylist Because all of a sudden, you know, you have to have an image You know, like this is before no image was an image. This is you have to have an image, you know, and So not to interrupt you. So Come on hear the noise. Yeah, you could tell by the time you got the white snake
Starting point is 00:40:42 All that shit was in place already image All that stuff. I mean personally, right? No, no, no the band that band. Well, white snake was another band No, no, no, no, no, I'm saying when you were there was a huge change From quiet riot to white snake when it came to metal now they knew what direction they were going When you guys did come on here the noise and the other one from that album It was those were videos when you guys when you were in white snake You could tell that everything was I even think your outfits were even handpicked for you Like they were so perfect those videos in the skin of the night the one with a nicotine
Starting point is 00:41:24 There was like three or four videos that white snake had I think white snake When you were in white snake or two albums I played on on slip of the tongue slip of the tongue that one album Was The videos were brilliant. Yeah, the videos were it was at the right time. They had just Really figured out how to promote before that looking breaking the law. It's a bunch of idiots going into a bank And kk with a guitar, you know, they were like goofy videos Come on here the noise started with the guy. Do you hear me?
Starting point is 00:42:00 You know all that guy from animal house white snake I mean all those videos were Storyboard A to z they knew how to do it Somebody even came and picked your shoes for you with the colored socks. That's a really good observation. Actually, it's an I can see it. I can see it. You can see what happened. Yeah um
Starting point is 00:42:21 I got a phone call from Jungle Adner, which was the artist's relation person for geffen Uh, and and there's a backstory to my to my relationship with white snake That predates me joining the band because white snake was the opening band for choir riot in 1984 You know during the condition critical tour. So I got to not only meet I I met everybody and I and I knew jungle adner from all the things that I was doing in in los angeles And so I got the phone call. I was playing with tommy aldrich. We were trying to do our own project and They called us up and he says, uh, we were actually invited to play on the record
Starting point is 00:42:58 But that's we declined and that's a whole different story on the 87 record Um a couple of years before it got finished. So going back to 1987 it was just like 30 years ago It came out, you know, we get the phone call and colander says listen David wants you to come in and you know be part of this video that we're doing for for, you know, for the new record and it was still the night And they actually they sent over a stylist this lady came in nermis flair very, uh
Starting point is 00:43:31 top shelf stylists at the time And uh, she came she went through my closet and she started picking stuff out You know, and she said okay bring this to to to the video shoot and that's what you see me wear on that video shoot By the time that that Configuration of vivian campbelly revan the bird tommy aldrich and david coverdello myself We became officially a band Then flair started making outfits For us, you know, like now
Starting point is 00:44:01 Yeah, we're we're not going through your closet anymore. So for here I go again and it's just love They were shot back to back like one day we finished one and then we came back the next day and we did the other video uh The adults clothes that you saw they were actually made for us You know, especially made for us and then we took him on the road with us So, yeah, the record company had not only that management had a huge part trudy green our manager, you know Uh, she would go to photo sessions with us and she was We were like, you know posing and she like moves around and and tell the photographer uh neils lozar
Starting point is 00:44:42 Okay, this is what i'm looking for And when you would do a photo session The strategy was to do one that you're going to have different looks That will carry you hopefully through a whole year of touring So you don't have to break from touring to do a photo session because that's you know, everything is planned ahead and It's positive thinking it's not like uh, well, maybe this is going to happen No, no, you're going to be successful and these people are going to make sure that you become a success
Starting point is 00:45:11 You know, there's a certain machine behind all of these Superstars that you see a lot of smart people that make all the right moves for you You know, that's the way that it used to be Back in the 80s and even 90s until You know Downloading is illegal downloading started happening. Well, even The peak of it. I thought was The marketing they had done for guns and roses
Starting point is 00:45:42 Unlike vol 1 and 2 like those videos were million dollar videos. That was the peak of it. Geffen again. Geffen. Yeah Biggie Smalls 95 96, you know with the ties with the boats and the bitches on the boats Yeah, you know, it's a big difference from the video for Yeah, uh, not nwa. Yeah Yeah, look at nwa's videos. They were nothing. They were made for ten dollars. Yeah, they just told the You know a black pool party but look at the videos for fucking tupac and
Starting point is 00:46:15 You're meant to there What's his name? Uh, shrug knight shrug knight, you know, uh, when they did the set from uh, road warrior Mad max and they were all yelling by that time those videos were a million dollars. No All those fucking guns and roses videos were a million dollars. Yeah, you know slash by the Expensive too. Yeah, yours are pretty expensive. I mean uh, uh, trudy, you know with hk management She makes sure that we got the best and the best was marty calder You know director, I mean he's he's known for all the things besides music videos Like uh, he has no matter if he's got his own shows on hbo
Starting point is 00:46:56 You know, and he's done like, you know live shows from from my sub square garden and all of that So he's like, you know, what probably just just about the best live director that there is so our videos were Phenomenal is I never even thought about it before is that what they is that what music videos are for like a marketing tool Oh, absolutely. Yeah, that's because like Joey and I talk about it a lot. We talk about marketing and all that and It's how a lot of people now are very uh, cheap a lot of people Uh, like don't want to spend on marketing. They want to hire someone for free to that and spending hundreds of like tens of thousands of dollars on a video
Starting point is 00:47:33 That you're never going to see like direct money from Like it's it's it's it must be so weird now. Yeah, and it's non-recoupable You know, the the band actually pays for it from their royalties And they're like if we make a badass video this album will sell. Well, all right, let's take michael jackson striller It didn't cost no ten cents to make those two movies. Those. Yeah, but those two videos Is why that fucking album sold? Wow You know, what's three million when you're gonna make 35 million, right? You know what I'm saying, what's three million when you're gonna make 35 million?
Starting point is 00:48:10 No, absolutely because it's a fucking nothing. It's part of doing business and it was all mtv That's what you saw all mtv all mtv. Yeah, I was telling I was telling was it where you want to call me or diega? Stay now probably. I still remember Staying home to watch a fucking guy. I still remember going to a party on new year's eve And everybody stopped in the midnight because they were gonna premiere a new video. Oh, yeah Like that's how big mtv used to be Like you a new year's eve that we're gonna premiere a video of some fucking guy named al donovo I never heard this fucking al donovo before al donova
Starting point is 00:48:45 But why the fuck would they premiere a video somebody at midnight on new year's eve if he ain't gonna be any good And he shows up and there's a helicopter and there's two guys with machine guns And you hear laser beams and then al donovo jumps off the stage And the music is men's immortal. You know, you're like wow Wow, wow, wow Wow, wow And also he just comes running out of a cloud of smoke and he starts bobbing with the band and it was okay You know personally now. He's like a he sold two or three songs like that. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:49:19 That's his claim of fame now. Yeah, but they would put how many advertisements that they do how many you have no idea What they used to do I still remember fucking sending postcards into mtv to attend pat benetha's wedding in oi You know, why the fuck? That's what they were doing and the member one bands would come to your house and play a show at your backyard We did one of those Christmas There you go freaking christmas, right? So it's like wait a minute. We just got off this tour
Starting point is 00:49:48 and on that Five days, which is during christmas that i'm gonna have off. I gotta go somewhere in america To play in somebody's backyard, you know, so somehow that must have been the best concert ever Like you might you must have been annoyed. You got like ten thousand dollars quiet, right? Well, yeah, yeah, the people who won I got shit. It was nothing. I mean it was promotion promotion, right? so I'm and and then the manager calls and says hey listen. Yeah the winner is some guy in pacoyma Wherever it was it was, you know driving distance, you know
Starting point is 00:50:24 They say oh great so I can at least spend christmas with my family and then go to this guy's backyard and And play come on field You know because I thought man, we're gonna be stuck somewhere and you know, so what can fargo play? So mtv you would send the postcard into mtv if you want You would win ten thousand dollars and a hundred of your friends would be invited to a pool party We're quiet, right? Personal in your backyard. Holy shit food provided everything It was like a fucking party and they came to your house and there was a couple other bands that did it I forget who loves we did it. So so what came first mtv or the music video?
Starting point is 00:51:05 Do you remember mtv? What was the music there were music videos? You know like oh, no, no, no beaters made music. Yeah, no music But a whole channel that just played music videos. I mean that was never done before All right mtv was created september of 81 Wow, you remember that? Yeah mtv came out september of 81 You guys shot videos for blizzard of oz Way before 81. Well, actually the video that is available on youtube from a a a access or cable access station in rochester new york
Starting point is 00:51:41 Uh That was Not done for mtv, but was actually done to promote the show that we played in rochester That was the only real three camera Shoot we did with randy because there was plans to do a What what is known as speak of the devil from ervine? Down, you know down the road with brack gillis. That was supposed to be randy roads playing on that But of course, you know, he he passed away a few months before that
Starting point is 00:52:09 So the only shoot that we did with actual three cameras, you know, you could edit that That was it. That was it. It was mr. Crowley. Yeah, mr. Crowley I don't know Yeah, he has like three four songs. Yeah, I saw that yeah that one, you know and And you know randy and I I I wrote about it in my book we We walk in there it's it's it's a little room It's a little bit bigger than this, you know, and there were maybe like 10 15 people watching us perform and
Starting point is 00:52:42 And it was our day off and we just took it as eh you know I turned around to randy and said well, thank god. Nobody's nobody's ever gonna see How it became, you know, it's the only thing that we have, you know, we're with randy on it, you know And we we never knew that was going to be our only uh exposure, you know to show how the brilliance of randy, you know It's crazy how there were videos But I had never really seen a music video till mtv
Starting point is 00:53:14 But there used to be a show on usa That also started about 82 if any if 81 was mtv USA had a show called night flight. Oh, yeah on friday night flight. Yeah And it went from nine to six in the morning. Yeah, what covered everything. Yeah art a movie a short film sketches But they would cover a band like the 10 o'clock segment was a band And they would play videos that you go with a second. That's 1976. You know when they just did the 70s on CNN
Starting point is 00:53:49 They had great videos what Then that really music videos there were uh scenes from a concert like heart which crazy on you or shit like that We had uh midnight special Yeah, that's right midnight special night special. We had in concert duncursion or in concert Those were brilliant brilliant Now did you ever go on there with ozzy? Uh, no by then midnight special was was gone and in concert too We did what is the first
Starting point is 00:54:20 mtv special Produced for mtv which is speak of the devil with us performing live at urbine that That was uh, that was actually premiered halloween 1982 What did you guys do with the ritz? Oh, that's another speaker the devil That's the rerecordings of black sabbath Live at the ritz which again brad gills. Tommy elders and and and ozzy and myself
Starting point is 00:54:48 That was it gets confusing. It gets really confusing. Yes, two things the same thing That's what i'm saying. What the fuck is he talking about? I had speaking of the devil for the fucking the ritz in new york city It's amazing the memory you guys have like i like I don't know how you remember shows the name of the the makeup artist or the whatever it was the the Stylist your memory is brilliant that makeup artist and all that shit is because i because i i i really I shareish the blessings of every single step of my career is that why that's the same way i look at it
Starting point is 00:55:23 Sometimes like you forget you remember those people for being there. Absolutely. Absolutely, but i remember you Like ozzy there was two out. Let me listen And i'm writing about this now and i'm thinking of putting this in to this book like the music Like the chapter's name and then the songs or music i was listening to. Yeah that Is that 80
Starting point is 00:55:54 81 It was just fucking that ozzy out And pink Floyd the wall pink Floyd the wall came out november 79 Right something like that the tour started in february in new york And those were three months that i wanted to shoot myself Like i wanted to kill myself Like i was waiting for a train to hit me
Starting point is 00:56:18 But i said I gotta wait for pink floyd Like i can't kill myself before pink floyd don't make no sense I pay 1550 i can't die before pink floyd. That's a lot of money back then. Yeah My mother had died november 8th The ticket the pink floyd album came out like the 23rd or something And that kept me alive to february And then on february i read an article that ozzy was done and
Starting point is 00:56:46 I'm a pot he was creating new out and then all of a sudden i went And went to bleaker bobs in the city and i saw the four song e p And that was more hope for me And you know listen every time i'm in that car and i hear Nobody ever told you told me i found out for myself. You gotta believe in foolish miracles It's not how you play the game. It's if you win or lose you can't choose That's it. That kept me alive another five years like that kept me alive That album kept me alive
Starting point is 00:57:18 And then you know the diary of a madman put me over the top but at that time He was biting animals and we started i was telling these guys i went to a party once And my friends had a table and a hammer and they were breaking glass And for you to come into the party had to eat a piece of glass like when ozzy started eating animals It set my town on fire One halloween we went dressed to the thing as a as garbage And we all took strings and tied live mice around their tails We walked into the party with live mice hanging off the garbage
Starting point is 00:57:49 And then we started pulling up the mice everybody across the country was eating fucking animals Everybody you go to like everybody was eating the rats head More people after ozzy bit that fucking pigeons head off more people got sick He created a fucking it was then the guy went on david led him and said because ozzy ate a bicycle No, come on. I remember you said I took up a year to eat a bicycle We I was uh, we were playing love at texas and this is after ozzy pissed on the alamo Right, you know, so we were we were getting death threats, you know the uh, whatever
Starting point is 00:58:26 militia What's in texas militia was gonna you know shoot ozzy on stage and we were like staying away from him or we Come over to us and run away from him, you know And and I and I'm like doing my you know my things From you know, swinging from one side to the other and I hear this on stage. I feel it It just hit the stage And it looked down And I thought somebody had thrown a baby on stage. It was actually a bullfrog
Starting point is 00:58:52 They have those suckers are huge and down in texas man. They're like baby size, right? Oh, no and People were like bring dead animals to our show and and security would like stop with them Then they would take polaroids and bring a backstage and say check out this Head of a cow Like somebody just went to slaughterhouse grab a head of a cow And bro, you know was trying to bring it on the show so they could throw it on stage, you know So ozzy could bite it. I was there when ozzy bit the bat, you know, and
Starting point is 00:59:25 Again, I'm doing my thing and I and I look on the ground and there's this thing crumpled up thing and I I I motion to ozzy. Hey, you know, check this out, right? So I keep playing And we do our set So I did not see him doing the whole thing because I was you know headbanging, you know I we're getting off the stage, you know, we just finished the show and there's an ambulance Ready and they put him in the ambulance and they take him to the hospital
Starting point is 00:59:59 And I go what the hell is going on? He said well ozzy bit this bat and he thought it was rubber And he just bit into it and then realized that it was the real thing and And threw it on into the pit, you know where the audience is They couldn't find it, you know in order to test it for rabies. So they gave ozzy rabie shots And the the tour manager comes in the bus because, you know, we parked the bus right outside the hospital waiting for him to get, you know to get checked out The tour manager goes there come can I borrow your camera and say yeah, go ahead take it Yeah, so it takes pictures of ozzy and the nurse, you know, hamming it up
Starting point is 01:00:38 You know game the rabie shot on his leg on his thigh, you know, this big nurse, you know in Des Moines, Iowa and So, you know, he comes in with that with this little box and he puts it in the fridge and I go What's in that and he goes oh, it's it's it's monkey serum I gotta I I gotta take this every every day. So he starts, you know getting injections on the road monkey serum injections for his rabies Yeah What is wrong with people like like was there a bat flying around in the how did the bat end up in the morning?
Starting point is 01:01:16 I said buddy grab a bat and throw it on stage You know, listen back in the in the dive of madman tour. We had a little person a little john Adore you know little person and dressed like a monk On stage that he would be like the guy who brings ozzy a towel or Or or or you know a drink or something during in the middle of the show And he was actually an actor this guy had been on blade runner and a bunch of bunch of movies, you know and And and ozzy used to like torture him and we used to hang him
Starting point is 01:01:54 Well, the crew did the during our ballad goodbye to romance. He would be like hanging, you know from a noose Behind the drums, you know, so at the end a monk A monk, you know with a robot and stuff, you know, and he he used to drag a bucket of of like Buddy parts, you know, like uh gizzards and intestines or whatever whatever The runner for the promoter will go to the grocery store and buy
Starting point is 01:02:28 Just gizzards and chicken livers and whatever and throwing that bucket And and and tripe tripe tripe was always the best to throw because it was like Like like a lasso, you know, you could it had distance if you threw that And a lot of the times it was not it would not defrost by the time, you know, that the the show ended, you know So he was throwing out there like frozen pieces of liver and and gizzards and whatever, you know One day and what happens is Okay, he would start throwing it throwing the meat out into the audience during paranoid, which was the last song So here, you know, we're like rocking out and there's this dwarf
Starting point is 01:03:08 You know marching across the stage slowly throwing throwing you know Inwards, you know animal parts into the audience and the audience is ducking, you know the first 20 rows everybody was like duck, you know But what goes into the audience comes right back at on stage So you spend the second half of the song ducking Body parts again, because you know liver and shit that was coming at you as you're playing, you know And one time I got hit I got hit during a bow because you know, you went when you take a bow with a band
Starting point is 01:03:42 You know, you can you guard your arms around, you know, the other guys and Everybody goes down at the same time and everybody comes up at the same time I see this piece of liver coming at me I guess I'm coming up and go oh shit Bam got hit right on the forehead. These are your fans Like why I don't understand. They're crazy. They just got caught in the moment Did you ever go to one of these concerts with the meat Joey? No, I never I the last Ozzy concert I probably went to
Starting point is 01:04:11 was October Of 82 at the metal lands With Brad Gillis, whatever his fucking name was that was it. That was yeah, they had the castle already. Yeah 82 yeah, that was it I had gone to the shows at the Palladium and 81 with you guys That was with Randy. Were you there first or second show? I think I was there on Friday night Oh, no me. There were two shows in one night. Yeah, I think I don't know what the Yearly or the other like one. Yeah. Yeah, but it was just so weird. That was it for me. Like that was it. And I don't remember
Starting point is 01:04:45 Any fucking animals or anything fucking clocking me in the head alive on other people crazy. Listen man, there's a clip There's a clip from Don Kershner's Rock concert killing yourself to live You know, and I always look at that clip and there's three guys in that concert That that was me and my lunatic buddies. We used to make our own shirts We had a buddy of mine Mike Askelis who worked at Levy's sporting goods in west New York So before every concert he'd give you a shirt
Starting point is 01:05:17 I remember for Suicide Solution. We wore Suicide Solution with a joint in between Suicide Solution But it was really a line of coke But people would ask us what it was and we'd say it was a lot of fucking coke. What does it say Lee? You find that? Yeah, I just I have the guys up if you look at these fucking lunatics This was this was an Aussie concert. This was a a black Sabbath concert which he carried over Oh, yeah, look at those three morons. You see those three morons That's me and my buddies with the homemade t-shirts Aussie Tony Giza
Starting point is 01:05:49 Black Sabbath has returned started right from there. What but push it up a little closer like uh move it up a little earlier Like a little more more more more right there. Watch them. Watch this. Do you want to hear it? Look at fucking IOMI Rudy Look at him, bro. He was We'll wait till you see these three morons. That was Joey Diaz and his friends Look at them. Look at these three morons. But wait, they even go even crazier. Watch this Watch this watch these three morons Ready, this is Joe Diaz. Look at them. Look at them. Look at them. They almost killed themselves Look at these three guys. They're going fucking apeshit. That's what you had Lee people just going fucking nuts, man
Starting point is 01:07:07 Listen to that shit at home people This is 40 some years ago 40 Something look at them. Look at them. Look at them. And one of them is black. He can't fucking believe it He's like, I'm not going back home. I'm done. I'm hanging out with white people. You know, look at them Watch this one. Watch this one. Have a look at them. You know a pilot they're losing their fucking minds Yeah They still haven't had enough look at these two guys as Joey Diaz they haven't stopped
Starting point is 01:08:01 Look at them. Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah I Look at these three guys Rudy tremendous None of these three guys gave a fuck look at them. You think they gave a fuck about trump or hillary? Look at them. Look at them. Look at them. He don't give a fuck He's a butler. He don't give a fuck right there I
Starting point is 01:09:10 You think the war gives a fuck Look at this savage God damn Then they came back Would never say die and I don't think it was that good. I'm not curse is right. That's it I think I gotta tell you it's guys like you were talking about That makes us musicians You know going through
Starting point is 01:09:41 No, it's not it's not about What we do on stage is all the bullshit that we have to get go through as you know For you to get on stage all the bullshit you gotta go through to for those One hour our you know 75 minutes. So you're there It's that audience that's going apeshit that makes everything worthwhile. Oh my god, you know, I mean lose my mind I'll lose my mind. You're you're an entertainer. You know what it's like when the audience is going bad shit, you know You feed right into it. Yeah, exactly. It's like this weird. Yeah, it's it's it's I can't stop now Yeah, exactly. I can't stop now exactly. That's what they were doing right there. They're like, you know what? Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:20 We're gonna take these motherfuckers to the health. They're gonna leave you going And another thing that I took from watching that video again It's being in in the tour bus without having a conversation Because you know back in the day, there's no There's no social social media It's not it's not like a bunch of guys sitting around with their iPads or iPhones, you know going on twitter. No, it wasn't like You you're you're stuck in a tour bus smelling each other's parts And you got you know, you have to socialize
Starting point is 01:10:50 You know, what else are you gonna do? It's nothing, you know, we had like like in television In video games the stick man running across a A tv tv screen, you know, it was we had VHS cassettes We had nothing So you do is you sit around you talk and drink, you know, if you're into drinking whatever So I'm here with Ozzy and we go hey Ozzy Are you ever beatles fan? And it goes you man beatles to change my life, you know the beatles
Starting point is 01:11:21 And then he goes Yesterday Love was such an easy game to play and it just sounded so evil The way that he's saying he could sing happy birthday. He would like join in happy birthday to you And he's like holy shit, you know The the clouds are come rolling in it gets dark In the room It could be the happiest song
Starting point is 01:11:49 But he puts the hand the doom on he puts a cabaschon and shit Yeah, he could he could fuck up that jewish song Whatever they won't even want to jump up and down the jews they're like what the fuck happened Here take the envelope back. I'm in no mood for this aggravation. Let me give some let me give some shout outs real quick here I'm in no mood. Yeah Carlton Shackleford you bad motherfucker Ryan Donnelly Latisha Caighton Nick
Starting point is 01:12:21 Minano Derek Winslow Jordan Caidor Old bar muscle. You're a good man Savva Wilkinson and my man pretzel worst You know, I love all you cock suckers. Guess what? I got no dates. So I'm off for a couple weeks September 16th. I'm in Oklahoma
Starting point is 01:12:45 at the casino And then the end of the month the charity casino, I think right? I think it's called and at the end of the month I'm at the pittsburgh improv and uh the end of september that's it. I got a slow month this month I'm not in the fucking mood. You know what I'm saying? I'm writing them. I'm taking care of shit rudy What do you got going on? I said gotta go shout out to my godson. He's one of your Yes, yes. Oh, Vinny Vinny fiado Vinny fiado. I love you papa Where are you in miami in miami? Tell him I'll be in doro down there. Yeah, next year. Oh, that's that's close Yeah, yeah, I'll be down there next year. Yeah, there was uh when when when are you gonna be there?
Starting point is 01:13:23 They're gonna open up a club and they just called the other they said you interested in an opening it I'm trying to find the 600 seat theater in miami That's what I'm trying to find a hundred seat theater I could go down there and do two shows on a friday and get it over and start building this fucking cuban thing I want to start building it down there. Yeah, I want to start going down there and working on like there's a place called magic city casino Yeah, I know right there and you may look at my balls They keep breaking my balls about that casino. So Let's see what the hell happens. They found one and four a lot of them, but I don't want to play that's too far
Starting point is 01:13:56 That's too far from what I want to do. So it's just been a nightmare lately But there was something that I really wanted downtown miami. That would be a good that would be even like that jackie gleason theater Oh, yeah, I just don't know what it seats Oh, it's big It's big. Yeah for the last two years. We've been losing a lot of musicians Like just a handful from greg wallman to the fucking prince But this year we lost two of them to the same fucking thing, you know And I remember when you and I first met we were here and this I think we're in the other office
Starting point is 01:14:31 And we were talking about uh, how With musicians comedians There's a thin line with mental illness, you know You know, li and I had a we had a double day podcast in here about depression, you know, li was feeling a little down Did you go talk to your people today? Uh, not today. I'm going next week next week. So you didn't go this week Not this week you fucked up already so, uh You know, we're just talking about things, you know, I feel shit different times in my world, you know
Starting point is 01:15:04 I get feelings in my head that Are not evil nothing, but I'm just not feeling what I should be feeling You know what I'm saying? Like you're fine yourself and you're like, why am I feeling like this? I have no reason in the world to feel like this What do I feel this way? But this year We've had two musicians, you know, chris cornell. We hear every fucking day on the radio to rub salt in your wounds You know, I feel like writing a letter for the radio stations and gonna stop playing them for a year Please a year because I can't even get over it. You know
Starting point is 01:15:36 I like the other band, you know, but it's not about whether you like the band and that the kid still took his life What a fucking shame from lincoln park I mean, what the fuck what what? You know, now you're hearing all these stories. They were part of a child pornography ring and they went in and hung both of them You know, these fucking people don't stop with the conspiracy theories You know, they found no obvious harrowing and chris, you know, they found whatever Pills he had in the system, you know
Starting point is 01:16:07 I mean, what do you have a take on this? Do you feel anything? Well, the uh, the theory behind the child pornography ring was that they were about to Uncover they were about to say who was involved. They were not involved in it. No, they were completely against against that you know I got knocked over some Lazarus, which is like I gotta go to church and You gotta kill a chicken You gotta kill a chicken when you fuck with that Lazarus
Starting point is 01:16:37 So, uh, yeah, it's it's you know, I've I've I've worked with people that I'm not gonna name of course. It's you know Who we've had some mental issues, you know um it's it's Unfortunately and I think it's not just music. It's it's entertainment industry or even even in sports You know, if you're a big moneymaker If you if you as an artist or an athlete generate a bunch of cash for a bunch of people They're gonna keep feeding you and keep you out there for as long as possible
Starting point is 01:17:12 You know, and you basically Become disposable to them, you know, because you're gone Sometimes you even generate more more money for them after you're gone. Look at Elvis. Look at Michael Jackson. You know, you know all of these, you know, and it's very unfortunate because It's you know, I I I can't judge Anybody because it's their journey We each have our own journey and I'm not here on this earth to judge people You know
Starting point is 01:17:44 Uh, it's very sad that it happens and I just hope that it stops Very soon if people are able to uh to offer help But you know, sometimes when you're so if you're on the road Man, that could be the loneliest place ever. You're in your room all by yourself. Sheds are coming through your head It can be very dark Very very dark even in the bunk of a tour bus, man You know, you're going to traveling and the shit going on through through your head, you know Especially if you happen to have mental illness, you know
Starting point is 01:18:23 So weird how years ago I would go on the road And it wasn't about the comedy Rudy. It was about the cocaine You know, it wasn't about pussy. It wasn't about seeing friends. It wasn't about the food in houston It wasn't about the chinese food in florida It was all about the drugs like I'm gonna go down there for two weeks I'm gonna make 1,300 bucks and I'm gonna come home with 200. I'm gonna drop everything else. I'm blow and have a good time and it's uh It's not lonely. It's lonely that morning
Starting point is 01:18:58 When you're sitting there and you go, what am I fucking doing, you know, and There's just so many ups and downs To this business that people don't really know about they they see you one on your netflix special You know cracking jokes Walking around they think you leave there and you're the life of the party. I love when women start dating comedians I love when women start dating comedians and after 90 days they tell their friends at work I've got this new guy i'm dating. Oh my god Then they all get together and come and see him and they tell her it must be a barrel of labs
Starting point is 01:19:34 Living in the house with this fucking joker And within three years you see what fucking barrel of labs to this to live with a fucking comic and Because there's a flip side to that laughter There's a flip side to that happiness. There's a yin and a yang, you know what i'm saying And you pay for all of it and it's the same thing with music only a different energy You're putting out music, you're not exposing yourself, which in the way you really are You know people are seeing you the tiny chandelier deal And at the end of it all everybody goes back to their room and here you are in your room by yourself
Starting point is 01:20:08 And the party's over and yeah, but I have so much respect for guys like you Sam kinnison You know all my buddies jim florentine, you know craig gas You know guys who get up on that stage With basically your dick in your hand That's all you got You know, we got amplifiers we can be louder than anybody. You know, we got lights we got Fireworks we got big screens. It's just you and a microphone
Starting point is 01:20:42 out there and I couldn't do that You know and you're bearing your soul to the audience. How do you do that? I don't know I don't know I sit here and I forget who the fuck gave me permission To actually believe that I was gonna do like, you know, I'm saying like give me a shit something
Starting point is 01:21:09 Who gave you permission who gave you who gave me permission to think That I was gonna be like I didn't get the memo that I was gonna be an aziaz ones band after he broke up a black Sabbath I didn't I didn't get that memo you get it really I didn't get this memo about comedy I never got this thing that this is what it was going to end up like at all booty when I got into this it was just to do something with my life I didn't get I didn't know Anything I love richard bryer and I love what he stood for and when he lit himself on fire with the coke
Starting point is 01:21:41 I loved him even more You know and then I read the lennie bruce book and I even became more infactuated when becoming a comic But I didn't have the heart to get on stage Come on. This is a great idea But then I got locked up and I would go up and fuck with the fucking invicts during the week And then I realized this is nothing. This is what I've been doing all my life There's a part in uh, what's that movie with pechino where he plays the football coach Oh, yeah, yeah on any given something. Yeah, he takes jamie fox from 30. Come here. Yeah, it's a quarter to five
Starting point is 01:22:16 Your mother's gonna call your mother just called jen for dinner. You got one plate left Remember you made the guy run to the Cadillac and hook a fucking right same thing It's the same thing I was doing I'm 54 You know, it was the same thing I was doing maybe I don't know when I was 15 In front of a deli in front of 12 people I'm doing the same thing. I was doing in the deli
Starting point is 01:22:45 Talking about we went to a party that day. Let me tell you what fucking Rudy did this cocksucker. No, I didn't I didn't make up with the chick, you know He took down a tree and a zipline No, I didn't I didn't take anything down Lee got a group on and that's what I'm saying. Lee didn't take the zipline down But that's what I would tell my friends and that would start from there Yes, you did cocksucker and you used the group on and then from there everybody would chip and that's staying up comedy You're just doing in front of your fucking friends
Starting point is 01:23:13 And then the closer would be a chick would walk by and I take my dick out and ask her a question I'm like some woman. I was like nine and I would take my dick out and ask a question and we ran away That was the closer. It's the same thing. It was a performance I've been doing this all my fucking life without even knowing you didn't even know it You know on fridays in the sixth grade. I used to have to go to the front of class and sing my eyes adorge By frankie every fucking friday. Yeah, and I actually thought I was frankie valley. I'm sure it was an eye and collar It's the things that are right in front of your face that you end up I just do it in a higher magnitude now. Now I do it in front of 300 people a night
Starting point is 01:23:55 That's the 12 people a fucking delicatessen You know, I'll I'll never forget The first day I ever stood on stage As a musician, you know the first gig, you know, it was in miami We used to have this thing called open houses, which was not an open. It was and nothing to do with real estate was actually it's some sorority group or some little gang were finance this this dance
Starting point is 01:24:21 you know and the uh So they were higher bands and that's what the chicks were, you know, it's kind of like a social thing, you know And we had a band and I stood on a stage and it was a proscenium type stage so there was like an enclosure and I I I never seen this before but I actually saw like an energy Like a shield protecting me from the audience protecting me because it was some pretty rough kids out there, you know And once in a while they'll have like an inner
Starting point is 01:24:52 Inner fraternity fights, you know You know between different fraternities, you know come in, you know, somebody will get stabbed or shot at it's miami you know with bunch of cubans, you know back in the 60s and uh Man, I stood up there and I felt safe for the first time in my life safe In a sense that was not going to get emotionally hurt Because I used to get emotionally hurt a lot, you know, first of all, you know coming from cuba to the united states You know, we we when we arrived in miami in 61 They were trying to avoid what eventually did happen, which is the cubans taking over
Starting point is 01:25:28 You know, miami was a sleepy little town, you know tourism in miami beach and that's about it You know no real industry except for building yachts, you know, that's about it And so here comes these cubans all of a sudden it's like whole shit. Um, how are we gonna You know hire these people there's no jobs, you know, that's how we got relocated to uh to west new york, you know And we became basically undesirables, you know, so I was in the undesirable. That's how you're the original serians You know, we were undesirable because we were cuban refugees and then we were undesirable I was undesirable because I was a fat little kid in the 60s and just all along. I was undesirable. So I was emotionally Really beat up, you know until I started playing music and
Starting point is 01:26:16 You know Coming from cuba, you know, people asked me about politics and then go, you know what politics When I was a kid completely let me down. First of all, you had, you know, we were, you know, this I was about 11 years old by the time we left cuba and So, you know, at 11, you know, what's going on, you know, you see this this revolution that just happened and this guy comes on tv And starts making all these promises and before, you know, things get really fucked up And my family has to leave the country and take us. So that was my first real You know, downer
Starting point is 01:26:54 Or, you know about politics, you know, so we get to united states And things are really cool politics wise. We got kennedy and he's really a good, you know Good president and the country loved him and he gets shot Well, that's second, you know, there's no stability Nothing, not there's nothing here to protect you, you know Politicians are not going to protect your government. It's not going to protect you my mom and dad They're doing their best to take care of me. But this is all unstable because Even somebody that you're rooting for somebody you really appreciate that's, you know, that's doing something for the country
Starting point is 01:27:32 They could be snuffed any moment now, you know, it just happened, you know Or this guy can't come in and make a bunch of promises and turn out to be a liar You know, and you got to leave the country It wasn't until the Beatles came in That was my salvation It gave me hope Life all of a sudden that we got music Music, you know music has never let me down
Starting point is 01:27:56 I might have let music down. I quit it. Maybe a certain part of my life. I didn't devote myself enough to the craft of music But it's always been there I got no beef with music music let me down one time When I went to see black cyber with Dio Sammy Hagar was opening up for shaking street. I was never sold that down in my life. You understand me? I was one of the worst shows of my life, but I love Dio Yeah, yeah, Ronnie was no, I love Dio with black Sabbath. Yeah, yeah, but you know, it's just once I devoted my
Starting point is 01:28:32 Instead, okay, this is what I wanted to you know, I came to LA and I burned my ship It was I didn't have any plan B I was gonna do what I am doing It wasn't like well, if it you know, if it doesn't happen, I'm gonna be a shoe salesman or whatever. No, no I mean it and it was a religious experience for me to actually Get that call from Ozzy, you know that changed my life, you know To do what I'm doing today because I I I bring everything else that that I've been that I've done for the last since 1981 To that moment
Starting point is 01:29:09 And that's the moment that it happened changed my life, you know And even though I have made peace with God and everything there was no plan B You know, that was it. I was sleeping on the floor and I got that phone call. It wasn't like, uh, well, you know me Well, I'm selling shoes at pay less or whatever. No, I was I was gonna be a musician and that's it I was the start of a musician. You would stop in the street and say, hey, dude. What are you? What do you do? I am a musician You know to me it just starts with that preview visualization. I am I am this You know without that you just don't have any
Starting point is 01:29:45 Any platform to really stand on for what you believe or you believe that you can be someday I listen Rudy. I told you I had the same problem when I came here. This was it This was it. This was it If something good didn't happen I was gonna go stab my uncle and get on the plane and go to new york and try to sell drugs That's it. That was it. There was no plan B I was out of plan B's I was out of plan B's jack, you know, I was
Starting point is 01:30:24 28 maybe when I came to come in 91. So I was 28 years old I never been to prison. I already sold drugs that worked for a printer. I did everything This was the last ray. I hope and it took me two years just to get To understand the magnitude of whatever what I was getting myself into You know what I'm saying? Like I thought you went up on stage somebody walked in and saw you you got an HBO special and you were a comedian That's it. I didn't know that you had a right jokes and stuff I thought well, no all those specials. You see I thought somebody would just call you that morning. What are you doing to that?
Starting point is 01:30:59 Come on down with a run a camera come and do 40 minutes. That's what I thought it really was And then I realized what the parameters were how hard you had to work and again You have another decision to make correct When you realize when you joined Ozzy when you joined quiet ride and shit started rocking and rolling This was a long step from you guys in the garage dicking around smoking three joints playing come together or Or help the skelter. You know what I'm saying? This ain't help the skelter no more that guy in the corner
Starting point is 01:31:32 That's a juke and he answers to another string of fucking jews and they're here watching you So you make songs that sell money because that's how you co-exist. That's how you know, it's a different game Yeah, you've come a long way since that garage. Yeah for me. It was the same thing I was doing I was following line dance classes On a sunday night at a country western bar Bombing on t age no and then bolder and in denver. I was doing comedy. That's why I started and next thing, you know I'm in the 2000 seat theater opening up for joe rogan, you know opening up for paul mooney opening up for eddie griffin You know opening up for dice in vegas, you know, I went from the one extreme to the next and now you're like wait a second
Starting point is 01:32:15 But there's a big Moment where you have that doubt. Did you ever have that doubt at all where you like? This is what it's going to take Because when you joined when you were already in azi you had already a little bit of taste of fame From quiet right not really no no locally only locally and that's you know, this that's not going to get you anywhere, you know You're just a local big fish in a small pond, you know And the pond was getting bigger and drying up because at that time that I got the call from azi It was all about new way from punk here in los angeles
Starting point is 01:32:53 It wasn't about rock and roll, you know rock and roll as we know it or it became in in the 80s You know, you had bands like motley crew and radham And and and doc and just playing locally or you know trying to get that break, you know You know, it was it was it was a whole different different la But it's really interesting that you said you you said the same the same premise when I came here And I think that's what la is la is the place where if you got a dream this is where you come to You know, you don't go to fargo To fulfill your dream unless you're a farmer, you know, you come here
Starting point is 01:33:32 so This is what really separates la From makes it different from the rest of the country, you know, this is a it plays where and where Winners and losers all come here for that shot that one shot man This is it. This is like this is a bigger gambling city Than las vegas because you're gambling with your life your future Here, you know, you you could lose your money At a table and still make the money again
Starting point is 01:34:02 But to lose your life to lose your future who you are Not to really accomplish your dreams. That's the biggest loss you could ever have ever not to What was what was the wording you just used? accomplished dreams Not to even accomplish your dreams But not even to go for them. That was my biggest fear
Starting point is 01:34:27 My biggest fear was going fuck. I had the opportunity to really go down. Yeah, but at least you had a dream You know how many people I know that Don't have a dream Don't have a dream. They're just happy with you know, god bless them because we need everything of you know We need everybody to be different things But that wasn't us. That wasn't you. That wasn't me That wasn't the people that that have come to la to make it, you know And I know people in la that came here to be musicians
Starting point is 01:35:00 You know, they they happen to arrive at the time where the music industry was shutting down But they have no choice. They came here and they actually became bigger successes In fields outside of being a musician I got personal friends of mine who are like huge industry people that you talk to them say well Yeah, I came here to la trying to you know, get in the band and and do this and they fail at that But boy, they're like the biggest in their field That is that is well, that's always a blessing. I look a leak came here to be in that
Starting point is 01:35:37 The day he called me he was gonna apply the pizza place and he didn't show up and Uh, a fundraising thing for like a democratic or like just a political phone raise a fundraiser on the phone I was I was applying the second job because like I I was I wasn't making enough to survive And we started as making videos for a hundred a week That's it. I'll shoot a video you edit a week and We would talk about different things, but if he never would have contacted me He would have been back in boston today It's just making the effort sometimes
Starting point is 01:36:15 Yeah, absolutely. What if happened if he would have gone back to boston I started a podcast and you would have been listening to him now going. I wish I would have fucking contacted him Yeah, I mean and that's you know, that's that that was always my biggest fear about anything How much how much thought did you guys put into coming here? Because everything My I think one of my biggest issues in life is over overthinking things And I notice when I when I just do things off of a random whim They you I mean not always but they tend to go. Okay. It tends to go better than I thought it would So like I
Starting point is 01:36:47 I was just in an office like they kept me working for the summer because they were very nice. They loved me So they were just like we'll keep you here. There's nothing for really you for to do So I was just hanging out on facebook Trying to be like look like I was busy. So I would do some things and then I just wrote you a message randomly Everybody growing up Wants to do the right thing You know, we all want to do the right thing. You know what I mean? I think the day I made the decision to become a comedian. I let everything go
Starting point is 01:37:17 That was the day I stopped thinking about things That was the day I stopped worrying about bills. That was the day I stopped worrying about what day it was It doesn't really matter. You have a mission to do shut the fuck up get up go do it and that's it That was the day you It's it's it's a horrible fucking thing Because you have to suck 20 000 dicks a woman has to suck 20 000 dicks before she finds a prince What do you think we do as men? We got to suck 2 000 dicks We got to work construction work this work that until we figure out what we want to fucking do
Starting point is 01:37:54 But once you do it and you think about it for maybe a day And you decide to give it a try and you stop thinking you just do Thinking is the enemy of man. It's the destructive of man Once you get thought and once you start giving yourself obstacles. What if I do lose you just lost. Yeah, absolutely You just lost. Yeah, what if I did well if I try and I don't like it Okay, you know what? Yeah, you just said the word if I try it. I don't like it. Yeah, you already committed out of it You're out of then three weeks just because you said that just because you allowed your mind to go there You just quit already three weeks from now. It's gonna last three weeks. It's gonna last three weeks
Starting point is 01:38:32 I think it when I came to LA I had nothing to lose I know where the fucking go I was just a comment. I ended up in Seattle with a stripper and I thought the goal of coming I told coming to LA meant you had to be the best of the best of the best In your field and it didn't mean that Just coming here makes you a better person in a way. Absolutely. It lifts your level and then once you get here It's like anything else
Starting point is 01:39:02 You adapt and adjust. Is that the word? And you fucking run with the ball like you know what you're doing even though you don't Yeah, that was what it was for me. I ran with the ball Even though I did not know what was going on, you know, how much I used to torture Richie super in 1998 That's another success story, you know, he used to fucking hate me because I knock on his door every time I was at that office and go yeah, when he gonna put me on the road dog and you missed it last night. I killed He would go just because you killed don't mean you're fucking gonna be a success now get the fuck out of here, kid I would leave him alone
Starting point is 01:39:39 You know, and yeah, you're right now. He's got to be a company Now he's got to fucking be a company, you know, you never know till you wake the fuck up Out of bed and do something with your life. That's it. That's what I say every moment. Just get up. Just get up, bro Get up and get out You might be walking and bump into a fucking cd A cb radio salesman and he talks into becoming a cb radio salesman. Where's the cb? They don't you don't use the cb no more But there's got to be 3 000 people who are still stuck in the cb
Starting point is 01:40:08 And you find all of them and sell them new cbs Every you know every fucking seat has an ass When I used to sell cars I go look at that fucking green car. Who's gonna buy that? And I had an old car manager that would go every seeds got an ass kid Somebody will come in here and buy in a week later. There's somebody with there would be One man's chicken is another man's gumbo dog. It might be an ugly car to you But there's some guy wow a green car. I want that fucking thing Yeah, you know, I just want to go back to one thing you mentioned before which was the letting go factor
Starting point is 01:40:45 To me that that was the key to me As soon as I let it go, it's just you just poured Just let it go let it let it happen. You know what I mean? It's just like Don't like you said don't don't Don't defeat yourself By having the negative thought that it's not gonna happen. Don't worry even worry about it. It's gonna happen You know if you look at if you go back a hundred years Los Angeles
Starting point is 01:41:15 Los Angeles is a place that has been built upon people that came here with a dream You know back going back to the silent era You know like all these men and women that want to be part of the silent movies and and then you know, you got radio television And then finally, you know Eventually music became a part of it, you know, so this is generations of dreamers Dreamers even if you were like, you know, my wife, she is not in the entertainment industry But her word her dad came to to la You know from the midwest because he wanted to be a guitar player. He wanted to be a musician
Starting point is 01:41:54 You know, so it's it's generations of dreamers that Make up this whole this whole area this whole place. This is one of the most unique unique environments in the whole world I never thought about it that way. I think of my parents leaving cuba. Yeah Before the revolution, yeah, like they knew something that maybe Yeah, they left like my dad left him like 52 or something. He was a young kid. He goes fuck this shit You know, he did what most people do. They just left after high school. Yeah, they just got up and they said fuck this
Starting point is 01:42:34 I've had enough of this island living Gilligan still hasn't showed in shit. Yeah, so what do you got coming up? more shows with with the guess who We have an album coming out Let's see, uh, uh, rock and roll fantasy camp september. Would you just priest? A whole bunch of stuff. You're a fucking savage. You know, man, I this is a monday morning podcast And I think just the last 15 minutes of this podcast was so strong for a monday morning About like where it all starts with your mind
Starting point is 01:43:11 People don't really believe that shit But it's true Rudy for me. It started when I said I'm getting into comedy. I don't give a fuck about my credit bureau I don't give a fuck about the credit card people I don't give a fuck about the banks. I don't give a fuck about what I drive I don't give a fuck about what my clothes on Because at the end it doesn't really matter unless you're happy for years. I worried about my job and I gotta have white sneakers or not. I gotta have a black shirt on it. Who gives a fuck
Starting point is 01:43:42 At the end of the day, I wasn't happy I wasn't happy. I didn't get happy till I started driving Cross country with a pair of shorts on and stinky sneakers and a t-shirt And you got three pair of jeans and three shirts and then last thing you're all week, dog You got like four pair of socks and you get on the stage That's when I really started getting happy When I started waking up in the morning and knew I had to drive 200 miles And I had 3250 in quarters
Starting point is 01:44:10 And I had to get lunch with that reefer and gas to get me to that next location For some reason I'd be fucking happy a lot happier than Making fucking 1200 a week and paying my bills. I was like, this is what I like. I like this. So It's food for thought. Sometimes it's not about the money or the dollars It's about what brings a fucking smile to your face, you know Finding the joy in whatever you do in life, you know, whatever you choose Whatever your dream is, you know, it's gotta be joyful. And once you find it, let yourself go Don't think about it. Don't look back. Yeah, don't compare prices
Starting point is 01:44:46 Don't listen to your uncle about taking that roofing job for 1250 for stability. You know, you know what? Stability is overrated. Don't stability is overrated. Absolutely. I think happiness is fucking doing what you want To the fucking health and even if it broke like I was in comedy for I was in comedy for 12 years before I saw a dime Yeah, we were getting paid but nothing to write home about I could have quit at any time in those 12 years and found a job I would have tricked somebody into being an indoor salesman. I didn't want to do that
Starting point is 01:45:25 I would have rather Live on 8 000 a year and do my own thing and Fuck around at night and smoke pot with your stupid buddies and get on stage Then go into an office and insurance who gives a fuck when you think about insurance. That's when you need insurance For 30 years, I ran around with no insurance. Nothing ever happened to me Once I got insurance, this one started getting cut in two takes and fucking hemorrhoids and your asshole hurts and shit When you have no insurance and you're not worried about it, you're fine. Nothing happens to you. You have another such shit Yeah, I mean I just like you went through your own
Starting point is 01:46:01 journey, you know mine was After randy died, I just lost all the joy of playing, you know, because every night we have to go on stage and it was a reminder Of the tragedy, you know, and I actually left ozzy To join choir riot, which was the biggest unknown You know, it was like nobody in la believed in the band We had like, you know a really bad record deal, but at least it was a record deal and But we couldn't even get management
Starting point is 01:46:29 We had to beg people to manage us and you know, it was like these guys are you know, but as soon as I got my butt on The first few shows that we did we rented a station wagon and we drove up to san francisco to play at the keystones up there and The joy of music came back I had just left one of the biggest bands in the world and here I am playing with the you know with with my buddy Basically, you know a garage band level, you know driving around in a station wagon and But I was happy again Now wouldn't it come out here the noise and all that come out?
Starting point is 01:47:05 Well, I mean it came out on the radio, but you know that no what year? Oh, it's 83 So, okay, so you had that success with them No, with with with with aziz first right with aziz first. They're quiet right then quiet right now What's the record that you guys have you guys have it's the number one heavy metal album? Yeah, well, you know it was actually the first debut Metal album to reach number one. Okay. There's some way because I saw yeah And this is during the the time where to go to number one you had to sell about a million copies a week You know, so it's a lot of records. I mean, you know, like today, you know, like all these people are great getting Grammy awards and whatever
Starting point is 01:47:47 They won't even you know Get sell a million in a year, you know, which is because you know Downloading and you know illegal downloading and everything that goes on, you know I mean basically nowadays you you make a record so you can go to a promoter and say, hey, you know got a brand new record You know give me some shows back in the day was you you You did the shows to promote the record now you do a record to promote the shows You don't make any money on records
Starting point is 01:48:16 Nobody does and we're trying to find like that's why we do meet and greets You know VIP meet and greets, you know, because it kind of like covers the cost of of whatever Touring cost we get, you know the compensator and sold merchandise and stuff like that. I can catch Stevens 300 hours at the beacon theater in new york city The prices for the tickets are outrageous, but people have to know Because there's no more record sales. Yeah, there's only one band that's going to make money this year. That's guns and roses If they release a lot our uh studio record that was the rumor early on Yeah, but even the stones the stones released one this year
Starting point is 01:48:59 I don't know anybody who's bought the record It's a stones record. Come on. It was like, you know, and it's soon as the back in the day you and I You know, you know, yeah, right there. We'll just get it. You know, it was automatic It's a different fucking game on that brother sure is Always a pleasure You know, I love really death Like I said, I got no fucking dates to promote. It's labor day. This podcast is for you And uh, I just gotta tell you two or three things and I'll be out of your hair. Number one as usual
Starting point is 01:49:34 Blue apron bitches. It's the number one fresh ingredient recipe Delivery service in the country Their mission is to make incredible home cooking Accessible to everybody. All right And that's a beautiful thing. I teach how to cook as a family Because let me tell you something families who cook together stay together. I don't care what you say or what they tell you You know, my experience of blue apron has been tremendous leaves had a uh great experience of them They come the the products are measured. There's no waste everything goes in and what you get yourself is a delicious
Starting point is 01:50:07 delicious home cooked meal And uh, you know what 45 minutes or less. I did you know, they're affordable for $10 per person per meal Blue apron to deliver the seasonal recipes along with proportion Ingredients to make tremendous home cooked meals. You got a variety. You choose get a variety new recipes each week Or let blue aprons cool in every team surprise you recipes are not repeated within one year So you'll never be bored. You customize your recipes each week Based on your preferences and there's no weekly commitment. So you only get the deliveries when you want them Each meal comes with a step by step. Listen to me step by step
Starting point is 01:50:48 Easy to follow recipe card and proportion ingredients can be prepared in 40 minutes or less If I could do it you could do it blue aprons freshness guarantee promises That every ingredient in your delivery arrives ready to cook or they'll make it right You want me to tell this week's menu some of vegetable with egg paninis with calabrian chili mayonnaise And a caprese salad you never dreamed of making a caprese salad soy glazed Pork and rice cakes with bok choy and marinated green beans. I don't even know what bok choy is skillet vegetable chili with corn meal and cheddar drop biscuits Are you kidding me garlic butter shrimp and corn with green bean salad and roasted purple tomatoes?
Starting point is 01:51:34 I thought dr. Zeus had purple tomatoes, but that's not how it works out Listen, here's what we're gonna do check out the menus. If there's something you want I'm gonna tell you what i'm gonna do I'm gonna give you three free meals with free shipping by going to blueapron.com slash joey You're gonna love how it tastes. You're gonna love how it feels and you're gonna be happy You get to create incredible home cooked meals right in your house with blue apron So don't wait right now. Give me the shot, bro. Give me the shot You want to lose weight the whole thing this is how to do it?
Starting point is 01:52:04 This is the start right here blue apron dot com slash joey blue apron a better way to cook. All right, number two on it Best supplements out there Alpha brain and don't work for you. You don't like it. Whatever. Yeah, I don't know I started thinking about marshes. You don't like it. You said you don't even have to send it back And they'll give you a money back guarantee 100% They also have the hemp force protein. You got the shroom tech sport Shroom tech immune if you fly all the time you keep your immune system up and that's it and that's that I love you motherfuckers. See you Wednesday. Stay black
Starting point is 01:52:40 Stay healthy and have a good fucking day. All right, and don't let nobody fucking day Remember what me and rudie told you it all starts with your fucking dream Have a great day. Love you Oh Yeah Oh Oh Oh
Starting point is 01:55:48 You

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