Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #557 - Bethany Ashton Wolf

Episode Date: February 8, 2018

Bethany Ashton Wolf, the screenwriter and director of the new movie,"Forever My Girl," joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. See "Forever My Girl" in theatres this weekend! This podcast is br...ought to you by: eharmony - Enter code CHURCH at checkout for a free month when you sign up for a 3 month subscription. eharmony brings compatible people together.      Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.   Recorded live on 02/07/2018.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to podcastville the church of what's happened now is brought to you by you ready for this one e harmony I mean listen, it's valentine's that you shouldn't be alone You should not be lonely if you're trying online dating chances are you've run into lazy text messages Dead in conversations and random matches that don't turn into dates and you can't get to know someone just by looking at that picture Right, that's why I could help you out. Here we go You're ready stop waiting and start your journey to a satisfying meaningful relationship It could be fun to play around with online dating apps But when you're ready to really genuinely fall in love with somebody and have a meaningful relationship
Starting point is 00:00:40 There's only one app that's built to bring you real love. Are you ready for this one e harmony? Come see how e harmony can change your life Go to he harmony.com and get started enter my code church at checkout And it's gonna change your life. All right, Lee you're back on e harmony. You're ready to rock Lee's a single man again So we're gonna check in with him from time to time. He's gonna give you a little detail on e harmony for now Go to e harmony comm right now and then the code church and change your life buddy. All right, Lee kick that mule Oh shit the church of what's happening now bitches here we go
Starting point is 00:01:40 This is my jam Oh my god fast forward this to the end Listen when this song came out Yeah, when this song came out so happy when this song came out I wanted to stab my girlfriend because girls lost their mind in 1984. Yes when this girl song came out girls Took a different meaning for life. We're gonna start fucking and I had a girlfriend at the time Listen to the end of this is great But I love it. It does bring me back to my child
Starting point is 00:02:22 Oh shit, here we go Oh shit Awesome that pulled me out of my flu. Thank you my girl Bethany Ashton's in the house and my number one Christ killer How's everybody doing today? I hope everybody's well February 7th, that's a great song and I fucking hated it when I was 21 that's all came out And this chick would sing this song and kind of like hinted me like I want to see other guys I know it lose my fucking mind. You understand me Represent something different to everyone after I matured I listen to the song one day when I hear it
Starting point is 00:03:22 It makes me so fucking happy like in the mornings Yeah, if I hear in the car when I'm driving I'd sing along to it people looking at me like what the fuck is wrong? Honestly, that was the best because I as you know have the flu and I have fever and a sore throat, but I couldn't help but Yeah I'm really happy that you made it on amends the world to me for you people don't know at home This is Bethany Ashton wolf. All right, she directed a great movie. That's out right now forever my girl I've known it for 20 years. You know, I've sit I watched her you did the little like little shit Yeah, when I met you you had just done something
Starting point is 00:04:03 I did a lot of sure I raised my own money I wrote and directed my own short films and I raised my own money to do my first Feature film theatrical feature before I had met you I raised my own money to do my first SAG experimental feature. I just had to you know as a female and there were no female Writer directors, there were a few it was at 1% 20 years ago, and it's now at 4% so Hindsight being 2020 I would still pick the same road and do the same things But yeah long Long journey to here now. What made you become a director did you go to college for this? I did not you know
Starting point is 00:04:55 I grew up in a really Small town, and I didn't know that there was even An occupation to be had as a screenwriter and director I was I was very smart. I Graduated with 4.0. What'd you go to college? I I My college was funny I that's where things where I started to feel a pull towards something that I didn't know what was out there so
Starting point is 00:05:29 me being the The girl who Looked like I was headed toward everything conventional And all my friends were going to LSU, and I did have the opportunity to have academic Scholarships I started to not Embrace it, and I didn't know why I knew there was something else out there for me And I didn't know what it was and so I remember I missed all the deadlines for my scholarships I grew up
Starting point is 00:06:05 With you know without means or money, so I had to Accept an academic scholarship So at the last minute when all my friends were going to LSU I am I Took the only thing at the time which seemed out of the box was a full ride to Louisiana Tech And then from there, and I just think the universe intervenes because then I was Pretty much all alone with all my friends at LSU, and I was at Louisiana Tech, and I felt very isolated and alone and then Just a summer program
Starting point is 00:06:44 That was happening for college students. You could go and work at Disneyland in Orlando for You know on a college exchange program, and I went and it's crazy in Orlando sound so small But the small town I was from in Louisiana There's a huge jump and I met actors for the first time because Universal Studios had just opened up in Orlando and so young and I was young I Graduated high school at 17, so I was a year younger than everyone else Out there at the time, you know headed into the world
Starting point is 00:07:22 So I was a young girl and I met actors who were working at Disneyland for their day, you know for their day job and pursuing acting so that opened up my world into seeing films being made for the first time so then I just gravitated to sets and Got myself on set as a stand-in and an extra and that's where I really got to see as a stand-in When you're on a set, that's the best seat in the house to to really see how a film works And for those that don't know what a stand-in is a stand-in is the person who
Starting point is 00:08:04 Literally stands in for the lead actors While the set is being lit so the actors come in and rehearse and then they Step away and go back to their trailer or have their time but you get to Be on set while everything is happening so I could really study For 18 hours a day What it was all about so I knew then that I wanted to write and direct The world told me and the industry told me no no no sweetie pie. That's
Starting point is 00:08:39 That's not for you that that's not for you. That's not a job that you can Have and I didn't really understand that but I was really fighting a system at such a young age That it took me a little while to understand the why but I still kept pursuing it But the door that I that they did let me in was the acting door So from there just thought well, I did enjoy acting and I started working as an actress but still keeping my eye on More on everything in the moving parts of what was happening behind the scenes so My film school became
Starting point is 00:09:22 my own journey of Never picking up my ball and going home and so while Hollywood wouldn't let me in the door of writing and directing. I just said okay. I'll Find a way to raise my own money write and direct my own Stuff and Stand in my truth because I don't know how any other way to be You said Disney for I was only I was at Disney and I had to like to support myself
Starting point is 00:09:54 I worked at Disney and two other jobs and I think I was there just a couple of years because I did immediately I was just at Disney maybe a year because literally when I met actors I was like, I want to do that. And so then I I did consistent stand-in work So I started doing stand-in work. I remember I was Roy Shiders Stand-in on an HBO movie like HBO was brand-new. I was Bonnie and Padilla stand-in on another HBO movie and then I started booking jobs. It was when Nickelodeon first came out and I think Nickelodeon started in Orlando at Universal Studios. So when I was I was co-hosting a little kid's show
Starting point is 00:10:42 Oh, yeah, living in Orlando all living in Orlando on my own Yeah, where are you going? Oh, I love you Oh, listen everyone out of the flu and a fever and only Joey Coco Diaz could get me on a bed I really And I really wanted people to get to know who you were Thank you to get to know this beautiful film you did and to get to know your journey Not mean so much to me. Thank you on this podcast It we smoked up and we go when we talk about the zipline that Lee broke
Starting point is 00:11:17 And all this shit, but I also want people know that we all put our pants on one leg at a time That just because you do live and bum fuck Louisiana like Theo Vaughn and yourself. Yeah Yeah, you dream you have dreams and dreams and the dreams start there. It doesn't matter like people Always go. Yeah, I didn't know what it was No, it's it's in you and you had to know how old how long did you last in Louisiana to you came out here How well from Orlando so I in Orlando. I literally like ate up everything that I could there so every TV show that was being filmed there I had done a guest star on like I really just ate it all up and just
Starting point is 00:11:57 Literally was taking it all in and it's so crazy to look back because I'm you know me. I'm a rather shy Shy girl. I'm not an exhibitionist. I don't need to be the center of attention But I was driven my passion for this art that I couldn't quite put My finger on exactly I was just being pulled toward it and so I remember Jumping in my little car and calling my stepdad and saying will you drive me out to LA? Because I've done everything that I can do here and I know that's Where there's more of for me to see and know and be and feel this art That's pulling me in a new one girl and this just how sheltered I was I
Starting point is 00:12:49 I knew one girl and she lived in Hollywood and Hollywood was pretty seedy still at the time and she I didn't know but she was living with her Boyfriend and her boyfriend's band and this little one bedroom apartment Right off of Hollywood and July Street like it was still and And I remember my stepdad bringing me to the apartment. It was guys with long hair and I'd never Seen guys with a long hair before that's how sheltered I was he was like, are you sure you want me to leave you here? And I was like, I think so and but I just I just jumped right in and
Starting point is 00:13:29 Where I realized I truly was meant to Direct I'd always been a storyteller and English lit was always my thing and I'd Again like everything that I could could do and have you know in my town Like I remember I would do English lit rallies and win state rallies and stuff like that So writing and storytelling and I grew up, you know in the French quarter and around New Orleans and so around all these very influential storytellers that shaped my life but directing When I saw what the job was I realized
Starting point is 00:14:10 That's what I've been doing with my brain since I was a little girl that part comes very organically to me I'm making a movie right now of you and me of us three here. It's how my brain processes I'm making a movie. I'm editing it. I'm putting it together and I'm making it a little more Fantastical than it actually is Part of it. I'm sure Came from self-preservation growing up and part of it is just my wild Imagination the only way I know how to explain it, you know, the the film life is beautiful And you guys remember that film and he he he was in you know, a really
Starting point is 00:14:57 Really tough situation with his family and he made just this imaginary world Around them and sort of lifted up Where their reality was by creating this, you know, just going into the mind of your imagination So you can make anything better. I can make any I can control and make anything better That I'm writing on a page I can take my characters anywhere I want them to go and then my brain can release Everything creatively that's happening in my head in a way. So it's very healthy for me
Starting point is 00:15:33 It's very cathartic and therapeutic and it makes sense. So that's something I started writing When I got to Hollywood because the acting had come Pretty quickly and It came easier in Orlando because that was a much smaller You know a much smaller pool so to speak and then you get to LA and and everybody here has their little resume With their guest starring roles and you're like, oh my god, this is this is going to be tough So I first started me writing and directing my own stuff From a very self-serving place of I have to showcase myself as an actress
Starting point is 00:16:18 To get work and I have to build Build a reel. So that's I started. I don't even know how I knew how to do that again I think these things come from the gut and and I was a very Intrepid courageous and tenacious girl and So I'd raised a little bit of money and started writing and directing but starring in it as well And then I got an agent from that and then but I kept dancing around and kept saying I really really love Writing and directing and and everyone would just kind of say no, that's that's not you don't fit that mole
Starting point is 00:16:58 That's that's not something for you. You belong in who do you look at as directors that inspired you like what director? Because I remember having a conversation Years ago and you were dropping some fucking names. I don't know what the fuck you were talking about. You know deep on my head Took me to a fucking dry clean. Yeah, I'm way I don't even know what you're talking about. Well there at the time I mean, that's what Penny Marshall was one of the few female director. You know when I was 17 and saying I want to write and direct they were like you're you're not there's penny Marshall You're not penny Marshall and you're not quirky and you're not you know
Starting point is 00:17:36 So there just wasn't that much and there were other female directors. You know who did a good job with me? And there's Nora affront, you know, I don't want to just count with children She directed me on mad TV. Oh, yes, she was right. She's amazing. I I'd see was like she was the guy's wife. Yeah, she's so good But how long ago did she direct you like we're going back we're going back to Yeah, so see so it was good like you opened up like it did like there were I mean, there was Nancy Myers There's Nora Afton you Yes, that's an ankle
Starting point is 00:18:16 No, no, that's like Katie Segal was from Sons of Anarchy. No Katie Segal. Isn't that here? I'm a second one for my with children. Oh, I don't know the couple's wife They thought the little wife. Yeah, she's a she's a personal. She's lesbian Real life. Yes, she's and there were more lesbians To me fit them all right. I get what you're saying, right lesbians Like I didn't have there were and they'd say like maybe if you pull your hair back and wear a top hat and some funky glasses Christina Applegate. No, no, I do love Amanda Beers But they were Amanda saying that I just didn't
Starting point is 00:19:00 Fit the mold, you know, I was just a little too normal I was female and the quintessence of female. Now, couldn't you do the normal? DP Cinematographer never become a director in Hollywood. I think they wouldn't even let you go that right now If I would have known how long the journey was I think if I but I again like I embraced everything that I've gone through because honestly who I am on a set now Is because of it every short film I've ever made every, you know, because I do Come from a producer's perspective. I'm mindful of a budget. I know how to stay within a budget
Starting point is 00:19:43 I'm thoughtful about that and my producers really appreciate that all that everything I've experienced being able to make really really fast decisions I Know how to do those because I I was on the Indie Circuit for You know 15 years and working on the Indie Circuit. So what I say I wasn't embraced once I made You know, I did get in some doors like that film that I made I raised a hundred thousand dollars and shot a SAG experimental film in 1997
Starting point is 00:20:23 To that I started in because they kept telling me, you know, like Ed Burns had done it and they were like Well, we kind of get it if you write and direct and star in something and so that's what I did With first and last and I remember just taking my little tape back then and going to CA and dropping it off And going to all the big players and that's back when they let you drop something off and getting back home and literally having messages on My little machine and then went and met with all the the big wigs from making that movie. So it did Move the needle. Yeah, and it got me. So I signed with three arts And I remember they got it they were like look we understand we get that you want to write and directs
Starting point is 00:21:14 But you may just have to go in one door at a time And I remember that's why I signed with them because a lot of others were still really pushing and saying You could be the next Julia Roberts. You could be the next Sandra Bullock and while that is really really an Incredible thing to hear it wasn't what I knew my destiny to be And that I really really wanted to write and direct So at least three arts was telling me we get your dream You may have to go in this door to get to those two doors
Starting point is 00:21:49 And so I went with that for a while But I never seemed to get to those two other doors and this is around the time where you and I So I remember it was like How can they take me seriously about being a writer director if I'm not taking myself That seriously, how can I go out for pilot season and work as an actress and Still stand here and say no, but I really really want to just write and direct So I had to you know, you work really really hard three arts is very prestigious Buckwalled I was with Julia Buckwalled
Starting point is 00:22:26 I had worked really hard to get to that level and I was a working actress I did have one really amazing mentor David Frankel, which was a game-changer for me because I was still not Understanding I was like, when do I get to go to that other door the writing and directing door? David Frankel who Is a huge film director. He did the devil wears Prada. He did Marley and me at the time I met him so I shot that SAG experimental in 1997 it was getting me in a lot of rooms and he was doing a TV show at the time called great vine Which was in 1998 and it was shooting in Miami
Starting point is 00:23:13 and so I was cast in in the pilot of great vine and David watched first and last and and I remember we were on set and I still even though it was really amazing to be on set and to be an actress He watched me kind of always migrating to the crew and I was always standing with the crew And I didn't really want to be and I know I I appear to be a girl who you know I wear makeup and I'm I'm I'm a I'm a feminine girl I like all that stuff and and I'm I'm not dishonoring acting acting is
Starting point is 00:23:55 is extraordinary and but I wasn't Passionate about it the way I was With writing and directing and so I was I was good, but I didn't dig in and want to really go You know, I didn't I didn't want to spend my days going to acting classes I wanted I would spend my days writing and raising money and making my own my own shorts and and if I could raise enough money features and I remember David and I was like Where are you gonna set up the next shot? And I remember
Starting point is 00:24:32 David David Frankel We were you know, it was the in-between shots and he said Bethany He said I think you're a really really great actress But I loved your movie and you're a really really great writer and director And I love you being on this set, but if that's your passion You go get it and it was the first person in this industry That said it to me that way, you know, just like someone that I truly looked up to and admired and was Successful in the business that I wanted to be in he was saying who you are is enough
Starting point is 00:25:19 I'm about to cry But it's funny because I tell people that all the time. No, did you just needed that one You ever act ever again after that? Well, here's the thing so I remember him saying that and I and it and I absorbed every single Morsel because no one had ever truly said it to me that way and sort of get filled me up with enough courage because I remember sitting down with My manager at Three Arts and Julia Julia buckwalled at buckwalled. No, so see it smells like Here's the thing. I
Starting point is 00:26:02 Absolutely treasure and adore What all you guys have done for me and believed in me and have given me and right now? I have not that I was a huge actress because I wouldn't I wouldn't ever commit. I would just kind of dance And I enjoyed it listen to be a director to be what you got to today That little Disney shit you did I'm so thankful that was all part of who you are director. I tell ya We're not having this conversation with a car ride home. I Would we were talking last night on the phone? We went to do an open mic at 10 o'clock at night
Starting point is 00:26:40 And on the drive home or when I got home I called you and we discussed that Even if this is not what you want to do Doesn't matter you know that world now You understand that world Bethany as a director is so much better to work with was an actor Right because she was on that side I don't let an actor leave my casting room And and I've been lucky enough to have Jeannie back rack as my casting director because she knows this if someone comes in the room and bombs and And they're nervous and I can see they're nervous
Starting point is 00:27:17 I don't let them leave the room until all the nerves are gone because a lot of times Nerves in a room mean that you really really really want it That's a lot of people come in and they're terrible at auditioning But man, they were amazing if I had been able to see them do what they did at home before they came So anyone that's nervous I Stand up because I remember being in those rooms and they can feel really intimidating if they're not talking to you're looking at you your nerves take over and For some reason you feel a little inferior
Starting point is 00:27:55 Sometimes not a little a lot and I would say that's how I would read and I would And I would take their hand and say hey guess what? My car almost ran out of gas on the way over here. I don't know how I'm gonna pay my rent next month I just I humanize myself and I just stand there and I was just like I feel goofy and silly Standing here right now. Let's both stand here and feel goofy and silly. I cast I've cast More people that way and they shine you shine and I love and there's not a lot of casting I remember being intimidated by by certain casting director. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm I'm battling
Starting point is 00:28:40 Throat fever and all that. I totally that I was out till three in the morning doing blow And I thought it was gonna be a regular producers session. Oh, thank you when I got there The Gus of Anzant was in the room and Travolta. Oh my god, you know, what happens to you? You expect, you know, they just do a fucking curveball at you Yes, whatever you read if you're a young actress and insecure like I was at that time You know, you're reading and you can hear the line like I'm yeah, and I'm off book But I would always center myself I would always take the script and fold it down the middle and even if I wasn't looking at it
Starting point is 00:29:21 It was a center for me Yeah, I'll never forget being in that room the Sopranos the second season And What you do is is I was telling you about Baseball That when they said the first time I act I didn't know I was doing Acting class listen first three jobs. Yeah, I never even saw the director That's the thing. I was like, where's the director, you know, even when I said, I mean I'm a director who doesn't sit in video village because a lot of times they're sitting in video village
Starting point is 00:29:56 Three rooms away from you, which is fine. I'm not saying that's how I do it is the way to do it But for me, I every shot of every movie I've ever done and forever my girl right now If you pulled out just one Mill just up even just one little centimeter You'd see me because I'm as close to my actors as I can possibly be so that I can Be there for them feed them not feed them literally if they need me to feed them I would but literally to be there to feed their soul to feed what they need to help guide support love Help move pivot or just be there if you know just just to be there
Starting point is 00:30:43 That's that's the safe haven in the bubble that I like to create for my actors and And I know that a lot of that comes from I I was in that position So yeah, it's all a journey that gets you Gets you to hear and I'm so thankful now looking back now along the ride sometimes It gets really hard because you don't know and when the world's up against you and they keep telling you know some days it's very very hard to stand up and keep brushing it off and Moving forward, but those little moments like that with David Frankel that gave me a huge
Starting point is 00:31:29 Huge push, you know, I sometimes all I needed I always watch the Oscars and the Spirit Awards not every one thinking of of oh One day I want that for myself Just seeing someone accept an award and you hear a little bit of their struggle like oh it took them 20 years To get this film made or just their journey It would just help me get up the next day and keep moving forward on my own journey and knowing that Because mine took longer and I think there's a message that I if I have a manifesto It's this that
Starting point is 00:32:09 don't let society tell you how long you have to Chase and follow your heart's desires. It's your own journey. It's your journey If society is trying to convince you that time's up Don't it's your life your pilgrimage your journey and a lot of times people think you reach a certain age You've tried a certain amount of times You've been up to bat. It's it's don't let someone else's journey to hear
Starting point is 00:32:48 Determine what? My own journey to here. I'm I'm so grateful and thankful and now understand why mine Was the the road less traveled and the longer road because I I feel I Know what my voice is. I know what my who am I is I know Who I am who I am to my crew who I am To my actors who I am with my producers who I collaborate with How I work within a studio system how I work in the indie but it took your fucking years It took me 20
Starting point is 00:33:28 Yes, 20 years of people saying no so now a little chin ears. Mm-hmm. Did that I thought that was gonna be the game changer I thought that we all think it's gonna be Like oh you guys don't think I'm tough enough. Let me go shoot a movie all on water all Deep in the Louisiana bayou Where we have to shoot from boat to boat. We don't have a land base for 20 miles It's like apocalypse now we're shooting it in a hundred and fifteen degrees in August in Louisiana before the tax incentives before anybody was there shooting with Alligators and snakes and mosquitoes
Starting point is 00:34:06 And you shoot a film that then gets ten best picture awards on the festival circuit. That's a male driven storyline, it's like Okay, Hollywood if you didn't think I was tough enough before Here you go. Here it is and they still I that's began my career in the indie world But they still weren't gonna let me in that studio door, which was crazy to me They were like, well, you can do that with a million a million and a half How do we know you know what to do with 20 million that is the most backwards way of thinking? Try taking a director who's only had a lot of money a lot of times
Starting point is 00:34:50 They don't know how to get out of situations when you have to be Very resourceful when you're in a heated moment and it's like we got a split here in 20 seconds or we're gonna lose the light and the shot and what are you gonna do and you have to really Move fast and think and know what to do with what you have right in front of you It's so crazy how I've been here for 20 years Never took a formal acting class Went to a bunch of movies. It was how I learned how to speak the language Yes, it's how I learned how to speak the language. I never understood
Starting point is 00:35:28 When people said he's a good actor. He's a bad actor. I never understood that So I got older and even now I watch movies and I'm like that dude was a bad fucking actor but I got thrown into A big world at first. I got thrown into a cbs pilot Yeah, I got through it. It's a baseball with the two guys when they were in a heat of passion When uh, I auditioned for that. Yeah, that's how far back you and I go So it's crazy that I was I was still part of the
Starting point is 00:36:00 Uh, Bethany. We're only gonna use you. You're in two scenes, but we're gonna use you for three weeks Like they would just throw money at you in those days and then I did a short that paid nothing But I wasn't paying attention And then I went I focused on stand-up and then I came back and I basically wanted to have for Maybe six or seven years and I shot Films with huge budgets. Yeah, where they where they have a girl with an umbrella
Starting point is 00:36:31 So you don't get a suntan. Yeah, and then I shot movies where I used to be that girl holding that umbrella You used to I shot movies where you have to bring your own clothes and you're your own wardrobe person And then I'm shot in tv shows. Did you see the one I posted last night on facebook? No, I don't think so the the fucking uh, the the pizza for the rafiello's pizza That got that guy into to sell two things to HBO Like the journey that different people have last night somebody posted something I didn't I was still doing blow that Because I remember I agreed to do it because they were paying me cash that night. Like I'm like, so wait a second
Starting point is 00:37:10 Oh my god, Joey. I'm like, wait a second. That's a great acting gig. The call is at nine and it's a three hour shoot And you're paying me cash tonight and like, yeah, don't worry about nothing. We'll pay your cash into the table I'll be there. Oh my goodness and the guy ends up. But anyway, that was his journey He did a thing about a pizza parlor and then he ended up getting a two script deal at HBO and it didn't pan out But all right, then the last thing I heard I was talking to a mutual friend and you were doing like a short About maria and tonetta something Me I did a short about vivian link. Okay. I knew it was somebody. You know me. I'm bad with names No, no, no, and that's yeah, and I would love and so fia coppola
Starting point is 00:37:50 I'm and I also just want to say along my road To here I am so grateful for the few female filmmakers that Have risen and because they helped they have helped the cause Along the road for me and I'm sure for many other You know aspiring female filmmakers So when catherine bigelow won for the hurt locker, that was a game changer. I used to walk into rooms knowing
Starting point is 00:38:21 I was always armed and I and I was I was challenged by that. I didn't mind it Um, everyone's eyes would glaze over when I'd walk in the room They had already made up their mind about me before I had even said a word or pitched if it was for me to write and direct And I remember thinking I see it. I see that look I'm challenged by that look I my goal is to change your mind about me within the next five minutes And I was like I will change your mind
Starting point is 00:38:55 In the next five minutes and to watch it go from glazed to unglazed and then lean in That was always a win for me. And I remember always I go in I had to be So over prepared and I still I'm still so over prepared because If you if you don't fit the mold I have to prove a thousand times more How How right I am for the job I have to go if everyone else is going a thousand miles I have to go a hundred thousand miles and I'm used to that So I go in with all my all my armor my big backpack
Starting point is 00:39:35 And I have visuals and I do all the work. I literally Have even gone out and shot things like that's just my style. I have to show them and not just tell them Um But when catherine bigelow won the rooms changed I would go in armored and look for the glaze and then the room became like hey Come on in sit down. I loved your rib jeans. Where did you get those? Before years ago. It was like you need to wear the quirky top hat and the the glasses and like you just who I was
Starting point is 00:40:10 suddenly became enough and Catherine bigelow who's very private and we don't know a lot about her personally but she was The perception of a feminine female At the helm of a male driven movie Who won for best director well the thing was that yeah, that's all that's all $800 million to do a movie. He's sitting there like he's some fucking genius
Starting point is 00:40:37 Smoking cigars. What are you talking about? James Cameron? Oh, like I love that whole scenario that night. Like I'm I was at home putting the malook on him. This is how it went down. Okay. Yes. I was because I didn't I didn't go see that movie I'll tell you why because they spoke how highly of them. Listen. I like James Cameron But when they give you that type of money a monkey can make a good movie When they give you 800 million when when they say if you can make a great movie with a million and a half What are you going to do with 20? I think it should be the reverse reverse fucking question If I can make a good movie with a million and a half imagine what I can do with 20 So they give this guy a hundred million. He's sitting there like Johnny bananas
Starting point is 00:41:18 But the best we'll see I know the fucking room changing some chops. No, I don't need that the room change Girl, I'm putting my chapstick on the room changer was when they contacted barb Streisand Listen, oh Because you know, you know what you got to pay her, you know what her rate is But when she said that and she did it like the fix was elegantly They were like, you know what we're gonna do with such grace. We're gonna get barb Streisand to give him the bad fucking news If anybody could give James Cameron bad news barb Streisand is gonna lay it on him and he knew it
Starting point is 00:41:54 He knew it as soon as he saw barb Streisand, we'll put it up on youtube. That motherfucker said, oh, no He knew it. He was done That 800 million couldn't save him that little girlfriend of his couldn't save him nobody could fucking save him They used to be married at least at the moment Yeah, yeah, tremendous. This couldn't be a bad story She whipped out her dick and said how you like me now, bitch And I love she didn't I loved it. She just accepted it very gracefully Her ward and and the same with Sophia cope. There's women and brook
Starting point is 00:42:29 Mario Diablo Cody. God just women who just break the mold So grateful and no Like I was gonna tell women who stand in their truth I was gonna tell leader pop up my amdb because I've been running through my head Thinking about how many women directors I've worked with And you don't want to know Yeah, I think too But back to love scene which you brought up
Starting point is 00:42:57 Love scene love scene is Vivian Lee. Yes, Vivian Lee and I'm I still have um Uh an option on her life rights through a beautiful book and and I love Vivian Lee's story and the love story of of her and Laurence Olivier and um I wrote a screenplay that um Many people um were interested in but again, I think with me attached as the director at the time It's it was such a huge movie because it's iconic set pieces You're on the set of gone with the wind and weathering heights and a streetcar named desire um, so for me when I entered the world of screenwriting on the studio level
Starting point is 00:43:40 And not attaching myself to direct because it was the only way I was not working. I would I would Get the job as screenwriter Attached to direct and it would either just loom or never happen And I was like, I have to you know, I'm married and I have three children. We're a two income family I have to change something up here and I remember in 2010 my team said We know how much you love directing and it really honestly Writing for me as the first half of directing it would be like cutting off my arm to me To separate the two and I really didn't know if I'd be able to do it
Starting point is 00:44:20 But I was at a place where I had to see they're like just go in For one pitch Don't talk about no directing. That's a by the way again like you should have sold it as a by the way Yeah, that's the by the way angle. I'm directing so smart Because because I had spent 10 years of not moving forward in the studio world Um And again like getting a screenwriting gig there's you're going up against 10,000 people to get a studio screen Screenwriting gig so it wasn't like oh go the cakewalk route, you know route, but um, it was like just go in and see
Starting point is 00:45:01 and I sat down with um Lawrence mark who did all of many of nora effron's films and he's an academy award winning producer and they will in this They were having trouble finding a screenwriter to adapt Um this book that was a coffee table book called other people's love letters And I went and pitched my take on it and got the job and so and that was the first I remember My team was like just go in and see and I went in and I was ready. I was ready I was like I want to see what it's like to be a part of something Huge and big and not small and indie that it turns into when I'm attached to direct
Starting point is 00:45:46 And I want to experience what it's like, you know at the studio level And to watch a director and and go on the journey of of a big film and so And and see if I feel like I'm going to die like I really had to see And so I got the job and the director was attached and beautiful beautiful human being A male director and I started working with him and going to his house every day and working on my and it was a green lit it got It was bought by um cbs films. I don't know if I'm supposed to be saying all this And it was a green lit film that we were working on and it's like look
Starting point is 00:46:29 I'm doing it. I'm I'm not dying and I'm experiencing something. Um really really Beautiful and liberating and I loved Collaborating and development. That's what I learned that I really really really love development at the studio level and so from there I went into the next room and booked another studio screenwriting job Um time between us with another male director attached started working on that one. I was like look I'm not I'm doing I'm this is incredible and then forever my girl was the third one So I was doing all of those simultaneously
Starting point is 00:47:11 But not talking about not even mentioning directing and what I would do my gift myself on each one is I would go and direct my own short film and so love scene was one of them that I Directed and took it on the festival circuit and it won everywhere. We took it so I could feed my directing soul That way so I do a screenwriting gig And not be attached to direct but I'd feed my directing soul by giving myself the gift Of directing now this forever my girl wanted this come into the picture So forever my girl so that same year and I was had two I was attached a screenwriter to two green lit scripts that were moving forward that were studio
Starting point is 00:47:59 um studio projects With two directors attached And forever my girl I was hired as the screenwriter And I remember going into ld and I will forever forever Love and cherish and sing their praises from every mountaintop ld entertainment
Starting point is 00:48:23 Going into that room and pitching For forever my girl and my vision of how I would and I still even though I wasn't attached to direct I had to approach things and write it as if I was directing it or my work would suffer now You took this Yes, give me this You took it you turned it into a screenplay. I wrote it into a screenplay and developed and developed with them now this whole time Are they smelling director? No, I mentioned nothing, but to my team I'm going this is the one this is the one this is the one
Starting point is 00:48:59 It's the perfect one for me. It makes sense And I just remember and this is the beauty of who they are Because now the tide is turning and things are being They're shaking it up right now for female which I love and I'm so excited for lady bird and Greta Gerwig right now, but let's go back five years. So this is five years ago 2013 And ld entertainment. Yes, my girl. This is when I Yeah, 2013 hiders the screenwriter imagine that people at your house That you sit in there
Starting point is 00:49:35 That you think these movies like oh and this is a fast-track movie. Yeah, but like when you shoot Like when I shot the longest yard, they were they were editing that night Like they were doing three twenty fours. You know what I'm saying like they get there They put 80 million in yeah, but they want to invest me back Quickly I think one they want that 80 million back quickly. Well, they were also The reason things it was fast-tracked, but they're also a Thriving production company and they do about eight films a year. So and they they're boutique and it's awesome So you just have to as you develop you'd have to wait a few months
Starting point is 00:50:16 Before you'd meet again because they were off shooting other films, but I remember When they said yes in the room and leaving that room and going saying to my team I was like I don't want to just sit at that table I want to break bread with these people because they are doing something So unique. They're free thinkers. They're out of the box thinkers. They're Unconventional they're passionate and they never ever once when I became attached to direct I never even had to go into a room with them and
Starting point is 00:50:52 And and convince them that I should be the director. It's just when they saw my director's reel. They were like This is her. Okay. This is her work. Let's go. Oh, she's hired I never even had to go and sit down and do the normal like Tell us how you're gonna do it. Tell us how you'll lead they 100 percent just from Getting to know me in the development stage and then seeing my work as a director I just got the phone call that you're you're now attached to direct When did you shoot this movie and then so that was 2014? I was attached to direct But I remember I and then we didn't shoot until 2016
Starting point is 00:51:37 I was attached to direct But I wasn't there wasn't a date yet And I remember and they're thriving and they're big and they're doing big movies with big stars and ours was the A smaller modest budget film with the budget 3.5 million Um, and but for me it didn't matter. I was like, I'm gonna take that and I'm gonna run I'm gonna run. I'm gonna run and I'm going to move mountains and I have huge lofty
Starting point is 00:52:07 Palatial plans not dreams plans for this film. And this is my One moment up to bat and I'm gonna swing and I'm gonna hit and I'm gonna go And so I remember Just for me the music in this film was so vital and important now. Tell them at home. What is the plot? Is a young man Uh Is about to get married in his hometown to the love of his life Josie and
Starting point is 00:52:46 I won't give away why but fame and fortune finds him As a country singer and he gets swept up into being the biggest country star in the world And he leaves The girl in the small town and his family behind and you don't know why And the interesting thing about it is he finds himself coming home for a very different reason So he hasn't Had that revelation and then goes home to a tone. It's not that kind of redemption story You find a man and a young man in the midst of this storm
Starting point is 00:53:26 He's the most famous country star in the world But you see him offstage and he is just has all this anger and Anx just bubbling underneath him and he's just going through the motions of his life And then when he finds himself back home He finds out that the love of his life that he left behind Has a daughter that he has a daughter and so through his daughter He starts to want to become a better man
Starting point is 00:53:59 And through that He finds his way back to the love Of his life or so It's it's a more labyrinth and journey than that and that's the beauty of the film that It's not just a romance. It's it's um romantic love and it's about familial love It's a father son story. It's a mother son story. It's a father daughter story. It's a brother sister story There's something that got me was a little girl got me She's and I kind of put it together like I said
Starting point is 00:54:35 I wanted to really last friday was date night in my house And usually on friday night when we go to a movie we try and made my wife tried to catch it because my wife really wanted to see And you know, I was so proud When i'm sitting there watching whatever the fuck i'm watching on tv and they ran Like i'm high at the house at night So I stayed home for a few weeks and they ran through a trailer I saw your name and i'm like It's
Starting point is 00:55:07 No, no, i'm too fucking high and then they fucking rerun it ktla rerun it like during the sports report They're doing such a great job and they ran and I saw your name. I'm like, oh my god. This is real And then I called the mutual buddy and I asked him what's going on with bethany This is and he told me he broke it down. He goes bro the movie It was like one of those movies where uh The critics were fucking with it But the the things like I've got a grassroots movement. Yeah, I've been in movies where I got a call saying dog that movie you did Yeah, it's getting like 50 at the ratings after reshoot scenes. Yeah, but like your movie was blowing up at those things
Starting point is 00:55:51 Like blowing up still. Yeah So here are these test screenings that they're fucking knocking them out of the fucking park But all sitting at these critics To the saying this and this and now I don't yeah, I don't read reviews, but I did you yeah How did you cast this whole film? Yes, with with my casting director and yeah, so genie the the beautiful things and what I love about ld There was complete 100 trust in me for the first time in my career in my complete Who am I my truth? My truth is a leader
Starting point is 00:56:29 they Loved and embraced that I was a lover a gusher a hugger a pleaser They looked at those things as attributes They could also see that I was a powerful leader visionary communicator collaborator and an artist That was so liberating and so beautiful to have a crew that 100 percent Not because it was their job. They just I earned it and they could see it and they they were like they knew they were part of something We're watching you move mountains. We're gonna charge and move some mountains with you
Starting point is 00:57:06 ld started moving mountains with me What really fueled everyone was When the movie wasn't it was green lit But it didn't have a date on it and they did they had some big movies with big stars on their slate and I was like I have to get this little movie on the map. I have to get a date on it Have to get a date and the music to me was so important and so vital, but it's very hard to pitch Something audible in a room like something visual. I I get up and move around and you know, I'm I'm very I just circulate and I'm demonstrative
Starting point is 00:57:43 But unless I start singing it's very hard to pitch what this music is going to sound like So we had a development meaning that was Three months from the date. I remember it was march 2015 and our next Development meaning was in june. I was like I have three months On my own. I'm going to go out without telling anyone because they'll say it's too crazy and too unconventional don't do it um I went and
Starting point is 00:58:12 found songwriters and singers and all the music you hear in the movie I developed into in this from march to june 2015 And I went into the development meeting didn't tell anyone but I had a band waiting in the lobby And everybody's pulling out their laptops and their iPads and thinking we're gonna you know talk about the script and I was like guys I have a surprise for you I have a band waiting outside in the lobby and I'm going to have them Come in and I'm going to walk you through the entire movie and they're going to play every song
Starting point is 00:58:52 And where it's going to go in the movie now my two managers were in the room with me. Their faces were like this Like they were so scared This again is where I love ld and how they think Mickey the head of the production company was like this. He was smiling and like oh my god This is incredible. This is exciting 2017 and people do not get it sometimes We're sitting in a conference room and I'm bringing a live band in we played all of the music And mickey said we are making this movie. Here's the date Let's go and so the beauty for me
Starting point is 00:59:34 watching this movie in theaters in 2018 But sitting in a room with my music producer Brett Boyette and he's the songwriter and Jackson Odell The we developed those songs and they wrote those songs and They went in and sang them and we pitched them and those are the songs and so to watch That plan that lofty palatial that probably seemed Crazy to some people plan that I had and I said you guys watch I'm going to do a country star soundtrack
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's it's been charting I don't know where it is right now, but I know the first week it was charting at number three Right next to the greatest showman And pitch perfect our little 3.5 million dollar movie With its humble beginnings of starting in my living room With Brett Boyette and Jackson Odell So that was the two things I had in my contract was Brett and Jackson and the music And then I really wanted genie as my casting director
Starting point is 01:00:47 Because I knew genie understood how I like to cast that I don't let anyone leave a room until I really really really know You know, I did I never want to miss out on finding some hidden gem and and she's So incredible and and has been has been my casting director for You know for as long as we've known each other too all the way back to You know my short films. How's it feel? How's it feel it feels to be where you're at right now? surreal in some ways because I'm I've still been so engaged In making sure the film is doing as much as I can I love the film so much most
Starting point is 01:01:29 Directors move on and are on to their next project. This is my you're still in trouble, baby I haven't I haven't how you saw it on tv. I haven't experienced that I haven't watched I haven't watched tv and seen my own um my own uh trailer come up, but I did go home this weekend to my hometown. I'll start to cry joey And watched it, you know, I said it in Louisiana and there's so much of my childhood and my experiences and of course because when you write you write from your soul and what you know and your journey and
Starting point is 01:02:09 it's such a love letter to to them and the place that I'm from and and how I grew up and The strong women who raised me and my beautiful single mama, uh, the steel magnolias in my life to sit And watch with that town and have the opportunity to experience that in the same theater Where I saw flash dance growing up That's too much. You can't you can't beat that or know that I would end up
Starting point is 01:02:42 Here and doing this but the biggest gift was to give that back to them and pay tribute to them and um I was lucky enough that um the local newspapers Let me write two love letters to louisiana Called dear louisiana, which was in to really pay tribute to the people who really To my family and to my stepdad and to you know, my mom who? Passed away, but you know, you know my love for my mom and no one believed that's why I asked you I said to you my mom and you're thinking your mom's because I know strong willed
Starting point is 01:03:25 Gracious women who taught me that I could be both that you could be loving gracious kind sweet but you could also be strong and powerful and Um be a leader and that you could be both that I really learned that from them. I really wanted to get you on because um I loved your story and I loved that Uh, you know, we always talk about the journey on the show in the 20 years and look I have to hold your hand joey. We've been and this isn't even a journey This is the beginning of big things for you. I know that you're sick. I got to catch ballet Yeah, I know I love that you're going to ballet with your daughter
Starting point is 01:04:06 People that support me with the love that you do to do me a favor This week and check out forever my girl do me as a favor here This is a great movie and it comes you listen to it. She gave you a great. This is coming from my heart I know her you guys know me. I wouldn't have had her on here. This is when I'm fucking around here This girl has put a heart and soul into what she does And she's sitting opposite me holding my hand because of the utmost respect That I have for what she's done. So I don't ask you guys for dick Do me a favor go watch her dream on screen this week
Starting point is 01:04:44 And it'll inspire you this is remember when we talked about how to get inspired Sometimes you're stuck. You can't write something. You have to go get entertained So please uh have to mention my husband. Yes. No, no, no, no Fuck your husband my family. No, I really don't want to talk about your husband right now. I wouldn't have I'm only kidding you Yeah, my main brother josh wolf. I didn't want you guys to think I put her on this show Because of her accomplishment. I didn't want to mention josh wolf I wanted to put you on the show because of your accomplishment. Thank you. That I'm sorry that you're sick I wanted to get you on this week
Starting point is 01:05:22 So people could go see this movie for valentine's day, you know now you got e-harmony And you yeah, it's all about me somebody on e-harmony. Yeah, and go see this powerful movie again. I love you and it's got it's funny It's funny. It's got its moments. It's funny. Don't make you laugh This is why I give you all the props and thank you so much and so much love to my hubby and my children Mr. Josh wolf you bad motherfuckers Let me get some shout outs here the the butcher of black and black vikin. Whatever. I don't know. I love you top quality tony eric rocha Gary deal matt. I hate matt rocking pins rony man
Starting point is 01:06:03 And uh the brock for the drawing. I love it. They uh Immigrant mentality drawing. All right, don't forget Uh, we added an extra show in denver on the 22nd at 9 45 Also, the birthday show the double nickel show is february 18th at the comedy store and uh I'm in huntington beach. It doesn't matter. I'll see you motherfuckers on the birthday show february 18th Don't forget. She's part of the church family bethany ashton wolf Don't forget this go see forever my girl this weekend
Starting point is 01:06:39 And uh, I love you. Thank you for taking the time to be on the show. You make me so happy and you're so sweet I want to thank bethany ashton and wolf wolf for coming in again Don't forget to go see forever my girl. She's a sweetheart of a kid She fucking wrote it directly and she's fought hard Think can you imagine that shit and getting the movie to be number three in the country and like i was an amazing feat guys I was so impressed by her, uh Her resume like she's been doing it forever. It's sound To me like that sold me more than the trailer like that. Like I'm excited to go see it sounds like a good movie
Starting point is 01:07:16 You know man, it's like I always tell you guys listen. It's great People think that people just pop out of the woodwork. They've been doing this shit for years for years that that chick ate fucking cabbage and soup and you know Our mom passed so I want to give her some props. That's why I want to bring on the show as usual don't forget we added an extra birthday show February 18th at the comedy store belly room sunday night at 10 30 never fear you got no work saturday morning great all-star lineup Some guests we're gonna have some fucking stars
Starting point is 01:07:50 And then they actually they added an extra show in denver Which you guys know about and that's basically it with tip top fucking magoo I want to thank on it number one. Uh, listen when it comes to supplements honor keeps me the fuck alive square business That shrooms tech sport Just does it for me in the alpha brain. I do it for about six weeks Then I take a breather and then I do it for another six weeks again Then I take a breather, but the shroom sport listen
Starting point is 01:08:18 Every fucking ounce of this fucking fat body That thing gives me a little bit of breathing room From time to time and now with the flu the shroom tech immune same fucking thing Go down and come right now and press in church and get Your first 10% off your first order Deliver to your house now as you know, it's valentine's day Lee single leaves been on e-harmy for a few days now He's been looking anything good on there. Oh, yeah, I mean it's amazing because they really
Starting point is 01:08:48 Tailor it to like the it's a long Really, uh Detailed admission process. So they people are people who you're interested in I have two friends that they they swear by e-harmy If you're trying to online date and chances are you run into lazy text messages Dead end conversations and random matches that don't turn into anything, you know e-harmy is unlike many other dating sites Because e-harmy takes steps that other dating sites don't in order to find you a more compatible match They're built to help you find lasting meaningful relationships. Not a shallow hookup site. That's not what you want
Starting point is 01:09:25 They have helped over a million people find their perfect match. You know what that's like e-harmy uses years and years of science data Psychological research to send you the right matches e-harmy Brings compatible people together right now The church family can get one month of e-harmy when they sign up for a three month subscription That's four months for the price of three and to code church at checkout I mean listen stop waiting And start your journey to a satisfying meaningful relationship
Starting point is 01:10:00 It could be fun to play around with online dating apps But when you're ready to fall Truly in love with somebody and have a meaningful relationship kids the whole thing There's one apps that's built to bring you Real love and that's e-harmy Come see how e-harmy can change your life. Go to e e-harmy.com and get started. All right tonight right now I'm gonna get you one month for free
Starting point is 01:10:27 So you get four months for the price of three at the code church at checkout ch. You are ch I want to thank my my little friend here my Christ killer friend. I want to thank bethany ashley wolf But most importantly, I want to thank you fucking savages for listening to the church Have a great weekend, and we'll see you next monday. Stay black I Like Oh
Starting point is 01:12:41 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

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