Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #653 - Duncan Trussell

Episode Date: January 28, 2019

Duncan Trussell, a comedian and the host of the "Duncan Trussell Family Hour" podcast, joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. This podcast is brought to you by:   Squarespac...e - start your free trial today. When you're ready to build your website go to www.squarespace.com/church for 10% off your first domain or website.    Onnit.com. Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.    Recorded live on 01/27/2019.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 greetings from podcastville it's Monday the 28th of January you bad motherfuckers the church of what's happened now is brought to you by Squarespace are you ready to start a new business you want it to stand out we'll get started with Squarespace think it dream it make it with Squarespace destiny is calling it says you need a new make our new website so do me a favor make it with Squarespace the future is coming make it brighter with Squarespace what I'm gonna do is this a lot of people don't even know what Squarespace is you could create a beautiful website turn your ideas into
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Starting point is 00:01:55 now and press in church bam and get 10% delivered to your motherfucking house all right take this fucking muley oh shit here you go you thought we were coming out light on a Monday morning are you fucking kidding me or what cuz at the end of the day it's the truth groove is in the heart oh the contround oui here we go Baby Dunkin fucking trust on a Monday morning. Who's better than us? Ah, thank you for having me man
Starting point is 00:03:12 It's so cool. This is so wonderful to finally be on your show. This is the first time you've been at this studio Yeah, that's right. Have I been on your show before? Yeah on the phone, but not in studio alive It's not in studio. Oh, I wanted the ice out the night that you sent us and we did the acid Sent us the video. That's right transgender guy. Yeah with Harry. You couldn't tell me what he had a pussy I don't think he was transgender. I don't know what he was a small penis. He started singing dancing He's just dancing. I sent that to everybody I remember it was a great joy to hear you laughing and knowing I sent that to you It was awesome. And the only person who got pissed at me to send it to him was Rogan
Starting point is 00:03:52 I got tons of Christians on there. Rogan was like, what the fuck? How you doing? I'm good, man. I'm doing good. Congratulations on father. Thank you I mean When I had my child you were the first one at the hospital with a camera. Yeah with the breakfast That's right. We spoke about the future and here we are six years later in the seats of reverse Unbelievable What do you think? When was the child born? The third Just what do you think? It's the best 25 days into father. Yeah, what are you thinking so far?
Starting point is 00:04:24 it's well, it's like I have had more experience with death than birth so because I've I've watched both my parents die and What's wild about it is? It reminds me this thing I heard opposite stand back to back and so there's all these similarities in birth and death that are it's the complete opposite so in death you've got the hospice worker who comes in birth you have the midwife in Death when people are dying They like something else enters the room like it's amazing. It's beautiful. It's calming. It's the opposite of what you might think
Starting point is 00:05:05 It would be it's like It reminds you of something. It's that sense of like, you know, you can almost remember a song But you can't remember it, but it's it's like what is this? This is something. I've know what this is But it's surreal, you know, it's like There's a thing you ever heard of a fay light you ever heard of fay like no So when someone's dying they have a kind of light around them sometimes I had this guy on who does who studies? Death people who come back who like were brain dead or their heart stopped and it's a fascinating phenomenon It goes all over the planet. They all report the same fucking thing, but I was Adam
Starting point is 00:05:40 I say when they come back So it goes so it's like you use the light thing you see a light you See yourself your body But you look different Then the way you look in a mirror because you're seeing yourself for the first time because when you look at yourself in the mirror You're just seeing yourself a reflection But in this way, you're like you see you look different apparently then you thought you looked and then I
Starting point is 00:06:07 Guess like hearing your voice for the first time on a tape recorder and then also you the what's called the life review happens which is you sort of We think of it in the movies they usually show it like you're like watching a TV or something and it's like, you know You're what like screwed or some shit watching what you did But there's more of a sense of not just watching but feeling the way you made everyone around you feel and So you feel the way you made the people around you feel and there's some justice in there and some sadness in there and some You know love in there and joy in there and just feel how you impacted the world while you were there and then
Starting point is 00:06:50 Then a like universally this is around the planet. They report this a fucking like Monkey comes running out of the darkness and fucks your mouth for like ten minutes And then that's usually you wake back up in your body, but the monkey thing. They don't talk about a lot It's really fucking weird But that's you know, that would ruin it I would fucking ruin it for me. I don't know my life. I just remembered all the highlights of my life that I yearn to see Yeah, there was a movie that was released in the 70s called beyond and back And I've never been able to find it
Starting point is 00:07:23 And it was in the movie theaters I paid to go see it about people who had death experiences came back and reported what they saw. Yeah, I Was involved in something when I was a kid where I Wasn't in the room, but I was tight with the brother and the mom the whole family She had a brain tumor That night she went into a coma or something like that Snapped out of the coma and said open the window my grandfather wants me to go She was tight with her grandfather
Starting point is 00:07:57 And they were like, what are you saying? And she's like just open the window my grandpa wants me to go pop up on She ended up living. She doesn't remember. I asked her years later We had grown up together and I go when you went under where did you go and she goes? It was just warm Yeah, she goes. I just felt warm So I've always believed you were saying that would cross the street from the funeral ball. That's right. I was like I've always Lived close to something to do with a funeral. I've always had Death around me and it's very sad
Starting point is 00:08:33 but it's Death and birth are very similar. Yeah, you do feel I've been in the room for two births and I've been in One room when somebody was dead. I found them dead and then I've been to tons of funerals. That's why I don't go to wakes Because of that feeling right but even at a wake There's a sense of warmth in the room. Yeah That's right. Even at a wake. I'm sad and morbid it is. There is a sense of warmth. Yeah Beyond warmth. I mean, it's a you know, we're we're We're just figuring things out here as a species
Starting point is 00:09:12 We're just figuring things out and one of the qualities of being a human these days is you just sort of naturally think We figured everything out, you know, like it's a thing you just say, oh, yeah No, no, we know now that this or that but we don't know anything man. We don't know anything I said this crow researcher on my podcast. She discovered the crows or necrophiliacs, you know crows fuck the corpses of dead Crows they just found that out. They didn't know that 5% of crows if a crows around a dead body 5% of crows will fuck it and then another crow will like land on the crow and fuck the crow They just found that out. That's like new data, but I was asking her other stuff
Starting point is 00:09:53 You know, she's studying birds and like there's so much We just have no idea and about birds do animals fear death. Do you think well the crows have funerals for like when it when a crow Encounters a dead crow it calls other crows into the area So all these other crows land around the dead crow and they react to it in a very specific way Elephants when they find bones they like lift them up and like seem to have some connection with them So there's like a few animals besides humans who sort of react to death with some sense of realizing that this is Sad this is mournful. This is there's something in it. That's poignant and and but you know, man
Starting point is 00:10:37 We're like we think so we don't know death is the great unknown big question mark We have no fucking idea what it is with some people think nothing nothing this absolute oblivion. You're gone forever I don't believe well, I think it's I don't either, but I think it would be a fucking hilarious if it is the truth with something But I've lived through as a 56 year old man tells me there's something out there. Oh, yeah There's people who look over us. There's angels. There's some sure there's something. I just did the Danny Brown thing and We talked about ghosts And I know for a fact
Starting point is 00:11:15 For a fact and this is Joey talking to you as a man What the house I grew up in the north bergen that house had ghosts and it disgruntled ghosts. Yeah Disgruntled ghosts that I had to move out of there for two years. I went to school. I lived that was my house My mother that was my family. Yeah, but I stayed at a friend's house The whole sixth grade year and half the seventh grade year. I stayed at my house. I stayed away from the house And then after my mother died It was when I found out that a guy killed himself in the garage He did the whole closed the garage and you know carbon monoxide and then when we were kids
Starting point is 00:11:59 We would walk around and there was woods and On our block. There was a big brick wall. Yeah, and they told us that it was an orphanage When we were growing up it was kind of somebody about seven years ago put something up on Facebook The real story about the giving that Orphanage and it was on giving that terrace in Charles Court And there was an orphanage that burnt down and a bunch of kids died in there. Yeah, so they just took that those two blocks One is a loop block one of those blocks that you loop around. Yeah, and giving that terrace is a dead end So they always said there was a tap to blood but bad block bad
Starting point is 00:12:42 Luck blocks. Yeah. So when I lived there, I my mother died the kid two doors died from me died When we were growing up Just something the energy even when I go down there now the house is the sale Oh, the house is the sale your original house. Yeah, well, I grew up I just I still got it on my phone the picture houses for sale. They want 350 I thought about it for about two minutes. I know I'd have to sink 200 into it To modernize it right 2019 I thought about it, but then I thought about what lived in that house
Starting point is 00:13:17 What was really really really in that house? Yeah, and I put a confession Have you I heard this shit on art bell the best explanation for ghosts ever which was It's actually not ghosts. It's uh Time is happening at once And so like in a place where some shitty thing happens Because like we perceive time as like being in the moment that we're in right now But that suicide Is like on repeat
Starting point is 00:13:44 It's happening over and over and over and over and that's what a ghost is a ghost is just like a kind of echo A temporal echo that's sort of like trapped in this dimension and is bouncing around in there It's like not so much an entity though on the other hand, man I've talked to many people who say well, yeah, maybe but there's fucking like a whole ecosystem so to speak of sentient disembodied beings that are around us at all times and you say that you sound crazy You know, but it wasn't that long ago that people didn't know there were germs. They didn't know there's bacteria
Starting point is 00:14:20 You know, they had no idea. They didn't know you should wash your hands. They didn't know there was and if you started saying Oh, you know, there's like tiny little evil beings that are actively trying to kill you That if you just wash your hands There you have a you're not going to get sick as much People look at you like you're out of your fucking mind. What are you talking about? There was a there's a doctor who started recommending that Uh, other doctors wash their hands before surgery You know when they're delivering babies because the infant mortality rate was so high and you figured out like oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:14:51 If your hands are dirty, are you fucking playing me? Look it up. There used to be a saying a gentleman Does not wash his hands. You know, I'm saying what year this change what year that this finally I don't know the year I don't know about you. I've been washing my hands since 19. Fuck it. I feel dirt on my hands. It drives me crazy I think it was lee that's saying that he doesn't like jelly On his hands. I don't like anything sticky. Uh, yeah 1847 the first practice, uh, you fucking serious Yeah, man, I just just knew I don't like my hands dirty No, dude doctors were like would have their fucking hand In a dead body just like what the fuck is this? They didn't know what it was yet
Starting point is 00:15:31 It was like to get just to get the right to look into a dead body at the time. It's not like it is now Uh, and then then like they would go deliver a baby with like fucking nasty corpse blood all over him and just They don't just pull the baby out and the fucking mother would get like, you know, the very least vaginosis or something And the baby would get sick this doctor ended up in a mental asylum He went crazy because he knew he was right and other doctors are like, what are you talking about? We don't need to wash our hands and like he went nuts because he knew he was right Is there still a lot to be discovered if everything feels so advanced now? I'm like, well, there's not much left To be discovered. Is there anything? Well, this is the great that yeah that you know, everyone's like talking about conspiracies all the time
Starting point is 00:16:16 This conspiracy and that conspiracy but the real conspiracy is the one against yourself Or you trick yourself into thinking we've figured it all out And it's insanity. We haven't figured out shit, man Like half like a huge part of the planet's covered in water We don't know it's down there. You think we know it's down there. We don't know it's down there Then then there's huge swaths of the planet that are covered in um Trees, you know and only just now we're kind of figuring out not to mention the fucking ice When that stuff's melting now, we're seeing like formations and structures
Starting point is 00:16:50 Finding mammoths and shit in there But you know, it's convenient to imagine that because you saw like five episodes of cosmos You now understand everything about the planet not to mention like just the Obvious shit right in front of us, which is that dolphins have a language that we don't know but they're talking to each other Crows talk to each other They talk to each other, you know, they're clear saying shit and they sound just like I don't know what that is Meanwhile, we're like trying to listen aliens We've got massive satellites china just like invested all this money and these insane fucking satellites to try to pick up some alien
Starting point is 00:17:29 Transmission you think animals you think cats talk to each other I I think they work more telepathically Cats yeah, look at my I had one situation where I broke up the brothers Both of them are dead now But when we moved we made a mistake and broke up the brothers terry took one brother in one car And I took the brother in my car and I beat traffic before her and I brought him into the apartment first I'll never forget this and I let the three cats I had loose
Starting point is 00:17:59 And harry was looking for his brother And he started making a distinct noise. I never heard again Like he just started going into an anxiety and he was making this Yeah, and it wasn't a hiss and nothing. It was just this really weird thing And when terry brought demia and let demia they both went up to each other and started making that noise I never heard them do it again weird and I knew that that's when I learned the bond between them I knew that if something would happen to the other one the other one couldn't handle and sure enough one One died the other one died three weeks later
Starting point is 00:18:40 That's crazy. I'm not a very religious person but Like the older I get it's unmistakable how like how energy is real And like how there is a connection between things like is it possible to believe In all like this stuff like you were talking about like ghosts and and energies But like maybe not be like religious and believe in god. Are they separate things or are they the same thing? Uh, yeah, I don't like yeah, like I think you can Definitely like, you know, have you ever heard of robert anton wilson? No, he's great great writer
Starting point is 00:19:12 Really interesting dude. You know who that is robert anton wilson. He was a fucking brilliant philosopher um, and uh, you know, he's he like has A lot of great books one of them is called cosmic trigger, but he talks about like the illuminati right and he says What is it you explain the illuminati to me from scratch from scratch? I do not know what half these people are talking about. Yeah, he bravo talks about it. Yeah Well, I mean there's a talk about it. It's his there's a lightning on the illuminati. I'll try I mean from what I've read You know, there's like a historic Illuminati, I think started in bavaria, you know, which was basically, you know, we have
Starting point is 00:19:52 free mason's masonry and the illuminati Uh, it was some kind of society that's I can't remember the guy's name that was connected to the mason's and so um, that's like the you can wait, you know wikipedia the illuminati it pops up It's not like a thing someone made up. It was just like a there's I guess the best way to put it is uh There's a saying as above so below, right? So if you want to understand or in
Starting point is 00:20:21 small things all things so To understand the illuminati You could probably think about like the university system the way that works, which is like if you want to go to a university you've got to Have good grades in school and not just that if you have to demonstrate certain qualities Like if you want to go to like the ivy league schools And then if you do that you you sort of get admitted into the university and then you get like high level data given to you that other people
Starting point is 00:20:50 Maybe have access to But they don't get Taught it in the way that it's taught at those schools by just like, you know People who are just super geniuses, you know and some of the great ripples in society happen because of the things going on in universities You know the fucking unabomber for example kaczynski, man Look that shit up if you want to trip out that guy was like getting mk altered by this professor It was at harvard. It was getting paid to do These weird tests to figure out if you could break down somebody's identity
Starting point is 00:21:21 You know because they wanted to the ideal thing would be like if you can capture somebody An enemy soldier and not just fucking interrogate him But wipe his mind temporarily and put things inside of him so that when you send him back He would do crazy shit like a time bomb or something Who knows what but they were really interested in the identity people think When they hear this they think no that never happened It's all documented. You can look it up freedom of information act. Just look it up. It's all right there Online mk ultra fucking documents about the many attempts they made and some of the weirdest shit you ever heard
Starting point is 00:21:58 Fucking kaczynski was being like unethically Experimented on by this professor. I can't recall his name Kaczynski got into harvard when he was 16 You know, he got into fucking harvard on a mathematics scholarship at the age of 16 fell under the spell of this like crazy ass mad scientist professor Who was doing shit to him that I don't think he'll ever know You know putting him in rooms and complete darkness for long periods of time
Starting point is 00:22:26 Getting him to tell all his secrets and then humiliating him stuff like that so kaczynski Scientology Well, I mean science all like what do you mean? Scientology takes your secrets. Oh, right when they uh, the brief few it's called. They go through that system They take your deepest secrets and then they hold them against you. Yeah that well that you know a confessional All of it. The concept is pretty good though. It's like secrets are when you feel ashamed
Starting point is 00:22:57 It's a lot of cognitive weight to carry around if you have secrets it feels bad Like you don't you know, there's a sense of like it sucks. It's not a great feeling. It's it's a lot of it's weight You know, you're carrying weight when you when you have a lot of secrets, you know So there's some there's good sides to it and bad sides clearly in this case Bad sides, you're not supposed to humiliate someone when they tell you they're great secrets. You're supposed to forgive them That's the idea but kaczynski, you know, you went we all know what happened with him, but yeah, so universities They take people in train them up in this way or that those people go out in the world and they become presidents They become scientists, you know, and they do all kinds of crazy shit
Starting point is 00:23:35 Hopefully for the better. That's the that's the idea for the betterment of society. They've got they gathered all this like You know specific data, you know about some small branch of like oncology or something, you know, they've gotten this deep focused Very expensive education and then they go and hopefully cure cancer, right? That's the idea of a universe. So with the Illuminati Uh, you could it's kind of like uh, you could you could ask yourself. What do you think happened first? The university system Ivy League university system. You think that just appeared suddenly schooling people giving people secret information like giving people like the big downloads
Starting point is 00:24:14 No, it's been around forever, you know, which is why there was You know masons the secrets of the carpenters and people who just built shit. There were no books You would like become an apprentice. I'm like, what is a mason because those are the people I yelled at that night You yelled at the free masons. I don't I there was a big church. I don't know what That's the YMCA there's a church And I just beat them all outside with torches and I beat them and call them cock suckers or something on the way there They're not I think masons are like a group. Isn't it like Richard Pryor was a mason. Really? Yeah So what is a mason exactly? I mean, I you know, I don't really know they're pretty secretive, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:24:51 Well, they say we're not a secret society. We're a society with secrets but they uh, they're just a fraternal brotherhood of people who have been stigmatized in a pretty intense way but just because they have secrets because they like uh, or apparently engage in some kind of disciplined practice that is uh, helping them understand What it means to be like a contributing member to society basically like their whole thing is like helping your community How come you don't have a mason? Um, well, my dad was a mason, you know, oh, my grandfather was a male in the south many people are masons
Starting point is 00:25:26 I mean the name mason you hear it all the fucking time, but stone masons, you know Uh, the the people who build all the cathedrals and the churches and stuff that you know We take it all for granted right like the fucking arches that hold up cathedrals. We see that shit We're like, oh, that's pretty that's beautiful But we don't realize like how significant in the history of architecture It was when people figured out how to do that how to like distribute weight in that way You know, it's fucking amazing, right and that used to be a secret how to do that. That was a secret and and um,
Starting point is 00:26:00 so, uh Then the reason for that being a secret I think was probably based on a few different things one would be I don't want to give you this information If you're not good enough to build one of these fucking things Because if I give you this information you go and try to build it you could kill people and that's going to be on my back That I gave you this information and you were like lazy or weak or whatever and then you fucked up And now everything falls apart, right? So I would imagine if there was some repository of information out there that was like Gave people's extra abilities or something like if there was like
Starting point is 00:26:39 Information maybe about what happens after you die or where we are actually in the universe or what dimension this is and why we're here And what's going on or and and there was some sense that if you told someone that They would either misunderstand it completely and then like go and yap about it to everybody and cause all kinds of problems or More often than not they might go nuts You know, they might not be able to handle it the mason's just men. It's just a men's group. It's a fraternal organization Yeah, which means just men just men. Okay. Yeah, and then so wait just just to circle back a little bit to the Illuminati What are they doing? Do they really control everything or is it just like a group of smarter people?
Starting point is 00:27:21 I don't know. I mean, I don't I have no I my my feeling with it is like Uh, you know If you look throughout history at the people who make a ripple in history for the better uh Martin Luther King Gandhi John Lennon What do they all have in common?
Starting point is 00:27:44 They all got assassinated They all got fucking shot So, oh, jesus. Let's throw jesus in there, right? So my feeling would be like Tupac anybody who is making big ripples and telling the truth in a really beautiful way inevitably gets oft right And so what you're seeing there is a brilliant person who has contacted truth with a good heart who wants the world to be better and
Starting point is 00:28:16 actively pursues that goal Successfully to the point where they rise into the mainstream And things do begin to change a little bit because of them And then look what happens Some fucking asshole shoots them and so my guess would be that If there is like a continuum of intelligence And if you don't think there's a continuum of intelligence, you're fooling yourself, man. Some people are
Starting point is 00:28:43 Really smart I've been around them and some people are, you know, very distracted, you know, to put it nicely and so I would imagine that the very smart people Scanning the world and looking at what happens when you overtly try to change the world They're like, I don't want to get fucking shot. I love the world But is it so effective To enter the world and start telling the truth if nine times out of ten you get blasted Before you finish the job
Starting point is 00:29:16 So, you know, do they control everything? I don't know But I would guess that because in nature Camouflage the ability to camouflage is such an important A trait when it comes to evolution You know when it comes to surviving that I would imagine that there were probably some highly intelligent people Who were more than likely connected via some kind of I don't know what some system No conspiracy theory here. Do you think like Joplin
Starting point is 00:29:48 Hendricks and Jim Morrison's that took connected in any way If you had to make a hypothesis like a fucking If you read documents the day is leading up to it or something. Yeah, man. I don't know why everyone I don't even know why that's fucking surprising to people. Look at Caesar Look what happened to him Stabbed to death, you know, look like a powerful people are often murdered throughout history I don't know why suddenly people think that it's like Beyond the pale that folks who had a
Starting point is 00:30:20 Any kind of charisma that seemed to be working against Whatever the particular system was or whoever was in power at the time and look at fucking Nixon You know, I don't know if Nixon was president when they died by the way I'm not sure exactly but look at the what he created what he the the the sorrow that fucking asshole harvested in his sick Uh prohibition of psychedelics not because he thought psychedelics were bad because he didn't like hippies and he didn't like black people And he wanted to figure out a way to arrest him
Starting point is 00:30:50 You know, you want to figure out a way to get into these like growing communities and like arrest them and you can't arrest people for ideas So you need some bullshit reason to do it. So it's like, oh, what do they all have in common? They're smoking weed. They're getting high They they're they're and also not only that but they're smoking weed and they're getting high and they're getting information from it and Even worse they're the information they're getting they're turning it into art And the art is changing society in a way that doesn't work if you're trying to run a fucking military industrial complex, right? and so
Starting point is 00:31:23 If you're running a military industrial complex your job is killing people So it doesn't seem beyond the pale that if you are a threat to like massive global organization that makes money from exploding people They would fucking kill you if they found you to be a threat. It doesn't seem that weird. It's like now. Is that what happened? I don't know But I wouldn't like if I heard it. I wouldn't be like, are you kidding me? That's crazy I kind of make sense did it happen. I don't know but Robert Anton Wilson to get back to your question
Starting point is 00:31:57 He recommends agnosticism, which is let yourself Think these things if you want it Use your mind to like contemplate and think about it But don't believe it all the way because once you do that that's a slippery slope, man And that leads to like a lot of embarrassment, you know, just ponder it We're allowed to speculate and look at the world and look at patterns For fun too. This is fun. I don't know. Were they assassinated? Maybe I could see why if I was running a military massive organization
Starting point is 00:32:31 And suddenly some like charismatic hippie was flopping around Making beautiful fucking music that was making people not want to go to work anymore and making war seem bad You know, I don't know if I was evil I might do a code to ranch lure whatever How do you have all this shit in your head? That's what I want to know I don't know. I love thinking about it. It's fun. Grab another water. Thanks, man. It's a joy to think about, you know Before you we started the podcast you were talking about indian now these indians and you know one thing I've always
Starting point is 00:33:12 You know, Rogan's not as spiritual as we are. I don't think I think Ari You and I are very spiritual. Yeah, we're very aware of our surroundings when I had bobby lee in here Uh, we spoke about it. Did you what did you feel at the store all those years? Not the harp on the comedy store guys I just wanted you to hear from the talent coordinator. We were talking about energies and entities before and Breakdown the energies and the ghosts. Yeah, you felt at the store and your ghost sighting if you have sure man. Yeah, sure
Starting point is 00:33:50 Uh, yeah, so it's like a thick energy. You know, it's like, uh, you know how you can like for people like It seems crazy when you start talking about this shit like clairvoyance or like, you know They used to call it being sensitive, you know in the sense of like, you know, they wouldn't call it even psychic They're called sensitive so the way to understand it if you've never like felt a haunted place though, I think most people have is uh Just think of the difference between hot and cold or think like when you walk into like a super hot Place like when you walk into a spa that feeling
Starting point is 00:34:24 Uh, you hit a wall of heat. It's like a very specific feeling. It's a dense energy in there So like the next time you're in a very hot place like that feel it that energy the shift the way that it feels weird It's a different feeling in there. The air feels different. It is different. I'm sure because of the heat So similarly if you use that exact same sense when you go into certain places Every once in a while, it's like you walked into a fog But there's nothing there, but you can feel it. It's dense. The energy's thick coiled up thick So the comedy source like that it's uh, the energy is
Starting point is 00:34:58 it's very it's uh Certain places have tendencies That's a good way to put it, you know, just like certain people have tendencies certain places have tendencies, you know repeating patterns so that one of the tendencies of the comedy store is it tends to create Really great fucking comics. That's one of its tendencies, you know, it gives birth Spits out these comedians every once in a while that like become
Starting point is 00:35:23 very successful and um, it has other tendencies too, right and uh, we know about the other tendencies that it has too so, uh, the energy there is very powerful and real and Uh, if you are very if you're even if you don't the worst thing is to not know you're sensitive To just think you're normal Oh, man, you are fucked if you go to that place because it'll start fucking with you a little bit and which is why all these like people who have A variety of mental illnesses would show up there throughout the years, you know
Starting point is 00:35:59 It almost would draw them to it, but I'll tell you man a ghost experience two ghost experiences that I had there one We would have clairvoyance come in there every once in a while like once a year a clairvoyant would come in and want to like Try to communicate with the spirit of the place because it's a legendary haunted place and so this clairvoyant comes and They're like, do you can we just walk through the building? I just want to see if I can communicate with the spirits here And so we're walking through the building and they're you know, they're doing the usual clairvoyant shit, which I'm pretty skeptical about, you know, because it's like if you name a certain number of names, you're gonna hit something
Starting point is 00:36:37 So the name stuff that they do, I don't know. I don't usually pay attention to it, you know Like I'm sensing a William brothers brothers some kind of brothers. There was a thin And also it's a researchable building. So it's like anything you say is not gonna Make me feel like it's proof of something if you're in a historic building But you know, that's the steps going up to the belly room. Yes And there's like a sign at the bottom of the steps there Uh, I think it's neon. It definitely has lights. I don't know what inside the outside So out inside the you make the right turn you go up those steps and there's there at least a sign
Starting point is 00:37:12 There's a neon sign, right? Okay. So they go by that she goes by that sign and stops And starts being like, oh, there's a there. It's it's uh, that's when she says brothers There's some kind of so someone there's something happened. She's like do it straight out of poltergeist shit And that was pretty weird, but you know pretty good act And then that fucking sign man It starts going It's reacting to I've never seen that sign do that That I saw it with my own fucking eyes now what that was I have no idea
Starting point is 00:37:46 But it creeped me out the other thing I saw there was uh Really interesting and I think you know when when people talk about the ghost of the comedy store They're thinking like Casper something with a sheet over its head or some kind of like You know stereotypical ghost concept um But if you think about it more in terms of like an energetic There's an energetic form there that repeats itself
Starting point is 00:38:17 This will make more sense and that's what the ghost is But I was like I was looking down the hallway at the belly room And I was just watching some comics and some dumb fight, you know just fighting you motherfucker They were like, you know, I don't I don't know the comics where they were like someone in a belly room show But they were in a pretty intense fight And I was just watching it I couldn't hear them They left right And then within like three minutes in that very same spot
Starting point is 00:38:45 Two different people got in the same fucking fight Same movement same like I'm sitting there watching like an echo Of the same fucking thing. I just saw with two different people Uh now assuming that this wasn't some conspiracy or some weird goddamn Freakish improv on the spot people were trying to fuck with some solitary belly room comedians sitting on the couch then that Indicates to me that there was like a kind of
Starting point is 00:39:16 Eddie like a ripple that was happening there like a little fucking energetic ripple That people who weren't protected or who weren't Who were a little too reactive when they were getting in it They were acting like it and then you know trying to make sense of it later That's the thing so many people just do shit and then they try to make sense of it later You know like they don't even know why they did it They just do a thing and then later they try to make sense of it You know that happens all over the planet
Starting point is 00:39:45 Like you if you've been watching this Ted Bundy documentary on not yet not yet a couple people hit me up on it Yeah, yeah, I was just so close. Well Let's end one story where I saw whatever I saw at the store was at the top Of the belly room. I was mitzi was in her chair in the main room And I didn't want to walk past her so I stood by the door watching where it was on stage And I felt an energy over my right shoulder And I kept focusing on the comic
Starting point is 00:40:16 But something was hitting my eyes Something was making that light not blink But like somebody was standing in front of it and when I finally did decide to look up It was like the person it was like kennison. They looked like a kennison type took his jacket Spotted like a cape and walked into the belly room and I was like, oh Shit, yeah, whatever I felt and I could feel his Cold air whatever
Starting point is 00:40:46 That was it. That was my only ghostly experience at the thing Back to bundy. This is the really weird thing with me When I moved to snowmass village in 83 I moved up there July 1st of 83 And you know, I adapted to the area within two months And one I had a friend that was a chef That's certain. So everybody's hired him. How he made his living in the winter Was peep would come in and they would hire him as a chef michael douglas sydney porter and people like that. Sure And he had jack nicholas his guy's name is brandy
Starting point is 00:41:25 And one night we were just walking to a bar that was called It was like the local watering hole on friday night in snowmass village and he showed me He showed me the hotel where bundy first took A woman from it was in snowmass village up in uh, see if you could find it bundy in snowmass village I think I just saw it on the documentary. I forget the name of the fucking A hotel. This is the reporter. Is this the reporter? He was like she was on the news I do not I don't remember all the facts and then
Starting point is 00:42:00 When he escaped from aspen county jail, I mean fucking no offense lee Lee is not a criminal and lee could escape from aspen county jail Okay, and lee's not a criminal lee could just walk out the door and trick right the wilderness and the wildwood in the wildwood in There you go. That's where he took the chicks from me broke it down for me. So now I'm up at aspen one day at The in-and-out the in-and-out was a restaurant that my buddy steve schivoni who still comes to my shows When I performed a buffalo of florida because he's retired now
Starting point is 00:42:34 He lives he was a cook at the time at this place. It wasn't even a cook. It was a sandwich What was the place called the in-and-out? It's not like in-and-out burger. It's not at all. This is 1983 Half the size of this place got you three people could stand in there one time in order of sandwich everybody else understands outside, right? and We were talking one day we were smoking a joint in front of the place Yeah, he showed me the window where bundy escaped from and crazy the path he took So now I go back to new york and get my problems. I then I start comedy and I moved to seattle And in seattle bundy
Starting point is 00:43:10 Had done some damage He did some real damage on seattle And one day i'm up in seattle and somebody goes to me. Hey Like somebody who lived in the area goes bundy Live like three blocks from here for like a month with a girl It was well known. It's like when I went to your house one time. You you showed me where the Tate lobby uncle murdered. Yeah up in glendale. Was it wasn't no that's up in um silver lake Jesus christ, I read that. It's not the tate lobby uncle. I don't think it's the other ones
Starting point is 00:43:42 It's like there's it's not the it's one of the murders. I don't remember what you murder. Yeah Jesus christ I read that book. I didn't think it was his neighborhood Helter skelter skelter till I moved here. That's scary. Shit. That's some scary shit. You know about creepy crawly No, so that's what I that's what it's like some of our neighbors at the time They've been there for they were right right that you were telling me when I went there I wanted to do a podcast You were living with a different girl then this is seven years ago. Yeah. Well, they the neighbors said
Starting point is 00:44:12 that all of a sudden They just like would notice these like fucking dirty hippies wandering around up there You know and it was the manson family They were like scoping it out and they noticed it, you know, they were like, oh, you know, it's not like they're gonna They're gonna blend in in that area. These are fucking this is the family man. These guys they've been drinking acid You know, they've been drinking lsd up at spawn ranch Saying shit like manson could like levitate school buses and like do you ever hear that story? No
Starting point is 00:44:44 Oh, yeah, that's one of the stories they said is like they like I think it's their school bus They were in got stuck in front of some rocks and manson levitated it and flew it over the rocks and shit Like they were high Was manson levitating school buses or were they just high on acid? I mean occum's razor tells us Fucking acid, but um, you know that thing where they were like That guy wanted to kill himself while he was fucking or something. He was fucking one of the manson girls and like he like She shot him in the face
Starting point is 00:45:16 And he came inside of her while he died or something. I mean these were like hardcore Hardcore cultists like the manson family was like it makes any other fucking cult. How many people were in the manson family? I'm not sure It's a great question. Whether they start they start right here in fucking california. Dude, it's weird Fucking manson was like teetering on the brink of being a musician He's hanging out with the beach boys One of the beach boys stole his fucking song, you know That song it's called like
Starting point is 00:45:49 Something his music is pretty good too. That's the other thing mansons music is not bad It's not like you could see how like with just like if you just made a left turn instead of a right turn And just met the right person We'd be talking about him the way we talk about fucking Neil young Sure Dude, he was hanging out the beach boys. That was one of the theories about the the house the rosemary's But the was the beyond no so he killed
Starting point is 00:46:18 The director of rosemary's baby's Wife pregnant wife wife. Yeah, right peanut butter. Who's the director not peanut butter? I'm so sad. I can't remember It's one of my favorite movies, right rosemary's baby. Yeah director Yeah, but the theory is and forgive me for the manson like trivia people out there if I'm fucking butchering this but Essentially the theory is They ripped him off man. They took one of his songs and they did Can you google that? Do you mind googling with song? No, I was just looking for the there's 12 of them So what do you want me to google google beach boys stole manson song?
Starting point is 00:46:50 No, shit. Yeah, I mean I would sell them over the top Well, he that's that house he went to he thought the producer he thought some producer was there It was a vengeance killing or something apparently. It was an accident to go to the house. That's one of the theories You know, but regardless these were some fucking. Did you find it? Yeah, uh It's the never learn hold on because I just want to do it. Um Yeah, his song cease to exist turned into never learn not to love Yeah, dude, they use chilling with the fucking beach. I've never heard that before so what so well, this is what I heard Fucking you invite manson to your party and he comes with a swarm of these
Starting point is 00:47:32 beautiful Crazy hippie girls, right? So he was always he was a cult leader. He was already a cult leader So he was so charismatic. So he had this like nice Orbit of these beautiful manson girls around him and like so he was getting you know He was kind of like rubbing shoulders with folks and like he was in it for a second, you know, and then um Yeah, so when you up in this neighborhood like all of a sudden like they notice these like weird hippies doing like cartwheels naked and shit They weren't just up there like You know, they weren't even trying they weren't even pretending to not be seen
Starting point is 00:48:05 They were doing like weird shit up there like hippie dances, you know making out in the grass some of them were naked But they were doing something called creepy crawlies supposedly which is like They would like break into people's houses and just go through their shit for fun like look at this man Look at this picture of this kid man crazy Like that and so yeah, and then they you know the murders started right, but um It's a really interesting story when you realize that manson actually had a brush
Starting point is 00:48:38 with the potential for fame Similarly, uh, the same thing happened with the fucking bundy man. He was a politician He was like getting into politics a little bit, you know, like you see this like rubber law school He went to law school or something. Yeah. Yeah, he was a lawyer something somewhere It snapped like how now See where the manson family started was in california I think it was california, right southern california, and then he recruited a bunch of and how big were they?
Starting point is 00:49:10 I'm curious how many people he had in this fuck 12 11 and then him So he had 12 people like the apostles Whoa, jesus had 12 apostles. That's not yeah california in the late 60s I imagine it was more than 12 though I imagine like, you know, it's not like people are like they're killing people up there mansons crazy It was more like They're these crazy hippies with amazing acid up at spawn ranch. You throw incredible parties. We should go hang out I'm sure there was like a lot. That's where they live spawn ranch. That's where they were. Yes spawn ranch
Starting point is 00:49:41 I'm not sure And then find out who was the director because I remember that she her name was polansky Roman polansky then he got in trouble for molesting a 16-year-old girl That's right years later, and he's not allowed back into the country. I knew there was just a lot They took a baby. I was still alive and they killed you want to hear the conspiracy theory about rosemary's baby Pig on the wall, right? Yeah, that's a creepy movie. You know the conspiracy theory about it You want to hear a really creepy conspiracy again when I say this I don't believe it necessarily It's just like I like conspiracy theories in the way. I like mythology. You know, it's interesting, you know
Starting point is 00:50:16 But one of the conspiracy theories about it is because they You know we're shooting this sort of like they got a little they you know these days you see these possession movies You know, they're embarrassing like the possession of Brittany Lindsay or whatever the fuck why like seven possession movies out there the possession of a man the french and it's just like there's this depiction of Satanism in it or the devil or spirits and it's just like you watching like that's such bullshit, man That's not what it's like
Starting point is 00:50:49 So rosemary's baby supposedly Was a little too they hit the nail on the head so to speak they showed a little too much about like how some of the shit goes down and because of that a message had to get sent which is like guys If you come to our party Don't put it on the screen, man. That's for your eyes only What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:51:12 Were you doing research when you came to our black mass? That was for your eyes only, you know now you're gonna fucking turn it into a movie No No And then that happened they kill you know because it's like it's so fucked up So fucked up. I mean, I don't think it's true. Well, no any level of it's fucked up. No, how much his eyes wide shut true Like I heard Eddie and a bunch of people talking one night about eyes wide shut the movie with uh The Scientologist great movie. I really love the movie eyes wide shut. How much is it true?
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah, he goes they have hollywood parties like that. Yeah, and it's a bunch of rich white guys with mask on You don't know who you're fucking have you heard of those things? Well, yeah, well, there's like what's it called? There's like some like club you could join in hollywood called nexium or something It didn't kick quickly tell us about that. It's like a it's like a swinger thing. Yeah, it's like swinger Dude, the the the reality of it is man, like it's No, I'm talking about motherfuckers that fuck you and they kill you Oh Brilliant pieces by san diego up
Starting point is 00:52:18 So the classic theory is this and I do not believe this but the classic theory is this And you can read about it in fear and loathing in las vegas that fantastic scene where hunter has thompson talks about having some Like drug that was extracted from the adrenal gland. Do you remember that that chapter, right? And he says he got I think in the when he writes about he says he got it from like some like cultists or satanists or some Shit, but that's called it. It's called adrenochrome is the name of it supposedly if you like take the adrenaline So if you take this shit out of someone who got murdered You get high as a kite and maybe there's some other shit that it does to you, right? This is all
Starting point is 00:52:56 Just conspiracy theory. All right, so somebody gets shot in in the street They take them to the hospital. What do you do? You take his blood? No, you take this like gland or something I'm not really sure. I mean, I was watching this wonderful fucking awesome documentary on nasa's connection to like the weird connection with like nasa and like the ss and the nazis and how the nazis were all like Super into the fucking occult man
Starting point is 00:53:27 Like they were like there's a thing called the thul society and stuff and like they were like really doing some crazy Shit over there besides like the horrific stuff they were doing. There's other stuff. They were doing just really weird shit and like, you know, what happened is uh, we won The war became a superpower Because we got all their scientists, you know the scientists the jewish scientists fled But many other scientists too And also a lot of those nazis like, you know, I can't remember which company it is like bear some shit or like
Starting point is 00:54:00 One of the aspirin companies used to like Make psycho again. This is i'm butchering it I don't know if this is true. So forgive me bear Like will you look it up too like bear and nazism or bear and like bear aspirin and like cyclon like a lot of these companies where it's not like This is the this is the scary shit man So The war ends
Starting point is 00:54:25 Thank god Germany has been crushed Thank god It's over. They're blowing up swastikas They won, right? And they have the the fucking trials where they hung a lot of those motherfuckers, right? They hung them. They killed them But they didn't kill all of them. So where'd they go? Where'd they go all those nazis?
Starting point is 00:54:48 Where'd they go man? That's what they say, right? So many of them like kind of went out into the world Also, what happened all the money they stole? Where did that go? Was it all Brought back did we get all the money back from those fucking occultist psychopaths? Where did the money go? Right? So this is one of the creepy things um In in you know conspiracy theory circles is just like what happened to all the nazis did we get them all There's a thing called the thul society
Starting point is 00:55:17 you know, uh Which was like some kind of channeling group that was getting information from entities about how to build Ships and crafts and stuff and like crazy shit now. This is where the problem is all the stuff is like All that i'm saying I've harvested what i'm really high off of incredibly Ridiculous websites, you know what I mean? So and also i'm so my articulation of it is probably not even accurate at all Uh, I get a little bummed out actually Uh, when I see people
Starting point is 00:55:55 Doing the sort of like satanic panic thing to people who practice magic, you know, uh, because I think it's like really fucked up, you know, like it's It's Bigoted I think and so what ends up happening is you see these like depictions of something very real which is that There ain't just fucking judaism and christianity and islam and buddhism in the world, man There's a lot of other religions too and a lot of other ways of connecting with the universe But when people engage in those practices
Starting point is 00:56:32 Then they get painted in this really dark Way as being evil Minions of the devil Like, you know cursed or something like that and I I find that to be like A real mischaracterization Of something, you know, would you ever consider joining a cult? I mean since you've been out here in california Have you met people have been in cults or anything because I don't think california There's a state that allows them. I think it's indiana
Starting point is 00:56:58 Or one of those I just told on the podcast before I dated a girl who grew up in a cult And I till this day don't Understand it all cults. Yeah, they just rereleased something about jim jones They just rereleased somewhere because I just saw I don't think it's netflix or something But I just never understood the whole cult thing and I was intimate with somebody for four years who grew up in a cult and her stories were horrific
Starting point is 00:57:29 I talked to her 20 times and Arresting her parents like I would tell you you should have your parents arrested It's a sad phenomena, man. It's like sad people the problem is people Don't know what they are, you know, they do yes, they do some people don't you cannot Look at me. We live in san francisco. I go to dunkins church I'm through with catholicism I tried being a Lutheran. It didn't work for me But this guy dunkin trussell. It's it's a religion based on
Starting point is 00:58:05 This and his whatever and I kind of dig it. Yeah, and I go there on sunday So I could feel good about myself. Yeah, I just want to feel good about myself Sure, and I don't want to be trapped in the catholic church. I want to be involved in my community Yeah, so I walk into dunkins church and I like what he says and lee kind of goes there with his wife and they dig it It's real low-key and it's yeah, it's christianity light. Sure. No and Next thing, you know, I'm giving you 10% And the next thing, you know, you come to me and you say you want to move the fuck in an island The whole cult. Yeah, and we pick up and go to join Jonestown, Guyana
Starting point is 00:58:44 yeah, you know like That's where I think the buck ends for me like that's where but he started having problems up in san francisco already Like when he went to Guyana, yeah, he was all it was already starting to come out and he had he was a horrible He had a horrible drug addiction. He was addicted to speed shooting intravenously Yeah, man Well, do they consider themselves cults? Like cult sounds almost like a negative like obviously they're couldn't some most of them are crazy I couldn't find out anything you think about after people you've met in the last 20 years in los angeles. Yeah
Starting point is 00:59:17 I say five percent of the people we've met They Could fall into they follow somebody. Scientology. Scientology has no Really religious base to it It's about it's based on a book by L. Ron Hubbard And you go in there and they put your next, you know, you spend an 80 thousand dollars a year Then when that's a cult, what's the difference between Catholicism and a cult? You go home after mass
Starting point is 00:59:47 Yeah, but you go home after Scientology. I imagine you go home after many Some people do once you get involved with it You're in there and then I think once you move in then you go into normal houses But just I've watched what leah says and I've watched a couple all that Uh, I've watched documentary on and I've watched leah Sometimes I've watched that show just because my question while i'm watching this fucking show Is that how stupid are you? Like I don't know and i'm sorry to be judgmental
Starting point is 01:00:17 But while i'm watching all these stories. Yeah, yeah, i'm sitting there going How stupid Are you? Yeah, like the guy had a fucking anaconda He took all of your money. He was selling parrots. He was like saying crazy shit when you which one are you talking about jim jones? I'm talking about or any of them like I grew up with like the girl I was involved with The more we dated the more we got high and drank She would break down and tell me little things right now again
Starting point is 01:00:46 If leah comes to me tomorrow and he goes, hey man, I love my experience with you here I think you're wrong. I'm gonna become a Scientologist. I wish him luck. Sure and whatever and there's nothing There's nothing I could do, you know Well, yeah, he came to me and said i'm quitting tomorrow me my wife and the two kids Moving on to the compound. I'm gonna have a problem with leah because the kids are innocent victims If this is your belief then join it then leave your wife and your kids to come home and do whatever the fuck you want But don't involve them in it. Can I play the role of a cult leader for a second? I'll argue with you so
Starting point is 01:01:23 So it's like here. We we're doing this thing called society. All right. I'm already kind of talking like manson We're doing this thing. It's called society, you know And uh, let's just look at society the normal pattern that people engage in right now Think about it. We live in a time period Where it's so expensive to buy a house That both parents have to work Right mostly so many people right now both parents have to work so
Starting point is 01:01:56 We are living in a time where the parents are not being Shipped off to a cult compound But they are being shipped off so to speak in their cars to separate office buildings Where they have to work eight hours a day while their kids are putting a fucking daycare center That they could barely afford And i've heard about some of these daycare centers and people working there and how sad it is the kids just laying on the floor crying There's not enough people they can't afford a daycare center where your kid gets actually human to human contact So you got these fucking daycare centers all over the country filled with kids
Starting point is 01:02:32 Crying for their parents completely confused. What the fuck is happening? Their parents they're fighting they're stressed out They want to be with a baby. They want to be home. They can't they need money So they're going off to these two separate places to work now if I told you there's a fucked up cult man It what it does is it takes families and splits them apart That's the number one thing that you have to do if you're going to join this cult You go one place your wife goes another place and then they take your baby and put the baby in a warehouse And they don't really take care of the baby that well because there's not enough people there to do it
Starting point is 01:03:06 They're teaching your baby. They're teaching your baby that when you scream and call out for help no help comes That's the one of the messages of the cult You would say that's the most fucked up shit. I ever heard my fucking life That cult's got to get shut the fuck down fast That cult is called middle-class life in america Right, so as a cult leader, I would say all right. What system do you think? Is appropriate, right? Is it to subscribe to the idea that a family Is supposed to spend time together on the weekends and in the
Starting point is 01:03:42 Moments before nine o'clock and after five o'clock Is that the idea is that we're doing here? That's that's that's the plan I don't know man to me. That seems pretty fucked up now if I add to that that on top of all this shit The cult it takes Not a tithe of 10 percent But 40 to 60 percent of the income of the family And it doesn't take it by putting a collection bladder around it just takes it And if you don't fucking give it you get arrested and they take all your shit
Starting point is 01:04:19 And you become homeless potentially And not only that the cult uses the money And the What they do with that fucking money is they control remote controlled vehicles in other countries And they drop bombs on people You would say that's a really fucked up cult man. That's really really bad. How is that allowed to happen? That's crazy. We should do something about that You know, so I think
Starting point is 01:04:48 The issue is which cult do you want to be in? You know, do you want to like subscribe to the reality tunnel of? Well, this is just how it is man. This is how it works. No, it isn't this is how it's working right now You know, we've eliminated a class in this country Over the last 10 years is a class that's been eliminated Yeah, there's no more the mom and the dad working and the mom stays home and part-time homemaker Whatever that's been eliminated. Yeah, you know, we were talking about yesterday We dodged your tickets and lake of tickets
Starting point is 01:05:18 How you know you look at a dodger game and when you and I were growing up it was 12 bucks to go to a game So yeah, brother 24 your dad mom now to go to lake again with 500 hours for a family So that whole experience has been taken away. Yeah As far as life being a cult I'm not saying life being a cult you could pick your own cult. I mean you live in your own cult If you enjoy, you know those people that you meet that come to a comedy store and they tell you everything's amazing And I went to this restaurant and it was amazing and they have oh, I went to Duncan's 50th Oh my god, you know and dunking through his own 50th party those people. Yeah, that's a complete different cult
Starting point is 01:06:02 Yeah, that's a cult of wanting to belong. There you go. Okay. I dress like you Yeah, I put a tattoo on my forearm like you I have to go tea. It's it's it's the skinny jeans. I think that's a cult. Yeah with no leader Yeah, the leader is you in your fucking head. Yeah, but in the meantime, you're just following everybody else's fucking lead That's right. Me. I'm talking about My friends parents went to mexico and met a guy And the guy sold a new idea of a community a place where we all work together remember the The late 60s was a different time in this country. It was called. He ain't heavy. He's my brother. Yeah
Starting point is 01:06:44 So I would say to you. Hey Lee, what if you me and Duncan Went up to pennsylvania border farm. We grow our own vegetables. We'd be 100% self-sufficient Yeah, the cult that my friend grew in my ex-girlfriend. They were 100% self-sufficient. Yeah, they grew their own pigs cows They made they used everything of the animal for dessert. They had blood pudding. Yeah, okay The if you go to their house Today and sit there and you look at the mother and the father and you look at the eight kids Four kids look like the mother and the father The other four kids look like yeah belong to somebody else. I was the cult leader
Starting point is 01:07:25 Yeah, because he was sleeping with the mom even though the in the room right next door to it Sure So i'm just gonna let you come take my wife and go to the room next door and fuck her while I gotta hear you Then he was having kids with these people's wives Yeah, and then that wasn't good enough and he started fucking the kids All those girls that grew up are all fucked up in the head That's what I don't like that all that What you do is you empty the house you take the kids you leave the adults in there
Starting point is 01:07:53 You line them up against the wall and you shoot them up Because they're not gonna do the world any fucking good. Sure. You're not doing it. You just you're just shooting people who have no They sold their soul. They sold their soul for something. I don't know. I don't know. That's the way I look at it I think it's you what you're seeing there. I can't see it. I don't I've never fucked up. It's horrible I mean, this is that mark twain quote religion started when the first con man met the first fool it's like if you Ever find yourself in a situation where somebody is pitching something some astounding thing to you and
Starting point is 01:08:29 It doesn't match your instincts But you decide to like go with them Even though you can feel this isn't right in that moment You become sadly complicit In this form of exploitation. You didn't listen to your heart You listen to the charismatic person and you got pulled in a little bit and you know, usually the way this shit works is uh
Starting point is 01:08:56 There's a name I can't remember the name once you've invested a certain amount of money or time in a thing It gets more and more difficult to leave not because it's difficult to leave because you're stuck Based in this fallacy of the amount of dough you've poured into the fucking thing So you're like, I just got to stay, you know, this is it. This is like that crazy shit that you read About Scientology, you know, which is like at the very like that one of the highest levels They show you a briefcase that has written on it Oh, we're on Hubbard's handwriting, which has got you know, the whole like z new stuff Basically stuff that just seems completely
Starting point is 01:09:32 Aethetical to your complete understanding reality and at that moment You've put in a lot of dough and You either go Oh Wow
Starting point is 01:09:45 Oh, shit This is kind of embarrassing Or you're like, well, it must be true It must be true like the other stuff. It must be true and you keep going right that Ignorance is what that's called And some people exploit other people's ignorance They're blind spots a great magician like a stage magician. What does he do? He knows the shit you can't see He knows how to distract you and do all this shit and then like while he's doing that
Starting point is 01:10:12 He like makes apparent magic happen and it's cool, but you know, it's not real But it doesn't stop with magic You know, it's it like keeps going So there's people who understand that human beings when I said most people don't know themselves what I mean is humans If you're raised in an alcoholic family You're taught to ignore
Starting point is 01:10:35 The daddy's a fucking drunk An angry drunk or that mommy's an angry drunk. You're taught to ignore that You know, or if you're even worse, you're in a fucking family of sexual abuse You know And you know if I if I talk about this I'm going to destroy the family and you will destroy the family So it's easier to forget it Or it's easier to pretend it didn't happen or it's easier to try to make sense of it in your own fucking head
Starting point is 01:11:03 And it's a really sad thing that many of us have experienced and have done right and and that is the most sad Thing which is why I love that quote in the bible when jesus is talking about, you know Suffer the little children to come unto me if anyone should harm one of these It would be better that a millstone were tied to their neck and they were thrown into the sea and I think in this case What christ is saying is not just about children
Starting point is 01:11:31 Certainly about children but also about the other children out there who have adult bodies, but who have no fucking idea Uh, who they are what they are They've been taught to ignore From the moment they were born or even worse to make sense of the fact that their fucking dads punched their mom in the fucking face Right or even worse to imagine it's their fault Because you know, it's easier to imagine it's your fault If someone's hurting you because then you can pretend you have a little bit of control Then to just realize you're being victimized, right? So
Starting point is 01:12:00 There are predatory humans in the world who will prey upon that quality and others And we'll and we'll use it and we'll and there's various levels of it meet me come welcome to l.a Open up that door a little bit just to get some air in here Thank you. Welcome to l.a Yeah, look at that fucking what's that off that hilarious joke chappelle has about like the pimp bath, you know like The the joke about how like something about like a pimple like beat up A prostitute, you know and then give her a bath And she falls in love with him because he's giving her the bath forgetting about the fucking abuse that just happened, right like that
Starting point is 01:12:41 Model of exploitation of human beings is unfortunately like any other thing in the world It has evolved and become refined And what's really sad about it is there's a fuck ton of people out out there Who haven't even thought about the fact that maybe they're being tricked By someone, you know, it's not fuck the you know, at least when you're in a compound And you're looking over and jim jones is mouth fucking your wife While somebody in the back is stirring a vat of fucking cyanide and kool-aid At least in that moment you like how you like it's at least it's something unique
Starting point is 01:13:16 You're like, what the fuck have I done? This is crazy, right? What the fuck have I done? You know, it's so overt It's so obvious you're in the jungle You're there's loudspeakers crackling with this lunatic who just snorted volume is like i'm there the rush He was shooting Matt. He was speed But so many people are just in a situation where they're like surrounded by a group of friends Right and within that group of friends. There's one charismatic friend, right and that one charismatic friend, right? This this pattern occurs again and again and again You see it in movies where it's like the gang and then there's the leader of the gang or whatever, right?
Starting point is 01:13:53 And you get this one fucking dude who like is like smashing everyone else down out of fear You know and like many people are in that situation many people are in relationships Where they're clearly being abused, you know, or it's not you're not supposed to be there people are in jobs Where they're clearly being fucking exploited, right? And they let that happen They don't do anything You know, so it's like yeah, fuck the cult leaders and fuck anyone who had ever hurt a kid You know, but not just a child anyone who'd ever hurt anyone who's like innocent to that degree those people
Starting point is 01:14:31 if there's true intentionality behind it are I would say demonic and are in some way shape or form Representative of a type of energy that I think is unfortunately Uh In many sectors of society and hopefully is gradually Being diminished by people who are smart and who've recognized it and understand. Okay. I know how to do this We're not going to do it the old way necessarily, you know the old way. I may ask you something Johnny Luminati
Starting point is 01:15:10 Because it's been three weeks now What do you see when you see your little boy my mom? Really? Yeah. Yeah, he looks like my mom. Oh, what else do you see besides the Fucking nose and the eyes simplicity. I see the beauty of simplicity I see the hope of the entire not like my son is the hope of the entire planet But I see the truth Of fundamental goodness in the world I see that the thing that I've thought in various states of consciousness from a psychedelic state of consciousness to
Starting point is 01:15:43 Meditation to the moments. I've been falling in love that. Oh shit. It's good here It's okay here. This place is good Humans are good. This planet is good. And this is a wonderful place to be and it's important to be here It's not just a bunch of bullshit. This is real and humans have value and they're wonderful. I see that That's what I see in my child when I look at it. I see that I see hope I see the reflection of Uh truth in the world and it isn't the truth that everyone these days or at least many cynical people seem addicted to Are you still walking on sunshine? Like it's still like all new at the house. It's only been three weeks
Starting point is 01:16:24 Yes, I don't know and I know it's gonna get complicated. I know it doesn't get complicated But yes, walking on sunshine. It feels like I'm in the garden of Eden for 60 days. You just see this little child and then they start looking First you see that they notice your voice You walk in and you go, I got them out and they look up and they start kicking their feet Because they see you and now You know, you're getting through somebody. They've been listening to you for nine months. Yeah, cool They've been listening to you for eight months. Yeah
Starting point is 01:16:55 And now they get to see you now When you I'll never forget the time I walked in the house and I go, hey mercy and She couldn't see but a little feet were kicking through the excitement That's a complete different euphoria. You can't match that with drugs alcohol even being on stage all drugs and all alcohol States and all altered states of consciousness and all momentary experiences
Starting point is 01:17:25 are Whether people know it or not They're going for that feeling that you have when you're holding your baby now I'm not saying reproducing is the only way to get that. No, no, no, no, but certainly it is the difference between, you know Like you smell a rose perfume And you smell the rose, right? So there's like the rose perfumes kind of like a rose, but it sure as fuck isn't a rose and like having a baby and really like not not just like the experience of like contacting like the mosaic the genetic mosaic of your ancestors in the face of your child
Starting point is 01:18:02 but also Finally having to just put yourself On a on a just you have to put yourself away away. Yeah, you really say this isn't because like it's not about you Yeah, it's not about you anymore. That's right. You're not because dude nothing to do with nothing to do with you're done You're done. Did you think you were gonna be fucking gingus con? No, you're not You're not going to conquer more landmass than anybody in the fucking planet You're not going to fucking invent teleportation. You're not going to be pink floyd You're not going to be lennie bruce
Starting point is 01:18:37 No, and it doesn't fucking matter Because this is better than that. This is better and and and there's something so wonderful and humbling in that Especially for a judgmental count like me, man, because you know like I so many times I've like Uh You know, it's it's easy if you could rationalize your like cowardice or your selfishness as being some kind of like revolutionary attitude, right and like for me I would shake my fist at families in a real cynical way not for literally me too. Me too, you know, yeah, did you What age did you can did you think children would be a possibility in your life? Never
Starting point is 01:19:20 Never I went through a period where I thought maybe I'll have a kid. I worked at a summer camp, man I fucking love kids. Then I just gave up. I'm like, I'm not gonna do that I got real real like I went through a pretty dark period of my life, man. I got real cynical I got real cynical real numb and real like pseudo I don't know I was being lazy, man And I was trying to like make my laziness seem smart or something or I was trying to like just like, you know Imitated if you look around you see the most fucking powerful person around if they're cynical, you're like, all right
Starting point is 01:19:52 Maybe I'll be cynical. You don't even question why necessarily you just start or even worse You're aggressive. So you want to get a charge out of people? So you read some fucking Nietzsche or some shit You know and then you get around people you don't care about Nietzsche The will the power the sheeple all that nonsense You know, you care about you care about telling some dumb ghost story like throwing firecrackers at people So you get this temporary rise out of people like wow. Yeah. Look won't tell you about fucking Nietzsche, man Anything that doesn't destroy us only makes us stronger
Starting point is 01:20:24 You haven't even thought about what that means. You just say it. No, these people just regurgitate and shit walking around They don't even know what the fucking yeah, how did you? I mean nothing sultry in anywhere and sold me go ahead. You're a ladies man There was an exciting knowing you how'd you decide on? This one to be the mom of your child. Holy shit, man. Thanks for that. That's a great question And it's an embarrassing answer which is that because I'd heard this I'd heard it so many times and I always rolled my eyes at it secretly You know who said it to me freddy soto. He said it to me about cori
Starting point is 01:21:04 he's like, you know, I met her and I just knew I'm gonna marry her and um I remember him telling me that I mean like what the fuck are you talking about? That's not real and I've heard that you know in various other places and a million like sort of nauseating romantic movies and songs But holy shit, man, that's real. It was the craziest thing And I it was it was like fusion or something like I met her We started hanging out and this dawning realization was happening in both of us. It was like we're gonna get married We're gonna have we're gonna have a baby and I can't explain it. It's like It's like the way the sun comes up. It wasn't like some flash or anything. It was just more like, whoa
Starting point is 01:21:45 This is this is it. This is like the thing. This is the thing. It's happening to us We're like you guys married. What you're married. Yeah, we're married You guys got married officially before Yeah, the baby it happened real quick, man And I mean like it sounds you're responsible and I get it on paper It sounds it sounds insane. You know, I asked her parents permission like because I'm from the south and that's what we do Yeah, call my I called Terry's father when when I was talking to her dad I could he you know, I like I could I get it. I think he thought. Oh, is this like some kind of thing where you like
Starting point is 01:22:21 Knocked up my daughter or something and now you're gonna get married or I don't I don't what I'm not sure that I could have been project But like I get it, you know, but no what happened was We just wanted to have a baby all of a sudden I like Like two months before I've been telling my brother. I'm not gonna reproduce in this life I'm just not gonna have a baby. I'm not gonna do that And then suddenly it was the most amazing Encounter with truth And and it's all any articulation of it. It just sounds like a fucking cliche, man. It just sounds like a cliche. So it's like
Starting point is 01:22:57 Uh God what is it? What is it when god laughs when man makes plans, you know that thing? You know, or like, yeah, I didn't think this was ever gonna happen. Yeah after the first ordeal I didn't think it was in my realm. Just a negative thinking about it Would keep it away and yeah, it's not gonna even the whole thing about marriage and whatever. I mean, I married her and and uh, you know Two or three years later. She was knocked up. It was like, uh It was and I knew it. I knew it when we first went on our first date went to jack in the box
Starting point is 01:23:33 On the way home. That's how broke we were went to jack in the box And I knew it in the drive-in line that I was going to spend some time with this woman that I didn't know She was the woman of my dreams or whatever Just but just how she was talking to me. I had never really I had always dominated the conversation with women. She wouldn't allow that to happen And I was like, this is to check. Yeah fucking be with and she's she's amazing. Yeah. No, we we looked and we hit the jackpot Yeah, man, and and to me. It's like the realization that It's painful to think
Starting point is 01:24:11 That you're the that you're in control It's fucking painful, man. And like people want to be in control but it's a painful thing to imagine you're in control and Uh, and there's certain things you need to be in control of obviously, you know You need to be in control of like how much you're drinking how much you're sleeping these things. That's discipline, right? But there's certain things you have no control over At all there's bit there's like invisible gears in the universe and they're turning very slowly And you're part of that and sometimes
Starting point is 01:24:42 Even though your life seems as bleak as it could fucking be man and you're numb and you're fucking sad things are still moving Yeah Just because you're numb the world doesn't stop. That's right. It's so fucking weird. It's so weird This life or this journey so far for me has been I learned something Every fucking day and then I look at people when I learned from them. Yeah I mean you were in new york. You were happy. You had the model girlfriend Actually, you know, you're back in LA You marry some chick three weeks later. You're gonna have a baby. Yeah
Starting point is 01:25:18 uh Just and on top of that you endured the two losses, which I am very sorry for thank you. I was very fond of your father. He loved you So I've been thinking lately a lot about you On how Because I lost my mother, you know, 30 fucking years ago. It doesn't matter But for somebody like you to look at that child now and go I wish dad could have held on an extra two months. I wish mom could have held on extra 18 months
Starting point is 01:25:47 and then you know, but They're looking down honest. Do you believe they're looking down on that child? Yeah, man I want you to tell me what you believe one of the things that happened as he was dying, you know, he's asleep and he had his phone and uh, he had a picture of the uh At the ultrasound, you know, he was just looking at the ultrasound and he fell asleep, but he are He loved you Joey and like he made such a big impression on him. Well, he
Starting point is 01:26:17 He Completed you to me meeting him Made me understand who you were and we became brothers at that moment. Yeah. Yeah, it became brothers at that moment So it was uh, I'm very proud of you. Thanks for what's going on and I know you got to get back the mother was gonna fucking wait. I want to answer your question. What happened to him Uh, sorry to go teary-eyed man. No, I want you to get to this podcast about I got teary-eyed too. Just bring it out of me man um I had a dream
Starting point is 01:26:51 And I will probably get teary-eyed again when I say this. Oh, I'm sorry uh, I had this dream after he died man and You know when you dream sometimes about someone who's past and it's more than a dream It's just not a dream. It feels like you're there with them. It came to visit you. Yes. So My dad he um, he lived in apartments most of his life, you know and um My dad loved life That's why I loved you and that's why you two connected because you both have this
Starting point is 01:27:24 Just you love life. You love life and it's It's just it's such a wonderful thing because whether you're Doing great Or whether things are down You love life. We're alive. Yeah. We're alive. What do you mean? You lost a foot. Yeah, you're alive. You can still be pussy Yeah, what are you looking at this all what you can't walk to the store? You got a roller skate You know what I'm saying, but you know, he put there's always a fucking bright side. I'm sorry to interrupt That's it though, man
Starting point is 01:27:52 And that relationship with life is very romantic and it's wonderful and it helps everybody around you and after he passed You know, I was talking to people who like he was always giving gifts to people. I went down to the like, uh to like talk to the people at his apartment, you know about like Getting the place cleaned and everything and they were talking about how like at Thanksgiving He'd bring him a turkey and stuff. He was always giving giving giving giving he was very But secretly he never talked about this shit, man And he like he was in Vietnam and yet yet, you know, he like had a lot of like
Starting point is 01:28:30 Metals that we found After he passed never fucking talked about it, man. Never talked about it Dude, like I had someone go through it. I don't want to say it here because I just I'm afraid like I don't want to like insult anyone in the Military by accidentally say my dad had achieved this or that But they're really intense ones, man, and they were just in a drawer You know, they're just in a drawer. He wasn't in Vietnam He was in Vietnam. He went and he went for two tours and he went, you know, he volunteered to go back for the second one But uh, the dream I had was
Starting point is 01:29:05 Damn, how you got me, man? The dream I had uh, he was I was talking to him right and uh He was showing me his new apartment And he was he liked it because it was right on the ocean. It had an ocean view And um, he was like super proud of it. He would have loved that in real life and he loved it uh in the dream And uh And he said yeah, but I've got these neighbors upstairs and uh, he's like
Starting point is 01:29:37 They seem like they're your friends Uh seem like they're aliens or so. I don't really know they are And then like I looked up in the dream and there's like these two buddhist monks in robes that are like standing behind it And uh, it was cool, man. It was like a feeling of like, okay just maybe Maybe just maybe because like when I was when he was passing I was teaching him some mantras, you know, I was teaching him
Starting point is 01:30:03 Om mani padme om mani. Behold the behold the jewel in the heart of lotus and I he was chanting it a little bit And as he was passing he got real Um You know, he got real that's what happens when people are dying to get real And we had some great conversations about death And what was going to happen what I heard and what it is and so I don't know it's a really beautiful dream and it made me it gave me some hope that
Starting point is 01:30:29 uh, whatever happens after that uh Maybe some people came and like guided him through that process You know who uh were Maybe uh part of the buddha sangha the dharma as they call it and I don't know it was just a dream You know, but I do know this he died in a really sweet way He died in a really sweet way, man. And uh, that says a lot about a person
Starting point is 01:30:56 And uh, yeah And he loved you One door closed and another one opened. That's right and now you get to Relive your dad through him. He's got his you know what's cool He looks like my mom and he's got my dad's dimple and he's got my dad's hair So it's the most beautiful thing. I mean, I don't mean it's just so wonderful. Oh, I listen I know when I talk to you on the phone, you're a new person. Yes. Yeah, for sure
Starting point is 01:31:25 Everything that you've gone through This child has cleansed it all the way There's still some pain there residue. Yes, it's not what it was. I had the same thing. So I listen like I said, I'm just happy You made time. What are you gonna get back into comedy and fucking get momo back on the stage? Soon, I feel it. I'm coming back soon. You know, I just said I had to do this No, no, you have to do this. You have to do this. Yeah Nobody says you got to go on the road. You start at the store twice a week. See your friends
Starting point is 01:31:56 Talk to other people, you know, uh, everybody. They got a kid now. Bill Burr got a kid Sebastian got a kid Alley one got a kid Robin got kids. Tom's a girl got kids Brooke Price has got kids So it's like you're in not only a comedian community now. You're in that baron. How wonderful. I'm gonna be back. Joey Thank you so much. Papa. Yeah So I'm happy you made it out. Let's keep in touch I'll come down in about four or five weeks. I love it. That'd be great, man. And thanks so much, man
Starting point is 01:32:24 You're awesome, dude. You're so funny, man. I you know, I don't watch a lot of podcasts But you're you the energy you guys have with each other is so fucking funny, man You you fucking killed Thursday night. Yeah, the heck that came up to him. Oh, I thought I was gonna die I felt I just turned away like this is my son. Oh, you're not happy I fucking turned the way because I was like he's gonna fall apart and I heard this huge loud explosion of applause and I was so proud of him because the night before we had taken some thc And he I left at the quarter to nine And I asked him how long he goes when I did the audio and whatever
Starting point is 01:33:00 And he passed out and he woke up at 6 30 in the morning, you know, like when you wake up hung over He had that feeling. So let me test his comic skills Under those conditions because that's gonna happen to him on the road when he's gonna meet abroad He's gonna go back. They're gonna get him drunk. He's gonna wake up at five And he's gotta go do the gig feeling shitty. Yeah, and he fucking destroyed with flying college 500 It was a lot of fun. It's so cool, man. You've been taken under the wing of the true samurai here But last night he was in Riverside dying the slow death. So now he's mad at me today It's gonna die last night. What's so funny? I died. I go. This is the life motherfucker. Let me just say this
Starting point is 01:33:37 You guys are awesome. You this podcast is very special. I just hope you all know that I'm sure you hear from your fans all the time But anytime I like it pops up on youtube and I watch you guys It's not like you even have to say anything man. Just when you're bobbing around dancing It's the energy you're putting out there. It feels Real good to watch People like you doing a show like this man. So thank you so much for letting me on the show No, no nothing. That's it. I'm happy you got the chance to come on
Starting point is 01:34:09 I want to thank dunk and trust. So I want to thank the flying motherfucking jew And I want to thank you guys that came out to brayer this weekend and for all your support Don't forget valentine's day san jose improv And then the week after that the 22nd on my treasure island and the 23rd on my fox theater in tusan The kidnap you're showing up to kidnappy Hopefully everything will be smooth. All right. I want to thank my man Dunk and trust for coming in making me cry. He cried I want to thank the christ killer for being a bad mother fuck up emotionally
Starting point is 01:34:42 I want to thank you guys for always having my back. Okay. You got the dates valentine's day in san jose and the rest of the weekend and then The 22nd in tre- at treasure island in las vegas with my girl k quickly and then on the 23rd the next night I'm at the fox theater in tusan note. I will not be going to tempi or phoenix this year So if you don't see me in tusan, you're shit out of fucking luck. So tusan's the way to go Before I go, I just want to talk about our sponsors for a minute. All right You want to turn a cool idea into a new website, right? You want to showcase your work? You want to blog or publish content? You want to sell products and services of all kinds?
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Starting point is 01:36:45 That's squarespace.com and the code church. I want to thank squarespace I want to thank on it. I want to thank all of you guys For being loyal soldiers and for giving me the love that uh, I guess I needed as a kid You guys are my psychotherapy. I love you guys. See you Wednesday morning ready to rock tip top motherfucking bagoo League kick this fucking meal. I love you guys. Have a great week. This is the way to start it Oh Oh Oh
Starting point is 01:39:03 Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

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