Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #597 - Joe Schilling and Mickey Gall

Episode Date: June 28, 2018

Joe Schilling, a Bellator kickboxer and MMA fighter, and Mickey Gall, a fighter in the UFC Welterweight division and BJJ Brown Belt, join Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. This podcast is br...ought to you by:  Hims - Go to ForHims.com/joey for a trial month of everything you need to keep your hair - for just $5 while supplies last.   FujiSports.com  - Use promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount on all the best jiu jitsu and martial arts gear.   Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.   Recorded live on 06/27/2018.

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Starting point is 00:01:45 Bam get 10% delivery right to the fucking crib. You understand me lee kick this fucking mule Here we go here we go Are you fucking kidding me or what? Wednesday night thursday morning Celebrate Oh I say motherfucker. It's a beautiful day to be alive My main man in studio the christ killer
Starting point is 00:02:48 Joe chilling is in the studio sitting next to the christ killer and mickey's in the fucking house. What's going on? Yeah, you're sexy self uncle joey. That's how beautiful You're just one word now mickey like prince. Yeah, it's mickey. I like that mickey ruck is done All the other mickeys are done mickey. It's done all the mickeys are done. They're all doing time They're sucking dick. You're the up and coming mickey. It's just mickey. Yes, sir. That's it. Mickey mantel's dead I don't feel so good myself mickey ruining all the mickeys are fucking done. Hell. Yeah, you're the only mickey The rest look that's it. He had the face never again that you hear from they gave a couple million You never seen him again. He's cutting his toenails and shit. It's mickey from now on. That's it. All fucking dana tomorrow
Starting point is 00:03:28 I said look From now on it's just mickey. That's all i'm gonna get on my shorts. That's just mickey. I'll tell him That's it. I like that And you're the punch when you knock people out. It's called the mickey. Okay You're moving in the 70s whenever you put a cosby pill who's called the mickey. Yeah, people don't know that was called the mickey You'd wake up somebody slipped me a mickey last day. No, you're fucking asshole. You ate a quailer Oh, I did. Yeah, you ate a quailer. No wonder you fucked up. I'm in you said i'm sold. That's it mickey What's up, joe? How you doing, buddy? Good to see you. Thank you very much for the gifts
Starting point is 00:03:59 And you know, you don't fuck around I'm Jewish. You showed up with an envelope. That's it. You showed up with edibles papa's favorite No fucking around some people show up with like a fucking strudel I don't want a strudel. You know what i'm saying? What's going on gentlemen? Everything you're out here training. Yeah been here for three months Out here training with this guy a lot, you know, uh All over the place. I'm having a blast and working hard, you know This is like comedy. This is the other side of mma. Well, this is like comedy. You're going out of your comfort zone
Starting point is 00:04:32 To somewhere else like when you start comedy you start like in Denver and you're there for like a year and a half Then somebody comes to you and says you got to go on the road Then you start going on the road and then the fucking hotels are shitty and people getting murdered next door to you You hear women getting banged and the hookers and shit like that, but that's the road Yeah, and this is what you did. You got out of your comfort zone in new jersey You came on and you're training with this fucking killer. There's nobody better in the fucking business with hands and feet Elbows elbow you to fucking death. Yeah, you take one elbow. He'll still fucking kill you with the one elbow He'll just keep coming like a fight. I told these guys
Starting point is 00:05:09 I had a teacher panakuchi that's on the call you panakuchi lost his arm in Vietnam He only had the stub so he would put his shot in jacket in his pocket, right? He would put only in the jersey this guy verified from only in the jersey a shop teacher Was missing the hand from hand down He was he lost the grenade it lost up to here So whenever you fucked off and he was a wood shop teacher and he was a wood shop teacher He think he sliced that on a my brother He would hit you with the little elbow right to the kidney that you would drop to a knee right there
Starting point is 00:05:38 He didn't fuck around. There was no parents. Nobody got involved. Mr. Panakuchi would come on. What'd you do? You fucked up the drill. Well, I tell you about the pressure to drill. What are what are you fucking? He just give you a little elbow to the kidney the little cut-off That's like that dude knick-knoll the MMA fighter would want only at the yeah, bro That that those elbows when you lost an elbow that that that like it's like mule strength. Yeah short and sweet fucking panakuchi there's a local california kickboxer All right, it's local california, but uh pro muay thai fighter
Starting point is 00:06:11 Baxter humby was like a multi-time world champion. He had a he was cut off. I think right at the Just below the elbow and there was some fight like amateur fights He had to wear a glove and then pro fights. He didn't have to wear it and it was like an elbow But he had way different dexterity than like you would have you know what I mean because your arm's not in the way I think you should fucking people up and shit. He's bad. You can't defend it. You don't know how it's coming You might come with a missile Well, don't they have that that guy knick-knoll or something? Yeah, it's about to be okay Don train with knick-knoll before he's tough. Yeah, I think they should like you know glove the nub though
Starting point is 00:06:44 I think it's kind of you know, I mean like that thing's kind of it's like it's like they should have to put a glove on something Right, was it at the elbow or not? It's like a little bit below like there's a little bit of the bend, but you you can't arm bar that thing It's not there's not a lot. Well, yeah, you find on the contender series. You're a nice kid. It's an inspiring story, you know No, it is inspiring all that shit tonight. I was watching somebody kid What a stroke a year ago nice playing high school football. Yeah learning how to fucking walk again You know what I'm saying? That's fucking that's crazy. Oh my god He fell off a bicycle
Starting point is 00:07:16 And he had that fucking tool in his brain or something like that He had to learn how to walk again now. He's playing fucking high school football. All that shit gets me all the time Yeah, that's you gotta watch the end of the news to get that the beginning of the news is bullshit They tell you about trump and Russia and who's getting fucking who Harvey Weinstein fucked in the ass You gotta wait for the last 10 minutes They show you the black kid with a missing leg that saved three Puerto Ricans in a boat You know what I'm saying off the coast of the outskirts and river or something
Starting point is 00:07:43 They say they're really like sad shit for them for that. They're really good inspirational shit. That's how the news gets you Yeah, you got anything left after the politics after they shoot everybody That's one like a kid and they rob transvestites from going to the bathroom and the whole fucking thing now at the end A little feel good after that. Yeah, like an emotional story from Boulder City, Nevada Where they made the Fisher pen last week. That's the pen that went to the moon the first time 50 years ago Fisher pen So I said, what's that emotional story? Who gives the Frenchman the fuck anyway? We were talking about training camps. Yeah, and what's interesting about training camps is like, all right, something like Joe Joe's got two children
Starting point is 00:08:18 You know, Joe, it's tough to be away from your kids Yeah, six weeks and then fucking Santa Fe or something wherever the fuck you're gonna be, you know Got a little airplane action I'm fucking believable I'm sitting here two hours not a plane in the sky. I started a podcast also in Pablo Escobar Once the fucking show up for 20 columbians and shit and Barry seal with american made. What's his name fucking crude? That's tough going on the road like and now I would love to just live on the road
Starting point is 00:08:53 If I was just married And we didn't have this five-year-old. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, I leave for two and a half weeks of the job I'd be working fucking every night except monday and sunday I'd be on the road six hotels five nights a week. Yeah three weeks come home for a week or two go back out But you can't do that when you have kids unless you're an animal Yeah, unless you want your kids to think you went to fucking prison or something like that You're gone. You're gone and I'm telling you it doesn't work. It doesn't work for me Doesn't work for me at all. Like I leave six days a month
Starting point is 00:09:28 I could stand that Or I could barely stand that That's enough. How old's your daughter five five. Oh, that's awesome. I'm an old man with a fucking five-year-old I dropped her off at camp very morning. The parents look at me all fucking weird and shit You're like my dad. My dad has a five and a three-year-old That's he remarried and yeah, he's got a little babies. That's crazy. Yeah, that's the new you know It's the new thing this little dick when you're 55 Hell yeah, that's exactly a bunch of kids when you're 55 fucking who gives a fuck about the heart attack
Starting point is 00:09:56 I take two aspects of that yeah One of the day and one at night. It'll give you shit. Yeah, so nobody's got a fight schedule here We're just training just Training getting back chomping out of the bit though any any day. I should I should have a I should have a contract late any day I'm waiting, you know What am I doing big Joe? Uh, same thing. I'm gonna kick Switching over to m&m and keep boxing. I'm just signing a contract. I'm just waiting for a match up. Hopefully August September you learn the same jiu-jitsu from fucking Ricky
Starting point is 00:10:26 Yeah, I've been training making my mother fucking jiu-jitsu man. Yeah Mickey you've had words and you know all the guys been working a lot. So I'm feeling good Dude, he's he's turned a corner too like certain things he would do. He'd like turn his back He's getting up. He's changed his game and like he just did a jiu-jitsu tournament the high rollers tournament a few weeks ago Did you yeah, dude. He did great. He's he's submitted to the straight ankle lock Dude, he did awesome But like you could tell in the last week like he started like really like Like well, I'd say the last two weeks he started really like bearing down like was is getting everything and like was strong and like
Starting point is 00:11:00 Using everything he's moving correctly. Like it's it's awesome. It's awesome. Joe Must be some I call him jiu-jitsu. Joe might be some mint some motherfuckers soon. I mean just ask Mickey I'm pretty much black belt, right? You're giving the black belt already. I'm ready Yeah, yeah, I got you. Don't right. You're supposed to be surprised after. Yeah Yeah, yes, I knew it. You started as a Muay Thai guy though. That was your base That's no wrestling. No high school wrestling and that shit. No, I I wrestled for like three weeks and like sixth grade and then I would they found the principal found out or the coach found out
Starting point is 00:11:34 I was uneligible and then so I didn't wrestle anymore and then I started kickboxing when I was 15 Had my first fight 17 16 17 and then moved out to LA when I was 19 Would you get paid for that first fight? Oh, my first amateur fights. Nothing. My first pro fight. I think I got a take 250 dollars So
Starting point is 00:12:00 Lucrative yeah lucrative I would go back almost go want to go back. I mean not to the the money but like it was a Way like way back then you're so hungry and you could fight anybody There was no contracts or like you can only fight when these people tell you you could fight any like anytime you wanted to Every weekend, whoever you could get a fight. I missed those days You know amateur fights when I first moved to LA That was an amateur They had like smoker fights Which is why I moved to LA was because they'd have fights almost every weekend and all the different Muay Thai gyms
Starting point is 00:12:30 There's a lot of like the Muay Thai scene and and Los Angeles is pretty big. They're probably 10 or 12 like pretty legit Muay Thai gyms in Los Angeles so like they would have amateur fights at the gym and they would call them smoker fights and You know your gym would like You know all the guys from your gym would take on other gyms and then people would they'd sell $10 tickets wherever going to gym and uh, I was doing those like
Starting point is 00:12:56 Every weekend for I think I got like nine fights the first summer I moved out here That's when you get all the experience, you know, I think they like the experience from fighting like that amateurs was what You rely on later on in your careers that you have all those amateur fights Have you trained overseas over there in Thailand and all that I trained in Thailand, uh, about two months How was it? It was cool. It's overrated. I mean like you can get a lot out of it. I think the overall, uh A lot of people go over to Thailand to train and they come back and they're worse than when they left You know what I mean? Why is that? Oh the language barrier and then the You know, yeah, I think mostly the language barrier and the trainers might not caring, you know
Starting point is 00:13:38 That makes sense since like I've been training on vacation. It's like you're if you're to try to tie camp in and uh Boot cat or wherever everybody goes on vacation and you constantly get people coming in where they're there for like two weeks And then they're gone. They're there for a week and they're gone Like how much energy is that that trainer that paddler really gonna put into you knowing you're gonna be gone in like a week You know that makes sense. Yeah, it's weird because when you go to places in LA Like especially the hollywood area
Starting point is 00:14:07 When somebody comes in they talk about going to thailand It's like when you go to prison and guys talk about going to different prisons. I've been to that prison really How was it? It was cool, man. We party out every night. You're like, what the fuck is he talking about partying out every night in prison There's a couple weeks ago. I was in the Muay thai gym and there was a girl that came in And she was like, oh hoity hoity, you know, fucking I train in thailand Three guys like we're at Motek. Oh my god, did you eat the snake? You know the whole fucking deal
Starting point is 00:14:37 A couple I'm fucking impressed. Get the fuck out of here. All right Go to thaiville down the fucking corner there on Tuesdays and Thursdays down there kicking fucking trees behind that building on western there years ago I'm not I'm not kidding you really years ago. I remember I used to go to a Subak doh On sunset next to al compadre and there was a guy that was always bruised up in there And I asked him when that why you're we bruised up And he goes because I train at the thai place behind the restaurant with the waiters
Starting point is 00:15:07 On Tuesdays and Thursdays and they had the tree with the rope They had the whole fucking thing back there and they were kicking this shit out of each other back there too They broke his arm back there at one time. I saw him one time with this fucking sling I go what happened? You were back there. He goes. Yeah, they fucked me up. They were they weren't fucking around They were fucking around white kids back there White kids were going back there thinking they could fucking throw with these waiters And these waiters were popping them and shit. Yeah, that's that sure Now you're the only one of the owners of the yard
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yeah, and that's just a muay thai or that's a full Uh, it's just a muay thai. It's basically, I mean, we only offer muay thai But we have like a mma cage and stuff for for my training and stuff. Yeah, it's a muay thai jam So you do both most most most do your training down there. Yeah Yeah, and muscle farm Train at muscle farm also. Yeah. Yeah. I go to muscle farm a lot get a lot of work down there Okay, you're strictly the yard. That's good. That's that's perfect Mm-hmm. How is that great? It's awesome. It's a big big beautiful place. Like, uh, they just decked it out. Um
Starting point is 00:16:08 Uh, you know the the owner Ryan Drexler, he's like a jujitsu guy brown belt competes a lot Uh from Long Island whatnot Um, it's it's beautiful. Dude. They have muscle cars in there like the cars from uh, what was that? Daisy confused They have a judge gto from Daisy confused. He throws it the volleyball through the window Yeah, they got the muscle cars and the muscles for them. They got there's always like NBA players Two chains down there like a lot of like it's like, you know, it's cool. It's a cool little place milkshakes
Starting point is 00:16:36 No, two chains the raffer. I don't two chains, but they make milkshakes. No, they don't have any milk Muscle farm milkshakes. No, they have all the supplements out in ship. Yeah. No, they should I hear they got a an acai place inside legacy Is that right? Yeah, next to legacy. Yeah tremendous. Yeah. Is that where I went? Where did I go? Yeah, you went to legacy Okay, cool. Yeah, you went to legacy where you twisted the guy up and shit. I also know your was That was his fault. Dammit, chump That's funny. Dammit, miggy. That's funny. Yeah, I remember that No, there's an acai place there and then there's one around the corner Uh
Starting point is 00:17:09 Green something Great fucking place right around the corner over here. Yeah, I hear um, you've been saying really regular Getting doing your jiu-jitsu all the time. Yeah, and you're training moitai too. Yeah the conditioning class So, you know, I come over and fuck with me. Yeah Everyone wants to know why Class and it's tremendous. I just don't I'm 55. I don't have the energy at six o'clock at night to go down there and fight with young fucking kids Yeah, but 11 to 12 o'clock class like a nine o'clock class. I'm all in for sure
Starting point is 00:17:39 That's one on tip top. We go at night. My shit's fucked up. Hell yeah I was thinking about if I did we were supposed to do the podcast yesterday And then you called and we switched and we had a date So we switched it. I wasn't a train tonight. I would have tried it tonight Like last wednesday. I went to moitai at six. Yeah, like I've been for I'm home I don't have to go on the road. So I've been forcing myself to go outside of my comfort zone So one night I could go down there for an hour and close some side kicks for jesus and that night. It's different Yeah, because the date see the morning when I go half the class is conditioning ropes and
Starting point is 00:18:14 Kettlebells and getting on the fucking pyro metal boxes and all that shit And all that stuff. Yeah, and then the other side of the class is technique 30 second interval shit 10 second breather, you know, right? And I would go to jujitsu dog and I wasn't getting This is what happened. It's it's it's consistency and it's showing up four times I can't roll four days because that's never gonna happen four days is a lot for uncle joey So I had to figure out how to get four days Even five like last week. I went five days. I went to three jujitsu's and two moitais
Starting point is 00:18:51 I did one day conditioning at the house with kettlebells and shit You're doing the same amount of workout as us. Yeah. No, no, but I go very that's way more than me I'm like, so what I do is I'll go monday at nine from nine to ten do the conditioning and wednesday monday at nine Ten do the conditioning tuesday. I'll do jujitsu conditioning From 11 to 12 and then I'll roll three times. Okay, thursday I will now three rolls. Yeah rolls in that night. Thursday. I will not go to jujitsu conditioning. I'll just go to jujitsu And roll you're following me. So this week. I'll go side there and roll out Because I got sunday off. What do I give a fuck? Do you only do with the gi on? Yeah, I'm not good
Starting point is 00:19:30 But that's too fast that world is too fast. Yeah, it is fast. Joey. I get too fast. What's your gi game like? What do you what's your gi game? What do you like clothes gi clothes guard clothes guard? Listen, okay? I'm not gonna be barren bowling the mother fucker. That's it. See that was the problem I was going to places where they were playing bolos like you invert. I was going to places where they were doing all this crazy Shit that you feel you leave there feeling like I didn't really improve like I didn't
Starting point is 00:20:00 I didn't do well something isn't right And I one day I just saw a friend of mine one day and I know he's a black belt And he goes, what are you doing today? Because you want to train a little while like, oh, let me go down there with you Then he goes and we rolled a little bit. He goes. I gotta tell you something. You're fucking terrible He goes you're terrible He goes you're terrible because I love coaches like you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing I tell mickey. He's terrible every day. He goes one. I almost start swinging on him. Why are you doing this? Why are you and it's true?
Starting point is 00:20:29 See the problem that we have is that you're trying to make a living so you can't tell me i'm terrible Because in today's society Most people you tell they're terrible. They'll take their fucking bowling ball and go give somebody else double what they're paying Yeah, that'll blow smoke up their ass. That's a society. We live in as soon as he told me I was terrible Do you think I went home and cried? No, I listened. I go. What do I need to do? It goes. Let's start from here Stop doing the Lock your legs lock your legs No, more. Yes. I I prefer that. I used to grab this part of the knee his wrist here
Starting point is 00:21:06 And grab the top of the back of the shoulder and get your angle and Go just go every time you just pull them in and eventually you pull Grab the back of the fucking belt and now he ain't going nowhere. Trust me. Yeah, and I can't breathe Joe i'm sitting there like and you you go Yeah, and I I can't breathe and next thing, you know, I just open one leg and put it on the armpit and you're on your fucking back That's that that's the game like that's a flower sweep, right? That's it. No a flower is I live sometime Because with that control with that control you're gonna just fuck up yourself I'm just gonna move my hand to your fucking collar
Starting point is 00:21:43 Now you're gonna try the corner and I got you with a scissor You're just gonna scissor yourself three quarters of the scissor You're gonna put your you're gonna go over me and I'm gonna be right there and just that's all I got Awesome, that's my game and then I scissor the mount get on top. Yeah, that's it. That's it. That's it and I go for an arm Whatever you go, americanas. All right, americanas and camoras. That's it. That's it. I love it My wrist a pussy wrist From hitting the bag with no wraps all those years with my guerrilla buddies in jersey. Let's hit the fucking bag You know I'm saying no wrist. No, no, none that let's just hit the fucking bag
Starting point is 00:22:16 My wrist is shot so I can't do north south jokes and all that shit But uh, I fucking love jujitsu. I love the thought process of it. Yeah, but So I wasn't getting enough burn So I went online and I researched what fucking gives you the most bang for your money And it's swimming which I love swimming. I can't do because of my ears Because the water throws my balance off and I get vertigo The water going into your ears. Yeah, what if you just hit earplugs? I gotta wear earplugs, but come on Sucks, right? They suck dick. Yeah, I I shower with earplugs on and I still got fucking more. Yeah, I gotta shower
Starting point is 00:22:54 I got I got two million earplugs in my bathroom to everywhere. You understand? I got earplugs fucking everywhere You go in my luggage. I got earplugs everywhere. That's where it happens When I go on the road, I jump on a pool Then I go to my room fly It's gotta be the pressure the water fucking sits You go to a hotel room you get up in the middle of the night fucking the room spinning around like either 22 sleeping pills You're waking up in Cosby's somebody slip you a Mickey. You know what I'm saying? That's what happens that water locks in from the flight So
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah, so I I couldn't swim kettle bells burns the most fat But number two is movie time training That's the killer. That's a thousand calories in an hour If I go training with you for an hour, forget the fucking ropes and the kettle bells just punching and kicking and Three minute rounds five minute rounds combinations You kick at me and I kick at you. That's a thousand calories and what's great about it What's great about your physique? Look at his physique. He can't I can give him 22 steaks Nothing happens to him. Are you a vegan? No, no, we had barbecue today
Starting point is 00:23:59 We had a lot of yeah, this guy would never even gain an ounce But what you're saying with moitai like is there a more fun way to work out? You get that you're developing a skill like a self-defense skill and you're like you get to bash it all day Like it's it's awesome. You know, I think like moitai and jujitsu. That's like everyone Why would you not do that as a work you're working out and you're it's like a fun game You know what I mean? Now I go on now. I used to go on the road and do jujitsu not going no idea Too many knuckles on the road when you come to jersey though We'll take care of you come to grace new jersey when I go to jujitsu on the road now
Starting point is 00:24:31 I like type of moitai and I go to a moitai gym and it's tremendous I sweat my fucking ass off. I bring I get the second bag for free So I bring the bag with the knee pads the gloves the hand wraps. I bring a protein powder drink Well that you like you don't need a partner to like practice moitai like you could be at your house Fucking shadow boxing and thinking about you know, what you're What you're working on like it's very Personal as opposed to being like make you come over. I haven't thinking about this arm bar all day. You know what I mean? Yeah, so that's that's a big help. But jujitsu is so much fun. It's such a mental physical chess game
Starting point is 00:25:07 Now I never played. Love it. Yeah, I never played. I'm gonna play chance. I'm gonna play fucking checkers All right, I never had the patience and I was in prison. I still can't play checkers when you go to prison You don't have to do two things. You know how to play prison. You know how to play checkers or you know how to play handball I don't care if you never play handball before you go to prison. You'll play handball. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, checkers is really easy. It's just Listen, I don't like checkers or I don't want to sit in there next to nobody for two hours fucking mounting I play with my daughter two weeks ago. It drove me fucking crazy. I didn't know what the fuck to do She had different colored checkers. Yeah, she wanted me to king her in shit. I don't know nothing about this shit
Starting point is 00:25:45 I got a king. I don't know nothing about fucking king and people nothing. Oh my god What Well, I was John talk to me brother Tell them man things good It was the last time you had the most last time you were in the rain. Uh, my last fight. I think was in, uh December and uh Was in Florence, Italy, Philippe Berlin
Starting point is 00:26:10 and Bellator keep boxing It was good. I went went to distance. I won On points fucking Italy. Look at you. They fly all around the world. This shit Bellator keep boxing was really good They would that was my all my fights were in I had three fights in Italy and then Budapest and Hungary. It's cool You were glory for a while too. Yeah, it was a glory when I was a glory all my fights were in in the u.s. So I was like the the u.s. Guy. He won that big tournament Yeah
Starting point is 00:26:40 No, he's fucking tremendous both of you guys are savages. I'm over here and all But I really liked, uh, you know traveling and getting out of the country and when when I was fighting for glory I was wanted to be on the cards the european cards, but they always had me In the states, you know People recognize you everywhere. I get recognized a lot and when I we I'm like, I got recognized in Holland a lot and uh Even overseas like quite a bit Yeah, now what's on spike bellator MMA? Yeah, no bellator kickboxer. I think it's on uh, it's on periodically Okay, yeah, because I know I get fucking confused. I know I watch kickboxing on there
Starting point is 00:27:17 I saw glory two weeks ago No, but a month ago on ESPN and that was the day I was watched. Yeah, I saw on ESPN one afternoon And I saw the weirdest thing I was sitting there watching my daughter and I saw one woman kick the other one right in the monkey It was the fucking weirdest thing and they ref had a fucking stop them What's the ruling on that? It's a warning. You got a warning. What did you think she did? She went right off hauled off and kicked her right in the monkey again And I'm sitting there with my daughter. I go watch this. This is tremendous. This is karate. Come here
Starting point is 00:27:47 And she kicked her right in the monkey my daughter's like, what the fuck? I go. I don't know. I don't know what the fuck's going on So I told my wife my wife was like, what are you watching? The chick was holding the pussy right on tv and shit Right on the fucking mat. He's holding onto a pussy And my wife was like, what the fuck are you watching? I go, it's a kick fight. I don't know if she kicked her in the monkey My wife's like, ooh That hurts. I go, have you been kicked in the monkey? She goes, yeah, my sister kicked me one time They don't make cups for women So she goes, yeah, she held off the first time kick the the girl's knee buckled a little bit
Starting point is 00:28:16 The ref held the other one gave her like a warning. Are you ready? Yeah She put it back what do you think the girl did hold right off And kicked her right again in the fucking pussy trauma. Yeah, like fucking tremendous. Sorry about the language I don't want to call it. No, it's all good. It's all right. She's a guy basically I don't want to call it a twat kick What made you want to open your own gym because I've seen like there's a lot of fighters I saw like Mike Chandler just opened his own gym Uh
Starting point is 00:28:42 Cody not Cody who's a tj dillish has a gym now. Does he yeah Pretty sure. Yeah, like there's a lot of people opening gyms. Like is it just like it's even more than just having a place Where everything's in one place you want to have it be your place And like you like it starts doing things about your training or I mean, I'm not sure why those guys did it. I did it because I was uh I needed to figure out how I was gonna continue to train and And uh Support my family when I didn't have fights. That was like way. I mean that was
Starting point is 00:29:12 Like 10 years ago. Well almost 10 years ago. Wow. I opened my gym Yeah, the yard in Lincoln Heights, Los Angeles Come come come down. Good job. You're welcome. Yeah. Thanks, buddy Appreciate it. How's it going? And what made where did you guys meet? Um, we met up at Bellator out here um Through our our former management uh
Starting point is 00:29:38 Yeah, we we met and you know, I was like I was at home and I was you know, it's kind of outgrowing my partners, you know, like I uh You know, just I needed I needed to train with bad motherfuckers and then uh You know, we uh we we connected and I you know, I've been hearing uh Like I had a couple like connections in LA and I was like, you know, chilling chilling was kind of the Final piece where I was like boom. This is what I got to do. This is what I should be doing. I came out here Good for you, man. Yeah, you called me right away. But that was a yeah, I saw you down the store Yeah, and I thought you were like a castle rock or something you guys eagle rock I'm living with eve edwards who's a legend
Starting point is 00:30:15 And so I'm picking his brain watching fights with him like picking his brain all the time Like, you know, I'm soaking up the knowledge out here learning a lot. How old are you now? 26. Yeah, I'm about to go on a run. I'm about to I'm about to go on a run He's like for sure gonna starch his next three opponents or fucking bet my house on it for sure Yeah, this is now you have to just make it seem good. I'm serious man. Yeah It's such a weird thing that you have to actually sit down now now that MMA has been around for a while It's not a new sport anymore. Like yeah all the and I mean it keeps evolving It keeps evolving and it keeps growing
Starting point is 00:30:50 But you've looked behind we've all seen behind all the different curtains now and all the different facades That the different organizations have thrown at us So, you know, exactly. It's like when somebody says to you, do you know that the longevity of an NFL running back history? Is like, what the fucking you talking about? And you start thinking about you like if you really think about it Are running back the our favorites. Yeah, they took care of themselves They got married. They fucking lifted weights. They drank water, you know the percentages, but the rest of them. Yeah, they're three fucking years Three years. So you have to say to yourself in 26
Starting point is 00:31:25 I want to get out of this with a fucking envelope And a brain a building and a brain, you know, I read that fucking thing about that 21 year old football player that killed himself He had the brain of a 65 year old 21 years old 20 fucking one years old Yeah, one concussion one concussion. He started acting fucking weirdly shot himself One concussion. So you have to say to yourself, you know, it's like one time I had a conversation Anderson silver He was talking about how He always wanted to come home like he left his number one thing wasn't winning as much as it was
Starting point is 00:32:02 Not getting it Not absorbing You know, interesting That was Be the same guy, you know, you have to go for the longevity thing. Okay. I'm 26 What's my run gonna be like? Well part of his career. Did you have that conversation with him? That sounds like somebody who was like Is that like right before he's retired? No, no, this was uh, this had to be about he was a champion
Starting point is 00:32:29 And we were all just eating dinner one night. We were all just talking with ed swirers and Ed was telling the stories, you know, he was saying stories fucking funny guy like he was Sores or both of them Ed's been on the podcast and stuff. But yeah, yeah to see both of them together that one night And I've had different conversations and but that night Was really interesting because he was telling us a story about the time when he knocked somebody out with an elbow Probably that that tony frickland Yeah, I think it's crazy. He said that he did it in practice and the coach said if he'd do that again
Starting point is 00:33:03 I'm gone So he would have to have if his wife hold the pillow at night for him to practice that So he would make his wife hold the pad in the living room So when he went in the fight, he did it To show his coach that it worked Like a little shit like that. He was telling the stories, you know, it's a fucking, you know, you're a comedian when you're a fight You like fuck that guy when you're a comedian. You're like, that's fucking interesting I think that's I know it's also little things like you got your wife. Yeah, is your can you imagine?
Starting point is 00:33:32 Honey, you gotta talk to you Well, what welcome come here for a second. He's gonna show you some hold the pillow right just hold the pillow right here What the fuck are you talking about? Last week you wanted to tie me up and now you want to fucking me hold up. No, I'm not doing it But it made sense like that's the plan like that's the plan Yeah, like I want to do this for five fucking years and get the fuck out of here with an envelope by house Yeah One of the fucking girls one of the ring girls
Starting point is 00:34:05 Take out a wife up a reality. Yeah. Yeah. No, fuck Arianna. She's all told news. Yeah, she's all news. Can bring one of those new girls Yeah, fuck Arianna. You need a fucking young little flight. You know what I'm saying? Arianna would be my sugar mama Yeah, by that time she'd be like a 90 Yeah, but it's true. You have like a window. Yeah, no, I'm and I'm really aware of that That's why, you know, I work I work met really hard and like, you know, I've been gearing up for the I think this next year I'm gonna really have a like for a real breakout, you know Um, yeah, this this dude's telling me I got to train less and he's right and it's it's helping But like I you know, I've been I've been making the most of of my time here my time the past year
Starting point is 00:34:46 You know, you're taking it super serious. It's not that it's less. He's telling you to train smarter He knows the deal exactly to train smart and that's that's what I there's a smarter way to train Yeah, just to train you could train six days a week I needed to hear that or train four and make the same gains as if you were training six or more healthy And even train five because that fifth day you're doing yoga Maybe you take a fucking yoga class just do whatever, you know something something different to strength your muscles a different way Yeah, it's so interesting how MMA like like, you know, Joe was saying he's gonna do a man now. It's
Starting point is 00:35:18 It's completely different. It's you gotta work three different fucking disciplines There's no set formula It's not like football where you just if you're a lineman you practice blocking all day If you're you know what I mean, you practice if you're on if you're d Detackle you practice the swim move and whatever and tackling like here So you have to practice jiu-jitsu you have to practice video bar, you know I mean and everyone and then you have to focus in on your own game. It's yeah I think it's I think it's the fucking shit. I think it's the coolest sport. I love it
Starting point is 00:35:43 I love and from comedy like I wish I had the balls to be a fighter like if I was 21 now And I grew up watching what I've been watching as an MMA fan now You have it in your head how you would do it. You know how you Like you have like seven fights So you got to start knocking motherfuckers out and calling people out Like grabbing Joe Rogan by the arm fucking. I'm gonna kill your fucking mother Fuck your father in the air I told you this morning
Starting point is 00:36:12 That's what you need. This is crazy. Shit. This is this is the thing This is the faith them not even like trying to be rude like uh like a conor and so people But just go out there like a fucking animal Stay healthy. Don't you know you got to stay in You know because and then the hardest thing is once you get it. It's keeping it right once you get it Getting it. It's easy compared to keeping that's like when you were saying that with Anderson Silva That remind me like they say like it's hard for a king to go to war when he's sleeping in satin sheets It's all the people on the come up who are grinding like to get up to get to be the king
Starting point is 00:36:46 You know, but uh, so I think it's like it's really impressive and it's strong mind to like for the champions that stay and remain You got 15 motherfuckers that have the same Train of thought that you have the 26 right now somewhere in this country Oklahoma, arkansas You have to think about them and think how you're gonna be different. That's why I loved watching The ufc and whoa, what are you gonna do against joe shilling? Well, joe shilling is a tough guy Well, he's never gone up to against a guy with my right hand. Are you fucking retarded? Joe shilling has been going up against right and left hand all his fucking life
Starting point is 00:37:21 But some people just get their right hand like when I see a fighter say that I write him off because I think in between every fight you should come in with a different weapon Like every fight if I was a fight I come in with a different weapon Like this time i'm gonna come in with some jiu-jitsu why make you teach me something out of this fucking world Joey i'm gonna teach your combination take down to your hook with a punch to the fucking jaw that you know Something and then the next time I train i'm gonna go over to fucking Joe go joe give me a complete fucking history of the elbow Give me the complete history of the elbow. Let's go to the fucking museum
Starting point is 00:37:57 Let's break down elbows how they come at you the whole fucking thing I want to learn how to sharpen my elbow and then from there I don't take and then the next fight I take joe to take me to some japanese master that teach me how to sharpen my toes So I could fucking kick him right in the abdomen stab him And that's what you do. But if you keep telling me about your right hand, guess what joe? I know about your fucking right hand Sorry charlie. I know about your right hand But I didn't know you had that leg that left leg kick like a motherfucker on the inside leg I didn't know that
Starting point is 00:38:33 You know what i'm saying? What the fuck is wrong with you? Once you tell me yeah, but because he's never gotten the right hand like mine. Okay, okay Because your right hand is different. It comes in a different fucking white like like a curveball. No, it don't unless you got like a voodoo elbow. You know what i'm saying? Are you crazy? You gotta come in with something new every fucking time. So that's why I always I really didn't always love gsp I always respect them because one month you'd see him doing ballet Did you ever see him with the it's like when kevin lee was on rogan Yeah, if you didn't like kevin lee and then you saw him on rogan when he was talking about getting kicked in the head
Starting point is 00:39:11 And then he focused on one thing when he learned in ballet Then when you're doing the spins and the guy rogan goes, so you take ballet goes. Yeah, you got to prepare for shit like that I like that guy There's my that's what i'm talking about. Yeah, he went and took a ballet class one day goes Let me see what the fuck I maybe I could throw kick off my toes something like that Who knows maybe i'll put those shoes on and throw people off you imagine running into the ring with ballet shoes on People like well, what happened to mickey don't worry about nothing When you come and kick them right it's like 13 ballerina shoes run there
Starting point is 00:39:41 There's got to be a tranny somewhere that's doing ballet. You know what's that? For sure. All right, they got a Can do guys do ballet right? Yeah. Yeah, sure sure. There's two kids in my daughter's class. I threw them out I told them i don't bring these kids here no more. You're fucking them up Four and three you're fucking them up already throwing them through the walls Give them no shot. You know what i'm saying? You give them no shot with little pink kids She made them wear the fucking toot-toot and then the teacher the the teacher has a beautiful little boy And he would get pissed she would make him come in like she would watch him And he would just sit there punch the mother's leg for an hour like I don't want to be here with these dumb bitches
Starting point is 00:40:19 Look at all these dumb four-year-old dirty bitches with snot back is gonna be a badass I haven't seen him. I haven't seen him in about four or four or five or six weeks. He probably beat the mother to death You know what I didn't think Can't believe you threw another family out. Oh, yeah, don't bring this. Don't bring your son to ballet. These poor kids don't know what they're doing I love that. You should. Yeah, you gotta talk to them. Give them some real guys How'd she take it when he told her that? She took a little fucking likey head cutting left. What do you want me to do? I don't fucking know. I don't fucking know. She got mad at me Oh my god
Starting point is 00:40:54 He had the one kid with silver shoes on you can't do that to a kid. He's four. That's false advertising So to anybody anybody who sees that Sees that wrong and then she would go out and talk on the phone What if I was a pedophile in ballet and I wanted to give her a little kid a stab and or something like that With those silver fucking shoes on do you ever think about that? No, I don't I don't think I wasn't gonna go to ballet. That's fucked up If I'm going to ballet, I'd definitely be taking edibles
Starting point is 00:41:22 As doing ballet or to go watch ballet. Let me tell you something That's a 45 minutes. I like to fucking do it out every week Yeah, I do it because I love my little daughter and it'll mean the world to her later on Yeah, but it's 45 minutes. I can replace you have a daughter. That's under. You know, I get it Yeah, I go it's all little girls and there's a couple dads that go and I sit there sometimes and I go listen How lucky am I? How lucky am I? Because I'm able to go to these things
Starting point is 00:41:50 Most dads are working. They're fucking digging a trench They're training and they're fucking teaching movie time. I get to go to these things. So I get the opportunity to go I guarantee If you know what I'm saying, so that's why I do this. Yeah, that's why I do these little fucking things It's not the big things anybody could give you a kid a boat or whatever. It's little things, you know Take them straight. How many times I've gone swimming with my kid over here When she was a baby, no joke when she was a baby I used to because I saw that on world news tonight
Starting point is 00:42:18 A doctor and fucking uh, yeah Took his kids. He had twins and he was throwing the pool when they were three months old two twins I saw it. It was fucking amazing and by the time they were eight months old. They were swimming under fucking water They had them. You know those feel good stories on world news tonight So I told my wife, I'm throwing her in the fucking like cuban when you're cuban you throw your kid in the fucking water When you cuban, there's no swimming teacher There's no swimming teacher when you're in a vana. There's no teachers. There's no swimming teachers They take you by the neck and they throw you off the pier with the lobsters and you learn how to swim
Starting point is 00:42:51 I swear to fucking god cubans don't believe in swim coaches. There's no fucking olympic swimming day That's so that's like a cuban rule. There's no No, that's it. No swim coaches. They teach how to swim with the fucking lobsters Let me tell you how prejudiced they were in cuba. This is a true story. Let me tell you how prejudiced they were in cuba In the fifties and forties if your son was gay, they would take him that's what it was called shark hunting They would take your shotgun like your son's gay. We are taking the shark Take him out that drone won't the boat That's how evil they were in cuba evil
Starting point is 00:43:30 We're gonna go murder your son. Wow And the father the father would do it but mostly The father would have to do it himself It'd be like freighter Yeah, you have to do it himself take the his own son out there and throw him off the boat Jesus, it's heavy stuff. That's heavy fucking stuff, man. Heavy stuff and that's real. That's fucking real. It's shit. Yeah There's a there's a show on netflix called celia About celia crew that my cheese mo
Starting point is 00:43:57 And the first 20 episodes you watch that show man, and you'll fucking go. Jesus christ That's the first show i've ever seen that they've released those little tidbits About cuba because they never released it. Huh these fucking people in the united states that think they're racist here Go to cuba You know what they call the black neighborhood in cuba el congo El fucking congo. Okay, since the 40s. They've been calling it el congo Racist motherfuckers. There's nobody more racist than fucking cuban people. No, but No, but i don't know how those chinese people survived in cuba. That's why they call them chino
Starting point is 00:44:36 What do you think that word came from chino? Yeah, yeah, that's chino. That's cuban because cuba had the biggest china town till 1960 Until fidel came the biggest china town was in fucking cuba outside of china. Can you believe that shit, huh? That's why in new york, they have all those chinese i was gonna say there's cuban chinese chinese yeah, yeah, it's good shit poor chop with Fucking fried rice and egg roll and fucking black beans and fried bananas that was Boom a pork chop with pork fried rice An egg roll and fried bananas. Who's better than you? Joe shilling. There's nobody in there buddy Nobody no fucking body. Do you think shark hunting still goes on?
Starting point is 00:45:17 No, remember when Romero was on rogue and we talked about abacoas when he was here and he goes that He goes there's gay dudes at abacoas now So no, no abacoas was the last line of defense in cuba They're the longshoremen. They're the ones that looked over at the society of men. There's some machismo. They don't eat pussy Because they believe if you eat pussy, you'll suck anything. So that's how much they are That's like the the mafia the italians too the same way with that. That's how they were Like they don't eat pussy. Sorry charlie. Yeah, and if you do don't talk to you, they don't talk to me
Starting point is 00:45:54 You gotta keep that keep that on rat Yo you and uh, what's that dude english? Yeah tj english tj english dude those those podcasts were awesome I love that shit like like the like the like the organized crime like mafia like mob shit like that That was awesome and it was right in your neighborhood. I know and the places you're talking about. They're so cool. Yeah, that was awesome You know tj english was supposed to do A book signing last wednesday in union city Okay, where that book originated all the stories. Yeah, that's the mecca, right 1100 people see this sold out They pulled the plug the night before
Starting point is 00:46:34 why I guess alpha 66 showed up with a fucking who's that they're like the cuban revolutionaries Still in union city somebody showed up They just canceled it. So something must have gotten down. I feel really bad for tj. I didn't know I called my buddy who set it up and he won't pick up the phone So something went down, but I know something's going on with the mayor anyway Something they're trying to get like they don't like it. Yeah something something went down I feel bad for tj because he was really excited. It's a great story. It's it's so interesting
Starting point is 00:47:07 That sucks It's great. Now. Where did you grow up? Greenbrook, you know, like the playing fields. Yeah. Yeah. Now, which is the playing field is bad. Um All of them. I don't know. I mean, uh, they're you know, I'd say the worst is I don't know. Would you say playing field playing field playing fields the biggest North and south north and south playing field or south playing field There's a playing field that south like five fucking years Every college final there was a kid from playing field. Yeah, I was saying south playing fields like one of the best wrestling games
Starting point is 00:47:40 in like in the country and the the basketball Somebody every fucking year in the final four was from playing field. Yeah, but I forget which one of the playing fields it was Yeah, any of them any of them. That's yeah, I was I played I grew up playing football though them I was like the only white kid who played Play what play football? I was like the only white kid who started both like offense and defense It's all brothers. Let me ask you something job. Would you have any option ever the fight in the UFC? Um, I haven't I've uh I don't know maybe someday
Starting point is 00:48:17 Yeah, but this is my kickboxing. I'm always pretty much to be a bit kickboxing. So But yeah, it's something I've definitely something you would be open to do for sure. I mean, that's the It's got to be the ultimate goal for everybody, right? I would think that's the big fucking stage. That's the big stage, you know, you know It's so funny how the other day I was watching real sports And it was about the NFL and it was about the two billion 100 billion dollar suit that they settled To pay all the football players would see the but the problem is they didn't pay nobody
Starting point is 00:48:52 You know, they didn't pay nobody and I was telling Lee like It's hard for me like I watch football now periodically, but it's hard for me to watch it now Because you know that these fucking guys give their hearts to this shit, you know what I'm saying? Like you give your heart to this shit And now you don't want to get the money like Mark Gaston. Do you mean more? Fuck Like he's all fucked up like they don't give him the money and you look at these big Big organizations, you know, like the NFL the NBA the NBA don't give a fuck. I love the NBA
Starting point is 00:49:23 They don't piss test you for weed You know, they let you fucking smoke as much weed as you want supposedly all these fucking But the UFC like you want to be in the UFC because that's the ultimate That's it. That's as good as it fucking gets Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's that's the NFL of But let me tell you something Bellato is making a run for it, bro. Yeah, and I wouldn't say it's fucking around Yeah, I'm not saying they're the best. I'm saying they're the biggest platform They're the biggest platform
Starting point is 00:49:50 What the biggest fights in the world you want to make like make history the biggest fights ever like that's where that's where it's ever That's where it's at. You know Bellator is the Yeah, they're doing the Bellator is going for it Bellator's welterweight grand prix looks fucking nuts. That looks fucking Hope bomba gets in that hope bomba gets in that. It's trying to yeah, that'd be awesome. That'd be awesome. What does that start? You know They start to finish the heavyweight one, right? We still got we're still in it What's the no because it's only the first round perhaps I think they still got more right so it's trail against Right, what's he'll lost real baiters. No, no trail one beta one. Oh, yeah, he did rime beta one
Starting point is 00:50:30 trail one your own one Frank mere one. No, no So yeah, so it's fatal. Yeah, it's fatal against fire. It's fatal against Uh, check that Lee please. Yeah, it's fatal against whatever the fuck his name is what we're talking about Not mitreon. Not yet a guy, but uh, yeah baiter. No Fader against uh, who's the first guy we said fuck the jail jail. Yeah, yeah, and then it's uh Matrium versus better. Okay, so yeah Chale be rampage, right?
Starting point is 00:51:06 So then it's gonna be fatal or in chale And then it's uh, mitreon and ryan baiter. Yeah, you see they're doing uh rampage versus vanderlay sylva 4 I say joe should fight the winner No Joe doesn't gain them and fight none of those guys when he knocks one of them out. No, joe's a savage joe's got a different mission Joe's got a different plan We take those fights. They're big fights. No, where are they fighting on the one label that they fight They're fighting when rory mcdonald's fight in gay gar musas. He was a great one. The lay was banned for life
Starting point is 00:51:37 In ufc for from like you I think he got he got in trouble usada because he ran away from a piss test Right, you got trouble in vegas. I don't even know if it was usada. Those was pretty sure it was He was just like he was like he like it was when you saw it was new and he was like, fuck you You know watching me pee and He's probably I don't know. Maybe sounds like vanderlay, right? I don't know So vanderlay's fighting them under what label they fight on the bell. Yeah, and where they're gonna fight like in egypt No, I mean fight. Where's he gonna fight when I corner he fought a tail in new york
Starting point is 00:52:13 Vanderlay. Yeah, yeah, no, he's he's clear to fight with them. He has problems with yeah, I think I think he's good now um Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's good when I when I corner my buddy rich vatish knock for bellator It was on like mohegan sun like they do go to the indian Uh, what are the what does that call indian reservations reservations? Yeah That is fucking crazy that you guys fight like and like calmly and mma is the same
Starting point is 00:52:45 Except for getting punched in the head Some people have fear but some people have fear of fucking talking in public Which they if you go to some people go ahead bro go up there and say 10 minutes they'll go. No, no, no, no Punch me in the face No, I agree with the comparison. It's just you up there. But the comparisons. I mean when I hear that you guys fight like in bars For 50 bucks like on a wednesday night. I'm like, that's what we do You know, we got it. It's like, uh Disco night and yeah, they throw us three up got getting assholes in the middle of disco night
Starting point is 00:53:18 Nobody wants to see us. Everybody's gonna get their dicks up. We want to see three comedians But you know, they'll put you on like a bar and then you graduate to like gyms Yeah, I thought in like a middle school gym. I'm sure you thought in some Then you graduate like mohegan's son. Yeah, you know and the people that are watching you people have lost all their money And they got a free ticket to watch So Take his eye out My first fight was in a bar
Starting point is 00:53:43 I wasn't old enough to get into and the only reason I was allowed in was because I signed up to do the fight Like it was like a tough man contest like to bar you to pay 20 bucks to come in So I had 20 bucks signed the paper or whatever and they didn't ID me And that was my first experience and then so after the fight I won the fight and afterwards I was like drinking beer and like I'll let shake saw me win and all the dudes thought I was a badass I'm like, this is it. This is what I'm doing the rest of my how much did you win? No, nothing. I won a fucking trophy and like got you know drunk some fucking older girls How's it?
Starting point is 00:54:14 Tremendous The things we do because we love this shit Yeah, like you do and the people said you would you get paid then you have people say what'd you get paid? And you know like 50 bucks you're an asshole. I wouldn't do it those people today I'm still talking about fighting or doing comedy But it's still worried about the fucking money like they never gotten they never understood That when you do something that you love, it's not really about the money. You don't care about the money. You live on yeah I'll live on your floor. Yeah, when I sleep right there
Starting point is 00:54:43 I'll do dishes and I cook and I'll fucking the motor lawn and you won't even see me at night Yeah, I won't get into two in the morning and I'll get up at seven and leave in the morning I'll go to the library and write jokes people don't understand that That's when you do when you love something. Yeah, you don't give us a dream Yes, and even though you can you believe that you fought in the bar one time? Like this was your dream to fight in Bellator the u.s.c. But wait a second for tonight. You're at a fucking bar Really? Yeah, really like that's that's but if they let him fight in a bar tonight We would go after here. We would go to the bar and I guarantee Mickey or I would want to fight in the bar
Starting point is 00:55:20 But that's just not where our lives went, but that still sounds like a hell of a good time. You know what I mean? Christ You know what I mean? It's like for a for a fucking For a bar tab or whatever. Yeah, I would totally do. Yeah fight for it. We just fight for a fight as a currency Yeah, get a sandwich go fight the barista or whatever And just fight like just fight like five different people no conditioning No, nothing. I mean like I have friends that would shoot steroids just on the weekends go beat up bounces Southern New Jersey
Starting point is 00:55:51 Like they will go down the shore the beat bounces up like all week. That's all they did was look wait We're either going to get chicks or we're going to get in a fight. Yeah, that's some of the chicks. We're gonna we're gonna go We're gonna scrap it someone. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I get it No, like in entirely and they have like bars that have like rings in it, right? And they'll have like anybody can like have like little fights inside the bars and like Yeah, I would totally do that if it wasn't like under contract or Now it's like a total dick move, but I I really uh, you see
Starting point is 00:56:22 Yeah, it's not cool, but The idea of it sounds still sounds good to me now. I would still do that That's how I feel like amateurs where like when we would fight no smokers all the time when I moved out here It was like you didn't even know you were fighting until like that afternoon. Like hey, you want to go to this thing make sure Sure. Yeah, I was like you jitted towards like the best that's when you got like the most experienced It was like hands-on like boom right now for a trophy Yeah, right you paid I paid probably like thousands of dollars like a kid. I did it with my son
Starting point is 00:56:54 I remember weighing in for A fight with my son and like the sling or whatever like a little baby swing like newborn And uh, yeah taking them to the fights You guys have fucking savages But that's just like what you said like it's the exact correlation with comedy, right? Yeah, you get it. It's it scares you a little but it's like the most rewarding fun thing to do I still get scared 27 years. Yeah 27 years. I still think about it
Starting point is 00:57:24 It could be a bar With nobody there or it could be in front of 300 people that paid 25 bucks to save me And the fear is still the same. Yeah for about A minute to a minute and a half Yeah, that's crazy because you're so and you're so fine. You're like 27 years. I still get anxiety I still think about quitting an hour before the show Think about I don't want to do this no right So I find like really big crowds and like big shows all over the world right in big fights and I was like shocked how
Starting point is 00:57:58 How fucking nervous I was uh before this Uh, hi rollers. Hi roller this fucking jujitsu tournament. I did it, you know my buddy We just put the the gi on like a month before the tournament. Everything else was you know, right? And uh, dude, it's actually really fun all the grapplers have to smoke pop before they compete. You asked me Yeah, I was telling you that he called me. He was there. Yeah, he asked me if I wanted to go down I had to kid that they want they'd love you to be a part of it. I love for you to be a part of it They like they're like an auto did the uh, yeah, he was the emcee They would love you to do that too if you're ever you're interested thing, you know, it was like pay you
Starting point is 00:58:34 It was like maybe like, uh, you know 500 people there or whatever the most coolest jujitsu tournament I've been to because all the other jujitsu tournaments are like stressful and like ah, we're like, you know what I mean Like uh, it's it's brazilian's yelling at you and like borrow stop. Bye. Bye. Bye. Here. It's everyone's smoking pot around It's chill and they had you know, they had stars DJ music playing like yeah, it's really cool big lawn and masked out put together a really cool thing Now I wasn't be real involved in also be real tv was what it was it had what? over 58,000 views
Starting point is 00:59:06 58,000 views like for a live stream bigger and bigger. I'm gonna do one of them I'm gonna do a combat jujitsu slap some motherfucker One of these things, uh, I want to do it. I'll do it for I'll do it for high rollers. But yeah, exactly the exact, uh Like ebi does the combat jujitsu Yeah, so I'm jujitsu with jujitsu with bitch slaps. I'm gonna put someone out What do you weigh joe me when you walk around that 210 210 to 208 to 11th I'll roll with joe at the next high roba. Yeah. Yeah. All right. That's something. I'll be the main event
Starting point is 00:59:40 I'll be the main event. No. No. No. No. It's the prelim prelim That's the main event. Are you kidding star power between terrible terrible? And I got to start with him and close god because he's a fucking skinny dude. He's a very fucking guy How bad does everybody expect me to be? Oh, you're just gonna roll over me the next event. Oh my god. What do you weigh? I got you, motherfucker. Oh my god Joe's great. Joe's great. Joe's great. Remember I watched this cake bar. I'm like, Jesus, Dr. Christ But anyway, so like we did that tournament we were saying like I was fucking hella nervous and a couple and I was like It was because I'm smoking weed like right now or what was it? But it was just it was just completely different. Um
Starting point is 01:00:19 Jiu-jitsu is not my That game, you know, and then so we I didn't even all my all of my jiu-jitsu has been like no G and then we put the gear on for like a week before honestly We started using the G like like three weeks before the tournament Well, I hadn't seen this motherfucker in a G ever and I was wearing he's wearing it three weeks because I'm due to jiu-jitsu tournament I'm like, okay. Let's you have do you have a G? Yeah, you put it on and did his thing It was awesome You guys were saying it's fun, which I can't even really
Starting point is 01:00:47 Imagine but I was like, what is it like because I've bombed on stage. What is it like when you're losing a fight? Is that still fun? Yeah, I so I I lost my first fight and even though like just like the rush and the like Getting to like I like I feel I do still feel like I get to Fucking assault someone I get to in front of all the people want to watch me and seem to do my thing I get to try and hurt them as bad as I get to try and you know within the rules that like try and kill them I think it's a it's a it's an awesome thing to be I no other way
Starting point is 01:01:20 I'd want to spend my 20s and 30s, you know fights. I lost were like so like You're so wrapped up in that moment. You can't really think about whether or not like I'm winning or I'm losing And then you know you wake up and it's over and you're like, oh fucking off. This sucks, you know But yeah, I don't I like block those Like out of my like memory completely the highs are high and the lows are low. Don't think about it, right? That's the hardest part because the listening to the come on. I want to go for fun Listening to the comedy fighting comparison
Starting point is 01:01:52 That's the only one that I think is maybe different because if I have a bet said I have to get up again I can do it either that night or the next night. Well, these Oh, they can't but if they could they would they'll fight that motherfucker in the locker room. Let's do it again Right. Yeah, that's just your style. That's just your style. You're like, hey, wait a second. Something wasn't right. Let's do it again Yeah, especially if you get caught and you get knocked out when you wake up You're not like hurt. You're not whatever you're confused as fuck and then you're just mad instantly that you lost But you didn't you know, it wasn't like you got beat You know, you got broken down and your hand got raised like you were ready to kill him
Starting point is 01:02:29 And then you got knocked out and then you woke up later and you're still ready one of the kill of me Do you remember when you were in the fifth grade and somebody came to you and said mickey Joe Diaz was talking shit about you. He wants to meet you three o'clock behind the school Wait a minute. Those fights those are the first two hours And then you got the whole day of school to think about it. Oh my god, then you were looking at the whole I know that's on now and you get it in school suspension But I still remember being in the sixth grade and fighting this kid for like 20 minutes And getting beat 20 minutes
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yeah, like I had a bloody nose and a black eye But I kept fighting this motherfucker And the next day we were both in class and the teacher goes, what happened to you fucking youtube We were both looking we went through a fucking war Because I kept clocking them in the head over here for some reason I kept throwing overhead rights You have to go through. Yeah That was one of the worst feelings I ever had you said fifth grade sixth grade sixth grade But before that when I was in new york city out
Starting point is 01:03:32 I used to fight ruination every other fucking day for about a year And then when I would go to hundred forty eighth year I get into fist fights up there This fight in the sixth grade traumatized. Yeah trial. He broke my nose. He brought he busted my lip I busted his eye. I busted his head I think I cut his lip, but he got the best of me. He busted my nose. My nose isn't bad fucking shape for a while Yeah And then guess what happened when my mother died he took me in
Starting point is 01:04:00 Really that became your buddy. We end up becoming better. There is definitely a bond you you know I like I feel that with my training partners, especially, you know I mean like there's definitely a bond you get by beating the shit out of each other all the time punch each other in the face The problem was that he got into he got baited into this fight for no reason Until this day, I can't figure out why we fought and he felt guilty immediately like afterward like the next day It was against him. He was a very nice kid. You know, he's still a very nice kid Let me get some shout outs while he's in there real quick. Yeah. Yeah To my man, dude, bro, you bad motherfucker pat shea
Starting point is 01:04:36 free game michael traga rich himes The second gino at speed weed my brother henry yip mulla New new verks neo neo neo vercos from my man from facebook Bethany brian and christopher walken I also want to thank my man sky cunningham Don't forget to donate to his gofundme page. She's coming out here. We need to take care of the whole fucking deal
Starting point is 01:05:04 And that's it. You got to get back in here my brother. Huh? You want to get back in here, joe? My brother was a real pleasure you cut it down here. I'm happy you Finally made it down any time you have a fight or anytime you're in the neighborhood I want you to stop by and say hello It's a real pleasure. Like I said, I've always loved to watch your fight And when I saw you at burbank airport at that time, yeah, I don't believe that story. That's that's that was hysterical That's when I pulled up. I'm like, oh my god. That's fucking joe shilly. I was like a little kid It was like seeing a Pittsburgh stealer for the first time. Oh my god
Starting point is 01:05:42 So I went into the airport. I go that wasn't joe shilling and then I saw you with your family Oh, that is fucking joe shilling. I call rogan And I go joe shillings at the airport and shit He's like, go say hello, man. He knows what you are. Yeah, you should have said what's up I'm not fucking saying all of that fucking guy dog that guy just looked up You know what I'm saying? He just looks scary without that the first time made you was at comedy store and uh Yeah, I think you might even mention that story and I was just so like pumped up the unit who I was I would have been stoked when I saw you there. Oh my god. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:13 I just at the airport you see so many people so many people come up to you and bother you Don't leave me going up to them ballers and show like that You have probably looked hella mad too. I'm like, uh, when I'm traveling. I do not look happy joe connoisseur resting dick things I have like a resting like you had your family No, no, you had your family with you. Your family is beautiful Your boys had hats on you were having like a good time with them. You have like designer jeans on and shit You were doing your thing and you know, man One thing what this in this
Starting point is 01:06:44 New world that we live in It's great. I want you to say hello to me Especially we listen to the podcast but do me a favor. Look to see what we're doing first Right. Yeah, look to see what there's definitely a time and a place. There's a time and a place for everything You know what I'm saying? I'm a fan of his I watched him fight. I saw him on rogan. I went fucking nuts I didn't even know joe know you I didn't know joe knew that whole world. I'm like, oh my god I told you I called him afterward I I still wouldn't go up to him mama
Starting point is 01:07:12 But I'm not that type of person. We never do that. It's so weird how somebody will come up. Yeah, there's a point in a level I love mickey, but that doesn't mean if I see an airport at six in the morning I'm gonna come grab you by the arm I think it's a certain like I because I know like I'll get Recognizing all the time like oh sometimes almost every day and I would never go But I could think of there's no one I would think to go up and go that I've never meant Like hey, I know you as the ba-ba-ba So that's why I feel like anytime like someone that comes up and says some of us
Starting point is 01:07:42 I'm always like the nicest ever. You know what I mean? Like I'm like for someone to want I can't I can't think of anyone I would want to do that too go up and be like hey, dude. I ba-ba-ba. You know what I mean, right? I'd want to but I'd be I Get you nervous. I chased James Colburn when I moved here He was me and rogan. He was an actor. I go rogan step on it. I'll stab you in the fucking lung We chased him like for three blocks And I ended up doing a fucking um of a tv show with him Who was it james? What coburn coburn coburn james coburn was one of brucey's students
Starting point is 01:08:14 I'm not with steve mcqueen And he fucking uh, he was just he had great movies. He did all of these creeps arm and flint He was he did a bunch of movies and I always thought him like charles bronch and were gods When I came here, I saw him on sunset the fucking acura the nice one And we were adam at a light. I go Joe rogan look to your fucking right. Look who it is It's james motherfucking God damn And we chased him a little bit he fucking felt it and he just took off
Starting point is 01:08:46 That motherfucker could drive who's doing like 90 and then like a year later. I booked harliss And uh, every time I went to shoot my role they kept saying got canceled the star is sick We're gonna pay you anyway. I got canceled three fucking times, bro Finally they called me they're like we're shooting monday And they go he's okay now and I go who am I shooting with they go your scenes are all with james coburn I'm like you're fucking kidding caught you motherfucker. I finally got him you fucking kidding me Yes, you extra buddy though. You make sure my three times. He got me three times paid Nice, I didn't I saw him. I didn't say dick to him the whole day
Starting point is 01:09:25 We shot our first scene that night After dinner we shot and he was still like vibrant He had like a six hour break like he shot early and then they gave him like six hours We had dinner then it was just me and him in the room for two hours And I talked to him a little bit. I didn't break his balls. I just you know Then the next day I opened up on him and he was dynamite We talked about bruce lee started crying and shit. Fuck yeah Fuck he goes you have no idea. He goes you have no idea who that dude was
Starting point is 01:09:54 You have no idea what he was like his energy when he walked in the room He goes that dude was like superhuman. He was just breaking it down and I remember rolling the joint And like dying to ask him like we gotta smoke this And I had like a chinese wife or an asian wife or something And at the end of the day he asked all the guys anybody got any marijuana around here and I gave it to the producer I go give this to the producer gave it to him and shit And that's my fucking uh, james koban story. Nice. And then I got another movie And he's in the fucking movie
Starting point is 01:10:30 And I go My mind's going crazy trying to figure out who he is james. I'm picking james koban our man flint Wait till you see this fucking sandwich I would actually probably uh, if I saw the rock I'd probably be like go up to him. Yeah, but I'd like he'd be like standing there. He'll probably say something to you Yeah, he'll probably say something to you. Yeah, he he yeah, actually I see the rock with a fucking chick that's hot I'm not gonna say something Right, right, right, right, right. Exactly. Exactly. If he's with a chick, I'm not gonna
Starting point is 01:11:02 But I'd probably just think I'll look at you I mean the rock probably gets all day. Yo, so on when I fought sage north cut they gave us a question. They're like, uh They're like, um, if you go fight anybody, who would it be? alive or dead and I said bruce lee and the rock and then Um, they like tagged the rock and stuff and he like tweeted back. He's like, oh, I love this tough bastard Ba-ba-ba and then after I beat sage, he like sent me another like, uh another tweet I just be like, yo, congrats tequila's on me. Ba-ba-ba. So I still never got those tequila's though. So all right He owes me there. He is right at the rock. So then tequila's baby
Starting point is 01:11:38 Guys, everyone reach out to the rock. What's up with my tequila's? All right, him with a tuxedo. That's him and our man flint He got old at the end, but he was a bad mother fucker This guy could act this fucking ass off guys He was in bruce lee movies. No, he trained with him and steve queen. We're like fucking bruce lee gurus and out What would I know him from a movie? A fucking uh, look at his imdb page. Let's see what we got for James motherfucker and cobra. Yeah, there you go skills
Starting point is 01:12:23 Actually that reminds me, uh, we also brought you a jaws or size. We'll show you it's just it's a little it's uh Have you see have you heard of the jaws or size those size jaws or size? Uh, me and joe fuck with this thing. Uh, oh jamey'll grab it, but it's this uh, it's this it's like this new little uh Like it's this it's this thing to like actually train like your jaw your neck and get like it's so when you're getting punched I think it's a fucking game changer Uh, we got yeah, but just uh, yeah, we got you one. You're like, yeah, we're sure Yeah, you guys are fucking put a young term under this fucking guy I think all this was his last movie
Starting point is 01:13:01 Really? Yeah, is this it right here? It's just thing you like bite down and it's your fucking that yeah, this is like a fucking one of those balls You're putting girls mountains We'll give this to Eric we'll give Eric is our gay friend. He says he uses these balls all the time gay friends You might choke on that one. He might like that though. He might be into that. I don't know Yeah, he did move, you know, he did like fucking shit that his big movies. Yeah, he never thought of that, did you?
Starting point is 01:13:29 It's fucking great. Arliss was his last TV 174 fucking credits he had Damn, but scroll down to the 60s. Those are his movies. Oh shit. I've seen these movies. Yeah. No, you haven't seen none of these movies Yes, I have snow dogs cuba gunny jr. Come on Classic I'm happy you guys came on in tonight, man. Thank you very much both these Let me know when you're fighting whenever the fuck you're doing anything We're gonna see you at muscle. We'll see you on Friday Friday Friday. Let me talk. Fuck you. Where can they follow you Joe? Where can they hit you with questions or whatever?
Starting point is 01:14:03 I fucking did it again. What'd you do? Oh, man. You don't know your shit. No, I forgot to fucking say remember I had this uh Never mind. Whatever. It's uh, joe. It's on instagram joe underscorsionally And where can they get a hold of you mickey? At mickey gall mickey like the mouse. Well, no, I should have changed that just mickey, huh? m-i-c-k-e-y mickey g-a-l-l See mickey mouse is mickey mouse. You just fuck. I'm just fucking mickey. That's it. I like the last name You're like prince mickey. They know other mickey's mickey. What is people fuck up my name too? The other guy's done. It's gall people fuck that up. Ha ha mickey gar
Starting point is 01:14:40 Well, that was we saw it with this uh, this agent guy's like, oh, hello mickey gar What's this uh, oh man Yeah, we went map around we went shooting with map round two, you know map round the portal Dude's a fucking savage. He's surgical. He was He's nasty. So you've been having fun out here, bro. Yeah, I'm learning a lot man. I'm working with the best Do what I should be, you know, and then you're going home for a couple weeks Yeah, good. I'll be home for the 4th of july my little baby sister's birthday and back out back out Probably for like the rest of the summer july through august
Starting point is 01:15:13 If I can't, you know Get no work. All right, brother. Well, it's always a pleasure to see you guys Always thank you for stopping by the church. Thanks for having us bro. It's fucking dynamite. I love you, brother. Fuck this Love you, buddy. He's a fucking savage. All right. I want to thank our sponsors Fuji sports.com if you need a gi mats shin guards Boxing gloves and to make whatever the fuck you need Fuji's got it for you number two
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Starting point is 01:17:27 Go to for hymns.com right now right now My listeners for one month. I'll get you one month of hymns for five hours five hours right now While supplies last see the website for full details This would cost you 100 hours if you went to a doctor hundreds of dollars if you went to a doctor or a pharmacy Me i'm gonna hook you up right now. I'm gonna take care of you. It's over go to for hymns.com right now slash joey again That's for hymns.com slash joey again. That's for hymns.com slash joey I want to thank joe schilling. I want to thank mickey just mickey, bitch And I want to thank the christ killer. I want to thank you guys for listening for being family
Starting point is 01:18:11 We'll talk to you guys next week. Have a great weekend. Don't forget south point the 13th and 14th Las vegas bitches and then i'm at wise guys the end of the month Friday and saturday the 27th over there in salt lake city I want to thank joe. I want to thank hymns.com and i want to thank fuji sports.com I want to thank all you motherfuckers. Have a great weekend. Stay black wash your muffler And don't forget me. All right, kick that fucking meal. Lee. Thank you, uncle joey. Thank you, brother Oh
Starting point is 01:19:30 I Have a woman to kind of marry Oh Oh Oh Yeah Oh Oh
Starting point is 01:23:30 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

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