Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #569 - Kelvin Gastelum

Episode Date: March 20, 2018

Kelvin Gastelum, an MMA fighter who is currently ranked #5 in the UFC's Middleweight division and the winner of The Ultimate Fighter 17, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. This podcast is... brought to you by:  FujiSports.com  - Use promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount on all the best jiu jitsu and martial arts gear.   Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.   Recorded live on 03/18/2018.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to podcastville. This podcast is brought to you by Fuji Sports comm listen If you're doing jiu-jitsu, you're jumping up and down whatever go to Fuji Sports comm right now Especially if you're a fat dude like me and you need an a5 or an a6 I dropped from a6 to an a5 It's pretty interesting. They got the nice aparito gi. They got the Sakai They got pads. They got they got everything you understand me you can roll on shit What you do is check out and press in church. That's it CHU CH I'm gonna give you 15% off why cuz that's how I roll. All right number two on it for all your supplemental needs Like I told you alpha brain is the shit Mac daddy if you go you the way people do steroids
Starting point is 00:00:44 You do the alpha brain you do for six weeks, then you get off for six weeks You do for six where you do like brain cycles and during you're not fucking doing alpha brain you're reading You're always doing something something agitate the fucking mind. You got to push the barrier. So do cool But anyway, let's do coups. I don't give a fucking me do puppets Whatever what I want you to do is go to honor calm right now Don't check out the supplements and on the way on the checkout press in church. Bam. I'm gonna give you 10% off Cuz that's how I roll. All right. Anyway, it's Wednesday. I'm in nyak, New York Maybe tonight I am I'm in nyak, New York, but I'm here too. Don't worry about that
Starting point is 00:01:21 I got a jet in the helicopter and three Cubans were jumping off this motherfucker. Welcome to the church. So what's happening now? Kick this fucking meal Lee Are you kidding me With the white one big house and not another nigga inside the church. What's happening now, baby? What'd you think was gonna happen bad motherfuckers? What Kevin's gasman is in the house the Christ killers in the house Your uncle Joe is in the house Fucking nwa's in the house
Starting point is 00:02:12 What? Me Are you fucking nuts The future world champions in the house sitting here that's what's happened now future world champion I appreciate that. Calvin gasman. I mean, it's no it's a no fucking brainer German. Thank you. Thank you Thank you for coming up and sitting with us for a while. I mean, yeah, you're 26 years old You had your first fight when you were 17. Yeah, you come from a wrestling base You're a jujitsu guy the boot 10 planet, you know, you plan brown belt now 10 planet brown belt congratulations
Starting point is 00:03:04 And you don't mind throwing some fucking punches. No, you don't mind staying in the pocket every once in a while and showing your true Fucking blood damn saying which is you want to do this? We'll do this fucking well. It turned out. I'm pretty good at it With it. Thank you. Thank you for being here tonight. No, you're 26 your next fight is May 12th against jacaray jacaray, zozo. That's a huge test and At 26 you have to look at it objectively You could go in there and fucking bang with them knock them down Mm-hmm, or whatever and you don't want to lose in this situation at 26 You're going to be a world champion
Starting point is 00:03:46 And from every step you're gonna learn something and get stronger and stronger and stunk stronger Absolutely, actually you're naturally talented. You're lightning fucking quick You're saying like you get from point A to point B and you got dynamite in your hands. You know, thank you What the fuck does it take to be a fighter, bro? That's crazy man, you asked me I was actually gonna say because um a lot of people kind of asked me the same thing You got a lot of guys on Instagram a guy Calvin. I'm 16 17 years old, man I look up to you. What did you do to get to where you're at? I
Starting point is 00:04:23 But I mean the answer is always the same. I mean there there is no secret answer the answer is Is through hard work and winning fights, you know, I mean you got to really be Prepare to win fights and win big fights You know, I mean, there is no secret everybody wants to know what the secret is what the secret diet What'd you do with the secret pill to lose weight? No, it's just through hard work a good diet if you if you if that's your goal But it's through hard hard work will determination and being at the right place at the right time and that too I mean you got into the ultimate fighter which fucking people dream about yeah kids from all over the world a 15 watch the ultimate fighter going I'm fucking training
Starting point is 00:05:09 To audition for Dana White, can you imagine that shit like that's your dream? Well, I'm not I'm not knocking. I'm just saying that's a tremendous dream to have Yeah, then they get chosen to be on the ultimate fighter then the wind the fucking ultimate fighter Yeah, I remember a complete different situation you how old when you won the ultimate fighter 21 Are you very crazy Bailey? Yeah, Bailey I remember looking back at the room when I went to the tryouts in Vegas Because they put out a sign and say tryouts really open fire from middle weights and light heavy weights so come on out and And so I went out and there's about 500 guys 500
Starting point is 00:05:49 Beasts, you know just black belt and this black belt and that you know done this He's won a world title in this and I just remember looking back at all these guys and just being mass marginalized for the first time in my life like Oh my god, what am I doing here with all these guys, you know I'm just a guy from you in Arizona for a small little town, you know, and there's a bunch of tough guys in the room I felt a little intimidated, you know, and what did they make you do at the tryouts? Well, they they split you up into groups. So split split group group one two and three You know for example, they they call up group one group one goes into a big room and there's a big room with You know at the time Joe Silva and the matchmakers and and the producers of the show as well
Starting point is 00:06:37 they put a group a in a room there's a big mat in the middle of the room and Joe Silva would be calling from his from from where he was at. There was a big table, you know And so he'd be calling so-and-so go to the mat and and everybody had two minutes to wrestle and showcase their skills Yeah, I mean a lot of pressure wrestled no punches. No, just jujitsu Start on your knees Joe says go two minutes on the clock and then you you go with another guy You know and they wrestle for two minutes. Joe says, okay
Starting point is 00:07:13 He looks at the file next boom. He calls up the next two guys didn't say nothing, you know Let's say nothing. He's just all right. Boom. So it's all two minutes and then boom and why everybody's watching, you know And then that goes on for about 50 50 minutes to an hour and then You go to the striking to the striking Department you hit mitts with coaches that are there and then there's Joe Silva walking around with a clipboard like okay You can go sit down then just checking you off Then okay, you can go sit down
Starting point is 00:07:48 You know and it's intimidating. It's intimidating This little guy this little guy with a clipboard or you know, and you're super Intimidated while while he's walking around with his clipboard checking people off because this is your dream You know, you want to be able to do good. You want to impress him? You know, this is this is the dream that you've been working on for for a long time And then what's the third test today? And then the third test and then the third test after that was done Joe said Joe Silva says, okay guys. Well, a lot of you guys At the end at the end of that at the end of that session he calls guys, okay guys the next couple guys
Starting point is 00:08:31 I'm gonna call Made it through the guys that I don't call. I'm sorry next time just like that, you know, and so They call up about half half the group They call up to go on to the next round the next round Joe Joe Silva says it's the hardest part guys like Benson Henderson went through it and Failed guys like Frankie Edgar went through it and failed. It's the TV part. I guess Which was the hardest part where you got to show like personality and I was like You know, I'm just I'm just this shy little guy from
Starting point is 00:09:07 21 year old 20 at the time 20 at the time 20 year old from from a little town in you mine And I was like, well, how do you showcase your personality? Yeah, I don't know. So I went in there and and I Was just me. I just went in there and they told me well Kelvin. You're you're you're five or no, you're 20 years old We like you and then My heart started beating, you know, I relaxed a little bit, but I was like, well, I like you guys too and That was it it must have been 60 seconds while everybody else was taking five minutes to go in and out of that room With the producers and that was a crazy part too because the producers you go into a little a smaller room and
Starting point is 00:09:52 They put a camera in front of you and they get about 10 producers behind that camera And they're all staring at you on the other end and they're all asking you questions and that was crazy You know, just a lot of a lot of pressure in that trial as it was pretty crazy. It's That's part of the business. It's that you have to look good on TV. I look good But right appeal they creating a storyline when it's a reality TV, right? I always do it had to stuff with that, but I didn't know if you sparred the first fucking day against Just unlicensed Fucking good
Starting point is 00:10:29 Right. Oh, no, no, they're they go they go at it in those two minutes I mean, they are going at it like arrel is in those two minutes That they're trying out and doing to do too for Joe Silva. Who was at the time the matchmaker, you know, he was the man Yeah, now was the house journey for Seven weeks seven weeks. No cell phones. No cell phones. No TV. No radio. No outside communication Yeah, seven days a week you're going to the gym and to the house twice a day seven days a week Yeah, it's intense with the same fucking beat and then you're living with the melon fights Feet fuck playing pranks. Yeah, all of that
Starting point is 00:11:13 But you know, I was with a good good group of guys to be honest a lot of the guys all of them fought in the UFC Which Danon has never I don't think has ever besides ultimate fighter where he gives everybody a contract So now you're fucking 21 you win the ultimate when you were 12 were you dreaming of fighting? No, no, never Never I was wrestling. I was wrestling just trying to become a wrestler And all of a sudden here you on this big stage Yeah, man, I remember I remember Walking out to that ultimate fighter finale and just feeling overwhelmed and I wanted to cry because I just remember Being in the tunnel before I walking out before walking out to that fight just be like wow
Starting point is 00:12:06 All this time imagining Being here and I'm here and I was just this came over this this this feeling of overwhelming Do you still get overwhelmed? I Don't think so. No, you don't get overwhelmed sometimes when you walk into a Octagon against somebody you know Jesus fucking. I mean you went up against Vito Belfort, correct? Yeah, this is somebody that you watched. Yeah years ago on TV You watched them you watch them destroy people you watch them lose you watched big V door Yeah, you're right and here you are across and I've been reading or
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, you know, I told you you were at the comedy store Tuesday night Mm-hmm great night great line on amazing then we went to the back and Joe Shilling was there. That was amazing It's everybody was talking Thursday night, you know, I'm sitting back. They haven't been doing this 27 years and I still get overwhelmed at times In those situations, which on the drive home. It's just coming down from that Naturally, I don't bring brief here in my car. Mm-hmm. I don't like it Mm-hmm. They gave us a choice to smoke smoking your fucking house in your yard But to be puffing your car you asking for trouble. That's right, but you felt that way when Thursday had to bring up more
Starting point is 00:13:28 Okay, no no big deal for some people no big deal. I still remember renting the tapes The best of death comedy jam when I was starting out with a pencil and a piece of paper and watching him You know and going Jesus fucking Christ. He's the good. It's this guy, you know amazing and listen 27 years driving up World Canyon I called Lee I Just brought up my fucking you know, that's amazing. I'm Jeff Royce Sebastian and I'm like here. I am 55 years old which most people in this career would be fucking done I'm overwhelmed. That's amazing. It's it's it's so I can't I can't imagine walking into the octagon as tough as you are with
Starting point is 00:14:16 The fucking weapons you have and looking up and seeing a dude you sat around with your buddies drinking beer Watching yeah six seven years ago eight years ago, you know, yeah There's a sense of over overwhelming list is that what the word But not in the sense that that oh my god, I didn't know what the heck is going on in the sense that That this is a big deal and I'm nervous about it like before walking out you get a turn I call it a tornado of emotions I mean, you're happy. You're scared. You want to cry you want to laugh you want to you want to do It's a tornado of emotions You know and that's that's the overwhelming part
Starting point is 00:15:07 That's the part that you got to learn how to handle or else it can mess you up I mean all these nerves all all this this tension inside of you You got to learn how to how to channel it and how to how to Yeah, how to channel it really as a comic as a comedian When I watch a fight for me when I watch a fight The walk is the most intriguing thing for me Mm-hmm. I don't even think of the fight no more like when I used to do the shows with Joe It's very important for sure. It was very important for me to go to the way it is very important
Starting point is 00:15:41 I always watch the way I Watched the guy's reaction at the way and because let me tell you something my friend Kevin Gastelman. It's the same for me When that blue light comes on and that comic is on stage, right? I'm next And I've been sitting back there howling Laughing at the comic before me. Mm-hmm and that blue light comes on which means I got about three minutes And I take that swig of water I get up. I pull my shirt down. I put my jacket up You have no idea. Oh like the emotions that you're feeling. It's kind of like the tornado of emotions But I've only got a ten foot walk
Starting point is 00:16:24 So I have ten feet to fake the funk as I call it the funk. I'm falling apart inside I'm for showing apart for sure. I am dying inside. I am getting kicked by 20 Puerto Ricans in the Bronx in 1968 that's what you feel like for sure and then you hit the stage and your knee buckles There's times my knee buckles My knee buckles, it's a six inch thing and then you get up you shake the guy's hand you give him a hug And once you touch that microphone, we were talking about it the story, right? Right? I remember well We were talking about the psychology of it that walked to me when I watch a fighter walking and he's jumping up Oh my god
Starting point is 00:17:10 If it was me, I would run like Dash and then dirty feet before I saw fucking What's the cops name or the black dude Herb Dean? Yeah? I just turn around and walk into running to the audience from like I couldn't imagine That walk some guys walk real slow I would have to run and then run in the cage and like put a cop on me to make sure I wouldn't run out Oh, yeah, that's how scared I would be like Walk I don't like I don't like that fucking yeah, no you're behind this curtain and they got a big big Freaking lighting your face. They tell you okay. You got 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:17:46 There's the countdown and then this whole time you're getting all this adrenaline rush going through your body You're like, ah, you know like I'm ready to go now forget the 30 seconds And they're trying to pull my shirt like you can't go now and I'm like fucking let me go You know, I want to go and fight down like you just get a this adrenaline rush You're scared. You're happy at the same time, you know at what point do you lose it when your foot hits the mat? but but I get what you're saying with the with the Before walking out to the stage you do feel like oh my god. I fake the funk You have to I fake the you have to let you know right now that walk to the stage for me
Starting point is 00:18:27 You have I'm ready to get in the fucking car and run home. I'm the same and never come out of my house again I'm sure that walk is a fake walk if there's ever been a fake walk ever, you know You have to it's it's a fake you tell you're making it's faking till you get there And then we'll worry about it once I touch the microphone. I don't know that's like your jab That's your first. It's the first punch you throw if you the first punch. I throw all the first punch I get thrown that Sure, look at it because I feel the same as I'm crapping my pants on the way to the to the arena, you know and
Starting point is 00:19:03 As soon as my mind I threw that first punch all those errors are gone. I'm concentrating a hundred percent on what's in front of me That's when I truly feel when I'm living in the moment because I'm cause concentrating a hundred and ten percent in what's in front of me Now when you've been in a fight you've lost fights Yeah, has there been a fight that you've been in that you thought you were gonna lose and you ended up fucking doing something crazy Well, what was your toughest opponent you think I always go in there thinking I'm gonna win But deep down inside. There's always this other There's a doubt. There's a doubt for sure, you know, and I think in my opinion, I feel like every fighter goes in there With their mindset like yes, I'm there to win
Starting point is 00:19:55 But there's a real possibility that I can get knocked out Or some guys just don't think they can get knocked out and they go in there bad things happen, you know, but It's it's it's a mentality thing. It's crazy And then how about how about getting knocked out in front of a million people? No, I'm waking up, you know last week. Thank God. I've never been knocked down. No got submitted But, you know, it's funny how a couple weeks ago Hector Lombard threw that late punch And he knocked that dude out and that dude kept saying what happened CB doll away what happened
Starting point is 00:20:35 That's a heart. I like to me in front of a million people To get up and then walk out and not really know what happened and see all those people like that could happen on the street by yourself Yeah, but for it to happen like all those parts of that aspect of fighting. I have always intrigued me Because I compare them to bombing and then walking out in front of people or bombing Yeah, and standing outside after the show and people walking past you without saying nothing to you for sure Really feeling bad. Yeah, it's the same type of emotions in a way But like I said every fighter I feel like in my opinion, I at least I do I go in there with a in my mind
Starting point is 00:21:21 With a certain reality you set in my mind that I can get knocked out I can get submitted Just don't let it happen Just don't let it happen. So this fight is May 12th When do you start your official training camp? Well, we're about nine weeks away. So I I already started training for this fight About nine weeks away, and this is 185 Yeah, no wait, no wait You gotta give that fucking mule a break I'm all right all day hit that mule two or three times and the fucking thing hits me back
Starting point is 00:21:57 Even be rough. No, so now this is so you're already in training camp now. You're in the nine weeks away Okay, how use what is a usual training camp? No, man, it's about Eight to ten weeks of just training, you know getting You know getting in shape making sure six days a week six days a week describe the week Monday Monday Monday So Monday Wednesdays and Fridays. I'm at Kings MMA. Okay. Well actually pretty much every day I'm at Kings MMA, but Monday Wednesday Fridays is when we do I do it together with the whole pro team Okay, the whole pro team gets together and then in the evenings I go with the amateur team It's more of an amateur team on Mondays and then Tuesdays. I'm going on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm going on strength and conditioning
Starting point is 00:22:44 twice a week and Then in the evenings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'm either working my jiu-jitsu or working my my mitts working mitts repping and Then Saturdays. I'm doing sprints It's the only and last workout of the week his sprints at the heart That's good shit though. Yes. It's make me stronger than fuck sprints when you combine it with everything. Oh, yeah No, I've been doing that
Starting point is 00:23:10 When you combine ice living Boulder, bro and Boulder, Colorado is the health capital of the country like Back in the 80s and I got to learn a lot like every your name everybody does something Mm-hmm When you look in the entertainment guide in Boulder when I lived there it was hiking to see the moon You know hiking looking for wool outdoor activities outdoor activities So I got the me interesting people and that one of the guys that lived Down for me. Those people are crazy. What I mean, they know things that a lot of people don't it's really fucking crazy The guy down the corner for me was at that time a
Starting point is 00:23:48 Kinesiology major, but you're ready was strength and conditioning coach of color, Colorado Colorado had a big black dude. That was a strength and conditioning coach. That was well known And he was his understudy and you know, he had his thing was running 40 yards 100 yards he believes a sprinter. He believed in sprinting for training Yeah, and he type of training for strength for sure He was like that's the shit that nobody wants to do anymore. It's the basic shit It's it's the hardest thing because it just is the whole
Starting point is 00:24:24 You're just exploding your whole body, you know, no other workout is like a sprint Is what my trainer says it's just it's just The type of reaction your body gets no other workout gets it like that. You don't train any other aspect Your body doesn't react The same then in any other workout only in sprints Strength and conditioning has become a big part of it now. Oh huge years ago. Nobody gave a fuck now They know that huge you have to keep your muscles lubricated. You have to stretch For sure. You came it all cupped up. I mean times a week. Are you cupping?
Starting point is 00:25:03 I'm doing once a week That's great once a week cup and then once a week massage as well And that's a lot it helps a lot for recovery, you know, I mean I was somebody was telling me that they were having lunch with Dan game Well, Dan game was one of the greatest wrestlers that have lived in American wrestler and One of the most accomplished as well and he trained like a madman, you know And he's got all these secrets and he's got all these ways of doing things that the wrestlers look up to him a lot You know, but one thing he says he wished you would have focused on was
Starting point is 00:25:34 recovery I Wish I would have a focus more on recovery back in my day and then I would have been able to do more People have no idea how important When I turned When I came from Cuba, I didn't have a What a fucking lunchbox and my mother for me and karate dog And I was you know, I was in New York City. I hadn't had in Central Park You know, and I have a five-year-old now and I was telling Eddie at his children's sons birthday party. I go
Starting point is 00:26:09 You're a tremendous black belt. You want to top black belts in the country and your son is sexy and you can't Explain jiu-jitsu to him why it's important because I know it's been tough. I go my daughter doesn't comprehend Her karate yet. She doesn't comprehend that she's five The guy comes in on Wednesdays and teaches him on location that you could go if you want Mm-hmm. I go to all the graduations and stuff, but she doesn't know it's for self-defense You don't comprehend this for self-defense. Do you get hit in the fucking head? Right? And I don't even know my fucking point was but
Starting point is 00:26:49 So a couple years ago, I got I got really heavy from the sleep apnea and the drugs and just focusing on comedy You know comedy was such a big part of my life at the time Till I was living the lifestyle that one of the more, you know, if ten years ago If I would have bumped into you at one in the morning me you Victor Rogan in those days. Yeah, stop We're gonna eat Yeah, why are we standing here? Let's go to fucking know it's one we had to go to cantors. Okay, and he pastrami sandwiches with french fries and then Onion soup and fucking crackers and we'd sit there for two hours so fucking three in the morning
Starting point is 00:27:26 And whatever you don't eat give it up cuz we know we the three of us have been smoking, you know It's fucking crazy. So I blew up to 418 pounds. Wow down to 270 Mm-hmm, and then I went up to like 340 and once I had the kid I joined you jit So I said that's it Gee cuz I'm too old to fucking be doing ankle box and shit like that And it was so weird that even in my journey there From there to now the five years I've been messing around with it like now I'm working smarter and you have to I was going in there and I wanted to do what Kelvin was doing
Starting point is 00:28:04 And if Kelvin said let's go one more round because it's my brother Calvin I'd do it again sure and again and again and again the next thing I'm opened up now So at 50 yeah, I could open up I could open up and breathing and I can get there and I could drink BCAA's And I go there. It's two hours later when I go to get out of the car Now you're 50. There's low test. There's lower testosterone me. Yeah, I whack off I do I do kettle bells testosterone is my middle man. I knocked my wife up to 50 dogs Fuck with me, but I gotta tell you something though if I so now when I roll I roll twice a week I go to Jiu Jitsu only twice a week and I do three five-minute rolls
Starting point is 00:28:47 35-minute rolls three fives and I do the technique I drill the technique if you want to drill afterward I'll drill on bars with you and guard passes and the whole thing with you But after three rolls it defeats the purpose for me Yeah, it defeats the purpose because I also go to Muay Thai conditioning at 9. Oh nice So from 9 to 10 so I want to go to four training sessions You know what bro? I'm an animal. I smoked that dope in the morning And it gets my heart break and I don't I feel like Kevin Calvin. I'm gonna go to coffee One cup one cup one cup
Starting point is 00:29:22 Yogurt with we German old-school to fight the fucking HIV What's the other shit the nuts grape nuts, okay, I'll do that and I'll shoot over there just on that You know no eggs and nothing, but it's funny that all I can do is four times a week You have to be very realistic with your Expectations yeah, and recovery is very important super important. You know, yeah I'm not having a home super important. I wasn't drinking. I wasn't doing nothing But when I get home at one that means I don't fall asleep till two. Yeah, that means I'm up at seven with the five-year-old That means the whole day. I'm walking around halfway wounded. Don't get me wrong
Starting point is 00:30:08 There's some days. There's some days. They go by that way But recovery is so important and I didn't know until I got diagnosed with sleep apnea When I had to sleep apnea Jesus Christ, that was the biggest weight gain or I had super super important Super important is sleeping and getting your ass. Oh, yeah sleep is another one is fucking huge The other day I went to kickboxing conditioning on Sunday Yeah, and then I had to go to two kids parties, but I got home at 430 by five o'clock popper tapped out I got a pretend to eight and I had a spot at nine. Oh Now that's completely different. Wow. I can get up at ten to eight and make
Starting point is 00:30:51 Conditioning shower have a cup of coffee Tweet, you know suck my dick. Have a good day. Have a good day. Yeah, and then fucking but the mind That was weird. I had to get up drink coffee Fucking take a hot shower and then talk to myself on the way down to the drive Yeah, and then when I got there people were talking to me that I enjoy, you know I had to talk to them so I could loosen up and I had a no-case, son I had a bag of dicks but had a no-case at the same baddies day It's kind of wheel how now I really got to take care of myself. You have to you have to I just had a an aunt
Starting point is 00:31:26 Who's like my grandmother? She had her stomach Cut in about half or an about a little ball. I don't know what that surgery is called Yeah, like after my past gastric bypass surgery that exactly she just had it done I mean, you know weights always been a problem for her and She she struggled with it all her life. She's 50 it's 50 now and
Starting point is 00:31:51 She had the the the surgery done and she lost like 40 pounds last month It was it was crazy. It was crazy. It's really because you know, you know eating eating habits are a problem for a lot of people Bro, and I take those edibles Fucking Hercules can't stop me dog. I'll pick that motherfucker up and fucking neck crank If he gets in my way between me and the cabinets, but I'm pretty good like I attack fruit first Yeah, apples. I'm so I go to Weight Watches Weight Watches in my seat because high protein. It's still high protein shoes on it as well my up. Fuck Yeah, that shit is good shit, man. So I go there and
Starting point is 00:32:34 So I could eat all the chicken I want I can eat all the seafood I want salmon, you know, that's all free fruit is free Beans are free like I said that is eggs are free. I love eggs. So yesterday at Eddie's I had rice and beans I put eggs on everything. Oh my god. I wish I could eat eggs like that I got it If I scrambled them with some green chili, you know, like some fucking New Mexico green-style chili no cheese Okay potatoes. I grew up on eggs. All there was in my fridge one up with eggs of milk and tortillas Oh my god and beans and that works bro. That's what I grew up on listen eggs and beans and a tortilla That shit works with some salsa. Oh
Starting point is 00:33:17 Oh That's it. Fuck it. There's no cheese the salsa work It's all there was to eat back in the day But this is a no, I so I love it. I love I put it on everything when I saw you the other night. I'm like this kid fights the way he does because He's a young man. He's still like a fucking sponge Yeah, that's why when you were walking up the stairs. I go how old you know Yeah, oh my god
Starting point is 00:33:49 It just fucked my whole mind up my mind set up about you I've been I've been I've been in the public eye now for about five years and It's been it feels like it's been ten years, you know a lot has happened in the five years and I've grown, you know, I guess I've matured a lot in the public eye and they've seen me You know, they've seen me grow from young man to almost 27 year old now later this year It's just been an incredible incredible incredible journey, you know, we're giggling on the way in I said show up at this time because I do a periscope Now don't want you to test positive for the reef Yeah, when you came in before the show started you kind of told me it told us the story of how
Starting point is 00:34:34 It's 12 hours before the fight or something right? So when I got caught was was I read up on all the rules, of course I had to read up on it and figure it out for myself and I Found out that that That they test for it only in competition and what was on in competition was They consider it 12 hours before the bow So if you saw that comes to my gym a week out and I test positive the THC what happens nothing I still fight I still get my purse
Starting point is 00:35:05 But at the same time you gotta be under the THC metabolite which limit Which I believe is is is 150 Which is a fuck you sitting in that chair No, you sitting in that chair. Is that what it is? Oh, yeah Probably, I don't know If you test positive the THC now and we all have to go to court me and Lee with the Yeah, I would love to know my metabolites. Oh, take samples off the wall They've probably never seen we've been in this office for fucking charts like that. Lee. They really haven't no
Starting point is 00:35:42 We've been in this office for two years. I don't know how much T8 It's gotta be every time I vacuum I get to sell it to the weed store. Yeah He put out his own dispensary down there. It's fucking crazy 12 so yeah, that was a big blow. Yeah, that was a big blow man. That sucked when that happened lesson learned The Anderson silver fight in Rio, you know, I lost my bonus that I had for that fight And then I you know, I like I said, I got pulled off the fight which was potentially more more money For the fight, you know, and then was suspended for three months for first violation
Starting point is 00:36:28 You'll never do it again. Now you learn. Wow Lesson is to hit you in the pocket Yeah, exactly. Well, that's what I'm saying like that. That was a big blow, especially in the pockets. I mean, I must have lost Yeah, yeah, no, no, that's when I hurt you. That's when you go. Okay. I get it next time Now we understand your comprendo now. Exactly. I was a little fucking confused now. Yeah, you know, we know the limits We know the limits and stuff So now you're gonna stay at 185 Well, to be honest, nobody knows this but I was I was considering going going down to 170 fight
Starting point is 00:37:05 I was they were even considering giving me a fight at 170 Uh in Chile, they wanted me to headline it and nobody knows that but I I contemplated it over a few weeks Like two weeks with my manager, you know, just going back and forth like when you walk around that Like 205 but I contemplated because I was just going back and forth with my manager saying like Yeah, just give me the best 170 guy in the world
Starting point is 00:37:36 You know, I want the guy that'll give me the title shot or give me the best 185 guy that'll give me the title shot and um It just it just it just turns out that they wanted me to fight somebody that I I didn't not in top five Um Which I wanted to I wanted to fight somebody in top five somebody that'll give me the the title shot But um They didn't want to give me somebody like that. They wanted to give me a top 15 guy So I was like, well, that's a risk
Starting point is 00:38:04 You know, I'm in the realistically possibly I'm about two or three fights away from a title shot at 170 185 I'm I win one or two more and I'm there with jacarade two and he's ranked second Yeah, so you go when you jump over jacarade. You're right there. You could talk about shit that your last fight you beat the Like he was a champ four weeks before your fight something like that. That's right That's right. So he was the number two ranked when he he he fought me Now I get to fight jacarade who's ranked number two and hopefully gets me in line for the title shot next time Hopefully you have me all next time. I'll bring the belt bring it right here. Yeah. No, I hope I wish you all the luck in the world You uh, you're a great young man. I mean 20 fucking six. Just to handle
Starting point is 00:38:49 not just fighting But what goes with it, man, listen, I love comedy, bro I love doing I love it. I love it. I just got into it and I've been following you guys for a while now But I love doing comedy the way you love fighting Sure, there comes a point though. Sometimes you go Why miss that be all this drama? Just for me to do what I want to do, right? I gotta wear shorts I gotta do this
Starting point is 00:39:17 You're gonna wear a shirt. I gotta wear pants. I gotta have people knocking on my door six in the morning I want a sample of blood. Who does this not even Dracula does that They want blood it's six in the morning. I gotta wait here. I got two hours from the it's insane Nice, you go. It is that's what people don't really understand. It's that lasting through What goes around your manager shorts you on the check Also, they find them in a brothel with three hookers and right the cadastrian's ex buddy Forming from the mouth and now you gotta get a new manager. You know, it's it's all this shit that Trying to focus on what's in front of you. Yeah, it's been all this shit going around you. It's been hard. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:40:00 It's hard. It's hard. It's hard at my age. I can't imagine at 26 doing what you're doing 26 I was doing at 26. I was doing time, bro. Yeah, that's crazy at 26. I wasn't thinking about nothing I was thinking about just Surviving on a day-to-day basis. I didn't give a fuck about anything else. That's crazy. I really So you got joker right now. Jesus fucking christ may 12th Which is three months away, but In reality, it's three weeks away Like, you know, that's how fast time goes. Oh, yeah when the clock is ticking. Oh, yeah, especially
Starting point is 00:40:34 When you're in camp once that four week markets now it settles in now. That's when you know, oh my god four weeks away That's three weeks of training plus fight week You know, that's That's coming up short and time goes quick and fight week is drama week in other words Go downstairs talk to the media. Oh, yeah sidekicks in public and a bunch of people with fucking cameras I want to throw this shit. I could I do this in the mirror for myself. You know what i'm saying Oh, yeah, they they they went outside of the hotel. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:41:09 I can't imagine when I see public workouts like whatever they call them open workouts. Yeah. Yeah, I shit my fucking pants Like I would snap after three minutes. I got the three minutes. Get the fuck out Get the fuck out enough enough coming down here. Look at the guy Go home get on a bicycle your fat fucks or cameras It's a little scary sometimes. I mean you got all these these eyes looking at you and You get a little overwhelmed. Hey captain especially me, you know, I'm not I'm not a guy that's always been used to To the spotlight. I like to kind of lay low and kind of Stay out of eyesight, you know
Starting point is 00:41:47 And so a guy like me when the spotlight's on I get overwhelmed. I like it panic attacks Almost, you know, but if you got to learn how to deal with it, you have to you have to you know, uh, we were talking about entertainment I was talking. I don't know who the fuck I was talking about entertainment about I go I learned a lot about entertainment from wrestlers when I did the longest yard How those guys behaved towards the public Compared to the movie stars in the movie how they would hide Wrestlers were out there. Yeah talking to people shaking hands, you know hugging people WWE wrestlers. Yeah, Steve Austin. Oh, wow
Starting point is 00:42:26 Kevin Nash, oh, wow, and we have one more guy that was doing stunts or something. He was arrested Those guys were getting blasted. Those guys were living like doctors They even got like the if you watch the longest yard the guards Went to Adam Sandler and said listen dog. Yeah, it went on the set by 10 We're still gonna start drinking And they brought a blender in And they would send the fucking ad to get beers everything. It was oh and goberg So remember we would do is we would lock goberg's door from the inside
Starting point is 00:43:03 No, and he would try to get it. No every day he would rip the door off Just rip it through like nothing like nothing off the fucking hinges. He would rip it just that is huge He was huge at the time. I remember him. I remember him. It was Something that stone cold as well cold was and at that time this is 2004 He was still stone cold. Oh, and I just did his podcast and he said he was dog I was drinking with three fucking hands Like they were fucking getting fucked up, man. That's a complete different world. Oh, yeah No, I mean that that dude was the face of wwe or wdf at the at one point
Starting point is 00:43:45 Stone cold steve austin Goldberg. I mean those were all big time guys that get paid a lot of money A lot of money. Let me get some shout outs I'm gonna get this fucking party started here Sad catech whatever it's your birthday again cocksucker Knock it off over there in japan Christopher Owens Paul robinson marcello mottos
Starting point is 00:44:10 joey o'neill abels oren Gina jackson sergio otago the man of steel Plank radio shack and my favorite juice placed the greenhouse juice Over on lankish and going in town. I'm uncle joey since that shit is real over there dog What is it? They got like these fucking My friends from a conditioning class goes bro. I went over there started drinking these They got everything they got fucking compuch on tap. Okay. They got fucking. I had kale there for the first time I wouldn't try kale if you paid me
Starting point is 00:44:45 Pineapple with kale, but they don't put the stems in it. Okay, so you don't taste nothing. It tasted delicious. Okay, and you know me dog I don't like fucking tasty shit. Yeah. Yeah. Don't taste good. I don't give a fuck. I love my doce But he's got a lot of fucked up shit on his diet. You know what I'm saying like When oh and shit like that. I ain't eating that shit. Which one, you know, king. What whatever the fuck. Yeah, I ain't eating that shit That ain't never gonna happen. He's got a lot of canola. He's got a lot of canola and I don't like that shit He's got a lot of a lot of stuff, but he's got a good some good recipes in the book. He's got three or four Oh, he's legit good fucking recipes. He's got a couple breakfast recipes That are yummy. You just gotta tell me I don't like honey
Starting point is 00:45:25 I've I've been able to work with Mike a long time ago. I worked with Mike and um, he he was so good So good What do you mean? You don't like honey I don't like honey. Don't go right Who doesn't like honey? I don't like honey. So what don't you like about it? It's too sweet The texture makes me fucking gag I barely like maple syrup. Remember, I just don't like honey. All right, no
Starting point is 00:45:53 Fucking honey, I gotta like honey all over something but they can make like acai balls, which I never really had Those are good, but they make a thing called the antioxidant. It's like acai juice pomegranate juice It's uh Fucking it's pretty good. You had a little protein scoop and your tip top magoo. You ready to go. You know what I'm saying? You're trying to work it out. No, what I wanted to say to you was I'll never forget this like This had to be the first expo I was really excited and I and I go Joe Let's go on Thursday and he's like, I'm not going down there. I gotta do a talk
Starting point is 00:46:29 With Goldberg on stage and it's gonna be fucking crazy So if I asked somebody from New York City, we'll get your pass and I went down there And I'm not gonna say his name this fired her dog He was surrounded And he'd look at look on his face like you wanted to shoot him something What because he suffers from social anxiety bro. It happens And yeah, it was too much. This is why like that time I walked around the expo The first time I go, you know what man
Starting point is 00:47:03 Do you remember when Rocky was training in the gym? Yeah, and then for two or three he started going to a casino. Yeah to train Yeah, and the old man quit something happened in the open. Yeah Yeah, I make it all me that he didn't want to train him for right like that's what it feels like Like when they take you to those things You know what they should really ask the fighters. Are you into this? Are you into throwing sidekicks in public and talking to 200 people after? Or or or they should give them classes or hot on how to deal with it. Well, like it seems like
Starting point is 00:47:39 From what I've seen recently that if you want to be a star unfortunately It's kind of like having social media We probably if we had a choice we might we might not have it or be on it as much But to be a star in the UFC you kind of have to be in front of the TV cameras. Yeah one thing is is Huge about the UFC the fans get to interact with them Uh You know no other sport. I think has more interaction with with the athletes than UFC You know one time you gotta imagine think of a
Starting point is 00:48:10 You know think of a world where I could tweet Julia serving today I could tweet you I could tweet Name him I could tweet Anderson Silva He won't get back to me. But if I keep tweeting him eventually, sure He'll get back to me one day. He'll notice that I'm the real deal. I'm his fan You have this contact now with people that you never had contact with before right in your life Even if you say things on their page or whatever Absolutely, so it's a different world when I was growing up. There's no contact
Starting point is 00:48:43 You had a fucking poster of kevin gastelman on my wall. That's it Kevin gastelman didn't go to mcdonald's and shake hands on saturday the first That you know saying like that didn't fucking happen like unless I bumped into you At the hotel or something like that. You know, it's funny the first time First couple times I saw you fight I was in the middle of reading the rebuttal duran story. There's a good book by I think you remember telling me they turned it into a fucking movie and the movie sucked dick Because it was 20 years too late. Nobody knows what rebuttal duran is
Starting point is 00:49:19 But during his time you and you were out honestly, you've seen him. Yeah, you've seen him throwing beatings on people on youtube The one fight where he just fell he was vicious You always reminded me something In your face the way you bang and it's funny that that persona For a lot see Do you have seats really tried for years to open up the latino door and they've succeeded in mexico? They really have they've done a great fucking job in mexico. Oh, yeah, they've done a great job in a lot of good places
Starting point is 00:49:56 But they never have like a mexican guy to talk fucking shit, you know, I don't like just to Talk shit and throw the microphone and speak in spanish and bad words and fucking go fucking bananas I don't know if you've seen canelo alvarez. Yes. Yes Well, his his recent interview. He was talking smack to triple g's Trainer, you know, how he just kind of opens his mouth all the time. He just tested hot though canelo, right? Oh, yeah He's done right claim butcher. Oh, no, he's got the fights going on. So they said that as soon as he tested positive What they say They were still gonna fight. Yeah. No, no nothing has been
Starting point is 00:50:35 Um Clem butcherole or something like that. Is it a steroid? It's I I don't know what type of uh steroid or Painting it is but it I guess it's a pd. It's considered a pd. I'm not sure what it does Um, but I guess it's it's found in a lot of the meat in mexico And so if he's eaten tacos Out in the middle camp and he'll probably test if some of that meat is contaminated with with that Because they give it to the animals in mexico to make them grow faster. I think Open bigger bigger or faster one of the two
Starting point is 00:51:15 They give them steroids And so a lot of the mexican fighters and even if you look back I guess a couple of years ago at the um Is that where you I think um the last Um world cup the mexican the mexican Uh team had tested for a clem butcherole because of of the contaminated meat At the steroid. Yeah, it's a pd. I'm not sure what it is
Starting point is 00:51:45 This is it's thin it tins the blood for more oxygen. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's the So if you get more oxygen you get more Just go more and for weight loss. Maybe I think it says that too So that's so yeah Boxing they don't give a fuck jack You can show up with your beautiful Diana ball the cousin And they'll look at you and they'll go what do you want to do here? Who gives a fuck?
Starting point is 00:52:10 I thought that was interesting because I got the same. Uh, I got an email from yosada Uh when I was fighting in china like be careful of the Meat in china Make sure you go to all these high-end restaurants instead of going down on the butcher and just getting your meat there or something Really because it's contaminated clem butcherole and athletes have tested positive for For clem butcherole, but no nothing has been sanctioned against them because they know of the circumstance But they gotta they gotta Do something about it. I feel like I don't know
Starting point is 00:52:45 The people Stuff in the meat. Yeah, maybe or the because they they know it's a it's a problem like like the mexico national team Have tested positive for it. Like I said This mexico national soccer team So now every supplement you take You send it to yosada first. You have to send them a list. Well, I I don't ever take something nothing nothing Approaching they scared the crap out of me too. So that's it. You just where you're like, no, I'm not taking nothing I'm not even risking it
Starting point is 00:53:14 You know, you go to these athlete retreats where they The yosada representatives come in and they talk to you and they just scare the crap out of you You know, they give you a list of all these 800 uh, supplements And you're just looking at it. It's gibberish to me. I don't know what any of these things are But if I test positive for it, then I'm truck
Starting point is 00:53:37 You know, so you don't go to gnc No, nothing. You don't do shit. No, no protein powder. I can massage once a week. Okay. No, I do I do protein now Now that I that I replace it with a meal or something every now and then like I'm like a way protein. Yeah, yeah organic or something like that Yeah, you got to be fucking careful. Yeah, they they they scare the crap out of you It's crazy and the fucking people like I didn't know it was that bad HBO one of those did the thing about vitamins About two years ago three years ago But how easy it is to make vitamins because there's no regulation on it
Starting point is 00:54:16 They showed there's not somebody not somebody showed gns and that What what the fuck is the ngc national ggc? Oh national geographic has those Late night shows about fucking drug dealers drug zinc and all those it was one of those Now there's no regulation for it. No regulation They hire fucking they go down they hire fucking 10 people they bring them into a fucking thing To fill pills all day And these people take the pills put them in boxes and ship them out. You don't know what the fuck is in it
Starting point is 00:54:51 You have no fucking idea that all that it's all bullshit at the time Yeah, you can mix in dirt and shit and put in a pill and sell it and call it clenby troll And nobody regulates it, you know And uh, it's scary. I mean it's scary as a fighter. What's your opinion like? Obviously, they're you don't want to cheat or be accused of cheating but Do you what's your opinion on fighting someone? What do you still want to fight them if they test the positive? Like if you were like what like what's your opinion on the people like who do that?
Starting point is 00:55:24 Like is it that does it give you that much of an advantage? Um, I mean, I don't I have zero idea when it comes to what steroids does to your body Um, as you can tell I I probably don't just You know, I'm one of the few athletes, you know after osada more athletes started looking more like me with a little pouch You know, I mean, uh, but Uh I don't mind it if if guys are cheating Um, which I'm ha I'm sure I fought guys that were cheating and I beat them. It don't matter to me
Starting point is 00:55:59 You know That's the thing like if you cheat and you still get well, that's the other side of it That's the other side of the fucking corner. That's the other side of it. Like that would suck like that I know there's guys that are using it and there and there's doctors that they're monitoring their the levels I know it. I don't know who but I know it. There's out there There's people doing steroids monitoring their levels to where they don't go over the limit, you know um And they're good at it. They're good at getting away with it, but they won't for a long time. They'll get popped eventually
Starting point is 00:56:33 And it sucks and it sucks to know that the odds are always against you and it sucks to know that especially when you Well, look at the russians. Look at the the that they were outed out of the olympics the winter olympics because everybody was Doing something something they've been doing it since ever 10. I guess there was I don't know who told me somebody There was a doctor That had been juicing them all this is what I heard. I'm not a hundred percent accurate This is what they told me this doctor had the secret formula for juicing for for for performance enhancing drugs to where you don't Fail and he had all these olympians
Starting point is 00:57:12 um Juicing and then he had all these athletes just juicing and and He knew how to do it perfectly to the tee He knows the science and he went out he he went out in public and said it all and I guess now there's a hit on this guy Because now that's the reason they were outed the uh the olympics I don't know like that like that that's a kind of a crazy situation to them Like that would be the same thing like the u of c and just to be like they're not doing this
Starting point is 00:57:43 But it'd be like the u of c saying you have to take steroids like here's your steroids right? We want it. We want exciting fights right like that like the whole national team in all Yeah, well russia's been doing it bro. They've been doing it Since jesus left chicago, it's no the russians are coming The russians are coming. It's no disrespect to nobody and nothing for sure. They just this is what they've been Been good at for years. So I guess this doctor went out Went out in public and said how he how he was cheating all these years and now that's the reason they were outed and now There's a hit on this guy. I think he's I think he's in the united states 60 minute. They did on on on the doctor
Starting point is 00:58:22 Had the baseball player Did you watch that interview? No What's a alex anand is what what do you guess alex rodri? Oh, okay. I remember. I remember the player. Did you see the The strategy they had no, I mean he had this. I mean when you're making alex rodrigus money You're my doctor baseball players are over Calvin like I don't give a fuck about your practice Like it's over tell those old ladies of manana
Starting point is 00:58:51 I don't give a fuck send them a coast guard you with me from now on And the guy was just his private doctor and kelvin. They had it to a science. Yeah, I'm sure Bro, they had it to such a science That he made gummy bears for him That he would give him In the sixth inning edibles edibles, bro. Edible fucking testosterone. Oh, wow. I believe it You know, you got to look it up You got a tonight when you go home and you can't sleep go 60 minutes alex rodrigus is
Starting point is 00:59:24 And he's talking about he would give me these Gummy bears in the sixth inning and that's why in the eighth inning he was always his own runs Because he would get that second urge surge towards the end. He had him programmed crazy And even if he tested him after the baseball game he would always test Clean it was crazy. They had it to a science. But when you're paying what I'm sure what I'm saying kelvin, this is all you're gonna do your job
Starting point is 00:59:55 Is to make sure I'm clean, but I need to fucking be dirty and fuck He's monitoring those. Yeah, I need to look like consaco, but nobody Fucking nobody You have to know everything about everything about everything call your cousin call the chinese dude I don't give a fuck who you gotta call Yeah, that's got you know, but I you have see I mean Steroids are expensive enough. I mean all that shit. I'm not sure bro. All that shit has gone off the fucking roof That's such a big trade. I'm sure the science has gone so far. Yeah, bro
Starting point is 01:00:34 Why don't we have a cure for cancer? Yeah, what are they all this? Listen, bro. I had a buddy in 98. Maybe it's out there. He died in 99 And I had breakfast in him a couple months before he died And he was a bodybuilder and he was telling me that he paid for two treatments 10 000 a piece Well, they take the juice out of a dead cadaver spot You know, this is This is you may step sell it. I don't fucking know they take the powder and then they drink it
Starting point is 01:01:07 10 000 bro, he looked Like he had a two by four Chest you think I'm kidding bro. I love this kid as crazy and he's drugged out as he was kelvin He made sure I went to my gigs and I got there on time You know, this is He's dead now this kid here Before he died he was like a fucking tremendous bodybuilder But he was a bodybuilder shooting snorting. Okay. Yeah, he's pretty smoking teas. Yeah. No, no
Starting point is 01:01:42 This was a monster of a man monster. Yeah, but part like one time he was telling me that breakfast he goes, uh They can't catch me. I got this new shit You go over to the Bronx and it's the cadaver Of the spine And I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? He's like, yeah, it's better than steroids. He his chest looked I remember at breakfast. I was looking at him and he was in he was off season. Okay, so he was woken up and shit like that kelvin, he had three inches of muscle That was perfect
Starting point is 01:02:18 It looked like a board it looked like somebody had opened up his chest And put boards in it. Wow. So they got everything out there. Whatever you need. You get sure Fucking crazy. Well, listen brother. I'm happy that you took the time. We've been going back and forth for months Yeah, yeah, we have I know you're busy and yeah, I know my schedule was crazy When I was especially when I was out in town in the in the holidays stuff visiting my mom in arizona But I appreciate you you you keep in in contact man and bring me out No, I like I like all the videos of you and your mom whenever they do the fucking Oh the countdown stuff. Yeah, that's great that you well, you know, she's she's you have a big family support behind
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yeah, yeah, but my mom really has been the rock for my family, you know, she I didn't grow up with with a dad. So she it was it was her And now you're at kings for this truck for this now I make kinks for well I've been in kings for the past three years now And that's home. That's home. I need to be that dude knows his movie time Rafael Gordero, you know Rafael Gordero. Yeah, I've never met him personally. I just seen him in the come on now Any time if you're in the area is it great down there? No, the energy that it's you dosaniel's verdun. So dosaniel doesn't train there anymore
Starting point is 01:03:35 Really? Yeah. Yeah, I'm not sure I never knew really what the fallout was And I didn't really ask don't know. No, you don't know nothing. You just go there to train and mind you Yeah, exactly. And then one day he didn't show up. So then Um, a cheetah trains there. I train there. Fabricio. We're doing trains there marvin vittori trains there. He's another Uh Middle-aid up and coming Giga chikazi who's freaking monster one of the greatest. He's a he's a glory kickboxer
Starting point is 01:04:04 Uh was ranked like third in in in his division So we just got a lot of world-class talent there, man You go friday sparring you go there on the sparring days. You're done. Well, it's Kind of like having a fight. You know, you remember that tornado of emotions that I talked about I get that every friday Well, how long are the rounds five minutes five minutes? How many rounds five? Everybody everybody switching or with the same dude switching So you go machita you go with machita. I go with fabricio. I go with marvin. No weight limits Uh full blast. Yeah full blast only friday only friday full blast, but not really
Starting point is 01:04:49 Full blast no no no no no Not like elbows and knees to the face. No No, but there it's another level. It's like adding another fight to your record. I'm taking you down I'm taking I'm taking you down and I'm gonna punch you in the face Or I'm gonna throw my light kick right at your face Like I'm I'm there to To see if this shit's working. Yeah, exactly to see if this shit's working You know, you want to work on something if you want to throw something you worked on during the week throw it in practice
Starting point is 01:05:22 You know That's good for you, man. Yeah. No, I love it. I love my time out here and so cal I've been to a lot of places before Where else did you where else did I was in San Diego before that out on an alliance? And then before that. Well, I was I was kind of traveling around going to the lab I was going to the lab with benson henderson I was going with uh, ryan baiter and cb's all the way over at power mma in arizona And I went to Montreal
Starting point is 01:05:52 With foraza hobby in george zane pier to check them out back in the day Yeah, I just kind of been around but I found like so cal rafael cordero. That's what works for me Yeah Well, brother, I wish you All the luck in the world. You're a gentleman and I'm sure you're gonna be champion someday Whether at 170 we're gonna try a 185 When you find that 170 listen When you go to weight watches, bro, they have
Starting point is 01:06:23 They have like points in the old weight watches when I first joined They had points and they were so racist. They either broken down the races. Okay So they have like cuban food, you know, 26 points cuban sandwich 26 points You get 40 for the day And the cuban sandwich is 26 points When you turn to mexican food and had a skull in two fucking bones Because it is with an axe bro mexican food fucking kills you We both know it. Yeah when I lived in colorado
Starting point is 01:06:57 I had to ride a bike hit the bag and swim Three times a week because if not those green chili burritos We just went back and he got a fucking one of those green chili Mexican burgers and a tortilla smothered with cheese With beans and rice Ideas me It was tremendous. Yeah, no, I mean my mom cooks everything for me, you know when I'm back home It's trouble. So after the fight now may 12 may 14th. You go home
Starting point is 01:07:30 Uh, I got to visit. Yeah You go home get your head back together go back to the bedroom vacation I found that going on a little vacation kind of resets my mind pretty good Sometimes going home to your old bedroom focuses you a little bit too. Yeah, you know what it hasn't changed since high school No, so it's still there. Yeah, and you know the walk and you makes you feel like how you were at that time You married no single girlfriend. I got a girlfriend. Look at you. You savaged you. I didn't plan it But it just happened and stuff Well, you look happy. I'm happy you made the trip finally to the church. They're gonna love you
Starting point is 01:08:05 Uh, let me just say two things and we'll get you the fuck out of here. That's remember Santa Ana casino Albuquerque, I'm coming down The only tickets left. I think a thursday night april 5th and then columbus Four mother fucking 20 I'm there the whole weekend at the funny bone in columbus Get your tickets now
Starting point is 01:08:26 Like I told you before this show started when it comes to uncle joey. I'm a fuji gi type of guy I'm a sapperito type of guy and I got the sakai I got the sapperito and I got the new one But i'm a sapperito type of guy. It's the medium range one Like 134 and they got it for big guys a6 And a5 I just dropped from an a6 to an a5 bitches. Hey, you better be looking out. I'm passing guards now and shit Finally, don't be fucking with me. You know, I love you But anyway, go to fuji sports.com and press in church and I'm gonna give you 10 percent off
Starting point is 01:09:01 Whatever the fuck you got going on, you know, I'm saying help everybody out and also on it.com Uh for supplements, they're my people how for brain But after shroom tech, I will last fucking 10 minutes of conditioning class Thank god, I snort one and I pop one and everybody's happy. I'm kidding. It's a joke cuck suckers Don't snort of it. You're an 18. Don't snort that shit. If you're over 18, don't snort it That's Look at Lee cracking funnies all of a sudden and she's got a resume now I love you mother fuckers. I want to thank and wish you
Starting point is 01:09:37 All the luck in the world by jacaré. You got all the tools to beat him, bro Thank you, bro. You got latin mexican fucking Apocalypto heart You know what i'm saying? Hey, I I do have some native blood. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How do the yaki? Yes, brother Yeah, they were they were there before the mayans or that's where my family's from in mexico. Really? Yeah Fucking tremendous warriors. Anyway, I love you mother fuckers. Have a great week kelvin gaston in future fucking ufc champ And my man lisa. Yeah, I love you. Don't forget
Starting point is 01:10:11 albuquerque satana casino Thursday night tickets left only and the columbus funny bone with cake quickly. That's what I forgot to tell you 419 420 and 421. I want to thank all you savages for listening. Have a great weekend. See you next monday. Stay black Yeah With so much drama in the lbc it's kind of hard being a snoop dgo double g But I somehow some way keep coming up with funky. Yes shit like every single day May I kick a little something for the g's and make a few wins as I preach Two in the morning and the party's still jumping cuz my mama in home
Starting point is 01:11:15 I got bitches in the living room getting it on and they ain't leave till six in the morning So what you want to do? Shit, I got a pocket full of rubbers and my homeboys do too So turn off the lights and close the doors, but for what we don't let him hold So we don't smoke an ounce to this jeans up holds down while you motherfuckers bounce to this Now the street Lay back Lay back
Starting point is 01:11:56 I got me some sequins gene everybody got their cups, but they ain't chipped in Now this type of shit happens all the time you gotta get yours before I gotta get mine It's fine when you're listening to the d.o.g. I got the cold debate and music that be captivating me Who listens to the words that I speak as I take me a drink to the middle of the street and get to Mac and to this bitch named shape She used to be the homeboys lady. Oh that bitch 80 degrees when I tell that bitch, please raise up off these new tees Did you get none of these at ease? As I barb with the dog down feel the breeze be eyechub just
Starting point is 01:12:32 Now the street Lay back Later on that day my homie dr. Drake came through with a game to take away And a fat ass jay of some bubonic chronic that made me choke. Shit. This ain't no joke I had to back up off a bit and sip my cup down Sangra and chronic yeah, I'm fucked up now, but it ain't no stopping I'm still poppin straight got some bitches from the city of Compton to serve me knock with a cherry on top Because when I bust my nut, I'm raising the box to cock. Don't get upset girl. Let's just hot go
Starting point is 01:13:19 I don't love you hugs. I'm out the dope and now big And I'm gonna Lay back With my mom Rolling down the street Smoking in and out Step on home dinner Lay back
Starting point is 01:13:41 With my mom Rolling down the street Smoking in and out Step on home dinner Watch With my mom Rolling down the street Smoking in and out
Starting point is 01:13:57 Step on home dinner Watch

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