Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #586 - Rick Ramos

Episode Date: May 22, 2018

Rick Ramos, a stand up comedian, actor and the host of the "Watch This with Rick Ramos" podcast, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. This podcast is brought to you by:   FujiSpo...rts.com  - Use promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount on all the best jiu jitsu and martial arts gear.   Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.    Recorded live on 05/21/2018.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Breedings from podcastville The church of what's happening now is brought to you by on it for all your supplemental needs go to on it Listen, I can't hook up with the kettle bells and fucking ropes and battle ropes and that shit But as far as supplements are concerned the jerky the fucking hemp protein The shroom tech sport and the shroom tech immune the alpha brain the core of the organization I'll get you 10% off. Just go to on it dot com right now and press in church. Bam It's got delivered right to your house. No drama. Nobody knows nothing. Nobody asked questions. You understand me
Starting point is 00:00:35 Number two, listen, yo people always hit me up Joey. What do I got a fat man? Gee, where's the best G from fat guy? Listen, I'm gonna answer to you right now Fuji They've been around since Japan got bombed. They don't give a fuck. You understand me Fuji sports calm has been there forever. They've been making fucking a movie tie gear. They got mats They got everything they got the best key in the business How do I know cuz that's all I wear and then whenever I'm in closed guard people try to pull me pull me They try to fucking grab my arm those fucking geez are durable. Those kids are strong. You understand me Jack So whether you're looking for shin guards, whether you're looking for a nice rash guard
Starting point is 00:01:13 Whether you're looking for a nice G if you need a rash guard and you're a 5x guess who got it Fuji sports calm Pressing church bam get 10% off delivered to your house. Tell them Uncle Joey sent you all right kick this fucking mule Lee Hey you go May 22 The Christ killer in full effect missing along And Rick Ramos movie critic podcast reviewer dear friend
Starting point is 00:01:49 The theme is revenge talk suckers here we go hit this fucking mule Lee Well, baby, that's tough it's a fucking church bitches Oh Shit where the fuck you been Joey right here motherfuckers It's a church of what's happening now Tuesday morning you bad motherfuckers. I missed you long week last week I want to thank Providence and the comedy connection for having me last week to sold out shows and then my man fucking Vinnie Brands stress factory you guys were phenomenal. I'm sorry about the heck of Friday night late show
Starting point is 00:02:51 He threw my timing off, you know, I'm deaf in one fucking ear Fucked up and this guy wouldn't shut the fuck up, but that's it and that's that I had a great time Thank you very much for making my homecoming Always a fucking pleasure on the way back. I had the pleasure of flying back with Kate Quigley and Andrew dice clay on jet blue Andrew dice clay is the funniest man alive He's getting away free don't our bagels on the fucking flight to people and two chicks actually took the fucking bagels Oh, yeah, it wasn't two guys. It was two broads. It took the fucking bagels unbelievable Can you imagine getting a bagel from dice at six in the morning like four we were on that plane at fucking four
Starting point is 00:03:28 We boarded that motherfucking five eight fifteen a.m. Oh my god Up all night. I went over to my brother picked me up in New Brunswick. Yeah, I gotta hand it to George, you know I'm known him since I was fucking 15 the summer of 79. I'm known that and but he's such a As whole family like, you know, he saved my life. He's another guy. Yeah, but he picked me up in New Brunswick Went back to his house. He made fresh chicken colors Italian style with the break rooms thin
Starting point is 00:04:01 I must have had 18 of them and then he whips out a fucking box from raspolis Don't a bakery famous bakery. Yeah, and he got two lobster tails and a fucking cannoli in that motherfucking This lobster tail has his velvet cream that motherfucker. I didn't care about points. I was gonna say you didn't get a fuck for it Then he brought me some double caffeine Starbucks coffee and some shit. I drank that with the fucking lobster tail I was off and running we stayed there till 345 to the car came and got me the car came and got me at 3 30 Yeah, it was just 12 30 You know a dear friend of mine travels a lot and I asked her how she deals with stuff
Starting point is 00:04:41 And she said that she always stays on LA time when she travels regardless what people want And that was always weird to me. I I don't I fight it. I try to go to bed at 12. It's a motherfucker It sucks dick But anyway, who gives the fuck the team is revenge. I was talking to Rick a few weeks ago We're talking about movies. I told them I wanted them back on the film Yeah, I'm back on the podcast and you know why I have Rick on if you're not gonna discuss films I'm not gonna have Rick come on in and talk about baseball So yeah, they're gonna win
Starting point is 00:05:14 So I was thinking about how many films I like that are about revenge. Yeah, but then after I spoke to you I Thought about revenge from many different angles Like if you watch Rocky, yeah, it's about revenge. It's about a guy Getting one shot. There's some yeah, so many themes for revenge, you know, it's thematically It's like everything has been against me For so long people have been shitting on me people have been saying that he isn't worth the fuck and yet I gotta believe in me because I'm like the only person that will and whereas other people will write shit off or will allow
Starting point is 00:05:53 They'll allow the shit to come down on them. I'm gonna finally get my balls back and say no not this time It's gonna be different this time. That's you're absolutely right. It's a revenge against the self. It's a revenge against Everybody who was said it's a revenge against Mickey. It's revenge against the leg breaking and the fucking fight game as a whole That it's a beautiful example of that. Yeah, it was crazy. It's a kid hit me I said something on the periscope this morning and The Greek hit me up in Toronto. He was like fucking Did you think about Godfather too? And I'm thinking about Even Godfather as a whole, you know, it's true like he waited in the bushes. Yeah for 50 fucking years
Starting point is 00:06:35 You know, and he went back there and stabbed the guy Which is a tremendous scene and it's great too because the guy is damn near death as it is But veto needs to be the one veto needs this guy and he lets him know Vito and Olini, you know I you know, I come from this place and this is for you Cut some right He says some crazy shit In the main clip they don't show when he blows up the guy That let he blows up the guy in the pizza parlor. Yeah in Buffalo, New York
Starting point is 00:07:09 They don't show that in the rear in the movie cut in the theater cut No But when you get the ones with the added scenes and they cut out Which if you watch the movie and you see some of the added scenes you wish that they stay the fuck out Especially a lot of James Conn scenes. Yeah. Yeah, they were pretty fucking bad Well, that's the thing with these but the sometimes these directors go back. I mean, I mean fucking Coppola did it with apocalypse I mean some of the shit that he put back in was good some of that shit that that whole plantation scene
Starting point is 00:07:37 I mean, goddamn it just slows the movie down. It's loaded down for me I understand what he's trying to do with it, but If the idea of it is good and the execution is bad You've got to just keep it out of there. Who are your favorite directors right now right now? I still love Gilliam. I still love Scorsese Fincher hasn't made anything really great in a long time, but but now it's just like a free-for-all. It's like Everything that's it's almost like these these these directors These directors don't exist on that same level as you're like, oh shit There's gonna be a Scorsese film coming out this month
Starting point is 00:08:15 Like like remember when good fellas came out and you were like shit This is gonna be this is Scorsese going back to what he knows And then I would go and see Kundan or Age of Innocence or bringing out the dead Anything that the man did it was it was the passion of that I know Terry Gilliam is finally getting ready to make the man who killed Don Quixote Which from the previous doesn't look like it's gonna be very good, but this guy For years has always impressed me with his visual sense, you know But like right now I can't say that there's too many young directors
Starting point is 00:08:50 I mean Fincher's already in his 50s Christopher Nolan is already up there who the fuck is out there making great films You know, I'm It's almost it's almost impossible to pin it down to one director doing really good work Let's go back a second here because this is something that I want to discuss that's been bothering me for a long time You know Lee and you Lee asked you when we came in before the podcast started about the movie pass and shit. Yeah And it's so weird He also asked you a really weird question which a lot of people don't ask of Lee's age He asked you when the new Beverly was gonna be open. Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:30 Listen, let's put our cards in the table here. I fucking grew up in a movie theater. Yeah, I grew up in a movie theater And the movie experience was easy. Yeah, it was like everything else in this life, you know Flying used to be a breeze. You could smoke in the air. You could drink in the air You know fucked up you could get up and sit with your friend and then they ruined it, you know Everything has become this fucking Everything has become this fucking semi-communistic if you saw life back then you see how much freedom has been taken from us So many ways from the videos to the fucking to the fucking Hemisphere is one of those things that the kids have with the cameras, you know, you can't commit a legit crime
Starting point is 00:10:11 Oh, yeah, the drones. Yeah, you come in a crime. They find the body. They tap into a camera. They'll find you They'll see you digging that fucking drone. Everything. Everything is DNA. Everything is on fucking tape. So Even the movie theater experience has been taken from us the movie experience Lee said to you well some of the movies have Selected seating or a signed seating. What are you talking about? Oh, yeah I said what a fuck I want not anymore not anymore. I said what I want Yeah, you would like to but places like the arc light places like some of the AMC theaters Mark now the dollar here has it and to be honest, I like it. I like what they're doing
Starting point is 00:10:52 I like the comfortable seats, but the issue I have with movies right now and the reason why like though I wouldn't go to movies with that movie pass is and I'm not saying they're bad because that everyone says movies They're bad now. Mm-hmm, but it seems like they went from making like films or store like Full-on like worlds. Yeah, and now they're just making like themes like oh, this movie is a love story with With a comedic love story and this one like they had an emoji movie Yeah, they have the Kong movie which I heard with the rock wasn't terrible
Starting point is 00:11:25 But what like it's just a way for the rock to to blow stuff up The rock doing what the rock doesn't so I'm gonna be CGI But the the thing is that when you when you find I Love old movies and the fact of the matter is they are better movies. There are better stories They were told better. They were told with more heart and passion But you also had actors that you you and I could relate to These were actors that you wanted to be you wanted to be Lee Marvin you wanted to be Bronson There's not an actor working today that I look at going yeah, that's a cool motherfucker that I wish I could be for a minute
Starting point is 00:12:02 You know they got to understand one thing. Hmm most of the people who listen to the show. Yeah a young yeah, it's people and You don't want to sound like that guy. I never want to sound like that guy that 30 years ago, you should have seen but in many ways Mm-hmm It's an it's an eye-opening experience when you see him film from the 70s And you see a cellular and you see a rotary phone And you see different things that do not exist today are not even close to existing but the movie theater experience like
Starting point is 00:12:39 Name me one fucking movie theater around there that I go to movies at midnight. Is there one there is one I know Lee likes one well We were talking about that before you got here first of all, I'd be scared to go to a movie in midnight I'm thinking about somebody's on the company and jerk off a man. I used to love me Oh, I love not Lee. I grew up in a midnight movie every fucking Saturday There was a different rock movie or they play you I want to see apocalypse at midnight at the midnight showing you know on acid I always used to hate that about I mean I hate it I got mad in New York because in New York I had like I'd take a 6 a.m. Bus if I'm out at 4
Starting point is 00:13:13 Why don't they have 24-hour movie theaters? I never especially now because people go into the sleep. Yeah I'm talking about a 12 o'clock movie. That's an event. Yeah, I'm talking about a fucking event at midnight That's what I'm talking about. It's a rare thing that they do that now They'll do that when a Marvel movie opens. They'll play at 24 hours a day. I remember seeing a I think it was the first start Star Wars reboot. They were playing that from 7 p.m Until 3 or 4 in the morning shut theater down for a couple hours and then started up again at 8 a.m I mean they'll do it when it's an event when they know they can pack them in and they're trying to get as many people Into the place as possible, but you're not gonna see
Starting point is 00:13:57 But the thing is like when we were kids You didn't have Netflix. You didn't have Hulu or Amazon Prime. You couldn't pull up so much shit just There you didn't have that available to you So the theaters the you know the theater's got to make money and it costs money to staff it It costs money to delight that place to keep it running So they're not gonna have people coming in to do that and they're not gonna give the opportunity When it's only gonna be three or four how much is a movie fucking ticket at lemley at lemley a lemley is about $12-13 I think 13 fucking dollars. They need that much money to keep the fucking lights on
Starting point is 00:14:35 And that's a weird thing like they don't get much of the of the ticket price They get all they get all their money from concessions most of the price goes back But I was just gonna ask you guys like what do you say? How much blame do you put cuz I know they hit they hit? I like of course it's a business but $5 candy can it be $3 candy and then and cuz I what you're telling me is the movie theater doesn't make a dime at the door They make us very small percent. They make a very small percent all goes back to it all goes back to the studio Really? Yeah, I think I think probably 80 80 plus percent. I did not know that. Yeah, they make their money off of concessions
Starting point is 00:15:13 That's why it's so ridiculously expensive That's why if you got it the last time I took a woman to see a movie Popcorn sodas and and a candy bar cost me $30. It was fucking ridiculous I want the lemley one time. I got a sign to go watch a movie from a podcast This had to be 10 years ago. Okay, I was still 11 years ago I was still living in Hollywood. All right, and it was a Disney movie and the girl Who works a rotten tomatoes? What about me? Great? Great. She had the office downstairs
Starting point is 00:15:46 She she had it at the time with Anna beta. Mm-hmm. They were together at that time at the podcast Yeah, and they asked me to be on about film and they said go see this film I figure let me take my wife to the fucking Lemley. Mm-hmm. We dropped a half a yard Exactly because we got the sauce the chicken sauce and sandwich and shit Mm-hmm. I remember going home that night and sitting there going. I'm not cheap Yeah, by no means am I cheap but a half a yard to go to the fucking movies with your wife There's a lot of Dorae me and that was my point I think that's what gets because people know how many of us have a home theater in our house for not that much
Starting point is 00:16:22 I can't watch a movie any more in television. I can't I have to watch very difficult Enjoyed black panther on the plane when I got on the plane and black panther popped up. I'm fucking Delta. I Was done like I had downloaded a bunch of shit. I'm like, yeah I don't have to watch that stuff. Look at this black panther. I watch it. You know on a plane I do not get disturbed. Mm-hmm. I could sit here all fucking day in the phone with fucking ring Go to the movies with me for three days. I'll sit here by Thursday. I go leave. There's no sense to sit here Let's go to a movie and my world ends. They got to see me in 20 minutes Casting. Yeah, are you available Friday for this whole day?
Starting point is 00:17:01 Everything comes in as soon as I step foot into that fucking Lenny on Lancashire Soon as I step foot in there the fucking thing goes off Yeah, so what happens is even if I don't answer the phone my mind is thinking why is Lee calling me twice? Yeah, why is Rick calling me fourth time? There's something to get hit by a car Now I actually get up to go Pete and there goes the fucking movie That you can't do there goes the movie that when I go to a movie theater I usually go at the time when I realized, okay Have I booked anything for tomorrow? Do I got some extra work tomorrow?
Starting point is 00:17:33 Or do I have something else that I could do that? I'm gonna I'm not gonna have to be I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna be beholden to the phone where it's like now. I gotta check it now I gotta check it now I gotta check it because I've done that and it fucks up the movie watching experience, you know You know and I don't want to be the guy that's checking his phone in the fucking theater because I hate that Guy, I don't want to do that, you know But it does take you out of the movie watching experience. Now you get sued correct if I When I first started comedy, I started comedy at the broker and that's not why I started the Denver County works
Starting point is 00:18:06 But the broker did come in and the broker was very They were cool as fuck. Yeah, this is I'm talking 91. Okay. It was the known hot spot on Wednesdays It was called like Professional whatever they gave away shrimp So you had every fucking mama look, you know, you know when you give everybody had cologne on there Everybody was looking to meet mingle. It was a fucking hysterical scene, but the food was delicious Yeah, and I did comedy there on Tuesdays Tuesdays with steak night and they had comedy Monday was Monday night football Mm-hmm, and they'd have fucking finger food Lee you go crazy
Starting point is 00:18:44 They had little hot dogs and shit and shrimp. Yeah, they always had shrimp. Where do they have shrimp from in, Colorado? I have no idea that shit in I used to eat it shit blood You could do it back then no and The first Sunday of every month with the seafood or you could eat and they had a salmon that was out That you went and took pieces of you have no idea. It was heaven But I never forget I went for the buffet one time and then the juices weren't included and they banged me $7 a glass But first squeeze orange juice. I'm over there drinking orange juice like I got the hiv I drank like 20 glasses. I was down like a buck 40 fucking
Starting point is 00:19:22 You know just in juice. Just in juice. I couldn't fucking believe it. But it was mad at me How the fuck do you drink $140 than fucking juice? That's how much juice I used to drink because the more juice I drank I figured they got rid of the cocaine the vitamin C But the my point being on Sunday night was movie night Yeah at the place at the bar and they would play two old movies Like two Clint Eastwood to Charles Branson two car, you know something of the theme Yeah And they would charge five bucks to get in and that's where they went wrong and
Starting point is 00:19:55 Freed something like finger food Yeah, and people would go in their fucking pajamas and sit in a booth Yeah, and watch movies on Sunday and I always figured out how the fuck they got away with it for years Because nobody's reporting it, you know If you're doing it under the radar and nobody knows and they can't say anything But all it takes is one person to go to call in and say, you know what? This company is charging for that. Let's say let's say some asshole goes in there and he He throws something on a waitress. She rejects him now his attitude is I'm gonna call up the studio
Starting point is 00:20:29 Or I'm gonna call up some legal people and say hey, they are showing Movies and I know you guys aren't getting a cut out of that. So it's rat shit, you know It's them ratting somebody out for just doing that, you know now the purpose of having a movie theater is to make money Yeah, now in 1995 1985 I lived in San Francisco And on the northern end of Haydash Berry mm-hmm two blocks away from the park Was a movie theater that you went into and they had couches. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:59 All right, and they basically had three rows three four rows of couches all different couches Yeah, but they went into a flea market and just bought couches. Yeah The place probably seated. I don't know 90 60, you know, perfect You know each couch maybe four people could sit Yeah, and they opened up an 11 and they had a matinee. They had homemade chocolate chip cookies You see the cookies going on the tray And people were putting them in the oven and they would take them out and serve them And they also would have you know those bars of butter
Starting point is 00:21:34 They would have the bar of butter and they would put real butter on the fucking popcorn I mean this was just superb. Yeah, and they had and they had little footstools If you wanted to put a footstool up you could sit there. I forget what it costs to get in but I remember sitting there going How do they make money here? You know, I went to see mask of that we share and rock there. Stolz and yeah Yeah, I went to see mask there. That was blown the fuck away. Yeah until this day That would be a dream for me to move to some small town And open up a small movie theater that just plays
Starting point is 00:22:08 Old films, you know, who would have to pay a victim? Well, you know, there's not much That's why it's like they have dollar theaters and stuff still which is are great older movies Yeah, they're gonna put out the dollar They're gonna put out those cheap movies because there's not a lot of It doesn't cost them much except to get the film to you and now they can do it digitally. So it's it's much easier now You project it Whatever you make on charging people to get in that goes to the studio that has to go to the studio that dollar That dollar that two dollars make my money from making fresh pizzas
Starting point is 00:22:41 Exactly shrimp cocktails And now a lot of these places are serving liquor now So dude, they got it. They got it in their head. They got the right thing the arc light There's a theater in in pasadena and and Yeah, what's the lay I pick? Yeah, it's great. They'll have couches. They'll have these big Lazy boy recliners. What's I I pick it's just a fancy. They have it on floor. I want my dad They have regular like reclining seats, but then in the back where the better seats are they have They give you like a nice little blanket and they have waiter service in the theater
Starting point is 00:23:14 So, you know, you could you just go sit straight down Call them they bring the m&m's and like a little martini glass. I've seen waiter service In 1998 in toronto. Yeah, they were already ahead of the fucking game in 98 They had a movie theater that had wait waiters waitresses. I think they brought your beer I don't want to say that for sure. I'm not saying that for sure But yeah, yeah, once you start doing that people off a blow off a blow That's the thing that brought people in there because look people People still love the movie watching experience going out because now you're committed to something
Starting point is 00:23:49 You got to you got to make the effort to get out of your house Look when you're sitting at your house and you're watching a movie You got your kid there. You got your wife doing, you know, maybe she's balancing the checkbook Maybe maybe she's talking about uh, what you guys are going to do for the next day She's preparing something in the kitchen. Uh, you got a million fucking phone calls coming in We got the internet that's you know, you're on your phone checking to see if there's somebody sent something to you When you're in a movie theater, it's less likely for any of that to happen And if if you you can really tell yourself, you know what I'm going to see a movie
Starting point is 00:24:20 I'm not fucking around with anything when I go I turn my phone almost completely off I don't want to deal with it. I don't want to I don't want to think about it I just want to watch that movie for two fucking hours. I mean it's on until the movie starts And as soon as it's finished it's on again, but while the movie is on I'm watching this shit I'm dedicated, especially if it's something that I've seen that I love or it's a director that I do like or Or an actor doing something, but the problem is that nowadays it's like I find myself going to movies just because hey, you know, I got the pass. I might as well just go see this movie Yeah, I'm bored out of my mind, you know, and nothing comes true to you anymore
Starting point is 00:25:01 Nothing is it's so it's so hard you leave and go and you You know, while I was talking to you I was thinking about Like your ideal movie theater experience would be I don't even I don't want to wait it I'm not my own fucking food. Yeah, you know, I don't I don't I'm I'm sad. I don't even bring food I hate food in movie theaters. I like uh I like to get pizza at a movie theater Yeah, like slices of pizza like to get a whole pie like a good good New York style pie at a pizza. Yeah, I'd like a reclining chair
Starting point is 00:25:34 Table next to me and the guy four feet away from me. See that's the I'll pay 20 for that Yeah, I'll pay the 20 for that. No, absolutely. You know, I don't want to wait Yeah, you know what? Yeah, if he wants to wait on me fucking You know, it does it does get a little bit Bought it for everyone else because they see the waiter walking in they talk a little bit That's like that's like that's the whole point when you're like, oh, I'm not watching this at home because I have distractions and it It I like it hurts my feelings almost when people come to movies and talk Oh, I just I can't stand it. I you know, I can't I can't when they're having a full-fledged conversation
Starting point is 00:26:09 Or somebody picks up their phone and has a conversation Get the fuck out of there or if you know The mexicans are the worst because they'll they'll come in there with their kids. It'll be Deadpool. You'll be watching something ridiculously We're just ridiculous to have a child in it'll be 11 o'clock at night and they'll have their fucking kids in there and I'm just sitting there like my god, my people are fucked up but This is the kind like like I'll go out of my way like I'll never see a blockbuster film on a friday or saturday
Starting point is 00:26:40 Or even a sunday. I'll go monday When I know that there's nobody gonna be there And there's no chance of me really getting on audition or getting called for any bullshit I like to go to the 10 30 or 11 a.m Knock that shit out by one and now I got my whole day ahead of me too. Plus it helps me wake up in the morning You know, um, it's a good thing to start the day with a movie But there's gonna be fewer people in there, which is great
Starting point is 00:27:07 That's a sad aspect of my life. It is it's a sad aspect of my life that The biggest movie I've seen the last six months is black panther And I saw it on the plane and that the movie theater experience Has been gone for me For close to 20 years No, because I enjoyed movies. I still went to move. I still am going to see payback with mel Gibson and raffie may and
Starting point is 00:27:37 Joey ferney a bunch of us went to see payback and stuff. So it's been probably maybe 15 years I felt like it wasn't going to the movies anymore. I felt like I was getting beat Well, you know, I love going to the movies when it's a crowd we you me I think I think already edwin and all right to see the movie about Clint Eastwood with the chinese family. We saw that but we also saw godfather We saw we saw godfather 2 We saw it at the at the arc light We might have been in the centurama dome and it was great. It was fucking fantastic
Starting point is 00:28:14 But it was a bunch of friends Reliving this great film watching experience because up until that point I don't think I'd ever seen the godfather 2 in a theater I think I saw it for the first time in the theater with you guys I had seen it on tv. I'd seen it um on broadcast But also I'd seen it on dvd But seeing it with you guys was on a whole other level because You got that camaraderie there. We're sitting there. We're laughing. We're having a good time. We're screaming out, you know
Starting point is 00:28:40 And and we're reliving something that that all of us had experienced at one point or another in our lives But now we're together doing it But you're right like the going to the movies by yourself thing That's hard now That's hard. I love it because I don't see that's the thing I'm not gonna dump a friend if they if they don't or talk during a movie if they're if they do that
Starting point is 00:29:01 But I'm not gonna go see I'm not gonna go see a movie with them. Well, that's the thing. Yeah, you're not going to And it becomes very difficult to find those friends That are not gonna talk during a movie that are not gonna check. I'd rather be honest with you Between you and me. I'd rather go to the movies by myself. Me too I'm not gonna lie to anybody I've always been a movie because I don't like drama. Yeah, I don't want to get to your house If I tell you get ready 11 o'clock Because we got to go for chinese by 11 20 because the movie starts at a quarter to 12
Starting point is 00:29:32 I already told the chinese guy yesterday. I was gonna be 11 15 Be ready for me Like it was an event like I was telling Lee, you know, I never got to see this But when I heard this, I always Dwelled on it when I took a marketing class in college at At the university of colorado some intro or whatever class And they were talking about how in the 60s and 50s. Yeah when a new car would come get out Would be released. They'd say the new
Starting point is 00:30:01 Chevrolet comes out september 1st. Yeah That car was in the showroom august 1st with a a blanket on top And every day people would walk up just to take a peek under the blanket You see if they could look under the sheet whatever the fuck you want to call it That was over the car, you know It created A sense it created a different feeling in you. Yeah That's what I still remember
Starting point is 00:30:28 Being a little boy and watching the trailer for the french connection And like I couldn't wait for that fucking movie to come out You know, I could judge a movie now today by a trailer. Yeah I could it doesn't take a genius like you could you could see that this is the gold of this movie You could tell yeah So like I said to you I felt beat by the movies when I went that time my wife It was like two or three times I went to the movies and I went home and said That was a great movie
Starting point is 00:30:59 But why did I do this a month like I had to pay the park Walk a mile. Yeah, like I did all this shit To go to this fucking movie that was so fucking expensive for that I could have been helicoptered and spent You know, yeah, I could have been helicoptered in and again, I'm not talking about being cheap and it's the same across the board Listen, man, when it comes to comedy, I got greedy fucking agents And they will call me sometimes and go this is the contract when I go, why is the ticket 36 dollars? Yeah And they'll go, well you and I go
Starting point is 00:31:34 What blue collar I love blue collar mentality. Yeah A movie theater used to be you went to a comedy club if the movie was so bad What's a fucking movie now? Okay, I get it But when they come to me with these deals, I tell them listen Keep it At 25 bucks. Yeah, that's two tickets 50 bucks. That's the general shit to go out I you know, we get robbed at every level in this country. Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:01 Whether it's a baseball game Whether it's a fucking laker game you got like you can't afford a laker game You know, you know what most people can't afford to fly anymore Could look at plane tickets sometimes. She like how you know, if if if if I was a baseline comic right now I'd be starving I'd be starving. I'm telling you right now What do they pay a baseline comic 12 to 1500? Maybe no plane ticket I know no plane ticket. No, no
Starting point is 00:32:31 You gotta fly like a fucking Like a mouk Fucking, you know, you got to fly like it through one of those buzz saws. You sit in the back with luggage and Yeah, you know, you have no that's the only way you make a profit You have to sell t-shirts and cds and you have to do what it says Yeah, and now you got to put it on the plane too. So now you got to pay the freight on the freight all of that It's it's uh, it's it's it's amazing what it takes to make a living But it's also amazing what these people charge you for your services anymore
Starting point is 00:33:03 You know, I compare ticket prices all the time when I fly and even like jet blue meant it's If I take a flight a year before If I buy a ticket a year before an american to kennedy even with my platinum fucking status I won't get an upgrade Like i've never gotten an upgrade to new york or chicago I figure out a way all the time to get half the ticket off on jet blue and I have to club pay for the other half Yeah, and I take that one with the bed on the way back. I fly there like a fucking mamook in the straight seat And on sunday, I don't want no drama. Yeah when I go through the airport on sunday
Starting point is 00:33:40 I've already gone through five shows. I've talked to a fucking 800 people and i'm fucking done I don't want to see nobody. I don't want to explain myself. I don't want to do nothing But it's it's weird like once the movie industry did it to me Boom well the movie industry did it because They were losing they were losing once cable hit and and Not only did cable hit now you could they they were getting money out of They were getting money out of repeats of movies, but then
Starting point is 00:34:12 they started um They started doing original content netflix hulu amazon Red you know youtube red they all have their own original contact and because of that People aren't going to movies like they used to they'll go to a big they'll go to they'll go to something like avengers The new avengers film a new marvel film. It's going to make money no matter what black panther was going to be huge no matter what but You have to spend Each one of those each one of those movies cost about 150 to 300 million to make now you have to make
Starting point is 00:34:48 Now you have to make about 600 million to a billion dollars just to break even and I mean that's a According to their they're fucking they're accounting. It can't possibly be right but They fucked themselves by creating all these other avenues because It made it impossible For for movies to sustain themselves You can't go to a fucking theater because the theater is going to lose money if I go into a movie theater And i'm using movie pass so i'm getting my movie for fucking two dollars probably the number of movies that I go see a month
Starting point is 00:35:23 I do not buy shit when i'm there so A guy like me I make them no money. I make them no money whatsoever I might sneak a sneakers bar in with me. So now i'm actually fucking them a little bit more. Um But this is the way it goes. I mean once television came in radio went out um It's it's technology advances to a point where whatever existed before slowly starts to die movie theaters movie theaters are still probably the most affordable
Starting point is 00:35:57 Going out kind of thing that you can do because if you think movie theaters are bad try to get a ticket to go see a play at the pentages That shit going to see whatever show wicked or or or hamilton or any of that A single ticket is going to cost you 75 to 100 dollars for that Probably more more. Yeah more And that's that's like you're gonna take you're gonna take a date out for that No, i'll leave the 50, you know i hear to go to yankee stadium. Yeah getting robbed I heard it's like getting robbed like you just can't believe Timmy told me i mean i've had so many friends tell me that they went to yankee stadium and they
Starting point is 00:36:35 they left their feeling like What the fuck just happened. I mean shit right there right alone 20 to 40 dollars to park 50 50 to park 50 Yeah, I don't know what dodger stadium is. I don't know what uh angel stadium is But it's gonna be 40 to 50 bucks right there. I know the football stadium is expensive Whatever they play football that yeah well over by usc when they first started We found that picture was 100 bucks to park. No, I mean who knows if it's still that but yeah Right when it first started or but that's a it's it's a college stadium But it's going to be right over by lax. Yeah, so that yeah
Starting point is 00:37:09 You're not going to be able to fly in on sundays anymore But they're figuring you know what football season we can get this out of the people If we can get this out of them and they're gonna pay then let's charge it, you know They have no scruples in that they got they got no they've got no respect for the working I'll get the fucking schedule and I will not fly in on the home game No, well, it's gonna be the rams and the chargers. So it's every sunday for oh my god four months Yeah The fucking winter
Starting point is 00:37:37 Better be home before nine and there's no public transportation in la. So you're fucked either way That's why that's why you know But but with that comes different opportunities now. It's like now you got all these guys now you got a million fucking actors As basically basically taxi drivers now Ubering all goddamn night long so they can I don't know anybody that's working Me neither. I don't know many people who are working It's okay. They cancel superior dollars I didn't know that I didn't I didn't find that out. They canceled fucking
Starting point is 00:38:12 The mick they can't they cancel 9 9 mbc picked it up They canceled a lot of shows they cancel a lot that made me fucking say what where they're gonna go with this. Yeah, yeah Where are they going with this? Aren't they remaking a lot of shows like they're Rosanne's going into the second season. We're in grace. Yeah, Rosanne will increase there's another one that they're rebooting I think I can't remember But you know and that's going to use actors as well, but it's like they're not As hard as it has been to make a living as a comic and as an actor in past years
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's damn near impossible to do now. It's incredibly. I mean, I don't know Like I'm not working at all. I'm going out for extra work background work I'm collecting unemployment and I'm trying to hustle up whatever the fuck I can do You know, everybody's chasing the same nickel. Have to and in the commercial business right now. Well, it's it's changed Completely I got the lowdown last week. It's changed Completely. Well, I remember hearing these stories where you could book a commercial Maybe two commercials and you'd be set for the year set for that shit will never happen again Yeah, you need to you need to book four or five commercials in a year
Starting point is 00:39:27 And I'm having a hard enough time booking one, you know what I got to say I had one commercial that changed my life. I made that much money And I was dumb. I thought it was gonna be like this. I didn't know it was young dumb and full of cum And I took that money and it was overwhelming the amount of money they paid me For a Taco Bell commercial at that time. It was overwhelming And I booked two other ones at the time. They were duds They were dogs with fleas seven grand 13 grand
Starting point is 00:40:01 For the most of most person you'd say Joey, you should be grateful. You're getting seven grand Not when you made 80 grand in four fucking months Jesus on the Taco Bell commercial 80 grand In four fucking months in 1997 Mm-hmm You know, my first commercial was 2003 2004 Over a year and a half spanned About 28,000
Starting point is 00:40:28 Which I thought that was great. That was your first commercial. That was my first commercial And I didn't book another union commercial for 10 years All I would book was non-union at anywhere between 300 and 1500 a pop I got lucky on one that hit me five grand and then they renegotiated it for another five grand a year later But this is why this is why I was always too afraid to just quit and and to quit teaching and then just Throw myself full hearted into that shit because I thought well
Starting point is 00:41:01 If I'm going to only be dependent on on Acting then I got to stay in LA. I can't even go on the road. So I'm gonna how the fuck am I going to live off of? $20 spots here and there This is the scariest thing, which is what I'm doing now. It's a it's a very tough Tough transition. Yeah, it's a very Very tough transition I am very fortunate That all those years all the I give I give them thanks. Yeah every day. I listen. I thank the commie star
Starting point is 00:41:32 I think the improbable. I think all that But I give thanks to those young mexicans. Yeah had all those rooms and I was From 2000 from 1998 to 2007. They kept me in cocaine spare food You know doughnuts you ate mexican food every night Every nightly every night. It was crazy five nights a week. You wild coyote Casa latina me him and marion Martinez and marion knew the scoop On every new latin room that was opening
Starting point is 00:42:07 And it was something Lee that I would give my right hand for today every night. We went somewhere la planté Long beach. Yep by salia fucking Ventura Every comic we you knew had a fucking wednesday that paid 50 fucking bucks. We played bars. We played Pasadena Universal city Anything all those places that passed taco. What's that on the five?
Starting point is 00:42:37 Uh, which place on the five? King taco. King taco. Yeah, I don't give a fuck what anybody says When I got an assignment to go out and I passed king taco Whether it was 50 dollars 75 dollars and 30 I was happy because I was getting a fucking A taco on the way home on top of a reed. Oh, you were eating cheap. You were eating cheap Lee you that's the way it is people don't even know it's like when I when I first got to the comedy store I was sitting out. I was sitting out there on the porch with the other idiots And we had to go in on saturday night to to sign up for the spot Then we had to come back sunday morning at at like 11 noon. Maybe we had to draw tickets out of a out of a out of a bucket
Starting point is 00:43:18 then We had seven hours to just fuck around Because the open mic didn't start until seven o'clock. So we would go over to McDonald's over there on Uh, uh over there by by uh, by lower canyon. Yeah, next up. Yeah, and we would each get about five 39 cent cheeseburgers And we would take those down and we were we were eating shitty
Starting point is 00:43:43 But we were young and we had we were full of life and we had dreams And we were talking about what we were going to do and then some of us started working at the comedy store Then that's when she was paying us 25 dollars a night shift. Yeah 25 a shift That shift could go anywhere from three hours to fucking. Yeah to two thirty in the morning picking up tables 25 hours, but still that mexican scene. I remember in Oh, yeah when it's first dried up That mexican because I felt it in my 2008 Was when something happened in california and all those bars that were doing comedy. That's it
Starting point is 00:44:18 That was a writer's strike pretty much. It was 2008 after the writer's strike was when I go. Wow. Why am I so broke? Yeah, and I remember looking going Look, I had a notebook with all the 40s and 35s and 50s. Let me tell you something at the end of the week. Believe it or not All those 50 dollars at 75 dollar spots used to add up 40 dollars. They all add up Some night you did three and you did a 75 or 50 and a 40 you were running bomb spot spot spot spot Darren Carter was in the mix. I'm there was so many people in the mix I'm sorry about that today. That doesn't exist doesn't exist. It's sad the kids don't hustle no You would just walk into a bar and go
Starting point is 00:44:59 We want to do comedy here. How much you're gonna pay us 300 300 we could work with that's a headliner That's a feature. I can pay myself with the bar would pay you or you pay the bar would pay us Bar would pay you you don't run the thing, but you would have to pay the comics So if you want to be cheap, you're not gonna get good comics So you got to be good to the comic you got to yeah, you got to negotiate drink tickets for the comics And you got to have some type of food out. Yeah, that's that's what matters the food and we would we would drive to fucking Yeah You knew you're gonna get a fucking burrito with french fries and we wasn't gonna eat his I'll trade your drink tickets for your meal
Starting point is 00:45:36 Okay, you know, it was just a camaraderie type of thing. Did you guys ever run a room? I ran two rooms. Did you run a I ran? I ran a room out there with javago out in west covina It was a it was a Mexican restaurant and we had a couple of good shows, but we couldn't sustain it um, and then I had the sapphire in Alhambra on main street And I think I had you out there a few times and I had some other people Maryland That's where martin marino got into a fist fight. Yeah with the guy that was that was a great little place It was just a lounge. It was just it. They were all weird places like lounges
Starting point is 00:46:10 What was the one off On monday nights that the bars like you think sanatra was there the guy puts out appetizers and Was that that spot over there on fountain and uh, you got off off the I don't even know That was a great little spot on monday. There were so many great little just they had a chinese restaurant That there was no white people in there and one of those donut spots. Yeah that were fucking mind blowing the mind blowing One of the sad things was that you knew If you were going to make any kind of real money, which was like $50 and more You couldn't be in LA. You had to go you had to go to torrents. You had to go to
Starting point is 00:46:47 Ventura any of the cities. Yeah up north had a thousand gigs. Yeah You were going up north every fucking night. Yeah two nights a week Let me go last kids over there by sale. What's that? Not like an out of line castor line castor. Yeah line castor had two gigs all these shit off the 170 up there There was a bunch of scary gigs up there a bunch of shit up there There used to be a wednesday night latin night about 45 minutes from here that served your food That all that shit that shit went away for the comics like what bars would pay for entertainment Do you think like younger comics are a little bit more
Starting point is 00:47:21 Responsible because I just held my first show and I'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus But one of the comics who we booked didn't show up So that's always happened. Yeah, but how do you if you're gonna have a show? Like it must be gonna stress a little you gotta have When we were doing it there were always enough comics hanging around that we could we could fit somebody in there Somebody would go in. Yeah, but then how do you how do you only tell one person they get a spot? I ran into that too. How do you tell one person if eight people are there? You know what if he wants to do it bad enough, he will take that spot
Starting point is 00:47:51 That's the thing we we performed in front of two or three people at a time We've performed when when there was no microphone when the light didn't work where there was no stage You didn't give a shit. You just did the fuck you went out there and you told your jokes or You made shit up while you were standing there. Oh 100 I would I meant to what I meant to say was like if let's say you and joey And darren and carter were here and I had one spot to give Put to me in kind of a weird position to only give one of you guys. No, we understand what it is I got that fur. Who got who got here fur. You don't don't put it on your mind, you know, put it on him
Starting point is 00:48:25 This is the thing. I got no time. We understand. Yeah, okay There's people that just show up and they can't do that either. Yeah, that's disrespectful. You just can't show up either Oh, I didn't know it did come here. Yeah, really? Wow, this is great. No, I don't take that. Yeah, you got a lot of assholes show up I would tell them all the time in brah. I used to run into that all the time It just happened in Ontario when I was there. Yeah, people just show it was happening They start ordering drinks and ordering food Get the fuck out of my fucking green room. Yeah, get the fuck out of here
Starting point is 00:48:56 Don't be ordering food. Yeah, nobody knows you. Yeah, somebody knows you. Nobody knows you Get the fuck out of here. You got you got really cool guys. Yeah, you got you got scumbags You got really cool people and then you got people that just time that they don't like I've always said going where you don't belong Don't go where you don't belong they didn't invite you and you don't know they don't go Well, I'm here to support go support yourself Go support the flag go fucking go march or something like that. Where's tony benwick? That's funny, man. That's funny Monday the 20 first
Starting point is 00:49:36 Tuesday the 22nd, I'm sorry you cock suckers As I Somebody I want to congratulate Danny and Tara to get married this weekend. Congratulations. Nick Lucas Josh Brot, Jose Luis Valencia, John Pateski It's not Nathaniel urban city chick Matthew R. R. Kelly. That's it. That's all you got I'm sorry about that. No problem. I said june uh fort would tape in the netflix special tickets are gone And then june 17th or something of a calusa casino. I don't know if you want to come come on out
Starting point is 00:50:34 Let's fucking jump up and down a little bit and have a fucking good time The topic of the podcast originally before we went off on a fucking sped tangent here was revenge And playing out revenge movies. Yeah the first the first one I ever seen was Death wish that was the first one. It was the classic. It's the yeah the movie theater, you know And then you look at man on fire, which is another one You know I've always been a big fan of revenge movies somebody even the movie revenge
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yeah with Anthony Anthony Quinn Madeline Stowe at her most gorgeous. Oh tremendous. God damn. What a fucking great movie What a great fucking movie revenge is a little tough Little tough if you don't like women getting beat up. It's a hard one to watch. It's a hard one to watch But it's uh, it's it's pretty weird, you know What about like movies that have revenge in the like when you said revenge the two I kept thinking about were Uh pulp fiction when the guy when they like Get out of the sex dungeon and then uh, this might be a little bit too new for you joey
Starting point is 00:51:40 But office space seeing milton burn that plays down I like that. It's one that's a thing office space a good movie. It's a good movie. It's a good movie I've never not liked the office space revenge is a kind of it Revenge is this real thing because every you know, we for the most part we live our lives Taking shit Just I mean whether it's your job, whether it's a supervisor, whether it's your wife or your husband Somebody is giving you shit that you can't deal with the movie that the guy fucking snaps michael douglas Falling down. Oh my god. That's one of my all the time. Isn't that the great
Starting point is 00:52:16 It's like everything everything kicking his ass and he was like, no, I'm not going to take these shit anymore He's that he's on the one between where the 101 and the five and the 110 all meet That's why I would snap that's that's well. Fuck. Yeah. That's why I would snap too. That's why I don't like to drive people There you go There you go. I tell you there's a movie about a guy that nobody remembers called what falling down falling lee Have you seen it? No, I've heard it. Oh, it's great. And it's it's michael douglas with this crew cut hairdo He's just played this he plays this fucking white nerd with glasses on His wife won't let him see the kid. Yeah, it's a fucking
Starting point is 00:52:52 Catastrophe, you know, he's going through a divorce when I watched that movie. I was going through to see what that came out on me I must have been about 97. I think When that movie came out, I've been believing they're going boy They know exactly how the fuck I feel. Yeah That's 93 90 told you wow told you. Okay. I was just getting divorced. I was going through everything. I was broke I was living with alcoello in a fucking house in Arvada Colorado, you know, I was living in a bedroom. His wife would call me
Starting point is 00:53:30 Would page me 10 times a day to ask me what her husband. It was a horrible situation. I was it I couldn't see my kid. I had no money. I was living off the advance. I got from Douglas, Toyota And I remember that in the afternoons, I would go to work early And if there's nothing going on you sneak out for lunch, but you go to the mall and steal a car go to the mall Eat chinese food and go to a movie. That's what I do. I saw 20 movies This is, you know, I would go see the getaway and all those movies But I went to see that fucking movie with Michael Douglas that you said And I'll never forget that movie theater walking out of there going they fucking nailed it on the head
Starting point is 00:54:08 Yeah, how I felt like his car. No, no, like he just got out of his car It's not it. You know what it is. He's it's the middle of the summer He's in that underpass that you go to get onto the 101 where you just got off the 110 There's an underpass. Maybe it's to take you to the one town. I don't remember but You're sitting there and he has this kid looking at him from the back seat of another car His air conditioner doesn't work. He's just fucking pissed off. He's sweating. He's sweating his ass off He's been fired from his job. He's just in a bad fucking mental place He's going through a divorce. Yeah that I was going through at the time
Starting point is 00:54:43 I could just I was feeling fucking horrid in that movie theater at that time And he walks out of his car and he just walks away from it He's just trying to get to Venice and then Lee something that couldn't happen happen They as he's walking in the neighborhood. They try to mug him. Oh, no And he beats the fuck out of one guy and he yells you want the bag and they both run away I'm gonna forget that like he's not having a bad and even tells them guys I'm having a really bad day. Yeah, don't make me fucking and they're like fucking with him What about changing lanes
Starting point is 00:55:16 Changing lanes is with Affleck and what it sounds like it sounds like a similar movie. It's different in that, uh Yeah, you Have you seen changing lanes? No, it's um, Samuel Jackson is a guy who's uh, he's been busting his ass to get alone for a house And he gets in a car accident with Ben Affleck and Ben Affleck is going to a business meeting But Ben Affleck doesn't have the time to help him for them to fill out the the the work so that they could They can get this accident taken care of Sam Jackson's car won't run. He needs to get to the bank at a certain time and um Affleck leaves them there. Affleck says sorry. It's not my problem. You know, but Jackson gets the paperwork that Ben Affleck needs for later on. It's a pretty good movie. It's a pretty good movie, but
Starting point is 00:56:02 I'll tell you right now. I ain't no falling down falling down is on a whole other level But it's like it's it's weird because Michael Douglas has this stature, you know, I mean Michael Douglas was the White guy of that generation, you know, he was Gordon gecko. He was the great white hunter. He was the great, uh adventurer But now he's this guy who Who did everything by the book and got fucked anyway? And I think that's the part that makes it resonate with people the most was like, I'm just trying to be a good guy I did everything you were told you told me to do
Starting point is 00:56:37 And now I don't have a job. I don't have a home my fucking my kid. My wife won't let me see my kid What where the fuck am I supposed to you know get this right? That taps into a psyche especially of of american men who Who find themselves losing out all the time? I was when I walked out of that movie theater. I felt Better than I did because I knew that other people Were ready to snap. Yeah, that's a horrible feeling when None of the cards are going your way and every day something else tumbles. Yeah, that's a horrible feeling Oh, it's absolutely. And you know what it's self-created sometimes you created somewhere. Oh, yeah, you left a missing peg
Starting point is 00:57:22 Somewhere you left something and then because man For years it would Like I still remember getting the call from comedy works like getting momentum In calmly like getting momentum Like people started hiring me and almost like I got a call one day and I'm banned from the comedy works For sexual harassment. I don't even know what the fuck they're talking about The manager said he saw you grabbing her ass whatever like that type of shit Like I was you know every day was that was part of
Starting point is 00:57:53 Many things at that time. I don't even I can't even remember like I was getting I bounced a check my wife found out she took me to court I mean it was just that every day was something else and that was the main That was the main anger building was me not seeing my child. She would hold the child over me That's a big anger. That's a big fuck you. That's a big fuck, you know, and that's a big fuck you Overcomes and times when they're playing games with a kid like I I saw the writing on the wall. Thank god. Yeah, I feel very bad today And if I could apologize to anybody I would
Starting point is 00:58:29 But I knew I wasn't going to get to raise that girl. I didn't take a genius from the beginning I got the warning sign. So when I went to see that movie It kind of cleared the air for me a little bit and sometimes the movie will do that. Yeah Sometimes the movie is as far as that says this seems Sometimes you're watching a movie and you're really really a relatable to you know, you know a movie I felt Relatable to I thought I always thought I was going to be the catcher of major league Tom Bairdrick, that's the type of comic I thought I was going to be like when I first saw that movie I go, okay, I get it now
Starting point is 00:59:07 I'm going to be one of those comics that plays in whorehouses and Fucking dirty bars and it's never going to be on tv. So it really doesn't matter But when I saw that movie like he was like when he goes to dinner and They go, what are you going to pay a lot of money and he goes no, I make the league minimum Yeah, that although that whole thing felt like me like there's times you go to a movie And you relate to that like for me my movie experience growing up was
Starting point is 00:59:40 It was to get away from the noise at the bar My mother with her book making the mother with sports betting and the drugs and all that shit It would take me away as a child. Yeah, I I can name on one hand The movies I saw at the union city cinema And your heart would stop. I remember Rocky there And the audience on their feet cheering the whole movie theater. Yeah At the end of it during the fight. Oh, Jesus yelling rocky rocky rocky rocky the whole movie theater league I saw the exorcist there
Starting point is 01:00:18 I still remember seeing the longest yard there and all of us on our feet yelling mean machine Mean machine the main machine You know, I still remember seeing into the dragon there And I still remember seeing the chinese connection there and the chinese connection They actually had an 11 o'clock viewing. Yeah, you didn't get out of the movie to one My mother would let me go as like an eight year old Because it was on 48th street and when we think it was on 29th, we would walk home on bergamot as a straight shot And my mother could call the movie thing. Yeah, you know, I am and check on me there
Starting point is 01:00:51 That's how cool it was your mother could call The movie theater there was there was a freedom to that there was a magic that that doesn't exist now because I mean shit It was just as dangerous back then and the seat just went aware of it. There was no fucking nothing The seat slided like I said, that's all you had. It was like if you went back The seat slided you didn't worry about comfort. No, I didn't care about a waitress It was just a general attitude of the movies At how exciting everybody was. Yeah when I go to a movie now When I at the other day I went to eat over at the greenhouse over here on Lancashire
Starting point is 01:01:24 It's across the street from the limelight They got a campuchon fucking tap that'll rock your world over there cherry fucking they got everything over there But I sit there and I see people going to the movie theater And they're not movie fans, right? No It's more stand-on line It's something else. Yeah They didn't go to it. It's I don't know it feels different. I'm yeah the one day I sat there and actually watched them on that one
Starting point is 01:01:54 I don't know what movie it was. You know over there. They always have these, you know intelligent movies that lemmly and shit You know, and I'm sitting there and I'm watching these people online I'm thinking of myself these half of these people aren't even here to watch this movie They want to be on that line Yeah, they're not film buffs Let me tell you something bro I remember vividly. Yeah one of the greatest days of my life Honestly, like if I gotta like this is how how much of a fucking degenerate I am
Starting point is 01:02:28 One of the biggest best days of my life was you weren't allowed to drive when you were in the halfway house Even that stuff. Yeah I had a car park three blocks away and I would park it under trees and bushes And I would walk one way and then to walk two blocks and cross the street and go I had a building and my car was there. Yeah And I used to remember going to see fucking good fellas like I had a pager Yeah, I'm in the halfway house now When I got to prison the prison librarian gave me the book one day. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:02:59 He goes, you read this book read this book. I was blown the fuck away and then two weeks later in my prison black and white tv Henry hill was on 2020 and he told all these crazy fucking stories I'm like Jesus christ Yeah, so I was read I'd read the book already wise guy and here he was This was way This was a year before the movie came out When I was when I was in prison, this was a year before the movie came out
Starting point is 01:03:31 They were just trying to hype it up a little bit like a year before that, you know, they sold the book And I was in the halfway house and good fellas permeate on a friday Yeah, and dog and in those days you had to give them a phone number where you were gonna go. So when I leave there Okay, so where you headed? I'm headed to lisa house 666 cold water boulevard. What's his phone number? I gotta write your phone number How long it's gonna take me to get there? I'm gonna take the number three bus. I'll be there in 40 minutes And how long are you gonna stay there too?
Starting point is 01:04:06 And you have to call when you leave So they would have to verify all this information. I found the loophole I gave him a page in them Did you have to hide your page or something? No, no, I'm keeping it in my pocket And because I told him I needed it for work and I had to travel for work So I went back to court got a pass to drive And I was allowed to drive cars at work Do you follow me like I pay the lot when I turn here to do all this shit
Starting point is 01:04:41 Because I wanted to get my ass covered. There's no way I'm not gonna drive. Yeah, I'm what a fucking Lewis and clock I'm gonna walk all out and fuck you So I would hide cars And I would not never forget one day. I was excited like I woke up But you know when you open your eyes and you're like, oh fuck it's good fellow day today And I still remember the chinese restaurant I went and how I ate like with the napkin Yeah, like I was going and I remember smoking like I didn't give a fuck
Starting point is 01:05:09 If they give me a pistachio so be it I'm not gonna go see good fellas and not be high And when they gave that mailman a beat and my brother was a mailman at the time like run. He was a mailman. I was howling I was howling and that sunday I had to go to my wife's family's house for dinner and they had the priest over And the priest said anybody see the movie good fellas. I'm no shit I swear to god father tom was his name And I at me and him just started dropping knowledge. He was loving it. He was loving this is his little chubby priest
Starting point is 01:05:43 Going when he put his head in the pizza I loved it when he put his head in the pizza thing, you know I'm saying like he was like that Every movie I went to to me was an event whether it was the The black dragon the movie of the show gunna Harlem whatever that was called or Officer the gentleman like I psyched myself up for movies. Yeah I had that That still you know what I have it now But I don't have it with new releases. It's it's it's very rare that I have it with a new release
Starting point is 01:06:12 But you're still stuck on the old films. I'm stuck on the old films because Every once in a while you see you find fucking gold and I'm not I'm And I'm like you I don't want to sound like an old man who just is stuck in the past Because the majority of shit that I really love is from way before I was watching movies Because I was I was born in 74. I wasn't really watching movies until about 80 81 where I was really, you know You would see things and oh, that's kind of cool And you know your parents took you to see star wars or whatever Or you were afraid of the shark and jaws, but you weren't watching the godfather. You weren't watching taxi driver
Starting point is 01:06:54 So when I discovered taxi driver in like 89, I was like, holy fuck. This is out there I didn't know anything like this. I didn't know there could be anything like that or raging bull or or Dupama's a dress to kill or I still remember going to movies To see taxi driver. Yeah I saw that movie at the Mayfair theater in west new york. That was a little Too out there that movie that movie when it came out like it was known that it was going to be a little too out there it was too much for most people and That movie fucked my world up. Yeah, I still remember when that movie came on tv for the first time it came on sunday night
Starting point is 01:07:34 Sunday night tv and didn't edit the shit out of it. All they had do the whole whole ending Oh, just about everything in it has to go. I still remember when national tv aired midnight express I saw midnight express in the movie theater But I still remember watching midnight express of my mother's television She had a remote control with four buttons on it. Yeah, you got cable and it came with a string With three tiers with three tiers So the third tier was like all the dirty channels So if you didn't have the dirty channels, you could still put it on the tier
Starting point is 01:08:08 And there would could be a line across and you could still see like a tit And her walk in with a pussy. It was the creepiest thing. It was the way but when you're 11 you got to watch it and bang one out That's the only way you could jerk off You'd be jerking off to a crooked fucking screen, but it wasn't it wasn't like you kids who could just punch some shit into a computer You had to be creative. It was crazy But they had like I used to go to hotels that just played porn. You were gonna hotel. It just plays porn You go to a hotel and they got no cable and they just play porn That's it. And it's the worst porn. I drove past on saturday night. I drove past all the old hotels
Starting point is 01:08:43 I used to hang out with All those little seedy hotels on tonally avenue There was one on 91st street that I liked If I liked you like if I was yeah, I'd take you there But if I was fucking I'd take it to the one on the bottom of 83rd street It was disgusting and they had a room with a jacuzzi. You definitely caught something Did they have it on like the sign like did they play at xxx movies? That's it. That's all that's in there There's no tv. There's no sports. There's no tv. There's a tv. No regular all they play is fucking
Starting point is 01:09:12 Porn on channel three And sometimes they play the porn over and I would hear the guy next door calling the front desk Hey, change the fucking tape already. Well, yeah, it was fucking crazy It's fucking and the hindu guys yelling back. I changed the tape. I put the tape in you want to fuck, you know, it's fucking Crazily when they just have fuck hotels and all they have on channel three That's it. It's just two people fucking and suckling you're sitting there with a girl You know how many hotels I walked in with a girl like Like I walked in to do coke with a girl and the first thing you do is turn the tv on with porn like nothing happened
Starting point is 01:09:53 That's sexual harassment itself. It's just on the tv Like even if you don't want to fuck you're gonna fuck because it's on the tv. It's crazy Yeah, to me like going to hotels as a kid was great because I never had HBO So like my brother and I would be like, oh my god, real sex is good. Like something like that I can't imagine just turning into finding a real That's it. That was it and I'm not talking HBO porn. I'm talking porn porn Porn ari porn. Yeah, fist banging and fucking dick in your face. Yeah. Oh just ridiculous just disgusting fucking porn Then there was a hotel on 69th street. That was kind of nice and they had sony trinitron. Yeah
Starting point is 01:10:33 So you would steal an id and go in in those days new jersey didn't have licenses with your pictures on And the camera and the thing was a fugazi. Yeah, so he would check in And take the tv Robbed the fucking tv. What about the guy whose id he used the fucking police? Not gonna fuck them If I found your wallet late Beside the cash everything in your wallet would be utilized for something at one point You know once he realizes wallet is missing start creating an alibi because yeah
Starting point is 01:11:08 Yeah, no once your wallet was missing Consider everything even your library cunt. We're gonna fucking abuse What if he had a sony trinitron? Fuck what do you mean? Fuck what if he already had one and they come in this house, huh? That's his problem. I'll cut you right handed No, that's his problem. I wouldn't give a flee. I didn't give a frenchman's fuck If I went into a gym and I saw you left your wallet in the locker as soon as you I saw you lifting a jump in the pool I'd bang your fucking locker peels. See I knew guys like that
Starting point is 01:11:35 But I could never bring myself to do it because I'm always too scared. I was I would see opportunity I'd be like, I can't I'm gonna fucking go to jail. Oh, you gotta try the steam bath They go in that bust into that fucking locker. I did the creepiest shit Oh my god, and I would use every piece of your card eventually the library Everything the library card or something. What would you do the books? What do you mean the books? Like what are you gonna do to his library card? Whatever I could whatever I could finagle. There's always an angle. It was crazy If you're looking to make a dollar, there's always a weird
Starting point is 01:12:12 Illegal angle that you can take there always is I never forget. I worked at bar mitzvah one time in a prime new jersey And they had a door. Yeah, but I had a key to Like they kept giving me gifts. Yeah And like there was no office behind It was my first night there. I got a call from the american bartending institute Are you available at union hall? Are you available to work this private function at the alpine country club? I'm like, absolutely I go down the alpine country club. It's fucking 20 million jews I don't care. I got nothing against jews. They were nice
Starting point is 01:12:49 I'm eating their good food trusting invited me to eat and they had this room over here And every 10 minutes they put bags in there I mean handfuls of bags and envelopes. There was a stack envelopes. Oh, yeah And I'm sitting there by the fucking bar by myself thinking Throw over there singing the clown on a heater I'm the fucking hits of the jewish culture And I'm sitting there thinking I gotta bust into one of those envelopes One I took the key and I took like 10 of them and I left 10 envelopes five of them had cash in
Starting point is 01:13:20 I said, you know what? I'm taking every fucking envelope. I took them. God forgive me. I took every fucking envelope. I emptied it out I must have got I don't know how much fucking dough a lot done much dough that I had when I walked in here Tell you that one there's some jewish kids still thinking about that day. I was no, it's a jewish kid. They got cars that were empty They just got empty cars. I left the checks. I left the checks Oh, my god, I left the gifts when that shift was over dog I burned ass out of that thing before anybody could find that what the fuck happened. This had to be 1995 yeah
Starting point is 01:13:57 This was 32 fucking years ago. I robbed the bar mitzvah Unbelievable talk about revenge. You make You do what you gotta do That's that's who you were at that time, you know, it's like you're crazy at the alpine fucking country club I'm surprised it was at a country club. I didn't think they let jews in there It might have been a jew country club. Who knows what are the movies don't I know? Like there's been a lot one with travolta when when uh, what's what's that movie about the house? Whether they move in and the fucking the house is falling apart which house is falling apart michael keaton
Starting point is 01:14:32 Didn't michael keaton do a movie about uh, he bought a house. Oh, no, that's not that's not uh, travolta it was a pacific heights pacific I think it's um melanie griffith and matthew modine And uh, they buy a house to flip it And michael keaton is this fucking cycle renter that won't move out They can't get him out and yet he does everything in his power to make it even even worse Yeah, that was that was back in the Early 90s. I think it was pacific heights. Yeah 1990
Starting point is 01:15:04 Another good movie about revenge That you have to look at his revenge is what's the movie the nero made with the crazy guy? He's a crazy guy. Which crazy guy and it's a remake He torments nick malty. Oh keep fear keep fear. The original is better though. The original. Yeah, the original is better That like like when I finally saw the because I had seen cape fear I had seen the denero version and it was good But then the egyptian showed the original one and I went to see it and I was knocked on my ass He won't talk about it's black and white. It's black and white. Yeah. It's it's gregory peck. Yes, poly bergen is the wife and it's uh
Starting point is 01:15:40 Robert mitchum as caddy and he and as max caddy and he's fucking See with denero you get this cartoonish kind of he's scary and he's he's he's creepy, but he's movie creepy mitchum Mitchum looked like a guy you could wait in a bar. They put mitchum in the remake. Yeah, they did He played the cop. Yeah, he's just but mitchum had this cool style to him He had this he had this cool vibe to him where He was hypersexual, but he was violent and you got this sense that he was going to do some horrible shit to that family and
Starting point is 01:16:13 It didn't go down in the same way that it goes down in the Scorsese throws all this biblical shit into it a religion and and and this uh this avenging angel kind of thing But what he is doing he is going back on this family because in the denero version No, he was his lawyer and he buried a bunch of information that could have kept him out of prison In the other film in the mitchum film I think gregory peck is a witness as um As a dinner as mitchum's character is getting ready to rape a girl. He stops him from raping a girl So being the main witness he's he goes after him because he's the reason he spent seven years in prison
Starting point is 01:16:54 But i'm telling you man both of those films That level of vengeance coming back on the it was it was fucking crazy And I really I remember I remember going my god. This is really great filmmaking. This is I still get excited when a Scorsese film is coming out. I don't you don't get you don't do it anymore It doesn't I enjoyed the one with uh jack Nicholson the the departed What's the other one he did the one with the kid the wolf wolf was for you didn't care for that one too much I don't I don't know that it's starting to all get the same pattern. He hasn't blown my socks off in a long time. Did you see who go? No, thanks. Watch it when watch it when your little girl gets a little bit older and she can understand stuff because it's a beautiful film
Starting point is 01:17:39 It's really it's a kids movie and you wouldn't suspect him of being able to to put together a kids movie But he's such a he's such a consummate artist and he loves the movies so much that he can go into that world I mean this is a guy that's made musicals. He's made documentaries. He's made religious films. He's made biblical epics He's made he's made crime dramas. He's done. He's done comedies. He's done everything Are you excited about his new movie the Irishman? Oh, you know what? I'm scared. I saw a poster today for gaudy What happened with that? I can see the trailer please for gaudy if there's a trailer 2018 I've seen a trailer for it. You did see yeah. Yeah Look Travolta
Starting point is 01:18:21 Travolta when Travolta is great. There's nobody better Travolta really delivers. He's just a fucking great. He's a movie star, but he is a great actor But you know, but but the movie star thing overwhelms everything else that he does but That movie was supposed to come out so long ago And then it got buried and then I started I started thinking he was gonna start doing straight to video shit So what's happening with it?
Starting point is 01:18:51 Here it is. Let's see what the fuck he says because I just saw the poster today Strongly strong violence and pervasive language that's Let me tell you something New York is the greatest city in the world my city I was a kid in these streets and I made it to the top I made my bones doing a piece of work for Don Carlo Gambino Like that I became the maid man Dad, I'm thinking maybe take a year off. Do you want to hang out with me? Do you know what you're doing to this family? I will build something that nobody can destroy
Starting point is 01:19:29 Paul Castellano was a fish in the desert. I never respected Paul. You killed the boss of us. You will bring down hellfire There is no choice You'll need the support of all five boroughs Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, the Browns Our job now is to maintain leadership. I nominate John Gotti Let everybody know now everybody comes to me I'm so proud of you. You should be running your own crew now Mr. Gotti, are you the head of the Gambino pride family? The head of my family. Mrs. Gotti Do you know what your husband does for a living? He provides John's getting too much press that can't go unchecked
Starting point is 01:20:18 It was meant for you We've never been under this kind of scrutiny before What were you saying on the tapes? I said a lot of things that could get a lot of people in trouble Dad say the word I'll go for a cliff for you You slaughter me that you would not bring them into that world This life of ours is a wonderful life if you can get away with it Johnson has been an informant for the FBI You fight till you can't fight no more
Starting point is 01:20:49 Never back off ever We walk together and we fall together. This is the life I Do that so here's my question because it doesn't mean as much to me as it means to I think you guys To me watching that trailer I couldn't tell whatever year it was 1970 1980. It looked like a 2000 other than the cars a little bit. Look at a 2018 movie To me, I'd rather see it look like The 19 what I don't know what year he was running around but he was running around what mid 80s 85 85 to what early 90s
Starting point is 01:21:33 Oh, he was he was running around from late 60 to I think 85 87 when he fell 85 was when he killed cost allowing so it's The movie's dirty is late, but hpl did a movie What do you have do they have a mar amandis on say amandis on yeah, that was tremendous. Yeah, and anthony quinn Yeah, played uh the fucking mob boy with uh, whatever the underboss. It was great. I thought it was great I don't think people you know listen Right now. I'm so far
Starting point is 01:22:03 Taking away from movies. Yeah, and it breaks my heart. That's why I like talking to you I bring in here because you refresh me at least you let me know but When I ask you you've seen anything that floats your boat nothing You know, I've seen some of the osco winners in the last 10 years And I sit there and I go don't even look like osco winners, you know brando look like an osco winner You know, you looked at most people they won osco It's not about that no more, you know, we know the waiter from the ice house He worked for four years non-stop. Mm-hmm says he can't get a job now because he's just a straight white guy
Starting point is 01:22:39 You gotta be it's all diversity, you know, it's all very yeah, they say it's all diversity But I'm not seeing any diversity on the screen. See I'm not seeing all I want to see is a fucking movie Yeah, you follow me. I don't care who's in it. What color the people are I'd rather see a movie that fucking entertains me that takes me somewhere for two hours That makes me think about what I just saw for two hours and go, you know what? I'm gonna go see that fucking movie again Something about that movie fucking got me, you know, you know what I Like I said, when I got into comedy
Starting point is 01:23:13 I gave up a lot of shit and I still remember and then I went to prison Then when I came out of prison, you think I give a fuck about movies I gave a fuck about good folk, but I never saw a major league in the movie theater. Yeah, I love discovering a film Yeah, I love discovering a gem, you know, my wife does that my wife will say I caught a movie and that wasn't for me, but it's gonna work for you And I watched the movie and not attended. She showed me a movie who I'm back with Lee whoever plays in the
Starting point is 01:23:44 I'm dying up here. Melissa Leo. Melissa Leo, which movie you talking about the one about the indians that she crosses No, no, not wind river. Uh It was something about her her getting those indians across that frozen lake frozen lake. Yeah, I would tell you something man That was a great fucking movie. Yes, it was and there's movies that you don't it's It's so weird that somebody said something to me the other day. Uh, when I went to New Jersey, I was talking to a guy after the second show And it's something I told Lee I feel bad sometimes I feel bad because
Starting point is 01:24:20 We didn't get to see the best of the best No, it was chosen and picked between us between the networks and shit like that Like that first episode of season one of i'm dying up here and caught on the plane the other day I saw me in my role and thank you for the people who watched it I really liked eric griffin and all that stuff I forgot what I was gonna tell you. I'm not even eating nettles. Uh The spirit of it. Yeah, I liked you know It's not an academy award-winning
Starting point is 01:24:52 But the spirit of it. I like sometimes a movie isn't an academy award winner But the spirit of it. I like I black panther had me Until I saw the cgi the rhinoceros is horrible. I fucking hated hated. I was having a good time Yeah, see that's all that shit loses me and that's every movie today. Yeah, that's every movie they cut They they took something out of movies to realism Something realism out of it. They really did They really did, you know when when that dude won the oscar for her locker That guy shouldn't and I don't know him. I'm not saying nothing bad about yeah
Starting point is 01:25:29 I didn't think that was an oscar one in performance No, that was far from what I I expect When I saw a passion good fellas, I left that going Something's gonna happen. That's the guy that delivered, you know, when I seen dancing with wolves I knew that was a beautiful fucking film. Yeah, like I cried during dancing a little strong twice, you know, when I watched that Uh, the movie when mel Gibson played the irish guy Uh braveheart graveheart, you know, they don't they listen and again. I don't want to be that guy What does it take to move a studio to put money into a film like that again?
Starting point is 01:26:05 These are films that have lasted Back then we were seeing good films and you were more likely to see better films On a on a perchance basis, but the ones that we're talking about are the ones that have lasted There are a handful of films being made right now that are good But they're just fewer I mean I I I watch movies now and I'm just like, oh god When I go to see a movie in a theater I'm I'm usually not really disappointed because I don't go into it expecting that much, but there was a movie called um
Starting point is 01:26:42 beautiful land or something like that it was came it came out of australia and It was about these aborigines who who this aborigines man who killed a white man who raped his wife And how they were hunting him down and it was great. It was beautiful to look at It's still out there. There's still good shit to be found A lot of good shit is also on tv now. So you get pulled into serials, you know You get pulled into a sopranos or a deadwood or a breaking bad or game of thrones or whatever the fuck people are watching right now
Starting point is 01:27:15 The industry changes, but good work is still there. You can still find good work Did you see um three billboards outside of ebbings missouri the The francis mcdormand film. No, I liked that It was about a woman who who rents these uh three billboards and she She makes a statement on them basically saying why haven't you found my daughter's rapist and murderer? Oh, yeah, I heard about it. You know it was good. It was really well made woody harrelson is great in it Uh francis mcdormand she for for the year she deserved the oscar for that performance But there's gonna be a handful of films like that. There's a movie called god damn
Starting point is 01:27:56 There's a movie called wind river You get a chance see that if you have netflix watch the wind river You were about to die and that that was the wind river. Fuck you get some wind river in about two minutes here Do you have fish or i'll be out again every time you have fishy farts like that was sea bass I know it. Jesus christ. You're fucking bad. I have a lunch chicken breasts He's gonna do shit his pants, but uh, he is gonna shit his pants one of these days. I know that's gonna happen I'm not in the ready. No big deal
Starting point is 01:28:25 You gotta paint the towel you wipe the juice and you go back to what you were doing You know i'm saying the party the party doesn't jump down your leg and it's You ever get it where the the sock catches the lip the drip. Oh god. I've had the brown in my sock Yes, I have a couple years ago. I ship my pants. No, you can't it's actually one down your pant leg. Yeah I've had that. Oh, you take your socks off and then brown up at the right on the inside Chubby guys are wearing baggy pants. So there's no there's no cling I'm not I'm not claiming that I've never shit my pants. I shit my pants a bunch But like I usually catch it and then I I just go straight home. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:29:01 Wipe the juice and keep doing you're doing you gotta go home your day's over That too, but if it gets in the pants, you're done That's why you wear the loose fitting pants that Lysol sprayed on your fucking jeans for the shop You know what I'm saying? What is wrong with you? Fucking animal Have you ever gonna still like ever shade or paste your pants in the movies? No, no Really, I've gotten close because I hate getting up to go pee So I'll sit there until the last possible minute. Well, that's why I don't drink in a movie theater anymore
Starting point is 01:29:42 I'll eat I'll have the pizza. I'll have a sandwich whatever they got to serve But if I have to drink if they're gonna bring me especially those fucking vats of coke that they bring you I'm gonna piss before the end of this fucking movie. I can't have that, you know Then I missed some shit that I wanted to see now It's funny how mel Gibson When uh when an actor Decides to make movies you could see Like mel Gibson made some great movies. Yeah, he did make elliptoe
Starting point is 01:30:12 Braveheart, you know, all the movies are the one about the temptation of christ Did he put himself in there? No, he wasn't in that. No, like he was passion. No passion to cry, you know These guys They see they cut all the waste. Look, I can't stand I worked on every type of movie. Yeah, and I remember during the Not even long insurance by the man too Was one of the first times I said wow, they're spending a lot of money. Yeah, they got pomegranate juice And I'm killing them by the gallon and this motherfucker pomegranate juice for like three dollars a bottle I was killing that shit. Isn't that the best part of being on set the food and what you could hustle out of there
Starting point is 01:30:53 It's not anymore. The last the last show that I worked on the food was so fucking bad Not anymore. It's that that's a day that all depends on the show There's some shows that say this I'm taking all the money Get the cheapest food. There's some people go. Hey, man, I've been on the set as an actor or I've been hungry I don't ever want that to happen. Yeah Take 10,000 on my salary and I want fucking I don't mind working 12 hour days But let me tell you something when I want a bagel with locks, there better be a bagel with locks
Starting point is 01:31:21 And chocolate cake There better be chocolate cake. There's some movies you're on leader. You could ask for anything Yeah, just from bagel with locks bagel with locks from your bagel put some what I was doing the longest shot I used to bring Steve Simone and Ari To the set and go like I was like, let me get two pastrami sandwiches for my buddies Jesus just like that I would love to look at the like what they thought the catering budget would be on your movies And then what after like because if you if you're selling jugs of pomegranate juice, you have no idea
Starting point is 01:31:52 There was on spider-man 2 that they hired a guy just to open the door I know But then I've done movies where you walk yourself to set you bring your own genes You know the fucking there's nothing to eat. There's cheese packages One of those crackers with peanut butter and cheese Crackers like a thousand of those popcorn in a bag And apples and bananas. They might give you peanut butter and jelly there. Peanut butter and jelly and that shit goes quick Yeah, because those animals go through peanut butter and jelly like fucking
Starting point is 01:32:23 Like like the welfare people on the fifth they fucking tear that up on the set He's telling the absolute truth. Oh my god. Those people go. I what I just work on guestbook. They had a tremendous Tremendous. Yeah, they were tremendous The food was tremendous on the fucking set They didn't serve you lunch. They gave you an hour to walk around which means they give you 35 hours Uh per no per day. Um, they don't give it to you that day. They give it to you in your check You could walk and go eat but there was no food on the set
Starting point is 01:32:55 You didn't need and they brought it in every four hours. They brought in something. Yeah, Jesus, you know Yeah, they don't fuck around but there's some sets and what happened with me was and it was funny I did a short film in a pizza place They were paying me cash. That's all I cared about. Yeah, like it will pay you two days in cash There was two nights of work And he goes the second nights that'd be like till two or three but the first night you're gonna be out that quick
Starting point is 01:33:24 But we'll pay you for the night. I said you need to pay me for gas And I went up there the first night and there was nothing I mean crackers And waters. Yeah In the next night when I got there it was the Taj Mahal Because the after rep was there Uh, and I asked him I still have that dude's card
Starting point is 01:33:49 He's not an after no more because it merged. Yeah, I was like 12 years ago But I found this card about a month ago. I was going through my cards. He said the next time you go on the set And it don't look like the Taj Mahal. I want you to call me immediately I'll send the fucking rep over and find him on the spot And after that I got really like I did a movie called Boiler maker great movie But the second day I had to throw a little fucking fit on the set or the third day was a sunday There was no food
Starting point is 01:34:23 And I said listen time out Monday through saturday You don't want to have food. I'm cool with that But sunday you took people away from their families. You better get some fucking food on this set. I'm calling the after rep They looked at me dog. They never liked me after that I had the director on the podcast years ago And he just started liking me again. And then he put me in the movie and I couldn't do it. So he hates me now He put me in the movie and I was like a hundred a day three days
Starting point is 01:34:55 I don't want to be in the movie that bad I don't I don't It's it's uh You're gonna be a motherfucker. You know, I feel you know, I love doing the podcast. I love doing stand-up I love being on a set For a limited time Limited time. It's really weird. I don't think I could do a long movie anymore or anything like that I don't think I could do four days in a row on this set. I think I lose my fucking mind
Starting point is 01:35:21 The dream I had when I first got here being on the tv show that left That left I don't mind doing an episode or two or three, but every week no mosfongle joey That's a weird thing to say. It's a I don't know unless I fell in love with the row unless I can do like a tracing morgan roll on Third rock when you call me in early and get me out of there by 12 or one or two Amen guarantee me that that you're gonna get me out of there because i'm fidgety You know i'm saying i'm too old and too fucking fidgety and you want me in there for comic relief. Amen. Yeah
Starting point is 01:35:57 But 12 hour days 14 hour days. I can't do those for me though like when i'm working extra I hate you can either work You can either work me three hours and get me the fuck out of there or I want to work 14 hours I want that shit because Because eight hours is the regular day three hours. They're gonna pay you eight I get out of there early. That's great Nine to ten hours. That's time and a half 10 to 12 hours, that's double time and if you make it to that 15th hour, they're supposed to pay you your your day rate
Starting point is 01:36:33 I figure i'm not doing anything else and i'm sitting here and i'm watching And i'm trying to pay attention to you know I'm trying to get to know these uh these these production assistants and Trying to figure out how they're moving the camera and I I love being on set. I love it It's it's if I have to go to fucking Santa Clarita or Long Beach or San Pedro Or if I got to go to one of those studios I'm okay with all of that as long as I get to As long as I get to see how it's I like all that's also I love when I was watching Greg I see I love watching directors
Starting point is 01:37:03 I love watching exactly I haven't been doing it as long as you though. So that's that's the difference thing. I've always admired, you know I was thinking about that today. I was driving back and I was thinking about questions to hit you with yeah, you know I think the word director has also been yeah fucked up. I think that too many people with cameras have Uh called themselves directors A director in another words for me what it means to me is he's gonna read the script 15 times and then tell me a fucking story. Yeah
Starting point is 01:37:44 Tell me a story how he sees it with his shots. Yeah with his lighting with his I see these movies. They all look the same to me now. They all do now Okay, you know, that's what these are the little things I notice and I could bitch I don't have time to bitch. I got a wife and a kid. What do I know? What do I give a fuck I'm too old But these are the things that turned me off about the film industry when I went to see angel heart The fact that the movie is dark. It's just dark. It's dark all the way through the director Alan parker that shooting those the shafts of light shooting through that elevator as it's all that stuff beautiful to look beautiful Look at I understood that I don't see that anymore. Yeah, I don't know if it's me
Starting point is 01:38:29 If it's the studios if it's a director if it's the Coordinated I don't know what it is anymore. I don't get to see that in a film anymore You know even I watched splash last week. Oh my god last week There were two movies on one night Lee called me and I actually had to tell you how to call him back Blind date was on Oh, wow, Bruce Willis. Bruce Willis in basing John Lara cat John Lara cat brilliant Fucking when we we put it on last week. I was fucking howling here You know a simple comedy and she carried it. Yeah, she was the fucking force
Starting point is 01:39:05 You know I'm saying like she should have done 20,000 comedic roles after that. You know what happened. She was too pretty She was too pretty and you can't have They couldn't sell that they wanted her to be sexy They wanted because I think the next thing that she did after that that was big was nine and a half weeks And then she was a sex kitten for the rest of her career Then she did that more with Richard gear that he said which I really enjoyed Richard gear where she belongs to a gangster in New Orleans And Richard gear goes down there and he fucking
Starting point is 01:39:37 Investigates the thing and buys her from her. She explains to him that uh The guy bought kim bashing her when she was a girl Like the parent bought her from the parents when she was 16 So richard gear tries to take her away. What's the fun? I can't remember that move See if you can find that richard gear Richard gear. 87. No way out. No, it's not no way out That's the kevin costner film with shan yang and hackman
Starting point is 01:40:03 Oh man kim bashing your richard gear. No mercy. No mercy. Yeah That I haven't thought about that moving. Oh my god. In fact, the guy That plays the husband. What's the move with nick noti and and barbara strisand The prince's the prince of tides prince of tides. He plays her husband. He's the violin player I remember that was having an affair. Mm-hmm. He plays the bad guy in that movie now If you watch the prince of tides, yeah, the guy's a dick. The guy's a dick. You can tell by his face You can tell by his walk Everything he's a dick, but if you watch no mercy
Starting point is 01:40:41 You learn the camera work. You're gonna see that he makes this guy look Like black panther. Yeah, you're gonna go Wow, yeah, and then you're gonna see the guy in that movie and go, hmm either he was that good of an actor or Because when did when did uh prince of tides come out 91 maybe 91 90 around there. I was out. I wasn't locked up. No way out came out 87 91 So no way out came out 97 80 88 87
Starting point is 01:41:16 So in four years the guy didn't lose that much muscle And he played so fucking intimidating this guy even in my movie seat Was intimidating to me. Just fucking sitting there But it's weird how the director shot him low. Yeah and made him look ginormous Mm-hmm That's always baffled me. That's what i'm talking about the school when you have a director who really knows what the camera is Capable of and they can they know they know the lens that they need to use they knew they need They know how far they need to be away. They know how intimate the seat needs to be
Starting point is 01:41:54 Lot of directors don't have that A lot of directors because I think now You had you had directors who at one point Had lived lives, you know by the time john houston was writing and directing I think treasurer this year a moderate multiple these falcon He had had a life. He had traveled the world. He had been on all kinds of adventures He loved movies, but he had lived so it informed the films that he was making I think the problem with with today is that you got every director taking
Starting point is 01:42:27 Every director trying to be tarantino. What's that? It's a dea card for getting on the jail card. How the fuck do you got a dea card? A fan of the podcast came to the show in jersey. Yeah, and it was funny. We should leave that at the office. I think thank you You should be safe. This is my man detective steven gates Retired right, but it's funny that that I met a lot of cops when I went home Yeah, and I was talking to one cop and we were talking about policing And he was telling me how he was happy he retired because What happened to the police? He goes is that now they're all college educated
Starting point is 01:43:04 It's like where if you grew up in north hollywood, you become a north hollywood cop And you're this is your home, you know all the nooks and crannies and When he was telling me he goes when I became a copy of the high school diploma He goes now they give him the college kids who've never really lived. Yeah, they don't have interactions They don't know the neighborhood and that's why they quick to pull a trigger. That's why you have all these shootings And it made sense to me. Yeah, I didn't understand what was going on I go so what you mean to tell me right now in new Brunswick There's no cop that walks to beat. He goes. That's a thing of the past
Starting point is 01:43:36 A beat cop is a thing of the past lee. You've never seen a beat cop only in movies only that's amazing You know any time you put a police officer in a uniform in the neighborhood It strengthens that neighborhood Because you know, he's around the corner even in Boston. I didn't see it. Yeah, that's really fucking weird Every neighborhood like north hollywood should have a walking cop by that park Because then the homeless people know all those people know they got to be in check every hour on the hour. He's gonna come by When I was a kid there was a cop that walked by you every two hours But you knew if you did something he'd be there in 10 fucking seconds. Yeah, so you didn't do dick
Starting point is 01:44:14 You know what a different time it was called something that's called What a cop wears a uniform. It's not the tarant. It's one of the biggest crime deterrents you can have Finally that there's a cop on the corner. Yeah, it's gonna be a big crime deterrent for me You know, so many things have changed like that because They all go to usc and they all learn the same tricks or they have the budgets to be creative Yeah, I mean for christ sakes these movies have the budgets to be created one thing about black panther The story held me the story was great. It was great. Yeah, they used some great stuff
Starting point is 01:44:48 They did the girl was I think the girl stole the movie new beat a little longer or something. Yeah Yeah, I thought she stole them and then what about uh, michael b jordan. I think he's really good He was great. He was great. Everybody was good, but the sister stole the so she was my favorite Tina Turner was in the movie What's her name? Angela bass. Angela bass was in the movie. I was waiting for fucking ike the pop out of somewhere I respect this shit out of her. It's always a pleasure having you. What's the name of your podcast? Watch this with rick ramos. Watch this with rick ramos. If anybody knows about movies this motherfucker knows the date the director What else he did what he ate for breakfast
Starting point is 01:45:25 And that's a quality you can't find a lot of people. It's uh as my father-in-law said you have the capacity to To withhold a lot of useless information. Yeah, shut the fuck up bitch. At least i'm happy mind your fucking business Like I said the beginning of the show if you're looking to get healthy you travel a lot You uh, stop with the fucking water bottle if you travel a lot If you do all these things you want to be protected from the germs you see these japanese people walking around with masks That's why you think they do it. They don't they don't know about fucking shroom tech immune They don't know about this shit me. I know about shroom tech immune And when I fly I pop four of them tip top magoo
Starting point is 01:46:03 I can make out with a crack hole and come home with no fucking flu. You understand me shroom tech immune shroom tech sport The the the fucking the the the the mushroom in large is your fucking oxygen They test it up there in high altitude and all that stuff then you got the alpha brain You haven't probably remember you having problems remembering things you having problems focusing. This is the fucking 100 Guarantee you get from them if alpha brain, you don't feel nothing you get your money back and they don't want the product back Who does that type when you buy tires? They let you keep the tires fuck no That's how much they stand behind their fucking product go to hannock.com right now and press enter
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Starting point is 01:47:13 I want to thank rick ramos again I want to thank the fucking christ killer number one again That bong hit put him in fucking la la vil and i want to thank you guys and the guys that came out to the stress factory in Providence again for coming out making a great weekend We'll see you guys wednesday afternoon with mr. Ed Quinn. I love you motherfucker. Stay black Kick that mule Oh Right as long as we can make it to the show tonight
Starting point is 01:48:31 American man We're in america man We're coming to your town. We'll help you party it down. We're in america man Oh, don't you keyless it all the Oh We're an American man We're coming to your town. We'll help you party it down we're in america man Americanından
Starting point is 01:49:43 We're in america man We're coming to your town, we'll help you party it down, we're in america man We're in American land, we're in American land We're coming to your town, we're holding party in town We're in American land, we're in American land We're coming to your town, we're holding party in town We're in American land, we're in American land We're in American land, we're in American land

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