Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #563 - Danny Brown

Episode Date: March 1, 2018

Danny Brown, a rapper from Detroit who has released multiple albums and mixtapes. a music video directed by Jonah Hill, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt live in studio. This podcast is brought to you... by: eharmony - Enter code CHURCH at checkout for a free month when you sign up for a 3 month subscription. eharmony brings compatible people together.    FujiSports.com  - Use promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount on all the best jiu jitsu and martial arts gear.   Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.   Recorded live on 02/28/2018.    

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You drifted out welcome to podcastville the church of what's happening now is brought to you by E harmony. Let me explain something to you forget about Valentine's Day and all that stuff You're lonely. You work too much You know, what do you do hang out in a bar and wait for Mrs. Right if she's Mrs. Right She wouldn't be in a bar. I mean if you're trying online dating chances are you run into lazy text messages Dead in conversations and random matches that don't turn into nothing You can't get to know someone by looking at their picture. You know, they dope these pictures up these days people trying to meet people I mean Lee single. He's trying to meet people. He's been on the army the last couple nights
Starting point is 00:00:44 City connected with somebody in there. I mean, it's that easy. You're lonely. How much lonely can you be? You're ready to meet somebody. You're ready to get out there and e harmony has what it takes It's unlike any other online dating site. They take steps to other dating sites Don't take in order to find your more compatible match. Well, listen, stop waiting Start your journey to a satisfying meaningful relationship It could be fun to play around with online dating app But when you're ready to fall in love Truly fall in love with someone and have a meaningful relationship. There's one app. That's built to bring real love
Starting point is 00:01:23 That's e harmony Come see how he harmony can change your life. Go to e harmony calm and get started You're ready to fall in love e harmony is the way to go and to my code church at checkout. All right e harmony calm Enter church at checkout, okay Number two, you know me. I'm a big dude But I just went down from an eight five six to an eight five and my gear choices Fuji Go to Fuji sports calm right now and check out a selection of your big guy people tug on me from the guard
Starting point is 00:01:59 They pull on me. They try to pull me down that fucking thing is the gear debt Go to Fuji sports calm right now. I'm pressing church And get 10% off your order, right? That's how I roll number two, you know, you know me you got to stay healthy Look at this kid here. He's a he looks beautiful. He stopped smoking his skin color. He's back to being natural You know when you're black and you smoke cigarettes, you get that shady black He don't have that no more his skin is radiant I watched so trained for years. I knew what brothers were smoking and what brothers weren't smoking All right, as soon as the hammer camera hits your face
Starting point is 00:02:37 Anyway, you want to be healthy you got to go to honor calm right now and press in church and get 10% off on your first order Deliver to y'all's nothing beats that out for brain. Take this motherfucking mule Lee Out of respect For my man Danny Brown A young Marvin Gaye right here sitting this fucking office right now And as usual The only Jew on the house, he's the only Jew I hang out with during length. You know I'm saying the flying Jew the Christ killer Lee Syed
Starting point is 00:03:15 Thursday morning you bad motherfuckers If I got a rape my top 10 songs of all time, this is my one of my top 10 I'm fucking boy Fucking tremendous move Are you fucking kidding me The church of what's happening now, baby the truth like Marvin Gaye It's March 1st motherfuckers the rent is due Give you
Starting point is 00:04:36 In return sweet darling Db in the fucking house what happened though. What's up, baby boy? You look beautiful. Thank you handsome I don't know you're gay wait. You don't look I mean, you know, I thought of course that smoke a cigarette So they always say you gain what you start smoke cigarettes. I've been eating like a motherfucker hungry You don't look I mean in the morning I remember I used to wake up in the morning first thing I do is smoke cigarette You know, and I wouldn't probably had a coffee, you know, but I probably wouldn't eat That's what you miss like my drinking coffee with that cigarette in the morning. I smoke. I mean, I smoke weed with it
Starting point is 00:05:09 Now, you know, I just replaced everything that is placed a cigarette. Yeah, that's why I smoke way more. We know yeah You smoke a ton of weed. That's how I got off the cigarettes. I got out to say it was fucking weed I didn't like the patch Like none of that shit that she made me break out. I tried it. Yeah, I try to make me all itchy and stuff But yeah, what's going on with you Lisa yet? I'm doing good. Everything. All right. Yeah, well, yeah, everything's been going great it's Did the couple but Mike's last night? I'm really enjoying it Lee
Starting point is 00:05:41 Oh, yeah, Danny, you saw me. Oh, yeah, so yours is lit. That's great. They're doing your thing. I fucked with you leak That's right. Where were you? Huh at Sam Tripoli's room? No, we're in Austin. Oh, that's right My camera there hung with my church folk. No, it was a nice time wasn't it? That was the pop of those You know I'm saying I don't feel like I look for that bread right now. Oh shit. They bring put 20 pounds on your ass, man That's what I could live out there if I lived out there. I'd be fat Texas is scary It's almost like it's cosign to be fat It don't matter what part of Texas you go to
Starting point is 00:06:21 You'll find fucking something something Lee. I swear to God. It's the weirdest thing. What do you mean something like food wise? Yeah, like something you leave that going Jesus fuck They just give you so much good right. They give you too much food, man. You know for ten bucks. That was a big fucking breakfast I You know I'm and they said we think bigger in Texas. I'll pass. Oh when I used to go to Paso There was a supermarket on the corner. I would stay in the condo And I would be excited because fucking 60 yards away. They had a place that made food every day Plus they made two soups homemade. I ain't talking about cream. It's your chicken noodle
Starting point is 00:07:01 No, no, no, no, no, they would make exotic shit. Oh fire. She ate it You're like damn, but on Fridays. They made yucca tang fish soup And I would get all cooked up on Thursday night because I knew I'd be straight once I had that fish soup This shit was so fucking good. I buy by the gallon Oh my God, I need it all day all fucking dad would eat it from that supermarket. Yeah, you know You always found something there was always something in Texas. I love Texas, man. I dig it. I always had I mean with they weed Laws a little different. That's all you is that it's still it's illegal. They always just say don't mess with Texas
Starting point is 00:07:38 That's all I know, right. They don't get come on vacation leave on probation. That's Don't mess around with it. Do you guys get worried about cuz like when I was driving cross-country my mom was like Be careful. You're Jewish. Be careful where you stop and I know I mean I never had anyone Look at me anyway, but like I being black and being Hispanic is a little bit more obvious than it is to be a Jew I can hide Like I mean, do you get scared Danny? I mean, yeah, when you're doing wrong But if I do that, but I remember when I was a kid we used to do all type of wild shit
Starting point is 00:08:17 Yeah, you know like that pisses me off when I read the paper that you you pulled Snoop over at the airport Yeah, I don't so we though. Wow, you're a fucking secret agent. Oh, yeah Fucking secret agent I mean There's some people that the obvious like Snoop has to have a problem traveling. Mm-hmm. There's somebody with a movie You know, he's got a price so connected as soon as he touched down everywhere. He go He got somebody that already got it. Well, he ain't got that Cali, but he grew up in Cali He grew up on Cali. He might be right. It's different. It's different. What do they check private planes or can you just go?
Starting point is 00:08:55 You do it out of the fuck you want on there. You could drop a check you could throw a chick off a plane I Worst place is Arizona though on tour like you know when you always go through Arizona You got to tighten it all the way up because they'll pull your bus over in the heartbeat So every time you go through Arizona, we make sure we don't got shit That's crazy. They had check points and all type of shit that sheriff was pretty intense there Yeah, man, you don't want to get locked up in to be an intense and wearing that pink shit Fuck that man. Arizona is a scary place, man. That's that I can't be it
Starting point is 00:09:32 You know, but I guess everything's about to be changed in a minute We lost this loosening up and you know about to be dispensary to everywhere man next 10 years, man They should about to be lit that I don't even know the chains like I've been talking about this for three days. I haven't seen no change I'm still getting fucking high power shit I Don't say the one place I go to that by the book now. They know from the past in there by the book don't it's fucking crazy
Starting point is 00:10:03 There by dead down the bare bones. I'm gonna be able to go there twice. That's how Denver is man I don't even miss the edibles out there. No, I don't mess with I didn't even go to a weed store this time And never no Dean Colorado. I missed him at Thursday night show. I know he brought like two pounds of weed D doesn't have his Regulated he's just growing it out in the mountains of Denver. Oh, yeah outside. So he's he his is probably higher than anything we get Denver has some bacon. There's like brown sugar and all that, but it was like a 200 milligrams of strip I should have fucked me up, but it fucked my stomach up, too, though For a long time
Starting point is 00:10:51 I got smoking the blood I wasn't a fan of mushrooms for years because I went to Colorado in 83. I was an acid dude Mm-hmm. I went to Colorado people like we gonna ask them. We got mushrooms And one fourth of July by myself. I started blasting and there was a little bridge in snow Just a tiny little four-foot bridge to make it seem like something My mushroom mine. I went over by the bridge and I just sat there. I was 18 years old My roommate went away with his girlfriend for a week and then we came and I had the whole condor to myself And I'm sitting in that fucking bridge going loud. I
Starting point is 00:11:25 Can't believe I got out of New Jersey. I can't believe I don't do that crazy shit no more The next thing you know, I was having a good time. I had diarrhea like a motherfucker. I had to run home I think I shit my pants. Oh my god And I'll never forget that I like the high But they definitely got me fucking serious like I was sick that night like diarrhea diarrhea And then like a couple months later. I did them again It was just a symptom of it and people told me that they would have the same reaction. I tried them in a capsule now Nothing happened. Yeah, I don't think true
Starting point is 00:12:02 Now I'll blast a mushroom fought when I get home Smell the mushroom in the air But that's it We ain't a little fucking thing. Yeah, I'm cool What about when you eat edibles and your shit or your poop smells like Bacon how much it smell like a blunt. Yeah, no, I got dinner shit is terrible. I don't like the food. I don't know I'm not That there was one dude one time dog that I would turn you on to him. He was in San Francisco a chef I think it was a hundred ahead. Mm-hmm. He comes over and cooks like a five or six course meal for you
Starting point is 00:12:40 Hmm and everything's got TAC in it. Yeah, so the salad the salad dressing got TAC at the soup The hunt for the dessert. Yeah, but it's that's the thing though. So we didn't ain't really like a tasty thing I just be adding our everything Every time I talk about that Thank you, what don't you like the taste I mean if you like put it in certain food I don't think it would taste good like some weed mashed potatoes or something I think you could maybe like masquerade and food like that's why I don't like like with the trunk I mean you can mask it real good and yeah, but I'll tell you what I would do if I had the time and
Starting point is 00:13:22 The money and the energy, you know what I would love to make THC what sauce I was gonna say pasta sauce no The jalapenos would take that flavor How good is Mexican food Being in cheese burrito I want him to get on stage one night. I didn't want to shock his system and put him up there Six nights, but the main reason why I know he loves food. I love this dude Because I know he loves food and we went to Sam's number three. You got the green chili
Starting point is 00:14:06 Dog this motherfucker got a hamburger That dog if it wasn't that I got control It was beautiful was covered in cheese. It was a Mexican was it was a Mexican fucking hamburger with a tortilla with these Mothered beans dog. I'm a fat fuck I was ready to push him and take his fucking burrito That's the shit I used to eat what he it was delicious and I could see his face when he was eating the fries He looked like he was 16 I could see him He was looking into the ceiling like a half a momo thinking like this is the best I've ever had in my life
Starting point is 00:14:49 I go lead the french fry in the green chili You should have seen his little face I didn't even like at first because to be fair we get picked up early. I get an edible And we get on this flight We what do we do we eat the whole no? Yeah, we split it. I think I think we split one at six in the morning or whatever it was But like the amount of hunger I have by the time I get to Sam's number three Oh, yeah, and then I didn't even order chili remember when we sat first that down
Starting point is 00:15:20 I didn't you ordered chili and you got it You're like where's yours because I got that big-ass burger with green chili on it You're like, no, you need to get a cup right now. So I'm gonna got a cup. Oh Dude, and it was I think I didn't go there every I think I had like one meal somewhere else But every other meal was there. Yeah, I said the hotel right around the corner from there So I'd be good. Oh, I just walk around and move every time I'm up there I love those kind of bars like those like food bars Yeah, I'm sure they do. Yeah
Starting point is 00:15:49 Right, we read the menu and I'm sorry. I forget the guy their first names But on Friday morning or Saturday morning, I forget which one I Was sitting at the counter and these two listeners came up and we're like, hey great to meet you If you'd like to come have breakfast with us We're right over here. I would I normally would always say no for that. Mm-hmm. Just because I'm a shy person But I was like at the Denver and it was it was pretty cool This one guy is from from America lives in Thailand now The selling I was in Kansas City and they met up there to go see you and it was a and they were and they were and they were
Starting point is 00:16:27 Drinking they had they drinks with pancakes. It's pretty fucking cool. That's crazy You want to a baby boy? No, I'm actually I'm working on the album right now So I just doing spot dates right now like I go the next thing I do I go to Chicago and then I got a show in Iceland I go out there for my birthday. It's kind of cool. I'm gonna be out there for a few days How long is the flight Tyson? I have no idea. I know I go to Boston and then I fly out of Boston So, I don't know what's the longest flight year below the right? I did 25 hours And what do you do? Watch movies. Oh, yeah, I got the I get this, you know, I get the bed the little you know, when you can lay down
Starting point is 00:17:08 That's crazy. So I did do that, but it's expensive as fuck Business class and shit. So yeah, but yeah sleep eat. That's it. I'm so used to it. Now. It's like fuck it I was on a fucking flight And I'd be in I wouldn't be in the business Fuck it's terrible. I mean, I've done it before it's coach bad international flight I mean, you got you definitely have to take Xanax for that ship if you get lucky and get like a road of yourself You know, I'm saying the most ever doing like 12 make it happen, but I Just recently did that. I mean with Australia for New Year's and I flew out there and I did like two days
Starting point is 00:17:54 I flew right back home It was like I can't remember like I spent more time in the air than I spent in Australia Yeah I'm good for six hours Myself from here in New York City. I got the computer. I got the fucking they always have one movie You know, yeah, you watch out of I don't been to so many. I don't watch every last movie on that motherfucker before Well, yeah, yeah, if you fly that let's say you take Delta the same month It's the same if you take two flights and doubt it and you take it the first week of the month and the last week of the month
Starting point is 00:18:36 It's the same feature fucking movie Which whatever, but there's always a Tom Cruise movie like There's always something that but lately they've been getting fucked up on this lately There's a couple airlines United American those long flights. They give you a dick for real bro They give you a dick even first pay for it. No, you just don't need to be there's nothing Not I had to have me with Delta Delta, but I have seen that a few times don't like this a flight a little too long where it don't got no TVs Yeah, I have seen that right. I have seen that
Starting point is 00:19:14 Because then you just with certain flights you just expect it, you know, but I've gotten on the plane of disappointing Yeah, if I'm a valued member and I got an upgrade And it's an adult this happens all the fucking time. I'm very thankful, but at the same time I sit there and I go for hours No, it's a no nothing. No, no I mean they could at least have like the ones when I started flying They had like every few rows would have a TV and like Movies have like a projector. So we need by like the earphones. So at least you could have that listen Percentage percentages play the game and everything. I fly a lot. You fly a lot fucking you expect certain things
Starting point is 00:19:58 You expect delays you expect whatever You know what man the last eight years or whatever I learned how to fly When I was on the road with broken he used to just not fuck with like the list. I'm doing first-class tickets My head would blow up. I'm like I'm a feature In first-class as long as I blocked him he would take the window. Yeah, nobody would bother because he was on fear factor But it was weird when he traveled so I learned so all those years I was getting points on American Okay, but he took Ari to Australia He was black
Starting point is 00:20:38 Oh my god So I fly, you know, I'm high with American. I'm high with whatever But you know what man when I go to New York from here and back. It's always your blue man That's my shit. I just do Delta. I just been and I love Delta too I got a call Delta tonight and can't tour flight and reschedule one with them I gotta leave Wednesday night to go down to fucking Albuquerque New Mexico and shit next month like April 4th and 5th. I'm gonna do the Jackson wink podcast When I'm down there
Starting point is 00:21:11 Joe Romero has been confirmed I'm just gonna drop it on you. I'm not gonna tell you when That's how I roll bitches It's just gonna be a fucking tweet on your periscope and your oral marrow be here and the next day He's doing Rogan's podcast. We're crazy. We're gonna do a spanglish podcast Which is gonna be very interesting Amazing that's tremendous man. That's probably was crazy He's gonna be in the end like the interview at the end
Starting point is 00:21:47 He's something like God is God all the time. What does that even mean you? They don't listen when you come off There's a lot of stuff you say in the beginning that you don't know what you're saying Like the like I told you guys Maybe five I lived in San Francisco. My mother died in 79 and 85 I went in the lamp to San Francisco and I walk into the Tenderloin and I see all these Cubans And I became friends with these Cubans and I learned about their struggle and why they came over here But the interesting thing was that they were out there slinging
Starting point is 00:22:35 And the one guy this is exactly what he would say, okay when people went by like white people He would look at them and go. Oh, yeah, Marihuana for Sally For Sally Marihuana for Sally People They said what are you saying to these people? He would go Marihuana for Sally And I go what Sally and he go and he spelled it for me sale mm-hmm, but in Spanish it's Sally So he kept saying Marihuana for Sally. It's not for Sally. It's for sale. You fuck That's crazy. This guy went for years with that pronunciation. They didn't really fucking know I really and I knew that growing up
Starting point is 00:23:21 How Cubans turn shit around with their words, okay in a funny way when they tried That's no mine Because that's no mine My stepfather is like real broken English my stepfather spoke great Spanish, but when he spoke English it sounded terrible And when I got older when my friends would come over he would try to be cool. Mm-hmm. He would go. Hey mother focus And it would sound so horrible how he said it Hey, mother focus You know my dad, you know my mother knew that
Starting point is 00:24:01 I don't know how the fuck she knew this but when we were you know, I moved to North Bergen when I was 10 So when I was 12 my neighborhood on that block was predominantly Italian John's and Addy Declamance's Mr. Otino Cat the Ortiz and Valentine live next to me the people next to me with your rocks the people next to them were the The specials who were Sicilians and the people next to them were the fucking Timmy whatever the fuck that his dog His teeth wall chiseled to the bone because he would chase rocks what you would throw a rock up the hill
Starting point is 00:24:38 He would really he would chew on rocks. He was a big dog. That was beautiful But for some reason Timmy Whatever dog he had a this kids with Timmy if I'm 55 Timmy's probably because when I was fucking 13 Timmy was about six And Timmy was a beautiful little boy who had this dog with him with no leash. It was a different time. That's just crazy I'm talking about this is 1978 and he would throw rocks for them every day and The dog would fucking pick up and bring it to me the dog would never bite you nothing like that and his father had chickens His father was yoked and he was a solid dude
Starting point is 00:25:20 I don't remember his mother But he had an older brother who was out that dog with a buses don't run It's the time we were kids Right and he was tough to boot. He turned out to become a heroin dude. I don't even know what he is. I think he died But we were like 13 or 12. We used to go to the woods in the summer And we heard some shit and we walked up there and it was Timmy's older brother I can't remember his name right now fucking a chick
Starting point is 00:25:51 Both of them bone-ass naked Out in the open with a blanket and a hole like they dug a hole to try to go under the hole That's why I got the idea for the time when I took that chick home She let me finger her and then she told me she was gonna let me fuck her and shit and the next night it snowed And I built a little fucking glue. That's why I stole the idea from From a Timmy whatever his fucking name was his brother because his brother dang like a trench where you couldn't see him Like he was a paratrooper hiding from airplanes and shit. There was a soccer field up there So it was like this slanted. So you had to walk through shrubbery and shit
Starting point is 00:26:31 So we went up to that we caught him fucking we heard him fucking and we walked up to the top, right? We were kids This is the first she had a hairy pussy. Her name was Angel and she had a sister There were one two sisters that didn't go to my school They went to a school called Franklin school and there were two sisters, you know one year older than the other and both of them I forgot what their name was telling you know those dark Italians beautiful Yeah, this chick bone-ass naked outside fucking it. So we're up there watching our faces are all red We had to be really young because we were like in shock
Starting point is 00:27:11 You remember the first time you saw sex. Yeah, you weren't shocked like when you weren't supposed to see Okay, the first time you saw sex that you weren't supposed to see it was kind of creepy It wasn't a pleasant fucking experience for you. Fuck what you have for You didn't really understand what the fuck is going on Like I was a kid one time there was a dude that would come to my mother's bar His name was on Nardo. I loved him to death But he would fuck with me when I was a kid like when I would see him he goes. Are you still pissing? Sweet I don't get the time I had no loose it and I would look I'm like what the fuck she said
Starting point is 00:27:50 He would say creepy things to me in front of my family and everybody would laugh You know, he would ask me if I got my dick sucked yet And I'd be I had to be 12 or 13 when I first got like a girlfriend they went nuts Hmm, the people around me went nuts. They tormented me every time I went to my mother's bar She's sucking your dick. What are you doing? You're sucking a little pussy. What's it taste like? No, I was an eighth I was about 12 and the six no I met that girl the one I got left back over in the I started dry humping and she told me she's gonna give me a slice that she had that she reneged on the deal
Starting point is 00:28:35 drove Uncle Joey crazy. I couldn't study. I quit karate. I quit playing basketball Oh, I was a broken man. It was the first time I had ever been in love I'm the first time you in love you at your shit broken. Yeah, I remember you I mean the same situation with me I fucked up the school over girl and I tried to tell myself it wasn't really a girl but I remember I was in 10th grade and I was dating a senior She caught me in like 10th grade English or something. She's like you because I didn't tell her what grade I was in You know what I'm saying? She's like what grade and I remember from that day
Starting point is 00:29:06 I just started skipping classes to you know, fuck with her and shit, but I never went back to school really did nothing So I ended up quitting high school because the girl but I always try to tell myself I dropped out of school to see I'm drugged and shit like that, but no He was over a fucking girl Break is a mother fuck with me because I was in the 10th grade. She found out the truth eventually, you know But yeah, so I was hurt broken over that I found love with her probably right and dog. I went the whole thing. I went the whole thing that Lee went through When you fuck with Spanish women, it's a different game. Oh shit. It's the I know it started fucked up
Starting point is 00:29:45 Like I had a star first. I hung out with a brother But a brother was older than me and he had a sister And it turned out that that sister was the hottest chick in the fucking class Shit, and I kind of had a crush on that. You know, you're looking and go Jesus that girl fucking beautiful She was Cuban, but she looked more French And fucking now I started hanging out with him more and more and I started hanging out with her and That's something I don't know. I just found I just fucking
Starting point is 00:30:18 Oh My heart beating shit, so I asked to go to the movies and the grandmother came That type of shit. Yeah, Sapporo. Yeah I pay for her and the grandmother what the fuck and then we went together No, you want to impress grandma you gotta pop the 20 right So I took them I took them to the cinema and then we went to carvel for ice cream and then we went home And me and her talked to the on the front porch for about 20 minutes
Starting point is 00:30:54 And then we saw them. We'll see each other. That's how it started. It was just a just a simple romance And then her and I started roller skating. Okay, so every Saturday I Uncle Joey would go over house With shine shoes and a brand new iron shirt and color going on And we go to parameters more and roll the skate around to all the hits You know, we do that we would hold hands and roll the skate together. I was such a fucking idiot I was such a fucking idiot
Starting point is 00:31:32 You can't comprehend I felt everything We aren't being an uncle Joey dog. I was the biggest sucker And then like I kissed her we kissed and that was it like we have like a secret deal a brother couldn't know But at that time Donnie Osmond was big. Oh, and on Friday night She would always watch Donnie Osmond because she was in love with Donnie Osmond. Oh, and I would sit there ready to cry Lee ready to cry Because I wanted to be tortured I just want to be tortured. Listen here and take this abuse
Starting point is 00:32:08 I would see no no no and I would sit no you didn't go to fucking shit. You didn't want to see no I want to go to Long Beach. I knew you your fucking momo I would sit there on Friday nights with her and the grandmother And watch fucking Donnie and Marie human She would cry how beautiful he was and I was just a skinny little fucking dopey kitten
Starting point is 00:32:35 Polyester shirt And I'd be sitting there all jealous And I'd sit there and I'd want to say that Donnie Osmond was a faggot But I knew it even at that age if I said Donnie Osmond was a faggot And then how fucking she had like a uh, uh one of those, you know, that when you have a those bolts You have those fish bolts Okay, and she had a fish in there a couple fish in there And then one day she got home and her her kitten drowned trying to get the fish
Starting point is 00:33:04 What the fuck I helped her bury the fish and that's when I got in with her I helped her bury the fish and I held her and then we held hands and shit So from then on for like three months after school right before we go to our house We go in a parking garage And we make out like 15 She'd let me drop the hips and shit And I would come all over myself And I'd go home all confused and shit. So that went on for like three months and shit
Starting point is 00:33:34 Oh my god, then we kind of went out, you know, we would talk on the phone all night and shit And then we started fucking playing hooky And going back to my house and driving No, no, no before we started playing hooky, we would just go back to my house and dry them dry them dry them dry them To about a quarter to five And before her father's mother got there and we would dry up the earth when the fire We would just dry up like a motherfucker when the fire Then we started playing hooky
Starting point is 00:34:08 And then it's over that same thing one day her and I played hooky and we went back to our house and the mother was waiting for us I got caught. Yeah, we got caught So we weren't allowed to really see each other. I was over it for like a month We were both punished from each other. It was fucking horrible. I was Lee I couldn't do homework. I couldn't eat you couldn't think I quit karate. I stopped watching tv. What the fuck? Oh my god, I broke apart on the same guys Why would you quit karate? Because I couldn't even focus. I was a little so much lovely
Starting point is 00:34:52 I did not know how to handle it You know bruce lee had died. This was just a string That we're all linked together and my mental destruction as a teenager And it hit me hard But I said we we just got separated and then we hooked back up and we had a plan that the last day of school And by this time By this time I had all these I couldn't get myself out of that. I had all these I couldn't get myself out of that So the last day of school
Starting point is 00:35:25 They didn't put me in the eighth grade. They put me in the other seventh grade That means I had to go to summer school again to the eighth grade And by that time I didn't give a fuck because tomorrow She was gonna give me a piece of policy And the next fucking day she reneged. She said she couldn't do it I can't do it. I I want to be a virgin for a little while longer. I still want to dry hump I'm still let you squeeze my tits. I mean, I wasn't even sucking the titties guy. Oh my god. That's how much in love I was Draft and then bro and then I started going to summer school, but
Starting point is 00:36:05 We only told him we could dry him then Morning Because her parents were watching that and my mother was watching me You know the only way I could dry humpa was between 10 and 12 every day So I stopped going to summer school Just to dry humpa and I felt even after she reneged you so fucked up summer school I was I was in love. Did you have to pay for summer school? No, it was free service. No, it was a free service They make the paper summer school now
Starting point is 00:36:31 Dog I was in love guys and I failed and I thought because I knew Carmine Balzano that would let me skip And they were like, no, it's not gonna work. I'm like, that's mr. Dalton Because mr. Dalton the one principal came up to me. He ran the summer school program. He's like, hey, bro. You missed three sessions You're done. I almost said don't please this is something I could do He goes, no He goes have Carmine talk to you talk to Carmine let him hand was The whole summer I waited till like fucking two days before school. I asked him and he goes, I can't help you You fucking did fucked up in summer school. I didn't tell my parents nothing
Starting point is 00:37:12 I was ashamed bro And by this time her parents didn't want us to see each other I was Fucked up And I got left back. I'm in the seventh grade and the eighth graders were all looking at me creepy every day You can't get left back. Oh my god, there was no therapy in those days And people would tell me how you doing that you are you over her? I'm over I'm over. I stopped eating and I went back to karate
Starting point is 00:37:47 And you know what she little fire in the mass now I started paying attention to school And then it was funny years later. She came to me to bail her out A date had been her and her boyfriend broke up before the prom And she knocked on my door when my mother died after my mother died And she asked me if I could cover the spread If I could take it to the prom do her a favor And she goes redo it. I'll have sex with you. Mm-hmm my tits and she had had an accident that tits got big And she just scared me bro at that time, you know what I'm saying? I'm a movie
Starting point is 00:38:23 I broke my fucking heart. You need me get left back. I ain't that stupid to fall back into your diabolical weapon. Yeah That was strong. You strong for that one dog. I might have tapped out. No, I didn't no no no no no And I was no sex machine at that But I knew I didn't want to go back to that dark place that bitch had me listening to jermaine jackson That's how depressed I was jermaine left the jackson five You listen in and he went solo and I would sit there. Let's tell him I'm over and over. Was that something good? The album had a song I never knew jermaine solo was any good. All right, see if uh youtube
Starting point is 00:39:08 Let's go out tonight jermaine jackson. Hold on. Hold on. Let me think of something No We going through it So are you I'm all right. Me too. I'm good. I'm doing good. Hey I'm taking much room like nothing. You know, ain't put on jermaine jackson. Let's put on the computer here Let me just check this out. You gotta hit jermaine jackson when he went solo dog. This is crazy Yeah, you listen to the jermaine jackson. I had jermaine jackson. That's how that's what I was Michael jackson had left the fucking jackson five this chick fucking dumped me and now jermaine
Starting point is 00:39:48 Oh, look at look at jermaine. Right. Look how he looks now. Look at that cut now. Let's see He don't even look real. He looks prosthetic What was you listening to on jermaine jackson So press jermaine jackson was Man, what is the dynamite? Put in my My touch of mad. There you go. My touch of mad. You ever hear this? No, here you go Here's jermaine jackson coming at you when he broke apart
Starting point is 00:40:28 So my touch of madness. Listen to jermaine jackson You think you come here because he was dating the sister, right? He married me. There's the older on the daughter. There you go. Yeah Look at the natural Oh, you was going through I was heartbroken I was shredded. Yeah Oh Wow You were a moody little he was crying. That was great. He was crying. Oh my god. I was torn apart
Starting point is 00:41:18 No idea. You know you didn't drive a tear today I'd walk a country mile Yeah Would you like tears in your eye? Yeah I put it on the cassette or gave it to her She didn't want it Oh My god, this is like a real movie right now. This is terrible. You had no idea. I'm right now. I stoned. I'm starting to feel
Starting point is 00:42:02 Like I was the seventh grade again. Listen to this Here, come on man. Okay. You can sit a little more. My touch of madness All right, you're killing already. I'm the first to know for right. I'm gonna have to eat that xanax. I do game here at the fucking 7-Eleven Yeah The wind is fucking day today It's no, it's been weird out Today I took my wife I went home after fucking kickbox and they have much going on. I had a ride. I had to send some shit to some people
Starting point is 00:42:34 So I went I took care of that and about my wife came back from yoga. She was a young girl I'm not really yo hungry. I go to that place And get one of those almond milk smoothies in there. It's all fruit and uh this protein It's like fucking six points or I get the fucking smoothie with just pressed apple juice And fruit. So I'm good to go. Hold on. Oh, sorry. There was one other thing I wanted you to see in there I lost was I listened to at that time that was Is it a germane Jackson? No
Starting point is 00:43:06 No, I don't think I'm gonna do that. But that's what germane was putting out. That's how heartbroken I was You gotta you gotta go through that. No, everybody gotta get through that. You know what I'm saying? What was your first heartbreak Lee? How are we? Well, like it's weird because I don't really have like she was Like she was like kind of like my girlfriend, but not really like we were young like I was like Middle school because she left in high school But she was my neighbor We like we would take our dogs on walks like you think it's it was hard to get with me to walk now I'd be walking every day for like hours
Starting point is 00:43:34 Because she she was cute. She was the first girl. Let me touch her boobs. Oh, that's it. Oh, it's over and then like I like it was like God, yeah, that was weird Yeah, mine was worse with me. I was with I was with my you know, if I get they high school sweethearts, you know I was with mine But we used to get all the way like past and I was like really like starting making music and I was going to new york all the time So I would leave to like go to new york to record and I just remember coming back one time and I called her like what's up And she goes like I'm with my boyfriend. Like what's your boyfriend? Like what the fuck unless it's how we that shit fucked me up
Starting point is 00:44:08 How old was I was I was my 20s then So but we we lived together all type of shit like we had just recently moved out You know what I'm saying? No, I got my shit ripped apart in the seventh grade And then I got my shit a little tougher And the eighth grade is shit. I started stroking and on the eighth grade. I went on a dick slinging I got good at hoops I wasn't slinging dick, but I was sucking titties And I was starting to dump girls
Starting point is 00:44:38 Like I dumped this girl for a different Irish girl and then I I'm swapping spit with her best friend It was I wanted to tear that Yes, that's how it usually happens. Oh my god. I was I was fucking heartbroken. I want to take this work, but I can never get a girlfriend That's a different situation I would get my little fix every night At that age, I'd always hook up with somebody we make out and let me finger In those days those girls would just grab you a dick from the outside But at least a shot of love in their hands
Starting point is 00:45:13 They would never I would never even dream of taking my dick out at that age for a woman They give me a hand job. I would be embarrassed. Like that's how Catholic I was They would rub my dick and I'd be a little nervous like this. Just check has she sucked dick before Like I was one of those guys it was it was really creepy after that heartbreak for me I want to and then I know I got my heart broken again An 82 In like a weird situation kind of way 82 83
Starting point is 00:45:49 But it was one of those quick heartaches. You ever had one of those Like I mean the best way to get over this is to get another one. Shit. You just gotta move on No, I was one of those guys that my My confidence would not let me fucking talk to anybody for four or five weeks. Well, I just stumped you. Yeah, it would stump me I just want to be alone. I go to the movies by myself. No, I need Chinese food by myself I'd smoke popcorn with some I know what you mean though. It was like You can't stop thinking about that. She's just stay on your mind when you're going that type of shit
Starting point is 00:46:20 You gotta get over that shit, but and then 84 and then that was like you weren't really doing drug and shit Like that being there was oh, please That was part of the fucking situation And then 84 I fell in love again, but I found love You ever fall in love And I did that twice in my life I can't why You ever fall in love with somebody, but you know it ain't gonna work
Starting point is 00:46:47 But you still Yeah, this ain't good. This is never The one that left me like that from Oh, my god, I'm going to be a rapper. No coming. Why? Maybe for a couple who I am and 84 the heartbreak was so bad. I didn't get a piece of pussy for 16 months after that Yeah, you know this to not want to have sex for 16 months I remember I first got out of jail kind of kind of creeped out Like I like most people think you get out of jail
Starting point is 00:47:18 You just want to instantly like get some bitches and fuck but I can't I was like kind of like shell shocked you It took me like down here a month before I started fucking oh I had 18 months and it wasn't that I didn't want to it just This was draft No, we're gonna go on eat harmony and see what's out there. You know, oh, no, yeah, you gotta hear from all directions You've been regrouping lately. I'm watching you. You've been regrouping You're going back to the gym. Oh shit. Lee. He's doing open mics back out there He's regrouping. He's gonna start juicing again pretty soon
Starting point is 00:47:53 No, that thing almost gave me diabetes because the dean del Rey got diabetes from it and like the day I stopped got diabetes like Yeah And the day I stopped from juicing like my like my legs were like it's tingly and stuff. So I was like, oh It's not looking back on Because you put so many apples and grapes in it to like too much sugar to get the uh taste of the goddamn kale out of it That apparently you can get yourself diabetes. So no disrespect even dealings right now. Fuck that. I'm eating like I want to right now I stopped smoking cigarettes. I gotta get some type of joy. So I've been smashing shit. I don't give a fuck
Starting point is 00:48:32 Fuck it. I'm trying you cook No You're even trying to put your wife cook No, no, see we got every night. Damn. Yeah. Oh, Jesus Christ. So bad breakfast too I don't really eat breakfast like that But I eat up Well, you did come in and you're like two two p.m. Is a little early for a meeting. I'm like two p.m. So early Something else that might win when you go to bed. Yeah, it depends on because I'm saying I'm out here. I'm gonna be partying plus
Starting point is 00:49:02 You know that time. I don't know you might be right, but um I don't know what I'm getting to tonight. Fuck if I have a late night, then two p.m. Is it early for me? I might still be I might not get up to noon I did that last night. We took a stir last night. Had a good time What time to hang out till last night? I can't even remember I just remember waking up and it was only then it was 10 minutes a lobby call like fuck So I had to rush and get up out of there But got the job done
Starting point is 00:49:29 Now I got a night to myself. I'm gonna figure it out Let's probably go to the store again. Let's pray element When do you leave? I'm gonna stay a few more days. I think I don't know I'm keeping it open No music while you're here. Nothing musically singing up. Just chilling looking around. Yeah, it's cold out here Do I thought I was gonna get some good weather? It's like the same as it is out here at home It's like the same kind of weather. It's a little chill one to all the chill side I could wear my fur off this motherfucker. You know what I'm saying? That was pretty amazing when I saw you in the office
Starting point is 00:50:01 Let me tell you something. You got those white people crazy I have no idea Black man with a fur with a white woman driving motherfucking crazies and shit Is it true? As soon as I saw you sitting next to That chick there was a chick at the counter. There was no spaces They all looked at you and that poor chick just sat there and crunched over like all creeped up. You didn't see that It was fucking crazy. Oh, man a black man with a fur dog
Starting point is 00:50:34 That's Especially at sporting events. Yeah, that makes me like Frank Lucas or that motherfucker, man. Yeah Fuck yeah It's a player. Shit. That's what I bought that code to go to UFC. Yeah, but you gotta remember that chick is acceptable in Detroit Yeah, but in Austin, Texas They were not ready to check the weather and I was like, oh, shit. It's cold out there Fuck you never get a chance to wear fur in Texas. I think people in Texas would like fur don't really come Isn't that good
Starting point is 00:51:03 I'm not saying that Texas is one of those states. It's a men's a mulch type. It's so hot out there a person can't dress like this They don't see shit like that. It's a men's a mulch type of stick So like that just to make these black is a little bit. I'm blind with a fur fucking jacket They think you're a pimp. A fur coat in Texas You fucking that's only a life no Easily I can put anything on here with that. I can just walk in there and say can I talk to y'all Zion for a second? Negro coming in here with a fur on
Starting point is 00:51:34 And mother fucking January that's two years just that turn around That's two years and then when you get to the station, where do you think they're gonna find in that mink? A pound of harrowing the key to who killed chastro They're gonna pin everything on you and you're gonna be looking at 20 a life for wearing a fucking mink In the fucking it is crazy. Listen, bro. I used to go on the road in the mid 90s To the end of 90s. I used to work triple ones And I used to go to the weird places And I tell you what I saw I didn't see racism
Starting point is 00:52:11 But I saw control Mm-hmm. Do you found saying? Yeah Like when I would go to places and I don't I mean you try used to be pretty much segregated like that. Like, you know, but no, no, no, it's a different type of control. It was uh Like I would go to like Some place in Boise. Mm-hmm. I do comedy and after the county show The dj comes on everybody hangs out
Starting point is 00:52:36 And they'd be in places where they were you know 90 percent of the population was fucking white Now i'm lying to you because I got coked there was some mexican But I noticed one thing I noticed that there was black men out that night single They kept that black in check So they were allowed to talk to the white chicks, you know, right? Yeah, and this is like a rural place These white chicks are dying. It's like a black thing to get over with. So it's a weird
Starting point is 00:53:13 facts, Danny It's a fact they've been here in the body for years They grew up christian. No one's ever said that about a jewish dick No, I don't want to get it out of the way Hey, honey, get it out the way. They gotta dip it to the dark side. They go. They won't get colored in Yeah, their father's been telling them for 20 years. Don't play black people Now they see a good-looking guy like Danny brown You gotta get colored in and they look at him. They touch his skin just to make sure
Starting point is 00:53:44 Wow They've never seen a black man before but they've heard of the legend. Idaho is crazy though. It's crazy There's a couple places That are still fucking boys Boys, he's wide open. I haven't been there in Fuck 20 years But that was one town that was very We were starting already
Starting point is 00:54:06 the boysy funny bone In 1995 was one of the best clubs in the top 10 clubs in the country They checked who booked it knew the business and she got people to go up there and the hotel they put you in was a Old motherfucking hotel That was gigantic Danny brown. It was like from 1871. So everything was creep. Oh, sir Everybody was cool. The bars were cool You know, I went out a couple of nights But I was also fiending when I went there. Mm-hmm. And I like the third night I had eyes
Starting point is 00:54:43 But all there was was math speed at the time. I bought it I'm here for seven nights. I gotta put some of my fucking nose I gotta fucking improvise a little bit live a little and I was up the whole fucking weekend dog I was opening for Dave Titus. Hmm. Is that his name? Chris Titus, Chris Titus the boysy Idaho. It had to be 1990 fucking Six And I got I did a line of fucking speed on a Friday night. It was considered speed I went over to the bar. I shared a picture
Starting point is 00:55:20 A beer with some waitresses and waiters. Mm-hmm. And they gave me the package there. It was like 10 bucks. Okay That one in the back. I'm like the two fucking blast dog. You knew it was me Yeah, because there was nothing else going on. What am I gonna do? I'm a fucking junkie. Yeah, it's 1990 You know what I'm saying? I'm ready to go at that. Look speed. I'm on the road. I'm under I'm living on the fucking room I'm waking up and whatever pops in whatever opens up So I got there in those days comedy used to be Tuesday through Sunday I think that club was Wednesday through Sunday. So dog. That's five fucking nights by Friday night. I'm scratching You know, sir
Starting point is 00:56:02 So Friday night I got a package at the bar I did two bumps It burned the shit on my nose. I could feel them my eyeballs and shit And I went out and guys You know, like I said, I was always like a Budweiser or two And now I gotta go. I get fucking gas I went through two pitches of fucking beer by myself guys like I'm fucking one hour And then I got a little creepy
Starting point is 00:56:27 It got creepy in there and I said I gotta go And I went back to the hotel room and that cable and shit like showtime and HBO and at one point Dad some dirty shit on and I jerked off It was like next you know, I was five in the fucking morning Time fly and the place is creeping the whole tower room was creeping and I had a little bit left And I'm like, you know what I'm coming down. I don't need that a little bit. I'm just gonna save it for tomorrow night
Starting point is 00:57:00 Next you know, it's seven in the morning dog Next you know, I laid down and my heart started pounding Like it was gonna fly out of my chest. I had to get up and leave the apartment I started getting paranoid. I heard every creek So I didn't sleep all friday night And then I went and did boat shows friday saturday and saturday night. I didn't sleep I didn't fall asleep till sunday afternoon Like at one o'clock and I had to get up at six to do the last show of the week
Starting point is 00:57:29 And I went back to the hotel and I just went to sleep till the next day like a fucking 12 I made a knock on the door. That sounds horrible Two fucking days. I was a lot of two bumps on two little fucking blasts I must have jerked off Two I could not believe it. I could not you smoke cigarettes then No, I would have smoked a thousand cigarettes No, I didn't do nothing then
Starting point is 00:58:01 But smoke weed I kept leaving the hotel to smoke Dog, I was smoking joint after joint. I didn't know what was going on. The weather was nice You know, there was like a little alleyway or something behind the hotel where you could smoke Even the comic set when you go to Boise There's a place by the dumpster It was a horrible experience because every time I thought I was tired I would lay down and my heart would start fucking that's nothing worse than that, man And this had to be like 96, but this was seeing I'm a you know, me dog. I'm I'm international
Starting point is 00:58:38 When I was locked up in 88 On mondays This dude John Clark would bring in his girlfriend would bring it in a bubble and I'm out and it was minimum security A speed and a balloon So they would make out and then he'd have in his mouth. He wouldn't even swallow it He just take it out during the visit or he'd leave it in his mouth And since it was minimum security, nobody would really search him. He'd take the visitations like me on off days You took a job in the kitchen
Starting point is 00:59:08 And you took different days off. So I would take like one days and two days For visits because there's nobody else in the room. You can fuck. Yeah, damn Plus you could smuggle shit. Nobody knows nothing. Yeah, it was minimum security guards. They can give a fuck Sure. So every monday, I would do speed with that dude You kept doing it in 87 before the I don't And it was different than that tonight That thing kept me up if I would do speed. Why would you want to be up in jail, man? Oh my god, it was
Starting point is 00:59:42 I had a tv in my room. Oh shit, you know, I had books in my room I did acid in jail. That's crazy with the librarian one night. We stayed up all fucking night And guards kept walking by us. There was like four of us the other The other invicts didn't know that me and the librarian had done the acid And the guard kept passing by we say probably wrote us up on a report Usually they piss you when guards see that type of activity the next day you get a year an hour They can't trace acid in your system. Oh really? In those days, they couldn't and all the invicts knew it acid in jail. That's like a movie
Starting point is 01:00:21 That's why the people were because they couldn't test you for acid. So everybody had acid in prison Everybody it was everywhere And you take a hit of acid and sit in yourself Acid freaks me out, man Have your freak dollars to a fuck out. You want to smoke some of the acid? Hell no No I'm seeing colors off these little shrubs told you giggles and colors right now. Oh my god. Are you all right, man? I'm doing just the same as you Danny. I'm tight. I'm kicking it. I'm maintained it, man
Starting point is 01:00:54 Me too. The mushrooms are delicious. Yeah, they're not bad They got a little kick to them. They got a little wank on them. They ain't too crazy All right, I'll tell him I did some mushrooms I fucking lord of the rings came on the motherfuckers came on the tv. I was 3000 cleaver I was running up the street to my socks. They started raining. I thought I was in tokyo. And there's a long movie It was so lit up, you know, it cleave this down like a lit up place downtown cleave it But for some reason that shit. I thought I was in japan It was just all your mushrooms your eyes open up more, right?
Starting point is 01:01:25 Like your eyes dial into some shit only so you get more light. No vegas I've tripped like I'm done blowing vegas Vegas eating like uh edibles the first couple times and walking to the casino at two in the morning When it's medium packed There's still a couple tables It's kind of fucking weird when your eye by yourself And you're walking to las vegas. I used to have a delivery boy in vegas. They used to drop on I swear to god I had a guy in vegas that all you had to do was call him. I swear to god
Starting point is 01:01:57 But you could be it Whatever hometown you were at. You just call this number Where you at? I'm here. What room and you know, you were a comic So they would give you a pretty good room. They would upgrade you And I remember like you couldn't get up without the card And he tied 20 minutes. There was some next thing, you know, he had the door He knew everybody and that fucking down. He was paying everybody. He coming to your hotel room. What do you want?
Starting point is 01:02:29 See, we give you an able and then give you a come down package What the fuck? Like two percocets, two xanaxes, two percocets And two fucking So he'd throw it in for the next 10 minutes Oh my god, I would eat everything. I would just eat the whole come down package Whatever the coke ran out. So I would fucking go right to bed. Oh my god, Vegas Yeah, yeah, no, that's shit. Do you think he's still around who that guy I know for a fact he's still around
Starting point is 01:03:02 I said no a christmas card No, no, no, no, no, no, but it's crazy because even for years, you know, I mean, I haven't done coke 10 years But I would say I found out Who and what he really did I was introduced to him At the comedy store in a really weird way And he gave me a card And then my buddy who I was copping from that introduced me to him Told me if you're ever in Vegas, he needs something
Starting point is 01:03:29 Call that card. All right, good at that time. I wasn't going to Vegas And all of a sudden I started getting work in Vegas with rogan And I would go to Vegas with him And call him the night before anytime and call call me when you land. Mm-hmm. It was that easy I land me and rogan and eddie and Duncan and I would go eat. We'd all go back to our rooms before the weigh-in I would call him and within fucking 20 minutes I have a package in my room with a come-down package. Yeah, I already had the night set
Starting point is 01:04:03 Easy call. I'd hide the coke I'd do the show with Joe rogan. Mm-hmm. And when he went on stage And you could call that numbers many times as you want damn ain't nobody gonna answer Vegas is crazy, man. Every time I'm in Vegas. I never leave my hotel Really? I do and we get super late and I just can't do now can't sleep. So I like fuck it But I gamble to lose man. I never gambled the intention. What are you talking about? You gamble? I just gamble to lose. I mean, I don't play with intentions on winning
Starting point is 01:04:35 So I just be betting crazy doing dumb shit and I win sometimes I win I recklessly gamble what your game of choice. I play um, I play craps, of course But I one time my favorite actually is just war. I was in Australia Don't encourage him please because we'll start playing fucking Your entire life at war Are you serious? It's just one $2,000
Starting point is 01:05:15 Great Oh my god, Danny. All right, but no what happened. I got up. I was up like I started Yeah, you could get like you went to get up quick as fuck You know what I'm saying and then I just bet bet it all on what we were talking about gambling to the other day That was a gamble. Was it you and me that he was I wasn't me and them. Yeah The kitten Denver that we were talking about Las Vegas the comedian real cool guy the second night He was talking about he was a gambler. Oh, yeah, brand topler. Yes. He was talking about that
Starting point is 01:05:46 He was a a gambler dude in Vegas and how they lose It's crap. It's a true casino man. I see this addictive man You know, I've seen Detroit changed from them putting the casinos in there like You know all those old people they used to work at like the factory jobs and Chrysler and shit like that And they pretty much just spent all their retirement money at the casino. So now all the motherfuckers is fucked up now Yeah, whenever you like the people like the old ladies who play the slots all the time Yeah, they're fucked up now. That's shit. Fucked up the city like all these older people who had money, man Casinos man, you see in it like that's what our neighborhood is just looking the way they're looking
Starting point is 01:06:21 Look the trade is on the come up. It's changing It's scary when you go to Vegas and they have like the line for people who are doing their Check cashing at the casino. Oh my god. Come on. Don't do it there. Oh man That was another crazy addiction I went to for about Four months gambling and I took a sports betting. Oh, yeah, and I took a beating at the age of 19 And I ended up okay I ended up running away. I maybe only eight grand or some
Starting point is 01:06:53 But my buddy got into a deep hole And I'll tell you guys I didn't like paying the fucking bookie. It bothered me to pay him on fucking Thursdays Especially when you have to work for money like you got a day job You got to pay some money on a Thursday because you want to bet fucking some stupid fucking team And that's why I stopped This guy's getting paid man, but you know what the odds are always against you. I never won. Yeah, you're born to lose I swear I would love gambling man. We did shoot dice in the bathroom at school and I just always lost Gambling was never my thing
Starting point is 01:07:28 It was weird. It does somehow got to my extremely suburban high school. You know, you guys at your school? Yeah, absolutely I swear to god I don't know how it got there, but we just started playing craps. Yeah, you know, it was I think it was just dice I think it was just a higher number. Okay. Oh, no no. No. No. No. No No, what's seven eleven? It was seven. It was awesome It's like I used to come up on side betting but never just me on a dice. It's a rat Yeah, I was I was really tight with my mom. I made I made seven twenty five an hour. I was I didn't want I did it a couple times.
Starting point is 01:07:59 You know, it's so easy to really, like I just read this book, The Corporation, that's coming out in the 20th, and it was basically revolved around sports, but it was revolved around numbers betting, and how this guy made this business, just, you know, he was making an enormous profit on profits, and it does it like he, they describe bookmakers that weren't knowledgeable, that could be up one day, hundreds of thousands, and the next day they got cocky, and they didn't dump off enough, and they got, all you need is one guy to come in and place $50,000 on a number, that's $25,000 cash, and people did it all the time.
Starting point is 01:08:46 No, that's crazy. Bro, my mom would pop a number of $50 bucks every day. Fuck, that was a, are you crazy? My mom would put 50 on 604, 517, and 516 every fucking day of the week. That was just a one-numbered guy. That's crazy. Oh my God. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Fuck. Nah, bro, that's a, like I said, me and my buddies, and it's weird because my, the family I lived with after the bend is the runnies, Mr. Runny, God rest his soul, fucking straight up fucking gentleman, great guy, he was the head of this place where I had dad, like knitting stuff, and he used to tell us, listen guys, if you want a gamble for entertainment, bet five times, and that's what he would do, and he'd go, once you start going higher than that, you guys are gonna lose, and we're like, fuck you, cuz everybody trying to get regret.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Yeah, we know what we're doing, you don't know what you're doing, and he would tell me, look, I bet one game, I made 25 bucks, and I didn't get off the couch, next Saturday when I go to the bar, I pick up the 25 bucks and I drink for free all fucking day. He had a great logic, now that's, we don't, we do more than that, and all, he included his son, me, my friend, Furnie, my friend, Stinky, we all got into fucking huge holds, the shit I had to do to bail out of holds one time, we bet off, and when we were 18, we bet a Monday night football for 25 hundred bucks, it's like me putting a bet on when you got it, but I got a fucking, I call you on Thursday, and tell you, I don't have your
Starting point is 01:10:32 money. I'm your friend, bro, you're gonna put me in this position, so the dude I put the bet on was a high school teacher, man, that was a good dude, and me and him had a good time in the last two years, you know what I'm saying, he was a good dude. How did you make it sport? So we ended up robbing a fucking jewelry store to pay the guy the fucking money, yeah, man, because, you know, it was just kid shit, kid shit, that's fucking crazy, betting Monday night football, getting clubbed, you have no idea, the beatings, I took sports betting
Starting point is 01:11:10 when I was in high school, and people would tell you, you gotta be crazy, and then wait till basketball comes out, once basketball comes out, that's every day, that's how they catch you, they catch you every day, next thing you know you've been in basketball, and you've been betting basketball parlays to catch up, and then you're losing that that, so you give hockey a try. What the fuck? You don't know what hockey is. That's an addiction.
Starting point is 01:11:33 You bet sports you don't even know about? Sometimes you call a friend of yours, let me ask you a question, you're a hockey guy, right, yeah, in fact, I'm watching a game right now, you're kind of interrupting a Joey listening to that, if you had a bet between this team and this team, who would you bet? And you go, well, I like this team, and this team is defensive this, and sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I win with them, but for the most part, I just kept taking the beating guys, and some bookies I paid back, some I paid half, they never bothered me again, you know, it was just stupid, you know, stupid, I was a couple times, yeah, more than a couple
Starting point is 01:12:15 times, I bet way over my head, and I was just getting in trouble with people and disappeared for a while. I'm sure. Running off, you finesse me, I'm going to try and finesse me. See you soon, see you soon. Running off for the plug. Love you. No, we never had that in Michigan, I don't think, I mean, I guess probably like back
Starting point is 01:12:36 in the day, but. I don't know, nothing about cars, I don't know, nothing about, I play dice too, I don't remember if I won or not, I don't know nothing about that shit, like I just know that I'm not good at it. Yeah, that's how, I just, I do a few fun things. I appreciate it, I see what you're doing, but they for me, sometimes I get lucky, when I'm in Vegas, I still put a bet in from time to time, don't get me wrong, but it's not that craziness that I live, and I know $50 ain't going to make me or break me, and I'm
Starting point is 01:13:08 there anyway to watch the UFC, I might as well put a bet, you know what I'm saying? Have you ever won anything on those video poker games? Yeah, a couple of times, this last time I went, I hit for like three, four on loves, but the whole the fuck are you kidding, you're still down. I hit on them one, the video roulette one, I hit on one of them one time, oh yeah, like $500. Yeah, it's all, you can go and have a great time in Vegas, I like doing it at night by myself when you're stoned, and you can't sleep anyway, it's better than sitting in your room
Starting point is 01:13:43 and watching TV, you go on stands and you're just playing like, just try your luck, like that's it, bro, you take $50, no, me can't handle you addicted, no, no, no, no, no, no, I am addicted, but I'm, I don't, I don't, I don't go to the ATMs at the casinos, that's the rule I have. Oh, just don't go to ATMs, so if you come with, that's what it is, yeah, no, I'll be fucked up, because if you get that book, I get that book, I'm not saying I haven't gone, I broke it a couple times, that's what I'm saying, when you lose, you be like, fuck that, no, I've lost, I've lost more than I should have, I gotta get back, and then you go, it's
Starting point is 01:14:15 over with, once you start thinking like that, you already lost, but like, it's like, the most I've lost is like, a thousand, no, 1400, I mean, I guess, I think I'm kinda, I think I watch enough basketball, or I think I'll be good with betting on basketball, but I feel like it's just like, kiss the death, every time I bet on something, they always lose, listen bro, here's the back, it's so funny, when I work for a sports betting service, we would have a meeting every day, and you know, you have to lie on the phone, you have to tell people you're doing 70%, remember what the kid was saying, what's the best people could do, 50 and people would say, nobody could do that, you know, and I remember he
Starting point is 01:14:58 would always say, he was a smart guy, they got it right, you know, because I admire him a lot, and a lot of this shit I do today is because of him, and he used to go listen, he was playing it simple, you guys type up Art Sleetster, you know, he goes, Art Sleetster, Pete Rose, fucking, all these guys got busted, they played the game, and they still lost, Michael Jordan, YouTube, what was the first name I said, Art, Art Sleetster, I don't know, let's Google, Art Sleetster, whatever that is, Yahoo, Google, football players who gambled, you know, I take a piece of my friend's medicaid, or slisher, yeah, compulsive gambler, no for decade, compulsive gambler habit, Danny, can you go 10 years, I can't hear my glasses
Starting point is 01:16:08 really reading from my uncle Joey, I can't see it, I don't see, I gave him 10 years, he committed 20 felonies, God damn, he gambled away much of his salary, somebody stole 1.5 this guy went crazy though, he was a quarterback, and if you look, there was a couple of them, you know, Pete Rose allegedly gambled, so if these guys were involved in the sport, and they couldn't fucking win, how would you fucking win, it's like my dream to be able to go to the tables with that amount of money, but then everyone you talk to who has that stack is like I'm down 5,000 today, like damn man, 5,000, that's what you got to do, I guess you're going runs, he stole 500,000 from a dozen individuals including his own father,
Starting point is 01:17:13 what the fuck, this a movie man, this guy was the first guy, he just got out 2006, over half a million dollars in restitution, that's it, yeah, I mean, but he just did, he did mad years though, get the fuck out of here, poor, I didn't know it was that bad, no he's still like he just got out 2007, he's in prison, yeah, he back in there, he was released date 2020, and he got Parkinson's, god damn, oh yeah, he's the kiss of that, this guy couldn't win, this guy, Lee, it was hard, he called a wire fraud, bank fraud, yeah, no, they went crazy, I'm telling you, this was in 2011 though, that's crazy, he's still out here though, after he did 10, did another 10, oh my god,
Starting point is 01:18:15 just got off a 10, did it back and did the same shit, some people addicted to jail, that's what that shows me, this guy was, this all started with fucking gambling football, did he get suspended, did he say that he got suspended, yeah, obviously, well thrown out of the league, I don't remember what happened, man, he was arrested in 87, for what, in multimillion dollar sports betting operation, he was pleaded guilty to illegal gambling in April, and the commissioner didn't let him sign with the team, was he banned for life, no, I think he played again, no, he said, it's after that, that in parts of three seasons, he played only 13 games, yeah, I think maybe a per million backup or mom buff roles, he signed briefly in the Canadian league,
Starting point is 01:19:20 and then the arena league, this poor bastard, you know, he played arena football, I saw my mom, my mom was a fucking gambling junkie, and her thing was horses and baseball dog, and I think back now, you know, like bookies were called on the regular, what's going on, what do you want to do tonight, and she loved chasing it, there's people who really love chasing it that way, for me, it's a scary fucking place, man, it's a fucking terrible fucking way, you know what, just go play the Lotto, you're going to drop a dollar anyway, nobody gets their feelings hurt, I'm like, you go, I don't know, we know no success stories out of this though, you know, I, you know, listen, if I was good at it, I love going to Vegas and betting on a fight
Starting point is 01:20:10 and winning, I love it, I love it, I look at it on the car, that's different, I love it, they be throwing shit too bright, man, I go, the first thing I do when I check in, if I'm working with Joe, when I'm checking on the way in, I come down, and I go to the board, and I look at the line, and I don't even look at the two main fights, I look at the undercard, that's what the money is, it's gambling, it doesn't matter what you bet, you want to sit there being Johnny swarming, or you want to win money, it's that simple, and then they start fucking with you, they get you with the fucking side bets, that's what it gets you, listen, just pick a fucking game, bet it with everything you got, you believe in it, and watch the results, worst case scenario,
Starting point is 01:21:01 you bet ten times, you go six and four, you make two thousand fucking dollars, but you have to do it ten weeks in a row and stick to it, and I guarantee you'll make money, one fucking game, blast it for twenty five hundred, you see the line, you see the weather, something that you see, and I guarantee you'll fucking win money, what leave me? No, I do have a style, it was a Pacers game a few years ago, but when you see a mistake that they make, because they don't really make mistakes at all. The NBA refs need to be tripping though, so NBA refs, it's going crazy right now, every game they fucking up. Yeah, but you gotta remember one fucking thing, it's fucking tough, but you can't blame it on
Starting point is 01:21:50 the refs, you can't blame every fucking thing on the goddamn refs, the NBA, so I don't even know what's going on, I know the all-star game was LeBron, and then there's a college scandal now. Oh yeah, that's fucking, you know, this has been going on people for fucking, we went over this before LeBron, we're not about fifty fucking thousand years, but that's, anyway, that's a complete different social, but you gotta get these kids are poor, you're going into the fucking ghetto, these people, you know, you want to recruit, you gotta go to Sloan, you gotta go to Sloan, you gotta offer something, you want a kid that has never left his fucking neighborhood, to pick up and go to your school and play football, maybe he wants his auntie with him,
Starting point is 01:22:47 maybe he wants his mama with him, maybe his mama's doing time, he was raised by his grandmother, he wants his grandmother with him, maybe that's the deciding factor for him to go to that college, that costs money, man, a hundred thousand dollar payoffs they were doing, scamming one of the shoe companies, anybody have to start letting them go to the NBA or the high school again, that's the only thing that's gonna happen, what are they going to overseas, no, not most of them, not most of them, but they can, I mean, yeah, yeah, so you can't go into the NBA no more from high school, one year, you gotta do one year, so everybody doing one and done anyway, most high recruits just going to college, you know you're only getting that prayer for one year, so that
Starting point is 01:23:31 fucked up, it fucks up college too, to be honest, but now do we know, they paying motherfuckers, shit crazy, I mean, they need to pay them though, to be honest, they need to set up some type of payment situation for college athletes, man, that's the only way it's gonna work, there's so much money in college, yeah, because you selling in jerseys, they've been video, when I was doing all that stupid shit in 87, I left fucking Aspen overnight and I ended up, I was so paranoid that when I left the Aspen, it was the night after Thanksgiving, 1986, I left on an ounce of the prettiest cocaine you ever saw in your life, and the height of my cocaine addiction, I showed up with a pound of Fugazi weed, and I already owed this chick like fucking 15 grand that he had to
Starting point is 01:24:25 make a big favor, I know how you're money, I know you heard this story before, but I got a client that he needs this, I think it was a half ounce, and I go, I'll leave this weed as collateral, this weed looked great, but it was the Fugazi, somebody sold it to me and scammed me, I'm seeing shit from those mushrooms, I just saw the screen turn on me, like I was at the doctor's office I'm holding it together, I'm trying to hold it together, are we talking about it? I saw a few crazy days, I'm just being cool though, you know what I'm saying? I don't know what the fuck we're talking about, the mushrooms man, no, no, no, we're talking about something before the mushrooms, I'm telling you a story about, oh he's an Aspen, and it was an Aspen, I don't know what the fuck
Starting point is 01:25:11 it was, you left Aspen with the prettiest cocaine in the house, oh yeah, Fugazi weed, and I gave him a Fugazi weed lease, I had a couple grand in my pocket that I owed to people, like I told people give me money, and I'll come back in an hour with an ounce of cocaine, I ain't gonna do it, don't worry, I got it all figured out, I scammed like four fucking people for like two grand, and we drove like three hours overnight, and then I couldn't stop snorting, so we had to go to a hotel, so me and her were checking through a hotel through two lines ago, and we check out driving an hour and checking through another hotel, we thought the cops were chasing us, every whole time we went in, oh my god it was terrible, that's terrible though, that's a terrible,
Starting point is 01:26:01 it's nothing worse than owning somebody man, that whole situation of just oh man it's scary, that's scary, that's scary, that's a slippery slope, especially drugs, like we're just doing drugs and ball, and money and shit man, I feel so bad for my ex-wife, that poor girl, she was fucked up that night, and I had a driving, and I was paranoid, it was fucking that car, Jesus Christ, I was seeing him so long ago, and then we went to her, we went to her, we landed in Boulder, our parents didn't know that we were together, they knew, but they didn't know we lived together, so the first night we showed up at her sister's house, Mish, she lived on the hill in Boulder, and Mish let her sleep on the floor in the basement, like we were, and I had like one
Starting point is 01:27:00 eight ball left, and the middle of the night I started snorting, and I remember I looked at me going, what the fuck are you doing, like you know what I'm doing, take your panties off, and then I came, my mom, I mean I was, guys I was gone, I was 20-something years old, I was gone, and we stayed there for a while, and I think I got like a little, a weekly apartment, and the roaches and shit, and my roommates there were coked up as I was, oh, what I'm getting to, we're talking about boosters, I work, I got a job right away as a car wiper, and at the Boulder puddle, puddle car wash in Boulder, great place, great people, he owns a great people, him and his wife, they were boosters bro, they went to every game, they flew to every ball game, they went to
Starting point is 01:27:57 all the dinners, I forget how much they donated out of that place, that money was, that place was a car rent, a cash register, especially in the winter because of the salt and the ice, oh my god, after, after it snowed and the sun would come out, there'd be a line from here all the way down the fucking magnolia, I'm not kidding you, you'd be wiping cars all fucking days, the car wash business in those days guys, I see the car wash business, we got what, three car washes around here, you get in and out of there, it takes a half hour, they ain't doing nothing, they're all, bro, we were professionals at the puddle, I started as a car wiper down the guy, car wiper doubter, and then I got promoted to the guy that drives the car out,
Starting point is 01:28:52 what's that, that, so when the car comes out of the tunnel, oh yeah, it stops, I gotta get in it, slam the door, put it in gear and drive it to whatever station's open, okay, for the guys that drugged, I thought I was all cool and shit, it took me about a month in November and December, I'm wiping down cars, and I shut up on time every morning, 15 minutes before that, but I was also robbing, sometimes people give you three bucks, you only put two in the basket, or you put one in the basket and keep two with the receipt, so I was also, when I was a car, I learned how to steal when I was a fucking, a wiper, and then when I was a fucking car driver, and listen, you take 10 cars, you take 50 cents from each car, that's five bucks, you know what I'm
Starting point is 01:29:43 saying, five bucks, five bucks, five bucks, that's two fucking heroes, Mr. Boy, so between that and stealing tips, plus you know, 750 an hour, so I was the guy that got in the car and drove it out and then went back down. Yeah, that's the best job in the car, where's the one? No, no, I think wiper's better because you can steal more tips. It gets better, oh sure, I quit, and one day I was walking by, because I moved down the corner, when I got married, and the guy beeped at me, and he called me, and he goes, what's up, how you doing? We started talking, his name was Rich, I stole all this guy in my life, I think about him a lot, he was a good solid white dude, and he goes, you're looking for a job, and he goes, I'm looking for a host, a salesman,
Starting point is 01:30:30 and you pull up, you got to sell them products. Are you air freshener? Everything. No, like the packages, like cleaning packages. How you doing? Oh, okay. D.B. in the motherfucking house and shit. What do you want? You look good like a motherfucking, what are you going to get the dog to? I'm going to get the usual. What's the special? You know what I'm saying, there was always a special, so the special I would rope you with shit, like special is this, but $9.95 I'll throw in the rims for you, but do me a favor, let me get you for two dollars for the wax, because the wax was $10 and I wouldn't put it on the ticket. And then the girl inside came to me one day, I was selling outside and I was scamming a little bit, but there wasn't much room to scam. The scam was
Starting point is 01:31:19 when the girl from the register inside came to me and she goes, we're making a lot of money here, you're making them a lot of money, you're a good salesman, what if you did it this way and I'll split the money with you. So that bitch was giving me a ton of money every time I worked like seven, that was a coke fiend with a wife and a kid and how we worked three days a week, I was making two grand a week, we were stealing two grand a week, we were splitting four grand a week and dog, it was one month, two months, three months, it was month after month that somebody would come out and then I would ask them if they were paying cash and I'd put C on there. So she would know when she'd ring them up that she didn't have to ring them up. It was greatly,
Starting point is 01:32:09 she was stealing all the cash ones, the whole fucking register every fucking day. Not me, this chick was robbing them and then she would come out to me throughout the day and just give me 200, 150, I would leave there with fucking 700 cash, I was living like a doctor and nobody knew it. Nobody knew it. And I kept doing it month after month after month after month and about the eighth month I started getting paranoid. I'm like listen, these people are stupid but they ain't that stupid. Somebody's gonna figure out this thing and it was dog the last, I gave him my notice and that let us, last two weeks I robbed with six hands. We started figuring out how to rob the credit cards. And we would get them for a thousand, 1500 a day. She was sad
Starting point is 01:33:02 when I quit. She's like, Joe, you don't understand, you cannot quit. I'm making too much money. I've just bought a new car. She went over, I fucking had this, this chick was 21. But the reason she was younger than I was, the reason why I was doing it when I was, she had a cover. She knew somebody in the police department, her uncle, her dad was a sheriff or something. We always had an out. She always said she had an out. So I was one, one day I was like, you know, I ain't stupid. I've been to prison already. I've been stealing for years. You know, I knew that they were gonna figure it out. And if they figured it out, I was on probation. You know how he got on probation? Because I worked there in the DA and I became friendly with the
Starting point is 01:33:50 DA. I didn't know he was a DA. I just used to talk to the guy. And one day I asked him what he did. So I told him what I did. And he goes, Oh my God, I remember that case. So I started talking. And one day I went to him and I go, Listen, I want to move back to New York, but I can't because of the probation. And he goes, Have your attorney draft something and send it to me. His name is wise bill wise something. I think he got fired after the Jamba Nathan. But that guy got me on probation at that car wash. Plus, I got to see all the undercover cops. Okay. Yeah. That was really interesting. That was the case. They get their cars washed publicly? Yeah. I mean, we had an account with the police department. Okay. So they would come in and say
Starting point is 01:34:46 the Boulder County Sheriff's Office or Boulder County Police. Boulder County Sheriff's Office were kind of weird. Because if you're a Boulder County Sheriff's Office, you work a different place. So people don't recognize you're originally from Denver or Boulder. So how the fuck are you an undercover cop? So what those dudes would do would be like go to Fort Collins, but I would also see the guys that would come in to work from other jurisdictions that would get that car wash on the own. So I got to learn how they were starting to bust people. And then finally after six months, there was one undercover cop that was cool. And he knew what I had done and he knew that I knew. And we started talking. And we started talking about criminals that I had been
Starting point is 01:35:39 doing time with that he busted. And it was just, I learned a lot at that fucking place. I learned how to sell there. That was my first real experience with upselling people and bumping them up. Like, I'm making you pay more for what this special is, but I'm tricking you. It was the fucking way and everything was air. Like they told you that this thing only costs $2. This stuff costs 10 cents. Even if it says 69 cents, if you drop it 10 cents, you still, we're still making a profit. You still got a percentage of dog. I made money there also. The pay plan at the end of the week, like at the end of the week, you had a commission. I would pull the $17 an hour out of that. That was a lot of fucking money in 1990 guys. This is a year or
Starting point is 01:36:33 two before comedy. I was pulling out a little scam. I was in the halfway house. Dog, if I would have got caught stealing from there, that would have cleaned me up for years and for years I quit. But the point of the story is they were big, big, big time boosters. Like they gave half their fucking salary in that car wash to the University of Colorado and they got like 50-yard tickets and they got the special blankets and they also gave jobs to the University of Colorado football players. One of my first friends, you know, one movie I went to see with him, you weren't even born with this movie. Me and him, he was like a tackle and he was wiping cars in there. He had a lot of black football players. That's one thing I gave to God, but I guarantee
Starting point is 01:37:29 those motherfuckers were making a lot more than I was making, you know, at least because they were football players. But me and that kid double dated one night and we went to see Golden Child. Golden Child, Eddie Murphy movie? Eddie Murphy, you remember that? I was born in, I was born in 81. I think that was that. Yeah, that was 88, 89. I was born in 81. You ever see that movie? Yeah, I don't think so. Golden Child was tight. The little Chinese boy, wasn't it? Yeah. I remember that. That was tight. What a crazy fucking world, my friend. Now I know why you're wrapped. Let me give some shout outs here real quick. Get the party started. Ask you some more questions every day for a little bit. Dylan James Freisch, I love you. Ryan Siegel, Daryl Wade West,
Starting point is 01:38:23 Tom Gavis Naus, his daughter and his daughter, Tom Gaines and your beautiful daughter. Give her a shot. I know she's nine years old. Seth Reese, Payne David, Kevin Dome and Christian Bady. You know, I love you motherfuckers. Don't forget March 10th, working out with Uncle Joey at the Ice House, 15 bucks on the Saturday, 7.30 show. You have a back in the apartment by 10.30 doing the dirty. And then March 21st on a Wednesday night, the first show sold out. So they added a second at 10.30. Fuck work on the 22nd. Fuck it. Start on St. Patty's Day and keep going to the 22nd. That's right. What's going on with you playing? You performing? You doing the festival stuff? I got Chicago coming up on March 12th, I think. And then I go to Iceland on March 16th, my birthday.
Starting point is 01:39:21 And then in Alaska in April, but for the most part, pretty chill. I'm working on his album, so I can't really, I got to finish music. I got to make some music, you know. Now you have a label, your own label? No, I'm signed to Wart Records, which is pretty much a UK based label, independent label from Brian Emo. You know what I'm saying? So it's cool. I like it over there. I get to go to London a lot, you know? So that's a good part about it. And I was always a fan of that label too, because they just put out a lot of like experimental and cool stuff. It's not really too many rappers on a label, so it was kind of like, you know, it's cool. It's a cool place. I can't believe it. Like, you never really listened to the Eagles or anything. No, I never listened
Starting point is 01:40:08 to the Eagles. You always put me up on the good old school shit, though. That's what I fucks with you. That was, one of these nights was one of the first real rock songs. I was like, wait a second. I'm feeling this shit, because I refused to listen to rock music. Like, I didn't like the long hair. This is when I was a karate dude. I was smoking Potsdale and Bruce Lee was dead and I was still a little pissed off and this shit. Bruce Lee died when I was 10. I was pissed off about 11 and a half, 12 and this shit. I discovered women. I discovered that little chick. Bruce Lee was my life. I was from Bruce Lee. That little dry-up and that little skinny bitch. Yeah, man. That's crazy shit. I don't even know what we're talking about. What's up with the Eagles?
Starting point is 01:41:01 The Eagles, so I was in Miami when that song came out. I was a kid in Miami and I went nuts. I went home and bought the fucking album. That one of these nights, the first one, and then I bought Hotel California and that shit was fucking just straight up brilliant. I couldn't wait to get home from school at three because nobody was home till five and I would go downstairs and play in the living room and I would end guitar. The whole side of Hotel California. The new kid in town and all that shit. I love the fucking. I'm gonna check it out. I'm definitely gonna check it out. Then the one with the Indian came in, the bass player. The big Indian. They did the long run and that's a good album too, dawg. That's a bad ass album. You know the Brothers Johnson, huh? You know the Brothers
Starting point is 01:41:51 Johnson, huh? Put on Brothers Johnson. Let me see. I thought you knew about Brothers Johnson. Who doesn't know about Brothers Johnson? What happened dawg? I said who doesn't know about Brothers Johnson? I don't. I want to see you too. Brothers Johnson. These guys who called, this had to be 75. Okay. These guys with two brothers, two family, I'm not saying African American, I'm saying they were really brothers. What brothers? Brothers Johnson. Yeah. They had a couple big hits. There we go. All right. Strawberry Leather number 23. You don't know this shit? Maybe. Yeah, you do. You know this shit, dawg. Right there, that one. There were two brothers that were funky, but they could play them a guitar and they could play the bass. They were called.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Yeah, I know this. Okay. And then go to that next one right there. I'll be good to you. Right there. The one with the blue on the top. Right now. You remember this? Right now? No, tomorrow only. Yeah, right? This is my jam when I was a kid. You know, they used to come to the county store. When I first got there, they were friends with Chewy. When I saw them at the county store, I nearly fucking died to do with the big natural. But this is one of the biggest songs. This is now in love with New Yorker. That was her name. Yeah, it's fire. This is my old school. This is my fucking grandma's school.
Starting point is 01:43:41 Oh, shit. Here we go. What's up, Lee? We're going deep, deep in the American waters. We're done with this fucking. Oh, shit. All right. Click onto my board right there. The third video on the way down. We're just out of respect. Yeah, just out of respect. This is one of my favorites, man. Don't ask no questions. This is when black people are black people. This is my life. This is it. Man, he had the best talking part. If anybody knows, I'm with Juice Jones. You can get him on the podcast. Please contact me immediately. He's definitely a legend. This guy is one of my all time favorites.
Starting point is 01:44:40 He's so player, man. What? Never be the same. Oh, speed it up, Lee. Speed it up to the middle right there. Yeah, I got it here. We're talking Speed right there. Hit it, Lee. Oh, shit. His cousin showed up. This is one of my all time favorites. He's committed. He's committed to the party. You think there was an act in school? This guy is the real deal. Hey, come on in here. Got some hot chocolate in the store waiting for you. That's right. This is the first day. Let me hang up that coat. Yeah. How's your day today? Did you
Starting point is 01:45:43 miss me? You did. Yeah, I missed you too. I missed you so much. I followed you today. Oh, this thing is creepy. Now close your mouth because you're cold busted. You're cold busted. Sit down here. Sit down here. So upset with y'all know what to do. My first impulse was to run up on you and do a ramble. We're about to jam you and flat blast both of you. I ain't want to mess with this $3,700 links coat. Look at what I'm saying. I'm trying to copy you. I'm trying to copy him. That's it. The bank took out every dime. Every dime.
Starting point is 01:46:29 I stuck it up every piece of jewelry I ever bought you. Yeah, that's right. Stuff you up. Look, he's back to the slums. No, don't go looking in that closet because you ain't got nothing in everything you came here with. It's packed up and waiting for you. That's right. What are you thinking about? Who are you trying to prove? Who's with the juice? Gucci handbags, blue diamonds. I gave you things that couldn't even pronounce. You're still young. I hope you learn a valuable lesson from all this. I'm going to find somebody like me one of these days. That's right.
Starting point is 01:47:10 Until then, know what you got to do. You got to get going out of here with that out of cat cold wind. Hunch puppet, shit went and caught. Saw your way. Because you just missed. That's right. Silly rabbit tricks I made for kids. Did you know that? You without me like cornflake without the milk. I think Orange and Joe got his heart broken. That's what happens to me. That's what happens when women break man heart, man. He fucked her world up. He closed the bank account. Somebody fucked his world up. You remember this right here? Leave this on. Club Nouveau? Yeah. Oh, I know Club Nouveau. I got your song. You remember this. This is old school right here for you too. There's another
Starting point is 01:47:46 good one for you. Oh, shit. What? Oh, shit. This is old school. This is about the time I went to prison right here. This is straight up cocaine music. That's right. That's some old school shit for you right there, Joe. Listen, we're just trying to fucking drop some knowledge on you on a Thursday fucking morning. What else are you going to do with your life? Exactly. My man, D Brown is in the house. Something's going fucking down this weekend. I know. We're going deep. I'm not doing nothing. I got a play date on
Starting point is 01:49:01 Saturday. You know, I got swimming tomorrow with her for 30. I got to drop her off. I got to look at my glasses tomorrow because my eyesight is going to young people. Cherish your fucking eyesight. Cherish it. And you know what, man? The fuck between the computer and getting off the blow. That was the demolition of my eyesight. I had great eyesight all my fucking life. At about 44, I started writing on the computer and immediately, immediately dog, my eyesight went somewhere, but it was okay. It was manageable. I stayed on top, but I got the glasses. I got the reading glasses. God forbid you lose your reading glasses. It's like dropping that grandma coke at the restaurant where you're last on loan. You fucking panic. I kept breaking
Starting point is 01:49:55 my glasses. It was a fucking nightmare. And then I started taking people's advice, just go to Costco and buy the 10 fucking eyeglass kit so you can have, I mean, you need them everywhere. And then, bro, it gets to the point where you can't even read checks at a restaurant like even with the glasses on. And that's to the point I'm at. I catch myself watching TV or my left eye. That means my right eye is gone or something, you know what I'm saying? So I got to really fucking ask. And I bet it's getting worse for us. Like we staring at phones and computers all day. I need glasses. I know. You think it accelerates the fuck. I should probably fucking us up. Yeah, because we hold the right next to our faces. I mean, I have my fucking,
Starting point is 01:50:40 I don't see as well as, you know, I could see it's changing a little bit. I'm gonna be 37. And you feel already. Yeah. I didn't feel it till I, I know it was different, man. Like, I used to be, I could see way better. We've had 10 years for a while longer. I've had, I've had a computer since. Yes, forever. I mean, let's go probably, I think, because I was always a reader. You got, I got to tell you guys, I was always a reader. I got trained in the seventh grade when I got left back to fucking dude, made you read one book every month and he gave you an oral fucking exam. He wouldn't make it to a book report. He asked you questions. And I love it till today. I still just read this fucking book in three days, this corporation.
Starting point is 01:51:24 I love it. But I don't know what happened. I started writing early in the morning. And that's when I noticed it after about a year on the computer. I know what age it deteriorates, but it went quick at that point. At that point, it went from like fucking 10 to seven. And I was like, wow, this is noticeable. Right now, I'm at like three and a half. Like I have to squint. I have to get the fucking iPhone and get the light out, even with glasses. I don't even know what I'm up to. You know, buy these at CVS. You buy these and you lose these. And I'm up to like fucking 2.75 or 3.0. I don't fucking know. So I really went to the eye doctor there. I basically got to get that 10 to 10 and take number fucking three and stand online.
Starting point is 01:52:15 They picked my number. I got to get my glasses and I got to forget the fuck out and maybe train tomorrow. What do you got going on, my friend? I'm just kick it. I don't know. Probably see a couple friends, you know, she draw a little too. I don't know. I'm just playing it by ear for right now. I thought it was going to be nice out here, man. But fuck, I guess. I don't know. Before you dropped your record label. I mean, were you struggling at all in the beginning? Hell, yeah. It took me forever. I didn't put out my first project on a label until I was 30. So my whole 20s, I was trying to be a rapper. So are you serious? Yeah. My first album to come out till I was 30, really. I mean, I had mixed tapes before then, but I would go. Like I said,
Starting point is 01:53:02 I would go to New York, take a great high on New York on the weekend. And how would you make a living as a rapper? I was, I was selling dope, then. Selling weed. So you would sell weed to rap? I pretty much put out my first, like my first project that I get myself hot soup. I get that off weed money pretty much. Just paid my own studio time, bought Beats, you know, and just put it out. What's your beats? I mean, now back then, it was, it was, it was like, I just worked with one producer. So I just, you know, cash them out like that. So it went like buying beat by beat, you know, but beats, man. It's a slippery slope now. That's a slippery slope. That could go if you can. I mean, I don't know. It's a slippery slope. Do you play a piano? No, I play, I played trumpet
Starting point is 01:53:55 a little bit when I was in elementary. I don't, I'm an instrument I play, but I just recently started taking guitar lessons just to have something to do with my time, man. Just not having at least something to make me, you know, have more musical knowledge. Makes you think, no, but different angle. And it's hard as fuck. I guess cause I got small hands. So, but it's been cool. There's just something to do, get out the house, you know? So I've been doing that. For the most part, yeah, I'm just really going to finish this album. So the next few months, I'm really just got to lock all the way in and knock it out. But I'm just, I've got a good, I know what I want to do now. That's the thing, you know, I think that's the hardest part for me
Starting point is 01:54:35 is just figuring out what I want to do, what I want it to sound like. And I'm, and I'm pretty much got that. So now it's just all about executing. So I'm at that point now. So we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out. But I'm hopefully, I hope to have it out before the year over with, you know. Takes time. Yeah. I mean, I just work on it every day. That's all I could do. Especially when you want to do it. Trust the process. Gotta trust the process. It's like right now I'm waiting on Netflix. There's nothing I can do. I could just keep going out or I could sharpen the material. So when Netflix calls, they cut it down the fat. It's a 30 minute fucking spatula. So I'm trying to do it right now.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Okay. Yeah. Same thing. You know, my boy Lee's a good fucking writer. Yeah. The boy Lee's going to do well in this. That's right. I'm trying. That's right, Lee. But yeah, for the most part, I just want to, because you know, like I said, I got the movie coming out around that time too. So we'll see how that works out too. When is the movie coming out? It's coming out August. So that should be tight. So I'm one of these. You're coming back for the premiere the whole thing? I don't know. That depends. Yeah. They invite you back.
Starting point is 01:55:46 Yeah. They invite me. I come but for the most part, I hope you all be on the road by then. I want to at least put the album out around that time or maybe a little bit after. I don't know. But hopefully, most likely with me, I always put out my like October, November, every two years. So this should be coming. This should be good. Well, you look good. You're healthy. And then I tore that shit for three years. No festivals? Um, not really. The festival is starting to summer, right? Like more in May. In the summer.
Starting point is 01:56:16 That's when you get locked into a man. But I just, you know, see with me, I put out my album. Well, it's like almost almost been two years. So I got to hurry up and put another one out to get back because I played all the festivals last year with my, you know, every time I put the album, I play them in there. It's I got to chill. You can't, you know what I'm saying? But for the most part, I play like I'm going to Slovakia and shit like that. So I don't slow fucking back. Is that what it's called? I don't fuck. I felt geography.
Starting point is 01:56:50 But I think I'm gorgeous. It's amazing. Like these other countries that like in Cuba, they have a heavy metal scene. Like this hidden heavy metal rap everywhere, man. And they love rap everywhere. You know, it's it's a universal fucking music is so fucking universal. It's crazy. But yeah, I love like Europe. I got a bigger fan base in Europe than I do in America. Are you fucking serious? More strong. I feel a more stronger fan base here. In England?
Starting point is 01:57:20 Yeah, just just Europe, period. When I go over there, I'm least when I tour over there, I tour months. So I'm Germany. I just was over there. Shit, we're running jewels. Where are you popular? Who do you do these tours with? I just did the last one. We're running jewels. But usually I'll do every time I put out my tour in the States. And then I go overseas for a few months. But yeah, for the most part, I just hit up Europe and Germany here.
Starting point is 01:57:43 Been everywhere pretty much. Africa. I've been to Africa. Where in Africa? We went to, we went, we did the thing with Adidas and we went to Soweto. What the fuck is Soweto? Because Soweto was in the slums, like where the huts and shit at, like they had us out there. No hotels?
Starting point is 01:58:00 Yeah, we was in the hotels, but they took us to the real shit. We went to the real. Lions? I ain't seen no lions. I didn't see no lions, but they did take us. We rode four wheelers through like the jungle. That shit was tight. That was fun. But I had a great time out there though. That flight was long as fuck though. How long was the flight? Okay, I think it was like 18 hours maybe?
Starting point is 01:58:22 20 hours, something like that. I was drinking lean in the end though. I was drinking serrardine. So I slept the whole flight. I swear to God, I put it. When was the last time you drank lean? Shit. Two, three years now. Damn, you miss it.
Starting point is 01:58:35 I mean, it's just like it. But the type of glean that I like, they don't make no more. So. Which one? It was activist. So once that got discontinued, that was like, because all that other shit really tastes like cough syrup. Like activist was good. That shit was sweet. That shit just was, it was addictive. And they just stopped making it.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Yeah, because Justin Bieber asked, they kept catching Justin Bieber. That's when he was going crazy and they raided his house and they found all that serrardine or something. So and then activists ain't want that because they was thinking what if Justin Bieber fucking overdosed off this shit and they don't want that shit on their name. So they just discontinued the serrardine. But they do that with all, you know, they do that with drugs and they come bring it back a few years later or change the name or something.
Starting point is 01:59:18 So I don't know. I haven't, I don't know what's going on with the serrardine. Thing is about it. This shit is expensive, man. When it got to the point when it was $100 a line, like fuck. Like that's when it was getting too crazy. And you spending fucking, you trying to buy fucking, you got it. I was buying like an eight every two days.
Starting point is 01:59:40 And that's like $800. Of what? Of course there are eight ounces. How much? It was like, yeah. Because it got to the point where it was $100 a line. What's a line? A line is an ounce.
Starting point is 01:59:51 The line on the crossword, you know, how you got lines. Okay, okay, okay. So every line is an ounce. I don't know. I don't know this term. So every line is an ounce, you know, so. So $100 for a line. That's one sip.
Starting point is 02:00:01 That's no, you can put up, you can, most people will put like, you can put a line in like a 20 ounce. That'd be cool. But for the most part, you try to at least put, most people will, if a lot of people sip and we'll put like a four in the two liter, four ounces in the two liter. But for the most part, like two, I'll put two ounces in the two liter. And how long did you get fucked up for? All night.
Starting point is 02:00:22 That one, you gone. Do you pass out? I'm gone. You gone. It's here over. It's here over. It's here over. It's just.
Starting point is 02:00:29 I've had it before. The gear between the first time you got head bunkers here. You didn't bring it over. It was great. You didn't pour it up though. You took, you take these. I didn't know what I did. What do you mean pour it up?
Starting point is 02:00:38 You got to pour it up. And it's a soda. My favorite was straight. My favorite was pineapple fennel. And that should taste amazing or the spray remixed of the clear spray. That should taste amazing. Don't get me out. You got these on it out.
Starting point is 02:00:52 I can taste it. I'm high on the fucking leather bulls. Yeah. Fuck with the mushroom. Jesus Christ. I took like one of those little fucking two, five Xanaxes. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:01:04 Yeah. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can't watch the fucking news no more. What's going on with the news, man? Last night, a plane caught on fire.
Starting point is 02:01:14 You know, yeah, an LAX, the engine. I like the news, but I don't like the news no more. I enjoy the news, but I don't like the news no more, I don't. Ever since DianTorio left? No. You know what, man? It's been fucking about, it's been the last year. It's just too fucking political and then it's bad news.
Starting point is 02:01:36 Like it's never, you know, I could live with some stuff. The other day I was watching a documentary, not really a documentary, like a mini-series about that chick when I was a kid that had the machine gun that went with the army and then they robbed the bank, the white chick, Patty Hearst. Patty Hearst. And that shit, you know, like that was the news when I was a kid. That was all right.
Starting point is 02:02:01 She was like a millionaire and she got kidnapped by this fucking group and then they got caught robbing the bank and people judged whether or not she was doing it voluntarily or she lost her mind. Like I could live with that. That's not that bad. Like I remember sitting on the couch the other day watching that. I watched like two episodes and I saw myself as a child eating dinner, watching the news. And this was like the biggest news of that.
Starting point is 02:02:33 Nobody was getting blown up. Nobody was getting shot in the fucking school. Nobody was bad not in the fucking president. Nobody was, you know, asking questions on the debate. It was just a simple fucking news world. And now I got to open up with fucking this and that. This guy didn't pull his gun. Fucking this guy, the Democrat, and you're like, you know what, bro, I was having a good
Starting point is 02:02:57 time. I went to pizza with the kids. How good of a time was I? Oh my God. You swore on me. How happy was I? You were blowing straws everywhere. I was blowing straws.
Starting point is 02:03:08 I had my daughter and her girlfriend. It was a sight to be seen. Dog, I go to this ballet. Orangeena, poppin' Orangeena. I go to this ballet right on Wednesdays. I sit, I watch my daughter and I gotta tell you something. I have a great time. I'm putting the show together and two of the characters of the show.
Starting point is 02:03:24 The one buddy whose dad is friends with Mercy and their daughter. And this is other dude that's gotta be six for five, two, nine. He's been trying to lose weight for a while. And he's got two gorgeous daughters. He's got one that you look at her at the age. She's gotta be five. And you go, I gotta get a fucking shot pretty soon.
Starting point is 02:03:49 Because the mother's a knockout. So she's built like the mother. And she's got big feet. He's tall. So she's got those big feet. Like when you look at a puppy and their feet are really fucking big. And you're like, oh, she's that. Me and my wife were talking about it.
Starting point is 02:04:05 You know what? He needs a shotgun for this little girl. My wife agrees. She goes, you know what? She doesn't need a shotgun. Look at the little sister. The little sister's just as pretty. But she's built like the father.
Starting point is 02:04:17 Like a fucking tank. So she's like her bodyguard. But the father reminds me, who's the white dude that produces all the rap for Jay-Z? Yeah. You know, Rick Rubin used to go to the comedy store a lot. I believe you, I bet. A lot.
Starting point is 02:04:33 I love it really. You know, I'm not telling you I partied out. I love his two words too. Is he still around? Producing? He just put out. I mean, he still, he got his own. And listen to that new Jay-Z album.
Starting point is 02:04:44 That wasn't bad. Yeah, I like it. Yeah. But he got his own record label, American Records. So he put out stuff. Whose other? He'd be producing for a lot of rock people and shit too. Like not too long ago.
Starting point is 02:04:55 Like he always doing like working with like legendary motherfuckers. Like bringing them back and shit. I always forget to play Jay-Z. I always forget to play Jay-Z. Well, that Jay-Z album is great. The good yet. The last one. Somebody told, somebody weird told me to make sure to listen to it.
Starting point is 02:05:11 And it's on YouTube and it was fucking tremendous. 444 years. 444 years, something like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I didn't really get it. No, it's good. It's good. I mean, for him to as many projects as he's made consistently
Starting point is 02:05:22 and to do it again like that, like I was very impressed. I thought, you know, you know, rap is, it gets, I don't know. Once it feel like it ain't too many 40s. Like he, I like the fact that he's breaking it. Like he can be the best 50 year old rapper. He can be the first one that could be 50 still doing it, you know. Because most of the time they don't let rappers age like that, you know. It's tough on a rapper.
Starting point is 02:05:45 That's 50. Standing on stage. Be going, huh, huh, and be yelling and shit like that. He might be the first one to do it. Like I've seen the video of prophets of rage and even what they're doing. That's exhausted. Yeah, hell yeah. They're up there fucking working it, man.
Starting point is 02:06:03 They're taking it to the next fucking level. That's a lot of work. That's a lot of work. Remember when we had that testosterone guy on? Dr. Belize? Yeah. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Don't say his name.
Starting point is 02:06:13 Okay. But one time I asked him who were your biggest clients and he told me musicians. He goes, my biggest clients right now are these 50 year old musicians who go on the road. Yeah. They shoot the testosterone. That's crazy. That's crazy. Not sports, not athletes.
Starting point is 02:06:32 They were his biggest clients. Because think about how. This is hard. Bro, Sabbath was 60 and they're out there doing every other night. That's not bad. They were doing three shows a week and they knew it. They knew by Friday they were done. They needed two days of rest.
Starting point is 02:06:50 And they playing like two hours, two and a half hours. That's fucking crazy. That's brutal, man. It's brutal. Listen, I said it last week, man. I don't know what it was. It was the altitude. You know, I sold out in Denver, so they added a show.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Again, thank you. I really got in that lunch time. We ate. We took naps. We acclimated a little. I got up a little bit and walked around. I was snowing. And I went.
Starting point is 02:07:15 I did the two shows. Doug, I went back to the fucking hotel. I went to bed early. Hell yeah. And Doug, I woke up the next morning. I didn't know where I was. I was fucking hurt like a truck hit me. You know, when I featured, you don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 02:07:30 I've said this before, you go in and off. But now as a headline on the back of my mind, you paid. My whole body's in the game. Like, it's involved in a joke. You know what I'm saying? It's not that I'm dain cook. I'm not saying I'm jumping up and down. I'm too weighty.
Starting point is 02:07:45 I can't do it no more. But your whole body has to feel the intensity of the joke. You'll feel it, Lee. In 10 years, you're going, wow. Wait, that you learned it. That's something you learned in time. You know, that it's an experience to that. If you're really throwing heat, you're throwing heat from the fucking soul.
Starting point is 02:08:06 Exactly. Your heart's beating. You're playing the game. You're acting out the joke. You're selling the joke. Sometimes I go back and I go, man, my legs are sore. I stretch and shit and take a shower, you know. I give it up for those older guys who are on the road,
Starting point is 02:08:21 fucking playing Rudy Sars. How old is Rudy Sars? It was 66 a time. Fucking still goes out on the road. You know, definitely got to be insured. This is crazy. And you guys are young listening. When I was growing up, when you were 50,
Starting point is 02:08:36 they fucking hung you out the drop. It was over. It was over for you. There was no fucking musical career. They shot you in the head. The fact that these guys, that's why I'm fucking bringing it up. Because even technology has kept half these guys alive. You know, Ozzy Osbourne should be dead on normal paper.
Starting point is 02:08:57 I don't wish nobody dead. I'm just telling you from the drugs he did and the party. And today I heard a story. I'm fucking Ozzy's Boneyard. I have Ozzy's Boneyard. I got MMB baseball. I got the 70s, 80s, 90s, and I got the one that plays Soundgarden all the time, Lithium.
Starting point is 02:09:17 That's my shit, Lithium. But I love Eddie Trunk. That's my motherfucker on Mondays. I listened to him especially when he talks about kissing shit. White people. He drives white people crazy when he talks about kissing. I mean, let me answer something. What have you heard about Ace Freely and Gene Simmons?
Starting point is 02:09:35 You know, he's fucking hysterical. I'm happy you got to see your brother. Hell yeah, I love that man. I'm happy you came to Austin. You were a fucking gentleman. We went out to eat. Yeah. We had a good time.
Starting point is 02:09:45 Yeah, yeah. You're a bad motherfucker. I can't wait for your album to come out. So I could open up for you a few days. Hell yeah, I love it. I don't want no money. I just want to, you know, give you back some of the love you've given the show. Hell yeah, that would be dope.
Starting point is 02:10:02 That would be dope. And Lili, what's going on with you most of the time? He's building it, Lili's hot fuck. You ready for another mushroom? No, I'm good, man. No. I'm telling you, man. I'm feeling great.
Starting point is 02:10:12 Yeah, see me, I'm good. He's a model. These are strong. These are, yeah, these are good ones. They get to you. Yeah, they're good. But you got to, you don't want another piece. I'm good for it.
Starting point is 02:10:21 No, man. It's fucking Thursday night, Wednesday night. I want to go drink. I got to go drink. Really? Yeah, I got to get drunk. Tonight? Hell yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:28 You ready to go? No, I'm not saying that. No, no, no, no. You going to Hollywood? That's what I'm going to do. Yeah, yeah. So tomorrow night, you want to go to the High Times Awards? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 02:10:37 All right, we'll all go. I'll probably just go this Thursday night. All right, back to get drunk. I have no fucking idea what time it is. I'm doing a podcast. What time are you doing a podcast? Four. Oh, you'll have plenty of time.
Starting point is 02:10:48 I want to do a spot tomorrow night, too. I want to start by the fourth wall. What time is it right now? No, they're done already. It's all so long. Yeah, no, they're fucking done. Anyway, listen, you don't need to, for it to be Valentine's Day to fall in love.
Starting point is 02:11:05 You can fall in love, whatever. Now, you can't get to know somebody by a profile and by looking at that picture. Lee Singleton, I know he's been on e-Harmony, looking around, you know, trying to meet people. Is it easier with e-Harmony, Lee? It's great. And their signup process is amazing,
Starting point is 02:11:24 so that really your matches are a lot better than a lot of the other sites. Is that what you've seen so far? You know, like, I don't have that. I don't have any other app. I just deleted every other app recently, so. It's the only one I use. Well, e-Harmony is unlike many other online dating sites,
Starting point is 02:11:38 because e-Harmony takes steps that other dating sites wouldn't even think about. They're built to help you find lasting, meaningful relationship, not just a shallow hookup site where you meet at a hotel, nobody knows nothing, and she's drunk and you're drunk. Who needs an aggravation in their life? Next thing you know, you realize she's an escaped convict,
Starting point is 02:11:58 and her husband's been looking at her. I mean, he's with the cartel. You don't need the aggravation. What I'm trying to say is they've helped over a million people find their perfect match. e-Harmony uses years and years of science, data, and psychological research to send you the right matches. Nobody does that.
Starting point is 02:12:18 e-Harmony brings compatible people together. Think about it. How much longer can you sit there every night listening to podcasts? I mean, there are plenty of hookup sites out there. Don't get me wrong. Every once in a while, you got to do what we got to do, but this is not what e-Harmony is.
Starting point is 02:12:34 And what I'm going to do is this, okay? You're lonely. You want to give it a shot. You know, I don't know. You want to hike this summer. You want to meet people. Right now, right now, you. You get a free month with e-Harmony
Starting point is 02:12:50 when you sign up for a three-month subscription. What you need to do is end the code, church, and checkout. So stop waiting and start your journey to a satisfying, meaningful relationship. I mean, it can be fun to play around with online dating that, but listen, you're getting older. You want responsibility. You want a family, but most importantly,
Starting point is 02:13:12 you want to fall in love with somebody and have a meaningful relationship. There's one app built to bring you real love. And that's e-Harmony. Come see how different e-Harmony can be and how it can change your life. Go to e-Harmony.com right now and get started. End the code, church, and checkout.
Starting point is 02:13:33 I also want to thank Honit for always sending me, taking care of my mental state without the brain, and shroom tech, health, and shroom tech. Sport. Sport and shroom tech of you. I'm sorry. You know what I'm saying? My memory's fading.
Starting point is 02:13:50 It's 10.53 at night. I've been talking to shit for fucking 10 hours today. Anyway, you know how we do it here. Give honor to try. You don't like the alpha brain? Don't send them back. They'll still give you 100% money back guarantee. Who does that in the business?
Starting point is 02:14:04 Nobody. Go to honit.com right now and press in. Church, back, fuck, yeah, 10% off, right off the top. Deliver it to your house. Or we'll be here at the end of March to talk to you people about what he's doing and his new book.
Starting point is 02:14:19 How's that for you? And also Fujii. You're a fat fuck. You want to train, but you don't know what to do. Let me tell you something. I have a thousand people giving me gees and presents. And Fujii is the best for the fat guy. Because if you're in somebody's garden,
Starting point is 02:14:35 they're trying to pull you down. Most go, most. I'm telling you, I had a ghee from a couple places. They just rip, especially training on Alberto Cranes. Because those guys pull the fucking sleeve. My Fujii gees are tip top magoo. And they're quality and they're cheap and they're fucking durable and dependable.
Starting point is 02:14:54 And if you're a big guy, go to fujiisports.com right now and press in. Church. Bam! And get 10% off on the house and shit. And tell them Uncle Joey sent you. Beside that, always a pleasure to have this guy. This guy's uh, this guy's gonna be
Starting point is 02:15:10 Smokey Robinson in five fucking years. That's right. He has the class and the charisma of uh, of just something. You know, he's, he's my, he's my new Ralphie. That's right. He's my new brother. He's a good man.
Starting point is 02:15:23 He's solid. And if he comes to your town, make sure you stop him and tell him the fucking church sent you. That's right. My main man over. He's a fucking savage. Little young man.
Starting point is 02:15:33 All right. And Lisa, yeah, what's going on down? You going on a date this weekend? Absolutely. And go out and get yourself a little date on E-Harmony. You'll find yourself a mini for a relationship. Absolutely. Or do you just want to play the field?
Starting point is 02:15:46 I don't know. I'm sure I'll see what happens for now. I mean, I know you. I know what you've been thinking. Danny Brown, Danny Brown knows. And then on March 10th, I'll be with Sam Tripoli and a bunch of great people in Santa Barbara. So go check out Instagram for that.
Starting point is 02:16:01 It's like the Velvet Jones or something. I'm sorry, I'm in front of me. All right. Well, I want to thank E-Harmony. I want to thank Honor. I want to thank Fujisports.com. I want to thank my main man, Danny Brown. Thank y'all, man.
Starting point is 02:16:14 But most important, I want to thank you people. Don't forget, March 10th, the Ice House working out. Saturday night, 7.30. No big fucking deal. 15 bucks. I'm trying to put this special together. And then on the 21st, they just add this show up there in Niagara, New York on a Wednesday night.
Starting point is 02:16:31 Fuck work on Thursday. I love you cocksuckers with all my heart. Thank you for the emails. Thank you for the support. You know the fucking drill. Stay black. Stay safe. Have a great weekend.
Starting point is 02:16:43 Keep your eyes open. Uncle Joey loves you. Kick that fucking mule, Lee. Kick that mule, Lee. One of these nights, one of these crazy old nights, we're going to find that pretty mama, what turns on your lights. The full moon is calling, the fever is high,
Starting point is 02:17:34 and the wicked wind whispers in the woods. You got your demons and you got desires, but I got a few of them. Sorrow to be caught, too, in between the dark and the warm. Coming right behind you, I wish that I'm going to find you one of these nights. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. We're going to find one, one that really screams.
Starting point is 02:18:22 I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself. I've been searching for an angel in white. I've been waiting for a woman who's a little bold. And I can feel her, but she's nowhere inside. Longing is the one, you, in between the long and the light. Coming right behind you, I swear I'm going to find you one of these nights. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man.
Starting point is 02:19:10 One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. In between the dark and the light. Coming right behind this, I swear I'm going to find you one of these nights.
Starting point is 02:19:48 One of these dreams, one of these lost and lonely dreams, man. One of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles, one of these miles.

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