Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz - #699 - Chris Shiflett

Episode Date: July 9, 2019

Chris Shiflett, is the lead guitarist for the legendary band, "Foo Fighters," and also recently released a solo album titled, "Hard Lessons," joins Joey Diaz and Lee Syatt LIVE in studio. This pod...cast is brought to you by: ForHims- Go to ForHims.com/church to get your first month for just $5.     Onnit.com - Use Promo code CHURCH for a 10% discount at checkout.  

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Starting point is 00:02:58 I got you ten percent off to live at the house. Just go to honor calm right now. Press church CH you are CH and get ten percent off your first order delivered to your motherfucking house Take this motherfucking meal, Lee It's a beautiful Tuesday morning The earthquakes are done who gives a fuck and we're back to normal cocksuckers Oh Uncle Joey Chris Shabladen and the Christ killer coming at you
Starting point is 00:03:58 I Chris you're flexing the house from the fucking One of the top five bands in the world in my fucking world The food fighters. How are you brother? Good man? How you doing? Thank you for taking the time out and you know This is an honor. Oh, thanks for having me when Justin called me and asked me. I was like, are you fucking kidding me? I watched that video. I've watched you on that video Thousands of times. Yeah, right on, you know That's a great fucking about all the videos all the it's just amazing the whole
Starting point is 00:04:43 I'd end up with them. You had a call for yeah I just auditioned you know like I was just one of a one of a bunch of guys that that was lucky enough to get an audition and Not too far from here. Actually, there's a little rehearsal studio out here in the valley called mates and Went in there and and like played a few songs and then Went back to San Francisco and then came I was living in San Francisco at the time and then came back down a week later and had a sort of a more extensive audition and and Then they let me know the next day that I got the gig and it's been kind of Fucking been chugging along ever since just a sweet surfer guy from Santa Barbara now
Starting point is 00:05:20 World's greatest rock and roll bands. It's funny because I've read a couple of your things and seen a couple of you And I don't want to beat the same Interview but a friend asked you if you wanted to audition for guns. You're like, yeah But I heard that the guitar is split from the fool Can you get me an audition there? That was it was funny because you know like that the that thing I've told that story before and and it's sort of evolved on the internet into this into this internet rumor Yeah, that I was yeah that I was either in the other was gonna be in which none of that's true at all and you have to like it's sort of hard to
Starting point is 00:05:56 Remember in context of like 1999 that was like, you know guns and roses was it was axle and like a bunch of other guys There was like no slash no duff. No is he you know that like it was many years after all that so Had like guns and roses in 1987 give asked me to join Definitely would have but at the time, you know, I was like, you know My buddy Bill just knew somebody that knew somebody that could maybe could have got me an audition for whatever sort of version of it What's happening then so that that was it and I just said, you know, I heard food fires need a guitar player And so he wanted helping me get an audition Did you ever dream of being because you came basically from punk?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah, sort of a punk guy. I mean I grew up listening to like classic rock heavy metal You know it's sort of stuff and then you know punk rock just sort of happened along the way and And I want to play in a band called new use for an AM and I was living up in San Francisco at the time and and and that You know, I'd been in that band about four and a half years at that time So I kind of you know, I don't know I at that time I remember thinking like maybe this whole music thing has kind of run its course Maybe this is as far as it's gonna go and then and then the food fighter thing popped up and it was how was in the 90s Punk in the 90s is great
Starting point is 00:07:09 I mean that was the first time I was ever in a band that that you know had a following and People actually came out to see and we toured and made records and did all that stuff. You know, it was great It's funny because in the 90s I disconnected from music because of my Commitment to comedy right like I didn't I really was I was up on whatever you gave me, you know I was up on Soundguard and super unknown and bad motorfinger and alive By you know the albums that were high at that time Previous to that I would go to a record store a store and buy
Starting point is 00:07:44 Everything yeah, but after the 90s it was just so fast for me one minute I was listening to here comes the rooster and then the next minute It's two thousand fucking three and I'm listening to the food fighters, you know, Nirvana once that tragedy happened in 94 So the later the 90s got I I lost My music Whatever, you know, well, there was that thing, you know Like in the early mid 90s when bands like Green Day and the Austrian stuff got really bad Right and so there were and so then like major labels went out and signed like all the punk rock bands all that stuff
Starting point is 00:08:18 But the label that that the band that I was in was on was this label called fat records and that was like, you know I mean, I guess you think of it as like indie punk rock, whatever underground kind of thing And it was and that scene did really really well, but it did really well Outside of the mainstream, you know, I mean, it's like none of those bands got radio Had like radio hits or were featured in Mainstream magazine or any that sort of thing So it was like it was a weird time because at the same time that that sound was like really big commercially There was still this
Starting point is 00:08:51 Underground current of of bands that warrant me, you know that never broke through that mainstream And that was like the band that I was in now the band that you were and you did tours obviously Nationwide Yeah, I mean we that we you know, we toured Europe a couple times I know you opened up for a band Dave wasn't it one time? Well, that was when I was in high school Actually, yeah, that was that was so he was in a band called scream You know before he was in Nirvana and they played in Santa Barbara where I grew up And I was in a band at the time called rap pack and our band opened up for their band
Starting point is 00:09:26 And what's touring Chinese restaurant? I never Yeah, I never toured back then, you know, I never like in in in high school I almost got it. I got a chance to join there was a local band from Santa Barbara called Rkl Rich kids on LSD and they were looking for a bass player. My brother Scott is an incredible bass player So they really wanted to get him in the band They they called our house looking for him and but I answered the phone And so they wound up coming over and playing me their new right They just made this record that was like kind of a groundbreaking record and in punk rock world called the lifestyles of the rich kids
Starting point is 00:09:58 on LSD and it was fucking nuts like it was way beyond my ability and they can I remember bomber Who was the drummer and kind of the you know, the songwriter and leader of that band came over and sat there in my bedroom Played me all these songs and I just I didn't even bother to try. I just said dude I can't play so it's like that was my first little taste of almost joining a band that we're like I would have gone on the road and stuff But it was you know, I had to wait a few more years now years after that when you were on the road with the punk rock bands And stuff. How was that? It's great. Just just in a van. Yeah in a van. You know, we had like an icono line I think it was and it was like a pop-top icono line
Starting point is 00:10:35 It was a grace because like I never went anywhere when I grew up So I was so eager to tour. I just wanted to get out and see the world. I just wanted to I didn't care where I was I'd be in them You know just on some empty road in the Midwest to drive by a silo and be like fuck. Look at that silo. That's amazing This is the best and you guys just do like whiskey and go-go's across the country that are like worse than that Shit, yeah, I'd be FW halls and you know the Elks Lodge and then every now and again You'd play a club that had a decent PA or something, but a lot of time it was kind of it'd be pretty low rent So it's a long way to the top if you want to rock and roll Yeah, that's for sure. I mean, you know the craziest thing. I mean outside it just I mean if there are so many crazy things
Starting point is 00:11:17 But when I joined the Foo Fighters, but one of the great Things to me at the time was like I just didn't have to load my gear anymore I just gave my guitar to this guitar tech and then I never had to see it again until it was showtime It was like heaven. So like what do you think first? I because I don't know music though. Well There has to be a when you audition for the Foo Fighters There's a lot of people who can play guitar really well What like what do you think stood out for you? Like why did they choose you? Like what what what are bands looking for when they audition someone for something like that?
Starting point is 00:11:49 I don't know You know, it's a funny thing because I've never asked like I never asked David the other guys like specifically Why did I get the game? You know, I don't know I have my theories But I think you know I'd like to think that part of it was at least that I learned the shit before I came in Okay, like had you know, so I knew how to play their song. You played their songs now I thought you might what might have played some like covers or something. No, they sent me a cassette tape of this stuff I was actually in New York visiting some friends of mine and and got a call from from Foo Fighters tour manager Gus
Starting point is 00:12:19 Who was like, hey, we're having auditions next week, you know We'll send you some songs if you want to come down and do it So they sent me a cassette tape and on the cassette tape You see they had made the third record with like learning to fly and all that on it, but it wasn't out yet So I didn't know that record, you know, nobody knew that record yet But so it was a song off the first record a song off the second record a song off the Godzilla soundtrack that I hadn't heard But I guess was out and then a song off the unreleased third record name to fly Yeah, it wasn't that so it was a song called Aurora
Starting point is 00:12:51 Now what was the album where the drummer? Quit and then Dave had to go on and do the tracks was learned that was the second record That was the second yeah, yeah, that was the second just great stories like just how Dave put the band together Yeah, yeah, the first guy joined he didn't want to tour he split and then he came back. Yeah later Yeah, yeah, but you're still the lead and he's more of a rhythm guy I mean, there's not a ton of like, you know Info fighters so yeah, I always get called the lead guitar player, but I just think I'm like to me I'm just one of the guitar players. It's just amazing how
Starting point is 00:13:25 Much the music is changed like when I was growing up you had a lead right you had a lead Well, I totally everybody you know that was like that was like when I was a kid That's why I play guitar the way I do is because I wanted to be ace Fraley and Randy Rhodes and you know Well, I want to be one of those. What did you look up to when you first? Oh, it's ace Fraley was was how fucking good is that? Yeah, he's the man I'm an ace guy. I'm a Randy Rhodes guy. Randy Rhodes was a big one But I'm also David Gilmore guy sure David Gilmore could take you to places where I mean, I like to all those guys I love those guys. I loved Richie Blackmore was really big one for me. Eddie Van Halen
Starting point is 00:14:02 I just didn't like this fucking attitude Right He can never keep a singer See what he looks like today. Yeah, he looks like a fucking witch Like the fact that he's on the road should be shot. Yeah, he's not touring the purple, right? He's He let me play like lute music or something If you look up what he looks like I saw a picture. He looks like a witch Yeah, he wears the witch hat the whole fucking thing. I thought he was always I saw him
Starting point is 00:14:35 When I was young it was like rainbow and like I saw really yeah I never got to see rainbow like that that era I mean Ronnie James deal from it was like that was that that lineup of rain tremendous. Yeah, tremendous. What's the one that? To the to the to the to I forget the album What was I kill the king and kill the king the good songs? Yeah, long live rock and roll live rock and roll and there's that one which one man on the Silver Mountain That was a hit mountain, but then there's but where do we go? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what is that called? Is that Stargazer? Yes. Yes Stargaze. I loved all that shit. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:15:16 You know, I love Clapton You got a love page somewhere along the line and you know once you watch the live shows out of New York You're like what the fuck was he thinking? Yeah, that was 1973. Oh, yeah So who were your influences basically? Yeah, I was like all that, you know, we look I was lucky I had older brothers, you know, my older brothers had great record collection So it's a lot of stones a lot of Beatles and then you know, just all the classical Zeppelin Aerosmith Ted Nugent Deep Purple Savagery yeah, and then it sort of turned into like Judas Priest and scorpions and all that sort of thing Iron Maiden was a big one
Starting point is 00:15:55 In our house rush my old Scott went like deep into rush. So that was that was definitely like Jake Lee Lee Got a good early fucking there. Whatever's fucking name Drum is one of the best in the business at that time. I still thought it was the guy from the police I saw him live and he was just fucking amazing. Yeah, yeah, Basio from sure From Joe's garage was always great. I mean, I liked all those guys, but as far as guitars I liked that. I was a Gilmore guy Randy just yeah flipped a fucking switch. Yeah, I was there when Van Halen opened up for the Sabbath at the garden. Oh really and it was like
Starting point is 00:16:38 Like he like silence, you know, he could eruption and you got me and Running for the devil like you just knew it was something special But what I saw Randy when I heard Randy I knew we were on to a different Yeah, I was I was so sad, you know, I never got to see him play live. It's just I was a little too young I didn't start going to shows till like 83 So I missed, you know, I didn't I didn't get to see a lot of those things. I still remember the DL Ozzy crossover. Yeah. Well, Dio was my first. That was my first concert. Okay. It was Dio on his first tour No shit with Vivian Campbell. Yeah, Jimmy Bain and Jimmy Campbell. I have to see all he had that lineup
Starting point is 00:17:18 Yeah, unbelievable, but it was crazy. Yeah, how his The crossover the Sabbath was really rough for a lot of people. I loved it. I thought having a hell was great Right, let me tell you something. I was the first one that wanted to shoot Dio As much as I wanted to hate fucking DL I drove all the way to Philly and we saw Sabbath with Dio Sammy Hagar would shake in street. Oh People will fucking put a spit on their fingers and fling on the Sammy Hagar Philadelphia so much class
Starting point is 00:18:00 When they like it in Philly, they like it. My brother saw that tour. It was the black and blue tour It was yes Sabbath and blue oyster boys to call joined up later. I think they played at Ventura fairgrounds Yeah, and I again, I was a little too young to go to that look tremendous Yeah, I have great memories of my bro of because I shared a room How many brothers do you have? I got two brothers and they had the posters. Oh, yeah, all that stuff But I remember like the refront of the bed. Yeah, so my brother Scott was going a lot of shows he went to he everything He would come down to LA and he didn't see Van Halen Whatever he saw that stuff and I have this like I have great memories of waking up in the morning on like a school morning and
Starting point is 00:18:36 My brother being like sacked out in the the bed below mine and just seeing his like crisp new concert t-shirt from the night before Layed out on his chair, you know, I just like I remember saying like the the mob rules You know, three-quarter length sleeve just kind of draped over You couldn't wear a concert t-shirt unless you went to the fuck right like people would stop you come here Did you go to that concert take the fucking shirt? How could you get it if you didn't go to the concert? Big no because people would still like if you go to the concert bring me a shirt Well, I was like the other night some girl had a shirt on some young girl
Starting point is 00:19:14 Direct room and I felt like saying just give me one arm that they wrote Just hum hum one song one fucking song, you know, my friend said he went to see the dead and bold He's an old dead head and he goes, you know, this is a trick. Just as a treat. I wanted to treat myself, you know Mayor is fucking tremendous on that tour. Let me go out to college. This is a couple of years ago He called me like the show started at 7 30 Colorado time, which is like 5 30 here. I got a call like my fucking half hour later He said he had to leave Red Rocks. There was just a bunch of rich white kids With fucking grateful dead shirts on smoking pot and let upset him. He all he did this guy followed them
Starting point is 00:20:02 You know, this guy didn't take showers for eight days to go to a dead show and now he shows up me as all these kids Pulling up in BMWs with dead t-shirts ripped, you know to show him like they stop Stop, you're not loud in here. You can't wear that shirt. Okay, you didn't go to the show How are you gonna wear that shirt? I saw they've got like a grateful deadline at James purse. That's like oh shit Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that's kind of bum your friend out pretty hard. Oh, it bums me out It bums me out name one fucking, you know I had a fucking get on the bus and go see these shows and fight Puerto Ricans to get To get into New York City, you know how it was to get like AC DC death leopard tickets, you know an 81 80 like
Starting point is 00:20:49 It was rough to go in there People would take your shit Remember the Ozzy Oz won some guy just jumped on my friend to start a dry hump of them during the concert He had to throw a beat on the guy during the fucking concert shit the cops gave you earn that sure They're in that fucking shirt. I read the first show that I went to that Dio show, you know This was in 83 so maybe a couple years after that like all those people have been trampled to death at that who concert and Cincinnati that's right. That's right. And as and I was like, you know, 12 or whatever
Starting point is 00:21:17 I remember just being in there going oh shit Some some crazy shit's gonna go down. It's being on edge until the show kind of got going. I was okay. Okay. I think I'm safe Well, and I can't believe I'm blanking on his name. Who was the guy who came in here? He does all the traveling now He wasn't he's in a heavy or like I'm heavy metal band and he said his fans used to punch him during the show Oh said the query. No, no, he has all the tattoos. He does the podcast Henry Rawlins Henry Rawlins, he said he used to get in fights mid-show. He was oh, yeah, that was a different world Yeah, that's crazy. That's a different world. That's that was
Starting point is 00:21:56 80s punk, right? Yeah, I mean that was I'm sure he's yeah, I can't remember. Maybe that's a rough times Yeah, that was black black black. That's right. Black black. That's rough. No as a kid When did you pick up the guitar? I started playing when I was about 11 Yeah, and at 18 did you have any dreams on the illusion? Yeah. No, I kind of I kind of I feel like you know now that I have kids and I'm a dad like like what now I'm saying like I I feel like I was Pretty lucky that I knew what I wanted to do from a very like a really young now from like 14 Maybe I was like that's when it really like it's when I started going to see shows a lot And I was going down to LA a lot to go see shows and I just thought you know that like that's for me. I want to do that
Starting point is 00:22:40 So from pretty much from that point on I just thought I'm just kind of counting the days until I turn 18 And then I'm gonna move to LA and I'm gonna go, you know Go make it. Is that exactly what you did at 18? More or less when I turned 18 I was kind of I had dropped out of high school at the beginning of my senior year And I was just kind of fucking around and didn't have a job and was just hanging out at the beach every day Not really doing much of anything and I remember about a week before my 18th birthday. My mom was like My mom was a probation officer up in Santa Barbara and she was like
Starting point is 00:23:13 Fuck this. I got you a job on Monday Go see Linda down at down at probation and you've got a job now. It's like, ah So she basically made me get a job Which was like the best thing that ever happened to me at that point because I went and I and I got a job at the probation department Is like a just like a clerk, okay, you know in the records room filing shit And uh because of that job that was right when I turned 18 and then I worked there for maybe like six months or something
Starting point is 00:23:41 I saved up enough money to move to LA. I saved up enough money to buy an amp and move to LA That's what that's what that job did for me. And how many years did you go around kicking around in bands for? Oh, I mean I first started playing bands in like ninth grade and played in lots of bands all through high school and moved to LA and played in a bunch of different bands and then moved up to san francisco uh in 95 and Right after that. I joined a use for name and then you know, that was their money then Were you just getting by?
Starting point is 00:24:12 Um, that was no use for name was the first that was like I was you know, I was I was paying rent most of the time Be Right, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Tell somebody that you were well I had like my nut was like, you know, 450 bucks a month or something like that. I was good. You know, yeah That was my nut my nut was like eight bills and I still struggle. Yeah kept my nut love Well, we would come on from tour you'd have a little money in your pocket I'd have you know, I'd be good for a couple of months and then I'd go get a job delivering pizzas Or working at the coffee shop or whatever until we went on tour again
Starting point is 00:24:42 And I did that for pretty much the whole time. I was in no use Was it hard for you guys to start asking for money for I mean comedy and the music like was it weird? No You were good at it. You were just like now, you know, it's funny, you know, it's it's funny. You ask I don't know what it's like for comedians, but in music especially in America like you're really kind of treated like a criminal in the in the club world until you, you know, have A booking agent and you put records out and all and even then still like, you know I mean you go out and and they don't want to you know
Starting point is 00:25:15 Nobody wants to honor your rider or give you any You know, you ask for water and towels or some beers or something to people like oh fucking rock stars You know that whole thing, right? Which kind of blew my mind the first time I ever toured Europe because you tour Europe and it's they just have a whole different System over there, you know where they just they like they feed you they give you all the booze you can drink You know, it's just a different thing But in the States, it's really hard man. You don't get paid even what even when you're a relatively
Starting point is 00:25:42 Kind of popular band against L 50 or 100 tickets or what? You know what I mean? Like you're still not really it's I think it was maybe easier When I was first starting out. I think it's much harder now I just look at with my own like my solo touring stuff and it's like I don't really have a huge draw or anything And it's like I you know, I know how I do it. It's kind of a luxury for me You know, I I enjoy it and it's fun, but it's it's a fucking Black hole Financially, you know, like I don't know how any young band does it. It's nuts. You know, I don't know how anybody gets a foot hold anymore
Starting point is 00:26:17 years ago Don't I don't know the name of the band now I know that they they were popular in the early 2000s and They got another guitar playing they moved on they But a kid in my building in Hollywood this had to be 99 Was one of the opening bands on their tour And he basically said they did not get paid Right on this now sometimes people pay right they were paying pay to get on they were the first band you saw
Starting point is 00:26:50 There was two other bands and then them. Yeah, and they were hot at the time I just can't remember the name doesn't come to me but They were it was costing them To pay you got it the music business 30 years ago and today is completely fucking different. Yeah There's no music sales. They well, you know the music sale in the mid 90s You know when I was first starting the tour, you know, you could still sell CDs So like our record label it was like a small punk rock label
Starting point is 00:27:18 So they wouldn't cut us a check for tour support But they would give you as many CDs as you could sell And that was a sort of de facto tour support and you would sell them You know you got you those bands and in that scene existed on t-shirts and CDs Because you would just sell shitloads of them at your shows and that's how we We've you know, we're able to do it It's crazy how much music is changed. I was talking to Rudy And he was told Rudy sardis. Oh, yeah, we were talking about
Starting point is 00:27:51 When whites and when he was with I guess quiet riot and somebody else You were guaranteed a certain amount of money every night in t-shirt sales So the opening band was guaranteed 750 A night if so if you did four shows that was side money And then the headliner was guaranteed whatever 1500 a band member For shirts, you know
Starting point is 00:28:19 Even at that and they were doing arenas. Yeah, like I the numbers of I kept them small because I don't want People to think I'm exaggerating or whatever, but they were up there. I'm sure what they were making They were also you also selling music at record stores, you know, yeah now we don't all those bands were losing money on tours I think back then too. And now it's completely gone the other way makes money on tour. Well, you have no choice. You have no choice You have I saw them. Uh, I saw a quiet riot That was the first big show I ever saw it was quiet riot at the forum With uh with white snake. That's what they were saying. Yeah, quiet right. It was white snake that when john sikes was a guitar player Jesus Christ, that was a good show
Starting point is 00:29:02 and now You're in the full fighters. You've done how many albums at the full fighters? Oh man, uh I don't even know if that's a check. It's a bunch I mean, it's it's 20 years to come on tracks. I'm learning to fly Did I uh learn? No, no, no, I didn't record on that record. What did you record on that was I the next record uh one by one Yeah, that was the first record I recorded the wikipedia says seven. Yes, you've been on seven
Starting point is 00:29:30 Fucking full fighters out. I think so. Yeah How do you feel pretty good and do you still feel like you made it? Yeah, I mean kind of yeah, I mean, you know, sure But I don't I'm just not hardwired to to go like yes, we've made it I still feel like in any in any minute like things could be Pulled out could be pulled out from under you. You know, I saw like your videos I watched your videos and I saw one of your little pictures I'm like, he looks like a guy I could buy like a surfboard from
Starting point is 00:30:01 Like you look like you have no I do have some for sale. I was gonna say so we'll talk after the show You have no uh, you didn't come in here with a rock star attitude or rock star anything You're just a beach guy that plays the fucking ukulele the guitar Because I know you love your guitars. You're like, I've seen pictures of you With you know, you're such an interesting guy because I see a picture of you with a flying v You know, there you are michael shankler jr. Yeah, you know, and then You're so Like you're great friends with fuck nut
Starting point is 00:30:36 You know We were walker and you're in the oh shit. Yeah, you're in the honky ton. Yeah. Yeah your podcast. Yeah You interview country people. Yeah, you know, it's so weird how I see you on stage fucking jamming to best of you and then You know, you just put out a song June 16th and it's honky ton. Well, it's funny, you know, to me like the like country music and rock and roll music aren't That far apart and like, you know, I got a lot of good friends and you know, certainly in rock and then In country too, and it seems like especially with country music people
Starting point is 00:31:12 There's so much crossover there, you know, like so many of the people that I that I know in the in the world of country and Americana all that are you know, people that grew up listening to rock and roll music, too So I like to me they kind of go hand in hand But you know, I know like to To a lot of people that like it might seem strange like genre hopping, but it doesn't feel like that so much to me You know, you're an artist You're a fucking artist. I'm an artist. God damn it. You're a fucking artist I'll do what I want didn't john lennon say if you gave him a tuba
Starting point is 00:31:45 You figure out how to get a fucking sound out of it, right? Yeah, you're an artist Nothing more than I love, you know, I loved when I mean don't get me wrong The singer was horrible, but I loved when fucking joe parry Left arrow smet and did the joe parry project You know, I love when I see a guitar player a drummer when I see a fuck nut the other guy from guns and roses Great guy mark duff. Yeah collaborate with a shooter. Okay You're telling me something. Yeah. Yeah, you're telling me number one. You're not a fucking knucklehead That growing up if I came that's up for debate if I can't be
Starting point is 00:32:24 If I come to your house with opera A guy like you would find the beauty of it. Sure. Do you know what I am? Yeah, yeah When it comes to music, I think that's true for most musicians like most musicians have I think have pretty broad musical taste, you know most people that like Sort of spend a life in music boy. It's shit that shocks you That's what it is. Like right when you ask somebody. What's your favorite? Like I remember I saw this big black dude one time with dredge And he came up to me at the comedy stage. I came man
Starting point is 00:32:53 You're shooting the longest yard and I'm like, yeah, those Adam Sandler is my favorite I'm like, aren't you in the crypts? Like how is Adam Sandler your fucking favorite? You know, it was like people shocked me. So even when I see musicians Who they like and who they support? And you know, like you and Wesley Walker wheeler walker, you know, you're you're two different fucking dudes But you're the same. He's an artist man. Yeah, I figured out How to just write he's got great country music. Yeah, I mean, it's been the band
Starting point is 00:33:25 I think that's why his I think that's why his records have done. Well, you know, it's like those songs are catchy You know, you if he did it's funny because I interviewed him for for when I first met him as when I interviewed him for my for my podcast And uh, and my wife I was listening to there was one of his first records Big fat tits You know, and I was listening to it like just kind of getting some questions together like listeners And my wife came home. She didn't know that it was like, uh, you know, it's like She didn't know that it was tongue-in-cheek, you know, his lyrics and he's like, fuck you bitch and all that stuff And she came she's like, what the fuck is this ignorant shit? You're listening. She got so bad
Starting point is 00:34:03 You and research Has she met him I don't think so maybe does she want to meet him? Yeah, maybe not But it just always intrigued me when I You know as a child and as a fan of music When a guy takes off Does something that's completely different from what his genre is Sure that shows me he's a true fucking artist and that's what is in his heart He enjoys playing arrangement music. He enjoys doing big ten inch and fucking whatever
Starting point is 00:34:34 On the weekends, he dresses up like spider-man and he plays the violin I don't fucking know. I tell you, you know, it's it's really true Like I did a lot of solo touring in the first part of this year Um, you know, some of it just full on like just me and an acoustic guitar and some of it with a band and and we you know Like did a lot of logged a lot of miles, you know for like pretty much the first half of the year And then we went back and did did a week of shows with foods in the states and then just did a couple weeks In europe and it really does kind of like It's that's one of the advantages of doing what we do is the fact that I that I do have the time to go out
Starting point is 00:35:10 And and do these other things I can come back to and I'm like it just kind of recharges you as a player you know Didn't what's his name say his success is going from area to area with equal enthusiasm macArthur said that And it's really I enjoy that too. Yeah, it's good when you're sketched up to be a comic for years I just saw comics getting whipped every week Carry that luggage on tuesday. See you sunday get home monday morning turn around do laundry And I love doing stand-up. I got nothing against it. But you know what? I live in LA
Starting point is 00:35:45 I want to do a movie from time to time right and from time to time. I don't want to go on the road I rather do three podcasts one week and I think that that keeps me sharp Yeah, that's a bit. Yeah when I was just doing stand-up all the time I was just living in a stand-up world. I could just see just living for the food You know just living for the fucking food and you know, I think about it now in hindsight If he would have done that Like if they would have done that they would have probably still won't glenn fry is dead like the heagles there was
Starting point is 00:36:14 That's six or seven years. Did you ever see that what they went through with uh, like before the long run? They had a hard time and they had a the follow-up to hotel california And then before that they had now so all those three albums. They were together like it every fucking day Well, there's something six or seven years. There's something about yeah, like like touring all the time It's like you kind of put your life on hold. Yeah, I don't care how much time machine I don't want to see you every day for three years. I might love you my best friend But eventually we're gonna disagree on right Eventually we're gonna disagree and then disagree and disagree and then it's a powder keg
Starting point is 00:36:52 And then they didn't want to talk to each other right when I see a guy like don Felder I wish that after like hotel california He would have gone and done if they didn't want him to sing on that fucking song, you know, they screwed him over fine You're that good of a fucking guitarist Go get three fucking dudes and go put something together up at the canyon club right and put them down and that would have gave that That situation some levity. Yeah, that's why I think you guys are so successful the fool fighters Because he's always that motherfuckers always doing something. Yeah, that dude they grow, you know, you look at him
Starting point is 00:37:28 He's always doing something. Oh, definitely. He's in cuba playing conga drums He's in the fuck, you know, he's in virginia doing this. Yeah And you know pretty much everybody in the band is like in one one way or another and I think that probably you know, it's Gotta have something to do with with the longevity of the band, you know, everybody kind of goes and Scratches whatever it's they need to scratch and then you you come back and and you're you're good to go I mean, you're going on close to 17 years at 20 years 20 20 years. Yeah. Wow. Yeah Jesus Christ, you still sound better than ever I mean, so as part of of you doing solo touring is
Starting point is 00:38:09 And I know you're not gonna say you get sick of it because But how how what does it feel like to be on tour and you're doing songs that you wrote 15 20 years ago Does it does do you still get enjoyment out of that? Is it is it more exciting to play new stuff? Yeah, I mean, I think of course It's always more exciting to play new stuff because like, you know, you don't know it as well And there's a little more of that fear factor When you got a new album and you're trying to remember the you know, it's just less muscle memory That those are the songs that give you that little rush like oh, I hope I don't fuck this up, you know, okay
Starting point is 00:38:41 but You know at the same time like you know all my life and everlong and songs like that always It all it's always great. You know, right? I mean we it's We're not the type of band that's gonna come out and do like, you know Weird jazz versions of the songs you want to hear and all that sort of play a bunch of like obscure b-side It's just not What we do and I don't think that's what people want to see Right, and you know nowadays it's like to to come to for anybody to come to a show is like you're talking to
Starting point is 00:39:11 Tickets are expensive parking get a sitter. It's candy and let alone you buy beer and a t-shirt or something. It's like 8,000. Yeah, 8,000. Yeah, you can't like not play learn to fly because maybe you're you don't feel like it that night You know, I mean like you got it. You got to just bring it every night and I think I don't I think Dave's really that's one of his uh Gifts as a band leader is like he gets up for if you could see him before we go on stage He's like bouncing off the walls for like an hour and I think that that's just how he gets like he gets Gets it gets going, you know to lead the charge. He's a true performer. Oh for sure and uh you know
Starting point is 00:39:50 Like I read a little bit about him as early stuff With nirvana and stuff like that. He you could see he enjoys it Oh, definitely. There's a lot of people that do it for the drug. There's a lot for the broads You know, it's one thing to really we do it for those things, but we enjoy right, right, right But it's it's it's one thing to be up there, you know and really be having a great time. I just On the plane right back from whatever last week. I had Not much everything I downloaded. I had watched and I watched rolling stones Uh
Starting point is 00:40:26 Whatever oolala from on netflix And towards the end of the thing they're in cuba And he's doing can't get no satisfaction, right? Yeah, I'm sitting on the plane I got another boy me when binds and fucking I'm like 40 years He's been saying and I can't get no satisfaction. You know, yeah, how do they go out and still Have that enthusiasm all I can think about is the audience The audience, you know last time I was watching the queen movie for a little while I was watching that in 60 minutes and I don't know what stadium they had done queen
Starting point is 00:41:02 they put Romney whatever his fucking name is the singer put the tape in And there was a minute there where the whole arena was singing some I forget the song right now You know, sometimes the the energy that you get from the crowd How many times what do you think I you think I want to be funny every fucking night? You think you want to be funny every night? When you're listening to the audience and you're in the back and that's why I don't like a bunch of idiots In the green room talk and get the fuck out of here. I'm listening to that audience
Starting point is 00:41:35 You might be talking to me. I'm not listening to you in the green room I'm listening to that audience and that audience is getting my dick harder and harder So sometimes, uh, I love, you know, you sit there and you know, how can you do the peanut joker getting joy again? Do people they don't want to hear you do, you know, there's nothing worse than going to see santana You know, like you go to the hollywood ball. You're going to see santana. You're ready for fucking You know, not oh yeah homo va but the other one and also he's like, this is a new song I wrote about mexicans crossing the border listen
Starting point is 00:42:12 Save that for fucking Save that for the jazz bar in malibu right on mexican night. So there you're doing fucking You're doing samba fatigue. Well, I'm gonna throw a fucking vid here And it's true what you said people pay three 200 for tickets. It's not cheap going there. I don't want to hear dave go This is a little song I wrote While I was roller skating Get the fuck out of here Sing that play that fucking fucking music white boy
Starting point is 00:42:43 I tell you we you know, you mentioned the stones we we got to back up mcjagger a few years ago on uh On snl, which is like the greatest night of my life And and you do we did a few rehearsals throughout the week with him And and you're talking about like how does he get up to play those songs or whatever? He would come in every day and go like, yeah, I'm you know, my voice a little Little sore. I'm just gonna I'm gonna kind of lay off a little bit and the minute taylor would count the song and He just became fucking mcjagger. Like he couldn't not be mcjagger. You know, he became mcjagger Yeah, he just he would and every time I was like, I'm just gonna come lay back and then
Starting point is 00:43:20 Yeah, and he never took it light. He just went full, you know 110 every time. Can you imagine when he banges those little 23 year olds? I'm 70. I'm not gonna put it in your ass BAM! Next thing you know You got a dick in your ass and you're hearing fucking beast of burden You know Where you did you grow up a mcjagger fan? Oh big time big time Like my ultimate really? Yeah, you're gonna go catch him and pass adena. Uh, I'd like to yeah. Are you thinking about it?
Starting point is 00:43:53 I'm thinking about it. Yeah, when is that kick? I think they rescheduled. I think it's still august 20 something like that We might I think we're I think we're overseas at that point. Have you have you watched that rolling stones? No, is that good I'm going through south america Oh, right. I'm learning all the different dialects in the country And him coming out and talking shit in spanish. Yeah, he's brilliant. Does he pull it off? He pulls it off when he goes to cube, but he pulls it off When he goes to these places you could see him or he gets a report
Starting point is 00:44:25 And he does research on the town so he could talk shit. That's a comics You open up with a couple local references Yeah, I mean let it skin it goes to alabama. They're not gonna open up with fucking You know, whatever they're gonna open up with sweet home alabama. Yeah, sure a couple people started What do you what do you think about all these music movies coming out? like Especially like the one that really that Interests me is that Beatles one. We're like he oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:44:52 I think that's kind of a cool concept where like ever no one remembers the Beatles Do you guys As a band think look, oh, it'd be kind of cool to have a movie based off our music or I mean, I I would like to hope that we're many years away from Yes Being one of those. Yeah, I've been having a movie made of us. But you know, I mean, yeah, that'd be that'd be pretty I I loved the queen one And in large part probably because I I'm not
Starting point is 00:45:18 A crazy diehard queen fan that knew all the stories and had you know knew that where they took license Well, I mean, I like I like but I didn't I didn't know like I didn't I don't know the details of of how they came out So I could just kind of watch it as a casual fan whereas like, you know, like pat and taylor who know All like what that's wrong. That's wrong. They comboed that. You know what I mean? I think maybe You know saw it differently Even though I think they liked it too But uh, but I thought it was great and it got my youngest son
Starting point is 00:45:48 listening to queen constantly which I thought was great and then that kind of turned him he like I don't know turned him into a little rock and roll fan So I thought it was great But like, you know most of the time with those movies if I know too much about The subject matter. I can't get past it. Like I tried to watch that netflix motley crew Movie and I could I made about half an hour and I can't fucking watch Why don't you like it because I was like the biggest fucking motley crew fan ever and I couldn't I just I couldn't there was no, um I just couldn't look at those guys pretending to be
Starting point is 00:46:21 Motley I just couldn't do it. I don't know why you know, there was no, um What's what's the term I'm looking for? Um, I think suspension of disbelief suspension of disbelief. Yeah. Yeah, I couldn't I just couldn't get there You know, that's interesting. Yeah, why like why would you hope that it would be a while until you had a movie based on the plane? Because we're still here. We're still doing it It's too soon. I don't even know what to be what's to be the one I don't know. I think it's like the one person remembers the Beatles up in an alternate universe And he's the only one that remembers the Beatles like the Beatles didn't exist
Starting point is 00:46:54 But he knows all the songs So he take he starts he becomes a star doing all the old Beatles hits I haven't seen the movie so I don't know what happens But it was just like they like to have the entire soundtrack and walk him Yeah, man, honestly, like there's nothing about the I watched the trailer. There's nothing no offense to anybody involved in that movie But there's like nothing about it that appealed to me But okay, so oftentimes with those kind of things like you watch it and you're kind of you see it on a plane Yeah, that wasn't so bad. Okay. Not like I like that that opening up
Starting point is 00:47:26 I really enjoy one of the things I really enjoy about what I do on this podcast Is when I play a song that I've heard 20,000 times and when I play it I get 20,000 people ask me what song is that right and it could be burning up from hell bent the leather You know, nothing nothing bothers me more That people really don't know the original five album fucking monster that ever smith is right, you know from that first album To that night at the ruts which a lot of people didn't like I'm not a big fan of it either But nobody really knows like
Starting point is 00:48:06 Get your wings. Nobody really knows that You know, it's so weird that you say that because I saw them at the forum a few years ago And it was really like 90s hit Heavy right and people were fucking losing their minds and I had that same realization like wow None of these people even know fucking The good shit they don't they don't have when I play and they're not clamoring to to hear it either like you know what I mean Like they were this has been the thing that has I love music podcast. I love doing them I try to do one or two. I try to get dean del Rey and one
Starting point is 00:48:39 Just I remember the first time me and bergreicher Spoke about guns and roses out here that we played don't cry in november rain People were emailing me for weeks Because they only know welcome to the jungle They know the new generation just knows that, you know, I played uh, what was sammy? Hey gone ronnie montrose. Oh, yeah, you know space station number whatever 18. Yeah the next day people lost their mind prince side of the times There were certain songs
Starting point is 00:49:14 John and hauling oats. I can't go for that. Jesus people lost their mind You know Ken what was that? Greg kin. Yeah, definitely. You know, there's been so many songs that and it makes me like go Holy fuck. So now when I wake up in the morning, I play the three songs that are on my mind Whether it's cowboys from hell, you know, a little I play a couple foo fire the things But a lot of people know the foo fire is like everybody knows
Starting point is 00:49:43 But there's bands you might Michael shank UFO lights out they jump out a fucking window You know, they jump out a window when I play a live ufo. Yeah, it's really weird and that's why I get mad sometimes because fucking They'll flag me And they'll say I'm gonna get sued and I can't see a band getting mad at me Well, who flags you youtube. Oh for real. Yeah Yeah, if this was different I'd have on fucking
Starting point is 00:50:15 Albums on right now with videos. Are you breaking down where you got the riff from? Right, right? You can't do it I'd rather do that with you. Yeah, but you can't do it youtube yanks it flips it I want to see kids to get educated on. You know, this is what it's When you hear a blow up the outside world, you could tell chris cornell was influenced by that's the Beatles Blow out the outside world is john lennon. Basically. All right. Like a little bit So I want people to know but that's the That's the tough thing a lot and I hear it all the time people calling to eddie trunk and shit and they yell at them And they're like there should be more radio stations
Starting point is 00:50:55 Who would fucking hold the music to show these kids and I'm what this is like? This is like the thing with it seems like, you know Every time we do an interview now people go. Why are there no rock bands? What happened to rock music? Where's all the rock bands and It's the same thing. It's like, you know, there's a million of them. Like just why aren't they getting mainstream? Exposure, you know, there's tons of rock bands out there. It sounds a great rock bands great rock, you know Why why it's that they're not in in the mainstream at this day and age. I don't know, you know, why I have a why when I read Keith richard's biography
Starting point is 00:51:29 He made a great or read this book a couple years ago He made a great point. We don't even make live albums anymore. Right No bands make live albums anymore because of the technology. We've forgotten how to wire a drum Like they're like they forgot how to wire a fight. Have you read that? That chapter in the book. He's like We got so technological That we forgot the basics Well, you know, it's it is interesting because that that's somewhere along the lines, you know with with digital recording and everything
Starting point is 00:52:00 it because the emphasis started getting more on like making everything perfect and everything's got to line up perfectly and You know, that's the reason all the albums that we've been sitting here talking about sound the way they do is because they weren't Perfect at all. They were all fucked up, you know, shit's out of whack and That's what makes it sound the way it sounds and do we get away and we all got away from that I mean that is one of the like things I really like about Um, you know these last couple solo records I made with this guy I don't know if you're familiar with Dave Cobb who's the producer on he's done a you know tons of like chris stapleton and people like that
Starting point is 00:52:34 Um, but he records like the way that you make those records. There's no click track You're everybody set up in a room recording live. That's like all the basic tracks and it's it's like, you know It's still recorded in protos. It's not like it's like super throwback or trying to be retro or anything but the sort of the the heart of it is is Is less picked over You know, how is the recording? And the writing process of the who fighters I mean, it's varies from album to album for sure
Starting point is 00:53:04 I mean, there was a couple records we did that we recorded everything on tape And that was really fun because you know, you just have you know, you'd get like one I'd get like one guitar track instead of like when you're recording in protos You get like as many guitar tracks as you want and then we'll figure it out in the mix, you know kind of thing Um, so it was fun, you know, you basically pretty much we each got like one track, you know And you'd have to do whatever you were going to do on on that one track Um, but it was cool because you'd like, you know, if you We'd be punching in with different pedals and different amps and different sounds
Starting point is 00:53:34 So that one track would go from like, you know, kind of jump all over the place I'm in the writing process. Is it Dave yourself? It's usually the way it goes is like Dave writes a bunch of stuff Yeah, well, he'll have a bunch of riffs and and song ideas and stuff and he'll usually go record them Um, just him, you know playing everything and he'll send those out to everybody and then we all kind of learn them And then we get together and jam on them as a band and uh, and just kind of jam on them and record them and keep kind of Keep kind of working on it until usually we'll do that for a while and then um, when he feels like everything's ready to go We'll jump in and and go record it for real
Starting point is 00:54:13 What are you guys doing now touring? Yeah, we we just got home. We're just over in europe and did a bunch of festivals and Did a couple of couple of of our own shows we played like We've never been a Croatian. We played in this old Roman like gladiator arena place Uh in Pula that was fucking mind blowing. It was like small But like it was ruins. It was incredible. It's like so cool Um, so we just did that and and a bunch of festivals and then we've got a couple more weeks in august
Starting point is 00:54:45 and then a couple of things here and there we're going to south america and and uh central america in End of september october i think it is And i don't know what that's gonna That's that's i mean i i wouldn't even call it a tour. It's like i think three or four shows something like that So that's it. Yeah, just kind of quick and then you know we the couple weeks in august is probably Seven or eight shows or something like that too Then you come back and you do your own thing now. Um, i'm not sure. Yeah, I got I have with my thing
Starting point is 00:55:15 I'm doing some shows this week actually around southern california um in like coast of mason Out of pappy and harriots and then bakersfield and then here in la on sunday and um, and then i've got I haven't announced yet, but we might as well announce it now I'm gonna do a couple weeks in september Of of my own shows Around like I think it starts in outside of denver and then goes through the midwest a little bit in the south winds up at americana fest in nashville now
Starting point is 00:55:46 What's your show on your own mostly? Well, it depends sometimes I go out and do just me and a guitar. Yeah, and that's like acoustic and that's fun I like doing that, but I'm I'm you know as a Guitar player I want to be able to play off of at least a play off a rhythm section, you know So I can play leads and stuff So I for for the for the shows in for the shows around town this weekend I just threw together, you know a new lineup of dudes And we've actually been rehearsing the last couple days and trying to learn the songs and get it together
Starting point is 00:56:17 So fingers crossed, you know one on the I went on the foo fighters website. It you know gave me a but it didn't give me a lot of stuff Do you have your own website? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What's that website? It is. What is it chris shiflick music? dot com What are you playing in bakers? So we have a lot of people in bakersfield. Oh really? It's uh, that I think it's called the timbler brewery. Yeah, you know that place. Yeah, I do it. I do. Oh really? Oh, cool. Yeah, I've never been that's a great point. Yeah, I think it's right by the crystal palace. Yeah, that's fucking huge. Yeah You've been a you're an interesting guy brother. I mean, did you ever think it would get to this? I mean, there's no limo
Starting point is 00:56:55 There's no body You're in the fucking foo fighters. Yeah and uh Now you do the podcast. Yeah, how long have you been doing that for? I've been doing it for a few years now. It's I started Um in 2013 No, yeah, and when but when I first started like, you know, I didn't know what the I'm still really don't know Nobody knows what they're doing, right? Yeah, but so so when I first started doing I would put one up And then I wait like a month and a half and I put up another one and then I wait two weeks
Starting point is 00:57:24 I put up, you know, I mean I had like no sort of set thing and then I'd take four months and not do it And then you know, I mean I was just real like kind of jackass about and then there was a certain point where I realized Fuck I gotta be consistent with this and I started doing every week And then I did that for like a year I did it every week and that was like too much and then I backed up now I do about every two weeks, although I haven't put one up for for a few weeks right now I just been too busy between the foo fighter tour and getting ready for these shows I just having the time but I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:57:49 Not now I usually put them up on Monday. So not next Monday, but I think the next Monday I'll probably the name of the podcast is called walking the floor walking the floor now It says that you put country on yeah a lot of country country americana roots, but you know rock stuff too And some punk rock. Yeah, I just kind of you know, whoever I kind of want to Want to sort of expand beyond just even doing musicians, you know, I think it'd be fun to just Talk to anybody who else have you had on that? What kind of guess that? Oh man, uh listen to Williams and Dwight Yocum and Merle Haggard. I got to interview
Starting point is 00:58:22 No shit. Yeah, um, I've got Marty Stewart Rodney Crowell Sturgill Simpson Wheeler Walker, of course I interview I mean so many people Jason as well tons of tons of influence you in the country Like who did you hear and say wow like for me it was Johnny Cash I mean Johnny Cash was the answer point for me because you know like you know all that sun record stuff between like Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis and all that stuff
Starting point is 00:58:49 But like Johnny Cash was probably the first like country country artist I ever listened to and Um, and then but the big ones from here like Merle Haggard and Buck Owens or Probably the the Kings, you know Merle for me Yeah, I love my friend of mine that always played Merle in Colorado. Yeah, Jesus. So good. He wrote the best songs. He really did His lyrics were so good. That was just a different. I don't know country like I heard about a tour one time that Like Chris Christofferson And those guys didn't be sponsored by Budweiser Budweiser like cut them off mid the tour
Starting point is 00:59:24 Like they had drank too much beer Like you know those those type of stories My dick heart. Yeah, like I could care less about heroin and all that shit. Yeah, four guys. I think it was Chris I don't even know like the four that the other dudes he was with But all those type of stories. I love all that shit, you know Yeah, I think it's funny with with with especially like the honky-tonk era of country where they the image that they projected was this very clean Cut wholesome family churchy kind of thing And those guys were drinking whiskey and taking tons of speed and fucking everything that like they were the
Starting point is 01:00:00 Biggest fuck ups of all, you know, I mean, I think there's there's something so classic in that, you know The way that's presented to the world. Well, they hit it. Everybody else came with long hair They came with their little fucking sweaters on. Yeah, they were going harder than probably most of the rock bands at that time And they always have like those old the women moderators at the beehive. I can see them fucking them in the back You're an interesting guy, man This has been great. Yeah, I don't want to take more of your time. I don't know how long you got or whatever You showed up early like a gentleman. Yes, sir. People have a podcast They show up early. Yes. I don't know who it is. It's so weird. Yeah, you even surprised the hell out of me
Starting point is 01:00:43 Well, it's funny, you know la it's like it's like I live on the other side of town And I had to run a couple errands before I got here You know, it is like it might take you an hour and a half to get here Or it might take you 20 minutes. You just never fucking know in this town, you know It's like you try to plan your day. It's like who knows, you know, it's always a mystery You're such an easy going guitar player. Yeah, I'm trying like you're trying tell my wife that She keeps calling me an asshole. How long have you been married? Uh, I've been married. What is it? It's 16 years now. Yeah, and the kids my oldest about to turn 16
Starting point is 01:01:21 And uh, and then I got a 12 year old that's about to turn 13 What do they think about that being the motherfucking fool fighters? I think that they uh, are are they think I don't know if Well, I they definitely think it's cool. They don't really tell me that though, you know, they talk shit to me You're here on the phone like fuck you my dad's in the fool fighters No, I've never heard him do that. But like, you know, my my oldest figured out like sometime in the last year or so like, oh, fuck my dad can get free concert tickets Dad, I need those tickets to that tyler the creator show at the forum. Go get them, you know, like that kind of thing That's when it clicks for my kids. Like, oh, that's got a cool job
Starting point is 01:02:01 I can see your dad telling me we could fuck you and the monkeys My dad was in the motherfucking fool fighters, bitch. I love it. I fucking love it I love it. Hey, listen any time you want to come on right on. What's the name of this last song that you just released? Uh, there's a welcome to your first heartache or there there's an at the album that I put out. Yeah, it's hard lessons What I got is that a single? Uh, that's that's the album. That's the album. When did that get released? That came out June 14th. So last month. So that's what your tutorial. Yeah. Yeah, it's that out. Yeah All right, man. When's the last time you're going to release a podcast? Uh, not this next week but the week after you promise. Yeah, I swear to god
Starting point is 01:02:42 We will fucking have them listen. Don't forget to listen to chris jefflett on walking the floor. I mean Yeah, no, we covered everything I wanted to ask you. There was nothing that wanted to ask you out of this world I like so now you let me get are you doing this like you don't have to edit it afterwards You're actually the video. Yeah, the video works. We're doing right now Because that's the part of podcasting. I fucking hate the most It's going back and listening to it and like slapping it together. It's for release Yeah, I mean that that that's a hard part of keeping it consistent as the more stuff you add to it Yeah, the one the last thing I kind of wanted to ask
Starting point is 01:03:17 Is you you mentioned that there was a point right before foo fighters where you were considering quitting Well, I wasn't so much that I was considering quitting. I just sort of was seeing the I thought that I was seeing I thought that it had peaked for me, you know what I mean? Like I want like I dropped out of high school. Like I said, and I went I went to I took like some classes at San Francisco City College and we had made a new record But we hit we went out yet and just kind of had this little moment of like Hmm, you know, my dad always said I could move
Starting point is 01:03:45 Move in with him and he'd pay for me to go to school Maybe I should kind of think about just kind of doing a left turn here But uh, and then the food fighter thing came up and none of that happened. How old are you? So I think I was what 27 28 when I joined the band 28 when I joined foods. Yeah, it's a fucking perfect age Yeah, I feel like it was a perfect age because I wasn't I wasn't like 19 and stupid You know what I mean? Because who knows? Yeah, no, you were the perfect age. I already slept on a few floors Exactly. You know how nice it was now one of four seasons Oh, dude, I remember the day I got the gig our tour manager goes
Starting point is 01:04:20 Hey, you want me to get your room at the sunset marquee? We're staying there. I was like, what? Are you sitting in my own room? All right, I'm in It's a baby. Were you married at that time already? No, lady. No, uh, I had a girlfriend not her Not my wife. No, no, no, yeah, fuck that bitch. She left Well, you know you became a star She left at the wrong. She was a nice girl. She was a nice girl. She ever call you anymore and say no take me back No
Starting point is 01:04:52 I Love you, buddy. It's been a real pleasure. It's been a real pleasure. I know you're busy and uh, thank you very much You're coming on and he dates you give me some dates. That's for notes. What's it? Okay? Yeah, so the now okay, so Wednesday the 10th in Costa Mesa at the Wayfair And then Friday the 12th at Papi and Harriet's out in the desert Saturday the 13th at the Timbler in Baker's which is a great place. Yes I'll be there like in and and then Sunday at the Moroccan lounge here in beautiful Los Angeles downtown. You're fucking beautiful. I will be
Starting point is 01:05:31 Thursday Friday saturday in Charlotte, North Carolina. Nice at the beautiful and the fucking tremendous Comedy zone you bad motherfuckers. I want to thank chris I want to thank the flying juba most importantly. I want to thank you guys do not forget I will be at the Comedy zone in charlotte this weekend Five great shows saturdays close to selling out And then the 9th of august i will be at the Lincoln theater in washington dc That's how we do it. We're keeping the summer light ticket to cheap $28 in charlotte
Starting point is 01:06:04 Take a chance columbus did you're gonna have a fucking great time? Also the church of what's happened now is brought to you by For hymns.com a wellness brand for men. Whether you suffer from erectile dysfunction. You're losing hair You're having problems with uh your skincare For hymns is there for you. You've heard us talk about for hymns And how they're helping guys look their best if you haven't yet. It's time to see what they're all about The best way to prevent hair loss is to do something about it while you still have some It's time to get a handle on those precious locks
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Starting point is 01:08:42 If you find something go to the box and press in church and get 10 percent off your order delivered right to the crib Nobody gets their feelings. So you understand me Listen, I want to thank you guys for the continued support. You know, I love you guys are all my heart I'll see you in charlotte. But most importantly, I'll see you thursday morning Or wednesday morning ready a rock tip top mother fucking magoo We're coming at the charlotte big time. All right now. I want to play a little song for you from chris shiflett From his new album hard lessons. I love you guys. Thank you very much for listening for taking the time Kick this fucking meal, lee
Starting point is 01:09:21 Oh I know what you're feeling You're hurting and proud Don't want no one seeing Your tears at the ground So welcome to your first heart Hey, welcome to your first Fucking hell shakes you
Starting point is 01:10:00 Like an earthquake Welcome to your welcome to Your first heart Hey I've been where you're staying in Let me tell you something That it gets so much better It's just part of rolling up
Starting point is 01:10:38 So welcome to your first heart Hey, welcome to your first Fucking hell shakes you Like an earthquake Welcome to your welcome to your Your first heart Hey Hey
Starting point is 01:11:10 Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey Welcome to your first heart
Starting point is 01:11:28 Hey Welcome to your first Fucking hell shakes you Like an earthquake Welcome to your Welcome to your Welcome to your First heart
Starting point is 01:11:44 Hey Welcome to your Welcome to your First heart Hey Welcome to your Welcome to your first heart Hey
Starting point is 01:12:24 Hey

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