Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #673 - Jennifer Lee Pryor

Episode Date: April 9, 2019

Jennifer Lee Pryor, wife to comedian Richard Pryor and executive producer of the new documentary, "I am Richard Pryor," joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. This podcast is brought to you... by:  Manscaped - Get 20% off your first order and a travel bag if you purchase “The Perfect Package” at manscaped.com and use the code CHURCH    Hims - Go to ForHims.com/joeysc for your first month of their anti-aging kit for $20. While supplies last, restrictions apply.  Recorded live on 04/08/2019.  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Greetings to podcastville. It's Monday, April 8th. The church of what's happened now is brought to you by Manscaped don't cut your dick off. Oh the suffering ends now with Manscape. You could get it done without the pain They got precision tools for your family jewels Manscape has redesigned the electric razor to keep your balls your nuts looking fucking tremendous You understand me so right now the church family get 20% off your first order when you use promo code church At manscape.com and if you order the perfect package to also throw the free travel bag Which is fucking tremendous you could put fucking condoms in there and asshole grease Whatever the fuck else you want to travel with when you use code church. That's manscape.com use promo code church
Starting point is 00:00:47 For 20% off your first order keep your balls clean cocksuck this summer's coming The church is also brought to you by hymns Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself from five years ago and thought damn I look young Whatever happened to that guy whether all the wrinkles come from when did I start looking like my dad listen to me? hymns has Anti-aging kits a custom prescription tea cream tailored to your skin that keep you looking good They got medication To help you with the little problem if you go on a date and you want to have that little umphia and they could also help you with
Starting point is 00:01:21 Hair problems you understand me hymns is a tremendous company. So do me a favor Order now and get $20 off your first month of hymns anti-aging kit Lock in those looks now and get your first month of anti-aging for $20 see website for full details and safety information Go to hymns.com slash joey SC that's for hymns.com Slash Joey SC for hymns.com in fact, I'm gonna give them a call myself I'm getting old as a motherfucker kick this motherfucker muley. It's Tuesday the 9th of April the day the devil was buried at sea I Got Jennifer Pry in the room. I got the Christ killer the original
Starting point is 00:02:05 And your uncle Joey bitches Marisa Arborado is also here It's a party Some What's the story? Oh my god, it's a pleasure. Thank you. Thank you. I haven't seen you in a while So that's right. It's a comedy story. Yeah, I've always been a fan of yours for many reasons because Richard Pry's Everything to me. I was always scared of this Meeting with you because I'm gonna cry a couple times. Oh, no, I should yeah, he was everything to me. I mean
Starting point is 00:02:43 He saved me he saved You know when I heard these albums as a seven year old eight year old nine year old I was blown away by the language. Yeah, I'm Cuban, you know, they they don't let you say shit and my mom was very outspoken, you know and Richard was introduced to me probably. I know that was about eight maybe nine and I was obsessed like that was it You know when the main albums were the niggas crazy was it something I said and by Centennial early lap stuff That was just that was just mind-blowing for a guy like me
Starting point is 00:03:19 And yeah, I watched the documentary Marisa said you were gonna go out and talk a little bit I really appreciate you taking the time. Oh, I'm happy to be here. First of all without meeting you I know how tough you are if I wasn't if I wasn't the situation I would call you because I know you show up That's right and a gallon of milk We go back to back When you're a comics wife, yeah, a real comic. Yeah, never mind Richard Pry who had Major league demons. Yeah, I you're the toughest. You're one of the toughest women. I never know
Starting point is 00:03:54 Yeah, you know, I mean when I watched I am prior the documentary I knew I am Richard Pry the documentary and I knew the story before you left and came back for more fucking abuse Not that he hit you or anything. I mean the last Yeah, yeah, I think you know, but it was Just the ups and downs of the life of a comic. Yeah. Yeah And most importantly the pain that he had that I really noticed it in that documentary Yeah, that's the first time that while I watched something the richest I always cry Yeah, sometimes I come here late night and I'll put on an album by Centennial nigga and I'll just cry
Starting point is 00:04:33 Because it's such a piece of my childhood. I Overtook me from being a regular Spanish kid to being outspoken and cursing and you remember the old fake new commercials chewy chewy chewy Yeah, I would say chewy chewy chewy on the inside inside all that shit came from Richard like Richard Sparked my sense of humor. What year did you meet Richard? Well? Well, he sparked your creativity And your ability to and your need to express yourself and that's the beauty of Richard I think Richard, you know change creative culture in that way. It wasn't just comedians who were moved by him It was it was a lot of people it was actors and writers and artists and because he he spoke to the humanity and people and
Starting point is 00:05:17 Obviously he touched something in you very deeply That allowed you to express yourself stuff that needed to come out and and you wanted to come out but there was no way to Do that and and you found the key and Richard was the key that unlocked that door. I met him in 77 I worked for him first and You just answered an ad one day. No, no, no, no, no. He was That friend of mine Lucy Saroyan William Saroyan the writer's daughter She was a good friend of mine and she was working for him
Starting point is 00:05:48 She was also fucking him and and she was a consultant on his NBC variety show and she said he's just bought this house in Northridge We got to fix it up. He wants it decorated. I need help Can you help me and I've been working in Texas? I was on the road with a friend of mine singing and songwriting and clubs and stuff and I got back and and You know, she said you need a gig and I met him and the first time I met him August 22nd 1977 and I wrote about it. I fell madly in love I mean his vulnerability and I didn't know much about his career, you know, I'd never seen him doing stand-up Knew he had this rep, you know, Lucy told me he had this rep and he you know
Starting point is 00:06:28 But I I really was I was captured by the man You know, I just was so touched by him Of course, I'd I'd come to work and I'd come early to meet the workmen to do the house over He'd come out every morning with a new woman And I'm like, oh, he's he's got it going on, you know, I didn't care I just wild horses couldn't have dragged me away and one night was my birthday He gave me an envelope of coke and those were the days man, right? And it was good shit too. Let me tell you and and he said you got to spend the night
Starting point is 00:07:01 I'm not gonna let you drive back, you know, I I lived in Hollywood at the time and Lucy came in with, you know, coke rim nostrils About, you know dawn sun was coming up. She goes we got to get out of here. Richard pulled a gun on me I said, well, I got to be here in an hour anyway I mean, I you know, I got to work here. So I'm I'm not gonna go anywhere. Well, she never spoke to me again Because Richard came in right after she took off and he said, yeah, I pulled the gun on her She, you know, she won't give me a blowjob. I mean, what can I tell you? I You know, I kind of giggled and and he's he said listen my house is torn up all I've got can you help?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Can you stay? I said, oh, sure. I'll stay wild horses could not have dragged me away I was I was there and I was loyal to him. Even then we were not dating. I was just adored him He married Deborah in the meantime He went through the NBC variety show Richard's life in one week is like somebody living in Nebraska For 25 or 30 years The the shit that would go down in one week in his life was so fast and furious I mean, you you know, you had to hang on for dear life to keep up, right? But yeah, he married Deborah and then he shot the car. Remember that incident?
Starting point is 00:08:28 He said you're leaving but the hush puppies bitch and not in my car bang bang shot the tires shot the engine and she was in the car with her girlfriends and I was back east visiting my family for Christmas and I came back and was told don't not contact him. There's you know, he was in jail I mean there's drama going on. He called me goes. Well, what the fuck? Where are you and Again, we had not started, you know anything by then and and I said, well, you know, I was told to stay away He said please come see me and from then on that was January 78 We were together and that he was huge in January 78 just off albums. Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah, huge, but I'd never been to the comedy store. So we're dating we go to Hawaii together We come back and we're out on the town one night and We're on Coldwater Canyon on the way back to Northridge. He does a youy and says I got a surprise We pull into the comedy store. I'd never been to the comedy store We walk in I don't say word. I'm like, where are we going? He goes, you'll see he puts me seat seated next to Mitzi Goes up on stage and starts talking about candle wax on the floor That's how no net Richard was he would work so Spontaneously and he would woodshed. He was also so disciplined when he worked
Starting point is 00:09:55 so he started to him at candle wax on the floor and out of that he would spin like alchemy this Stories and would just come and then and I would start taking notes just spontaneously and Every night we go to the store and he would Take a couple of pieces from the night before Expand on them and woodshed, you know the term woodshedding and then the next morning We'd sit by the pool and we go over the notes and I say Richard You got to move more talk more about women and love women love it and you know and at the end of
Starting point is 00:10:33 Six weeks He had live in concert live in Long Beach. That was the first big one the first big one Okay, he had done live in smoking at the bitter end. I mean the improv is sorry the improv in New York fucking menu by yes That's some raw shit. That's the one that set me. Yeah, yeah, I started staying up That's interesting found that one and I'll never forget going this guy doesn't and the funny thing is you look at the prices on the menu Yeah, 25 Hamburger 10 cents for french fries, that's the one that fucked me up That's it's so interesting to hear you saying that because every comic has their one
Starting point is 00:11:10 For you it was live live in smoking for some it's live in concert for some it's live on sunset Well for me it was as a commute once I became as a fan. It was live on Sunset, right as a Comedian he taught me what to do once I watch live and smoke really Once I watch live and smoke and that one opened my eyes to The non glamor side of comedy you always see curtains and this guy come up and bring you up Richard it seemed like Richard just went up there off the cuff and somebody was taping him Yeah, and it set me fucking on fire. Yeah, Michael Blum filmed that I bought that from him. So we own that now, too Yeah, thank God. Yeah, that's when I came back. I had to started coalescing all Richard shit
Starting point is 00:11:56 You know his legacy. So now what's going on in January 78? Oh, well January 78. So it's rock and roll man I mean, it is you know the comedy store every night He he's you know, he he realizes he wants to Divest himself of those demons that made him shoot the car and that was Richard's genius He turned that that scene which was could have been really negative. I mean he was arrested, right? What was what was the line? He said and then the cops came and they got guns too. Yeah, they don't shoot cars I went in the house because they don't you cars they shoot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and and you know, he's he said Let's turn this into you know, that was Richard's genius. He would take his
Starting point is 00:12:41 Anything bad or negative or painful and which is what comedians do that was supposed to do, right? That's what you're meant to do if you're that honest, right? If you can be that raw with yourself and exposed and then and then turn that into genius being exposed like that It's really hard to do all the time This is what I this is how I I mean I understand Richard more and more as I get older and as I look at him in his work You're walking a razor wire every day, you know it as yeah And sometimes you fall off because it's a goddamn struggle and it doesn't matter. It doesn't make you bad
Starting point is 00:13:19 It just makes you makes you human. You struggle Yeah, you might do some bad things. Yeah, he hit me. Yeah, he did drugs. Yeah, he fucked around Where where that doesn't make him a bad man Richard happened to be a really good man. He was a wonderful person You know, everyone wants to talk about his genius and I am more than happy to talk about his work But I'm here to tell you also he was a good person He was generous give you the shirt off his back Help anybody he could I heard a story once about Adam Sandler Fucking piss me off
Starting point is 00:13:57 he a Homeless guy in a wheelchair was asking for money. He says man. I have to work for a living too You know what Richard would have done would have peeled off a couple of hundreds in a heartbeat You know, that's the kind of man Richard was Even if that guy was maybe faking it who knows didn't matter. All right, so get over on me. Who cares? He had such a spirit Richard's essence was good. He was a sweet guy He was a sweet guy that vulnerability again that I talk of you know and the pain that he had that never left him You know and yeah drugs they were at at certain points. They were his comfort. They comforted him, right?
Starting point is 00:14:40 It's like a couple of drinks. You can't drink the bottle But you know you can have a couple of drinks or a joint or whatever you do But you can't tip over and Richard tipped over obviously he went past that line You know and that was only he hurt himself more than anybody any points in his career that he want to stop Stop the coke. Oh, yeah, no, no, no, no That was the thing that I was so impressed with when I watched him prepare a live-in concert He was very disciplined. He would go to the store every night Yeah, and then and then the next day as I said go over the notes and work on what he was going to do that night and
Starting point is 00:15:20 the afternoon he would take a nap and Then I'd pick a wonderful piece of clothing for him to wear, you know, I loved dressing him in beautiful clothes and He would go out and he would do the same thing again He would you know woodshed, you know peel away. What was it working add? What was working find new material? And it was amazing. I mean he he really he was very disciplined. Yeah, he was doing coke I mean in a way, but it was not over the top. Who was at the store in 78 when you oh my god Just like everybody was there. You know, well Robin was there, you know, yeah Robin yeah, Letterman, I mean they were all there and and you know
Starting point is 00:16:08 It was incredible. It everybody was in awe of Richard. I don't care who was there with fame Richard was the one when he got on stage Everybody watched him and nobody wanted to follow him. Yeah, you know that can be right. Yeah, yeah But it was you know and Mitzi of course was thrilled to pieces and you know what a character she was Yeah, what do you think of her memorial by the way? I wanted to ask him. I didn't go why? Because Cubans always Cubans are like fucking Irish. Yeah, I get so emotional and funerals that I start smacking motherfuckers There was a fist fight at my mother's funeral And there was a fist fight at that one and then the last memorial at the store
Starting point is 00:16:55 I went there was Marilyn Martinez and I threatened Jeff Valdez that night almost smack the shit Oh my god, so I have bad blood with a couple comics. I knew I'm gonna be up there. Yeah, Jeff Jeff was there. He spoke Yeah, I Cherished Mitzi Mitzi was like a mother to me But I knew if I would have gone down there. I would have smacked it was disappointing Yeah, and I heard that he was there and he caused the scene so it was disappointing I was supposed to speak on behalf of Richard in the big room and I was cut out the way a lot of women were and
Starting point is 00:17:25 So I went in the OR and I said to who's Dice's girlfriend, you know, she kind of runs the show over there Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I said Eleanor Let me get up and say some shit because this is Richard's favorite room anyway. Oh, yeah, that was Yeah, that was the room he adored So I said, let me say some shit. Well, you know after she let 89 people ahead of me I'm for course, you know, I got on and there were three people left in the audience Which you know, I kind of felt insulted on on behalf of Richard and Mitzi because they had a serious bond I recently well not recently, but I found out that that they had fucked and which was very interesting to me
Starting point is 00:18:02 Richard fucked everybody. Yeah, he did Is that you knew it and you like you accepted it you said there's nothing I'm gonna do with this fucking animal He's an animal. He's a fucking animal. You know when he gets off stage. Yeah, and he does what he does He's gonna fuck. He's gonna snort. That's what's gonna keep him. That's right. That's what's gonna keep him there Yeah, for me, I was not a good looking guy. So I couldn't fuck a lot of people but for him That's who he was and you accepted the documentary you've spoken about yeah for years Like you know, that's what because you loved him and I know he loved me. Yeah, I know he loved me He called me one night from
Starting point is 00:18:39 Hooker's house and said Jennifer, I'm here with this woman. I'm telling her how much you mean to me How much you love me, baby? I said, can you come here and tell me? You know, but you know, I knew it was it was part of him that he probably would never you know Forgo he would never give that up and it didn't hurt me sure it hurt me But it never devastated me you looked at it for what it was what it was It's part of the game You know, I get it, you know, it was it but I knew he loved me, you know And I'd I'd been around the block some you know, I've been with some interesting guys, right?
Starting point is 00:19:16 But I never felt loved. He was a nice dude Warren Beatty. Oh Warren was a good dude I did one of his movies and he was a director. Yeah, it was on last night and I saw that movie The last one he did that he directed about Howard Hughes Howard Hughes Yeah, so I was one of the gangsters that was supposed to draw him out of the hotel and shit But he talked to me was a gentleman. I was an awe like this is shampoo Yeah, like explain the people who the fuck Warren Beatty was exactly in 1970. I don't know He was the man. He was slinging more dick than richie He was slinging more dick than richie. Hi. He was he really he did
Starting point is 00:19:52 That's a they were friends, you know, oh Richard was friends with everybody. Yeah, they all yeah I think Richard drew people to him. You made a comment a couple months ago That destroyed me on the ends not it didn't destroy me But uh, like that week two articles that come out about him. Oh, Brando about Brenda. Oh, yeah How did you guys meet Brenda? Well, you know, actually the truth is that I just found out from a friend of mine Where they met and it was at Reds Club on La Brea Before I knew Richard Because people are saying how do you know that's for a fact?
Starting point is 00:20:28 Well, I wasn't there so I don't know it for a fact But I can tell you this much if Quincy says it because Quincy doesn't pour the tea like that, you know And what q's taking so much shit for that. I mean he still is taking shit for for saying that, you know talking about Marvin Gaye and listen You know Richard love pussy. There's no question about it. He wasn't gay Hey, you know, sometimes a mouth is a mouth is a mouth. What are you gonna? You know, I'm when you went listen what I said was It was the 70s when you sort enough cocaine you fuck a radiator and the flowers in the morning
Starting point is 00:21:05 You know, so but Richard didn't have a lot of shame about it And I think that came from his childhood You know when when he saw everything was allowed, right? Everything went on in that whorehouse, right? He was also molested as a kid And that's like another whole other topic But you know, Richard didn't carry a lot of shame about it. I mean look what he said to the Hollywood Bowl Oh, shit. Yeah, he had told me about that a couple years ago and then I saw it in the documentary And I almost passed out. Yeah, he's like, I've sucked a dick before what he's saying. He's like, I've sucked a dick before
Starting point is 00:21:37 Yeah, but you faggots aren't nothing like well, where were you? Yeah, where were you when watts was burning? You know, he was pissed off and there are a couple of different stories about it but the one he told me was he saw The the locker group the dance group the lockers being mistreated With some bigotry and racism um in the dressing rooms And it really pissed him off and it was supposed to be um, it was hey, it was titled human evening of human rights
Starting point is 00:22:05 And he realized that oh no, this is all about gay rights So what's going on here and they're mistreating some black people here and he really got pissed off and he just let them have it You know, I mean, that's Richard. That's vintage Richard. That's vintage Richard. That's you supposed to you know, that's what you're supposed to do You're supposed to tell the truth. So I suck some deaths. What's the big deal? You know, I mean god bless him, you know, I loved Out of this documentary what I really loved about I am Richard that They showed Richard starting off and kind of Navigating to the cosby thing who that's a man. I can't fucking stand. I never fucking stand them
Starting point is 00:22:42 I can't stand them I like the one I'm because he talked about buck buck and we played buck buck as a kid in New York City when I came from Cuba That's a game that you stand on the wall and then everybody holds their wastes And you go with your ass out and then so there's five people and then five people Have to jump on the human chain and break it. So you pick the weakest person Who's the weakest person and you get on top and you jump on top of me and then we start beating that person Or if it's a woman, we would squeeze the tits, you know until ah The chain breaks then you do it again
Starting point is 00:23:15 I like and we play hot peas and butter go get your mother you got to hide a belt Oh my god, and then you're walking. I'm like you're hot. You're hot You're hot. So if there's kids down the corner and you get the belt you get the whip them all the way to the Metal belt. Oh, yeah, we got down in the early 70s. So that's the only reason why I like cosby, but I really I think that that part really was for comedians to know That yeah, you play the game the first six or seven years of comedy. That's right. You play the game. You play this fucking stupid safe Game that's right, especially when you come here
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yep, the fucking agents tell you well you have to go up there and paint the picture of your sitcom So like when my space came out, you know, my yeah first reaction was in my space I'm like, I wanted Richard Pry was alive alive. Would he go home and get on my space? No He'd be snorting coke and getting his dick suck. So I'm not getting on my space either But then social media took over and you had to But I liked the part that One day he said fuck all this. Yeah Fuck all this nice guy with a suit and a tie. Yeah, you know trying to
Starting point is 00:24:22 be fucking Martin Luther King jr. Up on stage. I'm gonna fucking go for it Yeah, and he started talking about drugs and the wine. Oh that wine on meets Dracula. Yeah That's something that's like well that that's a pivotal point when he goes to berkeley. He walks off stage in vegas And that is that's why I love the documentary too. I love that too because it really Shows his evolution as an artist his growth and and how he became richer prior I am richer prior that is We all want to know where was it? What was the key and the key was berkeley
Starting point is 00:25:00 It was the first time he was hanging out with smart black motherfuckers too I mean ishmael reed and cesil brown and the panthers He saw that there was something else besides this, you know, this the one-trick pony the jokes and the the bullshit that vegas And he was making a nice living So for this young kid to finally kind of you know follow and and cosby's by the way I agree about cosby can't stand him and what I say about cosby is clean on the outside dirty on the inside And richard dirty on the outside dirty on the inside different. Yeah, and that's the difference Oreo cookie too. I mean come on, you know, he's really you know does not it not a truth teller that man
Starting point is 00:25:39 Why didn't like that years later when I got into comedy? He did something in colorado and I was in the room I walked in and I was only sure if I was gonna say anything to him And he started talking about dirty comics. Are they not really comedians? Oh, god He was on that kick meanwhile. He's dosing women with fucking kwayloon Meanwhile on 87 One of the girls from the show lisa bonnet did a sex scene with mickey rock and she had him fire He had a fire from the mbc show this to let you know the fucking hypocrisy
Starting point is 00:26:08 The fucking cosby was all when lee went down to see him and I was kind of pissed at lee like don't give that fuck This is before the rape allegation. Yeah peter lee paid a yardstick and went to san diego and i'm like Don't go see that. Yeah. He's an embarrassment the fucking cop. Well, he started lecturing everybody, you know ebonics Why is everyone talking talk real english? I mean and hannibal burris? He was the one that brother was the one who finally just said why are we listening to him? He's a rapist ban that caught fire. Didn't it that little shitty gorilla video that somebody took grainy fucked up video That just caught fire the poor guy. I think I think it marked him too. Do you know what I mean? I think he got love hate for that
Starting point is 00:26:50 I think a lot in the black community no matter no matter they can see some it's like what trump says I can kill somebody on fifth avenue His base wouldn't give a shit It's the same thing about cosby and sometimes african americans look at look at jackson, right? I shouldn't go down this road. I know but don't do what we're doing. I mean, you know, it's just sorry guys, but Right is right and truth is truth and wrong is wrong So, you know, if somebody's wrong and they get called out they got to deal with it They got to deal with the truth and boy. I tell you that cosby. He's he's doing a hard time jennifer. Did you smell his pain?
Starting point is 00:27:24 Richards. Oh god. Yes. Did you smell it? Oh Still I still do I still do I you know He just went through so much He suffered That's why I just I was so in love with him. I mean he's just He wore it all. It was right there for you to see And the way he would connect with everybody. I mean the rednecks. I reach your prior you really, you know, I mean
Starting point is 00:27:52 People didn't like black people Kkk listen to Richard prior. That's right. Deep later tonight. They would listen to Richard prior. That's exactly Richard prior was the one Now what killed me the Back to pain like I saw my mother my mother had this my mother had to leave her daughter in cuba my sister And my mother would be Richard prior all day suck my dick. Let's do a blast. Let's do this But about 2 a.m That's when they couldn't fake the funk no more. That's when Richard pulled out the guns 2 3 a.m
Starting point is 00:28:25 That moment When you got up to go to the bathroom That pain would show up you'd come out and see I still have it Yes, but that pain is what drives a great comic. Yeah The more the pain the better the fucking comic And if they touch on it like when I drive to the economy store at night, I don't put music on I go into my thoughts and I go into painful moments for myself You know my father dying. I'm finding my mother on the floor, you know
Starting point is 00:28:56 The first time a girl told you she cheated on you You dip into those places truth things that really, you know That think truths that you found that about yourself that you're not All that pain is what makes me be go up on stage and be a fucking animal. That's good Like I but I got that And I noticed in all the documentaries I've watched Richard wore his fucking pain on his sleeve. Yeah Richard's pain was right there and I think I do the same at times like I feel it
Starting point is 00:29:27 I dated my wife for about a year and a half. Can I tell you that? I thought she was okay. I liked her a lot until My wife is naive as can be she's from Tennessee She's irish and she figured me out. Well, no, she said something to me. Nobody had ever said she said I could tell that you were raised without a mother. I didn't know whether I want to kick her in the stomach Or kiss her But that opened up my that just made me a good comic when she said that to me I had had 2,000 friends that never brought that up
Starting point is 00:30:01 And I always saw that with Richard like In his movies that those little pauses and there's a video of him that he's coked out to the gills Doing an interview. Hey, that's what I have. Yeah, I have those moments of manic Where you can't control what comes out of my mouth. It's the pain is too much and I really don't give a fuck It's like the night he went to the hollywood boat. Yeah, he didn't give a fuck He didn't care about the consequences. No, and that's what a comic does. Yeah, we do what we do And there's no consequences. Yeah, there's no consequences. We just did it now. What bitch Make the next move. What's your move? You got no move that I'm gonna keep doing it. You know, that's it
Starting point is 00:30:43 That's what was interesting about Richard that I really always loved even When he did that we were talking about that thing with the lighter. Yeah live on the sunset. Yeah, I know what your mother fucks been saying He's yeah, yeah, yeah, this is Richard probably walking out of this with the theater I still remember that the whole movie theater died. Yeah, he threw the shit up. He just Turned stand up around. Yeah did something that was he did He did you get to meet Freddie Prince? I never met him. He was gone already. Yeah Yeah, he was gone What year did he die?
Starting point is 00:31:16 There were Richard's guns terrified me. I mean, I didn't like guns around but Richard had guns He died in 77 77 guns. I don't keep them Accessed Richard pulled a gun on me. Yeah. Yeah, because that's why I will not know. Yeah. Shit happens man. Yeah Because I will pull it out. Yeah by mistake By mistake. Yeah, something happens. Yeah, that's the schedule's not on time. Yeah, you know, it's about the smallest thing Yeah, it's not Richard got manic about the smaller thing. Yeah. Yes. It's not the big thing now. Bali. Yeah, it's a small thing
Starting point is 00:31:53 Yeah, that's when you look at him and go, why are you going crazy over this? You can That's our mentality. Yeah, that's our little comedian. We have floors as comics. Yeah, musicians have floors We all have little floors Richard brought them up. Richard wasn't scared of exposing them. No No, the more flaws the better. When did you meet paul mooney? Shortly after I mean, I met paul when I was in that period of time when I was working for richard He would come out to the house, you know He was always, you know
Starting point is 00:32:25 bitchy you know paul was you know paul was paul I told you before I had a love hate thing with paul, you know, because I I saw sometimes how he Well, let me tell you the last time I saw paul We he was being richard was being honored at the writer at the director's guilt And he was in a wheelchair and paul came in
Starting point is 00:32:52 And was was unkind to richard. I'll just say that and um Didn't come to his funeral um, the love hate thing I think was always somehow in balance But at some points it went out of balance And paul would become very jealous of richard and bitter. I mean, you know his comedy He was, you know, he cleared the room. I mean mitzi had to blackball him from the store. How many times? Oh my god, at least 20 times
Starting point is 00:33:24 You know, and then she'd let him back in because he could empty a room I mean not to say that some of his stuff wasn't great. It was But he you know, he was he he would pick at you. He would pick at you a little bit. Yeah He would pick at you. I mean that was his genius though. That was his other genius like that he would Not not pick on you he would Try he would push the line. Yeah. Well the race thing I mean he would really go after you for the race thing, you know and You know and and it was sometimes just out of balance and out of whack
Starting point is 00:33:57 I mean you gotta you gotta laugh with it too, man. You know, that's what richard was great at He pulled the covers off black people same as white people You know and and he made you laugh at it too. Yes, there was some angry stand-up routines angry comedic routines richard did Regarding race But my god, it was it was that stuff was insightful, you know I you know, I I just wasn't a paul mooney fan
Starting point is 00:34:23 You know, I I wasn't because I because I love richard too much and I David banks on the other hand I love David banks. I love David. David banks still alive. No David banks said the funniest Fucking thing. He's a funny mother fucker up at the store. He would have that cocktail David banks was supposedly richard manager, correct? Yeah at one point. Yeah, yeah David banks started coming around the store when I was a regular. Well, he was he had been going up there And I went to the store one night And he's up there with that little glass
Starting point is 00:34:58 He would have that little glass of whatever the fuck he drank with his ice cubes, right? And he would jiggle the fucking glasses And one night arcenio paul eddie murphy and johnny gill We're at the store by the light by the comedy store line, right and david banks go and arcenio, I think I just asked her any I said, you know eddie paul and david banks goes cuba Watch this. He walked over to me. He goes. So one of you niggas doing the queens of comedy tour And the fucking
Starting point is 00:35:31 He sucked the air He hit the nail on the head, huh? Oh, there were so many things I laughed at with david banks and paul mooney I remember one night some white dude Pulled up behind with a convertible and music really loud and when he stopped the car paul mooney looked at me He goes, what a fucking shame with these white motherfuckers Acting like negro's And he turned around and walked in I was fucking dying. I was like, I never heard that before
Starting point is 00:36:00 but Richard that the documentary that's what I stuck out the most of was How much you love them? Uh and I know What it takes to really love a comic. Yeah My wife I met my wife and we were like kind of off and I tried to I tried that comedy sucked my dick routine And she didn't play for it and then I had to call her and take her on a date And I didn't have enough money to take her on a date and I called her up one day like an 11
Starting point is 00:36:32 And woke her up and I said i'm coming over to eat And she made like fucking corn dogs with red beans And i'm like, what the fuck is this? But I was so hungry. I was starving comic I had to eat it, but that's what made me fall in love with her She out of all the women I was dating at the time she always scared Yeah, she kind of uh Just had the same thing you had for richard and I could see in your eyes. I mean you fucking will scott clear
Starting point is 00:37:03 And you came back for more. I did. Yeah twice, right? Yeah. Well, yeah, I have a little bathroom real quick. Keep asking Yeah, I I came back. Um, well, you know richard recycled women, right? So after we divorced um In 82 I moved back to new york and um We stayed in touch the whole time, you know, we would I'd see him when he came to new york Uh, it was he trapped me down in paris one time and and said I got to see you, please And uh, I flew to la and he picked me up and he had little booties hanging from the mirror
Starting point is 00:37:43 I said, what the fuck of those richard? And he said, oh, I just got this girl pregnant and I knew richard. I oh, shit You asked me to come back from paris So that you could Flop these little booties of what the hell And of course that was flin and he married her He actually married her twice too, but um, when people want to know which wife I am I say the best one Where do you guys have your first date?
Starting point is 00:38:13 Oh the first that first date was actually, um, before he shot the car when I was working for him He said by the way, I've got to go to this thing with um, uh, uh, a united nations, um event Um, would you like to go with me? And it was at bevelly at the bevelly willsher and not the bevelly was the built bevelly hilton And um, I went on the date with him and david franklin his manager and and he was Fucking linette mckay at the time. So the four of us had a double date And uh on the way home. It was very nice. It was very polite stuffy dinner And on the way home linette mckay started making white jokes
Starting point is 00:38:58 And that you know, I I couldn't believe it. I mean the tension the tension was so thick in the car And He walked me to my house and he apologized. He said I am so sorry for linette mckay making those jokes And I said it's okay richard. Don't worry about it talking about it my first date with richard And um, and it was very sweet. It was like a real date, you know, he picked me up and dropped me off and And I had to apologize for linette mckay's uh racist comments and he was just he was just a sweet motherfucker, you know And as I said, I've been around the block and I just you know Basically, I felt kind of tired of it all. I'm like I wanted love. I was looking for love
Starting point is 00:39:44 and I found it in richard and What I found about myself when I came back I mean first of all the 80s we were back and forth a lot, right and then in 89 he did um um Sino evil in new york and I worked with him on that And I said to him richard, why are you walking like an old man? Then that's when he told me he was diagnosed with ms at any rate In 94 he was in new york doing a um
Starting point is 00:40:14 Something at the apollo. I went up to see him at the helmsley palace And he was drinking, you know water glasses full of vodka And pills lined up and I said richard you're gonna die He goes, oh, oh, he said i'm in trouble and deborah was in the room that that wife from before And she wanted me to go downstairs and get the the white lady price for a diamond ring That was deborah. She was all about her jewelry And I went downstairs and got the white lady price and richard bothered this ring and i'm looking at this scene thinking You can't make this up. But you know, he's drinking and pilling and everyone's the locus had descended, right?
Starting point is 00:40:56 And he said jenny i'm in trouble. I'm in trouble. I need help. Would you come back? I said, whoa, I got to think about this. This is the summer 94 Actually the spring of 94 and I took a couple trips back and forth. I talked to my father who was an attorney Dad's gone now, but brilliant attorney. He loved richard, by the way Kind of cut out the same piece of cloth um And I thought long and hard about it because you know was never going to be easy with richard But when I came out and I saw
Starting point is 00:41:28 More of what was going on in that hotel room at his house He wasn't eating. He was on an ivy in his bedroom and there was a cook cook and three tiered cakes and everybody walk it out with the food and Bitches counting money like it was vegas. I'm thinking what the fuck is this? And I realized I had to come back. I loved him and I couldn't watch this I found out about my own profound sense of loyalty Besides the fact that I never stopped loving him I what couldn't let him go down like this and he had guns hidden everywhere
Starting point is 00:42:05 There were guns under sweaters in his closet guns under the bathroom sink Guns under his pillow. I mean fucking brand new barrettas in the box and shit I don't know anything about guns except I hate them, right? I'm like, what the fuck are these guns and I knew That richard intended to go through all his money with all these horrible people just going through it Then he would go to kill himself I knew that And I said not on my watch. I'm coming back richard. I am coming back
Starting point is 00:42:38 And I came back in the summer of 94 a couple months after I had made this decision and it was such such chaos and It was just two years of putting things in order and one of the first things I did was take all those fucking guns and that fucking Ammunition took that ammo down a Ralph's one morning put it in the dumpster at four in the morning One of his bodyguards said that was good ammo. Why did you do that? I'm like what what good ammo? Excuse me. What does that mean? So I took all the guns which by the way were all in their box brand new
Starting point is 00:43:11 I mean every kind of gun and I went down the bb gun shop to it's no longer But in the valley I sold him out of the back of my car Guy said you can't sell them in the shop. You can sell them out of your car lady So I went and I sold them I I did a transfer as legally But um, I got rid of those fucking guns because I knew what was planned was the gun because of the cocaine paranoia I think just a natural I think it was kind of a natural You know
Starting point is 00:43:37 Embedded paranoia that he had. I think it was a macho thing. I also think he had plans for those guns I know he did So I came back and I fought like hell, you know, I got rid of all the riffraff. I lowered the child support payments That's the way they all came at me, you know Flynn had a trip for 20 people planned first class to Maui cancelled Debra had a condo Richard was going to buy for her 325,000 cancelled You know Richard needed his money to live, right? So I I closed the bank a prior
Starting point is 00:44:11 And let me tell you something that I'm so proud of that because yeah, it took some balls. Let me tell you I got threatened by the housekeeper. I know people who can have you killed. She said I said I bet you do bitch 9-1-1 Oh, yeah, I mean I had a restraining order on some of those people One of the wives won't say who I mean it was rock and roll. How many people were out with the hands out? Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh And he was such a good guy give it to you easy peasy Peter Bogdanovich the director I found a alone a piece of paper. I called him up. I said you owe Richard some money you pay up
Starting point is 00:44:46 um Johnny gill Money they all had their hands out and Richard was sick and he was like and people who were smarter than me Supposed to be watching the farm or not. I'm talking business managers. I'm talking lawyers. They were stealing too I fired all of them the business managers. He begged me. He said fire that business manager He's stealing from me and and the lawyers who had him, you know, $65,000 retainer a month for what? He's not working anymore like that. Yeah What the fuck is this money just hemorrhaging?
Starting point is 00:45:19 You know, my father helped me navigate a lot of that too I had to get lawyers and and new people on board But that's when all the wives and children went crazy too because I closed that bank like bam boom bang closed Finished the money's for Richard to live Motherfuckers and I knew the plan was Richard was going to run out of money and then he was going to off himself Not on my watch And he lived 11 and a half more years Indignity and love now when I got into comedy
Starting point is 00:45:49 It was to live like Richard It was to live like Richard, you know I wanted to get off the coke in 2001 And It took me six years because I was scared that I would lose the funny Yeah, I was scared that I would lose my craziness. I was scared that I would lose that age That edge. I was scared of so many things But when I just couldn't
Starting point is 00:46:15 Carry that. Yeah, you know, I've read Richard's books. I've read, you know, hollywood henderson. Yeah, but hollywood henderson unbelievable story though He won the lottery twice that motherfucker I just I've still fresco connie nelson and she hangs with him and she said jennifer He's he's turned out to be the nicest guy because richard used to run. We used to hang with him. Yeah twice He said that it is one of his books. He said that he would go And pick the point and sisters. Yeah, and richard up at the comedy store And they would free base for fucking days
Starting point is 00:46:48 I mean, they were the kings of the free base, but I also heard an interest a really weird thing I want you to clarify. I don't I don't know if you were around. You were around Belushi. Yeah They said that denaro and robin Yeah went to the store true to pick up richard but richard had left already. Yeah, so then they walked over the shack Oh god richard wasn't there Richard was not at the chateau. No. No, thank god
Starting point is 00:47:14 No, that was that was robin's and denaro's thing. Yeah That was horrible. That was horrible. That was really awful We all heard about that. We all heard that tea very quickly and in real time, didn't we? I mean that shit spread like wildfire. What's that? That's truth about belushi and how he died and that kathy girl that the dealer So it was when you met richard, richard was not free basin yet. No, no That started when like in the 80s that started Yeah, the fire was june 9th 1980. Okay, the foster. He was already free. So he yeah, he started that
Starting point is 00:47:51 When he was working on uh, right before stir crazy. He started that And I came into the house one day and i'm like, what's what's that smell? He the first time he did free base. He lit the mattress on fire I mean, you know richard was an arsonist from back in the day. Me too. I love arson. I love it I like should have been born jewish. I'm telling you. I could light shit on fire like anybody I love it. He started fires and he was a kid. I mean that you know, but I said richard And we dragged the mattress into the bathtub You know it was but he that shit and I did that with him for about 10 days and i'm like i'm out
Starting point is 00:48:27 I can't you know that shit. I could snort and that was and I could keep that under control This shit was like, what kind of high is this? It's like someone took a mallet and goes wap You're not you're you're just non-composimentous. You're not Thinking you're not aware. I said, I got to get out of here richard and anyway I wrote a poem to richard. I said richard. This is not working Said the way you made love to me was a shame and a disgrace your ice cold heart chilled my soul. Your woman is free base Free base had moved in That was the woman it was it took my place
Starting point is 00:49:02 Which broke my heart and I got out. He said take all that jewelry off bitch on your way out What did you leave the first time? Well, you know, there were a couple of incidents that I you know, I'd go away for a few days and I'd always come back But this was the biggest thing I had to go And I asked jim brown for help and you know jim kept giving me lip service and no it's okay Just you know go away And I came out The producer of stir crazy called me and said richard has to shoot some pickups. They were back in town from tusan
Starting point is 00:49:35 Oh my god, the city scenes in tusan with the feds Oh lord But we're back in town He had to do some pickups and he refused to do him because somebody had thrown a watermelon a member of the crew And richard it was a real racist thing to do So richard was furious So I went out to the house and there was a mound of cocaine on this antique child's desk And thank god
Starting point is 00:49:55 I wasn't doing anything at the time because if I had I would have said fuck you richard and I wouldn't be dead I woke up in the morning. I stayed the night. I woke up and he was Blowing through that pile going through that but smoking going through the pile And I said I got to get out of here. He said nope and he grabbed me by the throat And he was going to strangle me Somehow I got free. I sat next to him and I just talked him down He said you're going to die this morning and I had a cross around my neck and I held the cross and I looked out Failed catholic than I am and I said god give me the words
Starting point is 00:50:31 And I said richard just calm down. She's like law and order, you know when they calm person down Just give me the gun. It's okay Calm down everything's going to be okay And he calmed down and I made a beeline from my blue corduroy pants I picked them up and I left went to the kitchen And A richard said, can you bring me some oxtails and beans? I did I went into the kitchen got some oxtails and beans that one of his aunts was cooking and brought him back
Starting point is 00:51:04 But the next time I came out to the house was when he set himself on fire And he said it's going to happen He said you need to leave because it's going to happen to you too and richard never made an idle threat never And I thought okay, you know So I went to the kitchen And there was a bodyguard there and a couple of you know a couple hangers on an ant or two And I said richard's going to hurt himself
Starting point is 00:51:27 And they said get out of here great little crazy white girl, you know get out By the time I got back to him. I had an apartment. I had taken in in Beverly Hills I called the house. I called Jim. I said jimmy's going to do something. He he poo pooed me Dismissed me called the house And auntie answered and said what and I said i'm just checking and all of a sudden she's screaming richard's then running through the house on fire the phone drops Yeah, I made a beeline for the hospital
Starting point is 00:52:00 Hollywood Presbyterian he went to first and I talked to the doctors and I said he's loaded on coke and and he's just Vodka and freebase. Don't kill him. You know don't overdose him with morphine And that the family was there furious with me because I was telling them the truth And then he was moved to the burn center And then you know the rest is history I mean it goes on from there Yeah, he lit himself on fire. Uh, he poured that 190 proof rum over himself and torched himself He saw he said there's no way out for me. I did motherfucking chocolate chip cookie. Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:38 In the milk and the ship blew up That's The comedy. Yeah, you know, that's the comedy. That's right. I'd shit. No, he lets you have it and then he fucked it The other bit. Yeah, let me tell you motherfuckers. No, really. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was When I dipped the chocolate milk or whatever the fuck, you know, that's yeah I was I was a young kid and I was just distraught. Yeah, like This guy I love. Yeah, he's doing What they were doing at my house Richard prior was doing except my mom wasn't free basin
Starting point is 00:53:17 She died in 79. Thank god. She never got to that free basin point But she was stored. She had a bar. She was Cuban. She was an alpha woman. You know what I'm saying? She she beat up the husband the step on the my stepfather through a cigarette that one night He waited till she went to sleep till he went to sleep She took a catholic figure and broke it over his fucking head And that motherfucking had a piece of his skin hanging off a Cuban woman, you know, it's worse than an Irish woman And the next day usually when a man leaves your house, right? They leave shit just to come back to maybe He took everything
Starting point is 00:53:53 Screwdrivers and tools Like there was no everybody leaves something to come back a week later. I forgot my towel Never came back. So Yeah, I'm done When Richard lit himself up. I didn't know what to do. Like people were making fun of me Like your hero lit himself on fire. I didn't know what to say. It was like, I I just didn't know what to say Yeah, and then That I think it was sunset strip. Yeah, he came back came back with sunset strip
Starting point is 00:54:23 He came back what people don't know about that is that we shot it in two nights, right? The first night he had a bag of dicks first night. So you do now walked off stage Yeah, and the second night he killed it, but they did have to do some pickups on that, you know, ray stark Produced it and he he wanted some pickups on that and um, yeah, so and but it was good I mean he he he came clean again, you know talked all about it With the red fucking suit with the red suit. Yeah With the red suit friend of mine designed that Yeah, well that was tailor-made to the team. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah, custom made. Oh, wasn't he? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:55:00 And like was there anybody black at the time that didn't analyze Richard? Oh god Jim brown you just dropped some names. We're talking about Hollywood had this in the point is this news. Yeah I mean, it's just endless. Well, you know, when he took me over to sammy's for the first time I mean the way sammy looked at him too and sammy was older than him, right? So it was kind of a little father thing going on there But with such love with such adoration and and amazement too at the same time, you know, kind of because richard was Richard was doing things that nobody else was doing really, you know
Starting point is 00:55:38 But sammy was sammy loved him too. I mean sammy was You know sammy was a Was somebody who was always there for him. Yeah So you leave you clean now at the time when you like how long were you guys separated for? Well, basically we were separated by a we divorced in 82 and I came back in 94 But I um, you know, as I said, we were back and forth a lot, you know, he'd come to new york and call me and You know, I I you know, we we never really stopped Seeing each other stopped loving each other. Um, I mean, I went on I had other boyfriends
Starting point is 00:56:14 I tried to have a life without him, but not everybody paled in comparison. I mean, you know, nobody could follow richard on stage or off You know, nobody and um, I just Yeah, I couldn't shake him. I just was madly in love with that man, you know And I miss him to this day. I talked to him. I'm like, you know, sometimes I'm pissed off like you're supposed to be here, motherfucker Where are you? sometimes he visits me And uh, I feel his presence a lot. You ever smell him? I do. I smell him. Get that old smell back. Yeah
Starting point is 00:56:49 Why do you remind you of your dad? You said your dad had a little fucking skeleton Well, my father 100 irish brilliant brilliant lawyer civil rights attorney rock on tour Great fucking sense of humor womanizer Could polish a bottle of whiskey Very similar man, you know, and my father, you know, my father had his own demons You know, he he's slugged my my mother a few times and my mother had mental illness and that's a whole other story But they eventually divorced but uh, but I love my dad and I think I learned from my father that
Starting point is 00:57:25 Bad you can do bad things, but that doesn't make you a bad man. My father happened to be a great man I I worship him to this day. He did great things for a lot of people. Did he slug my mother? Yeah, was was was he a prick sometimes? Uh-huh But he was a good man And and that's what I appreciate most is, you know, people get confused. Well, he hit you. So he was a bad guy No, no, sorry Well, he did drugs. Uh, sorry no, no
Starting point is 00:57:54 Richard wasn't a hypocrite. Richard was honest, but Richard was a good person So these these flaws don't make a person A bad person make they just doesn't it doesn't the I didn't I I didn't know much about Richard, but the thing that that Strugged me and Was he happy like just like the the documentary just a lot of sadness came through and it did it it makes me sad that That someone who's so funny would be so sad
Starting point is 00:58:26 Well, I think that you're sitting next to somebody who can talk to that too. I mean, there's not nothing fixes them Nothing fixes them. I can tell you that on stage is where Richard Was like gills on a fish. He lived. I mean, he came alive. He was offstage. He had a hard time knowing how to live life That's real Happiness, I think was very elusive. I think there were moments of joy Did he understand the biggest question for me was did he understand how loved he was? That's the big question. Did he ever feel loved? You know, I know he felt loved by me
Starting point is 00:59:08 But by the masses by his fans. Did he ever feel the impact that he had? And I think that as he sat in the wheelchair as he got older and this disease took more hold of him the disease of ms I think that Richard Really came to peace Came to acquire a sense of peace about his life and about Being appreciated and being loved I think that that maybe was one positive thing about that damn disease
Starting point is 00:59:41 Was that it gave him He didn't have a choice. He was sitting in that damn wheelchair And he had to face himself He couldn't run away anymore. He couldn't run to the drug To the whiskey to the pussy. He couldn't run any way Aware any more away from it. He had to face So one of the things I think he had to face was that he was loved But I think he did acquire a sense of peace about his life
Starting point is 01:00:12 I'm 56 years old And I think in for three years. I've finally been comfortable living in my skin That's what i'm talking about and my daughter that little girl Has really played a big part in me being comfortable in my skin, you know When I was hooked on the coke You know, I was booking movies. I was booking. I was at the mitts. You would give me spots four nights a week But that that nothing to do with that once you get on fountain and make the left To go home. Yeah reality sets. Yeah, you're a fucking loser
Starting point is 01:00:47 Your mother did drugs, you know, you followed the drugs. You went to prison. You got a g ed You know, all those things come to play. That's right. Never mind what just happened on the stage never mind You just ripped that fucking original room to shreds. That's right. All those things come back, you know And then you have to put them into place. That's right For years I used the drugs to put them into place, you know, yeah It just you know, I tell people when I was doing coke I would go to pee and I refused to look in the mirror I would not look at myself in the mirror if I had to walk through the bathroom
Starting point is 01:01:20 I wouldn't look at a mirror because you don't want to see yourself. Yeah somewhere along the line as a comic And it made me stronger Getting off the coach Of dealing with that shit dealing with I tell people all the time you got skeletons You gotta deal you gotta let them out from time to time. Yeah, how do I let them out on that stage? Yeah Did Richard go to a psychiatrist ever? He was mandated to by the legal system after shooting the car Dr. Cannon
Starting point is 01:01:50 Who since passed away Um, I didn't like dr. Cannon much because he took advantage of Richard Richard started giving him money for this charity or that charity and then the okie doke sets in right So no real work is getting done. I got a therapy and it's it's I love it because it's a support system You get to look at issues in your life in your work You get to learn how to navigate them better. You just get it You know for me, it's really important to to have therapy and I know what therapy what it takes It takes honesty and it takes a degree of courage
Starting point is 01:02:26 And I think that Richard just started to buy the shrink and the shrink went for you know, it got all fucked up But his psychiatry was the stage I'm sorry his Psychiatrists was the stage Sometimes when I think of this material absolute. That's why I don't go talk to nobody. I want that stage now And this point in my life. I want to go up there and get it all out. I say everything I don't give a fuck no more I was looking for a job when I found this one when I was 40
Starting point is 01:02:53 I had to be careful about what I said not anymore. Good. I'm gonna retire. You know, I'm going out with this fucking wind I don't give a frenchman's fuck. That's good. And I'm from the school of Richard pride. Yeah that stage That's good to hear is your psychiatrist. Yeah, you know, listen, I'm a fan of kennison I'm a fan of bill hicks. Yeah, you know, I love andrew, you know I love uh, there's a lot of comedians. I love But nobody's set the tone for me Like richard Like i'm not trying to emulate richard. I have the same pain
Starting point is 01:03:24 Oh, I'm gonna see that Richard has and that makes me a comic. Yeah, like that pain getting in touch with it You live your life going through for years. That's right. You don't know what the fuck is bothering you Richard saw a lot of things that a lot of seven-year-olds Shouldn't say should say no a lot of eight-year-olds Shouldn't see that when you're eight nine your world should be universal city Yeah, you know donald duck you should be protected not being outside getting guys to come into your grandmother's Thing, you know while his mom was hooking his grandma raised him. He had the support system But I think it was his grandma that really oh, that's a double-edged sword. That's a double-edged. She she was a nurturer
Starting point is 01:04:06 But at the same time she had a grip that was iron. It was an iron grip What was your name again? Uh, Marie Marie Carter. You better. Oh, yeah, I met her. I mean there's a snake Oh mean it's a rattlesnake, but I understood her, you know she listened she grew up during the jim crow era Come on. She's not she wanted richard to marry Oh, come on The black actress thank you Pam greer Pam richard would tell me had a golden pussy Really richard? I don't need to hear that She had she had the best pussy ever like okay, and me angel pussy over here, please
Starting point is 01:04:43 No, he she she wanted him to marry Pam Greer and she called me the bigfoot motherfucker because I'd wear cowboy boots in the house And she'd hear me She you know, I get it. I mean she said she sent a maiden once with a two by four over my legs Smashed it over my legs and the bitch got on top of me and started strangling me housekeeper She felt I disrespected her who is this fucking housekeeper, right? She threatened you that hat. Well, this is this is this is another housekeeper This this housekeeper was somebody who worked for john slesinger. I was friends with them john and michael and
Starting point is 01:05:20 anyway, I had her in the house and and When the grandmother was at the house she ran it like the whorehouse like a whorehouse I mean she so I disrespected her richard and I've been doing coke all night and richard said she started Calling on the phone some was coming up. She he says tell her we're not we can't take the call And she thought that was disrespectful And she sent this woman in with a two by four smashed it over my legs bitch got on top of me started strangling me and richard finally like saw oh
Starting point is 01:05:54 I think she's killing her and she threw her through got this woman off me And I had some shit to say to the grandmother But richard made me leave the house. He said you have you have to apologize to the grandmother so she was Someone to be reckoned with I understood her though, you know I I really did I you know, but growing up like I mean living in that Look what she had to do to survive to help just support everybody to but she was um
Starting point is 01:06:25 When she died richard really richard started to come apart Because it was his own it was his it was the only nurturer he had, you know, really how was his relationship with his mom? Very tortured, you know, she would she abandoned him. She was alcoholic She would come and go But then of course he had to choose between the grandmother and the mother And they put him on in court on the witness stand and he had to choose And he had to choose the grandmother. You betcha
Starting point is 01:06:59 and he did But you know, it was it that was a pain that he never got over I mean, how can you get over that? Right? And the father was a real task master, right? And of course he does routines about his dad and how tough he was Buck buck was a pimp in the whorehouse. Yeah, buck And uh, yeah, he's he used to say to me. I'm so glad you didn't meet buck. He would he would fuck you in a minute I'm like richard Your father he goes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:07:29 The second time you went back with him. How when we you were together till the end? Oh, yeah Oh, yeah, when I came back in 94, I drove cross country with my two dogs and all my shit and everybody was else I told you just taking advantage and living 20 minutes down the freeway and they were all cussing me out I said, well, you're 20 minutes down the freeway. Where were you? Where the fuck are you? So I drove cross country and I you know That was the summer 94. I pulled into his driveway and I rented a house right near him And I made him sign a employment contract because I you never knew with richard, you know Sometimes he would just upset the apple cart because he could
Starting point is 01:08:06 So I'm like, listen if I'm giving up my rent stabilized apartment on beekman place, motherfucker I am you better give me, you know some security here and it took years just to get things in order and We bought him a house and I told you I closed the bank of priors So, you know, we could organize it and then we had to take care of him physically So it was rehabilitating him financially physically And uh, and we did the box sets and I went after drowson and won that lawsuit
Starting point is 01:08:37 Chased him. So I started to organize everything And as I told you that people who were smarter than me should have been doing it and we're not and they were just gone Oh, no, they were they were they were taken what wasn't nailed down, you know, for the last time we've spoken about richard And I don't like second usually I don't like second party whatever But there was one other special person in this relationship. It was you you're very very special jennifer Thank you so much. You're very very special because they don't make women like you no more Women see heat now and there's a divorce box a little controversy and there's a divorce or he called me a contact
Starting point is 01:09:15 I can't you have to look farther than that and you had the wisdom That you seen past the comic and the money and the coke and the limos Oh, the party was over when I came back. Oh, was it? Oh, well in that sense I mean, you know, it wasn't it wasn't rock and roll anymore. Was it it was it was hard work now It was like let's clean up. Let's coalesce the legacy. Let's do the hard work now richard You know, you're sick. You're you know, that's when that's what real love is isn't it? I mean, that's when the shit hits the fan the rubber meets the road, man That's when you find out who the fuck you are and who the fuck you love, you know inside my wedding band
Starting point is 01:09:55 I had initialed the To the wheels fall off. Yeah, that's me and my wife's Favorite thing that's what it comes from bob dillon song. Yeah, yeah when the wheels fall off And I look at you and I see why I love my wife as much as I do Because like I said women come and go with this fucking life. They come with money They come with this You know how hard it is to be a comics wife because at first you see the comedian on stage You don't see the guy that that's right. That's moody. That's right. That doesn't wakes up in a bad mood
Starting point is 01:10:25 That doesn't want to talk at night that doesn't like politics that wants his clothes a certain way And one of the socks is fucking certain way and you know, I got home yesterday and my wife had the clothes was washed But it wasn't put away But for a minute I said something to her like a who the fuck am I to say something She's fucking fight with a six-year-old. I'm fucking that but I wanted to bring you on because I don't think nobody's had a benefit for you nobody's Ever given you the credit that you deserve For taking he would have been dead
Starting point is 01:10:56 Listen when he came out of the hospital in 80 that time, you know To explain to people that don't know what cocaine was in 1980. You know, we've just seen this marijuana revolution Exactly. One day it was a shoe store. Now. What's a pot store now? There's two pot stores in the block We saw what cocaine did Unbelievable to a society. Yes, like this. It was like a case of the fucking measles You know, they said that the plague killed how many people in the game. Yeah, the great plague Cocaine was a great plague and people like richard, you know, the first time I tried coke was october 79 Something I was totally against
Starting point is 01:11:36 Something I was totally against And one day I went to the basement and I went looking for something and I saw a bail And I wanted to bail and somebody had left something so my mom could watch And I took a rock out and put a little aluminum foil and I put it in my desk I didn't say nothing to nobody for a month And one day I played hokey with some friends And I said, let me bring the coke with me and we ended up doing it and sprinkling it in peppermint schnapps and vodka Calling them snow cones
Starting point is 01:12:03 We were drinking it and snorting it and till this day. I'm still friends with the guy. I did it But not to take that off one minute People were smoking pot and doing acid. Yeah, and the next minute everybody was doing coke. Everybody was strong And I can't imagine Yeah being richer prior and people putting it in your hand. Oh, yeah People just putting it in your hand. You're with your pride. They were bringing it in the hospital when he was recovering from the fire And he was doing it. Oh, yeah in the hospital
Starting point is 01:12:35 Yeah That's real But he did get sober he did here and now sober Do yeah, he did he did so He got out of the hospital june 9th 1980 was a fire he got out in uh about six weeks and He had a handler come and stay with him a male nurse
Starting point is 01:13:00 to kind of watch him and you know, but he was like this with the shit, right? And um and we got back together that Christmas we went to hawaii together and then the following summer we got married um And he was he was sober then he actually smoked some weed and in hana
Starting point is 01:13:26 At our house warming we had we had built a house down there and he goes He saw he got paranoid and I kind of talked him off the ledge And he said, you know, you're so good to me. You're just always good to me. Will you marry me? And I'm like, oh I don't know Because I was kind of dating somebody, you know, I was trying to trying to get my feet back on the ground, you know And and I said, all right. Okay. We married a week later Of course, he came back too soon though. He came back and started doing that dope and robin and he started running together and Partying and he was woodshedding for the live on sunset
Starting point is 01:14:11 And we moved into true stale rented a house there. So he was close to the store But he started, you know doing doing the coke again and You know marriage got rocky ended but he he um He got sober eventually and then did here and now sober
Starting point is 01:14:35 But it was always rocky with him, you know, it was just always back and forth guys like him will never be so Like guys like me can never be sober. It's just well, you don't do coke now, right? No. No, no, no You drink a little no no drinking smoking addables. Okay. I'll take a xanax You got a viking and pop it You know, somebody gave me in pittsburgh this weekend. Somebody gave me a bag of wheat great guy ven I went back to the hotel. There was two colana pens and oh, wow for fiar and titties Well, I looked them up and then muscle relaxers, but they got caffeine in them. Oh, man You know, I put them away. My drug was kwayloons, man. Of course bill cosby had all the kwayloons, didn't it?
Starting point is 01:15:12 Fucking bar guard. I had no idea about that 714 express that man I I tell I even tell my shrink you didn't do a kwayloon. That was that shit was the bomb I got one saved at the house. Do you buy it from you? I took the guy gave me three of them, but I took it one day by myself. I hear you can still get them I don't know. No, no, no No, there that's a that's a heavy-duty At the end he died clean. Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. Oh god, joe Yeah, you know, he died. Listen, I was so proud of the carer that we took of him. He had a feeding tube
Starting point is 01:15:49 Usually you have a feeding tube for one year And they die from it six years He had it and that's how well we took care of him because that damn feeding tube you have to clean it You have to change it. You have to I mean it is a thing. He was on dialysis the last year of his life That's really, you know, he died of heart failure, but the kidneys were shot the kidneys what did it? Yeah No, I saw him he was done already when I saw him he was Yeah, but he wanted to go back. He was in the wheelchair. It was his idea. It was his wheelchair
Starting point is 01:16:39 And he won and 96 he was doing not 95 96 he was doing spots I was living in seattle and coming down and I would never even go to the store like priors down where I'm not even gonna go down there Oh, I wish you did I could I filmed it. I we've got it on film And some of it is is good, but you know again, I'm repeating myself now, but it was heroic and tragic at the same time Both it was both brave of him to want to do that And also tragic because he's not the predator stalking the stage anymore that great powerful You know wonderful energy that he had in spirit So you saw him compromised obviously very compromised with this with the illness
Starting point is 01:17:23 But the fact that he still wanted to do it Said so much to me about what kind of man richard was And he still was funny. I mean he got a lot of funny shit In there too. It wasn't just you know sitting up there, but he had it would hold this martini glass And he would I don't know how he never spilled it It was just it was it was an art holding that glass with the martini full to the rim Not and a cigarette in one hand, you know and doing his thing. It was beautiful I know it makes you sad to think of but on one hand, you know, it was a thing of beauty
Starting point is 01:18:00 That he's that's where he wanted to be No, I'm not sad about it. It's balls That just added to the richard prior People would say to me, how can you let him do that? I said, whoa Get it straight here. I'm not letting him do or not letting him do richard wants to do this period We're doing it instead of hiding in a closet somewhere. Come on. We're supposed to hide He wanted to go out all the time. He'd go to the movies. He'd go to you know, we go at the dinner We'd go to places we go to events. You know, we always went to the slaughter stuff the comedy awards
Starting point is 01:18:32 You know always going out there, you know Always I had a funny story about richard I heard that towards the end he went up to the store one night in a wheelchair And there was a funny black comic up to the store at the time He called them over and the guy thought like, you know, I'm the next richard richard looked at him Said get close and richard when the guy got done. He goes stop doing my shit I don't know if it's true. That's interesting. I'm not gonna mention no names, but I heard even at the end He was that sharp. Yeah, he took the the cover came over like yeah, richard. What's up? Yeah, like what's up?
Starting point is 01:19:09 Doing more shit. Yeah, good. I'm glad. I'm glad I just heard a robin story that was interesting. Um, howie mandel Told the director this it didn't make it in the documentary. I wish it had Um, he said that he went to the store one night and he saw richard doing this routine God comes to visit and asks richard if he can speak to robert kennedy Sorry god, he was killed Well, jack the brother. Oh, no, well, he was killed too Well
Starting point is 01:19:42 Martin Luther king Oh, sorry god Malcolm X No, I'm sorry I You could hear a pin drop That's what richard's genius was too. He didn't always have to be funny And that's something to remember too is comics. You don't always fucking have to be funny
Starting point is 01:20:09 Hannah gatsby the new new girl That new girl comic female comic. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. She's she's breaking some molds too that I think are very interesting Same kind of thing. You don't you don't always have to be funny But so howie runs into richard on a plane. He says richard that routine Where god's asking you to speak to all these dead people Why'd you stop doing that that way you you had everybody mesmerized? He said because robin started doing it It's a true story. It's a true story. It's a true story. Yeah Jennifer you always got a home here. Thank you. I've enjoyed it. I've enjoyed it too. I enjoyed you
Starting point is 01:20:49 Listen, you made me go through a roller coaster of emotions. Good I was like I said, there's just some people that I never wanted to really meet because I loved them so much. I would fall apart, you know When I saw richard, I fell apart when Muhammad Ali's daughter said Muhammad was on his way to the combi store I got my car and I peeled the fuck out of there because I didn't want to But richard's one of those people that if it wasn't for richard, I wouldn't be in this office Well, I can say you got some of his dna Yeah, no, it's crazy. I can say that. Yeah
Starting point is 01:21:23 I appreciate that in you. I appreciate you real quick. If you want to watch a new document documentary I am richard pryor visit. I am richard pryor Dot com where you can steam stream or download it Visit richard pryor dot com for news For news official merchandise And to listen to his classic albums Also, visit priors planet dot com if you'd like to donate to help save Lives provide sanctuary and make a world better place for animals. He was an animal guy. Oh, yeah, no shit. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 01:21:53 He was glad I didn't have kids. He said we have dogs. That's good And visit rockin pins dot com for your official richard pryor pins. They also have lee pins joey dears pins That's right. Everybody pins up there Jennifer, I don't know what to say to you. I love you. I love you too. I appreciate you having me very much And like I said, if you ever just bored and you want to talk some richard stuff, all right I love to talk about richard. Yeah me too. I love all this shit because I know you have 10 more hours in you. Oh and there's two hours that you don't even remember. I got to give you a couple martinis Oh my god, there was another time when he told war baby to suck his dick
Starting point is 01:22:33 Exactly, I love you. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. All right. I want to thank jennifer Pryor, I want to thank fucking the christ killer. I want to thank moricio for coming out from rockin pins But most importantly, I want to thank you guys for having our back every fucking week. Don't forget Friday, all I got left to the rest of the year for right now is april 420 the second show milwaukey I'll let you guys know what's going on next week But for right now, all I got is 420 the second show milwaukey. We got some dates in june June 8th and 9th the dallas in san antonio got rescheduled. We also got columbus at the end of june
Starting point is 01:23:09 We got nothing in may so far because i'll be in new york shooting the movie the next two months I'll be back in fourth year. He'll be running things, but don't worry about nothing. I got your motherfuckers Besides that, I want to thank our sponsors. Let me ask you guys your questions Have you ever looked at a photo of yourself in five years ago? Some shit some things get better with age wine for example a nice single mulch scotch Unfortunately, this is not the case when it comes to your skin and especially your face. I mean i'm no uh Jack Lambert myself, you know what i'm saying most guys don't nearly do enough for their skin despite all it does for them Soap and water are just not enough to prevent aging
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Starting point is 01:26:14 It's rechargeable and easy to hold get into all those nooks and crannies by your asshole Your nutsack underneath in the stink zone. That's the that's a little piece of skin Between your nutsack and your asshole. You got that skin thrown. It smells like 10 dead fucking bodies You don't need that no more Manscaped is there to help you and I'm gonna let you know a little secret If you trim the hedges the trio look fucking taller. What are you waiting for trim up that fucking egg roll It's the first time you've considered manscaping They got a deal for you the perfect package comes with a lawn mower and
Starting point is 01:26:46 a safety razor plus the crop preserver especially the Formulated deodorant so your balls don't stink and they have the reviver A spritz that tones and refreshes your junk to keep it nice and cool. Listen Manscaped got you covered when it comes to your fucking dick your nutsacks They even got a ball wipe. You understand me? That's how good fucking manscapers So do me a favor Listeners the church family can get 20% off your first order when you use code church church at manscape.com and if you order the perfect package forget about it
Starting point is 01:27:21 Don't throw in a free travel bag for you when you use the code Church and that bag covers everything you got everything in there. You got your your fucking uh Your crop preserver you're reviving. Listen, you can put everything in there You'll be prepared if you travel your nuts will still be fucking as clean as if you were home Do me a favor if you order the perfect package or throwing that free travel bag when you use code church That's manscape.com use promo code church for 20% off your first order and do me a favor This is how you keep your balls clean. I want to thank manscape. I want to thank hymns I want to thank all you motherfuckers, but most importantly, I want to thank the listeners
Starting point is 01:27:58 For keeping us here and for letting us fucking spread our word every week. Don't forget for 22nd show In milwaukee at the pap's theater and that's it We're fucking done here. Have a great fucking rest of the week. We'll be back on thursday And that's it. That's that leap kick this motherfucking meal I want to be around To pick up the pieces When somebody breaks your heart Some somebody twice as smart as I
Starting point is 01:28:48 I Somebody who Will swear to be true as you used to do with me Who'll leave you to learn that misery loves company Wait and see I mean I want to be around To see how he does it when he breaks your heart to bits Let's see if the puzzle fits so fine
Starting point is 01:29:48 And that's when I'll discover that revenge is sweet As I sit there applauding from a front row seat When somebody breaks your heart like you Like You

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